Purim and what it means for us

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The Feast of Purim What it means for us today Written by Evelyn Pointer

Friday, February 1, 13

Purim is a day in which we celebrate our victory over our enemies that would destroy us. It is the time that we celebrate the power that God gave us. Purim is a day of joy. It is hard for us to rejoice is the time of our affliction, in the time of the spirit of mourning. But we must remember the hope that we have. Our hope is sure. Our hope is sure because God is sure, God does not lie. Friday, February 1, 13

When God begins to come to judge the earth he will not first come in the clouds of heaven with power and authority. God w i l l fi r s t c o m e w i t h i n h i s children. Before the dark day, before the great and terrible day of the Lord, before the day when the earth is shaken like a tree in the wind, God’s presence will be here, within his children. Within me and within you to do his will.

Friday, February 1, 13

We are servants of the Lord. I am God’s hand maiden. I am small and meek and physically I am very weak, but the Lord will do great thins for me, and great things with me. He will make me into a weapon of war, into a battle axe and into a two edge sword.

Friday, February 1, 13

You may wonder how this is to be or how I can speak of such things being such a small, a humble and in the eyes of the world a truly insignificant person, a speck of dirt. But God takes the smallest, the weakest the least of things to confound the greatest of things. Friday, February 1, 13

You see my strength is almost nil. It is not of me. I am as helpless as a baby before the enemy. If God had not hidden me, and preserved me for his judgment I would be destroyed. I am a daughter of the house of David. Like David before Goliath, I will do great things in time.

Friday, February 1, 13

My enemy at this moment is not the sons of men. God has hidden me very well from them. I am nothing to them as I said, a speck of dust. My enemy is ancient. My enemy walked in heaven and walks on earth. My enemy is wiser than Daniel. He can enter into the mind and heart of man. And everywhere he goes, like a wicked tyrant, he destroys, he captures, he desolates. He corrupts, he defiles, he murders mankind over and over throughout all the generations one by one, people by people, and nation by nation he has murdered us.

Friday, February 1, 13

I am hidden from the eyes of man but not from his eyes. Before I was born he tried to kill me. He told my mother’s doctor that I was a tumor. When I was a child Satan did much damage because he deceived and tempted me. He tried to corrupt my mind so that the Lord would turn away form me. He even knew my thoughts. He triumphed in every sin. He tried to possess me, to take me on completely. But he failed. He did not know me as well as God did. Because God knew me before he created the earth. He named me and he placed me in my lot. My lot has fallen as a good place. In the beginning God created me and put me in this time, within my family, born to my parents who would teach me the truth. He never left me. As satan fought against me, the Lord protected me. Only so far he could go with me. God prevented him. He helped me, he preserved me for my calling. For this hope that I have and he made me his servant to teach and to instruct. He placed his words in my mouth.

Friday, February 1, 13

Today it may seem that the words that God has put in our mouths are seeds that will never take root. Dropping from our lips on dry, rocky, infertile soil they languish in the heat and do not develop. God’s word is power and might, a two edge sword and consuming fire. God’s word is invincible. There is nothing on this earth that could compare in nature to God’s word. God’s word is priceless. For us to this date and I do not know how much longer; it has chiefly been with us to teach and a shield of defense to protect us against Satan.

Friday, February 1, 13

But what if we no longer needed a defense. What if the word turned and became a weapon of war that was invincible? What would we do with it? We will fight against the children of men but we will first fight against a much bigger enemy. Friday, February 1, 13

In heaven there was war, Michael and his angels against Satan and his angels. Satan lost and was kicked out and sent to earth. Happy for heaven but sad for us. Again satan then battled against us, fighting, destroying, murdering our children, our families. Those who are in the clutches of satan are as good as dead! They are spiritually dead, though physically alive. God is going to give us power over devils. We will destroy them just as they tried to destroy us. Out of our mouths will come fire and tempest. Out of our mouths will come a two edge sword. We will cut off the heads of the enemy. We will rip their hearts out and we will crush them under our feet. What will people see when they me at that time. They will see a gentle and soft lady, a dove, a woman. But when I open my mouth they will the power of God, a weapon of war--honed steel. The devils will also see and hearing God as they very well do they will tremble.

Friday, February 1, 13

Does this seem unbelievable that some of us would be able to destroy devils? Let us see what the scripture says Luke 10: 18-19. “And he said unto them, I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven. Behold I give you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy; and nothing shall by an means hurt you.” Romans 16: 20. “And the God of peace shall bruise Satan under your feet shortly.” At that time when we speak before God’s children that have been in confusion, in sin or in unclean churches, that have been held captive by satan--our words will not only open their eyes and cause their ears to hear but it will cast out the devils and trample them down and destroy them that have stood against them. Our words will be help and hope and life for the children of God and on the other side a sword and destruction and a consuming fire for the devils.

Friday, February 1, 13

So let us rejoice in this day of Purim--that our lot is the lot of the true Israelite who worships God in spirit and truth. God will save us and give us power over all of our enemies. Friday, February 1, 13

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