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Meeting of the “CoCo” project in Barcelona 25
(acronym “Telegrow”) approved, as action n.2020-1-ES01-KA226-VET-096306, by the National Agency in Spain within the framework of the Erasmus Plus programme in the special call of October 2020 dedicated to KA226 VET projects in the field of creativity and innovation. For the EURO-NET association, a delegation of its staff attended the training course. The European initiative aims to provide trainers and vocational training providers with the necessary knowledge and tools to (re)train and improve the skills of employees aged 50+ and help them to work efficiently from home, using teleworking consciously and effectively. The project partnership is composed of: Florida Centre De Formació, COOP. V (Spain), project coordinator; Stowarzyszenie Centrum Wspierania Edukacji I Przedsiebiorczosci (Poland); Kainotomia & SIA EE (Greece); E-Seniors: Initiation Des Seniors Aux Ntic Association (France); Markeut Skills Sociedad Limitada (Spain) and EURO-NET (Italy). More information on the project can be found on the official website (https://telegrow.erasmus.site/) or on the official Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/TeleGrow-Enhancing-TeleworkingSkills-for-the-Middle-aged-employees-106389581610827).
19. Training course in Senegal for EURO-NET
In the period 06-17/09/2022 (travel days included) took place in Senegal the training course envisaged in the project "FUTURE FRIENDLY AFRICA Capacity transfer for programme for youth development and environmental entrepreneurship in Senegal and Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA)" approved by the EACEA as action n.619137-EPP-1-2020-1-BG-EPPKA2-CBY-ACPALA. This is an Erasmus Plus Capacity Building for Youth initiative in which various activities are planned to support the development and empowerment of young people in Senegal. The international partnership is composed of: NC FUTURE NOW (Bulgaria) coordinator; EURO-NET (Italy); CASCUP (Senegal). Margherita Gilotti participated in the training as a delegate of the EURO-NET association, which is a partner in the project.
20. Meeting in Dublin of the “LearnEU” project
In date 09/09/2022 in Dublin, Ireland, a new meeting of the project "Imparare l’Europa è un gioco da ragazzi" (acronym LearnEU), an initiative approved to the EURO-NET association, as action n.2020-1IT02-KA201-079054 by the Italian National Agency Erasmus Plus INDIRE within the framework of the Erasmus Plus Strategic Partnerships for School Education programme. During the transnational meeting, the partners reviewed the state of the art of the project and analysed all the activities realised so far as well as the actual completion of the development work on the various intellectual products. The European partnership is composed of EURO-NET (Italy - project coordinator), Damasistem (Turkey), Mpirmpakos D. & Sia O.E. (Greece), CCS Digital Education Limited (Ireland) and AIJU (Spain), Ipias Giorgi (Italy), Sredno opstinsko uciliste Pero Nakov (Macedonia), Colegiul Economic "Ion Ghica" Braila (Romania) and Agrupamento de Escolas de Penalva do Castelo (Portugal). More information on the project is available on the Face-book page https://www.facebook.com/Learneu117725843430250/ and on the website https://project-learn.eu/.