Simply Classical Journal - Summer 2022

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A Publication of Memoria Press

Summer 2022


Two Mothers with a Shared Hope by Cheryl Swope & Anita Veyera From the Dark Side to the Light Side: Moral Imagination by Dr. Gene Edward Veith In Weakness, Strength by Rev. Erik Rottmann

Classical Education for Children with Special Needs



ncreasingly in classical schools and homeschools, we hear from those who are teaching students with autism and related conditions. In this issue of the Simply Classical Journal we will contemplate the needs of these children. Let's begin with some information: • The word "autism" derives from the Greek word autos ("self") and was established by Leo Kanner in 1943 to describe the child who retreats to the "self" and appears to be in his own world. • Across the world 1 in 100 people are said to have autism. In the United States over two million individuals are now identified as having autism ranging from mild to severe. Girls with autism are studied less frequently, as males are identified 4:1 over females. • Early signs of autism may include repetitive or unusual movements, repetition of words without meaning, an absence or delay of language, intense reactions to sounds, smells, or textures, avoidance of eye contact or looking "through" you, rigidity with a desire for sameness, difficulty with transitions, fixed interests, lining up parts of toys or games rather than playing with them, or not responding. A child with autism may desire social interaction but needs help with nuances that others take for granted. Both of my twins have autism. Years ago, my children's gentle occupational therapist told me that the top factor for a child's success is his sense of love, acceptance, and closeness from a parent. As if scales fell from my eyes, I began to compare my twins less with others and to see each of them as a unique, often endearing, and fully human person. I jotted down delightful things they said, noted small steps of progress they made, and appreciated the importance of them in our family beyond what is measurable by any specialist. Our children are created imago Dei, in the image of God, fallen but redeemed by Christ and sanctified by the Holy Spirit. In Christ, my twins have an unmatched Advocate and Defender. With this knowledge I am free to continue therapies, press on with academics, and teach the many things they need to know. If we are able to move forward in noticeable ways, we rejoice. If not, we press on knowing that the Lord is with us. Today, whenever I see other families make progress I rejoice greatly! May God continue to give us gratitude and humility on our hearty days with mercy and wisdom on our weaker days as we love, respect, and teach the unique children entrusted to each of us.


Heading Letter from Goes the Here Editor



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Letter from the Editor by Cheryl Swope Book Notes by Michelle Swope Two Mothers with a Shared Hope by Cheryl Swope & Anita Veyera In Weakness, Strength by Rev. Erik Rottmann


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Simply Classical Curriculum Packages

Ages 2-18

Curriculum Map Copybooks & Cursive

Ages 4-12

Enrichment, Language Arts, & Character Building

Ages 3-13

From the Dark Side to the Light Side: Moral Imagination by Dr. Gene Edward Veith

For students older than 18, contact for free customization.

Follow @_SimplyClassical_ on Instagram and tell us your #simplyclassical stories!

BOOK NOTES A free forum for all things Simply Classical.

Encouragement. Instruction. Community.

A Book Review by Michelle Swope

Noah, a nine-year-old boy in the 1880s, travels with his parents from Maine out west to Colorado. Noah refuses schooling. He says words like "ain't" and others that today would seem rude and uneducated. Interestingly enough, school and education were not considered important to most folks. You were considered fortunate if you knew your name and could count to ten. Most people thought school a waste of time and money. Work and chores were therefore more revered. Two months after settling into his new home, a new marvel comes into Noah's life: his Aunt Dora. Handicapped from an injury to her legs, she tries to teach Noah but he avoids her and school as much as opportunity occurs. Their first days result in depression, confusion, and heartache.

Prairie School by Avi *This book is included in Simply Classical Curriculum Level 3.

Later Noah accepts his aunt for who she is and accepts the gifts she represents: schoolwork, education, and fellowship with God and man. Even though after a time she returns east, he continues to respect what she has given him and to appreciate what God has given him.

Happy tales!

Michelle Swope was born in 1995 with her twin brother, Michael. She enjoys reading, listening to music, and working in a coffee shop. Despite having schizophrenia, autism, and learning disabilities, Michelle graduated from her classical Christian homeschool in 2013 and has since written two books of fireside poetry, Through Time's Looking Glass and her most recent release, God's Harvest.

© Copyright 2022 (all rights reserved) Publisher | Memoria Press Editors | Cheryl Swope & Martin Cothran

Managing Editor | Dayna Grant Copy Editor | Ellen R. Anderson Graphic Designers | Aileen Delgado & Jessica Osborne


Two Mothers with a Shared Hope by Cheryl Swope & Anita Veyera

From Cheryl As families and teachers can attest, the impact of autism and related conditions can be profound, complex, and lifelong. Effects often appear early, as I describe in Simply Classical: "Michelle wriggled and squirmed constantly. She craved deep contact, but could not sit still long enough to enjoy being held. Her sensory system seemed to malfunction. She leaned into our big dogs, especially her favorite black lab mix, who leaned even harder back into her, slurping her face, giving her the constant sensory input she seemed to crave. Seemingly impervious to pain, Michelle combat-crawled into furniture and walls, banging into them as if on purpose. Nothing most toddlers would deem painful seemed to bother her, but then when we tried to remove a shirt over her head, she cried as if in agony. Language, too, appeared an early area of difficulty…."

Early effects necessitate early action, and looking back on my experiences with my own children and what I've learned from others, I offer these ways to help, strengthen, and support a child with autism (or related conditions) at any age. The unusual nervous system of a child with autism often manifests as "sensory needs" that impact daily life. Something as simple as finger painting can be distressing to a child with autism if not carefully introduced. As parents we can take more time to introduce unusual textures, provide softer clothing, vacuum when he is in another room, and give coaching prior to new foods, experiences, or friends. In a school we can muffle the sound of a classroom bell or buzzer, provide quiet areas in the cafeteria, and speak concisely with a clear, low voice. By respecting sensitivities without unduly indulging them, we can adapt in needed ways to invite the child into a more expansive and wondrous world than he might make for himself. Temple Grandin, the renowned researcher with autism, often attributes her success to her mother's early and diligent teaching of manners. For children with autism, lessons in manners will require practice, role playing, and coaching to generalize to new and varied situations, but they can be taught. In this way we can open to all children the marvelously gratifying realm of being with others who care about us as we care about them. A child with autism may evidence narrow or fixed interests, such as maps or calendars. We can work with these interests to expand knowledge and understanding in other areas. One mother I know employed her child's desire for list-making as a means of learning all of the prepositions and helping verbs in the English language when he studied grammar. A love of trains can translate to writing and drawing exercises or math problems. An older child's interest in weather can be linked to studies in geography, astronomy, or world history. We can respect the child's interests while furthering his education. Most children with autism benefit greatly from a sense of orderliness. With a little planning we can provide a reasonable routine for each day and give clear notice about upcoming changes. We can take extra time to visit the library (an ongoing favorite quiet spot for our family), try to keep the house or classroom tidy, and Cheryl Swope is the author of Simply Classical: A Beautiful Education for Any Child and Memoria Press' Simply Classical Curriculum, as well as editor of the Simply Classical Journal. Anita Veyera is a homeschooling mother of four young children. She is a writer, painter, and singer who loves hot coffee and a good mystery. She and her husband, Jeff, an engineer, reside in rural Colorado.


