西媒导读 2016年合订本

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The Mentality Carrier 西媒导读 POWER YOUR POTENTIAL

Sydney, Australia

2016 年度合订本

西媒导读 – The Mentality Carrier 2016 正式版


《西媒导读》∙ The Mentality Carrier 2016 – 基本介绍 Message from the editor: At the end of this year, I am pleased to introduce you to The Mentality Carrier 2016.

Power Your Potential 1. 创建背景 Background:

The Mentality Carrier is an independent publisher that works on extracting and condensing educational knowledge and opinions for young people. In computer science, this is similar to “Data Mining”.

当代中国学生学习英文,一般长达十年以上,而付出与收获却经常不成正比。 由于我们已付出了大量辛劳和努力,我们并不应满足于看懂一些实用性信息, 仅迎合生活和工作所需。英文作为一种国际语言,掌握了它其实相当于掌握 了与未来世界的人们沟通的权利,从而获取世界前沿的想法、创意和思维方 式,有助于我们看清脚下的路,走得更远。

In 2016, the theme is “Power Your Potential”. Potential generally refers to a currently unrealized ability. We all have certain potential; however we only have limited time. As far as I am concerned, one key to unlock one’s potential would be learning in a systematic manner, and another key would be competition. Good planning is essential, and we always need to be ready to take positive actions.

如今,在媒体管制和应试教育的背景下,当代中国学生获得有价值英文信息 的渠道极为有限。一方面,国家投入大量人力、资源和时间到英语教学上; 另一方面,西方价值观的渗透被严格控制——由此,当今英语教学存在一个 十分微妙的矛盾。

In this world of information overload, we, The Mentality Carrier is making every effort to be your credible source of cutting-edge and in-depth information. I am confident that, through reading and learning in a systematic manner, you will always be motivated to explore new knowledge and master the best practice, and ultimately fulfil your potential.

Yours Faithfully, Adrian Chen Editor of The Mentality Carrier

目前,“纯工具性”的英语学习在国内大学普遍存在。比如,在做阅读理解 时,同学们除了认识几个新的单词,很少获得新的知识或思想。我们认为, 读文章并不仅仅是为了学习英语语言,更重要的是探索和发现有意思的事情 和想法,获得新知识,并解决成长中的遇到的各种问题。

2. 价值定位 Visions and Values: 《西媒导读》作为一家独立的教育类出版机构,倡导、推广英语作为一种有 价值信息的载体和一种有意义交流的工具,逐步减轻“纯工具性”英语学习 对国内广大学生所带来的不良影响。 我们的其他目的有:有价值信息的发掘和提炼,传承知识,为读者提供高质 量的背景信息;在网络信息泛滥的时代,为同学们提供小清新读物;提供有 价值的西方观点,起启迪作用;为准备雅思或 PTE 考试的同学提供阅读材 料和写作观点。 本年度《西媒导读》的主题是: Power Your Potential(通过学习和掌握系统知识来激发个人潜能)

西媒导读 – The Mentality Carrier 2016 正式版

3. 目标读者群 Target Readers:


6. 相关网站 Recommended Websites:

备战雅思考试,各项成绩目标在 7 分以上的同学


备战 PTE 考试,各项成绩目标在 65 分以上的同学

The Guardian: www.theguardian.com/au Objectivism101: www.objectivism101.com/Lectures/ Boundless Text Book Innovation: www.boundless.com Physics for the 21st Century: www.learner.org/courses/physics/ How Design: www.howdesign.com


4. 刊物名称 Designation for Name: 中文名《西媒导读》:我们所选取的西方媒体文章与报道涉及时事、科 技和艺术三个领域,致力于展现西方的最新社会风貌。为降低阅读门槛, 我们为文章添加导语,突出其思想价值特色——从而提高同学们阅读兴 趣、开启一扇窗户,对西方社会文化的认知和了解起到催化剂作用。 英文名 The Mentality Carrier: Mentality 是心智、思想和精神力的总称; Carrier 意为载体、搬运工。此英文名与刊物的价值定位相符,也体现了 《西媒导读》爱智的特点。

Logo: 本刊标志以“西媒导读”的“西”字为原型,设计为窗户形状。 这也体现了本刊的宗旨——力图为读者打开一扇西方世界的视窗。

5. 制作流程 Production Process:        

确定话题(每种话题介绍一种新事物,或尝试解决一种矛盾) 搜集资料与选材 英文编辑 添加中文导语、翻译 板式设计 添加“推荐栏目” 市场推广 读者反馈

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西媒导读 – The Mentality Carrier 2016 正式版


Contents 第 31 期


The Static and Dynamic View of Life

 1

第 32 期


Why It's So Hard to Make Friends After College

 11

第 33 期


The 3-Ladder System of Social Class in the U.S.

 18

第 34 期


Healthy Personal Boundaries

 27

第 35 期

改变他人 V.S. 改变自己

How to Get People to Change Their Minds

 33

第 36 期

Airbnb: 旅行住宿新趋势

Airbnb: Accommodation Designed for Trust

 37

第 37 期


Level of Intelligence

 39

第 38 期


The Basic Building Blocks of Matter

 41

第 39 期


Top 10 Strategic Technology Trends 2017

 47

西媒导读 第 31 期 – 面对生活的两种心态

Power Your Potential

导读:日复一日,年复一年——你现在对生活的感觉是怎样的?本文作者 设身处地地从他周围人的眼光出发,对他们的感受进行了细致的描述和分 析,从而为我们总结出了看待生活的两种不同视角——静态视角和动态视 角。这体现了两种截然不同的心态,了解和厘清这两者的差异,将对我们 的生活很有帮助。在这两种心态之间,你现在属于哪一种呢?

The Static and Dynamic View of Life Joseph Rowlands, Sep. 6, 2002

precise and useful. I'll start with an explanation of the two competing views of life, before comparing and contrasting them. I'll begin with the static view. 在面对生活时,人其实有两种非常不同的眼光——我暂且把它们称为“静 态视角”和“动态视角”。我相信其实大多数人用“静态视角”来看世 界,它在当下是占主导地位的;“动态视角”则显得比较小众化,但是却 对生活非常有帮助。好,现在我们就开始阐释和比较这两种视角。 Static View of Life 静态视角之下的生活 The static view of life holds that life is a state – it’s like a position you get to. At an end point you secure or maintain. An analogy is being satiated after a nice meal. You've arrived at the state, or secured it. Over time, you start to lose the position, though. You automatically move farther away from it. You can then act again in order to re-secure the position. Without action, you'll eventually stop being satisfied, and become hungry. 在静态视角下,生活是一种状态——就像你已所到达的位置。在你所到达 的最高位置(比如学历或职位),你就非常安稳了;你所做的,便是保持 和维护这个位置。

What is life? What do we mean when we say the word? The answer to this question has wide-reaching implications. We can say that life is our standard of evaluation when judging morality. It seems like it'd be a good idea to take a closer look at the term. This lecture is intended to determine what exactly the meaning of the word ‘life’ is. I'll discuss different possible meanings, and the implications of both. So to start, I'm making the claim that there are two very different, competing ideas for the meaning of life - I call these the static and the dynamic view of life. I believe that static view of life is the more predominant view. I also believe it to be the incorrect view, which I'll attempt to show throughout this lecture. The dynamic view of life is far less common, but appears to be more

In this view, life is the opposite of death. Death is the state at which your mind and body stop functioning. It's a point that when you reach it, it fundamentally changes what you are. You go from being a living breathing entity, to a corpse. In this sense, death is very clear-cut. We can take a similar view of life. Life, then, is the state in which your mind and body still function. It's the condition before death. With this view of life in mind, let's look at some implications to this view of life. To start, since life is our standard of morality, what implications would that have on our ethics. What kind of actions would we take, and how will we evaluate those actions according to this view. If you think of life as the state of not being dead, there’re a lot of things you can do to prevent death. You can put a large zone of comfort between you and death. The easiest example is having lots of money. Money can buy medical treatment, food, clothing, shelter, self-defence...the list goes on and on. So to ensure your life, you could seek to gain large sums of money.

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西媒导读 第 31 期 – 面对生活的两种心态

Next, your health is an important indication of how far away you are from death. You can even say it's the direct measure. Money is an abstract measurement of how far you are from death. It adds long term security, and protection against surprises. Health, though, is right there. If you fail in any of your needs in life, you can see your health deteriorate. Everything is geared towards increasing your health, and decreasing illness. Then there is risk. If life is a state, then you have to avoid actions that might lead to death. Risk-minimization is important. In modern days, where medical science is pretty useful, and food is abundant, non-natural death is relatively very dangerous. Sudden accidents can kill you even if you're very healthy, and have lots of money. So reducing risks is one of the ways of promoting life. You can continue this method of looking at life, and determining values. Some are more abstract. Capitalism, for instance, reduces threats of war, violence from your own government, makes food more plentiful, encourages medical science to progress, etc. You can look at all of these ends which helps buffer your from death. I said earlier that the static view of life was predominant. Now that we have a better idea of what it is, we can point to instances of this view. There are a number of them, so I'll concentrate on some of the bigger ones. First, there's the idea of 'success'. People strive for it, and others are jealous of it. So what is it? Well, many people would say that 'success' is having accomplished great things, or acquiring large amounts of wealth. Success usually involves having a nice paying job, a comfortable house, a beautiful wife, a caring husband, kids, and a dog or cat. It can include having made a scientific breakthrough, or becoming President of the United States, or starting a successful business. This view of success is very much based on a view that life is a state. It points to a pretty picture, showing all of the things you have or have done. 人们经常说,成功是完成伟大的事情,或者拥有巨额的财富;成功也可以 是有一份很棒的工作,拥有一个舒适的房子,美丽的妻子,体贴的丈夫, 可爱的孩子;成功也可以是取得一项科学成就,当选国家总统,或者拥有 一个蓬勃发展的公司。这种看待成功的静态视角指向一幅漂亮的画面,展 示了你已经做过、或实现的事情。

Power Your Potential

A second instance of the static view of life is the goal of retirement (引退) . Many people yearn(渴求)for the day they'll be able to quit their job because they've got enough money. They have this idea that maybe they'll take it easy, hang out with friends or loved ones, and stop wasting so much of their lives. They can travel the world, meet interesting people, and not have a worry in the world. I say this is the static view of life because it seeks a point in life where you are finished. You have everything you need to live. There's no point continuing to struggle because you've secured, as well as you can, the bulk of your contest against death. 在静态视角之下,人们往往希望在赚足了钱之后,便不再去工作。他们觉 得,到时候他们就可以和他们爱的人,或者好友,一起去周游世界或颐养 天年——其他一切事情都可以抛在脑后。这些人一直在寻找一个点——一 个完全安稳的终点。他们觉得,既然有了足够的钱,完全安稳了,那么就 不需要再继续奋斗。 A third, and similar instance of this view of life is marriage. A lot of young people view marriage as a position to reach in life. It's supposed to bring happiness. I've seen people who think that once they get married, many of their troubles will go away. They'll have secured companionship, and they'll be able to focus on other things. In this sense, marriage is seen as an end-product - a value that is achieved. So to review, the static view of life holds that life is a state. Actions should be taken to preserve or strengthen this state. Since it's a state, you can measure it at any particular time. You can point to the money, marriage, house, or wellpaying job as proof of your successful living. The focus is very much on the values you accomplish. I'll now turn to the dynamic view of life. 静态视角认为,生活是一种状态,主要看你现在拥有什么、实现了什么。 正因为是一种状态,你能够在任何一个时刻来衡量这种状态——你可以用 金钱、婚姻、房子、工作来证明你成功与否。 Dynamic View of Life 动态视角之下的生活 The dynamic view of life holds that life is a process, not a state. Ayn Rand said "Life is a process of self-sustaining and self-generated action." Notice the term 'process'. It's a "process of self-sustaining and self-generated action". 2|P age

西媒导读 第 31 期 – 面对生活的两种心态

动态视角认为,生活是一个过程,而不是一种状态。就像当代哲学家安 妮·兰德所说的,“生活是自我不断成长和发展的过程”。

In this view, life is not a state, but a series of actions. Life isn't a place you reach, but the process of reaching it. Life is action. It's the things you do. It's the process of accomplishing goals, not just the end results of the goals. Life is action. Life is the things you do and accomplish. 在动态视角之下,生活不是一种状态,而是连续的、一系列的行动。你所 达到的位置只能作为副产品——你在追求这个位置的过程更为重要。你的 行动塑造了你的生活,而不是守着你已经成就的事情就能一劳永逸。 In the analogy I gave earlier, I compared the static view of life to being satiated. In the dynamic view of life, being satiated may be the end target, but it's the process of producing food, cooking, eating, and sharing that we would call life. This is not to say being satiated is not the goal. That is still the ends being pursued. But life is not simply the ends. It's the entire process, from start to finish. 吃饱,也许是吃饭的最终目标——但是我们采购食物、精心烹饪、分享美 味的整个过程才会被称为“生活”。所以“吃饱”并不能作为我们吃饭的 唯一目标——毕竟生活不是像剧透一样的吃饱,吃饭是从开始到结束整个 过程。 So life isn't just the things you accomplish. It's not having a lot of goods, or having accomplished a lot. It very much depends on how you gained those goods, and how you achieved it. It's not the money in your wallet, but how you got the money. Did you earn it? Did you steal it? Or did you find it in an old pair of pants? 所以,生活并不仅仅是你已经实现了什么。重要的不是你获得财富的多寡, 而是你怎样的方式获得了财富。重要的不是你的钱包里有多少钱,而是你 用怎样的行动挣到了属于你自己的钱。 In this view of life, values are still important, but for a different reason. They're not there to simply stave off (避开) death. They're there to improve your ability to live. Ever heard the phrase "it takes money to make money"? The point is that to accomplish bigger things, in shorter periods of time, you are benefited from wealth that you've already achieved.

Power Your Potential

You can think of values as stepping-stones that further your life. They increase your ability to act in your own self-interest. Each value accomplished allows you to increase your range of possible movements. Values such as money, education, skills, friendships, and yes, philosophy, all widen your scope of actions. It increases both the kinds of things you can do, and the amount of them. 你可以回想,你所做过的一件件事情就像阶梯一样,一步步地拓展了你的 视野,让你的生活更为广阔。你所受的教育,你所锻炼的技能,你所积攒 的友谊,你所获得的生活哲学,都会让你能够做更多、更重要的事情—— 你做的事情不仅仅会更多,也会更有影响力。 If a soda and a chocolate bar each cost a dollar, and you've got one dollar, you have to choose. If you have two dollars, you can have both. So you can choose more combinations. But you may also find that two dollars can buy you a hamburger. So you have even more possible actions to take. This is true of all values. Having more knowledge allows you to learn even more. Having combinations such as education and money can allow for unique opportunities, such as an entrepreneurial venture or a manager’s position. 如果一瓶汽水和一块巧克力的价格都是$1,当你有一美元的时候,你只能 得到其中一项;当你有两美元的时候,两者你都可以得到。当你受过高层 次的教育,或者有相当数量的财富的时候,你能够获得更加独特、稀有的 机会——比如投资一家公司的股份,或者获得高级管理的职位。 The dynamic view of life does not mean action for the sake of action. Remember, it's a process of "self-sustaining and self-generated action". The end to which the actions are aimed is furthering your ability to live, or in other words, furthering your life. The goal of your life is to continue your life. Which means the goals of your actions should be to continue acting. 所以说,你所做的的每一件事,都会为你做下一件更高级、更重要的事做 铺垫。通过你不断地行动,你会获得更多的能力和更高的智慧。 Let's get a little more specific. We're trying to improve our ability to live. So let's go over a few examples of what that means. I've already provided some values, such as money and health, that help ensure that you don't die. And not dying is a good thing if you want to keep acting.

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西媒导读 第 31 期 – 面对生活的两种心态

But there are other things you need. Education is a big one, and one that's widely recognized. But it's only part of the picture. You also need the ability to think logically. You need the ability to learn, and the habits of pursuing new knowledge. You need to make judgments about what knowledge will be useful in the future, and what is the best method of acquiring and maintaining that knowledge. 除了金钱和健康之外,教育也是非常重要的一方面,而且是广受人们认可 的。通过受教育,人们获得逻辑思维能力和学习新知识的能力,这些都是 不可或缺的。这样,你便掌握一种高效的方式来获取和更新你的知识。

You not only need relationships with people, at both the friendship level and the romantic level, but you need the ability to maintain them. You need the wisdom to pick the right friends and lovers. You need the patience to deal with any little problems that happen, and the perspective in order to judge how things are going. Having a nice paying job is great, but you need the skills to do the job. You need the ability and the habit of seeing new opportunities. You need to have the initiative to take on new roles within the company. You need to be responsible with your authority, and dependable as an employee. You need to accomplish your tasks on time, and contribute positively. Even more important, you need to have alternatives if your particular company goes under. You need a broad enough skill set to get jobs elsewhere. You need to retain your ability to work hard and learn new jobs. 拥有一份高薪的工作是很棒的一件事,但更重要的是你需要怎样的技能做 好这份工作。你需要有能力和习惯发现新的机会,主动地在公司担当起新 的责任。你需要对你的分内之事负责,努力做一个可信赖的员工。你需要 在一定时间里完成你的任务,而且做出积极贡献。你需要锻炼出广阔的职 业技能,从而使得你不论走到哪里都会有工作。你需要维持、拓展你的技 能,从而获得机会做更高级的事情。 Another part of the dynamic view is the "self-generated" aspect. Gaining values is unimportant if you're not the one doing it. Life is self-generated action. Others can't live for you. They can make it easier or harder for you to live, but ultimately you are the one that lives your life. You can contrast this with the static view of life. With it, you're goal is to stave off death. This means that others could provide you with the tools you need to stave off death, assuming

Power Your Potential

that they are reliable. If you have very rich parents, they can give you all the money you need. You never need to work for it. With the static view of life, this would be okay. The dynamic view of life rejects this, though. Life isn't just about having values, but seeking and acquiring them. If your parents have gave you everything you ever desired, you wouldn't be living. You might be alive, as in your body and mind might still function, but you wouldn't be living. 就像老师不能始终督促和辅导你学习一样,在长大成人之后,倚靠别人 (或是父母)而不劳而获,是没太有意义的。关爱你的人,会让你感到温 暖,让你的生活轻松一些,但是每个人还是需要完成好自己的任务,担当 起自己的责任。在静态视角下,如果你是“富二代”,你就可以从你父母 那里得到所需的财产,不需要为此而拼命工作。但是,动态视角不提倡这 样做——生活并不仅仅是为得到有价值的东西,寻求和获取的过程更加重 要。如果你自己不努力学习和工作,倚靠父母给你想要的一切,那已经不 能叫做生活。 Let's go further. Imagine a world where every desire is provided by another. Hungry? Someone feeds you. Want the lawn mowed? They'll do it for you. Want the kitchen cleaned? They'll wash it. You wouldn't be able to acquire any skills, because others would always be there to satisfy them. Need to read something? Someone will read it to you. Need to count to ten or do simple math? Someone's there to do it for you. Every possible need would be taken care of by another. It's not just that you'd be completely dependent on these people. It's that your life would be empty. There'd be nothing to do, nothing to achieve, no way to improve yourself. It would be you just waiting to die. There would be no actions necessary, which means there would be no values necessary. It would be a truly pointless life. 其实我们可以想象这样一个“极乐世界”:当你饿了的时候,接着会有人 给你做好饭;当你想修剪草坪的时候,接着会有人给你完成;当你想收拾 厨房的时候,接着有人给你收拾好。这样下来,你不会获得任何做事的技 能。当你的生活依赖于这些人之后,你的世界会变得很空虚。你的欲望都 会被满足,没有事情可做,也没有什么可实现的东西。这样下来,就好像 在等待离开这个世界一样(在临终疗养院其实可以看到这样的场景)。你 的欲望虽然都可以被尽可能满足,但是你生活好像没有任何意义。

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西媒导读 第 31 期 – 面对生活的两种心态

It's not just that it's boring, either. It's that you wouldn't really be living. Think about the phrase "get a life". It means get out there and do something. Pursue values. Accomplish them. Life is a process. It's the things you do. It's not only action, but purposeful action. And the purposes have to be yours. You have to choose them. You have to pursue them. You have to accomplish them. And when you're done, you have to choose new values. No one else can do it for you. Just as no one else can breathe for you, or think for you. Your life is your responsibility. If you default on the responsibility, the consequences are yours. 生活是一个过程。是你的所做作为,是有目标的一系列行动。你需要追求 它,你需要完成它。没有别人能够替代你做任何事情,就像别人不能代替 你呼吸、代替你思考一样。你为你的生活负全部责任。

Power Your Potential

Your range of action increases, and goals that used to be difficult become easier. Tasks that were out of your range move into your sphere of action. Your actions become more advanced as you take advantage of more of your past achievements. 当你的生活能力越来越强,你就能去选择更大、更雄心的任务去完成。比 如创立自己的小公司——如果你没有先前所积累的知识、资金、人脉和所 专长的核心业务,你是连想都不敢想的。当你通过积累得到了它们,开一 家属于自己的公司就会变得相对容易。在你不断地行动之后,那些在过去 看起来高远的目标,现在也变得触手可及。你的行动之所以能够变得更加 高级,是因为你过去的成就和积累帮助了你。

Purposeful Living 有目标的生活 Man's potential for living is an upward slope. He's born stupid, poor, and funny looking. He's got nowhere to go but up from there. In the process of living, he should gain knowledge, skills, wealth, and values. In almost every category, he has the ability to continually improve his condition. Life is self-generated, self-sustaining action. Life is purposeful action. It is the process of setting goals, and achieving them. The ultimate purpose is to continue acting. Your actions should be aimed at not only sustaining your current ability to live, but increasing it. If you're successful at living, your situation should always be improving. Your goal is to be better off every day then you were the day before. Whether it's through developing your mind or body, gaining wealth, or meeting interesting people, you are improving your life. This is the "self-sustaining" part of the action. 生活是一个设定目标、实现目标的过程。你的行动,会拓展你的生活的广 度,为你的生活增添光彩。 如果你做事经常体会到成就感,那么你的状态 肯定越来越好——不论是通过提升你的思维心智,赚取财富,还是结识有 趣的人,你都在努力提升自己的生活品质。 As your effectiveness at living increases, you can choose larger and more ambitious tasks to pursue. Starting your own company can be an impossible task for someone without relevant knowledge, money, contacts, and skills. As you acquire them, the task becomes easier. In this way, life always progresses.

