OutDoor HANDBOOK 2009

Page 1


Official Catalogue


HANDBOOK July 16 – 19, 2009 Friedrichshafen, Germany



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Index of contents Inhaltsverzeichnis

General information Allgemeine Informationen

Messe Friedrichshafen GmbH Neue Messe 1, D-88046 Friedrichshafen, Germany Postfach 20 80, 88010 Friedrichshafen, Germany Responsible for editing general information part Verantwortlich für den Teil Allgemeine Informationen: s Stephanie Sommer, Messe Friedrichshafen Responsible for entries Verantwortlich für Einträge: s b4client Photos Bilder s Lightwalk GbR, Bernd und Manuela Ritschel Editorial deadline Redaktionsschluß s 15. April 2009 Production Herstellung s b4client Hauffstrasse 28, 73614 Schorndorf Tel.: +49 7181 6059891, Fax +49 7181 6059890

s Imprint Impressum


s EOG Interview


s Hall allocation Hallenbelegung


s Organizer Veranstalter


s Dates, opening hours and prices Termine, Öffnungszeiten und Preise


s Exhibition organization Messeorganisation


s Information and Services Informations- und Servicestellen


s Supporting programme Rahmenprogramm


s Timetable Termine


s OutDoor Industry Award


Index of halls



The OutDoor Showcase


Index of exhibitors



Index of trademarks


Markenverzeichnis Design and logo registered Gestaltung und Signet geschützt

Index of products Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany




Working for the beneďŹ t of the outdoor sector

EOG Interview EOG Interview

What has changed since the last OutDoor fair? Mark Held: A lot has changed in the world since our last OutDoor fair and predictions about the future of our sector have ranged widely. Yet, here we are about to start a new OutDoor, and in spite of the more pessimistic scenarios, our industry is still strong and still positive. We are lucky enough to be involved in an area that still has so much potential for increased participation and real growth.

But have the worlds economic woes altered some of the essential issues that we face as a sector? Rolf Schmid: Hardly! We still seek to understand how economic changes will impact our global supply chains and we still face the issue of integrating social responsibility and sustainability into our businesses. Running alongside all of this, economic problems are leading to a growing climate of protectionism as Governments seek to do what they can in a misguided attempt to protect domestic industry. All these things are real and all these things are the very reasons we as an industry need to engage in dialogue and remain united.

Interview with Mark Held, Secretary General of the European Outdoor Group and Rolf Schmid, President of the European Outdoor Group and CEO of the Mammut Sports Group. Interview mit Mark Held, Secretary General der European Outdoor Group und Rolf Schmid, Präsident der European Outdoor Group und CEO der Mammut Sports Group.

Was hat sich seit der letzten OutDoor-Messe verändert? Mark Held: Seit unserer letzten OutDoor-Messe hat sich einiges in der Welt verändert und die Vorhersagen über die Zukunft unserer Branche sind breit gefächert. Wir stehen bereits kurz vor dem Start der nächsten OutDoor und trotz der pessimistischeren Szenarien steht unsere Branche immer noch stark und positiv da. Wir haben wirklich Glück, dass wir in einen Bereich eingebunden sind, der sich immer noch durch enormes Potenzial an vermehrter Mitwirkung und echtes Wachstum auszeichnet. Hat denn die weltweite Wirtschafskrise einige der wirklichen Probleme, denen wir uns als Branche stellen müssen, verändert? Rolf Schmid: Kaum! Wir versuchen immer noch zu verstehen, wie die wirtschaftlichen Veränderungen unsere globalen Lieferketten beeinflussen und wir sehen uns immer noch dem Problem gegenüber, wie soziale Verantwortung und Nachhaltigkeit in unser Business integriert werden. Neben all dem führen die ökonomischen Probleme zu einem wachsenden Protektionismus, da die Regierungen fälschlicherweise alles versuchen, ihre heimische Industrie zu schützen. All diese Dinge sind real und bilden die wirklichen Gründe, weshalb wir uns als Industrie für einen Dialog einsetzen und weiterhin eine Einheit bilden müssen.

So what does OutDoor offer to help the industry grow and develop? Mark Held: This year we will offer plenty of opportunities for everyone to both engage, learn and to pass on their own learning, with events such as the “Sustainability Workshop”, which will address sustainability needs for the outdoor sector, including looking at REACH, and End-of-Life in a practical, useable way for the industry to work with. A new feature at this year’s fair will be the “OutDoor Innovation Lab” which I will moderate. This is an opportunity for the industry to look at how it addresses innovation throughout the supply chain, could we be doing things better, can we learn from other areas of the chain.

Was bietet denn die OutDoor zum Wachstum und zur Entwicklung der Industrie an? Mark Held: In diesem Jahr bieten sich jedem einzelnen praktische Tipps und vielfältige Möglichkeiten, sich zu beteiligen, weiter zu bilden und sein eigenes Wissen einzubringen. Events wie der „Sustainability Workshop“ thematisieren beispielsweise den Nachhaltigkeitsbedarf der Outdoor-Branche auch mit Blick auf die REACH-Verordnung sowie Verwertungslösungen („End-of-Life“). Ein neues Kennzeichen der diesjährigen Messe wird der „OutDoor Innovation Lab“ sein, bei dem ich die Moderation übernehme. Dies stellt für die Industrie eine Möglichkeit dar, wie man Innovation innerhalb der Lieferkette angehen kann. Können wir Dinge verbessern, können wir von anderen Bereichen der Kette lernen?

How does the OutDoor Fair help business in times of recession? Rolf Schmid: The OutDoor Fair offers the opportunity for industry to meet, to discuss sector issues and to progress business in a positive atmosphere. All of which are hugely important factors in times of recession. In fact the opportunities of the OutDoor are even more important in uncertain times when the most diligent companies work extra hard to ensure that communication lines are as smooth as possible.

Wie unterstützt die OutDoor-Messe das Business in Rezessionszeiten? Rolf Schmid: Die OutDoor-Messe bietet der Industrie die Möglichkeit eines Zusammentreffens, der Diskussion von branchenspezifischen Problemen in einer positiven Atmosphäre. All dies sind enorm wichtige Faktoren während einer Rezessionsphase. In der Tat sind die Möglichkeiten der OutDoor umso wichtiger in unsicheren Zeiten, in denen die Unternehmen gewissenhaft und extra hart arbeiten, um sicher zu stellen, dass die Kommunikationswege so reibungslos wie möglich sind.

Rolf Schmid President EOG CEO Mammut Sports Group

Mark Held: Innovation and Technology (this year’s fair main theme) are the lifeblood of our sector. Innovation is all about solving problems, the ability to create out of the ordinary inventive solutions at different points of the supply chain. The Sustainability Workshop and the OutDoor Innovation Lab offer an opportunity for the industry to take away a real business benefit from the fair. So, the times are changing, but we are all adapting and here at OutDoor 2009 we BOTH hope that you will profit both personally and corporately in many ways from your visit. And we of course look to you to uphold our long tradition of the Fair being a celebration of all that is good in the outdoor industry! Welcome to OutDoor 2009.

Mark Held Secretary General

Mark Held: Innovation und Technologie (die Hauptthemen der diesjährigen Messe) sind das Lebenselixier unserer Branche. Innovation dreht sich um das Lösen von Problemen, die Fähigkeit, aus dem Normalen heraus originelle Lösungen an verschiedenen Stellen der Lieferkette zu schaffen. „The Sustainability Workshop“ und „The OutDoor Innovation Lab“ bieten der Industrie eine Möglichkeit aus der Messe einen wirklichen Geschäftsvorteil zu ziehen. Also, die Zeiten verändern sich, aber wir alle passen uns an und hier auf der OutDoor 2009 hoffen wir BEIDE, dass Sie sowohl persönlich, als auch geschäftlich auf vielfältige Art und Weise von Ihrem Besuch profitieren werden. Und wir zählen selbstverständlich auf Sie, damit unsere lange Messetradition als Hymne auf alles, was in der Outdoorindustrie gut ist, aufrechterhalten bleibt! Willkommen zur OutDoor 2009.


adidas Outdoor live Hall B4 / Stand 300 OutDoor Friedrichshafen 2009

16.07.09 / 16.00 h Huberbuam / Angelica Lind / Hans Rey

17.07.09 / 16.00 h Beat Kammerlander / Bernd Zangerl / Olaf Obsommer / Peter Csonka & Nina Halasova


Hall allocation Hallenbelegung

Konferenz-Zentrum West Conference Center West Ost 2 East 2

Tor A Gate A

Service Center Freigelände West Open Air Grounds West

Zeppelin-Halle Zeppelin Hall

West 2


Rothaus Halle

CAMPING nur Zelte Tents only

Messe-See Lake

Ost 1 East 1 Eingang/Foyer Ost Entrance/Foyer East

Eingang/Foyer West Entrance/Foyer West

Freigelände Ost Open Air Grounds East

Presse-/Konferenz-Zentrum Ost Press/Conference Center East

Tor B Gate B

Presse-Zentrum West/Verwaltung Press Center West/Administration

West 1

Rothaus Hall / A1 Clothes, shoes, backpacks, camping equipment, navigation, tents, water sport

Rothaus Halle / A1 Bekleidung, Schuhe, Rucksäcke, Campingausrüstung, Navigationsgeräte, Zelte, Wassersport

Hall A2

Fashion Show, Movie Nights

Halle A2

Modenschau, Movie Nights

Hall A3

Clothes, backpacks, shoes, sleeping bags, tents, travel food, mountaineering equipment, impregnation, first aid kit, rescue technologies, water preparation, accessories

Halle A3

Bekleidung, Rucksäcke, Schlafsäcke, Reisenahrung, Kletterausrüstung, Imprägniermittel, Erste Hilfe Ausrüstung, Schuhe, Zelte, Wasseraufbereitungen, Zubehör

Hall A4

Clothes, fabrics and fibres, textile accessories

Halle A4

Bekleidung, Stoffe und Fasern, Textilzubehör

Hall A5

Clothes, tents, backpacks, fabrics, merchandising systems, mountaineering equipment, navigation equipment, textile accessories, accessories, Scandinavian Village

Halle A5

Bekleidung, Zelte, Rucksäcke, Stoffe, Warenwirtschaftssysteme, Kletterausrüstung, Navigationssysteme, Textilzubehör, Zubehör, Scandinavian Village

Hall A6

Shoes and shoe accessories

Halle A6

Schuhe und Schuhzubehör

Hall A7

Tent City

Halle A7


Hall B1

Backpacks, sleeping bags, clothes, first aid kit, travel equipment, rescue technologies, care products, impregnating, navigation systems, accessories

Halle B1

Rucksäcke, Schlafsäcke, Bekleidung, Erste Hilfe Ausrüstung, Globetrotterausrüstung, Pflegemittel, Imprägniermittel, Rettungstechnik, Navigationssysteme, Zubehör

Hall B2

Mountaineering equipment, backpacks, sleeping bags, rescue technologies, navigation systems, shoes, clothes, publishers, tents

Halle B2

Kletterausrüstung, Rucksäcke, Schlafsäcke, Rettungstechnik, Navigationssysteme, Schuhe, Bekleidung, Zelte, Verlage

Hall B3

Camping gear, mountaineering equipment, backpacks, tents, clothes

Halle B3

Campingausrüstung, Zelte, Rucksäcke, Bekleidung

Hall B4

Clothes, fabrics, textile accessories

Halle B4

Bekleidung, Stoffe, Textilzubehör

Hall B5

Tent City

Halle B5


Foyer/Eingang West Trade visitor registration, EOG Association for Conservation, OutDoor Industry Award, Intersport, publishers, job market, specialist literature, Service Center

Foyer/Eingang West Fachbesucher Akkreditierung, EOG Association for Conservation, OutDoor Industry Award, Intersport, Verlage, Jobbörse, Fachpresse, Service Center

Open Air Grounds West Clothes, publisher, camping equipment, mountaineering equipment, clothes, accessories, Trail Running Course, OutDoor Party

Freigelände West Bekleidung, Verlage, Campingzubehör, Kletterzubehör, Zubehör, Trailrunning-Parcours, OutDoor Party

Entrance/Foyer East Trade visitor registration, Climbing and Bouldering wall, publishers, Alpine Association

Foyer/Eingang Ost Fachbesucher-Akkreditierung, Service Center, Kletter- und Boulderwand, Verlage, DAV

Passage East Sport 2000/Outdoor Profis, clothes, publishers

Übergang Ost Sport 2000/Outdoor-Profis, Bekleidung, Verlage


Messe-See Tests und Aktionen

Tests and events



Dates, opening hours and prices


Termine, Öffnungszeiten und Preise

Dates of OutDoor 2009 July 16 – 19, 2009 Thursday – Sunday Messe Friedrichshafen GmbH Neue Messe 1, D-88046 Friedrichshafen Postfach 20 80, D-88010 Friedrichshafen Telefon: +49 7541 708-0 Telefax: +49 7541 708-110 e-mail: info@messe-fn.de http://www.messe-friedrichshafen.de

Management Geschäftsführung Chief executive officer Geschäftsführer s Klaus Wellmann

for trade visitors only Opening hours: s July 16 – 18: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. s July 19: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tickets Advance Sale: www.outdoor-show.com s 1-day-ticket s 2-day-ticket s 3-day-ticket s 4-day-ticket

............................................... ............................................... ............................................... ...............................................


At the ticket counter: s 1-day-ticket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . s 2-day-ticket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . s 3-day-ticket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . s 4-day-ticket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Catalogue „OutDoor HANDBOOK“ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . free all prices include 19% VAT

Dauer der OutDoor 2009 16. – 19. Juli 2009 Donnerstag – Sonntag nur für Fachbesucher Öffnungszeiten: s 16. – 18. Juli:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9.00 – 18.00 Uhr s 19. Juli: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9.00 – 17.00 Uhr Fachbesucher-Ausweise Vorverkauf: www.outdoor-show.de s 1-Tages-Ausweis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . s 2-Tages-Ausweis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . s 3-Tages-Ausweis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . s 4-Tages-Ausweis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Kassenverkauf: s 1-Tages-Ausweis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . s 2-Tages-Ausweis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . s 3-Tages-Ausweis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . s 4-Tages-Ausweis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Katalog „OutDoor HANDBOOK“ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . kostenlos alle Preise inkl. 19% Mehrwertsteuer


Exhibition organization

Information and services


Informations- und Servicestellen

Messe Friedrichshafen s Dial / Vorwahl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . +49 7541 - number Chief executive officer Geschäftsführer Klaus Wellmann . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .708-464 Secretary / Sekretariat: s Christina Ipland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .708-459

Project Management Projektleitung s Stefan Reisinger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .708-411 s Stephanie Sommer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .708-410 s Melanie Gunz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .708-416 Coordination of foreign representatives Auslandskoordination s Erich und Diana Reiss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .708-416 Financial Department Finanzen s Stefan Mittag . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .708-461 s Anja Theiner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .708-460 s Heike Abersbach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .708-453 s Anja Niklaszewski . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .708-454 s Gerlinde Richter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .708-455 Public Relations Öffentlichkeitsarbeit s Wolfgang Köhle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .708-309 s Sabine Zorell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .708-307 s Wilma Bayer-Fiederling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .708-308 s Frank Gauss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .708-310 Marketing and Advertising Marketing und Werbung s Ludwig Meier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .708-353 s Anne Mohr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .708-354 s Uwe Spitzmüller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .708-356 s Maren Herrmann . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .708-355 s Nicole Fabricius . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .708-357 s Markus Sperlich . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .708-366 Engineering Department and Stand Assembly Technik und Aufbau s Stefan Keller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .708-701 s Antje Redel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .708-702 s Gebhard Witt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .708-704 s Theo Hoffmann. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .708-705 s Petra Zipprick . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .708-700 s Matthias Kohler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .708-709 Trade Visitor Services Fachbesucher-Betreuung s Julia Schwägler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .708-404 s Kerstin Natusch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .708-405 Reception, Telephone switchboard Empfang, Telefonzentrale s Erika Hamburger / Lissi Rebholz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .708-0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fax 708-110

Bank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 708-790 Cash dispenser Entrance East + Entrance West Cloakroom s Foyer West . . . . . . . . . . . . 708-773 s Foyer East . . . . . . . . . . . . 708-744 Customs s 1. floor, Entrance West . . . 708-792 s Office Friedrichshafen . . 38878-30 Exhibitors Service s Foyer West in front hall B1 . 708-813 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fax 708-812 s Foyer East . . . . . . . . . . . . 708-746 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fax 708-745 Fair guard s Gate A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 708-956 s Gate B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 708-957 Fire brigade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(without 708-) 112 First aid s Deutsches Rotes Kreuz . . 708-109 Fright Forwarding company s Schenker-BTL . . . . . . . . . . . 25100 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Fax 22595 Information s Entrance West . . . . . . . . . s A3 – A4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . s B2 – B3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . s Entrance East . . . . . . . . . .

708-777 708-771 708-774 708-747

Photocopying service s Foyer West . . . . . . . . . . . . 708-817 s Foyer East . . . . . . . . . . . . 708-746 Police . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 708-111 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (without 708 -) 110 Press, Radio, TV s Press-Center West . . . . . . 708-312 s Press-Center East . . . . . . 708-740 Project management office . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 708-416 Room reservation s OutDoor Reservation & Travel Service Julia Fikentscher . . . . . . . . 708-415

Aussteller Service s Foyer West vor Halle B1 . . 708-813 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fax 708-812 s Foyer Ost . . . . . . . . . . . . . 708-746 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fax 708-745 Bank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 708-790 Bankomaten Foyer Ost + Foyer West Feuerwehr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (ohne 708- !) 112 Fotokopier-Service s Foyer West . . . . . . . . . . . . 708-817 s Foyer Ost . . . . . . . . . . . . . 708-746 Garderobe s Foyer West . . . . . . . . . . . . 708-773 s Foyer Ost . . . . . . . . . . . . . 708-744 Informationen s Foyer West . . . . . . . . . . . . 708-777 s A3 – A4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 708-771 s B2 – B3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 708-774 s Foyer Ost . . . . . . . . . . . . . 708-747 Presse, Rundfunk, Fernsehen s Pressezentrum West . . . . 708-312 s Pressezentrum Ost . . . . . . 708-740 Projektleitungsbüro . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 708-416 Polizei . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 708-111 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (ohne 708- !) 110 Sanitätsdienst s Deutsches Rotes Kreuz . . 708- 109 Spedition Schenker-BTL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25100 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Fax 2 25 95 Wache s Tor A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 708-956 s Tor B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 708-957 Zimmerreservierung s OutDoor Reservation & Travel Service Julia Fikentscher . . . . . . . . 708-415 Zoll s 1. OG, Foyer West . . . . . . 708-792 s Zollamt Friedrichshafen . 38878-30


Supporting programme Innovation drives the outdoor industry

EOG Association for Conservation

Climbing in Foyer East

The power of innovation is the driving force behind the outdoor industry. Many technical innovations have emerged to firmly take a place in the everyday lives of outdoor enthusiasts. With its new theme “Innovation and Technology”, OutDoor will put the rapidly growing outdoor lifestyle trend at centre stage, while featuring sustainable products that explicitly include prospective technologies.

Stand Foyer West, outside Hall A1 Presentation of award-winning environmental projects

Climbing wall: OutDoor Speed Cup 2009

New lively discussion forum the “OutDoor Innovation Lab” international speakers from throughout the supply chain discuss with the audience how to innovate and how to keep ahead of the market by innovating. Friday, 16:00 Moderator: Mark Held, European Outdoor Group Panel: s Retailer: Thomas Lipke, Globetrotter s Brand: Roddy Darcy, Haglöfs s Supplier: N.N., W.L. GORE s University: Steve Brindle, International Brand Futures, International Fashion Institute

Sustainability Workshop Friday 17th July, 8:30, with simultaneous translation, Room Berlin, East Foyer. Breakfast, sponsored by Globetrotter, included! The Sustainability Workshop will cover REACH, End of Life and all aspects of sustainability for the outdoor sector. Organised by the EOG’s Sustainability Working Group

sponsored by Fundraiser: ‘Something for Conservation’ Make a donation, pick up some great gear, and help support conservation! – 14:30 Thursday, Friday and Saturday, 10:30 Sunday, Stand Foyer West, outside Hall A1

Saturday, 18 July, 13:00 – 15:00 Qualification rounds for men & women 16:00 – 17:00 Finals for men and women

Announcement of new projects including short talks from some of the projects awarded for 2009. Friday 17 July, 13:00 Room Berlin, Foyer East (simultaneous translation).

Bouldering wall Bouldering wall for visitors/professionals.

‘Live for the moment’ a talk by Timmy O’Neill about his recent ascent of El Cap with his paralyzed brother sponsored by Patagonia, free beer. Saturday 18 July, 17:00 Room Switzerland, Foyer West.

sponsored by

High Jump Contest

Sunday 19 July, 12:00 OutDoor Tent City 9.000 m2 of the latest tents Halls A7 and B5


GORE Trail Running Course OutDoor INDUSTRY AWARD Presentation of the 4th OutDoor Industry Award and Honouring the OutDoor Celebrity 2009. Thursday 16 July, 17:30, in Hall A2 Presentation of the winning products, the entire day, Foyer West.

For the third time, Gore is the official partner for the Trendsport initiative Trail Running. This competition to find “Europe’s fastest Trail Runner” has been a major success every year, and is set to delight again in 2009. Qualification rounds: Friday, 17 July, 11:00, 15:00 Saturday, 18 July, 11:00

Party 2009 sponsored by

supporting the

Final: Saturday, 18 July, 18:00 Open Air Grounds West


OutDoor Movie Nights Halle A2 The legendary “all-inclusive” mega-party. The popular party T-shirt is on sale for ` 15 in Foyers West and East. Saturday, 18 July, 18:30 Open Air Grounds West and atrium

‘The Age Of Stupid’ Thursday 16 July, 18:30 Radical Reels – top films from the BANFF Festival Friday, 17 July, 18:30

OutDoor Fashion Show The new collections and trends for 2010 from Eberhard Göbel, Icepeak, Regatta, Trespass und Wild Roses (Status 08.06.2009). Daily, 11.00, 14:00 and 16:00, Hall A2


Details regarding supporting programme: www.outdoor-show.com

Rahmenprogramm Innovation ist der Motor der Outdoor-Industrie Innovationskraft ist der treibende Faktor in der Outdoor-Branche. Unzählige Technologien haben hier ihren Ursprung genommen, um im Alltag der Outdoor-Enthusiasten einen festen Platz zu finden. Das neue Motto der OutDoor „Innovation and Technology“ stellt den schnell wachsenden OutdoorLifestyletrend in den Mittelpunkt, wobei nachhaltige Produkte, die explizit zukünftige Technologien einschließen, besonders herausgestellt werden.

EOG Association for Conservation

Klettern im Foyer Ost

Stand Foyer West, vor Halle A1 Präsentation der preisgekrönten Umweltschutzprojekte

Kletterwand: OutDoor Speed Cup 2009

Benefizveranstaltung: „Something for Conservation“ Spenden Sie zugunsten des Umweltschutzes und Sie erhalten dafür coole Outdoor-Ausrüstung! Donnerstag, Freitag und Samstag 14.30 Uhr, Sonntag 10.30 Uhr, Stand Foyer West, vor Halle A1

Samstag, 18. Juli, 13:00 – 15:00 Uhr Qualifikation Damen und Herren

sponsored by

Ankündigung neuer Projekte einschließlich kurzer Vorträge von einigen 2009 prämierten Projekten. Freitag, 17. Juli, 13.00 Uhr Raum Berlin, Foyer Ost (simultane Übersetzung). Im neuen lebhaften Diskussionsforum, dem „OutDoor Innovation Lab“ diskutieren internationale Referenten der gesamten Lieferkette mit dem Publikum, wie Innovation funktioniert und wie man durch Innovation am Markt führend bleibt. Freitag, 16.00 Uhr Moderator: Mark Held, European Outdoor Group Forum: s Handel: Thomas Lipke, Globetrotter s Marke: Roddy Darcy, Haglöfs s Lieferant: N.N., W.L. GORE s Universität: Steve Brindle, International Brand Futures, International Fashion Institute

Workshop Nachhaltigkeit Freitag, 17. Juli, 08.30 Uhr, mit Simultanübersetzung, Raum Berlin, Foyer Ost. Inklusive Frühstück, gesponsert von Globetrotter! Der Workshop Nachhaltigkeit beschäftigt sich mit REACH, End of Life und allen Aspekten von Nachhaltigkeit für die Outdoor-Branche. Organisiert von der EOG-Interessensgruppe Sustainability Working Group www.europeanoutdoorsustainability.org

16:00 – 17:00 Uhr Finale Damen und Herren Boulderwand Boulderwand für Besucher/Profis. High Jump Contest sponsored by

“Live for the moment” ein Vortrag von Timmy O’Neill über seine kürzliche Besteigung von El Cap mit seinem gelähmten Bruder – gesponsert von Patagonia, Freibier. Samstag, 18. Juli, 17.00 Uhr, Raum Schweiz, Foyer West. www.eogconservation.org

OutDoor INDUSTRY AWARD Verleihung des 4. OutDoor Industry Awards 2009 und Ehrung der OutDoor-Persönlichkeit 2009. Donnerstag, 16. Juli, 17:30 Uhr, Halle A 2 Präsentation der Sieger-Produkte, Ganztägig, Foyer West

Sonntag, 19.Juli,12:00 Uhr OutDoor Zeltstadt 9.000 m2 mit den neuesten Zelten Halle A7 und B5

GORE Trail Running Parcours Zum 3. Mal ist Gore der offizielle Partner bei der Trendsport Initiative Trail Running. Dieser Wettkampf um „Europe’s fastest Trail Runner“ war in den vergangenen Jahren stets ein großer Erfolg und wird auch 2009 wieder alle begeistern. Qualifikation: Freitag, 17. Juli, 11:00, 15:00 Uhr Samstag, 18. Juli, 11:00 Uhr

Party 2009 sponsored by

supporting the

Finale: Samstag, 18. Juli, 18:00 Uhr Freigelände West

OutDoor Movie Nights Die legendäre, „all-inclusive“ Mega-Party. Das begehrte Party-T-Shirt erhalten Sie für ` 15,– im Foyer West und Ost. Samstag, 18. Juli Freigelände West und Atrium Beginn nach Messeende

Halle A2 „The Age Of Stupid“ Donnerstag, 16. Juli, 18:30 Uhr Radical Reels – Spitzenfilme des BANFF Festivals Freitag, 17. Juli, 18:30 Uhr

OutDoor Fashion Show Die neuen Kollektionen und Trends für das Jahr 2010 von Eberhard Göbel, Icepeak, Regatta, Trespass und Wild Roses (Status 08.06.2009). Täglich 11:00, 14:00 und 16:00 Uhr, Halle A2

Infos zum Rahmenprogramm unter: www.outdoor-show.de


Timetable Terminer

July 16

July 17

All lectures in the new Conference Centre, Foyer East 1st floor, Room Berlin. All with simultaneous translation.

s Sustainability Workshop, Room Berlin (with simultaneous translation) Breakfast, sponsored by Globetrotter, included!

8:30 9:00 s International Economic Press Conference, Room Berlin, with simultaneous translation (45 min)

s Public climbing, Foyer East

10:00 10:30 s Opening Ceremony, Foyer East 11:00 s Fashion Show, Hall A2

s The latest trends in outdoor clothing, IDEAS Active Sports Design Network, Room Berlin s Red Bull X-Alps Press Event, Open Air Grounds s Fashion Show, Hall A2

12:00 13:00 s Public climbing, Foyer East

s EOG Association for Conservation „2009 Project Presentation“ (with simultaneous translation), Room Berlin s Public climbing, Foyer East

14:00 s Lecture BBE Retail Experts/Retail in Europe, Room

s New 3D scanning technologies for perfect fitting shoes (english language), Dirk Rutschmann, corpus.e AG, Room Rom s Fashion Show, Hall A2

Berlin s Fashion Show, Hall A2

14:30 s ‘Something for Conservation‘ Fundraiser: Make a donation – get great gear! EOG Association for Conservation, West Foyer

15:00 s Meet & Greet: Arrival of the sportsmen/fundraising tour for more sustainability in the outdoors, Lake

16:00 s Lecture Future institute, Innovation in difficult times/Future of the Outdoor industry, Room Berlin s Fashion Show, Hall A2

16:30 s Public Speed Cup, Foyer East

s ‘Something for Conservation‘ Fundraiser Make a donation – get great gear! EOG Association for Conservation, West Foyer s GORE Trail Running Course, Qualifications: Europe´s Fastest Trail Runner, Open Air Grounds s OutDoor Innovation Lab, panel discussion what is innovation? (with simultaneous translation), Room Berlin s Fashion Show, Hall A2 s Public Speed Cup, Foyer East


17:30 s Award Ceremony 4th OutDoor INDUSTRY AWARD, Hall A2

18:00 18:30 s OutDoor Movie Night, Hall A2 „The Age of Stupid“ presented by the EOG Association for Conservation, sponsored by Pertex 14

s Annual General Meeting EOG Association for Conservation (members only) Room Switzerland s OutDoor Movie Night, Hall A2 Banff Radical Reels film tour presented by 4-Seasons.TV

Timetable Terminer

July 18

July 19

All lectures in the new Conference Centre, Foyer East 1st floor, Room Berlin. All with simultaneous translation.

s Public climbing, Foyer East s ‘Something for Conservation‘ Fundraiser Make a donation - get great gear! EOG Association for Conservation, West Foyer s GORE Trail Running Course, Open Air Grounds, Qualification Europe´s fastest Trail Runner s Fashion Show, Hall A2

s Fashion Show, Hall A2

s High Jump Contest sponsored by Edelrid, Foyer East s Qualifications women/men Speed Cup, Foyer East

s Public Speed Cup, Foyer East

s Fashion Show, Hall A2

s Fashion Show, Hall A2

s ‘Something for Conservation‘ Fundraiser Make a donation – get great gear! EOG Association for Conservation, West Foyer

s Finals women/men Speed Cup following award ceremony, Foyer East s Fashion Show, Hall A2

s Fashion Show, Hall A2

s Patagonia and the EOG Association for Conservation present Timmy O‘Neill, Room Switzerland, Foyer West

s GORE Trail Running Course, Open Grounds Finals: Europe´s Fastest Trail Runner s 16th OutDoor Party sponsored by POLARTEC supporting the EOG Association for Conservation, Open Air Grounds + Atrium


organized by



Bereits zum vierten Mal hat die Messe Friedrichshafen den OutDoor INDUSTRY AWARD ausgelobt, der im Rahmen der OutDoor 2009 verliehen wird.

For the fourth time, Messe Friedrichshafen hosted the OutDoor INDUSTRY AWARD. The awards ceremony will be held on the first day of OutDoor fair 2009.

Der von der renommierten Designorganisation iF International Forum Design organisierte Wettbewerb zeichnet Innovationen und gute Gestaltung im Outdoor-Bereich aus.

Organized by the renowned design organization iF International Forum Design this competition is dedicated to promote innovation and high-quality design in the outdoor sector.

Unter den 242 Einreichungen aus 18 Ländern wurden insgesamt 63 Produkte in den folgenden Kategorien ausgezeichnet:

63 products were selected as winners of 242 entries submitted from 18 different countries in the following categories: ■

■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

Bekleidung / Helme / Schuhe Rucksäcke/Reisegepäck Bergsportausrüstung Campingausrüstung Schlafsäcke Zubehör Produkte mit hoher ökologischer und nachhaltiger Wertigkeit Material Innovationen

■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

Apparel / Helmet / Shoes Backpacks / Travel luggage Mountain-climbing equipment Camping equipment Sleeping bags Accessories Products of high ecological and sustainable value Material innovations

CONGRATULATIONS Wir gratulieren den Preisträgern | Congratulations to all award winners: 3DOG camping GmbH & Co. KG, Germany | adidas AG, Germany | adidas eyewear, Silhouette Internationel Schmied AG, Austria | ALUDESIGN S.p.A, Italy | ARC'TERYX, Canada | Berghund, Germany | Black Diamond Equipment, United States of America | CAMP, Italy | Chillaz International, Handelsagentur Ulf Kattnig, Austria | CLIMBING TECHNOLOGY, Italy | Columbia Sportswear International Sàrl, Switzerland | Craghoppers, United Kingdom | Deuter Sport GmbH, Germany | Dolomite S.p.A., Italy | EDELRID GmbH & Co. KG, Germany | EUREKA! EUROPE, Nigor Net B.V., Netherlands | Exped AG, Switzerland | Garmin International Inc., United States of America | Grivel Mont Blanc, Courmayeur, Italy | Haglöfs Scandinavia AB, Sweden | INCONITO DESIGN STUDIO, France | inoveight ltd, United Kingdom | ITW Nexus, United States of America | Jack Wolfskin GmbH & Co. KGaA, Research and Development Apparel, Germany | Klättermusen Ab, Sweden | KONG spa, Italy | Lukas Meindl GmbH & Co.KG, Germany | Mammut Sports Group, Switzerland | Marmot Mountain Europe GmbH, Germany | MILLET SA, France | Mountain Equipment, United Kingdom | Navico GmbH, Lowrance, Germany | OASE OUTDOORS ApS, Denmark | ORTIK, for alpine use, Portugal | Ortlieb Sportartikel GmbH, Germany | Ortovox Sportartikel GmbH, Germany | Osprey Europe, United Kingdom | Outlyne Sports AG, Switzerland | Patagonia Europe, France | Patagonia Inc., United States of America | Petzl, France | PositCon GmbH, Germany | Powertraveller Ltd, United Kingdom | SALOMON, France | Sea to Summit, Australia | Silva Sweden AB, Sweden | SKYLOTEC GmbH, Germany | Slack.fr, France | TEC Trading GmbH, Germany | Terra Nova Equipment, United Kingdom | Teva, United Kingdom | The North Face, Italy | Valandre, France | VAUDE Sport GmbH & Co. KG, Germany | X-Technology Swiss R&D AG, Switzerland | Yeti GmbH, Germany

The jury ■

■ ■

■ ■ ■

Frank Wacker, Redaktion outdoor, Motor Presse Stuttgart, Germany Mark Held, European Outdoor Group, Switzerland Gregor Baer, INDIGO Schwabe & Baer Entwicklungs GmbH, Germany Marietta Uhden, Sport climbing, Germany Olaf Wittayer, Die OUTDOOR PROFIS, Germany Nils Bloch-Hoell, Norwegian Trekking Association, Norway

Index of halls Hallenverzeichnis | Elenco dei padiglioni | Plan des halls



Clothes, shoes, backpacks, camping equipment, navigation, tents, water sport

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Bekleidung, Schuhe, Rucksäcke, Campingausrüstung, Navigationsgeräte, Zelte, Wassersport

A1 A1-100 A1-100 A1-101 A1-102 A1-103 A1-103 A1-104A A1-105 A1-106 A1-107 A1-108 A1-109 A1-110 A1-111 A1-200 A1-201 A1-202 A1-203 A1-204 A1-205 A1-206 A1-207 A1-208 A1-209 A1-209 A1-210 A1-211 A1-212 A1-213 A1-214 A1-215 A1-300 A1-301 A1-302 A1-303 A1-304 A1-305 A1-305 A1-306 A1-307 A1-308 A1-308 A1-309 A1-309 A1-309 A1-309 A1-309 A1-309 A1-310 A1-400 A1-400

Gumotex, a.s., CZ-69075 Breclav Kober & Moll GmbH, D-72285 Pfalzgrafenweiler Stallion Sport Ltd., HK-0852 San Po Kong, Kowloon Eberhard Göbel GmbH + Co, D-89081 Ulm Carinthia Sleeping Bags, A-9871 Seeboden Urban Rock, A-6845 Hohenems True Brands Ltd., GB-BH12 1DW Poole inov-8, GB-DL15 8RA Durham Primaloft Albany International Corp., USA-12204 NY Albany OutDry - Nextec SRL, I-21052 Busto Arsizio (VA) Gronell srl, I-37028 Rovere Vose (VR) Designer Textiles International Ltd/MAPP Merino, NZ-1701 Auckland Kohla / Ibex Sportartikel GmbH, A-6020 Innsbruck SB-Yhtiöt Oy, FIN-62900 Alajärvi Aetrex Worldwide Inc., USA-7666 Teaneck Holmenkol AG, D-71254 Heimerdingen Grabner GmbH, A-3350 Haag SeaBird Designs Kayaks, EE-11911 Tallinn, Estonia Sub Zero Technology Ltd., GB-LE8 8UD Leicester EIDER, F-74650 Chavanod Helly Hansen Deutschland GmbH, D-81739 München Norrona Sport AS, N-1395 Hvalstad Ferrino & C. S.p.A., I-10099 San Mauro (TO) Dolomite, I-31404 Giavera Del Montello (TV) MYNAV Outdoor Navigators Giove srl - Elda Group, I-31100 Treviso WENGER S.A., CH-2800 Delémont Eureka! Europe / Nigor Net B.V., NL-1014 BC, Amsterdam Ternua / Import Arrasate, S.A., E-20500 Arrasate-Mondragon, Gipuzkoa Smartwool Corporation Europe, GB-SL3 6PJ Berks Cocona Europe, CH-4665 Oftringen SOLE, CDN-T2A 6T8 Calgary Superfeet - The Premium Insole, GB-EH9 1YF, Edinburgh Teko, GB-EH9 1YF Edinburgh Polartec, LLC, USA-01841 MA Lawrence Haglöfs Scandinavia AB, S-774 27 Avesta Columbia Sportswear International Sarl, CH-1213 Petit-Lancy Bergans Fritid AS, N-3301 Hokksund Bergans Outdoor GmbH, D-22848 Norderstedt Calzaturificio S.C.A.R.P.A. Spa, I-31011 Asolo (TV) 2xU / Filser Sport & Marketing, D-87527 Sonthofen Gregory Mountain Products, USA-95814 CA Sacramento Invia Sportartikelvertriebs GmbH, D-82547 Eurasburg Bridgedale Outdoor Ltd., GB-BT23 4YL Newtownards GoGas Limited, GB-Stockport Invia Sportartikelvertriebs GmbH, D-82547 Eurasburg Mountain Equipment, GB-SK14 1RD Hyde Satmap Systems Ltd, GB-KT22 7LX Leatherhead, Surrey Sprayway Ltd., GB-SK14 1RD Hyde Marsupio snc di Fusco Giuseppe & C., I-31044 Montebelluna (TV) Montrail, CH-1213 Petit Lancy Mountain Hardwear, CH-1213 Petit-Lancy

A1-401 A1-402 A1-403 A1-404 A1-405 A1-406 A1-407 A1-408 A1-409 A1-410 A1-410 A1-411 A1-412 A1-413 A1-414 A1-414A A1-415 A1-500 A1-501 A1-501 A1-501 A1-502 A1-503 A1-504 A1-505 A1-506 A1-507


MILLET SAS, F-74943 Annecy Le Vieux Lafuma S.A., F-26140 Anneyron Marmot Mountain Europe GmbH, D-91220 Schnaittach Rab/podsacs/outdoordesigns, GB-DE55 4LS Alfreton Berghaus Ltd., GB-SR5 3XB Sunderland Osprey Europe Ltd., GB-BH12 4FJ Dorset GoLite, LLC, USA-80301 CO Boulder WOLVERINE, Inc., D-82041 Oberhaching Salomon / Amer Sports Deutschland GmbH, D-82061 Neuried Essential Elements, CH-8152 Glattbrugg Rubytec, NL-1432 GS Aalsmeer New Balance Athletic Shoes (UK) Ltd, GB-WA1 1RG Warrington CEP compression sportswear, D-95502 Himmelkron Nikwax Waterproofing, GB-TN5 6DF Wadhurst, East Sussex Aarn / Naturzone AG, CH-8065 Zürich 4 Elements - Outdoorshop Jens Bonin und Jutta Schmitt GbR, D-97688 Bad Kissingen Nordhorn Sp z o.o, PL-95-070 Aleksandrów Lódzki HIGHGEAR USA, Inc./TECHTRAIL, USA-28732 NC Fletcher Camaro Erich Roiser GmbH, A-5310 Mondsee Komperdell Sportartikel GmbH, A-5310 Mondsee T.H.E. Company Marketing & Trading GmbH, A-4866 Unterach a. A. Suunto c/o Amer Sports Europe Services GmbH, D-82061 Neuried Western Mountaineering, USA-95112 CA San Jose Ziegler Textil GmbH, D-77794 Lautenbach BACH - Transbach Ltd., IRL-Kilkenny Salomon / Amer Sports Deutschland GmbH, D-82061 Neuried Conform‘able / Sidas, F-38500 Voiron




Fashion Show, Movie Nights



HALLE Modenschau, Movie Nights


Fashion Show Daily | Täglich 11:00, 14:00,16:00 The latest collections from | Mit den aktuellen Kollektionen von (State/Stand 08.06.2009): - Eberhard Göbel - Icepeak - Regatta - Trespass - Wild Roses

OutDoor Industry Award Thursday | Donnerstag, 17:30 Award Ceremony 4th OutDoor INDUSTRY AWARD and Honouring the OutDoor Celebrity 2009 | Preisverleihung 4. OutDoor INDUSTRY AWARD und Ehrung der OutDoor Persönlichkeit 2009

OutDoor Movie Nights Thursday, 16 July | Donnerstag, 16. Juli 18:30 "The Age Of Stupid" presented by | präsentiert von: EOG Association for Conservation, sponsored by Pertex

Friday, 17 July | Freitag, 17 Juli 18:30 Banff Radical Reels film tour presented by | präsentiert von: OutDoor & 4-Seasons.TV 23



Clothes, backpacks, shoes, sleeping bags, tents, travel food, mountaineering equipment, impregnating, first aid kit, rescue technologies, water preparation, accessories

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HALLE Bekleidung, Rucksäcke, Schlafsäcke, Reisenahrung, Kletterausrüstung, Imprägniermittel, Erste Hilfe Ausrüstung, Schuhe, Zelte, Wasseraufbereitungen, Zubehör

A3 A3-100 A3-101 A3-102 A3-103 A3-104 A3-105 A3-106 A3-107 A3-108 A3-109 A3-200 A3-201 A3-201 A3-202 A3-203 A3-204 A3-205 A3-206 A3-206 A3-207 A3-208 A3-209 A3-210 A3-300 A3-301 A3-302 A3-303 A3-304 A3-305 A3-306 A3-307 A3-307 A3-307 A3-308 A3-309 A3-310 A3-311 A3-312 A3-313

A3-314 A3-315 A3-400 A3-400 A3-401 A3-402 A3-403 A3-404 A3-404A A3-405 A3-406


Julbo, F-39400 Longchaumois Kopfüber by Bühler, D-88279 Amtzell Laken Productos Deportivos S.A., E- 30169 San Ginés (Murcia) MATT - MATTOLO SPORTS, S.A., E-08005 Barcelona Capo Rueff Textil GmbH, A-6863 Egg Ortovox Sportartikel GmbH, D-82024 Taufkirchen Pontetorto SPA, I-59013 Montemurlo (PO) GreenLand NATURE GmbH, D-96352 Wilhelmsthal Fuchs Design AG, CH-6362 Stansstad Outlyne Sports AG, CH-7203 Landquart SALEWA SPORTGERÄTE GMBH, D-85609 Aschheim / München dare2b, GB-M41 7RR Manchester Regatta GmbH, D-84130 Dingolfing CRAGHOPPERS, D-22083 Hamburg Schweizer-Effax GmbH, D-48356 Nordwalde Storm Waterproofing, GB-DE55 7FQ Alfreton Sympatex Technologies GmbH, D-85774 Unterföhring PositCon GmbH, D-71287 Weissach PositCon GmbH (Lestra Deutschland), D-71287 Weissach Eusebio Sporting Co., Ltd., RC-110 Taipei Lenzing AG, A-4860 Lenzing CenterStone Technologies, F-75011 Paris STERIPEN by Hydro-Photon Inc., USA-04614 ME Blue Hill Schöffel Sportbekleidung GmbH, D-86830 Schwabmünchen Maier Sports GmbH & Co. KG, D-73257 Köngen Allsport Moden GmbH, A-6833 Weiler Merrell / Wolverine Europe Ltd., GB-N1 9AG London Exped AG, CH-8004 Zürich Outdoor Research, USA-98134 WA Seattle Maul Sport Company - Maul GmbH & Co. KG, D-81829 München Katadyn Produkte AG, CH-8304 Wallisellen OPTIMUS / Katadyn Products Inc., CH-8304 Wallisellen TREK‘N EAT / Katadyn Products Inc., CH-8304 Wallisellen Direct Alpine s.r.o., CZ-460 02 Liberec 17 Sunway - Hosen GmbH, D-73550 Waldstetten Wissgoldingen Princeton Tec, USA-08505 NJ Bordentown Pertex, GB-BB7 3LG Clitheroe Jetboil Inc, USA-03101 NH Manchester Feng Yi Outdoor Leisure Equipment Enterprise Co., Ltd., RC-434 Taichung Hsien Camper Enterprise Co., Ltd., ROC-600 Chia-Yi City New Goodwill Industries Co., Ltd., RC-10461 Taipei Mammut Sports Group AG, CH-5703 Seon Toko AG, CH-5703 Seon Peak Performance, SE-102 53 Stockholm Icepeak / L-Fashion Group, FIN-15501 Lahti Trangoworld, E-50057 Zaragoza Cascade Designs Ltd., IRL-Co. Cork climber‘s equip., D-86152 Augsburg Heatgear, DK-8462 Harlev J. KV2 SAGL, CH-6715 Dongio


HALL Clothes, fabrics and fibres, textile accessories

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HALLE Bekleidung, Stoffe und Fasern, Textilzubehör

A4 A4-100 A4-101 A4-102 A4-103 A4-104 A4-105 A4-106 A4-107 A4-108 A4-109 A4-200 A4-201

A4-202 A4-203 A4-204 A4-205 A4-206 A4-207 A4-208 A4-209 A4-210 A4-211 A4-212 A4-213 A4-213 A4-213 A4-214 A4-215 A4-216 A4-300 A4-301 A4-302 A4-303 A4-304 A4-304A A4-305 A4-306 A4-307 A4-308 A4-309 A4-310 A4-311 A4-311 A4-312 A4-313 A4-314 A4-315 A4-316 A4-317 A4-318 A4-319

K-WAY Deutschland GmbH, D-66955 Pirmasens R‘ADYS AG, CH-2560 Nidau BUFF®-Original Buff SA, E-08700 Igualada SealSkinz Ltd., GB-PE30 4PP Kings Lynn Pro Feet GmbH, D-97424 Schweinfurt Fidlock GmbH, D-10115 Berlin Upper Textile Corporation, RC-114 Taipei Texland & Nexko Co., Ltd, ROK-462-806 Seongnam Shinpung Textile Co., Ltd., ROK-704-190, Daegu Maxland Sportswear Ind. Co., Ltd., RC-Taipei Icebreaker Ltd, NZ-6011 Wellington TRESPASS (Jacobs & Turner Ltd.), GB-G41 1LU Glasgow, Scotland Reno Sportswear Handels GmbH / Iguana, D-94065 Waldkirchen Kuhl Clothing, USA-84107 UT Murray SILKBODY, NZ-9058 Dunedin Tiong Liong Corp., RC-42800 Taichung Hsien Flying Tex Co., Ltd, RC-106 Taipei Stotz & Co. AG, CH-8006 Zürich Top Found Industries Co., Ltd., RC-10485 Taipei Long Advance Int‘l Co., Ltd., RC-106 Taipei smartfiber AG, D-07407 Rudolstadt Formosa Taffeta Co., Ltd., RC-640, Touliu Ho Yu Textile Co., Ltd, RC-32845 Taoyuan County Chemotex Minlan Pacific Co., Ltd., RC-11493 Taipei Jana Designs & Manufacturing Ltd., RC-11493 Taipei Minlan Fabric Industrial Co., Ltd., RC-Tao-Yuan Tessile Fiorentina Company srl, I-59100 Prato Epic Technology International, GB-AL3 5AE, Hertfordshire St. Albans Universal Trim Supply Co., Ltd., RC-24890 Taipei Hsien Royal Robbins Europe, GB-LE15 6EA, Oakham, Rutland F.lli Campagnolo GmbH, D-85622 Feldkirchen Life is good Global Inc., USA-02494 MA Needham killtec Sport- und Freizeit GmbH, D-21244 Buchholz NO LIMITS by QST Innovation SRL, I-25035 Ospitaletto (BS) Grangers International Ltd., GB-DE55 4QT Alfreton, Derbyshire Skins GmbH, D-82319 Starnberg Montura - Tasci srl, I-38068 Rovereto (TN) Wild Roses - CDA, I-24050 Grassobbio (BG) Christian Eschler AG, CH-9055 Bühler Barco Tekstil San. Ve Tic AS, TR-34670 Istanbul YKK Europe Ltd., D-42327 Wuppertal EVEREST TEXTILE CO., LTD, RC-105 Taipei Manhattan Outdoor Clothing Factory Ltd., HK-Kwun Tong Toray International Europe GmbH, D-63263 Neu-Isenburg JRC Reflex, F-26100 Romans Premiere Fashion Corp., RC-106 Taipei Advansa Marketing GmbH, D-59063 Hamm Carol Textile Co., Ltd., RC-103 Taipei Burlington Worldwide, USA-27408 Greensboro, N.C. Erictex Fashion Co., Ltd., RC-104 Taipei Raco Textile Corp., RC-Taipei

A4-400 A4-401 A4-402 A4-402 A4-403 A4-404 A4-405 A4-406 A4-407 A4-408 A4-409 A4-410 A4-411 A4-412 A4-412 A4-413 A4-414 A4-415 A4-500 A4-501 A4-502 A4-503 A4-504 A4-505 A4-506 A4-507 A4-508 A4-509 A4-510 A4-511 A4-512


Jeantex Sportswear GmbH & Co. KG, D-25462 Rellingen Löffler GmbH, A-4910 Ried/Innkreis LASTING SPORT s.r.o., CZ-35605 Sokolov Trimm Sport, s.r.o., CZ-322 00 Plzen TBS Technisynthese Service Export, F-49111 St. Pierre Montlimart Cédex IBEX Sport GmbH, CH-6315 Morgarten Bemis Hong Kong Ltd., HK-Quarry Bay Promax Textile Co., Ltd., RC-104 Taipei Labtex Co., Ltd., RC-10348 Taipei Hyperbola, RC-105 Taipei IBQ Fabrics Fabric Creations S.L., E-08227 Terrassa (Barcelona) SINGTEX Industrial Co., Ltd., RC-24892 Taipei Hsien TOYOTA TSUSHO CORPORATION, J-542-8550 Osaka ASSOSPORT Italian Association of Sporting Goods Manufacturers, I-31100 Treviso Technological Textile Trend Team/Assosport Centro Servizi srl, I-31100 Treviso Schoeller Textil AG, CH-9475 Sevelen Primacy International Corp., RC-10353 Taipei Paltex Company Ltd., RC-11492 Taipei Nordsen, I-37135 Verona Gabel S.r.l., I-36027 Rosà (VI) Tah Hsin Industrial Corp., RC-Taipei Intersocks D.O.O., SLO-1330 Kocevje Wind x-treme - Actual Colors BCN S.L., E-08024 Barcelona MUND SOCKS - MUNDOIMPORT S.L., E-09001 Burgos Optimer Brands, USA-19804 DE Wilmington Miti spa, I-24059 Urgnano (BG) Titex Vertriebs GmbH, D-91560 Heilsbronn Tecnotexil s.r.l., I-24021 Albino (BG) Shin Han, ROK-425-866 Ansansi, Gyunggido Asia Summit Innovation Corp., RC-234 Taipei Sunny Special Dyeing & Finishing Co., Ltd, RC-103 Taipei




Clothes, tents, backpacks, fabrics, merchandising systems, mountaineering equipment, navigation equipment, textile accessories, accessories, Scandinavian Village

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HALLE Bekleidung, Zelte, Rucksäcke, Stoffe, Warenwirtschaftssysteme, Kletterausrüstung, Navigationssysteme, Textilzubehör, Zubehör, Scandinavian Village

A5-303 A5-303 A5-304 A5-305 A5-306 A5-307 A5-308 A5-309 A5-310 A5-311 A5-312 A5-313 A5-314 A5-315 A5-316 A5-317 A5-318 A5-319 A5-320

Gerber / Silva Sweden AB, S-191 29 Sollentuna Silva Sweden AB, S-191 29 Sollentuna ECCO SKO A/S, DK-6270 Toender Lundhags Skomakarna AB, S-83005 Järpen Five Seasons, S-421 50 Västra Frölunda Light My Fire Sweden AB, S-211 24 Malmö Industrial Revolution, USA-98052 WA Redmond Original Doggear Aps., DK-4700 Naestved Tentipi, S-68623 Sunne Cober srl, I-20090 Opera (MI) Nedap Deutschland GmbH, D-40670 Meerbusch New Games - Frisbeesport, D-88693 Deggenhausertal ANSMANN AG, D-97959 Assamstadt Silverpoint / Progress Importers Ltd., GB-GU27 3JA Haslemere, Surrey Konarka Technologies, Inc., USA-01852 MA Lowell KANNAD, F-56520 Guidel Slackstar Braun GmbH, D-92318 Neumarkt Acecamp GmbH, D-60386 Frankfurt Kunshan Bright River Garment-Manufacturing Co., Ltd., VRC-215333 Kunshan City Fujian Profit Group (Remex Bags) Co., Ltd., VRC-350003 Fuzhou Fuzhou Fengxiang Camping Products Co. Ltd., VRC-350001 Fuzhou Elite Outdoor Gear Co., Ltd., VRC-361004 Xiamen, Fujian Fashion-Flying Outdoor Garments Company, VRC-350003 Fuzhou Fujian SIGG Switzerland AG, CH-8501 Frauenfeld Exel / ESB Sports Oy, FI-00150 Helsinki Karrimor Ltd., GB-NG20 8RY Shirebrook MINOX GmbH, D-35578 Wetzlar Eschenbach Optik GmbH, D-90409 Nürnberg Keela International Ltd., GB-KY6 2SD Glenrothes Fife Bushnell Performance Optics GmbH, D-83059 Kolbermoor FREETIME - FGM International, F-33190 La Reole Cedex Crux / Outdoor Design Logistics Ltd., F-11190 Rennes-le-Chateau Lightwave / Outdoor Design Logistics, F-11190 Rennes-Le-Chateau Husky CZ, s.r.o., CZ-13000 Prague 3 Polinelli s.r.l., I-21020 Daverio (VA) Eumar International srl, I-00198 Roma NORMAL / TRITON Ltd, RUS-190168 Saint-Petersburg Flying Outdoor Bag Co., Ltd., VRC-350001 Fuzhou, Fujian Splendid Development Ltd., HK-Kowloon World Famous (Fujian) Outdoor Garments, Ltd., VRC-350003 Fuzhou, Fujian XiangXing (FuJian) Bag & Luggage Group Co., Ltd., China-350300 Fujian Fujian Commercial Corp., VRC-350001 Fuzhou Quanzhou Hongsheng Light Industry Co., Ltd., VRC-362100 Fujian Xiamen Golden Resource Handbag Co., Ltd., VRC-361000 Xiamen Zhangzhou Moonlit Camping Products Co., Ltd, VRC-Zhangpu Nanan Fengzhou Craft Umbrella Factory, VRC-Zhangzhou, Fujian Xiamen Frontier Garments Co., Ltd., VRC-361009 Xiamen Aparso (Fuzhou) Sportswear Co., Ltd., VRC-350003 Fuzhou Tropicare / Tropenzorg BV, NL-1313 LC Almere Hannah Czech a.s., CZ-301 00 Pilsen Brooks England Ltd., GB-B66 2PA Birmingham Kakadu Traders Australia Pty Ltd., AUS-2200 NSW Bankstown Rejka Reiner Kanzewitsch, D-96317 Kronach Laboratoires CMA/NST, F-74300 Cluses POL-Planet e.K., D-79539 Lörrach Xiamen Trend Corporation, VRC-361012 Xiamen Avisen International Co., Ltd., VRC-361001 Xiamen Xiamen Winsport Corporation, VRC-361012 Xiamen

A5 A5-100 A5-101 A5-101 A5-102 A5-103 A5-104 A5-105 A5-106 A5-107 A5-108 A5-109 A5-110 A5-200 A5-200 A5-200 A5-200 A5-201 A5-202 A5-203 A5-204 A5-205 A5-206 A5-207 A5-208 A5-208 A5-209 A5-210 A5-211 A5-212 A5-213 A5-214 A5-215 A5-216 A5-216 A5-216 A5-217 A5-218 A5-219 A5-220 A5-221 A5-222 A5-223 A5-224 A5-224 A5-225 A5-226 A5-227 A5-228 A5-300 A5-301 A5-302 A5-303

McNett Europe, D-29684 Schwarmstedt earth creations, Inc., USA-AL35020 Bessemer Pinu Handels GmbH, D-24361 Haby Pinewood AB, S-33153 Värnamo, Sweden Living Colours, D-33335 Gütersloh Didriksons AB, S-504 94 Boràs Hilleberg The Tentmaker AB, S-83251 Frösön Feelmax Ltd., FIN-71750 Maaninka LOAP/Piccollo, spol. s.r.o., CZ-18600 Praha Fun4U Sportproduktion GmbH, D-53844 Troisdorf M. G. Exhibition Design Company, USA-91231 El Monte Tecnimed srl, I-21040 Vedano O. (VA) Fjällräven AB, S-17154 Solna Hanwag GmbH, D-85256 Vierkirchen Primus AB, S-171 06 Solna Tierra, S-411 18 Göteborg Helsport A/S, N-7221 Melhus Nanok of Norway AS, N-1177 Oslo 66° North, IS-210 Garðabær Viking Footwear GmbH, D-80939 München Houdini Sportswear AB, S-131 97 Nalka Scandinavian Touch AB, S-14266 Trangsund Polygiene AB, S-217 62 Malmö Scandic Outdoor GmbH, D-21220 Seevetal Trangia AB, S-830 47 Trångsviken Brenda Sport Deutschland GmbH, D-10585 Berlin Powertraveller Ltd., GB-GU34 2RQ Hampshire Aclima AS, N-3535 Kröderen EBG-Data GmbH, D-40217 Düsseldorf Farmer´s Outdoor GmbH, D-21077 Hamburg IS Integrated Systems AG, D-78315 Radolfzell Ariston Informatik GmbH, D-41468 Neuss HRC 4 GmbH, D-76297 Stutensee RIM GmbH, D-58256 Ennepetal SBH Software Beratung GmbH, D-53474 Ahrweiler CompeGPS Team S.L., E-08350 Arenys de Mar Navico GmbH Lowrance, D-24837 Schleswig UTAG Limited, GB-SO16 0YT Southampton Mauzi-Sport, D-78464 Konstanz Aitec Co., Ltd, ROK-612-010 Busan Highrock Recreation Product Co., Ltd., VRC-300300 Tianjin Quantum Lighting Products Limited, HK-Kowloon Conrad Stein Verlag GmbH, D-59512 Welver Thomas Kettler Verlag, D-22761 Hamburg Heaven&Earth Products Co.,Ltd, VRC-200129 Shanghai ChangZhou HengJun Outdoor Products Co., Ltd., VRC-Changzhou Jiangsu Ape Sporting Goods Co. Ltd., VRC-212361 Danyang, Jiangsu PPM GmbH Precise Positioning Management, D-82377 Penzberg Garmin Deutschland GmbH, D-82166 Gräfelfing Nomad, NL-6902 PK Zevenaar Klättermusen AB, S-830 13 Are Brunton / Silva Sweden AB, S-191 29 Sollentuna

A5-321 A5-322 A5-323 A5-324 A5-400 A5-401 A5-402 A5-403 A5-404 A5-405 A5-406 A5-407 A5-408 A5-408 A5-409 A5-410 A5-411 A5-412 A5-413 A5-414 A5-415 A5-416 A5-417 A5-418 A5-419 A5-420 A5-421 A5-422 A5-423 A5-500 A5-501 A5-502 A5-503 A5-504 A5-505 A5-506 A5-507 A5-508 A5-509





Shoes and shoe accessories

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HALLE Schuhe und Schuhzubehör

A6 A6-100 A6-100 A6-101 A6-101 A6-102 A6-103 A6-104 A6-105 A6-106 A6-107 A6-108 A6-200 A6-201 A6-202 A6-203 A6-204 A6-205 A6-206 A6-207 A6-208 A6-209 A6-210 A6-211 A6-212 A6-213 A6-300 A6-301 A6-302 A6-303 A6-304 A6-305 A6-306 A6-400 A6-401 A6-402 A6-403 A6-404 A6-405 A6-406 A6-407 A6-408 A6-409 A6-410 A6-410 A6-411 A6-411 A6-411 A6-412 A6-413 A6-416

Sno-Seal / Genfoot Marketing Europe GmbH, D-88213 Ravensburg/Oberzell Kamik div. Genfoot International GmbH, CH-6300 Zug Everest GmbH, D-88316 Isny Fizan SRL, I-36027 Rosà (VI) Lackner Schuhe GmbH & Co. KG, A-6370 Kitzbühel Industrias Savidai S.L. Lorpen, E-31760 Etxalar (Navarra) Calzaturificio Nadir Star Srl, I-31036 Istrana (TV) Crispi Sport srl, I-31010 Maser (TV) Lomer S.R.L., I-31044 Montebelluna (TV) Orthofeel GmbH, CH-8834 Schindellegi Xiamen Green Mountain BHS Schuhvertrieb Michael Hundhausen eK, D-45883 Gelsenkirchen LEKI Lenhart GmbH, D-73230 Kirchheim Kayland Sport Division of Novation S.p.a., I-31044 Montebelluna (TV) Chiruca (Calzados Fal S.A.), E-26580 Arnedo / La Rioja KEFAS (STYL GRAND SPA), I-31040 Falze di Trevignano (TV) ALLROUNDER SARL, F-57400 Sarrebourg Foot Science International Ltd., NZ-Christchurch Vento GmbH, D-89340 Leipheim Veith FV Allgäuer Bergstrumpf GmbH, D-88316 Isny im Allgäu Berner Ltd. Sport Department, Nokian footwear, FIN-00130 Helsinki Lifestyle Marken GmbH Beachers, D-32312 Lübbecke fs-systeme, D-94136 Thyrnau Gecko Motion GmbH, A-6900 Bregenz Alsa GmbH, D-36396 Steinau Naama Naot Germany GmbH, D-76891 Bruchweiler-Bärenbach LOWA Sportschuhe GmbH, D-85305 Jetzendorf AKU SRL Trekking & Outdoor Footwear, I-31044 Montebelluna (TV) KEEN Europe Outdoor BV, NL-3024 EA Rotterdam HI-TEC, Southend on Sea, GB- SS2 6GH Essex GARMONT SRL, I-31040 Volpago Del Montello (TV) 2A SRL, I-31040 Signoressa di Trevignano Papillio-Schuh GmbH, D-53562 St. Katharinen Lukas Meindl GmbH & Co. KG, D-83417 Kirchanschöring BOREAL, E-03400 Villena Trezeta - MGM S.p.A., I-31050 Cavasagra di Vedelago (TV) Monte Sport srl, I-31044 Montebelluna (TV) Lizard by Aicad, I-38100 Trento (TN) Tecnica spa, I-31040 Giavera Del Montello (TV) MONDEOX SPA CALZATURIFICIO, I-31010 Casella d‘Asolo (TV) Calzaturificio Zamberlan S.R.L., I-36030 Pievebelvicino (VI) Armond, I-31010 Maser (TV) Calzados Bestard S.A., E-07360 Lloseta - Mallorca RYWAN sarl, F-77334 Meaux Cedex Xtenex Distrisud, F-78000 Versailles Boot-Doc Handels GmbH, A-8940 Liezen Lenz GmbH, A-6858 Schwarzach Therm-ic Products GmbH Nfg & Co. KG, A-8200 Gleisdorf Yacht Boot Company (YBC), GB-SO41 6DG Hampshire Ironsteel Worldwide Limited, HK-Kowloon Bohnacker Ladeneinrichtungen GmbH, D-89143 Blaubeuren

A6-500 A6-501 A6-502 A6-503 A6-504 A6-505 A6-506 A6-506 A6-507


W. L. Gore & Associates GmbH, D-83620 Feldkirchen-Westerham Vibram S.P.A., I-21041 Albizzate (VA) Crocs Europe B.V., NL-2501 EL Den Haag Masai Marketing & Trading AG, CH-8590 Romanshorn Grisport spa, I-31030 Castelcucco (TV) Dachstein/Deeluxe Sportartikel Handels GmbH, Office Kufstein, A-6330 Kufstein Hypergrip Inc., ROK-618-818 Busan Treksta Inc., ROK-618-818 Busan Spannrit Schuhkomponenten GmbH, D-63801 Kleinostheim


HALL Backpacks, sleeping bags, clothes, first aid kit, travel equipment, rescue technologies, care products, impregnating, navigation systems, accessories

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HALLE Rucksäcke, Schlafsäcke, Bekleidung, Erste Hilfe Ausrüstung, Globetrotterausrüstung, Pflegemittel, Imprägniermittel, Rettungstechnik, Navigationssysteme, Zubehör

B1 B1-100 B1-101 B1-102 B1-103 B1-200 B1-201 B1-202 B1-203 B1-204 B1-300 B1-300 B1-301 B1-302 B1-400 B1-401 B1-402 B1-403 B1-404 B1-405 B1-406 B1-407 B1-408 B1-409 B1-410 B1-411 B1-412 B1-413 B1-414 B1-415 B1-416 B1-417 B1-418 B1-419 B1-420 B1-421 B1-422 B1-423 B1-424 B1-425 B1-426 B1-427 B1-428 B1-429 B1-430 B1-431 B1-500 B1-501 B1-502 B1-503 B1-504

CamelBak International, LLC Filiale Italiana, I-36061 Bassano del Grappa (VI) Victorinox, CH-6438 Ibach-Schwyz Oase Outdoors ApS, DK-7323 Give Jack Wolfskin Ausrüstung für Draussen GmbH & Co. KG aA, D-65510 Idstein/Taunus ORTLIEB Sportartikel GmbH, D-91560 Heilsbronn Eagle Creek Europe Ltd., IRL-Midleton, County Cork Caribee Australia, AUS-2015 Alexandria Fibertec, D-40724 Hilden Spyderco Inc., USA-CO 80403 Golden Asolo Spa, I-31040 Nervesa della Battaglia (TV) Lowe Alpine International SRL, I-31040 Nervesa della Battaglia (TV) Nordisk Freizeit Bollerslev GmbH, D-25451 Quickborn Yeti GmbH, D-02828 Görlitz Deuter Sport GmbH & Co. KG, D-86368 Gersthofen Simpert Reiter „TRAVELLUNCH“ GmbH, D-86179 Augsburg Life-Line / Bemontex B.V., D-49176 Hilter Bergverlag Rother GmbH, D-85521 Ottobrunn SIGMA Elektro GmbH, D-67433 Neustadt SmarTube - BlueDesert Ltd., IL-79304 Kohav Michael Benchmade Knife Co., USA-97045 Oregon City ACR Electronics Inc.; Klemann & Kreutzfeldt GmbH, D-19260 Banzin Penguin Brands, Inc., USA-19079 PA Sharon Hill C. Jul. Herbertz GmbH, D-42655 Solingen Pacific Outdoor Equipment, USA-59715 MT Bozeman Design Go Ltd, GB-NW7 2HU London Baladéo Coriolis SARL, F-93170 Bagnolet Barigo Barometerfabrik GmbH, D-78054 Villingen-Schwenningen Engels-Leder GbR, D-65510 Idstein Swiss+Tech / Segula GmbH, D-50667 Köln Source Vagabond Systems Ltd., IL-30250 Tirat Carmel Trekmates, GB-NG5 1RF Nottingham Target Dry Ltd., GB-BT6 9HB Belfast / North Ireland Aquapac International Ltd, GB-SE24 OHG London Terra Nova Equipment Ltd, GB-DE55 7EG Alfreton Horizon Leisure Products Ltd., GB-BH21 6QF West Moors Mountain King Ltd., GB-NE15 6YY Newcastle upon Tyne Highlander (Scotland) Ltd., GB-EH54 5EF Livingston BCB International Ltd., GB-CF24 2QS Cardiff ITW Nexus Europe S.A., E-8520 Les Franqueses (Barcelona) Favour Light Enterprises Ltd., HK-1701-04 Kowloon Leatherman Tool Group, Inc., USA-97220 OR Portland JBol Ltd., GB-OX1 4LB Oxford Tianjin Union International Trade Ltd. Pureland, VRC-300200 Tianjin Thames Co., Ltd., RC-110 Taipei Microsport GmbH + Co. KG, D-81925 München Brettschneider Fernreisebedarf GmbH, D-85551 Heimstetten Zweibrüder Optoelectronics GmbH, D-42699 Solingen Curly & Smooth Handels GmbH, D-82110 Germering Gelert Ltd., GB-LL49 9NX Porthmadog (Wales) RTI Sports GmbH, D-56220 Urmitz

B1-505 B1-506 B1-507 B1-508 B1-509


Tobby Band- und Flechtwaren GmbH, A-1150 Wien BOLL Mountain & Outdoor Gear, CZ-10100 Praha 10 The Healthy Back Bag Company, GB-N1 4EN London Tilley Endurables Ltd., GB-TR13 0QD Cornwall Naschem Co., Ltd, ROK-404-220 Incheon




Mountaineering equipment, backpacks, sleeping bags, rescue technologies, navigation systems, shoes, clothes, publishers, tents

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HALLE Kletterausrüstung, Rucksäcke, Schlafsäcke, Rettungstechnik, Navigationssysteme, Schuhe, Bekleidung, Zelte, Verlage

B2 B2-100 B2-100 B2-101 B2-101 B2-102 B2-103 B2-104 B2-105 B2-106 B2-107 B2-108 B2-109 B2-110 B2-111 B2-200 B2-201 B2-202 B2-203 B2-204 B2-205 B2-205 B2-206 B2-207 B2-208 B2-209 B2-210 B2-211 B2-212 B2-213 B2-214 B2-215 B2-216 B2-217 B2-218 B2-219 B2-220 B2-221 B2-222 B2-223 B2-224 B2-300 B2-301 B2-302 B2-303 B2-303 B2-303 B2-304 B2-305

Red Chili International Ltd., D-74369 Löchgau Wild Country Ltd., GB-SK178PY Buxton E9, D-96187 Stadelhofen Metolius Climbing, USA-97701 OR Bend DMM International Ltd, GB-LL55 4EL Llanberis, Wales Entre-Prises, F-38660 St Vincent de Mercuze AustriAlpin Vertriebs GmbH, A-6166 Fulpmes Saltic s.r.o., CZ-76001 Zlin Climbing Technology distributed by Aludesign SpA, I-24034 Cisano Bergamasco (BG) Garra Climbing Shoes, S.L., E-28830 San Fernando de Henares (Madrid) Tung Yi Steel Wire Co., Ltd., RC-35743 Miao Li Hsien Sterling Rope Co., USA-04005 ME Biddeford Techni-Sangles SAS Ingénierie & Développement, F-42400 Saint-Chamond Nograd, F-94800 Villejuif Patagonia Europe SNC, F-74940 Annecy-le-Vieux EB Climbing Shoes, F-87022 Limoges Cédex 9 Patagonia Footwear Wolverine Europe Ltd., GB-N1 9AG London bufo / LS climb, D-85072 Eichstätt La Sportiva S.p.A., I-38030 Ziano di Fiemme (TN) Benky Vertical Equipment, D-88316 Isny Mad Rock, USA-90670 CA Santa Fee Springs MASTERS Srl, I-36061 Bassano del Grappa (VI) Fixe Climbing S.L., E-08580 St. Quirze de Besora (Barcelona) Peguet & Cie, F-74105 Annemasse Chillaz International, A-6134 Vomp STUBAI Werkzeugindustrie / Bergsport, A-6166 Fulpmes Moon Climbing, GB-S3 7AU Sheffield Top 30 S.L., E-33418 Gozón (Asturias) Anlo Mountain GmbH, A-5760 Saalfelden EVOLV Climbing Footwear, USA-90620 CA Buena Park VOLX SAS, F-69210 Savigny Guidetti Frères, F-73360 Les Echelles Raidlight, F-42660 St. Genest Malifaux TSL Outdoor, F-74940 Annecy le Vieux Clusters CIM/Sporaltec - CCI de la Savoie / ‚Outdoor French Innovation‘, F-73024 Chambéry Cedex OSMOSE, F-38 660 St Vincent de Mercuze CiLAO, F-74334 Poisy Cedex SNAP, F-74410 Saint-Jorioz eXpression holds, F-42400 Saint-Chamond Andrea Boldrini - Chaussures 3B SARL, F-26300 Bourg de Peage ARC‘TERYX, CDN-V7H3B2 North Vancouver, BC Five Ten Europe, B-3090 Overijse Petzl SAS, F-38920 CROLLES AIX - climbing holds, CZ-18100 Prag Nihil Climbing, NL-7521 BE Enschede PAD bouldering gear s.r.o., CZ-38501 Vimperk Italbastoni S.n.c., I-38012 Taio (TN) VAUDE Sport GmbH & Co. KG, D-88069 Tettnang

B2-400 B2-401 B2-402 B2-500 B2-501 B2-502 B2-503 B2-504 B2-505 B2-506 B2-506 B2-507 B2-508 B2-509 B2-510 B2-511 B2-512 B2-513 B2-513 B2-600 B2-600 B2-601 B2-602 B2-603 B2-604 B2-605 B2-606


Black Diamond Equipment AG, CH-4153 Reinach Black Diamond Equipment AG, CH-4153 Reinach C.A.M.P. spa, I-23834 Premana (LC) Rock Empire s.r.o., CZ-407 22 Benesov nad Pl. Vasque Footwear, USA-55066 MN Red Wing Beal, F-38200 Vienne Cedex Edelweiss SAS, F-42400 Saint Chamond Rock Pillars - Ocún, CZ-294 21 Béla Pod Bezdezem EDELRID GmbH & Co. KG, D-88316 Isny im Allgäu LANEX a.s. / TENDON, CZ-747 23 Bolatice Singing Rock, CZ-512 42 Poniklá Tilak, a.s., CZ-78701 Sumperk Uax, v.o.s., CZ-74241 Bernartice nad Odrou Triop, CZ-763 16 Zlin LANEX a.s. / TENDON, CZ-747 23 Bolatice Doldy s.r.o., CZ-54963 Machov Aliens Bergsport Andreas Hofmann, D-83661 Lenggries HRT Ltd., BG-1712 Sofia Walltopia Ltd., BG-1712 Sofia Grivel s.r.l., I-11013 Courmayeur (AO) Roca Cordes de Muntanya SL, E-08130 St. Perpetua de Mogoda, Barcelona Aventure Verticale Sarl, F-49300 Cholet PSB Simply Rock, D-97199 Ochsenfurt SCHOUTTETEN & FROIDURE, F-59560 Comines Motor Presse Stuttgart GmbH & Co. KG, D-70174 Stuttgart Vertical, F-42400 Saint-Chamond Wild Climb, D-66996 Erfweiler




Camping gear, mountaineering equipment, backpacks, tents, clothes

#4/#0+#0 +)'3

31%5'33# 3+//'3 16$41.

