The InZider: AHZ Winter Newsletter

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President’s Corner Greetings Sorors:

First, I want to say I am truly thankful for the love and support shown by everyone while I continue in this role as your Basileus. It takes the hard work of every mother, every sister, every aunt, every grandmother ---- every SOROR to make us a success. We need each other whether we want to admit it or not, whether you are the task master, the go getter, the thinker, the worker, the motivator, the negotiator, the relationship builder, etc. Whatever category you may fall under, we need you. Secondly, Sorors I’d like to challenge each of you to become a Highly Effective Soror. There are 7 habits that will help you Highly Effective Soror. They are as follows: 1) Be Proactive: Step up to volunteer to lead, to work before it is asked. 2)Begin with an End in Mind: Chair or volunteer on a committee with a vision of how to get the desired result. 3) Put “First Things” First: Prioritize things in your life. 4) Think Win/Win: What is the best resolution for ALL parties involved. 5) Seek to Understand, then to be Understood: Clearly stated. 6) Synergize: Look for a way to help ensure the bond and sanctity of our sisterhood. And 7) Polish Our Pearls: Go to lunch, dinner, or coffee with a soror that is not within your current circle. Are you willing answer this challenge? Will you sign up for a committee, take the time to evaluate how you contribute to the chapter, will you handle yourself becoming of a sister when the situation or outcome was not desirable, and will you pay attention to what you say when no one (or when you think no one) is looking. I encourage each of you to be a part of change not the problem. Lastly, we have a great new year planned with outstanding programs to better serve our community, some are events we are known for and some, new and exciting ones. Let’s keep the new and fresh ideas flowing and perfect the existing ones. Remember, we have wonderful women in office and within the chapter to help get us on the road to Excellence. Let’s stay focused so that we can FINISH strong.

Blessings, Igina D. Perteet, Alpha Eta Zeta Chapter President

Boule Awards Dallas, TX: July 2010

South Central Regional Awards Little Rock, AR: June 2010

AHZ 1st Place for Census Partnership (51+ category)

1st Place– Attendance, (51+)

Tennessee won 3rd place in the HBCU Scholarship Award.

2nd Place– ZHOPE participation (51+)

National Recognition for implementing the Health Justice Initiative Rutha Pegues, Frances Taylor and Sadie Wiley were inducted as a Zeta Dove (50+ years of Service)

Soror Jasmine Johnson (Rho Gamma) was elected Undergraduate Member at Large Undergraduate Advisor of the Year– Soror Tejwana Hinton

Tennessee Awards Jackson, TN: October 2010 Largest Graduate Chapter in Attendance

Zeta Archonettes– largest youth group in attendance

1st Place ZHOPE

Archonette Khadija Crane– 1st Place Oratorical

Donna R Williams– Arizon Cleaver Stemons Award

Archonette Denesha Pride– 2nd Place Oratorical

Leslie Rimmer– 1st Runner up Ms TN Zeta Jasmine Rayner elected TN Undergraduate Member at Large

Audrey Johnson, Helen Bowen, and Agnes Henderson– recognized as 25+ year Sorors

Making Strides

Teen Youth Conference

Cancer Survivor’s Park

Department of Children’s Services This year a new partnership was developed with the Department of Childrens Services in Memphis, TN. This year Alpha Eta Zeta– DOVE Foundation, Inc. was lucky enough to co-host their Teen Youth Conference. In addition to facilitating the ice breakers, we sponsored seminars on Etiquette. The conference was such an overwhelming success that it has been decided to make an effort to make this into an annual partnership. Many youth were in attendance and were able to be touched by the workshops that were offered.

Bingo! Bethel Towers Once a month the Angels of Alpha Eta Zeta get together and play Bingo with the residents of the Bethel Towers Nursing Home on Alcy. Please come out and fellowship with the feisty ladies of Bethel Towers and Zeta Phi Beta! Refreshments are provided and door prizes are given out at the end of the night. Bingo is held the first Tuesday of each month at 6:00pm. If you need more information, contact Z-Hope Coordinator, Sherrie Lyons at 901.292.0025.

Each year the ladies of Alpha Eta Zeta get together and walk and raise money for the Making Strides Breast Cancer Walk. 2010 was no different and it was a great opportunity to raise awareness for a cause that affects so many of us.

2nd Annual Health Fair Mt. Moriah Baptist Church This year in addition to the Halth Fair, we were able to collect school supplies to donate to the area children that wear gearing up for a new school year. The partnership was an outstanding success and Mt. Moriah Baptist Church was a joy to work with.

