The News of the Astounding Alpha Eta Zeta Chapter
New Sorority Year Brings New Executive Board Our new sorority year has brought on new members to our executive board. These remarkable and diverse women have received their charge to lead and are ready to propel this beloved chapter into bigger and better horizons. This election also brought newly initiated sorors into the leadership forefront. These first time leaders have been installed in five positions; each of them express their excitement to serve and readiness to face challenges along the way. The newly installed officers are seeking support and encouragement as they work diligently to ensure the continued success of Alpha Eta Zeta. Learn more about our officers in this issue of The Inzider. President Igina Perteet has been a member of Zeta since June 7, 2003, as she joined the sisterhood via our Astounding chapter. Since joining the chapter she has served the sorority in several capacities, most recently as chapter President. She is a Mississippi Native and a graduate of Mississippi State University. She currently works for the State of TN as a Family Service Worker dealing with foster care and adoption. Recently, she was asked the following questions:
-What goals have you set for Alpha Eta Zeta chapter for 2011 - 2013? I have several goals I’d like to see become a reality for Alpha Eta Zeta this year: Z-Lessons, an embellishment program will be utilized and put into production with many activities that will be geared to educate and enhance our chapter members. Increase our membership by a minimum of fifteen new members via membership intake and reclamation. Secure a new home for our chapter’s Storks Nest. Categorize and file chapter documents and historic items throughout the year. Develop a major fundraiser to be executed in 2012-2013 generating a minimum of $10,000 profit. Redevelop our chapter handbook . Raise a minimum of $2,000 in donations for our March of Dimes March for Babies Walk. Increase our Z-HOPE points by a minimum of 30% for 2011 -2013. Participate in initiatives set by our National Body. Design a chapter logo to market AHZ (not to supersede our National shield and Z-HOPE logo)
The success of these initiatives requires the active participation of every Alpha Eta Zeta member. Therefore, I encourage all to participate and utilize the resources of fellow committee members so that no single soror has too heavy a load. - What additional greetings would you like to bring? Greetings to my sorors of the hardest working, never tiring, goal oriented, number one Premier chapter in the State of Tennessee and all of Zeta! It gives me immense pleasure to greet you in the name of sisterly love. Our chapter is about to take off on another thrill packed year which will be chocked full of community service activities, Auxiliary events, day to day chapter business and most important coming together as a team and bonding as sisters really should.