SKCN | Mercedes-Benz S-Klasse Club Nederland | invitation to Mercedes-Benz & friends

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Of Connoisseurs

and Star Riders

Classic Car Travel / Fotograf Friedemann Bayer


d heiligendamm

Day 01 - Friday - 09.09. Arrival to Berlin

B ER L IN Day 02 - Saturday - 10.09. Berlin – Bad Saarow



c Neustrelitz

Day 03 - Sunday - 11.09. Bad Saarow – Fleesensee



Day 04 - Monday - 12.09. Fleesensee – Heiligendamm

H EI L I G ENDAMM berlin potsdam


Day 05 - Tuesday - 13.09.

bad saarow b

Departure from Heiligendamm

dear friends of Mercedes-Benz & Friends events,

A fascinating community offering you surprising discoveries and the enjoyment of the finer things in life in a refreshing way: it’s great that you are interested in our 2016 event highlight “for club members only” once again. There will be something to cater to every taste in the course of this year’s event. What about starting at one of the finest addresses to be found in Germany? “Unter den Linden 77” is where the legendary Adlon Hotel awaits you. Experience the lively centre of Berlin before heading your classic car via the sophisticated town of Potsdam to the quietness of the spa town Bad Saarow, where you will have time to relax on the shore of Scharmützelsee, a lake south of Fürstenwalde/Spree. The following day offers plenty of wonderful driving experiences on your way to the Mecklenburg Lake Plateau. Endless alleys line the streets on which you will pass castles and cultural treasures, following the traces of famous poets, great thinkers and ingenious engineers. At the end of the day, your destination is one of the most beautiful country house hotels in northern Europe. After a quiet night in Fleesensee you will be heading your “star mobile” further to the north to enjoy a breeze of the widely acclaimed air of the Baltic Sea in the afternoon at the latest. Now it is time for relaxation in the “white town by the sea”, time to savour the atmosphere of a late summer retreat which is Germany’s most elegant seaside resort. Become a part of the Mercedes-Benz & Friends family: Mercedes-Benz & Friends – Of Connoisseurs and Star Riders will take you to Berlin, Brandenburg and Mecklenburg-Vorpommern from 09 – 13 September 2016 As always, the Mercedes-Benz Classic Ser vices and Parts team will give your vehicle the best possible care. You can find further information on this event on the following pages. And – new this year – you can also apply directly online. We look forward to seeing you in Berlin in September.

Cordially yours,

Christian Boucke Director Mercedes-Benz Classic and Customer Center Chairman of the Management Board Mercedes-Benz Museum GmbH

DAY 01 - aRRIVAL TO berlin

Mercedes-Benz & Friends I CLUB Tour 2016

DAY   01 Friday - 09.09.2016

A r r i va l to Berlin

DAY 01 - aRRIVAL TO berlin

Mercedes-Benz & Friends I CLUB Tour 2016

Berlin air

After a first exchange of thoughts on the route and the various highlights of the tour, you will have time for your individual plans. And that is a good thing, as Berlin waits to be discovered. Looking for the hippest neighbourhood? What about visiting one of the numerous museums, taking a walk on the “Unter den Linden” boulevard or just fancy a typical Berlin currywurst to go? Let’s look for traces of history or date with the zeitgeist, which seems to be at home here: cosmopolitan, hip and unmistakably in Berlin-style. It doesn’t matter to which part of Berlin you‘re heading; be inspired by a metropolis full of contrasts and its vivacious art and culture scene. Get yourself in the mood for the coming late summer days and some special moments waiting to become unique shared experiences. There is a scent of excitement in the Berlin air … Look for ward to a dinner together and to enjoying the anticipation of a journey for star riders and connoisseurs you are not likely to forget soon.