Two Mothers with a Shared Hope

reassure students of upcoming breaks and rest times. Often such improvements to orderliness benefit everyone in the classroom or family, as they do in ours. Most of all, we must know that we are not alone. Across the globe families and schools are caring for a host of children with special needs with dignity, diligence, and patience. Earlier this year, Memoria Press' Homeschool Journal Podcast featured the background, history, and mission of Simply Classical. Three days later, we received the letter below, shared with permission. Meet Anita.

From Anita Longtime fans like me have likely heard (or read) the story of Simply Classical, but the podcast episode shed more light on the evolution from kitchen table to homeschool curricula. There was much I did not know and was delighted to find out. As I listened I could not help being transported back to when Simply Classical: A Beautiful Education for Any Child was first released in 2013. My oldest child with autism was five and functionally non-verbal. I had been trying to homeschool him but was floundering for a curriculum that could assist him—and me!—on how to accomplish this effectively. There was nothing in homeschool curricula that fit the bill—and that is not an overstatement. There was nothing. It seemed like all the hopes I had for my son were being dashed at every turn. I wanted what every other parent had access to: I wanted the best. I vividly remember sitting in bed with my copy of the book, a highlighter, and some sticky notes, weeping. What I held in my hands that day was not just another educator's intellectual theory on how to educate children with special needs; it was another mom's personal notes—a mom who had actually done it. Cheryl had taken all of her own desire for dignity and beauty, her experience as a classroom educator, and her boots-on-the-ground work with her own children and distilled it into a practicum. Simply Classical wasn't another specialist throwing data points at me from an exam room and then wishing me luck; it was a fellow mom sitting with me at my own kitchen table and going over the blueprint on how to do what I so desperately wanted to do, and giving me the encouragement to do it. My oldest is now almost fourteen. He went from a functionally non-verbal five-year-old with an IQ measuring seventy-five to a Latin student who is now doing ratios in math. We had been told by one speech expert that he would never talk. ("You should just get him one of those speech computers. If he hasn't talked by now, he's not going to.") Now my most frequent comment to him is how he has spoken more than enough words for the day and to please be quiet. He started with Simply Classical Readiness Level C, which was extremely hard for him, and is now in Memoria Press Classical Core, which is not. He excels in Latin, math, English grammar, spelling, geography, cursive, history, and recitation, all taught at a level he can not only manage but master. He enjoys reading now. The changes he has undergone in this academic year alone are impressive. Along the way he earned a red belt in taekwondo. He can ride a bike and cook macaroni and he does his own chores without being asked. He is concerned for the poor and the homeless and is extremely involved in the life of our parish, attending Mass and saying his prayers. He's a great kid. I am not the least bit concerned about him finding his way. He will. That "way" may look a little different than someone else's child, but it will be a good way, a strong way, a beautiful way. It will edify others to see. What Simply Classical has done for my family and for countless others, and what Cheryl has done with her life's work, is a beautiful education in living, not just in learning. So I will continue to believe not just in the idea that any child can succeed with classical education, but that my own can as well. 502-966-9115

Two Mothers with a Shared Hope


Full-Year Curriculum Packages for Students with Special Needs Visit to obtain detailed information about each level and to take free readiness assessments.

Simply Classical Curriculum




Readiness, Rhythm, & Rhyme Ages 2-3 (Chronological Age or Skill Level)

Curriculum Manual Only $30

• • • • • • • • • • • •

Level A Curriculum Manual Prayers for Children Jesus Is With Me Jesus Hears Me Jesus Knows Me Big Red Barn The Best Mouse Cookie Little Fur Family Bunny's Noisy Book From Head to Toe Goodnight Moon Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What Do You Hear? • Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? • Numbers, Colors, Shapes

• • • • • • • • • • • • • •

The Very Busy Spider Good Night, Gorilla The Tale of Peter Rabbit Fuzzy Yellow Ducklings My Very First Book of Shapes ABC: Amazing Alphabet Book Put Me in the Zoo Hand, Hand, Fingers, Thumb Cars and Trucks From A to Z My First Counting Book The Animals' Christmas Eve Big Dog ... Little Dog Mr. Brown Can Moo! Can You? A Children's Treasury of Nursery Rhymes • 1 Is One

Simply Classical Curriculum


Curriculum Manual Only $30 Consumables Only $42.07 Read-Aloud Set $137.83 CURRICULUM MANUAL Lesson Plans for One Year

Essentials, Etiquette, & Ear Training Ages 3-4 (Chronological Age or Skill Level)








A Child's Garden of Bible Stories, Bible Pictures to Color, Prayer for a Child, Please and Thank You Book, Big Thoughts for Little People, How Can I Help?

PHONOLOGICAL AWARENESS, PHONICS, & READING Alphabet Coloring Book, My First ABC Book, Simply Classical Crafts: Book One (p. 23), Alphabet Flashcards



Numbers Coloring Book, Numbers & Colors, My Very First Scissors Book (p. 23), Adventures With Books, Counting With Numbers

My First Body, My Big Animal Book, A Child's Garden of Verses, A Child's Garden of Songs CD, Back to the Garden CD, Best First Book Ever

New to Simply Classical? You need this item from Level A. Prayers for Children $5.99


Simply Classical Curriculum

Simply Classical Curriculum




Curriculum Manual Only $30 Consumables Only $77.83 Read-Aloud Set $368.54

Animals, Alphabet, & Aesop Ages 4-5 (Chronological Age or Skill Level) CHRISTIAN STUDIES, MEMORY, & MANNERS




PHONOLOGICAL AWARENESS, PHONICS, & READING Alphabet Books 1-2, Classical Phonics, First Start Reading A Student, First Start Reading Teacher, Simply Classical Letters & Numbers Desk Charts (p. 19)

My ABC of Bible Verses

CURRICULUM MANUAL Lesson Plans for One Year

ARITHMETIC & FINE-MOTOR Numbers Books 1-2, Going on Eagerly, My Very Own Scissors Book (p. 23)

OPTIONAL ENRICHMENT Animals Animals, Simply Classical Crafts: Book Two (p. 23), Aesop's Fables (p. 19), Richard Scarry's Best Mother Goose Ever, Christian Liberty Nature Reader Book K, Animal Alphabet Coloring Book

New to Simply Classical? You need this item from Level A. Prayers for Children $5.99

Simply Classical Curriculum


Curriculum Manual Only $30 Consumables Only $72.05 Read-Aloud Set $183.83 Science & Enrichment Set $139.79 CURRICULUM MANUAL Lesson Plans for One Year

CHRISTIAN STUDIES, MEMORY, & MANNERS The Story Bible, The Creation Story for Children, Simply Classical Copybook 1 (p. 19)

New to Simply Classical? You need these items from Level C. Classical Phonics $18.50 Letters & Numbers Desk Charts $13.95 First Start Reading Teacher $19.95


