World Fishing & Aquaculture July_August 2019

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JULY/AUGUST 2019 ❘ VOL. 68


INFORMING THE GLOBAL FISHING INDUSTRY SINCE 1952 Industry News 4 | New Horizons 14 | Processing & Quality 22 | Aquaculture 28 | Newbuilds 36



Seafood’s changing tide page 10


The publication of ICES scientific advice on cod and other North Sea demersal stocks, following weeks of speculation, has come as a shock. According to ICES, the cod biomass is in steep decline following a long spell of steady growth. ICES has recommended capping the 2020 fishery at 10 457 tonnes, a 63% reduction. The strong indication is that poor recruitment is the underlying problem, while also suggesting that as yet unidentified changes to fishing patterns are part of the overall situation. According to the NFFO, a mix of environmental and fisheries effects are at work, suggesting that the EU landing obligation may be one of the factors, while

8 Heavy reductions in 2020’s North Sea cod quota have been advised by ICES

Lake Victoria conservation efforts page 12

climate change and environmental shifts can be identified as possible factors behind poor recruitment. “Cod in the North Sea is not a targeted species but is caught as a valuable by-catch along with other species in a mixed demersal fishery. This makes managing a reduction in fishing pressure on cod a difficult and challenging prospect, particularly in the context of the landing obligation and the potential for cod to choke other demersal fisheries,” an NFFO spokesman commented. 8 Full story page 4



Serving a high-tech, high-efficiency fleet page 16


The European Commission has lifted Taiwan's yellow card in acknowledgement of the efforts made to tackle illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing. The EC and Taiwan have been engaged in cooperation and dialogue since the issuing of the card in 2015 and the EC is confident that the Taiwanese authorities now have a broad range of efficient tools in place to fight IUU fishing. "I welcome the considerable efforts undertaken by Taiwan to reform its fisheries legal framework, implement new control tools and improve the traceability of marine fisheries products,” said Karmenu Vella, Commissioner for Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries. Efforts to address challenges facing Taiwan’s fisheries have been welcomed by the Environmental Justice Foundation (EJF) but it warns that more needs to be done. It is concerned that the EC has not considered human rights issues as part of its decision to remove the yellow card.

8 Taiwan’s yellow card has been lifted, but concerns remain

"Taiwan has started on the journey to sustainable and ethical fishing, but it has by no means reached the destination," said EJF's executive director, Steve Trent. "Its new laws need full implementation and rigorous enforcement, recognising that any law is, ultimately, only as good as its enforcement." 8 Full story page 4

25 September 2019

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