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New training in Nicosia of the “The A class” project 28
the association Youth Europe Service is a partner, is testing new ways and new innovative skills to help and professionalise social workers more and more, improving their communication skills with the public. All those interested can follow the development of this interesting initiative on the project's official Facebook page at: https://www.facebook.com/SPEAK-103210721662026/ or on the project website at the following link: https://www.speakproject.eu.
36. Meeting in Madrid of the “INTERACT” project
In the period 12-13/09/2022 took place in Madrid, Spain, a new transnational meeting foreseen in the project "Innovative Cultural Heritage the Root of European Identity" (acronym "INTERACT"), an initiative approved by the English National Agency as action no. 2020-1-UK01-KA204078950 within the Erasmus Plus KA2 Strategic Partnerships for Adult Education programme. The meeting was aimed at reviewing the outputs realised so far (Paper guide and Legends' book) and planning the new activities related to the development of the animations and the app as well as the necessary dissemination activities and evaluation of the entire work developed so far. More information on the whole initiative coordinated by Find an Internship (UK) and developed with the cooperation of Youth Europe Service (Italy), S.C Predict CSD (Romania), Interacting S.L (Spain) and Logos Polska (Poland) can be found on the website https://interactproject.eu/ and on the official Facebook page of the project at the link https://www.facebook.com/Erasmus-Plus-Interact-100911398721786.
37. Focus Group and technical meeting of the “EI4Future” project
In date 30/09/2022 took place in In Potenza, at Godesk's headquarters, a very interesting Focus Group on Emotional Intelligence was held with six expert trainers as part of the “Emotional Intelligence for Emotional Resilience” project, an initiative approved within the KA220-ADU actions by the Spanish Erasmus Plus National Agency as action n. 2021-1-ES01-KA220-ADU000026157. In addition, a technical meeting took place online on 03/10/2022, during which the partners reviewed the state of the art of the project and analysed all the activities carried out so far. The project, coordinated at European level by the Spanish institute Indepcie SCA, has a partnership consisting of GODESK S.R.L. (Italy), Instituto Ikigai (Spain), Center for Education and Innovation (Greece), Vienna Association of Education Volunteers (Austria) and Avrasya Yenilikçi Toplum Derneği (Turkey). The partnership aims to promote the importance of emotional intelligence in everyday life, from both a personal and a professional perspective, by supporting adults with fewer opportunities (i.e. from socially disadvantaged backgrounds such as unemployed, immigrants, refugees, disabled, etc.) to develop skills in managing their emotions and become more emotionally resilient. More information on the project is available on the official Facbook page at: https://www.facebook.com/EI4Future/ on the website (still under construction) at the following link: https://www.ei4Future.eu/.
38. “CONTINUE”: 3 workshops and World Cafè
In the period 14-16/09/2022 took place in Potenza a cycle of three workshops dedicated to helping participants understand how to develop social actions for change. The workshops were developed by the Youth Europe Service association in the framework of the CONTINUE project,