The Inzider

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The News of the Astounding Alpha Eta Zeta Chapter

New Sorority Year Brings New Executive Board Our new sorority year has brought on new members to our executive board. These remarkable and diverse women have received their charge to lead and are ready to propel this beloved chapter into bigger and better horizons. This election also brought newly initiated sorors into the leadership forefront. These first time leaders have been installed in five positions; each of them express their excitement to serve and readiness to face challenges along the way. The newly installed officers are seeking support and encouragement as they work diligently to ensure the continued success of Alpha Eta Zeta. Learn more about our officers in this issue of The Inzider. President Igina Perteet has been a member of Zeta since June 7, 2003, as she joined the sisterhood via our Astounding chapter. Since joining the chapter she has served the sorority in several capacities, most recently as chapter President. She is a Mississippi Native and a graduate of Mississippi State University. She currently works for the State of TN as a Family Service Worker dealing with foster care and adoption. Recently, she was asked the following questions:

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-What goals have you set for Alpha Eta Zeta chapter for 2011 - 2013? I have several goals I’d like to see become a reality for Alpha Eta Zeta this year:  Z-Lessons, an embellishment program will be utilized and put into production with many activities that will be geared to educate and enhance our chapter members. Increase our membership by a minimum of fifteen new members via membership intake and reclamation. Secure a new home for our chapter’s Storks Nest. Categorize and file chapter documents and historic items throughout the year. Develop a major fundraiser to be executed in 2012-2013 generating a minimum of $10,000 profit. Redevelop our chapter handbook . Raise a minimum of $2,000 in donations for our March of Dimes March for Babies Walk. Increase our Z-HOPE points by a minimum of 30% for 2011 -2013. Participate in initiatives set by our National Body. Design a chapter logo to market AHZ (not to supersede our National shield and Z-HOPE logo)

The success of these initiatives requires the active participation of every Alpha Eta Zeta member. Therefore, I encourage all to participate and utilize the resources of fellow committee members so that no single soror has too heavy a load. - What additional greetings would you like to bring? Greetings to my sorors of the hardest working, never tiring, goal oriented, number one Premier chapter in the State of Tennessee and all of Zeta! It gives me immense pleasure to greet you in the name of sisterly love. Our chapter is about to take off on another thrill packed year which will be chocked full of community service activities, Auxiliary events, day to day chapter business and most important coming together as a team and bonding as sisters really should.



Adrienne Hughes serves as the First-Vice President of Alpha Eta Zeta Chapter. Under this capacity she serves as the membership chair. She is the contact person regarding Recruitment, Reclamation and Retention! Adrienne became a Zeta at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, Lambda Delta Chapter Fall of 1998. She is a woman who has been working for Zeta since becoming a member of this great sorority. She took one

year off before joining the Alpha Eta Zeta Chapter in the spring of 2003.

her energy and love for the sisterhood and the Zeta youth.

Adrienne works diligently at any task that she is given to complete. As an undergraduate to a graduate member, she has always had a passion to work for Zeta. In the most recent years, Adrienne has taken the Zeta Archonette Club to new heights. She served as the Archonette Advisor for six years. Her sorority sisters look to her to come up with creative and exceptional ideas because of

She also serves as the Tennessee State Youth Coordinator and Treasurer of the Alpha Eta Zeta-DOVE Foundation. Adrienne is an Educator at Lucie E. Campbell Elementary. She serves as a first grade teacher. She attends Sycamore View Church of Christ.

Sherrie Lyons has been financially active with Zeta for over 14 years since her membership in February 1997 through the Rho Gamma chapter at the University of Memphis. She serves as the 2nd Vice-President of Alpha Eta Zeta. She has held positions on the collegiate level, the graduate level, and the state level. As the past TN State Secretary she has learned how to organize and utilize her extra energy, as well as time, to better Zeta. Goals: She plans to bring organizational and professional skills to the office of 2nd Vice President, encourage more high school seniors to apply for the Zeta Scholarship in the spring semester, and help AHZ’s collegiate and graduate sorors to apply for scholarships to support their Higher Education. She will work with our Axillaries to ensure they are meeting Zeta standards.

