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unny Africa with its vibrant cultures and eagerness to develop into an economic giant, faces an energy crisis. Media reports that in 2019 estimated that 44% of its 1.35-billion population does not have access to electricity. I ask myself the question: “How is a continent like Africa, with the most suitable conditions for harnessing solar energy to solve electricity shortages, still stay in the dark?” This is concerning, especially when one considers that alternative energy sources, such as solar energy, which could be a viable solution for the continent, started gaining global mainstream popularity since 2005. To add fuel to the fire, a beautiful country like South Africa still exports a large percentage of its coal resources and yet it still has a shortage for its own power output. As the most modernised country in Africa, the Republic of South Africa still experiences load shedding, which by definition is a measure of last resort to prevent the collapse of

the power system country-wide. I recently explored going off-grid for a number of reasons: the first being to be solely dependent on my own responsible use of energy, secondly to not be dependent on a PowerStation that can decide when to ration out electricity I have paid for and lastly to secure a better future for my children and their children by being friendly to mother earth and going green. The barrier that off the grid living presented to me was a shock and made me realise that the real reason behind the slow uptake of more people living off solar power is in the affordability. Through our network of

technology experts and innovators, I managed to connect with the founder of Solectric Power, Fred Ngeri who shared an innovative light at the end of the tunnel. An affordable power solution that requires minimal installation fees, mobile and makes sense to an ordinary home owner like me. Founder and CEO of Soletric Power, Fred Ngeri solution of powering homes by using solar power and being smart about saving electricity shows that there is an alternative to the conventional unreliable coal powered electricity. Having rolled out their solution in Swaziland and offering home owners opportunities such as financing plan and option to purchase the units and solar panels, the question of affordability no longer exists. It is true to say that knowledge is power, however applied knowledge is true power. Visit:


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