The Works of Christ

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The Sacrifices and Works of Christ Monday, April 1, 13

Who hath believed our report? and to whom is the arm of the Lord revealed? For he shall grow up before him as a tender plant, and as a root out of a dry ground: he hath no form nor comeliness; and when we shall see him, there is no beauty that we should desire him. He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief and we hid as it were our faces from him; he was despised, and we esteemed him not. Isaiah 53: 1-3 The description of Christ in those three verses is unlike any version depicted today. What is seen today is a tall lean man that has the common beauty that is accepted by the generation of that era; hence the difference between the images created during medieval times, the renaissance, the victorian era and modern society. The changes only begin at the Messiah’s physical appearance. His message and doctrine seemed to morph from the stern figure in the dark ages that could only be approached via his (supposedly) still virgin mother to a being that accepts all people; even mass murderers and sodomites. The reason for this diversion from the truth is found within Isaiah’s description: he is despised and rejected of men...he was despised, and we esteemed him not. The truth about how Christ lived and why he died has never received the reverence that it deserved in the world. The people of the earth do not see any benefit in adhering to his teachings or following his examples. Why? Because Christ lived a life that was not comfortable and he submitted his will at all times to God the Father. These two things go against the grain of the flesh that seeks pleasure and comfort. Which is why the doctrine of Lord Jesus was despised in the past and why it has been warped and ridiculed today. Monday, April 1, 13

Why is it important to understand how Christ sacrificed while he lived? We know that he died for us. We know that his death enabled us to have an opportunity to gain eternal life. Well here’s the thing in order to be a true Christian we have to study and understand the works of Christ. These works are not just limited to when he healed or how he taught the people in parables. The best analogy I can think of is when a person decides on a particular course of study so they can obtain a job later. For me it was pharmacy. In order to be a legitimate pharmacist I had to have a knowledge base in pharmacy. I also needed to know how to obtain information in tricky situations. For example when a physician orders viagra for a young child; I need to know what to look for on the prescription. I need to understand where to get more information in the drug information database; to see if this is at all logical. You cannot call yourself a pharmacist if you do not know how drugs work in disease states. You are suppose to be the drug information source. This means always keeping your knowledge current; which means studying and researching all the time. I know this applies to other professions. I just cannot call myself a nurse because I want too or call myself an accountant because I choose too. I have not studied the things required nor have I performed those type of duties that involve those professions.

Monday, April 1, 13


Being a christian is no different. You have to actually know what Christ said. You need to know how Christ responded when he was attacked, how he dealt with grief, how he still obeyed his Father in the face of persecution, what happened when he became scared or continued on even when he was betrayed and everyone had left him. He experienced the same emotions we deal with on a regular basis. His flesh craved for comfort and safety just as ours do. Yet, Christ never sinned. We must study how Christ overcame on this earth and proved that those in human flesh could obey God; so that we may overcome like he did. All of God’s creation have some type of attribute that comes from God. For example the regal nature of a tall redwood is just a tiny portion of a trait from God. The glorious light from the sun and how it impacts everything its rays touch; another small portion that comes from God. Just as we have a portion of God’s glory; we will have a portion of Christ’s suffering and sacrifice. Just as Jesus drunk a cup that contained bitterness; so have all of his children throughout the ages.

Monday, April 1, 13

REJECTED OF MEN He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief and we hid as it were our faces from him; he was despised, and we esteemed him not. This is what it said Isaiah 53. To reject something means to throw it out like it is worthless and with determination not to accept. This happened to Christ with great frequency. The Pharisees were persistent in their campaign to discredit Jesus. They said that he deceived the people and casted out devils through Satan. They accused him of breaking the very law that he established; the 4th commandment. They told the heathen in power that he refused to pay tribute and attempted to have him arrested before he was crucified. The leaders of Israel were not the only ones that wanted him to depart or were offended by his words. He was not believed by his brothers, sisters and those he grew up with. In Matthew 13 : 54-58; it speaks about the time Jesus went to Nazareth and taught there the people were in disbelief because they knew him since he was a child and his sisters and brothers were with them. However in Luke it describes their reaction in greater detail. In Luke 4: 16-30. Christ spoke to the residents of the town he was raised in. He told them that the prophesy had come true that was preached in Isaiah about healing the broken hearted, deliverance was being preached, blind was given their sight. The people did not believe him and said that this is Joseph’s son. Christ replied that prophets were not accepted in their own country and gave two examples of this. The people in the synagogue became enraged and physically grabbed him and removed him from the city. That was not enough for them. They decided to to throw Jesus head first from the brow of hill the city was built on.