A co r d i a l w e lco m e …

… to the kick-of f right in the middle of the open-minded metropolis with its incomparable charm. Only a few steps from Brandenburg Gate the Hotel Adlon Kempinski, a house with a unique and eventful histor y, welcomes you. This is just the per fect backdrop for a relaxed get-together with friends and new acquaintances. All par ticipants of this fascinating journey share a passion for classic automobiles, impressing landscapes, sophisticated culture and multifacetted culinary delights.

“ I s t i ll have a suitcase in Berlin”

DAY 02 - berlin TO BAD sAAROW

Mercedes-Benz & Friends I CLUB Tour 2016

DAY   02 Saturday - 10.09.2016

berlin TO b a d s a a row

Route A-B / ca. 200 km / Hotel Esplanade Bad Saarow

DAY 02 - berlin TO BAD sAAROW

Mercedes-Benz & Friends I CLUB Tour 2016

Fo r e s t s a n d l a k e s

Views of Berlin

as far as

R a m bl i n g s t h r o u gh t h e M a r ch o f Brandenburg

t h e e y e c a n r e a ch

“Want some schrippen ?” Fortified by a hearty breakfast and all that goes with it in the German capital ( schrippen means bread rolls), it is about time now: start your engines. Shining classic cars and modern classics competing for the best

At the end of the day, you will be awaited by the quiet and

look as the air is filled with the smell of gasoline and motor

relaxed hospitality of the Hotel Esplanade Resort & Spa

oil. Then you slowly start to move your automotive gem and

situated along the promenade of Scharmützel lake. Here,

the Brandenburg Gate becomes smaller and smaller in the

Brandenburg presents itself at its very best, a splendid

rear-view mirror. On the way, discover some more of Berlin’s

landscape of forests and lakes as far as the eye can reach.

sights you maybe haven’t seen yet and enjoy the drive over

The hotel offers the perfect backdrop to review this day full

legendary Glienicke Bridge.

of historical and very lively contemporary impressions.

“ Potsdam seen from Brauhausberg ” , Franz Xaver Sandmann, 1850

Prussian splendour and a “ l at e s u m m e r ” r e t r e at

Leave the metropolis behind you and embark on a journey through space and time. You reach Potsdam, the old Prussian residence and modern-day capital of the federal state of Brandenburg. Be inspired by the splendour of palaces and parks in the “Prussian Versailles” and follow in the traces of Frederick the Great. From Prussia’s glory to Brandenburg’s spa town: following a refreshment with select delicacies you will head towards a “late summer” retreat, passing surprising cultural treasures and rural idylls far from the city’s hustle and bustle.

Mercedes-Benz & Friends I CLUB Tour 2016


d a y   03 Sunday - 11.09.2016

b a d s a a row TO fleesensee

Route B-C / ca. 270 km / Schlosshotel Fleesensee


Mercedes-Benz & Friends I CLUB Tour 2016

In the heart of the lakeland

There will be enough recreational breaks providing the opportunity to absorb the atmosphere of this unique region. You can look forward to a special evening to suit the taste of connoisseurs and star riders including, by the way, some small surprises. Enjoy regional specialities en route to prepare for the rest of the stage that leads you further north on breathtakingly beautiful alleys via Neuruppin and Neustrelitz. Between Müritz lake and Fleesensee, right in the heart of the lake district in the northeast of Germany, Schlosshotel Fleesensee awaits you and offers a pleasant mixture of timeless elegance and modern hospitality. In a relaxed atmosphere, you will have ample opportunity to savour regional treats and exchange thoughts on discoveries

O f f t h e b e at e n t r ac ks

Let’s get moving into the wide open spaces of the Mecklenburg Lake Plateau. The scenery’s austere beauty invites you to cruise off the beaten tracks. Wonderful routes

O n t h e s e a r ch for traces and p l e a s u r a bl e d i s co v e r i e s

over rolling hills sprawling to the horizon – you will discover the expanse of the landscape in the northeast. Once in a while the blue colour of a lake gleams through the dense woods or behind lush meadows. Small wild and romantic coves give a promise of peaceful harmony. Clear stretches of water, remnants of the last ice age, are connected by small and large rivers or channels, which are witnesses of an age-old cultural landscape. A unique natural retreat and home of otters, brant geese, beavers and cranes. Even the quite rare sea eagles and ospreys achieve the highest population density in Germany.