Tejwana Hinton serves as the Third Vice-President. She joined the great sorority of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. Lambda Delta chapter at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga. While a member there she had the pleasure of holding such positions as social chair, third vice president, and president. She received her B.A. in History, August 2001. She joined Alpha Eta Zeta Graduate Chapter spring 2003. Tejwana has also attended many State, Regional, and Boule conferences. Currently, she also serves as the Financial Secretary for

the MMNPHC Council and as the West Tennessee Geographical Area Coordinator. She inspires one day to be the International President of Zeta. She truly loves her sorority, and answers the call of Zeta one and all. Tejwana’s goals are to: ensure the well-being and progression of our three undergraduate chapters, encourage undergraduate sorors to lead the organization, be a well informed zeta, promote unity amongst the graduates and undergraduates, establish an undergraduate chapter at Rhodes College, establish a functional

advisory Team Council- council that consists of undergraduate advisors and AHZ collegiate council members, make certain that undergraduate sorors have a voice as well as, matriculate to graduate chapters, and ensure that our undergraduate chapters can compete on the local, state, regional, and national level. Tejwana is a God fearing Christian who serves at Trinity All Nations Missionary Baptist Church.


Hope Shields became a member of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc., Alpha Eta Zeta Chapter in October 2010. She serves as our chapter Secretary. She is currently the youngest member of the chapter. Although she is young in Zeta, she is passionate about the Sorority and its principles. Hope is pursuing a Master of Art in Teaching at the University of Memphis, where she also received a Bachelor of Business Administration in Management Information Systems. Her goal is to become an educator and enrich young lives in the Memphis community though teaching. She is a data specialist at Bridges Inc.


She is active in her church, Greater Mt. Moriah Missionary Baptist Church as well. She sings in the choir and serves as webmaster. In her free time, Hope likes to travel, spend time with her family and friends, and just enjoy life. She is looking forward to an exciting and productive year in Zeta. Hope’s goals are to see the chapter grow both financially and in active participation and for the chapter to be known as the Premier Chapter that it is, locally and beyond.

Delcenia Pegues serves as the Assistant Secretary. She became a member of Zeta in the Fall of 2006 in the Upsilon Tau Zeta Chapter in Batesville, MS. She has a bachelor degree in Social Work and is pursuing a Master’s of Psychology from the University of Phoenix. Delcenia is a mother of two children, a future Sigma Beta and a Zeta Archonette of AHZ. Delcenia also serves as the Archonette Advisor. AHZ is extremely active in the community. It is my goal as a dedicated member of the Executive Board to bring more recognition not only the chapter but to Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. as a whole. AHZ’s community service programs are reaching all aspects of the community and should be noted throughout the city of Memphis and nationally in Zeta.

Tangie Dotson is honored to serve as the chapter’s Parliamentarian. She brings to the table her experience from the parliamentarian team in high school, where she competed at the state and regional level and won several competitions. She has attended various workshops on parliamentarian procedure to enhance her knowledge of the procedure for business settings. Tangie joined our illustrious sisterhood at Memphis State University in the Resplendent Rho Gamma Chapter. Tangie’s goal is that members will become well versed on parliamentarian procedure and use it effectively at sorority business meetings. She also intends to conduct sessions with the chapter related to Robert Rules of Order and how it is to be applied. Tangie looks forward to working with everyone.

Letiticia Jackson serves as our Correspondence Secretary. She became a member of Zeta October 2010. She is the mother of three children and is married to a member of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. She believes being committed to something allows you no room for excuses only positive results. Letiticia’s determination and commitment to Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc., and Alpha Eta Zeta enables her to attain the success she seeks and moves her into action for the sorority. She feels that commitment and pleasure combine to create endless possibilities. As an officer, she will bring a spirit of commitment, be a team player, show initiative, share ideas and resources, and demonstrate communication skills. Her goals for Alpha Eta Zeta Chapter would be to continue displaying dynamic community service. She also hopes to advance the sisterhood and the unification of each Soror. She aims to express her reliability, flexibility, responsiveness and innovative service to the community and to exhibit outstanding citizenship. She will seek to display an environment of trust, cooperation and mutual respect.



