The Trumpets Course Catalog1

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The Trumpets Course Catalog

The feast of Trumpets This sacred day is held on the 1st day of the month of Tisri. On this day the children of Israel were commanded to have a memorial of blowing of trumpets, a holy convocation and Sabbath of rest on the first day of the seventh month. The trumpet is a symbol of God. The trumpet is a symbol of the voice of God. When the captives of Babylon returned to rebuild the temple the covenant and the law were reviewed on the day of trumpets as well. It is a day when we remember the promise of God and what he has done for us. The contents of this book review over topics pertaining to the Feast of Trumpets: an in-depth analysis of Trumpets, the importance of remembering God, The Law of God, the Preaching of the Gospel as well as many as other topics

Table of Contents Important scriptures Day of Trumpets Most Holy The Law of God the wonderful words of Life The Royal Law The Ordinances of God in the Royal Law Holy versus Common Trumpets a memorial The Preaching of the Everlasting Gospel

3 4 8 11 13 18 20 26 29

Important Scripture The following scriptures will assist you in preparing for the feast of Trumpets. If you require any more information please feel free to contact the authors of these classes or any of the elders. • Leviticus 23: 24 and 25 • Numbers 10: 1-10 • Psalms 81: 1-10 • Revelations 1: 10-11 • Isaiah 18: 3 • Isaiah 27: 3 • Jeremiah 4: 5 • Revelations 8 (the entire chapter) • Ezekiel 33:1-7 • Zechariah 9: 12-16 • Matthew 24: 30-31

Day of Trumpets God's church is different from the churches of the world. One difference is its High days, such as the 7th day Sabbath and the feast days. Our small church must order all of its services and high days in strict accordance to the scriptures. We have always been aware of the 7th day Sabbath and of keeping the Passover and why. Until recently we didn't know how, why or when to keep the Feast of Pentecost and the Feast of Tabernacles. A class was given on the new moon and showing it to be a day to come together to worship before God and to make an offering. All of our Feast Days and the Day of Atonement have a specific mean or prophesy pointing towards our salvation. Let us see what the day of Trumpets mean. • •

What is the day of Trumpets and when should we keep it? Leviticus 23:23-25, Psalms 81: 1-10. Does the Lord Distinguish between the day of Trumpets and the new moon? Numbers 29: 1-6. Pay particular attention to verse six. The offering for the new moon of the 7th month was in addition to the offerings for the Day of Trumpets, in such a way it was distinguished high and above the new moon of every other month and was called a Sabbath of rest What did God command Israel concerning trumpets? Numbers 10: 2. Let us look into the history about the relevance of the trumpets and when it was blown. The Priests were the ones ordained to blow the trumpets. Numbers 10:8. The trumpet was to be blown in times of war so that the Lord would hearken to Israel and fight for them. Numbers 10:9. It was also blown over all burnt offerings, peace offerings in the Feast days, solemn days and the New Moons for a memorial to the Lord Numbers 10:10. In history recall the trumpets that were blown during times of war. They were blown during the battle of Jericho and when Gideon defeated the Midianites. They blew the trumpets also in times of gladness, when David brought the altar to Mount Zion and when Solomon dedicated the temple.

Looking forward we can see that the trumpet is ordained by God, and as the voice of God will be blown for the same reason it was blown by our Fathers; to call to assemble the people, to warn the people, and to make war against the enemy. • What is the last and general warning that is given to the people and when does it occur? Revelations 14:6-8. Note that we have a time for this; it is after the 144,000 is on Mount Zion and before the fall of Babylon. • Let us continue to explore this warning cry. Ezekiel 33:1-7. Jeremiah 6: 16-17. Is 52:11-12. Joel 2:1. • Concerning the call to assemble or gathering to gather • What is the promise that God made to his people that have been scattered over the earth? He will assemble them in the last days. Ezekiel 11: 16-17. Micah 2:12. • How does this relate to the blowing of a trumpet? Is 27: 12-13. Jeremiah 4:5-6. • Recall the job of the watchman in Ezek 33:1-7, what is also the job of the Watchman? Not only to warn the people but to call to assemble the people. Jeremiah 31:6-9. Isaiah 52:7-8. • The watchmen stand with Christ and are an ensign in the mountain. Isaiah 18:3, Is 5:26, Is 11:10-13. • What other people are called to assemble to God? I Corinthians 15: 52. In conclusion, let us celebrate the day of trumpets in full knowledge of its meaning. It is a prophesy of our salvation, when God warns the people and He calls them to assemble before Him whether they are alive or whether they are dead. It is a day of celebration, of rejoicing, looking forward to the glorious voice of the Lord calling us home. Finally let us read Ps 81:1-10 again.

