Virtues of Wisdom

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Virtues of Wisdom Wisdom is the Mother of the universe who stands by the throne of God. As we know she is God and was there during the creation of the world. Our Fathers and Mothers had a unique and special role in creation. One such role that Wisdom had in creation is putting the virtue in everything that God created. Not just man but plants, and animals; the heavenly host, seas and fish and fowl. “Wisdom reached from one end to another mightily: and sweetly doth she order all things.� Wisdom of Solomon 8:1. Ecclesiasticus 1:9. As we can see Wisdom is the God of order, every creature, plant, animal and man she has put within them their nature. Their nature is also a boundary for them. However when Adam and Eve sinned against God their nature changed and so did the animals and the plants. Genesis 3: 15-18. Man was not created to die but he was created to live, however when he sinned there was a physical change that came upon him and he had an evil root in him, therefore man died without living a full day or one thousand years. After God destroyed the wicked during the flood, Noah was given a Commandment to replenish the earth and be fruitful and multiply. After the flood man and was given a commandment not to kill each other. Animals were command not to kill man because their nature would return. Genesis 9: 46. As time went on killing of man by man and animals continued as it did before the flood even more so as much blood war spilled onto the ground. Wickedness increased so much that during the days of Sodom and Gomorrah the nature of man changed greatly. Since we are in the latter days of this earth and we live in the days of Sodom and Gomorrah as well as the days of Noah, how has the virtues and nature of God’s creation of this world changed? First we know that sin has reached into heaven; Revelation 18:5. Man attempted to do this before in the days of the tower of Babel. Gen 11:3-5. Let us look at the tower of Babel in our days, it is the satellites, the internet, the cell phones, and cable to help spread sin so fast that it reached into heavens, the nature of man has changed and God has punished him with the droughts, disasters, war, pestilence, earthquakes and terrible works. Many things are happening without explanation. Certain birds have literally fallen out of the sky as though they were traumatized. Millions and fish showed up dead without explanation on coast lines. Violent and destructive winds have destroyed many people. Rogue waves of the sea and tsunami have left the country sides desolate, are occurring more frequent than before. Many strange diseases without cause or cures are arising and some old diseases have become more virulent and are coming back. God said that the love of many shall wax cold. Matt 24:12. That is why we see people killing without mercy; parents and children killing each other in terrible ways. These things

Sister Gloria Henry

are getting worse; the earth is warming up, the polar caps are melting and we see temperatures that have record highs and lows. Wisdom is removing herself from the sons of men. She is a God of order and virtue. By removing her order and virtues is a punishment on all creation because of sin.

Sister Gloria Henry

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