In the period 28-30/06/2021 took place the online training planned in the European project "IntegrateME: The development of a VET Open Educational Resource on Cultural Literacy towards the integration of immigrants and refugees in the EU in the frames of the Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development focus of "leaving no one behind" (acronym “IntegrateME!”). The initiative was approved as 2019-1-UK01-KA202062109 as part of the Erasmus Plus KA2 Strategic Partnerships for VET program. The course was attended online by three staff members of EURO-NET. The project focuses on the role of VET trainers/teachers/Tutors in promoting the cultural literacy of immigrants and refugees towards their regular integration into the diverse society of the European Union. The partnership is composed of 6 different organisations from 6 different States: SIRIUS Training CIC (UK); EURO-NET (Italy); Balkanska Agenciya za Ustoychivo Razvitie (Bulgaria); Wyzsza Szkola Biznesu I Nauk O Zdrowiu (Poland); Mpirmpakos D. & SIA O.E. (Greece); STANDO LTD (Cyprus). You can follow the development of the activities on the official Facebook page at the internet address:
20. Short meeting of the “PISH” project In date 29/06/2021 took place the short on line meeting of the project “Problem-Based Learning, Intercultural Communications and STEM in Higher Education” (acronym PISH) – action n. 20201-DK01-KA203- 075109 approved by the Danish Erasmus Plus National Agency in the framework of the KA2 Strategic Partnerships for Higher Education. The project aims to improve the coaching and intercultural communication skills of university teachers in a problem-based learning environment. During the meeting, the project partners discussed the work of the activities developed so far and what still needs to be done in the coming months. In addition to EURO-NET, the international partnership also includes the following organisations: University of Aalborg (Denmark); University of Thessaly (Greece); Crossing Borders (Denmark); Comparative Research Network (Germany); Center for Education and Innovation (Greece) and ITA Suomen Ylipisto (Finland). All interested parties can follow the project at the moment on the official Facebook page at
21. Online meeting of the “Queer Migrants” project In date 01/07/2021 took place an online meeting of the project "Queer Migrants: Addressing gaps in adult education and social cohesion" project (acronym "Queer Migrants"), approved by the Erasmus Plus National Agency in the United Kingdom as part of the Erasmus Plus KA2 program Strategic Partnerships for Adult Education as action n.2020-1-UK01-KA204-079101. The European initiative, well-coordinated by the IARS Institute (Independent Academic Research Studies International Institute) in London, is aimed at improving social cohesion and allowing the inclusion of LGBTQI migrants. During the meeting the partners checked the state of the art of the first intellectual product envisaged within the project. The partnership that works on the project includes the following partners: IARS (UK), EURO-NET (Italy), Symplexis (Greece), Astiki Mh Kerdosko-piki Etaireia Helping