Life requires purposeful action. But we need to take a dynamic view here as well. Just because your actions are immediately aimed at some value does not make them purposeful in the fullest sense of term. Instead, your actions over time need to be integrated towards a common goal. Each successful action should move you farther along your path. This brings up the idea of stagnation. Under the static view of life, stagnation is fine. It doesn't matter that you're not doing anything with your life, as long 5|P age

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as you are able to stay alive. The dynamic view, though, rejects stagnation. Performing the same actions over time, with no change to your situation, is not living. It's merely waiting to die. 在静态视角中,生活的停滞是可以被接受的——因为你已经达到了那个高 度。但是在动态视角中,生活的停滞是不能被接受的。如果始终在做重复 的事情,并不会对你的生活状态有任何的改观——这不能称之为“生活”, 而是好像在等待离开这个世界。

A man who is successful at living is someone who seeks proper values, and achieves them. It's a man who can face change or adversity, and who deals with it. It's a man who's comfortable with himself and his life. Who likes where he is, and where he's going. It's the independent man, who controls his own destiny. It's the man who deals effectively with the world, and deals fairly with himself. It's the man who has the courage to act, the strength of will to pursue that which he knows is right. In short, it's the man who knows how to live, and acts accordingly.

Action is goal directed. You act in order to achieve values. If over time you act without any positive results, it's as if you didn't act. You've gained nothing from your effort, except staving off death for a little longer. Your actions lose any purpose. Of course, in the short term they still appear goal-directed. You may farm your land to provide enough food to survive, and continue every year. Every action you take is aimed at some goal. But when seen from a larger perspective, you realize that nothing is being accomplished. What little life you have is fading away slowly, with nothing gained. Every year you accomplish nothing is a year wasted. 当一个人选择一片农田种植粮食的时候,假设他每年的目标都是一样的: 种植、劳作、收获。但如果从一个旁观者的视角来看,年复一年,仅仅了 收获粮食,而并没有其他的收获。生命便在这年复一年的重复工作当中渐 渐耗尽,其他的事情和可能性没有得到探索。

Contrast this with the static view. One has wealth, the other has the ability to produce wealth. One has a relationship or marriage to feel safe, the other spends every effort to achieve the desirable values in a relationship. One has a college degree, the other has the appropriate knowledge, and the ability and will to learn new subjects. One has gotten somewhere, the other is always going somewhere. 动态视角其实并不完全与静态视角冲突,前者只是把后者所看重的,当做 副产品罢了。静态视角关注一个人所拥有财产的多寡,而动态视角更侧重 于一个人获得财产的能力;在静态视角之下,婚姻契约能够使得心中安稳, 而在动态视角之下,人通过一生的努力去实现这个契约。静态视角中,早 日大学毕业是为了一纸文凭,而动态视角中在积累自己的知识、提高自己 的学习能力。在静态视角中,人已经到达了一个地方;而在动态视角中, 人始终在朝一个地方前行。

Now that the dynamic view of life is clearer, we can re-evaluate a few points. Earlier I discussed the word 'success' from the point of view of life as a state. We can see how the dynamic view of life is much different. In the static view, it was all about what you possess, and what goals you have accomplished. The dynamic view also includes these, but only as part of the complete picture. Success in this sense means successful at living. It includes your past accomplishment since they pertain to your current and future ability to live. But it also includes much more, like pride, confidence, skills, knowledge, adaptability, courage, etc. 现在你对这些概念可能比较清晰了,我们可以做出一定的总结。在静态视 角下,你的成功取决于你所有拥有的事物和你已经实现的目标。在动态视 角下,你所积累的生活能力和智慧更为重要,目光更着眼于当前和未来的 生活品质。

I also mentioned that in the static view of life, risk is to be avoided. If avoiding death is the goal, then you have to be very careful. Never rock the boat. Never take a chance that might leave you in a bad situation. The dynamic view of life is far different. Risk is a part of life. It makes sense to reduce your chances of failure or worse, but living is the real purpose. If you have to choose between risk and not acting, you would take the risk. If you get to a point in your life where the best opportunities are fairly risky, you take them. In this view, it's far better to live and fail, than to sit idle (空闲的) waiting for death. This is the idea behind the phrase "It's better to have loved and lost, then never to have loved at all (By British poet Alfred Tennyson). Just substitute 'lived' for 'loved'. 风险在生活中是存在的。每个人的所作所为可能都是由于自己的一时想法 所引起,所以并不能够保证万无一失。但是,与什么都不做相比,选择冒 6|P age

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一定的风险是依然值得的。就像英国诗人坦尼森所说的“与其选择谁都不 爱,我宁可选择爱过而失去”——不过,在这里我们可以理解为“与其选 择无动于衷,不如选择去不断尝试新的事情和新的方法”。

I also mentioned Capitalism as a good in the static view of life. How does the dynamic view look at it? Well, instead of saying that Capitalism is good because it enhances your chance of survival by reducing war, crime, and poverty, the dynamic view of life would say that Capitalism is good because it is the system that really allows you to live. Freedom is a prerequisite for any action, and since your life is the actions you take. By now, it seems that capitalism is the only system truly compatible with life. That the results are great is nice as well, of course. But it's secondary to the freedom. Ask yourself if you'd give up some of your wealth in order to ensure you were left free. Fortunately, there's no trade-off between wealth and freedom. 其实我过去曾提到,资本主义制度也是一种静态视角之下的架构。虽然它 并不是一种理想制度,但是当前经过广泛实践而适用于多个国家。不得不 提的是,资本主义为我们的自由提供了保障——而自由是任何行动的前 提,然后你得以用一点一滴的行动而经营的你的生活。 Aren't They Just the Same? 动态视角和静态视角有相似点么 This finishes up my initial discussion of the static vs. dynamic views of life. I now want to show how they compare in practice. Before I do, though, there's one last topic to discuss. Since most people use a combination of the two views in everyday thinking and conversation, we should ask one more question. Aren't these views really just the same? Or maybe just different aspects of the same thing? What might lead someone to this question? Well, the static view of life could be "expanded" to include a lot of the elements of the dynamic view. For instance, you might say that having skills and abilities help ensure that you stay alive. The ability to learn, for instance, would be a good hedge(保护手段) against any future changes in your occupation, or other situations that require a lot of new ideas. With this in mind, you could then claim that the static view of life is also concerned not just with whether you're alive, but in how you stay alive. Certain methods are more conducive to staying alive, and they'll allow you to stay alive

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in the future. Working hard and understanding your job can be seen as directly promoting the static view of life as well. So are they the same? There's certainly a lot of overlap. I think there are a number of big differences, though. 静态视角和动态视角难道很相似么?当然,它们肯定有诸多共同之处。但 是仍然有很大区别。 The first is the goal. In the static view of life, you aim to avoid death. It upholds a negative as your source of values. It's all a struggle against death, which you'll eventually lose. When many people think this through, they ask questions like "what's the point of it all? I'm going to die anyway, aren't I?" In the dynamic view of life you aim to live your life and enjoy the process of living it. Your goal isn't to prevent death, except in that death prevents you from continuing to live. You aim at the positive. The static view just can't be made to match the dynamic view. Even if you try to include elements of the dynamic view, such as your ability to grow as a person, or your mental habits you've developed, the ends are just too different. If given an opportunity to abandon all action for certain security, the static view would take it, and the dynamic view wouldn't. An example is a technological marvel that puts you on a respirator, feeds your body all the nutrients it wants, but doesn't allow you to physically act. Yes, your body would still live on. But that's not life! 第一点的区别体现在目标设立。在静态视角中,你在试图保持自己所达到 的地位,虽然到最后你会一无所有。在动态视角中,你珍视你为生活付出 的一点一滴的努力——你的目标不仅仅是保持自己的地位,而是在醒来的 每一天都在探索新的事情,向着长远目标前行。反之,假如你有一个神器 能够时刻满足你所有的愿望,但那并不能称得上是生活。 A second difference is a matter of focus - what aspect of life do you focus on. In the static view, you focus on the state. Even if you claim that a correct process works towards a better state, you still have a predisposition (倾向) towards looking at what you have, and not how you got it. The view that life is a process, though, keeps you focused on the fact that you are an acting human being. You look at what you're doing, and not what you've done. 第二点的区别体现在你所看重的方面。在静态视角中,你所看重的是已经 达到的状态。即使你通过努力让自己的状态越来越好,但是仍然倾向于关 7|P age

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注自己“已经得到的”,而不是“怎样努力得到的”。而在动态视角中, 你会时刻关注自己正在做什么。你更加关心自己当下所做的事情,正在朝 哪个方向努力,而不仅仅是自己已经做成了什么。

Hopefully this should clear up any lingering questions about the differences between the two. I'll now turn to some applications of the two views. 希望以上的论述能够澄清静态视角和动态视角的区别。接下来我会讲述一 下这两者在生活中的应用。 Happiness 幸福 Happiness is something we all strive for. But what is it? I claim that there are two fundamentally different ideas of what happiness is, depending on which meaning of life you accept. 幸福是我们每个人都在为之奋斗的。看待幸福,其实有两种非常不同的视 角。 In the static view of life, happiness is a point you reach. It can include a number of things, like a wife, kids, a nice house, the gold watch you always wanted, and money in the bank. When people ask "What would make you happy", it's the static view of life. It's the claim that happiness is something you achieve, and then it's yours. "If I just had my own house, I'd be happy." "If only I could marry this girl, I'd be happy", “If I can immigrate to a peaceful country, then I’d be happy all the time”. 在静态视角中,幸福是你所到达的那一点。比如你的妻子,孩子,房子, 或者一块金表,银行里的存款。当人们问你“什么能够让你幸福”时,这 种问法其实已经体现出一种静态视角——问题的预设是“属于你的东西” 或者“你所达到的位置”使你幸福。“如果我有一个大房子,我就会感到 幸福”,“如果我娶了那位女孩作为妻子,我就会感到幸福”,“如果我 移民到一个开放而安定的国家,那我什么都不用愁了”——这些都是静态 视角的论述。 In this view of happiness, it's the things you have, or the things you've accomplished that makes you happy. With this in mind, other people could make you happy. If they gave you money, love, a sense of accomplishment. And even those who claim you can't buy happiness often think in terms of life as a state. They think money won't do it, but love will. Meeting the person of

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your dreams is all you need to do. In any case, the static view always points to something as the source of your happiness, while dynamic view values skills, pride, confidence, knowledge, courage, etc. that can actually pertain to your current and future ability to live. 在这种静态视角下,幸福是由你所拥有的东西体现的,包括外人给你的荣 誉和头衔。在静态视角下,外在事物是你幸福的主要源泉——但是,这种 幸福较为脆弱,容易受到别人摆布。 在动态视角下,你自己的能力与品质 是你幸福的主要源泉——你始终在经营和打造属于自己的东西。 The dynamic view of life rejects this. Life is a process. Happiness is the enjoyment of the process of living. It's not about what you have, but how you live your life. Do you enjoy your job? Are you excited about your future? Are you comfortable with your accomplishments? Do you like the people with which you associate? Are you proud of who you are, and what you've done? 然而动态视角的观点和静态视角非常不同。生命是一个过程,幸福在整个 过程中的一点一滴——并不仅取决于你所拥有什么,更重要的是你如何去 经营。你享受你的工作么?你对你的未来和计划感到激动和亢奋么?你对 你所取得的成绩满意么?你喜欢日复一日与你打交道的这群人么?你对你 自己是谁,有时会感到莫名的骄傲么? Happiness isn't the temporary feeling of joy that occurs when you get something you always wanted, or you succeed in a great accomplishment. Those are good too. But happiness is more than that. It's an emotional response to a proper evaluation of your own life. The evaluation integrates all of your actions, your values pursued, and every other part of your life. It's the judgment of how well you are living your life. 幸福并不仅仅是当你得到想要的东西时的那份窃喜,或者是在你取得成功 登上领奖台的光彩瞬间——虽然这些也让人感觉很好,但幸福应该远不止 这些。幸福其实是你对于你自己的所有行动、所有表现的综合评价——是 否由衷地感到幸福,你自己会最为清楚。 Relationships 友谊与情感 Another area where a static view of life differs from a dynamic view is in the realm of relationships. From the static view, a relationship is something to acquire, and maybe maintain. You get married to someone, and that's a value gain. You have friends that share values with you. You succeed in creating 8|P age

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relationship with people, and maintaining them. You're happy with the fact that you're together with someone great. The dynamic view has a different focus. It doesn't ask whether you have friendships or are married. It asks what values you are getting from them. Having a friend is not enough. What's the point? Well, the point may be to share experiences with. To take on challenges together. To face the world with someone you trust. Your goal is never to merely maintain a friendship. It's to enjoy a friendship. You have friends in order to achieve values. To enhance your experience of living. Friendships open up opportunities. They allow actions that are not possible without them. The dynamic view of life makes you ask "How can I gain satisfaction and enjoyment from this relationship". This is similar with other forms of relationships, including romantic relationships. The dynamic view of life always looks at what the relationship is providing. If it's not much, you should act to improve it. Is your romance fading? Do something about it! Spend a weekend together. Write a poem. Tell her how beautiful and intelligent you think she is. Never take a relationship as a given, never to be questioned. Earn the relationship, and make it work for you. Don't do just enough to prevent your spouse from leaving you. Make it as great as possible. Health 健康 I briefly mentioned health as the primary value in the static view of life. It's your distance from death, after-all. So in this sense, the measurement of health is how likely you are to not die, now and in the future. The dynamic view of health is a bit wider. It's not just a matter of how likely you are to die, but how able you are to live. Are you fit enough to enjoy exercising? Are you strong enough to move your own furniture? How about mental health? Some slight cases of mental illness may not cause you to die, but certainly affect your ability to live. So in this sense, the dynamic view of life views health is a much wider concept.

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you smoke? Never. That stuff can kill you. What should you eat? Only what the doctors say is best for you. Tofu, wheat germ, and seaweed. How often should you exercise? Every other day. In what form should you exercise? Anything without risk. No sports, cause you could hit your head. No windsurfing, cause you could get eaten by sharks. Something nice, safe, and boring. Like jogging. Or yoga. Of course, the dynamic view of life doesn't buy into any of that. Sure, exercise is good for you, and enables you to live a better life. But it's not a duty. It's part of the process of living. Find ways to enjoy it. Pick the exercises you get excited about. Make trade-offs between exercise and other activities. You're not living in order to stay alive. You stay alive in order to live. Morality 道德 The last topic I want to discuss is ethics. In a way, this whole talk has dealt with morality. But I want to address a few specific differences. Since life is that standard of morality, obviously the differences in views have different results. The static view, always looking at a particular state or condition, will look primarily at the results. How you got there isn't important. What you're going to do now is also not very important. It's only what you have, and how that prevents you from dying. The dynamic view looks closer at method. It claims that your life is a process, a series of action unified towards a common goal. It also cares about where you are right now, but only in the context of where you're doing with it. Having a nice job is nice under both views, but the dynamic view also looks at how you do your job, and where you're going from here. Since the dynamic view is more focused on the process, it's not surprising that it is more compatible with the idea of virtues. Virtues are guides to living your life. They're guides to how to act, and what actions to take. The static view, only concerned with results, is much harder to associate with virtues. Many people try, showing that virtues lead to the best conclusions, but it's so indirect, and there are always imaginary scenarios where it'd work better defying your virtues.

But there's another difference. The static view of life holds health as some kind of duty. You have to maintain it, since it's what prevents you from dying. Can 9|P age

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But working better by what standard? By the standard of a static view of life. A view of values you possess, and the condition you're living in at some point. Under the dynamic view of life, virtues are far more important. They enable you not only to gain particular values, but make it easier for you to gain future values as well. Through virtues, you develop the correct moral habits that enhance your ability to live. You don't just achieve values. You achieve the ability to achieve values. The dynamic view of life holds that it's not just the values you pursue that are important, but how you pursue them. In this view, the means become an end as well. There is no moral distinction between them. You never need to sacrifice one for the other. They're all values, and so they can all be judged accordingly. Conclusion 结语 Let's go over what we've learned. I've shown that there are two very different meanings to the word life. The static view of life holds that life is a state. The state of not being dead. It looks at any particular point in time, and points to what you've got. 在静态视角之下,生活是一种状态。它回顾你在生命中的每一个状态,看 重你在这个位置上所拥有、实现了什么。 The dynamic view of life holds that life is a process. You are living when you are acting. It looks at method as much as goals. 在动态视角之下,生活是一个过程。它鼓励通过行动来经营自己的生活, 看重目标设立、做事方法,以及能力品质。 The two views have very different implications in areas such as health, happiness, and success. In every case given, the dynamic view of life is broader in its implications, and more valuable as a standard of evaluation. It suggests how you should act, and not just what you should act towards. 用这两种视角在看待幸福、健康和成功的时候,会体现出两种不同的价值 判断。不过可以看到的是,动态视角表达了一种更为广阔的含义,在评价 标准上显得更为有价值——它更侧重于怎样做的过程,而不仅仅是实现了 什么,要做什么。

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I'll end this speech on an interesting note. It's been said that men have unlimited desires. As soon as you satisfy some, they have new ones. Many people have taken this as a point to despair about. They think that we can never be happy because we can never achieve everything we want. If you're always left wanting, it must truly be a cruel world. 很多人都说,人的愿望是无穷无尽的。即使你满足了一部分愿望,但是人 总会有新的愿望萌生出来。但是你不会一直高兴,因为你总是不能实现所 有的愿望。 Well that's the static view of life talking. When you recognize that life is a process, and it's about the things you do, you realize the implications of their wishes. They wish for a state in which you have nothing further to pursue. You have no goals, no values, nothing new to accomplish. According to the dynamic view of life, your life would be over at this point. 他们希望到达一种状态,就是实现所有的愿望才会高兴——但这也代表一 种终极理想状态的实现——在这时你不能再实现任何新的目标和愿望。在 这种终极理想状态下,你已经没有任何上升空间,所以这也是一个极度空 虚落寞的状态。 Fortunately, we live in a world where we can always achieve new and greater things. There's no end to the possibilities we have ahead of us. Thank you. 幸运的是,在我们所生活的世界,我们始终可以去努力实现更精彩和更伟 大的事情。在我们的面前,始终有无穷无尽的可能。(完) 本文原载于:http://rebirthofreason.com/Articles/Rowlands/The_Meaning_Of_Life.shtml

About the author: Joseph Rowland (born in 1974) is an electrical engineer living in Santa Clara, California. This article is based on his speech which was delivered in 2002. 推荐栏目:

客观主义——对当代西方人的思维和文化有着深刻而广泛影响的一门哲学。 http://objectivism101.com/Lectures/ 10 | P a g e

西媒导读 第 32 期 – 长大后,身边的朋友越来越少了?

Power Your Potential

导读:长大之后,或者大学毕业之后,感到身边的朋友越来越少——这是 很普遍的现象。在青少年时期,我们在同一所校园里,就像共同走在一条大 路上一样;而随着大家选择专业、兴趣和定居地的不同,每个人走向了不同 的道路,人与人之间的差异也越来越大。在这一过程中我们必然会渐渐失去 很多曾经要好的朋友。另外,随着你的成长,你的择友标准也在不由自主地 改变和升级,让你以至于觉得够格的朋友越来越少。不过另一方面,我们开 始寻找和自己专业相似、志趣相投的人——我们交友不再泛泛,而是根据自 己的需求来做出最佳选择,这有助于我们的交友质量提升到一个新的高度。 不管现在身边的朋友有多少,我们只要对朋友真诚付出,其价值自会显现。

Why It's So Hard to Make Friends After College, And What to Do About It Melanie Pinola Mar. 5, 2013

harder than ever to make those kinds of lifelong friends. Here's why and, also, why that might not be such a bad thing. 你在上一次什么时候交到了一个新朋友?你可能在工作上遇到不少新同事, 但是你觉得有多少人能够算关系比较近的朋友,或者能够帮助你的朋友?如 果你过了三十而立的年龄,你可能会发现交一个新的挚友是非常困难的事情。 接下来我会讲一讲原因;或许读完之后你会觉得,朋友少了也并非是令人沮 丧的事。

The Usual Suspects: Work, Family, So Little Time 家庭、工作,占用了我们绝大部分的时间 We all know the obvious reasons friendship-making comes to a halt when we get older. We work 50-hour workweeks, maybe get married and have kids, take on more responsibilities, and otherwise have less time than ever for anything else. In a study conducted by Real Simple and The Families Work Institute, the majority of women between the ages of 25 and 54 reported having less than 90 minutes of free time a day, with 29% having less than 45 minutes of free time. That's not even enough time to watch an episode of Game of Thrones, much less make new friends. 大部分人可能都体会到,随着我们的年龄增长,新朋友也随之越来越少,甚 至没再有新朋友。工作和家庭占用了我们绝大部分的时间。我们每周可能工 作 50 个小时以上,有很多人也会结婚、养育孩子,承担更多的事情和责任 ——所以我们的闲暇时间越来越少了。一项研究结果表明,大部分的 25 岁 到 54 岁的女性每天拥有的闲暇时间少于 90 分钟,其中有 29%的人闲暇时间 少于 45 分钟——这可能连看一集《权力的游戏》的时间都没有,更不必说 结交新的朋友。

In a popular article in the New York Times last summer, Alex Williams tackled this midlife friend crisis, saying:

When was the last time you made a new friend? Not just a new acquaintance or buddy at work, but someone really close—the kind of person you would call in an emergency? If you're "old" like me (past the age of 30), you might notice it's

“As people approach midlife, the days of youthful exploration, when life felt like one big blind date, are fading. Schedules compress, priorities change and people often become pickier in what they want in their friends. No matter how many friends you make, a sense of fatalism (宿命论) can creep in: the period for making best friends, the way you did in your teens or early

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西媒导读 第 32 期 – 长大后,身边的朋友越来越少了?

