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First meeting and Italian brochure of the “EQUALLEY” project 25
23. Meeting of the “CoCo” project in Barcelona
In the period 26-27/09/2022 took place in Barcelona the second official meeting of the project "Conscious Consumption" (acronym "CoCo"), approved in Germany by the German National Agency Erasmus Plus within the programme "KA220-ADU Cooperation partnerships in adult education" as action n.2021-1-DE02-KA 220-ADU-000033718. The meeting, which was attended by two EURO-NET staff members, dr. Luca Caggiano and dr. Giulia Maria Provenzale, was dedicated to reviewing the work done so far in the project and planning the next steps. The partnership initiative is aimed at creating a behavioural change of European citizens towards more conscious and ecological consumption patterns and is designed to ensure reliable product information and to strengthen consumer protection against commercial practices such as greenwashing and premature obsolescence. In the project, EURO-NET will lead the development of a "serious game" (to be developed both online and tabletop) aimed at improving the green awareness of young consumers. The partnership working on this project consists of Comparative Research Network EV (Germany - coordinator of the initiative), EURO-NET (Italy), DR. Ludwig Intelligent Projects GMBH (Germany), KaakkoisSuomen Ammattikorkeakoulu OY (Finland), Blue Room Innovation SL (Spain), Erasmus Learning Academy (Italy) and Fundacja Otwarty Plan (Poland).
24. Meeting of the “HEPA4ALL” project in Cyprus
In date 27/09/2022 took place in Nicosia, at the new Campus of the University of Cyprus, a meeting in the presence of the project "Encouraging Participation in Sports and Health Enhancing Physical Activities with an Inclusive Approach" - (acronym HEPA4AL) - action no.622480-EPP-12020-1-UK-SPO-SCP, a centralised project of the Erasmus Plus Sport programme approved in the call EAC/A02/2019 - Collaborative Partnerships and coordinated at European level by Ikkaido (UK). Unfortunately, the EURO-NET association was only able to participate in the meeting online (given the contingency of too many mobility activities concentrated in the same period) with one person from its staff (Serena Lamastra), who followed the entire meeting virtually, despite some connection and line difficulties. During the meeting, the partners discussed the development of the various actions and intellectual products envisaged in the European project, which is aimed at identifying the long-term measures needed to encourage inclusive participation in physical and sporting activities by all persons, including disabled and disadvantaged persons through the development of appropriate educational and innovative methodologies. The project, its development and activities can be followed on the Facebook page at: https://www.facebook.com/hepa4all.

25. First meeting and Italian brochure of the “EQUALLEY” project
In the period 27-28/09/2022 took place in Lodz, Poland, the first meeting of the "Equalley" project (acronym "Tackling street harassment & gender stereotypes in youngsters") which was approved in Spain by the Spanish National Agency Erasmus Plus within the KA220-SCH programme addressed to Cooperative Partnerships in School Education as action n.2021-1-ES01-KA220-SCH-000032603. The meeting, attended for the EURO-NET association by dr. Caterina Lacerra and dr. Anna Restivo, served the partners to present and discuss the first draft of the booklet envisaged in Result 1 and the guidelines to be followed for the collection of the necessary data as well as to update the project timetable. The initiative is