Marketing 6 | Washington Post 8 | Person Behind the Face 8 | Business Matters 10 | People 26
Cleaner energy Acquisition Eco houseboat pages 1-9
boot Düsseldorf 2021 has been postponed until April 17. Organisers Messe Düsseldorf, say the decision to postpone Europe's largest watersports show from January is due to high numbers of Covid-19 infections across Europe and current restrictions in Germany. “At the present moment in time, we cannot reliably gauge whether a trade fair can be implemented in January 2021,” said Messe Düsseldorf's CEO Wolfram Diener. “This is due to current infection rates, ongoing travel restrictions and existing legal provisions which do not permit trade fairs to be held currently.” The new dates have been chosen after consultations with partners and exhibitors together with considering the
expected Covid situation which is expected to calm down in most European countries by the Spring. And they say CARAVAN SALON held in September 2020 demonstrated trade fairs can be successfully held in Corona times. “After many talks with exhibitors, associations and partners we have chosen very carefully the new dates although we know that it is difficult to fulfil everybody's wish,” added boot project director Petros Michelidakis. “We believe that boot Düsseldorf held in April will be welcomed for the planning of the boating and water sports activities for the rest of the year.” The new dates for the show will be April 17 to 25.
GRANT FOR NEW ELECTRIC PROPULSION SYSTEMS RAD Propulsion has been awarded grants totalling £300,000 to develop new electric marine propulsion systems. The company, that was founded in 2019, 019, manufactures bespoke electric propulsion sion systems for marine applications, from kayaks to zero emission vessels. The funding is for two work streams in relation to sustainability and the electric revolution tion and was awarded by Innovate UK, Britain's innovation vation agency. “With the UK targeted to achieve a zeroerocarbon economy by 2050, RAD Propulsion sion will be challenging the traditional market ket in marine engines, which rely on fossil fuels to power the propellers,” said chief ef executive Clive Johnson. “Our long-term plans are to export 80% 0% of our electric propulsion units, creating g valuable jobs here in the UK.”
Reliable propulsion One of the company's current products is the RAD40, the largest drive currently cu on its books, with operating features designe designed to provide a safe and reliable propulsion system sys for RIBs and powerboats. At the other end of the scale is the RAD1, a lightweight, po portable product for paddleboards and kayaks. Researc Research is also focusing on increasing the size of the electric propulsion units for much large larger vessels as operators anticipate emis emissions regulations. T This will include looking at product des design, materials, lean manufacturing pro processes and smart electronics. 8 Clive Johnson has been bought on board as RAD's chief executive
Small but mighty First CMAC system Reefing help pages 12-17
Innovation Product enhancements Eight brands pages 18-25
Sharone Geary Harwood page 28