Sentences, Sums, & Stories Ages 5-6 (Chronological Age or Skill Level)

PHONOLOGICAL AWARENESS, PHONICS, & READING Fun in the Sun, Soft and White, Scamp and Tramp, Primary Phonics Readers Set 1, First Start Reading A-D Student Books, Phonics Flashcards, Cut & Paste Book, Kindergarten Phonics Supplemental Workbook, Phonics from A to Z

OPTIONAL ENRICHMENT Kindergarten & First Grade Art Cards, Hailstones and Halibut Bones, A Child's Book of Poems, The Days Gone By CD, My Nature Journal (p. 19), Map of the World Jumbo Puzzle







ARITHMETIC & FINE-MOTOR Rod & Staff Arithmetic 1 Student (Part 1), Teacher, Flashcards, Practice Sheets, 100 Bugs!: A Counting Book, This First Thanksgiving Day

Simply Classical Curriculum


Simply Classical Curriculum







Curriculum Manual Only $30 Consumables Only $110.14 Literature, Science, History, & Geography Read-Aloud Set $266.68 Arithmetic Read-Aloud Set $49.87

Comprehension, Calculations, & Character Ages 6-8 (Chronological Age or Skill Level)

CURRICULUM MANUAL Lesson Plans for One Year

ARITHMETIC & FINE-MOTOR Rod & Staff Arithmetic 1 Student (Part 2)

CURSIVE Cursive Practice Sheets I, New American Cursive 1 (p. 19)

LITERATURE, COMPOSITION, & GRAMMAR Simply Classical Writing: Book One (Bible Ed.), Simply Classical StoryTime Treasures Student and Teacher (p. 23), Little Bear, Little Bear's Visit, Blueberries for Sal, Caps for Sale, At the Farm



I Can Read It! Book 2, Core Skills Phonics 2, Simply Classical Spelling: Book One (p. 23)

Second Grade Art Cards, Animal Tales CD


New to Simply Classical? You need these items from prior levels.

SC Copybook 2: Manuscript (p. 19)

Classical Phonics, Arithmetic 1 Teacher, Arithmetic 1 Practice Sheets, Arithmetic 1 Flashcards, A Child's Garden of Bible Stories, Phonics Flashcards

"I just wanted to say what a blessing this curriculum has been. I have seen such tremendous progress with my eight-year-old son. I suspect he has ADHD, dyslexia, dysgraphia, and dyscalculia. Reading for him had been such a struggle. Now I am so much more hopeful and have such a sense of relief. His reading, printing, and spelling have improved. So for those of you debating about trying this curriculum I highly recommend it." — Elise


Simply Classical Curriculum

Simply Classical Curriculum

Curriculum Manual Only $30 Consumables Only $142.98 American History Read-Aloud Set $286.05 Arithmetic Read-Aloud Set $58.91 Science & Enrichment Set $298.48


Literature, Latin, & Liberty Ages 7-9 (Chronological Age or Skill Level)

LITERATURE, COMPOSITION, & GRAMMAR Simply Classical More StoryTime Treasures Student and Teacher (p. 23), Billy and Blaze, The Story About Ping, Keep the Lights Burning Abbie, Stone Soup, Wagon Wheels, Prairie School, Prairie School Student and Teacher, Simply Classical Writing: Book Two (Bible Story Ed.) Student and Teacher (p. 23)

CURRICULUM MANUAL Lesson Plans for One Year



New American Cursive 2: Famous Americans (p. 19), My Thankfulness Journal: Beginner (p. 19), New American Cursive Desk Strip

First Start Reading E Student and Teacher, Simply Classical Spelling: Book Two (p. 23)

LATIN Prima Latina Student, Teacher, and Pronunciation CD

CHRISTIAN STUDIES, MEMORY, & MANNERS Simply Classical Copybook 3: Cursive (p. 19)

ARITHMETIC & FINE-MOTOR Rod & Staff Arithmetic 2 Student Units 1-2, Teacher Units 1-2, Practice Sheets 1, and Supplemental Pack, Arithmetic Flashcards: Addition and Subtraction, Write-On / Wipe-Off Demo Clock








OPTIONAL ENRICHMENT SC Enrichment: Level Three (p. 23), Map of the U.S. Sticker Picture Book, States & Capitals Flashcards

New to Simply Classical? You need these items from prior levels. Classical Phonics, The Story Bible, K, 1st, and 2nd Grade Art Cards, Phonics Flashcards

Simply Classical Curriculum




For my son Adam, who daily homeschools me in subjects that truly matter. 10

Heading Goes Here


erhaps our children with special needs are not always at a disadvantage. Perhaps their mental, neurological, and even physical limitations place them at some advantage over their peers, at least when it comes to matters of the Christian faith. Jesus turns weakness into strength. I intend here to speak hope and consolation into the battle-scarred precincts of your home or classroom.

CHILDREN WITH SPECIAL NEEDS FACE NO DISADVANTAGE IN SPIRITUAL MATTERS In science, math, language, and physical coordination, our children with autism or other special needs may indeed struggle more than their peers. Reading comprehension, writing, or the abstractions of social understanding might take longer to grasp for children with special needs, but by the Holy Spirit they can become Christian instantly by faith in the hearing of the Word: "So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God" (Romans 10:17). Jesus "regardest not the person of men" (Matthew 22:16), as the King James Version so beautifully words this truth. The object of our faith is Jesus Christ, the living Word of God made flesh (John 1:1, Philippians 2:6-7). "He took our illnesses and bore our diseases" (Matthew 8:17). Jesus does not need us to overcome our limitations in order to believe. Jesus overcomes our limitations so that we may believe. No disability of any sort—blindness (John 9:1-7), deafness (Mark 7:31-34), paralysis (Luke 5:17-26), or any other affliction (Matthew 4:24)—places anyone at a disadvantage when it comes to being Christian. God gives understanding (Psalm 119:169). The Lord gives faith (John 1:12-13). Faith is a divine miracle. In faith we all have weakness because we were all dead in trespasses and sins (Ephesians 2:1, Colossians 2:13). But God "made us alive together with Christ" (Ephesians 2:5). The same health, learning, or behavioral conditions that place our sons and daughters with special needs at a disadvantage in almost every area of life might prove advantageous for their faith. They daily feel in their bodies and their minds the effects of living in a fallen, sinful world. They viscerally understand weakness. They routinely experience the thoughts and emotions that weakness engenders: jealousy, rage, sorrow, despair, grief, The Reverend Erik Rottmann, husband of Kelly and homeschooling father of three sons, has written and contributed to numerous books for children and adults. He dedicates this article to his youngest son Adam, who has autism. The family lives near the Lake of the Ozarks in central Missouri.

denial, desperation. This is more than the "normal" tantrums or fears experienced by their peers. My son is aware of his challenges. He knows most of his conditions by name, including "autism." He often asks, when the dust finally starts to settle after particular turmoil, "Why do I have this?" I hope my answers never sound dismissive: "Because our God is gracious. Because He intends for you to bless many people in unimaginable ways, as you already have. Because Jesus gives every Christian a cross and this one is yours. Because Jesus desires for you to live in His strength instead of your own." Perhaps because of their challenges, students with special needs might be in a position to appreciate the gospel more quickly or more deeply than their peers.