7'3 +5' 1.#3 1%64





#%4#(' #/2+0) %*6* #% 21354

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'# 51 6//+5

631 +0'



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#0:#0) 10)4*'0 !*#0),+# )#0)

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.16& 3+(5 '0; *16 6%%'44 +#/'0 2 .:+0)

HALLE Campingausrüstung, Zelte, Rucksäcke, Bekleidung

B3 B3-100 B3-101 B3-102 B3-103 B3-104 B3-105 B3-106 B3-107 B3-108 B3-109 B3-110 B3-110 B3-110 B3-110 B3-110 B3-200 B3-200 B3-200 B3-200 B3-200 B3-200 B3-201 B3-202 B3-203 B3-204 B3-205 B3-206 B3-207 B3-208 B3-209 B3-210 B3-211 B3-211 B3-212 B3-213 B3-214 B3-215

B3-215A B3-216 B3-217 B3-218 B3-219 B3-220 B3-221 B3-222 B3-223 B3-224 B3-225 B3-226 B3-300

Kong S.p.a., I-23804 Monte Marenzo (LC) Trango, Inc., USA-80027 CO Louisville Rockland Fotinos Eleftherios, GR-18546 Piraeus Usteto Climbing Walls, BG-5050 Kilifarevo Prana Living, LLC., USA-92081 Vista Ims Kwoons di Im Duck Yong (Snake), I-39057 Bolzano NM Design, Sociedade Unipessoal, LDA Ortik, P-1400-298 Lissabon Snugpak Ltd., GB-BD20 0HA Silsden Yeti R. Krawczyk spj Warmth Unlimited, PL-03-774 Warschau Winsport / Transworld & Associates Co., Ltd., HK-Kowloon Bay Cloud-Drift Co., Ltd., VRC-Dongguan City Sino International Trading e.K., D-52134 Herzogenrath Wenzhou Success Group Co., Ltd., VRC-325028 Wenzhou Xiamen Up-Flying Trading Co., Ltd., VRC-361012 Xiamen Xiamen Wingtas Garments Co., Ltd., VRC-361023 Xiamen Ever Lite - Mars Trading Co., CDN-Y6Y 2X9 Richmond, B.C. Loubsol SA, F-39206 Saint-Claude rocterra - Krimmer OutdoorSystems GmbH, D-86567 Tandern SCHLAMBERGER P & J D.O.O / LAPIS, SLO-1260 Ljublana Polje Simond S.A., F-74310 Les Houches, Chamonix SolarFocus Technology Company Ltd., RC-Taipei County King Snaps Ind. Corp., RC-110 Taipei Revolution Climbing Europe blocSyndicate Ltd., D-50829 Köln Skylotec GmbH, D-56567 Neuwied Makak Climbing s.r.o., CZ-466 01 Jablonec nad Nisou Usang Industrial Co. Ltd., RC-106 Taipei Vertical Ltd., RUS-610014 Kirov PIEPS GmbH, A-8403 Lebring Core Climbing Ltd., GB-S41 9RF Chesterfield, Derbyshire Cousin Trestec, F-59117 Wervicq-Sud On Top Klettern Ges. für Freizeitsport mbH, D-50389 Wesseling BERGWOLF GmbH, D-88175 Scheidegg Bornack, D-74080 Heilbronn MONKEE, D-90429 Nürnberg Robinson Sports Goods Co., Ltd., VRC-264200 Weihai Xtra Light BV, NL-1852 CD Heiloo Bavaria Sonor Musikverlag und Merchandising GmbH, D-82031 Geiselgasteig Atech Scientific Measurement Ltd., HK-Kowloon MX3 Nutrition Sportive Sté Titok Productions, F-85340 Olonne Sur Mer KOGA BV, NL-8445 PD Heerenveen Hoch Hinaus GmbH, D-33729 Bielefeld NEMO Equipment, Inc., USA-03060 NH Nashua Guyot Designs, USA-04627 ME Deer Isle Zhejiang Nature Travel Goods Co., Ltd., VRC-317203 Taizhou, Tiantai, Zhejiang Q-Yield Outdoor Gear Ltd., VRC-361026 Xiamen Fine Products Ltd., VRC-116001 Dalian Fotune Laminated Fabric Co., Ltd., PRC-523586 Dongguan Xiamen Sumosta Garments Co., Ltd., PRC-361006 Xiamen Jinre Travel Products Co., Ltd., VRC-362000 Quanzhou Coghlan‘s Ltd., CDN-R3T 4C7 Winnipeg

B3-300 B3-300 B3-301 B3-301 B3-302 B3-303 B3-304 B3-305 B3-306 B3-307 B3-308 B3-309 B3-310 B3-311 B3-312 B3-312 B3-313 B3-314 B3-314 B3-315 B3-316 B3-317 B3-318 B3-319 B3-320 B3-321 B3-322 B3-323 B3-324 B3-400 B3-400 B3-401 B3-402 B3-403 B3-403 B3-403 B3-403 B3-404 B3-405 B3-406 B3-407 B3-408 B3-409

B3-410 B3-411 B3-411A B3-412 B3-413


GSI Outdoors Inc., USA-99206 WA Spokane Relags GmbH, D-83104 Tuntenhausen Camping Schuh GmbH, D-71701 Schwieberdingen Mac Sports, USA-91750 CA La Verne Pacsafe / Outpac Designs Ltd., HK-Hong Kong IPV GmbH Inheidener Produktions- und Vertriebsges. mbH, D-35410 Hungen-Inheiden Deproc Vertriebs GmbH, D-09496 Marienberg Bellmart Industrial Co., Ltd., RC-Taipei IMBEMA KUNSTSTOFFCHEMIE GMBH, D-70806 Kornwestheim Scoutdoor GmbH, D-78467 Konstanz AMAZONAS GmbH, D-80999 München CAO, F-28220 Cloyes sur le Loir Phelgard Products Inc., RC-104 Taipei Euro-Line Solar GmbH, D-56856 Zell / Mosel Black Stump Co. Instant Tents, AUS-6564 Clackline Wechsel Die Berliner Zeltschmiede GmbH, D-12107 Berlin Snow Peak Europe GmbH, D-40882 Ratingen Fox River Mills, Inc., USA-50461 IA Osage Red Fox, RUS-197110 St. Petersburg Swiss Advance by Think Industry Ltd., CH-6300 Zug TSS Fortune Co., Ltd., VRC-300074 Tianjin Alexika European Office, D-86356 Neusaess NanJing Kekang Industrial & Trading Co., Ltd. Cocam, VRC-210008 Nanjing Cadac Europe B.V., NL-6921 RW Duiven JR GEAR - Star Arrow Company, Hong Kong Mountain Services Creations, VRC-528403 Guang Dong Xiamen Wait Trading Co., Ltd., VRC-361004 Xiamen Danyang Luyin Outdoor Products Co., Ltd., VRC-212352 Danyang Nantong Haoyi Trade Co., Ltd., VRC-226000 Nantong Tasmanian Tiger c/o Tatonka GmbH, D-86453 Dasing Tatonka GmbH, D-86453 Dasing Sea to Summit, AUS-6004 East Perth Royalbeach, D-83417 Kirchanschöring Active Leisure / Van Bergen Sports Int. BV, NL-3641RZ Mydrecht EuroTrail, NL-3641RZ Mydrecht Khodi, NL-3641 RZ Mydrecht TravelSafe, NL-3641 RZ Mydrecht Sportsman Corporation, RC-Taipei Hsien Esbit Compagnie GmbH, D-22525 Hamburg Warmpeace s.r.o., CZ-56501 Chocen Wonall GmbH, D-24629 Kisdorf Ticketothemoon PT. Ayunan Bulan International, 08361 Kerobokan / Bali Stanley (Pacific Market International, Ltd.), GB-HP27DW Hemel Hempstead Herts Alb Forming, CZ-403 38 Telnice Timolino, USA-92656 CA Aliso Viejo CCM Ensamble y Manufactura S.A. de C.V BajaRack, MEX-22890 Ensenada, B.C. Xiamen Sun-V Enterprise Ltd., VRC-Xiamen Zhejiang Metals and Materials Co., Ltd., VRC-310003 Hangzhou




Camping gear, mountaineering equipment, backpacks, tents, clothes

#4/#0+#0 +)'3

31%5'33# 3+//'3 16$41.

7'3 +5' 1.#3 1%64





#%4#(' #/2+0) %*6* #% 21354

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HALLE Campingausr체stung, Zelte, Rucks채cke, Bekleidung

B3 B3-414 B3-415 B3-416 B3-417 B3-418 B3-419 B3-420 B3-421 B3-422 B3-423 B3-424 B3-425 B3-426 B3-427 B3-428 B3-429 B3-430 B3-431 B3-432 B3-433 B3-434 B3-435 B3-500 B3-501 B3-502 B3-503 B3-504 B3-505 B3-506 B3-507 B3-508 B3-509 B3-510 B3-511


Ningbo Yonglin Light Industry Co., Ltd., VRC-315012 Ningbo Fuzhou Sunlight Camping Products Co., Ltd., VRC-Fuzhou Fuzhou Leco Import & Export Co., Ltd., VRC-Fuzhou Suzhou O-Tex Plastic Industry Co., Ltd., VRC-215168 Suzhou Guangzhou Xinhang Industry & Trading Co., VRC-550308 Guangzhou Ningbo First Outdoor Goods Co., Ltd., VRC-Ningbo Fuzhou Suretex Import & Export Co., Ltd., VRC-350003 Fuzhou Billiet-Vanlaere NV, B-8700 Tielt KingCamp & Outdoor Products Co., Ltd., VRC-100022 Beijing Taiwan Vertex Production Corp., RC-23853 Taipei Danyang Hongshen Camping Goods Co., Ltd., VRC-212352 Danyang City Zhangjiagang Derry I/E Co., Ltd., VRC-Zhangjiagang Nanjing Yakka Sporting Goods Co., Ltd., VRC-211215 Nanjing Golden Sports Co., Ltd., VRC-361012 Xiamen Jiangsu Sunshine Dong Sheng Import & Export Co., Ltd., VRC-Nanjing Qingdao Wintrak Textile Ltd., VRC-266001 Qingdao Danyang Yuheng Outdoor Goods Co., Ltd., VRC-212352 Danyang Xiamen Smart Import and Export Ltd., VRC-361006 Xiamen Xiamen Sibide I/E. Co., Ltd., VRC-361004 Xiamen Topmark Bags Co., Ltd., VRC-36200 Quanzhou Bona (Xiamen) Company Ltd., VRC-Xiamen Ningbo Yinzhou Wideland Sports Co., Ltd., VRC-315192 Ningbo TEVA (Deckers Europe Ltd), GB-TW9 1HE Richmond, Surrey TEVA (Deckers Europe Ltd), GB-TW9 1HE Richmond, Surrey Vango, GB-PA14 6TD Port Glasgow Goodway Industrial (HK) Ltd., HK-122121 Shatin, N.T Promens Packaging GmbH, D-76275 Ettlingen Nalgene, USA-14625 NY Rochester Grabber, USA-49509 MI Grand Rapids Shinfuji Burner Co., Ltd. Soto, J- 441-031 Toyokawa City, Aichi Ninghai Xingda Leisure Products Co., Ltd., VRC-Ningbo Xiamen Good-Do I/E Co., Ltd., VRC-361004 Xiamen Ningbo Oulu Tourist Articles Co., Ltd., VRC-315031 Ningbo Xiamen Jialin Foreign Trade Co, Ltd, VRC-Xiamen


HALL Clothes, fabrics, textile accessories



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HALLE Bekleidung, Stoffe, Textilzubehör

B4-314 B4-315 B4-315 B4-316 B4-317 B4-318 B4-319 B4-400 B4-401 B4-402 B4-403 B4-404 B4-405 B4-406 B4-407 B4-408 B4-409 B4-410 B4-411 B4-412 B4-413

NIFCO Group, USA-CA 92626 Costa Mesa Grandtek Enterprise Co., Ltd., RC-241 Taipei Hsien Varied Wise Int‘l Co., Ltd., RC-404 Taichuang City New Trend Textile Co., Ltd., RC-105 Taipei Taiwan Sporting Goods Manufacturers Association, RC-10461 Taipei Ting Top Industrial Co., Ltd., RC-114 75 Taipei Double Hero Corp., RC-701 Tainan Simex Sport GmbH, D-41748 Viersen Bailo S.p.A., I-38050 Pieve Tesino (TN) Kask srl, I-24060 Chiuduno (BG) TBAD B.V., NL-2596 BA Den Haag Sunny Way Fashion Co., Ltd., VRC-116001 Dalian VARGU, CH-3053 Münchenbuchsee A. Sampaio & Filhos - Texteis, S.A., P-4784-909 Santo Tirso Pidigi S.p.A., I-37139 Verona Salvas Sub S.p.A., I-15053 Castelnuovo Scrivia (AL) SCE GmbH, D-63874 Dammbach Kingwhale Industries Corp., RC-114 Taipei Haojey Co., Ltd., RC-106 Taipei Taiwan Paiho Limited, RC-508 Chang Hua Hsien Taiwan Textile Federation / Taiwan Premium Selected Suppliers (TEPP), RC-10092 Taipei Win Trend International Co., RC-235 Taipei County Triple Win Sports Ind. Inc., RC-11011 Taipei Chia Her Industrial Co., Ltd., RC-104 Taipei Well Mart Merit Co., Ltd, RC-506 Kaohsiung Chieftex Enterprise Co., Ltd., RC-106 Taipei Tai Yuen Textile Co., Ltd., RC-106, Taipei Hans Global Textile (Taiwan) Co., Ltd., RC-710 Tainan County Elite-tron Enterprise Co., Ltd., RC-238 Taipei Hsien ODLO International AG, CH-6331 Hünenberg / Zug IN FORM Planungs- und Handels GmbH, A-6800 Feldkirch Swizz-Light GmbH, CH-5080 Laufenburg Orange s.r.l., I-16036 Recco (GE) Easton Technical Products, USA-84116 Salt Lake City Kolon Fashion Material, Inc., ROK-427-709 Kwacheon-City, Kyunggi-do Conel B.V., NL-8028 PK Zwolle Fashion-Power Group, VRC-Hangzhou, Zhejiang CHIMA Fernost Service, D-52062 Aachen XIAMEN KINGLAND CO.,LTD., VRC-361001 Xiamen DURAFLEX, USA-CA92315 Big Bear Lake ST ONECHANG CO., LTD, ROK-153-769 Geumcheon-Gu Seoul CHUMS / Landwell Inc., J-50-0001 Tokyo Herrers Outdoor Co. Ltd., VRC-310000 Hangzhou Mitsubishi Corporation Kansai Branch LO-X, J-530-0001 Osaka Sealon Co., Ltd., ROK-152-740 Seoul LMA - Leandro Manuel Araújo, Lda., P-4795-160 Rebordões 4Sevens, LLC, USA-30084 Tucker Danken Enterprise Co., Ltd., RC-111 Taipei Fulltide Enterprise Co., Ltd., RC-337 Taoyuan Hsien Taiwan Textile Federation, RC-100 Taipei Chang-ho Fibre Corporation, RC-106 Taipei Ruey Fa Enterprise Co., Ltd., RC-242 Taipei County Asiatic Fiber Corporation, RC-110 Taipei Tomlong Techstile Corp., RC-437 Taichung County Wu Luen Knitting Co., Ltd., RC-523 Chang Hwa Hsien Universe Fashion Accessories Co., Ltd., RC-242 Taipei County Tah Tong Textile Co., Ltd., RC-10595 Taipei Walinco Ltd., RC-105 Taipei De Licacy Ind. Co., Ltd., RC-105 Taipei Ya Champion Industrial Co., Ltd., RC-241 Taipei County Hope Land International Ltd., RC-407 Taichung City

B4 B4-100 B4-101 B4-101 B4-102 B4-103 B4-104 B4-105 B4-106 B4-108 B4-109 B4-109 B4-110 B4-111 B4-112 B4-113 B4-200 B4-201 B4-202 B4-203 B4-204 B4-205 B4-206 B4-207 B4-208 B4-209 B4-210 B4-211 B4-212 B4-213 B4-214 B4-215 B4-216 B4-217 B4-218 B4-219 B4-220 B4-300 B4-300 B4-301 B4-302 B4-303 B4-304 B4-305 B4-306 B4-306A B4-307 B4-308 B4-308A B4-309 B4-310 B4-311 B4-312 B4-313

Halti Oy, FIN-1511 Vantaa Husemann GmbH - Lurbel, D-47495 Rheinberg Lurbel, S.L., E-46870 Ontinyent (Valencia) Australian Fashion House GmbH, D-97246 Eibelstadt elkline GmbH, D-22085 Hamburg Tech Winning Ind. Co., Ltd., RC-103 Taiwan K and K Trims Manufacturing Limited, HK-Kowloon Insport Garments Manufactory, HK-Kowloon Bay pervormance international GmbH, D-89075 Ulm Dragon Times Accessory Co., Ltd., RC-241 San Chung, Taipei Taiwan Hipster Enterprise Co., Ltd., RC-23876 Taipei Hsien FIEC Deutschland Trading & Enterprise GmbH, D-65933 Frankfurt Fuzhou David Clothing Making Co., Ltd., VRC-350002 Fuzhou City Suzhou Douple Garments Co., Ltd., China, 215100, Suzhou Button International Co., Ltd., RC-11492 Taipei X-Bionic - Treré SRL, I-46041 Asola (MN) Think Pink- G.B.International Spa, I-31030 Covolo Di Pederobba (TV) zipitbag Matthias Altfeld & Roland Scharff GbR, D-63110 Rodgau badari sports GmbH, D-73230 Kirchheim-Teck Action Sports GmbH, D-52146 Würselen Batex GmbH, D-68766 Hockenheim Milo, PL-41-303 Dabrowa Górnicza RuckJack Ltd., GB-E2 8AA London Outdoor Organic, NL-1223 BZ Hilversum HV Corporate Concepts AG, D-71686 Remseck Xiamen Lago Garments Co., Ltd., VRC-361000 Xiamen Rainpal Enterprise (HK) Ltd., HK-Kowloon Framis Italia SPA, I-20083 Vigano Di Gaggiano (MI) Qualiance International Pvt Ltd., IND-400 064 Malad (W), Mumbai RIRI GROUP, CH-6850 Mendrisio Woojin Plastic, ROK-471-080 Kuri-City Pepwing International Corp., RC-24889 Taipei County Ventex Co., Ltd., ROK-138-220 Seoul Fuzhou Riversuny Waterproof Garments & Bags Mfg., Ltd., VRC-350003 Fuzhou Alatech Technology Ltd., RC-40255 Taichung Sun Grace Sports Co., Ltd., RC-11083 Taipei adidas AG, D-91074 Herzogenaurach adidas eyewear; Silhouette International, Schmied AG, A-4021 Linz Lifemarque Ltd., GB-RG7 8EN Berkshire Montane, GB-NE63 0YF Ashington, Northumberland TechNiche Europe, B-9200 Dendermonde Multibrand s.r.o. Nordblanc, CZ-130 00 Praha 3 Radler GmbH Wasserdichte Sportartikel, D-90530 Wendelstein HBSD, F-30260 Gailhan Swimeezy SA, ZA-2007 Bedfordview hhp Home Health Products GmbH, D-76133 Karlsruhe PINEA Sportswear OHG, D-68519 Viernheim NET Sportswear Ltd., VRC-314000 Jiaxing, Zheijiang Fabric King Textile Co., Ltd., RC-104 Taipei Teijin Fibers Ltd., J-541-8587 Chuo-ku, Osaka RAM Mounting Systems, USA-98108 Seattle Cotec - EPO International Co., Ltd., RC-516 Changhua Shiny Textile Co., Ltd., ROK-10354 Taipei

B4-414 B4-415 B4-416 B4-417 B4-418 B4-419 B4-420 B4-421 B4-500 B4-501 B4-501 B4-502 B4-503 B4-504 B4-505 B4-505 B4-506 B4-506 B4-507 B4-508 B4-509 B4-510 B4-511 B4-512 B4-513 B4-514 B4-515 B4-516 B4-517 B4-518 B4-519 B4-520 B4-521 B4-522 B4-523 B4-524 B4-525 B4-526 B4-527 B4-528





Tent City Zeltstadt



Tent City Zeltstadt



Open Air Grounds West:

Clothes, publisher, camping equipment, mountaineering equipment, clothes, accessories, Trail Running Course, OutDoor Party

Passage East:

Sport 2000/Outdoor Profis, clothes, publishers

Freigelände West:

Bekleidung, Verlage, CampingzubehĂśr, KletterzubehĂśr, ZubehĂśr, Trailrunning-Parcours, OutDoor Party

Ăœbergang Ost:

Sport 2000/Outdoor-Profis, Bekleidung, Verlage

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FG-A71 FG-A81 FG-A82 FG-A83 FG-A91 FG-A92 FG-A101 FG-A102 FG-A102 FG-B31 FG-B71 FG-B80 FG-B81 FG-B82 FG-B83

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ĂœO-100 ĂœO-101 ĂœO-101 ĂœO-102 ĂœO-103


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ID Sports GmbH Gibbon Slacklines, D-70173 Stuttgart Pro Feet GmbH, D-97424 Schweinfurt Fun-Care AG, CH-6300 Zug Slackline-Tools, D-78462 Konstanz Fjällräven AB, S-17154 Solna VIV GmbH Trainings & Incentives, D-79115 Freiburg Hannah Czech a.s., CZ-301 00 Pilsen Adventure Food BV, NL-3953 BC Maarsbergen Birdland Int., NL-3953 BZ Maarsbergen W. L. Gore & Associates GmbH, D-83620 Feldkirchen-Westerham Beier Distribution, D-96253 Untersiemau ROCK HELMETS / Simoni SRL, I-58100 Grosseto dubertec gmbh, CH-8260 Stein am Rhein Beach Palms, D-78652 DeiĂ&#x;lingen boss management gmbh skike sport Deutschland, D-69198 Schriesheim FG-B84 Editions Niveales, F-38 000 Grenoble FG-B101 NEMO Equipment, Inc., USA-03060 NH Nashua FG-B102 Technolen TechnickĂ˝ Textil A. S., CZ-512 51 Lomnice nad Popelkou FG-AKA1 Slack.fr / Loisirs Alternatifs, F-67540 Ostwald FG-AKA2 Monkey Hardware GmbH, D-66879 Reichenbach-Steegen FG-AKB1 ZweibrĂźder Optoelectronics GmbH, D-42699 Solingen

outdoortrophy, A-6951 Lingenau Outdoor-Profis GmbH, D-65549 Limburg SPORT 2000 Deutschland GmbH, D-63533 Mainhausen mode...information GmbH, D-51491 Overath IDEAS Active Sports Design Network, CH-9400 Rorschach

Foyer/Entrance West :

Trade visitor registration, EOG Association for Conservation, OutDoor Industry Award, Intersport, publishers, job market, specialist literature, Service Center

Foyer/Eingang West:

Fachbesucher Akkreditierung, EOG Association for Conservation, OutDoor Industry Award, Intersport, Verlage, JobbĂśrse, Fachpresse, Service Center

FW-100 FW-101 FW-102 FW-102 FW-103 FW-104 FW-105 FW-106 FW-107 FW-108 FW-109 FW-110

SGI Europe / EDM Publications, F-94360 Bry sur Marne soq.de, D-79367 Weisweil SAZ Verlag GmbH (SAZsport), D-80469 MĂźnchen SPORTĂŠco, F-93100 Montreuil INTERSPORT Deutschland eG, D-74078 Heilbronn Sportswear International Magazine, I-20144 Milano Infotrade Media Co., Ltd., RC-40753 Taichung TAITRA Taiwan External Trade Development Council, RC-11012 Taipei Verlag Chmielorz GmbH Sport + Mode, D-65183 Wiesbaden Jahr Top Special Verlag GmbH & Co. KG, D-22529 Hamburg atlas Verlag GmbH, D-80333 MĂźnchen Outdoor Links e.V. Verein zur FĂśrderung junger Menschen im Outdoorsport, D-64367 MĂźhltal

FW-111 FW-112 FW-113 FW-114 FW-115 FW-116 FW-117 FW-117 FW-117 FW-118

Bergwaldprojekt e.V., D-97080 Wßrzburg Leditore SRL, I-20151 Milano nextbike GmbH, D-04109 Leipzig EOG Association for Conservation, CH-6304 Zug Asia Outdoor Trade Fair European Overseas Office, D-88099 Neukirch Sport Press SRL Outdoor Magazine, I-20036 Meda (MI) ASSOSPORT Italian Association of Sporting Goods Manufacturers, I-31100 Treviso MAB spa, I-20049 Concorezzo (MI) Macpi spa, I-25036 Palazzolo sull ‚ Oglio (BS) SPORT-Adressbuch - Kern Verlag, D-79285 Ebringen

! "

" ! !#

! !

! !




Trade visitor registration, Climbing and Bouldering wall, publishers, Alpine Association Fachbesucher-Akkreditierung, Service Center, Kletter- und Boulderwand, Verlage, DAV

FO-100 FO-100 FO-100 FO-100A FO-101 FO-102 FO-103 FO-104 FO-105 FO-106

Deutscher Alpenverein e. V., D-80997 MĂźnchen Ă–sterreichischer Alpenverein, A-6020 Innsbruck Schweizer Alpen-Club SAC, CH-3000 Bern 23 LĂźmmel by Sellando GmbH, D-96450 Coburg Coop. Montagnard SCARL, I-10060 Villar Pellice (TO) Grupo Desnivel, E-28025 Madrid Versante Sud s.r.l., I-20137 Milano Olympia-Verlag GmbH, D-90402 NĂźrnberg Trentino S.p.A., I-38100 Trento Europa-Wanderhotels, A-9773 Irschen



1st floor | 1. Stock: Conference Center Foyer East, Press Center East Konferenz-Zentrum Foyer Ost, Pressezentrum Ost EOG & VIP-Lounge



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Index of exhibitors Ausstellerverzeichnis | Elenco degli espositori | Catalogue exposants

Index of exhibitors Ausstellerverzeichnis | Elenco degli espositori | Catalogue exposants

A6-305 2A SRL Via Industrie, 21, I-31040 Signoressa di Trevignano Tel.: +39 0423 670370 Fax: +39 0423 670391 Email: calzaturificio2a@libero.it A1-307 2xU / Filser Sport & Marketing Hindelanger Straße 31, D-87527 Sonthofen Tel.: +49 8321 780935 0 Fax: +49 8321 780935 99 Email: info@filsermarketing.de Internet: www.filsermarketing.de A1-414A 4 Elements - Outdoorshop Jens Bonin und Jutta Schmitt GbR Ludwigstraße 23, D-97688 Bad Kissingen Tel.: +49 971 6992350 Fax: +49 971 6992351 Email: info@gekkotex.de Internet: www.gekkotex.de B4-514 4Sevens, LLC 4896 N. Royal Atlanta Dr., Ste 305, USA-30084 Tucker Tel.: +1 678 6080308 Email: info@4sevens.com Internet: www.4sevens.com B3-200 23holds / www.23holds.com


B1-407 ACR Electronics Inc.; Klemann & Kreutzfeldt GmbH Am Lehmberg 100, D-19260 Banzin Tel.: +49 38848 8000 Fax: +49 38848 8001 Email: info@kk2.de Internet: www.acrelectronics.de B4-204 Action Sports GmbH Carlo-Schmid-Straße 11, D-52146 Würselen Tel.: +49 2405 6060 Fax: +49 2405 606150 Email: info@action-sports.de Internet: www.action-sports.de B3-403 Active Leisure / Van Bergen Sports Int. BV Ondernemingsweg 10, NL-3641RZ Mydrecht Tel.: +31 297 284 400 Fax: +31 297 288 256 Email: info@vbsi.nl Internet: www.active-leisure.net Exhibited products: Zelte, Rucksäcke, Schlafsäcke, Daypacks, Accessories B4-300 adidas AG Adi-Dassler-Strasse 1, D-91074 Herzogenaurach Tel.: +49 91 32 84 0 Fax: +49 91 32 84 22 41 Internet: www.adidas.com

A5-203 66° North

B4-300 adidas eyewear; Silhouette International, Schmied AG

Miðhrauni 11, IS-210 Garðabær Tel.: +354 535 6600 Fax: +354 535 6602 Email: helga@66north.is Internet: www.66north.com

Ellbognerstraße 24, A-4021 Linz Tel.: +43 732 371117 Fax: +43 732 371114 Email: office@adidas-ep.com Internet: www.adidas.com/eyewear

A1-414 Aarn / Naturzone AG

Represented by: adidas AG

Thurgauerstrasse 119, CH-8065 Zürich Tel.: +41 44 8114000 Fax: +41 44 8114001 Internet: www.naturzone.ch A5-319 Acecamp GmbH Sontraer Straße 6, D-60386 Frankfurt Tel.: +49 69 40148131 Fax: +49 69 40148133 Email: info@acecamp.de Internet: www.acecamp.de A5-211 Aclima AS Sundvollhovet, N-3535 Kröderen Tel.: +47 32 150600 Fax: +47 32 820688 Email: aclima@aclima.no Internet: www.aclima.com Exhibited products: Thermal underwear in Merinowool Mesh underwear, wollen socks and beanies.

A4-315 Advansa Marketing GmbH Caldenhofer Weg 192, D-59063 Hamm Tel.: +49 2381 8785 306 Fax: +49 2381 8785 350 Email: nurhan.nalbant@advansa.com Internet: www.thermocool.net FG-A102 Adventure Food BV Twindorpweg 8-B, NL-3953 BC Maarsbergen Tel.: +31 343 461 656 Fax: +31 343 461 818 Email: adventurefood@planet.nl Internet: www.adventurefood.com A1-200 Aetrex Worldwide Inc. 414 Alfred Avenue, USA-7666 Teaneck Tel.: +1 201 833 2700 Fax: +1 201 833 9754 Email: info@aetrex.com Internet: www.aetrex.com A4-510 Airlite



Index of exhibitors Ausstellerverzeichnis | Elenco degli espositori | Catalogue exposants

A5-221 Aitec Co., Ltd


Rm 817 Crystal Beach O/T.Jungdong, haeundaegu,, ROK-612-010 Busan Tel.: +82 51 741 6497 Fax: +82 51 746 2194 Email: cho@aitec.co.kr Internet: www.aitec.co.kr

Zone Industrielle - B.P. 60007, F-57400 Sarrebourg Tel.: +33 3 87 23 30 00 Fax: +33 3 87 23 30 09 Email: info@allrounder.com Internet: www.allrounder.com

B2-303 AIX - climbing holds

A3-302 Allsport Moden GmbH

Hnezdenksa 767/2a, CZ-18100 Prag Tel.: +420 603513882 Email: info@aix.cz Internet: www.aix.cz

Feldstraße 13, A-6833 Weiler Tel.: +43 5523 62074 Fax: +43 5523 52218 Email: service@allsport.at Internet: www.allsport.at

A6-301 AKU SRL Trekking & Outdoor Footwear


Via Schiavonesca Priula, 65, I-31044 Montebelluna (TV) Tel.: +39 0423 2939 Fax: +39 0423 2939 Email: info@aku.it Internet: www.aku.it B3-409 Aladdin (Pacific Market International Ltd.) B4-219 Alatech Technology Ltd. BI, 40 Fl., No. 758, Jungming S. Rd, RC-40255 Taichung Tel.: +886 4 22608341 Fax: +886 4 22608346 Email: alatech@alatech.com.tw Internet: www.alatech.com.tw B3-410 Alb Forming Telnice 95, CZ-403 38 Telnice Tel.: +420 475 223923 Fax: +420 475 224175 Email: alb@alb.cz Internet: www.alb.cz B3-317 Alexika European Office Piechlerstraße 18, D-86356 Neusaess Tel.: +49 821 4804379 90 Fax: +49 821 4804379 99 Email: sales@alexika.eu Internet: www.alexika.eu Exhibited products: Zelte und Schlafsäcke Present at OutDoor: Urbanek Christian B2-512 Aliens Bergsport Andreas Hofmann Sylvensteinstraße 60, D-83661 Lenggries Tel.: +49 8042 501966 Fax: +49 8042 501977 Email: info@aliens-outdoor.de Internet: www.aliens-outdoor.de

A6-212 Alsa GmbH Uerzell, D-36396 Steinau Tel.: +49 6667 81 0 Fax: +49 6667 81 141 Email: mmueller@alsa.de Internet: www.alsa.de B3-308 AMAZONAS GmbH Elly-Staegmeyr-Straße 8, D-80999 München Tel.: +49 89 189288 0 Fax: +49 89 189288 10 Email: info@amazonas-online.de Internet: www.amazonas-online.de B1-507 AmeriBag UK Ltd B2-224 Andrea Boldrini - Chaussures 3B SARL ZI Nord, Allée du Lyonnais, F-26300 Bourg de Peage Tel.: +33 475 71 13 00 Fax: +33 475 05 01 85 Email: info@andrea-boldrini.com Internet: www.andrea-boldrini.com Exhibited products: Chaussons d'escalade, accessoires, vêtements d'escalade B2-213 Anlo Mountain GmbH Lofererstraße 19, A-5760 Saalfelden Tel.: +43 6582 7656610 Fax: +43 6582 7656614 Email: office@anlomountain.com Internet: www.anlomountain.com A5-314 ANSMANN AG Industriestraße 10, D-97959 Assamstadt Tel.: +49 6294 42040 Fax: +49 6294 420444 Email: info@ansmann.de Internet: www.ansmann.de Exhibited products: Ladegeräte, Taschenlampen, Handscheinwerfer, Akkupacks


Index of exhibitors Ausstellerverzeichnis | Elenco degli espositori | Catalogue exposants


A5-423 Aparso (Fuzhou) Sportswear Co., Ltd.

B1-300 Asolo Spa

9F,Yifada Tower, 298 Hudong Road, Fujian, VRC-350003 Fuzhou Tel.: +86 591 87876012 Fax: +86 591 87876038 Email: arthurpan@aparso.com Internet: www.aparso.com

Via Delle Industrie, 2, I-31040 Nervesa della Battaglia (TV) Tel.: +390 422 8866 Fax: +390 422 885282 Email: asolo@asolo.com Internet: www.asolo.com

B1-419 Aquapac International Ltd

FW-117 A4-412 ASSOSPORT Italian Association of Sporting Goods Manufacturers

7 Bessemer Park, GB-SE24 OHG London Tel.: +44 20 7738 4466 Fax: +44 20 7738 6801 Email: info@aquapac.net Internet: www.aquapac.net B2-300 ARC'TERYX #100-2155 Dollarton Hwy, CDN-V7H3B2 North Vancouver, BC Tel.: +1 604 960 3001 Fax: +1 604 904 3692 Email: bird@arcteryx.com Internet: www.arcteryx.com

Piazza Garibaldi, 13, I-31100 Treviso Tel.: +39 0422 4100 87 Fax: +39 0422 579 535 Email: assosport@assosport.it Internet: www.assosport.it B3-215A Atech Scientific Measurement Ltd. Unit A-C, 18/F, Luk Hop Ind. Bldg., HK-Kowloon Tel.: +852 23518673 Fax: +852 23518401 Email: jamc@atech.hk Internet: www.atech.hk

A5-215 Ariston Informatik GmbH

FW-109 atlas Verlag GmbH

Bussardweg 18, D-41468 Neuss Tel.: +49 2131 34730 Fax: +49 2131 347399 Email: info@aristoninformatik.com Internet: www.aristoninformatik.com

Brienner Straße 41, D-80333 München Tel.: +49 89 55241 0 Fax: +49 89 55241 244 Email: anzeigen@atlas-verlag.de Internet: www.atlas-verlag.de

A6-408 Armond Via E. Mattei, 521A, I-31010 Maser (TV) Tel.: +39 0423 925011 Fax: +39 0423 925005 Email: info@armond.com Internet: www.armond.com FW-115 Asia Outdoor Trade Fair European Overseas Office Oberlangensee 5, D-88099 Neukirch Tel.: +49 7528 91592 22 Fax: +49 7528 91592 29 Email: contact@asian-outdoor.eu Internet: www.asian-outdoor.com A4-511 Asia Summit Innovation Corp. 18 Fl., No. 2, Pao Sheng Rd., RC-234 Taipei Tel.: +886 2 82315968 Fax: +886 2 82316399 Email: service@ascdns.com Internet: www.ascdns.com B4-520 Asiatic Fiber Corporation 11F. No. 166, Sec. 2, Fuhsing S. Road, RC-110 Taipei Tel.: +886 2 2708 2136 Fax: +886 2 2708 2139 Email: service@asiatic.com.tw Internet: www.asiatic.com.tw

Exhibited products: DAV PANORAMA, NATURE FITNESS, NORR, SKI JOURNAL Present at OutDoor: Thomas Obermaier, Silvia Schreck, Sandra Wilderer B4-102 Australian Fashion House GmbH Am Gebr. Hofmann Ring 1, D-97246 Eibelstadt Tel.: +49 9303 99737 Fax: +49 9303 99757 Email: info@australian-fashion.de Internet: www.scippis.com B2-104 AustriAlpin Vertriebs GmbH Industriezone C 10, A-6166 Fulpmes Tel.: +43 5225 65248 0 Fax: +43 5225 65248 2 Email: office@austrialpin.at Internet: www.austrialpin.at B2-601 Aventure Verticale Sarl ZA du Puy St Bonnet, Rue de l'épée, F-49300 Cholet PSB Tel.: +33 241 623153 Fax: +33 241 623158 Email: export@aventureverticale.com Internet: www.aventureverticale.com Exhibited products: Fabricant Français de Matériel pour l'escalade, la Spéléologie et le Canyoning



Index of exhibitors Ausstellerverzeichnis | Elenco degli espositori | Catalogue exposants

A5-508 Avisen International Co., Ltd. 16 H, No. 99, Lujiang Road, VRC-361001 Xiamen Tel.: +86 592 2689886 Fax: +86 592 2296006 Email: steven@avisen.net.cn Internet: www.avisen.net.cn A1-505 BACH - Transbach Ltd. 46 Hebron Industrial Estate, IRL-Kilkenny Tel.: +353 56 7763722 Fax: +353 56 7761776 Email: ireland@bachpacks.com Internet: www.bachpacks.com B4-203 badari sports GmbH Max-Eyth-Straße 7, D-73230 Kirchheim-Teck Tel.: +49 7021 807164 Fax: +49 7021 807165 Email: info@badari-sports.com Internet: www.badari-sports.com B4-401 Bailo S.p.A. Località Coldanè, I-38050 Pieve Tesino (TN) Tel.: +39 0461 591111 Fax: +39 0461 591292 Email: info@bailo.com Internet: www.bailo.com B1-412 Baladéo Coriolis SARL 22 Rue Charles Graindorge, F-93170 Bagnolet Tel.: +33 143 606666 Fax: +33 143 636262 Email: contact@baladeo.com Internet: www.baladeo.com A4-309 Barco Tekstil San. Ve Tic AS M. Akif Mah. Basin Ekspres Yolu, TR-34670 Istanbul Tel.: +90 212 4943235 Fax: +90 212 4943234 Internet: www.barco.com.tr B1-413 Barigo Barometerfabrik GmbH Eichendorffstraße 28, D-78054 Villingen-Schwenningen Tel.: +49 7720 3002 14 Fax: +49 7720 3002 11 Email: holger.schumann@barigo.de Internet: www.barigo-outdoor.com B4-205 Batex GmbH Gleisstraße 14, D-68766 Hockenheim Tel.: +49 6205 204853 Fax: +49 6205 202791 Email: ayselakkus@jaba-shop.de Internet: www.jaba-shop.de


B3-215 Bavaria Sonor Musikverlag und Merchandising GmbH Bavariafilmplatz 7, D-82031 Geiselgasteig Tel.: +49 89 6499-2641 Fax: +49 89 6493730 Email: bavaria.sonor@bavaria-film.de Internet: www.bavaria-sonor.de B1-424 BCB International Ltd. Ciydesmuir Industrial Estate, GB-CF24 2QS Cardiff Tel.: +44 2920 433700 Fax: +44 2920 433701 Email: cb@bcbin.com Internet: www.bcbin.com FG-B82 Beach Palms Julius-Leber-Straße 32, D-78652 Deißlingen Tel.: +49 7420 3141 Fax: +49 7420 3142 Email: info@beach-palms.de Internet: www.beachpalms.de B2-502 Beal 2 Rue Rabelais, F-38200 Vienne Cedex Tel.: +33 4 74 788888 Fax: +33 4 74 852776 Email: beal@bealplanet.com Internet: www.bealplanet.com FG-B71 Beier Distribution Wiesenstraße 3a, D-96253 Untersiemau Tel.: +49 9565 617300 Fax: +49 9565 617302 Email: office@beier-distribution.de Internet: www.beier-distribution.de B3-305 Bellmart Industrial Co., Ltd. 5th Floor, No. 38, Nanking East Road, Section 2, RC-Taipei Tel.: +886 2 25371180 Fax: +886 2 25639195 24 Email: jennifer.chen@greatkinggroup.com Exhibited products: Synthetic and down sleeping bag A4-405 Bemis Hong Kong Ltd. 7th Floor, East Warwick House, Taikoo Place, 979 King's Rd., HK-Quarry Bay Tel.: +852 2785 5155 Fax: +852 2785 5455 Email: cparlee@bemisworldwide.com Internet: www.bemisworldwide.com Exhibited products: Sewfree Adhesive Films for bonded or welded apparel. Seam Tape for waterproofing. B1-402 Bemontex B.V.

Index of exhibitors Ausstellerverzeichnis | Elenco degli espositori | Catalogue exposants

B1-406 Benchmade Knife Co. 300 Beavercreek Road, USA-97045 Oregon City Tel.: +1 503 655 6004 ext. 186 Fax: +1 503 655 6223 Email: info@benchmade.com Internet: www.benchmade.com B2-205 Benky Vertical Equipment Neutrauchburger Straße 5, D-88316 Isny Tel.: +49 7562 70900 Fax: +49 7562 709020 Email: benky@soillholds.com Internet: www.soillholds.com A1-305 Bergans Fritid AS Loesmoen, Box 293, N-3301 Hokksund Tel.: +47 32 25 25 00 Fax: +47 32 25 25 10 Email: marked@bergans.no Internet: www.bergans.com Represented by: Bergans Outdoor GmbH A1-305 Bergans Outdoor GmbH Rugenbarg 51, D-22848 Norderstedt Tel.: +49 40 3259644 50 Fax: +49 40 3259644 99 Email: bergans@bergans.de Internet: www.bergans.de


A6-208 Berner Ltd. Sport Department, Nokian footwear Eteläranta 4A, FIN-00130 Helsinki Tel.: +358 207 9100 Fax: +358 207 914365 Email: sport@berner.fi Internet: www.nokianfootwear.fi A6-409 Calzados Bestard S.A. Estación, 40-42, E-07360 Lloseta - Mallorca Tel.: +34 971 514044 Fax: +34 971 514414 Email: info@bestard.com Internet: www.bestard.com B3-421 Billiet-Vanlaere NV Bevrijdingslaan 11, Industriepart Noord, B-8700 Tielt Tel.: +32 51 424091 Fax: +32 51 423988 Email: jeliat@billiet.be Internet: www.billiet.be FG-A102 Birdland Int. Ambachtsweg 14, NL-3953 BZ Maarsbergen Tel.: +31 343 431600 Fax: +31 343 431234 Email: info@birdland.nl Internet: www.birdland.nl

Represented by: Bergans Fritid A/S A1-405 Berghaus Ltd.

B2-400 B2-401 Black Diamond Equipment AG

12, Colima Avenue, GB-SR5 3XB Sunderland Tel.: +44 191 516 5600 Fax: +44 191 516 5605 Internet: www.berghaus.com

Christoph-Merian-Ring 7, CH-4153 Reinach Tel.: +41 61 564 3333 Fax: +41 61 564 3334 Email: climb@blackdiamond.eu Internet: www.blackdiamondequipment.com

B1-403 Bergverlag Rother GmbH

B3-312 Black Stump Co. Instant Tents

Haidgraben 3, D-85521 Ottobrunn Tel.: +49 89 608669 0 Fax: +49 89 608669 69 Email: bergverlag@rother.de Internet: www.rother.de

101 Great Eastern Hgw, AUS-6564 Clackline Tel.: +61 895 74 1183 Email: badgeholdings@hotmail.com Internet: www.instanttents.com

FW-111 Bergwaldprojekt e.V. Pickelstraße 2, D-97080 Würzburg Tel.: +49 831 5127635 Fax: +49 831 5127655 Email: presse@bergwaldprojekt.de Internet: www.bergwaldprojekt.de B3-211 BERGWOLF GmbH Kurstraße 14, D-88175 Scheidegg Tel.: +49 8381 928489 Fax: +49 8381 928696 Email: info@bergwolf.net Internet: www.bergwolf.net

Represented by: Wechsel B2-204 Blurr A6-416 Bohnacker Ladeneinrichtungen GmbH Leinenstraße 9, D-89143 Blaubeuren Tel.: +49 800 969 0 969 Fax: +49 7344 7371 Email: service@bohnacker-shopdirect.de Internet: www.bohnacker-shopdirect.de Exhibited products: Verkaufsständer, Kleiderbügel, Dekofiguren, Verkaufsförderung, Theken, Ladenbedarf, Ladenbausysteme, Ladenbauplanung

Exhibited products: Hochseilgartenbau, Spielplatzbau Represented by: Bornack



Index of exhibitors Ausstellerverzeichnis | Elenco degli espositori | Catalogue exposants

B1-506 BOLL Mountain & Outdoor Gear

A1-309 Bridgedale Outdoor Ltd.

Petrohradská 3, CZ-10100 Praha 10 Tel.: +420 267 184 639 Fax: +420 267 184 691 Email: info@boll.cz Internet: www.boll.cz

Kiltonga Industrial Est., GB-BT23 4YL Newtownards Tel.: +44 2891 81 3461 Fax: +44 2891 81 6345 Email: bridgedale@bridgedale.com Internet: www.bridgedale.com

Exhibited products: Packs & accessories for alpine, outdoor, sport, leisure and kids activities A5-406 Bolle B3-434 Bona (Xiamen) Company Ltd. No. 57, Hubin South Road, VRC-Xiamen Tel.: +86 592 5186788 Fax: +86 592 5188988 Internet: www.bonaworld.com A6-411 Boot-Doc Handels GmbH Wirtschaftspark C10, A-8940 Liezen Tel.: 0043 3112 36026-0 Fax: 0043 3112 36026-31 Email: office@thermic.com Internet: www.thermic.com Represented by: Therm-ic Products GmbH A6-401 BOREAL Altos Condomina, 15, E-03400 Villena Tel.: +34 965 800 589 Fax: +34 965 807 713 Email: info@e-boreal.com Internet: www.e-boreal.com

A5-502 Brooks England Ltd. Downing Street, GB-B66 2PA Birmingham Tel.: +44 121 5652992 Fax: +44 121 5651630 Email: sales@brooksengland.com Internet: www.brooksengland.com A5-303 Brunton / Silva Sweden AB P.O. Box 998, S-191 29 Sollentuna Tel.: +46 8 623 4300 Fax: +46 8 92 7601 Email: info@silva.se Internet: www.brunton.com A4-102 BUFF®-Original Buff SA c/Francia, 16, E-08700 Igualada Tel.: +34 93 805 4861 Fax: +34 93 804 4702 Email: buff@buff.eu Internet: www.buff.eu Present at OutDoor: BUFF GMBH. www.buff.de Tel +49 89 4271760/Fax +49 89 4271766 Represented by: Buff GmbH

B3-211 Bornack Albert-Schäffler-Straße 7, D-74080 Heilbronn Tel.: +49 7131 92770 Fax: +49 7131 927797 Email: info@bornack.de Internet: www.bornack.de Exhibited products: PSA und Rettungsausrüstung für Hochseilgärten.

B2-203 bufo / LS climb Heidingsfelderweg 57, D-85072 Eichstätt Tel.: +49 1577 5811106 Fax: +49 1805 060 3457 7088 Email: mail@bufo.de Internet: www.bufo.de

Represented by: Bergwolf GmbH

A3-101 BULA

A5-209 Brenda Sport Deutschland GmbH

A4-317 Burlington Worldwide

Behaimstraße 19, D-10585 Berlin Tel.: +49 30 85408828 Fax: +49 30 88719231 Email: office@brendasport.de Internet: www.brendasport.de

804 Green Valley Road, Suite 300, USA-27408 Greensboro, N.C. Tel.: +1 336 379 2855 Fax: +1 336 379 2298 Internet: www.burlington.com

B1-500 Brettschneider Fernreisebedarf GmbH

A5-406 Bushnell Performance Optics GmbH

Feldkirchner Straße 2, D-85551 Heimstetten Tel.: +49 89 990203 30 Fax: +49 89 990203 31 Email: info@brettschneider.de Internet: www.brettschneider.de

An der Alten Spinnerei 1, D-83059 Kolbermoor Tel.: +49 8031 23348 0 Fax: +49 8031 23348 18 Email: info@bushnell.de Internet: www.bushnell.com Exhibited products: Ferngläser, Nachtsichtgeräte, GPS, Entfernungsmesser, Spektive, Sportbrillen


Index of exhibitors Ausstellerverzeichnis | Elenco degli espositori | Catalogue exposants


B4-113 Button International Co., Ltd.

A3-314 Camper Enterprise Co., Ltd.

2F, No.8, Alley 30, Lane 358, Rueiguang Rd., Neihu Dist., RC-11492 Taipei Tel.: +886 2 8751 3111 Fax: +886 2 7720 0322 Email: thomas.liao@e-button.com.tw Internet: www.e-button.com.tw

7F-3, N.33-9 Lane 195, Tzu Chiang St., ROC-600 Chia-Yi City Tel.: +886 5 2837833/86 21 64785473 Fax: +886 5 2354217/86 21 64785136 Email: camperbg@ms33.hinet.net / camper.chen@msa.hinet.net Internet: www.camper.com.tw

B3-319 Cadac Europe B.V. Ratio 26, NL-6921 RW Duiven Tel.: +31 26 3197740 Fax: +31 26 3197743 Email: info@cadaceurope.nl Internet: www.cadaceurope.com

B3-301 Camping Schuh GmbH Daimlerstraße 28, D-71701 Schwieberdingen Tel.: +49 7150 947 940 Fax: +49 7150 4737 Email: info@camping-schuh.de Internet: www.bel-sol.de

A6-104 Calzaturificio Nadir Star Srl

Represented by: Mac Sports

Via dei Fiori 8, I-31036 Istrana (TV) Tel.: +39 0422 832411 Fax: +39 0422 832427 Email: info@nadirstar.com Internet: www.nadirstar.com

A1-211 CampTrails / Nigor Net B.V.

A1-501 Camaro Erich Roiser GmbH Wagnermühle 30, A-5310 Mondsee Tel.: +43 6232 42010 Fax: +43 6232 3545 Email: sales@camaro.at Internet: www.camaro.at Exhibited products: Neopren-Wassersportanzüge; Beachwear; Schwimmwesten/Paddeljacken; Wassersport-Zubehör (Handschuhe etc.) B1-100 CamelBak International, LLC Filiale Italiana Via Monte Novegno 7, I-36061 Bassano del Grappa (VI) Tel.: +39 0424 37458 Fax: +39 0424 390806 Email: Italia@camelbak.com Internet: www.camelbak.com A6-101 CamelBak B2-402 C.A.M.P. spa Via Roma, 23, I-23834 Premana (LC) Tel.: +39 0341 890117 Fax: +39 0341 818010 Email: contact@camp.it Internet: www.camp.it A4-301 F.lli Campagnolo GmbH Hans-Riedl-Str. 19, D-85622 Feldkirchen Tel.: +49 (0)89-35 62 90 0 Fax: +49 (0)89-35 62 90 94 Email: campagnolo@t-online.de Internet: www.campagnolo.it

B3-309 CAO Usine du Bel Air, F-28220 Cloyes sur le Loir Tel.: +33 2 379 84208 Fax: +33 2 379 83421 Email: orders@cao-camping.com Internet: www.cao-camping.com A3-104 Capo Rueff Textil GmbH Melisau 1130, A-6863 Egg Tel.: +43 5512 2381 Fax: +43 5512 2381 25 Email: otmar.kraeutler@capo.cc Internet: www.capo.cc A5-500 care plus B1-202 Caribee Australia 33-39 Bowden Street, AUS-2015 Alexandria Tel.: +61 2 9698 8944 Fax: +61 2 9698 7063 Email: info@caribee.com Internet: www.caribee.com A1-103 Carinthia Sleeping Bags Seebacher Straße 11-13, A-9871 Seeboden Tel.: +43 4762 5101-20 Fax: +43 4762 5101-18 Email: office@carinthia-bags.com Internet: www.sleeping-bags.at / www.carinthia-bags.com Exhibited products: Biwakausrüstung, Daunenbekleidung, Biwaksäcke, Daunenschlafsäcke, Inlets, Kunstfaserschlafsäcke Present at OutDoor: Herr Josef Mueller Represented by: Urban Rock



Index of exhibitors Ausstellerverzeichnis | Elenco degli espositori | Catalogue exposants

A4-316 Carol Textile Co., Ltd.

A4-213 Chemotex Minlan Pacific Co., Ltd.

12 Fl., No. 81, Cheng Teh Rd, Sec. 2, RC-103 Taipei Tel.: +886 2 255 83730 Fax: +886 2 255 83786 Email: sale@caroltex.com Internet: www.caroltex.com

4F, 514, Sec. 1, Nei-Hu Road, RC-11493 Taipei Tel.: +886 2 2799 2587 Fax: +886 2 8751 6572 Email: lisa@airframe.tw Internet: www.airframe.it

A3-404 Cascade Designs Ltd. Dwyer Road, Midleton, IRL-Co. Cork Tel.: +353 21 4621400 Fax: +353 21 4621422 Internet: www.cascadedesigns.com B3-411A CCM Ensamble y Manufactura S.A. de C.V BajaRack

B4-416 Chia Her Industrial Co., Ltd. 8F, No. 132, Sec. 2, Nanking E. Rd., RC-104 Taipei Tel.: +886 2 25065151 Fax: +886 2 25065159 Email: service@chgtex.com Internet: www.chgtex.com B4-418 Chieftex Enterprise Co., Ltd.

Calle "E", MEX-22890 Ensenada, B.C. Tel.: +52 646 120 7066 Fax: +52 646 120 9284 Email: sales@bajarack.com Internet: www.bajarack.com

10 Fl., No.129, Fu-Hsing S. Road, Sec. 1, RC-106 Taipei Tel.: +886 2 27314846 Fax: +886 2 27213925 Email: henry_huang@chieftex.com.tw Internet: www.chieftex.com.tw

A3-209 CenterStone Technologies

B2-209 Chillaz International

4, rue de la Pierre Levée, F-75011 Paris Tel.: +33 1 55289110 Fax: +33 1 43557673 Email: nbaudet@centerstonetech.com Internet: www.centerstone-europe.com

Hoferweg 13, A-6134 Vomp Tel.: +43 5242 62399 Fax: +49 5242 62777 Email: chillaz@gmx.de Internet: www.chillaz.com

Exhibited products: B2B e-Commerce for Sales forces & Retailers - iVendix A1-412 CEP compression sportswear Meranierstraße 18, D-95502 Himmelkron Tel.: +49 9227 9456 0 Fax: +49 9227 9456 16 Email: service@cep-sports.com Internet: www.cep-sports.com B4-518 Chang-ho Fibre Corporation 9F, No. 270, Chung Hsiao East Rd., Sec. 4, RC-106 Taipei Tel.: +886 2 27419299 Fax: +886 2 27522690 Email: chservice@chang-ho.com.tw Internet: www.chang-ho.com.tw A5-226 ChangZhou HengJun Outdoor Products Co., Ltd. Qingshuitang Xingtang Villiage Boyi Town Wujin Section, VRC-Changzhou Tel.: +86 519 83562898 Fax: +86 519 83567506 Email: manager@hjoutdoor.com Internet: www.hjoutdoor.com A3-101 Chaskee

B4-506 CHIMA Fernost Service Theaterstraße 19, D-52062 Aachen Tel.: +49 241 40069 37 Fax: +49 241 40069 66 Email: service@chima.de Internet: www.chima.de A6-202 Chiruca (Calzados Fal S.A.) Avenida de Logroño 21, E-26580 Arnedo / La Rioja Tel.: +34 941 380800 Fax: +34 941 383593 Email: info@fal.es Internet: www.chiruca.com B4-509 CHUMS / Landwell Inc. TAKI Building 3F 5-42-13 Jingumae Shibuya-ku, J-50-0001 Tokyo Tel.: +81 3 6418 4831 Fax: +81 3 6418 4832 Email: tsuchiya@landwell.com Internet: www.chums.jp B2-221 CiLAO BP 24 - 398, route des Grands Champs, F-74334 Poisy Cedex Tel.: +33 687 943 241 Fax: +33 450 027 545 Email: contact@cilao.com Internet: www.cilao.com Exhibited products: Ultralight rucksacks & harnesses


Index of exhibitors Ausstellerverzeichnis | Elenco degli espositori | Catalogue exposants


A3-404A climber's equip.

B3-300 Coghlan's Ltd.

Jakoberstraße 13, D-86152 Augsburg Tel.: +49 89 4444 9600 Fax: +49 89 4444 9601

121 Irene Street, CDN-R3T 4C7 Winnipeg Tel.: +1 204 284 9550 Fax: +1 204 475 4127 Email: coghlans@coghlans.mb.ca Internet: www.coghlans.com

B2-106 Climbing Technology distributed by Aludesign SpA Via Torchio, 22, I-24034 Cisano Bergamasco (BG) Tel.: +39 035 783595 Fax: +39 035 782339 Email: commerciale@aludesign.it Internet: www.climbingtechnology.com B3-110 Cloud-Drift Co., Ltd. Chenwu Village, Baotun Ind. Distr., VRC-Dongguan City Tel.: +86 769 85997091 Fax: +86 769 85051311 B2-219 Clusters CIM/Sporaltec - CCI de la Savoie / 'Outdoor French Innovation' 5, rue Salteur, F-73024 Chambéry Cedex Tel.: +33 479 759377 Fax: +33 479 335684 Email: n.saintmarcel@savoie.cci.fr Internet: www.cluster-cim.fr A5-311 Cober srl Via Ofanto, 3, I-20090 Opera (MI) Tel.: +39 02 5760 1341 Fax: +39 02 5760 6667 Email: info@cober.it Internet: www.cober.it Exhibited products: Poles manufacturer: trekking poles, nordic walking poles, hiking poles, ski poles

A1-304 Columbia Sportswear International Sarl Geneva Business Center, 12, Avenue des Morgines, CH-1213 Petit-Lancy Tel.: +41 22 8709000 Fax: +41 22 8709001 Email: cbretaudeau@columbia.com Internet: www.columbia.com A5-217 CompeGPS Team S.L. 13, Carrer de'n Draper, E-08350 Arenys de Mar Tel.: +34 93 3968068 Fax: +34 93 7959605 Email: marketing@compegps.com Internet: www.compegps.com B4-505 Conel B.V. Mindenstraat 22, NL-8028 PK Zwolle Tel.: +31 38 4223377 Fax: +31 38 532925 Email: b.buisman@conel.nl Internet: www.bjornson.nl A1-507 Conform'able / Sidas Z.A. Le Parvis, BP 353, F-38500 Voiron Tel.: +33 476 670707 Fax: +33 476 670303 Email: info@sidas.com Internet: www.conform-able.com

Present at OutDoor: Mr. Flavio Covini, Mrs. Mariella Lanzani

A5-224 Conrad Stein Verlag GmbH

B3-318 NanJing Kekang Industrial & Trading Co., Ltd. Cocam

Kiefernstraße 6, D-59512 Welver Tel.: +49 2384 963912 Fax: +49 2384 963913 Email: info@conrad-stein-verlag.de Internet: www.conrad-stein-verlag.de

16/F, No. 1049 Yunnan North Rd., VRC-210008 Nanjing Tel.: +86 25 83233618 Fax: +86 25 83233637 Email: cocam@vip.sina.com Internet: www.cocamcn.com A1-214 Cocona Europe Neuquartier 10, CH-4665 Oftringen Tel.: +41 62 7977702 Fax: +41 91 7807990 Email: info@cocona.eu.com Internet: www.coconafabrics.com Exhibited products: Cocona® natural technology™ Minerale™ performance from the earth™

B3-208 Core Climbing Ltd. 21 Foxwood Rd., Dunston Trading Estate, GB-S41 9RF Chesterfield, Derbyshire Tel.: +44 1246 456351 Email: info@coreclimbing.co.uk Internet: www.coreclimbing.co.uk B4-312 Cotec - EPO International Co., Ltd. 182 Yuan Lu Rd. Sec 1. Pu Yen Hsieng, RC-516 Changhua Tel.: +886 4 8612258 Fax: +886 4 8612285 Email: info@cotec-epo.com Internet: www.cotec-epo.com Exhibited products: Non PVC Coated Fabrics for Stitching and RF Welding usage



Index of exhibitors Ausstellerverzeichnis | Elenco degli espositori | Catalogue exposants

B3-209 Cousin Trestec

B4-515 Danken Enterprise Co., Ltd.

8, rue Abbé Bonpain, F-59117 Wervicq-Sud Tel.: +33 3 20144059 Fax: +33 3 20395912 Email: contact@cousin-trestec.com Internet: www.cousin-trestec.com

5F, 222, Cheng De Rd., Sec. 4, RC-111 Taipei Tel.: +886 2 2888 3070 Fax: +886 2 2880 4174 Email: danken@danken.com.tw Internet: www.danken.com.tw

Exhibited products: Ropes, cords, webbings, shoelaces A3-202 CRAGHOPPERS Flachsland 29, D-22083 Hamburg Tel.: +49 40 76976770 Fax: +49 40 76976771 Email: verkauf@craghoppers.com Internet: www.craghoppers.com Exhibited products: Insekten- und Zeckenabweisende Reise u. Outdoorbekleidung und Zubehör. Insect and tick repellent outdoor and travel clothing and accessories. A6-105 Crispi Sport srl Via Nome di Maria 14, I-31010 Maser (TV) Tel.: +39 0423 524211 Fax: +39 0423 524299 Email: crispi@crispi.it Internet: www.crispi.it A6-502 Crocs Europe B.V. P.O. Box 13490, NL-2501 EL Den Haag Tel.: +31 70 3030441 Fax: +31 70 3060992 Email: info@crocs.eu Internet: www.crocs.eu

No. 88 Junming East Road, VRC-212352 Danyang City Tel.: +86 511 8645 8888 Fax: +86 511 8645 6059 Email: yhzzp@vip.163.com B3-323 Danyang Luyin Outdoor Products Co., Ltd. Lucheng Town, VRC-212352 Danyang Tel.: +86 511 8645 4781 Fax: +86 511 8645 3100 B3-430 Danyang Yuheng Outdoor Goods Co., Ltd. Yuhe Town, VRC-212352 Danyang Tel.: +86 511 8645 6188 Fax: +86 511 8645 5366 Email: jack_lu@pub.zj.jsinfo.net Internet: www.dyyuheng.com A3-201 dare2b Mercury Way, Urmston, GB-M41 7RR Manchester Tel.: +44 161 749 1200 Fax: +44 161 749 1358 Email: rwernham@regatta.com Internet: www.regatta.com Represented by: Regatta GmbH

A5-408 Crux / Outdoor Design Logistics Ltd.