Audrey Johnson is the Treasurer for Alpha Eta Zeta. She is one of eight charter members of the Alpha Mu Chapter at Christian Brothers University. She takes great pride in helping younger sorors develop into Zeta’s highest ideals of scholarship, finer womanhood, and service. She has been a member of the sisterhood for 19 years. She is the devoted spouse of Rev. Roland Johnson, Jr., and shares in his ministry to bring other to Christ. Her

Charlotte Ghoston is enthusiastic about serving as the chapter’s Chaplain. She has been a member of the Astounding Angels of Alpha Eta Zeta since April 2007. She became a member of this illustrious sorority on April 12, 1994, through the Epsilon Theta chapter at Mississippi State University. She is an Educator at Hamilton Middle School.

Jamie Dunlap is currently the Public Relations Director for AHZ. She became a member of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. while studying Secondary Education English and Psychology at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga in Fall 2003. Jamie remained active in the undergraduate chapter, Lambda Delta, until she graduated. During her undergraduate experience she held the position of Treasurer, participated in the award winning step team and participated in

other responsibilities include serving as the Corresponding Secretary of the Northwest District Ministers Spouses and the Secretary of the 1st Episcopal District CME Ministers Spouses serving Tennessee and Arkansas. She enjoys world travel, community involvement projects, photography, jewelry making, and exploring a genuine love for people. She is the Director of Human Resources at Parkwood Behavioral Health System. Audrey’s desire for

the chapter is to continue to reach new heights as a premier Zeta chapter through financial stability. She feels this can be achieved by cultivating a solid base of members whose: commitment is to support a perpetual resource of funds, enthusiasm supports cutting edge service projects, finer womanhood is evident in the community.

As chaplain her goals are for the chapter to draw closer to one another. It is her belief that the sorority should be united. The Lord has called upon people to be beacons of light in a dark world.

push others in more positive directions. It will take a lot of work, but with God all things are possible.

It’s her vision is for Alpha Eta Zeta to become a H.U.B. (Helpers in Unity Building) in the community of Memphis. Zetas are leaders; and as leaders, it is important to various committees. She was given the Zeta of the Year award in 2005. In 2008, she activated her membership with the Astounding Alpha Eta Zeta chapter. She is an Educator at Memphis Business Academy High School. She attends New Direction Christian Church. She would like to see Alpha Eta Zeta continue to maintain an online website that will share information with pro-

In closing Charlotte considers it indeed an honor as well as a privilege to serve her sisters in this capacity. May the Lord bless and keep each in His loving arms of protection.

spective members and others in the community. In addition, her vision is that Alpha Eta Zeta will continue to provide leadership opportunities for women and youth through the different programs and auxiliaries. Secondly, her vision is for Alpha Eta Zeta to increase productivity within the different local and national programs.




Hello from the 2011-2012 Zeta Archonette Club!! The club held elections. We would like to introduce our new officers: 2011 - 2012 Executive Board Khadija Crain, President Denesha Pride, V. President

Dai’Jah Milan, Secretary Regina Smith, Asst .Secretary Natassia Watson, Treasurer Taylor Bobo, Asst. Treasurer Brittany Leake, Reporter Kayla Franklin , Historian Deonna Williams, Parliamentarian Briana Giles, Chaplin The Zeta Archonettes have a busy holiday season. This November we will give thanks. Our social outing/ community service project is to donate to a family in need.

We will also help brighten the lives of others by assisting at a family shelter. Etiquette is important to help us as young ladies. Our monthly meeting will be in conjunction with an Etiquette Workshop. We are also assisting Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc., Tau Iota Sigma Chapter, Memphis, TN with their annual Sigma Image Awards. December is our month to celebrate the Christmas holiday with various events. December 10, 2011, The Zeta Archonettes will host a luncheon and exchange gifts. Our Social Outing/ community service project is holiday caroling on December 20, 2011 at the Bethel Towers. We are very excited about all of our upcoming events!

