In the rush and tumble of lIfe, It’s easy to forget the sacred art of pausing.
Halt, breathe, reflect.
for In the mI dst of our bustlIng days, It’s not merely about exIstIng, but about learnIng, growIng, and becoming.
carve out moments
tIny pockets of tIme
In the tapestry of our days to pause and ponder.
It Is wIth In th Is IntentI onal reflectI on th Is delIberate turnIng of our hearts towards the stillness wIth In that we’ll fInd growth.
Spiritual reflection Is a necessIty for spIrItual maturatI on.
brass hourglass
Made by Noah’s Ark in India
This timeless treasure was skillfully wrought by the gifted artisans of Noah’s Ark in India. Within its brass frame reside two glass phials intricately linked by a slender neck, allowing the sands of time to pour with graceful precision. Your Brass Hourglass is a fitting adornment for your desk or for a cherished bookshelf or mantlepiece. May the sands cascading down serve as a gentile reminder of the sanctity of time and the beauty found in its measured passing. With each turn, may it beckon you to embrace the present moment and savor the gift of each fleeting grain.
Noah’s Ark
Noah’s Ark was established in 1986 with the sole objective of artisans’ welfare and education in Moradabad, India. They support artisans through fair trade practices and provide training in the production of quality products for overseas markets.
Noah’s Ark uplifts the downtrodden of society, using their profits to invest back in their community with many social projects related to education, health, water, and sanitation. Scan here
being created.
with your phone to watch videos of your hourglass
Itza Wood
Itza Wood is a social business that exists to empower local artisans in Petén, Guatemala, and support the work of Hearts in Action International. Hearts in Action is reaching children and youth in Mexico, Guatemala, Colombia, and Peru to help them grow and thrive with the love of God, educational programs, and much needed provisions.
Itza Wood is a young team that has seen firsthand the transformative effects of steady employment in their rural communities. The organization loves to hire people with no experience and help them build the skills necessary for success at Itza Wood and anywhere else they go for work. Their goal is to see the younger generation rise up in knowledge and be the leaders their communities need.
About the artisan: Daylin
In Daylin’s family, she is part of the first generation to graduate high school, the first generation to have a formal job with a contract and benefits, and the first generation to continue their education. She is from a very remote village that is a one-hour drive down a bumpy dirt road from the nearest town.
Daylin is a graduate of the The Jungle School, the Hearts in Action school. After her graduation, she was hired to help pack orders. Daylin has been promoted twice and is now supervisor of fulfillment and inventories. She’s gone from packing orders for Mercy House Global Clubs to doing the entire export process and paperwork for orders. She has learned how to use the Oracle Netsuite ERP system which is not a common skill in the middle of the jungle where she lives.
Daylin interacts with clients in English and took her first flight because of work. Thanks to her excellent work and promotions, she is financially able to go to university to study business administration. Daylin can afford to send her younger siblings to school and has broken a cycle of poverty in her family.
p I cture frame
Made by Itza Wood in Guatemala
Accommodates a 4” x 6” photograph
Crafted with care amidst the lush jungle of Petén, Guatemala, the Mahogany Picture Frame by Itza Wood offers a timeless touch to your cherished memories. Handmade with precision and passion, this frame elegantly accommodates a 4” x 6” photograph, adding warmth and character to any space. Embrace the beauty of artisanal craftsmanship with this exquisite piece from Itza Wood.
even In the darkest corners of our storIes, there Is purpose. reflectIng back, you can see not only the parts of the story that you’d do anyth Ing to change but how God used some of the hardest parts of the story to change you. our paIn becomes prose, our struggles become sacred when we surrender them to the Divine Author.
reflect I ve sent I ments
stat I onery
Featuring Sanaa art by teen girls in Kenya who have been rescued from desperate situations and are pregnant or learning to be moms
Set of 6 folded cards and envelopes
Set of 6 flat cards and envelopes
Printed in the USA
Your Reflective Sentiments Stationery is a thoughtful blend of creativity and compassion. Inside this set, you’ll find folded cards, flat note cards, and a notepad, each adorned with artwork created by the teen girls of Rehema House whose journeys from adversity to hope inspire us all.
With every handwritten note, you’ll convey your cherished sentiments and also support these courageous girls as they navigate their paths towards motherhood and empowerment.
From heartfelt messages to everyday reminders, your Reflective Sentiments Stationery allows you to make a meaningful impact with every exchange, reminding us all of the power of creativity, compassion, and connection. Through the art of correspondence, may we all be reminded of the profound impact of reaching out, of weaving threads of love and encouragement into the tapestry of each other’s lives.
Rehema House
Founded in 2010, Mercy House Global started with a dream to rescue pregnant teen mothers in Nairobi, Kenya. Today, MHG fully funds three maternity homes there called Rehema House. The young women of Rehema House love participating in art camp where they get to be creative and learn new techniques.
Sanaa is Swahili for “work of art.” Many MHG products feature Sanaa art created by the girls of Rehema House. When you purchase from our Sanaa Collection, you are joining us to change the lives of women around the world by empowering them through dignified work.
ol I ve wood
cl I ng I ng cross
From The Keeping Company, in collaboration with Said Artisan Group in Bethlehem
In the gentle curve of handcrafted olive wood lies a sacred invitation—a call to draw near, to hold close, to cling to our faith. The Olive Wood Clinging Cross, with its simple beauty, reminds us of our unwavering connection to Jesus. Paired with a prayer card, it becomes a beacon of hope in life’s storms. As we cradle it, we’re reminded of the One who clings to us with steadfast love. May the clinging cross be a tangible expression of our devotion and a symbol of the enduring power of the cross.