and experiences along and off the track in a relaxed way.

day 04 - fleesensee to heiligendamm

Mercedes-Benz & Friends I CLUB Tour 2016

DAY   04 Monday - 12.09.2016

Fl e e s e n s e e to H EI L I G ENDAMM

Route C-D / ca. 170 km / Grand Hotel Heiligendamm

day 04 - fleesensee to heiligendamm

Mercedes-Benz & Friends I CLUB Tour 2016

So m e wh e r e

G ’ day m at e s , t h e s e a i s c a ll i n g !

beyond the sea

Let’s get ready for the last stage of the tour for star riders and their classic beauties. Once again you set off on tour with your lovingly cared for vehicles. And as the

A u n i q u e p l e a s u r a bl e experience

The unique ensemble of Gr and Hotel Heiligendamm

landscape slowly changes, anticipation of the blue colour

situated right at the Baltic Coast provides the per fect

of the Baltic Sea, of reed-covered dunes and shimmering

location for the conclusion of our jour ney through the

amber, the gold of the region, begins to rise. There is a

past, present and future. Fresh regional and inter national

scent of wideness, elemental forces and quietness filling

delicacies, friendly ser vice and the healthy sea climate

the nose that sets the spirit free the closer you come to the

will make your sojour n at the Baltic Sea an absolute

sea. Destination: a place of longing.

unique and pleasurable exper ience.

A magical setting …

… and one of the places that seem to be not of this world: welcome to the first German seaside resort, welcome to Heiligendamm. The Count of Mecklenburg-Schwerin’s personal physician discovered the beneficial effects of the sea water and the climatic advantages at the “Holy Dam”, as the name literally translates. The fine white sands and low tidal variations are further advantages that people appreciate down to the present day. The bodden coast with its relatively low salt content and the especially well protected lagoons of fer natural habitats for a diverse wildlife.

Mercedes-Benz & Friends I CLUB Tour 2016

DAY 05 - Departure from Heiligendamm

DAY   05 Tuesday - 13.09.2016

D e pa rt u r e f ro m H EI L I G ENDAMM

DAY 05 - Departure from Heiligendamm

Mercedes-Benz & Friends I CLUB Tour 2016

“ G oo d b y e , s e e y o u next time!”

Maybe you will take home some of the composure and calmness of the northeast, which Neuruppin-born Theodor Fontane put into words as follows: “The art of living is – as is well-known – using just as much steam power as is available at the moment.” A statement that is valid for driving classic car s, even though in a slightly modif ied for m … In the exclusive atmosphere of Germany’s oldest sea side resort you will bid farewell to the other star riders and connoisseurs and depart according to your personal plans. Mercedes-Benz & Friends say “Goodbye, see you next time!”

W a k e u p, inhale the

Feels like heaven

Once again you will meet your now travel-tested star-riding companions for breakfast. Then it is time to prepare yourself

sea breeze

and the well looked-after motorised classics for departure

and let

collected in Berlin, Brandenburg and on the Baltic Coast

your eyes wander across t h e ho r i z o n

and to say goodbye to new friends and old acquaintances. You are not likely to forget too soon the impressions you have of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. Taking these incomparable memories of impressive cultural treasures, captivating nature, noble manufactures and, last but not least, of the multi-facetted driving experiences in the nor theast of Germany with you, you will start your journey home.

A r e y o u i n t h e m oo d f o r ‌

‌ extraordinary driving experiences, lively cultural treasures and typical regional lifestyle along the route? Do not hesitate to register. The number of participants is limited. If you have any questions regarding this event by Mercedes-Benz & Friends, we will be glad to assist you by phone on +49 (0) 511 866 846 -130 or by email at

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