Research on the Horizontal Force of Internal Solitary Waves to the Verti

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Frontier of Environmental Science March 2016, Volume 5, Issue 1, PP. 17-22

Research on the Horizontal Force of Internal Solitary Waves to the Vertical Cylinders Dong MA1#, Jianjun FAN2, Wenming YIN1, Wei WANG1, Haiyan GUO1 1

College of Engineering, Ocean University of China, 266100, China


Qingdao Construction Engineering Municipal Quality Monitoring Station, 266000, China


Abstract Based on the fluid simulation software: Fluent, a numerical flume was established in which a vertical cylinders was placed. On the basis of internal solitary wave theories: KdV and mKdV, four internal solitary waves with different amplitudes were made by the use of speed entry method; simultaneously, the horizontal force of each cylinder was calculated. And then a cylinders with the same size was put into the 2d internal wave flume in the laboratory; internal solitary waves were made using gravity collapse method and the horizontal forces of the cylinders with different depths were measured when the internal waves passed. The experimental results which were gained from the comparison of the numerical simulation results with those of the experiment certified the feasibility of the simulation. Furthermore, distribution of the horizontal force along the vertical direction was also analyzed in this paper. Keywords: Internal Solitary Wave; Vertical Cylinder; Horizontal Force; Vertical Distribution

内波对竖直圆柱体水平力作用的研究 马东 1,樊建军 2,殷文明 1,王伟 1,郭海燕 1 1. 中国海洋大学工程学院,山东省 青岛市 266100 2. 青岛市建筑工程质量监督站,山东省 青岛市 266000 摘

要:基于流体模拟软件 Fluent,建立数值水槽并加入竖直圆柱体,根据内孤立波 KdV 和 mKdV 理论,用速度入口法

制造不同振幅的内孤立波,同时计算内波经过时各圆柱体所受的水平作用力;在实验室二维分层流内波水槽中布置相同 尺寸的圆柱体,使用重力塌落方法制取内孤立波,测量内波通过时不同深度圆柱体所受的水平力。将数值模拟结果与试 验结果进行对比并对结果进行分析,结果表明利用 Fluent 模拟结果与试验结果吻合良好;分析了内孤立波对圆柱体水平 作用力的垂向分布规律。 关键词:内孤立波;竖直圆柱体;水平作用力;垂向分布

引言 我国南海海域海内波活动频繁,对船舶和海洋工程结构物造成了严重的威肋[1],而竖直圆柱体是海洋工 程结构物的主要结构形式之一,如 Spar 平台的浮筒、张力腿平台的立柱以及立管系统等。因此研究内波对 圆柱体的作用力具有重要的理论和现实意义。多数学者主要是利用 Morison 公式结合 KdV、mKdV 方程计算 方法以及计算流体力学方法(CFD)集中研究背景内波场作用下小尺度结构物的受力。蔡树群等 [2]将海洋工程 中常用的 Morison 公式引入孤立子内波对圆柱形桩柱作用力的计算,认为与表面波相比,孤立子内波对桩柱 的作用力和力矩要大得多。张莉等[3]根据描述内孤立波的 KdV-mKdV 方程,结合改进的 Morison 公式,采 

基金资助:受国家自然科学基金支持资助(51279187) - 17

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