unity in diversity and where people unite, justice may be achieved. As the Honorable Tennessee Supreme Court so eloquently quoted the State Seal of the Judiciary, “Let justice be done, though the heavens fall10.” And now we are in the middle of the next steps. The Ben F. Jones Chapter has convened a Legal Justice Task Force and will continue to work with the MBA to ensure our legal system and legal community provides justice for all. Our Chapter will continue to stay involved, encourage pro bono work and do what is needed to ensure that our legal system and community are just, equal and diverse. Our Chapter is tirelessly working
via the Legal Justice Task Force (chaired by Latrena Ingram and Kimkeá Harris), community service/ pro bono non conviction expungement clinic efforts (under Amber Floyd’s leadership), voter protection (led by Van Turner), law student outreach and alliances to make sure we are all promoting fairness within the legal system and within our legal community. Join us at our virtual Barristers’ Ball, November 7, for A Night of Good Trouble: Honoring Our Freedom Fighters and Continuing the Pursuit for Justice (planning chair, Quinton Thompson). We are going to make it through this together and for the better.
See, “Remains of Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest and his wife will be removed from a Memphis park,” CNN, Melissa Alonso, Amanda Jackson, May 13, 2020.
“In 1966, the Ben F. Jones Chapter of the National Bar Association was officially formed, with the help of Johnny Johnson. The Chapter was so named to commemorate the founding member who had passed away suddenly that same year. Today, the chapter is composed of more than 300 attorneys in Memphis and Shelby County. The Ben F. Jones Chapter is an affiliate chapter of the National Bar Association, the oldest and largest association of attorneys of color in the world. Founded in 1925, the NBA is currently headquartered in Washington, D.C. The association has 88 affiliate chapters and represents over 20,000 lawyers, judges, and law students globally.” (The Ben F, Jones website “history” section at http://benfjones.com/about-us/ history/)
See the Ben F. Jones website under “history” section at http://benfjones.com/about-us/history/.
“Tennessee Supreme Court Issues Statement on Commitment to Equal Justice,” The Tennessee Supreme Court, Tennessee State Courts, June 25, 2020, TNCOURTS.gov.
“Tennessee Supreme Court Issues Statement on Commitment to Equal Justice,” The Tennessee Supreme Court, Tennessee State Courts, June 25, 2020, TNCOURTS.gov.
Thank you to AC Wharton and Sara Hall at ALSAC for hosting the Ben F. Jones Chapter winter planning retreat.
LENS & LINES: Legally speaking — racism has got to go!, The New Tri-State Defender, TSD News Room, June 24, 2020, https://tri-statedefender. com/lens-lines-legally-speaking-racism-has-got-to-go/06/25/?fbclid=IwAR3FOz8eiTQLOJ36_wz98K2AdRLcaw2Jm2Y6Q-Q3xW9kkPTlaUwE_ NRksTE Memphis attorneys march against racism in legal system, community, Daily Memphian, Yolanda Jones, June 24, 2020, https://dailymemphian.com/ section/metro/article/15063/memphis-attorneys-racism-ben-f-jones-national-bar-association-memphis-bar-association-association-for-women-attorneys Lawyers march through downtown Memphis during Bar Unity March, Commercial Appeal, Max Gersh, June 24, 2020, https://www. commercialappeal.com/picture-gallery/news/2020/06/24/lawyers-march-through-downtown-memphis-during-bar-unity-march/3250337001/; MidSouth attorneys come together for march against racism, Local ABC 24 News, Jaylyn Souchek, June 24, 2020, https://www.localmemphis.com/article/ news/local/memphisunitybarmarch/522-2c003011-c419-4a03-9abb-4d458994f9f3; I applaud members of the legal community for making their voices heard, Local ABC 24 News, Otis Sanford, June 25, 2020,https://www.localmemphis.com/article/opinion/otis-sanford-point-of-view-memphis-barunity-march-legal-profession/522-521a07e2-187b-4f4b-ae90-b21c163c4953
Participants included Tennessee Bar Association, Young Lawyers’ Division, Association for Women Attorneys, Shelby County District Attorney’s Office, The Tennessee Trial Lawyers Association, Leo Bearman, Sr, American Inn of Court, Center for Excellence in Decision Making, University of Memphis Cecil C. Humphreys School of Law, Law Office of the Shelby County Public Defender, The Cochran Firm of the Mid South, and the NAACP Memphis.
Thank you, Bank Tennessee and the Leo Bearman, Sr. American Inn of Court for providing water to everyone.
“Tennessee Supreme Court Issues Statement on Commitment to Equal Justice,” the Tennessee Supreme Court, Tennessee State Courts, June 25, 2020, TNCOURTS.gov.