Most Holy It is quite obvious that we have no center of worship in this world. We know that the temple was destroyed in AD 70. The term "Most Holy" is a descriptive terms that is used to apply to many things. During the days before the destruction of AD 70 it referred to an area set inside of the tabernacle or the temple where the ark of the Lord resided. This place was called the oracle or holy of holies. The term “most holy� also applied to the altars of burnt offering, the altar of incense, the tables and their vessels, the candlestick, the wash basin and even the tabernacle of the congregation Exodus 30:26-29. Everything that the priest used in the service of God was considered Most Holy. The term most Holy also applied to the meat offering, the burnt offering, the sin and trespass offering, the shew bread, and every devoted thing of the Lord. Numbers 18: 8-10. Leviticus 27:28. There were things and places associated with the service of God that were not considered Most Holy, but was termed Holy. For example, if the Oracle was considered Most Holy, the other part of the temple was considered Holy. Also the instruments that the priest used to approach directly to God was Most Holy like the altar and the table of incense. However there were many other instruments used to store things, to kill and flay the animal sacrifices and to prepare the meat offerings that were considered Holy, not most Holy. Israel was required to pay a tithe, 1/10th of all that they produced and 1 out of 10 of all their flock to the Lord. They were also required to bring in their first fruits plus the firstborn of all things clean to the service of the Lord, but they could redeem back (or instead bring the value in money) the 1st born of unclean things, and they had to redeem back in money the 1st born of man. Out of all of the tithes and first fruits a portion would be taken out to use in the Holy Services and be considered Most Holy. The rest would be given to the priests and Levites and considered Holy.

It is important to distinguish the service or work of the priest and of the Levite. The priests were all Levites but the Levites were not all priests. The priests were the sons of Aaron and their families through their generation. For example Moses was a Levite, his sons were not Priests. To the Priests were given the job of handling the Most Holy things. They could approach the altars, place the offerings, light the candles and handle and touch the Most Holy things, all except the area behind the veil where only the High priest could enter once a year on the atonement. The Priest was also given a charge to put a difference between clean and unclean, and between holy and unholy Lev 10: 9-11. Ezekiel 22:26; 44:15-16, 23 &24. They were also required to teach the people the law and were the final rule of judgment in matters pertaining to the law. Malachi 2:7. The Levites were also teachers to the people they were given to assist the Priests in their work. I Chronicles 23:27-28. When David set up the kingdom the Levites were given to be porters, musicians (for example the house of Asaph were Levites not priests) , officers, judges and workers in the house of God.

The Levites approached the Holy things; the priests approached the Most Holy Things. This is one of the most important ways that their work is distinguished. Numbers 3: 6-10, Numbers 18:1-7. We have no center of worship in the world now. The temple was destroyed in AD 70 and our people were killed, scattered and sold as slaves. We have recently learned we are Israel. We do not know what tribes we are from unless given to us by direct revelation. Why is it even important to know about these things that were done away with? Because the things of the Levitical Priesthood were a shadow pointing to what has always been and will be and in fact what exists now, the Melchezideck priesthood. We understand that Christ was the lamb slain, the perfect offering for sin and transgression. We know also that the Most holy place was pointing to heaven and therefore to God. Again we know that it is not the sacrifices of animals that are important but the sacrifices of righteousness Psalms 4:5. Psalms 51: 16-18. Hebrews 13: 14-16. We know that our bodies are the temple of God, and also that the church is the body of Christ.

In our time the Lord has revealed his promise to a few of us. He saved a remnant which is the tenth, he called the 144,000 his first fruit and he called priests and Levites. Isaiah 6: 9-13, Rev 14: 1-4, Isaiah 66: 20-21, Isaiah 61: 4-6, Malachi 3: 1-3. To these people—called Priests and Levites will be given the work of the service of God when he begins to gather his saints. ď ˇ

The Law of God the wonderful words of life Psalms 19: 7-11. The law of God is eternal and has always been. It did not begin with Moses; it did not end at the crucifixion of Jesus. It proceeds from the throne of God. The law of life was given to man from creation. Adam and Eve were given a commandment which they broke. Their sin placed within their flesh and the flesh of all of their offspring, the law of sin and death. The deeds of man became evil. Cain was the first murderer. He was judged because he knowingly broke the commandments of God. Man continued to sin, and became so evil that God destroyed them in a flood. What is sin? Sin is the transgression of the law. But up until that point Moses had not been born, and neither had the Ten Commandments been written on the two tables of stone. So how could God have judged them? Because they all knew who God was, and they all knew what his law was and they all new the wages of sin was death, but they disobeyed God anyway. After the flood, God chose one, Father Abraham to make a covenant with him. He blessed Abraham’s seed because Abraham obeyed his voice, kept his charge, his commandments, his statutes and his law. Genesis 26:4-5. From him came the Patriarchs, Isaac, and Jacob and the 12 sons of Israel. Throughout all of this time, God blessed the righteous and punished the wicked. What is sin? Sin is the transgression of the law. Yet Moses was not born, and neither had God written the Ten Commandments on two tables of stone. After 430 years in Egypt, the children of Israel finally became a great nation. In the third month after they came out of Egypt, the children of Israel came to Mt Sinai. Prior to receiving the law they had to be prepared and sanctified.

This sanctification was physical for them and unfortunately did not change their hearts. They had to wash and be clean and the men could not have conjugal relations with their wives. The spiritual meaning of sanctification is symbolized by the baptism of water, which means to be born again and to put off sin and the lusts of the flesh. Israel of the flesh did not do this; shortly after Moses went up the Mt they utterly corrupted themselves. Therefore when Moses came down, the two tables of stone were broke in his anger, which prophesized of the breaking of the first covenant. And those Ten Commandments have been broken ever since, by every proceeding generation. What did they do? They sinned. Sin is the transgression of the law.