Martin Luther King, Jr. Walk Downtown Memphis

Memphis Urban League Young Professionals Organization of the Year

2011 Kicked off with the annual Martin Luther King, Jr. Parade in Downtown Memphis. The Blue and White Family ended a wonderful weekend of Founders’ Day activities by going for a walk in honor of the late, great Freedom Fighter, Dr. King. The walk was filled with inspirational signing and speeches and was capped off with a closing prayer at the Pepsi Pavilion. Thanks to all of the Family, Friends, Youth Groups and Amicae that came out and marched with us. It is through us that Dr. King’s vision lives on!

It is definitely a GREAT day to be a Zeta!!! Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc., Alpha Eta Zeta Chapter made history as being the FIRST recipient of the 2010 Black Greek Letter Organization of the Year Award by the Memphis Urban League Young Professionals at their Inaugural Agents of Change Awards Gala! This achievement is awarded based on the merits that the sorority or fraternity demonstrates not only leadership, but encourages creativity and development of its members through volunteerism, a global vision for community improvements and emulates professional excellence.

ACT Workshop LeMoyne-Owen College The first Alpha Eta Zeta ACT workshop was organized by the Alpha Eta Zeta- DOVE Foundation, Inc. The workshop was an opportunity for children of all ages. The program was an overwhelming success and was host to over 70+ students from schools all around Memphis and Shelby Country. The workshop focused on English, Math and Science and all students were provided with snacks and refreshments throughout the day. Great work by all the presenters and organizers of the event!

The ladies of Pi Alpha wrapped up the semester on a high note. Pi Alpha attended the Sisterhood Summit held at Christian Brothers University on November 13. The ladies had fun while learning a lot about chapter managerment and have been incorporated into the chapter. Shenika Holmes was crowned Miss LOC on November 19 at the Peabody Hotel and Velma Maclin was also recognized as Miss Purple & Gold. The y participated in LeMoyne-Owen College’s Thanksgiving basket competition on November 22. The basket included an entire meal and received high praises. The baskets were given to needy families in the community. On November 23, the ladies served food to the elderly at the College Park retirement home in cooperation with LeMoyneOwen College Community Development Corporation.

Rho Gamma The University of Memphis

Pi Alpha Lemoyne-Owen College

The Resplendent Rho Gamma Chapter at the University of Memphis is proud to acknowledge the accomplishments that our Founders would be fond of. From Regionals till now, we successfully encountered many accomplishments. Soror Jasmine Johnson became the Undergraduate Member-at-Large for the South Central region. Since school started, we had a great week entitled, “Reconstruction 1920.” We raised $81.82 for March of Dimes. We competed in our first NPHC step show at the University of Memphis and won 1st place for the sorority. At State Conferences, Soror Jasmine Rayner was installed as the Undergraduate Member -at-Large for the state of Tennessee. Also, Soror Leslie Rimmer was placed 1st runner up at the Miss Zeta TN pageant.

Greetings, Sorors! The Alluring Alpha Mu Chapter here at Christian Brothers University would just like to let you know what we have been up to. Our most recent accomplishment we are proud to say is that we were able to raise $100 for the American Cancer Society Breast Cancer Research Fund. The majority of these funds were raised through our nacho sales which were a success during our first Blue and White Week as a re-chartered chapter. During our week, we held our second I AM Blutiful Workshop which is one of our new projects we plan to incorporate into our schedules as often as possible. In the workshop, we address issues facing young girls and women today such as self-esteem issues and bullying. We also focus on activities which uplift and inspire these ladies.

Alpha Mu Christian Brothers University

Along with our philanthropic endeavors, we have been successful in socializing and getting Zeta out there on the CBU campus. Our very first interest meeting brought out a lovely group of ladies who all showed a keen interest in our beloved organization. We also want to thank all of our sorors who came to support us, graduate and undergraduate members alike. We really appreciate the showering of sisterly love bestowed upon us and could not be more grateful. As a new chapter, we are still learning and continuing to grow, and we hope that this wonderful start to the year is only a glimpse of the greatness we have to attribute to Zeta Phi Beta!