Monday, April 1, 13

Do you know how many times Jeremiah was imprisoned for prophesying?

It never said if someone from his family tried to stop the mob from killing him. What if no one believed you not even your family; what if the people you knew since you were a child began to envy you and became angry and decided to try to kill you? All children of God will be rejected in some form or another. Why? Because God said we would be because we are not part of this world. St. John 15: 18-21. The portion of this type of suffering is determined by God the Father and differs from person to person. Jeremiah the prophet is an example of a saint of God that was rejected by the leaders and people because of the words he prophesied. He was threatened with death and imprisoned on multiple occasions by the leaders of Judah. In Jeremiah 38 it speaks of a time when he was placed in pit full of mire because he spoke of Jerusalem being captured by the Babylonians. Jeremiah did not speak of his own words in fact he tried to tell the Lord he could not speak because he was a child. Jeremiah 1: 4-10. It was the will of God that Jeremiah to say the words he would place in his mouth. Jeremiah did not resist God but carried his cross as he was commanded. It should be noted that the rejection of Christ’s word is still occurring today. If you do not engage in the accepted norms (even those that contradict the Word of God) you will not be accepted. However we must remember to yield to the will of our Father just as Lord Jesus did.

Monday, April 1, 13

Mercy means compassionate or kindly forbearance shown toward an offender, an enemy, or other person in one's power; compassion, pity, or benevolence. Lord Jesus exemplified this in every action. He made the sick whole just by speaking and cast devils from those who were grievously tormented. He did not do this for fame or monetary gain. This example showed us that true devotion to God means you must also think of the needs of others even if it goes against the needs and desires of the flesh. In Mark 3: 1-6. Christ healed a man whose hand was withered on the Sabbath day. Christ was angry at the Pharisees because they would rather let that man have a damaged hand than be healed. Now if you read those passages how did Jesus conduct himself? He did not shout or scream; he was angry but did not sin. He knew that the leaders of the people were more concerned about maintaining their positions of power (their self-interests) instead of serving God. In John 8: 1-11 here we can see that Jesus forced the leadership to look within themselves. What I learned from this is that is very easy to not show mercy when you do not see yourself clearly (imperfections and all). We must remember we have all sinned and in order to not receive eternal punishment; we are dependent on the mercy of God. We cannot obtain that mercy if we are only interested in our welfare only or cannot see that we are guilty of sin as well.

Monday, April 1, 13

Our hands are necessary for a multitude of tasks: eating, writing, putting clothes on and for multiple jobs. Lord Jesus knew this and was well aware of the suffering a person went through when his hand was damaged.

We are all given the chance to show mercy. Often we fail at it first. The flesh craves for vengeance. It can be tempting to kick someone when everyone else is doing it. It can be inconvenient to think about others. It is so much easier to dwell on your own needs and desires. King David had this same dilemma. Before he was king he was a servant of King Saul. He was married to one of his daughters. Saul had behaved wickedly and God had David anointed king. Saul attempted to kill David on multiple occasions and David was forced to flee. In I Samuel 24: 1-12. It would have been well within David’s self interests to kill the man who stood in the way of him being king and was trying to kill him. Instead he showed compassion and decided to let God avenge him instead. David did not allow his emotions: anger, frustration and even fear cloud his judgment. He drank that portion of his cup as he was suppose to. Today it is taught that mercy is not necessary and it only makes a person weak. Those who seek leadership positions speak proudly against it and yet say they are Christians. we may even hear these comments at work or in classrooms. No matter it is the will of the Father that his children show mercy even when it is not convenient. We must show it even when it is not reciprocated. The people of this earth were not kind or forbearing to Lord Jesus; they slapped, mocked and crucified him. As his children we cannot expect better treatment.