TEACHING CHILDREN THE FAITH Teaching simple habits can help cultivate faith in any child. These can become models for teaching in all areas of education and life.


Have brief but regular chapel or church services during the week, with simple and repeated forms of prayer, illustrated Bible stories, and manageable learn-by-heart verses that can be integrated into a homeschool, cottage school, or day school schedule. Your child's special needs might dictate the amount of material you cover, the modality of presentation, or the time of day for attending chapel, but these disciplines build a firm foundation for every Christian.


Adopt the clear language of the liturgy for your everyday speech. Every Christian home has space available for honest phrases such as "Lord, have mercy!" and "Thanks be to God!" and "I forgive you." Sometimes children with special needs struggle to express themselves. Your patterned speech, spoken in "sincerity and truth" (1 Corinthians 5:8), will help to orient their thoughts and guide their tongues.


As part of your child's regular spiritual diet, highlight passages of Scripture that show how God uses weakness, limitation, and need to create blessings for many people. The blind man in John 9 is a particularly beneficial example for children with special needs. "It was not that this man sinned, or his parents," says the Lord, "but that the works of God might be displayed in him" (John 9:3). Paul likewise carried a daily burden that he desperately asked God to remove. God preferred to make good use of Paul's burden: "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness" (2 Corinthians 12:9).



As you continue your own reading of the Scriptures, ask God to open your eyes, so that you may see wondrous things in His Word (Psalm 119:18). Likewise pray that God would give you an instructed tongue, "that [you] may know how to sustain with a word [your child] who is weary" (Isaiah 50:4). Who knows the wondrous ways God will lead you to use Joseph's imprisonment (Genesis 39-41) and David's courage (1 Samuel 17) and Job's endurance (Job 19) for teaching the faith to your child with autism or other special needs.


Teach your child to pray. Hardship creates the need for prayer. Children with special needs already have the hardship. (Their families have the hardship, too.) Prayer draws our eyes and ears to the Scriptures, where God responds. In the Scriptures the miracle of the Christian faith begins, continues, and remains.

“TO HIM WHO HAS NO MIGHT HE INCREASES STRENGTH” (ISAIAH 40:29) Children with special needs often feel isolated. So do their parents. You are not alone; my wife and I live in exile with you. We do not always know what to do, either. Certain Bible verses breathe life into me. They have the power to fill your lungs, too. "We had boldness in our God to declare to you the gospel of God in the midst of much conflict" (1 Thessalonians 2:2). Earlier I made reference to "the battle-scarred precincts of your home or classroom." Perhaps I should have included the phrase "war weary." For our family, the struggle is always mental, usually emotional, and frequently physical. But our Lord Jesus Christ voluntarily chose to enter a world of chaos. The good news of forgiveness and life in Christ creates the very best form of peace, and it does so in places where there is no peace. "The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it" (John 1:5). Mental, neurological, and physical disabilities carry a dark side. In this darkness, the light of Christ often seems to shine like a tiny candle on a distant hill. But it still shines, and it will not go out. "Thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven" (Matthew 6:10). In order for God's good and gracious will to be done, my will must be broken. I owe thanks to my son. He has humbly allowed the heavenly Father to use him as a hammer and anvil to forge a more patient father, a more attentive husband, and a more understanding pastor. We are tasked with teaching our children, but sometimes the student becomes the teacher. In Weakness, Strength


Simply Classical Curriculum







Curriculum Manual Only $30 Consumables Only $124.34 Extended Literature Set $27.94

Mozart, Multiplication, & Myths Ages 8-10 (Chronological Age or Skill Level) CURRICULUM MANUAL Lesson Plans for One Year



New American Cursive 2: Scripture & Famous Quotations, My Thankfulness Journal: Beginner (p. 19)

Traditional Spelling I set




Animal Folk Tales set, The Courage of Sarah Noble set, Little House in the Big Woods set, Second Grade Literature Dictionary

Rod & Staff English 2 Student, Teacher, and Tests, Composition & Sketchbook II

Prima Latina Instructional Videos, Prima Latina Flashcards

OPTIONAL ENRICHMENT Heroes, Horses, and Harvest Moons: A Cornucopia of Best-Loved Poems, Vol. 1 CD, Don't Know Much About the 50 States, Rapunzel, Beauty & the Beast, King Midas and the Golden Touch, Cupid & Psyche, Persephone, Pegasus, The Trojan Horse: How the Greeks Won the War, Patterns of Nature Student and Teacher, Hurrah & Hallelujah



New to Simply Classical? You need these items from prior levels.

Rod & Staff Arithmetic 2 Student Units 3-4, Teacher Units 3-4, and Practice Sheets 2, Multiplication Flashcards: 0 to 12, Division Flashcards: 0 to 12

Prima Latina Student, Prima Latina Teacher, Prima Latina Pronunciation CD, States & Capitals Flashcards, Map of the U.S. Sticker Picture Book, Classical Phonics, Phonics Flashcards, Rod & Staff Arithmetic 2 Supplemental Pack, Arithmetic Flashcards, Demonstration Clock

Simply Classical Curriculum

Curriculum Manual Only: Two-Year Standard Pace $45 Curriculum Manual Only: One-Year Accelerated Pace $30 Consumables Only $169.81 | Read-Aloud Set $93.90 SC American History Set (for independent reading) $286.05

Simply Classical Curriculum

LEVELS 5 & 6 Grammar, Greece, & Gratitude Ages 9-12 (Chronological Age or Skill Level)






Rod & Staff Arithmetic 3 Student, Teacher, Blacklines, Speed Drills, Supplemental Worksheets, and Supplemental Worksheets Key

D'Aulaires' Greek Myths Text, Teacher, and Flashcards, Timeline Program (optional), Courage and a Clear Mind CD

Lesson Plans: Two-Year Pace or One-Year Pace (Two-Year Pace contains extra review!)




561.26 for One-Year Pace




Farmer Boy novel and Teacher, Charlotte's Web novel and Teacher, A Bear Called Paddington novel and Teacher, Mr. Popper's Penguins novel and Teacher, Poetry for the Grammar Stage Student and Teacher, Composition & Sketchbook III, The Little Fir Tree

Rod & Staff English 3 Student, Teacher, Worksheets, and Tests




Latina Christiana Student, Teacher, and Pronunciation CD, Latina Christiana Review Worksheets, Latina Christiana Review Worksheets Key

Christian Studies I Teacher, Old Testament Flashcards, The Golden Children's Bible

Creating Art, Music Appreciation I, States & Capitals Student, States & Capitals Teacher, Mammals set



New to Simply Classical? You need these items from prior levels.

Traditional Spelling II set

New American Cursive 3: Scripture and Manners, My Thankfulness Journal: Intermediate (p. 19)

Demo Clock, States & Capitals Flashcards, Prima Latina/Latina Christiana Flashcards, Don't Know Much About the 50 States, Hurrah & Hallelujah, Classical Phonics, Phonics Flashcards, Arithmetic Flashcards: Addition & Subtraction, Multiplication Flashcards: 0 to 12, and Division Flashcards: 0 to 12


Many of our studies in Levels 5 & 6 are conducted orally, as students with special needs often encounter difficulties with writing despite an ability to learn challenging content. We have assembled this set of workbooks for any student who needs or wants additional writing practice.