B4-526 De Licacy Ind. Co., Ltd.

Le Belvedere, Les Bordes, F-11190 Rennes-le-Chateau Tel.: +33 468 693008 Fax: +33 468 318360 Email: carol@odl.uk.com Internet: www.crux.uk.com

8F-10, No. 188, Sec. 5, Nanking E. Road, RC-105 Taipei Tel.: +886 2 27639088 Fax: +886 2 27531909 Email: chu@delicacy.com.tw Internet: www.delicacy.com.tw

Represented by: Outdoor Design Logistics Ltd. B1-502 Curly & Smooth Handels GmbH Dornierstraße 3, D-82110 Germering Tel.: +49 89 8943590 Fax: +49 89 8402217 Email: info@curly-smooth.de Internet: www.curly-smooth.de B3-215 Curly & Smooth Handels GmbH A6-505 Dachstein/Deeluxe Sportartikel Handels GmbH, Office Kufstein Ladestrasse 2, A-6330 Kufstein Tel.: +43 5372 65050 0 Fax: +43 5372 65050 257 Email: info@deeluxe.com Internet: www.dachsteinoutdoorgear.com


B3-424 Danyang Hongshen Camping Goods Co., Ltd.

B3-304 Deproc Vertriebs GmbH Am Abrahamschacht 1a, D-09496 Marienberg Tel.: +49 3735 609903 Fax: +49 3735 609904 Email: rolf.schill@deproc.de Internet: www.deproc.de A1-109 Designer Textiles International Ltd/ MAPP Merino 11 Lovegrove Crescent, NZ-1701 Auckland Tel.: +64 9 272 4905 Fax: +64 9 272 4901 Email: shelley.parker@destex.co.nz Internet: www.mapp.co.nz Exhibited products: Fabrics & Fibres, Clothing Present at OutDoor: Shelley Parker

Index of exhibitors Ausstellerverzeichnis | Elenco degli espositori | Catalogue exposants


B1-411 Design Go Ltd

B4-319 Double Hero Corp.

Unit 1 Mill Hill Ind. Estate, GB-NW7 2HU London Tel.: +44 208 906 6015 Fax: +44 208 906 2245 Email: sonia@design-go.com Internet: www.design-go.com

No. 88 Chung De 19 Street, RC-701 Tainan Tel.: +886 6 2604315 Fax: +886 6 2604318 Email: doublehero@doublehero.com.tw Internet: www.doublehero.com

Exhibited products: Outdoor and Travel Accessories B1-400 Deuter Sport GmbH & Co. KG Siemensstraße 1, D-86368 Gersthofen Tel.: +49 821 4987 327 Fax: +49 821 4987 339 Email: info@deuter.com Internet: www.deuter.com FO-100 Deutscher Alpenverein e. V. Von-Kahr-Straße 2-4, D-80997 München Tel.: +49 89 14003 0 Fax: +49 89 14003 23 Email: info@alpenverein.de Internet: www.alpenverein.de A5-104 Didriksons AB Förefägsg. 42, S-504 94 Boràs Tel.: +46 33 101913 Fax: +46 33 411990 Internet: www.didriksons.com A3-308 Direct Alpine s.r.o. Katerinska 138, CZ-460 02 Liberec 17 Tel.: +420 482 751 884 Fax: +420 482 751 884 51 Email: office@directalpine.com Internet: www.directalpine.com B2-102 DMM International Ltd Y Glyn, GB-LL55 4EL Llanberis, Wales Tel.: +44 1286 873 501 Fax: +44 1286 8720 90 Email: chris@dmmwales.com Internet: www.dmmwales.com B2-511 Doldy s.r.o. Macho 1/90, CZ-54963 Machov Tel.: +420 491 547 120 Fax: +420 491 547 413 Internet: www.doldy.cz A1-209 Dolomite Via Fante D'Italia 56, I-31404 Giavera Del Montello (TV) Tel.: +39 0422 884488 Fax: +39 0422 884010 Email: info@dolomite.it Internet: www.dolomite.it

B4-109 Dragon Times Accessory Co., Ltd. 6Fl., No. 8, Lane 17, Ziyou St., RC-241 San Chung, Taipei Tel.: +886 2 26870911 Fax: +886 2 26861358 Email: hipster@ms14.hinet.net Internet: www.hipster.com.tw Represented by: Taiwan Hipster Enterprise Co., Ltd. FG-B81 dubertec gmbh Oehningerstraße 20, CH-8260 Stein am Rhein Tel.: +41 52 7403116 Fax: +41 52 7403117 Email: bertrand@dusseiller.ch Internet: www.liard-firebox.com B4-507 DURAFLEX 476 Conklin Road #C, USA-CA92315 Big Bear Lake Tel.: +1 909 866 5410 Fax: +1 909 886 5670 Email: info@duraflexgroup.com Internet: www.duraflexgroup.com Exhibited products: Backpack & Apparel Trims Buckles, Pullers, Snap Buttons etc. B2-101 E9 Steinfeld 89, D-96187 Stadelhofen Tel.: +49 9207 980170 Fax: +49 9207 980172 Email: info@triplex-sports.de Internet: www.triplex-sports.de B1-201 Eagle Creek Europe Ltd. Dwyer Road, IRL-Midleton, County Cork Tel.: +353 21 4621471 Fax: +800 3245 3275 Email: thomas_ryll@vfc.com Internet: www.eaglecreek.com A5-101 earth creations, Inc. 3056 Mountainview Way, USA-AL35020 Bessemer Tel.: +1 205 4262302 Fax: +1 205 4262311 Email: earthcreations@earthcreations.net Internet: www.earthcreations.net Exhibited products: Ecologically Friendly T-Shirts and Clothing Represented by: Pinu Handels GmbH



Index of exhibitors Ausstellerverzeichnis | Elenco degli espositori | Catalogue exposants

B4-503 Easton Technical Products

A1-205 EIDER

5040 Harold Gatty Dr., USA-84116 Salt Lake City Tel.: +1 801 539 1400 Fax: +1 801 526 6214 Internet: www.eastontp.com

70, Rue Cassiopée - Parc Altaïs, F-74650 Chavanod Tel.: +33 4 5010 2360 Fax: +33 4 5010 2370 Email: infos@eider-world.com Internet: www.eider-world.com

B2-201 EB Climbing Shoes 5-7 Rue B. Thimonnier, ZIN BP 1567, F-87022 Limoges Cédex 9 Tel.: +33 555 38877 0 Fax: +33 555 38877 9 Email: ftuscan@orange.fr Internet: www.eb-escalade.com A1-102 Eberhard Göbel GmbH + Co Im Lehrer Feld 44, D-89081 Ulm Tel.: +49 731 140 13 0 Fax: +49 731 140 13 10 Email: info@euroschirm.com Internet: www.euroschirm.com A5-212 EBG-Data GmbH Friedrichstraße 103, D-40217 Düsseldorf Tel.: +49 211 31082 31 Fax: +49 211 31082 35 Email: mbeck@ebg-data.de Internet: www.ebg-data.de A5-304 ECCO SKO A/S

15/F Unit E, Noble Office Building, 4 West Xiang Road, VRC-361004 Xiamen, Fujian Tel.: +86 59223 94160 Fax: +86 592 2394190 Email: francis@raffles.tc Internet: www.raffles-fareast.com B4-421 Elite-tron Enterprise Co., Ltd. 10F-2, No. 113, Chung Shan Road, Sec. 1, Shulin, RC-238 Taipei Hsien Tel.: +886 2 26879319 Fax: +886 2 26821173 Email: elittron@ms48.hinet.net Internet: www.ess-elinano.com.tw B4-103 elkline GmbH Hebbelstraße 15, D-22085 Hamburg Tel.: +49 40 22 74 87 16 Fax: +49 40 22 73 94 29 Email: info@elkline.de Internet: www.elkline.de

Ecco Alleen 3, DK-6270 Toender Tel.: +45 74 91 16 25 Internet: www.ecco.com

B1-414 Engels-Leder GbR

A4-510 Ecoblue

Geschwister-Scholl-Straße 5, D-65510 Idstein Tel.: +49 6126 53939 Fax: +49 6126 53929 Email: info@peter-engels.de Internet: www.sport-schutzkleidung.de

B2-505 EDELRID GmbH & Co. KG Achener Weg 66, D-88316 Isny im Allgäu Tel.: +49 7562 981 0 Fax: +49 7562 981 100 Email: mail@edelrid.de Internet: www.edelrid.de B2-503 Edelweiss SAS 2 Boulevard Pierre Joannon, F-42400 Saint Chamond Tel.: +33 4 7729 2280 Fax: +33 4 7731 8126 Email: info@edelweiss-ropes.com Internet: www.edelweiss-ropes.com FG-B84 Editions Niveales 6, rue Irvoy, F-38 000 Grenoble Tel.: +33 4 767054 11 Fax: +33 4 767054 12 Email: promotion@niveales.com Internet: www.niveales.com


A5-323 Elite Outdoor Gear Co., Ltd.

B2-103 Entre-Prises Z.I. de Tire Poix, F-38660 St Vincent de Mercuze Tel.: +33 4 76085308 Fax: +33 4 76085556 Email: meta@entre-prises.com Internet: www.entre-prises.com FW-114 EOG Association for Conservation Gartenstrasse 2, CH-6304 Zug Tel.: +44 1539 727255 Fax: +44 1539 733225 Email: tanya.bascombe@eogconservation.org Internet: www.eogconservation.org A4-215 Epic Technology International Heath House, Heath Farm Lane, GB-AL3 5AE, Hertfordshire St. Albans Tel.: +44 1727 811 414 Fax: +44 1727 811 203 Email: peter.cook@epic-technology.com Internet: www.epic-technology.com

Index of exhibitors Ausstellerverzeichnis | Elenco degli espositori | Catalogue exposants

A4-318 Erictex Fashion Co., Ltd.

FO-106 Europa-Wanderhotels

4F, No 170, Sec. 2,, RC-104 Taipei Tel.: +886 2 2509 6299 Fax: +886 2 2506 6299 Email: service@erictex.com.tw Internet: www.erictex.com.tw

Stresweg 8, A-9773 Irschen Tel.: +43 4710 2780 Email: europa@wanderhotels.com Internet: www.wanderhotels.com

B3-405 Esbit Compagnie GmbH Marlowring 21, D-22525 Hamburg Tel.: +49 40 85310650 Fax: +49 40 8509184 Email: esbit@esbit.de Internet: www.esbit.de A5-404 Eschenbach Optik GmbH Schopenhauerstraße 10, D-90409 Nürnberg Tel.: +49 911 3600 0 Fax: +49 911 3600 358 Email: mail@eschenbach-optik.de Internet: www.eschenbach-optik.de A4-308 Christian Eschler AG Nohblaken 195, CH-9055 Bühler Tel.: +41 71 791 8181 Fax: +41 71 791 8180 Email: info@eschler.com Internet: www.eschler.com A1-410 Essential Elements Flughofstrasse 52, CH-8152 Glattbrugg Tel.: +41 44 874 6688 Fax: +41 44 874 6687 Email: info@essential-elements.ch Internet: www.essential-elements.ch Exhibited products: Innovative carrying solutions.


A1-102 Euroschirm B3-403 EuroTrail Ondernemingsweg 10, NL-3641RZ Mydrecht Tel.: +31 297 284 400 Fax: +31 297 288 256 Email: info@eurotrail.info Exhibited products: Zelte, Campingmöbel, Zeltzubehör, Schlafsäcke A3-207 Eusebio Sporting Co., Ltd. 3D-20, Taipei World Trade Center, No. 5, Hsin Yi Road, Sec. 5, RC-110 Taipei Tel.: +886 2 23452078 Fax: +886 2 23452077 Email: info@eusebiosporting.com Internet: www.eusebiosporting.com Exhibited products: Manufacture of full range outdoor equipments, from fabric to finished products: sleeping bag, rucksack, tent and apparel. A6-101 Everest GmbH Weißenbachstraße 1, D-88316 Isny Tel.: +49 7562 7090 0 Fax: +49 7562 7090 20 Email: info@everest-sports.de Internet: www.everest-sports.de

Represented by: Robijns B.V.

Exhibited products: NW+Touring-Trekkingstöcke, Trekking-schuhe, Rucksäcke+Trinksysteme, Kletterschuhe+Klettergriffe, Outdoor Zubehör.

A5-411 Eumar International srl

Represented by: Fizan SRL

Viale Regina Margherita, 90, I-00198 Roma Tel.: +39 06 8549006 Fax: +39 06 8559023 Email: alessio@eumar.it Internet: www.eumar.it


A1-211 Eureka! Europe / Nigor Net B.V. Kabelweg 100, NL-1014 BC, Amsterdam Tel.: +31 20 5818 555 Fax: +31 20 5818 559 Email: info@nigor.net Internet: www.eurekaeurope.com B3-311 Euro-Line Solar GmbH Balduinstraße 47, D-56856 Zell / Mosel Tel.: +49 6542 9619113 Fax: +49 6542 9619240 Email: info@m-e2.com Internet: www.me2solar.com

2nd Fl., No. 168, Tung Hwa North Rd., RC-105 Taipei Tel.: +886-2-2717-1718 Fax: +886-2-2716-9950 Email: sales@everest.com.tw Internet: www.everest.com.tw B3-200 Ever Lite - Mars Trading Co. 8563 Citation Drive, CDN-Y6Y 2X9 Richmond, B.C. Tel.: +1 604 3419858 Fax: +1 604 2471204 Email: civilian@shaw.ca Internet: www.newlite.com B2-214 EVOLV Climbing Footwear 6769 8th Street, USA-90620 CA Buena Park Tel.: +1 714 522 5556 Fax: +1 714 522 5557 Email: services@evolvesports.com Internet: www.evolvesports.com



Index of exhibitors Ausstellerverzeichnis | Elenco degli espositori | Catalogue exposants

A5-401 Exel / ESB Sports Oy

B1-426 Favour Light Enterprises Ltd.

Henry Fordinkatu 5 C, FI-00150 Helsinki Tel.: +358207598520 Fax: +358207598529 Internet: www.exelpoles.com

17/F, Perfect Industrial Building, HK-1701-04 Kowloon Tel.: +852 2321 6294 Fax: +852 2352 0882 Email: sales@favourlight.com Internet: www.favourlight.com

A3-304 Exped AG Hardstraße 81, CH-8004 Zürich Tel.: +41 44 497 10 10 Fax: +41 44 497 10 11 Email: info@exped.com Internet: www.exped.com Exhibited products: Zelte, Isomatten, Schlaf-, Ruck-, Biwak-, Packsäcke, Stöcke, Ponchos, Hängematten B2-223 eXpression holds ZI du Coin - 8, Boulevard des Echarneaux, F-42400 Saint-Chamond Tel.: +33 477 22 58 05 Fax: +33 477 22 12 80 Email: info@expression-holds.com Internet: www.expression-holds.com B4-400 exxtasy B4-309 Fabric King Textile Co., Ltd. 7F., No. 43, Sec. 1, Min Shen E. Rd., RC-104 Taipei Tel.: +886 2 2523 2880 Fax: +886 2 2581 4496 Email: cf2507@chulin.com.tw Internet: www.chulin.com.tw A5-213 Farmer´s Outdoor GmbH Sinstorfer Kirchweg 74-92, D-21077 Hamburg Tel.: +49 40 761056 0 Fax: +49 40 761056 30 Email: info@farmers-snack.de Internet: www.farmers-outdoor.de A5-324 Fashion-Flying Outdoor Garments Company Flat 10-11, 27/F, Zone A, Worldwide Plaza, 158 Wusi Rd, VRC-350003 Fuzhou Fujian Tel.: +86 591 87838046 Fax: +86 591 87879415 Email: fashionflying@vip.163.com Internet: www.fashionflying.com B4-505 Fashion-Power Group Fl. 22, Yindu Mansion, No. 385 Desheng Road, VRC-Hangzhou, Zhejiang Tel.: +86 571 88397533 Fax: +86 571 88379511 Internet: www.fashion-power.com


A5-106 Feelmax Ltd. Maaningantie 47, FIN-71750 Maaninka Tel.: +358 17 3893 100 Fax: +358 17 3893 111 Email: info@feelmax.com Internet: www.feelmax.com A3-313 Feng Yi Outdoor Leisure Equipment Enterprise Co., Ltd. 275, Ke Liao Road, RC-434 Taichung Hsien Tel.: +886 4 2638 0697 Fax: +886 4 2638 0879 Email: cindy@fengyi.com.tw Internet: www.fengyi.com.tw A1-208 Ferrino & C. S.p.A. Corso Lombardia 73, I-10099 San Mauro (TO) Tel.: +390 11223 0715 Fax: +390 11 2230756 Email: pr@ferrino.it Internet: www.ferrino.it B1-203 Fibertec Teichstraße 60, D-40724 Hilden Tel.: +49 2131 133 3076 Fax: +49 2131 133 3077 Email: info@fibertec-waterproofing.de Internet: www.fibertec-waterproofing.de A4-105 Fidlock GmbH Linienstraße 156, D-10115 Berlin Tel.: +49 30 25760976 Fax: +49 30 24630578 Email: info@fidlock.com Internet: www.fidlock.com B4-110 FIEC Deutschland Trading & Enterprise GmbH Kastanienstraße 8c, D-65933 Frankfurt Tel.: +49 69 73998388 Fax: +49 69 73998358 Email: fiec-chen@t-online.de B3-223 Fine Products Ltd. Rm B2601, Minghshi Int., No.30 Wu Wu Road, VRC-116001 Dalian Tel.: +86 411 39887877 Fax: +86 411 39887899 Email: info@kate.com.cn Internet: www.kate.com

Index of exhibitors Ausstellerverzeichnis | Elenco degli espositori | Catalogue exposants

A5-306 Five Seasons

A6-205 Foot Science International Ltd.

Lergöksgatan 14, S-421 50 Västra Frölunda Tel.: +46 31 895900 Fax: +46 31 456880 Email: info@fiveseasons.se Internet: www.fiveseasons.se

26 Dakota Cre., NZ-Christchurch Tel.: +64 3 348 2115 Fax: +64 3 348 0116 Email: info@formthotics.com Internet: www.formthotics.com

B2-301 Five Ten Europe Kapucijnendreef 32, B-3090 Overijse Tel.: +32 2 65 76160 Fax: +32 2 65 76155 Email: cust.service@fiveteneurope.be Internet: www.fiveten.com B2-207 Fixe Climbing S.L. Jeroni Guixà, No. 1, E-08580 St. Quirze de Besora (Barcelona) Tel.: +34 93 8550042 Fax: +34 93 8551278 Email: info@fixeclimbing.com Internet: www.fixeclimbing.com A6-101 Fizan SRL Via Borgo Tocchi, 18, I-36027 Rosà (VI) Tel.: +39 0424 85409 Fax: +39 0424 581519 Email: info@fizan.it Internet: www.fizan.it Represented by: Everest GmbH A5-200 FG-A91 Fjällräven AB Hemvärnsgatan 15, S-17154 Solna Tel.: +46 8 4043100 Fax: +46 8 292600 Email: info@fjalllraven.se Internet: www.fjallraven.se A5-413 Flying Outdoor Bag Co., Ltd. 10/F Jewellery City, Wuliting, Fuma Road, VRC-350001 Fuzhou, Fujian Tel.: +86 591 8366 0960 Fax: +86 591 8366 4324 Email: marketing@flyingoutdoor.cn Internet: www.flyingoutdoor.cn A4-206 Flying Tex Co., Ltd 11 F, No. 164, Sec. 2, Duen Hua South Road, RC-106 Taipei Tel.: +886 2 2739 6739 Fax: +886 2 2739 3922 Email: amber@hsiang.com.tw Internet: www.flying-tex.com.tw


Exhibited products: Formthotics Fussbetten Present at OutDoor: David Boyd, Alice & Erich Riegler, Me & Friends A4-211 Formosa Taffeta Co., Ltd. 317, Shih-Liu Road, RC-640, Touliu Tel.: +886 5 5577529 & +886 2 87701631 Fax: +886 5 5576490 & +886 2 27174316 Email: u681986@ftc.com.tw & lawrenceliu@ftc.com.tw Internet: www.ftc.com.tw B3-224 Fotune Laminated Fabric Co., Ltd. Nanmen district, Qiaoli Village Changpping Town, PRC-523586 Dongguan Tel.: +86 769 81083878 Fax: +86 769 81083876 Email: info@fotune.cn Internet: www.fotune.cn B3-314 Fox River Mills, Inc. 227 Poplar Street, USA-50461 IA Osage Tel.: +1 641 732 3798 Fax: +1 641 732 3375 Email: mswinnen@charter.net Internet: www.foxsox.com Represented by: Red Fox Outdoor Equipment B4-212 Framis Italia SPA Via Dell'Agricoltura 9/15, I-20083 Vigano Di Gaggiano (MI) Tel.: +39 02 908051 Fax: +39 02 90805229 Email: info@framis.it Internet: www.framis.it Exhibited products: NOSO™ bonding solutions: adhesive tapes and welding machines A5-407 FREETIME - FGM International Z.I. De Frimont, F-33190 La Reole Cedex Tel.: +33 556 615151 Fax: +33 556 615159 Email: gerard.normand@freetime-fr.com Internet: www.freetime-fr.com A6-101 Friction Climbing Holds A6-210 fs-systeme Sonnenstraße 42 a, D-94136 Thyrnau Tel.: +49 171 5209005 Fax: +49 8501 914173 Email: vertrieb@fs-systeme.de Internet: www.fs-systeme.de



Index of exhibitors Ausstellerverzeichnis | Elenco degli espositori | Catalogue exposants

A3-108 Fuchs Design AG

B3-416 Fuzhou Leco Import & Export Co., Ltd.

Rotzbergstrasse 7, CH-6362 Stansstad Tel.: +41 41 61906 66 Fax: +41 41 61906 60 Email: info@fuchs-design.ch Internet: www.fuchs-design.ch

No 8 Dongda Road, VRC-Fuzhou Tel.: +86 591 8756 6616 Fax: +86 591 8756 7566

A5-417 Fujian Commercial Corp. 4/F,Fujian Commercial Building,No. 23 Zhong Shan Road, VRC-350001 Fuzhou Tel.: +86 591 87857004 Fax: +86 591 87859610 Email: huangrong@fcc-cn.com A5-321 Fujian Profit Group (Remex Bags) Co., Ltd. Unit 1-5, 18/F Worldwide Plaza, 158 Wusi Road, VRC-350003 Fuzhou Tel.: +86 591 87762752 Fax: +86 591 87828800 Email: exp4@fz-profit.com Internet: www.fz-profit.com B4-516 Fulltide Enterprise Co., Ltd. No. 8-14, Ta Pu, Wu Chuan Vill, Ta Yuan Hsien, RC-337 Taoyuan Hsien Tel.: +886 3 3814788 Fax: +886 3 3811910 Email: fulltide@ms24.hinet.net Internet: www.fulltide.com.tw A5-108 Fun4U Sportproduktion GmbH Rheinstraße 29c, D-53844 Troisdorf Tel.: +49 2241 975133 Fax: +49 2241 8790275 Email: info@fun4u-sports.de Internet: www.fun4u-sports.de

B4-218 Fuzhou Riversuny Waterproof Garments & Bags Mfg., Ltd. 8/F Taiyang Plaza, VRC-350003 Fuzhou Tel.: +86 591 87856768 Fax: +86 591 87856718 Email: service@riversuny.sina.net Internet: www.riversuny.cn B3-415 Fuzhou Sunlight Camping Products Co., Ltd. No. 81, 817 Road, VRC-Fuzhou Tel.: +86 591 87534619 Fax: +86 591 87533141 B3-420 Fuzhou Suretex Import & Export Co., Ltd. 14F, Minfa Building, VRC-350003 Fuzhou Tel.: +86 591 87537041 Fax: +86 591 87562127 A4-501 Gabel S.r.l. Via Cassola, 50, I-36027 Rosà (VI) Tel.: +39 0424 561144 Fax: +39 0424 561266 Email: gabel@gabel.it Internet: www.gabel.it A5-300 Garmin Deutschland GmbH Lochhamer Schlag 5a, D-82166 Gräfelfing Tel.: +49 89 858 364 0 Fax: +49 89 858364 144 Internet: www.garmin.de

Exhibited products: Scooter, Inliner, Skateboard FG-A82 Fun-Care AG Untermüli 3, CH-6300 Zug Tel.: +41 41 769 3000 Fax: +41 41 769 3001 Email: info@fun-care.ch Internet: www.fun-care.ch B4-111 Fuzhou David Clothing Making Co., Ltd. 3-4 floor, No. 41 Bldg., VRC-350002 Fuzhou City Tel.: +86 591 88071232 Fax: +86 591 83547559 Email: shirley@david-garments.com Internet: www.david-garments.com A5-322 Fuzhou Fengxiang Camping Products Co. Ltd. Panyang, Xiangqian Town, Minhou Country, VRC-350001 Fuzhou Tel.: +86 591 2225 2949 Fax: +86 591 222 54582 Email: xiang@fengxiang-outdoor.com Internet: www.fengxiang-outdoor.com


A6-304 GARMONT SRL Via Spineda 12, I-31040 Volpago Del Montello (TV) Tel.: +39 0423 8726 Fax: +39 0423 621392 Email: info@garmont.com Internet: www.garmont.com B2-107 Garra Climbing Shoes, S.L. c/ Montes de Toledo, 38, Pol. Industrial, San Fernando II, E-28830 San Fernando de Henares (Madrid) Tel.: +34 91 676 7088 Fax: +34 91 676 7101 Email: garra@garra.info Internet: www.garra.info A6-211 Gecko Motion GmbH Scheffelstraße 8, A-6900 Bregenz Tel.: +43 5574 455140 Fax: +43 5574 455144 Email: info@gecko-motion.com Internet: www.gecko-motion.com

Index of exhibitors Ausstellerverzeichnis | Elenco degli espositori | Catalogue exposants

B1-503 Gelert Ltd.

B3-506 Grabber

Gelert House, Penamser Road, GB-LL49 9NX Porthmadog (Wales) Tel.: +44 1766 512412 Fax: +44 1766 514439 Email: info@gelert.com Internet: www.gelert.com

5760 N. Hawkeye Ct. SW, USA-49509 MI Grand Rapids Tel.: +1 616 940 1914 Fax: +1 616 940 1780 Email: joel.bush@warmers.com Internet: www.warmers.com

A6-100 Genfoot Marketing Europe GmbH

A1-202 Grabner GmbH

A5-303 Gerber / Silva Sweden AB P.O. Box 998, S-191 29 Sollentuna Tel.: +46 8 623 4300 Fax: +46 8 92 7601 Email: info@silva.se Internet: www.gerbergear.com FG-A71 Gibbon Slacklines A1-309 GoGas Limited Unit 40 Meadow Industrial Estate, GB-Stockport Tel.: +44 161 4773330 Fax: +44 161 4771130 Email: kevin.botham@rekri8.co.uk B3-427 Golden Sports Co., Ltd. Hubin North Road, VRC-361012 Xiamen Tel.: +86 592 5115977 Fax: +86 592 511 5077 Email: sales@goldensports.cn Internet: www.goldensports.cn A1-407 GoLite, LLC 6325 Gunpark Drive, Suite 102, USA-80301 CO Boulder Tel.: +1 303 546 6000 Fax: +1 303 546 6557 Email: eu.info@golite.com Internet: www.golite.com B3-503 Goodway Industrial (HK) Ltd. Room 2909, Metropole Square, 2 On Yiu Street, HK-122121 Shatin, N.T Tel.: +852 3142 9956 Fax: +852 3142 9856 Email: info@goodwayind.com Internet: www.goodwayind.com A6-500 FG-B31 W. L. Gore & Associates GmbH Aiblinger Straße 60, D-83620 Feldkirchen-Westerham Tel.: +49 8063 80 10 Fax: +49 8063 80 1730 Email: servicefabrics_de@wlgore.com Internet: www.gore-tex.com


Weistracherstraße 11, A-3350 Haag Tel.: +43 7434 42251 63 Fax: +43 7434 42251 66 Email: gertraud.pfaffenbichler@grabner-sports.at Internet: www.grabner-sports.at B4-315 Grandtek Enterprise Co., Ltd. 14F, No. 86 Singde Road, San Chong City, RC-241 Taipei Hsien Tel.: +886 2 85113516 Fax: +886 2 85113517 Email: service@grandtek-tex.com.tw Internet: www.grandtek-tex.com.tw A4-304A Grangers International Ltd. Grange Close, Clover Nook, GB-DE55 4QT Alfreton, Derbyshire Tel.: +44 1773 521521 Fax: +44 1773 521262 Email: info@grangers.co.uk Internet: www.grangers.co.uk A3-107 GreenLand NATURE GmbH Hofwiese 16, D-96352 Wilhelmsthal Tel.: +49 9260 964810 Fax: +49 9260 964811 Email: info@greenland-nature.de Internet: www.ledertaschen.de Exhibited products: Rucksäcke, Reisetaschen, Casual Bags in Canvas und Leder A1-308 Gregory Mountain Products 1414 K Street, Suite 100, USA-95814 CA Sacramento Tel.: +1 916 2334700 Fax: +1 916 2333090 Email: dion@gregorypacks.com Internet: www.gregorypacks.com A6-504 Grisport spa Via Erega, 1, I-31030 Castelcucco (TV) Tel.: +39 0423 962063 Fax: +39 0423 563512 Email: info@grisport.it Internet: www.grisport.it B2-600 Grivel s.r.l. Larzey Entreves 17, I-11013 Courmayeur (AO) Tel.: +39 0165 843 714 Fax: +39 0165 844 800 Email: betta@grivel.com Internet: www.grivel.com



Index of exhibitors Ausstellerverzeichnis | Elenco degli espositori | Catalogue exposants

A1-108 Gronell srl

A5-501 FG-A101 Hannah Czech a.s.

Via Branzi, I-37028 Rovere Vose (VR) Tel.: +390 45 7848018 Fax: +390 45 7848073 Email: gronell@gronell.it Internet: www.gronell.it

Americká 54, CZ-301 00 Pilsen Tel.: +420 379 200 111 Fax: +420 379 200 699 Email: hannah@hannah.cz Internet: www.hannahoutdoor.com

FO-102 Grupo Desnivel

B4-420 Hans Global Textile (Taiwan) Co., Ltd.

C/San Victorino, 8, E-28025 Madrid Tel.: +34 91 36022 42 Fax: +34 91 36022 64 Email: edicionesdesnivel@desnivel.es Internet: www.desnivel.com

18F-4, No. 12, Zhong Hua Road, Yung Kang, RC-710 Tainan County Tel.: +886 6 3133353 Fax: +886 6 3133347 Email: hansroc@ms63.hinet.net Internet: www.hansglobaltextile.com

B3-300 GSI Outdoors Inc. 1023 S Pines Rd., USA-99206 WA Spokane Tel.: +1 509 9289611 Fax: +1 509 9288339 Email: contact@gsioutdoors.com Internet: www.gsioutdoors.com B3-418 Guangzhou Xinhang Industry & Trading Co. No. 4 Fl., 3 Datan Zone, VRC-550308 Guangzhou Tel.: +86 20 89899884 Fax: +86 20 89899880 B2-216 Guidetti Frères ZA D'Hauterives - Le Maillet, F-73360 Les Echelles Tel.: +33 479 702924 Fax: +33 479 702879 Email: yann@guidetti-rando.com Internet: www.guidetti-rando.com A1-100 Gumotex, a.s. Mládeznická 3A, 3062, CZ-69075 Breclav Tel.: +420 519 314-111 Fax: +420 519 322-909 Email: info@gumotex.cz Internet: www.gumotex.cz B3-220 Guyot Designs 15 Main St., USA-04627 ME Deer Isle Tel.: +1 207 3481030 Fax: +1 650 6182731 Internet: www.guyotdesigns.com A1-303 Haglöfs Scandinavia AB Industrigatan 18, S-774 27 Avesta Tel.: +46 226 67000 Fax: +46 8 257822 Email: info@haglofs.se Internet: www.haglofs.se B4-100 Halti Oy Valimotie 5, FIN-1511 Vantaa Tel.: +358 9 852081 Fax: +358 9 85208300 Email: kalle.soderholm@halti.fi Internet: www.halti.com Exhibited products: Outdoor, Outdoor trekking, Golf, Exercise, Hardware


A5-200 Hanwag GmbH Wiesenfeldstraße 7, D-85256 Vierkirchen Tel.: +49 8139 9356 0 Fax: +49 8139 9356 56 Email: kontakt@hanwag.de Internet: www.hanwag.de B4-411 Haojey Co., Ltd. 6F, No. 71, Sec. 2, Tun Hwa S. Rd., RC-106 Taipei Tel.: +886 2 27549908 Fax: +886 2 27016887 Email: clara@haojey.com Internet: www.haojey.com B4-306 HBSD Zi de Gailhan, F-30260 Gailhan Tel.: +33 629739750 Email: lbocquel@va2or.com Internet: www.va2or.com Exhibited products: Multidisciplinary helmets B1-507 The Healthy Back Bag Company 90 De Beauvoir Rd, GB-N1 4EN London Tel.: +44 20 7812 9800 Fax: +44 20 7249 6106 Email: priscilla@thehealthybackbag.co.uk Internet: www.thehealthybackbag.co.uk A3-405 Heatgear Spireavej 21, DK-8462 Harlev J. Tel.: +45 72 100 007 Fax: +45 22 408 807 Email: info@heatgear.dk Internet: www.heatgear.dk Exhibited products: The next generation of safe and fuel-efficient heating of water for freeze-dried food and beverages.

Index of exhibitors Ausstellerverzeichnis | Elenco degli espositori | Catalogue exposants


A5-225 Heaven&Earth Products Co.,Ltd

A5-222 Highrock Recreation Product Co., Ltd.

Room 102, No.41, Lane 728, Changdao Road, Pudong District, VRC-200129 Shanghai Tel.: +86 21 51875189;68954288 Fax: +86 21 51686328 Email: info@heaven-earth.com.cn Internet: www.heaven-earth.com.cn

No. 11, Yijing Road, Dongli, Economic Development Area, VRC-300300 Tianjin Tel.: +86 22 24982300 Fax: +86 22 24998072 Email: andy_li@highrock.com.cn / hill_liu@highrock.com.cn / richard_ma@highrock.com.cn Internet: www.highrock.com.cn

Exhibited products: LED headlamp, heavy duty aluminum flashlight, camping lantern A1-206 Helly Hansen Deutschland GmbH

A5-105 Hilleberg The Tentmaker AB

Gustav-Heinemann-Ring 212, D-81739 München Tel.: +49 89 67349620 Fax: +49 89 67349659 Internet: www.hellyhansen.com

Önevägen 34, S-83251 Frösön Tel.: +46 6357 1550 Fax: +46 6357 1565 Email: tentmaker@hilleberg.se Internet: www.hilleberg.se

A5-201 Helsport A/S

Present at OutDoor: René Guba, Rolf Hilleberg, Thomas Jonsson

Box 25, N-7221 Melhus Tel.: +47 7287 8300 Fax: +47 7287 8301 Email: stein.h@helsport.no Internet: www.helsport.no B1-409 C. Jul. Herbertz GmbH Mangenberger Straße 334-336, D-42655 Solingen Tel.: +49 212 206 30 0 Fax: +49 212 208 763 Email: info@herbertz-solingen.de Internet: www.herbertz-solingen.de Exhibited products: Freizeitmesser, RectaKompasse, echte Schweizer Offiziersmesser von Wenger, Wärme + Kälteprodukte von The Heat, Taschenlampen B4-510 Herrers Outdoor Co. Ltd. LianSheng Cun NanYuan St. LinPing, VRC-310000 Hangzhou Tel.: +86 571 88616738 Fax: +86 571 88616690 Email: kingnike@sina.com B4-307 hhp Home Health Products GmbH Sophienstraße 15 - 17, D-76133 Karlsruhe Tel.: +49 721 16143 0 Fax: +49 721 16143 99 Email: info@hhp.de Internet: www.hhp.de A1-500 HIGHGEAR USA, Inc./TECHTRAIL 145 Cane Creek Industrial Park Road Suite 200, USA-28732 NC Fletcher Tel.: +1 828 681 0335 Fax: +1 828 681 5320 Email: rhamsho@highgear.com Internet: www.highgear.com

A6-303 HI-TEC Aviation Way, Southend on Sea, GB-SS2 6GH Essex Tel.: +44 1702 541 741 Fax: +44 1702 547 947 Email: post@hi-tecsports.com Internet: www.hi-tec.com A1-201 Holmenkol AG Wernher-von-Braun-Straße 3, D-71254 Heimerdingen Tel.: +49 7152 6101 0 Fax: +49 7152 6101 199 Email: info@holmenkol.com Internet: www.holmenkol.com B4-528 Hope Land International Ltd. No. 13-2, 5th Road, Taichung Ind. Area, RC-407 Taichung City Tel.: +886 4 2350 1585 Fax: +886 4 2350 0986 Email: hopediam@ms47.hinet.net Internet: www.fabsky.com B1-421 Horizon Leisure Products Ltd. 5-6 Minster Park Collingwood Road, GB-BH21 6QF West Moors Tel.: +44 1202 874 874 Fax: +44 1202 874 872 Email: mail@horizonsocks.co.uk Internet: www.horizonsocks.co.uk A5-205 Houdini Sportswear AB Finnboda Varnsväg. 16, S-131 97 Nalka Tel.: +46 8 4626440 Fax: +46 8 4626449 Internet: www.houdinisportswear.com

B1-423 Highlander (Scotland) Ltd. Todd Square, GB-EH54 5EF Livingston Tel.: +44 1506 438438 Fax: +44 1506 438443 Email: ramin@highlander-outdoor.com Internet: www.highlander-outdoor.com



Index of exhibitors Ausstellerverzeichnis | Elenco degli espositori | Catalogue exposants

A4-212 Ho Yu Textile Co., Ltd

A4-404 IBEX Sport GmbH

NO. 161, Sinfu Rd., Fuyuan Village, Guanyin Township, RC-32845 Taoyuan County Tel.: +886 3 4902506 Fax: +886 3 4902526 Email: hoyu@hoyu.com.tw / charles@hoyu.com.tw Internet: www.hoyu.com.tw

Nassstrasse 12, CH-6315 Morgarten Tel.: +41 41 7506061 Fax: +41 41 7506059 Email: ibex@ibexsport.ch Internet: www.ibexsport.ch

A5-216 HRC 4 GmbH Erfurter Straße 1, D-76297 Stutensee Fax: +49 7249 387153 Email: info@hrc4.de Internet: www.hrc4.de B2-513 HRT Ltd. Mladost 3, Eng. Georgi Belov 20A Str., BG-1712 Sofia Tel.: +359 2 8177934 Fax: +359 2 9746027 Internet: www.hrt-holds.com B4-101 Husemann GmbH - Lurbel Nordring 6 A, D-47495 Rheinberg Tel.: +49 2843 973390 Fax: +49 2843 973393 Email: info@husemann-gmbh.com Internet: www.lurbel.de Represented by: Lurbel, S.L. A5-409 Husky CZ, s.r.o. Na Jarové 2, CZ-13000 Prague 3 Tel.: +420 257 313750 Fax: +420 257 315025 Email: husky@huskycz.cz Internet: www.huskycz.cz B4-209 HV Corporate Concepts AG Max-Eyth-Straße 17-19, D-71686 Remseck Tel.: +49 7146 8946 0 Fax: +49 7146 8946 20 Email: info@hvcc.de Internet: www.hvcc.de Exhibited products: Heizbare Bekleidung HV active heat A4-408 Hyperbola 5 F-1, No 337, Fu-Shin N. Rd., RC-105 Taipei Tel.: +886 2 2546 8231 Fax: +886 2 2546 8236 Email: service@hyperbola.com.tw Internet: www.hyperbola.com.tw


A4-409 IBQ Fabrics Fabric Creations S.L. c/Aire 39 Pol. Ind. Els Bellots, E-08227 Terrassa (Barcelona) Tel.: +34 93 7360960 Fax: +34 93 7360961 Email: ibq@ibqfabrics.com Internet: www.ibqfabrics.com A4-200 Icebreaker Ltd Level 2, 7-11 Dixon Street, Hope Gibbons Building, PO Box 959, NZ-6011 Wellington Tel.: +64 4 385 9113 Fax: +64 4 385 9114 Internet: www.icebreaker.com A3-402 Icepeak / L-Fashion Group Linjakatu 5, FIN-15501 Lahti Tel.: +358 3 822 111 Fax: +358 3 822 6199 Internet: www.icepeak.fi ÜO-103 IDEAS Active Sports Design Network Signalstraße 15, CH-9400 Rorschach Tel.: +41 71 845 50 80 Fax: +41 71 845 50 85 Email: news@ideas-designers.com Internet: www.ideas-designers.com FG-A71 ID Sports GmbH Gibbon Slacklines Calwer Straße 42/44, D-70173 Stuttgart Tel.: +49 711 273751 68 Fax: +49 711 273751 70 Email: info@gibbon-slacklines.com Internet: www.gibbon-slacklines.com Exhibited products: Gibbon Slacklines / Tukeke Hängematten B3-306 IMBEMA KUNSTSTOFFCHEMIE GMBH Enzstraße 17, D-70806 Kornwestheim Tel.: +49 7154-3091 Fax: +49 7154-24714 Email: info@imbema.de Internet: www.imbema.de Exhibited products: Matten aller Art

A6-506 Hypergrip Inc.

B3-105 Ims Kwoons di Im Duck Yong (Snake)

1549-2 Songjeong-Dong, ROK-618-818 Busan Tel.: +82 51 309 3500 Fax: +82 51 309 3600 Email: mir@hypergrip.co.kr Internet: www.hypergrip.co.kr

Via Castelfirmiano 26 Firnagarto, I-39057 Bolzano Tel.: +39 0471 633651 / +39 333 6734899 Email: imdogri@hotmail.com

Index of exhibitors Ausstellerverzeichnis | Elenco degli espositori | Catalogue exposants

A5-308 Industrial Revolution 9225 151th Avenue NE, USA-98052 WA Redmond Tel.: +1 425 883 6600 Fax: +1 425 883 0036 Email: info@industrialrev.com Internet: www.industrialrev.com B4-501 IN FORM Planungs- und Handels GmbH Königshofstraße 47, A-6800 Feldkirch Tel.: +43 5522 46660 Fax: +43 5522 466606 Email: office@informworks.com Internet: www.informworks.com FW-105 Infotrade Media Co., Ltd. No. 508, Sec. 3, Wen Hsin Rd., RC-40753 Taichung Tel.: +886 4 2313 2189 Fax: +886 4 2313 3239 Email: service@trade-eye.com Internet: www.trade-eye.com A1-105 inov-8 12B Beechburn Ind. Est., Prospect Road Crook, GB-DL15 8RA Durham Tel.: +44 1388 744900 Fax: +44 1388 760328 Email: info@inov-8.com Internet: www.inov-8.com B4-106 Insport Garments Manufactory Room 705, 07/F, Yuen Fat Ind. Bldg., HK-Kowloon Bay Tel.: +852 2759 5987 Fax: +852 3013 8708 Email: kenneth_li@vip.163.com Internet: www.in-sporting.com A4-503 Intersocks D.O.O. Reska cesta 14, SLO-1330 Kocevje Tel.: +386 1 8939800 Fax: +386 1 8950770 Email: info@intersocks.com Internet: www.intersocks.com FW-103 INTERSPORT Deutschland eG Wannenäckerstraße 50, D-74078 Heilbronn Tel.: +49 7131 288 0 Fax: +49 7131 288 609 Email: info@intersport.de Internet: www.intersport.de A1-308 A1-309 Invia Sportartikelvertriebs GmbH Am Gasteig 14, D-82547 Eurasburg Tel.: +49 8179 9978 30 Fax: +49 8179 9978 40 Internet: www.invia.de


B3-303 IPV GmbH Inheidener Produktions- und Vertriebsges. mbH Ezetilstraße 1, D-35410 Hungen-Inheiden Tel.: +49 6402 807 0 Fax: +49 6402 807 295 Email: verkauf@ipv-hungen.de Internet: www.ipv-hungen.de Exhibited products: EZetil - Kühlboxen, -taschen, -akkus LaPLAYA - Thermoflaschen, -becher LaPLAYA - Outdoorproducts A6-413 Ironsteel Worldwide Limited 49 Hoi Yuen Road, Apec Plaza, Kwun Tong, HK-Kowloon Tel.: +852 2372 9226 Fax: +852 2790 9329 Email: ironsteel@hknet.com Internet: www.ironsteelfootwear.com A5-214 IS Integrated Systems AG Öschlestraße 77, D-78315 Radolfzell Tel.: +49 7732 9978 60 Fax: +49 7732 997 820 Email: Peter.Jacob@integratedsystems.de Internet: www.integratedsystems.de Exhibited products: Warenwirtschaftssystem mit integriertem Webshop A4-510 iSoft B2-304 Italbastoni S.n.c. Via Roma, 108, I-38012 Taio (TN) Tel.: +39 0463 468044 Fax: +39 0463 468 771 Email: info@italbastoni.it Internet: www.italbastoni.it B1-425 ITW Nexus Europe S.A. Ctra. de Ribas, KM 31,7, E-8520 Les Franqueses (Barcelona) Tel.: +34 93 844 3125 Fax: +34 93 846 4977 Internet: www.itwnexus.com B1-103 Jack Wolfskin Ausrüstung für Draussen GmbH & Co. KG aA Limburger Straße 38-40, D-65510 Idstein/Taunus Tel.: +49 6126 954 0 Fax: +49 6126 954 169 Email: info@jack-wolfskin.com Internet: www.jack-wolfskin.com FW-108 Jahr Top Special Verlag GmbH & Co. KG Troplowitzstraße 5, D-22529 Hamburg Tel.: +49 40 38906 0 Fax: +49 40 38906 300 Email: redaktion@segelmagazin.de Internet: www.jahr-tsv.de



Index of exhibitors Ausstellerverzeichnis | Elenco degli espositori | Catalogue exposants

A4-213 Jana Designs & Manufacturing Ltd.

B3-320 JR GEAR - Star Arrow Company

3F, No 516, Sec 1 Nei-Hu Rd., RC-11493 Taipei Tel.: +886 2 8751 0312 / 322 Fax: +886 2 2799 3667 Email: michelle@jadams.com.tw

Rm 4, 22/F, Chun Fu Hse, Tin Fu Court, Tin Shui Wai, N.T., Hong Kong Tel.: +852 9831 4641 Fax: +852 3157 3524 Email: jonathan@jrgear.com Internet: www.jrgear.com

B1-428 JBol Ltd. 1 Folly Bridge, GB-OX1 4LB Oxford Tel.: +44 1865 240572 Fax: +44 1865 246565 Email: info@whizaway.com Internet: www.whizfreedom.com A4-400 Jeantex Sportswear GmbH & Co. KG AdlerstraĂ&#x;e 69-75, D-25462 Rellingen Tel.: +49 4101 555 0 Fax: +49 4101 555 198 Email: info@jeantex.com Internet: www.jeantex.com A3-312 Jetboil Inc 540 North Commercial Street, USA-03101 NH Manchester Tel.: +1 603 518 1614 Fax: +1 603 518 1619 Email: leaton@jetboil.com Internet: www.jetboil.com A5-227 Jiangsu Ape Sporting Goods Co. Ltd. Jinxi Road, Daoshu, VRC-212361 Danyang, Jiangsu Tel.: +86 511 86655890 Fax: +86 511 86688111 Email: parehyh@vip.163.com Internet: www.china-pare.com B3-428 Jiangsu Sunshine Dong Sheng Import & Export Co., Ltd. No. 198, Zhongshan Dong Road, VRC-Nanjing Tel.: +86 25 84679386 Fax: +86 25 84679383 B3-226 Jinre Travel Products Co., Ltd. Fahuamei Industrial District, Chengdong, VRC-362000 Quanzhou Tel.: +86 595 22679126 Fax: +86 595 22686597 Email: info@jinrex.com Internet: www.jinrex.com A4-313 JRC Reflex 8 Rue Straubing, F-26100 Romans Tel.: +33 475 025770 Fax: +33 475 052414 Email: info@jrc-reflex.com Internet: www.jrc-reflex.com Exhibited products: Stretch reflective piping & tapes


A3-100 Julbo Rue Lacuzon, Zone Artisanale BP 2, F-39400 Longchaumois Tel.: +33 3 8434 1414 Fax: +33 3 8460 6480 Email: ingrid@julbo.fr Internet: www.julbo-eyewear.com A5-503 Kakadu Traders Australia Pty Ltd. 9 Homedale Rd., AUS-2200 NSW Bankstown, Tel.: +49 2306 499348 Fax: +49 2306 499347 Email: sales@kakadutradersaustralia.eu Internet: www.kakaduaustralia.com A6-100 Kamik div. Genfoot International GmbH Hofstrasse 68, CH-6300 Zug Tel.: 49 751 76 954 10 Fax: 49 751 76 954 11 Email: dflam@genfoot.com Internet: www.kamik.com Exhibited products: Sno-Seal B4-105 K and K Trims Manufacturing Limited G/F., No. 71 Nam Cheong Street, Shamshuipo, HK-Kowloon Tel.: +852 2614 7068 Fax: +852 2614 7078 Email: conna@knktdg.com Internet: www.knktdg.com A5-317 KANNAD Z.I. des Cinq Chemins BP23, F-56520 Guidel Tel.: +33 297 024949 Fax: +33 297 650020 Email: aline.guegan@kannad.com Internet: www.kannad.com A5-402 Karrimor Ltd. Unit A, Brook Park East, Meadow Lane, GB-NG20 8RY Shirebrook Tel.: +44 870 838 7300 Fax: +44 870 838 7301 Email: marketing@karrimor.com Internet: www.karrimor.com B4-402 Kask srl Via Firenze 5, I-24060 Chiuduno (BG) Tel.: +39 035 4427497 Fax: +39 035 4427704 Email: info@kask.it Internet: www.kask.it

Index of exhibitors Ausstellerverzeichnis | Elenco degli espositori | Catalogue exposants


A3-307 Katadyn Produkte AG

B3-422 KingCamp & Outdoor Products Co., Ltd.

Birkenweg 4, CH-8304 Wallisellen Tel.: +41 44 839 2111 Fax: +41 44 830 7942 Email: info@katadyngroup.com Internet: www.katadyngroup.com

7th Floor, No. 3 Hua Teng, VRC-100022 Beijing Tel.: +86 10 67729361 Fax: +86 10 87951782 Email: product@kingcamp.com.cn Internet: www.kingcamp.com.cn

Exhibited products: Katadyn-Wasseraufbereitung Katadyn-Drinking Water Systems Katadyn-Water Filter Micropur-Wasserdesinfektion Micropur-Water Desinfectant

Exhibited products: Outdoor Garments, Sleeping bags. Camping accessories

A6-201 Kayland Sport Division of Novation S.p.a. Via Feltrina Sud, 172, I-31044 Montebelluna (TV) Tel.: +39 0423 2811 Fax: +39 0423 281324 Email: marco.capretta@novation.it Internet: www.kayland.com A6-101 Kayland Boots A5-405 Keela International Ltd. Nasmyth Road, GB-KY6 2SD Glenrothes Fife Tel.: +44 1592 771 241 Fax: +44 1592 771 071 Email: enquiries@keela.co.uk Internet: www.keela.co.uk Exhibited products: Keela, manufacturers of outdoor performance clothing. Suppliers to Military, Mountain Rescue, specialist search and rescue, and ski teams. A6-302 KEEN Europe Outdoor BV Lloydstraat 62, NL-3024 EA Rotterdam Tel.: +31 10 2211444 Email: info@keeneurope.eu Internet: www.keeneurope.eu A6-203 KEFAS (STYL GRAND SPA) Via Monte Bianco, 15, I-31040 Falze di Trevignano (TV) Tel.: +39 0423 670340 Fax: +39 0423 670288 Email: info@kefas.it Internet: www.kefas.it B3-403 Khodi Ondernemingsweg 10, NL-3641 RZ Mydrecht Tel.: +31 297 284400 Fax: +31 297 288256 Email: contact@khodi.co.uk Internet: www.khodi.co.uk Exhibited products: Rucksäcke, Daypacks, Reiserücksäcke A4-303 killtec Sport- und Freizeit GmbH

B3-201 King Snaps Ind. Corp. 16F-2, No. 51, Sec 2, Keelung Rd., RC-110 Taipei Tel.: +886 2 2739 3669 Fax: +886 2 2739 3198 / 2739 0001 Email: snap@singgy.com.tw Internet: www.kingsnaps.net Exhibited products: Mountaining Equipment, Life Rescue Equipement, Snap Link and Accessories, Slack Line, Dog Accessories, Backles Present at OutDoor: Mr. L. C. Chiang B4-410 Kingwhale Industries Corp. 9F, No. 2, Lane 258, RC-114 Taipei Tel.: +886 2 875 23200 Fax: +886 2 875 23066 Email: sales@kingwhale.com.tw Internet: www.kingwhale.com A5-302 Klättermusen AB Arevägen 55, S-830 13 Are Tel.: +46 647 618618 Fax: +46 647 51010 Email: mattias@klattermusen.se Internet: www.klattermusen.se A1-100 Kober & Moll GmbH Zeppelin Straße 3, D-72285 Pfalzgrafenweiler, Tel.: +49 7445 858100 Fax: +49 7445 8581010 Email: info@kober-moll.com Internet: www.kober-moll.com Represented by: Gumotex B3-217 KOGA BV Tinweg 9, NL-8445 PD Heerenveen Tel.: +31 513 630 111 Fax: +31 513 633289 Email: info@koga.com Internet: www.koga.com Exhibited products: Bergmönch, Koga Signature A1-110 Kohla / Ibex Sportartikel GmbH Hans-Maier-Straße 21, A-6020 Innsbruck Tel.: +43 512 33510 Fax: +43 512 33510 90 Email: office@kohla.at Internet: www.kohla.at

Zimmererstraße 5, D-21244 Buchholz Tel.: +49 4181 2008 0 Fax: +49 4181 2008 489 Email: feige@killtec.de Internet: www.killtec.com



Index of exhibitors Ausstellerverzeichnis | Elenco degli espositori | Catalogue exposants

B4-504 Kolon Fashion Material, Inc.

A3-406 KV2 SAGL

7th Fl. Kolon Tower 1-23, ROK-427-709 Kwacheon-City, Kyunggi-do Tel.: +822 3677 4320 Fax: +822 3677 4385 Email: goodsun@kolon.com Internet: www.kolonfm.com

CH-6715 DONGIO Tel.: +41 91 872 26 16 Fax: +41 91 872 20 08 Email: info@kv2.ch Internet: www.kv2.ch

A1-501 Komperdell Sportartikel GmbH Wagnermühle 30, A-5310 Mondsee Tel.: +43 6232 42010 Fax: +43 6232 3545 Email: sales@komperdell.com Internet: www.komperdell.com Exhibited products: Stöcke alle Art; Protektoren Wintersport, Handschuhe; Underwear, GolfHartware; A5-316 Konarka Technologies, Inc. 116 John Street, Suite 12, USA-01852 MA Lowell Tel.: +1 978 569 1400 Fax: +1 978 569 1402 Email: dwilliams@konarka.com Internet: www.konarka.com Exhibited products: organic photovoltaic film, solar panels B3-100 Kong S.p.a. Via XXV Aprile, 4, I-23804 Monte Marenzo (LC) Tel.: +39 0341 630 506 Fax: +39 0341 641 550 Email: enrico.ostidich@kong.it Internet: www.kong.it A3-101 Kopfüber by Bühler Albert-Glück-Straße 1, D-88279 Amtzell Tel.: +49 7520 956239 0 Fax: +49 7520 956239 9 Email: office@kopfueber.net Internet: www.kopfueber.net A4-203 Kuhl Clothing 4884 South 300 West, USA-84107 UT Murray Tel.: +1 801 281 3185 Fax: +1 801 281 3830 Email: evan@kuhl-usa.com Internet: www.kuhl.com A5-320 Kunshan Bright River GarmentManufacturing Co., Ltd. No. 388, Datong Road, Penglang Town, VRC-215333 Kunshan City Tel.: +86 512 57970009, 57970028 Fax: +86 512 57970038 Email: brightyang99@vip.163.com Internet: www.brightriver.com.cn

Exhibited products: Nordic Walking-, Trekking- & Rollski-Poles, Woman's & Man's Active Wear A4-100 K-WAY Deutschland GmbH Rheinstraße 15, D-66955 Pirmasens Tel.: +49 6331 43939 Fax: +49 6331 283550 Email: matthias.cramer@k-way.de Internet: www.k-way.de A5-505 Laboratoires CMA/NST 7, chemin de la curzeille, F-74300 Cluses Tel.: +33 450 985304 Fax: +33 450 985149 Internet: www.nstoutdoor.com A4-407 Labtex Co., Ltd. 14F., No. 202, Sec 2, Yanping North Rd., RC-10348 Taipei Tel.: +886 2 2557 0470 Fax: +886 2 2557 0476 Email: jeni@labtex.com.tw Internet: www.labtex.com.tw A6-102 Lackner Schuhe GmbH & Co. KG St.-Johanner-Straße 15, A-6370 Kitzbühel Tel.: +43 5356 64286 Fax: +43 5356 64286 18 Email: schuhe@lackner-schuhe.at Internet: www.lackner-schuhe.at A1-402 Lafuma S.A. 6, rue Victor Lafuma BP 60, F-26140 Anneyron Tel.: +33 4 75 31 31 31 Fax: +33 4 75 31 57 26 Email: contact@lafuma.fr Internet: www.lafuma.com Represented by: Big Pack A3-102 Laken Productos Deportivos S.A. Apdo. Correos 44, E- 30169 San Ginés (Murcia) Tel.: +34 968 880850 Fax: +34 968 880770 Email: laken@laken.es Internet: www.laken.es B3-200 LAPIS B2-204 La Sportiva S.p.A. Via Ischia, 2, I-38030 Ziano di Fiemme (TN) Tel.: +39 0462 571 800 Fax: +39 0462 571 880 Email: lasportiva@lasportiva.com Internet: www.lasportiva.com


Index of exhibitors Ausstellerverzeichnis | Elenco degli espositori | Catalogue exposants

A4-402 LASTING SPORT s.r.o.

A4-302 Life is good Global Inc.

Mánesova 1770, CZ-35605 Sokolov Tel.: +420 352 628 313 Fax: +420 352 628 814 Email: info@lasting.eu Internet: www.lasting.eu

56 Kearney Rd., Suite D, USA-02494 MA Needham Tel.: +1 781 474 5052 Fax: +1 781 444 4435 Email: info@lifeisgoodintl.com Internet: www.lifeisgood.com

B1-427 Leatherman Tool Group, Inc. 12106 NE Ainsworth Circle, USA-97220 OR Portland Tel.: +1 503 253 7826 Fax: +1 503 253 7830 Email: marketing@leatherman.com Internet: www.leatherman.com B3-215 Lederbrehme GmbH FW-112 Leditore SRL Via Gadames, 123, I-20151 Milano Tel.: +39 02 365 88 1 Fax: +39 02 365 882 22 Email: montebianco@leditore.it Internet: www.montebianco.it A6-200 LEKI Lenhart GmbH Karl-Arnold-Straße 30, D-73230 Kirchheim Tel.: +49 7021 94000 Fax: +49 7021 940099 Email: service@leki.de Internet: www.leki.de A6-411 Lenz GmbH Staudachstraße 3, A-6858 Schwarzach Tel.: +43 3112 36026 0 Fax: +43 3112 36026 31 Email: office@thermic.com Internet: www.thermic.com / www.x-action.at Represented by: Therm-ic Products GmbH A3-208 Lenzing AG Werkstraße 2, A-4860 Lenzing Tel.: +43 7672 701 0 Fax: +43 7672 701 3917 Email: marketing@lenzing.com Internet: www.lenzing.com A3-206 PositCon GmbH (Lestra Deutschland) Im Gaiern 12, D-71287 Weissach Tel.: +49 7044 90193 0 Fax: +49 7044 90193 20 Email: lestra@positcon.de Internet: www.lestra-sport.de Exhibited products: Schlafsäcke, Rucksäcke, Isomatten und Zubehör Represented by: Lestra S.A.


B1-402 Life-Line / Bemontex B.V. Münster Straße 50, D-49176 Hilter Tel.: +49 5424 1031 u. 1032 Fax: +49 5424 69349 Email: life-line@osnanet.de Internet: www.golifeline.com B4-301 Lifemarque Ltd. 1-8 Bacchus House, Calleva Park,, GB-RG7 8EN Berkshire Tel.: +44 1189 811433 Fax: +44 1189 811406 Email: dan.marett@lifemarque.co.uk Internet: www.lifemarque.co.uk A6-209 Lifestyle Marken GmbH Beachers Osnabrückerstraße 15, D-32312 Lübbecke Tel.: +49 5741 232424 Fax: +49 5741 232215 Internet: www.mybeachers.com A5-307 Light My Fire Sweden AB Västkustvägen 7, S-211 24 Malmö Tel.: +46 40 660 1660 Fax: +46 40 660 1669 Email: info@lightmyfire.com Internet: www.lightmyfire.com A5-408 Lightwave / Outdoor Design Logistics Le Belvedere, Les Bordes, F-11190 Rennes-Le-Chateau Tel.: +33 468 693008 Fax: +33 468 318360 Email: carol@odl.uk.com Internet: www.lightwave.uk.com A5-103 Living Colours Forellenweg 13 a, D-33335 Gütersloh Tel.: +49 5209 9180 0 Fax: +49 5209 918 203 Email: service@livingcolours-gt.com Internet: www.livingcolours-gt.com A6-404 Lizard by Aicad Via Valsugana 151, I-38100 Trento (TN) Tel.: +39 0461 231489 Fax: +39 0461 987208 Email: marketing@aicad.com Internet: www.lizardfootwear.com



Index of exhibitors Ausstellerverzeichnis | Elenco degli espositori | Catalogue exposants

B4-513 LMA - Leandro Manuel Araújo, Lda.

B1-300 Lowe Alpine International SRL

Av. Américo Teixeira, P-4795-160 Rebordões Tel.: +351 252 808040 Fax: +351 252 808058 Email: alitecno@lma.pt Internet: www.lma.pt

Via Foscarini, 8, I-31040 Nervesa della Battaglia (TV) Tel.: +39 0422 8864 11 Fax: +39 0422 8864 64 Email: info@lowealpine.it Internet: www.lowealpine.com

A5-107 LOAP/Piccollo, spol. s.r.o.

Represented by: Asolo Spa

Pernerova 35, CZ-18600 Praha Tel.: +420 225 386 437 Fax: +420 225 386 417 Email: export@piccollo.cz Internet: www.loap.cz

FO-100A Lümmel by Sellando GmbH

A4-401 Löffler GmbH Südtiroler Straße 41, A-4910 Ried/Innkreis Tel.: +43 7752 84421 0 Fax: +43 7752 84421 193 Email: office@loeffler.at Internet: www.loeffler.at A6-106 Lomer S.R.L. Via G. Pastore, 8, I-31044 Montebelluna (TV) Tel.: +39 0423 600114 Fax: +39 0423 601393 Email: info@lomer.it Internet: www.lomer.it A4-209 Long Advance Int'l Co., Ltd. F 11, No. 295 Sec 2, RC-106 Taipei Tel.: +886 2 2709 3524 Fax: +886 2 2709 3532 Email: long0528@ms26.hinet.net Internet: www.longadv.com.tw A6-103 Industrias Savidai S.L. Lorpen Carretera General S/N, E-31760 Etxalar (Navarra) Tel.: +34 948 635384 Fax: +34 948 635238 Email: export@lorpen.com Internet: www.lorpen.com Exhibited products: Lorpen innovative technical socks, most advanced fibres & exclusive manufacturing features. New technology presented: Trilayer® Present at OutDoor: Mr. Imanol Muñoz, Sales & Marketing Manager B3-200 Loubsol SA 13 bis rue du Moulin Lacroix, F-39206 Saint-Claude Tel.: +33 384 451623 Fax: +33 384 456065 Email: loubsol@loubsol.com Internet: www.loubsol.com


Ketschendorfer Straße 82-84, D-96450 Coburg Tel.: +49 9561 85330 Fax: +49 9561 853329 Email: info@myluemmel.de Internet: www.myluemmel.de A5-305 Lundhags Skomakarna AB Atlantvägen 1, S-83005 Järpen Tel.: +46 647 665600 Fax: +46 647 665610 Email: info@lundhags.se Internet: www.lundhags.se B4-101 Lurbel, S.L. C/ Dels Diables, 34, E-46870 Ontinyent (Valencia) Tel.: +34 96 2911851 Fax: +34 96 2912712 Email: lurbel@lurbel.net Internet: www.lurbel.net Represented by: Husemann GmbH FW-117 MAB spa Volta 50, I-20049 Concorezzo (MI) Tel.: +39 039 6280911 Fax: +39 039 6280990 Email: giovannibernareggi@mabspa.com Internet: www.mabspa.com FW-117 Macpi spa Via Piantada 9/D, I-25036 Palazzolo sull ' Oglio (BS) Tel.: +39 030 7403611 Fax: +39 030 7403681 Email: info@macpi.com Internet: www.macpi.com Exhibited products: Bonding Machines B3-301 Mac Sports 1661 Fairplex Drive, USA-91750 CA La Verne Tel.: +49 7150 947 940 Fax: +49 7150 4737 Email: whaug@camping-schuh.de Internet: www.macsports.com Represented by: Camping Schuh GmbH

A6-300 LOWA Sportschuhe GmbH

B2-205 Mad Rock

Hauptstraße 19, D-85305 Jetzendorf Tel.: +49 8137 999 0 Fax: +49 8137 999 110 Email: info@lowa.de Internet: www.lowa.de

12878 Florence Avenue, USA-90670 CA Santa Fee Springs Tel.: +1 800 9595792 Email: websales@madrockclimbing.com Internet: www.madrockclimbing.com

Index of exhibitors Ausstellerverzeichnis | Elenco degli espositori | Catalogue exposants

A6-101 Madrock Climbing A3-301 Maier Sports GmbH & Co. KG Nürtinger Straße 27, D-73257 Köngen Tel.: +49 7024 8000 0 Fax: +49 7024 8000 929 Email: info@maier-sports.de Internet: www.maier-sports.de


B2-206 MASTERS Srl Via Capitelvecchio, 29, I-36061 Bassano del Grappa (VI) Tel.: +39 0424 524133 Fax: +39 0424 527924 Email: info@masters.it Internet: www.masters.it Exhibited products: Trekking-, Nordic Walking-, Ski-Poles, Ski-goggle & helmets

B3-204 Makak Climbing s.r.o.


Lesní stezka 3465/45, CZ-466 01 Jablonec nad Nisou Tel.: +420 483 318359 Email: info@makak.cz Internet: www.makak.cz

ZAMORA, 45, E-08005 Barcelona Tel.: +34 933 090912 Fax: +34 933 009559 Email: sole@matt-sports.com Internet: www.matt-sports.com

A3-400 Mammut Sports Group AG

A3-306 Maul Sport Company - Maul GmbH & Co. KG

Industriestrasse Birren, CH-5703 Seon Tel.: +41 62 769 81 81 Fax: +41 62 769 82 47 Email: info@mammut.ch Internet: www.mammutsportsgroup.ch

Stahlgruberring 18, D-81829 München Tel.: +49 89 4204080 Fax: +49 89 42040823 / +49 89 423166 Email: ludwig-maul@maul-sport-company.de Internet: www.maul-sport-company.de

A4-311 Manhattan Outdoor Clothing Factory Ltd.