Monday, April 1, 13

Christ imparted knowledge and guidance to his children in multiple ways. For example Jesus taught the multitudes the beatitudes. He also spoke in parables to convey the message to the people again. Lord Jesus would then give examples of situations in which the testimonies would be utilized. One of the most powerful methods of educating was what Christ did. He lived the testimonies and the commandments. He did not place any burden on his children that he did not carry himself. Now think about that for a moment; all of the beatitudes Christ kept. When he said turn the other cheek; not only when he said it he actually did it (which means someone did something to verbally or physically strike him). One of these verbal strikes occurred when Christ was in the country of Gadarenes. This was an area populated by gentiles (Greeks) and this occurred after the rein of Alexander the Great. Christ and his disciples disembarked in this land a man with multiple unclean spirits came to him.and the people of that area found him dressed in clothes and in his right hand.

Monday, April 1, 13

As soon as this man saw Jesus he worshipped him and the evil spirits within him begged Christ to not send them out of the country. When you read about the condition this man was in; it is disturbing. He was naked as he traveled in the mountains, wilderness and tombs; crying and cutting himself with stones. Luke 8:26-33. Mark 5: 1-10. His situation would seem hopeless. Yet Jesus healed him a When Christ healed people in the cities of Israel, for the most part people were happy. In fact it became more difficult for him to walk openly because so many people were trying to be healed. In the land of Gadarenes the people did not thank Christ for this miracle or rejoice in the glory of God. Instead they told him to leave. Lord Jesus had just freed a man from a horrific prison and he did not even get a thank you from the people of that area; most people would have been insulted. This should not be shocking because it was written in Isaiah 53:3 that Jesus would not be esteemed. Esteem means to hold in high opinion and in more extreme cases to revere. It was the will of the Father that Christ was not going to be esteemed. However Jesus did not rail against these people or destroy them; he simply left. This was not the first or last time that Christ was rewarded with indifference, belittlement, or hatred when he did a good work. Yet he continued to do these works because that was what God the Father required. The esteem he received from God the Father matter so much more than the honor of men.

Monday, April 1, 13

It can be discouraging when you receive evil for good that you do or if it is not even acknowledged. Jacob was one of the patriarchs and this happened to him often. When he had to flee his father’s house he went to live with his Uncle Laban. He was an excellent worker and did his best work so that he could wed Rachel, Laban’s daughter. However Laban deceived him and gave him Leah instead. Laban’s pattern of deceit did not change during the entire time Jacob lived with him. In fact it is written that Laban changed Jacob’s wages ten times while he lived with him and would have left him with nothing if God had not protected him. Even when Jacob wanted to leave the first time; Laban requested that he would stay. His wages were ring straked and spotted cattle(the least desirable of the flock). However God ensured that the stronger of the flock would bear the spotted and ring straked; in a short period of time Jacob’s flock was much more prosperous than Laban’s. What is amazing is that Jacob did not rail against his Father in-law. He did not sabotage Laban or alter his integrity. He continued to serve God and do good. He did not seek acceptance or esteem from those in Laban’s house; he was meek and leaned upon the Lord instead. We must remember to maintain our integrity, no matter how we are treated. We cannot yield to the yearnings of the flesh that may want to strike out when it is being treated badly. Our focus must be on the kingdom of heaven and our goal is to be esteemed by God not men. If we stay true to the doctrine of Christ then we will be protected just as Jacob was.

Monday, April 1, 13

Jacob toiled many years for his father-in-law. He was given the spotted and ring straked cattle (sheep) for his wages. This is often the least desirable of sheep. Laban did not care about Jacob but what Jacob could do for him.