20s, is pretty much over. It’s time to resign yourself to situational friends: K.O.F.’s (kind of friends) — for now.” 《纽约时报》曾有一篇受欢迎的文章,其作者 Alex Williams 探讨了后青年 时代的朋友危机,他写到: 当人们只剩下青春的尾巴,那种年少时与世界初见的新奇感,便渐渐淡去。 人在年少的时候,前方的道路是未知的,接下来的每一天、每一周都没有太 多计划性和可预测性,生活中常常会充满惊喜。而人们在工作或成家之后, 时间被每日的计划表和常规所占满,有很多重要的事情被提到优先位置。在 闲暇时间少的情况下,人们对于朋友的选择只能更加挑剔。

Power Your Potential

Alex Williams 也写到:在一项对于同龄人群体的调查中,心理学教授 Laura 发现,随着人们的年龄增长,人们努力维系他们已有的朋友的关系。她认为, 其实每个人的心里都有一个“提示警报”,人成长到一个新阶段的时候(比 如到了 30 岁),这个警报就会响起。这在提示人们,时间的地平线正在退 缩——人不能再四处张望,需要把自己的努力汇聚在一点,着眼于现在的人 和事。

Making Friends Is No Longer a Survival Requirement 在每个人经济独立以后,朋友不再是生存的必需品

Over the years since graduating college, I've met lots of people at work, in my neighbourhood, and things like parent-teacher events. Most of them I get along with great, and have traded phone numbers with some for plans to someday get together. They never pan out (to happen or be successful). It seems there's an invisible barrier to getting close enough to become deep friends, because it's hard enough to stay in touch with the close friends I already have (who I've known since high school), let alone test out and try to build a close relationship with someone new.

The other thing is that making friends when we're younger, while maybe not always easy, was somewhat of a necessity. From the time we're in kindergarten to when we graduate college, friendship-making is such an important part of our social and personal development; it's almost not even optional. We need to make friends to find out who we are, where we fit in with our peers, how to navigate social situations, and which people will help us with the rough parts of growing into a person (things like dealing with class bullies or confusing relationships).

在大学毕业之后的几年里,我在工作中,会议上,还有街坊邻居,认识了很 多人,我感觉他们当中大多数人的性格都很好。我们交换了电话号码,计划 可能一起聚会或出游——但是我们始终没有机会再聚。总感觉我们之间有一 层看不见的障碍,阻挡了我们成为更近的朋友。实际上,我们维持现有的好 友之间的联系都挺困难了,不必说再结识一些新的很近的朋友——我们每天 的时间已经渐渐饱和了。

在我们幼年和青少年阶段,交朋友是非常有必要的,或者说离不开朋友。从 我们上幼儿园一直到上大学,拥有朋友对我们的个人发展和社交发展非常重 要,以至于你不能选择不交朋友。我们通过和朋友交流,获得反馈,也有助 于更好地认识自己;在我们缺乏判断能力时,可以听取大家的意见;我们和 朋友经历各种场合,从而学习待人接物;在我们遇到困难或想倾诉时,朋友 都可以帮我们渡过难关。

Alex Williams writes:

“In studies of peer groups, Laura L. Carstensen, a psychology professor who is the director of the Stanford Centre on Longevity in California, observed that people tended to interact with fewer people as they moved toward midlife, but that they grew closer to the friends they already had. Basically, she suggests, this is because people have an internal alarm clock that goes off at big life events, like turning 30. It reminds them that time horizons are shrinking, so it is a point to pull back on exploration and concentrate on the here and now.”

Of course, we never thought about that when we made friends in school. We were indiscriminate, bonding with friends almost arbitrarily. You sit next to me for hours in a boring chemistry class? Also hate a certain teacher or group of kids at school? BFFs ! (BBF stands for Best Friends Forever) 就像你踏入一幅正在展开的画面一样,我们来到校园的时候,其实并没有意 识到我们在交朋友——大家就这样走到了一起,大伙时刻陪伴在你身边。这 时,我们交友并没有很强的选择性,差不多是和谁在一起时间长,就和谁是 朋友。在上一节无聊的化学课的时候,你坐在我旁边跟我一样发呆;你我都 很烦那个老师的讲课风格;我们都讨厌班上那几个孩子——没的说,这些我 们都共同经历过,那么我们绝对是好朋友!

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西媒导读 第 32 期 – 长大后,身边的朋友越来越少了?

After spending years as an adult living in the real world, though, we no longer need new friends to figure out how to walk peer-pressure-filled tightropes or to develop a better grasp of ourselves as individuals. And things like pure circumstance are less likely to trigger strong bonds. As comedian Louis C. K. once said in stand-up: I spend whole days with people, I'm like, "I never would have hung out with you. I didn't choose you. Our children chose each other based on no criteria by the way. They're the same size. They don't care who they make me hang out with." 当我们步入社会摸爬滚打,和真实的人和事打交道游刃有余了之后,我们便 不太需要朋友的帮助和关切。过去我们共同参加一场小剧表演,就会成为很 好的朋友;过去我们同住一个宿舍,时间长了感情越来越铁。而在毕业之后, 我们经历的能“长时间培养友谊的事情”越来越少了。就像喜剧演员 Louis 说的那样,“我们在年少的时候,对朋友没那么挑剔;我们一般不会选择因 为谁比较特殊,就跟谁在一起”。既然大家是同学,需要彼此照顾——毕竟 这个时候大家都与世界初见,每个人都有很强的可塑性。时间长了,我们共 同成长,相互影响,也渐渐形成自己的性格。

What You Can Do About It

Power Your Potential

Tracy Moore, likening friendship to a conveyor belt (传送带), writes on our sister site Jezebel that maybe we just need to change our attitude towards friendship: “Maybe you're in a new city with unknown conveyer belts; maybe your old friends are heinous jackanapes you have no idea why you just hung out with for the last decade. Either way, you have to think of making friends at this age in this world with this head as a different game.” 那么,就这么说,难道人过了三十而立之年,就没有什么希望找到新朋友了 么? 其实,我们需要改变的,是对朋友的态度,或者重新理解“朋友”这一 概念。在青少年时期,我们在同一所校园里,就像共同走在一条大路上一样; 而随着大家选择专业、兴趣和定居地的不同,每个人走向了不同的道路—— 就像大树的树枝一样,往上越分越细,人与人之间的差异也越来越大。在这 一过程中我们必然会渐渐失去很多曾经要好的朋友。或者说,随着大家成长 经历和想法的差别越来越大,自己也不可能在老朋友上花过多的时间了。另 外,随着你的成长,你的新的择友标准也在不由自主地改变和升级,让你以 至于觉得够格的朋友越来越少。不过另一方面,我们开始会找和自己专业相 似、志趣相投的人——我们交友不再泛泛,而是根据自己的需求来做出最佳 选择。

For people who are looking to make new friends—maybe after moving to a new city, changing jobs, or simply drifting apart from old friends—it can be especially challenging. Everyone's so busy and we're less likely to have the three things sociologists consider necessary to making close friends: close proximity; repeated, unplanned interactions; and a setting where people let their guards down and confide in each other (like college).

And, yes, actually go out there and socialize with people who have similar interests. Here are a few examples:

当一个人搬到一个新的城市,换了工作,或者和老朋友分别了,便开始找新 朋友——而找到新朋友并不是件容易的事。 社会学家曾经研究过找到好朋友的几个必要条件:距离很近,经常在身边; 多次的无计划的遇见(邂逅);长期共同完成一项任务;一个让人放下所有 戒备、建立起信赖的大环境(比如在校园里)。

□ Use daily deals, such as Groupon or LivingSocial, to take classes or other activities. Alan says he met a lot of really cool people at a Living Social whiskey tasting. Actually, Thorin also says he met a lot of people at a whiskey tasting. Nothing like food and drinks to bring people together!

Does this mean once you're past 30 you should give up all hope of making a true new friend? Of course not.

□ Use services like Meetup.com, which hosts outings for everything from outdoor hiking to poetry readings to kid dance parties. Whitson says he went to a Dungeons & Dragons meetup and ended up with a group of four guys that he played D&D with for the next three years.

□ Meet people at church. As Joshua jokes, "church activities are full of people contractually obligated to be your friend." □ Join a sports league (bonus points: get regular exercise!). My husband's part of a weekly basketball league that's recruiting new members all the time.

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西媒导读 第 32 期 – 长大后,身边的朋友越来越少了?

□ Get out with your dog (or maybe even get a puppy). Lifehacker readers Em and Powermobydick (on Twitter) say that walking their dogs and going to dog parks have helped them meet new people. □ Other obvious but still effective ways to get out there include volunteering, starting a new hobby, joining a neighbourhood book club, and even traveling.

Once you've found a potential friend, you can get past the awkwardness of turning him or her into a friend by suggesting a common activity and setting up regular meetups (e.g., Sunday brunches) to build that relationship. Lifehacker reader Emily Adams offered this good tip: “Also, be hospitable! Organize dinners and happy hours at your house where people can be comfortable and let their guard down. Yes, building friendships is a lot like dating—and can take as much effort and emotional investment. If you're a mostly shy person like me who doesn't really reach out to people, new friendship potential is still there (whether you force yourself to be sociable or not). Because no matter what stage of life you're in, making friends has a lot to do with luck and chemistry too—things you can't control and can happen when you least expect it.”

Power Your Potential

In fact, when you have more self-knowledge, the quality of the friendships you make (or renew) later in life can be richer than the happenstance ones from your school years, even if these friendships do take more effort to cultivate. And like the best relationships, they can also continue deepening over time. 其实,当人们受到更高的教育,积累了更多的知识之后,会共享类似的做事 方式和对世界的认识——即使大家之前未曾谋面,高水准的教育、丰富的专 业经验,兴趣爱好,以及开放达观的思维,足以使得大家有较多共同语言。 我相信,虽然你离开了校园,但你的交友质量依然可以达到一个新的高度, 你对新朋友的所有付出都会非常值得。 本文原载于:http://lifehacker.com/why-its-so-hard-to-make-friends-after-collegeand-wha-488975744

[1] Silver Lining: it is a phrase used to tell people that there is a brighter side to the problem they are facing. (失望中的)一线希望 延伸阅读:


A Silver Lining [1] As difficult and different as it might seem to make new friends, I think there are at least a few benefits to doing so when you're older: □ Your new friendships will likely be based more on shared interests—maybe new ones you didn't have when you were in school □ You're not limited to making friends in just your age group or, with the power of the internet, even your local area □ Your friendships may also be more relaxed and less pressure-filled, because everyone knows everyone else is so swamped (Kind-of-friends, also, Moore writes, "is the best version of friends you can have as an adult! Kindof friends are full of possibilities and virtually none of the obligation.") □ You might appreciate the rare times you spend with your friends (more than when you were in college and did nothing but loll about)

其实很多人都并不知道自己为什么要需要朋友。 他们仅仅是从小被教育、模模糊糊的就被大人灌输了“朋友多了很好”、 “多和其他人搞好关系”这种概念,就理所当然地接受了要多和别人交朋友

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西媒导读 第 32 期 – 长大后,身边的朋友越来越少了?

的这种设定。并且,社会将没有朋友、不爱交际就定义为“孤僻的”、“奇 怪的”,大人们都会认为孩子不爱交际就是不好的。 而随着逐渐的成长你会发现,其实我们的社交需求真的并没有那么的重要。 ★ 社交类型一:共情社交 共情社交是指为了获得情感联结与情感体验,打发无聊,或是有共同的兴趣 等而产生的社交行为。这种社交不涉及利益的交换,且绝大多数人自小产生 的社交行为都是源于这种共情类的需求。 而随着一个人年龄的增长,他的共情社交会逐渐地减少;并且在同一年龄与 阶层中,一个人的心智越成熟、能力越强、社会地位越高,他的共情社交就 会越少。

Power Your Potential

★ 社交类型二:功利社交 功利社交是指为了达成某一目的,或是从对方身上获得利益而产生的社交行 为。 这种功利性社交在小孩子一开始挑选玩伴的时候就已经产生了:比如在班级 里面大家都倾向于和零食最多、玩具最多的小孩做朋友;我们都喜欢和不会 欺负我们、不会抢我们东西的人一块玩;如果你的干脆面每天都分给一个小 朋友一半而他却从来不分给你,那你最后会放弃这个朋友。 随着一个人心智的完善和社会地位的提升,他会越来越注重社交的“效益性” ——即一段社交关系能带给他怎样的利益,和这个朋友继续交往有没有价值, 甚至是和一群老朋友一起吃饭还有没有必要。 “功利社交”有两个基本前提:

这就是为什么很多人会觉得越长大越孤单,越长大朋友越少,越长大越难和 别人交心;还有为什么两个原本社会地位一样的人,其中一个发达了之后就 会疏远另一个的原因。 共情社交存在的根本原因是在于:当一个人的心智尚未成熟独立时,或是当 他社会阶层较低、生活不如意时,他需要从朋友那里获得情感上的联结和支 持。 我们可以看到,在生活中那些越成熟、越独立的人就越是对共情社交不在乎。 因为他们的人格和在社会上生存的能力足够完善,无论是情感还是物质,他 们都不需要“朋友”来给他们提供支持。 那么有些人可能会说了,那还有一些明明心智很成熟、也很热爱社交的“交 际花”,这又如何解释呢?那是因为,这些人要么只是单纯地喜欢“和很多 人一起玩”这件事而已,就和一个人喜欢骑马、喜欢打球一样。只不过是当 面向的对象变成人时,也多多少少的会被掺杂上一些情感的因素。要么是他 建立这么多的社交关系只是为了筛选出足够有价值的“功利社交”的对象, 他在做的事情只是依托着“社交”这一表象进行互利伙伴的挑选与关系建立 罢了。

一是“有效”信息的交互传递。(这个信息是广义的,在人际交往中的如语 言、情感、物质、知识等都可以包括在这个信息的范畴内。) 沟通的本质就是信息的传递;而有效是功利性社交的一个基本要素。人们产 生功利社交行为之前基本上都是抱有一定的目的性的,当我和你产生社交时, 我们的交流应该是有价值的,而不是毫无意义的闲扯和浪费时间的各说各话。 一个最起码的前提是,我们能够理解双方所表达的意思。你和一个没玩过 LOL 的人谈论补刀,和一个不懂金融的人谈股票,你给一个廉洁公正的领 导送礼希望提拔你,那么这样的“沟通”就是无意义的。 二是较为“对等”的价值水平。 这个价值水平并不仅仅只是指社会地位。它依据的是具体情况和个人的评判 标准。功利性社交的根本目的就是能够从对方那里获得一定的利益或是得到 帮助。 如果一个人和你的差距极大,你很清楚这个人在未来的生活中不可能给你带 来丝毫的利益,那么这段社交关系对于你而言就是无价值的,所以你本能的 就会舍弃。 一个人的心智成熟到一定程度后,他对共情社交的需求会下降到几乎为零。

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西媒导读 第 32 期 – 长大后,身边的朋友越来越少了?

社交类型三:社交边界分不清楚 有一些人认为他的“共情社交”的朋友为他做那些“功利社交”朋友的事情, 是理所应当的。 比如:因为你在国外,你的很多朋友就找你帮忙代购而不给报酬,你拒绝, 他们就说你不够朋友;因为你英语好,你朋友就找你帮忙翻译论文,你费心 费力帮他弄完到最后连一句谢谢也没有——这些都是典型的分不清社交边界 的表现。 而更严重的问题在于,我国的传统文化与社会观念一向是将功利社交与共情 社交混为一谈。 “朋友就是要相互帮助的,朋友就是要互相麻烦的啊”。这种观念在国人身 边普遍流传。当你的一个“共情朋友”向你提出“功利需求”的时候,如果 你拒绝就会背上“不够朋友”的恶名。这种人际交往的方式往往还会被美其 名曰“够义气”、“显得亲切”、“有人情味”等一系列“高大上”的概念。 所以在中国“经营人脉”的方式就是“拉关系”,先和你套近乎,成为“朋 友”以后再提出“功利性需求”对方就不好意思再拒绝了。 这本质上其实就是:试图通过建立“共情人脉”来从对方那里获得“功利性” 的利益交换。正是因为“中国式边界不清的社交”模式,才会令很多人迷信 于“人脉管理”,“为人处世之道”,“社交技巧”等心灵鸡汤。

Power Your Potential

所以我们要意识到:对于“共情朋友”你只能理直气壮地向他提出共情类的 需求;但是当你们涉及到“功利性”的交际时,你应当按照“功利社交”的 方式去和对方沟通。而这同时也意味着,当你的“共情朋友”向你提出超出 边界的需求时你完全有百分之一百的权利拒绝他。 同时由此还可以延展出一个重要的观点就是——不要讨好别人。并不仅是那 种明显的、或是病态的低姿态对别人无底线的讨好,而是一切形式、一切场 合、对任何人的讨好都是——无用的。讨好起不到任何作用,不会令别人喜 欢上你,不会令别人接受你,不会令别人看得起你,不会让别人愿意平白无 故的就帮你,也不会令别人把有价值的信息透露给你。 你想从别人那里得到什么,这只取决于你自身的价值和所用的手段。除非你 只是一时的把讨好作为一种手段去和别人拉近关系,否则是没有效用的。 ★ 请学会“对事不对人” 你理解了社交的本质,你理解了别人如何对待你最根本的是取决于你是谁、 取决于你的价值,然后你还需要学会一种交际方式,你就能不卑不亢的和别 人相处了。 这种交际方式叫做“对事不对人”。从你的角度而言,你要在和别人沟通时 停止对别人人格或价值上的评判,而仅仅是阐述事实。

当一个价值比你高的人决定是否要和你建立“功利性”社交关系时,那只取 决于你在这段“功利关系”中是否有足够的价值。

比如:“小李你这个工作做得不好”,而不是“小李你这个人真没用”; “阿强你在我困难那次没帮我”,而不是“阿强你真没义气”; “小赵你买东西算错钱了”,而不是“小赵你真是个智障啊”……

老板招人最根本的看的是你能否将工作做好,即便在考虑你的品行时也是在 借此衡量你在工作岗位中的价值和是否足够稳定。有礼貌、会说话等这些只 能是在你“价值足够”的前提下才能起到一点儿锦上添花的作用。

从别人对你的角度而言,当别人说你某事做得不好、某一行为有失分寸、某 一场合举止失礼时,你应当理解为那的确只是对你的行为的评价、而不意味 着对你整个人的否定。

随着时代的发展和现代化的观念对于人们思想的革新,现在的中国那些过去 的社交观念正在逐渐被革新。无论是职场、情场、生活等各个方面人们的思 维都更加的偏向于现实性、且人与人之间的边界也在逐渐的更加清晰,过去 的那一套靠“情分”来办事的法则已经在逐渐失效。

而同时,当一个人在与你沟通时总是对你做价值评判,或是借由一件事情攻 击你、否定你,你应当意识到这绝对不意味着真的是你不好,而是对你做评 判的人被情绪冲昏了头脑。所以如果你发现和一个人沟通时,经常会从就事 论事的讨论转变为由情绪控制的攻击,那么你和这个人交流就没什么必要了。

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西媒导读 第 32 期 – 长大后,身边的朋友越来越少了?

另外我们也需要意识到,衡量一个人是否能做你的朋友的标准并不仅仅是 “你们认识了多久”、“你们的感情有多么深厚”这些问题——而是随着你 的成长,你的新的择友标准也在不断改变和升级。如果按照这个标准,理论 上来说你遇到的任何人只要和你相处的时间足够久就都能成为你的“朋友” 了。所以实际上很多人所谓的“朋友”只不过是“恰好认识了的人”而已。

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TED Talk: Math is the hidden secret to understanding the world

真正的“朋友”必然是有一定门槛、符合你的一定要求,并且由于社会交际 的随机性,再加上每个人一生中能分配在社交上的精力和时间都是有限的, 所以,每个人其一生中真正的朋友“必然”是很少的。因此在对待社交时我 们应该持有的一个心态是开放式、不强求、以自己的需求和评判标准为主导 的;同时建议“尽可能的减少无效社交”——当你的心智足够成熟,感觉自 己在和一些朋友相处感觉很累,或者是你自己已经很清楚你不想再和某些人 继续交往下去又碍于面子的时候,你应该直接终结这些关系。 当然很多人在看到这里的时候会说:以自己为中心怎么可能交到朋友,当你 需要别人帮助、有求于人的时候你还能以自己为主导?同时他们可能还会担 心:减少了朋友、很多人终结了关系,那如果被群体排斥了怎么办?遇到了 问题没有人帮忙怎么办? 所以接下来的这个建议至关重要,并且也是我写这篇文章的核心目的:每个 人都要不断的提升自身的价值——只有当你知道自己要什么,明确自己想做 什么时,你才能够遇到“真正”的朋友——毕竟做好你自己才是最重要的。 我相信,在你努力提升个人价值之后,你才会欣赏到更多人的独特之处, “朋友”和“良好的社交关系”也会自然而然伴随而来。 本文原载于《新华网思客》2016 年 11 月 18 日

Unlock the mysteries and inner workings of the world through one of the most imaginative art forms ever — mathematics — with Roger Antonsen, as he explains how a slight change in perspective can reveal patterns, numbers and formulas as the gateways to empathy and understanding. https://www.ted.com/talks/roger_antonsen_math_is_the_hidden_secret_to_understand ing_the_world

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西媒导读 第 33 期 – 西方社会阶层的分化

Power Your Potential

导读:当下的我们每一个人,都身处于不同的成长发展阶段——由于教育 程度和工作岗位的差异,每个人都站在不同的观测点端详这个世界。所谓社 会阶层,便是学者在分析社会组织结构时所进行的一种主观想象——不同社 会阶层的人们生活在不同的语境基础之上,思维方式、行为方式和价值评判, 均存在着显著的差别。当代中国社会与西方社会的差异,除了体现在文化习 俗上之外,很大程度体现在社会阶层上。本文作者根据自身的经验和体会, 对美国各阶层的特点和阶层之间的矛盾进行了系统而详尽的阐述,为我们理 解社会阶层的分化提供了一种独特视角。

The 3-Ladder System of Social Class in the U.S.

