The Staff of Life1

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THE STAFF OF LIFE By Melissa C. Pointer

Monday, April 1, 13

In the beginning of spiritual development milk is the first food given. It can be easily digested and contains the basic nutrients essential to those who are “new” and old in the Word of God. As the spiritual body grows, a new food group is needed to continue growth and development. The next food group is a Staff of Life. All parents know newborns grow fast. In a matter of months that small plump bundle of joy is sitting up and will soon crawl. With these great changes in the babe’s appearance, physical and mental abilities there is a necessary change in diet. Along with the nutritious breast milk the infant has gotten, new more complex food groups are being introduced: cereals, grains soft fruits, and very small amounts of meat. The first in the group listed is given in larger quantities until it is the foundation of a growing child’s healthy diet. Cereals, grains, and breads will soon become the child’s staff of life. A food group that will be present in one or more forms in every meal eaten. Why the term staff of life? A staff of life would be a common food that could sustain you for a long period of time, contains basic nutrients, grown in mass quantities, not very expensive, easily transported and prepared for storage. Lets consider other food groups, for example: meat has many nutrients but is very expensive and it is not healthy to eat a diet built around it. Fruits and vegetables are quite perishable and when they are preserved a great variety of them are needed to contain enough nutrients to sustain everyday life.

Monday, April 1, 13

There is one food group that can measure up to these requirements: cereals and grains. This food group contains many plants grown in massive quantities across the globe; wheat, rice, and corn. These plants constitute the largest part of millions of people’s diet across the world. Why? Each plant has a large amount of the vitamins and minerals needed every day, has enough bulk to be filling, can be processed, preserved, and transported with more ease than the other food groups. Proof of this can be seen in our every day foods: pancakes, the bun in a hamburger, the batter in fried fish and chicken, the pasta in lasagna, the corn meals in enchiladas and rice in countless dishes. The list can go on forever, about the strong presence of this food group has in our diet and why it is called the Staff of Life. Bread is the most prominent product of our major staple: wheat. In John 6: 35 Christ is described as the bread of life. A food so deeply enriched and satisfying, that when it is ingested you would never hunger or thirst again. Spiritual bread is not limited like carnal bread. Within this wonderful loaf, are keys to our salvation: the importance of our Savior’s death and life on this hearth, how it effected us and the law; the importance of being born again and how the Holy Ghost aids us in this process. Indeed this is an intensely enriched spiritual food that is necessary to proper health and development for those new and old in the truth. Whereas milk taught us what would save us: fearing, loving and obeying God; bread teaches you how to obey God. It teaches you why to love and fear God and changes you so that you may be able to eat of the tree of life. Prior to Christ’s crucifixion, animal sacrifices were required along with keeping the holy law.

Monday, April 1, 13

...And Jesus said unto them, I am the bread of life: he that cometh to me shall never hunger; and he that believeth on me shall never thirst... John 6;35

The Levitical priesthood During the era of the Levitical Priesthood, priests would take a slain animal: dove, lamb, bullock, or ox; burn and offer it before God. This was done every Sabbath, feast and day of fasting. Each offering had an important significance. All of the rituals under the Levitical Priesthood were physical rituals of what Christ would do for us spiritually: circumcision of the foreskin would now be done in your heart. Romans 2: 29. The anointing with oils would be replaced with the anointing of the Holy Spirit. I John 2:27-29, John 14:16, 16:33, the slaying of animals for sin offerings would be replaced with Christ’s one death. The sprinkling of animals’ blood for washing away sins would be forever replaced by the blood shed by Christ that would blot out a multitude of transgressions. Quite simply the blood of animals, burning of incense, or countless meat offerings could not undo the damage caused by the infamous event in the garden. The consequences of an act that changed all of God’s children spiritually, physically and even how the law would now effect them. Genesis 3: 1-6, II Esdras 7: 48, Romans 7:13. The consumption of an evil fruit that placed sin and sorrow in all those that descended from Adam, thereby damning all mankind. A cunning plan of Satan went into effect, the holy law did not save lives but condemned them. Romans 7: 10-13. A resolution would have to be made. Ezekiel 18: 4. I John 2: 1-2. Romans 3: 25. The resolution would require Christ to be a sin offering for the entire earth. He would die for everyone’s sins to allow for atonement. However this atonement would not be complete without action from man. Just as ingesting the evil fruit in the Garden of Eden damned us we would have to consume the body of Christ in order to be saved. Ingesting Christ’s body means we would have to make Christ a part of our lives and allow him to change us so that we may be saved.

