June 2024 Newsletter

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Mountain View

J U N E 2 0 2 4 N E W S L E T T E R CMC Board of Directors board@cramermountainclub.org M O U N T A I N V I E W | C R A M E R M O U N T A I N C L U B John Forgan, President:
Mercer, Vice President, Marketing & Membership:
Alex Bryant, Treasurer, Food & Beverage:
Andy Crotts, Golf:
Alan Hyman, Golf:
843-260-7526 Roy Helms, Social & Tennis:
jforgan@firsthorizon.com |
brandymercer@me.com |
Brad Drury,
bdrury@pinnix.com | 980-522-1373
alexbryant49@gmail.com | 704-315-8797
cacrotts@gmail.com | 704-914-7626
ahyman@imperialsports.com |
rhelms04@gmail.com |

A Message From The Board of Directors

Cramer Mountain Members,

Summer is here. The Board of Directors hopes you have enjoyed the Memorial Day cook out and the new and improved Cabana bar/ Pool experience. You should see the activity increasing on the Pickle Ball court resurfacing this week. It should be completed by the 2nd week of June. We wanted to thank all the members that came out to the annual meeting and if you did not get your copy of the presentation, please let us know and we will get a copy to you. We had over 70 people in attendance. Please welcome many of the new members that have recently joined in the past few months and welcome them to our family club. We will start sharing a new member list in the upcoming monthly newsletters. The Summer will be a busy season on the Mountain with many cookouts and entertainment events. Be on the lookout in your email and social media for events this summer. Thank you for being a member of Cramer Mountain Club and we look forward to continuing to strive to be the best family club in the region.

Congratulations to the newly elected board members!


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From The Manager’s Desk

Our Club continues to grow and prosper! More and more people are discovering Cramer Mountain Club and all the great reasons to become a member! I am pleased to announce that we have decided to “Cap” the Sport Social and Limited Golf membership categories. The reason is that we want to protect our members’ accessibility to all Club amenities. Our goal is for every member to have a positive, enjoyable experience each time they visit CMC. And that won’t happen if we are overcrowded at the pool or in the restaurant.

So, effective June 15, 2024, we will begin a Waiting List to Belong for Sport Social memberships. (We are allowing two weeks for prospective members who have already begun the process of joining our club, to submit their applications before we “cap” the category) After that, prospective members may submit a membership application along with a non-refundable deposit and their name will be placed on the “Waiting List ” When a current member leaves the Club, a spot will open up for a new member (off of the waiting list) to take their place Of course, we hate to “say no” to anyone who wants to join the Cramer Mountain family, but we also want to ensure that we don’t take away from the experience of our current members. So, this is a very positive milestone for our Club!

At the same time, we do have room for more members in our Full Privilege (Golf) membership. We have set a preliminary Golf Cap of 330 members. This is a number that we feel will ensure members have access to the course and excellent tee time availability. However, we are about 50 members short of this target, which would allow us to make significant strides toward achieving our Club’s long-term goals! (Buying the golf course, building a new clubhouse, becoming a complete member owned equity Club, etc.)

We are just beginning “golf season” in the Carolinas, and this is the time to grow our membership We have

A beautiful, friendly and exciting private Club

The area in and around Cramer Mountain is growing, with many new families looking for a Club to call home

An enthusiastic membership who LOVES CMC and wants to share it with their friends, neighbors, family and co-workers

We are just beginning “golf season” in the Carolinas, and this is the time to grow our membership. We have

A beautiful, friendly and exciting private Club

The area in and around Cramer Mountain is growing, with many new families looking for a Club to call home.

An enthusiastic membership who LOVES CMC and wants to share it with their friends, neighbors, family and co-workers.

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SO We are asking for your help! The faster we grow our golf membership, the faster we can make the upgrades, additions and improvements we want to make for our Club In that spirit we are proud to announce our 2024 Member Referral Program! I believe that the best way to grow a Club is with the friends and associates of our current members! We want you to refer the people you think would make good members at CMC. So, here is how the program will work.

