Redemption of 144,000

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The Redemption of the 144,000 by Evelyn Pointer

Saturday, May 5, 12

The 144,000 The 144,000 is the first fruit of God’s harvest. The harvest is the end of the world when God gathers or delivers his children from sin, death and from this earth. This deliverance from sin, death and from the earth is called redemption. The 144,000 will bee redeemed at the beginning of God’s harvest. Another word used to describe the end of time is the “time of Judgment.” We are fast closing in on God’s Judgement of this earth. We know that we live in the end of time because God has told us in the bible what the world and society would be like in the days before he returns. It is like the time of Noah and the time of Lot. We do not know the moment of God’s coming or the day and hour of our deliverance, God’s coming will sneak up upon this earth like a thief in the night. But we are not children of the night. God’s word to us is a light and we are watchmen that stand prepared and ready for his coming. God has shown us the “season” that he is coming by the events that we can see in the world. We know that truth is fallen in the street and that there is a great falling away from anything that appears to be Godly. We know that we live in perilous times and that evils have increased so much that in many of us are in danger just by walking outside of our homes. Others of us are in danger by the very people we love within our homes. It becomes increasingly difficult to avoid seeing filth and corruption on television at work and all around us. We know with assurity that we live in the end of time. But, exactly what is going to happen? How will God begin and end his judgment? What will happen to God’s people and to each us individually? What will happen to this country and to the world as a whole? And will everybody know it?

Saturday, May 5, 12

Redemption & Judgement Section II The Harvest begins with the redemption of the 144,000; God’s first fruits. God divided this world by events and time periods from the Garden unto the time that it will be destroyed with fire. The time period of the Harvest of the righteous is a relatively short period of time that we believe will expand about thirty years from the time that the Lord pours out His spirit on the 144,000 until the first resurrection. Section III The words Judgement, Harvest, Latter days and end of days will be used interchangeably. Judgement is a period of time that is divided by notable events and days. The first event is the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the 144,000. The Holy Spirit as we know is God. As it says there are three that bare witness in heaven. The Holy Spirit is called the Comforter, the Holy Ghost, the Spirit of Truth and Elijah the prophet. The Holy Spirit is not limited is compared to rain because rain is what grows a plant so it can be harvested, and to fire because fire purges and purifies. When we think about the out pouring of the Holy Spirit remember Holy Spirit is creating changes on a person from the inside out. He is changing our heart, mind an soul . The Holy spirit is not limited to a single affect upon us. The Holy Spirit is the almighty power of God. It is through the power of the Holy Spirit, the blood of Christ and the word of his testimony and the will of the father that we are changed. We are first predestined by God the Father and placed in our period of time on this earth. He has also divided his children by his will and called some to be Patriarchs, some prophets and leaders, some lambs and sheep. Some he set at the beginning of the world to give birth to nations and here at the end of the world he has set us. In the end of the time a remnant--which is a small portion of the children of Israel, were called back to God, while the rest of the world was still in darkness, this occured in the 50’s and 60’s. The Holy Spirit come to the people that he called and gave some of them an opportunity to be part of the first fruit. Two thirds of the people called to be in the first fruit will become the members of the 144,000 the other third (72,000 people) were knocked down by Satan. Of the people who remained, who were left standing, the Holy Spirit continues to work and teach them. Saturday, May 5, 12

The Former Rain Moderately The Holy Spirit came down like are a refreshing shower at times and at time there seems to be a drought by the word of God remains with his people and lead us in all ways of righteousness. This is called the former rain moderately. The Hebrew meaning of the words former rain moderately is “teacher of righteousness.” This opens our eyes to the truth. Give us an understanding of the scriptures and teaches us how to keep god’s commandments and to live a holy life. It is through this spirit that we make our vow to God, That we repent and converted and change our lives. And the 144,000 will do all of this prior to any signs and wonders. II Esdras 1: 35-38. We must continue as all the saints before us to fight and battle against the forces of evil. As it says in Ephesians 6:12 We wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places We walk in truth and with devotion but our lives are short and we are weary as father Jacob said, “few and evil have been the days of my life.” The presence of the knowledge of evil in our mind the access of Satan in our thoughts and the constant battle that we must fight is a heavy burden and a yoke to us (Isaiah 9:4-5)

Saturday, May 5, 12

The Outpouring of Grace and Supplication Section IV At the beginning of the harvest the Lord will remove the burden and the yoke of our oppressor who is satan and will justify us fully and save us from our sins. The beginning of our justification is the outpouring of the Spirit of Grace and supplications. The word justification means to make perfect. During the process of our redemption the Holy Spirit does different things for us, along with Jesus to make us perfect and to fulfill the New Covenant. This outpouring of the Holy Spirit is compared to rain. There are at least four rains mentioned in the bible that do different things. The first we briefly mentioned is the former rain moderately that occurred before the Harvest. Joel tells the children of Zion to rejoice because they had already received the former rain moderately because the Lord would cause to come down “the rain,” the former rain and the Latter rain (Joel 2:21-23). The word “rain” in the scripture in Joel is the spirit of Grace and Supplications. This occurs during the time of Atonement. Atonement is a time period that we understand as occurring after the seventy weeks. Daniel 9: 24 Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and upon thy Holy city, to finish the transgression and to make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity. Isaiah 44:22 I have blotted out as a thick cloud, thy transgression and as a cloud thy sins; return unto me; for I have redeemed thee The word supplication means an earnest entreaty and prayer that is done with humility. That is what we do when we fast and pray every year on the day of Atonement. The word Grace means approval, favor, mercy and pardon. It is the time of Atonement when God pardon’s us for our sins. He will have mercy on us and we will have favor in his sight. We have been taught that Grace is a second chance. Grace is also the blood of christ that justifies us or makes us perfect because of our faith obedience. (Roman 3: 24-25, Ephesians 2: 8, Titus 3:5-7). Saturday, May 5, 12