What is wonderful about the gospels is that our Savior showed us by example how to deal with difficult experiences without sinning. The lost of a loved one or friend can often be unbearable. When this occurred with Lord Jesus he leaned upon the promise of his Father and not emotion. In John 11: 19-36. It discusses the death of Lazarus. Christ wept with Mary and was troubled due to all of the grief that he witness. He could have healed Lazarus and prevented him from dying and prevented the pain that his death brought; but that was not the will of God the Father. Instead he resurrected him and that resurrection turned the hearts of many people. It was written in John 12: 9-11 that many believed in Christ because Lazarus had risen from the dead.

Another example of facing extreme grief without losing your integrity is Job. He lost all of his wealth and his children in one day. He never questioned God or spoke foolishly about the Almighty’s will. Even when he lost his health he did not deny God but instead submitted to the will of God. We have to be like Job and obey God even when we do not understand why we are in the state that we are in. We must be like Jesus continue to walk upon the path that God has given us because it is truly the best way.

Monday, April 1, 13

When I think of God I often think of the wondrous things he created. I think about how he was able to create all these things with just his voice. Until recently I never thought about how Lord Jesus felt when he was in the flesh of man. But when I read in Isaiah 53 that Christ would be a man of sorrow and acquainted with grief...I thought about what that meant. When God uses a word he uses it completely; not the way man speaks. When he says that a moment is joyous; there are not short comings in that moment. Now the word sorrow means to have an uneasiness or pain of mind which is produced by the loss of good, real or supposed, orby disappointment in the expectation of good; grief at having suffered or occasioned evil; regret; unhappiness; sadness. Recall that in Isaiah it said he was a man of sorrows and he was acquainted with grief. I then thought of myself and how I felt when I saw people suffer with illness and how heavy that burden could be upon you. I remember becoming upset that a cancer patient had been in pain for nearly two months and there was no good reason why. I felt deeply ashamed because I knew he should have received better care at the hospital. I did finally convince his physician to increase his medication to a proper level. I know I am not alone in the frustration and anguish you feel when you are taking care of the sick. These intense emotions do not just occur with the sick. I feel them whelm up when I see blatant injustice on the news. Sometimes when I hear the heart breaking stories of those in war torn areas it becomes too unbearable and I have to turn of the radio. Yes there have been times when I have literally shouted at the television, “They must all be destroyed!� This was due to an unspeakable evil done to helpless children. Monday, April 1, 13

I have written these thoughts down because Christ was in the flesh and he felt this anguish but on a deeper level. He saw the complete desperation of those afflicted; thousands would flock to him to be healed. We have read the passages of those who opened up roofs to let down those who were sick in the home Jesus was in. He saw the tears of those who begged for their children to be made whole again. He was thronged by the multitudes to the extent he could not even walk openly anymore. Mark 1:45. Now think about the emotional toil that has on a person’s constitution. There is a reason why healthcare workers have a significant burnout rate; it is a profession that causes mental, emotional, and physical stress. To continue in the profession we must separate ourselves from our work; which is a task in itself at times. Jesus also was angered at how his law was distorted by the rulers of the people. How they cared more about staying in power their obeying God. They made obedience to God far more difficult than it should have been. They did not care for the flock that they were in charge of. Lord Jesus had to carry all of this while on this earth. He did not have the opportunity to take a vacation or a sick day to escape. I know I become angry when those in power have blatantly lied and seem to carry on without reprisal. Christ continually bore the infirmities of the weak. He did not even have the advantages of having a comfortable home to escape to or a supporting network of family to encourage him. Yet he never lost his focus, hope or became embittered towards those who lived on the earth. He did not burnout. I Peter 2: 21-25. As his children we have to remember we will have crosses that we must carry as well. We must fulfill blessed are they that morn just as Christ did. Just like Jesus, we do not have vacation days that we can use to escape carrying, nor can we clock out and say we are taking 15 minutes away from doing what God requires.