Program to run from June 1 – August 31

The goal of the Referral Program is to add 30 new golf members by August 31st. Current CMC members who refer and sponsor a new golf member during the program period will receive


Entry into a drawing (of all referring members) for ONE YEAR FREE DUES!

Drawing to be held at the end of the program period

Every legitimate referral (even if they don’t join) will also be entered for a weekly drawing for fabulous club prizes (guest passes, dinner “on us”, cart fees, etc.)

And we don’t want our new members to miss out on the fun. We have what we hope will be a tremendous incentive for them as well

Every new golf member who joins during the program period will receive:

2 guest passes for up to 3 golfers (so they can show off their new Club to friends)

Entry into a drawing (of all new members) for ONE YEAR FREE DUES!

If we are successful in hitting our goals for this program, it will have a tremendous impact on our Club, now and in the future In the first year, the revenue from initiations ($225,000) and from one year of monthly dues ($171,000) alone would be nearly $400,000. That is the kind of impact that will make a real difference and help us move forward faster as we continue to write the already great story of Cramer Mountain Club.

I hope we can count on help from ALL OF YOU! You will be hearing more, much more about this membership initiative in the next days and weeks. Thanks for your attention! And thanks in advance for your help in growing our golf membership!!!

Call or Email our Membership Director Austin Holland at

Or (704) 340-5268

I look forward to seeing you all at the Club!

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Tennis News

What a May on the tennis courts! The weather cooperated a little better this month and we were able to pull off a couple big events with the Dive ‘n drive Pro-am and the Jr Championships turning out to be successes, thanks to all those who participated to help make them so fun and!

June should be just as eventful, summer camp season is upon us! Most weeks are full but there’s a couple spots left in the older group weeks, please reach out if interested Our other big project is still underway with the hard court space inching closer to completion, thanks for your patience as we work through this improvement project and be on the lookout for a pickleball party once we have some new courts to play on!

A a reminder, please remember to book your court times online through the court reservation dashboard on the club website. That goes for the hard court area as well for pickleballers and basketballers so we can keep track of numbers and don’t run into conflicts. Also, members are welcome to bring a guest to play, just note it when booking the court reservation, as there is a $5 guest fee per booking, thanks for your attention to these policies!

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Upcoming Adult Tennis Activities

NAME: Tuesday Men’s Summer Quads

EVENT DATE: Tuesdays June 11- July 30

EVENT TIME: 6:30-8:30pm $5.00 optional warmup-clinic 6-6:30pm

FEE: $10 one-time ball fee for the summer season

EVENT DESCRIPTION: We are continuing on Tuesday night through the summer! Your tennis professional will be offering an optional ($5.00) 30-minute warm up clinic from 6-6:30pm. At 6:30pm the quad players will get after it on the courts moving up and down courts depending on results from the week. We look forward to seeing you on Tuesday nights!

EVENT NAME: Cramer Mtn Club Summer Ladies Quads

EVENT DATE: Wednesday evenings June 12 – July 31

EVENT TIME: Wednesday at 6:30-8pm

FEE: $10 one time ball fee for the season

EVENT DESCRIPTION: The Ladies tried it out over the spring and are ready to keep it rolling through the summer on Wednesday evenings, the courts are set for the season, we will re-configure in the fall if you’d like to be a regular then, let me know.

EVENT NAME: CMC Ladies Mix Around

EVENT DATE: Every Friday June 2 – July 28

EVENT TIME: Fridays at 9:00am

EVENT DESCRIPTION: Will is going to lead an optional 30min clinic ($5) at the beginning of the scheduled time on Friday mornings (9- 9:30am) and then mix around for the remainder with plenty of hits and giggles. All levels welcome and the more the merrier!

