July 2024 Newsletter

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Mountain View

A Message From The Board of Directors

Cramer Mountain Members,

I hope you have been enjoying the summer. The mountain has been full with activities and fun events. We look forward to seeing everyone at the 4th of July celebration. This year we will have bouncy houses and slides. Soon you will see a new Volleyball court going up in the open grass area by the tennis courts as well. Please enjoy our new Pickleball courts and basketball facilities. Remember to reserve a court time on the app for Pickleball, which has just been added. Camps are in action on the mountain as well. Please support the club and the camps. Our annual Member/Guest tournament is sold out with a waiting list for September. This is the fastest it has ever sold out. Please have a safe and enjoyable summer on the mountain.

We look forward to a action packed fall and great programming continuing to be added. Be on the look out on Social media. If you are not a follower on Social Media, please like and share our posts.

Have a great summer!


From The Manager’s Desk

MEMBER REFERRAL PROGRAM – In June, we kicked off our Summer Membership Referral Program. While we are very excited to have “capped” our Sport Social membership category (the first time we have filled a membership category since the re-open in 2015), we still have Full Golf Memberships available and Cramer Mountain Club remains the Best Deal in Town for golfers looking for a private Club home!

AND…. There is literally nothing we can do that would have a bigger positive impact on our Club than to increase our member roster. A private Club depends on the recurring monthly dues of its members to

- Pay for the day-to-day operations of the Club

- Invest in improvements and additions (such as)

o Pickleball/basketball courts

o Volleyball court

o Golf Course improvements

o Etc.

- Build equity to be used for future purchases/projects – such as buying the golf course

In my opinion, it has always been the case that the BEST way to grow our club is through the friends, acquaintances, family and co-workers of our existing members. That is why we are asking for your help in this important CMC initiative! From now thru September, if you refer and sponsor a new Full Golf Member, you will receive

· One free month of membership dues ($445) And

· Entry into a drawing (of all eligible sponsors during the program) for 1 YEAR FREE DUES (value of $5,340)

It is simple to get your name “in the hat”. Just:

· Call our Membership Director (Austin Holland) and give him the name and contact information of the person you think would be a great CMC member. You will be registered as that person’s sponsor. (Sponsorship MUST be registered with the club prior to new member joining CMC)

· When the application is approved, you will receive your monthly dues credit!

PLEASE help us in our goal of adding 30 new golf members this summer! The benefits to the Club (and to all our members) will be amazing!

And for the prospective member, there has never been a better time to join CMC! YES, the new members are going to share in the celebration as well! We will also hold a drawing for 1 YEAR FREE DUES for one of the new members who joins during the program.

Thank you for your help! Together we are going to build something special at Cramer Mountain Club!

New Members since February:

Sean Casullo, Michael Carpenter, Morris Morgan, Jeremy Grant, Les Marshburn, George Zeigler, Jackson Hart, Todd Kurvers, Jose Mena, Michael Phillips, Brett Candler, Michael Lichty, Courtney Toney, Jonathon Griffin, Nikki Brown, Terrell Moss, Robert Combs, Bret Wiley, JJ Littrell, Chip Rhoden, Glenn Kettelhut, Megan Bailey, Justin Trombold, Andrew Gorman, Chris Melton, Sweetwater, Tim McGinnis, Henry Miller, Corrina Grass, Lindsay Holvig, Jaime Salvatore, Vincent Iozzo, Michael Kubal, Ryan James, Dana Thompson, Recore Electric, John Palermo, Jacob Englert, Joshua Hill, Mark Casteel, Brandon Christenbury

I am looking forward to seeing you all at the club!

Christmas Towels

Have you picked up your towels?

Members have been coming by and picking up their monogrammed beach towels! But we still have several left. So make sure and ask (at the pool, in the restaurant or the Pro Shop) and we will get them for you.

The updated list of members who still need to pick up their complimentary towels is listed below.

Baker, Bizuneh, Black, Blair, Bolin, Bove, Boyd, Breen, Byars, Clapham, Connor, Cupp, J. Curry, Denton, Dunigan, Durham, Farrar, Ferguson, Germanski, Gibson, Gilbert, Gouch, Graudons, Gurley, Hohn, Ham, Huecker, James, Jenkins, Ledford, Loper, Lorenzo, Luttrell, Mark, McGee, Ohlinger, Overton, Rinaldo, Romano, Rudisill, Sawyer, Scott, Sherrill, Slota, Southard, Stoltz, Sumner, Taylor, Teates, Van, Ward, Weathers, Wilson, Wilson, Wofford, Wright, Young

Tennis News

July 2024

General Intro

July is always a great month for tennis, the camps are rocking and rolling, we’ve got Wimbledon to watch, and plenty of opportunities for tennis and pickleball play at Cramer Mountain and around the state The juniors had a big June with another tennis, pizza, movie night along with the camps Let’s hope they can keep the momentum going and adults, let’s get you signed up and ready for Pickle Party on July 2nd and our singles ladder which will culminate in the Top of the Mountain Tournament later this year

As a reminder, please remember to book your court times online through the court reservation dashboard on the club website. That goes for the hard court area as well for pickleballers and basketballers so we can keep track of numbers and don’t run into conflicts. Also, members are welcome to bring a guest to play, just note it when booking the court reservation, as there is a $5 guest fee per booking. Thanks for your attention to these policies!