Present at OutDoor: Geschäftsleitung und kompl. Außendienst

Unit 2, 11/F, Blk B, Hoi Luen Ind. Ctr., 55 Hoi Yuen Road, HK-Kwun Tong Tel.: +852 2341 3168 Fax: +852 2790 1948 Email: sales@mocfty.com Internet: www.mocfty.com

A5-220 Mauzi-Sport

Exhibited products: Technical Apparel of Skiing, Trekking, Hunting, Fishing, Golf, Leisure, Workwear & Rainwear Present at OutDoor: Mr. Joeson Shea Represented by: Everest Textile Co., Ltd. A1-109 MAPP Merino A1-403 Marmot Mountain Europe GmbH Gottfried Stammler Straße 12, D-91220 Schnaittach Tel.: +49 9153 920590 Fax: +49 9153 92059 99 Email: info@marmot.de Internet: www.marmot.eu A1-310 Marsupio snc di Fusco Giuseppe & C. Via Cal Trevisana, 35, I-31044 Montebelluna (TV) Tel.: +39 0423 22356 Fax: +39 0423 21821 Email: marsupio@marsupio.it Internet: www.marsupio.it A6-503 Masai Marketing & Trading AG

Mainaustraße 179 b, D-78464 Konstanz Tel.: +49 7531 33266 Fax: +49 7531 33840 Email: martinmauz@aol.com Internet: www.mauzibaelle.de A4-109 Maxland Sportswear Ind. Co., Ltd. 9F, No 69, Sec. 2, RC-Taipei Tel.: +886 2 2542 2200 Fax: +886 2 2541 9933 Email: max@maxlandsports.com.tw Internet: www.maxlandsports.com.tw A5-100 McNett Europe PO Box 1144, D-29684 Schwarmstedt Tel.: +49 5071 800072 Fax: +49 5071 800275 Email: sales@mcnetteurope.com Internet: www.mcnetteurope.com Exhibited products: Care and repair products, Mosquito Nets, Insect Repellents, Seam Sealing, Cleaning and Proofing. Water Filters and Purification. Present at OutDoor: Roy Whitehead, Lis Whitehead, Kirsten Bertram A1-412 medi Gmbh & Co.KG

Badstrasse 14, CH-8590 Romanshorn Tel.: +41 71 4546868 Fax: +41 71 4546869 Internet: www.mbt.com



Index of exhibitors Ausstellerverzeichnis | Elenco degli espositori | Catalogue exposants

A6-400 Lukas Meindl GmbH & Co. KG

A4-213 Minlan Fabric Industrial Co., Ltd.

Lukas-Meindl-Straße 5-9, D-83417 Kirchanschöring Tel.: +49 8685 7709 0 Fax: +49 8685 7478 Email: shoes@meindl.de Internet: www.meindl.de

6F-2, 58, Tung-Te 11 St., RC-Tao-Yuan Tel.: +886-3-325-6589 Fax: +886-3-356-5010 Email: tony@minlan.com.tw Internet: www.minlan.com.tw

A3-303 Merrell / Wolverine Europe Ltd. Kings Place, 90 York Way, GB-N1 9AG London Tel.: +44 207 8600100 Internet: www.merrell.com B2-101 Metolius Climbing 63189 Nels Anderson Rd., USA-97701 OR Bend Tel.: +1 541 382 7585 Fax: +1 541 382 8351 Email: chip@metoliusclimbing.com Internet: www.metoliusclimbing.com Represented by: Triple X GmbH A5-109 M. G. Exhibition Design Company 9660 Flair Dr. #225, USA-91231 El Monte Tel.: +1 626 283 4866 Fax: +1 626 448 3688 Email: mgedlax@yahoo.com A6-402 Trezeta - MGM S.p.A. Via Trento e Trieste 112/c, I-31050 Cavasagra di Vedelago (TV) Tel.: +39 0423 489310 Fax: +39 0423 489291 Email: info@hypro.it / info@trezeta.com Internet: www.trezeta.com B1-431 Microsport GmbH + Co. KG Grüntal 10a, D-81925 München Tel.: +49 89 307 25599 Fax: +49 89 307 25598 Email: info@microsport.de Internet: www.microsport.eu Exhibited products: Outdoor Electronics A1-401 MILLET SAS 21, rue du Pré Faucon - PAE Les Glaisins BP 60348, F-74943 Annecy Le Vieux Tel.: +33 450 69 59 59 Fax: +33 450 69 59 60 Email: millet@millet.fr Internet: www.millet.fr B4-206 Milo Laczna 39, PL-41-303 Dabrowa Górnicza Tel.: +48 32 2618283 Fax: +48 32 2618283 Email: info@milo.pl Internet: www.milo.pl


Represented by: Chemotex Minlan Pacific Co., Ltd. A5-403 MINOX GmbH Walter-Zapp-Straße 4, D-35578 Wetzlar Tel.: +49 6441 917 0 Fax: +49 6441 917 612 Email: info@minox.com Internet: www.minox.com A4-507 Miti spa Via Papa Giovanni XXIII, 320, I-24059 Urgnano (BG) Tel.: +39 035 419 2081 Fax: +39 035 419 2087 Email: marketing@mitispa.it Internet: www.mitispa.it B4-511 Mitsubishi Corporation Kansai Branch LO-X 2-2-22 Umeda Kita-Ku, J-530-0001 Osaka Tel.: +81 6 6348 6569 Fax: +81 6 6348 6999 Email: yojiro_takano@amaterrace.com Internet: www.diaplex.com ÜO-102 mode...information GmbH Pilgerstraße 20, D-51491 Overath Tel.: +49 2206 6007 770 Fax: +49 2206 6007 17 Email: service@modeinfo.com Internet: www.modeinfo.com A6-406 MONDEOX SPA CALZATURIFICIO Via del Lavoro 19, I-31010 Casella d'Asolo (TV) Tel.: +39 0423 950977 Fax: +39 0423 952546 Email: info@mondeox.it Internet: www.mondeox.it B3-212 MONKEE Bärenschanzstraße 63, D-90429 Nürnberg Tel.: +49 911 4906186 Email: info@monkeeclothing.com Internet: www.monkeeclothing.com FG-AKA2 Monkey Hardware GmbH Dr.-H.-W.-Gehlen-Straße 2, D-66879 Reichenbach-Steegen Tel.: +49 6385 993980 Fax: +49 6385 993982 Email: info@monkeyhardware.de Internet: www.monkeyhardware.com

Index of exhibitors Ausstellerverzeichnis | Elenco degli espositori | Catalogue exposants


FO-101 Coop. Montagnard SCARL

A1-400 Mountain Hardwear

Borgata Ciarmis, 17, I-10060 Villar Pellice (TO) Tel.: +39 0121 930620 Fax: +39 0121 934807 Email: info@montagnard.net Internet: www.montagnard.net

Geneva Business Center, Avenue des Morgines 12, CH-1213 Petit-Lancy Tel.: +41 22 870 9036 Fax: +41 22 870 9001 Email: fmeynent@mountainhardwear.com Internet: www.mountainhardwear.com

B4-302 Montane

Exhibited products: Perfomance elevated technical and casual outdoor apparel, tents, sleeping bags and backpacks !

3 Freeman Court, Unit 21, North Seaton Industrial Estate, GB-NE63 0YF Ashington, Northumberland Tel.: +44 1670 522 300 Fax: +44 1670 522 400 Email: info@montane.co.uk Internet: www.montane.co.uk A6-403 Monte Sport srl Via G. di Vittorio, 16, I-31044 Montebelluna (TV) Tel.: +390 423 302790 Fax: +390 423 22020 Email: info@montesport.it Internet: www.montesport.it A1-400 Montrail Geneva Business Center, Avenue des Morgines 12, CH-1213 Petit Lancy Tel.: +41 22 870 9000 Fax: +41 22 870 9036 Email: fmeynent@montrail.com Internet: www.montrail.com

Present at OutDoor: Hall A1 Represented by: Montrail B1-422 Mountain King Ltd. PO Box 417, GB-NE15 6YY Newcastle upon Tyne Tel.: +44 191 274 5855 Fax: +44 191 275 3436 Email: info@mountainking.co.uk Internet: www.mountainking.co.uk B3-321 Mountain Services Creations Xiao Ao Xi, Hou Tang Shan, East District, Zhongshan City, VRC-528403 Guang Dong Tel.: +86 760 88894907 Fax: +86 760 88896769 Email: wklam@mscreations.com.cn Internet: www.mscreations.com.cn Exhibited products: Welded Watersport goods, Dry bags, Packs

Exhibited products: Montrail delivers premier trail running and hiking footwear for outdoor athletes, Montrail is synonymous with the best fitting, cutting-edge outdoor footwear.

A1-410 Mountainsmith

Present at OutDoor: Hall A1 - Montrail & Mountain Hardwear

B4-304 Multibrand s.r.o. Nordblanc

A4-306 Montura - Tasci srl Via Zotti 29, I-38068 Rovereto (TN) Tel.: +39 0464 431961 Fax: +39 0464 431925 Email: montura@montura.it Internet: www.montura.it B2-211 Moon Climbing 28 Cross Smithfield, GB-S3 7AU Sheffield Tel.: +44 114 249 1821 Fax: +44 114 249 1821 Email: ben@moonclimbing.com Internet: www.moonclimbing.com B2-604 Motor Presse Stuttgart GmbH & Co. KG Leuschnerstraße 1, D-70174 Stuttgart Tel.: +49 711 182 01 Internet: www.outdoorchannel.de A1-309 Mountain Equipment Redfern House, Dawson Street, GB-SK14 1RD Hyde Tel.: +44 161 366 5020 Fax: +44 161 366 9732 Email: info@mountain-equipment.co.uk Internet: www.mountain-equipment.co.uk

Rohácova 188/37, CZ-130 00 Praha 3 Tel.: +420 381 200500 Fax: +420 381 276868 Email: export@nordblanc.cz Internet: www.nordblanc.cz A4-505 MUND SOCKS - MUNDOIMPORT S.L. Condado de Treviño, 13 Nave A5, E-09001 Burgos Tel.: +34 947 298638 - +34 947100108 Fax: +34 947 298517 Email: burgos@mundsocks.com Internet: www.mundsocks.com B3-216 MX3 Nutrition Sportive Sté Titok Productions Parc Actilonne, F-85340 Olonne Sur Mer Tel.: +33 2 51 329929 Fax: +33 2 51 237354 Email: ondine.bigot@mx3.fr Internet: www.mx3.fr A1-209 MYNAV Outdoor Navigators Giove srl Elda Group Via Enrico Reginato, 87, I-31100 Treviso Tel.: +39 0422 247911 Fax: +39 0422 247988 Email: info@mynav.com Internet: www.mynav.com



Index of exhibitors Ausstellerverzeichnis | Elenco degli espositori | Catalogue exposants

A6-213 Naama Naot Germany GmbH

A5-312 Nedap Deutschland GmbH

Hohlstraße 4-6, D-76891 Bruchweiler-Bärenbach Tel.: +49 6394 9214 0 Fax: +49 6394 9214 15 Email: mail@theresiam.de Internet: www.theresiam.com

Otto-Hahn-Straße 3, D-40670 Meerbusch Tel.: +49 2159 8145 0 Fax: +49 2159 8145 100 Internet: www.nedap.de

B3-505 Nalgene 75 Panorama Creek Dr., USA-14625 NY Rochester Tel.: +1 585 586 8800 Fax: +1 585 586 3294 Email: webmaster@nalgene.com Internet: www.nalgene-outdoor.com A5-421 Nanan Fengzhou Craft Umbrella Factory 7/F Foreign Trade Bldg.32 North Xinhua, VRC-Zhangzhou, Fujian Tel.: +86 596 2953412 Fax: +86 596 2953883 Email: alicklan@yahoo.com.cn B3-426 Nanjing Yakka Sporting Goods Co., Ltd. Zetang Industrial Zone, VRC-211215 Nanjing Tel.: +86 25 57242688 Fax: +86 25 57262978 Email: jeccy@handassports.com Internet: www.yakkasports.com A5-202 Nanok of Norway AS Kongsveien 96A, N-1177 Oslo Tel.: +47 2338 0910 Fax: +47 2338 0911 Email: mail@nanok.no Internet: www.nanok.no B3-324 Nantong Haoyi Trade Co., Ltd. 82 Waihuan Road, VRC-226000 Nantong Tel.: +86 513 8159 6903 Fax: +86 513 8159 6902 Email: ntdayi@163.com B1-509 Naschem Co., Ltd #223-427, Seoknam-Dong, Seo-Ku, ROK-404-220 Incheon Tel.: +82 32 5812 777 Fax: +82 32 5814 121 Email: naschem@unitel.co.kr / tinalee@unitel.co.kr / thomaswon@unitel.co.kr Internet: www.naschem.co.kr A5-218 Navico GmbH Lowrance Carl-Friedrich-Gauss-Straße 2, D-24837 Schleswig Tel.: +49 4621 96130 Fax: +49 4621 961329 Email: Joerg.Tapken@navico.com Internet: www.navico.com


B3-219 FG-B101 NEMO Equipment, Inc. 100 Factory Street, USA-03060 NH Nashua Tel.: +1 603 881 9353 Fax: +1 603 881 9358 Email: john@nemoequipment.com Internet: www.nemoequipment.com Exhibited products: Tents, Sleeping Pads Present at OutDoor: Cam Brensinger - President, John Faherty - Director of Sales B4-308A NET Sportswear Ltd. 7th Floor, Longwei Bldg., VRC-314000 Jiaxing, Zheijiang Tel.: +86 573 82093755 Fax: +86 573 82080548 Email: info@net-sportswear.cn Internet: www.net-sportswear.com A1-411 New Balance Athletic Shoes (UK) Ltd 320 Firecrest Court, Centre Park, GB-WA1 1RG Warrington Tel.: +44 1925 423 000 Fax: +44 1925 423 001 Internet: www.newbalance.com A5-313 New Games - Frisbeesport Rotachstraße 46, D-88693 Deggenhausertal Tel.: +49 7555 927390 Fax: +49 7555 927391 Email: newgames@frisbeeshop.com Internet: www.frisbeeshop.com A3-315 New Goodwill Industries Co., Ltd. 3-2 F, No 26, Sec 3, Chung Shan North. Rd, RC-10461 Taipei Tel.: +8862 25996710 Fax: +8862 25996641 Email: ngw@newgoodwill.com Internet: www.newgoodwill.com B4-316 New Trend Textile Co., Ltd. 9/F, No. 69, Fu Hsing North Road, RC-105 Taipei Tel.: +886 2 8773 5606 Fax: +886 2 8773 5605 Email: jason@newtrend.com.tw Internet: www.newtrend.com.tw FW-113 nextbike GmbH Thomasiusstraße 16-18, D-04109 Leipzig Tel.: +49 341 308 988919 Fax: +49 341 2403875 Internet: www.nextbike.de

Index of exhibitors Ausstellerverzeichnis | Elenco degli espositori | Catalogue exposants


B4-314 NIFCO Group

B2-111 Nograd

125 Baker St. E., Suite 115, USA-CA 92626 Costa Mesa Tel.: +1 877 2187499 Fax: +1 877 2187519 Email: hertelm@nifcoam.com Internet: www.nifco.com

5-7 rue Henri Barbusse, F-94800 Villejuif Tel.: +33 147 26 52 44 Fax: +33 147 26 05 98 Email: nograd@wanadoo.fr Internet: www.nogradwear.com

B2-303 Nihil Climbing Rigtersbleek Zandvoort 10 - 1.35, NL-7521 BE Enschede Tel.: +31 5343 66603 Fax: +31 5343 66641 Email: info@nihilclimbing.com Internet: www.nihilclimbing.com A1-413 Nikwax Waterproofing Unit F, Durgates Industrial Estate, GB-TN5 6DF Wadhurst, East Sussex Tel.: +44 1892 786400 Fax: +44 1892 783748 Email: sabrina.hammad@nikwax.co.uk Internet: www.nikwax.com B3-419 Ningbo First Outdoor Goods Co., Ltd. Bl#6 No28-46 Kexing Rd, VRC-Ningbo Tel.: +86 514 8290 0982 Fax: +86 514 8790 0930 B3-510 Ningbo Oulu Tourist Articles Co., Ltd. No. 22 Yunshan Industrial Zone, VRC-315031 Ningbo Tel.: +86 574 62940478 Fax: +86 574 62940357 B3-435 Ningbo Yinzhou Wideland Sports Co., Ltd. 404# Block A, 10# East Songjiang Rd, VRC-315192 Ningbo Tel.: +86 574 88146388 Fax: +86 574 88146377 B3-414 Ningbo Yonglin Light Industry Co., Ltd. Rm. 704 No. 43 Liuzhuang Lane, VRC-315012 Ningbo Tel.: +86 574 87255633 Fax: +86 574 87366361 B3-508 Ninghai Xingda Leisure Products Co., Ltd. No. 8 Lane 728, Songjiang Rd., VRC-Ningbo Tel.: +86 574 88329292 Fax: +86 574 88329291 B3-106 NM Design, Sociedade Unipessoal, LDA Ortik Avenida de Brasília, P-1400-298 Lissabon Tel.: +351 21 3012626 Internet: www.ortik.net

A4-304 NO LIMITS by QST Innovation SRL Via I Maggio 12-14, I-25035 Ospitaletto (BS) Tel.: +39 030 2522974 Fax: +39 030 93531132 Email: info@qstuniverse.com Internet: www.qstuniverse.com A5-301 Nomad Edisonstraat 82, NL-6902 PK Zevenaar Tel.: +31 316 583500 Fax: +31 316 583535 Email: tessa@nomad.info Internet: www.nomad.info A1-415 Nordhorn Sp z o.o Bruzyczka Mala 49, PL-95-070 Aleksandrów Lódzki Tel.: +48 42 7128190 Fax: +48 42 7128190 Email: office@nordhorn.com.pl Internet: www.nordhorn.com.pl Exhibited products: producer socks for outdoor and sport. B1-301 Nordisk Freizeit Bollerslev GmbH Max-Weber-Straße 16, D-25451 Quickborn Tel.: +49 4106 7677 0 Fax: +49 4106 7677 14 Email: info@nordisk.de Internet: www.nordisk.de A4-500 Nordsen Via Pasteur 6, I-37135 Verona Tel.: +390 45 8299 333 Fax: +390 45 8299 133 Email: info@nordsen.it Internet: www.nordsen.it A5-412 NORMAL / TRITON Ltd Boytsova st, 4, RUS-190168 Saint-Petersburg Tel.: +7 812 6221910 Fax: +7 812 6221912 Email: normal@lek.ru Internet: www.normal.ru A1-207 Norrona Sport AS Nye Vakás vei 20, N-1395 Hvalstad Tel.: +47 66 772400 Fax: +47 66 772401 Email: info@norrona.no Internet: www.norrona.com A3-202 NOSQUITO



Index of exhibitors Ausstellerverzeichnis | Elenco degli espositori | Catalogue exposants

B1-102 Oase Outdoors ApS

A5-309 Original Doggear Aps.

Kornvej 9, DK-7323 Give Tel.: +45 70228500 Fax: +45 70228505 Email: info@oase-outdoors.dk Internet: www.oase-outdoors.com

Tomrervaenget 5, DK-4700 Naestved Tel.: +45 55 997704 Fax: +45 55 997204 Email: info@odg.eu Internet: www.originaldoggear.com

Exhibited products: Zelte, Schlafsäcke, Faltmöbel, Rucksäcke und Campingausrüstung. B4-500 ODLO International AG Im Bösch 67, CH-6331 Hünenberg / Zug Tel.: +41 41 785 7070 Fax: +41 41 785 7077 Email: mail@odlo.com Internet: www.odlo.com FO-100 Österreichischer Alpenverein Olympiastraße 37, A-6020 Innsbruck Tel.: +43 512 59547 Fax: +43 512 575528 Email: office@alpenverein.at Internet: www.alpenverein.at

Dorstrasse 40, CH-8834 Schindellegi Tel.: +41 44 7850041 Fax: +41 44 7850288 Email: info@orthofeel.ch Internet: www.orthofeel.ch B1-200 ORTLIEB Sportartikel GmbH Rainstraße 6, D-91560 Heilsbronn Tel.: +49 9872 8000 Fax: +49 9872 800266 Email: info@ortlieb.com Internet: www.ortlieb.com Exhibited products: Waterproof Outdoor Equipment

FO-104 Olympia-Verlag GmbH

A3-105 Ortovox Sportartikel GmbH

Badstraße 4-6, D-90402 Nürnberg Tel.: +49 911 216 0 Fax: +49 911 216 2670 Email: info@olympia-verlag.de Internet: www.olympia-verlag.de

Rotwandweg 5, D-82024 Taufkirchen Tel.: +49 89 666 74 0 Fax: +49 89 666 74 20 Email: ortovox@ortovox.com Internet: www.ortovox.com

B3-210 On Top Klettern Ges. für Freizeitsport mbH


Vorgebirgsstraße 5, D-50389 Wesseling Tel.: +49 2236 890580 Fax: +49 2236 890581 Email: info@ontopklettern.de Internet: www.ontopklettern.de

ZI de Tire Poix, F-38 660 St Vincent de Mercuze Tel.: +33 4 76085631 Fax: +33 4 76085670 Email: osmose@bps38.com Internet: www.osmosegrimpe.com

A4-506 Optimer Brands

A1-406 Osprey Europe Ltd.

5 Meco Circle, USA-19804 DE Wilmington Tel.: +1 302 994 3083 Fax: +1 302 994 3086 Email: kdeniz@optimer.com Internet: www.drirelease.com

Unit 9, Compton Business Park, Thrush Road, Poole, GB-BH12 4FJ Dorset Tel.: +44 1202 413920 Fax: +44 1202 736639 Email: info@ospreyeurope.com Internet: www.ospreypacks.com

A3-307 OPTIMUS / Katadyn Products Inc. Birkenweg 4, CH-8304 Wallisellen Tel.: +41 44 839 2111 Fax: +41 44 830 7942 Email: info@katadyngroup.com Internet: www.katadyngroup.com Exhibited products: Outdoor-Kocher & Zubehör Outdoor Stoves & Accessoires B4-502 Orange s.r.l. Via San Rocco 101, I-16036 Recco (GE) Tel.: +39 0185 739001 Fax: +39 0185 739847 Email: bags@o-range.com Internet: www.o-range.com


A6-107 Orthofeel GmbH

A1-404 outdoordesigns FW-100 Outdoor Industry Compass (The) FW-110 Outdoor Links e.V. Verein zur Förderung junger Menschen im Outdoorsport Zur Eichwiese 80, D-64367 Mühltal Tel.: +49 6151 9926164 Fax: +49 6151 9926165 Email: info@outdoorlinks.org Internet: www.outdoorlinks.org

Index of exhibitors Ausstellerverzeichnis | Elenco degli espositori | Catalogue exposants


B4-208 Outdoor Organic

B2-303 PAD bouldering gear s.r.o.

Marconistraat 146, NL-1223 BZ Hilversum Tel.: +31 6 38484255 Fax: +31 35 6472696 Email: joost@outdoororganic.com Internet: www.outdoororganic.com

Inocencova 25, CZ-38501 Vimperk Tel.: +42 0776632292 Fax: +42 0388414708 Email: pad@pad.cz Internet: www.pad.cz

ÜO-101 Outdoor-Profis GmbH

A4-415 Paltex Company Ltd.

Schaumburger Straße 1, D-65549 Limburg Tel.: +49 6431 982 0 Fax: +49 6431 982 848 Email: wittayer@outdoor-profis.com Internet: www.outdoor-profis.com

4F-1, No. 408, Rueiguang Road, RC-11492 Taipei Tel.: +886 2 8798 2818 Fax: +886 2 8798 2919 Email: angus@paltex.com.tw Internet: www.paltex.com.tw

Represented by: Sport 2000 Deutschland GmbH A3-305 Outdoor Research 2203 1st Ave South, USA-98134 WA Seattle Tel.: +1 206 4678197 Fax: +1 206 4670374 Email: mauriceb@outdoorresearch.com Internet: www.outdoorresearch.com ÜO-100 outdoortrophy Bahnhof 248, A-6951 Lingenau Tel.: +43 5513 4140 Fax: +43 5522 31048 Email: office@outdoortrophy.com Internet: www.outdoortrophy.com A1-107 OutDry - Nextec SRL Via del Bosco, 41, I-21052 Busto Arsizio (VA) Tel.: +39 0331 677611 Fax: +39 0331 677596 Internet: www.outdry.com A3-109 Outlyne Sports AG Riedlöserstrasse, CH-7203 Landquart Tel.: +41 81 3006010 Fax: +41 81 3006011 Email: office@outlyne.com Internet: www.outlyne.com B3-409 Pacific Market International Ltd. (see Stanley or Aladdin) B1-410 Pacific Outdoor Equipment 521 E. Peach St., Unit #4, USA-59715 MT Bozeman Tel.: +1 406 586 5258 Fax: +1 406 586 5276 Email: James@pacoutdoor.com Internet: www.pacoutdoor.com B3-302 Pacsafe / Outpac Designs Ltd. 17/F, 444-452 Des Voeux Rd. West, HK-Hong Kong Tel.: +852 3664 8300 Fax: +852 2572 4466 Email: outpac@pacsafe.com Internet: www.pacsafe.com

A6-306 Papillio-Schuh GmbH Weidenstraße 20, D-53562 St. Katharinen Tel.: +49 2645 97720 0 Fax: +49 2645 9772 201 Email: awrobel@papillio.de Internet: www.papillio.de B2-200 Patagonia Europe SNC 23, Rue du Pré Faucon, PAE les Glaisins, F-74940 Annecy-le-Vieux Tel.: +33 450 88 4444 Fax: +33 450 88 4499 Email: info@patagonia.com Internet: www.patagonia.com B2-202 Patagonia Footwear Wolverine Europe Ltd. Kings Place, 90 York Way, GB-N1 9AG London Tel.: +44 207 8600100 Internet: www.patagonia.com A3-401 Peak Performance Box 27224, SE-102 53 Stockholm Tel.: +46 8 506 55547 Fax: +46 8 506 55595 Internet: www.peakperformance.com B2-208 Peguet & Cie 12 Rue des Buchillons, F-74105 Annemasse Tel.: +33 450 95 58 23 Fax: +33 450 92 22 06 Email: peguet@peguet.fr Internet: www.peguet.fr Exhibited products: Manufacturer of en 362 + en 12275 certified quick links for personal protective equipment against falls from heights in industrial safety, mountaineering, rock climbing, caving, only made in france since 1941 B1-408 Penguin Brands, Inc. 2009 Elmwood Ave., USA-19079 PA Sharon Hill Tel.: +1 800 523 2844 Fax: +1 610 534 4424 Email: info@penguinbrands.com Internet: www.nathansports.com



Index of exhibitors Ausstellerverzeichnis | Elenco degli espositori | Catalogue exposants

B4-216 Pepwing International Corp.

B4-308 PINEA Sportswear OHG

No.113, Wugong 3rd Rd., Wugu Township, RC-24889 Taipei County Tel.: +886 2 2299 6740 Fax: +886 2 2299 2377 Email: whitney.yang@pepwing.com Internet: www.pepwing.com

Wiesenstraße 69, D-68519 Viernheim Tel.: +49 6204 929187 Fax: +49 6204 929188 Email: info@pinea-outdoor.com Internet: www.pinea-outdoor.com

A3-311 Pertex Marketing and Design Centre, Croft Barn Parlour, Backridge, Waddington, GB-BB7 3LG Clitheroe Tel.: +44 1200 444123 Fax: +44 1200 444123 Email: info@pertex.com Internet: www.pertex.com Exhibited products: Technical fabrics for outdoor sports apparel & equipment. B4-108 pervormance international GmbH Mühlsteige 13, D-89075 Ulm Tel.: +49 731 14071 0 Fax: +49 731 14071 14 Email: info@pervormance.de Internet: www.pervormance.de Exhibited products: cooling clothes and cooling accessories B2-302 Petzl SAS ZI de Crolles, Cidex 105 A, F-38920 Crolles Tel.: +33 4 7692 0900 Fax: +33 4 7608 8204 Email: info@petzl.fr Internet: www.petzl.com B3-310 Phelgard Products Inc.


A5-102 Pinewood AB Bokåkravägen 4, S-33153 Värnamo, Sweden Tel.: +46 370 18865 Fax: +46 370 18890 Email: rainer@pinewood.se Internet: www.pinewood.se A5-101 Pinu Handels GmbH Eckernförder Straße 28, D-24361 Haby Tel.: +49 4356 996644 Fax: +49 4356 996643 Email: info@pinu.de Internet: www.pinu.de Exhibited products: Tough Footwear for the Outdoors A1-404 podsacs A1-302 Polartec, LLC 46 Stafford Street, USA-01841 MA Lawrence Tel.: +1 978 659 5798 Fax: +1 978 659 5110 Email: macomberk@polartec.com Internet: www.polartec.om A5-410 Polinelli s.r.l.

PO Box 67-403, RC-104 Taipei Tel.: +886 02 253 6650 7 Fax: +886 02 252 2368 7 Email: f73830@ms53.hinet.net

Via Roma, 57, I-21020 Daverio (VA) Tel.: +39 0332 942011 Fax: +39 0332 949304 Email: info@polinelli.it Internet: www.polinelli.it

B4-407 Pidigi S.p.A.

A5-506 POL-Planet e.K.

Via Della Meccanica, 29, I-37139 Verona Tel.: +39 045 9216888 Fax: +39 045 9216800 Email: alberto.povolo@pidigi.com Internet: www.pidigi.com

Wallbrunnstraße 53, D-79539 Lörrach Tel.: +49 7621 1697353 Fax: +49 7621 1697355 Email: sales@powerisers.de Internet: www.powerisers.de

B3-207 PIEPS GmbH

A5-207 Polygiene AB

Parkring 4, A-8403 Lebring Tel.: +43 3182 52556 0 Fax: +43 3182 52556 19 Email: office@pieps.com Internet: www.pieps.com

Stadiongatan 65, S-217 62 Malmö Tel.: +46 40 530 202 Fax: +46 40 530 210 Email: pg@polygiene.com Internet: www.polygiene.com

Exhibited products: Sicherheitsausrüstung für Bergsport

A6-411 Polygiene AB

Index of exhibitors Ausstellerverzeichnis | Elenco degli espositori | Catalogue exposants


A6-414 Pontello

A1-106 Primaloft Albany International Corp.

Delle Campagne 10, I-31050 Vedelago (TV) Tel.: +39 0423 476647 Fax: +39 0423 477049 Email: info@pontello.eu Internet: www.pontello.eu

1373 Broadway, USA-12204 NY Albany Tel.: +1 518 445 2238 Fax: +1 518 447 6498 Email: info@primaloft.com Internet: www.primaloft.com

A3-106 Pontetorto SPA

A5-200 Primus AB

Via Roma 15/23a, I-59013 Montemurlo (PO) Tel.: +39 0574 6851 Fax: +39 0574 799251 Email: pontetorto@pontetorto.it Internet: www.pontetorto.it

Hemvärnsgatan 15, S-171 06 Solna Tel.: +46 8 56484230 Fax: +46 8 56484240 Email: info@primus.se Internet: www.primus.se

A3-206 PositCon GmbH

A3-310 Princeton Tec

Im Gaiern 12, D-71287 Weissach Tel.: +49 7044 90193 32 Fax: +49 7044 90193 20 Email: lestra@positcon.de Internet: www.lestra-sport.de

5198 RT 130, USA-08505 NJ Bordentown Tel.: +1 609 298 9331 Fax: +1 609 298 9331 Email: info@princetontec.com Internet: www.princetontec.com

Represented by: PositCon GmbH A5-210 Powertraveller Ltd. 8 Delta Park, Wilsom Road, Alton, GB-GU34 2RQ Hampshire Tel.: +44 1420 542980 Fax: +44 1420 543585 Email: scott@powertraveller.com Internet: www.powertraveller.com A5-228 PPM GmbH Precise Positioning Management Grube 39a, D-82377 Penzberg Tel.: +49 8856 8030980 Fax: +49 8856 8030988 Email: info@ppmgmbh.de Internet: www.ppmgmbh.de

A4-104 FG-A81 Pro Feet GmbH Alois-Türk-Straße 1, D-97424 Schweinfurt Tel.: +49 9721 50987 0 Fax: +49 9721 50987 209 Email: info@profeet.de Internet: www.we-dress-you-win.com A4-406 Promax Textile Co., Ltd. 8 Fl., No. 174, Sec. 2, Min Shen E. Rd., RC-104 Taipei Tel.: +886 2 251 68400 Fax: +886 2 250 58332 Email: tonylin@promaxtex.com Internet: www.promaxtex.com

Exhibited products: MyNav Outdoor GPS MAGELLAN Outdoor GPS - SPOT Satellite Messenger - TopoHD Karten - Outdooractive Portal

Exhibited products: Functional Fabrics, Nylon & Poly Fabrics for Sportswear and Outdoor Wear

B3-104 Prana Living, LLC.

Hertzstraße 22, D-76275 Ettlingen Tel.: +49 7243 5866 0 Fax: +49 7243 5866 13 Email: sales.germany@promens.com Internet: www.promens.com

3275 Corporate View, USA-92081 Vista Tel.: +1 760 566 1070 Fax: +1 760 566 1425 Internet: www.prana.com A4-314 Premiere Fashion Corp. 9F, No 141, Sec 3, Jen Ai Road, RC-106 Taipei Tel.: +886 2 2781 0522 Fax: +886 2 2773 4827 Email: sales@premiere1.com.tw Internet: www.premiere1.com.tw A4-414 Primacy International Corp. 2F, No. 17 Lane 44, RC-10353 Taipei Tel.: +886 2 255 90268 Fax: +886 2 255 06178 Email: info@primacy.com.tw Internet: www.primacy.com.tw

B3-504 Promens Packaging GmbH

B3-429 Qingdao Wintrak Textile Ltd. No. 44-60, Zhongshan Road, VRC-266001 Qingdao Tel.: +86 532 82086089 Fax: +86 532 88751829 Email: info@wintrak.com.cn Internet: www.wintrak.com.cn B4-213 Qualiance International Pvt Ltd. Link Road, 108, Nirman Ind. Estate, IND-400 064 Malad (W), Mumbai Tel.: +91 22 2875 6003 Fax: +91 22 2875 5655 Internet: www.qualiance.com



Index of exhibitors Ausstellerverzeichnis | Elenco degli espositori | Catalogue exposants

A5-223 Quantum Lighting Products Limited

B2-217 Raidlight

13/F, Efficiency Hse, 35 Tai Yau St, San Po Kong, HK-Kowloon Tel.: +852 2995 9820 Fax: +852 2352 0353 Email: eng@quantumlight.com.hk Internet: www.quantumlight.com.hk

ZA des Chalayes, F-42660 St. Genest Malifaux Tel.: +33 4 77517904 Fax: +33 4 77517905 Email: information@raidlight.com Internet: www.raidlight.com

Exhibited products: LED Flashlights, Headlights, Lanterns and Spotlights

B4-211 Rainpal Enterprise (HK) Ltd.

Present at OutDoor: Cody Wong

Unit 06, 5/Fl., Peninsula Tower,No.538 Castle Peak Road,, HK-Kowloon Tel.: +852 274 38392 Fax: +852 274 33262 Email: mariabc@netvigator.com

A5-418 Quanzhou Hongsheng Light Industry Co., Ltd. Chengnan Central Ind. Area,Huian Country, VRC-362100 Fujian Tel.: +86 592 5555 023 Fax: +86 592 5555 031 Email: lily@hsbags.com Internet: ww.hsbags.com B3-222 Q-Yield Outdoor Gear Ltd. No 1219, Nanhai San Rd. Haicang, VRC-361026 Xiamen Tel.: +86 592 565 8468 Fax: +86 592 3133366 Email: sales@qycamping.com Internet: www.qycamping.com Exhibited products: tent A1-404 Rab/podsacs/outdoordesigns Equip Outdoor Technologies Ltd, Wimsey Way, Somercotes, Derbyshire, GB-DE55 4LS Alfreton Tel.: +44 1773 601870 Fax: +44 1773 607224 Email: info@equipuk.com Internet: www.equipuk.com

B4-311 RAM Mounting Systems 8410 Dallas Avenue South, USA-98108 Seattle Tel.: +1 206 7638361 Fax: +1 206 7639615 Email: sales@ram-mount.com Internet: www.ram-mount.com A1-502 RECTA B2-100 Red Chili International Ltd. Hauptstraße 55, D-74369 Löchgau Tel.: +49 7143 24657 Fax: +49 7143 25779 Email: uwe@redchili.de Internet: www.redchili.de B3-314 Red Fox

Exhibited products: Rab; Sleeping Bags, Mountain Clothing Podsacs; Alpine Packs/Accessories, Bouldering outdoordesigns; Hats, Gloves, Gaiters

7-1 Remeslennaya Street, RUS-197110 St. Petersburg Tel.: +7 812 449 2888 Fax: +7 812 449 2889 Email: all@redfox.ru Internet: www.redfox.ru

A4-319 Raco Textile Corp.

A3-201 Regatta GmbH

Unit B 10th Fl. No. 63 Sec. 1 Ti Hua St., RC-Taipei Tel.: +886 2 2555 2986 Fax: +886 2 2555 3159 Email: eugene@racotextile.com Internet: www.racotextile.com

Reichenberger Straße 1, D-84130 Dingolfing Tel.: +49 8731 31910 Fax: +49 8731 319368 Email: germany@regatta.com Internet: www.regatta.com

Exhibited products: Specialize in snow, mountain, ski & tracking with jacquard, yarn dye

Exhibited products: Rucksacks, Rainwear, Childrens Clothing, Socks, Childrens Shoes Present at OutDoor: Herr Buchwiser

B4-305 Radler GmbH Wasserdichte Sportartikel In der Lach 74, D-90530 Wendelstein Tel.: +49 9129 285476 Fax: +49 9129 285469 Email: soradler@t-online.de Internet: www.radler-waterproof.de A4-101 R'ADYS AG Egliweg 10, CH-2560 Nidau Tel.: +41 32 333 1313 Fax: +41 32 333 1314 Email: info@radys.com Internet: www.radys.com


Represented by: dare2b B1-401 Simpert Reiter "TRAVELLUNCH" GmbH Weddigenstraße 2-6, D-86179 Augsburg Tel.: +49 821 2407500 Fax: +49 821 2407510 Email: info@travellunch.de Internet: www.travellunch.de Exhibited products: TRAVELLUNCH lightweight food, Kompakt-Nahrung, Expeditionsverpflegung, Ernährungspläne

Index of exhibitors Ausstellerverzeichnis | Elenco degli espositori | Catalogue exposants


A5-504 Rejka Reiner Kanzewitsch

B2-500 Rock Empire s.r.o.

Am Flügelbahnhof 20, D-96317 Kronach Tel.: +49 9261 504 520 Fax: +49 9261 504 529 Email: info@rejka.de Internet: www.rejka.de

Nadrazni 712, CZ-407 22 Benesov nad Pl. Tel.: +420 412 511 952 Fax: +420 412 511 955 Email: info@rockempire.cz Internet: www.rockempire.cz

B3-300 Relags GmbH


Im Grund 6-10, D-83104 Tuntenhausen Tel.: +49 8065 9039 0 Fax: +49 8065 9039 35 Email: relags@relags.de Internet: www.relags.de

Via Topazio 9, I-58100 Grosseto Tel.: +39 0564 451271 Fax: +39 0564 465244 Email: info@simoni.srl.net / info@rockhelmets.com Internet: www.rockhelmets.com

A4-202 Reno Sportswear Handels GmbH / Iguana

B3-102 Rockland Fotinos Eleftherios

Ratzinger Weg 26, D-94065 Waldkirchen Tel.: +49 8581 9885 0 Fax: +49 8581 9885 25 Email: dieter.hain@iguana-world.com Internet: www.iguana-lifewear.de / www.iguana-world.com

77 Ypapantis Str., GR-18546 Piraeus Tel.: +30 210 400 9826 Fax: +30 210 432 1965 Email: mail@rockland.gr Internet: www.rockland.gr

B3-202 Revolution Climbing Europe blocSyndicate Ltd. Hugo-Eckener-Straße 33, D-50829 Köln Tel.: +49 221 4716085 Fax: +49 221 4716084 Email: shop@revolutionclimbing.eu Internet: www.revolutionclimbing.eu A5-216 RIM GmbH Talsperrenweg 72, D-58256 Ennepetal Tel.: +49 2333 603 483 Fax: +49 2333 603 484 Internet: www.bikeshops.de B4-214 RIRI GROUP Via Catenazzi 23, CH-6850 Mendrisio Tel.: +41 91 640 6161 Fax: +41 91 646 5822 Email: riri@riri.com Internet: www.riri.com Exhibited products: Zippers and Buttons B3-213 Robinson Sports Goods Co., Ltd. No. 66 Changhua Road, VRC-264200 Weihai Tel.: +86 631 5784888 Fax: +86 631 5784889 Email: info@robinsonoutdoor.cn Internet: www.robinsonoutdoor.cn Exhibited products: Trekking poles, backpacks, gloves. B2-600 Roca Cordes de Muntanya SL P.l. can Bernades Subira, E-08130 St. Perpetua de Mogoda, Barcelona Tel.: +34 93 5743608 Fax: +34 93 5743979 Email: toni-r@rocaropes.com Internet: www.rocaropes.com

B2-504 Rock Pillars - Ocún Velenského 400, CZ-294 21 Béla Pod Bezdezem Tel.: +420 326 701 409 Fax: +420 326 702 371 Email: info@rpkomponent.cz Internet: www.rockpillars.com, www.ocun.com B3-200 rocterra - Krimmer OutdoorSystems GmbH Raiffeisenstraße 4, D-86567 Tandern Tel.: +49 8250 548 Fax: +49 8250 1484 Email: info@krimmer-outdoor.de Internet: www.rocterra.com B1-403 Rother Bergverlag GmbH B3-402 Royalbeach Watzmannstraße 1, D-83417 Kirchanschöring Tel.: +49 8685 9889 10 Fax: +49 8685 9889 77 Email: mail@royalbeach.de Internet: www.royalbeach.de A4-300 Royal Robbins Europe 16 Mill Street, GB-LE15 6EA, Oakham, Rutland Tel.: +44 1572 771133 Fax: +44 1572 757929 Email: info@royalrobbins.co.uk Internet: www.royalrobbins.eu B1-504 RTI Sports GmbH Rudolf-Diesel-Straße 21, D-56220 Urmitz Tel.: +49 2630 9552 0 Fax: +49 2630 9552 30 Email: nehring@rtisports.de Internet: www.rtisports.de

Represented by: Grivel SRL



Index of exhibitors Ausstellerverzeichnis | Elenco degli espositori | Catalogue exposants

A1-410 Rubytec

B4-408 Salvas Sub S.p.A.

Hornweg 196c, NL-1432 GS Aalsmeer Tel.: +31 297 383 200 Fax: +31 2973 46212 Email: info@rubytec.com Internet: www.rubytec.com

Via San Damiano, 3, I-15053 Castelnuovo Scrivia (AL) Tel.: +39 0131 823153 Fax: +39 0131 855640 Email: salvas@salvas.com Internet: www.salvas.com

Exhibited products: Outdoor Essentials Represented by: Essential Elements AG B4-207 RuckJack Ltd. Unit 3, 19-23 Kingsland Road, GB-E2 8AA London Tel.: +44 20 71933110 Fax: +44 1763 249569 Email: info@ruckjack.com Internet: www.ruckjack.com Exhibited products: A brand new invention in apparel, RuckJack provides two products in one: One minute it’s a durable technical jacket, and with 'One Zip and Two Clips’ it's a spacious rucksack. B4-519 Ruey Fa Enterprise Co., Ltd. 8F-1, No. 109, Sec. 1, Jhong-Shan Road, Shin-Juang City, RC-242 Taipei County Tel.: +886 2 8522 8162 Fax: +886 2 8522 8161 Email: emma@rueyfa.com Internet: www.rueyfa.com A5-309 Ruff Wear A6-410 RYWAN sarl 26, rue Alexandre Volta - ZI Nord, F-77334 Meaux Cedex Tel.: +33 1 64 35 23 03 Fax: +33 1 64 35 00 15 Email: maxime@rywan.com Internet: www.rywan.com A3-200 SALEWA SPORTGERÄTE GMBH Saturnstraße 63, D-85609 Aschheim / München Tel.: +49 89 909930 Fax: +49 89 90993190 Email: info@salewa.de Internet: www.salewa.com A1-409 A1-506 Salomon / Amer Sports Deutschland GmbH Hainbuchenring 9, D-82061 Neuried Tel.: +49 8033 305 233 Fax: +49 8033 305 199 Email: gundl_herzog@salomon-sports.com Internet: www.salomon-sports.com Exhibited products: Footwear, Apparel, Gear B2-105 Saltic s.r.o. Nám T.G. Masaryka 5144, CZ-76001 Zlin Tel.: +420 577210639 Fax: +420 577 221128 Email: saltic@saltic.cz Internet: www.saltic.cz


B4-406 A. Sampaio & Filhos - Texteis, S.A. Rua S. Bento da Batalha 76, P-4784-909 Santo Tirso Tel.: +351 252 808550 Fax: +351 252 808551 Email: joao.mendes@asampaio.pt Internet: www.asampaio.pt A1-309 Satmap Systems Ltd 4 Fountain House, GB-KT22 7LX Leatherhead, Surrey Tel.: +44 161 3665020 Fax: +44 161 3669732 Email: mike.storey@satmap.com Internet: www.satmap.com FW-102 SAZ Verlag GmbH (SAZsport) Rumfordstraße 42, D-80469 München Tel.: +49 89 2121 100 Fax: +49 89 2121 1039 Email: sazsport@saz.de Internet: www.saz.de Exhibited products: SAZsport, SAZbike, SAZcollege, SAZmagazin (sportsfashion international), SPORTéco A5-216 SBH Software Beratung GmbH St.-Pius-Straße 28a, D-53474 Ahrweiler Tel.: +49 6021 4986 0 Internet: www.sbh-software.de A1-111 SB-Yhtiöt Oy Juurikaskydöntie 11, FIN-62900 Alajärvi Tel.: +358 503591801 Fax: +358 6 5575556 Email: sb-yhtiot@japo.fi Internet: www.realstick.fi A5-208 Scandic Outdoor GmbH Zum Sportplatz 4, D-21220 Seevetal Tel.: +49 4105 6813 0 Fax: +49 4105 6813 50 Email: mail@scandic.de Internet: www.scandic.de Represented by: Trangia AB A5-206 Scandinavian Touch AB Björkallén 17, S-14266 Trangsund Tel.: +46 8 6760700 Fax: +46 8 947660 Email: lars@walkstool.com Internet: www.walkstool.com

Index of exhibitors Ausstellerverzeichnis | Elenco degli espositori | Catalogue exposants


A1-306 Calzaturificio S.C.A.R.P.A. Spa

B3-307 Scoutdoor GmbH

Viale Enrico Fermi, 1, I-31011 Asolo (TV) Tel.: +39 0423 5284 Fax: +39 0423 528599 Email: info@scarpa.net Internet: www.scarpa.net

Max-Stromeyer-Straße 53a, D-78467 Konstanz Tel.: +49 7531 9588 10 Fax: +49 7531 9588 12 Email: info@scoutdoor.de Internet: www.scoutdoor.de

Exhibited products: Mountain, Trekking, Climbing, Approach, Multisport, Walking footwear/ Skitouring, Freeride and Telemark boots

B1-417 screamer

Present at OutDoor: Parisotto Sandro and Cristina B4-409 SCE GmbH Gerlachstraße 11, D-63874 Dammbach Tel.: +49 6092 822017 Fax: +49 6092 822042 Internet: www.sce-consulting-equipment.com B3-200 SCHLAMBERGER P & J D.O.O / LAPIS Novo Polje CX/13, SLO-1260 Ljublana Polje Tel.: +386 1 549 11 00 Fax: +386 1 549 11 05 Email: info@schlamberger.si Internet: www.lapisholds.com A4-413 Schoeller Textil AG Bahnhofstrasse 17, CH-9475 Sevelen Tel.: +41 81 786 0800 Fax: +41 81 786 0810 Email: info@schoeller-textiles.com Internet: www.schoeller-textiles.com A3-300 Schöffel Sportbekleidung GmbH Ludwig-Schöffel-Straße 15, D-86830 Schwabmünchen Tel.: +49 8232 5006 0 Fax: +49 8232 5006 72787 Email: mail@schoeffel.com Internet: www.schoeffel.com B2-603 SCHOUTTETEN & FROIDURE 60 Rue D'Armentières, F-59560 Comines Tel.: +33 320 3906 51 Fax: +33 320 3953 54 Email: schoutt@nordnet.fr Internet: www.sf-web.com FO-100 Schweizer Alpen-Club SAC Monbijoustraße 61, CH-3000 Bern 23 Tel.: +41 31 3701818 Fax: +41 31 3701800 Email: info@sac-cas.ch Internet: www.sac-cas.ch A3-203 Schweizer-Effax GmbH

A1-203 SeaBird Designs Kayaks Kloostri tee 6, EE-11911 Tallinn, Estonia Tel.: +372 55906097 Fax: 372 6 034 191 Email: aljona@seabirddesigns.com Internet: www.seabirddesigns.com Exhibited products: Kayaks, paddles, spray skirts, safety system B4-512 Sealon Co., Ltd. #809, Ace High-End Tower 235-2, ROK-152-740 Seoul Tel.: +82 2 6220 3751 Fax: +82 2 6220 3750 Email: rick@bristex.com Internet: www.i-sealon.com A4-103 SealSkinz Ltd. 36 Oldmedow Road, GB-PE30 4PP Kings Lynn Tel.: +44 1553 817990 Fax: +44 1553 772662 Email: info@sealskinz.com Internet: www.sealskinz.com B3-401 Sea to Summit 6 Brown Street, AUS-6004 East Perth Tel.: +61 8 9221 6617 Fax: +61 8 9221 6618 Email: sales@seatosummit.com.au Internet: www.seatosummit.com.au FW-100 SGI Europe / EDM Publications 32, rue de la Prairie, F-94360 Bry sur Marne Tel.: +33 1 4983 8242 Fax: +33 1 4983 8224 Email: info@edmpublications.com Internet: www.edmpublications.com B3-507 Shinfuji Burner Co., Ltd. Soto 1-1-3 Miyukihama, Mito-Cho, J- 441-031 Toyokawa City, Aichi Tel.: +81 533 76 5555 Fax: +81 533 76 5055 Email: info@sotooutdoors.com Internet: www.sotooutdoors.com

Westring 24, D-48356 Nordwalde Tel.: +49 2573 9373 0 Fax: +49 2573 9373 73 Email: info@schweizer-effax.com Internet: www.schweizer-effax.com Exhibited products: Hey Sport & Sport Lavit



Index of exhibitors Ausstellerverzeichnis | Elenco degli espositori | Catalogue exposants

A4-510 Shin Han

A5-315 Silverpoint / Progress Importers Ltd.

622-6, Chojidong, Danwongu, ROK-425-866 Ansansi, Gyunggido Tel.: +82 31 492 8436 Fax: +82 31 492 8426 Email: bryan@shinhanind.co.kr Internet: www.shinhanind.co.kr

The Mill Hanger, Lickfold Road, GB-GU27 3JA Haslemere, Surrey Tel.: +44 1428 645776 Fax: +44 845 2801994 Email: Stephan@progressimporters.com Internet: www.progressimporters.com

Exhibited products: Functional Fabric, Organic Cotton, Recycle Nylon, Softshell

Exhibited products: LED Taschenlampen, LED Stirnlampen, LED Camping Laternen

Present at OutDoor: Mr. Bryan Yoo A4-108 Shinpung Textile Co., Ltd. 386-26, Jang-Dong, Dalseo-Gu, ROK-704-190, Daegu Tel.: +82 53 5914581 Fax: +82 53 5914584 Email: hschoi@shinpungtex.co.kr Internet: www.shinpungtex.co.kr B4-313 Shiny Textile Co., Ltd. 3F-4, No. 193 Cheng Teh Rd. Sec. 2, ROK-10354 Taipei Tel.: +886 2 2557 1883 Fax: +886 2 2557 1889 Email: sales@shinytex.com.tw Internet: www.shinytex.com.tw A5-400 SIGG Switzerland AG Walzmühlestrasse 62, CH-8501 Frauenfeld Tel.: +41 52 728 63 30 Fax: +41 52 728 63 07 Email: info@sigg.com Internet: www.sigg.com B1-404 SIGMA Elektro GmbH Dr.-Julius-Leber-Straße 15, D-67433 Neustadt Tel.: +49 6321 9120 0 Fax: +49 6321 9120 34 Email: info@sigmasport.com Internet: www.sigmasport.com A4-204 SILKBODY P.O. BOX 5155, Moray Place, NZ-9058 Dunedin Tel.: +64 3 4740425 Fax: +64 3 4740625 Email: david@silkbody.co.nz Internet: www.silkbody.co.nz Exhibited products: Natural, technical silk clothing. Baselayers, midlayers and soft-shell layers. A5-303 Silva Sweden AB P.O. Box 998, S-191 29 Sollentuna Tel.: +46 8 623 4300 Fax: +46 8 92 7601 Email: info@silva.se Internet: www.silva.se


B4-400 Simex Sport GmbH Schiefbahner Straße 12, D-41748 Viersen Tel.: +49 2162 10200 0 Fax: +49 2162 10200 10 Email: info@simex-sport.de Internet: www.simex-sport.de Exhibited products: Zelte, Schlafsäcke, Rucksäcke Technical Lifestyle clothing B3-200 Simond S.A. ZA Les Trabets, F-74310 Les Houches, Chamonix Tel.: +33 4 505 55 054 Fax: +33 4 50 54 5281 Email: info@simond.com Internet: www.simond.com B2-602 Simply Rock Molkereistraße 3, D-97199 Ochsenfurt Tel.: +49 9331 980 972 Fax: +49 9331 980 975 Email: info@simply-rock.com Internet: www.simply-rock.com Exhibited products: Klettergriffe NATURE, DEEP WATER + SPORTS Boulderwände, Kletterwände Therapiewände B2-506 Singing Rock Poniklá 317, CZ-512 42 Poniklá Tel.: +420 481 585 007 Fax: +420 481 585 040 Email: info@singingrock.com Internet: www.singingrock.com Represented by: LANEX a.s. A4-410 SINGTEX Industrial Co., Ltd. No. 10, Wu-Chun 2 Rd.Wu-Ku Industrial Park, Hsinchuang City, RC-24892 Taipei Hsien Tel.: +886 2 8512 7888 Fax: +886 2 2298 9888 Email: gene@singtex.com Internet: www.singtex.com B3-110 Sino International Trading e.K. Sophie-Scholl-Straße 13, D-52134 Herzogenrath Tel.: +49 2406 6681974 Fax: +49 2406 6688496 Email: info@sino-business.de

Index of exhibitors Ausstellerverzeichnis | Elenco degli espositori | Catalogue exposants

FG-B83 boss management gmbh skike sport Deutschland Werner-von-Siemens-Straße 15, D-69198 Schriesheim Tel.: +49 6203 955083 8 Fax: +49 6203 955083 7 Email: presse@skike.de Internet: www.skike.de A4-305 Skins GmbH Gautinger Straße 10, D-82319 Starnberg Tel.: +49 8151 656550 Fax: +49 8151 656530 Email: christian.scheffold@skins.net Internet: www.skins.net B3-203 Skylotec GmbH Im Bruch 11-15, D-56567 Neuwied Tel.: +49 2631 9680-19 Fax: +49 2631 9680-80 Email: info@skylotec.de Internet: www.skylotec.de FG-AKA1 Slack.fr / Loisirs Alternatifs 7 rue des Mélèzes, F-67540 Ostwald Tel.: +33 981 627067 Fax: +33 981627067 Email: info@slack.fr Internet: www.slack.fr FG-A83 Slackline-Tools Marktstätte 17, D-78462 Konstanz Tel.: +49 7531 36329 12 Fax: +49 7531 36329 42 Email: info@slackline-tools.de Internet: www.slackline-tools.de Exhibited products: Slackline-Sets A5-318 Slackstar Braun GmbH Am Grünberg 8, D-92318 Neumarkt Tel.: +49 9181 2307 0 Fax: +49 9181 2307 70 Email: info@slackstar.de Internet: www.slackstar.de Exhibited products: Slackline A4-210 smartfiber AG Breitscheidstraße 154, D-07407 Rudolstadt Tel.: +49 3672 3494 0 Fax: +49 3672 3494 34 Email: mail@smartfiber.de Internet: www.smartfiber.de Exhibited products: Natural functional fibers with different funktionalities: climate regulation, bacteria reduction and wellness (seaweed).


B1-405 SmarTube - BlueDesert Ltd. Kohav Michael 122, IL-79304 Kohav Michael Tel.: +972 8 675 2528 Fax: +972 8 675 2529 Email: info@bluedesert.co.il Internet: www.bluedesert.co.il A1-213 Smartwool Corporation Europe Wexham Springs, Framewood Road, Slough, GB-SL3 6PJ Berks Tel.: +44 (0)1753 497190 Fax: +44 (0)1753 497218 Email: europe@smartwool.com Internet: www.smartwool.com B2-222 SNAP BP 128, F-74410 Saint-Jorioz Tel.: +33 4 507 752 47 Fax: +33 4 507 727 14 Email: snapman@snapclimbing.com Internet: www.snapclimbing.com A6-100 Sno-Seal A6-100 Sno-Seal / Genfoot Marketing Europe GmbH Josef-Strobel-Str. 42/1, D-88213 Ravensburg/Oberzell Tel.: +49 751 76954 10 Fax: +49 751 76954 11 Email: info@kamik.de Internet: www.kamik.de B3-313 Snow Peak Europe GmbH Krampenhausweg 1, D-40882 Ratingen Tel.: +49 2102 610 2840 Fax: +49 2102 610 2852 Email: info@snowpeak-gmbh.de Internet: www.snowpeak-gmbh.de B3-107 Snugpak Ltd. Waterloo Mills, Howden Road, GB-BD20 0HA Silsden Tel.: +44 1535 654479 Fax: +44 1535 652503 Email: softie@snugpak.com Internet: www.snugpak.com B3-200 SolarFocus Technology Company Ltd. Bldg. C. 20F, No 92. Sec 1, Hsin-Tai 5th Rd., Hsichih, RC-Taipei County Tel.: +886 2 66158625 Fax: +886 2 86961005 Email: jrdick_lu@solarmio.com Internet: www.solarmio.com Exhibited products: Portable Solar Power Charger



Index of exhibitors Ausstellerverzeichnis | Elenco degli espositori | Catalogue exposants

A1-215 SOLE

FW-116 Sport Press SRL Outdoor Magazine

2923 - 5th Ave. N.E., CDN-T2A 6T8 Calgary Tel.: +866 235 7653 Fax: +888 691 0714 Email: sales@yoursole.com Internet: www.yoursole.com

Corso della Resistenza, 23, I-20036 Meda (MI) Tel.: +39 0362 600469 Fax: +39 0362 344535 Email: redazione@outdoormag.it Internet: www.outdoormag.it

FW-101 soq.de

B3-404 Sportsman Corporation

Vogesenstraße 14, D-79367 Weisweil Tel.: +49 7646 915633 Internet: www.soq.de

35, Tzu Chyang St.Tu-Cheng Ind. Park, RC-Taipei Hsien Tel.: +886 2 2268 6363 Fax: +886 2 2268 5425 Email: sportsma@ms13.hinet.net Internet: www.sportsmn.com.tw

B1-416 Source Vagabond Systems Ltd. Hátnufa 7, IL-30250 Tirat Carmel Tel.: +972 4 8574370 Fax: +972 4 8571459 Email: source@source-vagabond.com Internet: www.source-vagabond.com A6-507 Spannrit Schuhkomponenten GmbH Industriestraße 3, D-63801 Kleinostheim Tel.: +49 6027 4064 0 Fax: +49 6027 4064 20 Email: info@spannrit.de Internet: www.spannrit.de A5-414 Splendid Development Ltd. 17th floor, Remington Centre, 23 Hungto Road, HK-Kowloon Tel.: +852 2391 9700 Fax: +852 2789 1417 Email: global@thesplendid.com.hk Internet: www.thesplendid.com.hk ÜO-101 SPORT 2000 Deutschland GmbH Nord-West-Ring-Straße 11, D-63533 Mainhausen Tel.: +49 6182 928 5493 Fax: +49 6182 928 5190 Email: info@sport2000.de Internet: www.sport2000.de Represented by: Outdoor-Profis GmbH FW-118 SPORT-Adressbuch - Kern Verlag Tiroler Weg 1b, D-79285 Ebringen Tel.: +49 7664 611511 Fax: +49 7664 611512 Email: info@kern-verlag.de Internet: www.sport-adressbuch.de FW-102 SPORTéco 216, Rue de Rosny, F-93100 Montreuil Tel.: +33 1 48705830 Fax: +33 1 48578004 Email: info@sporteco.com Internet: www.sporteco.com Represented by: SAZ Verlag GmbH


FW-104 Sportswear International Magazine Via Forcella 3, I-20144 Milano Tel.: +39 02 581691 Fax: +39 02 89401674 Email: info@sportswearnet.com Internet: www.sportswearnet.com A1-309 Sprayway Ltd. Redfern House, GB-SK14 1RD Hyde Tel.: +44 161 366 2751 Fax: +44 161 366 9732 Email: ian.christian@ronhill.co.uk Internet: www.sprayway.com B1-204 Spyderco Inc. 820 Spyderco Way, USA-CO 80403 Golden Tel.: +31 71 5423991 Fax: +31 71 5423992 Email: jurvanrietschoten@planet.nl Internet: www.Spyderco.com A1-101 Stallion Sport Ltd. Block F, 6/F, Wah Hing Industrial Mansions, 36 Tai Yau Street, HK-0852 San Po Kong, Kowloon Tel.: +852 3516 2388 Fax: +852 3516 2399 Email: service@stallionsport.com Internet: www.stallionsport.com B3-409 Stanley (Pacific Market International, Ltd.) Unit 6 Progression Centre, GB-HP27DW Hemel Hempstead Herts Tel.: +44 1442 419800 Fax: +44 1442 235760 Email: tj.schulien@pmi-worldwide.com Internet: www.stanley-pmi.com Exhibited products: vacuum bottles, water bottles, lunchboxes A3-210 STERIPEN by Hydro-Photon Inc. 262 Ellsworth Road, USA-04614 ME Blue Hill Tel.: 207-374-5880 Fax: 207-374-5100 Email: international@steripen.com Internet: www.steripen.com

Index of exhibitors Ausstellerverzeichnis | Elenco degli espositori | Catalogue exposants


B2-109 Sterling Rope Co.

B4-404 Sunny Way Fashion Co., Ltd.

26 Morin Street, USA-04005 ME Biddeford Tel.: +1 207 282 2550 Fax: +1 207 282 2655 Internet: www.sterlingrope.com

3-8-4, City Plaza, No. 73 Wu Han St, VRC-116001 Dalian Tel.: +86 411 888 62799 Fax: +86 411 888 62707 Email: lucy@sunnyway-co.com Internet: www.sunnyway-co.com

B4-508 ST ONECHANG CO., LTD 1216 SJ Techno Ville, 60-19 Gasan-Dong, ROK-153-769 Geumcheon-Gu Seoul Tel.: +82 2 7784800 Fax: +82 2 7784801 Email: russell@onechang.com Internet: www.onechang.com A3-204 Storm Waterproofing Keys Road, Nix's Hill, GB-DE55 7FQ Alfreton Tel.: +44 1773 521309 Fax: +44 1773 521430 Email: tim@storm-group.net Internet: www.stormwaterproofing.com Exhibited products: Aftercare products for all technical outdoor equipment. Present at OutDoor: Tim Wilson, Matt Graves, Anne Young A4-207 Stotz & Co. AG Walchestrasse 15, CH-8006 Zürich Tel.: +41 44 366 51 10 Fax: +41 44 3665138 Email: daniel.odermatt@stotzfabrics.ch Internet: www.stotzfabrics.ch B2-210 STUBAI Werkzeugindustrie / Bergsport Dr. Kofler Str. 1, A-6166 Fulpmes Tel.: +43 5225 6960 0 Fax: +43 5225 6960 12 Email: sport@stubai.com Internet: www.stubai-bergsport.com A1-204 Sub Zero Technology Ltd. 35 Churchill Way, Fleckney, GB-LE8 8UD Leicester Tel.: +44 116 2402634 Fax: +44 116 2404099 Email: sales@subzero.co.uk Internet: www.subzero.co.uk B4-220 Sun Grace Sports Co., Ltd. Rm. 602, No. 508, Sec. 5, Chung Hsiao E. Rd., RC-11083 Taipei Tel.: +886 2 27592579 Fax: +886 2 27594731 Email: suntony@ms2.hinet.net Internet: www.sungrace-sports.com A4-512 Sunny Special Dyeing & Finishing Co., Ltd 8 Fl. No 96, Sec 2, Yen-Ping N. Rd., RC-103 Taipei Tel.: +886 2 2552 7096 Fax: +886 2 2552 4410 Email: sales@sunnytex.com.tw

A3-309 Sunway - Hosen GmbH Lindenstraße 15, D-73550 Waldstetten Wissgoldingen Tel.: +49 7162 24693 Fax: +49 7162 24793 Email: info@sunway-hosen.de Internet: www.sunway-hosen.de A1-300 Superfeet - The Premium Insole PO Box 14008, GB-EH9 1YF, Edinburgh Tel.: +44 8000 323 505 Fax: +44 8000 323 515 Email: info@anatom.co.uk Internet: www.superfeet.com Present at OutDoor: Gordon Fraser, Mark Staddle, Steve Byron, A1-502 Suunto c/o Amer Sports Europe Services GmbH Hainbuchenring 9, D-82061 Neuried Tel.: +49 89 89 801 02 Fax: +49 89 89801 142 Email: vrana.pitois@amersports.com Internet: www.suunto.com B4-112 Suzhou Douple Garments Co., Ltd. #588 JiuShengGang Road, Guoxiang, China, 215100, Suzhou Tel.: +86 512 65031092 Fax: +86 512 65031093 Email: ivypeng@douple.com.cn Internet: www.douple.com.cn B3-417 Suzhou O-Tex Plastic Industry Co., Ltd. No. 6 Tianling Road, VRC-215168 Suzhou Tel.: +86 512 65631375 Fax: +86 512 65632985 B4-306A Swimeezy SA 82 Van der Linde Rd., ZA-2007 Bedfordview Tel.: +27 11 6220901 Fax: +27 11 6220902 Email: info@swimeezy.co.za Internet: www.swimeezy.co.za B3-315 Swiss Advance by Think Industry Ltd. Chamerstrasse 44, CH-6300 Zug Tel.: +41 41 712 1714 Fax: +41 41 712 1724 Email: info@swiss-advance.com Internet: www.swiss-advance.com

Exhibited products: Bluesign System Partner, Bluesign approved fabric



Index of exhibitors Ausstellerverzeichnis | Elenco degli espositori | Catalogue exposants

B1-415 Swiss+Tech / Segula GmbH Unter Käster 14, D-50667 Köln Tel.: +49 221 27615179 Fax: +49 221 27615177 Email: info@segula.de Internet: www.segula.de B4-501 Swizz-Light GmbH Basler Strasse 15, CH-5080 Laufenburg Tel.: +41 62 8740404 Fax: +41 628 8743405 Email: info@swizz-light.ch Internet: www.swizz-light.ch A3-205 Sympatex Technologies GmbH Feringastraße 7a, D-85774 Unterföhring Tel.: +49 89 940058 0 Fax: +49 89 940058 297 Email: info@sympatex.com Internet: www.sympatex.com A4-502 Tah Hsin Industrial Corp. 201 Tun Hwa N. Road, RC-Taipei Tel.: +886 2 271283119 Fax: +886 2 271151446 Email: eur@mail.tahhsin.com.tw Internet: www.tahhsin.com.tw B4-524 Tah Tong Textile Co., Ltd. 3F, No. 346, Sec. 3, Nanking E. Rd., RC-10595 Taipei Tel.: +886 2 27522244 Fax: +886 2 27718186 Email: gracechen@tahtong.com.tw Internet: www.tahtong.com.tw FW-106 TAITRA Taiwan External Trade Development Council 5Fl, No. 333 Keelung Rd., Sec. 1, RC-11012 Taipei Tel.: +886 2 27255200 Fax: +886 2 27576816 Internet: www.taitra.org.tw B4-109 Taiwan Hipster Enterprise Co., Ltd. No. 10-10 Shu Tan Street, RC-23876 Taipei Hsien Tel.: +886 2 26870911 Fax: +886 2 26861358 Email: jipster@ms14.hinet.net Internet: www.hipster.com.tw Represented by: Dragon Times Accessory Co., Ltd. B4-412 Taiwan Paiho Limited No. 575, Ho Kang Road, Ho Mei Town, RC-508 Chang Hua Hsien Tel.: +886 4 7565307 Fax: +886 4 7553827 Email: service@paiho.com Internet: www.paiho.com


B4-317 Taiwan Sporting Goods Manufacturers Association 8F., No. 22, Teh-Hwei St., RC-10461 Taipei Tel.: +886 2 2594 1864 Fax: +886 2 2591 9396 Email: webmaster@tsma.org.tw Internet: www.sports.org.tw B4-517 Taiwan Textile Federation 5F, No. 22, AiGuo East Road, RC-100 Taipei Tel.: +886 2 23417251 Fax: +886 2 23943245 Email: n789@textiles.org.tw Internet: www.textiles.org.tw B4-419 Tai Yuen Textile Co., Ltd. 10F., No. 2 Tun Hwa S. Road, Sec. 2, RC-106, Taipei Tel.: +886 2 77132222 Fax: +886 2 77132258 Email: market@taiyuen.com Internet: www.taiyuen.com A5-225 Tapuz Ind.Ltd B1-418 Target Dry Ltd. 7 Alanbrooke Park, GB-BT6 9HB Belfast / North Ireland Tel.: +44 28 90 790588 Fax: +44 28 90 792164 Email: sales@targetdry.co.uk Internet: www.targetdry.com Exhibited products: Mac in a Sac lightweight waterproof jackets - among the UK market leaders. Present at OutDoor: Noel McAneary, Johnny Breen, Gareth Stewart, Jim Jardine B3-400 Tasmanian Tiger c/o Tatonka GmbH Robert-Bosch-Str. 3, D-86453 Dasing Tel.: +49 8205 9602 0 Fax: +49 8205 9602 40 Email: info@tatonka.com Internet: www.tasmaniantiger.tatonka.com B3-400 Tatonka GmbH Robert-Bosch-Str. 3, D-86453 Dasing Tel.: +49 8205 9602 0 Fax: +49 8205 9602 30 Email: info@tatonka.com Internet: www.tatonka.com B4-403 TBAD B.V. Benoordenhoutseweg 21-23, NL-2596 BA Den Haag Tel.: +31 70 4152877 Fax: +31 70 4155383 Email: sjaak.brouwer@bbdg.nl Internet: www.duran-gear.com

Index of exhibitors Ausstellerverzeichnis | Elenco degli espositori | Catalogue exposants


A4-403 TBS Technisynthese Service Export

A5-110 Tecnimed srl

Route de Chaudron en Mauges, F-49111 St. Pierre Montlimart Cédex Tel.: +33 241 753892 Fax: +33 241 753304 Email: export@tbs.fr Internet: www.tbs.fr

12, P.le Cocchi, I-21040 Vedano O. (VA) Tel.: +39 0332 402350 Fax: +39 0332 402347 Email: info@tecnimed.eu Internet: www.tecnimed.com

A1-211 Tech4o / Nigor Net B.V. B4-303 TechNiche Europe Vriesenrot 14, B-9200 Dendermonde Tel.: +32 52 453361 Fax: +32 52 453371 Email: eric@techniche-europe.com Internet: www.techniche-europe.com Exhibited products: Climate Control Apparel & Accessories B2-110 Techni-Sangles SAS Ingénierie & Développement 13 rue du Pilat, F-42400 Saint-Chamond Tel.: +33 477 29 29 44/42 Fax: +33 477 29 16 35 Email: export@technisangles.fr Internet: www.technisangles.eu FG-B102 Technolen Technický Textil A. S. Nádrazní 1059, CZ-512 51 Lomnice nad Popelkou Tel.: +420 481 641 502 Fax: +420 481 641 503 Internet: www.technolen.eu

Exhibited products: Piezoelectric afterbites against insects & snakes bites A4-509 Tecnotexil s.r.l. Via Madonna del Pianto, 11, I-24021 Albino (BG) Tel.: +39 035 774004 Fax: +39 035 755189 Email: info@tecnotexil.it Internet: www.tecnotexil.it B4-310 Teijin Fibers Ltd. 6-7, Minami-Honmachi 1-chome, J-541-8587 Chuo-ku, Osaka Tel.: +81 6 6268 2943 Fax: +81 6 6268 2908 Email: s.yasuda@teijin.co.jp Internet: www.teijin.co.jp A1-301 Teko PO Box 14008, GB-EH9 1YF Edinburgh Tel.: +44 8000 323 505 Fax: +44 8000 323 515 Email: info@anatom.co.uk Internet: www.tekosocks.com Exhibited products: Best socks on the Planet, best socks for the planet

A4-412 Technological Textile Trend Team/Assosport Centro Servizi srl

Present at OutDoor: Gordon Fraser, Mark Staddle

Piazza Garibaldi, 13, I-31100 Treviso Tel.: +39 0422 410087 Fax: +39 0422 579535 Email: assosport@assosport.it Internet: www.assosport.it

B2-506 B2-510 LANEX a.s. / TENDON

B4-104 Tech Winning Ind. Co., Ltd. 8F, #232, Sec. 3 Chengteh Rd., RC-103 Taiwan Tel.: +886 2 2586 6500 Fax: +886 2 2591 6444 Email: gary@techwinning.com.tw A6-405 Tecnica spa Via Fante D'Italia, 56, I-31040 Giavera Del Montello (TV) Tel.: +39 0422 8841 Fax: +39 0422 775178 Email: info@tecnica.it Internet: www.tecnica.it

Represented by: Anatom Ltd.