Simply Classical Curriculum


Simply Classical Curriculum







496.67 for One-Year Pace


Poetry, Pleiades, & Promises Ages 11-14 (Chronological Age or Skill Level)

Curriculum Manual Only: Two-Year Standard Pace $45 Curriculum Manual Only: One-Year Accelerated Pace $30 Consumables Only $91.69 Read-Aloud Set $83.76





Lesson Plans: Two-Year Pace or One-Year Pace (Two-Year Pace contains extra review!)

Simply Classical Latin Games & Puzzles Workbook and Key

Traditional Spelling III set

Copybook Cursive II



The Moffats novel and Teacher; My Side of the Mountain novel and Teacher; Homer Price novel and Teacher, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe novel and Teacher; A Promise Kept; Good King Wenceslas; Papa Panov’s Special Christmas; Poetry for the Grammar Stage Anthology; Carry On, Mr. Bowditch; Detectives in Togas; Mystery of the Roman Ransom; The Trumpet of the Swan

Rod & Staff English 4 Student, Teacher, Worksheets, and Tests



Rod & Staff Arithmetic 4 Student, Teacher (Parts 1-2), Tests, Speed Drills, Speed Drill Packet

Book of Astronomy Student and Teacher, Glow in the Dark Constellations, Draw 50 Animals, Geography I Text, Student, and Teacher, The United States Review Student and Teacher, Geography Flashcards, Music Appreciation CD, Story of the World Vol. 1: Ancient Times



New to Simply Classical? You need these items from prior levels.

Famous Men of Rome Text, Teacher, and Flashcards

Christian Studies II Teacher

Old Testament Flashcards, Golden Children’s Bible, Timeline Program, Poetry for the Grammar Stage Student and Teacher, Music Appreciation I, Demonstration Clock, Arithmetic Flashcards, Multiplication Flashcards, Division Flashcards, Hurrah & Hallelujah


Many of our studies in Levels 7 & 8 are conducted orally, as students with special needs often encounter difficulties with writing despite an ability to learn challenging content. We have assembled this set of workbooks for any student who needs or wants additional writing practice.


Simply Classical Curriculum

Simply Classical Curriculum

Curriculum Manual Only: Two-Year Standard Pace $45 Curriculum Manual Only: One-Year Accelerated Pace $30 Consumables Only $131.85 Read-Aloud Set $99.94 | Arithmetic Read-Aloud Set $31.92 American History Set $54.90 | Extended Literature Set $44.92

LEVELS 9 & 10 Knights, Knaves, & Knowledge Ages 13-16 (Chronological Age or Skill Level)




Rod & Staff Spelling 5 Student and Teacher

Rod & Staff Arithmetic 5 Student, Teacher (Parts 1-2), Tests, Speed Drills

Lesson Plans: Two-Year Pace or One-Year Pace (Two-Year Pace contains extra review!)







737.24 for One-Year Pace





Selections from The Blue Fairy Book novel and Teacher; The Cricket in Times Square novel and Teacher; The Door in the Wall novel and Teacher; Heidi novel and Teacher; The Twenty-One Balloons novel and Teacher; The Apple and the Arrow; Marguerite Makes a Book; The Ink Garden of Brother Theophane

Classical Composition I: Fable Student, Teacher, and Instructional videos; Classical Composition II: Narrative Student, Teacher, and Instructional Videos

Rod & Staff English 5 Student, Teacher, Worksheets, and Tests



First Form Latin Text, Workbook, Teacher Manual, Teacher Key, Flashcards, Quizzes & Tests, Pronunciation CD, and Instructional DVDs, Lingua Angelica Song Book, Teacher, and CD

Geography II Text, Student, and Teacher; Geography I Review Student and Teacher; Story of the World Vol. 2; The Book of Insects Text, Student, Teacher, and Flashcards; Peterson First Guide to Insects; How to Draw Insects

Monarch Butterfly • Lepidoptera [Greek: λεπιδος + πτερα] means "scale-winged" • Cabbage butterfly, sphinx moth, monarch butterfly, brush-footed butterfly, swallowtail butterfly, luna moth • Complete metamorphosis • Characteristics: large wings and coiling mouthparts • Also includes: tiger moth, cecropia moth, skipper butterfly

Honeybee • Hymenoptera [Greek: υµεν + πτερα] means "membrane-winged" • Paper wasp, yellow jacket, hornet, carpenter ant, fire ant, honeybee, bumblebee • Complete metamorphosis • Characteristics: slender waist and stingers • Also includes: saw fly, mud dauber, bulldog ant, sweat bee




New to Simply Classical? You need these items from prior levels.

Famous Men of the Middle Ages Text, Teacher, and Flashcards

Christian Studies III Teacher

Copybook Cursive III

Golden Children’s Bible; Timeline Program; Poetry for the Grammar Stage Student and Teacher; Demonstration Clock; Geography Flashcards; Arithmetic Flashcards; Multiplication Flashcards; Division Flashcards; Hurrah & Hallelujah


Many of our studies in Levels 9 & 10 are conducted orally, as students with special needs often encounter difficulties with writing despite an ability to learn challenging content. We have assembled this set of workbooks for any student who needs or wants additional writing practice.


Simply Classical Curriculum


Simply Classical Curriculum







488.22 for One-Year Pace


History, Homer, & Heroes Ages 15-18 (Chronological Age or Skill Level)

Curriculum Manual Only: Two-Year Standard Pace $45 Curriculum Manual Only: One-Year Accelerated Pace $30 Consumables Only $109.84 Read-Aloud Set $103.82




Lesson Plans: Two-Year Pace or One-Year Pace (Two-Year Pace contains extra review!)

Christian Studies IV Text, Student, and Teacher

Famous Men of Greece Text, Teacher, and Flashcards

LATIN Note: First Form Latin is continued from Levels 9 & 10




The Magician's Nephew novel and Teacher; The Bronze Bow novel and Teacher; Anne of Green Gables novel and Teacher; The Trojan War novel and Teacher

Classical Composition III: Chreia & Maxim Student, Teacher, and Instructional Videos

Rod & Staff English 6 Student, Teacher, Worksheets, and Tests



Rod & Staff Math 6 Student, Teacher (Parts 1-2), Chapter Tests, and Quizzes & Speed Tests

The Book of Birds Text, Flashcards, Student, and Teacher; Peterson Coloring Book; Exploring the History of Medicine Text, Student, and Teacher; Story of the World Vol. 3; The Declaration of Independence and Other Great Documents of American History; Geography & Timeline Review Worksheets and Key



New to Simply Classical? You need these items from prior levels.

