Key Success Factors
Chinese shopper craves experiences brands provide them with rather than focusing on the end product; hence carrying the ‘lesson based’ activities Outdoor Voices already has to China will prove beneficial.
Chinese shopper still believes in price-equals-quality, hence creating a fitting price strategy is key. Chinese shopper does not mind paying more as long as the end result fits into their lifestyles and shopping habits.
Due to the large population of the country and the relevancy of wanting
to learn more about the product, it is key to create campaigns in order to increase brand awareness before the brand enters the Chinese market, focusing on interactive advertisements for social media ; and creating in-store events/competitions and inviting people at least 6 months prior to launch. The New Chinese Shopper (Gen X) values digital communication and feedback/criticism on digital channels. It is key to use digital media to communicate with consumers constantly.
Creating a campaign that involves Chinese-heritage celebrities may prove beneficial due to the underlying nationalism belief that competitors take advantage of.