Monday, April 1, 13

Lord Jesus saw the suffering of men: disabling injuries, those taken over by evil spirits and others who had severe diseases. He bore these afflictions and healed many

Now this differs completely from what is preached in the pulpits across the world. This is a small portion from TD Jakes sermon: ....Besides, Jesus was a rich man. He had to have been, in order to have supported his disciples and their families during his ministry...The myth of the poor Jesus needs to be destroyed, because it’s holding people back. From what he said below, I truly believe Joel Olsteen has never read the gospels: ....God wants us to prosper financially, to have plenty of money, to fulfill the destiny He has laid out for us.” Here are two blatant lies that have been embraced: “Don’t be afraid to use the word ‘prosperous.’ It’s God’s promise in the Bible.” Joseph Prince “Strive for excellence, not perfection, because we don’t live in a perfect world.” Joyce Meyer I have listed these quotes for a multiple reasons: 1. It is true that there is nothing new under the sun. There have been people (during Moses time and before) that have lied to the masses for their own gain. 2. It proves that Jesus and his doctrine is hated by the people now as it was in the past. 3. As true disciples in Christ we have to be able to determine when someone is not speaking the truth and say so. 4. We must continue to hope in God just as Christ did and let our light shine; in spite of the pressures that we face because that is what Jesus did.

Monday, April 1, 13

There are times in this life that we become anxious or nervous about a situation. Fortunately there are even less frequent moments when you become scared. I am talking about true fear. Fear that you might lose everything. Now fear can be quite useful. It warns us and prevents us from doing things we shouldn’t. However there is fear that can creep up that can prevent us from doing something we must do. For example fear of losing your job because you keep the Sabbath day. Fear that you will not be accepted by your peers because of things you do not do: drink, use profanity, commit adultery, believe in idolatry. There is nothing good about that fear. That fear is an obstacle to obeying God. Christ had fear as well. Luke 22:41-45. Think about the words...his sweat was as it were great drops of blood falling down to the ground. That is true fear. He had reason to fear. The crucifixion was a grueling death that involved nails being hammered into his arms and legs. He would be stabbed in his side and would bleed to death. I remember crying before getting whipped for doing something bad. I cannot even imagine being crucified and you had not done anything wrong. He asked if the cup could be taken away from him but he also stated that the Father’s will be done above all. So in other words no matter how scared Christ was he was going to go through it because his Father required it. As Christians we have to remember to not let our fears or worries control us. We can face all things as long as we are obedient unto God.

Monday, April 1, 13

Another example of overcoming terror is Queen Ester. She was faced with a formidable task; she had to go before the King of the Medes and Persians even though he had not called her. One of the king’s advisors had devised a plan to kill all of the Jews in the realm. Unfortunately if you had not been called by the king to be in his presence you could be killed at once. She decided to call on the Lord to get her through this predicament. She fasted for three days and prayed unto God the Father for strength and favor in the eyes of those that have power. She went before her husband the king despite her fears. It was written that God changed the spirit of the king into mildness and he told her that she would not die. Later on Ester revealed her heritage to her husband and saved the Jews in the realm. Ester in the Apocrypha 14 and 15. These examples teach us that can go to God the Father for strength and comfort. We will also be able to stand firm for God even if fear is abounding within us because it happened to others and they were able to get through it as well.

Monday, April 1, 13

Betrayal is one of the greatest offenses. Why? It is done by someone close to you. It was premeditated and it causes significant harm. Judas Ischariot’s betrayal of Christ is one of the most infamous betrayals in history. Centuries later being called a ‘Judas’ was never a complement. What is so striking about the betrayal of Christ is that Jesus knew what Judas was going to do but he did not cast him out. He did not tell his disciples not to trust him; he gave Judas the ability to cast out devils and he even was given the money bag to give alms to the poor. Even when he knew that Judas had come with the pharisees to capture him he called him friend.