Rod & Staff Spelling 6 Student and Teacher

Copybook Cursive IV

First Form Latin Text, Workbook, Teacher Manual, Teacher Key, Quizzes & Tests, Flashcards, CD, and Instructional Videos; Lingua Angelica Teacher, Song Book, and CD; Poetry for the Grammar Stage Student and Teacher; Geography Flashcards; Hurrah & Hallelujah


Many of our studies in Levels 11 & 12 are conducted orally, as students with special needs often encounter difficulties with writing despite an ability to learn challenging content. We have assembled this set of workbooks for any student who needs or wants additional writing practice.


Simply Classical Curriculum

Simply Classical Curriculum Map

A Child's Garden of Bible Stories; Bible Pictures to Color; Prayer for a Child; Please and Thank You Book; Big Thoughts for Little People; How Can I Help?

Level C

Level 1

Level 2

My ABC of Bible Verses

The Story Bible; The Creation Story for Children; Simply Classical Copybook One (p. 19)

Simply Classical Copybook: Book Two, Manuscript (p. 19)

Numbers Books; Going on Eagerly; My Very Own Scissors Book (p. 23)

Rod & Staff Arithmetic 1 (Part 1); 100 Bugs!: A Counting Book; This First Thanksgiving Day

Rod & Staff Arithmetic 1 (Part 2) Numbers Coloring Book; Numbers & Colors; Adventures With Books; My Very First Scissors Book (p. 23); Counting With Numbers

Alphabet Coloring Book; My First ABC Book; Simply Classical Crafts: Book One (p. 23); Alphabet Flashcards

Alphabet Books; Classical Phonics; First Start Reading Book A; Simply Classical Letters & Numbers Desk Charts (p. 19)

Fun in the Sun; Soft and White; Scamp and Tramp; Primary Phonics Readers Set 1; Cut & Paste Book; Kindergarten Phonics Supplemental Workbook; Phonics Flashcards; First Start Reading A-D; Phonics from A to Z

I Can Read It! Book 2; Core Skills Phonics 2; Simply Classical Spelling: Book One (p. 23)

Basic Question Word Visual Cues (reproducible)

My First Body; My Big Animal Book; A Child's Garden of Verses; A Child's Garden of Songs CD; Back to the Garden CD; Best First Book Ever

Animals Animals; Simply Classical Crafts: Book Two (p. 23); Aesop's Fables (p. 19); Richard Scarry's Best Mother Goose Ever; Christian Liberty Nature Reader, Book K; Animal Alphabet Coloring Book

Kindergarten and First Grade Art Cards; Hailstones and Halibut Bones; A Child's Book of Poems; The Days Gone By CD; My Nature Journal (p. 19); Map of the World Jumbo Puzzle


Level A

Prayers for Children; Jesus Is With Me; Jesus Hears Me; Jesus Knows Me; Big Red Barn; The Best Mouse Cookie; Little Fur Family; Bunny's Noisy Book; From Head to Toe; Goodnight Moon; Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What Do You Hear?; Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?; Numbers, Colors, Shapes; The Very Busy Spider; Good Night, Gorilla; The Tale of Peter Rabbit; Fuzzy Yellow Ducklings; My Very First Book of Shapes; ABC: Amazing Alphabet Book; Put Me in the Zoo; Hand, Hand, Fingers, Thumb; Cars and Trucks From A to Z; My First Counting Book; The Animals' Christmas Eve; Big Dog ... Little Dog; Mr. Brown Can Moo! Can You?; A Children's Treasury of Nursery Rhymes; 1 Is One







Literature, Composition, & Grammar

Enrichment (Optional)

Phonics, Reading, & Spelling

Arithmetic & Fine-Motor Skills

Christian Studies, Memory, & Manners

Level B


Basic Question Word Visual Cues (reproducible)

Second Grade Art Cards; Animal Tales CD

Simply Classical Writing: Book One (Bible Edition); Simply Classical StoryTime Treasures Set (p. 23)

New American Cursive 1 (p. 19); Cursive Practice Sheets I

Curriculum Map continued on next page!


Arithmetic & Fine-Motor Skills Phonics, Reading, & Spelling Enrichment (Optional) Literature, Composition, & Grammar

Christian Studies Flashcards (KJV)

Simply Classical Copybook: Book Three, Cursive (p. 19)

Levels 5 & 6

3. INCARNATION: Luke 2:7-11 And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn.


2. PROPHECY: Isaiah 9:2-6 2 The people that walked in darkness have seen a great light: they that dwell in the land of the shadow of death, upon them hath the light shined.

Thou hast multiplied the nation, and not increased the joy: they joy before thee according to the joy in harvest, and as men rejoice when they divide the spoil.


For thou hast broken the yoke of his burden, and the staff of his shoulder, the rod of his oppressor, as in the day of Midian.


For every battle of the warrior is with confused noise, and garments rolled in blood; but this shall be with burning and fuel of fire.


6 For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.

4. ATONEMENT: Romans 5:8-10 8 But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. 9 Much more then, being now justified by his blood, we shall be saved from wrath through him. 10 For if, when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son, much more, being reconciled, we shall be saved by his life.

Scripture Memorization And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night.


And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid.


And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.


For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.

Christian Studies I; Old Testament Flashcards; The Golden Children's Bible

Christian Studies II

Rod & Staff Arithmetic 2 (Units 3-4); Multiplication and Division Flashcards

Rod & Staff Arithmetic 3

Rod & Staff Arithmetic 4

Traditional Spelling I

Traditional Spelling II

Traditional Spelling III

Mythology Read-Alouds; Don't Know Much About the 50 States; Patterns of Nature; Heroes, Horses, and Harvest Moons CD; Hurrah and Hallelujah

Creating Art; Music Appreciation I; States & Capitals; Mammals

The Book of Astronomy; Glow in the Dark Constellations; Draw 50 Animals; Geography I; United States Review; Music Appreciation CD; Story of the World Vol. 1: Ancient Times

Simply Classical More StoryTime Treasures Set; Prairie School; Simply Classical Writing: Book Two (Bible Edition) (p. 23)

Animal Folk Tales; The Courage of Sarah Noble; Little House in the Big Woods; Second Grade Literature Dictionary; Composition & Sketchbook II; Rod & Staff English 2

Rod & Staff English 3; Composition & Sketchbook III; Farmer Boy; Charlotte's Web; A Bear Called Paddington; Mr. Popper's Penguins; Little Fir Tree; Poetry for the Grammar Stage

The Moffats; My Side of the Mountain; Homer Price; The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe; A Promise Kept; Good King Wenceslas; Papa Panov's Special Christmas; Carry On, Mr. Bowditch; Detectives in Togas; Mystery of the Roman Ransom; The Trumpet of the Swan; Rod & Staff English 4

New American Cursive 2: Famous Americans; My Thankfulness Journal: Beginner (p. 19); New American Cursive Desk Strip

New American Cursive 2: Scripture & Famous Quotations; My Thankfulness Journal: Beginner (p. 19)

New American Cursive 3: Scripture and Manners; My Thankfulness Journal: Intermediate (p. 19)

Copybook Cursive II

Rod & Staff Arithmetic 2 (Units 1-2); WriteOn/Wipe-Off Demo Clock; Arithmetic Flashcards: Addition & Subtraction