Upcoming Adult Tennis Activities

NAME: Tuesday Men’s Summer Quads

EVENT DATE: Tuesdays June 11- July 30

EVENT TIME: 6:30-8:30pm $5.00 optional warmup-clinic 6-6:30pm

FEE: $10 one-time ball fee for the summer season

EVENT DESCRIPTION: We are continuing on Tuesday night through the summer! Your tennis professional will be offering an optional ($5.00) 30-minute warm up clinic from 6-6:30pm. At 6:30pm the quad players will get after it on the courts moving up and down courts depending on results from the week. We look forward to seeing you on Tuesday nights!

EVENT NAME: Cramer Mtn Club Summer Ladies Quads

EVENT DATE: Wednesday evenings June 12 – July 31

EVENT TIME: Wednesday at 6:30-8pm

FEE: $10 one time ball fee for the season

EVENT DESCRIPTION: The Ladies tried it out over the spring and are ready to keep it rolling through the summer on Wednesday evenings, the courts are set for the season, we will re-configure in the fall if you’d like to be a regular then, let me know.

EVENT NAME: CMC Ladies Mix Around

EVENT DATE: Every Friday June 2 – July 28

EVENT TIME: Fridays at 9:00am

EVENT DESCRIPTION: Will is going to lead an optional 30min clinic ($5) at the beginning of the scheduled time on Friday mornings (9- 9:30am) and then mix around for the remainder with plenty of hits and giggles. All levels welcome and the more the merrier!

EVENT NAME: Monday Night Dinks and Drinks

EVENT DATE: Most Mondays in June and July

EVENT TIME: 6:30 - 8pm

EVENT FEE: Free each night attended which includes round robin play and waters. EVENT DESCRIPTION: Monday nights are going to be our pickleball night at the club down on the hard court area! Come out early for some food truck yummies then head to the hard court for a little instruction and then get to dinking and drinking with your fellow pickleballers at Cramer Mountain!

Pro’s Corner

Junior Camp Recap

If you were out at the club in the month of June you probably noticed a lot of children swinging golf clubs, putting, playing tennis, and eating lunch. That was because June was camp month. CMC hosted a 3-week camp session for the juniors that kept everyone busy including the instructors. We had great participation with north of 60 kids participating. Thank you, to all instructors for taking time with the kids to teach them the game of golf.

Junior Golf at CMC

I would like to acknowledge the junior golfers {guys & gals} of CMC traveling and playing summer tournaments around the Carolinas and beyond. We are very lucky to have a strong youth that loves the game and are very good at golf. If you see any of the juniors around the club, feel free to stop them and ask about their game. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!!!


When arriving at CMC to play golf, we need everyone to check in at the Pro Shop to let us know that you are here When checking in, please tell us how many holes you intend to play for that day.


CMC golf course maintenance staff are planning their annual aerification of the greens, tees, collars and slicing fairways July 8-10. During this time the golf course, practice area and driving range will be closed. The Pro shop will also be closed during this time as well. The Pro Shop will be back to normal business hours on Thursday, July 11th.


July 3- LGA 9 + DINE






Looking forward to seeing you all on the golf course!

Pro’s Corner

Course Update

What's been going on around the course

Sod laid on 12 green, 13 green, 15 green, 17 green, and 18 green

Drainage for underground spring added on 9

Second round of fertilizer spread on all Bermuda grass on course

Multiple bare areas stripped for sodding, we expect sod next week as the drought has effected sod farms as well

Dead tree's in parking lot removed for safety

Irrigation system is working overtime this season, repairs and maintenance ongoing

Mulch beds on holes1-9 have been refreshed with material produced with our cut tree's

Aerification of greens, tees, fairways, and collars will be July 8th-July10th

Natural areas are in process of trimming

As always thank you for your support and please fill your divots and repair your ball marks

John Baker - Superintendent

MGA News

We have completed our tally from the MGA Charity tournmanet and the grand total was $30K on the dot! The MGA will continue to work with Webb Street School to help build their ADA accessible greenhouse. After doing a phenomenal job this year, Scott Shannon has accepted the role of tournmanet chair for the MGA's 2025 chairty tournamnet. Webb Street may be a repeat partner although the MGA is open to other suggestions for other organizations.