Monday, April 1, 13

Christ’s sacrifice When we consume Christ’s body and drink his blood[spiritually] we not only bare witness to the importance of His awesome sacrifice but we also bare witness by letting it change us. In order for us to truly dwell in God we must change spiritually. For those with sin cannot dwell with God. This change is a process of becoming born again.St. John 3:3. Being born again in Christ, is a process that involves repentance conversion, and becoming perfect. We could not even begin this process if Christ did not die for us. For the law would have always damned us for the sin within us, passed down from the Garden of Eden. However with his body and blood he empowered and made law life saving for us [honorable]. Just as his sacrifice was for the entire earth; he gave the world His word. So all could now of His promise, law and sacrifice that enabled everyone the opportunity to gain eternal life. It should be noted that this is what grace the opportunity to gain eternal life. Just because grace exists does not mean you are guaranteed eternal life or free from keeping the commandments. Quite the opposite there is still much work to do to obtain eternal life. Fortunately Lord Jesus was merciful and he not only made the law honorable he also magnified it. It was through his teachings that we learn what is true sin and righteousness so that we could be born again in Christ [and take advantage of the grace he has given us]. In addition the physical rites of the Mosaic era.

Monday, April 1, 13

....Then Jesus said unto them, “Verily, verily, I say unto you, except ye eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink his blood, ye have no life in you. Whoso eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, hath eternal life; and I will raise him up at the last day. For my flesh is meat indeed. He that eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, dwelleth in me, and I live by the Father: so that he eateh, even he shall live by me. This is that bread that came down from heaven: not as your fathers did eat manna, and are dead: he that eateth of this bread shall live forever. John 6: 53-58

Works of Righteousness The rituals that were key in the Levitical Priesthood also pointed to an obvious weakness of the priesthood. During this era the rituals were required by God and it was unlawful if they were not done. However, just as baptism is required of us today, it is not the physical act that makes you holy but the spiritual baptism that makes you holy. Though Christ’s death ended the physical sacrifices, spiritual sacrifices were still required of men, Psalms 4:5. These spiritual sacrifices required an intense eort from the person striving to be righteous. It requires your entire self, every day, for the rest of your life to obtain the goal of perfection. Christ taught us that perfection is not a ritual but is your every action, word, and thought done in accordance to the Word of God. Deuteronomy 6:5. Sin also was not just a physical action but is also verbal and mental. Matthew 5: 27-30. This expansion or magnification of the law showed what was true works of righteousness, that would lead you to salvation. Righteousness was not to be only practiced on Sabbaths, feast days or solemn assemblies but everyday. Being holy was much more than a ritual, physical appearance or heritage. To truly love God meant works were not only to be done in public but also behind closed doors. That it was not enough just to rebuke sinful actions but the source of these actions [thoughts] must be rebuked also. True restraint includes your tongue with other members of your body, Matthew 6:5-6. I Peter 1: 15-16. James 3: 5-6.

Monday, April 1, 13

Knowledge Check: What famous King of Israel talked about spiritual sacrifices?

The Honor and Magnification of the Law These were not new concepts, but knowledge shared by all children of God, Psalms 51: 16-17, 19. Who knew the physical rites were only accepted if spiritually offerings were given also. The rituals were physical patterns of what God would do for you and what you must give God spiritually. In our time we too have physical rituals required by God: foot washing, baptism, and communion. None of which will save us if we do not do what is required of spiritually: perfection in accordance to God’s Word. Ecclesiasticus 34:19. The two principals of how the law as made honorable, magnified and how they relate to your salvation makes spiritual bread different from milk. However there is more to bread hat distinguishes it from milk. Bread is not wheat alone but several other food products: milk, oil, salt, sugar and leaven. These other ingredients make it a nutritious satisfying food that feeds millions. These same ingredients are important distinguishing characteristics that makes spiritual bread more complex and needed by the growing saint of God. What Christ did to the law, his magnification and making it honorable, can be called the flour or wheat portion of bread. Conversion does not end here but is now aided by the Holy Spirit, he teaches how to incorporated God in our lives and makes us into the perfect loaf. With salt, oil, leaven and honey the Holy Ghost will direct and change us so that we truly can dwell with God and be worthy to eat of his flesh and drink his blood. These are the works of the Holy Spirit; he answers the how and why we must serve God. Bread is more complex because of these ingredients and that is why they will be discussed.

