Age Related Hearing Loss Facts & Treatment As we grow old we suffer from Age Related Hearing Loss. This type of hearing loss which occurs on account of growing age is called Presbycusis. In this blog we will try to make you aware about hearing loss related to age and its treatment.
Causes of Age Related Hearing Loss There are many cause for Hearing Loss related to age. It is difficult to pin point the exact reason for the same. Noise Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL) may be one cause. This occurs when we are exposed to sounds that are too loud or last too long. Over the long term such may cause hearing Loss. The prolonged exposure damage the hearing cells in our inner ear and causes hearing Loss . Owing to certain prolonged medical conditions like diabetes, high blood pressure may damage the hearing cells and the inner ear. The ear drum too may get damaged owing to these medical conditions. Certain medications that are toxic in nature too may damage the sensory cells in our ears and cause hearing loss. The combination of these factors brings about the hearing loss in old age.
Symptoms of Age Related Hearing Loss: Often hearing loss stays undetected and untreated as the process is gradual. It therefore gets overlooked. Here are some of the symptoms which you should take note of: 
If we find it difficult to follow conversations as it may seem to be too soft it may be a symptom of Hearing Loss due to ageing.