The MGA Derby trophy is now on display in the mens' locker room, and we'll be adding another name come this September! The second season of the 2024 will end with the Red, White, and Blue tournament being the final 18 hole round. Following that, the derby and dog fights will take a week off as the course goes through aeration, with rounds resuming the week of July 16th. The final season for the derby will run from July 16th through September 8th with the shoot-in and shootout on the weekend of September 12th.

The MGA would like to begin organizing annual golf trips to destinations that are accessible via a 4 hour drive or less. A survey will be coming out shortly to gauge interest for a potential trip this coming November. If 12+ participants would be interested and able to attend, we will organize an inaugural trip for this fall. Finally, at the June MGA meeting, a vote passed to allocate funds to new towels and an additional club cleaner so be on the lookout for that new gear soon!

Steve Priebe


Greg Sigmon

Scott Ellis

Scott Shannon




LGA News

CMC Ladies Golf Association’s’ “Take a Swing Against Breast Cancer” Saturday, September 21, 2024

Top 10 things to know about this wonderful event -

CMC LGA has planned, organized, and manned its own charity event “Take a Swing Against Breast Cancer” to benefit the Woman in Pink Boutique for the last seven years

· The first year in 2017, we donated $2,608 In 2023, we donated $22,100 with $94,684 total to date!

· 100% of the money collected goes directly to the Woman in Pink Boutique providing 73% of their budget allowing its doors to remain open for brave, local Pink Warriors

· This is a charity event, not a golf tournament Golfers pay their regular cart fee to CMC and support us by participating in CTP, Raffle, Putt-putt Challenge, Donations and more!

· This event is not just for golfers, but includes tennis and pickleball events too!

· The success of this event is possible thanks to the wonderful support of you, our members, the CMC Staff, and the MGA.

· We need your participation again this year to continue our support for the WIP.

· So, mark your calendars for Saturday, September 21, from 8-3. Many Pink Warriors are depending on all of us!! Ways you can help: Sponsor a Hole, Honor a Pink Warrior, Donate a raffle prize, Click on the flyers for a link with details. Questions? Contact Debbie or Andi - deb.dnlp@gmail.com, attandk@yahoo.com, or any LGA member. Thanks in advance for your support!

Other LGA News!

June provided very warm weather!! The LGA had a busy month not only playing golf on our beautiful course, but also planning our own September “Women in Pink Charity Event.” We kicked off June with our monthly Saturday, Fun 18 on June 8. Format was “Bad Card /Good Golfer” - lots of laugher and fun! Other regular events: morning golf and Nine & Dine A new event is Saturday casual golf – details below

July LGA Events – Sign up on CMC Website or call Golf Shop @ 704-879-4888

- Morning Golf - every Tuesday at 9:00

- Nine & Dine - Wednesday, July 3 &17 at 5:30 - 9 holes of Captain's Choice & fun at the restaurant!

- Fun 18 - Saturday July 13 at 10:00 – One Person Scramble

- New every Saturday with tee times at 10:00 & 10:10 – Join the LGA ladies to play 9 or 18 holes You do not have to be an LGA member, just sign up on the tee sheet and plan to have a great time!

- Interested in having fun at golf and giving back to our club and community? Then join the LGA for fun, friendship, and the love of golf Contact Andi Crowley at 704-616-2922 or any LGA member

LGA Board Members

Women In Pink

Pool Hours

Pool Rules

The Clubhouse Restaurant

Hello Cramer Mountain Club!

We are looking forward to a July full of fun for CMC members! Be on the lookout for daily specials throughout the week at The Clubhouse Restaurant!

On July 2, we will be hosting our new member mixer and pickleball grand opening ceremony! Join us at 5:30 for hors d’oeuvres and drink specials.

July 4th is going to be a fun one at CMC! We will have burgers, hot dogs, chicken sandwiches, and a Red, White, and Blue cocktail! Come out and celebrate Independence Day with us.

Wine Feature of July: The Calling Chardonnay - Russian River Valley Well balanced and medium to full bodied Chardonnay. Hints of lemon, peach, and white rose petals.

Shatera McIntosh

July Calendar

CMC Contact Directory

General Manager: Scott Brannan sbrannan@cramermountainclub.org | 704-879-4888 ext. 3

Golf Professional, Billy Powell & First Assistant, Devin Saunders: proshop@cramermountainclub.org | 704-879-4888 ext. 1 bpowell@cramermountainclub.org | dsaunders@cramermountainclub.org

Golf Course Superintendent, John Baker: jbaker@cramermountainclub.org

Tennis Director, Will Borders: wborders@cramermountainclub.org | 704-472-3436

Director of Marketing and Membership, Austin Holland: aholland@cramermountainclub.org | 704-879-4888 ext. 4

Account Manager, Tabatha Friday: tfriday@cramermountainclub.org | 704-879-4888 ext. 6

Pool Manager, Shannon Irish: sirish@cramermountainclub.org

Front of House Manager, Shatera McIntosh: smcintosh@cramermountainclub.org

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