EVENT NAME: Monday Night Dinks and Drinks

EVENT DATE: Most Mondays in June and July

EVENT TIME: 6:30 - 8pm

EVENT FEE: Free each night attended which includes round robin play and waters. EVENT DESCRIPTION: Monday nights are going to be our pickleball night at the club down on the hard court area! Come out early for some food truck yummies then head to the hard court for a little instruction and then get to dinking and drinking with your fellow pickleballers at Cramer Mountain!

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Pro’s Corner

Wow!! What a fast and fun first month here at CMC. I have had the opportunity to meet a lot of great folks and I am looking forward to meeting more. The month of May is always a busy month in the golf business. May is usually looked at as the kickoff month to golf with club tournaments and events starting for the year CMC is off to a great start to 2024 and I can’t wait to see more Here is a recap of the month and things to look forward to in June

Men’s Member-Member Results

Flight Winners:

Macallan- 1st Place: Alan Hyman/Andy Crotts

2nd Place: Austin Grimshaw/Andy Murrow

Johnnie Walker- 1st Place: Nicolas Nutt/Matthew Edly

2nd Place: Jay Green/Craig Kinlaw

Woodford Reserve: 1st Place: Aaron Suttenfield/Alex Bryant

2nd Place: John Still/Gary Robinson

Pappy Van Winkle: 1st Place: Brian Bazemore/Matt Lichty

2nd Place: John Pilkington/Bo Jurney

Overall Winners:

1st: Brian Bazemore/Matt Lichty

2nd: Nicolas Nutt/Matthew Edly

3rd-4th: Alan Hyman/Andy Crotts and John Still/Gary Robinson

5th: Aaron Suttenfield/Alex Bryant

CMC Divot Party – Thank you Jay Green and all the members that volunteered to fill divots around the course to keep CMC in great shape.

June Events

June 5- LGA 9 Dine

June 8- LGA Fun 18

June 9- Couples Golf

June 14- Glow Golf

June 16- Father’s Day Golf

June 19- LGA 9 Dine

June 21- Parent Child

June 21- Srixon Fitting 1:00-5:00

June 27- LGA Swig n Swing

Team Training with Chuck

June 15, June 22 , June 29

12:00-1:00- Men

1:00-2:00- Young Children / Beginners

3:00-4:00- Team Training / Advanced golfers

4:00-5:00- Beginning Ladies

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Pro’s Corner

Divot Day Memorial Day Classic Winners

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Billy Powell: PGA Pro

MGA News

The MGA's inaugural charity was a resounding success. Many thanks are owed to the volunteers, the participants, and of course Webb Street School for being a gracious partner. In total, over 120 players came out across more than 30 teams. We are still tallying donations, but the total donation is likely to be in the range of $30,000!! The school intends to use these funds to build an ADA accessible greenhouse. Below are a few photo highlights from the day of the tournament:

Looking ahead, the MGA derby is now into its second mini season after Brian Bazemore won season 1 with a dominating performance! Dog fights will remain in place for Thursday nights (9 holes) and Saturday mornings (18 holes). Season 2 runs through the weekend of July 7th with the final 18 hole round being the July 4th Red, White, and Blue tournament so line up your teams now!

MGA Board Members

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Jarvi Greg Sigmon Scott Ellis Scott Shannon

MGA Charity Event

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LGA News

What a wonderful May!! LGA enjoyed golf on our beautiful course with Casino Chip Fun 18 on May 11, along with our regular morning golf, and Nine & Dine. The LGA had a busy month not only playing golf, but also supporting Cramer Mountain Club, CMC Men’s Golf Association, along with planning our own September charity event. We also have some fun events in June. Here are some details!