需要指明的一点是,收入的多少并不能完全决定人所在社会阶层的高低—— 一个人在短期内可能会大幅提升自己的收入,而在一代人的时间内往往很难 跨越一到两个阶层。不同阶层的差异主要体现在人的成长环境、获取信息的 方式和拥有机会的数量的不同。在接下来的篇幅里,我将试图解释每一层级 的特点、该系统的运转机制,以及层级之间的矛盾。 Percentage of Population Sorted by Social Class in the United States* Underclass Total 10%

Michael Ochurch, Sep. 9, 2012

Typical depictions of social class in the United States posit (设想) a linear, ordered hierarchy. I’ve actually come to the conclusion that there are 3 distinct ladders, with approximately four social classes on each. Additionally, there is an underclass of people not connected to any of the ladders. I’ll attempt to explain how this three-ladder system works, what it means, and also why it is a source of conflict. The ladders I will assign the names Labour, Gentry, and Elite. My specific percentage estimates of each category are not derived from anything other than estimation based on what I’ve seen, and my limited understanding of the macroeconomics of income in the United States, so don’t take them for more than an approximation. I’ll assess the social role of each of these classes in order, from bottom to top. 对于美国社会而言,人们通常假想存在一个有次序的分层。其中,有三个层 级存在着显著的差别,在这里我把它们称为劳动阶层、绅士阶层和统治阶层。 另外,还有一个阶层与这三个阶层几乎毫无关联,它就是社会底层。我对这 三个阶层人口比例所做的估测,主要依据与我的经验以及对宏观经济学的有 限了解,并不是权威的数据;不过,我相信有数据作为参照将会助于读者理 解这篇文章。 This is, one should note, an exposition [1] of social class rather than income. Therefore, in many cases, precise income criteria cannot be defined, because there’s so much more involved. Class is more sociological in nature than wealth or income, and much harder to change. People can improve their incomes dramatically, but it’s rare for a person to move more than one or two rungs in a lifetime. Social class determines how a person is perceived, that person’s access to information, and what opportunities will be available to a person.

Labour Total 65%

Gentry Total 23.5%

Elite Total 1.5%

L1 Labour Leadership 1% L2 High-skill Labour 14% L3 Primary Labour 20% L4 Secondary Labour 30%

G1 Cultural Influencers 0.05% G2 High Gentry 2.45% G3 Primary Gentry 16% G4 Transitional Gentry 5%

E1 Global Elite 0.01% E2 National Leaders 0.19% E3 Elite Servants 0.8% E4 The Strivers 0.5%

*Data based on author's estimation

美国社会各个阶层所占比例* 社会底层总数 10%

劳动阶层总数 65% L1 劳动阶层领头人 1% L2 高级技术劳动者 14% L3 初级劳动者 20% L4 二级劳动者 30%

绅士阶层总数 23.5% G1 文化影响力阶层 0.05% G2 高级绅士阶层 2.45% G3 初级绅士阶层 16% G4 过渡绅士阶层 5%

统治阶层总数 1.5% E1 世界级统治者 0.01% E2 国家级统治者 0.19% E3 统治者仆人 0.8% E4 打拼者 0.5%


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西媒导读 第 33 期 – 西方社会阶层的分化

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Percentage of Population Sorted by Social Class in the United States* 1.5% 10.0% Underclass


Labour Gentry 65.0%


*Data based on author's estimation

Underclass 社会底层 (10%) The underclass are not just poor, because there are poor people on the Labour ladder and a few (usually transiently or voluntarily) on the Gentry ladder who are poor. In fact, most poor Americans are not members of the Underclass. People in the Underclass are generationally poor. Some have never held jobs. Some are third-generation jobless, even. Each of these ladders (Labour, Gentry, Elite) can be seen as an infrastructure based, in part, on social connections. However, there are some people who are not connected to any of these infrastructures, and they are the underclass. 社会底层的显著特点体现在每一代轮回性的贫穷。他们在社会上还尚未建立 起人际交往圈,所以他们和其他阶层也几乎毫无关联。 The Labour Ladder 劳动阶层 (65%) The labour ladder represents “blue-collar” work and is often associated with “working class”, but some people in this distinction earn solidly “middle-class” incomes over $100,000 per year. What defines the Labour ladder is that the work is seen as a commodity, and that there’s rarely a focus on long-term career management. People are assessed based on how hard they work because, in this

world, the way to become richer is to work more (not necessarily more efficiently or “smarter”). The Labour ladder is organized almost completely based on income; the more you make (age-adjusted) the higher your position is, and the more likely it is that your work is respected. 综述:对于劳动阶层而言,他们当中有工薪族(被别人雇佣、出卖劳动力 来换取生活费用的人群),也有一部分人收入能达到中产水平。不过,对于 他们来说,工作主要是为了满足日常生活所需。在这一阶层里,大部分人的 工作重复而单调——提高收入主要靠“多花时间多卖力”,而效率提高或方法 改进的空间已近乎饱和——也正因如此,他们职业生涯的发展极为有限。劳 动阶层之内的进一步分级,主要依据于收入水平——如果你挣钱越多,在这 一阶层里就会越受到尊重。

Secondary Labour 二级劳动者 (L4, 30%) is what we call the “working poor”. These are people who earn 1 to 3 times the minimum wage and often have no health benefits. Many work two “part time” jobs at 35 hours per week (so their firms don’t have to provide benefits) with irregular hours. They have few skills and no leverage [2], so they tend to end up in the worst jobs, and those jobs enervate [3] them so much that it becomes impossible for them to get the skills that would help them advance. The reason for the name Secondary in this class is that they are trapped in the “secondary” labour market: jobs originally intended for teenagers and well-off retirees that were never intended to pay a living wage. Wages for this category are usually quoted hourly and between $5 and $15 per hour. 对于 L4 群体的劳动者来说,他们很多人拼命工作却依然入不敷出。他们的 报酬大约在最低月薪标准的 1 倍到 3 倍之间,而且很多工种对健康有不利影 响。他们缺乏专业技能,每日的繁重工作会消耗他们绝大部分的体力,这也 使得他们很难有时间和精力学习更高级的知识和技能。不过,高中生和大学 生在做兼职、假期打工时,也常常做这一类的工作,每小时的薪酬在 5 到 15 美元之间。

Primary Labour 初级劳动者 (L3, 20%) is what we tend to associate with “blue-collar” America. If by “average” we mean median, this is the average social class of Americans, although most people would call it working class, not middle. It usually means having enough money to afford an occasional vacation and a couple restaurant meals per month. People in the L3 class aren’t worried about having food to eat, but they aren’t very comfortable either, and 19 | P a g e

西媒导读 第 33 期 – 西方社会阶层的分化

an ill-timed layoff can be catastrophic. If the market for their skills collapses, they can end up falling down a rung into L4. When you’re in the Labour category, market forces can propel you up or down, and the market value of “commodity” labour has been going down for a long time. Typical L3 compensation is $20,000 to $60,000 per year. 每当提到 L3 群体的劳动者,我们常把他们和美国的“蓝领”联系起来。虽然 他们的收入已经达到了中位数水平,能够满足短期旅行和周末聚餐的需要, 但他们更多地被称为“工薪族”。他们的收入刚好能满足衣食住行,但如果生 病不能上班或受到市场波动,都会给他们的收入带来灾难性的影响。 High-skill Labour 高级技术劳动者 (L2, 14%) entails having enough income and job security to be legitimately “middle class”. People in this range can attend college courses, travel internationally (but not very often) and send their children to good schools. Electricians, airline pilots, and plumbers are in this category, and some of these people make over $100,000 per year. For them, there must be some barrier to entry into their line of work, or some force keeping pay high (such as unionization). Within the culture of the Labour ladder, these people are regarded highly. 对于高级技术劳动者来说,他们可以被名正言顺地称为“中产阶级”—— 电 工、飞行员、以及管道工人都可以划入这一群体,有些人的年薪会达到 10 万美金以上。进入这类行业需要一定门槛,通常需要几年的专业资格培训; 另外,该群体受到工会的保护——这也使得他们的收入能够居高不下。 Labour Leadership 劳动阶层领头人 (L1, 1%) is the top of the Labour ladder, and it’s what blue-collar America tends to associate with success. These are people who, often through years of very hard work and by displaying leadership capability, have ascended (攀登) to an upper-middle-class income. They aren’t usually “managers” (store managers are L2) but small business owners and landlords, while they’re often seen doing the grunt work [4] of their businesses (such as by running the register when all the cashiers call in sick). They can generate passive income [5] from endeavours like restaurant franchises and earn a solidly upper-middle income standing, but culturally they are still part of Labour. This suits them well, because where they excel is at leading people who are in the Labour category.

L1 这一群体可以说是劳动阶层领头人,但他们通常不是高级管理人员。他 们当中一部分人通过长年的工作经验积累,成为生产一线的领导者;还有一

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部分人成为小生意的主人、店主或农场主,能够收取租金或者连锁店的加盟 费,从而获得很高的收入。不过,他们所做的事情依然缺乏技术含量,保持 着较为传统的经营方式——所以从人文和科技影响力的层面来讲,他们依然 属于劳动阶层。

The Gentry Ladder 绅士阶层 (23.5%) England had a landed (拥有地产的) gentry for a while. We have an educated one. Labour defines status based on the market value of one’s commodity work. The Gentry rebels against commoditization with a focus on qualities that might be, from an extensional perspective, irrelevant. They dislike conflict diamonds, like fair-trade coffee, and drive cultural trends. They value themselves not based on their incomes but, much more so, on access to respected institutions: elite universities, leading technology companies and artistic endeavours [6]. Labour aspires to occupational success and organizational leadership, while the Gentry aspires to education and cultural leadership. 综述:对于绅士阶层而言,他们所看重的价值不仅仅在收入水平上,更重 要的是能够有资格出入高端学术机构或商业机构——比如一流高等学府、高 新产业公司,以及艺术区——他们追求在人文和科技领域上取得更高的成就。 从绅士阶层人与人之间的交往方式来看,他们对国界和文化差异的概念相对 更加淡薄,而更专注于其专业领域的探究与交流。与劳动阶层相比,绅士阶 层对世界有着更为国际化的认识,共享着类似的做事方式——即使他们之前 未曾谋面,高水准的教育和丰富的专业经验足以使得他们有较多共同语言。

Before going further, it’s worth noting that the typical socioeconomic ordering would have each Gentry level two levels above the corresponding Labour level in social standing. Thus, G1 > G2 > (G3 ~= L1) > (G4 ~= L2) > L3 > L4. Transitional Gentry 过渡绅士阶层 (G4, 5%) is the lowest rung of the Gentry ladder. It’s the class of people who are coming into the Gentry, usually from L2, and most people in it are looking to attain G3 (and many do). Since the Gentry is defined by education, culture, and cultural influence, earning a fouryear degree (which about 20% of American adults have) will usually put a person solidly into G3. 每个阶层并不是孤立的,阶层之间也有相互穿插、渗透的关系——所以绅士 阶层并不是完全高于劳动阶层。对于 G4 过渡群体来说,他们往往从 L2 群体 20 | P a g e

西媒导读 第 33 期 – 西方社会阶层的分化

中转移过来;G4 群体的下一目标便是进入 G3 阶层。对于取得学士学位的人 (在美国大约占 20%的人口)来说,他们能够相对容易地打入 G3 阶层。

Primary Gentry 初级绅士阶层 (G3, 16%) is what Americans think of as the cultural “upper-middle class”. They have four-year college degrees and typically have professional jobs of middling autonomy and above-average income, but usually not leadership positions. Incomes in this class vary widely (in part, because the Gentry is not defined by income) but generally fall between $30,000 and $200,000 per year. However, they are often viewed as gauche (不 善交际的) by the higher-ranking G1 and G2 classes. G3 这一群体的人们受过良好的大学教育,他们相信自己处于“上层中产阶 级”。他们有着专业性强的工作以及中产以上的收入,这使得他们在经济上 能够维持很高的独立自主性。他们的年薪区间很大,在 3 万到 20 万美元之 间(注意绅士阶层的分级并不是由收入水平定义的)。不过,在 G1 和 G2 群体看来,他们能够在其岗位上踏实做事,但还不善于拓展人脉,也还不能 做领导者的角色。 High Gentry 高级绅士阶层 (G2, 2.45%) tend to come from elite colleges and traditionally gravitated toward “junior executive” roles in medium-sized companies, innovative start-ups, management consultancies, and possibly investment banking (which facilitates the G2-E4 transition). Having interesting, respected work is important to G2’s. To a G2, being a college professor, scientist, entrepreneur, or writer are desirable jobs. Creative control of work is important to G2’s, although not all are able to get it (as creative jobs are so rare). Members of this social class aggressively manage their careers to get the most out (in terms of intellectual and financial reward) of their careers, but what they really want is enough success and money to do what they really value, which is to influence culture.

G2 群体的人们通常从顶尖高等学府毕业,并在职场中渐渐发展为中等规模 公司、创业公司、咨询公司、投资公司的领导者。他们的工作通常受人尊重, 也有趣味和挑战性。大学教授、科学家、企业家,或是作家,一般都属于这 一阶层,他们可以说是引领社会发展的中坚力量。他们所从事的行业需要不 断注入创意和革新,所以其收入的绝大部分依靠脑力劳动(如发表学术论文、 科研、管理以及投资)。他们在名望和金钱上获得成功以后,使得他们能够 推行其价值观和做事方式,进而影响一大批年轻人和大众文化。

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Here I would say that G2 is my native social class, and probably that of most of my readers. 作为本文的作者,我会把自己归入 G2 阶层——包括现在能够读到 这篇文章的读者,一般也属于 G2 阶层。

Cultural Influencers 对 社会文化具有影响力的阶层 (G1, 0.05%) are the pinnacle (尖顶) of the Gentry. For G1, I’m not talking about “celebrities” celebrities are a bizarre and tiny category that mixes all three ladders (I’d argue that they’re the upper tier of L1; most lack the power of Elites and the refinement of the Gentry). Rather, I’m talking about people who are widely recognized as smart, knowledgeable, creative, and above all, interesting. G1’s are not “famous” in the celebrity sense, and most of them aren’t that rich. I’d guess that their incomes vary mostly from $100,000 to $1 million per year, which is low for a social class that is so difficult to enter. It’s quite likely that G1 is expanding, and it was probably much smaller in the past. The internet is allowing more people to become well-known and have some degree of cultural influence. Many bloggers have entered G1 without relying on established institutions such as publishers or universities (which used to be the only way). That said, G1 requires reliability in attention; people having their 15 minutes don’t count. G1 群体是绅士阶层当中的最高级别。首先需要澄清的一点是,社会上大多 数的名人,其实分布于多个阶层当中——名人往往会缺乏掌权者的权势或绅 士阶层的才能。在这里我想探讨的是那些真正聪慧、学识广博、有革新精神 的人——这些特质都会让他们显得有趣而迷人。G1 群体未必是社会上的名 人,却具有极高的聪明才智,精通其专业领域并把握其最新发展动向,为社 会提供前沿而有深度的信息服务,在其行业有着强大的影响力。这些人可以 说是孜孜以求的探路者——随着信息技术的发展,他们所产生的影响力会日 益显露出来。预计在不久的将来,更多的人会跨入 G1 这一群体。 值得一提 的是,G1 阶层其实并没有人想象中那么富裕,他们的年薪大约在十万美金 到一百万美金之间。然而,对于 G1 这样一个如此稀有、难以进入的阶层, 金钱或者金融制度其实难以准确衡量他们所创造的巨大价值。

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西媒导读 第 33 期 – 西方社会阶层的分化

The Elite Ladder 统治阶层 (1.5%) This is an infrastructure “at the top of society”, but many of the people it includes are in many ways nowhere near the top. People complain about “the 1%”, but the reality is that most of that top 1.0% are nowhere near controlling positions within society. Not all of the Elite are in the top 1% for income, but most will have the opportunity to be. The Elite includes everyone from billionaires to out-ofcollege investment banking analysts (who earn a middle-class income in one of the most expensive cities on the planet). What they have in common is that they are exerting themselves toward ownership. Labour provides the work and values effort and loyalty. The Gentry provides culture and values education and creativity. The Elite owns things and values control and establishment. 综述:对于统治阶层来说,他们通常并不在具体职位上掌权,更大程度上 是幕后的决策者和操纵者——他们拥有并努力维系社会上大部分的资产。统 治阶层的共同点是,他们一直努力成为生产要素(劳动力、资本、土地)的 所有者。 劳动阶层珍视工作上的努力和对岗位的忠诚,他们为社会提供劳动增值;绅 士阶层则重视教育与创新,为社会提供科技与人文方面的信息服务;而统治 阶层是大型资产的所有者,掌控和建立庞大的帝国。

As with the Gentry and Labour, when comparing these ladders, one should consider an Elite rung to be two levels above the corresponding Gentry rung, so in terms of social standing, E1 > E2 > (E3 ~= G1) > (E4 ~= G2) > G3 > G4. The Strivers 打拼者 (E4, 0.5%) are another transitional class that is generally for young people only. They aren’t actually Elite, but they might, if lucky, move into E3. Junior investment bankers, law firm associates, and young start-up entrepreneurs are in this category. They’re trying to “break in” to something rich and successful. If they get in, they’ll become solid E3. If they fail in doing so, they usually return to G2: upper-middle-class professionals not strongly bound to the Elite infrastructure. G2 is usually a happier place than E4, but E3’s and E4’s tend to deride (嘲笑) this transition.

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E4 这一群体处于过渡阶段,主要是年轻人。金融、法律界的专业人士以及 创业公司领头人都在这一行列——他们不断地进行尝试并试图打入真正的统 治阶层。一旦打入,他们很有可能会坐稳 E3 平台;退而求其次的话,他们 也会返回到 G2 平台。 Elite Servants 统治者仆人 (E3, 0.8%) are the law-firm partners and senior investment bankers and corporate executives that might be called the “working rich” and they comprise what was once called the “white-shoe [7]” culture. They’re quite well-off, as far as servants go, often earning incomes from $200,000 to $5 million per year, but their social standing is conditional. They serve the rich, and the rich have to keep finding them useful for them to maintain their place. It’s not an enviable place to be, because the social expectations associated with maintaining E3 status require high spending, and even the extremely well-compensated ($1 million per year and up) E3’s rarely have the savings to survive more than a year or two without a job, because of the need to maintain connections. E3’s tend to have as many money problems as people in the lower social classes. E3’s also suffer because they live in a “small world” society driven by reputation, long-standing grudges and often petty contempt. E3’s still get fired – a lot, because the pretence that justifies E3-level status (of a large-company “executive”) requires leadership and many don’t have it – and when it happens to them, they can face years during which they can’t find appropriate employment.