First Start Reading E; Simply Classical Spelling: Book Two (p. 23)

Simply Classical Enrichment: Level Three (p. 23); Map of the U.S. Sticker Picture Book; States & Capitals Flashcards

cont. in Level 4

cont. in Levels 7 & 8

Use coupon code SCJ$5OFF22SUM for $5 off your next order! Curriculum Map

Latina Christiana

Classical Studies

Prima Latina


Levels 7 & 8

Christian Studies Flashcards (KJV)

1. CREATION: Genesis 1:1-3

In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. 2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. 3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. 1




Level 4 148

Christian Studies, Memory, & Manners

Level 3

D'Aulaires' Greek Myths; Timeline Program (optional); Courage and a Clear Mind CD

Famous Men of Rome

T T T an

; ;

ce; e ial n pet

Levels 9 & 10

Levels 11 & 12

Copybooks & Cursive New American Cursive

Christian Studies III

by Iris Hatfield Ages 6-12, chronological age or skill level

Christian Studies IV

Book 1 $25.00 Book 2 $25.00 (Scripture or Famous Americans)

Book 3 $25.00 (Scripture or Famous Quotes)

Simple, clear, & effective! Rod & Staff Arithmetic 5

Rod & Staff Spelling 5

Rod & Staff Spelling 6

Ages 6-12, chronological age or skill level

Ages 4-11, chronological age or skill level

Beginner $9.00 Intermediate $9.00


My Thankfulness Journals by Cheryl Swope

Practice cursive writing while thinking about God's daily blessings. The Intermediate Journal is a smaller font size and has less tracing. Geography I Review; Geography II; The Book of Insects; Story of the World Vol. 2

StartWrite CD $29.95

Rod & Staff Mathematics 6

The Book of Birds; Exploring the History of Medicine; Story of the World Vol. 3; The Declaration of Independence and Other Great Documents of American History; Geography & Timeline Review

My Nature Journal

by Cheryl Swope

This standalone supplement will help you savor small moments of wonder with your child as the penmanship exercises improve his knowledge, attention to detail, and writing skills.

Simply Classical Copybook Series by Cheryl Swope

The Blue Fairy Book; The Cricket in Times Square; The Door in the Wall; Heidi; Twenty-One Balloons; The Ink Garden of Brother Theophane; The Apple and the Arrow; Marguerite Makes a Book; Classical Composition I & II; Rod & Staff English 5

The Magician's Nephew; The Bronze Bow; Anne of Green Gables; The Trojan War; Classical Composition III: Chreia & Maxim; Rod & Staff English 6

Ages 5-8, chronological age or skill level | $9.50 ea. Book 1, Manuscript Book 2, Manuscript or Cursive Book 3, Cursive

Ages 4-7, Copybook Cursive III

Copybook Cursive IV

Strengthen penmanship, spelling, punctuation, vocabulary, fine-motor skills, and memory through the timehonored tradition of copybooks. Habits of accuracy, neatness, and patience are taught through the truth and comfort of Holy Scripture. Shorter selections help accommodate for writing difficulties.

Ages 9+, chronological age or skill level

chronological age or skill level

Copybook $9.50


Aesop's Fables $14.99

cont. in Levels 11 & 12 First Form Latin; Lingua Angelica

Famous Men of the Middle Ages


Famous Men of Greece

$20.82 set

Letters & Numbers Desk Charts

Aesop Copybook

Reinforce your teaching with desk charts formatted to accompany lessons. Bold, targeted letters assist visual discrimination.

Strengthen your students' writing and composition skills while they contemplate the timeless wisdom of Aesop's fables. Exercises are in the New American Cursive font.

by Cheryl Swope




Moral Imagination


once rescued my autistic grandson from a pack of bullies at church, so I have his undying devotion. He calls me via FaceTime just about every day and tells me everything going on in his life. (I recount what follows with his and his parents' permission.) My grandson is a sweet young man, but when crossed he can fly off into out-of-control rages. Sometimes this can include punching and hitting with whatever he can get his hands on. This scares me, especially considering how his little sisters and brothers can annoy him—and especially after he became a big, strong teenager. After these episodes, though, he is always conscience-stricken. He knows his catechism, likes to go to church, and pores over his children's Bible. So I was not too surprised when he put his bad behavior into a spiritual context. "The devil tempts me," he would tell me. "I always do what he wants." That really scared me. I tried to dig down into why he sometimes tries to hurt his siblings and why he obeys the devil. "I want to win," he would tell me. "I always lose, but the devil helps me win." Finally, it occurred to me, retired English professor that I am, to draw on stories. "In the Star Wars movies and all of the other stories that you love, who always wins?" I asked him. "The good guy or the bad guy?" Judging from his expression he seemed to be taken aback. "The good guy." "Right!" I told him. "The good guy wins and the bad guy loses. So if you want to win, you need to be the good guy!" Yes, I know, the good guy doesn't always win, either in this world or in all stories, including classic literature. But this is a general rule in traditional and popular stories. Even modern stories that favor the "bad guys" usually do so by making the anti-hero seem "good" in some way. Over the course of many FaceTime calls, we discussed the difference between good characters, who help and protect others, and bad characters, who are selfish and hurt others. We did so with the help of Star Wars. I am aware of the theological problems with "the Force," with its "light side" and "dark side." But light and darkness are also Christian categories, as we see particularly in John's Gospel and Epistles. So I was able to Christianize the imagery: "The devil is darkness. Jesus is the light." But it was my grandson himself who came to the key realization: "Darth Vader"—his favorite character—"used to be good, when he was Anakin Skywalker. But then he became bad when he turned to the dark side. But at the end of Return of the Jedi, he becomes good again when he saves Luke and throws Emperor Palpatine down the reactor shaft. He turns back to the light because he loves his son!" The "bad guy" is not simply defeated, he is transformed. He becomes a "good guy." Jesus is not just the ultimate hero who defeats the villain; He is the Savior who saves the villainous, which all of us are. As our everyday experience, the best stories, and the Bible make clear, light puts an end to darkness. "I have come into the world as light, so that whoever believes in me may not remain in darkness" (John 12:46). The light and the darkness are not equal contending forces, as the Manichean heretics believed. Nor are good and evil equal contending forces, despite the impression we might get from the simplest stories.

Dr. Gene Edward Veith is professor of literature emeritus at Patrick Henry College. He received his Ph.D. in English from the University of Kansas, served as professor of English at Concordia University Wisconsin, and holds several honorary doctorates from Concordia Theological Seminary.