Monday, April 1, 13

When the disciples asked about what should happen to Judas after Christ was resurrected him he told them that their purpose was to follow him (Lord Jesus). St. John 21: 21-24. If you dwell upon that statement; that is truly amazing. Jesus suffered a horrible death and Judas helped in that. However he showed that even when you have been wronged that you must still follow God’s will. It is simply not worth losing your integrity over that person who offended you or caused you great harm.

Prior to this another example of impressive treachery happened to Joseph. He was beloved by his father Jacob but his brothers were envious of him. They were often committing acts of sin and Joseph reported this to his father. They also despised the dreams that God had given him. When an opportunity presented itself to get rid of him once and for all they took full advantage of itNow imagine if you were Joseph and you were in a pit; terrified that your brothers may kill you. These men were your flesh and blood and yet they are planning to end your life. It doesn’t matter how desperate your pleas are; they simply don’t care. You then hear them change their mind and they plan to sale you to Ishmaelite's (hence the phrase sold out). Most of become in raged if a much smaller offense occurs by a loved one. Many people would say Joseph had the right to have a grudge against his brothers. It was because of them he was sold into Egypt. He then was later imprisoned. He had not seen his father, aunt, sister, brothers for over 13 years and it was not his father. Yet he forgave his brothers for the things that they had done to him. He knew it was the will of God. Can anyone of us say we have had the treachery committed against us like Judas did to Christ? Were we hated and sold out like Joseph? Even if we were we see how both governed themselves and did not disobey God the Father. We must be like Jesus and stay focused on the promise of God and yield to the Father’s will. Monday, April 1, 13

One of the most difficult things you can read is the crucifixion and the events right before it. As I have said before I used to cry before getting a whipping from my parents. I also hate being pricked by thorns in the garden. I also recall the desperate feelings I had when I was thirsty after running out of water on a 11 hour hike. I had peculiar thoughts of taking someone’s water by force. I did not act on it but I was more than willing to drink from multiple strangers’ bottles without care or pride. (In normal life I am reluctant to drink out of the same glass of even my loved ones.) A splinter in my toe will make me walk funny and make life more miserable than necessary. I have written this because the exhaustion and thirst that I had felt, being stuck by thorns in the garden or the fear of a spanking was nothing compared to what Christ went through. Even the stress that cause significant physical distress during cluster examinations (three days of testing that included an oral or written exam): heart rate in the 140s and I was still too sleepy to study, crying and rocking in the corner, blanking out during an exam and a complete GI revolt; was nothing to what our Savior went through. When a woman has been in labor for 30 hours and is fearful that it may never end; that pain is minor to what Christ went through. A man who suddenly has crushing pain in his chest, feel it radiate up his arm and who fears for his family if he suddenly departs this life; even that does not match what Christ did for us. There is nothing in this life that compares to the suffering our Savior went through on behalf of us.

Monday, April 1, 13

But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed. Lord Jesus suffered immensely at the hands of man on his last days in the flesh. He was betrayed by someone close to him and was captured by the Pharisees and scribes. During this time his own disciples denied him and he was by himself (God did not leave him but men did). During this time period he was the recipient of enhanced interrogation techniques. These methods included: an intense inquisition, being hit, spit upon, having a blindfold place upon him and being struck in the face, forced to go without sleep during the night and this occurred before he went before the gentiles. Now we all know how insulting it would be to have someone spit on you. There is very little that is more denigrating than that. If you have stayed up all night due to a stressful situation you may become more cranky and sometimes you feel physical pain from not being able to get rest. I know that personally I begin to feel nauseated and the simplest task becomes difficult. Again, this happen to the Son of God. The being that created everything that we see. He never spoke foolishly or sent mighty angles to destroy his tormentors. He suffered willingly because it was the will of his Father. I do not know anyone who has not been mocked or teased. Sometimes you can laugh this off or other times you may become angry. Imagine someone placing something painful on your head and placing a robe upon you. Then imagine them calling dibs on your clothes and you can do nothing to stop it. Lord Jesus suffered with this insolent behavior and maintained his composure. But this was just another phase in his affliction. Most of us know what it is like to be insulted or a few of us may have had someone try to hit us. However it is highly unlikely that we have been scourgedThis was a form of punishment that involved a whip that had bits of bone or metal at the tips. The person may lose an eye or have pieces of flesh ripped from them when they were beaten with it. Often a person died after being scourged in part to the loss of blood that occurred during the beating. Monday, April 1, 13