Moses had to return to the Mountain again and a second time remain for forty days and forty nights in the presence of God, until he was covered with God's glory, and received again the words of the law and another two tables of stone. This prophesized that after the first covenant was broken, a second covenant would have to be made with God's people. Under the first covenant Israel was required to do many difficult things, many sacrifices of animals, and washings and sprinkling of blood and water. The priest hood was established with the sons of Aaron and anyone who was not a priest could not approach the Most Holy Place. This was necessary because the physical presence and the power of God were with them and his angel walked among them. Therefore they had to be sanctified, separated not only from evil, but from all things common or unclean. A strict distinction was made between common and holy, and holy and Most holy so that the same power of God that glorified them would not destroy them; because evil cannot stand in the direct presence of God. And neither could the common uncleanness of man and of his flesh. At the end of forty years, prior to the death of Moses, the children of Israel reviewed the covenant with God on the east side of the river Jordan. This rereading of the law and the covenant is found in the entire book of Deuteronomy. Again the children of Israel renewed the covenant of God with Joshua after crossing the river Jordan and the war of Jericho. Standing between Mount Gerizim and Mount Ebal they reread the law and made a vow with god. Again and again, the holy covenant; the law was renewed by King Solomon, at the dedication of the temple, and by other kings of Judah, notably Jehosaphat, Hezekiah and lastly young King Josiah the last righteous king before the captivity of Babylon.

Seventy years later Cyrus made a proclamation that God had commanded him to rebuild the temple at Jerusalem. Joshua the high priest and Zerubbabel rebuilt the altar of God and began sacrificing burnt offerings on the 1st day of the seventh month, the day of trumpets. Here again they read the law to the people and made a vow and entered into a covenant again with God. After them came Ezra and Nehemiah who built the walls of Zion. On the first day of the seventh month they called all of the remnant of Israel together to worship God, to read his law and to enter into a covenant. When Christ came he taught the people a new way and an old way. The old way was the words of the law that they had from the beginning that had gotten lost somehow under the burdens of the traditions of the Pharisees. The new way was to show the people how to keep the law, that the law must be part of your heart, and that the obedience and love of God--divine love, must take precedence over the love of your spouses, your parents, your brothers and sister, your children and even your life-all of the this is brotherly love. Prior to Christ's work, John the Baptist taught us to baptize for the repentance of sin. Jesus, he said, would baptize us with the Holy Ghost and fire. In Matthews chapter 24, the apostles point out to Jesus the beauty and the magnificence of the temple. Jesus said "see ye not all these things, verily I say unto you, there shall not be left here, one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down." And not one stone was left standing, the temple and the city were destroyed. This was a symbol of the church of God as a whole, and the truth is its entirety. It was all destroyed, all buried, all trampled upon. And the law which mankind all knew from the beginning was buried and forgotten, hidden for centuries under the deceit of Mystery Babylon. And we in turn, the children of Israel were lost and hidden, and forgotten. But God remembered us, by his grace and loving kindness and tender mercies in these last days, he did indeed leave a remnant of his children as he promised. He revealed the truth to just a few. And his saints, through great personal sacrifice, trials and tribulations, during a time when there were no signs or physicals evidence, when no other people believed during a time of great darkness and confusion, through pain, loss of family, poverty, having to stand alone in the face of ridicule and opposition, found the stones of the foundation of the truth and uncovered them piece by piece and laid them in their place through the mercy of God.

Now we stand here today continuing to build upon this sure foundation a great building of perfect measurement, strong and straight and plumb. And like our forefathers we renew our covenant with God. As Paul says in Philippians 3:13 "forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press towards the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus." Taking upon ourselves the faith of Abraham, the patience of Job and the hope of the prophets, we stand washed and clean, born again of the Holy Ghost awaiting this promise!! “Behold the days come saith the Lord, that I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah, not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers, in the day that I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt; which my covenant they brake, although I was an husband unto them saith the Lord: But this shall be the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel; After those days, saith the Lord, I will put my law in their inward parts and write it in their hearts; and will be their God, and they shall be my people. And they shall teach no more every man his neighbor, and every man his brother saying know the Lord: for they shall all know me, from the least of them unto the greatest of them, saith the lord: for I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their sin no more.” • What are the three laws? • What is the law of life--(or what is the other name of the 10 commandments) • What is sin? • The churches of Mystery Babylon say that the law of God was nailed to the cross with Jesus and is no longer necessary---explain why this is untrue • What is the first and the second covenant? • Expound on the 1st and 2nd covenant beginning and times?

The Royal Law The ways of God are manifested in his laws it is the will of the Father that we walk in his ways to be perfect. Matt 5: 48. The ways of God are very straight and narrow. A strait can be defined as a difficult place that has distress, suffering, needs, loses and confining in one area that can lead to death. In a strait there is no way to move back and forth, nor is there an excuse or easier path to take than we are predestined to take for our salvation. II Esdras 7: 10-14. II Esdras 7: 18-21. The law of life is the 10 commandments written by the finger of God on a plaque of stone. It is the Royal law and also the law of judgment. To violate this commandment is a penalty of death as decreed, “… the soul that sinneth shall die.” Esdras 18:4, James 2:8, John 3:4. But God so loved the world He sent Christ to the earth with grace to ransom man from an eternal death. Now as a result, we can be reconciled to him, but we must obey all the commandments of God in order to be saved from damnation. I John 2: 1-2. Each person is given a free will to choose to obey the law or reject them. To reject the law has grave consequences. Deuteronomy 30: 19-20. Joshua 24: 14-15, 19-20. II Esdras 7: 20-25.