E3 群体主要是金融、法律界的资深业内人士,以及大型跨国公司总裁。他 们虽然有着极高的薪酬,但依然扮演幕后商业大亨的随从角色,妥协于巨头 公司文化。这一群体在表面上十分风光,但可能并不能让所有人欣羡——为 了保持这一地位,他们需要持续不断地维系人脉并付出很高的时间与代价; 同时他们也需要应对层出不穷的资金周转矛盾。另外,“统治者仆人”同样会 面临被解雇的风险——因为并不是每个人都有卓越的领导才能的——一旦问 题出现使得他们从大公司总裁的位置上退下来,这可能会使得他们在几年之 内都难以接手新的工作。

People tend to think of face leaders (politicians and CEOs) as belonging to a higher social class, but most are E3. If they were higher, they wouldn’t have to work so hard to be rich. Examining our most recent presidents, Barack Obama is G1, the George Bushes were E2, Bill Clinton was E3, and Reagan was in the celebrity category that is a hybrid of E3 and L1. John Kennedy was E2, while Lyndon Johnson was L1. Most CEOs, however, are strictly E3, because CEOs 22 | P a g e

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are “rubber gloves” that are used for dirty work and thrown aside if they get too filthy. There’s too much reputation risk involved in being a corporate CEO for an E2 to want the job under most circumstances. 人们往往觉得台面上的领导者(比如政治家和跨国公司总裁)的社会地位会 属于更高的级别,然而他们当中的大部分处在 E3 平台。毕竟这些职位有很 高的名誉风险——当 CEO 或政客们在任职期间一旦出现闪失和差错,他们 便立马被当成“挡箭牌”来用。

National Elite 国家级统治者 (E2, 0.19%) are what most Americans think of as “upper class” or “old money”. They have Roman Numerals in their names and their families have attended Ivy League ( 常 春 藤 盟 校 ) colleges for generations. They’re socially very well connected and have the choice not to work, or the choice to work in a wide array of well-compensated and highlyregarded jobs. Rarely do they work full time under traditional employment terms – never as subordinates, sometimes as executives in an apprentice role, often in board positions or “advisory” roles. It’s uncommon that an E2 will put a full-time effort into anything, because their objective with work is to associate their names with successful institutions, but not to get too involved. To maintain E2 status, being wealthy is required. It takes about $500,000 per year, after tax, in income at a minimum. However, it’s not hard for a person with E2 status and connections to acquire this, even if the family money is lost. The jobs that E3’s regard as the pinnacle of professional achievement (the idea that such a notion as “professional achievement” exists is laughable to them; paid full-time work is dishonourable from an E2 perspective) are their safety careers. 对于 E2 群体,维系这一阶层地位需要亿万资产——他们当中有欧洲国家的 皇室,也有世代从常春藤盟校毕业的家族。能够维系在这一阶层里,至少需 要年薪税后 50 万美金以上。E3 阶层的“统治者仆人”所追求的职业生涯巅 峰,对于他们来说是稀松平常的。他们一般不会选择做全职工作,而却经常 成为董事会会员、顾问、名誉会长等等。他们常常参与高级别的仪式和社会 活动——仿佛他们的到访会使得周围蓬荜生辉。 Global Elite 世界级统治者 (E1, 0.01%, up to 60,000 people worldwide, about 30% of those in the U.S.) are a global social class, and extremely powerful in a trans-national way. These are the very rich, powerful, and deeply uncultured barbarians from all over the world who start wars in the Middle East

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for sport, make asses of themselves in American casinos, rape ski bunnies at Davos, and run the world. Like the Persian army in 300, they come from all over the place; they’re the ugliest and most broken of each nation. They’re the corporate billionaires and drug kingpins and third-world despots (专制君主) and real estate magnates. They’re not into the genteel, reserved “WASP culture” of E2’s, the corporate earnestness and “white shoe” professionalism of E3’s, or the intellectualism and creativity of G1’s and G2’s. They are all about control, and on a global scale. They aren’t mere management or even “executives”. They’re owners. They don’t care what they own, or what direction the world takes, as long as they’re on top. They almost never take official executive positions within large companies, but they make a lot of the decisions behind the scenes. Unlike the National Elite, who tend toward a cultural conservatism and a desire to preserve certain traits that they consider necessary to national integrity, the Global Elite doesn’t give a shit about any particular country. They’re fully multinational and view all the world’s political nations as entities to be exploited (like everything else). They foster corruption and crime if it serves their interests, and those interests are often ugly. Like Kefka from Final Fantasy VI, their reason for living is to create monuments to nonexistence. E1 is pretty much objectively evil, without exceptions. There are decent people who are billionaires, so there’s no income or wealth level at which 100% objective evil becomes the norm. But if you climb the social ladder, you get to a level at which it’s all cancer, all the way up. That’s E1. Why is it this way? Because the top end of the world’s elite is a social elite, not an economic one, and you don’t get deep into an elevated social elite unless you are very similar to the centre of that cluster, and for the past 10,000 years the centre of humanity’s top-of-the-top cluster has always been deep, featureless evil: people who burn peasants’ faces off because it amuses them. Whether you’re talking about a real person like Hitler, Stalin, Erik Prince, Osama bin Laden, or Kissinger, or a fictional example like The Joker, Kefka, Walter White, or Randall Flagg; when you get to the top of society, it’s always the same guy. Call it The Devil, but what’s scary is that it needs (and has) no supernatural powers; it’s human, and while one its representatives might get knocked off, another one will step up.

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西媒导读 第 33 期 – 西方社会阶层的分化

国家级统治者尚能够为本国国民利益着想,而对于世界级统治者来说,他们 根本不在乎是哪一个国家,他们早已把世界看作一个整体,不断进行掠夺。 他们不是高级管理者,也不是总裁,而是巨型公司和商业帝国的所有者。他 们并不关心做什么领域、什么方向,只要能够在世界范围内搜刮资源、财产 和盈利,并巩固其至高无上的权力,任何事情都是可以去做的。作为 E1 阶 层,他们做事并不总是用很高的道德标准,他们的商讨和策划鲜为人知。当 你抵达权力和财富的金字塔顶端时,经常会遇到很多大事——事前难以预测, 事后难以评判。顶级的商业大亨、房地产巨头,以及第三世界的专制君主, 都可以划入这一群体。

Ladder Conflict 阶层之间的矛盾概况 What does all this mean? How do these ladders interrelate? Do these three separate social class structures often find themselves at odds (in disagreement) and fight? Can people be part of more than one? What I’ve called the Labour, Gentry, and Elite “ladders” can more easily be described as “infrastructures”. For Labour, this infrastructure is largely physical and the relevant connection is knowing how to use that physical device or space, and getting people to trust a person to competently use (without owning, because that’s out of the question for most) these resources. For the Gentry, it’s an “invisible graph” of knowledge and education comprised largely of ideas. For the Elite, it’s a tight, exclusive network centred on social connections, power, and dominance. People can be connected to more than one of these infrastructures, but people usually bind more tightly to the one of higher status, except when at the transitional ranks (G4 and E4) which tend to punt people who don’t ascend after some time. The overwhelmingly high likelihood is that a person is aligned most strongly to one and only one of these structures. The values are too conflicting for a person not to pick one horse or the other. 我们首先对每个阶层的特点进行小结:劳动阶层主要从事具体而实际的工作; 绅士阶层崇尚知识、教育和新的思想;统治阶层往往建立起一个排外的小圈 子,看重权力、人脉和主导地位。绝大部分的人只能依附于一个梯级,而难 以同时处于两个梯级中,就像一人不能骑二马一样。

I’ve argued that the ladders connect at a two-rung difference, with L2 ~ G4, L1 ~ G3, G2 ~ E4, and G1 ~ E3. These are “social equivalencies” that don’t involve a change in social status, so they’re the easiest to transitions to make (in both

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directions). They represent a transfer from one form of capital to another. A skilled labourer (L2) who begins taking night courses (G4) is using time to get an education rather than more money. Likewise, one who moves from the high gentry (G2) to a 90-hour-per-week job in private wealth management (E4) is applying her refined intellectual skills and knowledge to serving the rich, in the hope of making the connections to become one of them. 我曾经讨论过,有些阶层在地位上是等价的, L2 与 G4 等价,L1 与 G3 等 价,G2 与 E4 等价,G1 与 E3 等价——这体现了资本的转化。比如技术工人 选择上夜校学习更多的知识,这等价于加班加点挣钱;比如专业人士为商业 大亨做私人理财,他把他的头脑和知识服务于统治阶层。等价梯级之间的转 换相对容易,这也可以作为阶层上升的便捷通道,因为你能够比较清楚地看 到上一层梯级的情况。

That said, these ladders often come into conflict. The most relevant one to most of my readers will be the conflict between the Gentry and the Elite. The Gentry tends to be left-libertarian and values creativity, individual autonomy, and free expression. The Elite tends toward centre-right authoritarianism and corporate conformity, and it views creativity as dangerous (except when applied to hiding financial risks or justifying illegal wars). The Gentry believes that it is the deserving elite and the face of the future, and that it can use culture to engineer a future in which its values are elite; while the upper tier of the Elite finds the Gentry pretentious (自命不凡的) and subversive (颠覆性的). The relationship between the Gentry and Elite is incredibly contentious (引起争论的). It’s a cosmic, ubiquitous war between the past and the future. 说到阶层之间的矛盾,最为明显、激烈的斗争发生在绅士阶层和统治阶层之 间。绅士阶层往往代表左翼,崇尚公平、创意、个人独立发展以及自由表达。 然而统治阶层更倾向于代表权力独裁和大公司保守主义,常常把新想法视为 可疑而危险的事物。 绅士阶层认为他们面向未来、孜孜以求,相信在未来 他们能够成为新的掌权阶层;而当今的统治阶层认为绅士阶层有些自命不凡, 而绅士阶层对他们也极具颠覆性。绅士阶层与统治阶层的激烈斗争无处不在, 在过去未曾停息过,在将来也不会止息。

Between the Labour and Gentry, there is an attitude of distrust. The Elite has been running a divide-and-conquer strategy between these two categories for decades. This works because the Elite understands (and can ape) the culture of the Gentry, but has something in common with Labour that sets the categories 24 | P a g e

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apart from the Gentry: a conception of work as a theatre for masculine dominance. This is something that the Elite and Labour both believe in – the visceral strength and importance of the alpha-male in high-stakes gambling settings such as most modern work – but that the Gentry would rather deny. Gender is a major part of the Elite’s strategy in turning Labour against the Gentry: make the Gentry look effeminate. That’s why “feminist” is practically a racial slur, despite the world desperately needing attention to women’s political equality, health and well-being. 在劳动阶层和绅士阶层之间,存在着缺乏信任的情况。这主要归咎于统治阶 层所采取的策略——挑拨离间劳动阶层和绅士阶层,激化之间的矛盾,从而 顺势掌控这两个阶层。

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of useful people. How does Labour see the Elite? They don’t. The Elite has managed to convince Labour that the Gentry (who are open about their cultural elitism, while the Elite hides its social and economic elitism) is the actual “liberal elite” responsible for Labour’s misery over the past 30 years. In effect, the Elite has constructed an “infinity pool” where the Elite appears to be a hyper-successful extension of Labour, lumping these two disparate ladders into an “us” and placing the Gentry and Underclass into “them”. 那么,统治阶层与劳动阶层的关系是如何的呢?对于统治阶层来说,他们看 不起劳动阶层,只是在利用其劳动力实现增值;而对于劳动阶层来说,他们 看不清统治阶层的真实面貌。一方面,统治阶层隐藏其领导权,尽力把绅士 阶层推到劳动阶层的面前,把各种问题的包袱丢给绅士阶层去承担。另一方 面,统治阶层努力讨好劳动阶层,让他们以为只要努力干活,优秀者就可以 进入统治阶层,给他们造成“空中泳池”的幻象——所以劳动阶层往往看不 到他们和统治阶层之间存在的巨大间隔。统治阶层总是想联手劳动阶层,来 共同对付绅士阶层。

Analysis of Current Conflict 现阶段矛盾分析 Despite its upper ranks being filled by people who are effectively thugs (不法 之徒), the Elite isn’t entirely evil. By population, most of them are merely E3 and E4 stewards with minimal decision-making power, and a lot of those come from (and return to) the Gentry and maintain those values. On the other hand, Elite values tend to be undesirable, because at that structure’s pinnacle are the E1 crime bosses. There are good people within the Elite, even though the Elite itself is not good. 对于统治阶层来说,他们并不是完全像“资本家”那样剥削和压榨价值。他 们当中也有很多充满正能量的人,主要集中在 E3 和 E4 群体。

Illustration from a 1916 advertisement for a vocational school in a US magazine

The relationship between the Gentry and Elite is one of open rivalry, and that between the Gentry and Labour is one of distrust. What about Labour and the Elite? That one is not symmetric the Elite exploit and despise Labour as a class

For virtue, the Gentry does better. I don’t want to fall into the American fallacy of conflating (混淆) “middle class” with virtue, and there are some awful and good people in all social classes, but I think that the Gentry is a more inclusive and reflective elite – one of ideas and values, not based on exclusivity. One Gentry stronghold for a long time has been high technology, a meritocracy ( 知识界精华 ) where skill, know-how, and drive enabled a person to rise to technical leadership of increasing scope and eventually business leadership and entrepreneurship. This created the engineering culture of Hewlett-Packard and 25 | P a g e

西媒导读 第 33 期 – 西方社会阶层的分化

the “Don’t Be Evil” mantra of Google. This is Gentry culture asserting itself. Be ethical, seek positive-sum outcomes, and win by being great rather than by harming, robbing, or intimidating others. It’s not how business is practiced in most of the world – zero-sum thuggery is a lot more common – but it’s how great businesses are made. This weird world in which self-made success was regarded higher than entrenchment, symbolized in Silicon Valley, enabled people from the Gentry to become very rich and Gentry ideas to establish lasting success in business. 从道德层面上来讲,绅士阶层的作风相对更好一些。绅士阶层包容性强,善 于反省,也易接受新事物,致力于创造真正的价值,而不是倚靠排外而维系 利益。虽然当前统治阶层传承和拥有大部分资产,但绅士阶层掌握着大量专 业信息——这使得他们在信息时代具有很强的竞争力,统治阶层的实力被不 断削弱。比如,绅士阶层的一个明显优势是长期掌握前沿的核心技术,很多 人成为科技的领军团体——这使得他们企业家式的领导能力茁壮成长。绅士 阶层在过去十几年间在科技领域所创造的奇迹,也正是他们在当代的价值宣 言。 本 文 原 载 于 : https://michaelochurch.wordpress.com/2012/09/09/the-3-laddersystem-of-social-class-in-the-u-s/

[1] exposition (noun): A comprehensive description and explanation of an idea or theory 阐述;博览会 [2] leverage (verb): The power to influence a person or situation 杠杆作用; 影

Power Your Potential

[6] An artistic endeavour revolves around the emotions, creativity and individualism. Typically they involve the humanities and the arts, be it literature, music, painting, interior design, etc. The emotional element is always latently or potentially or overtly present in that you feel emotions and intuitions when creating the art. Art is highly individualistic so that whatever one experience, someone else could not totally replicate. Individual creativity is celebrated. For science, however, objectivity, standard repeatable experiments, logic and rational observation prevail. Emotions are kept to a minimum because they could skew our objective, unbiased, quantitative (versus artistic which is qualitative) inferences, or reasoning with facts and information. Math is the language of science, whereas regular literary language and other subjective mediums (air for music) and materials (clay for pottery, canvas for painting) preside over artistic endeavours. Precise empirical data, procedures and observations are important in science so that if you make a discovery, other scientific researchers can replicate and thus verify your results. [7] White shoe firm is a phrase used to describe leading professional services firms in the United States, particularly firms that have been in existence for more than a century and represent Fortune 500 companies. It typically—but not always—refers to banking, accounting, law, and management consulting firms, especially those based in New York and Boston. 推荐栏目:https://www.boundless.com/


[3] enervate Make (someone) feel drained of energy or vitality 使失去活力; 使衰弱

[4] grunt work: work that is repetitious, often physically exhausting, and boring 枯燥而乏味的工作 [5] passive income: Passive income includes regular earnings from a source other than an employer or contractor. The IRS says passive income can come from just 2 sources: rental income or a business in which an individual does not actively participate. Investopedia defines passive income as "earnings an individual derives from a rental property, limited partnership or other enterprise in which he or she is not actively involved." Popular culture, however, defines it as "any money you earn while sitting on a beach sipping mojitos."

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西媒导读 第 34 期 – 保持健康的个人边界

Power Your Potential

导读: 关于“个人边界”,它在中文里是一个比较新的概念。它是个人所 创造的准则、规定或限度,在身体层面和心理层面都有体现。以下两篇短文 介绍了个人边界的定义、类型,以及怎样保持健康的个人边界——这对年轻 人的社交、处理朋友之间的关系都有着很好的指导意义。

Healthy Personal Boundaries & How to Establish Them Zorka Hereford

Learning to set healthy personal boundaries is necessary for maintaining a positive self-concept, or self-image. It is our way of communicating to others that we have self-respect, self-worth, and will not allow others to define us. Personal boundaries are the physical, emotional and mental limits we establish to protect ourselves from being manipulated, used, or violated by others. They allow us to separate who we are, and what we think and feel, from the thoughts and feelings of others. Their presence helps us express ourselves as the unique individuals we are, while we acknowledge the same in others. It would not be possible to enjoy healthy relationships without the existence of personal boundaries, or without our willingness to communicate them directly and honestly with others. We must recognize that each of us is a unique individual with distinct emotions, needs and preferences. This is equally true for our spouses, children and friends.

To set personal boundaries means to preserve your integrity, take responsibility for who you are, and to take control of your life. How do we establish healthy personal boundaries? Know that you have a right to personal boundaries. You not only have the right, but you must take responsibility for how you allow others to treat you. Your boundaries act as filters permitting what is acceptable in your life and what is not. If you don't have boundaries that protect and define you, as in a strong sense of identity, you tend to derive your sense of worth from others. To avoid this situation, set clear and decisive limits so that others will respect them, then be willing to do whatever it takes to enforce them. Interestingly, it's been shown that those who have weak boundaries themselves tend to violate the boundaries of others. Recognize that other people's needs and feelings are not more important than your own. Many women have traditionally thought that the needs of their husbands and children are more important than their own. This is not only untrue, but it can undermine the healthy functioning of the family dynamic. If a woman is worn out mentally and physically from putting everyone else first, she not only destroys her own health, she in turn deprives her family of being fully engaged in their lives. Instead, she should encourage every family member to contribute to the whole as well as take care of himself or herself. Putting themselves last is not something only women do, but many men as well. Learn to say no. Many of us are people-pleasers and often put ourselves at a disadvantage by trying to accommodate everyone. We don't want to be selfish, so we put our personal needs on the back burner and agree to do things that may not be beneficial to our well-being. Actually, a certain amount of "selfishness" is necessary for having healthy personal boundaries. You do not do anyone any favours, least of all yourself, by trying to please others at your own expense. Identify the actions and behaviours that you find unacceptable. Let others know when they've crossed the line, acted inappropriately, or disrespected you in any way. Do not be afraid to tell others when you need emotional and physical space. Allow yourself to be who you really are without pressure from others to be anything else. Know what actions you may need to take if your wishes aren't respected. 27 | P a g e

西媒导读 第 34 期 – 保持健康的个人边界

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Trust and believe in yourself. You are the highest authority on you. You know yourself best. You know what you need, want, and value. Don't let anyone else make the decisions for you. Healthy boundaries make it possible for you to respect your strengths, abilities and individuality as well as those of others. An unhealthy imbalance occurs when you encourage neediness, or are needy; want to be rescued, or are the rescuer, or when you choose to play the victim. Signs of Unhealthy Boundaries:  Going against personal values or rights in order to please others.  Giving as much as you can for the sake of giving.  Taking as much as you can for the sake of taking.  Letting others define you.  Expecting others to fill your needs automatically.  Feeling bad or guilty when you say no.  Not speaking up when you are treated poorly.  Falling apart so someone can take care of you.  Falling "in love" with someone you barely know or who reaches out to you.  Accepting advances, touching and sex that you don't want.  Touching a person without asking. 本文原载于:http://www.essentiallifeskills.net/personalboundaries.html

Setting and Enforcing Healthy Boundaries Terricoleny | Sep 17, 2012

We have all seen the signs that reads, “No Trespassing—Violators Will Be Prosecuted,” which sends a clear message that if you violate that boundary and cross the line, there will be a consequence. This type of boundary is easy to understand because you can see the sign and the border it protects. Personal boundaries, on the other hand, can be harder to define because the lines are invisible, can change, and are unique to each individual. Personal boundaries, just like the “No Trespassing” sign, define where you end and others begin and are determined by the amount of physical and emotional

space you allow between yourself and others. Personal boundaries help you decide what types of communication, behaviour, and interaction are acceptable. Types of Personal Boundaries: 1. Physical Physical boundaries provide a barrier between you and an intruding force, like a Band-Aid protects a wound from bacteria. Physical boundaries include your body, sense of personal space, and sexual orientation. These boundaries are expressed through clothing, shelter, noise tolerance, verbal instruction, and body language. An example of physical boundary violation is a close talker. Your immediate and automatic reaction is to step back in order to reset your personal space. By doing this, you send a non-verbal message that when this person stands so close, you feel an invasion of your personal space. If the person continues to move closer, you might verbally protect your boundary by telling him/her to stop crowding you. Other examples of physical boundary invasions are:  Inappropriate touching, such as unwanted sexual advances.  Looking through others’ email, phone, and journal. 2. Emotional These boundaries protect your sense of self-esteem and ability to separate your feelings from others’. When you have weak emotional boundaries, it’s like getting caught in the midst of a hurricane with no protection. You expose yourself to being greatly affected by others’ words, thoughts, and actions and end up feeling bruised, wounded, and battered. These include beliefs, behaviours, choices, sense of responsibility, and your ability to be intimate with others. Examples of emotional boundary invasions are:

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  

Not knowing how to separate your feelings from your partner’s and allowing his/her mood to dictate your level of happiness or sadness (also known as co-dependency). Sacrificing your plans, dreams, and goals in order to please others. Not taking responsibility for yourself and blaming others for your problems.

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    

Being in a relationship does not have to mean losing your sense of individuality. It seems obvious that no one would want his/her boundaries violated and would want to maintain their autonomy. So why is boundary violation a common issue? Why do we NOT enforce or uphold our boundaries? 1. Fear of rejection and, ultimately, abandonment. 2. Fear of confrontation. 3. Guilt. 4. Lack of solid knowledge, as many of us were not taught how to effectively draw healthy boundaries.

Tips for Setting Healthy Boundaries (Modified from the book, Boundaries: Where You End and I Begin, by Anne Katherine) 

When you identify the need to set a boundary, do it clearly, calmly, firmly, respectfully, and in as few words as possible. Do not justify, get angry, or apologize for the boundary you are setting.

You are not responsible for the other person’s reaction to the boundary you are setting. You are only responsible for clearly and respectfully communicating your boundary. If it upset the other person, be confident knowing it is not your problem. Some people, especially those accustomed to controlling, abusing, or manipulating you, might test you. Plan on it, expect it, but remain firm. Remember, your behaviour must match the boundaries you are setting. You cannot successfully establish a clear boundary if you send mixed messages by apologizing.

At first, you will probably feel selfish, guilty, or embarrassed when you set a boundary. Do it anyway and tell yourself you have a right to protect yourself. Setting boundaries takes practice and determination. Don’t let anxiety or low self-esteem prevent you from taking care of yourself.

When you feel anger or resentment or find yourself whining or complaining, you probably need to set a boundary. Listen to yourself, determine what you need to do or say, then communicate assertively.

Learning to set healthy boundaries takes time. It is a process. Set them in your own time frame, not when someone else tells you.

Awareness is the first step in establishing and enforcing your boundaries. Now you can assess the current state of your boundaries, using the list below: Healthy boundaries allow you to:       

Have high self-esteem and self-respect. Share personal information gradually, in a mutually sharing and trusting relationship. Protect physical and emotional space from intrusion. Have an equal partnership where responsibility and power are shared. Be assertive. Confidently and truthfully say “yes” or “no” and be okay when others say “no” to you. Separate your needs, thoughts, feelings, and desires from others. Recognize that your boundaries and needs are different from others. Empower yourself to make healthy choices and take responsibility for yourself.