Hlucinská 1/96, CZ-747 23 Bolatice Tel.: +420 553 751 316 Fax: +420 553 654 130 Email: jiri.gazda@lanex.cz Internet: www.mytendon.com / www.lanex.cz A5-310 Tentipi S-68623 Sunne Tel.: +46 960 30210 Fax: +46 960 30213 Email: patrik.j.ronnbo@tentipi.com Internet: www.tentipi.com Exhibited products: Nordic tipi for outdoor and events B4-413 Taiwan Textile Federation / Taiwan Premium Selected Suppliers (TEPP) 5F, TTF, 22 AiGuo East Rd., RC-10092 Taipei Tel.: +886 2 23417251 Fax: +886 2 23943245 Email: tc_chang@textiles.org.tw Internet: http://export.textiles.org.tw



Index of exhibitors Ausstellerverzeichnis | Elenco degli espositori | Catalogue exposants

A1-212 Ternua / Import Arrasate, S.A.

A6-411 Therm-ic Products GmbH Nfg & Co. KG

Pol. Ind. Kataide S/N, E-20500 Arrasate-Mondragon, Gipuzkoa Tel.: +34 943 712 034 Fax: +34 943 712 820 Email: infor@ternua.com Internet: www.ternua.com

Fritz-Knoll-Straße 3, A-8200 Gleisdorf Tel.: +43 3112 36026 0 Fax: +43 3112 36026 31 Email: office@thermic.com Internet: www.thermic.com

Exhibited products: Ternua clothing is outdoor gear for mountain, climbing and travel lifestyles.

B4-201 Think Pink- G.B.International Spa

B1-420 Terra Nova Equipment Ltd Summit House, Salcombe Court, Salcombe Road, Meadow Lane Industrial Estate, GB-DE55 7EG Alfreton Tel.: +44 1773 837373 Fax: +44 1773 831088 Email: info@terra-nova.co.uk Internet: www.terra-nova.co.uk A4-214 Tessile Fiorentina Company srl Via Fonda Di Mezzana, 35, I-59100 Prato Tel.: +39 0574 5761 Fax: +39 0574 71935 Email: s.giusti@tessilefiorentinaco.it Internet: www.tessilefiorentinaco.com/activa Exhibited products: High Tech Fabrics for Active and Sportswear, Polyester Fleeces, Stretch Fabrics, Soft Shells function protection, Fabric for Workwear and Underwear Present at OutDoor: Mr. Roberto Luchetti B3-500 B3-501 TEVA (Deckers Europe Ltd) 83-84 George St., GB-TW9 1HE Richmond, Surrey Tel.: +44 208 334 2900 Fax: +44 1932 850 667 Internet: www.teva.com A4-107 Texland & Nexko Co., Ltd #207 Suntech City 513-15, Sangdae Won Dong Jungwon-Gu, ROK-462-806 Seongnam Tel.: +82 31 777 1741 Fax: +82 31 777 1738 Internet: www.texland-nexko.com B1-430 Thames Co., Ltd. 4B-30, No. 5, Sec. 5, RC-110 Taipei Tel.: +886 2 27230868 Fax: +886 2 27230841 Email: thames.co@msa.hinet.net A1-501 T.H.E. Company Marketing & Trading GmbH Oberburgau 41, A-4866 Unterach a. A. Tel.: +43 6232 42010 Fax: +43 62323545 Email: the@komperdell.com Internet: www.komperdell.com


Via Guizza, 55, I-31030 Covolo Di Pederobba (TV) Tel.: +39 0423 8604 Fax: +39 0423 665 001 Email: info@thinkpink.it Internet: www.thinkpink.it Exhibited products: Sportswear A5-224 Thomas Kettler Verlag Von-Hutten-Straße 15, D-22761 Hamburg Tel.: +49 40 39109910 Fax: +49 40 3906820 Email: mail@thomas-kettler-verlag.de Internet: www.thomas-kettler-verlag.de Represented by: Conrad Stein Verlag GmbH B1-429 Tianjin Union International Trade Ltd. Pureland Rm 1805, Asia Pacific Tower, VRC-300200 Tianjin Tel.: +86 22 2302 3082 Fax: +86 22 2302 3081 Internet: www.pureland.com.cn B3-408 Ticketothemoon PT. Ayunan Bulan International Jalan Tangkuban Perahu No. 14 X, 08361 Kerobokan / Bali Tel.: +62 361 735131 Fax: +62 361 735130 Email: office@ticketothemoon.com Internet: www.hammockparachute.com A5-200 Tierra Kaserntorget 9, S-411 18 Göteborg Tel.: +46 8 4043102 Fax: +46 8 292600 Email: info@tierra.se Internet: www.tierra.se B2-507 Tilak, a.s. Zerotinova, 627/81, CZ-78701 Sumperk Tel.: +420 583 211425 Fax: +420 583 215184 Email: tilak@tilak.cz Internet: www.tilak.cz B1-508 Tilley Endurables Ltd. 6 Tresprison Court, Helston, GB-TR13 0QD Cornwall Tel.: +44 1326 574402 Fax: +44 1326 564651 Email: maddie@tilley-uk.com Internet: www.tilley.com

Index of exhibitors Ausstellerverzeichnis | Elenco degli espositori | Catalogue exposants

B3-411 Timolino

A4-208 Top Found Industries Co., Ltd.

5 Argonaut Avenue, USA-92656 CA Aliso Viejo Tel.: +1 949 595 0880 Fax: +1 949 595 0882 Email: sales@timolino.com Internet: www.timolino.com

3Fl., 66, Sec. 2, Chien Kuo N. Rd., RC-10485 Taipei Tel.: +886 2 251 80880 Fax: +886 2 251 67529 Email: katia@topfound.com.tw, linda@topfound.com.tw

B4-318 Ting Top Industrial Co., Ltd. 1st Fl., No 30, Alley 9, Lane 22, Wen De Road, Nei-Hu Dist., RC-114 75 Taipei Tel.: +886 2 2658 3263 Fax: +886 2 2659 0048 Email: service@tingtop.com.tw Internet: www.tingtop.com.tw A4-205 Tiong Liong Corp. 8, Lane 128, Sec 1, Chung Chiang Rd., Ta-Ya Hsiang, RC-42800 Taichung Hsien Tel.: +886 4 25666126 Fax: +886 4 25692706 Internet: www.tioliong.com.tw A4-508 Titex Vertriebs GmbH Rainstraße 6, D-91560 Heilsbronn Tel.: +49 9872 800 188 Fax: +49 9872 800 288 Email: info@tizip.com Internet: www.tizip.com A4-508 TIZIP B1-505 Tobby Band- und Flechtwaren GmbH Illekgasse 24, A-1150 Wien Tel.: +43 1 982 4484 Fax: +43 1 985 0572 Email: tobby@tobby.com Internet: www.tobby.com A3-400 Toko AG Industriestrasse Birren, CH-5703 Seon Tel.: +41 627 698181 Fax: +41 627 698311 Internet: www.toko.ch B4-521 Tomlong Techstile Corp. No. 5, Gong 6th Rd., Dajia Youth Ind. Park, RC-437 Taichung County Tel.: +886 4 2681 5977 Fax: +886 4 2681 5663 Email: info@tomlong-tpu.com Internet: www.tomlong-tpu.com B2-212 Top 30 S.L. Maqua 18, 19, E-33418 Gozón (Asturias) Tel.: +34 902 30 24 30 Fax: +34 98 5510279 Email: top30@top30.es Internet: www.top30climbingwalls.com


B3-433 Topmark Bags Co., Ltd. Minlian Puxian Rd., VRC-36200 Quanzhou Tel.: +86 595 22507433 Fax: +86 595 22507455 Internet: www.bagchina.com A4-312 Toray International Europe GmbH Hugenottenallee 175, D-63263 Neu-Isenburg Tel.: +49 6102 7999 0 Fax: +49 6102 7999 292 Email: tex-2@toray-intl.de Internet: www.torayentrant.com Exhibited products: Vertriebsbüro München Römerstrasse 28a D-80803 München Tel.: +49 89 34077090 A4-411 TOYOTA TSUSHO CORPORATION Osaka Toyota Bld., 4-3-11, Minamisenba Chuo-ku, J-542-8550 Osaka Tel.: +81 6 6243 6590 Fax: +81 6 6243 6617 Email: shoji_yokoyama@toyota-tsusho.com Internet: www.toyota-tsusho.com Exhibited products: Water proof & breathable fabrics. Ecology fabrics. Environment-friendly fabrics. A5-208 Trangia AB S-830 47 Trångsviken Tel.: +46 640 68133 Fax: +46 640 681339 Email: info@trangia.se Internet: www.trangia.se B3-101 Trango, Inc. 740 S. Pierce Ave. #15, USA-80027 CO Louisville Tel.: +1 303 530 3035 Fax: +1 303 530 3065 Email: cnewman@trango.com Internet: www.gthi.com A3-403 Trangoworld Poligono Industrial Malpica Calle C Parcela 102 B1/F, E-50057 Zaragoza Tel.: +34 976 421100 Fax: +34 976 416793 Email: info@trangoworld.com Internet: www.trangoworld.com



Index of exhibitors Ausstellerverzeichnis | Elenco degli espositori | Catalogue exposants

B3-403 TravelSafe

B4-415 Triple Win Sports Ind. Inc.

Ondernemingsweg 10, NL-3641 RZ Mydrecht Tel.: +31 297 284 400 Fax: +31 297 288 256 Email: info@travelsafe.net Internet: www.travelsafe-healthcare.com

Room 3B-10, No. 5, Sec. 5, Singyi Road, RC-11011 Taipei Tel.: +886 2 27201656 Fax: +886 2 87801152 Email: super@triplewin.com.tw Internet: www.triplewin.com.tw

Exhibited products: Moskitonetze,- schutz, First-aid kits B1-417 Trekmates 1 Rani Drive, Off Arnold Road, Basford, GB-NG5 1RF Nottingham Tel.: +44 115 9409 170 Fax: +44 115 9409 171 Email: sales@trekmates.co.uk Internet: www.stamfordsports.co.uk A3-307 TREK'N EAT / Katadyn Products Inc. Birkenweg 4, CH-8304 Wallisellen Tel.: +41 44 839 21 11 Fax: +41 44 830 79 42 Email: info@katadyngroup.com Internet: www.katadyngroup.com Exhibited products: Outdoor- & Expeditionsnahrung Outdoor & Expedition Food Peronin-High-Tech Food A6-506 Treksta Inc. 1549-2 Songjeong-Dong, ROK-618-818 Busan Tel.: +82 51 309 3500 Fax: +82 51 309 3600 Email: mir@treksta.co.kr Internet: www.treksta.co.kr FO-105 Trentino S.p.A. Via Romagnosi 11, I-38100 Trento Tel.: +39 0461 219300 Fax: +39 0461 219401 Internet: www.visittrentino.it A4-201 TRESPASS (Jacobs & Turner Ltd.) Vermont House, 149 Vermont Street, GB-G41 1LU Glasgow, Scotland Tel.: +44 141 568 8000 Fax: +44 141 568 8080 Email: trespass@trespass.co.uk Internet: www.trespass.co.uk A4-402 Trimm Sport, s.r.o. Chebska 79/23, CZ-322 00 Plzen Tel.: +420 377 822236 Fax: +420 377 822636 Email: trimm@trimm.cz Internet: www.trimm.cz B2-509 Triop Holesovska 406, CZ-763 16 Zlin Tel.: +420 577 101270 Fax: +420 577 101270 Email: triop@triop.cz Internet: www.triop.cz


A5-500 Tropicare / Tropenzorg BV Zwenkgrasstraat 5, NL-1313 LC Almere Tel.: +31 36 5334711 Fax: +31 36 5344975 Email: info@tropicare.eu Internet: www.tropicare.eu Exhibited products: insect repellents, impregnated mosquito nets, Bugsox, Desert boots, mosquito proof travel clothing, first aid kits, suncare, travel towels, ORS, tick removers, POS options A1-104A True Brands Ltd. Unit 2, Branksome, GB-BH12 1DW Poole Tel.: +44 1202 766333 Fax: +44 1202 765550 Internet: www.trueutility.com B2-218 TSL Outdoor 9, rue du Pré Faucon, F-74940 Annecy le Vieux Tel.: +33 4 50102828 Fax: +33 4 50012897 Email: tsl@tsloutdoor.com Internet: www.tsloutdoor.com B3-316 TSS Fortune Co., Ltd. No. 8, You Yi Road, VRC-300074 Tianjin Tel.: +86 22 28136505 Fax: +86 22 28131343 Email: timchen@1tss-cn.com Internet: www.tss-cn.com FG-A71 Tukeke Hängematten B2-108 Tung Yi Steel Wire Co., Ltd. No 342, Chung Shan Rd, RC-35743 Miao Li Hsien Tel.: +886 37 792666 Fax: +886 37 793666 Email: tungyi66@ms11.hinet.net Internet: www.tungyi.com B2-508 Uax, v.o.s. Bernartice nad Odrou 131, CZ-74241 Bernartice nad Odrou Tel.: +420 605 297 769 Email: fish@uax.cz Internet: www.uax.cz A4-216 Universal Trim Supply Co., Ltd. No 63, Wu Kung 5th Rd, RC-24890 Taipei Hsien Tel.: +886 2 2290 2228 Fax: +886 2 2290 2229 Email: sales@uts.com.tw Internet: www.uts.com.tw

Index of exhibitors Ausstellerverzeichnis | Elenco degli espositori | Catalogue exposants


B4-523 Universe Fashion Accessories Co., Ltd.

B4-405 VARGU

No. 185, Chiung Lin S. Rd., Shin Juang City, RC-242 Taipei County Tel.: +886 2 2205 3788 Fax: +886 2 2205 8092 Email: ufa.zippull@msa.hinet.net Internet: www.ufa.tw

Grundweg 9, CH-3053 Münchenbuchsee Tel.: +41 31 862 1312 Email: info@useamazon.ch Internet: www.useamazon.ch

A4-106 Upper Textile Corporation 8 Fl., No. 118, Sec. 1 Neihu Rd., RC-114 Taipei Tel.: +886 2 2627 2000 Fax: +886 2 2657 4000 Email: olivia@uppertex.com.tw Internet: www.uppertex.com.tw A1-103 Urban Rock Schweizerstraße 77, A-6845 Hohenems Tel.: +43 5576 72722 Fax: +43 5576 78377 Email: info@urbanrock.at Internet: www.urbanrock.at B3-205 Usang Industrial Co. Ltd. 3F-4, No. 65, Fu Hsing South Road, Sec 2, RC-106 Taipei Tel.: +886 2 2703 1147 Fax: +886 2 2325 7826 Email: sales@usang.com.tw Internet: www.usang.com.tw Exhibited products: Carabiners, Snap Hooks, Buckles, Pulleys, D/O-Rings, Plastic parts for harness, and Custom OEM Manufacturing Projects B3-103 Usteto Climbing Walls Kraibrezhna 14, BG-5050 Kilifarevo Tel.: +359 87 8381628 Fax: +359 6114 2484 Email: gp@usteto.com Internet: www.usteto.com A5-219 UTAG Limited

Exhibited products: flip-flops, sneakers (recyclingBrazil) B4-315 Varied Wise Int'l Co., Ltd. 5F-6, No. 101, Sec. 2, Shuan 10th Rd, RC-404 Taichuang City Tel.: +886 4 22305748 Fax: +886 4 22384968 Email: sasa.wen@miroglio.com.tw Internet: www.variwis.com.tw Represented by: Grandtek Enterprise Co., Ltd. B2-501 Vasque Footwear 314 Main Street, USA-55066 MN Red Wing Tel.: +1 651 385 6546 Fax: +1 651 385 0897 Email: david.harrison@vasque.com Internet: www.vasque.com B2-305 VAUDE Sport GmbH & Co. KG Vaude-Straße 2, D-88069 Tettnang Tel.: +49 7542 5306 0 Fax: +49 7542 5306 60 Email: info@vaude.com Internet: www.vaude.com A6-207 Veith FV Allgäuer Bergstrumpf GmbH Leutkircher Straße 39-41, D-88316 Isny im Allgäu Tel.: +49 7562 4572 Fax: +49 7562 2836 Email: info@veith-socks.de Internet: www.veith-socks.de B4-217 Ventex Co., Ltd.

7 Majestic Road, Nursling Ind. Est, GB-SO16 0YT Southampton Tel.: +44 2380 355047 Fax: +44 2380 355055 Email: dereckp@utagice.com Internet: www.utagice.com

5F Gum-Suk Building, 195-3, Chamsil-Songl, Songpa-gu, ROK-138-220 Seoul Tel.: +82 2 424 3262 (Ext.2201) Fax: +82 2 424 3822 Email: tigerhkim@ventexkorea.com Internet: www.ventexkorea.com / www.dry-zone. com

B3-502 Vango

A6-206 Vento GmbH

2, Kelburn Business Park, GB-PA14 6TD Port Glasgow Tel.: +44 1475 746000 Fax: +44 1475 746001 Email: iain.crawford@amg-group.co.uk Internet: www.vango.co.uk

Sudetenstraße 15, D-89340 Leipheim Tel.: +49 8221 2794 40 Fax: +49 8221 2794 30 Email: info@vento-star.de Internet: www.vento-star.de Exhibited products: Wasserdichte Taschen, Waldies-Schuhe FW-107 Verlag Chmielorz GmbH Sport + Mode Marktplatz 13, D-65183 Wiesbaden Tel.: +49 611 36098 0 Fax: +49 611 36098 74 Internet: www.spomo.com



Index of exhibitors Ausstellerverzeichnis | Elenco degli espositori | Catalogue exposants

FO-103 Versante Sud s.r.l.

FG-A92 VIV GmbH Trainings & Incentives

Via G. Longhi, 10, I-20137 Milano Tel.: +39 0274 90163 Fax: +39 0270 101749 Email: versantesud@versantesud.it Internet: www.versantesud.it

Schopfheimer Straße 11, D-79115 Freiburg Tel.: +49 761 45626290 Fax: +49 761 45626299 Email: office@viv-gmbh.de Internet: www.viv-gmbh.de

B3-423 Taiwan Vertex Production Corp.


4F, No. 10, Lane 122, Sec. 2, Kan-Yuan St., Shulin City, RC-23853 Taipei Tel.: +886-2-2680-7007 Fax: +886-2-2680-7021 Email: service@tw-vertex.com.tw Internet: www.tw-vertex.com.tw /www. hydraknight.com

Route du Bois du Maine - ZI La Ponchonnière, F-69210 Savigny Tel.: +33 474 26 73 71 Fax: +33 474 26 94 78 Email: brice@volx.fr Internet: www.volx.eu

B2-605 Vertical ZI du Coin, F-42400 Saint-Chamond Tel.: +33 477 530080 Fax: +33 477 534514 Email: fredericbeal@beal-planet.com Internet: www.vertical-spirit.com B3-206 Vertical Ltd. Schors St. 95, RUS-610014 Kirov Tel.: +7 8332 539251 Fax: +7 8332 539251 Email: vertical-c@yandex.ru Internet: www.vertical-c.ru A6-501 Vibram S.P.A. Via Colombo 5, I-21041 Albizzate (VA) Tel.: +39 0331 999 777 Fax: +39 0331 999 572 Email: vibram@vibram.com Internet: www.vibram.com B1-101 Victorinox Schmiedgasse 57, CH-6438 Ibach-Schwyz Tel.: +41 41 8181211 Fax: +41 41 8181511 Email: info@victorinox.ch Internet: www.victorinox.com A5-204 Viking Footwear GmbH

Room 1014, 10 F, No. 15, Fu Shing North Road, RC-105 Taipei Tel.: +886 2 27316675 Fax: +886 2 27512354 Email: walinco@ms15.hinet.net B2-513 Walltopia Ltd. Mladost 3, BG-1712 Sofia Tel.: +359 2 8177934 Fax: +359 2 9746027 Email: home@walltopia.com Internet: www.walltopia.com B3-406 Warmpeace s.r.o. Plchovice 13, CZ-56501 Chocen Tel.: +420 602 364249 Fax: +420 465 320243 Email: pavel.habetin@warmpeace.cz Internet: www.warmpeace.cz B3-312 Wechsel Die Berliner Zeltschmiede GmbH Porschestraße 25, D-12107 Berlin Tel.: +49 30 390 34010 Fax: +49 30 390 34012 Email: info@wechsel-tents.de Internet: www.wechsel-tents.de B4-417 Well Mart Merit Co., Ltd

Lillenthalallee 40, D-80939 München Tel.: +49 89 32186879 Fax: +49 89 32195299 Email: a.klima@vikingfootwear.com Internet: www.vikingfootwear.com

6F, No. 288-3, Hsin-Ya Road, Chien Chen Dist., RC-506 Kaohsiung Tel.: +886 7 8125722 Fax: +886 7 8318926 Email: louis@wellmart.com.tw Internet: www.wellmart.com.tw

Exhibited products: Trekking-Schuhe, NordicWalking-Schuhe, Berg-Schuhe, Freizeit-Schuhe, Sandalen, Gummistiefel

A1-210 WENGER S.A.

A1-211 Vital Stove / Nigor Net B.V.


B4-525 Walinco Ltd.

Route de Bâle 63, CH-2800 Delémont Tel.: +41 32 421 3900 Fax: +41 32 421 3999 Email: info@wenger.ch Internet: www.wenger.ch

Index of exhibitors Ausstellerverzeichnis | Elenco degli espositori | Catalogue exposants


B3-110 Wenzhou Success Group Co., Ltd.

B4-414 Win Trend International Co.

Room 308, Success Mansion, VRC-325028 Wenzhou Tel.: +86 577 886180 Fax: +86 577 886176 Internet: www.successsport.com

12F-1, No. 150, Jian Yi Road, Chung Ho City, RC-235 Taipei County Tel.: +886 2 82265198 Fax: +886 2 82265191 Email: crystal@wintrend.com.tw Internet: www.wintrend.com.tw

A1-503 Western Mountaineering 1025 South 5th St., USA-95112 CA San Jose Tel.: +001 408 287 8944 Fax: +001 408 287 8946 Email: garyp@westernmountaineering.com Internet: www.westernmountaineering.com Exhibited products: down sleeping bags, down clothing B2-606 Wild Climb Schloßberg 4, D-66996 Erfweiler Tel.: +49 6391 409 600 Fax: +49 6391 409 601 Email: jdommermuth@t-online.de B2-100 Wild Country Ltd. Meverill Road, GB-SK178PY Buxton Tel.: +44 7143 24657 Fax: +44 1298 872077 Internet: www.wildcountry.co.uk Represented by: Red Chili International Ltd. A4-307 Wild Roses - CDA Vicolo Morosella, 2, I-24050 Grassobbio (BG) Tel.: +39 035 3846101 Fax: +39 035 3846102 Email: silvia.ferrari@cda-italy.com Internet: www.wildroses.it A4-504 Wind x-treme - Actual Colors BCN S.L. c / Polonia, 5 (local), E-08024 Barcelona Tel.: +34 93 2850288 Fax: +34 93 2190769 Email: wind@zonawind.com Internet: www.zonawind.com B3-110 Xiamen Wingtas Garments Co., Ltd. Building No. 10, Guankou Town VRC-361023 Xiamen Tel.: +86 592 6386100 Fax: +86 592 6386766 Email: export@wingtas.com Internet: www.wingtas.com B3-109 Winsport / Transworld & Associates Co., Ltd. Suite 2301, Metro Centre (2), HK-Kowloon Bay Tel.: +852 2318 1166 Fax: +852 2757 4828 Email: winsport@winsport.com.hk / targex@targex.net Internet: www.winsport.com.hk / www.targex.net

A1-408 WOLVERINE, Inc. Vogelanger 10, D-82041 Oberhaching Tel.: +49 89 613 98480 Fax: +49 89 613 98481 B3-407 Wonall GmbH Alte Vogtei 3a, D-24629 Kisdorf Tel.: +49 4193 809668 Fax: +49 4193 809669 Email: info@wonall.de Internet: www.wonall.de B4-215 Woojin Plastic #183-I, Galmae-dong, ROK-471-080 Kuri-City Tel.: +82 31 572 6357 Fax: +82 31 572 6358 Email: sales@woojinplastic.com Internet: www.woojinplastic.com Exhibited products: Plastic specialty buckles & fasteners A5-415 World Famous (Fujian) Outdoor Garments, Ltd. Rm2602-2605, 26/F, World Wide Plaza, No.158, Wusi Rd., VRC-350003 Fuzhou, Fujian Tel.: +86 591 87871388 Fax: +86 591 87856189 Email: david@fzworldfamous.com Internet: www.fzworldfamous.com B4-522 Wu Luen Knitting Co., Ltd. No. 21, Sec. 4, Zhang Shui Road, Pi-Tou, RC-523 Chang Hwa Hsien Tel.: +886 4 892 7399 Fax: +886 4 892 7327 Email: sales@wu-luen.com.tw Internet: www.wu-luen.com.tw B4-200 X-Bionic - Treré SRL Via Modena 18, I-46041 Asola (MN) Tel.: +39 0376 718635 Fax: +39 0376 718651 Email: l.boccola@trereinnovation.it Internet: www.x-bionic.com Exhibited products: Pioneers in climate, endurance, stress and strain regulating high performance sportswear, X-Bionic products enhance performance without doping turning sweat into Energy



Index of exhibitors Ausstellerverzeichnis | Elenco degli espositori | Catalogue exposants

A5-422 Xiamen Frontier Garments Co., Ltd.

B3-431 Xiamen Smart Import and Export Ltd.

4F, JiuZhou Business Building,No.62 Xiangxiuli Lianhua, VRC-361009 Xiamen Tel.: +86 592 5588200 Fax: +86 592 5588225 Email: ass@frontier.com.cn Internet: www.frontierfashion.com.cn

3rd Floor, Yin Sheng Building, VRC-361006 Xiamen Tel.: +86 592 2612306 Fax: +86 592 2612300 Email: ken@smartschuh.com Internet: www.smartschuh.com

A5-419 Xiamen Golden Resource Handbag Co., Ltd. No. 303 Tongan Area,Tongan Industrial Concentration Zone, Fujian, VRC-361000 Xiamen Tel.: +86 592 5165792 Fax: +86 592 5165790 Email: sales@janboots.com Internet: www.janboots.com B3-509 Xiamen Good-Do I/E Co., Ltd. No. 9 West Hubin Road, VRC-361004 Xiamen Tel.: +86 592 2281526 Fax: +86 592 2281590 Internet: www.good-do.net A6-108 Xiamen Green Mountain BHS Schuhvertrieb Michael Hundhausen eK Roggenkampsweg 13, D-45883 Gelsenkirchen Tel.: +49 209 6138096 Fax: +49 209 6138097 Email: bhs-1981@gelsennet.de Internet: www.greenmountaincn.com B3-511 Xiamen Jialin Foreign Trade Co, Ltd 166-177 Jialian Building, VRC-Xiamen Tel.: +86 595 22386156 Fax: +86 595 22389156 B4-506 XIAMEN KINGLAND CO.,LTD. 10/F, Sealight Building, No. 33, Shuixian Road, VRC-361001 Xiamen Tel.: +86 592 2115134 EXT 316 Fax: +86 592 2076985 Email: deantu@chinacnd.com Internet: www.xmkingland.com Represented by: CHIMA Fernost Service B4-210 Xiamen Lago Garments Co., Ltd. 5th Floor, No. 8 Building, Xinhe Industry area, VRC-361000 Xiamen Tel.: +86 592 5752233 / 5751199 Fax: +86 592 5752266 Email: pengtex@163.net B3-432 Xiamen Sibide I/E. Co., Ltd. Jinshan Building, Room 8B, VRC-361004 Xiamen Tel.: +86 592 5185614 Fax: +86 583 5185613 Email: david_camping@vip.163.com Internet: www.speendcamping.com


B3-225 Xiamen Sumosta Garments Co., Ltd. 3/F, Xinda IND. BLD, No.98-100 Huli Ave., PRC-361006 Xiamen Tel.: +86 592 2659007 Fax: +86 592 5650387 Email: hebe@sumosta.com Internet: www.sumosta.com B3-412 Xiamen Sun-V Enterprise Ltd. No. 19 Tongsheng Road, VRC-Xiamen Tel.: +86 592 7198203 Fax: +86 592 7198209 A5-507 Xiamen Trend Corporation 7A Xingang Plaza,10North Hubin Road, VRC-361012 Xiamen Tel.: +86 592 5063456 Fax: +86 592 5078368 Email: fountainlin@trendltd.cn Internet: www.china-trend.net B3-110 Xiamen Up-Flying Trading Co., Ltd. 45F, Tong Bao Building, VRC-361012 Xiamen Tel.: +86 592 2962321 Fax: +86 592 2962326 B3-322 Xiamen Wait Trading Co., Ltd. 1702/3, No.839 Xiahe Road, VRC-361004 Xiamen Tel.: +86 592 2346958 Fax: +86 592 5333013 Email: nancy@a-wait.com Internet: www.a-wait.com A5-509 Xiamen Winsport Corporation 11/F Fortune Building,201 North Hubin Road, VRC-361012 Xiamen Tel.: +86 592 5058797 Fax: +86 592 5078698 Email: christine@xmwinsport.cn Internet: www.xmwinsport.com A5-416 XiangXing (FuJian) Bag & Luggage Group Co., Ltd. No. 336 Longjiang Road,Fuqing, China-350300 Fujian Tel.: +86 591 852 12868 Fax: +86 591 8523 7768 Email: dhsport@163.com Internet: www.dh-highland.com

Index of exhibitors Ausstellerverzeichnis | Elenco degli espositori | Catalogue exposants


A6-410 Xtenex Distrisud

A6-407 Calzaturificio Zamberlan S.R.L.

11 Rue Bazin, F-78000 Versailles Tel.: +33 1 39 508594 Fax: +33 1 39 508594 Email: eric@xtenex.fr Internet: www.xtenex.fr

Via Marconi 1, I-36030 Pievebelvicino (VI) Tel.: +39 0445 660999 Fax: +39 0445 661652 Email: zamberlan@zamberlan.com Internet: www.zamberlan.com

Represented by: Rywan sarl B3-214 Xtra Light BV Trompenburg 30, NL-1852 CD Heiloo Tel.: +31621715407 Fax: +31 Email: info@cuddlebug.eu Internet: www.cuddlebug.eu B4-527 Ya Champion Industrial Co., Ltd. 10F.-6, No. 4, Lane 609, Sec. 5, Chongsin Road, Sanchong City, RC-241 Taipei County Tel.: +886 2 29996336 Fax: +886 2 29996333 Email: elaine.hsieh@mail.ychamp.com.tw Internet: www.ychamp.com.tw A6-412 Yacht Boot Company (YBC) Plough House, Silver Street, Lymington, GB-SO41 6DG Hampshire Tel.: +44 1590 681302 Fax: +44 1590 681301 Email: info@yachtboot.com Internet: www.sharxfootwear.com Exhibited products: Sharx EVA leisure footwear B1-302 Yeti GmbH Zur Tischbrücke 20, D-02828 Görlitz Tel.: +49 3581 7656 0 Fax: +49 3581 7656 20 Email: kay.steinbach@yetiworld.com Internet: www.yetiworld.com Exhibited products: Schlafsäcke /Matten/ Bekleidung B3-108 Yeti R. Krawczyk spj Warmth Unlimited Wojnicka 2, PL-03-774 Warschau Tel.: +48 22 618 4868 Fax: +48 22 618 3301 Email: ladek@yeti.com.pl, radek@yeti.com.pl Internet: www.yeti.com.pl, www.warmthunlimited. com A4-310 YKK Europe Ltd. Kirchhofstraße 52, D-42327 Wuppertal Tel.: +49 202 7493 556 Fax: +49 202 7493 301 Email: shiori_matsuda@ykkeurope.com Internet: www.ykkeurope.com

B4-407 ZeroWind B3-425 Zhangjiagang Derry I/E Co., Ltd. 4/F Fugang Plaza, Renming Rd., VRC-Zhangjiagang Tel.: +86 512 58919892 Fax: +86 512 58917650 A5-420 Zhangzhou Moonlit Camping Products Co., Ltd Suian Ind. Zone, Zhangpu,Zhangzhou, Fujian, China, VRC-Zhangpu Tel.: +86 596 322 7659 Fax: +86 596 322 7459 Email: moonlit@public.zzpptt.fj.cn Internet: www.moonlitcamping.com B3-413 Zhejiang Metals and Materials Co., Ltd. 78 Fengqi Road, VRC-310003 Hangzhou Tel.: +86 571 85271054 Fax: +86 571 85271062 B3-221 Zhejiang Nature Travel Goods Co., Ltd. Xiacao Village, Pingqiao Town, VRC-317203 Taizhou, Tiantai, Zhejiang Tel.: +86 576 83683999 Fax: +86 576 83683777 Email: xyh888@vip.163.com Internet: www.zjnature.com A1-504 Ziegler Textil GmbH Hinter Winterbach 1, D-77794 Lautenbach Tel.: +49 7802 980086 Fax: +49 7802 980088 Email: info@ziegler-textil.de Internet: www.waefo.de B4-202 zipitbag Matthias Altfeld & Roland Scharff GbR Senefelder Straße 1/F1, D-63110 Rodgau Tel.: +49 6106 6394020 Fax: +49 6106 63940222 Email: info@zipitbag.de Internet: www.zipitbag.de B1-501 FG-AKB1 Zweibrüder Optoelectronics GmbH Kronenstraße 5-7, D-42699 Solingen Tel.: +49 212 5948 0 Fax: +49 212 5948 200 Email: info@zweibrueder.com Internet: www.zweibrueder.com


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Index of trademarks Markenverzeichnis | Elenco dei marchi commerciali | Catalogue des marques

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Index of trademarks Markenverzeichnis | Elenco dei marchi commerciali | Catalogue des marques

A6-304 9.81

B1-507 AmeriBag

GARMONT SRL Via Spineda 12, I-31040 Volpago Del Montello (TV) Tel.: +39 0423 8726 Fax: +39 0423 621392 Email: info@garmont.com Internet: www.garmont.com

The Healthy Back Bag Company

A5-203 66° North


66° North Miðhrauni 11, IS-210 Garðabær Tel.: +354 535 6600 Fax: +354 535 6602 Email: helga@66north.is Internet: www.66north.com

McNett Europe


B2-224 ANDREA BOLDRINI Andrea Boldrini - Chaussures 3B SARL


Acecamp GmbH Sontraer Straße 6, D-60386 Frankfurt Tel.: +49 69 40148131 Fax: +49 69 40148133 Email: info@acecamp.de Internet: www.acecamp.de

A. Sampaio & Filhos - Texteis, S.A. Rua S. Bento da Batalha 76, P-4784-909 Santo Tirso Tel.: +351 252 808550 Fax: +351 252 808551 Email: joao.mendes@asampaio.pt Internet: www.asampaio.pt

A5-211 Aclima

B2-601 Aventure Verticale

Aclima AS Sundvollhovet, N-3535 Kröderen Tel.: +47 32 150600 Fax: +47 32 820688 Email: aclima@aclima.no Internet: www.aclima.com

Aventure Verticale Sarl ZA du Puy St Bonnet, Rue de l'épée, F-49300 Cholet PSB Tel.: +33 241 623153 Fax: +33 241 623158 Email: export@aventureverticale.com Internet: www.aventureverticale.com

B4-300 adidas adidas AG Adi-Dassler-Strasse 1, D-91074 Herzogenaurach Tel.: +49 91 32 84 0 Fax: +49 91 32 84 22 41 Internet: www.adidas.com A4-213 AirFrame


B4-401 Bailo Bailo S.p.A. Località Coldanè, I-38050 Pieve Tesino (TN) Tel.: +39 0461 591111 Fax: +39 0461 591292 Email: info@bailo.com Internet: www.bailo.com

Chemotex Minlan Pacific Co., Ltd. 4F, 514, Sec. 1, Nei-Hu Road, RC-11493 Taipei Tel.: +886 2 2799 2587 Fax: +886 2 8751 6572 Email: lisa@airframe.tw Internet: www.airframe.it


A4-510 Airlite

Bergans Fritid AS Loesmoen, Box 293, N-3301 Hokksund Tel.: +47 32 25 25 00 Fax: +47 32 25 25 10 Email: marked@bergans.no Internet: www.bergans.com

Shin Han B4-500 Alinghi ODLO ODLO International AG Im Bösch 67, CH-6331 Hünenberg / Zug Tel.: +41 41 785 7070 Fax: +41 41 785 7077 Email: mail@odlo.com Internet: www.odlo.com

CRAGHOPPERS A1-305 Bergans of Norway

B3-217 Bergmönch KOGA BV

A1-305 ALLY Bergans Fritid AS



Index of trademarks Markenverzeichnis | Elenco dei marchi commerciali | Catalogue des marques


A4-102 BUFF®

Advansa Marketing GmbH Caldenhofer Weg 192, D-59063 Hamm Tel.: +49 2381 8785 306 Fax: +49 2381 8785 350 Email: nurhan.nalbant@advansa.com Internet: www.thermocool.net

BUFF®-Original Buff SA c/Francia, 16, E-08700 Igualada Tel.: +34 93 805 4861 Fax: +34 93 804 4702 Email: buff@buff.eu Internet: www.buff.eu

A5-410 Blast Explosive Eyewear

A3-101 BULA

Polinelli s.r.l.

Kopfüber by Bühler Albert-Glück-Straße 1, D-88279 Amtzell Tel.: +49 7520 956239 0 Fax: +49 7520 956239 9 Email: office@kopfueber.net Internet: www.kopfueber.net

A5-101 Blundstone Australia Pinu Handels GmbH Eckernförder Straße 28, D-24361 Haby Tel.: +49 4356 996644 Fax: +49 4356 996643 Email: info@pinu.de Internet: www.pinu.de


La Sportiva S.p.A.

Bushnell Performance Optics GmbH An der Alten Spinnerei 1, D-83059 Kolbermoor Tel.: +49 8031 23348 0 Fax: +49 8031 23348 18 Email: info@bushnell.de Internet: www.bushnell.com

A5-406 Bollé

B3-319 CADAC

Bushnell Performance Optics GmbH An der Alten Spinnerei 1, D-83059 Kolbermoor Tel.: +49 8031 23348 0 Fax: +49 8031 23348 18 Email: info@bushnell.de Internet: www.bushnell.com

Cadac Europe B.V. Ratio 26, NL-6921 RW Duiven Tel.: +31 26 3197740 Fax: +31 26 3197743 Email: info@cadaceurope.nl Internet: www.cadaceurope.com

B1-506 BOLL Mountain & Outdoor Gear


BOLL Mountain & Outdoor Gear Petrohradská 3, CZ-10100 Praha 10 Tel.: +420 267 184 639 Fax: +420 267 184 691 Email: info@boll.cz Internet: www.boll.cz

Camaro Erich Roiser GmbH Wagnermühle 30, A-5310 Mondsee Tel.: +43 6232 42010 Fax: +43 6232 3545 Email: sales@camaro.at Internet: www.camaro.at

A6-411 Boot-Doc

B1-100 CamelBak

Boot-Doc Handels GmbH Wirtschaftspark C10, A-8940 Liezen Tel.: 0043 3112 36026-0 Fax: 0043 3112 36026-31 Email: office@thermic.com Internet: www.thermic.com

CamelBak International, LLC Filiale Italiana Via Monte Novegno 7, I-36061 Bassano del Grappa (VI) Tel.: +39 0424 37458 Fax: +39 0424 390806 Email: Italia@camelbak.com Internet: www.camelbak.com

B2-204 Blurr

A6-401 BOREAL BOREAL Altos Condomina, 15, E-03400 Villena Tel.: +34 965 800 589 Fax: +34 965 807 713 Email: info@e-boreal.com Internet: www.e-boreal.com

A6-101 CAMELBAK Everest GmbH B2-402 CAMP C.A.M.P. spa Via Roma, 23, I-23834 Premana (LC) Tel.: +39 0341 890117 Fax: +39 0341 818010 Email: contact@camp.it Internet: www.camp.it


Index of trademarks Markenverzeichnis | Elenco dei marchi commerciali | Catalogue des marques


A1-211 CampTrails


Eureka! Europe / Nigor Net B.V.

RIRI GROUP Via Catenazzi 23, CH-6850 Mendrisio Tel.: +41 91 640 6161 Fax: +41 91 646 5822 Email: riri@riri.com Internet: www.riri.com

A5-500 Care Plus Tropicare / Tropenzorg BV Zwenkgrasstraat 5, NL-1313 LC Almere Tel.: +31 36 5334711 Fax: +31 36 5344975 Email: info@tropicare.eu Internet: www.tropicare.eu

A1-214 Cocona® Cocona Europe

B1-202 Caribee Australia


Caribee Australia

Conform'able / Sidas Z.A. Le Parvis, BP 353, F-38500 Voiron Tel.: +33 476 670707 Fax: +33 476 670303 Email: info@sidas.com Internet: www.conform-able.com

B2-402 CASSIN C.A.M.P. spa Via Roma, 23, I-23834 Premana (LC) Tel.: +39 0341 890117 Fax: +39 0341 818010 Email: contact@camp.it Internet: www.camp.it

A4-315 Coolmax® Advansa Marketing GmbH

A1-412 CEP compression sportswear

A3-201 dare2b

CEP compression sportswear Meranierstraße 18, D-95502 Himmelkron Tel.: +49 9227 9456 0 Fax: +49 9227 9456 16 Email: service@cep-sports.com Internet: www.cep-sports.com

Regatta GmbH

A3-101 CHASKEE Kopfüber by Bühler Albert-Glück-Straße 1, D-88279 Amtzell Tel.: +49 7520 956239 0 Fax: +49 7520 956239 9 Email: office@kopfueber.net Internet: www.kopfueber.net

A1-109 DESIGNER TEXTILES Designer Textiles International Ltd/MAPP Merino 11 Lovegrove Crescent, NZ-1701 Auckland Tel.: +64 9 272 4905 Fax: +64 9 272 4901 Email: shelley.parker@destex.co.nz Internet: www.mapp.co.nz B1-411 Design Go Design Go Ltd

B2-209 Chillaz

B1-400 Deuter Sport GmbH & Co. KG

Chillaz International

Deuter Sport GmbH & Co. KG Siemensstraße 1, D-86368 Gersthofen Tel.: +49 821 4987 327 Fax: +49 821 4987 339 Email: info@deuter.com Internet: www.deuter.com

A6-202 Chiruca Chiruca (Calzados Fal S.A.) Avenida de Logroño 21, E-26580 Arnedo / La Rioja Tel.: +34 941 380800 Fax: +34 941 383593 Email: info@fal.es Internet: www.chiruca.com

B2-224 DOGMA Andrea Boldrini - Chaussures 3B SARL

B4-509 CHUMS

A1-209 Dolomite

CHUMS / Landwell Inc.

Dolomite Via Fante D'Italia 56, I-31404 Giavera Del Montello (TV) Tel.: +39 0422 884488 Fax: +39 0422 884010 Email: info@dolomite.it Internet: www.dolomite.it

B2-221 CiLAO CiLAO



Index of trademarks Markenverzeichnis | Elenco dei marchi commerciali | Catalogue des marques

B1-201 Eagle Creek

A4-207 EtaProof

Eagle Creek Europe Ltd. Dwyer Road, IRL-Midleton, County Cork Tel.: +353 21 4621471 Fax: +800 3245 3275 Email: thomas_ryll@vfc.com Internet: www.eaglecreek.com

Stotz & Co. AG Walchestrasse 15, CH-8006 Zürich Tel.: +41 44 366 51 10 Fax: +41 44 3665138 Email: daniel.odermatt@stotzfabrics.ch Internet: www.stotzfabrics.ch

B1-102 Easy Camp

A4-207 EtaProof

Oase Outdoors ApS Kornvej 9, DK-7323 Give Tel.: +45 70228500 Fax: +45 70228505 Email: info@oase-outdoors.dk Internet: www.oase-outdoors.com

Stotz & Co. AG

A4-510 Ecoblue

A1-102 Euroschirm

Shin Han

Eberhard Göbel GmbH + Co Im Lehrer Feld 44, D-89081 Ulm Tel.: +49 731 140 13 0 Fax: +49 731 140 13 10 Email: info@euroschirm.com Internet: www.euroschirm.com

A1-205 EIDER EIDER 70, Rue Cassiopée - Parc Altaïs, F-74650 Chavanod Tel.: +33 4 5010 2360 Fax: +33 4 5010 2370 Email: infos@eider-world.com Internet: www.eider-world.com B4-103 elkline

Eureka! Europe / Nigor Net B.V.

B3-403 EUROTRAIL EuroTrail Ondernemingsweg 10, NL-3641RZ Mydrecht Tel.: +31 297 284 400 Fax: +31 297 288 256 Email: info@eurotrail.info

elkline GmbH Hebbelstraße 15, D-22085 Hamburg Tel.: +49 40 22 74 87 16 Fax: +49 40 22 73 94 29 Email: info@elkline.de Internet: www.elkline.de


A4-215 EPIC

EVOLV Climbing Footwear 6769 8th Street, USA-90620 CA Buena Park Tel.: +1 714 522 5556 Fax: +1 714 522 5557 Email: services@evolvesports.com Internet: www.evolvesports.com

Epic Technology International B4-312 EPO Cotec - EPO International Co., Ltd. 182 Yuan Lu Rd. Sec 1. Pu Yen Hsieng, RC-516 Changhua Tel.: +886 4 8612258 Fax: +886 4 8612285 Email: info@cotec-epo.com Internet: www.cotec-epo.com B3-405 Esbit Esbit Compagnie GmbH Marlowring 21, D-22525 Hamburg Tel.: +49 40 85310650 Fax: +49 40 8509184 Email: esbit@esbit.de Internet: www.esbit.de


A1-211 Eureka!

Everest GmbH B2-214 EVOLV

A5-401 Exel Exel / ESB Sports Oy Henry Fordinkatu 5 C, FI-00150 Helsinki Tel.: +358207598520 Fax: +358207598529 Internet: www.exelpoles.com B2-223 eXpression holds eXpression holds B4-400 exxtasy Simex Sport GmbH Schiefbahner Straße 12, D-41748 Viersen Tel.: +49 2162 10200 0 Fax: +49 2162 10200 10 Email: info@simex-sport.de Internet: www.simex-sport.de

Index of trademarks Markenverzeichnis | Elenco dei marchi commerciali | Catalogue des marques


B3-303 EZetil --- Mobile Kühlung / Mobile Cooling


IPV GmbH Inheidener Produktions- und Vertriebsges. mbH

TOYOTA TSUSHO CORPORATION Osaka Toyota Bld., 4-3-11, Minamisenba Chuo-ku, J-542-8550 Osaka Tel.: +81 6 6243 6590 Fax: +81 6 6243 6617 Email: shoji_yokoyama@toyota-tsusho.com Internet: www.toyota-tsusho.com

B2-301 FIVE TEN Five Ten Europe Kapucijnendreef 32, B-3090 Overijse Tel.: +32 2 65 76160 Fax: +32 2 65 76155 Email: cust.service@fiveteneurope.be Internet: www.fiveten.com

FG-A71 Gibbon Slacklines ID Sports GmbH Gibbon Slacklines

A6-101 FIZAN

A1-407 GoLite, LLC

Everest GmbH

GoLite, LLC 6325 Gunpark Drive, Suite 102, USA-80301 CO Boulder Tel.: +1 303 546 6000 Fax: +1 303 546 6557 Email: eu.info@golite.com Internet: www.golite.com

A5-200 FG-A91 Fjällräven Fjällräven AB Hemvärnsgatan 15, S-17154 Solna Tel.: +46 8 4043100 Fax: +46 8 292600 Email: info@fjalllraven.se Internet: www.fjallraven.se A6-205 Formthotics Foot Science International Ltd. 26 Dakota Cre., NZ-Christchurch Tel.: +64 3 348 2115 Fax: +64 3 348 0116 Email: info@formthotics.com Internet: www.formthotics.com A4-104 FG-A81 FUSE Pro Feet GmbH Alois-Türk-Straße 1, D-97424 Schweinfurt Tel.: +49 9721 50987 0 Fax: +49 9721 50987 209 Email: info@profeet.de Internet: www.we-dress-you-win.com

A3-107 GreenLand NATURE GreenLand NATURE GmbH Hofwiese 16, D-96352 Wilhelmsthal Tel.: +49 9260 964810 Fax: +49 9260 964811 Email: info@greenland-nature.de Internet: www.ledertaschen.de A4-104 FG-A81 H.A.D. Pro Feet GmbH Alois-Türk-Straße 1, D-97424 Schweinfurt Tel.: +49 9721 50987 0 Fax: +49 9721 50987 209 Email: info@profeet.de Internet: www.we-dress-you-win.com A1-303 Haglöfs Scandinavia AB Haglöfs Scandinavia AB

A4-501 GABEL Gabel S.r.l. Via Cassola, 50, I-36027 Rosà (VI) Tel.: +39 0424 561144 Fax: +39 0424 561266 Email: gabel@gabel.it Internet: www.gabel.it A5-300 Garmin Garmin Deutschland GmbH

B4-100 Halti Halti Oy Valimotie 5, FIN-1511 Vantaa Tel.: +358 9 852081 Fax: +358 9 85208300 Email: kalle.soderholm@halti.fi Internet: www.halti.com A5-501 FG-A101 Hannah Czech a.s. Hannah Czech a.s.

A6-304 GARMONT GARMONT SRL Via Spineda 12, I-31040 Volpago Del Montello (TV) Tel.: +39 0423 8726 Fax: +39 0423 621392 Email: info@garmont.com Internet: www.garmont.com

B1-507 Healthy Back Bag The Healthy Back Bag Company



Index of trademarks Markenverzeichnis | Elenco dei marchi commerciali | Catalogue des marques

A3-405 Heatgear

A4-404 IBEX merino

Heatgear Spireavej 21, DK-8462 Harlev J. Tel.: +45 72 100 007 Fax: +45 22 408 807 Email: info@heatgear.dk Internet: www.heatgear.dk

IBEX Sport GmbH Nassstrasse 12, CH-6315 Morgarten Tel.: +41 41 7506061 Fax: +41 41 7506059 Email: ibex@ibexsport.ch Internet: www.ibexsport.ch

A1-206 Helly Hansen

A4-510 iSoft

Helly Hansen Deutschland GmbH

Shin Han

A3-203 Hey Sport


Schweizer-Effax GmbH Westring 24, D-48356 Nordwalde Tel.: +49 2573 9373 0 Fax: +49 2573 9373 73 Email: info@schweizer-effax.com Internet: www.schweizer-effax.com

Italbastoni S.n.c. Via Roma, 108, I-38012 Taio (TN) Tel.: +39 0463 468044 Fax: +39 0463 468 771 Email: info@italbastoni.it Internet: www.italbastoni.it


B4-205 Jaba

SPORT 2000 Deutschland GmbH Nord-West-Ring-Straße 11, D-63533 Mainhausen Tel.: +49 6182 928 5493 Fax: +49 6182 928 5190 Email: info@sport2000.de Internet: www.sport2000.de

Batex GmbH

B4-400 High Peak Simex Sport GmbH Schiefbahner Straße 12, D-41748 Viersen Tel.: +49 2162 10200 0 Fax: +49 2162 10200 10 Email: info@simex-sport.de Internet: www.simex-sport.de

Jeantex Sportswear GmbH & Co. KG Adlerstraße 69-75, D-25462 Rellingen Tel.: +49 4101 555 0 Fax: +49 4101 555 198 Email: info@jeantex.com Internet: www.jeantex.com A4-313 JRC REFLEX

Hilleberg The Tentmaker AB

JRC Reflex 8 Rue Straubing, F-26100 Romans Tel.: +33 475 025770 Fax: +33 475 052414 Email: info@jrc-reflex.com Internet: www.jrc-reflex.com


A6-100 KAMIK

Holmenkol AG Wernher-von-Braun-Straße 3, D-71254 Heimerdingen Tel.: +49 7152 6101 0 Fax: +49 7152 6101 199 Email: info@holmenkol.com Internet: www.holmenkol.com

Kamik div. Genfoot International GmbH

A5-105 Hilleberg The Tentmaker

B2-513 HRT Ltd. Walltopia Ltd. B3-423 HydraKnight Taiwan Vertex Production Corp. A4-408 Hyperbola Hyperbola 5 F-1, No 337, Fu-Shin N. Rd., RC-105 Taipei Tel.: +886 2 2546 8231 Fax: +886 2 2546 8236 Email: service@hyperbola.com.tw Internet: www.hyperbola.com.tw



B2-604 KANU-Magazin Motor Presse Stuttgart GmbH & Co. KG Leuschnerstraße 1, D-70174 Stuttgart Tel.: +49 711 182 01 Internet: www.outdoorchannel.de A3-307 Katadyn Katadyn Produkte AG Birkenweg 4, CH-8304 Wallisellen Tel.: +41 44 839 2111 Fax: +41 44 830 7942 Email: info@katadyngroup.com Internet: www.katadyngroup.com

Index of trademarks Markenverzeichnis | Elenco dei marchi commerciali | Catalogue des marques

A6-201 Kayland

B2-204 La Sportiva

Kayland Sport Division of Novation S.p.a. Via Feltrina Sud, 172, I-31044 Montebelluna (TV) Tel.: +39 0423 2811 Fax: +39 0423 281324 Email: marco.capretta@novation.it Internet: www.kayland.com

La Sportiva S.p.A.


B1-501 FG-AKB1 Led Lenser

Everest GmbH

Zweibrüder Optoelectronics GmbH Kronenstraße 5-7, D-42699 Solingen Tel.: +49 212 5948 0 Fax: +49 212 5948 200 Email: info@zweibrueder.com Internet: www.zweibrueder.com

B2-604 klettern

A3-206 Lestra

Motor Presse Stuttgart GmbH & Co. KG Leuschnerstraße 1, D-70174 Stuttgart Tel.: +49 711 182 01 Internet: www.outdoorchannel.de

PositCon GmbH (Lestra Deutschland) Im Gaiern 12, D-71287 Weissach Tel.: +49 7044 90193 0 Fax: +49 7044 90193 20 Email: lestra@positcon.de Internet: www.lestra-sport.de


A1-501 KOMPERDELL Komperdell Sportartikel GmbH Wagnermühle 30, A-5310 Mondsee Tel.: +43 6232 42010 Fax: +43 6232 3545 Email: sales@komperdell.com Internet: www.komperdell.com A5-319 KOVEA Acecamp GmbH Sontraer Straße 6, D-60386 Frankfurt Tel.: +49 69 40148131 Fax: +49 69 40148133 Email: info@acecamp.de Internet: www.acecamp.de A4-100 K.WAY K-WAY Deutschland GmbH A1-402 LAFUMA Lafuma S.A. 6, rue Victor Lafuma BP 60, F-26140 Anneyron Tel.: +33 4 75 31 31 31 Fax: +33 4 75 31 57 26 Email: contact@lafuma.fr Internet: www.lafuma.com B1-412 LAGUIOLE Baladéo Coriolis SARL 22 Rue Charles Graindorge, F-93170 Bagnolet Tel.: +33 143 606666 Fax: +33 143 636262 Email: contact@baladeo.com Internet: www.baladeo.com B3-200 LAPIS

A4-302 Life is good Life is good Global Inc. B1-402 Life-Line Life-Line / Bemontex B.V. Münster Straße 50, D-49176 Hilter Tel.: +49 5424 1031 u. 1032 Fax: +49 5424 69349 Email: life-line@osnanet.de Internet: www.golifeline.com A5-107 LOAP LOAP/Piccollo, spol. s.r.o. Pernerova 35, CZ-18600 Praha Tel.: +420 225 386 437 Fax: +420 225 386 417 Email: export@piccollo.cz Internet: www.loap.cz A4-401 Löffler Löffler GmbH Südtiroler Straße 41, A-4910 Ried/Innkreis Tel.: +43 7752 84421 0 Fax: +43 7752 84421 193 Email: office@loeffler.at Internet: www.loeffler.at A6-103 Lorpen Industrias Savidai S.L. Lorpen Carretera General S/N, E-31760 Etxalar (Navarra) Tel.: +34 948 635384 Fax: +34 948 635238 Email: export@lorpen.com Internet: www.lorpen.com


A6-300 LOWA

B3-303 LaPLAYA --- Outdoor- / Thermoproducts

LOWA Sportschuhe GmbH Hauptstraße 19, D-85305 Jetzendorf Tel.: +49 8137 999 0 Fax: +49 8137 999 110 Email: info@lowa.de Internet: www.lowa.de

IPV GmbH Inheidener Produktions- und Vertriebsges. mbH



Index of trademarks Markenverzeichnis | Elenco dei marchi commerciali | Catalogue des marques

A5-305 Lundhags


Lundhags Skomakarna AB Atlantvägen 1, S-83005 Järpen Tel.: +46 647 665600 Fax: +46 647 665610 Email: info@lundhags.se Internet: www.lundhags.se

MASTERS Srl Via Capitelvecchio, 29, I-36061 Bassano del Grappa (VI) Tel.: +39 0424 524133 Fax: +39 0424 527924 Email: info@masters.it Internet: www.masters.it

B1-418 Mac in a Sac Target Dry Ltd.

A3-101 MATT Kopfüber by Bühler

A6-101 MADROCK Everest GmbH A5-228 MAGELLAN PPM GmbH Precise Positioning Management Grube 39a, D-82377 Penzberg Tel.: +49 8856 8030980 Fax: +49 8856 8030988 Email: info@ppmgmbh.de Internet: www.ppmgmbh.de

A3-103 MATT - MATTOLO SPORTS MATT - MATTOLO SPORTS, S.A. ZAMORA, 45, E-08005 Barcelona Tel.: +34 933 090912 Fax: +34 933 009559 Email: sole@matt-sports.com Internet: www.matt-sports.com A6-503 MBT Masai Marketing & Trading AG

A3-301 maier sports Maier Sports GmbH & Co. KG Nürtinger Straße 27, D-73257 Köngen Tel.: +49 7024 8000 0 Fax: +49 7024 8000 929 Email: info@maier-sports.de Internet: www.maier-sports.de B2-208 MAILLON RAPIDE Peguet & Cie 12 Rue des Buchillons, F-74105 Annemasse Tel.: +33 450 95 58 23 Fax: +33 450 92 22 06 Email: peguet@peguet.fr Internet: www.peguet.fr A3-400 Mammut Mammut Sports Group AG Industriestrasse Birren, CH-5703 Seon Tel.: +41 62 769 81 81 Fax: +41 62 769 82 47 Email: info@mammut.ch Internet: www.mammutsportsgroup.ch A1-109 MAPP Merino Designer Textiles International Ltd/MAPP Merino 11 Lovegrove Crescent, NZ-1701 Auckland Tel.: +64 9 272 4905 Fax: +64 9 272 4901 Email: shelley.parker@destex.co.nz Internet: www.mapp.co.nz A1-310 Marsupio Marsupio snc di Fusco Giuseppe & C. Via Cal Trevisana, 35, I-31044 Montebelluna (TV) Tel.: +39 0423 22356 Fax: +39 0423 21821 Email: marsupio@marsupio.it Internet: www.marsupio.it


A5-100 McNett Europe McNett Europe PO Box 1144, D-29684 Schwarmstedt Tel.: +49 5071 800072 Fax: +49 5071 800275 Email: sales@mcnetteurope.com Internet: www.mcnetteurope.com A6-213 medifoot by NAOT Naama Naot Germany GmbH Hohlstraße 4-6, D-76891 Bruchweiler-Bärenbach Tel.: +49 6394 9214 0 Fax: +49 6394 9214 15 Email: mail@theresiam.de Internet: www.theresiam.com B4-214 MERAS RIRI GROUP Via Catenazzi 23, CH-6850 Mendrisio Tel.: +41 91 640 6161 Fax: +41 91 646 5822 Email: riri@riri.com Internet: www.riri.com A5-100 MICRONET McNett Europe A1-401 MILLET MILLET SAS 21, rue du Pré Faucon - PAE Les Glaisins BP 60348, F-74943 Annecy Le Vieux Tel.: +33 450 69 59 59 Fax: +33 450 69 59 60 Email: millet@millet.fr Internet: www.millet.fr

Index of trademarks Markenverzeichnis | Elenco dei marchi commerciali | Catalogue des marques


A1-214 Minerale™


Cocona Europe

Monkey Hardware GmbH

Acecamp GmbH Sontraer Straße 6, D-60386 Frankfurt Tel.: +49 69 40148131 Fax: +49 69 40148133 Email: info@acecamp.de Internet: www.acecamp.de

A1-400 Montrail

A5-228 MyNav

Mountain Hardwear Geneva Business Center, Avenue des Morgines 12, CH-1213 Petit-Lancy Tel.: +41 22 870 9036 Fax: +41 22 870 9001 Email: fmeynent@mountainhardwear.com Internet: www.mountainhardwear.com

PPM GmbH Precise Positioning Management Grube 39a, D-82377 Penzberg Tel.: +49 8856 8030980 Fax: +49 8856 8030988 Email: info@ppmgmbh.de Internet: www.ppmgmbh.de

FG-AKA2 Monkey Hardware GmbH

A4-306 Montura Montura - Tasci srl Via Zotti 29, I-38068 Rovereto (TN) Tel.: +39 0464 431961 Fax: +39 0464 431925 Email: montura@montura.it Internet: www.montura.it B2-604 MountainBIKE Motor Presse Stuttgart GmbH & Co. KG Leuschnerstraße 1, D-70174 Stuttgart Tel.: +49 711 182 01 Internet: www.outdoorchannel.de A1-400 Mountain Hardwear Mountain Hardwear Geneva Business Center, Avenue des Morgines 12, CH-1213 Petit-Lancy Tel.: +41 22 870 9036 Fax: +41 22 870 9001 Email: fmeynent@mountainhardwear.com Internet: www.mountainhardwear.com A1-410 Mountainsmith Essential Elements Flughofstrasse 52, CH-8152 Glattbrugg Tel.: +41 44 874 6688 Fax: +41 44 874 6687 Email: info@essential-elements.ch Internet: www.essential-elements.ch B3-321 MS CREATIONS

A1-209 MYNAV MYNAV Outdoor Navigators Giove srl - Elda Group A4-510 Nanoplus Shin Han A6-213 NAOT Naama Naot Germany GmbH Hohlstraße 4-6, D-76891 Bruchweiler-Bärenbach Tel.: +49 6394 9214 0 Fax: +49 6394 9214 15 Email: mail@theresiam.de Internet: www.theresiam.com B2-303 NIHIL Nihil Climbing Rigtersbleek Zandvoort 10 - 1.35, NL-7521 BE Enschede Tel.: +31 5343 66603 Fax: +31 5343 66641 Email: info@nihilclimbing.com Internet: www.nihilclimbing.com A6-410 NOENE RYWAN sarl 26, rue Alexandre Volta - ZI Nord, F-77334 Meaux Cedex Tel.: +33 1 64 35 23 03 Fax: +33 1 64 35 00 15 Email: maxime@rywan.com Internet: www.rywan.com

Mountain Services Creations

A6-208 Nokian footwear

A3-404 MSR

Berner Ltd. Sport Department, Nokian footwear

Cascade Designs Ltd.

A5-301 Nomad

A4-505 MUND

Nomad Edisonstraat 82, NL-6902 PK Zevenaar Tel.: +31 316 583500 Fax: +31 316 583535 Email: tessa@nomad.info Internet: www.nomad.info

MUND SOCKS - MUNDOIMPORT S.L. Condado de Treviño, 13 Nave A5, E-09001 Burgos Tel.: +34 947 298638 - +34 947100108 Fax: +34 947 298517 Email: burgos@mundsocks.com Internet: www.mundsocks.com



Index of trademarks Markenverzeichnis | Elenco dei marchi commerciali | Catalogue des marques


B2-604 outdoor

Nordisk Freizeit Bollerslev GmbH Max-Weber-Straße 16, D-25451 Quickborn Tel.: +49 4106 7677 0 Fax: +49 4106 7677 14 Email: info@nordisk.de Internet: www.nordisk.de

Motor Presse Stuttgart GmbH & Co. KG Leuschnerstraße 1, D-70174 Stuttgart Tel.: +49 711 182 01 Internet: www.outdoorchannel.de

A4-500 Nordsen Nordsen Via Pasteur 6, I-37135 Verona Tel.: +390 45 8299 333 Fax: +390 45 8299 133 Email: info@nordsen.it Internet: www.nordsen.it A1-207 Norrøna Sport AS Norrona Sport AS Nye Vakás vei 20, N-1395 Hvalstad Tel.: +47 66 772400 Fax: +47 66 772401 Email: info@norrona.no Internet: www.norrona.com B4-212 NOSO Framis Italia SPA Via Dell'Agricoltura 9/15, I-20083 Vigano Di Gaggiano (MI) Tel.: +39 02 908051 Fax: +39 02 90805229 Email: info@framis.it Internet: www.framis.it A3-202 NOSQUITO CRAGHOPPERS Flachsland 29, D-22083 Hamburg Tel.: +49 40 76976770 Fax: +49 40 76976771 Email: verkauf@craghoppers.com Internet: www.craghoppers.com

OutDry - Nextec SRL Via del Bosco, 41, I-21052 Busto Arsizio (VA) Tel.: +39 0331 677611 Fax: +39 0331 677596 Internet: www.outdry.com A3-109 Outlyne Outlyne Sports AG Riedlöserstrasse, CH-7203 Landquart Tel.: +41 81 3006010 Fax: +41 81 3006011 Email: office@outlyne.com Internet: www.outlyne.com B1-102 Outwell Oase Outdoors ApS Kornvej 9, DK-7323 Give Tel.: +45 70228500 Fax: +45 70228505 Email: info@oase-outdoors.dk Internet: www.oase-outdoors.com A6-206 OverBoard Wasserdichte Taschen Vento GmbH A3-401 Peak Performance Peak Performance A3-404 Platypus Cascade Designs Ltd.