Christ said, "Enter ye in at the strait gate." This is an invitation and commandment from Christ. Christ stands at the door and calls for man to enter. John 10: 9. James 5: 9, John 14:6. Before we can enter into the strait way of God, we must be clean. To be clean you must fear God. Ps 19: 9. II Corinthians 7:1. One must have a dread and fear of God's judgment with trembling. Psalms 119:120, Psalms 2: 11-12.

The fear of the Lord is the 1st step toward him before entry at the strait gate. Without the fear of God it is impossible to keep his commandments and testimonies. The laws of God will keep you in a straight line as you go through on a narrow pathway. When a person is in the broadways of sin; at the very beginning of his life, the Wisdom of God well call him to come out of the broadways. She will walk with you in the broadways and put the dread of God upon you in the higher places of your mind. Ecclesiasticus 4: 11, 16-19. Proverbs 1: 20-33. The fear of the Lord is where faith in God begins to develop. Ecclesiastes 15: 12. At this time your faith is small and will increase as you overcome the evil while going through the straits. The Wisdom of God will bring you to the entrances of the straits and then Christ bids you to come in. Matthew 7: 13-14, Matthew 16: 24-28. The Holy Spirit strengthens you by convincing you that is the way to go and without the guide of the Holy Spirit you will not make it through. John 14: 26, John 15: 26, John 16: 13-14, Matthew 12: 31-32. The Plumb line In the narrow pathways of God there is a plumb line. Commonly it is a tool used by builders to keep the framework of a home standing straight and perfect at every angle. Spiritually speaking it is the measurement of a man destined into the Holy City. He must stand up and be perfect in every corner and way of his life. Rev 21: 15-19. This plumb line is connected to the corner stone which is Christ. Ephesians 2: 19-22. The plumb line is used to build the house of God within you first. Then Christ commanded for all people a like to gather together into the strait way; thus creating the expansion and growth of Zion. Zechariah 2: 1-3. Malachi 3: 16, Hebrews 10: 25, Zechariah 1: 16-17, Zechariah 2: 1-2, Revelations 11: 1.

The Plumb Line Holding on the plumb line will make you straight and smooth. John the Baptist spoke of the strait way in his prophesy as we prepare to enter the narrow straits of God. Luke 3: 46. Isaiah 40: 1-8. Spiritually a strait way is without a bend or curve. It is a smooth surface that is free of lumps and projections. A crooked way has bends or have curves. Rough ways are with projection and stumbling blocks. Seven Eyes The plumb line is the Royal law connected to the corner stone with the 7 eyes. These eyes are the 7 spirits of God seen on the face of the Lamb of God. Zechariah 3: 9. Zechariah 4: 6-10. Revelations 5: 6. The Royal Law consist of many parts which are the Lord’s way to perfection and holiness. They are as follows: The ordinances, statutes, precepts and the judgments of God. They are the components of the Royal Law which interpret the 10 commandments and the testimonies of Jesus Christ.

The ordinances of God in the Royal Law The law of ordinance is a commandments strictly ordained by God for divine service and worship of him. Leviticus 18: 1-2, 4-5. Isaiah 24: 5-6. With these services come rites, ceremonies, holy days, praises, sacrifices, holy communication that must be according to the ordinances of God. Exodus 12: 14 &16. Ezekiel 46: 14. Leviticus 23: 23-43. Within an ordinance there is an injunction and regulation. An injunction is a law requiring a person to not do. A regulation law requires a person to do something. The regulation law describes guidelines on how to perform these services. The injunction laws describe guidelines on what not to be done in these services. The main purpose of an ordinance is to restore a blessing to God. Paying him back the required 10% he commands from us. The violation or breakage of these least commandments which are the regulation and injunction laws with the ordinance can results in a sin against the Holy Ghost Matt 5: 17. Psalms 18: 7-13. It is the least commandment that interprets the way (10 commandments) should be obeyed. The service to God in the ordinance is most essential and most Holy that cannot be changed. It is required for both the children of Israel the Gentiles and the strangers. Numbers 15: 13-16. John 4: 22. Matthew 3: 6. Ephesians 4: 5-6. The Least Components Least is the smallest part of a whole. Examples are the small ingredients in a cake or the DNA in a human being or the least of God’s creatures made in his image. These components or most essential for the whole to be perfect and exist; a cake without ingredients does not exist, without DNA in genes a man cannot exist in perfection.

In addition, without man, the last creation in the womb of this earth, the heavenly family is incomplete. Ecclesiasticus 24: 8, 11-12. So you can see that ‘least’ does not mean of a lower status of importance; nor does it mean inferior or of poor quality; or less in dignity. I Corinthians 12:12-26. The least commandments details the royal law to the smallest degree. They define directions and instructions in the ways of God so a person can be made holy and perfect as the Father in heaven. Matthew 5: 48. The Royal Law The royal law is the 10 commandments divided into two parts, the “first great commandments,” and “the 2nd great commandments”. The 1st great commandment instructs you on your duties and responsibilities you owe God for worship; they are the 1st four commandments of the royal law. The 2nd great commandment instructs you on your duties to everyone else who are not of God. They are the 5th -10th commandments of the royal law, beginning with responsibilities owed to parents. Exodus 20: 1-17. John 14: 15-16. 