From the Dark Side to the Light Side


Nor is Christianity simply about being good instead of bad. Rather, Jesus redeems us "bad guys" by taking on our badness, paying our penalty, and giving us His goodness. I had to supplement Star Wars with the catechism, the Bible, and the meaning of church, but Star Wars got us started in a way that immediately engaged my grandson's imagination. We also discussed other stories he liked. He is a fan of Open Season, an animated feature about a deer named Elliot and a bear named Boog. My grandson brought up a scene in which Elliot is bullied by a much larger deer named Ian, who calls him "Smelliot" and mocks him for having lost an antler. We agreed that the scene is really funny, but it also has a very relevant meaning. My grandson knows what it is like to be bullied, but he had also developed the bad habit of bullying his little brother. The movie showed him what

this phony king of England, he is also repudiating some of his own behavior. His behavior, I am told, has improved greatly—he no longer hits—as has his attitude. In our FaceTime talks, he reports on "good deeds" that he has done and says how he now enjoys "getting along" with his siblings, though he is still "working on" that. He sometimes "slips up," as he says, but he tells me all about it, whereupon we ask Jesus for forgiveness and, he says, "I become good again." Stories can influence my grandson for the good, but they can also influence him negatively. He started swearing. "Where did you learn words like that?" I asked him. "Back to the Future," he explained. I suppose I have become so jaded that I didn't even realize that problem with the Michael J. Fox movie. It took some doing to make it clear that he should only imitate the good things in stories, though some of them have bad things. "Why do filmmakers put in those negative elements?" he asked, using a term I used. "That's a great question," I told him. "I don't think they are Christians," he Moral education must reach the responded, in a great answer. Star Wars, Open Season, and heart by inspiring us to love and Disney's Robin Hood are not Homer, just stories that appeal to my to desire what is good and to be grandson. But what I have been repelled by and to reject what is evil. describing is a classical approach to story, drawing on its universal human elements, and a classical use of story, to engage the moral imagination. bullying looks like and why it is so wrong. "The devil Teaching morality—whether to a child with is a bully," I pointed out. "You don't want to be like special needs or to anyone—is not just a matter that to your brother." And he agreed. of conveying information to the intellect. Human He brought up how the big one is picking on the beings pretty much know, deep inside, what actions little one, and how the bear Boog stands up for his are good and what actions are evil. Moral education friend and the girl deer Giselle comforts Elliot by must reach the heart by inspiring us to love and to saying that his antler will grow back. We should desire what is good and to be repelled by and to be like them. At the end, when Elliot helps defeat reject what is evil. the bad guy poacher, the bully, Ian, in another As the Christian writer and professor William transformation, "learns his lesson" and accepts the K. Kilpatrick has shown in several of his books, the smaller deer back into the herd. My grandson made way this was achieved, historically, was through the connection, saying, "I learn my lessons too!" stories. These imaginary slices of life raise moral Another of his favorites is the Walt Disney situations in a concrete way, showing us the beauty version of Robin Hood. My grandson thinks Prince of goodness and the ugliness of evil, and giving us John, an adult lion who sucks his thumb and models to emulate in our own lives. And sometimes throws tantrums like a baby, is hilarious. This led they can show redemption. to conversations about growing up, acting your My grandson sees his own life in terms of his age, and becoming mature. My grandson's critique stories. He now says, "I used to be good, when I of this comical villain is that "he never tries new was little, but then I turned to the dark side. Now, things, doesn't do his lessons, won't leave his castle, though, I've changed and I'm on the light side. And and is mean to Hiss [his advisor snake] and Skippy I'm never going back! I have thrown the devil down [the little rabbit he robs]." As my grandson ridicules the reactor shaft!" 22

From the Dark Side to the Light Side

Enrichment Ages 3-5,

Ages 7-9,

Ages 3-5,

chronological age or skill level

chronological age or skill level

$6.50 ea.


chronological age or skill level $10.95 ea. (Book One or Book Two)

Scissors Books

Simply Classical Enrichment: Level 3

Simply Classical Crafts

Help your child develop hand strength, fine-motor skills, and independence. My Very First Scissors Book teaches opening and closing scissors to cut along lines that start thick and progressively fade, get wavy, and finally form shapes. My Very Own Scissors Book features more complex shapes and coordinates with alphabet lessons in Level C (p. 7).

This guide helps you teach American history, poetry, music, art, and science through the Simply Classical Level 3 American History Read-Aloud set, maps, classical music selections, and art cards. Everything is scheduled for you weekly with thoughtful discussion questions, science activities, and topics for art and music appreciation that will enrich your year and expand your child's cultural, scientific, and general knowledge.

These activities reinforce number and letter recognition, strengthen finemotor skills, and foster creativity and confidence. Book One contains letter crafts from Memoria Press' Jr. K Book of Crafts. Book Two contains story crafts from Memoria Press' Jr. K Book of Crafts. Enjoy each of your creations and the time spent together making them!

Language Arts Simply Classical Writing: Books 1 & 2 (choose from Read-Aloud or Bible Story editions)

Ages 6-9, chronological age or skill level Student $20.95 ea. | Teacher $10.95 (Book 2 only)

This series combines classical copybook, grammar rules, and composition into one carefully sequenced series of explicit instruction so students can practice early writing skills with confidence.

Simply Classical StoryTime Treasures | $44.26 set (Student, Teacher, Little Bear, Little Bear's Visit, Caps for Sale, & Blueberrries for Sal)

Simply Classical More StoryTime Treasures | $43.05 set

Simply Classical Spelling: Books 1 & 2

(Student, Teacher, Billy and Blaze, The Story About Ping, Keep the Lights Burning

Ages 6-9, chronological age or skill level

Abbie, & Stone Soup)

$15.95 ea.

Ages 6-9, chronological age or skill level

This series gives your struggling writer an incremental, multi-sensory approach with an oral/aural emphasis. Each week includes targeted Word Study exercises to promote linguistic awareness, cognitive flexibility, and improved spelling skills.

Blossoming readers need more than practice; they need to discover the riches of a good story. With simplified exercises in word study, composition, and oration, these delightful guides provide a joyful introduction to children's literature. Teach essential language arts skills as your students encounter stories of tenderness, bravery, and kindness. These adaptations of the Memoria Press originals have been created especially for struggling learners or students with special needs.

✓ Improve auditory discrimination ✓ Increase cognitive flexibility

✓ Strengthen listening skills ✓ Build spelling confidence

Character Building Myself & Others: Lessons for Social Understanding, Habits, and Manners by Cheryl Swope | Ages 4-13, chronological age or skill level Guide Books $19.95 ea. Book One Core Set $57.86 Book One Read-Aloud Set $105.90 Book Two Core Set $22.45 Book Two Read-Aloud Set $101.83 Book Three Core Set $58.36 Book Four Core Set $51.22


These 14-week sets provide simple, standalone lessons in common courtesy, character, and compassion that often seem neglected today. With easy-to-teach instructions, each book provides 4-day lessons that can be taught in as little as 30-60 minutes per day over a single semester or summer. The lessons cover five areas: Rules, Health, Safety, Manners, and Listening. To view guide samples and full book set lists, visit

Enrichment & Language Arts 23

PRSRT STD U.S. Postage PAID Memoria Press

10901 Shelbyville Road Louisville, KY 40243

Teacher Training & Consultation

Cheryl Swope

Tanya Charlton

Michelle Tefertiller

Memoria Press works with schools all over the country to assist in understanding the vision of classical education and to help implement a cohesive classical curriculum. Cheryl Swope has joined forces with the Classical Latin School Association training team to help your school start or improve education for your struggling students and students with special needs.


Kathy Becker

ISBN 9781547700325

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