B1-509 N-rit

B3-504 Politainer

Naschem Co., Ltd #223-427, Seoknam-Dong, Seo-Ku, ROK-404-220 Incheon Tel.: +82 32 5812 777 Fax: +82 32 5814 121 Email: naschem@unitel.co.kr / tinalee@unitel.co.kr / thomaswon@unitel.co.kr Internet: www.naschem.co.kr

Promens Packaging GmbH

A3-307 Optimus Katadyn Produkte AG Birkenweg 4, CH-8304 Wallisellen Tel.: +41 44 839 2111 Fax: +41 44 830 7942 Email: info@katadyngroup.com Internet: www.katadyngroup.com


A1-107 OutDry

A6-411 Polygiene Therm-ic Products GmbH Nfg & Co. KG Fritz-Knoll-Straße 3, A-8200 Gleisdorf Tel.: +43 3112 36026 0 Fax: +43 3112 36026 31 Email: office@thermic.com Internet: www.thermic.com A4-101 R'ADYS Outdoor Clothing R'ADYS AG Egliweg 10, CH-2560 Nidau Tel.: +41 32 333 1313 Fax: +41 32 333 1314 Email: info@radys.com Internet: www.radys.com

Index of trademarks Markenverzeichnis | Elenco dei marchi commerciali | Catalogue des marques


A1-111 RealStick

B2-504 Rock Pillars - Ocún

SB-Yhtiöt Oy

Rock Pillars - Ocún Velenského 400, CZ-294 21 Béla Pod Bezdezem Tel.: +420 326 701 409 Fax: +420 326 702 371 Email: info@rpkomponent.cz Internet: www.rockpillars.com, www.ocun.com

A1-502 RECTA Suunto c/o Amer Sports Europe Services GmbH Hainbuchenring 9, D-82061 Neuried Tel.: +49 89 89 801 02 Fax: +49 89 89801 142 Email: vrana.pitois@amersports.com Internet: www.suunto.com B3-314 Red Fox Red Fox 7-1 Remeslennaya Street, RUS-197110 St. Petersburg Tel.: +7 812 449 2888 Fax: +7 812 449 2889 Email: all@redfox.ru Internet: www.redfox.ru A3-201 REGATTA Regatta GmbH Reichenberger Straße 1, D-84130 Dingolfing Tel.: +49 8731 31910 Fax: +49 8731 319368 Email: germany@regatta.com Internet: www.regatta.com A5-504 Rejka Rejka Reiner Kanzewitsch A3-101 RELAX Kopfüber by Bühler A5-100 REVIVEX McNett Europe B4-214 RIRI RIRI GROUP Via Catenazzi 23, CH-6850 Mendrisio Tel.: +41 91 640 6161 Fax: +41 91 646 5822 Email: riri@riri.com Internet: www.riri.com B2-604 RoadBIKE Motor Presse Stuttgart GmbH & Co. KG Leuschnerstraße 1, D-70174 Stuttgart Tel.: +49 711 182 01 Internet: www.outdoorchannel.de B1-102 Robens Oase Outdoors ApS Kornvej 9, DK-7323 Give Tel.: +45 70228500 Fax: +45 70228505 Email: info@oase-outdoors.dk Internet: www.oase-outdoors.com

B3-402 Royalbeach Royalbeach Watzmannstraße 1, D-83417 Kirchanschöring Tel.: +49 8685 9889 10 Fax: +49 8685 9889 77 Email: mail@royalbeach.de Internet: www.royalbeach.de A1-410 Rubytec Rubytec Hornweg 196c, NL-1432 GS Aalsmeer Tel.: +31 297 383 200 Fax: +31 2973 46212 Email: info@rubytec.com Internet: www.rubytec.com A5-309 RuffWear Original Doggear Aps. Tomrervaenget 5, DK-4700 Naestved Tel.: +45 55 997704 Fax: +45 55 997204 Email: info@odg.eu Internet: www.originaldoggear.com A6-410 RYWAN RYWAN sarl 26, rue Alexandre Volta - ZI Nord, F-77334 Meaux Cedex Tel.: +33 1 64 35 23 03 Fax: +33 1 64 35 00 15 Email: maxime@rywan.com Internet: www.rywan.com B2-105 SALTIC Saltic s.r.o. Nám T.G. Masaryka 5144, CZ-76001 Zlin Tel.: +420 577210639 Fax: +420 577 221128 Email: saltic@saltic.cz Internet: www.saltic.cz A3-101 SÄTILA Kopfüber by Bühler A5-216 SBH-Info-Systeme SBH Software Beratung GmbH St.-Pius-Straße 28a, D-53474 Ahrweiler Tel.: +49 6021 4986 0 Internet: www.sbh-software.de



Index of trademarks Markenverzeichnis | Elenco dei marchi commerciali | Catalogue des marques



Calzaturificio S.C.A.R.P.A. Spa Viale Enrico Fermi, 1, I-31011 Asolo (TV) Tel.: +39 0423 5284 Fax: +39 0423 528599 Email: info@scarpa.net Internet: www.scarpa.net

McNett Europe

A3-300 Schöffel Schöffel Sportbekleidung GmbH Ludwig-Schöffel-Straße 15, D-86830 Schwabmünchen Tel.: +49 8232 5006 0 Fax: +49 8232 5006 72787 Email: mail@schoeffel.com Internet: www.schoeffel.com A4-210 SeaCell smartfiber AG Breitscheidstraße 154, D-07407 Rudolstadt Tel.: +49 3672 3494 0 Fax: +49 3672 3494 34 Email: mail@smartfiber.de Internet: www.smartfiber.de

Simply Rock Molkereistraße 3, D-97199 Ochsenfurt Tel.: +49 9331 980 972 Fax: +49 9331 980 975 Email: info@simply-rock.com Internet: www.simply-rock.com A4-410 SINGTEX SINGTEX Industrial Co., Ltd. No. 10, Wu-Chun 2 Rd.Wu-Ku Industrial Park, Hsinchuang City, RC-24892 Taipei Hsien Tel.: +886 2 8512 7888 Fax: +886 2 2298 9888 Email: gene@singtex.com Internet: www.singtex.com B3-306 SIREX

Cascade Designs Ltd.

IMBEMA KUNSTSTOFFCHEMIE GMBH Enzstraße 17, D-70806 Kornwestheim Tel.: +49 7154-3091 Fax: +49 7154-24714 Email: info@imbema.de Internet: www.imbema.de


A4-305 Skins

McNett Europe

Shin Han

Skins GmbH Gautinger Straße 10, D-82319 Starnberg Tel.: +49 8151 656550 Fax: +49 8151 656530 Email: christian.scheffold@skins.net Internet: www.skins.net

A6-412 Sharx Footwear

B3-203 Skylotec

Yacht Boot Company (YBC)

Skylotec GmbH

A5-400 SIGG

FG-A83 Slackline-Tools

SIGG Switzerland AG Walzmühlestrasse 62, CH-8501 Frauenfeld Tel.: +41 52 728 63 30 Fax: +41 52 728 63 07 Email: info@sigg.com Internet: www.sigg.com

Slackline-Tools Marktstätte 17, D-78462 Konstanz Tel.: +49 7531 36329 12 Fax: +49 7531 36329 42 Email: info@slackline-tools.de Internet: www.slackline-tools.de

A3-404 SealLine

A4-510 Sensortech

B1-404 SIGMA SPORT SIGMA Elektro GmbH Dr.-Julius-Leber-Straße 15, D-67433 Neustadt Tel.: +49 6321 9120 0 Fax: +49 6321 9120 34 Email: info@sigmasport.com Internet: www.sigmasport.com


B2-602 Simply Rock

A5-318 Slackstar Slackstar Braun GmbH A4-510 Slimlite Shin Han


A4-210 smartcel

SILKBODY P.O. BOX 5155, Moray Place, NZ-9058 Dunedin Tel.: +64 3 4740425 Fax: +64 3 4740625 Email: david@silkbody.co.nz Internet: www.silkbody.co.nz

smartfiber AG Breitscheidstraße 154, D-07407 Rudolstadt Tel.: +49 3672 3494 0 Fax: +49 3672 3494 34 Email: mail@smartfiber.de Internet: www.smartfiber.de

Index of trademarks Markenverzeichnis | Elenco dei marchi commerciali | Catalogue des marques



A3-204 STORM

Fun4U Sportproduktion GmbH Rheinstraße 29c, D-53844 Troisdorf Tel.: +49 2241 975133 Fax: +49 2241 8790275 Email: info@fun4u-sports.de Internet: www.fun4u-sports.de

Storm Waterproofing Keys Road, Nix's Hill, GB-DE55 7FQ Alfreton Tel.: +44 1773 521309 Fax: +44 1773 521430 Email: tim@storm-group.net Internet: www.stormwaterproofing.com

A6-100 Sno-Seal

A1-204 Sub Zero

Sno-Seal / Genfoot Marketing Europe GmbH

Sub Zero Technology Ltd.

B3-107 Snugpak


Snugpak Ltd. Waterloo Mills, Howden Road, GB-BD20 0HA Silsden Tel.: +44 1535 654479 Fax: +44 1535 652503 Email: softie@snugpak.com Internet: www.snugpak.com

Sunway - Hosen GmbH Lindenstraße 15, D-73550 Waldstetten Wissgoldingen Tel.: +49 7162 24693 Fax: +49 7162 24793 Email: info@sunway-hosen.de Internet: www.sunway-hosen.de

FW-118 SPORT-Adressbuch

A1-300 Superfeet - The Premium Insole

SPORT-Adressbuch - Kern Verlag

Superfeet - The Premium Insole PO Box 14008, GB-EH9 1YF, Edinburgh Tel.: +44 8000 323 505 Fax: +44 8000 323 515 Email: info@anatom.co.uk Internet: www.superfeet.com

A3-203 Sport Lavit Schweizer-Effax GmbH Westring 24, D-48356 Nordwalde Tel.: +49 2573 9373 0 Fax: +49 2573 9373 73 Email: info@schweizer-effax.com Internet: www.schweizer-effax.com A5-228 SPOT PPM GmbH Precise Positioning Management Grube 39a, D-82377 Penzberg Tel.: +49 8856 8030980 Fax: +49 8856 8030988 Email: info@ppmgmbh.de Internet: www.ppmgmbh.de B2-301 STEALTH Five Ten Europe Kapucijnendreef 32, B-3090 Overijse Tel.: +32 2 65 76160 Fax: +32 2 65 76155 Email: cust.service@fiveteneurope.be Internet: www.fiveten.com

A4-507 SUPERROUBAIX Miti spa Via Papa Giovanni XXIII, 320, I-24059 Urgnano (BG) Tel.: +39 035 419 2081 Fax: +39 035 419 2087 Email: marketing@mitispa.it Internet: www.mitispa.it A1-502 SUUNTO Suunto c/o Amer Sports Europe Services GmbH Hainbuchenring 9, D-82061 Neuried Tel.: +49 89 89 801 02 Fax: +49 89 89801 142 Email: vrana.pitois@amersports.com Internet: www.suunto.com B3-109 Targex Winsport / Transworld & Associates Co., Ltd.

A3-210 SteriPEN - Safe Drinking Water Anywhere STERIPEN by Hydro-Photon Inc. 262 Ellsworth Road, USA-04614 ME Blue Hill Tel.: 207-374-5880 Fax: 207-374-5100 Email: international@steripen.com Internet: www.steripen.com

B3-400 Tasmanian Tiger Tasmanian Tiger c/o Tatonka GmbH Robert-Bosch-Str. 3, D-86453 Dasing Tel.: +49 8205 9602 0 Fax: +49 8205 9602 40 Email: info@tatonka.com Internet: www.tasmaniantiger.tatonka.com



Index of trademarks Markenverzeichnis | Elenco dei marchi commerciali | Catalogue des marques


A3-404 Therm-a-Rest

Tatonka GmbH Robert-Bosch-Str. 3, D-86453 Dasing Tel.: +49 8205 9602 0 Fax: +49 8205 9602 30 Email: info@tatonka.com Internet: www.tatonka.com

Cascade Designs Ltd.

A4-403 TBS TBS Technisynthese Service Export Route de Chaudron en Mauges, F-49111 St. Pierre Montlimart Cédex Tel.: +33 241 753892 Fax: +33 241 753304 Email: export@tbs.fr Internet: www.tbs.fr A1-211 Tech4o Eureka! Europe / Nigor Net B.V. A3-106 TECNOPILE, NO WIND, NOWINDPRO, TECNOPILE ENGINEERED, TECNOWOOL, TECNOSTRETCH, TECNOKNIT, DRYFAST, SOFTSHELL, PONTETORTO ECOSYSTEM Pontetorto SPA A1-301 Teko Teko PO Box 14008, GB-EH9 1YF Edinburgh Tel.: +44 8000 323 505 Fax: +44 8000 323 515 Email: info@anatom.co.uk Internet: www.tekosocks.com

A6-411 Therm-ic Therm-ic Products GmbH Nfg & Co. KG Fritz-Knoll-Straße 3, A-8200 Gleisdorf Tel.: +43 3112 36026 0 Fax: +43 3112 36026 31 Email: office@thermic.com Internet: www.thermic.com A4-315 Thermo°Cool™ Advansa Marketing GmbH A4-315 Thermolite® Advansa Marketing GmbH A4-507 THERMOROUBAIX Miti spa Via Papa Giovanni XXIII, 320, I-24059 Urgnano (BG) Tel.: +39 035 419 2081 Fax: +39 035 419 2087 Email: marketing@mitispa.it Internet: www.mitispa.it B4-201 Think Pink Think Pink- G.B.International Spa B1-508 Tilley Tilley Endurables Ltd.

A5-310 Tentipi Tentipi A1-212 Ternua Ternua / Import Arrasate, S.A. Pol. Ind. Kataide S/N, E-20500 Arrasate-Mondragon, Gipuzkoa Tel.: +34 943 712 034 Fax: +34 943 712 820 Email: infor@ternua.com Internet: www.ternua.com B3-500 B3-501 Teva TEVA (Deckers Europe Ltd) 83-84 George St., GB-TW9 1HE Richmond, Surrey Tel.: +44 208 334 2900 Fax: +44 1932 850 667 Internet: www.teva.com B4-204 The Mobile Society Action Sports GmbH Carlo-Schmid-Straße 11, D-52146 Würselen Tel.: +49 2405 6060 Fax: +49 2405 606150 Email: info@action-sports.de Internet: www.action-sports.de


A5-319 Ti-Time Acecamp GmbH Sontraer Straße 6, D-60386 Frankfurt Tel.: +49 69 40148131 Fax: +49 69 40148133 Email: info@acecamp.de Internet: www.acecamp.de A4-508 TIZIP Titex Vertriebs GmbH Rainstraße 6, D-91560 Heilsbronn Tel.: +49 9872 800 188 Fax: +49 9872 800 288 Email: info@tizip.com Internet: www.tizip.com A4-312 TORAY Toray International Europe GmbH Hugenottenallee 175, D-63263 Neu-Isenburg Tel.: +49 6102 7999 0 Fax: +49 6102 7999 292 Email: tex-2@toray-intl.de Internet: www.torayentrant.com

Index of trademarks Markenverzeichnis | Elenco dei marchi commerciali | Catalogue des marques


A3-403 Trangoworld

A5-204 VIKING Footwear GmbH

Trangoworld Poligono Industrial Malpica Calle C Parcela 102 B1/F, E-50057 Zaragoza Tel.: +34 976 421100 Fax: +34 976 416793 Email: info@trangoworld.com Internet: www.trangoworld.com

Viking Footwear GmbH Lillenthalallee 40, D-80939 München Tel.: +49 89 32186879 Fax: +49 89 32195299 Email: a.klima@vikingfootwear.com Internet: www.vikingfootwear.com

A3-307 Trek'n Eat Katadyn Produkte AG Birkenweg 4, CH-8304 Wallisellen Tel.: +41 44 839 2111 Fax: +41 44 830 7942 Email: info@katadyngroup.com Internet: www.katadyngroup.com A6-402 TREZETA Trezeta - MGM S.p.A. Via Trento e Trieste 112/c, I-31050 Cavasagra di Vedelago (TV) Tel.: +39 0423 489310 Fax: +39 0423 489291 Email: info@hypro.it / info@trezeta.com Internet: www.trezeta.com

A1-211 Vital Stove Eureka! Europe / Nigor Net B.V. A1-504 WÄFO Ziegler Textil GmbH Hinter Winterbach 1, D-77794 Lautenbach Tel.: +49 7802 980086 Fax: +49 7802 980088 Email: info@ziegler-textil.de Internet: www.waefo.de A6-206 Waldies Schuhe Vento GmbH A5-206 WALKSTOOL

A5-500 tropicare

Scandinavian Touch AB

Tropicare / Tropenzorg BV Zwenkgrasstraat 5, NL-1313 LC Almere Tel.: +31 36 5334711 Fax: +31 36 5344975 Email: info@tropicare.eu Internet: www.tropicare.eu



Warmpeace s.r.o.

TSL Outdoor 9, rue du Pré Faucon, F-74940 Annecy le Vieux Tel.: +33 4 50102828 Fax: +33 4 50012897 Email: tsl@tsloutdoor.com Internet: www.tsloutdoor.com FG-A71 Tukeke Hängematten ID Sports GmbH Gibbon Slacklines B3-103 Usteto Usteto Climbing Walls B4-306 va2or HBSD B2-305 VAUDE Sport GmbH & Co. KG VAUDE Sport GmbH & Co. KG Vaude-Straße 2, D-88069 Tettnang Tel.: +49 7542 5306 0 Fax: +49 7542 5306 60 Email: info@vaude.com Internet: www.vaude.com

Walltopia Ltd. B3-406 WARMPEACE

A1-210 WENGER WENGER S.A. Route de Bâle 63, CH-2800 Delémont Tel.: +41 32 421 3900 Fax: +41 32 421 3999 Email: info@wenger.ch Internet: www.wenger.ch B2-606 Wild Climb Wild Climb Schloßberg 4, D-66996 Erfweiler Tel.: +49 6391 409 600 Fax: +49 6391 409 601 Email: jdommermuth@t-online.de A4-307 Wild Roses Wild Roses - CDA Vicolo Morosella, 2, I-24050 Grassobbio (BG) Tel.: +39 035 3846101 Fax: +39 035 3846102 Email: silvia.ferrari@cda-italy.com Internet: www.wildroses.it



Index of trademarks Markenverzeichnis | Elenco dei marchi commerciali | Catalogue des marques

A4-504 Wind x-treme Wind x-treme - Actual Colors BCN S.L. c / Polonia, 5 (local), E-08024 Barcelona Tel.: +34 93 2850288 Fax: +34 93 2190769 Email: wind@zonawind.com Internet: www.zonawind.com B3-109 Winsport Winsport / Transworld & Associates Co., Ltd. Suite 2301, Metro Centre (2), HK-Kowloon Bay Tel.: +852 2318 1166 Fax: +852 2757 4828 Email: winsport@winsport.com.hk / targex@targex.net Internet: www.winsport.com.hk / www.targex.net A6-411 X-Action Lenz GmbH Staudachstraße 3, A-6858 Schwarzach Tel.: +43 3112 36026 0 Fax: +43 3112 36026 31 Email: office@thermic.com Internet: www.thermic.com / www.x-action.at B4-200 X-BIONIC - Turn Sweat into Energy (new logo) X-Bionic - Treré SRL Via Modena 18, I-46041 Asola (MN) Tel.: +39 0376 718635 Fax: +39 0376 718651 Email: l.boccola@trereinnovation.it Internet: www.x-bionic.com B4-200 X-SOCKS X-Bionic - Treré SRL Via Modena 18, I-46041 Asola (MN) Tel.: +39 0376 718635 Fax: +39 0376 718651 Email: l.boccola@trereinnovation.it Internet: www.x-bionic.com A6-410 XTENEX Xtenex Distrisud 11 Rue Bazin, F-78000 Versailles Tel.: +33 1 39 508594 Fax: +33 1 39 508594 Email: eric@xtenex.fr Internet: www.xtenex.fr A4-310 YKK YKK Europe Ltd. Kirchhofstraße 52, D-42327 Wuppertal Tel.: +49 202 7493 556 Fax: +49 202 7493 301 Email: shiori_matsuda@ykkeurope.com Internet: www.ykkeurope.com B4-407 ZeroWind Pidigi S.p.A.


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Index of products

108 109 104 105 103 106 107 113 118 101 100 110 115 111 114 112 102 116 117

Avalanche rescue equipment Chalk powder bags Climbing belts Climbing helmets Climbing holds / Boulder holds Climbing mats / Crash Pads Climbing walls / Boulder walls Crampons Hiking Poles Ice equipment and accessories Mountaineering Equipment Nordic Walking Poles Poles Ropes Ski Skins Slacklines Snap links and accessories Telemark equipment Touring ski bindings

152 164 160 161 150 155 156 166 154 159 162 172 157 165 158 167 163 168 169 170 171 151 173 174 175 176 153

Boating outfits Caul scarves Children’s clothing Climbing wear Clothing Cycling wear Down clothing Ear muffs Feather down clothing Gloves Headgear Knitwear Leisure wear Neoprene clothing Practical underwear Rainwear Running wear Scarves Ski clothing Snowboard clothing Socks / Stockings Swim wear Thermal clothing Touring ski wear Traditional costumes Trekking wear Woman's wear

304 300 303 301 302 305 306 308 309 310 307 311 314 313

Camp beds Camping equipment Foldable furniture Fuel Furnishings Grill Accessories Hammocks Mats of all kinds Mosquito nets and protection Repair kits Stoves, cooking equipment Tarpaulins Tent accessories Tents

350 Bicycles accessories 352 Bicycles bags 351 Bicycles computers 402 Baby carriers

200 201 202 203

Life rescue equipment Rescue blankets Shovels, spades Signalling devices (whistles, flares etc.) 204 Survival equipment 250 254 256 255 251 252 260 253 261 257 258

Boats and accessories Canadian canoes Canoe accessories Canoes Foldable canoes Helmets Inflatable dinghies Kayaks Life jackets Paddles Rafts

451 Displays 450 Shop furnishings 501 502 505 504 500 503 506

Books Digital maps Guidebooks Maps Media Specialist literature Videos

554 552 556 553 558 559 550 551

Altimeters Binoculars Compasses GPS navigation equipment Infrared instruments Meteorological stations Navigation + optical equipment Rangefinder

600 604 601 603 602

Care Products Detergent, cleaning Impregnating Leather care products Personal hygiene

654 652 653 655 651 656 657 650 660 658 659 661

Backpacks for dogs Bicycle rucksacks Camera bags Climbing rucksacks Daypacks Luggage backpacks Pack sacks, bags Rucksacks / Backpacks Rucksacks accessories Travel rucksacks Travelling bags, grips Trekking rucksacks

701 702 703 700 704

Bivouac bags Down sleeping bags Sleeping bag inlets Sleeping bags Synthetic fibres

752 757 758 756 753 754 751 759 755 760 761 764 765 763 750 762 766 767 768 769

Boating footwear Children’s shoes Climbing shoes Galoshes, Wellingtons Inlay soles Leisure shoes Mountain boots Nordic Walking shoes Rubber soles Running shoes Sandals Shoe care products Shoe driers Shoelaces Shoes and accessories Snow shoes Telemark shoes Touring ski shoes Traditional costume shoes Trekking shoes

810 805 806 800 812 816 804 807 808 803 811 802 813 814 809 815

Breathable membranes Coated fabrics Emblems Fabrics and fibres Fabrics for sleeping bags Fabrics for tents Fasteners for clothing Fibres Fleece fabrics Printing and flocking Reflectors Ribbons of all kinds Softshells Stretch fabrics Threads and yarns Waterproof fabrics

969 957 970 975 971 951 976 977 978 979 980 987 962 973 972 983

Nordic Blading Nutrition Outdoor Fitness Pedometers Pulse rate meters Rechargeable batteries Software (computer) Solar Sport computers Thermometers / Hygrometers Thermoplastic accessories Tools Towels Travel Accessories Umbrellas Watches

851 Aluminium boxes 852 Cooler bags and insulated containers 853 Plastic containers 850 Transport containers 854 Water canisters 900 Associations 901 Purchasing associations 950 985 974 955 965 981 982 984 952 954 961 964 960 968 958 966 967 959 986 963

Accessories Anti-theft devices Buckles Cross Skates Dog accessories Drinking bottles Drinking systems Fasteners Fishing Gear Glasses / Spectacles Health protection (Water sterilization, Insecticides, first aid) Heart rate monitors Hip-flasks Knives Labels Lamps / Lights Leather accessories Lighters Merchandising systems Mobile phones, Walkie-Talkies



100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118

Bergsportausrüstung / Hardware Eisgeräte und Zubehör Karabiner und Zubehör Klettergriffe / Bouldergriffe Klettergurte Kletterhelme Klettermatten / Bouldermatten Kletterwände / Boulderwände Lawinenrettung / -Zubehör Magnesium / Magnesiumbeutel Nordic Walking Stöcke Seile Slacklines Steigeisen Steigfelle Stöcke Telemarkequipment Tourenskibindungen Wanderstöcke

150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176

Bekleidung Badebekleidung Bootsbekleidung Damenbekleidung Daunenbekleidung Fahrradbekleidung Fleecebekleidung Freizeitbekleidung / T-Shirts Funktionsunterwäsche Handschuhe Kinderbekleidung Kletterbekleidung Kopfbedeckungen aller Art Laufbekleidung Multifunktionstücher Neoprenbekleidung Ohrenschützer / -wärmer Regenbekleidung Schals Skibekleidung Snowboardbekleidung Socken / Strümpfe Strickwaren Thermobekleidung Tourenskibekleidung Trachtenbekleidung Trekkingbekleidung

200 201 202 203

Rettungstechnik Rettungsdecken Schaufeln, Spaten Signalmittel (Pfeifen, Leuchtfeuer, etc.) 204 Survival Ausrüstung 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 260 261


Boote und Zubehör Faltboote Helme Kajak Kanadier Kanus Kanuzubehör Paddel Rafts Schlauchboote Schwimmwesten

300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 313 314

Campingausrüstung Brennstoffe Campingmöbel Faltmöbel Feldbetten Grill-Zubehör Hängematten / Hängesessel Kocher, Kochergeschirr, Kochsysteme Matten aller Art Moskitonetze, -schutz Reparaturmaterial Tarps Zelte Zeltzubehör (Häringe, Stangen, etc. )

350 Fahrradzubehör 351 Fahrradcomputer 352 Fahrradtaschen 402 Kraxen / Kindertragen 450 Ladeneinrichtungen 451 Displays 500 501 502 503 504 505 506

Medien Bücher Digitale Landkarten Fachliteratur Landkarten Reiseführer Videos

550 Navigationssysteme / optische Geräte 551 Entfernungsmesser 552 Ferngläser 553 GPS - Navigationsgeräte 554 Höhenmesser 556 Kompasse 558 Nachtsichtgeräte 559 Wetterstationen 600 601 602 603 604

Pflegemittel Imprägniermittel aller Art Körperpflege / Hygieneartikel Lederpflegemittel Waschmittel / Reinigung

650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661

Rucksäcke / Reisegepäck Daypacks Fahrradrucksäcke Fototaschen Hunderucksäcke Kletterrucksäcke Kofferrucksäcke Packsäcke / -beutel Reiserucksäcke Reisetaschen Rucksackzubehör Trekkingrucksäcke

700 701 702 703 704

Schlafsäcke Biwaksäcke Daunenschlafsäcke Inlets Kunstfaser

750 751 752 753 754 755 756 757 758 759 760 761 762 763 764 765 766 767 768 769

Schuhe und Zubehör Bergschuhe Bootschuhe Einlegesohlen Freizeitschuhe Gummisohlen Gummistiefel Kinderschuhe Kletterschuhe Nordic Walking Schuhe Runningschuhe Sandalen Schneeschuhe Schnürsenkel Schuhpflegeprodukte Schuhtrockner Telemarkschuhe Tourenskischuhe Trachtenschuhe Trekkingschuhe

800 802 803 804 805 806 807 808 809 810 811 812 813 814 815 816

Stoffe und Fasern Bänder aller Art Bedrucken und Beflocken Bekleidungsverschlüsse Beschichtete Stoffe Embleme Fasern Fleecestoffe Garne Klimamembrane Reflektoren Schlafsackstoffe Softshells Stretchgewebe Wasserdichte Gewebe Zeltstoffe

850 851 852 853 854

Transportbehälter Aluboxen Kühl- und Isolierbehälter Kunststoffbehälter Wasserkanister

900 Verbände 901 Einkaufsverbände 950 951 952 954 955 957 958 959 960 961

962 963 964 965 966 967 968 969 970 971

Zubehör / Sonstiges Akku Angelausrüstung Brillen aller Art Cross Skates Ernährung Etiketten Feuerzeuge Flachmänner Gesundheitsschutz (Insektenvertr. Produkte, Erste Hilfe, Wasserentkeimer) Handtücher Handys, Funkgeräte Herzfrequenzmesser Hundezubehör Lampen aller Art, Beleuchtung Lederaccessoires Messer Nordic Blading Outdoor Fitness Pulsmesser

972 973 974 975 976 977 978 979 980 981 982 983 984 985 986 987

Regenschirme Reisezubehör Schnallen Schrittzähler Software (Computer) Solar Sportcomputer Thermometer / Hygrometer Thermoplastic Accessoires Trinkflaschen Trinksysteme Uhren Verschlüsse Warensicherung Warenwirtschaftssysteme Werkzeuge

Catalogue produits

115 110 118 104 105 111 113 100 108 116 117

114 103 112

Bâtons Bâtons de nordic walking Bâtons de randonnée Baudriers d’escalade Casques d’escalade Cordes Crampons Equipement d'escalade Equipement pour avalanche Equipement télémark Fixations et bâtons de skis de randonnée Magnésie - sac à pof Matériel glace et accessoires Matelas d’escalade / d’escalade de bloc Mousquetons, accessoires Murs d’escalade / Murs de boulder Peaux pour skis de randonnée Prises Slacklines

162 171 175 168 164 159 172 166 158 150 155 163 151 157 167 169 174 176 154 161 173 165 156 160 153 170 152

Bonnets, chapeaux, etc. Chaussettes Costumes traditionnels Echarpes Foulards multifonctions Gants Gilets Protège-oreilles Sous - vêtements fonctionnels Vêtements Vêtements pour cyclistes Vêtements course à pied Vêtements de bain Vêtements de loisirs Vêtements de pluie Vêtements de ski - alpin Vêtements de ski - de randonnée Vêtements de trekking Vêtements duvet Vêtements d’escalade Vêtements isothermes Vêtements néoprène Vêtements polaires Vêtements pour enfants Vêtements pour femmes Vêtements snowboard Vêtements yachting

109 101 106 102 107

201 200 204 203

Couverture de sauvetage Equipement de sauvetage Equipement de survie Moyens de signalisation (sifflet, balise lumineuse) 202 Pelles, bêches 256 250 260 251 255 254 252 261 253 257 258

Accessoires pour canoë Bateaux Accessoires Bateaux gonflables Bateaux pliants Canots Canoës Casques Gilets de sauvetage Kayaks Pagaies Rafts

314 311 301 300 305 306 304 308 310 302 303 309 307 313

Accessoires pour tentes Auvents Combustible Equipements de camping Grill Accessoires Hamacs Lits de camp Matelas Matériel de réparation Meubles de camping Meubles pliants Protection contre les moustiques Réchauds, matériel de cuisine Tentes

350 Accessoires vélo 351 Ordinateurs de vélo 352 Sacoches vélo 402 Sacs à dos porte-bébé 450 Fourniture du magasin 451 Présentoirs 502 Cartes géographiques digitale 504 Cartes géographiques numériques 505 Guides touristiques 503 Littérature spécialisée 501 Livres 500 Medias 506 Vidéos 554 558 550 553 556 552 559 551

Altimètres Appareil infrarouge Appareils de navigation + optique Appareils de navigation GPS Boussoles Jumelles Stations météo Télémètres

604 601 600 603 602

Lessive, Nettoyage Produit Imperméabilisants Produits d'entretien Produits pour l'entretien du cuir Soins du corps / hygiène corporelle

660 651 656 653 657 659 650 661 658 655 654 652

Accessoires pour sacs à dos Daypacks Sac de voyage Sac pour appareil photo Sacoches Sacs de voyage Sacs à dos Sacs à dos de trekking Sacs à dos de voyage Sacs à dos d’escalade Sacs à dos pour chiens Sacs à dos pour randonnées à vélo

703 Enveloppes intérieures sac de couchage 704 Fibres artificielles 701 Sacs de bivouac 700 Sacs de couchage 702 Sacs de couchage duvets

756 760 759 766 758 754 751 767 769 752 757 750 762 768

761 755 753 765

Bottes en caoutchouc Chaussure course à pied Chaussure de nordic walking Chaussure du télémark Chaussures de grimpe Chaussures de loisir Chaussures de montagne Chaussures de ski de randonnée Chaussures de trekking Chaussures de yachting Chaussures d’enfant Chaussures et accessoires Chaussures et bottes de neige Chaussures pour costumes traditionnels Lacets Produits d'entretien pour chaussures Sandales Semelle de caoutchouc Semelles intérieures Séchoir à chaussures

806 804 807 809 803 808 810 811 802 813 805 800 815 812 816 814

Emblèmes Fermetures vestimentaires Fibres Fils Impression et flocage Matières molletonnées Membrane climatique Réflecteurs Sangles en tout genre Softshells Tissus enduits Tissus et fibres Tissus imperméables Tissus pour sac de couche Tissus pour tente Tissus élastiques

851 853 850 852 854

Boîtes d'aluminium Récipient en plastic Récipients de transport Récipients frigorifiques et isolants Réservoirs d’eau

763 764

954 Lunettes en tous genres 964 Mesureurs de fréquence cardiaque 983 Montres 969 Nordic Blading 978 Ordinateurs de sport 970 Outdoor Fitness 987 Outil 972 Parapluie 975 Podomètres 963 Portable, Appareils radio 961 Protection de la santé (Désinfections, de l'eau, Insecticides) 962 Serviette 977 Solaire 982 Système porte boisson 986 Système électroniques pour la gestion du matérial 979 Thermomètres / hygromètres

900 Associations 901 Centrales d'achat 950 967 973 965 980 951 957 974 959 971 968 955 985 952 958 984 960 981 966 976

Accessoires Accessoires de cuir Accessoires de voyage Accessoires pour le chien Accessoires thermoplastiques Accumulateurs Aliments Boucles Briquet Cardiofréquencemètres Couteaux Crosskates Dispositifs anti-vol Equipement de pêche Etiquettes Fermetures Flasques Gourdes Lampes Logiciels (ordinateurs)


Elenco merceologico

108 117 101 115 118 110 111 105 100 116 104 103 102 107 114 113 109 112 106

Accessorie antilavine Attacchi per sci alpinismo Attrezzi per ghiaccio, accessori Bastoni Bastoni da escursionismo Bastoni per nordic walking Corde Elmetti Equipaggiamento per montagna Equipaggiamento telemark Imbracature da roccia Maniglie da roccia / Maniglie da boulder Moschettoni, accessori Pareti d'arrampicata / Pareti da bouldering Pelli di foca Ramponi Sacchetto di magnesio Slacklines Stuoie per roccia / stuoie per bouldering

258 Rafting 314 306 300 301 307 305 304 302 310 303 308 313 311 309

Accessori per tende Amache Attrezzatura da campeggio Combustibile Fornelletti, stoviglie, sistemi per cottura Grill accessori Letti da campo Mobili da campeggio Prodotti per riparazioni Sedia ripiegabili Stuoie Tende Verande per tende Zanzariere, protezioni da insetti

350 Accessori per bici 352 Borse per bici 351 Computer per biciclette 402 Portambimbo

150 155 163 152 167 161 170 176 153 156 165 154 160 174 169 157 173 175 158 171 162 159 172 151 166 168 164

Abbigliamento Abbigliamento da bici Abbigliamento da corsa Abbigliamento da imbarcazione Abbigliamento da pioggia Abbigliamento da roccia Abbigliamento da snowboard Abbigliamento da trekking Abbigliamento femminile Abbigliamento in fleece Abbigliamento in neoprene Abbigliamento in piumino Abbigliamento per bambini Abbigliamento sci - alpinismo Abbigliamento sci - alpino Abbigliamento tempo libero Abbigliamento termico Abbigliamento tradizionale Biancheria funzionale Calze Cappelli, berretto, p.e. Guanti Maglieria Moda mare Proteggi orecchie Sciarpe Teli multi funzione

203 Attrezzi da segnalazione (fischietti, razzi,ecc.) 201 Coperte di salvataggio 204 Equipaggiamento di sopravvivenza 202 Pale, vanghe 200 Tecniche di salvataggio 256 254 255 260 251 252 261 250 253 257


Accessori per canoa Canadesi Canoe Canotti Canotti pieghevoli Caschi Giubbotti di salvataggio Imbarcazioni ed accessori Kayak Pagaie

450 Arredo per negozi 451 Displays 504 502 505 501 503 500 506

Carte geografiche Carte geografiche digitali Guide Libri Libri specializzati Massmedia Video

554 558 552 556 553 559 550 551

Altimetri Binocoli infrarossi Binocoli, cannocchiali Bussole GPS - Strumenti di navigazione Stazioni meteorologiche Strumenti di navigazione e ottici Telemetri

602 604 601 600 603

Cura del corpo, Articoli igienici Detersivi, Pulizia Impermeabilizzanti Prodotti da manutenzione Prodotti per la cura del cuoio

660 656 653 654 657 651 650 652 655 661 658

Accessori per zaini Borse da viaggio Borse per fotografi Borse per il cane Borse portapacchi Daypacks Zaini Zaini da bicicletta Zaini da roccia Zaini da trekking Zaini da viaggio

703 704 700 702 701

Federa per sacchi a pelo Fibre sintetiche Sacchi a pelo Sacchi a pelo in piumino Sacchi da bivacco

757 760 752 759 769 750 767 754 768 765 763 764 762 761 758 766 751 753 756 755

Calzature da bambino Calzature da corsa Calzature da imbarcazione Calzature da nordic walking Calzature da trekking Calzature ed Accessori Calzature per sci - alpinismo Calzature per tempo libero Calzature tirolesi Dispositivi di asciugamento per calzature Lacci da scarpa Prodotti per la cura delle scarpe Racchette da neve Sandali Scarpe da roccia Scarpe di telemark Scarponi Solette Stivali di gomma Suole di gomma

811 804 806 802 807 809 808 810 813 803 812 816 800 814 815 805

Catarifrangenti Chiusure per abbigliamento Emblemi Fasce di ogni genere Fibre Filati Fleece Membrane di Climatizzazione Softshells Stampaggio di stoffa Stoffe per sacchi di pelo Teli da tende Tessuti e fibre Tessuti elastici Tessuti impermeabili Tessuti rivestiti

851 852 854 850 853

Contenitori in alluminio Contenitori isolanti e refrigeratori Contenitori per acqua Contenitori per trasporto Recipienti in plastica

900 Associazioni 901 Gruppi d'acquisto 959 950 973 965 967 980 951 957 963 987 962 952 981 960 978 984 968 975 955 958 974

Accendini Accessori Accessori da viaggio Accessori del cane Accessori di cuoio Accessori termoplastici Accumulatori Alimentari Apparecchi radio, cellulari Arnesi Asciugamani Attrezzature da pesca Borracce Borracce tascabili Calcolatori elettronici per sport Chiusure Coltelli Contapassi Crosskates Etichette Fibbie

966 Lampade varie 964 Misuratori della frequenza cardiaca 971 Misuratori delle pulsazioni 969 Nordic Blading 954 Occhiali di ogni tipo 972 Ombrelli 983 Orologi 970 Outdoor Fitness 961 Protezione di salute, (medicina e pronto soccorso, insetticidi, disinfettanti) 982 Sistemi di assunzione liquidi 985 Sistemi di sicurezza per la merce 986 Sistemi EDP gestione merci 976 Software (computer) 977 Solare 979 Termometri / Igrometri

Index of products Warenverzeichnis | Elenco merceologico | Catalogue produits


Mountaineering Equipment Bergsportausrüstung / Hardware Equipement d'escalade Equipaggiamento per montagna A6-301 AKU SRL Trekking & Outdoor Footwear B2-512 Aliens Bergsport Andreas Hofmann B2-224 Andrea Boldrini - Chaussures 3B SARL B2-104 AustriAlpin Vertriebs GmbH B2-601 Aventure Verticale Sarl ZA du Puy St Bonnet, Rue de l'épée, F-49300 Cholet PSB Tel.: +33 241 623153 Fax: +33 241 623158 Email: export@aventureverticale.com Internet: www.aventureverticale.com B2-502 Beal B1-406 Benchmade Knife Co. B3-211 BERGWOLF GmbH B2-400 B2-401 Black Diamond Equipment AG B2-402 C.A.M.P. spa A1-103 Carinthia Sleeping Bags Seebacher Straße 11-13, A-9871 Seeboden Tel.: +43 4762 5101-20 Fax: +43 4762 5101-18 Email: office@carinthia-bags.com Internet: www.sleeping-bags.at / www.carinthia-bags.com


B1-400 Deuter Sport GmbH & Co. KG Siemensstraße 1, D-86368 Gersthofen Tel.: +49 821 4987 327 Fax: +49 821 4987 339 Email: info@deuter.com Internet: www.deuter.com A6-101 Everest GmbH B2-207 Fixe Climbing S.L. B2-600 Grivel s.r.l. A3-405 Heatgear Spireavej 21, DK-8462 Harlev J. Tel.: +45 72 100 007 Fax: +45 22 408 807 Email: info@heatgear.dk Internet: www.heatgear.dk A5-225 Heaven&Earth Products Co.,Ltd Room 102, No.41, Lane 728, Changdao Road, Pudong District, VRC-200129 Shanghai Tel.: +86 21 51875189;68954288 Fax: +86 21 51686328 Email: info@heaven-earth.com.cn Internet: www.heaven-earth.com.cn B2-304 Italbastoni S.n.c. B3-201 King Snaps Ind. Corp. 16F-2, No. 51, Sec 2, Keelung Rd., RC-110 Taipei Tel.: +886 2 2739 3669 Fax: +886 2 2739 3198 / 2739 0001 Email: snap@singgy.com.tw Internet: www.kingsnaps.net B3-217 KOGA BV

Represented by: Urban Rock

A1-501 Komperdell Sportartikel GmbH

B2-221 CiLAO

B3-100 Kong S.p.a.

B2-106 Climbing Technology distributed by Aludesign SpA

A3-400 Mammut Sports Group AG

Via Torchio, 22, I-24034 Cisano Bergamasco (BG) Tel.: +39 035 783595 Fax: +39 035 782339 Email: commerciale@aludesign.it Internet: www.climbingtechnology.com B2-219 Clusters CIM/Sporaltec - CCI de la Savoie / 'Outdoor French Innovation'

Industriestrasse Birren, CH-5703 Seon Tel.: +41 62 769 81 81 Fax: +41 62 769 82 47 Email: info@mammut.ch Internet: www.mammutsportsgroup.ch A1-403 Marmot Mountain Europe GmbH Gottfried Stammler Straße 12, D-91220 Schnaittach Tel.: +49 9153 920590 Fax: +49 9153 92059 99 Email: info@marmot.de Internet: www.marmot.eu



Index of products Warenverzeichnis | Elenco merceologico | Catalogue produits

B2-206 MASTERS Srl

A1-103 Urban Rock

Via Capitelvecchio, 29, I-36061 Bassano del Grappa (VI) Tel.: +39 0424 524133 Fax: +39 0424 527924 Email: info@masters.it Internet: www.masters.it

B3-205 Usang Industrial Co. Ltd. B2-305 VAUDE Sport GmbH & Co. KG

B2-101 Metolius Climbing

B3-206 Vertical Ltd.


B3-221 Zhejiang Nature Travel Goods Co., Ltd.

FG-AKA2 Monkey Hardware GmbH


B1-422 Mountain King Ltd. B3-219 FG-B101 NEMO Equipment, Inc.

B2-512 Aliens Bergsport Andreas Hofmann

A1-207 Norrona Sport AS

B2-104 AustriAlpin Vertriebs GmbH

A3-105 Ortovox Sportartikel GmbH

B2-106 Climbing Technology distributed by Aludesign SpA

B3-310 Phelgard Products Inc.

B2-505 EDELRID GmbH & Co. KG

A1-404 Rab/podsacs/outdoordesigns

B2-207 Fixe Climbing S.L.

B2-504 Rock Pillars - Ocún

A5-108 Fun4U Sportproduktion GmbH


B3-100 Kong S.p.a.

B2-602 Simply Rock

B2-302 Petzl SAS

B3-203 Skylotec GmbH Im Bruch 11-15, D-56567 Neuwied Tel.: +49 2631 9680-19 Fax: +49 2631 9680-80 Email: info@skylotec.de Internet: www.skylotec.de

B3-200 Simond S.A.

B2-109 Sterling Rope Co.

B3-206 Vertical Ltd.

B2-109 Sterling Rope Co.

B4-215 Woojin Plastic

B2-210 STUBAI Werkzeugindustrie / Bergsport

A6-407 Calzaturificio Zamberlan S.R.L.

B2-110 Techni-Sangles SAS Ingénierie & Développement B2-212 Top 30 S.L. B3-101 Trango, Inc.


Ice equipment and accessories Eisgeräte und Zubehör Matériel glace et accessoires Attrezzi per ghiaccio, accessori

B2-210 STUBAI Werkzeugindustrie / Bergsport


Snap links and accessories Karabiner und Zubehör Mousquetons, accessoires Moschettoni, accessori B2-104 AustriAlpin Vertriebs GmbH

Index of products Warenverzeichnis | Elenco merceologico | Catalogue produits


B2-103 Entre-Prises

B2-106 Climbing Technology distributed by Aludesign SpA

B2-223 eXpression holds B2-207 Fixe Climbing S.L.

B2-505 EDELRID GmbH & Co. KG

B3-100 Kong S.p.a.

B2-503 Edelweiss SAS

B2-211 Moon Climbing

B3-201 King Snaps Ind. Corp.

28 Cross Smithfield, GB-S3 7AU Sheffield Tel.: +44 114 249 1821 Fax: +44 114 249 1821 Email: ben@moonclimbing.com Internet: www.moonclimbing.com

16F-2, No. 51, Sec 2, Keelung Rd., RC-110 Taipei Tel.: +886 2 2739 3669 Fax: +886 2 2739 3198 / 2739 0001 Email: snap@singgy.com.tw Internet: www.kingsnaps.net

B3-210 On Top Klettern Ges. für Freizeitsport mbH

B3-210 On Top Klettern Ges. für Freizeitsport mbH

Vorgebirgsstraße 5, D-50389 Wesseling Tel.: +49 2236 890580 Fax: +49 2236 890581 Email: info@ontopklettern.de Internet: www.ontopklettern.de

Vorgebirgsstraße 5, D-50389 Wesseling Tel.: +49 2236 890580 Fax: +49 2236 890581 Email: info@ontopklettern.de Internet: www.ontopklettern.de


B2-208 Peguet & Cie

B3-202 Revolution Climbing Europe blocSyndicate Ltd.

B2-302 Petzl SAS

B2-500 Rock Empire s.r.o.

B3-200 Simond S.A.


B2-506 Singing Rock

B2-602 Simply Rock

A5-318 Slackstar Braun GmbH

B2-212 Top 30 S.L.

B2-210 STUBAI Werkzeugindustrie / Bergsport

B3-101 Trango, Inc.

B2-506 B2-510 LANEX a.s. / TENDON

B3-103 Usteto Climbing Walls

B3-101 Trango, Inc.


B3-101 Trango, Inc.

B2-513 Walltopia Ltd.

B3-205 Usang Industrial Co. Ltd. B3-206 Vertical Ltd.


Climbing holds / Boulder holds Klettergriffe / Bouldergriffe Prises Maniglie da roccia / Maniglie da boulder



Climbing belts Klettergurte Baudriers d’escalade Imbracature da roccia B2-512 Aliens Bergsport Andreas Hofmann

B2-303 AIX - climbing holds



Index of products Warenverzeichnis | Elenco merceologico | Catalogue produits

B2-601 Aventure Verticale Sarl


ZA du Puy St Bonnet, Rue de l'épée, F-49300 Cholet PSB Tel.: +33 241 623153 Fax: +33 241 623158 Email: export@aventureverticale.com Internet: www.aventureverticale.com

B2-512 Aliens Bergsport Andreas Hofmann

B2-502 Beal

B2-505 EDELRID GmbH & Co. KG


B2-503 Edelweiss SAS

B2-402 C.A.M.P. spa

B4-306 HBSD

B2-221 CiLAO

B4-402 Kask srl

B2-505 EDELRID GmbH & Co. KG

B3-100 Kong S.p.a.

B2-503 Edelweiss SAS

B2-302 Petzl SAS

B3-210 On Top Klettern Ges. für Freizeitsport mbH

B3-200 Simond S.A.

Vorgebirgsstraße 5, D-50389 Wesseling Tel.: +49 2236 890580 Fax: +49 2236 890581 Email: info@ontopklettern.de Internet: www.ontopklettern.de

B2-506 Singing Rock

B2-302 Petzl SAS

Im Bruch 11-15, D-56567 Neuwied Tel.: +49 2631 9680-19 Fax: +49 2631 9680-80 Email: info@skylotec.de Internet: www.skylotec.de

B3-203 Skylotec GmbH

B2-504 Rock Pillars - Ocún B2-500 Rock Empire s.r.o. B2-506 Singing Rock B3-203 Skylotec GmbH Im Bruch 11-15, D-56567 Neuwied Tel.: +49 2631 9680-19 Fax: +49 2631 9680-80 Email: info@skylotec.de Internet: www.skylotec.de B2-222 SNAP B2-506 B2-510 LANEX a.s. / TENDON B3-101 Trango, Inc.


Climbing helmets Kletterhelme Casques d’escalade Elmetti


Climbing mats / Crash Pads Klettermatten / Bouldermatten Matelas d’escalade / d’escalade de bloc Stuoie per roccia / stuoie per bouldering B2-224 Andrea Boldrini - Chaussures 3B SARL B2-502 Beal B2-209 Chillaz International B2-103 Entre-Prises B2-211 Moon Climbing 28 Cross Smithfield, GB-S3 7AU Sheffield Tel.: +44 114 249 1821 Fax: +44 114 249 1821 Email: ben@moonclimbing.com Internet: www.moonclimbing.com

Index of products Warenverzeichnis | Elenco merceologico | Catalogue produits

B3-210 On Top Klettern Ges. für Freizeitsport mbH


A3-105 Ortovox Sportartikel GmbH

B2-303 PAD bouldering gear s.r.o.

B3-207 PIEPS GmbH

B3-202 Revolution Climbing Europe blocSyndicate Ltd.

B2-210 STUBAI Werkzeugindustrie / Bergsport


Chalk powder bags Magnesium / Magnesiumbeutel Magnésie - sac à pof Sacchetto di magnesio

B2-500 Rock Empire s.r.o. B2-222 SNAP


B2-212 Top 30 S.L.


Avalanche rescue equipment Lawinenrettung / -Zubehör Equipement pour avalanche Accessorie antilavine

Vorgebirgsstraße 5, D-50389 Wesseling Tel.: +49 2236 890580 Fax: +49 2236 890581 Email: info@ontopklettern.de Internet: www.ontopklettern.de

B2-504 Rock Pillars - Ocún


B2-502 Beal

Climbing walls / Boulder walls

B2-209 Chillaz International

Kletterwände / Boulderwände Murs d’escalade / Murs de boulder Pareti d'arrampicata / Pareti da bouldering

B2-214 EVOLV Climbing Footwear

B2-303 AIX - climbing holds

B2-207 Fixe Climbing S.L.


B2-303 Nihil Climbing

B2-103 Entre-Prises

B2-303 PAD bouldering gear s.r.o.

B3-210 On Top Klettern Ges. für Freizeitsport mbH

B3-202 Revolution Climbing Europe blocSyndicate Ltd.

Vorgebirgsstraße 5, D-50389 Wesseling Tel.: +49 2236 890580 Fax: +49 2236 890581 Email: info@ontopklettern.de Internet: www.ontopklettern.de

B2-506 Singing Rock B2-222 SNAP


B3-101 Trango, Inc.

B2-208 Peguet & Cie B3-200 SCHLAMBERGER P & J D.O.O / LAPIS


Nordic Walking Poles

B2-602 Simply Rock

Nordic Walking Stöcke Bâtons de nordic walking Bastoni per nordic walking

B2-212 Top 30 S.L.

A5-311 Cober srl

B3-103 Usteto Climbing Walls B2-513 Walltopia Ltd.

Via Ofanto, 3, I-20090 Opera (MI) Tel.: +39 02 5760 1341 Fax: +39 02 5760 6667 Email: info@cober.it Internet: www.cober.it



Index of products Warenverzeichnis | Elenco merceologico | Catalogue produits

A5-401 Exel / ESB Sports Oy

B2-503 Edelweiss SAS

A4-501 Gabel S.r.l.

B2-207 Fixe Climbing S.L.

Via Cassola, 50, I-36027 Rosà (VI) Tel.: +39 0424 561144 Fax: +39 0424 561266 Email: gabel@gabel.it Internet: www.gabel.it

B3-200 Simond S.A. B2-506 Singing Rock

B2-216 Guidetti Frères

B3-203 Skylotec GmbH

B2-304 Italbastoni S.n.c. A1-501 Komperdell Sportartikel GmbH

Im Bruch 11-15, D-56567 Neuwied Tel.: +49 2631 9680-19 Fax: +49 2631 9680-80 Email: info@skylotec.de Internet: www.skylotec.de

A3-406 KV2 SAGL

B2-109 Sterling Rope Co.

A6-200 LEKI Lenhart GmbH

B2-506 B2-510 LANEX a.s. / TENDON

Karl-Arnold-Straße 30, D-73230 Kirchheim Tel.: +49 7021 94000 Fax: +49 7021 940099 Email: service@leki.de Internet: www.leki.de B2-206 MASTERS Srl Via Capitelvecchio, 29, I-36061 Bassano del Grappa (VI) Tel.: +39 0424 524133 Fax: +39 0424 527924 Email: info@masters.it Internet: www.masters.it A1-401 MILLET SAS B3-402 Royalbeach A1-111 SB-Yhtiöt Oy A5-303 Silva Sweden AB B2-218 TSL Outdoor


Slacklines Slacklines Slacklines Slacklines B2-104 AustriAlpin Vertriebs GmbH FG-A71 ID Sports GmbH Gibbon Slacklines B3-201 King Snaps Ind. Corp. 16F-2, No. 51, Sec 2, Keelung Rd., RC-110 Taipei Tel.: +886 2 2739 3669 Fax: +886 2 2739 3198 / 2739 0001 Email: snap@singgy.com.tw Internet: www.kingsnaps.net A1-309 Mountain Equipment B2-504 Rock Pillars - Ocún FG-AKA1 Slack.fr / Loisirs Alternatifs


Ropes Seile Cordes Corde


FG-A83 Slackline-Tools

B2-502 Beal

Marktstätte 17, D-78462 Konstanz Tel.: +49 7531 36329 12 Fax: +49 7531 36329 42 Email: info@slackline-tools.de Internet: www.slackline-tools.de

B3-209 Cousin Trestec

A5-318 Slackstar Braun GmbH

B2-505 EDELRID GmbH & Co. KG

B2-110 Techni-Sangles SAS Ingénierie & Développement

Index of products Warenverzeichnis | Elenco merceologico | Catalogue produits

A1-103 Urban Rock



A4-501 Gabel S.r.l. Via Cassola, 50, I-36027 Rosà (VI) Tel.: +39 0424 561144 Fax: +39 0424 561266 Email: gabel@gabel.it Internet: www.gabel.it

Crampons Steigeisen Crampons Ramponi

B2-600 Grivel s.r.l.

B2-104 AustriAlpin Vertriebs GmbH

B2-216 Guidetti Frères

B2-106 Climbing Technology distributed by Aludesign SpA

B2-304 Italbastoni S.n.c.

B2-600 Grivel s.r.l.

A1-110 Kohla / Ibex Sportartikel GmbH

B3-200 Simond S.A.

A1-501 Komperdell Sportartikel GmbH Wagnermühle 30, A-5310 Mondsee Tel.: +43 6232 42010 Fax: +43 6232 3545 Email: sales@komperdell.com Internet: www.komperdell.com

B2-210 STUBAI Werkzeugindustrie / Bergsport B3-206 Vertical Ltd.

A6-200 LEKI Lenhart GmbH


Steigfelle Peaux pour skis de randonnée Pelli di foca

Karl-Arnold-Straße 30, D-73230 Kirchheim Tel.: +49 7021 94000 Fax: +49 7021 940099 Email: service@leki.de Internet: www.leki.de

B4-402 Kask srl

B2-206 MASTERS Srl

Ski Skins

Via Capitelvecchio, 29, I-36061 Bassano del Grappa (VI) Tel.: +39 0424 524133 Fax: +39 0424 527924 Email: info@masters.it Internet: www.masters.it

A1-110 Kohla / Ibex Sportartikel GmbH


Poles B1-422 Mountain King Ltd.

Stöcke Bâtons Bastoni

A1-111 SB-Yhtiöt Oy

A5-311 Cober srl Via Ofanto, 3, I-20090 Opera (MI) Tel.: +39 02 5760 1341 Fax: +39 02 5760 6667 Email: info@cober.it Internet: www.cober.it A6-101 Everest GmbH A5-401 Exel / ESB Sports Oy A3-304 Exped AG


Telemark equipment Telemarkequipment Equipement télémark Equipaggiamento telemark A5-311 Cober srl Via Ofanto, 3, I-20090 Opera (MI) Tel.: +39 02 5760 1341 Fax: +39 02 5760 6667 Email: info@cober.it Internet: www.cober.it


117 117

Index of products Warenverzeichnis | Elenco merceologico | Catalogue produits

B1-422 Mountain King Ltd.

Touring ski bindings Tourenskibindungen Fixations et bâtons de skis de randonnée Attacchi per sci alpinismo

B1-509 Naschem Co., Ltd

B2-216 Guidetti Frères


B2-218 TSL Outdoor

Hiking Poles Wanderstöcke Bâtons de randonnée Bastoni da escursionismo B2-106 Climbing Technology distributed by Aludesign SpA B2-219 Clusters CIM/Sporaltec - CCI de la Savoie / 'Outdoor French Innovation' A5-311 Cober srl Via Ofanto, 3, I-20090 Opera (MI) Tel.: +39 02 5760 1341 Fax: +39 02 5760 6667 Email: info@cober.it Internet: www.cober.it A5-401 Exel / ESB Sports Oy A4-501 Gabel S.r.l. Via Cassola, 50, I-36027 Rosà (VI) Tel.: +39 0424 561144 Fax: +39 0424 561266 Email: gabel@gabel.it Internet: www.gabel.it B2-216 Guidetti Frères B2-304 Italbastoni S.n.c. A1-110 Kohla / Ibex Sportartikel GmbH A1-501 Komperdell Sportartikel GmbH A6-200 LEKI Lenhart GmbH Karl-Arnold-Straße 30, D-73230 Kirchheim Tel.: +49 7021 94000 Fax: +49 7021 940099 Email: service@leki.de Internet: www.leki.de B2-206 MASTERS Srl Via Capitelvecchio, 29, I-36061 Bassano del Grappa (VI) Tel.: +39 0424 524133 Fax: +39 0424 527924 Email: info@masters.it Internet: www.masters.it


A4-500 Nordsen


Clothing Bekleidung Vêtements Abbigliamento B4-300 adidas AG Adi-Dassler-Strasse 1, D-91074 Herzogenaurach Tel.: +49 91 32 84 0 Fax: +49 91 32 84 22 41 Internet: www.adidas.com B4-203 badari sports GmbH B3-215 Bavaria Sonor Musikverlag und Merchandising GmbH Bavariafilmplatz 7, D-82031 Geiselgasteig Tel.: +49 89 6499-2641 Fax: +49 89 6493730 Email: bavaria.sonor@bavaria-film.de Internet: www.bavaria-sonor.de A1-305 Bergans Fritid AS Loesmoen, Box 293, N-3301 Hokksund Tel.: +47 32 25 25 00 Fax: +47 32 25 25 10 Email: marked@bergans.no Internet: www.bergans.com Represented by: Bergans Outdoor GmbH A1-103 Carinthia Sleeping Bags Seebacher Straße 11-13, A-9871 Seeboden Tel.: +43 4762 5101-20 Fax: +43 4762 5101-18 Email: office@carinthia-bags.com Internet: www.sleeping-bags.at / www.carinthia-bags.com Represented by: Urban Rock B2-209 Chillaz International B4-506 CHIMA Fernost Service B4-509 CHUMS / Landwell Inc. A1-214 Cocona Europe

Index of products Warenverzeichnis | Elenco merceologico | Catalogue produits

A6-505 Dachstein/Deeluxe Sportartikel Handels GmbH, Office Kufstein A3-201 dare2b A1-109 Designer Textiles International Ltd/ MAPP Merino


A4-303 killtec Sport- und Freizeit GmbH Zimmererstraße 5, D-21244 Buchholz Tel.: +49 4181 2008 0 Fax: +49 4181 2008 489 Email: feige@killtec.de Internet: www.killtec.com A4-203 Kuhl Clothing

A3-308 Direct Alpine s.r.o.

A1-402 Lafuma S.A.

A1-205 EIDER

B1-402 Life-Line / Bemontex B.V.

B4-421 Elite-tron Enterprise Co., Ltd. B4-103 elkline GmbH

Münster Straße 50, D-49176 Hilter Tel.: +49 5424 1031 u. 1032 Fax: +49 5424 69349 Email: life-line@osnanet.de Internet: www.golifeline.com

A1-208 Ferrino & C. S.p.A.

A5-107 LOAP/Piccollo, spol. s.r.o.

Corso Lombardia 73, I-10099 San Mauro (TO) Tel.: +390 11223 0715 Fax: +390 11 2230756 Email: pr@ferrino.it Internet: www.ferrino.it

A6-103 Industrias Savidai S.L. Lorpen

A5-306 Five Seasons

Carretera General S/N, E-31760 Etxalar (Navarra) Tel.: +34 948 635384 Fax: +34 948 635238 Email: export@lorpen.com Internet: www.lorpen.com

A5-200 FG-A91 Fjällräven AB

B1-300 Lowe Alpine International SRL

B1-503 Gelert Ltd.

A5-305 Lundhags Skomakarna AB

A1-407 GoLite, LLC

A3-301 Maier Sports GmbH & Co. KG

A5-501 FG-A101 Hannah Czech a.s. A6-303 HI-TEC B1-423 Highlander (Scotland) Ltd. A5-409 Husky CZ, s.r.o. B4-209 HV Corporate Concepts AG A4-404 IBEX Sport GmbH A4-200 Icebreaker Ltd B1-103 Jack Wolfskin Ausrüstung für Draussen GmbH & Co. KG aA A4-400 Jeantex Sportswear GmbH & Co. KG

Nürtinger Straße 27, D-73257 Köngen Tel.: +49 7024 8000 0 Fax: +49 7024 8000 929 Email: info@maier-sports.de Internet: www.maier-sports.de A3-400 Mammut Sports Group AG Industriestrasse Birren, CH-5703 Seon Tel.: +41 62 769 81 81 Fax: +41 62 769 82 47 Email: info@mammut.ch Internet: www.mammutsportsgroup.ch A1-403 Marmot Mountain Europe GmbH Gottfried Stammler Straße 12, D-91220 Schnaittach Tel.: +49 9153 920590 Fax: +49 9153 92059 99 Email: info@marmot.de Internet: www.marmot.eu A3-306 Maul Sport Company - Maul GmbH & Co. KG A3-303 Merrell / Wolverine Europe Ltd.



Index of products Warenverzeichnis | Elenco merceologico | Catalogue produits

A1-401 MILLET SAS A4-507 Miti spa A4-306 Montura - Tasci srl Via Zotti 29, I-38068 Rovereto (TN) Tel.: +39 0464 431961 Fax: +39 0464 431925 Email: montura@montura.it Internet: www.montura.it A4-505 MUND SOCKS - MUNDOIMPORT S.L. B3-324 Nantong Haoyi Trade Co., Ltd. A3-315 New Goodwill Industries Co., Ltd. A4-304 NO LIMITS by QST Innovation SRL A5-301 Nomad A1-207 Norrona Sport AS B4-500 ODLO International AG Im Bösch 67, CH-6331 Hünenberg / Zug Tel.: +41 41 785 7070 Fax: +41 41 785 7077 Email: mail@odlo.com Internet: www.odlo.com B4-208 Outdoor Organic A3-109 Outlyne Sports AG B2-303 PAD bouldering gear s.r.o. A3-401 Peak Performance B4-308 PINEA Sportswear OHG A5-102 Pinewood AB A4-101 R'ADYS AG Egliweg 10, CH-2560 Nidau Tel.: +41 32 333 1313 Fax: +41 32 333 1314 Email: info@radys.com Internet: www.radys.com

A3-201 Regatta GmbH Reichenberger Straße 1, D-84130 Dingolfing Tel.: +49 8731 31910 Fax: +49 8731 319368 Email: germany@regatta.com Internet: www.regatta.com Represented by: dare2b A4-202 Reno Sportswear Handels GmbH / Iguana A4-300 Royal Robbins Europe B4-207 RuckJack Ltd. A3-200 SALEWA SPORTGERÄTE GMBH A1-409 A1-506 Salomon / Amer Sports Deutschland GmbH A3-300 Schöffel Sportbekleidung GmbH A4-204 SILKBODY B4-400 Simex Sport GmbH Schiefbahner Straße 12, D-41748 Viersen Tel.: +49 2162 10200 0 Fax: +49 2162 10200 10 Email: info@simex-sport.de Internet: www.simex-sport.de B3-110 Sino International Trading e.K. B3-203 Skylotec GmbH Im Bruch 11-15, D-56567 Neuwied Tel.: +49 2631 9680-19 Fax: +49 2631 9680-80 Email: info@skylotec.de Internet: www.skylotec.de A4-210 smartfiber AG A1-213 Smartwool Corporation Europe A1-309 Sprayway Ltd. A3-205 Sympatex Technologies GmbH B1-418 Target Dry Ltd. B3-400 Tasmanian Tiger c/o Tatonka GmbH B4-403 TBAD B.V. A4-403 TBS Technisynthese Service Export


Index of products Warenverzeichnis | Elenco merceologico | Catalogue produits

A1-212 Ternua / Import Arrasate, S.A.

B4-501 Swizz-Light GmbH Basler Strasse 15, CH-5080 Laufenburg Tel.: +41 62 8740404 Fax: +41 628 8743405 Email: info@swizz-light.ch Internet: www.swizz-light.ch

A3-403 Trangoworld Poligono Industrial Malpica Calle C Parcela 102 B1/F, E-50057 Zaragoza Tel.: +34 976 421100 Fax: +34 976 416793 Email: info@trangoworld.com Internet: www.trangoworld.com A4-402 Trimm Sport, s.r.o.

B4-522 Wu Luen Knitting Co., Ltd.


Boating outfits Bootsbekleidung Vêtements yachting Abbigliamento da imbarcazione

B3-316 TSS Fortune Co., Ltd. A1-103 Urban Rock

B4-103 elkline GmbH

B2-305 VAUDE Sport GmbH & Co. KG

A4-213 Jana Designs & Manufacturing Ltd.

A6-206 Vento GmbH

B4-500 ODLO International AG

B3-406 Warmpeace s.r.o.

Im Bösch 67, CH-6331 Hünenberg / Zug Tel.: +41 41 785 7070 Fax: +41 41 785 7077 Email: mail@odlo.com Internet: www.odlo.com

B3-109 Winsport / Transworld & Associates Co., Ltd. Suite 2301, Metro Centre (2), HK-Kowloon Bay Tel.: +852 2318 1166 Fax: +852 2757 4828 Email: winsport@winsport.com.hk / targex@targex.net Internet: www.winsport.com.hk / www.targex.net


A4-502 Tah Hsin Industrial Corp.


Woman's wear

A5-415 World Famous (Fujian) Outdoor Garments, Ltd.