Amicettes The Amicettes held elections at their October 8th meeting. 2011-2012 Amicette Executive Board members are: President- Lauren Jackson Vice President- Taleia Baughns Secretary- Teri Ross Asst. Secretary- Kendra Richmond Treasurer- Taylor Montgomery Asst. Treasurer- Christina Elliott Chaplain- Alanna Johnson.

The Amicettes will be selling Krispy Kreme doughnut certificate sales for the Fall. The Amicettes participated with the Archonettes for a Z-H.O.P.E focusing on self-esteem. Mrs. Angela Sargent presented a lesson on self-esteem with activities for the girls during the sessions. If you would like to purchase Krispy Kreme doughnut certificates, please see an Amicette or Amicette committee members.

Our precious Pearlettes are continuing to make strides. They are growing in knowledge about their club as well as our great sorority. During our last meeting, the girls participated in some team building exercises that helped them learn how to make weaknesses into strengths when we all work together. We are embarking on our season of giving by volunteering with the Memphis Family Shelter for our annual Fall Festival. If you would like to work with the Pearlette Committee, please contact Soror Sherrie Lyons.

Newly Inducted Amicettes




Love Shouldn’t Hurt: Domestic Violence Forum Alpha Eta Zeta and the AHZ -D.O.V.E. Foundation, Inc., kicked off Domestic Violence Awareness month with a forum. The forum was held September 24th on the campus of UT Health Science Center. We had nine agencies and four survivors to speak. All of the agencies and survivors provided very helpful information to know and to

be able to share when it is needed. The forum was very nice and UT was very accommodating. It was an enlightening experience for all that attended. Our efforts in support continued with the Taffi 2K Health Walk. Our walks have continued to grow with the support of the community and agencies. We have had an increase of

men to participate in the walk. Sean Upshaw of Iota Phi Theta Fraternity, Beta Xi Omega Chapter, shares “These walks are good for our community! It helps to bring light to a dark topic that’s rarely talked about. I encourage my brothers to come and support. I support the women of Zeta in their effort in this area.”

Southern Heritage Classic Blue & White Festivities Our chapter and auxiliaries got an early start on September 10, 2011 to begin our SHC Events. We participated in the Orange Mound Parade and showcase Zeta from Melrose High School to Airways. We passed out candy and treats to the youth as we passed by. Sherrie Lyons represented in the parade as

Ms Alpha Eta Zeta. She wore her crown and sash well. Our Amicae and Youth were greatly appreciated for taking the time out of their day to participate with us also. After walking those long miles, we journeyed to the Liberty Bowl for our Joint Blue & White Family Tailgate with Sigma Memphis. This

year we were joined by Psi Theta Zeta Chapter of Germantown, TN. What a welcomed addition to the afternoon. The brothers did an excellent job as always with grilling the food! We had several sorors and Frats to visit the area from out of town. It was a good time held by all in attendance.

TN State Leadership Conference Alpha Eta Zeta traveled Chattanooga, TN for our TN State Leadership Conference. The weekend served as one of enhancement and learning. The conference began with chapter management training and various workshops. The opening ceremony was a delightful one as we were entertained by a Mahalia Jackson tribute. It was enjoyed by all. The Ms TN Zeta pageant was one for the books as it was coordinated by Donna R. Williams. There were 5

chapters participating. Delcenia Pegues represented Alpha Eta Zeta. Shenika Holmes represented Pi Alpha Chapter and Leslie Rimmer represented Rho Gamma Chapter. Soror Holmes brought the crown to Memphis as the 2011 –12 Ms TN Zeta. Alpha Eta Zeta received the LARGEST in Attendance Award with 24 members REGISTERED at the conference. Alpha Eta Zeta claimed all THREE positions on the TN Executive Board. Tangie Dotson will serve as TN Parliamentarian and

Doris OwensOwens-Smith will serve as TN Chair of the Board! Malinda Conrad hosted the FIRST TN State Health Fair! Alpha Eta Zeta displayed Sisterly Love, Finer Womanhood, Scholarship and Service during the conference weekend! Get Ready for OCTOBER 2012 as we will travel to Nashville, TN for the TN State Conference!