Unhealthy boundaries are characterized by:

Sharing too much too soon or, at the other end of the spectrum, closing yourself off and not expressing your need and wants. Feeling responsible for others’ happiness. Inability to say “no” for fear of rejection or abandonment. Weak sense of your own identity. You base how you feel about yourself on how others treat you. Disempowerment. You allow others to make decisions for you; consequently, you feel powerless and do not take responsibility for your own life.

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西媒导读 第 34 期 – 保持健康的个人边界

Power Your Potential

Develop a support system of people who respect your right to set boundaries. Eliminate toxic people from your life—those who want to manipulate, abuse, and control you.

但你可能没有意识到,让你感到不舒服的原因,是你的个人边界被侵犯了。 “边界”不是一个中文里现成的词汇,它听起来有点像是“底线”或者“原 则”,但相比这些日常用语,边界是一个更加复合的概念。




在维基百科的定义中,个人边界(Personal boundaries)是指个人所创造的 准则、规定或限度;人们以此来分辨什么是合理而安全的边界,别人如何对 待自己是可以被允许的,以及当别人越界时自己该如何应对。

什么是个人边界? KnowYourself / 夏超

KY 主创有话说: 我在生活里不算是脾气太差的人(喂你明明很暴躁好吗),但却经常会和一 些出租车司机师傅撕起逼来。姑娘你住在这里呀?房子租的还是买的啊?姑 娘你一个人去医院啊,你老公不陪你吗?姑娘你们读过书的人,工资很多吧, 一个月能赚多少钱呀?

个人边界不仅是身体上的,也是情绪上的,它能够反映出个人对自我身心状 态的认识和要求。当我们说,一个人拥有较为清晰的个人边界,或者说这个 人“边界意识好”时,就意味着 TA 足够敏感和坚定,对于自我是什么样的 人、思考及感受着什么有属于自己的认识,从而更好地保护自己,避免被他 人控制、利用或侵犯。边界意识好的人,知道什么可以做,什么不能做,也 清楚自己能够接受哪些对待,不能够接受哪些对待,既尊重别人,也保护自 己。 在中文中,我们不常提到“边界”这个概念,这与我们的社会文化有关。在 费孝通的《乡土中国》中,他把西方社会的格局比作一捆一捆扎着的柴,个 体在神面前人人平等,通过社群、群体的集结,形成边界清晰的结构。而传 统中国社会的格局则被比作石头掷在水面上的波纹,每个人都是一个多圈水 轮的中心,水轮距离石子的远近比喻人与人之间的亲疏。在中国社会里,人 际之间的亲疏远比边界要重要,我们有时会觉得如果足够亲密(比如父母与 孩子之间、恋人之间、朋友之间),就可以不注意边界。 个人边界主要包括两种类型,一是身体层面的,二是心理层面的


身体层面(Physical) 的边界主要是指个人空间及接触上的考虑,可以通过衣 着、住所、噪音容忍度、言语指示和身体语言等方式来表达。

在生活里,总会类似的瞬间让你感到不舒服。可能是在青春期时,独自待在 房间,父母不敲门便闯入的时候;可能是在成年后,回老家遇见长辈亲戚, 被拉着询问“谈男朋友了没,一个月挣多少”的时候;也有可能是在分手之 后,前男/女友还是纠缠着你,不愿离开你的生活的时候;还有那种内心回 荡着“我明明和你不熟”的时候。

典型的身体边界的冒犯者是近距离谈话者。当一个人在说话时离你太近,你 对此的自动反应可能是向外退,为了重建自己的个人空间。你这么做,是在 发出了一个非言语的信息:你感到了对自己个人空间的侵犯。如果这个人继 续走近,你可能会告诉他,不要这么走向自己,用言语地方式保护你的边界。

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西媒导读 第 34 期 – 保持健康的个人边界

心理层面(Psychological) 的边界,主要是在信仰、想法和观念等方面独立于 他人。这些边界能够保护你的自尊和对自己情绪的控制力。 如果别人坐了你的椅子或者用了你的东西,或者对你个人进行评论,让你感 到不高兴,这时就是心理边界在发挥作用。如果一个人拥有脆弱的情感边界, 他就容易受到他人言语、想法和行为的影响而感到痛苦。例如在一段亲密关 系中,一个人可能会不知道如何将自己的感受从伴侣的感受中区别出来,这 样自己幸福和悲伤就受到对方情绪的强烈影响。

什么样的个人边界是健康/不健康的? 简单来说,健康的个人边界是对自己的情绪和行为负责。所以,健康的个人 边界能够帮助我们接受我们的选择所带来的后果,收获它们带来的益处。

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3. 海绵型(Spongy):海绵型的个人边界像是柔软型与刚硬型的混合物,就 像一块海绵一样。它们比柔软型更少、比刚硬型更多地受到情绪上的感染。 拥有海绵型边界的人是很矛盾的,他们对于边界仍然没有清晰的意识,不确 定该将什么纳入边界之中、将什么排除在外,时而会担心侵犯了他人,又时 而会担心没有和他人建立连接。 4. 灵活型(Flexible):这是理想中的边界类型。虽然他们看起来和有选择 性的刚硬型或海绵型相似,但与前两者的区别在于,灵活型边界的人能够自 己控制边界,决定让什么进入、让什么保持在外,也能够抵御情感上的感染 和控制,很难被他人利用。 下面是一些不健康个人边界的常见表现(Cole, 2012):

而拥有不健康的个人边界的人,则要么是容易对他人的情绪和行为负责,要 么是期待他人对自己的情绪和行为负责(Manson, 2013)。

· 为讨好别人,而放弃自己的价值观或权力 · 时常想要拯救你亲近的人,为他们解决人生问题 · 让别人定义自己 · 期待别人自动满足自己的要求 · 拒绝别人时,心情不好或感到愧疚 · 为了得到别人的关爱而故意崩溃 · 当被糟糕对待时忍气吞声 · 不询问便触碰一个人

Nina Brown(2006)提出,个人边界可以被分为四种不同的风格。其中,柔软 型、刚硬型、海绵型都是不健康的,只有灵活型是健康的个人边界。


1. 柔软型(Soft):一个拥有柔软型个人边界的人,容易融进其他人的边界 之中,容易被他人影响和控制。他们会经常感觉“我很难对他人说不”,可 能会有过分共情、陷入他人情绪不能自拔、被他人操纵和利用的问题。

恋爱关系的开始和结束,就涉及到边界的转换。确定关系、成为伴侣,意味 着你们的边界靠近,在某种程度上甚至是相互融合的;而分手之后,你们则 要重新划分边界,这时很多人难以接受边界的变化,不能尊重对方新的边界, 比如,有的人会在分手后仍然模糊边界,对你做一些越界的事情。

健康的个人边界有以下特征:1. 清晰的, 2.合适的,非控制性或操纵性的, 3. 坚固而灵活,不是无法改变的,4.保护性的,非伤害性的,5. 接受性的,非 攻击性的,6. 为自我建立,而非为他人的。

2. 刚硬型(Rigid):一个拥有刚硬型边界的人是封闭的或隔离的,很难去 信任他人和感到安全,所以很少有人能够真正靠近他,无论是在身体层面或 还是情感层面。这样的人在身体上、情感上或是心理上曾受到过虐待的比例 较高。有一些刚硬型边界的人是“有选择性的刚硬”(Selective Rigid), 他们并不是在所有的情境下都同样封闭,比如少数人能够靠近他们,但大多 数人靠近都会使他们不舒服。他们的边界会依据时间、地点或环境具有选择 性,常常出现在一个发生过糟糕经历的相似场景中。

在亲密关系中,由于出现了亲密与独立的冲突,保持清晰的个人边界显得更 为困难。比如你会觉得,有时你必须为了爱的人作出一定的牺牲。这没错。 但关键在于,如果你为你所爱/关心的人作出牺牲,最好是因为你想要这么 做,而不是因为你感到有义务这么做,或是因为你害怕不去做会造成什么后 果。行为只有在它们不带期望地被实施时,才是正当有效的。 在生活中,如果边界不清楚,我们有时会很难分辨自己做某件事究竟是出于 义务,还是出于自愿的牺牲。有个简单的测试方法:试问自己“如果我不再 这么做,关系就会怎么变化?”如果你发现自己真的害怕这种变化,那么这 31 | P a g e

西媒导读 第 34 期 – 保持健康的个人边界

是一个糟糕的信号;假如结果会不太愉快,但你感觉你能够能停止表演式的 行为,并且自己不会感到太多异样,那这是好的信号。 拥有健康的个人边界的人能够理解到,要求两个人完全契合、完全满足伴侣 的每一个需要是不合理的。他们同样理解,健康的关系不是去控制另一个人 的情感和想法,而是互相支持和鼓励,走向共同成长和自我实现 (Manson,2013)。

Power Your Potential

3. 别人的需求和情绪不一定比自己的更重要。 很多人会觉得,别人的需求或情绪,尤其是家人或伴侣的,比自己的需求更 加重要,否则就会担心自己是不是自私的人。道德感过高会让人焦虑。学会 将自己放在首位,为自己建立边界,足够的自尊与自爱才会让人际关系变得 更好,而不是一味地迁就他人(Tartakovsky M.,2015) 。 4. 学会拒绝。

如何建立个人边界? 为什么建立个人边界是困难的?虽然个人边界能为我们的人生带来很多方便 和好处,但很多人仍然对建立个人边界有所迟疑,或是无法顺利地建立健康 的边界,常见的原因如下(Darlene,2015) : 1. 将他人的需求和感受看得比自己的更重要。 2. 对自己不够了解,不知道如何建立。 3. 不认为自己有建立边界的权力。 4. 担心个人边界会影响人际关系。 5. 没意识到建立边界需要坚持和努力。 如果想要建立健康的个人边界,你可以尝试以下几点: 1. 明确你有建立个人边界的权利。

当个人边界被冒犯时,生气是最常见的、本能的反应。生气是一种信号:说 明你该采取行动了。如果你对于建立个人边界感到焦虑或愧疚,要记住的是, 如果你因为担心冒犯他人,而不去表达自己的不悦,你的人际关系反而会受 到损害。表明个人界限并适当地拒绝,反而有助于关系的发展(Lancer,2015; Burbach,2015) 。 对你来说建立边界困难么?你的边界是哪种类型的?欢迎留言和我们分享~ 本文原载于: http://yuedu.163.com/news_reader/#/~/source?id=34bd4b37d3ea411386c1069b45762 b4c_1&cid=38853102091944c2b6be609e75ca49d1_1

推荐栏目:Surfing Sloth

建立个人边界是建立自我认同的过程,也是自我保护的方式之一:你有权利 保护自己的隐私,有权利拒绝,当然你也应该对“允许别人如何对待自己” 这件事负责。只有自己建立清晰而坚定的界限,别人才会尊重它们。有趣的 是,个人边界脆弱的人,会更倾向于冒犯他人的边界。所以,拥有良好的个 人边界也可以促进你对他人的尊重。 2. 分辨出哪些是你无法接受的行为。 回想你经常遇到的场景,想想它们是否与个人边界相关。写下你的感受和平 时的处理方法,再列出清单,思考是什么阻止了你做出行动。然后,用平和 的语气写下能表明你个人边界的话,以后再次遇到这类场景时向对方表明 (Tartakovsky M.,2015) 。

Surfing Sloth is a brand by Lithuanian illustrator Luka Va. based in Melbourne. It enjoyed success in The Big Design Market in Sydney, in November 2016. https://www.surfingsloth.com.au/

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西媒导读 第 35 期 – 改变他人 V.S. 改变自己

Power Your Potential

导读:在生活中,为什么感觉有些人的想法很顽固,很难做出改变?为什 么有时家人和朋友对自己不理解?为什么自己为一些人付出很多,到最后感 觉努力白费了?为什么曾经亲近的人会渐渐疏远?……以上这些,都是人们 生活中常遇到的问题。本期我们选取两篇文章,尝试对以上问题做出探索和 解答。

Why Changing Somebody’s Mind, or Yours, is Hard to Do David Ropeik 13 July, 2010

This subconscious process keeps taking information and processing it through our feelings, instincts and life circumstances in the past. Anything that gives the facts meaning will turn the raw meaningless data into our judgments and views and opinions. 当别人持有不同观点时,试图让他们通过你的视角来看问题是很困难的。你 即使是尽可能温和而思辨地陈述事实和论据,而这些事实似乎并没对你的论 证有所帮助。那么,为什么人的观点一旦生成,常常会变得“顽固”呢?难 道人类高级的大脑就不能开放地接受事实、证据和原因么?——其实,广泛 的调查研究表明,如果事实孤立于人的经历,那么就往往变得无意义。 “事实”作为输入数据,由我们的大脑进行处理——而在我们处理这些信息 的时候,潜意识里不断地与自身的经历、处境和情感进行结合比对——就这 样,输出的结果便是我们的观点与视角。

Okay, but why do we cling to our views so tenaciously after they are formed? Interesting clues come from two areas of study: Self-affirmation (自我肯定), and Cultural Cognition (文化认同). Both areas suggest that we cling to our views because the walls of our opinions are like battlements that keep us safe from the “enemies” who dope [3] with different opinions. Quite literally (exactly), our views and opinions may help protect us, keep us safe and help us survive. Small wonders then that we fight so hard to keep those walls strong and tall. There are a lot of psychological terms for the fact that people don't like to change their minds. Trying to get somebody to see things in your way is tough if they go into the argument with another point of view. You argue the facts, as thoughtfully and non-confrontationally [1] as you can, but the facts don't seem to get you anywhere. The wall of the other person's opinion doesn't move. And they don’t seem to WANT it to move. What's going on there? Why do people so tenaciously [2] stick to the views they've already formed? Shouldn't a cognitive mind be open to the facts, evidences and reasons? Well, that's hopeful but naïve, and ignores a vast amount of social science evidence that has shown that facts, by themselves, are meaningless. They are ones and zeroes to your mental computer, raw blank data that only take on meaning when run through the software of your experiences.

Self-affirmation conditioning studies find that if, before you start to try to change somebody's mind, you first ask them to remember something that gave them a positive view of themselves, and then they are more likely to be open to facts and change their opinions. People who feel good about themselves are more likely to be open-minded! Cultural Cognition is the theory that we shape our opinions to conform [4] to the views of the groups with which we most strongly identify. That does two things. It creates solidarity [5] in the group, which increases the chances that our group's views will prevail in society (e.g. our party is in power). And it strengthens the group's acceptance of us as members in good standing. Strengthening the group, helping it win dominance, and having the group accept us matters a lot. Humans are social animals. We depend on our groups, our tribes, literally for our survival. When our group's views prevail, and our group 33 | P a g e

西媒导读 第 35 期 – 改变他人 V.S. 改变自己

Power Your Potential

accepts us, our survival chances go up. It would be consistent with the interpretation [6] that the more threatened we feel (by economic uncertainty or environmental doom) the more we circle the wagons [7] of our opinions to keep the group together and keep ourselves safe. It also appears that the less threatened we feel, the more flexible our opinions are likely to be.

[4] conform (verb): (Of a person) behave according to socially acceptable conventions or standards; Comply with rules, standards, or laws 遵照、顺应 [5] solidarity (noun): Unity or agreement of feeling or action, especially among individuals with a common interest 团结一致 [6] interpretation (noun): The action of explaining the meaning of something

针对“想法顽固”的问题,有两个领域的研究为此提供了线索,它们分别是 “自我肯定”和“文化认同”。这两方面的研究表明,坚持自己的观点,排 除异己的观点,其实是对个人的生存和发展有利的。


自我肯定:每个人形成自己的观点是有原因的,与其个人发展阶段相匹配 (而不是超越阶段)。由于每个人都有“自我肯定”的本性,如果我们贸然 否定、批评别人的观点,或表达方式不当,都将难以让他们倾听和接受。所 以在交流时,我们首先要肯定别人的正确与可取之处,这样他们才能更乐于 开放地听取新的意见。

[7] circle the wagons: Look for protection, get defensive for an attack [8] contentious (adj): Causing or likely to cause an argument 有争议的

Getting People to Change Their Minds Alex Lickerman 25 Mar, 2010

文化认同:个人遵循群体(或民族)的文化与思潮,对于该群体的发展与茁 壮起很大作用。人类是“社会性动物”,每个人都需要不同程度地依赖族群 而生存。如果我们族群的观点受到社会普遍认可,而且族群里人与人之间相 互认同,这将有利于族群和个人的发展成长。

So the next time you want to have a truly open-minded conversation on a contentious [8] topic with someone who disagrees with you, don't launch right into the facts. Ask them to tell you about some wonderful thing they did, success they had, or positive feedback they got. And try to remember something like that about yourself. Then you might actually have a conversation, instead of the argument you're headed for instead. 本 文 原 载 于 : http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/how-risky-is-itreally/201007/why-changing-somebody-s-mind-or-yours-is-hard-do

[1] confrontational (adj): Tending to deal with situations in an aggressive way; hostile or argumentative 对抗性的 [2] tenacious (adj): Tending to keep a firm hold of something; clinging or adhering closely: 固执的;紧握的;黏着力强的 [3] dope (verb): A drug taken illegally for recreational purposes 麻醉

Changing another person's mind is literally one of the hardest things to do in the world. Think of how many conversations you've ever had in which one of the participants decided the other was right and abandoned their previous views altogether. It almost never happens. Why? Because even though ideas flit in and out of our heads like mosquitoes, ideas that are believed cling with electromagnetic power. Once we believe an idea we develop an emotional connection to it. And once we are attached to anything, whether a person, place, thing or idea, giving it up is extremely hard. We will always grieve over a loss, no matter how small. 34 | P a g e

西媒导读 第 35 期 – 改变他人 V.S. 改变自己

Climbing a mountain in a snowstorm Despite the difficulty of changing another person's mind, sometimes it really is necessary to try. Even the changes are less dramatic, the effort is often worthwhile. So how can we succeed in changing another person's mind? The following strategies/techniques may be a reasonable place to start (though are obviously by no means guaranteed): 虽然改变一个人的想法是很难的,但这也并不妨碍我们去尝试。即使改变不 是很明显,我们通过尝试这件事情,也会获得有益的体验。以下提供了一些 较为合适的方法(虽然未必对所有人都奏效):

When introducing a new idea to someone, try to make them think it was theirs. Though not easily done, people are far more likely to believe something is true if they discover it for themselves. Sometimes the Socratic’s debate works well here, but only if you ask questions in a way that communicates you're genuinely [1] interested in another person's views rather than in leading them where you want them to go.

Power Your Potential

life will help you to get insight into why they believe. If a belief seems to have evolved from faulty reasoning in response to such an event, the Socratic debate may work well again for helping identify where the reasoning that led to the belief went wrong. Focus more on underlying assumptions. Seek whatever common ground may exist between your assumptions and the others’ assumptions. Then the different reasons from there can be understood. 由于事实本身可能不会使人改变想法,所以我们需要看一下, 别人是从怎样 的经历中得到了该结论——我们可以从事情发展的环节中,找到其得出结论 的原因。另外,双方需要有相近的逻辑预设,才能在对等的平台上辩论。

(Socratic’s debate is a form of discussion based on asking and answering questions, in order to stimulate critical thinking and to illuminate [2] ideas. It is a dialectical [3] method, often involving a discussion in which the defence of one point of view is questioned; one participant may lead another to contradict himself in some way, thus strengthening the inquirer's own point.) 当给别人引入一个新的想法时,首先需要寻找他们所相信的,以及和他们经 历相关的事情。有时,苏格拉底所采用的辩论方式是有效的,但前提是人与 人之间平等的交流,而不是自己主导话语权。(苏格拉底在与别人辩论时, 常常通过不断提出问题的方式,使对方渐渐陷入矛盾之中,从而承认自己的 认知偏差。另外,它通过启发和引导学生,使他们自己思考和归纳,得出结 论。)

Help others let go of erroneous (wrong) belief without losing face. The notion that ‘being wrong’ connotes [4] inferior intelligence is a powerful inducement [5] for many people to dispose their opinions. Explore the underlying experiences that may be contributing to another person's erroneous belief. The emotional connection we feel to our beliefs is often powered more by the experiences that produced them than by the correctness of the beliefs themselves. Exploring relevant formative [6] events in a person's

Become a trusted mentor. Many of us have someone in our lives to whom we turn in times of trouble, someone whose judgment we trust, to whom our hearts are more receptive [7] than anyone else, and to whom we'll listen with a genuinely open mind. Become that person to as many people as you can. If you can, the power of the aforementioned techniques will be multiplied a thousandfold. However, this requires you to become wise and caring. What if we’re the ones whose minds need to be changed? Of course, the foregoing [8] has all been predicated on the assumption that in any given disagreement your idea is the correct one. But if you always and only focus on changing the minds of others and never on your own, this will result in championing ideas rather than exchanging ideas, and thus learning nothing. So before you go using any of these techniques on someone else, use them first on yourself. 35 | P a g e

西媒导读 第 35 期 – 改变他人 V.S. 改变自己

当然,刚才所讨论的方法,都是以“你的观点是正确的”为前提。如果你自 己是那个需要被改变人的怎么办?自己和他人之间都在相互影响和改变—— 你如果总想改变别人的想法,而不是改变自己,那么就成了仅仅捍卫自己的 想法而不是交流。实际上,当你成功之后,别人才会真正相信你的话——当 你觉得改变别人很难时,也许是时候该进一步提升自己了。

Power Your Potential

4. It is not necessary for us to spend too much effort on changing others. It could be wise to spend more effort changing yourself and try to be the best. 推荐栏目:Walk in Shanghai (Time lapse short film 延时摄影短片)

本 文 原 载 于 : http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/happiness-inworld/201003/getting-people-change-their-minds

[1] genuine (adj): (Of a person, emotion, or action) sincere 真诚、诚恳的 [2] illuminate (verb): Help to clarify or explain 阐明、启发、照亮 [3] dialectical (adj): Relating to the logical discussion of opinions 辩证的 [4] connote (verb): (Of a word) imply or suggest (an idea or feeling) in addition to the literal or primary meaning 意味着;含言外之意 [5] inducement (noun): A thing that persuades or leads someone to do something(做事情的)刺激因素 [6] formative (adj): Serving to form something, especially having a profound influence on a person’s development (对发展)有影响的 [7] receptive (adj): Willing to consider or accept new suggestions and ideas 善 于接纳的

[8] the foregoing (noun): The things just mentioned or stated 刚才所提到的

Summary: We are living in the rapid changing world 1. To live is to constantly change. Change means get to know and adapt to new things. There will always be new things as the world is unlimited for us to explore. 2. In today’s hyper-connected and rapid changing world, people are preparing and creating new things all the time. As a result, nothing can leave us with permanent great impression as there are always something better for us to discover. 3. Just like the food is getting rotten, wisdoms and strategies are getting rotten as well, and even faster. It’s not the matter of time, but because things are developing to more and more advanced stages.

http://jtsingh.com/porfolio/ With its futuristic skyline and sprawling network of streets, subway lines, and highways, Shanghai represents not just China’s unbridled dynamism, but also the rapidly maturing global economy. The bustling city of Shanghai, however, holds a further, complex and equally exhilarating narrative nestled at the feet of its towering skyscrapers. ‘Walk in Shanghai’ tells the story of the lively, multifaceted and above all else, very human experience unfolding at the street level of this massive city.