Monday, April 1, 13

Ingredients of the Meat Offering When I was younger, I learned how to make baked goods: bread, cupcakes, muffins, pancakes, cinnamon rolls and cakes. However I made many mistakes in the beginning: a tablespoon os salt in cake instead of a teaspoon , forgetting to put eggs in a cupcake recipe, kneading to much flour while making bread, in less than one year I knew the importance of each ingredient when it comes to baking. I understood how much or how little of an ingredient should be in a recipe, how mixing and adding different proportions at different times could effect the end product. I In the end I knew what baked goods and ingredients you had more room to do things with and what others you could not . Spiritual bread is no different, each individual ingredient has a specific purpose and tome to make a perfect loaf.

Monday, April 1, 13

Salt It is a significant mineral needed for the physical body and is used in many common foods. It is a seasoning and it preserves food. Only a small amount of it is required to change the taste of food. It is written in the Levitical priesthood that all sacrifices and offerings had to have salt. Leviticus 2: 13. Salt symbolizes righteousness and perfection. Matthew 5: 13-16. Salt along with light symbolized the righteous and works of righteous in Christ’s parable. Righteousness must always accompany works done for God. There can not be any other underlying motives [to please family, to be admired of men] to do works for God. Neither can you hold back from God when doing these works. For example, if you participate in activities of a feast day, in the pretense of being holy but your true purpose is to be admired or receive praise or to please family members; your efforts are fruitless and foolish before God. If you do not do your works fully but are slack they too are worthless to God. All works must be done with charity. Colossians 3:14. I Corinthians 13: 1-5, 8. With charity you gain wisdom to acknowledge the importance of God in your life.

Monday, April 1, 13

Salt The acknowledgement that God should always be first in your life is one of the first steps of being born again. It is with this realization that you begin to shape your life towards the word of God. When God is your priority, you strive for righteousness and will not allow common [carnal] activities,persons, or things prevent or distract you from pleasing God. Whenever you do any works for God, your intent will be to please God any other goal [carnal] will defile those works [salt]. When salt has lost its savor it will be cast out and when works are defiled they will be counted against the person who performs them. Matthew 5: 13. If we “salt” our offerings eventually we too be ‘salted “ Romans 4: 19-24. Hosea 10: 12. This salt will preserve us and is a major step in our preparation to be offered to God. However the Spirit is not finished for the next step in our preparation is oil.

Monday, April 1, 13

Oil It is a fatty substance, rich in calories and used in the preparation of meats and breads. It is a filling food product that adds flavor. It has been a symbol of wealth and used to heal . In the Levitical Era it was used to consecrate food, objects, and people. Oil symbolizes holiness, joy and healing. It was used to anoint oblations, kings and even Christ. When an object or person was anointed they were set apart and devoted to God. Being holy, means to have devoted yourself to God, to separate yourself from sin and world. II Corinthians 6: 14-18. Separation is not easy, it might mean isolating yourself from friends and even family. It might even separating yourself from common situations that often turn sinful: family reunions, weddings, outings with friends, or even idle conversations. Anything that will cause sin, should be avoided when possible. This is a sacrifice that will dierentiate you from the people of this world and keep you from being tainted. They are often painful, but will prepare and make you acceptable before God. Psalms 50:5. It was our ancestor’s inability to sacrifice that led them and us to our current estate. Ezra 10:11.

Monday, April 1, 13

Oil Healing : to overcome and undesirable condition and to restore an object to its original purity and integrity. Our undesirable condition is Satan’s access to us, his ability to afflict injury and death in our bodies. When you separate yourself and begin to devote your life to God, Satan will afflict you with more injuries. However the Holy Spirit will clean and bind those wounds and strengthen you to continue walking in God’s truth. As you become perfect you will be anointed with the Holy Spirit--similar to what happen in Pentecost with the apostles. With is oil, Satan and death will be cast out of the physical body and the original purity and integrity lost in the garden will be returned. With salt and oil you been perfected and consecrated towards God two very important ingredients remain: leaven and honey. Leaven and honey are different from salt and oil. Salt and oil were included in some form in all sacrifices, whereas honey and leaven were not. Leviticus 2:11. This does not make them any less than the ingredients previously spoken of, both have their purpose in spiritual bread and our spiritual preparation to be acceptable before God the Father.