LGA May Events

May 6, Strong Like AK Tournament – Our ladies greeted 100+ golfers and shared membership info at the LGA CMC Membership Tent near the tennis courts

May 8, CMC Ladies’ Golf Invitational - LGA assisted CMC in planning and hosting this successful event We welcomed 36+ ladies from 9 clubs Our guests marveled at the views we see every day on our course! A big thanks to the Golf Shop and Clubhouse Restaurant for a successful event

May 13, Pink Planning – What a wonderful kick-off for our 8th Breast Cancer Charity Event benefiting Gastonia-based “Woman in Pink Boutique (WIP) ” Over the past 7 years, the LGA has donated $94,600 thanks to the great support from the CMC members and staff! All donations go directly to WIP with the LGA covering all administrative costs Mark your calendars for Saturday, September 21, so you won’t miss out Be on the lookout for more details. Interested in sponsoring a hole or donating a raffle prize? Please contact Debbie Dunlap @deb.dnlp@gmail.com or any LGA member. Thanks to our first 2024 sponsor, Dickson Animal Clinic & first raffle donations, Barb Tyler and Paula Grogan for their beautiful hand-made items!

May 23, MGA Golf Tournament benefiting Webb Street School – Congratulations to the MGA for a successful tournament! Glad the LGA ladies could help by chairing the Welcome, Longest Putt, and Raffle Committees. Great job!!

June LGA Events – Sign up on CMC Website/Golf Shop @ 704-879-4888

● Morning Golf - every Tuesday at 9:10

● Nine & Dine - Wednesday, June 5 and 12 at 5:30 - 9 holes of Captain's Choice followed by fun at the restaurant!

● Fun 18 - Saturday morning, June 8 at 10:00

● Interested in having fun at golf and giving back to our club and community? Then join the LGA for fun, friendship, and the love of golf Contact Andi Crowley at 704-616-2922 or any LGA member

June Club Ladies’ Events for all golfers Sign up on CMC Website/Golf Shop @ 704-879-4888

● Tuesdays -June 4,11,18, 25 @ 6:00 Women’s Beginner/ Women’s Training ($10)

● Friday - June 7 @ 5:30 - Couples Golf

● Wednesday - June 26 @5:15 - Swig ‘n Swing - golf tips while sipping on white or red wine! ($20)

LGA Board Members

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B A R B T Y L E R , D O N I T A S T E W A R T , A N D R E A S I P K A , A N D I C R O W L E Y , P A U L A G R O G A N , S Y B I L A T K I N S O N , D E B B I E D U N L A P , N A N C Y L Y N N H A R G I S , J A N K A U E R , M A R G I E S U L L I V A N , A M Y P R I E B E , A N D K I M R U N D Z I E H E R

Women In Pink

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Pool Hours

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Pool Rules

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Pool Season on the Mountain

It is official!! Summer is here and the Pool is open!

We have a great pool complex at CMC and our Member families are already taking advantage of all the fun and relaxation of a “day in the sun.” But while the pool is meant to be enjoyed, there are some rules that I want to remind our members about which help ensure that everyone stays safe while they are at the Club.

Children 11 and under MUST be accompanied by a parent or registered guardian at all times inside the pool fence. - We have a great group of diligent lifeguards who are watching the pool for any potential problems. But it is the parents/guardians primary responsibility to attend to children when enjoying the pool. Please be mindful of this important rule The safety of our children is paramount NO alcoholic beverages are allowed to be brought onto Club property (including the pool, golf course or courts) – I am aware, unfortunately, that this rule is not being followed by some members. Our liquor license forbids alcohol being consumed that is not purchased under the control of our license. Therefore, please be aware that we will be enforcing this important club rule going forward. For first offenses, there will be a warning and confiscation of the alcohol. However, the Board is taking this issue seriously and recurring offenses will be subject to Board review and punitive action, up to and including the suspension of Club privileges. Please be respectful and follow this simple club rule. We want CMC to be a relaxed, comfortable and fun place for everyone. We have no desire to try and “catch” or “punish” our members for breaking the rules. They are designed to protect us all

Children must be able to pass a “swim test” (which may be requested at the discretion of Club/Pool management) in order to use the slide and deep ends of the pool. - Pretty straight forward. We just want our kids to be safe!