Holy vs Common Celebrating Mother’s day, in the churches of the world, is a time honored tradition. We began to do it in our church to express our love for each other, and to make the mothers feel appreciated. It was done out of love and not for any negative reason. We have just recently been shown clearly, that no common thing must be done in the church of God, sanctified and anointed in his name. We know also, that no matter how good the intentions, everything that we do must be guided by the measurement of the law. We must do what is holy. When we understand the truth, and we prove it in the scriptures, we must obey. Satan cannot trip us up with obvious hardened sin, but slyly, deceptively, by what appears to our eyes to be good, just like he deceived Eve with the fruit. It is important to be able to determine the difference between Holy and Common in order to make sound judgment, both in the church, as well as when we are out and about in the world. The word “holy”, means something that is devoted entirely to God. “Common”, is everything else! God has a right to separate to himself certain things, duties or time, because he is our Lord and our Creator. God has separated to himself one day out of seven. Six days you can do your own pleasure. In the scriptures we can read how God not only separated the children of Israel to himself, setting them apart from other nations, but further separated the sons of Aaron, setting them apart from the rest of the Levites to be his priests. God also has separated us in in our time when he revealed the truth to us that had been hidden for generations. In many instances we had to be separated from our families. We have made sacrifices throughout our lives in order to walk within the law of God. We affirm by our actions that what is written in the bible is true; when we came to God we said we would obey him. What would we obey? His word and his law. Where do we find it? “In the volume of a book it is written of me.” It is our responsibility to search out the word. “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needed not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”

.” If we find through the word and through the spirit that we as a church need to change something that we are doing, it is also our duty to teach it. …Son of man I have made thee a watchman unto the house of Israel: therefore Here the word at my mouth, and give them warning from me… Ezekiel 3:17. The scripture goes on to say that if you do not warn the people, then you will also be punished with them. The children of Israel historically did not heed the warnings of God. In fact they stoned the prophets, they murmured and fought against Moses, and they crucified Jesus God called them stiff necked and rebellious. These are warnings for us. One of the main reasons for the fall of the children of Israel was the worship of idols and the weakness of her leaders. God established the Priests to teach the people and to make a difference between clean and unclean. But did the Priests always do that? No! Ezekiel 22:26, Ezekiel 5:11, Zephaniah 3:4. When you hear what a person what a person says and they read you passages from the scriptures, it is your responsibility to “try the spirit, by the spirit.” What this means is you must take it directly to the bible to see whether it is true or false. If you reject something prior to proving it through the scripture, you put yourself in jeopardy. What if the person is right? Perhaps you’re sick of them telling you what you can or cannot do, maybe it has made you angry. But, if the person is right, are you disagreeing with them, or disagreeing with God? Are you rejecting them if God put a word in their mouth, or are you rejecting God? “And the Lord said unto Samuel, Hearken unto the voice of the people in all that they say unto: for they have not rejected thee, but they have rejected me…I Samuel 8:7. When we judge or try the word that someone speaks, we must make sure that we do it according to the bible. Remember that the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak; anytime that you tell someone that they cannot do something that they want to do, it upsets them. Sometimes it angers them. Emotion is a dangerous thing. God is not emotional. Our doctrine must be biblically correct, not emotionally correct. It seems right and good in the eyes of the people that Christ rose up on Easter Sunday, the Easter baskets, the clothes, the smiling faces of the happy children, and when you are devout in your beliefs, and when you are devout in your beliefs—the Easter Sunrise service! The lit candles, the beautiful music! It’s all good! This is emotionally correct.

This is not biblically correct. Be careful also of anger. Anger prevents understanding. Anger is like a door that prevents understanding from come in. It’s like when people say “talk to the hand!” It’s like telling a teenager what they cannot do, they are so emotionally volatile that no matter how well you explain things, they will not hear you! You cannot reason with them. But, as the scripture says “Let us reason together with the Lord.” What is “doctrine”? Doctrine is the teaching of the word of God. Who does doctrine belong to? Christ said the doctrine was of the Father. John 7: 16-17. Who determines what doctrine is? The bible. Can anyone prevent an anointed member of the church from teaching doctrine the church? Absolutely not! We teach through the spirit. Doctrine is given us by God. There is no higher authority in the church than that of God. If God says speak, who is greater than him to tell you not to speak? When the Apostle Paul began to preach, he did not go to the twelve apostles for permission Galatians 1: 12-19. But what if someone teaches false doctrine? That is when the elders have a right to step in. However the doctrine must be proven false through the bible, and not simply because it’s something we do not hear. Definitions • • • • • • • • • •

Holy: Exalted or worthy of complete devotion. Devoted entirely to God. Hallow: To make holy or set apart for holy use. Most: to the highest degree. Sanctify: to set apart to a sacred or religious purpose, to consecrate Consecrate: to devote irrevocably to the worship of god Reverence: profound honor or respect Profane: secular, not holy, not sanctified or to treat something sacred with irreverence Contempt: willful disobedience or open disrespect Common: belonging to the community, general, familiar, ordinary—in other words if it is not holy or devoted to God, it is common, whether it is a common good thing or a common evil thing. Most of what we do or experience is common in our daily lives.