Damenbekleidung Vêtements pour femmes Abbigliamento femminile


A5-203 66° North

B3-225 Xiamen Sumosta Garments Co., Ltd.

Miðhrauni 11, IS-210 Garðabær Tel.: +354 535 6600 Fax: +354 535 6602 Email: helga@66north.is Internet: www.66north.com

A5-507 Xiamen Trend Corporation

B4-203 badari sports GmbH


Swim wear Badebekleidung Vêtements de bain Moda mare

A4-301 F.lli Campagnolo GmbH

A1-501 Camaro Erich Roiser GmbH

Hans-Riedl-Str. 19, D-85622 Feldkirchen Tel.: +49 (0)89-35 62 90 0 Fax: +49 (0)89-35 62 90 94 Email: campagnolo@t-online.de Internet: www.campagnolo.it

A4-301 F.lli Campagnolo GmbH


Hans-Riedl-Str. 19, D-85622 Feldkirchen Tel.: +49 (0)89-35 62 90 0 Fax: +49 (0)89-35 62 90 94 Email: campagnolo@t-online.de Internet: www.campagnolo.it

Flachsland 29, D-22083 Hamburg Tel.: +49 40 76976770 Fax: +49 40 76976771 Email: verkauf@craghoppers.com Internet: www.craghoppers.com

A3-402 Icepeak / L-Fashion Group



Index of products Warenverzeichnis | Elenco merceologico | Catalogue produits

A1-205 EIDER

A1-309 Sprayway Ltd.

B4-209 HV Corporate Concepts AG

A3-309 Sunway - Hosen GmbH

A3-402 Icepeak / L-Fashion Group

B1-418 Target Dry Ltd.

A4-400 Jeantex Sportswear GmbH & Co. KG

A4-307 Wild Roses - CDA

Adlerstraße 69-75, D-25462 Rellingen Tel.: +49 4101 555 0 Fax: +49 4101 555 198 Email: info@jeantex.com Internet: www.jeantex.com

Vicolo Morosella, 2, I-24050 Grassobbio (BG) Tel.: +39 035 3846101 Fax: +39 035 3846102 Email: silvia.ferrari@cda-italy.com Internet: www.wildroses.it

A4-100 K-WAY Deutschland GmbH A5-405 Keela International Ltd.


A4-302 Life is good Global Inc.

A1-209 Dolomite

B1-402 Life-Line / Bemontex B.V.

A1-205 EIDER

Münster Straße 50, D-49176 Hilter Tel.: +49 5424 1031 u. 1032 Fax: +49 5424 69349 Email: life-line@osnanet.de Internet: www.golifeline.com

A3-207 Eusebio Sporting Co., Ltd. A1-309 Mountain Equipment

A4-507 Miti spa

B2-200 Patagonia Europe SNC


B3-314 Red Fox

B4-302 Montane

A1-204 Sub Zero Technology Ltd.

B2-303 Nihil Climbing A4-500 Nordsen B4-308 PINEA Sportswear OHG A3-201 Regatta GmbH A4-300 Royal Robbins Europe A3-300 Schöffel Sportbekleidung GmbH A4-204 SILKBODY B4-400 Simex Sport GmbH Schiefbahner Straße 12, D-41748 Viersen Tel.: +49 2162 10200 0 Fax: +49 2162 10200 10 Email: info@simex-sport.de Internet: www.simex-sport.de


Feather down clothing Daunenbekleidung Vêtements duvet Abbigliamento in piumino


Cycling wear Fahrradbekleidung Vêtements pour cyclistes Abbigliamento da bici A1-307 2xU / Filser Sport & Marketing A4-301 F.lli Campagnolo GmbH Hans-Riedl-Str. 19, D-85622 Feldkirchen Tel.: +49 (0)89-35 62 90 0 Fax: +49 (0)89-35 62 90 94 Email: campagnolo@t-online.de Internet: www.campagnolo.it A1-109 Designer Textiles International Ltd/ MAPP Merino A4-215 Epic Technology International

Index of products Warenverzeichnis | Elenco merceologico | Catalogue produits

A5-417 Fujian Commercial Corp. A4-400 Jeantex Sportswear GmbH & Co. KG Adlerstraße 69-75, D-25462 Rellingen Tel.: +49 4101 555 0 Fax: +49 4101 555 198 Email: info@jeantex.com Internet: www.jeantex.com A4-100 K-WAY Deutschland GmbH A5-405 Keela International Ltd.



Down clothing Fleecebekleidung Vêtements polaires Abbigliamento in fleece A5-203 66° North B2-300 ARC'TERYX A4-301 F.lli Campagnolo GmbH

A4-402 LASTING SPORT s.r.o.

Hans-Riedl-Str. 19, D-85622 Feldkirchen Tel.: +49 (0)89-35 62 90 0 Fax: +49 (0)89-35 62 90 94 Email: campagnolo@t-online.de Internet: www.campagnolo.it

B4-101 Lurbel, S.L.


A4-401 Löffler GmbH

A5-408 Crux / Outdoor Design Logistics Ltd.

A4-507 Miti spa

A1-205 EIDER

B4-302 Montane

B4-103 elkline GmbH

A1-207 Norrona Sport AS

A1-206 Helly Hansen Deutschland GmbH

B4-500 ODLO International AG

Gustav-Heinemann-Ring 212, D-81739 München Tel.: +49 89 67349620 Fax: +49 89 67349659 Internet: www.hellyhansen.com

Im Bösch 67, CH-6331 Hünenberg / Zug Tel.: +41 41 785 7070 Fax: +41 41 785 7077 Email: mail@odlo.com Internet: www.odlo.com A3-201 Regatta GmbH B4-207 RuckJack Ltd. A4-504 Wind x-treme - Actual Colors BCN S.L. c / Polonia, 5 (local), E-08024 Barcelona Tel.: +34 93 2850288 Fax: +34 93 2190769 Email: wind@zonawind.com Internet: www.zonawind.com B4-200 X-Bionic - Treré SRL Via Modena 18, I-46041 Asola (MN) Tel.: +39 0376 718635 Fax: +39 0376 718651 Email: l.boccola@trereinnovation.it Internet: www.x-bionic.com

A3-402 Icepeak / L-Fashion Group A4-100 K-WAY Deutschland GmbH B1-402 Life-Line / Bemontex B.V. Münster Straße 50, D-49176 Hilter Tel.: +49 5424 1031 u. 1032 Fax: +49 5424 69349 Email: life-line@osnanet.de Internet: www.golifeline.com A3-301 Maier Sports GmbH & Co. KG Nürtinger Straße 27, D-73257 Köngen Tel.: +49 7024 8000 0 Fax: +49 7024 8000 929 Email: info@maier-sports.de Internet: www.maier-sports.de A3-306 Maul Sport Company - Maul GmbH & Co. KG A1-309 Mountain Equipment B4-308 PINEA Sportswear OHG B4-211 Rainpal Enterprise (HK) Ltd.



Index of products Warenverzeichnis | Elenco merceologico | Catalogue produits

B3-314 Red Fox

B4-506 CHIMA Fernost Service

A3-300 Schöffel Sportbekleidung GmbH

A1-304 Columbia Sportswear International Sarl

B4-104 Tech Winning Ind. Co., Ltd.

Geneva Business Center, 12, Avenue des Morgines, CH-1213 Petit-Lancy Tel.: +41 22 8709000 Fax: +41 22 8709001 Email: cbretaudeau@columbia.com Internet: www.columbia.com

B4-303 TechNiche Europe


A1-503 Western Mountaineering

Flachsland 29, D-22083 Hamburg Tel.: +49 40 76976770 Fax: +49 40 76976771 Email: verkauf@craghoppers.com Internet: www.craghoppers.com

B3-400 Tatonka GmbH

A1-504 Ziegler Textil GmbH Hinter Winterbach 1, D-77794 Lautenbach Tel.: +49 7802 980086 Fax: +49 7802 980088 Email: info@ziegler-textil.de Internet: www.waefo.de


A1-109 Designer Textiles International Ltd/ MAPP Merino A5-101 earth creations, Inc.

Leisure wear

B4-103 elkline GmbH

Freizeitbekleidung / T-Shirts Vêtements de loisirs Abbigliamento tempo libero

A4-404 IBEX Sport GmbH

A5-203 66° North

A3-402 Icepeak / L-Fashion Group

Miðhrauni 11, IS-210 Garðabær Tel.: +354 535 6600 Fax: +354 535 6602 Email: helga@66north.is Internet: www.66north.com

A5-320 Kunshan Bright River GarmentManufacturing Co., Ltd.

B2-300 ARC'TERYX B4-203 badari sports GmbH B4-401 Bailo S.p.A.

A4-302 Life is good Global Inc. B1-402 Life-Line / Bemontex B.V. Münster Straße 50, D-49176 Hilter Tel.: +49 5424 1031 u. 1032 Fax: +49 5424 69349 Email: life-line@osnanet.de Internet: www.golifeline.com

B3-215 Bavaria Sonor Musikverlag und Merchandising GmbH

A3-301 Maier Sports GmbH & Co. KG

Bavariafilmplatz 7, D-82031 Geiselgasteig Tel.: +49 89 6499-2641 Fax: +49 89 6493730 Email: bavaria.sonor@bavaria-film.de Internet: www.bavaria-sonor.de

Nürtinger Straße 27, D-73257 Köngen Tel.: +49 7024 8000 0 Fax: +49 7024 8000 929 Email: info@maier-sports.de Internet: www.maier-sports.de

A4-301 F.lli Campagnolo GmbH

A4-311 Manhattan Outdoor Clothing Factory Ltd.

Hans-Riedl-Str. 19, D-85622 Feldkirchen Tel.: +49 (0)89-35 62 90 0 Fax: +49 (0)89-35 62 90 94 Email: campagnolo@t-online.de Internet: www.campagnolo.it


B2-209 Chillaz International

ZAMORA, 45, E-08005 Barcelona Tel.: +34 933 090912 Fax: +34 933 009559 Email: sole@matt-sports.com Internet: www.matt-sports.com A3-306 Maul Sport Company - Maul GmbH & Co. KG


Index of products Warenverzeichnis | Elenco merceologico | Catalogue produits




Practical underwear

A3-315 New Goodwill Industries Co., Ltd.

Funktionsunterwäsche Sous - vêtements fonctionnels Biancheria funzionale

B2-303 Nihil Climbing

A1-307 2xU / Filser Sport & Marketing

A4-304 NO LIMITS by QST Innovation SRL

A5-211 Aclima AS


B4-204 Action Sports GmbH

B4-208 Outdoor Organic B2-200 Patagonia Europe SNC A5-102 Pinewood AB B4-211 Rainpal Enterprise (HK) Ltd. A4-300 Royal Robbins Europe

Carlo-Schmid-Straße 11, D-52146 Würselen Tel.: +49 2405 6060 Fax: +49 2405 606150 Email: info@action-sports.de Internet: www.action-sports.de A4-301 F.lli Campagnolo GmbH Hans-Riedl-Str. 19, D-85622 Feldkirchen Tel.: +49 (0)89-35 62 90 0 Fax: +49 (0)89-35 62 90 94 Email: campagnolo@t-online.de Internet: www.campagnolo.it

B4-207 RuckJack Ltd.

A1-109 Designer Textiles International Ltd/MAPP Merino

B3-400 Tatonka GmbH

A3-308 Direct Alpine s.r.o.

B1-508 Tilley Endurables Ltd.

A1-206 Helly Hansen Deutschland GmbH

B1-417 Trekmates

Gustav-Heinemann-Ring 212, D-81739 München Tel.: +49 89 67349620 Fax: +49 89 67349659 Internet: www.hellyhansen.com

A4-201 TRESPASS (Jacobs & Turner Ltd.) A4-504 Wind x-treme - Actual Colors BCN S.L. c / Polonia, 5 (local), E-08024 Barcelona Tel.: +34 93 2850288 Fax: +34 93 2190769 Email: wind@zonawind.com Internet: www.zonawind.com B4-200 X-Bionic - Treré SRL Via Modena 18, I-46041 Asola (MN) Tel.: +39 0376 718635 Fax: +39 0376 718651 Email: l.boccola@trereinnovation.it Internet: www.x-bionic.com B4-210 Xiamen Lago Garments Co., Ltd. B3-225 Xiamen Sumosta Garments Co., Ltd.

B1-421 Horizon Leisure Products Ltd. A4-404 IBEX Sport GmbH A4-402 LASTING SPORT s.r.o. A6-411 Lenz GmbH A6-103 Industrias Savidai S.L. Lorpen Carretera General S/N, E-31760 Etxalar (Navarra) Tel.: +34 948 635384 Fax: +34 948 635238 Email: export@lorpen.com Internet: www.lorpen.com A4-401 Löffler GmbH A4-304 NO LIMITS by QST Innovation SRL A4-500 Nordsen



Index of products Warenverzeichnis | Elenco merceologico | Catalogue produits

B4-500 ODLO International AG Im Bösch 67, CH-6331 Hünenberg / Zug Tel.: +41 41 785 7070 Fax: +41 41 785 7077 Email: mail@odlo.com Internet: www.odlo.com A3-105 Ortovox Sportartikel GmbH B2-200 Patagonia Europe SNC B3-207 PIEPS GmbH A4-104 FG-A81 Pro Feet GmbH A4-101 R'ADYS AG A4-204 SILKBODY P.O. BOX 5155, Moray Place, NZ-9058 Dunedin Tel.: +64 3 4740425 Fax: +64 3 4740625 Email: david@silkbody.co.nz Internet: www.silkbody.co.nz A4-305 Skins GmbH Gautinger Straße 10, D-82319 Starnberg Tel.: +49 8151 656550 Fax: +49 8151 656530 Email: christian.scheffold@skins.net Internet: www.skins.net A1-213 Smartwool Corporation Europe A1-204 Sub Zero Technology Ltd. B2-507 Tilak, a.s. B1-508 Tilley Endurables Ltd. B1-417 Trekmates


Gloves Handschuhe Gants Guanti B2-300 ARC'TERYX B4-520 Asiatic Fiber Corporation B4-515 Danken Enterprise Co., Ltd. A5-411 Eumar International srl


B3-314 Fox River Mills, Inc. A4-501 Gabel S.r.l. B3-506 Grabber B1-421 Horizon Leisure Products Ltd. B3-105 Ims Kwoons di Im Duck Yong (Snake) B3-226 Jinre Travel Products Co., Ltd. A1-501 Komperdell Sportartikel GmbH Wagnermühle 30, A-5310 Mondsee Tel.: +43 6232 42010 Fax: +43 6232 3545 Email: sales@komperdell.com Internet: www.komperdell.com A3-406 KV2 SAGL A6-200 LEKI Lenhart GmbH Karl-Arnold-Straße 30, D-73230 Kirchheim Tel.: +49 7021 94000 Fax: +49 7021 940099 Email: service@leki.de Internet: www.leki.de A1-107 OutDry - Nextec SRL A1-404 Rab/podsacs/outdoordesigns A4-103 SealSkinz Ltd. B4-220 Sun Grace Sports Co., Ltd. B4-404 Sunny Way Fashion Co., Ltd. B1-420 Terra Nova Equipment Ltd B2-507 Tilak, a.s. B1-505 Tobby Band- und Flechtwaren GmbH B1-417 Trekmates B4-525 Walinco Ltd. B4-417 Well Mart Merit Co., Ltd

Index of products Warenverzeichnis | Elenco merceologico | Catalogue produits


A1-504 Ziegler Textil GmbH

Children’s clothing Kinderbekleidung Vêtements pour enfants Abbigliamento per bambini

Hinter Winterbach 1, D-77794 Lautenbach Tel.: +49 7802 980086 Fax: +49 7802 980088 Email: info@ziegler-textil.de Internet: www.waefo.de

A5-203 66° North Miðhrauni 11, IS-210 Garðabær Tel.: +354 535 6600 Fax: +354 535 6602 Email: helga@66north.is Internet: www.66north.com A5-211 Aclima AS A4-102 BUFF®-Original Buff SA A4-301 F.lli Campagnolo GmbH Hans-Riedl-Str. 19, D-85622 Feldkirchen Tel.: +49 (0)89-35 62 90 0 Fax: +49 (0)89-35 62 90 94 Email: campagnolo@t-online.de Internet: www.campagnolo.it A5-306 Five Seasons A3-402 Icepeak / L-Fashion Group A4-400 Jeantex Sportswear GmbH & Co. KG



Climbing wear Kletterbekleidung Vêtements d’escalade Abbigliamento da roccia B2-224 Andrea Boldrini - Chaussures 3B SARL A1-405 Berghaus Ltd. A1-412 CEP compression sportswear B2-209 Chillaz International A3-308 Direct Alpine s.r.o. A4-215 Epic Technology International B3-105 Ims Kwoons di Im Duck Yong (Snake)

A4-100 K-WAY Deutschland GmbH

A5-320 Kunshan Bright River GarmentManufacturing Co., Ltd.

A5-405 Keela International Ltd.

B2-204 La Sportiva S.p.A.

A4-302 Life is good Global Inc.

B4-206 Milo

B1-402 Life-Line / Bemontex B.V.


Münster Straße 50, D-49176 Hilter Tel.: +49 5424 1031 u. 1032 Fax: +49 5424 69349 Email: life-line@osnanet.de Internet: www.golifeline.com A4-311 Manhattan Outdoor Clothing Factory Ltd.

A4-306 Montura - Tasci srl B2-211 Moon Climbing

A5-102 Pinewood AB

28 Cross Smithfield, GB-S3 7AU Sheffield Tel.: +44 114 249 1821 Fax: +44 114 249 1821 Email: ben@moonclimbing.com Internet: www.moonclimbing.com

A3-201 Regatta GmbH

A1-400 Mountain Hardwear

A1-309 Sprayway Ltd.

A3-315 New Goodwill Industries Co., Ltd.

B1-418 Target Dry Ltd.

B2-303 Nihil Climbing B2-111 Nograd



Index of products Warenverzeichnis | Elenco merceologico | Catalogue produits

B2-200 Patagonia Europe SNC

A3-103 MATT - MATTOLO SPORTS, S.A. ZAMORA, 45, E-08005 Barcelona Tel.: +34 933 090912 Fax: +34 933 009559 Email: sole@matt-sports.com Internet: www.matt-sports.com

B4-207 RuckJack Ltd. B2-105 Saltic s.r.o.

A4-500 Nordsen


A4-104 FG-A81 Pro Feet GmbH

B2-222 SNAP

A1-101 Stallion Sport Ltd.

A3-309 Sunway - Hosen GmbH

B4-220 Sun Grace Sports Co., Ltd.

B4-104 Tech Winning Ind. Co., Ltd.

B4-404 Sunny Way Fashion Co., Ltd.

A1-212 Ternua / Import Arrasate, S.A.

B4-303 TechNiche Europe

B2-507 Tilak, a.s.

B1-508 Tilley Endurables Ltd.

B4-210 Xiamen Lago Garments Co., Ltd.

B1-417 Trekmates



A4-504 Wind x-treme - Actual Colors BCN S.L.

Kopfbedeckungen aller Art Bonnets, chapeaux, etc. Cappelli, berretto, p.e.

c / Polonia, 5 (local), E-08024 Barcelona Tel.: +34 93 2850288 Fax: +34 93 2190769 Email: wind@zonawind.com Internet: www.zonawind.com

B4-205 Batex GmbH B1-500 Brettschneider Fernreisebedarf GmbH A4-102 BUFF®-Original Buff SA c/Francia, 16, E-08700 Igualada Tel.: +34 93 805 4861 Fax: +34 93 804 4702 Email: buff@buff.eu Internet: www.buff.eu Represented by: Buff GmbH A3-104 Capo Rueff Textil GmbH B4-509 CHUMS / Landwell Inc. A3-101 Kopfüber by Bühler Albert-Glück-Straße 1, D-88279 Amtzell Tel.: +49 7520 956239 0 Fax: +49 7520 956239 9 Email: office@kopfueber.net Internet: www.kopfueber.net


Running wear Laufbekleidung Vêtements course à pied Abbigliamento da corsa A1-307 2xU / Filser Sport & Marketing B2-300 ARC'TERYX B4-401 Bailo S.p.A. A1-412 CEP compression sportswear A3-308 Direct Alpine s.r.o. A4-215 Epic Technology International A6-304 GARMONT SRL A6-500 FG-B31 W. L. Gore & Associates GmbH


Index of products Warenverzeichnis | Elenco merceologico | Catalogue produits

A4-200 Icebreaker Ltd

A4-504 Wind x-treme - Actual Colors BCN S.L. c / Polonia, 5 (local), E-08024 Barcelona Tel.: +34 93 2850288 Fax: +34 93 2190769 Email: wind@zonawind.com Internet: www.zonawind.com

A4-213 Jana Designs & Manufacturing Ltd. A3-406 KV2 SAGL B2-204 La Sportiva S.p.A.


Neoprene clothing Neoprenbekleidung Vêtements néoprène Abbigliamento in neoprene

B4-101 Lurbel, S.L. A4-401 Löffler GmbH

A1-501 Camaro Erich Roiser GmbH

B4-302 Montane A4-306 Montura - Tasci srl

Wagnermühle 30, A-5310 Mondsee Tel.: +43 6232 42010 Fax: +43 6232 3545 Email: sales@camaro.at Internet: www.camaro.at

A3-315 New Goodwill Industries Co., Ltd.

B4-408 Salvas Sub S.p.A.

B4-500 ODLO International AG

A1-101 Stallion Sport Ltd.

Im Bösch 67, CH-6331 Hünenberg / Zug Tel.: +41 41 785 7070 Fax: +41 41 785 7077 Email: mail@odlo.com Internet: www.odlo.com B2-217 Raidlight

A5-422 Xiamen Frontier Garments Co., Ltd.


Via Modena 18, I-46041 Asola (MN) Tel.: +39 0376 718635 Fax: +39 0376 718651 Email: l.boccola@trereinnovation.it Internet: www.x-bionic.com B4-210 Xiamen Lago Garments Co., Ltd.

Caul scarves Multifunktionstücher Foulards multifonctions Teli multi funzione A3-101 Kopfüber by Bühler A3-103 MATT - MATTOLO SPORTS, S.A.

Ear muffs Ohrenschützer / -wärmer Protège-oreilles Proteggi orecchie

B4-200 X-Bionic - Treré SRL



A4-102 BUFF®-Original Buff SA B1-421 Horizon Leisure Products Ltd.


Rainwear Regenbekleidung Vêtements de pluie Abbigliamento da pioggia A5-203 66° North Miðhrauni 11, IS-210 Garðabær Tel.: +354 535 6600 Fax: +354 535 6602 Email: helga@66north.is Internet: www.66north.com

ZAMORA, 45, E-08005 Barcelona Tel.: +34 933 090912 Fax: +34 933 009559 Email: sole@matt-sports.com Internet: www.matt-sports.com


A4-104 FG-A81 Pro Feet GmbH

B4-401 Bailo S.p.A.

B4-203 badari sports GmbH



Index of products Warenverzeichnis | Elenco merceologico | Catalogue produits

A4-301 F.lli Campagnolo GmbH

A1-309 Mountain Equipment

Hans-Riedl-Str. 19, D-85622 Feldkirchen Tel.: +49 (0)89-35 62 90 0 Fax: +49 (0)89-35 62 90 94 Email: campagnolo@t-online.de Internet: www.campagnolo.it

Redfern House, Dawson Street, GB-SK14 1RD Hyde Tel.: +44 161 366 5020 Fax: +44 161 366 9732 Email: info@mountain-equipment.co.uk Internet: www.mountain-equipment.co.uk

A5-408 Crux / Outdoor Design Logistics Ltd. A1-102 Eberhard Göbel GmbH + Co Im Lehrer Feld 44, D-89081 Ulm Tel.: +49 731 140 13 0 Fax: +49 731 140 13 10 Email: info@euroschirm.com Internet: www.euroschirm.com A5-306 Five Seasons A6-500 FG-B31 W. L. Gore & Associates GmbH A4-213 Jana Designs & Manufacturing Ltd. A4-400 Jeantex Sportswear GmbH & Co. KG A4-100 K-WAY Deutschland GmbH A5-405 Keela International Ltd. B1-402 Life-Line / Bemontex B.V. Münster Straße 50, D-49176 Hilter Tel.: +49 5424 1031 u. 1032 Fax: +49 5424 69349 Email: life-line@osnanet.de Internet: www.golifeline.com A4-401 Löffler GmbH A3-301 Maier Sports GmbH & Co. KG

A4-500 Nordsen A5-412 NORMAL / TRITON Ltd B4-308 PINEA Sportswear OHG A5-102 Pinewood AB A4-101 R'ADYS AG B4-211 Rainpal Enterprise (HK) Ltd. A3-201 Regatta GmbH A3-300 Schöffel Sportbekleidung GmbH A4-103 SealSkinz Ltd. A1-309 Sprayway Ltd. A1-204 Sub Zero Technology Ltd. A4-502 Tah Hsin Industrial Corp. B1-418 Target Dry Ltd.

Nürtinger Straße 27, D-73257 Köngen Tel.: +49 7024 8000 0 Fax: +49 7024 8000 929 Email: info@maier-sports.de Internet: www.maier-sports.de

B3-400 Tatonka GmbH

A4-311 Manhattan Outdoor Clothing Factory Ltd.

A4-201 TRESPASS (Jacobs & Turner Ltd.)

A3-306 Maul Sport Company - Maul GmbH & Co. KG

B4-210 Xiamen Lago Garments Co., Ltd.

B4-206 Milo

A1-504 Ziegler Textil GmbH

B4-302 Montane


B3-324 Nantong Haoyi Trade Co., Ltd.

B4-104 Tech Winning Ind. Co., Ltd.

Hinter Winterbach 1, D-77794 Lautenbach Tel.: +49 7802 980086 Fax: +49 7802 980088 Email: info@ziegler-textil.de Internet: www.waefo.de

Index of products Warenverzeichnis | Elenco merceologico | Catalogue produits



A4-200 Icebreaker Ltd

Scarves Schals Echarpes Sciarpe

A4-213 Jana Designs & Manufacturing Ltd.

A4-102 BUFF®-Original Buff SA

A5-320 Kunshan Bright River GarmentManufacturing Co., Ltd.

c/Francia, 16, E-08700 Igualada Tel.: +34 93 805 4861 Fax: +34 93 804 4702 Email: buff@buff.eu Internet: www.buff.eu

A4-311 Manhattan Outdoor Clothing Factory Ltd.

Represented by: Buff GmbH



A3-315 New Goodwill Industries Co., Ltd.

ZAMORA, 45, E-08005 Barcelona Tel.: +34 933 090912 Fax: +34 933 009559 Email: sole@matt-sports.com Internet: www.matt-sports.com

B4-211 Rainpal Enterprise (HK) Ltd. B4-104 Tech Winning Ind. Co., Ltd.

B1-509 Naschem Co., Ltd

B4-303 TechNiche Europe

B4-220 Sun Grace Sports Co., Ltd.

A5-509 Xiamen Winsport Corporation

B4-404 Sunny Way Fashion Co., Ltd. A4-504 Wind x-treme - Actual Colors BCN S.L.


c / Polonia, 5 (local), E-08024 Barcelona Tel.: +34 93 2850288 Fax: +34 93 2190769 Email: wind@zonawind.com Internet: www.zonawind.com


Snowboard clothing Snowboardbekleidung Vêtements snowboard Abbigliamento da snowboard B2-300 ARC'TERYX A4-215 Epic Technology International

Ski clothing

A5-320 Kunshan Bright River GarmentManufacturing Co., Ltd.

Skibekleidung Vêtements de ski - alpin Abbigliamento sci - alpino

B4-211 Rainpal Enterprise (HK) Ltd.

A5-203 66° North Miðhrauni 11, IS-210 Garðabær Tel.: +354 535 6600 Fax: +354 535 6602 Email: helga@66north.is Internet: www.66north.com A1-412 CEP compression sportswear A1-109 Designer Textiles International Ltd/ MAPP Merino A4-215 Epic Technology International B3-314 Fox River Mills, Inc.

A3-201 Regatta GmbH B4-104 Tech Winning Ind. Co., Ltd.


Socks / Stockings Socken / Strümpfe Chaussettes Calze A1-307 2xU / Filser Sport & Marketing A5-211 Aclima AS

B4-209 HV Corporate Concepts AG



Index of products Warenverzeichnis | Elenco merceologico | Catalogue produits

B4-204 Action Sports GmbH


Carlo-Schmid-Straße 11, D-52146 Würselen Tel.: +49 2405 6060 Fax: +49 2405 606150 Email: info@action-sports.de Internet: www.action-sports.de

Condado de Treviño, 13 Nave A5, E-09001 Burgos Tel.: +34 947 298638 - +34 947100108 Fax: +34 947 298517 Email: burgos@mundsocks.com Internet: www.mundsocks.com


A6-213 Naama Naot Germany GmbH

A1-309 Bridgedale Outdoor Ltd.

A4-304 NO LIMITS by QST Innovation SRL

A1-412 CEP compression sportswear

A1-415 Nordhorn Sp z o.o

A1-214 Cocona Europe

A4-104 FG-A81 Pro Feet GmbH


A6-410 RYWAN sarl

A5-106 Feelmax Ltd.

26, rue Alexandre Volta - ZI Nord, F-77334 Meaux Cedex Tel.: +33 1 64 35 23 03 Fax: +33 1 64 35 00 15 Email: maxime@rywan.com Internet: www.rywan.com

B3-314 Fox River Mills, Inc.

B2-105 Saltic s.r.o.

B3-506 Grabber

A4-103 SealSkinz Ltd.

B1-421 Horizon Leisure Products Ltd.

A1-213 Smartwool Corporation Europe

A4-200 Icebreaker Ltd

A1-301 Teko

A1-105 inov-8

PO Box 14008, GB-EH9 1YF Edinburgh Tel.: +44 8000 323 505 Fax: +44 8000 323 515 Email: info@anatom.co.uk Internet: www.tekosocks.com

B4-515 Danken Enterprise Co., Ltd.

A4-503 Intersocks D.O.O.

Represented by: Anatom Ltd. A4-402 LASTING SPORT s.r.o. A6-411 Lenz GmbH A6-103 Industrias Savidai S.L. Lorpen Carretera General S/N, E-31760 Etxalar (Navarra) Tel.: +34 948 635384 Fax: +34 948 635238 Email: export@lorpen.com Internet: www.lorpen.com B4-101 Lurbel, S.L. A6-400 Lukas Meindl GmbH & Co. KG


B1-508 Tilley Endurables Ltd. A5-500 Tropicare / Tropenzorg BV A6-207 Veith FV Allgäuer Bergstrumpf GmbH B4-525 Walinco Ltd. B4-417 Well Mart Merit Co., Ltd B4-200 X-Bionic - Treré SRL Via Modena 18, I-46041 Asola (MN) Tel.: +39 0376 718635 Fax: +39 0376 718651 Email: l.boccola@trereinnovation.it Internet: www.x-bionic.com

Index of products Warenverzeichnis | Elenco merceologico | Catalogue produits



B4-106 Insport Garments Manufactory

Knitwear Strickwaren Gilets Maglieria

A4-503 Intersocks D.O.O.

A5-211 Aclima AS

A1-501 Komperdell Sportartikel GmbH

A4-404 IBEX Sport GmbH

A4-402 LASTING SPORT s.r.o.


A6-103 Industrias Savidai S.L. Lorpen Carretera General S/N, E-31760 Etxalar (Navarra) Tel.: +34 948 635384 Fax: +34 948 635238 Email: export@lorpen.com Internet: www.lorpen.com

A1-213 Smartwool Corporation Europe B4-404 Sunny Way Fashion Co., Ltd.

B4-101 Lurbel, S.L.

B4-210 Xiamen Lago Garments Co., Ltd.

B4-206 Milo


Thermal clothing

A4-507 Miti spa

Thermobekleidung Vêtements isothermes Abbigliamento termico


A1-307 2xU / Filser Sport & Marketing

A4-500 Nordsen

A5-203 66° North


Miðhrauni 11, IS-210 Garðabær Tel.: +354 535 6600 Fax: +354 535 6602 Email: helga@66north.is Internet: www.66north.com

A1-213 Smartwool Corporation Europe A1-204 Sub Zero Technology Ltd.

A5-211 Aclima AS

A3-309 Sunway - Hosen GmbH


B3-225 Xiamen Sumosta Garments Co., Ltd.

A1-501 Camaro Erich Roiser GmbH A1-109 Designer Textiles International Ltd/MAPP Merino A5-411 Eumar International srl A5-306 Five Seasons B3-314 Fox River Mills, Inc. B1-421 Horizon Leisure Products Ltd. B4-209 HV Corporate Concepts AG A4-200 Icebreaker Ltd


Touring ski wear Tourenskibekleidung Vêtements de ski - de randonnée Abbigliamento sci - alpinismo B4-401 Bailo S.p.A. A3-308 Direct Alpine s.r.o. A4-306 Montura - Tasci srl A4-304 NO LIMITS by QST Innovation SRL A4-101 R'ADYS AG




Index of products Warenverzeichnis | Elenco merceologico | Catalogue produits

A4-307 Wild Roses - CDA


Vicolo Morosella, 2, I-24050 Grassobbio (BG) Tel.: +39 035 3846101 Fax: +39 035 3846102 Email: silvia.ferrari@cda-italy.com Internet: www.wildroses.it

Flachsland 29, D-22083 Hamburg Tel.: +49 40 76976770 Fax: +49 40 76976771 Email: verkauf@craghoppers.com Internet: www.craghoppers.com

Traditional costumes

A1-109 Designer Textiles International Ltd/ MAPP Merino

Trachtenbekleidung Costumes traditionnels Abbigliamento tradizionale A3-309 Sunway - Hosen GmbH

A1-209 Dolomite A1-205 EIDER B4-103 elkline GmbH


Trekking wear Trekkingbekleidung Vêtements de trekking Abbigliamento da trekking A5-203 66° North Miðhrauni 11, IS-210 Garðabær Tel.: +354 535 6600 Fax: +354 535 6602 Email: helga@66north.is Internet: www.66north.com A5-423 Aparso (Fuzhou) Sportswear Co., Ltd. B4-203 badari sports GmbH B4-401 Bailo S.p.A. A1-405 Berghaus Ltd. A4-301 F.lli Campagnolo GmbH

A3-207 Eusebio Sporting Co., Ltd. A5-324 Fashion-Flying Outdoor Garments Company A5-306 Five Seasons B3-314 Fox River Mills, Inc. B4-100 Halti Oy Valimotie 5, FIN-1511 Vantaa Tel.: +358 9 852081 Fax: +358 9 85208300 Email: kalle.soderholm@halti.fi Internet: www.halti.com A1-206 Helly Hansen Deutschland GmbH Gustav-Heinemann-Ring 212, D-81739 München Tel.: +49 89 67349620 Fax: +49 89 67349659 Internet: www.hellyhansen.com

Hans-Riedl-Str. 19, D-85622 Feldkirchen Tel.: +49 (0)89-35 62 90 0 Fax: +49 (0)89-35 62 90 94 Email: campagnolo@t-online.de Internet: www.campagnolo.it

B4-209 HV Corporate Concepts AG

A1-412 CEP compression sportswear

A4-213 Jana Designs & Manufacturing Ltd.

A1-304 Columbia Sportswear International Sarl

A5-405 Keela International Ltd.

Geneva Business Center, 12, Avenue des Morgines, CH-1213 Petit-Lancy Tel.: +41 22 8709000 Fax: +41 22 8709001 Email: cbretaudeau@columbia.com Internet: www.columbia.com

A5-320 Kunshan Bright River GarmentManufacturing Co., Ltd.

A4-404 IBEX Sport GmbH

A3-406 KV2 SAGL B2-204 La Sportiva S.p.A. A4-402 LASTING SPORT s.r.o.


Index of products Warenverzeichnis | Elenco merceologico | Catalogue produits

B1-402 Life-Line / Bemontex B.V. Münster Straße 50, D-49176 Hilter Tel.: +49 5424 1031 u. 1032 Fax: +49 5424 69349 Email: life-line@osnanet.de Internet: www.golifeline.com A6-103 Industrias Savidai S.L. Lorpen Carretera General S/N, E-31760 Etxalar (Navarra) Tel.: +34 948 635384 Fax: +34 948 635238 Email: export@lorpen.com Internet: www.lorpen.com A5-305 Lundhags Skomakarna AB B4-101 Lurbel, S.L. A4-401 Löffler GmbH A3-301 Maier Sports GmbH & Co. KG Nürtinger Straße 27, D-73257 Köngen Tel.: +49 7024 8000 0 Fax: +49 7024 8000 929 Email: info@maier-sports.de Internet: www.maier-sports.de A4-311 Manhattan Outdoor Clothing Factory Ltd. A3-306 Maul Sport Company - Maul GmbH & Co. KG B4-302 Montane A4-306 Montura - Tasci srl A1-400 Mountain Hardwear A4-505 MUND SOCKS - MUNDOIMPORT S.L. A4-500 Nordsen A1-207 Norrona Sport AS B4-500 ODLO International AG Im Bösch 67, CH-6331 Hünenberg / Zug Tel.: +41 41 785 7070 Fax: +41 41 785 7077 Email: mail@odlo.com Internet: www.odlo.com B2-200 Patagonia Europe SNC


A5-102 Pinewood AB A4-101 R'ADYS AG A4-300 Royal Robbins Europe A3-300 Schöffel Sportbekleidung GmbH A1-204 Sub Zero Technology Ltd. A3-309 Sunway - Hosen GmbH Lindenstraße 15, D-73550 Waldstetten Wissgoldingen Tel.: +49 7162 24693 Fax: +49 7162 24793 Email: info@sunway-hosen.de Internet: www.sunway-hosen.de B4-104 Tech Winning Ind. Co., Ltd. B4-303 TechNiche Europe B2-507 Tilak, a.s. B1-508 Tilley Endurables Ltd. A4-201 TRESPASS (Jacobs & Turner Ltd.) A5-500 Tropicare / Tropenzorg BV A4-307 Wild Roses - CDA Vicolo Morosella, 2, I-24050 Grassobbio (BG) Tel.: +39 035 3846101 Fax: +39 035 3846102 Email: silvia.ferrari@cda-italy.com Internet: www.wildroses.it B4-200 X-Bionic - Treré SRL Via Modena 18, I-46041 Asola (MN) Tel.: +39 0376 718635 Fax: +39 0376 718651 Email: l.boccola@trereinnovation.it Internet: www.x-bionic.com A5-507 Xiamen Trend Corporation A1-504 Ziegler Textil GmbH Hinter Winterbach 1, D-77794 Lautenbach Tel.: +49 7802 980086 Fax: +49 7802 980088 Email: info@ziegler-textil.de Internet: www.waefo.de

B4-308 PINEA Sportswear OHG


200 200

Index of products Warenverzeichnis | Elenco merceologico | Catalogue produits

Life rescue equipment


Signalling devices (whistles, flares etc.)

Rettungstechnik Equipement de sauvetage Tecniche di salvataggio

Signalmittel (Pfeifen, Leuchtfeuer, etc.) Moyens de signalisation (sifflet, balise lumineuse) Attrezzi da segnalazione (fischietti, razzi,ecc.)

B1-407 ACR Electronics Inc.; Klemann & Kreutzfeldt GmbH

B1-407 ACR Electronics Inc.; Klemann & Kreutzfeldt GmbH

B1-406 Benchmade Knife Co.

B1-424 BCB International Ltd.

A3-405 Heatgear

A5-225 Heaven&Earth Products Co.,Ltd

Spireavej 21, DK-8462 Harlev J. Tel.: +45 72 100 007 Fax: +45 22 408 807 Email: info@heatgear.dk Internet: www.heatgear.dk

Room 102, No.41, Lane 728, Changdao Road, Pudong District, VRC-200129 Shanghai Tel.: +86 21 51875189;68954288 Fax: +86 21 51686328 Email: info@heaven-earth.com.cn Internet: www.heaven-earth.com.cn

A5-317 KANNAD B3-201 King Snaps Ind. Corp. 16F-2, No. 51, Sec 2, Keelung Rd., RC-110 Taipei Tel.: +886 2 2739 3669 Fax: +886 2 2739 3198 / 2739 0001 Email: snap@singgy.com.tw Internet: www.kingsnaps.net


Survival equipment Survival Ausrüstung Equipement de survie Equipaggiamento di sopravvivenza B1-407 ACR Electronics Inc.; Klemann & Kreutzfeldt GmbH

B3-100 Kong S.p.a.

B1-424 BCB International Ltd.

A3-105 Ortovox Sportartikel GmbH

A5-303 Brunton / Silva Sweden AB

A5-228 PPM GmbH Precise Positioning Management

B3-300 Coghlan's Ltd.

B3-300 Relags GmbH

B3-405 Esbit Compagnie GmbH

B2-109 Sterling Rope Co.

Marlowring 21, D-22525 Hamburg Tel.: +49 40 85310650 Fax: +49 40 8509184 Email: esbit@esbit.de Internet: www.esbit.de

Rescue blankets

A1-211 Eureka! Europe / Nigor Net B.V.

Rettungsdecken Couverture de sauvetage Coperte di salvataggio B3-506 Grabber B3-403 TravelSafe



B3-506 Grabber A3-405 Heatgear Spireavej 21, DK-8462 Harlev J. Tel.: +45 72 100 007 Fax: +45 22 408 807 Email: info@heatgear.dk Internet: www.heatgear.dk

Shovels, spades Schaufeln, Spaten Pelles, bêches Pale, vanghe A5-303 Gerber / Silva Sweden AB

B1-427 Leatherman Tool Group, Inc. B4-301 Lifemarque Ltd. A5-307 Light My Fire Sweden AB


Index of products Warenverzeichnis | Elenco merceologico | Catalogue produits

A5-210 Powertraveller Ltd.




B1-204 Spyderco Inc.

Helme Casques Caschi

A3-210 STERIPEN by Hydro-Photon Inc.

A5-209 Brenda Sport Deutschland GmbH

262 Ellsworth Road, USA-04614 ME Blue Hill Tel.: 207-374-5880 Fax: 207-374-5100 Email: international@steripen.com Internet: www.steripen.com

B2-600 Grivel s.r.l. B4-306 HBSD

B1-415 Swiss+Tech / Segula GmbH B3-408 Ticketothemoon PT. Ayunan Bulan International


A4-508 Titex Vertriebs GmbH

A1-202 Grabner GmbH

Rainstraße 6, D-91560 Heilsbronn Tel.: +49 9872 800 188 Fax: +49 9872 800 288 Email: info@tizip.com Internet: www.tizip.com

A1-100 Gumotex, a.s. Mládeznická 3A, 3062, CZ-69075 Breclav Tel.: +420 519 314-111 Fax: +420 519 322-909 Email: info@gumotex.cz Internet: www.gumotex.cz

A5-219 UTAG Limited B1-501 FG-AKB1 Zweibrüder Optoelectronics GmbH


Boats and accessories Boote und Zubehör Bateaux Accessoires Imbarcazioni ed accessori

Kayaks Kajak Kayaks Kayak

A1-203 SeaBird Designs Kayaks


Canadian canoes Kanadier Canoës Canadesi

FG-A82 Fun-Care AG

A1-202 Grabner GmbH

A1-100 Gumotex, a.s. Mládeznická 3A, 3062, CZ-69075 Breclav Tel.: +420 519 314-111 Fax: +420 519 322-909 Email: info@gumotex.cz Internet: www.gumotex.cz



Canoes Kanus Canots Canoe

A1-101 Stallion Sport Ltd.

A1-100 Gumotex, a.s.

A6-206 Vento GmbH

Mládeznická 3A, 3062, CZ-69075 Breclav Tel.: +420 519 314-111 Fax: +420 519 322-909 Email: info@gumotex.cz Internet: www.gumotex.cz

Foldable canoes Faltboote Bateaux pliants Canotti pieghevoli


Canoe accessories

A1-305 Bergans Fritid AS

Kanuzubehör Accessoires pour canoë Accessori per canoa

FG-A82 Fun-Care AG

B3-320 JR GEAR - Star Arrow Company



Index of products Warenverzeichnis | Elenco merceologico | Catalogue produits

B3-321 Mountain Services Creations B1-410 Pacific Outdoor Equipment


Paddles Paddel Pagaies Pagaie A1-100 Gumotex, a.s. Mládeznická 3A, 3062, CZ-69075 Breclav Tel.: +420 519 314-111 Fax: +420 519 322-909 Email: info@gumotex.cz Internet: www.gumotex.cz A1-203 SeaBird Designs Kayaks


Rafts Rafts Rafts Rafting A1-202 Grabner GmbH A1-100 Gumotex, a.s. Mládeznická 3A, 3062, CZ-69075 Breclav Tel.: +420 519 314-111 Fax: +420 519 322-909 Email: info@gumotex.cz Internet: www.gumotex.cz


Inflatable dinghies Schlauchboote Bateaux gonflables Canotti FG-A82 Fun-Care AG A1-202 Grabner GmbH


Life jackets Schwimmwesten Gilets de sauvetage Giubbotti di salvataggio A1-501 Camaro Erich Roiser GmbH A1-202 Grabner GmbH


A1-101 Stallion Sport Ltd.


Camping equipment Campingausrüstung Equipements de camping Attrezzatura da campeggio A5-319 Acecamp GmbH B3-308 AMAZONAS GmbH B1-406 Benchmade Knife Co. B2-400 B2-401 Black Diamond Equipment AG B2-402 C.A.M.P. spa B1-502 Curly & Smooth Handels GmbH B3-403 EuroTrail B3-223 Fine Products Ltd. B1-503 Gelert Ltd. A5-501 FG-A101 Hannah Czech a.s. A5-225 Heaven&Earth Products Co.,Ltd Room 102, No.41, Lane 728, Changdao Road, Pudong District, VRC-200129 Shanghai Tel.: +86 21 51875189;68954288 Fax: +86 21 51686328 Email: info@heaven-earth.com.cn Internet: www.heaven-earth.com.cn B1-423 Highlander (Scotland) Ltd. A5-308 Industrial Revolution B1-103 Jack Wolfskin Ausrüstung für Draussen GmbH & Co. KG aA A5-307 Light My Fire Sweden AB B1-301 Nordisk Freizeit Bollerslev GmbH Max-Weber-Straße 16, D-25451 Quickborn Tel.: +49 4106 7677 0 Fax: +49 4106 7677 14 Email: info@nordisk.de Internet: www.nordisk.de

Index of products Warenverzeichnis | Elenco merceologico | Catalogue produits

B1-102 Oase Outdoors ApS



Fuel Brennstoffe Combustible Combustibile

Kornvej 9, DK-7323 Give Tel.: +45 70228500 Fax: +45 70228505 Email: info@oase-outdoors.dk Internet: www.oase-outdoors.com

B1-424 BCB International Ltd.

B1-410 Pacific Outdoor Equipment

B3-405 Esbit Compagnie GmbH

B3-310 Phelgard Products Inc. A5-210 Powertraveller Ltd.

Marlowring 21, D-22525 Hamburg Tel.: +49 40 85310650 Fax: +49 40 8509184 Email: esbit@esbit.de Internet: www.esbit.de

B3-504 Promens Packaging GmbH

A3-307 OPTIMUS / Katadyn Products Inc. Birkenweg 4, CH-8304 Wallisellen Tel.: +41 44 839 2111 Fax: +41 44 830 7942 Email: info@katadyngroup.com Internet: www.katadyngroup.com

B3-300 Relags GmbH B3-402 Royalbeach A3-200 SALEWA SPORTGERÄTE GMBH


Furnishings Campingmöbel Meubles de camping Mobili da campeggio

B3-409 Stanley (Pacific Market International, Ltd.) A3-210 STERIPEN by Hydro-Photon Inc.

B3-403 EuroTrail

262 Ellsworth Road, USA-04614 ME Blue Hill Tel.: 207-374-5880 Fax: 207-374-5100 Email: international@steripen.com Internet: www.steripen.com

FG-A82 Fun-Care AG B4-307 hhp Home Health Products GmbH

B3-408 Ticketothemoon PT. Ayunan Bulan International

B3-300 Relags GmbH

B3-316 TSS Fortune Co., Ltd.

B3-313 Snow Peak Europe GmbH

A1-210 WENGER S.A. Route de Bâle 63, CH-2800 Delémont Tel.: +41 32 421 3900 Fax: +41 32 421 3999 Email: info@wenger.ch Internet: www.wenger.ch


Foldable furniture Faltmöbel Meubles pliants Sedia ripiegabili

B3-109 Winsport / Transworld & Associates Co., Ltd.


Suite 2301, Metro Centre (2), HK-Kowloon Bay Tel.: +852 2318 1166 Fax: +852 2757 4828 Email: winsport@winsport.com.hk / targex@targex.net Internet: www.winsport.com.hk / www.targex.net

B1-102 Oase Outdoors ApS

B3-221 Zhejiang Nature Travel Goods Co., Ltd.

Kornvej 9, DK-7323 Give Tel.: +45 70228500 Fax: +45 70228505 Email: info@oase-outdoors.dk Internet: www.oase-outdoors.com A5-206 Scandinavian Touch AB B3-313 Snow Peak Europe GmbH



Index of products Warenverzeichnis | Elenco merceologico | Catalogue produits

B3-408 Ticketothemoon PT. Ayunan Bulan International B3-502 Vango


Stoves, cooking equipment Kocher, Kochergeschirr, Kochsysteme Réchauds, matériel de cuisine Fornelletti, stoviglie, sistemi per cottura A5-319 Acecamp GmbH


Camp beds Feldbetten Lits de camp Letti da campo B3-221 Zhejiang Nature Travel Goods Co., Ltd.


Grill Accessories Grill-Zubehör Grill Accessoires Grill accessori B3-319 Cadac Europe B.V. Ratio 26, NL-6921 RW Duiven Tel.: +31 26 3197740 Fax: +31 26 3197743 Email: info@cadaceurope.nl Internet: www.cadaceurope.com B3-300 GSI Outdoors Inc. B3-313 Snow Peak Europe GmbH A5-310 Tentipi


B1-424 BCB International Ltd. A5-303 Brunton / Silva Sweden AB B3-319 Cadac Europe B.V. Ratio 26, NL-6921 RW Duiven Tel.: +31 26 3197740 Fax: +31 26 3197743 Email: info@cadaceurope.nl Internet: www.cadaceurope.com A3-404 Cascade Designs Ltd. B2-505 EDELRID GmbH & Co. KG B3-405 Esbit Compagnie GmbH Marlowring 21, D-22525 Hamburg Tel.: +49 40 85310650 Fax: +49 40 8509184 Email: esbit@esbit.de Internet: www.esbit.de A1-211 Eureka! Europe / Nigor Net B.V. A5-213 Farmer´s Outdoor GmbH


A1-309 GoGas Limited

Hängematten / Hängesessel Hamacs Amache

B3-300 GSI Outdoors Inc.


A3-405 Heatgear

A1-211 Eureka! Europe / Nigor Net B.V. FG-A71 ID Sports GmbH Gibbon Slacklines B3-408 Ticketothemoon PT. Ayunan Bulan International B3-403 TravelSafe

Spireavej 21, DK-8462 Harlev J. Tel.: +45 72 100 007 Fax: +45 22 408 807 Email: info@heatgear.dk Internet: www.heatgear.dk B3-303 IPV GmbH Inheidener Produktions- und Vertriebsges. mbH Ezetilstraße 1, D-35410 Hungen-Inheiden Tel.: +49 6402 807 0 Fax: +49 6402 807 295 Email: verkauf@ipv-hungen.de Internet: www.ipv-hungen.de A3-312 Jetboil Inc A5-307 Light My Fire Sweden AB


Index of products Warenverzeichnis | Elenco merceologico | Catalogue produits

B1-301 Nordisk Freizeit Bollerslev GmbH

B1-410 Pacific Outdoor Equipment

Max-Weber-Straße 16, D-25451 Quickborn Tel.: +49 4106 7677 0 Fax: +49 4106 7677 14 Email: info@nordisk.de Internet: www.nordisk.de

A3-403 Trangoworld Poligono Industrial Malpica Calle C Parcela 102 B1/F, E-50057 Zaragoza Tel.: +34 976 421100 Fax: +34 976 416793 Email: info@trangoworld.com Internet: www.trangoworld.com

A3-307 OPTIMUS / Katadyn Products Inc. Birkenweg 4, CH-8304 Wallisellen Tel.: +41 44 839 2111 Fax: +41 44 830 7942 Email: info@katadyngroup.com Internet: www.katadyngroup.com

A4-402 Trimm Sport, s.r.o. B3-502 Vango

B3-313 Snow Peak Europe GmbH

B3-221 Zhejiang Nature Travel Goods Co., Ltd.

B3-400 Tasmanian Tiger c/o Tatonka GmbH B3-400 Tatonka GmbH A5-310 Tentipi




Mosquito nets and protection Moskitonetze, -schutz Protection contre les moustiques Zanzariere, protezioni da insetti B3-308 AMAZONAS GmbH

Mats of all kinds Matten aller Art Matelas Stuoie A3-404 Cascade Designs Ltd. A1-211 Eureka! Europe / Nigor Net B.V. A3-304 Exped AG B3-503 Goodway Industrial (HK) Ltd. B3-306 IMBEMA KUNSTSTOFFCHEMIE GMBH Enzstraße 17, D-70806 Kornwestheim Tel.: +49 7154-3091 Fax: +49 7154-24714 Email: info@imbema.de Internet: www.imbema.de B3-320 JR GEAR - Star Arrow Company A3-206 PositCon GmbH (Lestra Deutschland) B3-219 FG-B101 NEMO Equipment, Inc. B1-301 Nordisk Freizeit Bollerslev GmbH Max-Weber-Straße 16, D-25451 Quickborn Tel.: +49 4106 7677 0 Fax: +49 4106 7677 14 Email: info@nordisk.de Internet: www.nordisk.de

B3-312 Black Stump Co. Instant Tents B1-500 Brettschneider Fernreisebedarf GmbH A3-202 CRAGHOPPERS Flachsland 29, D-22083 Hamburg Tel.: +49 40 76976770 Fax: +49 40 76976771 Email: verkauf@craghoppers.com Internet: www.craghoppers.com B1-411 Design Go Ltd A5-100 McNett Europe A1-413 Nikwax Waterproofing A5-110 Tecnimed srl B3-403 TravelSafe A5-500 Tropicare / Tropenzorg BV Zwenkgrasstraat 5, NL-1313 LC Almere Tel.: +31 36 5334711 Fax: +31 36 5344975 Email: info@tropicare.eu Internet: www.tropicare.eu B3-312 Wechsel Die Berliner Zeltschmiede GmbH


310 310

Index of products Warenverzeichnis | Elenco merceologico | Catalogue produits

Repair kits Reparaturmaterial Matériel de réparation Prodotti per riparazioni


A3-404 Cascade Designs Ltd. A5-408 Crux / Outdoor Design Logistics Ltd.

B3-300 Coghlan's Ltd.

A5-323 Elite Outdoor Gear Co., Ltd.

B1-425 ITW Nexus Europe S.A.

A1-211 Eureka! Europe / Nigor Net B.V.

A5-100 McNett Europe

B3-403 EuroTrail A3-207 Eusebio Sporting Co., Ltd.

Tarpaulins Tarps Auvents Verande per tende A1-211 Eureka! Europe / Nigor Net B.V. B1-301 Nordisk Freizeit Bollerslev GmbH Max-Weber-Straße 16, D-25451 Quickborn Tel.: +49 4106 7677 0 Fax: +49 4106 7677 14 Email: info@nordisk.de Internet: www.nordisk.de B3-400 Tatonka GmbH B3-312 Wechsel Die Berliner Zeltschmiede GmbH

A3-304 Exped AG A1-208 Ferrino & C. S.p.A. A5-200 FG-A91 Fjällräven AB B1-503 Gelert Ltd. A1-407 GoLite, LLC A5-501 FG-A101 Hannah Czech a.s. A5-105 Hilleberg The Tentmaker AB A5-105 Hilleberg The Tentmaker AB


Tents Zelte Tentes Tende B3-403 Active Leisure / Van Bergen Sports Int. BV B3-317 Alexika European Office Piechlerstraße 18, D-86356 Neusaess Tel.: +49 821 4804379 90 Fax: +49 821 4804379 99 Email: sales@alexika.eu Internet: www.alexika.eu A1-305 Bergans Fritid AS Loesmoen, Box 293, N-3301 Hokksund Tel.: +47 32 25 25 00 Fax: +47 32 25 25 10 Email: marked@bergans.no Internet: www.bergans.com Represented by: Bergans Outdoor GmbH B2-400 B2-401 Black Diamond Equipment AG B3-312 Black Stump Co. Instant Tents


A5-409 Husky CZ, s.r.o. A1-402 Lafuma S.A. A5-408 Lightwave / Outdoor Design Logistics A5-107 LOAP/Piccollo, spol. s.r.o. A1-403 Marmot Mountain Europe GmbH Gottfried Stammler Straße 12, D-91220 Schnaittach Tel.: +49 9153 920590 Fax: +49 9153 92059 99 Email: info@marmot.de Internet: www.marmot.eu A1-400 Mountain Hardwear B3-219 FG-B101 NEMO Equipment, Inc.

Index of products Warenverzeichnis | Elenco merceologico | Catalogue produits

A5-301 Nomad

B2-305 VAUDE Sport GmbH & Co. KG

Edisonstraat 82, NL-6902 PK Zevenaar Tel.: +31 316 583500 Fax: +31 316 583535 Email: tessa@nomad.info Internet: www.nomad.info

B3-312 Wechsel Die Berliner Zeltschmiede GmbH A1-210 WENGER S.A.

B1-301 Nordisk Freizeit Bollerslev GmbH

Route de Bâle 63, CH-2800 Delémont Tel.: +41 32 421 3900 Fax: +41 32 421 3999 Email: info@wenger.ch Internet: www.wenger.ch

Max-Weber-Straße 16, D-25451 Quickborn Tel.: +49 4106 7677 0 Fax: +49 4106 7677 14 Email: info@nordisk.de Internet: www.nordisk.de

A5-420 Zhangzhou Moonlit Camping Products Co., Ltd

A5-412 NORMAL / TRITON Ltd B1-102 Oase Outdoors ApS


Tent accessories Zeltzubehör (Häringe, Stangen, etc. ) Accessoires pour tentes Accessori per tende

Kornvej 9, DK-7323 Give Tel.: +45 70228500 Fax: +45 70228505 Email: info@oase-outdoors.dk Internet: www.oase-outdoors.com

A5-319 Acecamp GmbH

B2-217 Raidlight

B3-300 Coghlan's Ltd.

B3-314 Red Fox


A5-504 Rejka Reiner Kanzewitsch

B3-311 Euro-Line Solar GmbH

B3-402 Royalbeach

B3-403 EuroTrail

B4-400 Simex Sport GmbH

B1-503 Gelert Ltd.

Schiefbahner Straße 12, D-41748 Viersen Tel.: +49 2162 10200 0 Fax: +49 2162 10200 10 Email: info@simex-sport.de Internet: www.simex-sport.de

B1-509 Naschem Co., Ltd B3-219 FG-B101 NEMO Equipment, Inc.

B3-313 Snow Peak Europe GmbH

A5-310 Tentipi

B3-404 Sportsman Corporation

B3-312 Wechsel Die Berliner Zeltschmiede GmbH

B3-400 Tatonka GmbH A5-310 Tentipi



Bicycles accessories

B1-420 Terra Nova Equipment Ltd

Fahrradzubehör Accessoires vélo Accessori per bici

A4-402 Trimm Sport, s.r.o.

B4-319 Double Hero Corp.

B3-316 TSS Fortune Co., Ltd. B3-502 Vango



Index of products Warenverzeichnis | Elenco merceologico | Catalogue produits

A5-225 Heaven&Earth Products Co.,Ltd Room 102, No.41, Lane 728, Changdao Road, Pudong District, VRC-200129 Shanghai Tel.: +86 21 51875189;68954288 Fax: +86 21 51686328 Email: info@heaven-earth.com.cn Internet: www.heaven-earth.com.cn

B4-305 Radler GmbH Wasserdichte Sportartikel B3-423 Taiwan Vertex Production Corp.


B3-217 KOGA BV


Bicycles computers

A1-505 BACH - Transbach Ltd.

Fahrradcomputer Ordinateurs de vélo Computer per biciclette

B1-400 Deuter Sport GmbH & Co. KG Siemensstraße 1, D-86368 Gersthofen Tel.: +49 821 4987 327 Fax: +49 821 4987 339 Email: info@deuter.com Internet: www.deuter.com

B4-219 Alatech Technology Ltd. A5-300 Garmin Deutschland GmbH

A1-110 Kohla / Ibex Sportartikel GmbH

B1-404 SIGMA Elektro GmbH

B4-301 Lifemarque Ltd.

Dr.-Julius-Leber-Straße 15, D-67433 Neustadt Tel.: +49 6321 9120 0 Fax: +49 6321 9120 34 Email: info@sigmasport.com Internet: www.sigmasport.com


Bicycles bags

B3-400 Tatonka GmbH


Shop furnishings

Fahrradtaschen Sacoches vélo Borse per bici

Ladeneinrichtungen Fourniture du magasin Arredo per negozi

B1-419 Aquapac International Ltd

A6-416 Bohnacker Ladeneinrichtungen GmbH

A5-502 Brooks England Ltd.

B4-501 IN FORM Planungs- und Handels GmbH

B1-400 Deuter Sport GmbH & Co. KG

B4-501 Swizz-Light GmbH

Siemensstraße 1, D-86368 Gersthofen Tel.: +49 821 4987 327 Fax: +49 821 4987 339 Email: info@deuter.com Internet: www.deuter.com

Basler Strasse 15, CH-5080 Laufenburg Tel.: +41 62 8740404 Fax: +41 628 8743405 Email: info@swizz-light.ch Internet: www.swizz-light.ch

B4-319 Double Hero Corp. B3-503 Goodway Industrial (HK) Ltd. B1-200 ORTLIEB Sportartikel GmbH Rainstraße 6, D-91560 Heilsbronn Tel.: +49 9872 8000 Fax: +49 9872 800266 Email: info@ortlieb.com Internet: www.ortlieb.com B1-410 Pacific Outdoor Equipment


Baby carriers Kraxen / Kindertragen Sacs à dos porte-bébé Portambimbo


Displays Displays Présentoirs Displays A6-416 Bohnacker Ladeneinrichtungen GmbH B2-220 OSMOSE

Index of products Warenverzeichnis | Elenco merceologico | Catalogue produits

B4-501 Swizz-Light GmbH


FW-109 atlas Verlag GmbH B1-403 Bergverlag Rother GmbH

Media Medien Medias Massmedia

ÜO-102 mode...information GmbH FO-104 Olympia-Verlag GmbH

B1-403 Bergverlag Rother GmbH

FW-102 SAZ Verlag GmbH (SAZsport)

FO-100 Deutscher Alpenverein e. V.

FW-100 SGI Europe / EDM Publications

FW-105 Infotrade Media Co., Ltd.

FW-118 SPORT-Adressbuch - Kern Verlag

ÜO-102 mode...information GmbH

FW-102 SPORTéco

B2-604 Motor Presse Stuttgart GmbH & Co. KG FW-118 SPORT-Adressbuch - Kern Verlag



Maps Landkarten Cartes géographiques numériques Carte geografiche

Books Bücher Livres Libri B1-403 Bergverlag Rother GmbH

Specialist literature Fachliteratur Littérature spécialisée Libri specializzati

Basler Strasse 15, CH-5080 Laufenburg Tel.: +41 62 8740404 Fax: +41 628 8743405 Email: info@swizz-light.ch Internet: www.swizz-light.ch



B1-403 Bergverlag Rother GmbH


Guidebooks Reiseführer Guides touristiques Guide

A5-224 Conrad Stein Verlag GmbH ÜO-102 mode...information GmbH

B1-403 Bergverlag Rother GmbH

FW-118 SPORT-Adressbuch - Kern Verlag A5-224 Thomas Kettler Verlag



Digital maps

B3-202 Revolution Climbing Europe blocSyndicate Ltd.

Digitale Landkarten Cartes géographiques digitale Carte geografiche digitali A5-218 Navico GmbH Lowrance

Videos Videos Vidéos Video


Navigation + optical equipment Navigationssysteme / optische Geräte Appareils de navigation + optique Strumenti di navigazione e ottici A1-211 Eureka! Europe / Nigor Net B.V.




Index of products Warenverzeichnis | Elenco merceologico | Catalogue produits

A5-308 Industrial Revolution

A5-217 CompeGPS Team S.L.

A5-218 Navico GmbH Lowrance

A5-300 Garmin Deutschland GmbH

A5-228 PPM GmbH Precise Positioning Management

B1-431 Microsport GmbH + Co. KG


A1-209 MYNAV Outdoor Navigators Giove srl - Elda Group

Entfernungsmesser Télémètres Telemetri

B3-207 PIEPS GmbH A5-228 PPM GmbH Precise Positioning Management

A5-406 Bushnell Performance Optics GmbH

A1-309 Satmap Systems Ltd

An der Alten Spinnerei 1, D-83059 Kolbermoor Tel.: +49 8031 23348 0 Fax: +49 8031 23348 18 Email: info@bushnell.de Internet: www.bushnell.com


4 Fountain House, GB-KT22 7LX Leatherhead, Surrey Tel.: +44 161 3665020 Fax: +44 161 3669732 Email: mike.storey@satmap.com Internet: www.satmap.com

Binoculars Ferngläser Jumelles Binocoli, cannocchiali B1-412 Baladéo Coriolis SARL

A1-502 Suunto c/o Amer Sports Europe Services GmbH


A5-406 Bushnell Performance Optics GmbH

Altimeters Höhenmesser Altimètres Altimetri

An der Alten Spinnerei 1, D-83059 Kolbermoor Tel.: +49 8031 23348 0 Fax: +49 8031 23348 18 Email: info@bushnell.de Internet: www.bushnell.com

B4-219 Alatech Technology Ltd. B1-413 Barigo Barometerfabrik GmbH

A5-404 Eschenbach Optik GmbH

B1-502 Curly & Smooth Handels GmbH

B1-409 C. Jul. Herbertz GmbH


A5-403 MINOX GmbH

B1-431 Microsport GmbH + Co. KG

A5-303 Silva Sweden AB

A5-403 MINOX GmbH


A1-502 Suunto c/o Amer Sports Europe Services GmbH

GPS navigation equipment GPS - Navigationsgeräte Appareils de navigation GPS GPS - Strumenti di navigazione A5-406 Bushnell Performance Optics GmbH An der Alten Spinnerei 1, D-83059 Kolbermoor Tel.: +49 8031 23348 0 Fax: +49 8031 23348 18 Email: info@bushnell.de Internet: www.bushnell.com



Compasses Kompasse Boussoles Bussole A5-319 Acecamp GmbH

Index of products Warenverzeichnis | Elenco merceologico | Catalogue produits

B1-412 Baladéo Coriolis SARL

A5-505 Laboratoires CMA/NST

B1-413 Barigo Barometerfabrik GmbH

A5-100 McNett Europe

B3-300 Coghlan's Ltd.

