27. TPM in Potenza of the “ACTE" project In date 24/07/2021 took place in Potenza, finally in presence, a new meeting of the project "Active Citizenship Through Education" (acronym ACTE), hosted by EURO-NET association. The project was approved and funded, as action n. 2019-1-IT02-KA204-063152, by the Italian National Agency Erasmus Plus INDIRE in the framework of the homonymous programme within the Strategic Partnerships for Adult Education. During the project meeting, the partners also took stock of the activities already developed (the project started in September 2019) and of the further steps to be taken in the coming months, before its conclusion (February 2022, except for possible extensions due to the ongoing pandemic). “The main aim of the project, explained Antonino Imbesi, project manager of the association in Potenza and director of the Europe Direct Basilicata centre, is to exchange methods of good practice in the field of education for active citizenship. Using innovative methodologies and digital tools, active citizenship can, in fact, be included in various training programmes and encourage active participation in public life, as well as inclusion." The partnership is composed of the following organisations: Informamentis Europa (Italy); EURO-NET (Italy); Interacting S.L. (Spain); Geoclube (Portugal); Namoi (Russia); IYDA (Germany); Biedriba "Logos Latvija" (Latvia). The initiative can be followed on the project's official Facebook page at the link https://www.facebook.com/projectacte/?modal=admin_todo_tour or on website at the following address https://www.acteproject.eu/.
28. Meeting of the “CASE" project In date 03/08/2021 took place in Athens (Greece), in a mixed mode, the third meeting of the "CASE" project approved within the framework of the Erasmus Plus KA2 Strategic Partnerships for Adult Education programme by the Erasmus Plus National Agency in Luxembourg as action no. 2020-1-LU01-KA204-063247. The meeting took place a week after the second meeting held in Potenza on 28 July in order to try to take advantage of the summer period, which was more suitable for the development of face-toface meetings, so as to allow the partners to meet physically and catch up on some unfinished mobility. During the meeting, the partners took stock of the activities carried out and planned those to be carried out in the coming months. The project "Civically Active for Social Engagement" (acronym CASE) follows a cross-sectoral approach in order to collect, review and publish new and innovative approaches in active citizenship education as a way to break down boundaries between education sectors and to facilitate more open and innovative training and teaching. The partnership is composed of: Alliance for Global Development (Luxembourg); EURO-NET (Italy); Initiative for Sustainable Education and Deve-lopment (Germany); Action Synergy SA (Greece); Swideas AB (Sweden); Asociacion Juvenil Intercambia (Spain). More information on the project is available on the official Facebook page at: https://www.facebook.com/CASE-Civically-Active-for-Social-Engagement713964402758349/.
29. Online meeting of the “GREEN ROUTES” project In date 06/08/2021 took place a new virtual meeting of the project "GREEN ROUTES” approved in Germany as action n. 2020-1-DE02-KA204-007652, in the framework of the program Erasmus Plus KA2 Strategic Partnerships for Adult Education. During the meeting, the partners took stock of all the activities carried out and planned the