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New video realised by the staff of the Europe Direct Basilicata Centre 26
aimed at addressing and reducing harassment and sexual violence, combating gender stereotypes and discrimination, through the development of three main outcomes: a booklet containing the results of a research study to be carried out in all partner countries; a course aimed at 12-16 year olds; and a final guide for educators and trainers. All project results will be made available free of charge and in all languages of the partner countries (plus English) on the EquAlley website and social media. The following organisations are part of the partnership: Escuela Profesional Otxarkoaga (Spain - project coordinator), EURO-NET (Italy), Aidlearn Consultoria Em Recursos Humanos LDA (Portugal), Uniwersytet Lodzki (Poland) and Stichting Emancipator (The Netherlands). The project brochure in Italian is now online at this link: https://issuu.com/memex23/docs/first_flyer_equalley_italian.
26. New video realised by the staff of the Europe Direct Basilicata Centre
We are pleased to share with you our new video developed as Europe Direct Basilicata centre that explains well how the European Commission is fighting the indiscriminate proliferation of fake news. Fake news are articles with invented, erroneous or misleading information, without reliability and contrived to manipulate the truth of facts, for example in favour of economic, political or medical-scientific interests. As false news about the European Union has also been published, the video aims to explain and raise awareness on this sensitive issue. The production direction of the video was supervised by Antonino Imbesi; Antonia Bruno took care of the subject, texts and voice; while the images were edited by Gianluca Lagrotta. The video is available at the following link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lTIIGKXB2UY.
27. Last European training course in Potenza of the “LearnEU” project
In the period 27-29/09/2022 (travel days not included) took place in Potenza the third and last inpresence training foreseen in the project LearnEU, This third training activity concerned only the staff of the partner organisations and was aimed, on the one hand, at verifying the state of the art of the project and the realised outputs and, on the other hand, at promoting storytelling techniques for students to improve their approach to the activities and optimise the learning of European notions. Therefore, the training also covered the methods of involving learners in the various e-games developed and the techniques of expression such as drama and body language that were very useful in engaging learners. During the three-day training event in Potenza, a further review of the implemented games was carried out and were planned the Multiplier Events to promote the use of the outputs developed in the project by the entire European partnership composed by EURO-NET (Italy project coordinator), Damasistem (Turkey), Mpirmpakos D. & Sia O.E. (Greece), CCS Digital Education Limited (Ireland) and AIJU (Spain), Ipias Giorgi (Italy), Sredno opstinsko uciliste Pero Nakov (Macedonia), Colegiul Economic "Ion Ghica" Braila (Romania) and Agrupamento de Escolas de Penalva do Castelo (Portugal). More information on the project is available on the Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/Learneu-117725843430250/ and on the website https://project-learn.eu/.