All Guests must be accompanied by a CMC member at time of arrival at the pool. – Thank you all for your attention and for your adherence to these simple rules. With your help, we can look forward to another exciting and SAFE Summer at the CMC pool!

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Course Update

What's been going on around the course

Replaced collapsed galvanized drainpipe on 4

Cut trees on right of 13 and 10 white tee to promote sunlight for growth of rough and fairway

First spray with new John Deere sprayer

First cut on tees with new 3-wheel drive tee mower

Sodded weak spots on 12, 13, 17, and 18 greens

15 green has been sodded. Collars and Tee Boxes soon to follow.

Verticutting and topdressing will become more regular to promote healthy and smooth rolling greens

As always, please follow cart rules, fix divots, and your ball marks. Thank you

John Baker - Superintendent

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The Clubhouse Restaurant

Hello CMC Members,

Hot days are here! On May 10th, we celebrated Mother’s Day, and it was a huge success with special cocktails specifically for moms.

Special thanks to all of the members of the Men’s Golf Association for a successful MGA Charity Event. Cramer Mountain had over 100 golfers here for a special tournament that raised money for Webb Street School. We also appreciate the ladies of the Ladies Golf Association for your volunteer work to help make this event a success.

Employee of the month is Hannah Bright. Hannah is a hard worker that shows up every day with the conviction of making you all feel welcome when entering the club house restaurant. Thank you Hannah for your dedication to the members of CMC!

Wine focus of the month is Chateau d'Estoublon- Roseblood Rose

This tint of pink rose notes are pomegranate and apricot. This is a dry rose but perfect for the warmer months.

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June Calendar

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 MGADogfight 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Johnson&Wales Alumni MondayNightDinks &Drinks LGAMorningPlay Kid'sNight Men'sQuads LGA9&Dine Ladies'Quads MGADogfight HalfPricedWineby theGlass LadiesMixAround LGAFun18 MGADogfight InterclubNorth Stone WaterAerobics 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 CouplesGolf MondayNightDinks &Drinks LGAMorningPlay Kid'sNight Men'sQuads Ladies'Quads MGADogfight HalfPricedWineby theGlass LadiesMixAround GlowGolf MGADogfight GolfClinics WaterAerobics 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Father'sDayCookout atthePool Father'sDayGolf MondayNightDinks &Drinks LGAMorningPlay Kid'sNight Men'sQuads LGA9&Dine Ladies'Quads MGADogfight LadiesMixAround ParentChildGolf MGADogfight GolfClinics WaterAerobics 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 MondayNightDinks &Drinks LGAMorningPlay Kid'sNight Men'sQuads Ladies'Swign'Swing Ladies'Quads MGADogfight HalfPricedWineby theGlass LadiesMixAround MGADogfight GolfClinics 30

CMC Contact Directory

General Manager: Scott Brannan sbrannan@cramermountainclub.org | 704-879-4888 ext. 3

Golf Professional, Billy Powell & First Assistant, Devin Saunders: proshop@cramermountainclub.org | 704-879-4888 ext. 1 bpowell@cramermountainclub.org | dsaunders@cramermountainclub.org

Golf Course Superintendent, John Baker: jbaker@cramermountainclub.org

Tennis Director, Will Borders: tennis@cramermountainclub.org | 704-472-3436

Director of Marketing and Membership, Austin Holland: aholland@cramermountainclub.org, membership@cramermountainclub.org, cmcevents@cramermountainclub.org | 704-879-4888 ext. 4

Account Manager, Tabatha Friday: tfriday@cramermountainclub.org | 704-879-4888 ext. 6

Pool Manager, Shannon Irish: sirish@cramermountainclub.org

Front of House and Event Manager, Shatera McIntosh: smcintosh@cramermountainclub.org, cmcevents@cramermountainclub.org

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