FEBRUARY 2019 ❘ VOL. 68
INFORMING THE GLOBAL FISHING INDUSTRY SINCE 1952 Industry News 4 | Insight 12 | Trawl Gear 14 | Processing & Quality 18 | Newbuilds 26
Fish skin leather rocks Nairobi’s catwalks page 10
Photo: Havyard
The largest vessel of its kind anywhere in the world, Ronja Storm has been built at the Cemre Shipyard in Turkey and is being taken to Havyard in Norway for internal outfitting and completion. Towards the end of this year the 116 metre LOA, 23 metre beam Ronja Storm will be making the long delivery trip to Tasmania where Huon Aquaculture is due to take over the vessel on a ten-year lease from Norwegian specialist wellboat operator Sølvtrans. “We are pleased to confirm that the Ronja Storm has been launched and is now on its way to Norway. We expect that it will be delivered to Tasmania by November this year,” said Huon Aquaculture CEO Peter Bender.
8 Ronja Storm has been launched at the Cemre yard and will be fitted out in Norway
“The Ronja Storm is our biggest vessel yet and it will be an asset that will ensure Huon’s long-term success.” Its role will be to transport and bathe salmon using a system designed to combat amoebic gill disease. This bathes the salmon in fresh water, which causes the amoeba to drop off the gills of the fish. “The amount of technology that is going into the vessel is truly astounding. We are thrilled to be on the cutting edge of salmon farming and I believe that the Ronja Storm will enable us to be even better farmers,” he said. 8 Full story page 20
Too soon to be bullish on European Aquaculture page 12
Promoting Aquaculture in Mozambique page 24
SAUPIQUET PLACES TUNA SEINER ORDER WITH PIRIOU French operator Saupiquet has placed an order with Piriou for a new 67 metre tuna purse seiner. The new Via Alizé is to be built at Piriou’s yard in Vietnam with a 2020 delivery date. The order is part of Saupiquet’s policy change in recent years, with a stringent requirement for sustainably sourced raw material, and with its production sold under the Pêche Française label that guarantees that 100% of the company’s canned tuna is sourced from French vessels, as well as guaranteeing responsible fishing, quality, traceability and a support for French jobs. Between the yard in Concarneau and its shipyard in Vietnam, Piriou has built eight tuna seiners in the 8090 metre size bracket since 2010, and the company’s
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Purse Seine Nets Trawl Netting Rigged Cages Pred & Bird Nets
8 Via Alizé is due to be delivered to Saupiquet by Piriou’s Vietnam yard in 2020
orderbook is showing a significant fishing industry element, as in addition to Saupiquet’s Via Alizé, three longliners and two trawlers are scheduled to be delivered by the company during 2019. 8 Full story page 4
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