World Fishing & Aquaculture March 2021

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MARCH 2021 l VOL 70 ISSUE 2

INFORMING THE GLOBAL FISHING INDUSTRY SINCE 1952 Industry News 4 | Analysis 12 | Power & Fuel 18 | Newbuilds 26

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Proposals by the UK government to place restrictions on fishing in a number of Marine Protected Areas amount to a virtual exclusion fishing from some traditional grounds. The areas under consultation are two off the south coast of England, and one off the east coast – plus a large area of the Dogger Bank. Proposed measures would outlaw towed gear and place heavy restrictions on static gears within those areas. According to industry figures, the proposals have been floated with zero discussion with those likely to be affected, and the effects will inevitably be significant, with fishing effort displaced to other areas. “This punishing reversal comes on the back of the government’s failure to deliver on fishing in the Brexit negotiations, and damaging delays in the export of fish and shellfish,” the NFFO stated.

8 The decision to ban towed gear from a number of MPAs is seen as a second sell-out for the UK fishing industry

“Many will now be asking what has changed. They will also be asking how the government can permit the development of four of the largest wind farms in the world on the same site but take such a sledgehammer to fishing.” Prior to Brexit there had been ongoing consultation between Dutch, German and UK governments that would have resulted in roughly a third of the currently proposed Dogger Bank area being closed off. NFFO assistant chief executive Dale Rodmell commented that not even the European Commission that had presided over the development of measures over the last eight years felt that measures on this scale would be necessary or proportionate. 8 Continued, Page 6

MSC RENEWAL FOR SA HAKE CERTIFICATION South Africa’s hake trawl fishery is celebrating its fourth successful Marine Stewardship Council assessment on 12th February 2021. Trawled hake is South Africa’s most valuable commercial fishery, with a catch of approximately 120,000 tonnes per year of which two thirds is exported. The total annual socio-economic contribution of the industry is R6.7bn (US$457m) and it supports around 27,000 jobs. Felix Ratheb, chair of the South African Deep-Sea Trawling Industry Association and chief executive of Sea Harvest, said that MSC certification was vital to the success of the fishery.

“The fact that the South African hake trawl fishery has retained this prestigious certification for 16 years speaks to an enduring partnership between industry and the Department of Environment, Forestry and Fisheries, the industry regulator and academic institutions like the University of Cape Town,” he said. In 2004 the fishery became the first hake fishery in the world, and the second groundfish fishery, to meet MSC standard for sustainability. Since then the fishery has seen several environmental benefits including the rebuilding of stocks, reductions in seabird interactions, improved management of by-catches and greater understanding of benthic impacts.

Shaking up the virtual aisles page 10


Mobile wore spooling is a time saver page 14


Booming oyster sakes help Angel spread wings page 21

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