The CompanyKeeping
The Keeping Company is run by Caleb and Melba Voskamp, who design, create, and gather resources to help in “keeping company” with Christ in every season of life. For this order, they collaborated with Said Artisan Group in Bethlehem. Established in 1983, Said Factory is a Christian family business that serves the local souvenir markets in Bethlehem, Jerusalem, and Nazareth.
About the artisan, Issa
Issa has found a life-changing opportunity through his work in wood carving, specifically crafting olive wood crosses. This job has provided him with a stable income and a noble purpose. The most significant impact has been on his family’s education. Issa has been able to afford quality education for his four children at a Christian school. This investment in his children’s education is not just a short-term benefit. It’s a gateway to a brighter future, ensuring they have the knowledge and skills to succeed in life. Issa’s work serves a dual purpose—preserving the traditional art of olive wood carving and securing his children’s education and future opportunities.
elevated pause candle
Made by Local Hope in the USA
Handcrafted by Local Hope, an artisan collective empowering vulnerable women in Houston, Texas, the Elevated Pause Candle offers more than just ambiance. The fresh scent is infused with an invigorating blend of orange, lemon, and bergamot with middle notes of basil, mint, and geranium on a dry bed of olibanum, sandalwood, and musk. Encased in a sleek matte black vessel and topped with a bamboo lid, this candle embodies elegance and purpose.
About the artisan, Ebtesam
Ebtesam is a mother of seven who moved to the United States from Syria in December 2015. She describes her life in Syria as “so pretty and nice” before the war. When things became too dangerous, her family was forced to flee their home.
Mercy House Global is pleased to announce that Ebtesam will be graduating from her program at Local Hope. She has mastered English well enough to seek employment. Ebtesam looks forward to her future opportunities in the United States now that she has her citizenship and is able to pursue other endeavors.
Local Hope
Local Hope is an artisan group from Houston, Texas, comprised of vulnerable women, including refugees and survivors of human trafficking. The group receives support from Mercy House Global, an organization that offers skills training and employment opportunities to empower these women. Local Hope aims to provide a supportive work environment where women can rebuild their lives and gain economic independence.
In addition to creating economic opportunities through job creation, MHG extends its support to the local refugee community through various programs. These initiatives include ESOL (English Speakers of Other Languages) classes and empowerment luncheons. The events not only foster fellowship but also provide skills training, empowering individuals to enhance their capabilities and integrate successfully into their new environment. MHG’s multifaceted approach goes beyond commerce, emphasizing community development and the holistic well-being of its members.
Made by Forged in Hope in Kenya
Crafted by the skilled artisans of Forged in Hope, your Brass Letter Opener embodies elegance and purpose. With a matte finish and a protective gold wash, it seamlessly combines sophistication and functionality. Each opener not only serves as a tool for daily use but also represents the resilience and craftsmanship of artisans in Kenya. Open your letters with distinction and support a community’s journey towards empowerment with this exquisite piece from Forged in Hope.
letter opener
Forged in Hope
Forged in Hope was first led by Stephen, who created jewelry from upcycled brass in Kibera, Africa’s largest urban slum. After Stephen’s passing, his wife Maureen continued his legacy, expanding production and investing in businesses in Kibera, fostering local economic growth. Wycliffe, who worked closely with Stephen, assumed a leadership role, overseeing artisans and facilitating business growth. Mercy House Global proudly supports this talented artisan group, fostering empowerment and sustainability.
wax seal k I t
Made by Global Shop Solutions in the USA
Add a touch of timeless elegance to your handwritten notes with your Wax Seal Kit made by Global Shop Solutions in the USA. Simply light the wick and drip 10-15 drops of melted wax onto your desired surface. Smokelessly extinguish the flame by dipping the lit wick into the wax pool. Shape the melted wax into a circle using the extinguished wax stick, then press your pewter seal onto the wax for approximately five seconds. Imperfections are welcomed, as they give each wax seal character—a hallmark of sophistication and style. Rock the seal to reveal your exquisitely finished wax seal, embracing the unique charm of each impression.
and oh the InvItatI on to linger!
to savor the sunrIse, to bask In the glory of creatI on, Is to partake In the divine dance of healIng. lIfe Is too short to not choose awe. embrace joy, welcome grace, belIeve In the possibility of change.
Mercy House Global
Not only did your purchase of The Grace Case provide dignified work for artisans around the world, but one hundred percent of the profits go toward funding the work of Mercy House Global.
let us heed the call to pause. let us turn our faces towards the light, embracIng the good news that wh Ispers hope to our weary souls. skIp more of the news th Is week, and sIt wIth more of the good news. your soul needs th Is kInd of exhale.
In the sacred act of pausIng, we fInd not only rest but revelation. In the stIllness, we encounter the one who calls us beloved, who InvItes us to be loved into wholeness. so let us not gIve up, but rather, let us gIve everyth Ing up to hIm.
for In the pause, In the surrender, we fInd our truest selves, woven Into the fabrI c of His grace.