The children of Israel anointed the altar and tabernacle and everything in it in order to sanctify— recall the definition of sanctify or hallow. Exodus 29: 36-38. Exodus 40: 9-11. Leviticus 8: 10-12. Numbers 7:1. Did we anoint the church? If we did, whatever did we do it for? Did we not consecrate it to God? If we consecrate or sanctify something to God, what are we separating it from? From only the unclean things, or from all things common? You see, we must separate even our houses and our lives from unclean things, yet we may freely do anything common that is not unclean. Did we consecrate our houses to God? Well, if we must keep unclean things from our homes, how is the church different from our houses? In every way it is different because it is devoted entirely to the worship of god. There is a further separation—not only from things unclean, but also from common usage. Is it bad to have a big idol in the church of God but ok if the idol appears small and harmless? Is it bad to eat pork but okay to eat gelatin that came from unclean animals? Do we carefully examine the labels of everything that we eat to avoid eating a speck of gelatin because we do not want to pollute our bodies? Should we not also examine our ways, our conversations so that we do not pollute the sanctuary on the Sabbath? Let us reason together brothers and sisters. What is the purpose of the church? It is the place where we come to worship God, that is the primary purpose—the love of god. We anointed and sanctified it for that reason. What other purpose is the church—to edify our brothers which is the body of Christ. Ephesians 4:11-16. I know that we do not have a tabernacle or a temple, but when God called us out of the darkness and gave us his word he did eventually give us a place of worship. The church is the body of Christ. Christ’s body, we remember, was anointed. Colossians 1: 17-18 and 24. Ephesians 5:23-30. Leviticus 26:2 says “ye shall keep my Sabbaths and reverence my sanctuary.” We are the church of God. The church is the body of Christ. An example of how we reverence Christ’s body is how we treat each other and how we treat the physical building of the church. Christ punished Israel because they did not keep his Sabbaths and because they profaned his Sanctuary. Profane means to treat something sacred with irreverence. Does God care at all about physical things? Is he only concerned with the people and not the place? No! God said he would beautify the place of his sanctuary.

How we reverence and honor God’s Sabbath and God’s church is a direct result of how we reverence and honor god. A man that fears God will not lightly disrespect the house of god. Examine your hearts. Parents who love and adore your children, what greater gift can they give to them than the love and respect for God, knowing the danger that can befall them in this wicked world. Teaching your child by words and by your good example to reverence god’s house and his holy Sabbath day is also a way of teaching them to reverence God, which is concrete and effective. It is a profound message that will follow them throughout their lives. Your example teaches them more than your words. They see and remember everything that you do. When they become teenagers they will think you are a hypocrite and throw things up in your face and break your hearts. Why should they listen to you? Why should they make sacrifices when they can remember that you did not, or that you made excuses? Making excuses teaches your children that if they want to do something bad enough, even if it is wrong, it’s okay to make an excuse and do it. We must be straight; straight and sharp as sword, because God’s word is a sword. We must be as hard as a stone, unyielding in our intentions to uphold and obey the law, because Christ is the stone on which we stand. We must give no sway to evil or weakness, fight against it with everything that you have. One small crack in the wall may cause just a tiny trickle of water initially but eventually the flood waves will get through. Remember, a little leaven, leaveneth the whole lump. Look and remember the people that are not with us today and the effects on their lives and their families. What is it in this world that you cherish so much that you must profane God’s Sabbath or his sanctuary with it? Is it not then an idol to you? Is it mother, father, spouse, brother, sister or child? If we love them more than God, are we worthy of God? Are we sons of Abraham who was about to offer Isaac as a sacrifice because God told him to? Are we sons of God who offered his only get begotten son Jesus, yes commanded him to die for us? Who has greater than God? Yet he asks that we make sacrifices. So far the sacrifices that he has asked of us are comparatively small, we have not sacrificed unto death as so many of the saints. We should not seek to find loopholes in the law. Believe me if you want to find one you will find it. The churches of the world have done a very good job of finding loopholes. You could not easily get around your parents or your teachers as a child, do you think god is not wise whose eyes are ten thousand times brighter than the sun, whose breath is in our bodies. He reads the heart of many. You cannot fool him.

Should we fight for common or worldly things or fight for the traditions of men to do what is common in the church. Should not we struggle to do what is holy? Should we cherish only the light, soft, smooth, cuddly, easy things? Israel of old wanted smooth, soft comfortable things. They told the prophets not to prophesy truth but to prophesy smooth things. The false prophets of today make merchandise of the people filling their churches with tem by the breaching of soft smooth things in the name of the Lord. What are we like, and where are we at? We are in a battle for victory. We are like Father Jacob who wrestled the angle until he received the blessing. Jacob did not stop, he would not stop until he gave him the blessing, you see the lives of his family and his own life was in jeopardy. Neither must we stop. No matter the sacrifice, the struggle, we will hold unto the word of God until the Lord speaks to us and call us by name. We are Israel; Prince of God. ď ˇ

Trumpets a memorial I tried to imagine what it would be like to celebrate the day of trumpets in the Promised Land. My imagination fell far short and disappointed me. The bible does not discuss in detail what the children of Israel did. We know it was a holy convocation and in that day the trumpets were blown. Trumpets were supposed to be a day of memorial. Memorial means—something that keeps memory alive or commemorates an event. Whereas Passover, atonement, feast of harvest and tabernacles are mentioned many times in the bible-the day of trumpets is mentioned by name only twice is the book of Moses. Lev 23: 24 and Numbers 29:1. Ps 81:3 is one other scripture that refers to the day of trumpets though not specifically by name.