Crucifixion The Romans did not invent crucifixion; however unlike the Greeks and Persians before them, a victim could remain on a crucifix for days. This form of death was for the lower rungs of society: slaves, enemies of the state or even pirates. It was meant to be long and humiliating. Often victims did not have clothes and if they had to eliminate waste it would occur in public. This was to serve as a warning for others to not commit the crimes that were performed by the convicted. The punishment would begin with scourging and then the person to be crucified would carry part of their cross or all to the place of execution. The nails that were used were 5-7 inches long and could be placed in the arm, hand, wrists or heels. T Death would be hasten by soldiers because they could not leave their post until the person or persons being crucified were dead. Soldiers would build fires below the person on the cross to cause them to die from asphyxiation. Often a prisoners’ bones were broken or they were stabbed in the major organs. What we know is that the soldiers took Christ’s clothes from him. There was no mention of undergarments. We know that he was unable to carry his cross due to his injuries he had already obtained. We also know that he was thirsty and his tormenters tried to give him vinegar to drink. In addition the high priests and scribes mocked him and told him to come down and they would believe him. They also said he was able to save others but he could not save himself. Lord Jesus was in so much pain he cried aloud, “My God, my God why has thou forsaken me!” Monday, April 1, 13

Lord Jesus died within six hours. This unusual short period was noted with a peculiar change in the sun and the veil of temple being rented in two. The Jews wanted the death to be hasten because the sabbath day was approaching. The soldiers then went to break the legs of the convicted. To ensure Christ was dead they pierced his side and blood and water came out. One of his followers begged Pilate for his body and he was buried in a new sepulcher. When Christ’s blood hit the ground a change occurred. All men would now have the ability to be resurrected. In addition a way was made so that all men would not be automatically committed to death. This was not a guarantee that you would gain eternal life. In order to gain eternal life you would have to be perfect (just as Christ commanded). When Jesus was resurrected and ascended to heaven his work and sacrifice was not finished. During the end of time Christ will go reach into his side and take his blood and wipe the records of his servants clean. These will be the people who have lived their lives as a living sacrifice to God. The event of the crucifixion teaches us there is no sacrifice too great for God. The sacrifice will only be acceptable if we are willing to commit it. This does not mean we will enjoy it or not have any pain or suffering. Quite the contrary we will suffer (If Lord Jesus did so will we) but this suffering will teach us humility and obedience. Both of these traits are necessary to enter the kingdom of heaven. Hebrews 5: 6-10. Christ epitomized this in his life and death.

Monday, April 1, 13

There are so many examples in the bible of men and women who lived their lives as a living sacrifice. They humbled themselves before God and did not allow any obstacle, fear, care or joy stand in the way. One of these people was Job. He was perfect and upright. Just like Christ he suffered. He lost all of his possessions and his children in one day. Later he was smitten with a severe skin infection all over his body. An infection that would cause his skin to have itchy red, swollen bumps that were very painful. To add salt to his wound he lost the support of his life and even his own friends accused him of sinning. Many people would have had a nervous breakdown if they lost all of their wealth in one day and burying one child let alone all of them can cause intense distress. This is what Job said, “Naked came I out of my mother’s womb, and naked shall I return thither: the Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord.” That can be found in Job 1: 21. Even though Job did not understand why he was being afflicted he knew God knows best. No matter what the situation we must yield to God as well. That is why even when Christ prayed he asked his Father to take away his cup only if it was his will. That is how we must be and if we are earnest and don’t waver we will be accepted by God the Father just as Lord Jesus was.

Monday, April 1, 13

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