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西媒导读 第 36 期 – Airbnb: 旅行住宿新趋势

导读:导读: 当今社会,通信网络日益发达;而人与人之间,却仍缺乏面 对面的交流与沟通。当我们出门旅行时,来到一个美丽城市,拍照,购物; 独自来到宾馆,关上房门,一片寂静。这时常常有一种落寞涌上心头,感觉 自己仍然未融入这座城市。即使我们走出门外,往来路人熙熙攘攘,我们也 很难主动去搭讪。 Airbnb 是一个公司,也是一种创意——它的出现渐渐改变了这种局面。它成 立于 2008 年 8 月,如今已发展为一个领先的网上旅行房屋租赁社区,用户 遍布 190 多个国家,5 万多个城市。和我们去过的千篇一律的宾馆相比,在 Airbnb 平台上的房东们所提供的住宿是各种各样的。除了普通的房子,房东 们经常会提供房车,树屋,牧场小屋,船房,甚至豪华别墅和庄园。 踏进家门,从房东那声问候开始,陌生人之间的隔绝消失了。客人经常和房 东聊聊当地的美食,历史,风景,文化,当然还有家里的故事;也可以跟房 东学做饭,展示才艺,一同看电视节目。每天早上,房东一定会为你准备好 早餐,让你准备好迎接新的一天。通过交流和分享自己的生活,从而构建人 与人之间的互信,这是 Airbnb 一直致力于实现的,也是我们所有人的共同 愿望。

Power Your Potential

Imagine having that anywhere Airbnb stands for something much bigger than travel Airbnb is a trusted community marketplace for people to list, discover, and book unique accommodations around the world. On any given night, hundreds of thousands of people are staying in Airbnb homes around the world. There are small, meaningful connections that happen between us every day. Exchanging keys, toasts in every language, shakes hello, and hugs goodbye. Thoughtful gestures that tell us we’re in the right place, in good hands. Our greatest achievements aren’t monumental. With Airbnb, you can be at home wherever you go, from Alaska to Argentina. We believe in a world where you Belong Anywhere.

Key Features

 Verified ID with confirmed reviews Airbnb users’ profiles contain recommendations, reviews and ratings to build credible online reputation within the platform. The world is full of cities and towns Constantly growing larger But the people within them are less connected We are all yearning for a sense of place We are all seeking to belong We want to connect and share To feel accepted and safe

 A Secure Platform Guests pay through Airbnb when they book a listing. Hosts receive payment through Airbnb 24 hours after guest check-in. With all the transactions taken care of, all you have to do is say “Hello.”  We’re here to help, 24/7 Connect with our world-class customer support team whenever you’re travelling or hosting. They’re available around the clock, around the world. 37 | P a g e

西媒导读 第 36 期 – Airbnb: 旅行住宿新趋势

Power Your Potential

Discover - Airbnb Picks

Our Symbol

“We have over 3,000 castles, 2,000 treehouses, 900 islands and 400 lighthouses available to book on the site.”

Airbnb started in 2008, with a logo created in two hours and a big idea: To invite the world home.

Today, millions of Airbnb guests worldwide have traded standard lodging for memorable stays in distinctive homes—including tree houses, castles and yurts. Generic is not our style.

Together we created a movement, and it's time our symbol reflects our shared identity. But the Airbnb experience is too diverse and distinctive to be represented by a traditional logo or a one-size-fits-all shape. So we’re handing over the keys. We’re giving creative control to the travellers and hosts who create Airbnb every day. “The 20th-century economy was powered by big corporations that standardized everything but they never really knew their customers. The 21st-century economy will be ‘powered by people’ — where the buyers all have identities and the producers all have personal reputations.” -- The New York Times 了解更多内容请登陆:zh.airbnb.com(中文)或 airbnb.com.au(English) 推荐栏目:Airbnb 创始人 Joe Gebbia 的演讲

How Airbnb Designed for Trust https://www.ted.com/talks/joe_gebbia_how_airbnb_designs_for_trust#t-43688 38 | P a g e

西媒导读 第 37 期 – 智力所能达到的层级

Power Your Potential

导读:本文介绍了人类的智力所能达到的层级。看一看,你现在处于哪个 层级?

inquires and enquires and there is a quality of “brightness” and “sharpness” to their mind or thinking.

The Level of Intelligence

智力所能达到的第二层级是聪慧。聪慧和聪明是有区别的——聪明代表着擅 长测试和使用一些高效的方法,而聪慧还意味着善于探究高效方法的本源。 The third level of intelligence is the level of being super smart. Super smart people obtain peak positions in this world in terms of power, success and wealth. They are the leaders in different fields, or captains of industry. Intelligence is all about getting results no matter what level it is at; however, a super smart person can achieve much more results than all other intelligent people can. 智力所能达到的第三层级是高度聪明。与聪慧的人相比,高度聪明的人能够 在较短时间内实现更多的目标。他们一般是各个行业的领导者,能够在很高 的职位站稳脚跟,进而掌控世界上大部分的权力和财富。

Let’s start from the beginning. The first level of intelligence is the level of being smart. People who are smart are those that know certain things that enable them to use their energy effectively to accomplish certain things that they want or are beneficial to them. Smart people know and acknowledge that they are smart. Being at this level is already above the vast majority of the common people. 智力所能达到的第一层级是聪明。聪明意味着,一个人能够高效地利用较少 的能量,完成更多的事情。位于这一层级的人们,已经超越了多数的普通人 ——他们知道并且承认自己的聪明。 The second level of intelligence is the level of being intelligent. There is a difference between being smart and being intelligent: being smart means you just know certain things to act successfully while being intelligent means you actually seek to understand the way that things work. An intelligent person questions,

The fourth level of intelligence is the level of being super intelligent. The level of super intelligence is the most powerful level in this dimension of reality called the physical world. Being super intelligent means one’s thinking capability and ability to understand is so high that it supersedes all other levels of intelligence below it. A super smart person is still susceptible [1] to falling into certain traps of falsehood or mind manipulation [2] by masters in this world, but a super intelligent person is more able to withstand this manipulation and rise above it. In other words, their minds are many times more attuned than the ones who are super smart. 智力所能达到的第四层级是高度聪慧——这一层级代表了在现实世界(或世 俗世界)的最高智力水平。这些人深谙社会规则的运转方式,能够识破他人 的不良居心,并避开事先设好的各种圈套。虽然绝大多数人不会理解他们每 日的所作所为,然而他们对社会规则和体制的优化有着举足轻重的影响。 The fifth level of intelligence is the level of being a genius. A genius is someone who is able to think at such a high order that he/she comes up with a unique and original idea that elevates the thinking of humanity to the next level. They are able to come up with insights or eureka [3] moments that have a universal effect. Such people are our greatest inventors, artists, musicians, scientists and philosophers. They inspire others and transform the thinking or paradigm of the worldview in profound ways. No matter which level of intelligence a person predominantly is, everyone has access to the genius level in different degrees. 智力所能达到的第五层级是天才。这些人的思维和想法,已经着眼于未来。 他们当中包括科学家,发明家,工程师,艺术家和哲学家。他们的想法往往 39 | P a g e

西媒导读 第 37 期 – 智力所能达到的层级

原创而有新意,而且有足够实力把人们的思维方式和理解水平提升到一个新 的层次,从而改变人们对世界的看法。 The sixth level of intelligence is the highest discussable level of intelligence. That is because in the seventh level or infinite intelligence, all are equal and therefore there is nothing to discuss in terms of differences in intelligence within that level and in comparison with any other level. The sixth level of intelligence is the level of being a SUPER GENIUS. It is far higher than the genius level because super genius contains transcendental [4] genius. Genius may understand the highest levels of physics in this realm, but Super Genius understands higher dimension physics and philosophy. A super genius’ thoughts are transcendent and higher than that of a genius. Within the super genius level, the person can be the knower of the secrets and the master of the mysteries.

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每个人在当前的认知水平,很大程度上决定了其感官的体察能力,思维方式 和做事意图。虽然每个人的潜能在理论上是无限的,但是时间限制了每个人 走的路能有多远。通过了解和掌握现有系统知识和最佳实践,我们每个人都 可以在此基础上更进一步,从而看到更为壮丽的景观。

智力所能达到的第六层级是顶尖天才,这也是人类所能达到的最高智力层级; 在人类历史上,能够达到这一层级的也是极少部分人,比如牛顿,爱因斯坦 和欧拉。他们每天的所做所想,早已跨越学科界限而极具超验性。他们掌握 着世界上从未被发掘的奥秘,从而引领人类社会的深刻变革。 The seventh level of intelligence is the highest level which is the level of “Infinite Intelligence”. It is the level of God or All-That-Is. Infinite Intelligence is the highest, it is the all, and at the same time it is you and I. It occupies all levels. From that level, there is no comparison with higher or lower because All-Is-One. Humans and all other conscious beings can evolve more and more towards becoming “All Knowing” or “Infinite Intelligence”. It is to return to oneness, to God. 智力的终极层级(第七层级)是全知全能而统一的,代表着世间所有已发掘 的和所有潜在的规律和奥秘。人类的智力层级只能朝着这个无穷远的方向发 展,而不会到达。

本 文 原 载 于 : http://www.mindreality.com/seven-levels-of-intelligence-and-threetypes-of-genius

[1] susceptible: Likely to be influenced or harmed by a particular thing Your intelligence is the only thing that defines who you are. It is the factor by which all other things about you and your life stem from. Your intelligence determines how you think, what you do and all that you create, experience and have. Your level of intelligence is determined by your will and your way of thinking or using the mind. There is NO LIMIT to how far or how high you can go. In actuality, all of us are manifested with the potential of infinite intelligence. Infinite intelligence is who we are fundamentally and what we can experience to the degree that we choose and think.

[2] manipulation: The action of manipulating someone in a clever way [3] eureka: A cry of joy or satisfaction when one discovers something 因找到某 物,或问题的答案而高兴

[4] transcendental: Beyond the range of normal/physical human experience 超验 的

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西媒导读 第 38 期 – 组成万物的基本粒子

导读:世间万物丰富多彩,而在物理标准模型下,组成各种物质的只有夸 克、玻色子和轻子三类,共计 16 种粒子。本文作为科普类文章,介绍了各 种粒子的发现过程,从早期粒子加速器,云室,气泡室,一直到今天的大型 强子对撞机(LHC),引人入胜。通过了解科研工作者的探索历程和现有结论, 我们会打破自己认识世界的瓶颈,发现世界崭新而鲜活的一面。

The Basic Building Blocks of Matter In this unit, we shall explore particle physics, the study of the fundamental constituents of matter. These basic building blocks lay the foundation for all of the ambitious projects detailed throughout this course. Dramatic discoveries over the last century have completely changed our view of the structure of matter, as physicists have delved into the atom and deeper to discover the quarks and gluons inside the proton, have observed neutrino oscillations, and have carried out precise studies of the subtle asymmetry (不对称的) between matter and antimatter ( 反物质). The research has led to a detailed, if still incomplete, understanding of the most basic constituents of our universe.

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Figure 1: Section of the Large Hadron Collider at CERN (LHC 环形加速器 - 部 分)

Section 1: Introduction The physical universe challenges us over a wide span of distances, ranging over more than 35 orders of magnitude, from subatomic scales (< 10−14m) to the dimensions of galaxies (1021m) and beyond. In recent years, scientists working at both ends of the scale—particle physicists probing the basic building blocks of matter and cosmologists studying the structure of the universe on the largest observable scales—have started to converge on a common picture of how the universe expanded from a hot, dense "particle soup" shortly after the Big Bang to form galaxies, stars, and planets. Impressive as this "cosmic convergence" is, important questions still remain: Is there a Higgs particle ( 希 格 斯 粒 子 ) responsible for giving particles mass? What is the nature of the dark matter that dominates the mass in galaxies, including our own Milky Way? And, why is a mysterious force made a contribution to dark energy causing the expansion of the universe to speed up? To address these questions, physicists have planned a variety of experiments that use accelerators, telescopes, and detectors deep underground. They hope to find some of the answers in the next decade. Particle physicists have already made significant progress in understanding the subatomic end of the scale. They have enshrined their discoveries in the Standard Model (See Figure 2) of particle physics. This theory is so apparently perfect that no crack has yet appeared despite experimentalists' best efforts to devise ever-more precise tests. Yet, at the same time, it is so fatally flawed as to convince theorists that behind the Standard Model must lay a better theory that encompasses and expands upon it. The evidence for dark matter and dark energy, although they remain completely mysterious, is perhaps the most significant hints that the Standard Model is incomplete. We shall learn about that evidence and the theoretical problems it causes in Units 10 and 11. But even before these cosmological clues surfaced, observations of the behaviour of particles called neutrinos ( 中 微 子 ) and theoretical problems in extending the Standard Model to much higher energies had suggested that something was missing. Literally thousands of theoretical papers in the literature propose everything from string theory to extra dimensions and from super-symmetry to multiple universes as remedies for the 41 | P a g e

輿媒察话 珏 38 ćœ&#x; – çť„ćˆ?万牊的ĺ&#x;şćœŹç˛’ĺ­?

Standard Model's known flaws. The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at the CERN laboratory (See Figure 1) in Geneva, Switzerland—the highest-energy particle accelerator ever built—will put the Standard Model to its most rigorous tests ever and tell us which, if any, of the many theories beyond the Standard Model bear any resemblance to reality. This unit details the discoveries of successive subatomic particles and will analyse what each contributed to the Standard Model.

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Section 2: The First Subatomic Particles The large hadron collider (LHC) is the culmination of a long and illustrious tradition of crunching particles together to figure out their components. Some people say that this process is similar to smashing a delicate Swiss-made watch to find out how it works. Nevertheless, this brute force approach has worked remarkably well. As accelerators have become ever bigger and more powerful during the past century, they have given physicists two advantages. First, the more energetic the accelerated particle, the more deeply it can probe into the structure of matter. Second, the relationship between mass and energy that Albert Einstein formulated in his famous equation đ??¸ = đ?‘šđ?‘? 2 indicates that higher-energy collisions can produce more massive particles. With each advance in accelerator technology, therefore, new energy frontiers have delivered dramatic new discoveries and opened up new conceptual frontiers. A particle accelerator uses an electric field to propel electrically charged particles in a desired direction. An electron accelerated across a potential of one volt acquires a kinetic energy of one electron-volt (eV). In the LHC, an oscillating electric field accelerates two hair-thin beams of protons to 7 trillion electron volts (TeV). Superconducting magnets direct the beams in a circular path with a circumference of 27 kilometers. The two beams of protons race around the ring in opposite directions at 0.999999991 times the speed of light. When two protons collide, they have a centre-of-mass energy of 14 TeV. The total energy in the two beams is equivalent to 173 kilograms of Trinitrotoluene (TNT). The Earliest Accelerators

Figure 2: Fundamental particles of the Standard Model

We can trace the lineage of the LHC back to an accelerator that was basically a primitive version of the cathode ray tube in an old-fashioned television set. The early experiments with simple accelerators like this led to an increasingly sophisticated understanding of the structure of the atom. In doing so, they provided a blueprint for a method of discovery that generations of Nobel Prizewinning physicists have used ever since. 42 | P a g e

西媒导读 第 38 期 – 组成万物的基本粒子

Physicists applied the first accelerators to understanding and then using mysterious forms of radiation that were first detected in the 1890s. English physicist J.J. Thomson used an evacuated glass tube and an anode and cathode to show that the beta rays that emanated from a heated metal filament were actually particles with negative electric charges. Further studies indicated that these electrons had very small masses compared with that of the hydrogen atom. Thomson theorized that an atom resembled a plum pudding, with electrons distributed throughout a uniform, positively charged sphere.

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concluded that the mass of an atom was concentrated in a very small region, which he called the "nucleus," surrounded by a cloud of electrons. Alpha rays turned out to be helium nuclei. Rutherford estimated the diameter of the nucleus to be less than 10−13 meters, compared with the atomic size of about 10−10 meters (1 Ångström). More recent measurements give values for the nucleus that range from about 10−14 meters to 10−15 meters depending on the atomic number. Modified by Danish physicist Niels Bohr's application of the principles of quantum mechanics that we shall meet in Unit 5, the atomic model led directly to our modern view of the atom: a nucleus consisting of protons and electrically neutral neutrons (discovered in 1932), surrounded by a swarm of electrons, equal in number to the protons. This is a remarkably simple system. By taking different combinations of just three constituents—protons, neutrons, and electrons—we can account for all the elements seen in nature. An Organizing Principle

Figure 3: Thomson used the cathode ray tube in three different experiments [1]

[1] Elaborations: The bulbous shapes in the drawings shown here are glass tubes with the air evacuated, leaving a vacuum inside. A metal filament on one end of the glass tube was known to emit "beta rays" when heated. Left to their own devices, the beta rays traveled straight across the tube. Thomson first showed that the beta rays would follow a curved path in a magnetic field, and then that he could deflect them using an electric field. The plates in Experiment 2 generate an electric field between them, which directs the beam of beta rays downward. Thompson also used a similar apparatus to measure the mass-to-charge ratio of the beta rays, which we now know are electrons.

A student of Thomson's, Ernest Rutherford, extended the study of atoms by firing alpha rays emitted in certain radioactive decays at thin gold foil. He

Atomic theory also explained the physics underlying the structure of the periodic table, which Russian chemist Dmitri Mendeleev had first proposed in 1869. The table provided an organizing principle, whose power was shown by the discovery of the noble gases. Long before Rutherford and Bohr explained the underlying structure of the atom, gaps in the periodic table had enabled chemists to predict where new elements might be found. For example, in 1894 Sir William Ramsay and John Strutt, Lord Rayleigh, discovered a new gas in ordinary air. They named it "argon", or "lazy one," as it did not interact readily with other elements. Within the next five years, they also discovered the noble gases helium, krypton, radon, neon and xenon. The search for new elements continues even today, still based on Bohr's atomic model. Uranium, the heaviest element that naturally occurs on Earth, has an atomic number of 92, meaning that it contains 92 protons and 92 electrons. In 1940, a team at the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory led by Ed McMillan, produced the first transuranic element. Named, like uranium, after one of the outermost planets, neptunium had an atomic number of 93.

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輿媒察话 珏 38 ćœ&#x; – çť„ćˆ?万牊的ĺ&#x;şćœŹç˛’ĺ­?

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In the subsequent 20 years, physicists using Berkeley's 60-inch cyclotron to create intense beams of slow neutrons created 10 more transuranic elements, with atomic numbers 94 through 103. The elements were mostly named for people and places connected to physics research. Starting in the 1960s, groups in Russia and Germany joined the hunt, creating the next eight transuranic elements. In 2006, a research team working in Dubna, Russia, announced the indirect detection of three nuclei of element 118. This discovery still awaits confirmation and an official name from the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry. Section 3: The Particle Zoo in Cosmic Rays The satisfyingly simple view that all matter consisted of three subatomic particles - electrons, protons, and neutrons, did not last long. A veritable (ĺ??副 兜厞的) zoo of new subatomic particles began to emerge in the 1930s, when physicists started to study cosmic rays. These are particles produced by nature's accelerators: energetic protons from the Sun, neutron stars (中ĺ­?ć˜&#x;), supernovae (čś…ć–°ć˜&#x;), and extra-galactic (铜河䝼外的) sources. The particles impinge (撞凝) on our upper atmosphere, collide with the nuclei of oxygen or nitrogen, and produce showers of newly created particles. Although most cosmic rays have relatively short lifetimes, the effects of special relativity allow many of them traveling at extremely high speeds to reach the Earth before they decay. This effect, which physicists call "time dilation," increases with the particle's speed and is described by the Lorentz factor equation [2].

decaying particle travels, the longer it appears to live to a stationary observer. This counterintuitive and confusing aspect of the theory of special relativity is demonstrated every day by cosmic rays. If time weren't dilated for the fastmoving cosmic ray particles, they would decay long before reaching the Earth's surface.

To detect cosmic rays, physicists relied on cloud chambers (äş‘厤)—sealed compartments filled with vapour that is cooled and kept very near to dew point temperature (éœ˛ć°´ĺ‡?çť“渊庌). Charged particles passing through the vapour create tracks of ionization and cause tiny droplets (ĺ°?ćť´) to condense. The vapour in the cloud chamber reveals the particles' track, much as the contrails behind a jet show the path of an airplane. By applying an external magnetic field to bend the tracks, physicists gleaned (攜集) more clues about the particles' momentum and charge.

[2] Elaborations: If a particle moving close to the speed of light carries a clock with it, this clock would run slower compared to a stationary clock on Earth. In the terminology of Einstein's theory of special relativity, the particle experiences time dilation. The following equation is the factor by which time slows: Îł=

1 đ?‘Ł √1 − ( )2 đ?‘?