If you would like to serve on the Collegiate Council, please contact Audrey Johnson by email at

Archonettes The Archonettes attended a social outing in November where they went to eat at Buffalo Wild Wings in Southaven followed by going to see the Denzel Washington movie, Unstoppable. Several Archonettes also assisted by serving as hostesses at the 16th annual AfricanAmerican Male Image Awards Scholarship Banquet hosted by Sigma Memphis. On November 20th, the Archonettes participated in an Etiquette Workshop at Piccadilly Restaurant. They also participated in the canned food drive sponsored by Pi Alpha Chapter of LeMoyne Owen College. They young ladies also brought in the holiday season by raising money to purchase toys, and outfit, and a coat for the Hope House family. The Archonette Club finished out 2010 with a joint social with the Sigma Beta Club at Whitehaven High School. The groups enjoyed food, fellowship, and dancing!

Amicettes The Amicette Club joined the other auxiliaries for a great time at the Fall Festival. 14 members were present along with the residents and the young ladies really enjoyed themselves. They held their monthly meeting and elected new officers as well as praised the former officers for a job well done. They joined the Pearlettes and Archonettes for an Etiquette Workshop at Piccadilly and also had a wonderful time fellowshipping with the other youth groups.

Pearlettes The youth groups participated in an Etiquette workshop at Piccadilly’s Restaurant on Mt. Moriah. The Pearlettes were given instructions on setting the table, the Do’s and Don’t of table manners, such as saying Please and Thank You, and using proper utensils. They were able to show off the things they learned about good table manners. Additionally, the Pearlettes were able to give thanks by donating non-perishable food items to the Memphis Food Bank. They ended the year by joining the Amicettes and Archonettes for games and caroling at Bethel Towers.

It’s been too long, and your presence is definitely missed in Zeta!! We’d like you to consider “Coming Home to Zeta” with Alpha Eta Zeta. AHZ is a chapter of Doctors, Educators, Administrators, Psychologist, Retirees and a variety of other professions - plus members who simply enjoy Zeta. We would be delighted to have you join us. Alpha Eta Zeta Chapter membership has many benefits. Among them are: Fellowship: Each month there is a wonderful opportunity to interact with those who have a love for Zeta through chapter meetings, community service opportunities and social events. Programs: Our chapter is known for its excellent programs and workshops - all designed to increase members’ knowledge and skills. As you can see from the enclosed calendar, we have a wide range of opportunities scheduled for each month from July through June. Conventions: State, Regional and National Conventions provide educational opportunities and the chance to enjoy memorable musical performances. Reduced Rate: Zeta's Reclamation period is officially open. Zetas that have been inactive for 2+ years can be reclaimed at a reduced rate during Finer Womanhood Observance from now until March 31st. Our Chapter is unique in its programming and is eager to reach out and warmly welcome you! We focus on serving our members and would like you to become one of us. I hope you will seriously consider joining us and invite you to contact me if you have questions. I can be reached at or 901-289-2004.

Sincerely, President Igina D. Perteet Alpha Eta Zeta Chapter Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc.

"My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations; knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience." James 1:2-3 KJV "2 Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trial of many kinds, 3because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance." James 1:2-3 NIV

Sometimes it feels like the weight of the world is on our shoulders. You may feel that every time you turn around that there is always something going wrong or some barrier that has been set in your way. I come to encourage you on today that no matter what the situation to just give it to the Lord and began shouting and praising Him. James tells us to be joyful in the midst of our storm because these things only come to make us stronger. Many of us are awaiting blessings that we've been asking the Lord for for what seems to be a very long time. At times it can even seem that things are becoming worse rather than better, and it may even seem that the Lord has forsaken us. Rest assured that the Lord has neither forgotten or forsaken us. He is merely preparing us for the blessings that He has to come. So whenever you're feeling a little down and out, don't give up on the Lord and don't become weary in your well doing. The Lord is only pruning and cleansing us for our breakthrough!!!! Be blessed the remainder of this month. This is my prayer for each of you. Dear Heavenly Father, I thank you for being steadfast, unmovable, always abundant in your grace and mercy towards us. Lord I love and will forever praise your name. Oh Heavenly Father, I ask that you bless each and every soror that receives this message. Touch her in a mighty way dear Lord. Help her to not give up or give in but to continue to press towards the mark. Lord help us not to sweat the small things, for the small things can grow into greater heartaches. Instead Lord teach us how to depend solely on You. Strengthen us to do as You teach us to do through James and to count it all joy when we fall into divers temptations, and help us to understand that You're just preparing us for something greater than what we can handle right now. Forever keep us in the comfort of your loving arms of protection and encircle us with your love. All these things we ask in your name Jesus,

Charlotte Ghoston, Chaplain

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