Monday, April 1, 13

Leavening Common leaven transforms flat wet dough into an expanded loaf. Anyone who has made: cakes, rolls, pancakes, or bread understands the importance of this ingredient. A small amount changes the composition of dough permanently. This is also seen in spiritual leaven. Leaven represents doctrine and the Spirit of God’s ability to use that doctrine to change and magnify your works. Imagine the spiritual body is a a mixture of ingredients for bread, when leaven is added this mixture changes; it rises, expands, even the texture becomes dierent. When the leaven is holy doctrine, the person is changed into a new person. Every action, spoken word and thought revolves around God. Their works and understanding will be increased with great intensity. Which was illustrated when the apostles received the Holy Spirit and fire. Acts 2: 2-4. Remember bread is not bread until it is cooked with great heat! Now sin can also represent leaven. Any portion of it is all that is needed to make you unacceptable before God.

Monday, April 1, 13

Leaven When it is found in doctrine it will distort every part of you, making your foundation weak and defective. This will make your judgment foolish and cause you great destruction. The Pharisees during the time of Christ present an excellent example, they had fault in their doctrine and could not keep the basic principles of the law. Matthew 16: 6, 11-12. It was this leaven that has to be removed before purging and this was represented in the meat offerings [made of bread] that were burned before God. The spiritual body must be free from sin when it is offered to God. After you are purged, the Comforter will change and expand you, this was seen in the offering during the Pentecost of the Levitical priesthood and of the apostles. Leviticus 23: 16-17. When you purify your spiritual body and it is expanded, the Holy Ghost will purify the physical body and turn the mortal into the immortal. Which leaves us another work of the spirit, addition of Honey.

Monday, April 1, 13

Honey and Sugar Sugar and honey are sweeteners, used to add flavor to many foods. They are used in both spicy meats and baked goods. Foods that contain large amounts of a sweetener are often considered pleasant and desirable: cakes, pies, candies and ice cream. These foods or desserts are eaten at the end of a meal. Today sugar is our primary sweetener but during biblical times honey was used. Sweeteners are present in many foods to add flavor or combat bitterness.

Monday, April 1, 13

Sugar and Honey Sweet foods give people a feel of renewed energy because they contain the quickest absorbed source of fuel for the body. Honey was in manna, bread rained down from heaven to feed the ancient children of Israel. Exodus 16: 4, 15. This bread was placed in a pot in the holiest place of the tabernacle. Hebrews 9: 3-4. Honey and milk was also promised to the children of Israel in the land of Canaan. Exodus 13:5. Spiritually honey represents: prophesy, enlightenment, and wisdom. In I Samuel 14:27 Jonathan was strengthened and enlightened by the honey he had eaten. This enlightenment is also found when spiritual hone is eaten as well.

Monday, April 1, 13


Last but not least milk, which is given to everyone in the beginning is also added to the spiritual loaf and has its place in spiritual preparation. Milk is the simplest spiritual food that can be digested by anyone and is oered to everyone. It contains everything a spiritual babe needs to grow. It has within it essential nutrients: the law and testimonies, why and how you must keep them. This simple doctrine is fundamental to our beliefs and and hopes in God. Which is why this ingredient would be included in the sta of life.

Monday, April 1, 13

The Bread of Life When we the bread of life, we take within us Christ’s promise and word. This consumption will remove the damage that was done to us in the garden. When we eat Christ’s body, we take his law within us and He will become apart of us and will become apart of him. It is only when we do this, that we will gain the benefits of His great sacrifice. All those who seek to be one with him; He will give the Holy Spirit and the Wisdom of God. They will help mold and shape our lives so we will be acceptable to dwell with God. When we have been salted, anointed with oil, leavened and sweetened we too will be a perfect loaf acceptable in the sight of God.

Monday, April 1, 13

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