Prolific Pi Alpha Chapter

Resplendent Rho Gamma Chapter

Alluring Alpha Mu Chapter


Prolific Pi Alpha Chapter

Resplendent Rho Gamma Chapter

Alluring Alpha Mu Chapter

Prolific Pi Alpha Chapter Prolific: Characterized by abundant production…. And what a production this year has been!! The ladies of Pi Alpha were very excited about this upcoming year in Zeta. We kicked off the sorority year with supporting AHZ’s School Supply Drive and Health Fair. We introduced incoming LOC freshman to Zeta by assisting with move in. We provided personalized bottle water and


chips to them with a special welcome message from our chapter. We also participated in the Orientation week block party. During the NPHC Week we participated in the Greek Stroll-off during NPHC. We fellowshipped at the Southern Heritage Classic Blue and White Family Tailgate . We volunteered at the Sickle Cell walk getting participants feedback and passing out hot dogs and popcorn. Some of us got tested for the Sickle Cell trait. We even found time to tutor at MIFA on Thursdays!

LOC with Alpha Mu! We won FIRST PRIZE for the female sorority. We also participated in the American Cancer Society’s Making Strides Breast Cancer walk. Seven members attended the state conference. Shenika Holmes took home the title of Ms. Tennessee Zeta! Pi Alpha and AHZ supported President Patricia Watts at her Senior night volleyball game. The final day of October, rather than candy, Pi Alpha gave out breast cancer ribbons and leaflets with Breast Cancer awareness and facts.

In October, we stepped in the Greek Show at

The Resplendent Rho Gamma Chapter of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. at the University of Memphis has participated in many events thus far in the semester. We held information tables at both the RSO Fair and Multicultural Fair showcasing history about the organization and our chapter. We also participated in the NPHC Week festivities which included a Brotherhood/Sisterhood Tea on September 7, 2011 where all the Divine 9 organizations gave a brief history about their organizations and interacted with students who are interested in becoming a part of the greek community. We also participated in the yardshow on Friday September 9 which was held at the student plaza. Our biggest events this semester took place during our Fall 2011 Interest Weekend which was held from October 6-8. The theme of our weekend was “3 WayZ to be a Goddess.” Events from our weekend included a March of Dimes fundraising table, tutoring at U.S. Dream Academy, game night, skate night, and a yardshow held in the Rose Theater on Friday October 7. The Rho Gamma Chapter looks forward to continuing to be a force on the University of Memphis campus and ensuring that the light of Zeta shines bright!

Resplendent Rho Gamma Chapter

Alluring Alpha Mu Chapter The Alluring Alpha Mu chapter of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated has had an amazing semester thus far. To kick off the year, we decorated our display board in the Thomas Center at Christian Brothers University. On September 13, 2011, we hosted a glamour night, during which we gave facials and did make-up, hands, and feet. The night was a success as the ladies enjoyed receiving tips about cosmetics while relieving themselves from

their daily routines. We also had our I AM Blutiful Retreat Saturday, September 24. All in attendance had a wonderful time, as we engaged in food, fun, and festivities. In addition to our I AM Blutiful Retreat, we had our fall informational on Thursday, September 29. It was a huge success. The ladies who came out were really enthusiastic and had a great time getting to know our Sorors as well as each other.

The Ladies of Alpha Mu also hosted a series of events, which included a Breast Cancer Roundtable, mixer, nacho sale, and game night. Additionally, we participated with Pi Alpha in their NPHC step show Friday, October 7, 2011. In the weeks to follow, Alpha Mu will be hosting our Battling Breast Cancer Benefit Concert and our poetry night event. Battling Breast Cancer will take place on November 19, 2011 at Christian Brothers University’s University theatre from 6 pm – 10 pm. We are asking for your support in this event. There will be a three-dollar charge for all who would like to attend.



