World Fishing & Aquaculture February 2021

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INFORMING THE GLOBAL FISHING INDUSTRY SINCE 1952 Industry News 4 | Analysis 12 | Aquaculture 24 | Newbuilds 26


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Sustainable fishing has helped the EU fishing fleet remain profitable in 2020 despite the challenges of the global Covid-19 pandemic, according to a European Union report. The 2020 Annual Economic Report on the EU Fishing Fleet states that more sustainable fishing and lower fuel costs helped to mitigate the socioeconomic impacts of the pandemic. European Commissioner for the Environment, Oceans and Fisheries Virginijus Sinkevičius said that the report showed that “sustainability pays off”. “During times of crisis, our fishing fleets must stay on the path of sustainability. It builds resilience and accelerates economic recovery,” he said.

8 European fishing has remained resilient, despite the challenges presented by the Covid-19 pandemic

The report shows that the industry made a net profit of €800 million in 2018 with the trend continuing into 2019. However, the Covid-19 outbreak has interrupted the positive trends seen in recent years and projections show decreases of 17% in landed value, 19% in employment and 29% in net profits compared to 2019. Despite this, indications suggest that the fleet will still end 2020 with a reasonable level of profitability. The report also shows that the economic performance and earnings of EU fishermen and women are improving where stocks are managed sustainably.

New and uncertain horizons page 10


ORDER FOR ULTRA-GREEN PELAGIC VESSEL An order has been placed with the Cemre Shipyard in Turkey to build what is slated to become the most environmentally-friendly pelagic vessel to date, designed by Norwegian naval architect Skipsteknisk. The new 79.50 metre by 16.20 metre breadth Selvåg Senior will be built to a Skipsteknisk ST-136 LNG design, and this isn’t the first time that Skipsteknisk and Selvåg Senior AS have worked together – but this time there are very clear differences between the projected new vessel and its predecessor. Selvåg Senior’s innovative design and technology and expected to result in a reduction in emissions on a scale new to the fishing industry, by an estimated 42% compared to a similar new vessel using conventional technology.

Trawl doors from recycled plastic page 14

PROCESSING & QUALITY 8 Selvåg Senior will be the greenest fishing vessel afloat

Selvåg Senior is designed to have a 2500m3 capacity in 12 RSW tanks. The vessel’s owners and Skipstenkisk have been involved in a number of extensive collaborative efforts with research body SINTEF to achieve optimum cooling and circulation in the RSW tanks. 8 Continued, Page 9

Héðinn’s new take on fishmeal and oil page 18

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