In the book of Nehemiah as the 1st day of the 7th month Ezra read to the people from the book of the law, and they said amen and worshiped. In the book of Ezra--chapter 3 Joshua and Zeruablel had come rebuild the altar and temple, they begin to offer burnt offering in the first day of the 7th month before the foundation of the temple was built. Every year when a new feast day comes I try to keep my mind focused on what the day means to us and why we celebrate it. The bible does not discuss the day of trumpets in detail. It is called only a memorial for blowing the trumpets in Leviticus and Numbers. Memorial means--something that keeps memory alive or commemorates an event. It is hard to imagine what the day will be like in the kingdom of heaven because we have so little information to draw from the bible. The day of Trumpets does not seem to point so clearly to our salvation in the same way that Atonement, Passover, the Feast of Harvest and Ingathering does.

The day of Trumpets is a memorial. We talk about all of the things that the trumpet represents-how it represents the voice of God, how the sound announces great events and changes of times and season. But, the day of Trumpets was first described as a memorial; a memorial of what? Is it to help us remember or is it a memorial of our prayers and the prayers of all the saints before God. Will God remember us? Will he remember our pain and sorrow? Will he remember all of the labor that came before us and that went down to the grave? Will he remember the promises that he made to Abraham and to Jacob? Will he remember that each of us are still here in this terrible awful place, unseen, unwanted, trampled sown upon, the least of all people? And what us, will we remember that God is our savior? That we must walk before him in perfection? That his laws and testimonies are the truth? And will we remember how Jesus walked on this earth as a man and that we must walk as he did walk, and suffer as he did? But, most of the things that I have lived through; I would like to forget. In fact a lot of things I would passionately love to forget. And my mind is very good at that forgetting. I forget all of the people I went to school with, I never remember who they were, I don't do it on purpose, I just forget, even though they remember me. And I often forget where I put things and telephone numbers and directions so I have to write things down. But I would like to remember every dream that God has given me. And while I study the bible, reading it over and over, I wish I could remember all of the wonder, and especially the way in which the spirit of the Lord taught me. The things I learn unfortunately for me I eventually forget, not all of it of course, but enough to frustrate me. And whenever I am challenged by Satan I would like to remember exactly why I should not give in or give up and why I should not be hurt by the things he accuses me of--because I have learned these lessons all before, many times but my poor mind is so full and my memory is so short. I would to remember exactly how I felt when I learned about the tabernacles and when I learned about the bright and shiny day. I recall that is seemed that even when I closed my eyes the image of that bright light remained within me. And I couldn't stop talking about it. I preached to my kids. I preached to my sisters. I preached to the walls when I was alone and I preached to you.

I don't want to remember my childhood. I don't want to relive my youth. And I don' want to live with the constant thoughts of my parents and the relationships that I used to have with my brothers and sisters because all of those memories exact a price and I would dream my life away. I believe we must remember that God is. That God is a mighty god. That he spoke to Israel and called them out of Egypt and that he will speak to all of us in a voice that we can hear. That his voice is like many waters and like thunder that it speaks not only to our ear but to our hearts and to our cells and to the very fiber of our being; that our soul rejoices in this voice and leaps within us when we hear it. And that is why when God speaks his voice is pure and each time the trumpet blows his spirit covers the earth and changes people and natures and tongues according to his will, it changes the earth and true sky and it changes the sea. So let judgment come, Jesus Christ with a trumpet to announce his presence let all the earth rejoice. Let the heavens be filled with glory of God. This is what we must remember. This is our memorial, this our God and true voice of our father--dreadful, terrible, in the land of the wicked, he will call us to the mountain of the Lord--amen. ď ˇ

The Preaching of the Everlasting Gospel When the Everlasting gospel is preached it will go from person to person just as the gospel was first preached in the time of Christ. It is the everlasting gospel because it will not go away but goes into eternity. Some people will be able to speak to the hearts and the minds of the people opening their eyes and ears and causing them to understand with their heart so they will be healed. By the will of the Father in the name of Jesus Christ this word that is preached will be activated by the Spirit at the mouth of certain people, and will be written on their hearts. This is the New Covenant. God can do everything. He can do everything at once and no one can hinder him or question His authority. But He doesn’t. He does things by time and by measure according to his very good will. He divides himself and his work among his children. To Christ he gave creation. Christ could have created all at once but he didn’t. This was not the will of the Father, or the will of Christ himself. He created Adam and eve and all of mankind shared in the work of creation. He said be fruitful and multiply. He could have taught us all the truth directly himself. Is it beyond God to appear before all of his children? He did not. He sent angels as his messengers. He sent them to certain people only. The ancient fathers received the word and taught it from son to son. Abraham received the word and commanded his household from Isaac to Jacob to the twelve patriarchs. The angel appeared to Moses and Moses taught the word. The word was put in the mouth of the prophets and the prophets warned the people. Christ came alone to die for our sins but he did not do the work of the salvation alone. He preached the gospel, but he called twelve apostles and later seventy disciples to share his work. From them, that word spread unto us this day. And the entire bible was written, not by the finger of God, but by the fingers of men inspired by the Holy Ghost.