Who’s New to AHZ The chapter ended the sorority year with welcoming three new members to the chapter via membership intake. Those new members to the sisterhood are Shawnee Evans, Sharon Duke and Jennifer Sanders -Johnson. Shawnee is an Educator with Memphis City School and is married to a member of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. She has one

son. Sharon is an accountant and is also married to a member of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. She has two lovely children. Jennifer works in administration at Federal Express. She is happily married with two sons and a daughter. Her sister is a member of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. The sorority year has began with the following sorors

transferring or becoming reclaimed with our chapter. We would like to welcome the following to the Astounding Alpha Eta Zeta Chapter: Lametric Bishop Katherine Maclin Facision Moore Wyndie Reddick Brittany Course

Z-Lessons: Embellishment Tidbits Alpha Eta Zeta:

It is very important to maintain proper decorum in all business meetings and at all chapter sponsored events. Here are some helpful suggestions:


• Dress in appropriate business attire.


• Turn off all electronic communication devices. • Get to the event early to greet guests as they arrive.


• Provide assistance before, during, and after an event.


• Maintain chapter business within the chapter.

Website Launch Alpha Eta Zeta launched its premier website this past spring. The web address is Our site has a phenomenal look and promotes the importance of sustainable resources whiles still being an extremely informative and effective form

of communication for the chapter. Things to look for on the site are: AHZ News, Photos, History, Chapter Highlights and links to our Twitter and Facebook page. AHZ is making its presence in social media.


Sisters in the Spirit In the midst of any desert experience (i.e. dried up finances, bearing no fruit, no joy, no progress), Isaiah 43:19 offers a fresh word of encouragement. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland. Are you willing to do your part to prepare for a fresh harvest? As you make room for God to do a new thing in your life, you must have the courage to do a "new thing" for yourself. Growth requires pressing, consistency, dedication, purpose and courage. Don't wait until you are sick and tired of being sick, tired, broke, lonely, stuck, abused, invisible, frustrated and desperate. It's time to do a new thing! If you have been quiet... it's time to speak up. If you have been isolated/shy... it's time get out, socialize, network and meet new people. If you have been a spender... it's time to be a saver. If you have been discouraged... it's time to get up and be grateful. If you have been a receiver, it's time to be a giver. If you've been procrastinating... it's time to take action. If you've been angry and holding a grudge, it's time to let go. If you've been inactive and eating's time to move your body and eat healthier foods. If you have never ventured beyond your local area... it's time to travel. If you think it's too late for's time to change your thinking and self-worth. If you have been stuck on stupid, it's time to walk in wisdom and integrity. If you have always been the giver, it's time learn how to receive. If you are always wearing your superwo(man) cape, it's time to delegate. If you worry too much, it's time to start trusting God. If you are always late and unorganized, it's time to start being punctual and reliable. If you have been closed and defensive, it' time to be teachable.




Upcoming Events December 3rd: Monthly Chapter Meeting (Zeta Only) 10th: Taffi 2K Domestic Violence Awareness Walk – Oak Court Mall 10am 10th: Evening of the Theater: If Scrooge was a Brother 15th: Holiday Mixer/ Calendar Launch; 6pm Blu Restaurant –3895 Hacks Cross 20th: Youth Auxiliaries Caroling at Bethel Towers January 5th – 7th: Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. / Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. National Founder’s Day Celebrations 7th: Joint Founders’ Day Celebration—Bethlehem M.B. Church 12pm 15th: So Sweet Social—Christian Brother University - Sabbatinni Lounge 5pm 16th: Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. Founders’ Day Celebration th 16 : MLK Jr. Walk/Blue & White Lunch 23rd: AHZ DOVE Foundation Annual Board Meeting 28th: ACT Prep Workshop—LeMoyne Owen College—GOH Building; To Register, call 901.264.9382

Contact Information

Credits Photo/Graphics Photos provided by C. Crawford, I. Perteet, D.Pegues and N. Watson Writers T. Dotson, I. Perteet, J. Dunlap, A. Johnson, D. Pegues, T. Hinton, A. Hughes, C. Gholston, L. Jackson, S. Lyons, H. Shields and N. Watson

Editor-In-Chief Corner If you have any corrections, comments, concerns or article submissions email me at Sisterly,

Jamie Dunlap

Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc.—Alpha Eta Zeta Chapter P.O. Box 301417| Memphis, TN 38103 Follow us on Twitter at TheMemphisZetas and ‘Like’ the Memphis Zetas on Facebook

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