GRKIDS Family Fun Guide | Spring 2020

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Goldfish Swim School Water

Safety TIPS

With summer approaching, Goldfish Swim School is sharing their Water Safety Tips for a fun and safe time at the pool or lake.

Enroll Kids in Swim Lessons

Water safety is a yearlong job that requires practice to stay sharp.

Maintain Barriers

Make sure all areas of water have a barrier as a first line of defense from a water accident.

Designate a “Water Guardian”

Don’t take your eyes off a child near water. Even if there is a lifeguard on duty, the best person to watch over your kids is the parent and/or caregiver.

Use Coast Guard-Approved Life Jackets Learn CPR

Be trained in CPR or have someone on hand who is.

Install Door and Pool Alarms

Install door and pool alarms that are in working order year-round.

Store Pool Toys out of Sight

Put pool toys away after swimming to deter unattended children from coming to the pool.

Take Lifeguard Courses

Encourage adolescents to become certified lifeguards. Look to your local Red Cross for courses.

Establish Water Rules

Some examples are: (1) do not get in the water without a parent present, (2) no running, (3) no diving head first, (4) no pushing or pulling on a fellow swimmer, (5) respect the water and remember to take breaks. These layers of protection work together to protect young children from drowning. Yearround swim lessons are a great way to help your child gain and maintain water safety skills!

These tips are brought to you by Goldfish Swim School. 2845 Thornhills Ave, Ste S, Grand Rapids / (616) 275-3086

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