Zeta Phi beta Sorority, Inc. - Alpha Eta Zeta Newsletter

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Volume 1, Issue 1

September 10, 2015

The “Astounding” Angels of AHZ’s

Special points of interest:

The President’s Corner

President’s Corner

New Horizon Apts.

Greetings to my Sisters of the Dove!!!

AHZ’s Stork’s Nest

Zetas Have Heart

AHZ Executive Board Members

Tips for Relieving Stress

Best In Black Awards

Domestic Violence Forum

AHZ Upcoming Events

It is indeed an honor and a privilege to welcome each of you to the 2015-2016 Sorority Year! I am ecstatic about what we accomplished on this past year and the impact that we will continue to make in the Memphis and Shelby County Community this year. We have been blessed with so much, and as a result it is not only our duty as a sisterhood but our Christian duty to bless those that we encounter through our founding principles of Scholarship, Service, Finer Womanhood, and Sisterhood. We will do so by following the

charge given to us by International Grand Basileus Wright and by continuing to implement our National programs such as March of Dimes, Breast Cancer Awareness, Elder Care, Military Appreciation, Adopt-A-School, AdoptA-Highway, and our Get Engaged Initiative as well as our local chapter’s initiatives. Together we can continue to be a force to be reckoned with. Together we will be Finer! We will be Astounding! I look forward to working alongside each of you as we continue to strive with a spirit

of Excellence and make our community a better place one Soror at a time. Yours in Zetadom, Basileus Charlotte Ghoston

New Horizon Community Appreciation Day The Astounding Angels of Alpha Eta Zeta have been about the business of service this summer throughout the Greater Memphis community! On July 18 th we participated in the First Annual New Horizon Community Appreciation Day along with the UT School of Dentistry, Memphis Fire and Police Dept. and many other community organizations. The day provided those in attendance with the opportunity to receive free dental and health screenings, employment connections through the three employment agencies present along with information about our Stork’s Nest located in the apartment complex. Sorors shared information about our Stork’s Nest services and took referrals from expecting mothers.

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