Grace and Supplications Zechariah gives us the name of this event calling it the out pouring of the spirit of Grace and supplications. Note the time period. All of the churches of God are still separate when this occurs, the 144,000 have not been gathered together. Also note that is called a time of great mourning. This also a key to let us know that his occur during the time of the Atonement. Zechariah 12:10-14, 13:1. There are certain scriptures in the bible that says how Israel will come to God in weeping and in supplications. This occur during the time of grace and supplication. Other scriptures say how they will come to God singing and rejoicing. This is the rain that occur after Grace and Supplications. Isaiah 30 also describes what it will be like when the Spirit of Grace and supplication fail . Isaiah 30: 18-22. God’s people will cry out, pray, repent, that is the supplication. god will forgive their sins, that is the grace. His grace is also a token or sigh upon us and it will remove all idols, covetousness, any spot or wrinkle that we are unaware of. We will not sin after this occur. Though Satan will still have access to us and the power to tempt like he tempted Jesus after baptism, we will have no desire to do or must fight hard against that is a sin. The people with many idols or things that they are doing wrong will be in much distress and tears. Those who are living a clean and righteous life may be crying in gratitude and in happiness because at that time we know we have been accepted by God. Like the Spirit of Elijah it will turn the hearts of God’s children back to him. Malachi 4:5-6. It will prepare God’s children for his coming. Isaiah 40:3. Recall that John the Baptist preceded Christ to prepare the way.

Saturday, May 5, 12

Former Rain Section V John the Baptist said that he did indeed baptize with water unto repentance but Christ would baptize with fire and the Holy Ghost. The baptism of fire is the former rain. The exact meaning of the Hebrew meaning of world former rain is “teacher”. When you think of the word former think of something that occurred previously or at a former time. The time of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on theHoly Spirit on the Apostles is our example of the former rain. The former rain purges the conscience. It removes the access of Satan and Knowledge of Evil to the mind. . This is done by the spirit of Judgement and Burning. Isaiah 9: 4-7, Isaiah 10: 24-27. Isaiah 4: 3-4. The former rain brings the messenger or teacher of the new covenant Malachi 3: 1-3. The new covenant writes the law of God permanently in our hearts and mind, this a covenant that cannot be broken. It is the everlasting righteousness spoken of in Daniel Chapter 9. Jeremiah 31: 31-34. This is the birth of the word of God and the great deliverance and spiritual salvation that we have all been looking to from the beginning of times. When the former rain fell on the apostles they were given not only great knowledge and understanding, they were given gifts of the spirit. According to God’s plans for you and according to your God will bless you with his precious gifts. At this time what you have been predestined to be you will become, whether a leader a teacher, a prophet, a priest or , a king, a minister or one of God’s lambs or sheep without number. Whether you will have one gift or a full rainbow of powers. Also it is at this time that the 144,000 will receive the latter rain.

Saturday, May 5, 12

A Sign and Force for God Section VI Just as the disciples spoke in tongues on Pentecost as a sign that this was God’s work; the 144,000 will also show a great sign. This sign is the change of the body. It is the latter rain. The exact Hebrew meaning of the word latter rain is eloquence. Eloquence means something that is forceful, fluid and persuasive. It is the rain that changes the body and remains death from the flesh. The Latter rain will turn our earthly bodies into celestial bodies. We will become physically just like the people in the kingdom of heaven. Thy physical body is often described in the bible as clothes or garments. The immortal body is the garment of praise. In order for us to go to heaven se must all be changed. The 144,000 needs a powerful bod in order to be a sign to the people and to do the wonderful work that the Lord has prepared them for. When the people of the world see the 144,000 they will know without a doubt that they are the seed that the Lord has blessed. Isaiah 61:9. They will be famous wherever they go Zephaniah 3:19, and all over the world. They will be a sign, an ensign, to show the world the promise that God has made to all of his people. The day that the Lord gives immortality to the 144,000; the day that he heals the breech of his people, that breech being the root of the knowledge of evil sin and death will occur on a day that the sun will shine seven times and the moon will shine as the sun. Within the light are all the colors of the rainbow. Each color eloquent, forceful and creating a change. This light is the glory of God. The 144,000 will sing with a voice that has never been heard for its beauty and wonderfulness. We will not look like black people or white people or Hispanics or anyone on this earth. We will look like Zion. We go beyond Adam and Eve. We go to immortality.

Saturday, May 5, 12

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