So also in our time; the time of deliverance and the preaching of the everlasting gospel will not be done by God alone, or by the angel that appears in heaven alone. The everlasting gospel and the deliverance of God’s people will be divided out and shared by those chosen for this ministry. A review of the preaching the gospel after Christ’s death During the preaching of the gospel after Christ’s resurrection;, the Holy Ghost first came on 120 brethren at once on the day of Pentecost . The Holy Ghost came on them directly. This was not administered by any man. • • •

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When Peter preached 3000 people believed and were added to the church and were baptized. Acts 2: 41 After Peter and John’s arrest, when they are released, they return to the church and pray for them to receive the Holy Ghost and then the Holy Ghost comes on the church at Jerusalem. Acts 4: 31 During the persecution of the saints following the murder of Stephen, Phillip the evangelist goes to Samaria and preaches, the people believe and are baptized. They send for Peter and John who pray for them and they receive the Holy Ghost. Apparently this power was not given to Phillip. Acts 8: 14-20. Saul is converted. Christ speaks to him directly from heaven, however he send Ananias to him. Acts 9: 17-18 Peter was sent Cornelius, while he preached to him the Holy Ghost fell on this household. Paul at Ephesus prayed for certain disciples of John the Baptist and he Holy Ghost fell on them. Acts 19: 1-10. So there were four men only mentioned in the New Testament that could give the Holy Ghost by prayer and the laying on of hands: Peter, John, Paul and Ananias. If they were others it was not mentioned. Certainly Phillip could not, which is why he had to call for Peter and John. What did Christ say about Peter? Matthew 16: 18-19 Paul said righteousness comes from faith to faith. The faith of one man, bringing about the faith of another, or from person to person. Romans 1:17. How is this done? Romans 10: 13-17. What did Paul call the church? II Corinthians 3: 2-3

The Old Covenant and the New Covenant What is the difference between the first covenant and the new covenant? The major difference is that law of God was written in ston in the first covenant and will be written on the heart in the new covenant. Jeremiah 31: 31-33. Hebrews 8: 7-13. When did the first covenant end? The answer: at the crucifixion of Jesus when the vail rent. Matthew 27: 51 If the old covenant is over and we have entered into a new covenant, shouldn’t the law be written in our hearts and minds and our sins be forgiven? The old covenant was fulfilled with the crucifixion of Jesus. It had a beginning when the law and services were established under Moses and it was fulfilled with crucifixion of Christ.

The new covenant has a beginning and a point of fulfillment also. It began when Christ came to the earth to preach the gospel. It will be fulfilled at the time of the atonement and refreshing when the everlasting gospel is preached. What is the difference between the gospel being preached first with Christ, and the everlasting gospel? When the gospel was first preached it was preached to the entire world, to good as well as to evil. It was like a net cast out into the sea bringing up all manner of fish, some good and some bad. Matthew 13: 47-48. The gospel had to be taught and the entire bible had to be written. A period of time was given from Christ’s first coming to his return to allow mankind to come to the knowledge of the truth and to obey God. Mankind still had to complete the time decreed upon us from the father. The hearts of man was still not changed at the beginning of the new covenant and preaching of the gospel, only a door way was open to the entire world rather than primarily to Israel as in the first covenant. Because of a wicked heart and the calling of all people, good or bad, as usual evil entered and devoured the good. Even before Jerusalem was destroyed in AD 70 the hand of wickedness was strong to destroy the church and the teachings of the truth. Acts 20: 28-30. Jude verses 3-4, 10-12. And we are all witnesses now of what a devastating effect the Gentiles and the churches of Mystery Babylon have had on the truth. Isaiah 59: 12-15.

We are fast approaching the time of the fulfillment of the new covenant. And God never changes. His ways do not change, though they are hidden from the understanding of man. Just as there were ministers of the old covenant ordained of God, there will be ministers of the new covenant. Just as the prayers of a few men caused the Holy Ghost to come down on many, so also will the work of a few bring deliverance to many. Joel 2: 32. The Holy Ghost will come down directly on the 144,000 first, and will give some of them power to bring forth the same thing on countless others just like in the time of the apostles. This is the ministry of the everlasting gospel and everlasting covenant. These ministers will not speak words to all men but to only those who are chosen. The words they speak will cause the blind to see and the deaf to hear and the lame to walk. And the word that they speak will be written directly on their hearts of those chosen, through the power of the Holy Ghost and at the name of Jesus Christ. Understand that these people will have great power, but the power is not of them but of God. They are acting solely as messengers of God, messengers of the new covenant through the power of the Holy Ghost and the will of the Father in the name of Jesus. These messengers do not do their own will, only the will of God. They cannot bring salvation to wicked family members that they love, but go only to those that God sends them to. They are one with God and the eternal spirit is in them. They have the word written in their hearts and minds first, and therefore they cannot make a mistake, act highhanded, or be full of pride. They are one with God and serve God at his command as do the angels in heaven. When thy minister this word the will talk to a person’s heart and mind and the person’s heart and wind will open to them and their hearts and minds will change. The people who will be given the gifts of this ministry will be one with God having the characteristics of Christ. The gift of this ministry is given to people to bring them also into perfection, so they also will have all of the characteristics of Christ. The gift of this ministry is given to people to bring them also into perfection, so they also will have all of the characteristics of Jesus and the law written in his hearts and minds permanently. This is a gift of God and of the Holy Ghost. Everyone does not get the same gift. As stated before the scriptures mentioned only four people in the New Testament with the ability to give the Holy Ghost. There are many gifts of the Holy Spirit, including the gift of healing, speaking in tongue, prophecy and interpretation. We may also compare this gift to the old covenant in which the High Priest had Urim and Thummim but the other priests and the Levites did not. One of the frustrating things we experience today is the inability to get a person to see, believe, or even care about what we tell them. We can’t change a mind or a heart. At that time some people will be able to, but only those people that are ready to receive, and therefore only at the dictates of the Holy Ghost.

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