Gamma (Îł) is called the "Lorentz factor," grows very large as the particle velocity (đ?‘Ł) approaches the speed of light (đ?‘?). This means that the faster a

Figure 4: Carl Anderson, Paul Dirac, and a positron track observed in a cloud chamber

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California Institute of Technology physicist Carl Anderson started the riot of discovery in 1932. He identified a stable, positively charged particle, called the positron, in a cloud chamber. The find came four years after English theorist Paul Dirac had predicted the existence of antiparticles. Working on the relativistic equation of motion for the electron, Dirac found a mysterious second solution with negative energy. The correct interpretation, he postulated, was a particle with the same mass as the electron but the opposite charge. In other words, the positron is the electron's antiparticle. When a positron and an electron meet, they annihilate (ćšŽç ­) each other with a flash of energy in the form of radiation—another demonstration of Einstein's equation, đ??¸ = đ?‘šđ?‘? 2 . Dirac later speculated about the existence of other worlds made of antimatter that ought to exist if the laws of physics were completely symmetric with respect to matter and antimatter. As we shall see later in this unit, this was a prescient speculation. It has spurred experiments that still continue today.

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(đ?‘˜äť‹ĺ­?). Experimentalists had eagerly sought the pion, to fulfil the prediction of Japanese physicist Hideki Yukawa (湤ĺˇ?ç§€ć ‘) . It stemmed from his effort to understand why the electrical repulsion (排於力) of all the protons packed into

a tiny space did not tear apart atomic nuclei. Yukawa postulated the existence of a short-range strong nuclear force, attractive between two protons, which could overcome their electrostatic repulsion. As the carrier of that force, he proposed the pion, with a mass about one-sixth that of the proton. The discovery of the pion confirmed the existence of this new force, as we shall see in Unit 2. On the other hand, nobody predicted the kaon, whose unusual behaviour quickly earned it the nickname "the strange particle." (Theorists later formalized the concept of strangeness; it applies to particles such as the kaon that decay more slowly than expected.) Since pions and kaons have masses intermediate between the electron's and the proton's, scientists called them mesons (äť‹ĺ­?), from the Greek mesos, for "medium." The electron and muon (đ?œ‡ äť‹ĺ­?) were named leptons (轝ĺ­?), from the Greek leptos, or "thin."

An astonishing new particle The existence of antimatter was a shocking development that many scientists and non-scientists found difficult to accept, even though theorists could readily accommodate the positron. But the next particle to be discovered, the muon, really came out of left field. Discovered in 1936, also in a cloud chamber experiment, it behaved like an electron but had about 200 times more mass. "Who ordered that?" asked the Nobel Prize-winning Columbia University physicist I.I. Rabi. Studies showed that the muon is long-lived, decaying in about a microsecond. That makes it one of the most common particles from cosmic ray showers that survive all the way to the Earth before decaying. The particle was actually the first member of a second generation of Standard Model particles to be discovered, although it would take decades for physicists to appreciate that fact. A "generation" is a family of related subatomic particles; the first generation consists of particles that do not decay, such as the electron. We shall meet more of the second and further generations later in this unit. About ten years after the discovery of the muon, photographic emulsions (ć„&#x;ĺ…‰ 䚳剂) taken of cosmic rays revealed the particles called pions (đ?œ‹äť‹ĺ­?) and kaons

Figure 5: Pions play an important role in explaining why atomic nuclei do not split apart

Section 4: From Cloud Chambers to Bubble Chambers 䝎云厤ĺˆ°ć°”泥厤 45 | P a g e

西媒导读 第 38 期 – 组成万物的基本粒子

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Physicists became impatient waiting for cosmic rays to produce the rare events that led to new discoveries. So after World War II, research shifted to national laboratories where accelerators were built to produce intense beams of energetic protons. To record the particles and their decay tracks, physicists built large bubble chambers. These liquid versions of cloud chambers recorded thousands of photographs of particle tracks. The new accelerators represented greatly improved versions of the crude accelerators that J.J. Thomson and Ernest Rutherford had used in their pioneering studies of atomic structure. Those original instruments had a significant disadvantage: the naturally produced alpha and beta particles that provided the projectiles for the accelerators had relatively little energy. In 1927, Rutherford upped the ante by calling for ways of creating "a copious supply" of higher-energy particles. Ernest Lawrence, a young physics professor at the University of California, Berkeley, found a unique way to take up the challenge. It involved a circular device in which a magnetic field confined particles to orbiting in a horizontal plane while an alternating electric potential applied to each half of the circular plane would give the particles an energy boost twice per orbit. This ingenious technique avoided the use of very high voltages—an achievement both difficult and dangerous. Instead, it applied a modest voltage many times. The first cyclotron (回旋加速器) built by Lawrence and his student M. Stanley Livingston measured 4.5 inches in diameter. As soon as they proved that it worked, they built a larger version. With a diameter of 11 inches, this accelerated protons to energies of more than one million electron volts (1M eV). Eventually, Lawrence founded the Radiation Laboratory at Berkeley (now the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory) and oversaw the construction of everlarger cyclotrons. That group of devices, which included an accelerator called the Bevatron, led to the discovery of new mesons, enabled the first detection of the antiproton, created transuranic elements, and even provided beams of particles for cancer treatment.

Figure 6. Bubble chamber at Fermilab (美国费米实验室曾经使用过的气泡室)

本文原载于:Physics for the 21st Century www.learner.org/courses/physics/ 了解更多相关信息请参考:欧洲核子研究组织官网 https://home.cern/ 《科学世界》杂志社官网 http://www.kxsj.com/ Acknowledgement Figure 1. http://www.ep.ph.bham.ac.uk/DiscoveringParticles/lhc/collider/images/lhc-machinelarge.jpg Figure 2. http://sbhep-nt.physics.sunysb.edu/HEP/AcceleratorGroup/1000pxStandard_Model_of_Elementary_Particles.svg.png Figure 3. https://www.learner.org/courses/physics/unit/text.html?unit=1&secNum=2 Figure 4. https://www.learner.org/courses/physics/visual/visual.html?shortname=cloud_chamber Figure 5 https://www.learner.org/courses/physics/unit/text.html?unit=1&secNum=3 Figure 6 http://www.flickriver.com/photos/m-i-k-e/4781861788/

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西媒导读 第 39 期 – 2017:当代技术十大发展趋势

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导读:全球领先的信息技术研究和顾问公司 Gartner,于近日发布了《2017 年十大技术趋势》报告。作为每年最有影响力的报告之一,接下来它会在全 球 8 个不同国家的 Gartner Symposium 会议上出现,同时它也会为很多创新 科技公司在进行战略布局时提供参考。明年有哪些新技术和新概念,我们快 来了解和学习吧。

Top 10 Strategic Technology Trends 2017 Kasey Panetta | Oct.18, 2016

Today, a digital stethoscope ( 听 诊 器 ) has the ability to record and store heartbeat and respiratory sounds. Tomorrow, the stethoscope could function as an “intelligent thing” by collecting a massive amount of such data, relating the data to diagnostic and treatment information, and building an artificial intelligence (AI)-powered doctor assistance app to provide the physician with diagnostic support in real-time. AI and machine learning increasingly will be embedded into everyday things such as appliances, speakers and hospital equipment. This phenomenon is closely aligned with the emergence of conversational systems, the expansion of the Internet of Things (IoT) into a digital mesh and the trend toward digital twins. 如今,电子听诊器能够记录和储存病人的心跳和呼吸的声音。在不远的将来, 智能听诊器能够收集大数据,与健康人的心跳和呼吸做出对比,并为医生提 供辅助建议。很快,人工智能将会植入日常生活中的电子设备、语音识别系 统,以及医疗设备当中。人工智能和正在出现的“物联网”相互配合,将形 成数字网络,并向数字模型方向进一步发展。

Three themes — intelligent, digital, and mesh — form the basis for the Top 10 strategic technology trends for 2017, announced by David Cearley, vice president and Gartner Fellow, at Gartner Symposium/ITxpo 2016 in Orlando, Florida. These technologies are just beginning to break out of an emerging state and stand to have substantial disruptive potential across industries. David Cearley 在奥兰多博览会上宣布了三大主题:智能化,数字化和网络化 ——它们将作为 2017 年十大技术发展的基石。这些新技术在近期刚刚浮出 水面,将会对各项产业有着重要、甚至脱胎换骨的影响。

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西媒导读 第 39 期 – 2017:当代技术十大发展趋势

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) have reached a critical tipping point and will increasingly augment and extend virtually every technology enabled service, thing or application. Creating intelligent systems that learn, adapt and potentially act autonomously rather than simply execute predefined instructions is primary battleground for technology vendors through at least 2020. 今天,人工智能和机器学习技术已经到达了从量变到质变的临界点,在接下 来很长一段时间内都有很大进步空间,并会被广泛应用于我们日常生活中几 乎所有的设备。“机器需要能够自主学习和适应新环境,而不仅仅是执行已 设计好的指令”——这将在 2020 年成为服务商竞争的主题。

Trend No. 1: AI &Advanced Machine Learning 人工智能和高级机器学习 AI and Machine Learning, which include technologies such as deep learning, neural networks, genetic algorithm and natural-language processing, can also encompass more advanced systems that understand, learn, predict, adapt and potentially operate autonomously. Systems can learn and change future behaviour, leading to the creation of more intelligent devices and programs. The combination of extensive parallel processing power, advanced algorithms and massive data sets to feed the algorithms has unleashed this new era. In banking, you could use AI and machine-learning techniques to model current real-time transactions, as well as predictive models of transactions based on their likelihood of being fraudulent. Organizations seeking to drive digital innovation with this trend should evaluate a number of business scenarios in which AI and machine learning could drive clear and specific business value and consider experimenting with one or two high-impact scenarios. 这 一 领 域 所 涉 及 的 深 度 学 习 (Deep Learning) 、 神 经 网 络 (Artificial Neural Network) 、 基 因 算 法 ( Genetic Algorithm ) 和 自 然 语 言 处 理 ( Natural Language Processing)等算法的进步将超越“基于规则”的传统算法,创造 能够理解、学习、预测、适应,甚至可以自主操作的系统。 同时,应用人工智能和高级机器学习将催生一系列智能化功能,包括物理设 备(如机器人、无人驾驶汽车和消费电子)以及 APP 和服务(如虚拟个人 助理 VPA 和智能顾问)。 Trend No. 2: Intelligent Apps 智能应用软件

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Intelligent apps, which include technologies like virtual personal assistants (VPAs), have the potential to transform the workplace by making everyday tasks easier (prioritizing emails) and its users more effective (highlighting important content and interactions). However, intelligent apps are not limited to new digital assistants – every existing software category from security tooling to enterprise applications such as marketing or ERP will be infused with AI enabled capabilities. Using AI, technology providers will focus on three areas — advanced analytics, AI-powered and increasingly autonomous business processes and AI-powered immersive, conversational and continuous interfaces. By 2018, Gartner expects most of the world’s largest 200 companies to exploit intelligent apps and utilize the full toolkit of big data and analytics tools to refine their offers and improve customer experience. 智能应用软件除了会把日常工作变得更加高效和容易(如帮助员工识别优先 任务),它在密钥软件、市场营销、企业资源计划等诸多领域都可以得到应 用。人工智能服务商将会专注于这三个领域:高级分析学,业务流程的自主 过程控制,和人机交互界面。Gartner 预计,到 2018 年,多数世界前 200 强 公司都会利用大数据和人工智能分析工具,来进一步提升服务和客户体验。

Trend No. 3: Intelligent Things 智能产品 New intelligent things generally fall into three categories: robots, drones and autonomous vehicles. Each of these areas will evolve to impact a larger segment of the market and support a new phase of digital business but these represent only one facet of intelligent things. Existing things including IoT devices will become intelligent things delivering the power of AI enabled systems everywhere including the home, office, factory floor, and medical facility. As intelligent things evolve and become more popular, they will shift from a stand-alone to a collaborative model in which intelligent things communicate with one another and act in concert to accomplish tasks. However, nontechnical issues such as liability and privacy, along with the complexity of creating highly specialized assistants, will slow embedded intelligence in some scenarios. The lines between the digital and physical world continue to blur creating new opportunities for digital businesses. Look for the digital world to be an increasingly detailed reflection of the physical world and the digital world to appear as part of the physical world creating fertile ground for new business models and digitally enabled ecosystems. 48 | P a g e

西媒导读 第 39 期 – 2017:当代技术十大发展趋势

智能产品(Intelligent things)是指超越执行刚性编程模型的物理物件,利用 人工智能和机器学习实现高级行为,与周围环境和人类更加自然地互动,它 所渗透的领域涵盖消费电子产品、医疗产品、和嵌入式产品。比如,日本长 崎的 Henn-ne 宾馆酒店使用了 10 台类人机器人进行迎宾服务,代替了原来 预订柜台的所有人工。随着无人机、无人驾驶汽车和智能家电等智能物件不 断普及,单独的智能产品将会联系起来,发展为协作的智能模型。

Trend No. 4: Virtual & Augmented Reality 虚拟和增强现实 Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) transform the way individuals interact with each other and with software systems creating an immersive environment. For example, VR can be used for training scenarios and remote experiences. AR, which enables a blending of the real and virtual worlds, means businesses can overlay graphics onto real-world objects, such as hidden wires on the image of a wall. Immersive experiences with AR and VR are reaching tipping points in terms of price and capability but will not replace other interface models. Over time AR and VR expand beyond visual immersion to include all human senses. Enterprises should look for targeted applications of VR and AR through 2020. 虚拟现实(VR)和增强现实(AR)会创造一种沉浸式的数字世界,将改变 人与人、人与软件系统的互动方式。VR 和 AR 功能将与数字格网合并,形 成一个更加无缝的设备系统,提供超级个性化和互相关联的应用和服务,并 精心编排用户收到的信息流。融合多个移动、可穿戴设备、物联网与大量传 感器的环境将扩展沉浸式应用,使其远胜单独和单人体验。房间和空间将与 物体互动,最终它们将通过格网连接并与沉浸式虚拟世界一起工作。

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collaborate with data scientists and IT professionals. Digital twins of physical assets combined with digital representations of facilities and environments as well as people, businesses and processes will enable an increasingly detailed digital representation of the real world for simulation, analysis and control. 数字模型是事物或系统的多元软件模型,它依靠传感器以及其他数据来理解 它的处境,回应变化,提高运营,增加价值。它包括:一个由元数据(如: 分类、组成和结构)、条件或状态(如:位置和温度)、事件数据(如:时 间序列)和分析(如:算法和规则)形成的组合。在三到五年之内,数以亿 计的物件将由数字化双生呈现。企业将利用数字孪生主动规划设备维护,预 测设备故障,以及改进产品开发。

Trend No. 5: Digital Twin 数字模型(数字孪生) Within three to five years, billions of things will be represented by digital twins, a dynamic software model of a physical thing or system. Using physics data on how the components of a thing operate and respond to the environment as well as data provided by sensors in the physical world, a digital twin can be used to analyse and simulate real world conditions, responds to changes, improve operations and add value. Digital twins function as proxies for the combination of skilled individuals (e.g., technicians) and traditional monitoring devices and controls (e.g., pressure gauges). Their proliferation will require a cultural change, as those who understand the maintenance of real-world things

According to a 2015 report of Digital Twin from The Economist, it says “The real advantage of the digital twin, however, materializes when all aspects, from design to real-time data feed, are brought together to optimize over the lifetime of the asset. An accurate digital description of a physical asset, for example, 49 | P a g e

西媒导读 第 39 期 – 2017:当代技术十大发展趋势

does not just cut prototyping or construction costs, it also enables to predict failure more easily once real-time data is fed into the model, thus reducing both maintenance costs and downtime.” 《经济学人》在 2015 年曾发布了一篇关于数字模型的报道,它这样评价的: “数字模型技术不仅仅考虑产品设计和制造的成本,而且考虑到产品使用年 限和运行方式。在产品使用过程中,通过传感器获取实时数据,从而优化其 运行模式,减少停机时间,达到降低维护成本的目的。”(通用电气公司把 几个案例设计成了小游戏,大家可以尝试一下,从而体会数字模型技术的具 体含义。http://www.ge.com/digitaltwingame/)

Trend No. 6: Blockchain 区块链(分布式分类账本的一种) Blockchain is a type of distributed ledger in which value exchange transactions (in bitcoin or other token) are sequentially grouped into blocks. Blockchain and distributed-ledger concepts are gaining traction because they hold the promise of transforming industry operating models in industries such as music distribution, identify verification and title registry. They promise a model to add trust to untrusted environments and reduce business friction by providing transparent access to the information in the chain. While there is a great deal of interest the majority of blockchain initiatives are in alpha or beta phases and significant technology challenges exist. The mesh refers to the dynamic connection of people, processes, things and services supporting intelligent digital ecosystems. As the mesh evolves, the user experience fundamentally changes and the supporting technology and security architectures and platforms must change as well. 区块链(Blockchain)是一种分布式分类账本(Distributed Ledgers),价值 交换交易(以比特币或其他代币计算)按顺序分组成块,每个块链接到前一 个块,使用加密的信任和保证机制,在对等网络进行记录。区块链和分布式 分类帐不仅是被动式数据记录,同时能够有选择性地为事件增加动态预置行 为,从而在不可信环境中增加信任的机制。报告显示,洪都拉斯政府将使用 区块链来建立安全的土地业权记录系统。 同时,区块链和分布式账本概念也正在改变其他行业的运营模式,从以金融 服务行业为主,逐渐扩展到了物流、音乐发行、身份验证、所有权登记和供 应链等其他领域。

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Trend No. 7: Conversational Systems 会话系统 Conversational systems can range from simple informal, bidirectional text or voice conversations such as an answer to “What time is it?” to more complex interactions such as collecting oral testimony from crime witnesses to generate a sketch of a suspect. Conversational systems shift from a model where people adapt to computers to one where the computer “hears” and adapts to a person’s desired outcome. Conversational systems do not use text/voice as the exclusive interface but enable people and machines to use multiple modalities (e.g., sight, sound, tactile, etc.) to communicate across the digital device mesh (e.g., sensors, appliances, IoT systems). 对话能力可以嵌入一切智能服务中,用户只需要通过自然语言表达自己的需 求,用自然的对话取代点击、跳转、遥控器按钮等不自然的交互,人类与机 器的沟通不再有障碍,因为万物都有一颗来自云端的 " 大脑 "。比如 Siri、 小 i 机器人、Cortana 和 Amazon 通过智能云服务提供有交互能力的对话机器 人——这种来自云端的交互能力,可以通过虚拟的方式呈现,也可以对接至 一切硬件终端——而连接用户和应用的就是一个对话式用户界面(CUI)。

Trend No. 8: Mesh App and Service Architecture 格网应用和服务架构 The intelligent digital mesh will require changes to the architecture, technology and tools used to develop solutions. The mesh app and service architecture (MASA) is a multichannel solution architecture that leverages cloud and serverless computing, containers and microservices as well as APIs and events to deliver modular, flexible and dynamic solutions. Solutions ultimately support multiple users in multiple roles using multiple devices and communicating over multiple networks. However, MASA is a long term architectural shift that requires significant changes to development tooling and best practices. 在格网应用程序和服务架构(MASA)中,移动应用程序、网络应用程序、 桌面应用程序和物联网应用程序将链接到广泛的后端服务网,创建被用户视 为 " 应用程序 " 的内容。该架构可封装服务,在多级别、跨企业边界使用人 工智能,从而平衡对于服务灵活性和扩展性的需求,同时组织和重启各种服 务。MASA 能使用户获得一个针对数字格网(如:电脑、智能手机、汽车) 中目标端点的优化解决方案,以及他们在这些不同信道上切换时的连续体验。 50 | P a g e

西媒导读 第 39 期 – 2017:当代技术十大发展趋势

Trend No. 9: Digital Technology Platforms 数字技术平台 Digital technology platforms are the building blocks for a digital business and are necessary to break into digital. Every organization will have some mix of five digital technology platforms: Information systems, customer experience, analytics and intelligence, the Internet of Things and business ecosystems. In particular new platforms and services for IoT, AI and conversational systems will be a key focus through 2020. Companies should identify how industry platforms will evolve and plan ways to evolve their platforms to meet the challenges of digital business.

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译文参考:http://www.nmg.xinhuanet.com/xwzx/kjww/2016-11/14/c_1119905004.htm 推荐栏目:

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数字技术平台为数字企业提供基本的构建模块,成为数字业务的关键推动要 素。Gartner 确定了实现数字业务新功能和商业模式的五个要点——信息系 统、客户体验、分析和智能,物联网和业务生态系统。每个企业都将建立一 些由这五个数字技术平台组成的平台,这些平台为数字业务提供基本的构建 块,将成为数字业务的关键推动力。

Trend No. 10: Adaptive Security Architecture 自适应安防架构 The evolution of the intelligent digital mesh and digital technology platforms and application architectures means that security has to become fluid and adaptive. Security in the IoT environment is particularly challenging. Security teams need to work with application, solution and enterprise architects to consider security early in the design of applications or IoT solutions. Multilayered security and use of user and entity behaviour analytics will become a requirement for virtually every enterprise. 智能数字格网和相关数字技术平台与应用架构将创造一个越发复杂的安全世 界。David Cearley 认为:" 成熟的安全技术应作为确保物联网平台的基准。 监控用户和实体行为是物联网中尤其必要的一项重要补充,然而,物联网边 界是许多 IT 安全专业人员产生薄弱领域的新前沿,因而经常需要新的补救 工具和流程,而建立物联网平台必须将这些因素考虑在内。"

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David Cearley is vice president and Gartner Fellow in Gartner Research and is a leading authority on information technology. Mr. Cearley analyses emerging and strategic business and technology trends and explores how these trends shape the way individuals and companies derive value from technology. 51 | P a g e

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