World Fishing December/January 2019

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DECEMBER 2018/JANUARY 2019 ❘ VOL. 67


INFORMING THE GLOBAL FISHING INDUSTRY SINCE 1952 Industry News 4 | Review 12 | Fishing Technology 14 | Power & Fuel 18 | Newbuilds 26



Shrimp and prawn production booming in Russia page 8


A collision between Brazilian and Chinese longliners in international waters appears to be the latest incident in an escalation of competition for fishing grounds in the South Atlantic. This time it has led to accusations from both sides, and has also triggered a spate of politically-motivated fake news that has been shared thousands of times on social media, despite having been shown by a fact-checking agency to be false. 24 metre Brazilian tuna vessel Oceano Pesca 1 was fishing 430 nautical miles east of Natal when it was involved in an altercation with Chinese fishing vessel Chang Rong 4, resulting in the Brazilian vessel having to cut its trip short to seek repairs. According to skipper

8 Oceano Pesca 1 was involved in an incident with a Chinese fishing vessel in international waters

Carlos Derlando Brandao, the Chinese vessel caused a deliberate collision, and attempted to do so again. He commented that minor conflicts with Chinese fishing vessels are common and are generally occur over entangled longlines, but he said these conflicts do not take place with Spanish or Japanese vessels. “Our lines are shorter and lighter than theirs. When our gears occasionally cross theirs, they frequently just cut our lines and let them sink,” he said. “The Chinese are aggressive and try to intimidate us with their big vessels,” he added. 8 Full story, Page 4

Waste not, want not page 10



Photo: Rolls-Royce

After more than 30 years of service, research vessel Belgica is to be replaced, and the Belgian Federal Government has opted for a replacement scheduled to be operational by the end of 2020 to support the marine research community for the next thirty years. The new research vessel project has been realised through a collaboration between the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences (RBINS), the Ministry of Defence and the Belgian Science Policy Office (BELSPO). The order for the new vessel has gone to the Freire yard in Vigo, and the contract to deliver the ship’s design and equipment systems has been placed with Rolls-Royce. The research vessel will cater for the requirements of the Belgian marine scientific community when performing advanced marine research and education at sea. This will include research within the fields of geology and sedimentology, fisheries, biology, chemistry, oceanography (including meteorology). In

Heralding a new era of transparency and engagement page 24

8 The new Belgian research vessel is designed by Rolls-Royce and is to be built at Freire

addition, the vessel will be part of hydrography surveys. The new research vessel will be a UT 844 WP design. In addition, Rolls-Royce will supply the main propulsion system, including side thrusters, Promas integrated propulsion and manoeuvring system, power electric system and steering gear. A vital part of the systems delivery is also automation and control systems such as the propulsion control system, Unified Bridge and dynamic positioning (DP).

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