A3-400 Toko AG

B1-409 C. Jul. Herbertz GmbH

Industriestrasse Birren, CH-5703 Seon Tel.: +41 627 698181 Fax: +41 627 698311 Internet: www.toko.ch


A5-500 Tropicare / Tropenzorg BV

A5-303 Silva Sweden AB A1-502 Suunto c/o Amer Sports Europe Services GmbH




Impregnating Imprägniermittel aller Art Produit Imperméabilisants Impermeabilizzanti

Infrared instruments

B1-500 Brettschneider Fernreisebedarf GmbH

Nachtsichtgeräte Appareil infrarouge Binocoli infrarossi

B1-203 Fibertec

A5-406 Bushnell Performance Optics GmbH

A1-201 Holmenkol AG

An der Alten Spinnerei 1, D-83059 Kolbermoor Tel.: +49 8031 23348 0 Fax: +49 8031 23348 18 Email: info@bushnell.de Internet: www.bushnell.com

A5-505 Laboratoires CMA/NST A5-100 McNett Europe

A5-403 MINOX GmbH

A1-413 Nikwax Waterproofing


A3-204 Storm Waterproofing

Meteorological stations Wetterstationen Stations météo Stazioni meteorologiche B1-413 Barigo Barometerfabrik GmbH A5-403 MINOX GmbH A1-502 Suunto c/o Amer Sports Europe Services GmbH


Care Products Pflegemittel Produits d'entretien Prodotti da manutenzione B1-203 Fibertec A1-201 Holmenkol AG


Personal hygiene Körperpflege / Hygieneartikel Soins du corps / hygiène corporelle Cura del corpo, Articoli igienici A1-201 Holmenkol AG B1-428 JBol Ltd. A6-213 Naama Naot Germany GmbH A3-204 Storm Waterproofing A6-411 Therm-ic Products GmbH Nfg & Co. KG B3-403 TravelSafe


603 603

Index of products Warenverzeichnis | Elenco merceologico | Catalogue produits

Leather care products Lederpflegemittel Produits pour l'entretien du cuir Prodotti per la cura del cuoio

B3-215 Bavaria Sonor Musikverlag und Merchandising GmbH

B1-203 Fibertec

Bavariafilmplatz 7, D-82031 Geiselgasteig Tel.: +49 89 6499-2641 Fax: +49 89 6493730 Email: bavaria.sonor@bavaria-film.de Internet: www.bavaria-sonor.de

A5-505 Laboratoires CMA/NST

A1-305 Bergans Fritid AS

A5-100 McNett Europe

Loesmoen, Box 293, N-3301 Hokksund Tel.: +47 32 25 25 00 Fax: +47 32 25 25 10 Email: marked@bergans.no Internet: www.bergans.com

A1-413 Nikwax Waterproofing

Represented by: Bergans Outdoor GmbH A3-204 Storm Waterproofing


Detergent, cleaning

B1-506 BOLL Mountain & Outdoor Gear

B1-203 Fibertec

Petrohradská 3, CZ-10100 Praha 10 Tel.: +420 267 184 639 Fax: +420 267 184 691 Email: info@boll.cz Internet: www.boll.cz

A5-505 Laboratoires CMA/NST A5-100 McNett Europe A3-203 Schweizer-Effax GmbH A3-204 Storm Waterproofing A6-411 Therm-ic Products GmbH Nfg & Co. KG

A1-501 Camaro Erich Roiser GmbH B1-100 CamelBak International, LLC Filiale Italiana B2-402 C.A.M.P. spa B1-202 Caribee Australia 33-39 Bowden Street, AUS-2015 Alexandria Tel.: +61 2 9698 8944 Fax: +61 2 9698 7063 Email: info@caribee.com Internet: www.caribee.com

Rucksacks / Backpacks

B4-506 CHIMA Fernost Service

Rucksäcke / Reisegepäck Sacs à dos Zaini

B2-221 CiLAO

B3-403 Active Leisure / Van Bergen Sports Int. BV

B2-219 Clusters CIM/Sporaltec - CCI de la Savoie / 'Outdoor French Innovation'

B4-300 adidas AG Adi-Dassler-Strasse 1, D-91074 Herzogenaurach Tel.: +49 91 32 84 0 Fax: +49 91 32 84 22 41 Internet: www.adidas.com A4-511 Asia Summit Innovation Corp. A1-505 BACH - Transbach Ltd.


B2-400 B2-401 Black Diamond Equipment AG

Waschmittel / Reinigung Lessive, Nettoyage Detersivi, Pulizia

A1-201 Holmenkol AG


A1-405 Berghaus Ltd.

B1-400 Deuter Sport GmbH & Co. KG Siemensstraße 1, D-86368 Gersthofen Tel.: +49 821 4987 327 Fax: +49 821 4987 339 Email: info@deuter.com Internet: www.deuter.com

Index of products Warenverzeichnis | Elenco merceologico | Catalogue produits

B1-201 Eagle Creek Europe Ltd. Dwyer Road, IRL-Midleton, County Cork Tel.: +353 21 4621471 Fax: +800 3245 3275 Email: thomas_ryll@vfc.com Internet: www.eaglecreek.com B2-503 Edelweiss SAS B4-103 elkline GmbH A1-410 Essential Elements Flughofstrasse 52, CH-8152 Glattbrugg Tel.: +41 44 874 6688 Fax: +41 44 874 6687 Email: info@essential-elements.ch Internet: www.essential-elements.ch


B1-103 Jack Wolfskin Ausrüstung für Draussen GmbH & Co. KG aA B3-403 Khodi A4-303 killtec Sport- und Freizeit GmbH Zimmererstraße 5, D-21244 Buchholz Tel.: +49 4181 2008 0 Fax: +49 4181 2008 489 Email: feige@killtec.de Internet: www.killtec.com A1-110 Kohla / Ibex Sportartikel GmbH A1-402 Lafuma S.A.

Represented by: Robijns B.V.

A5-107 LOAP/Piccollo, spol. s.r.o.

A5-411 Eumar International srl

A5-305 Lundhags Skomakarna AB

A1-211 Eureka! Europe / Nigor Net B.V.

A3-400 Mammut Sports Group AG

A3-207 Eusebio Sporting Co., Ltd.

Industriestrasse Birren, CH-5703 Seon Tel.: +41 62 769 81 81 Fax: +41 62 769 82 47 Email: info@mammut.ch Internet: www.mammutsportsgroup.ch

A6-101 Everest GmbH A3-304 Exped AG

A1-403 Marmot Mountain Europe GmbH

A5-200 FG-A91 Fjällräven AB

Gottfried Stammler Straße 12, D-91220 Schnaittach Tel.: +49 9153 920590 Fax: +49 9153 92059 99 Email: info@marmot.de Internet: www.marmot.eu

A5-413 Flying Outdoor Bag Co., Ltd.

A1-310 Marsupio snc di Fusco Giuseppe & C.

A1-208 Ferrino & C. S.p.A.

A5-321 Fujian Profit Group (Remex Bags) Co., Ltd. B1-503 Gelert Ltd. A1-407 GoLite, LLC A3-107 GreenLand NATURE GmbH A5-501 FG-A101 Hannah Czech a.s. B1-423 Highlander (Scotland) Ltd. A5-409 Husky CZ, s.r.o. A1-105 inov-8

Via Cal Trevisana, 35, I-31044 Montebelluna (TV) Tel.: +39 0423 22356 Fax: +39 0423 21821 Email: marsupio@marsupio.it Internet: www.marsupio.it A3-303 Merrell / Wolverine Europe Ltd. A1-401 MILLET SAS A5-421 Nanan Fengzhou Craft Umbrella Factory A5-301 Nomad B1-301 Nordisk Freizeit Bollerslev GmbH Max-Weber-Straße 16, D-25451 Quickborn Tel.: +49 4106 7677 0 Fax: +49 4106 7677 14 Email: info@nordisk.de Internet: www.nordisk.de



Index of products Warenverzeichnis | Elenco merceologico | Catalogue produits


A1-212 Ternua / Import Arrasate, S.A.

A1-207 Norrona Sport AS

B1-420 Terra Nova Equipment Ltd

B1-102 Oase Outdoors ApS

A3-403 Trangoworld

Kornvej 9, DK-7323 Give Tel.: +45 70228500 Fax: +45 70228505 Email: info@oase-outdoors.dk Internet: www.oase-outdoors.com

Poligono Industrial Malpica Calle C Parcela 102 B1/F, E-50057 Zaragoza Tel.: +34 976 421100 Fax: +34 976 416793 Email: info@trangoworld.com Internet: www.trangoworld.com

A3-105 Ortovox Sportartikel GmbH

A4-201 TRESPASS (Jacobs & Turner Ltd.)

B1-410 Pacific Outdoor Equipment

A4-402 Trimm Sport, s.r.o.

B3-302 Pacsafe / Outpac Designs Ltd.

B3-316 TSS Fortune Co., Ltd.

B3-310 Phelgard Products Inc.

A1-103 Urban Rock

B4-305 Radler GmbH Wasserdichte Sportartikel

B3-502 Vango

B2-217 Raidlight

B2-305 VAUDE Sport GmbH & Co. KG

B3-314 Red Fox

A6-206 Vento GmbH

A3-201 Regatta GmbH

A1-210 WENGER S.A.

B3-402 Royalbeach B4-207 RuckJack Ltd.

Route de Bâle 63, CH-2800 Delémont Tel.: +41 32 421 3900 Fax: +41 32 421 3999 Email: info@wenger.ch Internet: www.wenger.ch


B4-215 Woojin Plastic

A1-409 A1-506 Salomon / Amer Sports Deutschland GmbH

A5-419 Xiamen Golden Resource Handbag Co., Ltd.

B4-400 Simex Sport GmbH


Schiefbahner Straße 12, D-41748 Viersen Tel.: +49 2162 10200 0 Fax: +49 2162 10200 10 Email: info@simex-sport.de Internet: www.simex-sport.de

A5-416 XiangXing (FuJian) Bag & Luggage Group Co., Ltd.

B1-405 SmarTube - BlueDesert Ltd. B3-107 Snugpak Ltd. A5-414 Splendid Development Ltd. B3-400 Tasmanian Tiger c/o Tatonka GmbH B3-400 Tatonka GmbH



Daypacks Daypacks Daypacks Daypacks B3-403 Active Leisure / Van Bergen Sports Int. BV B1-419 Aquapac International Ltd A1-505 BACH - Transbach Ltd.

Index of products Warenverzeichnis | Elenco merceologico | Catalogue produits


B1-506 BOLL Mountain & Outdoor Gear

B1-100 CamelBak International, LLC Filiale Italiana

B1-202 Caribee Australia

A1-410 Essential Elements

B4-509 CHUMS / Landwell Inc.

A3-206 PositCon GmbH (Lestra Deutschland) Im Gaiern 12, D-71287 Weissach Tel.: +49 7044 90193 0 Fax: +49 7044 90193 20 Email: lestra@positcon.de Internet: www.lestra-sport.de

B1-201 Eagle Creek Europe Ltd. Dwyer Road, IRL-Midleton, County Cork Tel.: +353 21 4621471 Fax: +800 3245 3275 Email: thomas_ryll@vfc.com Internet: www.eaglecreek.com

Represented by: Lestra S.A. A1-310 Marsupio snc di Fusco Giuseppe & C.

A1-410 Essential Elements

B4-502 Orange s.r.l.

A3-107 GreenLand NATURE GmbH

Via San Rocco 101, I-16036 Recco (GE) Tel.: +39 0185 739001 Fax: +39 0185 739847 Email: bags@o-range.com Internet: www.o-range.com

A1-308 Gregory Mountain Products B1-507 The Healthy Back Bag Company

B1-200 ORTLIEB Sportartikel GmbH

A5-402 Karrimor Ltd. B3-403 Khodi

Rainstraße 6, D-91560 Heilsbronn Tel.: +49 9872 8000 Fax: +49 9872 800266 Email: info@ortlieb.com Internet: www.ortlieb.com

A5-408 Lightwave / Outdoor Design Logistics

A1-103 Urban Rock

B1-300 Lowe Alpine International SRL

B3-423 Taiwan Vertex Production Corp.

A1-310 Marsupio snc di Fusco Giuseppe & C. B1-200 ORTLIEB Sportartikel GmbH Rainstraße 6, D-91560 Heilsbronn Tel.: +49 9872 8000 Fax: +49 9872 800266 Email: info@ortlieb.com Internet: www.ortlieb.com B2-218 TSL Outdoor B4-215 Woojin Plastic


Camera bags Fototaschen Sac pour appareil photo Borse per fotografi B1-419 Aquapac International Ltd B3-503 Goodway Industrial (HK) Ltd. B3-320 JR GEAR - Star Arrow Company B1-200 ORTLIEB Sportartikel GmbH


Fahrradrucksäcke Sacs à dos pour randonnées à vélo Zaini da bicicletta

Rainstraße 6, D-91560 Heilsbronn Tel.: +49 9872 8000 Fax: +49 9872 800266 Email: info@ortlieb.com Internet: www.ortlieb.com

B1-506 BOLL Mountain & Outdoor Gear

B3-302 Pacsafe / Outpac Designs Ltd.

Bicycle rucksacks

A5-502 Brooks England Ltd.


654 654

Index of products Warenverzeichnis | Elenco merceologico | Catalogue produits

B2-222 SNAP

Backpacks for dogs Hunderucksäcke Sacs à dos pour chiens Borse per il cane A1-410 Essential Elements


A5-309 Original Doggear Aps.


Luggage backpacks Kofferrucksäcke Sac de voyage Borse da viaggio B1-202 Caribee Australia B1-201 Eagle Creek Europe Ltd.

Climbing rucksacks Kletterrucksäcke Sacs à dos d’escalade Zaini da roccia

Dwyer Road, IRL-Midleton, County Cork Tel.: +353 21 4621471 Fax: +800 3245 3275 Email: thomas_ryll@vfc.com Internet: www.eaglecreek.com


B3-503 Goodway Industrial (HK) Ltd.

B1-506 BOLL Mountain & Outdoor Gear

B1-507 The Healthy Back Bag Company


B3-320 JR GEAR - Star Arrow Company

B2-221 CiLAO

A5-402 Karrimor Ltd.

A5-408 Crux / Outdoor Design Logistics Ltd.

B4-301 Lifemarque Ltd.

B3-416 Fuzhou Leco Import & Export Co., Ltd.

A1-310 Marsupio snc di Fusco Giuseppe & C.

A1-308 Gregory Mountain Products

B3-202 Revolution Climbing Europe blocSyndicate Ltd.

B2-600 Grivel s.r.l. B3-105 Ims Kwoons di Im Duck Yong (Snake) A5-402 Karrimor Ltd. B4-206 Milo B2-211 Moon Climbing 28 Cross Smithfield, GB-S3 7AU Sheffield Tel.: +44 114 249 1821 Fax: +44 114 249 1821 Email: ben@moonclimbing.com Internet: www.moonclimbing.com B3-207 PIEPS GmbH A5-418 Quanzhou Hongsheng Light Industry Co., Ltd. A1-404 Rab/podsacs/outdoordesigns B3-200 SCHLAMBERGER P & J D.O.O / LAPIS



Pack sacks, bags Packsäcke / -beutel Sacoches Borse portapacchi B1-419 Aquapac International Ltd A5-502 Brooks England Ltd. B4-509 CHUMS / Landwell Inc. B1-411 Design Go Ltd B1-201 Eagle Creek Europe Ltd. B3-503 Goodway Industrial (HK) Ltd. B1-507 The Healthy Back Bag Company

Index of products Warenverzeichnis | Elenco merceologico | Catalogue produits

B3-226 Jinre Travel Products Co., Ltd. B3-320 JR GEAR - Star Arrow Company B2-303 Nihil Climbing

B4-502 Orange s.r.l.


Travelling bags, grips Reisetaschen Sacs de voyage Borse da viaggio

B1-200 ORTLIEB Sportartikel GmbH

A5-502 Brooks England Ltd.

Rainstraße 6, D-91560 Heilsbronn Tel.: +49 9872 8000 Fax: +49 9872 800266 Email: info@ortlieb.com Internet: www.ortlieb.com

B1-202 Caribee Australia B1-201 Eagle Creek Europe Ltd.

B4-305 Radler GmbH Wasserdichte Sportartikel

Dwyer Road, IRL-Midleton, County Cork Tel.: +353 21 4621471 Fax: +800 3245 3275 Email: thomas_ryll@vfc.com Internet: www.eaglecreek.com

B4-415 Triple Win Sports Ind. Inc. B3-423 Taiwan Vertex Production Corp.


B3-416 Fuzhou Leco Import & Export Co., Ltd. A3-107 GreenLand NATURE GmbH

Travel rucksacks Reiserucksäcke Sacs à dos de voyage Zaini da viaggio

B1-507 The Healthy Back Bag Company

A1-505 BACH - Transbach Ltd.

B3-403 Khodi

A1-405 Berghaus Ltd.

B4-502 Orange s.r.l. Via San Rocco 101, I-16036 Recco (GE) Tel.: +39 0185 739001 Fax: +39 0185 739847 Email: bags@o-range.com Internet: www.o-range.com

A5-502 Brooks England Ltd. B1-202 Caribee Australia

B1-200 ORTLIEB Sportartikel GmbH

B1-201 Eagle Creek Europe Ltd.

Rainstraße 6, D-91560 Heilsbronn Tel.: +49 9872 8000 Fax: +49 9872 800266 Email: info@ortlieb.com Internet: www.ortlieb.com

Dwyer Road, IRL-Midleton, County Cork Tel.: +353 21 4621471 Fax: +800 3245 3275 Email: thomas_ryll@vfc.com Internet: www.eaglecreek.com

B3-302 Pacsafe / Outpac Designs Ltd.

A1-407 GoLite, LLC A3-107 GreenLand NATURE GmbH A1-308 Gregory Mountain Products B1-507 The Healthy Back Bag Company



Rucksacks accessories Rucksackzubehör Accessoires pour sacs à dos Accessori per zaini B4-507 DURAFLEX

B3-403 Khodi B1-300 Lowe Alpine International SRL



Index of products Warenverzeichnis | Elenco merceologico | Catalogue produits

A1-102 Eberhard Göbel GmbH + Co

B1-300 Lowe Alpine International SRL

Im Lehrer Feld 44, D-89081 Ulm Tel.: +49 731 140 13 0 Fax: +49 731 140 13 10 Email: info@euroschirm.com Internet: www.euroschirm.com

A1-310 Marsupio snc di Fusco Giuseppe & C.

B2-216 Guidetti Frères

Via Cal Trevisana, 35, I-31044 Montebelluna (TV) Tel.: +39 0423 22356 Fax: +39 0423 21821 Email: marsupio@marsupio.it Internet: www.marsupio.it

B1-425 ITW Nexus Europe S.A.

A1-400 Mountain Hardwear

A1-404 Rab/podsacs/outdoordesigns

B1-200 ORTLIEB Sportartikel GmbH Rainstraße 6, D-91560 Heilsbronn Tel.: +49 9872 8000 Fax: +49 9872 800266 Email: info@ortlieb.com Internet: www.ortlieb.com

B3-315 Swiss Advance by Think Industry Ltd. A4-310 YKK Europe Ltd.

B2-218 TSL Outdoor


Trekking rucksacks

A1-210 WENGER S.A.

Trekkingrucksäcke Sacs à dos de trekking Zaini da trekking

Route de Bâle 63, CH-2800 Delémont Tel.: +41 32 421 3900 Fax: +41 32 421 3999 Email: info@wenger.ch Internet: www.wenger.ch

B2-300 ARC'TERYX A1-505 BACH - Transbach Ltd. B1-424 BCB International Ltd. B1-506 BOLL Mountain & Outdoor Gear B1-100 CamelBak International, LLC Filiale Italiana B2-221 CiLAO A1-209 Dolomite A1-102 Eberhard Göbel GmbH + Co Im Lehrer Feld 44, D-89081 Ulm Tel.: +49 731 140 13 0 Fax: +49 731 140 13 10 Email: info@euroschirm.com Internet: www.euroschirm.com A1-410 Essential Elements A1-308 Gregory Mountain Products A3-206 PositCon GmbH (Lestra Deutschland) A5-408 Lightwave / Outdoor Design Logistics


Sleeping bags Schlafsäcke Sacs de couchage Sacchi a pelo B3-403 Active Leisure / Van Bergen Sports Int. BV B3-317 Alexika European Office A1-305 Bergans Fritid AS Loesmoen, Box 293, N-3301 Hokksund Tel.: +47 32 25 25 00 Fax: +47 32 25 25 10 Email: marked@bergans.no Internet: www.bergans.com Represented by: Bergans Outdoor GmbH B2-402 C.A.M.P. spa A1-103 Carinthia Sleeping Bags Seebacher Straße 11-13, A-9871 Seeboden Tel.: +43 4762 5101-20 Fax: +43 4762 5101-18 Email: office@carinthia-bags.com Internet: www.sleeping-bags.at / www.carinthia-bags.com Represented by: Urban Rock A1-214 Cocona Europe


Index of products Warenverzeichnis | Elenco merceologico | Catalogue produits


B1-400 Deuter Sport GmbH & Co. KG

A3-400 Mammut Sports Group AG

Siemensstraße 1, D-86368 Gersthofen Tel.: +49 821 4987 327 Fax: +49 821 4987 339 Email: info@deuter.com Internet: www.deuter.com

Industriestrasse Birren, CH-5703 Seon Tel.: +41 62 769 81 81 Fax: +41 62 769 82 47 Email: info@mammut.ch Internet: www.mammutsportsgroup.ch

A5-411 Eumar International srl

A1-403 Marmot Mountain Europe GmbH

A3-207 Eusebio Sporting Co., Ltd.

Gottfried Stammler Straße 12, D-91220 Schnaittach Tel.: +49 9153 920590 Fax: +49 9153 92059 99 Email: info@marmot.de Internet: www.marmot.eu

A3-304 Exped AG

A1-310 Marsupio snc di Fusco Giuseppe & C.

A1-208 Ferrino & C. S.p.A.


B3-223 Fine Products Ltd.

B4-206 Milo

A5-200 FG-A91 Fjällräven AB

A1-309 Mountain Equipment

A5-322 Fuzhou Fengxiang Camping Products Co. Ltd.

Redfern House, Dawson Street, GB-SK14 1RD Hyde Tel.: +44 161 366 5020 Fax: +44 161 366 9732 Email: info@mountain-equipment.co.uk Internet: www.mountain-equipment.co.uk

A1-211 Eureka! Europe / Nigor Net B.V.

B1-503 Gelert Ltd. A1-407 GoLite, LLC A5-501 FG-A101 Hannah Czech a.s. B1-423 Highlander (Scotland) Ltd. A5-409 Husky CZ, s.r.o. B1-103 Jack Wolfskin Ausrüstung für Draussen GmbH & Co. KG aA A1-402 Lafuma S.A. A3-206 PositCon GmbH (Lestra Deutschland) Im Gaiern 12, D-71287 Weissach Tel.: +49 7044 90193 0 Fax: +49 7044 90193 20 Email: lestra@positcon.de Internet: www.lestra-sport.de Represented by: Lestra S.A. A5-107 LOAP/Piccollo, spol. s.r.o.

A5-301 Nomad B1-301 Nordisk Freizeit Bollerslev GmbH Max-Weber-Straße 16, D-25451 Quickborn Tel.: +49 4106 7677 0 Fax: +49 4106 7677 14 Email: info@nordisk.de Internet: www.nordisk.de A5-412 NORMAL / TRITON Ltd B1-102 Oase Outdoors ApS Kornvej 9, DK-7323 Give Tel.: +45 70228500 Fax: +45 70228505 Email: info@oase-outdoors.dk Internet: www.oase-outdoors.com B3-310 Phelgard Products Inc. B2-217 Raidlight B3-314 Red Fox B3-402 Royalbeach



Index of products Warenverzeichnis | Elenco merceologico | Catalogue produits

B4-400 Simex Sport GmbH

B1-420 Terra Nova Equipment Ltd

Schiefbahner Straße 12, D-41748 Viersen Tel.: +49 2162 10200 0 Fax: +49 2162 10200 10 Email: info@simex-sport.de Internet: www.simex-sport.de

B3-408 Ticketothemoon PT. Ayunan Bulan International B2-507 Tilak, a.s.

B3-107 Snugpak Ltd.

B3-221 Zhejiang Nature Travel Goods Co., Ltd.

A3-403 Trangoworld

A1-504 Ziegler Textil GmbH

Poligono Industrial Malpica Calle C Parcela 102 B1/F, E-50057 Zaragoza Tel.: +34 976 421100 Fax: +34 976 416793 Email: info@trangoworld.com Internet: www.trangoworld.com

Hinter Winterbach 1, D-77794 Lautenbach Tel.: +49 7802 980086 Fax: +49 7802 980088 Email: info@ziegler-textil.de Internet: www.waefo.de

A4-402 Trimm Sport, s.r.o. B3-316 TSS Fortune Co., Ltd.


Down sleeping bags Daunenschlafsäcke Sacs de couchage duvets Sacchi a pelo in piumino

B3-502 Vango

A5-408 Crux / Outdoor Design Logistics Ltd.

B2-305 VAUDE Sport GmbH & Co. KG

A3-206 PositCon GmbH (Lestra Deutschland)

B3-406 Warmpeace s.r.o.

A1-400 Mountain Hardwear

A1-210 WENGER S.A.

B1-301 Nordisk Freizeit Bollerslev GmbH

Route de Bâle 63, CH-2800 Delémont Tel.: +41 32 421 3900 Fax: +41 32 421 3999 Email: info@wenger.ch Internet: www.wenger.ch

Max-Weber-Straße 16, D-25451 Quickborn Tel.: +49 4106 7677 0 Fax: +49 4106 7677 14 Email: info@nordisk.de Internet: www.nordisk.de

B3-109 Winsport / Transworld & Associates Co., Ltd.

A1-404 Rab/podsacs/outdoordesigns

Suite 2301, Metro Centre (2), HK-Kowloon Bay Tel.: +852 2318 1166 Fax: +852 2757 4828 Email: winsport@winsport.com.hk / targex@targex.net Internet: www.winsport.com.hk / www.targex.net

B2-500 Rock Empire s.r.o. B1-420 Terra Nova Equipment Ltd


A1-503 Western Mountaineering

Bivouac bags Biwaksäcke Sacs de bivouac Sacchi da bivacco B3-403 EuroTrail A3-304 Exped AG B3-219 FG-B101 NEMO Equipment, Inc. B3-207 PIEPS GmbH



Sleeping bag inlets Inlets Enveloppes intérieures sac de couchage Federa per sacchi a pelo B1-301 Nordisk Freizeit Bollerslev GmbH Max-Weber-Straße 16, D-25451 Quickborn Tel.: +49 4106 7677 0 Fax: +49 4106 7677 14 Email: info@nordisk.de Internet: www.nordisk.de

Index of products Warenverzeichnis | Elenco merceologico | Catalogue produits


Synthetic fibres Kunstfaser Fibres artificielles Fibre sintetiche B1-301 Nordisk Freizeit Bollerslev GmbH Max-Weber-Straße 16, D-25451 Quickborn Tel.: +49 4106 7677 0 Fax: +49 4106 7677 14 Email: info@nordisk.de Internet: www.nordisk.de B3-107 Snugpak Ltd.



A6-101 Everest GmbH A6-205 Foot Science International Ltd. 26 Dakota Cre., NZ-Christchurch Tel.: +64 3 348 2115 Fax: +64 3 348 0116 Email: info@formthotics.com Internet: www.formthotics.com A6-500 FG-B31 W. L. Gore & Associates GmbH A6-504 Grisport spa A6-303 HI-TEC

Shoes and accessories Schuhe und Zubehör Chaussures et accessoires Calzature ed Accessori B4-300 adidas AG

B1-103 Jack Wolfskin Ausrüstung für Draussen GmbH & Co. KG aA A6-100 Kamik div. Genfoot International GmbH

Adi-Dassler-Strasse 1, D-91074 Herzogenaurach Tel.: +49 91 32 84 0 Fax: +49 91 32 84 22 41 Internet: www.adidas.com

A6-201 Kayland Sport Division of Novation S.p.a.

A1-200 Aetrex Worldwide Inc.

Zimmererstraße 5, D-21244 Buchholz Tel.: +49 4181 2008 0 Fax: +49 4181 2008 489 Email: feige@killtec.de Internet: www.killtec.com

414 Alfred Avenue, USA-7666 Teaneck Tel.: +1 201 833 2700 Fax: +1 201 833 9754 Email: info@aetrex.com Internet: www.aetrex.com A6-301 AKU SRL Trekking & Outdoor Footwear A4-511 Asia Summit Innovation Corp. A1-405 Berghaus Ltd. A6-409 Calzados Bestard S.A. Estación, 40-42, E-07360 Lloseta - Mallorca Tel.: +34 971 514044 Fax: +34 971 514414 Email: info@bestard.com Internet: www.bestard.com A1-214 Cocona Europe A1-507 Conform'able / Sidas Z.A. Le Parvis, BP 353, F-38500 Voiron Tel.: +33 476 670707 Fax: +33 476 670303 Email: info@sidas.com Internet: www.conform-able.com A6-502 Crocs Europe B.V.

A4-303 killtec Sport- und Freizeit GmbH

A1-402 Lafuma S.A. A6-404 Lizard by Aicad A5-107 LOAP/Piccollo, spol. s.r.o. A5-305 Lundhags Skomakarna AB A3-400 Mammut Sports Group AG Industriestrasse Birren, CH-5703 Seon Tel.: +41 62 769 81 81 Fax: +41 62 769 82 47 Email: info@mammut.ch Internet: www.mammutsportsgroup.ch A6-503 Masai Marketing & Trading AG Badstrasse 14, CH-8590 Romanshorn Tel.: +41 71 4546868 Fax: +41 71 4546869 Internet: www.mbt.com

A3-303 Merrell / Wolverine Europe Ltd. A1-401 MILLET SAS



Index of products Warenverzeichnis | Elenco merceologico | Catalogue produits

A1-411 New Balance Athletic Shoes (UK) Ltd

A5-500 Tropicare / Tropenzorg BV

B2-202 Patagonia Footwear Wolverine Europe B.V.

B2-501 Vasque Footwear

A5-101 Pinu Handels GmbH

A6-206 Vento GmbH

A3-201 Regatta GmbH

A6-501 Vibram S.P.A. Via Colombo 5, I-21041 Albizzate (VA) Tel.: +39 0331 999 777 Fax: +39 0331 999 572 Email: vibram@vibram.com Internet: www.vibram.com

A3-200 SALEWA SPORTGERÄTE GMBH A1-409 A1-506 Salomon / Amer Sports Deutschland GmbH

A5-204 Viking Footwear GmbH

B3-110 Sino International Trading e.K.

A1-210 WENGER S.A.

FG-B83 boss management gmbh skike sport Deutschland

Route de Bâle 63, CH-2800 Delémont Tel.: +41 32 421 3900 Fax: +41 32 421 3999 Email: info@wenger.ch Internet: www.wenger.ch

A1-215 SOLE A1-300 Superfeet - The Premium Insole

B3-109 Winsport / Transworld & Associates Co., Ltd.

PO Box 14008, GB-EH9 1YF, Edinburgh Tel.: +44 8000 323 505 Fax: +44 8000 323 515 Email: info@anatom.co.uk Internet: www.superfeet.com

Suite 2301, Metro Centre (2), HK-Kowloon Bay Tel.: +852 2318 1166 Fax: +852 2757 4828 Email: winsport@winsport.com.hk / targex@targex.net Internet: www.winsport.com.hk / www.targex.net

A3-205 Sympatex Technologies GmbH

B4-215 Woojin Plastic

B4-403 TBAD B.V. A4-403 TBS Technisynthese Service Export A6-405 Tecnica spa Via Fante D'Italia, 56, I-31040 Giavera Del Montello (TV) Tel.: +39 0422 8841 Fax: +39 0422 775178 Email: info@tecnica.it Internet: www.tecnica.it

Mountain boots Bergschuhe Chaussures de montagne Scarponi A6-301 AKU SRL Trekking & Outdoor Footwear A6-408 Armond

A1-212 Ternua / Import Arrasate, S.A.

B1-300 Asolo Spa

B3-500 B3-501 TEVA (Deckers Europe Ltd)

A6-409 Calzados Bestard S.A.

A3-403 Trangoworld Poligono Industrial Malpica Calle C Parcela 102 B1/F, E-50057 Zaragoza Tel.: +34 976 421100 Fax: +34 976 416793 Email: info@trangoworld.com Internet: www.trangoworld.com A4-201 TRESPASS (Jacobs & Turner Ltd.)



Estación, 40-42, E-07360 Lloseta - Mallorca Tel.: +34 971 514044 Fax: +34 971 514414 Email: info@bestard.com Internet: www.bestard.com A6-401 BOREAL

Index of products Warenverzeichnis | Elenco merceologico | Catalogue produits

A6-202 Chiruca (Calzados Fal S.A.)

A6-414 Pontello

Avenida de Logroño 21, E-26580 Arnedo / La Rioja Tel.: +34 941 380800 Fax: +34 941 383593 Email: info@fal.es Internet: www.chiruca.com

B2-105 Saltic s.r.o. A1-306 Calzaturificio S.C.A.R.P.A. Spa

B2-219 Clusters CIM/Sporaltec - CCI de la Savoie / 'Outdoor French Innovation'

Viale Enrico Fermi, 1, I-31011 Asolo (TV) Tel.: +39 0423 5284 Fax: +39 0423 528599 Email: info@scarpa.net Internet: www.scarpa.net

A6-105 Crispi Sport srl

A6-405 Tecnica spa

A6-505 Dachstein/Deeluxe Sportartikel Handels GmbH, Office Kufstein

Via Fante D'Italia, 56, I-31040 Giavera Del Montello (TV) Tel.: +39 0422 8841 Fax: +39 0422 775178 Email: info@tecnica.it Internet: www.tecnica.it

Ladestrasse 2, A-6330 Kufstein Tel.: +43 5372 65050 0 Fax: +43 5372 65050 257 Email: info@deeluxe.com Internet: www.dachsteinoutdoorgear.com

B2-218 TSL Outdoor

A1-209 Dolomite

B2-501 Vasque Footwear


A5-204 Viking Footwear GmbH

A6-500 FG-B31 W. L. Gore & Associates GmbH

A1-210 WENGER S.A.

A6-504 Grisport spa

Route de Bâle 63, CH-2800 Delémont Tel.: +41 32 421 3900 Fax: +41 32 421 3999 Email: info@wenger.ch Internet: www.wenger.ch

A6-413 Ironsteel Worldwide Limited A6-201 Kayland Sport Division of Novation S.p.a.

B2-606 Wild Climb

A6-102 Lackner Schuhe GmbH & Co. KG

B3-322 Xiamen Wait Trading Co., Ltd.

B2-204 La Sportiva S.p.A. A6-300 LOWA Sportschuhe GmbH Hauptstraße 19, D-85305 Jetzendorf Tel.: +49 8137 999 0 Fax: +49 8137 999 110 Email: info@lowa.de Internet: www.lowa.de A5-305 Lundhags Skomakarna AB A6-400 Lukas Meindl GmbH & Co. KG A6-402 Trezeta - MGM S.p.A. A6-406 MONDEOX SPA CALZATURIFICIO



Boating footwear Bootschuhe Chaussures de yachting Calzature da imbarcazione A6-502 Crocs Europe B.V. A5-106 Feelmax Ltd. A6-404 Lizard by Aicad B3-500 B3-501 TEVA (Deckers Europe Ltd) A6-412 Yacht Boot Company (YBC)

A1-107 OutDry - Nextec SRL


753 753

Index of products Warenverzeichnis | Elenco merceologico | Catalogue produits

Inlay soles Einlegesohlen Semelles intérieures Solette A1-200 Aetrex Worldwide Inc. 414 Alfred Avenue, USA-7666 Teaneck Tel.: +1 201 833 2700 Fax: +1 201 833 9754 Email: info@aetrex.com Internet: www.aetrex.com A6-411 Boot-Doc Handels GmbH B2-219 Clusters CIM/Sporaltec - CCI de la Savoie / 'Outdoor French Innovation' A1-507 Conform'able / Sidas Z.A. Le Parvis, BP 353, F-38500 Voiron Tel.: +33 476 670707 Fax: +33 476 670303 Email: info@sidas.com Internet: www.conform-able.com A4-503 Intersocks D.O.O. A1-400 Montrail A6-213 Naama Naot Germany GmbH A6-410 RYWAN sarl 26, rue Alexandre Volta - ZI Nord, F-77334 Meaux Cedex Tel.: +33 1 64 35 23 03 Fax: +33 1 64 35 00 15 Email: maxime@rywan.com Internet: www.rywan.com

B1-300 Asolo Spa A6-409 Calzados Bestard S.A. Estación, 40-42, E-07360 Lloseta - Mallorca Tel.: +34 971 514044 Fax: +34 971 514414 Email: info@bestard.com Internet: www.bestard.com A6-202 Chiruca (Calzados Fal S.A.) Avenida de Logroño 21, E-26580 Arnedo / La Rioja Tel.: +34 941 380800 Fax: +34 941 383593 Email: info@fal.es Internet: www.chiruca.com A1-304 Columbia Sportswear International Sarl Geneva Business Center, 12, Avenue des Morgines, CH-1213 Petit-Lancy Tel.: +41 22 8709000 Fax: +41 22 8709001 Email: cbretaudeau@columbia.com Internet: www.columbia.com A6-502 Crocs Europe B.V. A6-505 Dachstein/Deeluxe Sportartikel Handels GmbH, Office Kufstein A5-304 ECCO SKO A/S A5-411 Eumar International srl A5-106 Feelmax Ltd.

A1-300 Superfeet - The Premium Insole


Leisure shoes Freizeitschuhe Chaussures de loisir Calzature per tempo libero A1-200 Aetrex Worldwide Inc. A6-204 ALLROUNDER SARL


A6-408 Armond

A6-507 Spannrit Schuhkomponenten GmbH

PO Box 14008, GB-EH9 1YF, Edinburgh Tel.: +44 8000 323 505 Fax: +44 8000 323 515 Email: info@anatom.co.uk Internet: www.superfeet.com


A6-212 Alsa GmbH

A6-500 FG-B31 W. L. Gore & Associates GmbH A6-504 Grisport spa A6-303 HI-TEC A6-203 KEFAS (STYL GRAND SPA) A6-102 Lackner Schuhe GmbH & Co. KG A6-404 Lizard by Aicad

Index of products Warenverzeichnis | Elenco merceologico | Catalogue produits

A6-106 Lomer S.R.L. A6-300 LOWA Sportschuhe GmbH Hauptstraße 19, D-85305 Jetzendorf Tel.: +49 8137 999 0 Fax: +49 8137 999 110 Email: info@lowa.de Internet: www.lowa.de


A6-412 Yacht Boot Company (YBC)


Galoshes, Wellingtons Gummistiefel Bottes en caoutchouc Stivali di gomma


A6-208 Berner Ltd. Sport Department, Nokian footwear

A1-400 Montrail

A6-213 Naama Naot Germany GmbH

A6-213 Naama Naot Germany GmbH

A5-204 Viking Footwear GmbH

A1-411 New Balance Athletic Shoes (UK) Ltd A6-414 Pontello A1-306 Calzaturificio S.C.A.R.P.A. Spa Viale Enrico Fermi, 1, I-31011 Asolo (TV) Tel.: +39 0423 5284 Fax: +39 0423 528599 Email: info@scarpa.net Internet: www.scarpa.net A5-204 Viking Footwear GmbH A1-210 WENGER S.A. Route de Bâle 63, CH-2800 Delémont Tel.: +41 32 421 3900 Fax: +41 32 421 3999 Email: info@wenger.ch Internet: www.wenger.ch B3-322 Xiamen Wait Trading Co., Ltd. A6-412 Yacht Boot Company (YBC) A6-407 Calzaturificio Zamberlan S.R.L.


Children’s shoes Kinderschuhe Chaussures d’enfant Calzature da bambino A6-301 AKU SRL Trekking & Outdoor Footwear A6-409 Calzados Bestard S.A. Estación, 40-42, E-07360 Lloseta - Mallorca Tel.: +34 971 514044 Fax: +34 971 514414 Email: info@bestard.com Internet: www.bestard.com A6-502 Crocs Europe B.V. A5-106 Feelmax Ltd. A6-500 FG-B31 W. L. Gore & Associates GmbH A6-303 HI-TEC A6-413 Ironsteel Worldwide Limited A6-203 KEFAS (STYL GRAND SPA)


Rubber soles Gummisohlen Semelle de caoutchouc Suole di gomma

A6-300 LOWA Sportschuhe GmbH

B2-214 EVOLV Climbing Footwear

Hauptstraße 19, D-85305 Jetzendorf Tel.: +49 8137 999 0 Fax: +49 8137 999 110 Email: info@lowa.de Internet: www.lowa.de

B2-301 Five Ten Europe

A6-400 Lukas Meindl GmbH & Co. KG

Kapucijnendreef 32, B-3090 Overijse Tel.: +32 2 65 76160 Fax: +32 2 65 76155 Email: cust.service@fiveteneurope.be Internet: www.fiveten.com

A6-402 Trezeta - MGM S.p.A.




Index of products Warenverzeichnis | Elenco merceologico | Catalogue produits

A3-201 Regatta GmbH

B2-504 Rock Pillars - Ocún

B3-500 B3-501 TEVA (Deckers Europe Ltd)

B2-500 Rock Empire s.r.o.

B4-415 Triple Win Sports Ind. Inc.

B2-105 Saltic s.r.o.

A5-204 Viking Footwear GmbH

B2-606 Wild Climb A6-407 Calzaturificio Zamberlan S.R.L.

Climbing shoes Kletterschuhe Chaussures de grimpe Scarpe da roccia

Nordic Walking shoes

B2-512 Aliens Bergsport Andreas Hofmann

Nordic Walking Schuhe Chaussure de nordic walking Calzature da nordic walking

B2-224 Andrea Boldrini - Chaussures 3B SARL

A1-200 Aetrex Worldwide Inc.

A6-408 Armond


B1-300 Asolo Spa

B1-300 Asolo Spa


A6-409 Calzados Bestard S.A.

B2-203 bufo / LS climb

A6-505 Dachstein/Deeluxe Sportartikel Handels GmbH, Office Kufstein

A6-105 Crispi Sport srl B2-201 EB Climbing Shoes B2-505 EDELRID GmbH & Co. KG A6-101 Everest GmbH Weißenbachstraße 1, D-88316 Isny Tel.: +49 7562 7090 0 Fax: +49 7562 7090 20 Email: info@everest-sports.de Internet: www.everest-sports.de

A5-106 Feelmax Ltd. A6-500 FG-B31 W. L. Gore & Associates GmbH A6-504 Grisport spa A6-413 Ironsteel Worldwide Limited A6-100 Kamik div. Genfoot International GmbH

Represented by: Fizan SRL

A6-201 Kayland Sport Division of Novation S.p.a.

B2-214 EVOLV Climbing Footwear


B2-301 Five Ten Europe

A6-102 Lackner Schuhe GmbH & Co. KG

Kapucijnendreef 32, B-3090 Overijse Tel.: +32 2 65 76160 Fax: +32 2 65 76155 Email: cust.service@fiveteneurope.be Internet: www.fiveten.com B2-107 Garra Climbing Shoes, S.L. B2-204 La Sportiva S.p.A.



A6-106 Lomer S.R.L. A6-400 Lukas Meindl GmbH & Co. KG A6-406 MONDEOX SPA CALZATURIFICIO B2-501 Vasque Footwear

Index of products Warenverzeichnis | Elenco merceologico | Catalogue produits

A5-204 Viking Footwear GmbH

A1-400 Montrail Geneva Business Center, Avenue des Morgines 12, CH-1213 Petit Lancy Tel.: +41 22 870 9000 Fax: +41 22 870 9036 Email: fmeynent@montrail.com Internet: www.montrail.com

B3-322 Xiamen Wait Trading Co., Ltd.



Running shoes A1-411 New Balance Athletic Shoes (UK) Ltd

Runningschuhe Chaussure course à pied Calzature da corsa

B2-501 Vasque Footwear

A1-200 Aetrex Worldwide Inc. 414 Alfred Avenue, USA-7666 Teaneck Tel.: +1 201 833 2700 Fax: +1 201 833 9754 Email: info@aetrex.com Internet: www.aetrex.com A6-202 Chiruca (Calzados Fal S.A.) Avenida de Logroño 21, E-26580 Arnedo / La Rioja Tel.: +34 941 380800 Fax: +34 941 383593 Email: info@fal.es Internet: www.chiruca.com A5-304 ECCO SKO A/S B2-214 EVOLV Climbing Footwear A5-106 Feelmax Ltd. B2-301 Five Ten Europe Kapucijnendreef 32, B-3090 Overijse Tel.: +32 2 65 76160 Fax: +32 2 65 76155 Email: cust.service@fiveteneurope.be Internet: www.fiveten.com A6-304 GARMONT SRL A6-500 FG-B31 W. L. Gore & Associates GmbH A6-303 HI-TEC A1-105 inov-8 A6-201 Kayland Sport Division of Novation S.p.a.

B3-322 Xiamen Wait Trading Co., Ltd.


Sandals Sandalen Sandales Sandali A6-204 ALLROUNDER SARL A6-212 Alsa GmbH A6-202 Chiruca (Calzados Fal S.A.) Avenida de Logroño 21, E-26580 Arnedo / La Rioja Tel.: +34 941 380800 Fax: +34 941 383593 Email: info@fal.es Internet: www.chiruca.com A1-304 Columbia Sportswear International Sarl Geneva Business Center, 12, Avenue des Morgines, CH-1213 Petit-Lancy Tel.: +41 22 8709000 Fax: +41 22 8709001 Email: cbretaudeau@columbia.com Internet: www.columbia.com A6-502 Crocs Europe B.V. A5-304 ECCO SKO A/S A5-106 Feelmax Ltd. A1-206 Helly Hansen Deutschland GmbH

B2-204 La Sportiva S.p.A.

Gustav-Heinemann-Ring 212, D-81739 München Tel.: +49 89 67349620 Fax: +49 89 67349659 Internet: www.hellyhansen.com

A6-402 Trezeta - MGM S.p.A.

A6-303 HI-TEC A6-100 Kamik div. Genfoot International GmbH



Index of products Warenverzeichnis | Elenco merceologico | Catalogue produits

A5-402 Karrimor Ltd.



A1-501 T.H.E. Company Marketing & Trading GmbH

A6-102 Lackner Schuhe GmbH & Co. KG

B4-318 Ting Top Industrial Co., Ltd.

A6-404 Lizard by Aicad A6-106 Lomer S.R.L.


A6-300 LOWA Sportschuhe GmbH

B3-209 Cousin Trestec

Hauptstraße 19, D-85305 Jetzendorf Tel.: +49 8137 999 0 Fax: +49 8137 999 110 Email: info@lowa.de Internet: www.lowa.de

FW-117 MAB spa B1-505 Tobby Band- und Flechtwaren GmbH

A6-400 Lukas Meindl GmbH & Co. KG

A6-410 Xtenex Distrisud

A6-402 Trezeta - MGM S.p.A. A1-400 Montrail


A1-411 New Balance Athletic Shoes (UK) Ltd

A1-201 Holmenkol AG

A6-306 Papillio-Schuh GmbH

A6-100 Kamik div. Genfoot International GmbH

B2-105 Saltic s.r.o.

A6-400 Lukas Meindl GmbH & Co. KG

A1-215 SOLE

A1-413 Nikwax Waterproofing

B3-500 B3-501 TEVA (Deckers Europe Ltd)

B1-408 Penguin Brands, Inc.

A5-204 Viking Footwear GmbH

A3-204 Storm Waterproofing

A6-412 Yacht Boot Company (YBC)

A3-404 Cascade Designs Ltd. A6-303 HI-TEC A6-413 Ironsteel Worldwide Limited


A6-411 Therm-ic Products GmbH Nfg & Co. KG A6-407 Calzaturificio Zamberlan S.R.L.

Snow shoes Schneeschuhe Chaussures et bottes de neige Racchette da neve

Shoe care products Schuhpflegeprodukte Produits d'entretien pour chaussures Prodotti per la cura delle scarpe

A6-213 Naama Naot Germany GmbH


Shoelaces Schnürsenkel Lacets Lacci da scarpa


Shoe driers Schuhtrockner Séchoir à chaussures Dispositivi di asciugamento per calzature A6-411 Therm-ic Products GmbH Nfg & Co. KG

Index of products Warenverzeichnis | Elenco merceologico | Catalogue produits


Telemark shoes Telemarkschuhe Chaussure du télémark Scarpe di telemark A6-105 Crispi Sport srl A1-306 Calzaturificio S.C.A.R.P.A. Spa



A6-409 Calzados Bestard S.A. Estación, 40-42, E-07360 Lloseta - Mallorca Tel.: +34 971 514044 Fax: +34 971 514414 Email: info@bestard.com Internet: www.bestard.com A6-401 BOREAL

Viale Enrico Fermi, 1, I-31011 Asolo (TV) Tel.: +39 0423 5284 Fax: +39 0423 528599 Email: info@scarpa.net Internet: www.scarpa.net

A6-202 Chiruca (Calzados Fal S.A.)

Touring ski shoes

A1-304 Columbia Sportswear International Sarl

Tourenskischuhe Chaussures de ski de randonnée Calzature per sci - alpinismo A6-105 Crispi Sport srl A1-306 Calzaturificio S.C.A.R.P.A. Spa Viale Enrico Fermi, 1, I-31011 Asolo (TV) Tel.: +39 0423 5284 Fax: +39 0423 528599 Email: info@scarpa.net Internet: www.scarpa.net

Avenida de Logroño 21, E-26580 Arnedo / La Rioja Tel.: +34 941 380800 Fax: +34 941 383593 Email: info@fal.es Internet: www.chiruca.com

Geneva Business Center, 12, Avenue des Morgines, CH-1213 Petit-Lancy Tel.: +41 22 8709000 Fax: +41 22 8709001 Email: cbretaudeau@columbia.com Internet: www.columbia.com A6-105 Crispi Sport srl A6-505 Dachstein/Deeluxe Sportartikel Handels GmbH, Office Kufstein A1-209 Dolomite


Traditional costume shoes Trachtenschuhe Chaussures pour costumes traditionnels Calzature tirolesi A6-408 Armond


Trekking shoes Trekkingschuhe Chaussures de trekking Calzature da trekking A6-301 AKU SRL Trekking & Outdoor Footwear A6-204 ALLROUNDER SARL A6-408 Armond B1-300 Asolo Spa A5-508 Avisen International Co., Ltd.

A5-304 ECCO SKO A/S B2-214 EVOLV Climbing Footwear A5-106 Feelmax Ltd. A6-304 GARMONT SRL Via Spineda 12, I-31040 Volpago Del Montello (TV) Tel.: +39 0423 8726 Fax: +39 0423 621392 Email: info@garmont.com Internet: www.garmont.com A6-500 FG-B31 W. L. Gore & Associates GmbH A6-504 Grisport spa A1-206 Helly Hansen Deutschland GmbH Gustav-Heinemann-Ring 212, D-81739 München Tel.: +49 89 67349620 Fax: +49 89 67349659 Internet: www.hellyhansen.com A6-413 Ironsteel Worldwide Limited



Index of products Warenverzeichnis | Elenco merceologico | Catalogue produits

A6-100 Kamik div. Genfoot International GmbH

A1-212 Ternua / Import Arrasate, S.A.

A5-402 Karrimor Ltd.

B3-500 B3-501 TEVA (Deckers Europe Ltd)

A6-201 Kayland Sport Division of Novation S.p.a.

B4-318 Ting Top Industrial Co., Ltd.


A5-500 Tropicare / Tropenzorg BV

A6-102 Lackner Schuhe GmbH & Co. KG

B2-501 Vasque Footwear

B2-204 La Sportiva S.p.A.

A5-204 Viking Footwear GmbH

A6-404 Lizard by Aicad

A1-210 WENGER S.A. Route de Bâle 63, CH-2800 Delémont Tel.: +41 32 421 3900 Fax: +41 32 421 3999 Email: info@wenger.ch Internet: www.wenger.ch

A6-106 Lomer S.R.L. A6-300 LOWA Sportschuhe GmbH

B2-606 Wild Climb

Hauptstraße 19, D-85305 Jetzendorf Tel.: +49 8137 999 0 Fax: +49 8137 999 110 Email: info@lowa.de Internet: www.lowa.de A6-400 Lukas Meindl GmbH & Co. KG A6-402 Trezeta - MGM S.p.A. A6-406 MONDEOX SPA CALZATURIFICIO A1-400 Montrail A1-411 New Balance Athletic Shoes (UK) Ltd A5-301 Nomad A1-107 OutDry - Nextec SRL A6-414 Pontello A1-306 Calzaturificio S.C.A.R.P.A. Spa Viale Enrico Fermi, 1, I-31011 Asolo (TV) Tel.: +39 0423 5284 Fax: +39 0423 528599 Email: info@scarpa.net Internet: www.scarpa.net A6-405 Tecnica spa Via Fante D'Italia, 56, I-31040 Giavera Del Montello (TV) Tel.: +39 0422 8841 Fax: +39 0422 775178 Email: info@tecnica.it Internet: www.tecnica.it


A6-407 Calzaturificio Zamberlan S.R.L.


Fabrics and fibres Stoffe und Fasern Tissus et fibres Tessuti e fibre A4-315 Advansa Marketing GmbH B4-520 Asiatic Fiber Corporation A4-405 Bemis Hong Kong Ltd. A4-317 Burlington Worldwide B4-518 Chang-ho Fibre Corporation A4-213 Chemotex Minlan Pacific Co., Ltd. B4-416 Chia Her Industrial Co., Ltd. B4-418 Chieftex Enterprise Co., Ltd. A1-214 Cocona Europe B4-312 Cotec - EPO International Co., Ltd. B4-526 De Licacy Ind. Co., Ltd.

Index of products Warenverzeichnis | Elenco merceologico | Catalogue produits

A1-109 Designer Textiles International Ltd/ MAPP Merino


A4-410 SINGTEX Industrial Co., Ltd.

11 Lovegrove Crescent, NZ-1701 Auckland Tel.: +64 9 272 4905 Fax: +64 9 272 4901 Email: shelley.parker@destex.co.nz Internet: www.mapp.co.nz

No. 10, Wu-Chun 2 Rd.Wu-Ku Industrial Park, Hsinchuang City, RC-24892 Taipei Hsien Tel.: +886 2 8512 7888 Fax: +886 2 2298 9888 Email: gene@singtex.com Internet: www.singtex.com

B4-421 Elite-tron Enterprise Co., Ltd.

A4-207 Stotz & Co. AG

B4-516 Fulltide Enterprise Co., Ltd.

A3-205 Sympatex Technologies GmbH

B4-315 Grandtek Enterprise Co., Ltd.

B4-524 Tah Tong Textile Co., Ltd.

B4-420 Hans Global Textile (Taiwan) Co., Ltd.

B4-419 Tai Yuen Textile Co., Ltd.

B4-411 Haojey Co., Ltd.

B4-412 Taiwan Paiho Limited

B4-528 Hope Land International Ltd.

B4-521 Tomlong Techstile Corp.

A4-409 IBQ Fabrics Fabric Creations S.L.

A4-106 Upper Textile Corporation

A4-313 JRC Reflex

B4-217 Ventex Co., Ltd. 5F Gum-Suk Building, 195-3, Chamsil-Songl, Songpa-gu, ROK-138-220 Seoul Tel.: +82 2 424 3262 (Ext.2201) Fax: +82 2 424 3822 Email: tigerhkim@ventexkorea.com Internet: www.ventexkorea.com / www.dry-zone.com

B4-513 LMA - Leandro Manuel Araújo, Lda. A4-209 Long Advance Int'l Co., Ltd. B4-208 Outdoor Organic

B4-414 Win Trend International Co.

A1-107 OutDry - Nextec SRL

B4-522 Wu Luen Knitting Co., Ltd.

A1-302 Polartec, LLC

B4-527 Ya Champion Industrial Co., Ltd.

A3-106 Pontetorto SPA A4-414 Primacy International Corp.


Ribbons of all kinds

B4-519 Ruey Fa Enterprise Co., Ltd.

Bänder aller Art Sangles en tout genre Fasce di ogni genere

A4-413 Schoeller Textil AG

A4-405 Bemis Hong Kong Ltd.

Bahnhofstrasse 17, CH-9475 Sevelen Tel.: +41 81 786 0800 Fax: +41 81 786 0810 Email: info@schoeller-textiles.com Internet: www.schoeller-textiles.com

FW-117 MAB spa

B4-313 Shiny Textile Co., Ltd.

B2-603 SCHOUTTETEN & FROIDURE FG-A83 Slackline-Tools A5-318 Slackstar Braun GmbH



Index of products Warenverzeichnis | Elenco merceologico | Catalogue produits

B2-110 Techni-Sangles SAS Ingénierie & Développement A4-509 Tecnotexil s.r.l. B1-505 Tobby Band- und Flechtwaren GmbH A4-310 YKK Europe Ltd.


Coated fabrics Beschichtete Stoffe Tissus enduits Tessuti rivestiti A4-405 Bemis Hong Kong Ltd. A4-213 Chemotex Minlan Pacific Co., Ltd. B4-416 Chia Her Industrial Co., Ltd.


Printing and flocking Bedrucken und Beflocken Impression et flocage Stampaggio di stoffa A4-415 Paltex Company Ltd. B4-216 Pepwing International Corp. A4-510 Shin Han


Fasteners for clothing Bekleidungsverschlüsse Fermetures vestimentaires Chiusure per abbigliamento A4-405 Bemis Hong Kong Ltd. B1-425 ITW Nexus Europe S.A. B4-314 NIFCO Group B4-214 RIRI GROUP Via Catenazzi 23, CH-6850 Mendrisio Tel.: +41 91 640 6161 Fax: +41 91 646 5822 Email: riri@riri.com Internet: www.riri.com A4-508 Titex Vertriebs GmbH

B4-526 De Licacy Ind. Co., Ltd. A4-308 Christian Eschler AG A4-311 EVEREST TEXTILE CO., LTD A4-211 Formosa Taffeta Co., Ltd. B4-516 Fulltide Enterprise Co., Ltd. B3-503 Goodway Industrial (HK) Ltd. B4-411 Haojey Co., Ltd. A4-409 IBQ Fabrics Fabric Creations S.L. A4-313 JRC Reflex B4-316 New Trend Textile Co., Ltd. A4-415 Paltex Company Ltd. B4-216 Pepwing International Corp. A1-302 Polartec, LLC

Rainstraße 6, D-91560 Heilsbronn Tel.: +49 9872 800 188 Fax: +49 9872 800 288 Email: info@tizip.com Internet: www.tizip.com

A4-314 Premiere Fashion Corp.

A4-310 YKK Europe Ltd.

A4-406 Promax Textile Co., Ltd.

Kirchhofstraße 52, D-42327 Wuppertal Tel.: +49 202 7493 556 Fax: +49 202 7493 301 Email: shiori_matsuda@ykkeurope.com Internet: www.ykkeurope.com


B4-312 Cotec - EPO International Co., Ltd.

A4-414 Primacy International Corp.

B4-406 A. Sampaio & Filhos - Texteis, S.A. A4-510 Shin Han

Index of products Warenverzeichnis | Elenco merceologico | Catalogue produits

A4-410 SINGTEX Industrial Co., Ltd.

B4-208 Outdoor Organic

No. 10, Wu-Chun 2 Rd.Wu-Ku Industrial Park, Hsinchuang City, RC-24892 Taipei Hsien Tel.: +886 2 8512 7888 Fax: +886 2 2298 9888 Email: gene@singtex.com Internet: www.singtex.com A4-502 Tah Hsin Industrial Corp.


A4-210 smartfiber AG B4-412 Taiwan Paiho Limited


B4-524 Tah Tong Textile Co., Ltd.

Fleece fabrics Fleecestoffe Matières molletonnées Fleece

A4-208 Top Found Industries Co., Ltd.

B4-526 De Licacy Ind. Co., Ltd.

A4-312 Toray International Europe GmbH

A4-308 Christian Eschler AG

Hugenottenallee 175, D-63263 Neu-Isenburg Tel.: +49 6102 7999 0 Fax: +49 6102 7999 292 Email: tex-2@toray-intl.de Internet: www.torayentrant.com

A4-311 EVEREST TEXTILE CO., LTD B4-411 Haojey Co., Ltd.


A4-409 IBQ Fabrics Fabric Creations S.L.

A4-106 Upper Textile Corporation

A1-302 Polartec, LLC

B4-522 Wu Luen Knitting Co., Ltd.

A3-106 Pontetorto SPA


B4-406 A. Sampaio & Filhos - Texteis, S.A.

Emblems Embleme Emblèmes Emblemi


A4-510 Shin Han

A4-511 Asia Summit Innovation Corp.

A4-210 smartfiber AG

A4-409 IBQ Fabrics Fabric Creations S.L.

A4-214 Tessile Fiorentina Company srl B4-217 Ventex Co., Ltd.


5F Gum-Suk Building, 195-3, Chamsil-Songl, Songpa-gu, ROK-138-220 Seoul Tel.: +82 2 424 3262 (Ext.2201) Fax: +82 2 424 3822 Email: tigerhkim@ventexkorea.com Internet: www.ventexkorea.com / www.dry-zone.com

Fasern Fibres Fibre A4-405 Bemis Hong Kong Ltd. B4-518 Chang-ho Fibre Corporation A4-213 Chemotex Minlan Pacific Co., Ltd. A3-208 Lenzing AG A4-213 Minlan Fabric Industrial Co., Ltd.


Threads and yarns Garne Fils Filati A4-213 Chemotex Minlan Pacific Co., Ltd. B4-208 Outdoor Organic



Index of products Warenverzeichnis | Elenco merceologico | Catalogue produits

A4-210 smartfiber AG


Breathable membranes

A4-106 Upper Textile Corporation


Reflektoren Réflecteurs Catarifrangenti

B4-526 De Licacy Ind. Co., Ltd.

A4-313 JRC Reflex

A4-308 Christian Eschler AG

B1-408 Penguin Brands, Inc.

A4-311 EVEREST TEXTILE CO., LTD B4-516 Fulltide Enterprise Co., Ltd.


A4-317 Burlington Worldwide

A4-213 Minlan Fabric Industrial Co., Ltd.

A4-215 Epic Technology International

B4-316 New Trend Textile Co., Ltd.

A4-211 Formosa Taffeta Co., Ltd.

A1-107 OutDry - Nextec SRL

A4-414 Primacy International Corp.

A1-302 Polartec, LLC

A4-510 Shin Han

A3-106 Pontetorto SPA

A4-210 smartfiber AG

A4-314 Premiere Fashion Corp.

A4-208 Top Found Industries Co., Ltd.

A4-413 Schoeller Textil AG


A4-510 Shin Han

B4-522 Wu Luen Knitting Co., Ltd.

B4-313 Shiny Textile Co., Ltd. A3-205 Sympatex Technologies GmbH

Fabrics for sleeping bags Schlafsackstoffe Tissus pour sac de couche Stoffe per sacchi di pelo

A4-209 Long Advance Int'l Co., Ltd.



A4-502 Tah Hsin Industrial Corp.

Softshells Softshells Softshells

B4-303 TechNiche Europe

A4-317 Burlington Worldwide

A4-214 Tessile Fiorentina Company srl

A4-215 Epic Technology International

A4-312 Toray International Europe GmbH

A4-308 Christian Eschler AG

Hugenottenallee 175, D-63263 Neu-Isenburg Tel.: +49 6102 7999 0 Fax: +49 6102 7999 292 Email: tex-2@toray-intl.de Internet: www.torayentrant.com



Klimamembrane Membrane climatique Membrane di Climatizzazione

A4-311 EVEREST TEXTILE CO., LTD A4-209 Long Advance Int'l Co., Ltd.

Index of products Warenverzeichnis | Elenco merceologico | Catalogue produits

A4-213 Minlan Fabric Industrial Co., Ltd.



Stretch fabrics

B4-316 New Trend Textile Co., Ltd.

Stretchgewebe Tissus ĂŠlastiques Tessuti elastici

A4-415 Paltex Company Ltd.

A4-317 Burlington Worldwide

B4-216 Pepwing International Corp.

B4-416 Chia Her Industrial Co., Ltd.

B4-407 Pidigi S.p.A.

B4-312 Cotec - EPO International Co., Ltd.

A1-302 Polartec, LLC

B4-526 De Licacy Ind. Co., Ltd.

A3-106 Pontetorto SPA

B4-421 Elite-tron Enterprise Co., Ltd.

A4-314 Premiere Fashion Corp.

A4-215 Epic Technology International

A4-414 Primacy International Corp.

A4-308 Christian Eschler AG

A4-406 Promax Textile Co., Ltd.


B4-406 A. Sampaio & Filhos - Texteis, S.A.

A4-211 Formosa Taffeta Co., Ltd.

A4-413 Schoeller Textil AG

B4-516 Fulltide Enterprise Co., Ltd.

A4-510 Shin Han

B4-411 Haojey Co., Ltd.

B4-313 Shiny Textile Co., Ltd.

A4-209 Long Advance Int'l Co., Ltd.

A4-410 SINGTEX Industrial Co., Ltd.

FW-117 MAB spa

No. 10, Wu-Chun 2 Rd.Wu-Ku Industrial Park, Hsinchuang City, RC-24892 Taipei Hsien Tel.: +886 2 8512 7888 Fax: +886 2 2298 9888 Email: gene@singtex.com Internet: www.singtex.com

A4-213 Minlan Fabric Industrial Co., Ltd. A4-507 Miti spa

A4-214 Tessile Fiorentina Company srl

B4-316 New Trend Textile Co., Ltd.

A4-208 Top Found Industries Co., Ltd.

A4-415 Paltex Company Ltd.


A4-314 Premiere Fashion Corp.

A4-106 Upper Textile Corporation

A4-414 Primacy International Corp.

B4-217 Ventex Co., Ltd.

A4-406 Promax Textile Co., Ltd.

5F Gum-Suk Building, 195-3, Chamsil-Songl, Songpa-gu, ROK-138-220 Seoul Tel.: +82 2 424 3262 (Ext.2201) Fax: +82 2 424 3822 Email: tigerhkim@ventexkorea.com Internet: www.ventexkorea.com / www.dry-zone.com

B4-406 A. Sampaio & Filhos - Texteis, S.A. A4-413 Schoeller Textil AG



Index of products Warenverzeichnis | Elenco merceologico | Catalogue produits

A4-510 Shin Han

A4-409 IBQ Fabrics Fabric Creations S.L.

B4-313 Shiny Textile Co., Ltd.

A4-209 Long Advance Int'l Co., Ltd.

A4-410 SINGTEX Industrial Co., Ltd.

A4-213 Minlan Fabric Industrial Co., Ltd.

No. 10, Wu-Chun 2 Rd.Wu-Ku Industrial Park, Hsinchuang City, RC-24892 Taipei Hsien Tel.: +886 2 8512 7888 Fax: +886 2 2298 9888 Email: gene@singtex.com Internet: www.singtex.com

B4-316 New Trend Textile Co., Ltd. A4-415 Paltex Company Ltd.

B4-524 Tah Tong Textile Co., Ltd.

B4-216 Pepwing International Corp.

A4-214 Tessile Fiorentina Company srl

B4-407 Pidigi S.p.A.

A4-312 Toray International Europe GmbH

A4-314 Premiere Fashion Corp.

Hugenottenallee 175, D-63263 Neu-Isenburg Tel.: +49 6102 7999 0 Fax: +49 6102 7999 292 Email: tex-2@toray-intl.de Internet: www.torayentrant.com

A4-406 Promax Textile Co., Ltd.


A4-413 Schoeller Textil AG

A4-106 Upper Textile Corporation

A4-510 Shin Han

B4-217 Ventex Co., Ltd.

B4-313 Shiny Textile Co., Ltd.

5F Gum-Suk Building, 195-3, Chamsil-Songl, Songpa-gu, ROK-138-220 Seoul Tel.: +82 2 424 3262 (Ext.2201) Fax: +82 2 424 3822 Email: tigerhkim@ventexkorea.com Internet: www.ventexkorea.com / www.dry-zone.com B4-522 Wu Luen Knitting Co., Ltd.

B4-406 A. Sampaio & Filhos - Texteis, S.A.

A4-410 SINGTEX Industrial Co., Ltd. No. 10, Wu-Chun 2 Rd.Wu-Ku Industrial Park, Hsinchuang City, RC-24892 Taipei Hsien Tel.: +886 2 8512 7888 Fax: +886 2 2298 9888 Email: gene@singtex.com Internet: www.singtex.com A4-207 Stotz & Co. AG


Wasserdichte Gewebe Tissus imperméables Tessuti impermeabili

Walchestrasse 15, CH-8006 Zürich Tel.: +41 44 366 51 10 Fax: +41 44 3665138 Email: daniel.odermatt@stotzfabrics.ch Internet: www.stotzfabrics.ch

A4-317 Burlington Worldwide

A3-205 Sympatex Technologies GmbH

B4-416 Chia Her Industrial Co., Ltd.

A4-502 Tah Hsin Industrial Corp.

B4-312 Cotec - EPO International Co., Ltd.

B4-310 Teijin Fibers Ltd.

A4-215 Epic Technology International

6-7, Minami-Honmachi 1-chome, J-541-8587 Chuo-ku, Osaka Tel.: +81 6 6268 2943 Fax: +81 6 6268 2908 Email: s.yasuda@teijin.co.jp Internet: www.teijin.co.jp

Waterproof fabrics

A4-211 Formosa Taffeta Co., Ltd. B4-528 Hope Land International Ltd.


Index of products Warenverzeichnis | Elenco merceologico | Catalogue produits

A4-214 Tessile Fiorentina Company srl


A4-208 Top Found Industries Co., Ltd. A4-312 Toray International Europe GmbH

A5-400 SIGG Switzerland AG


B3-405 Esbit Compagnie GmbH

B4-217 Ventex Co., Ltd.

Marlowring 21, D-22525 Hamburg Tel.: +49 40 85310650 Fax: +49 40 8509184 Email: esbit@esbit.de Internet: www.esbit.de

5F Gum-Suk Building, 195-3, Chamsil-Songl, Songpa-gu, ROK-138-220 Seoul Tel.: +82 2 424 3262 (Ext.2201) Fax: +82 2 424 3822 Email: tigerhkim@ventexkorea.com Internet: www.ventexkorea.com / www.dry-zone.com

B3-303 IPV GmbH Inheidener Produktions- und Vertriebsges. mbH Ezetilstraße 1, D-35410 Hungen-Inheiden Tel.: +49 6402 807 0 Fax: +49 6402 807 295 Email: verkauf@ipv-hungen.de Internet: www.ipv-hungen.de

Fabrics for tents Zeltstoffe Tissus pour tente Teli da tende

B3-505 Nalgene

A4-213 Chemotex Minlan Pacific Co., Ltd.

A5-400 SIGG Switzerland AG

A4-211 Formosa Taffeta Co., Ltd.

B3-409 Stanley (Pacific Market International, Ltd.)

B4-528 Hope Land International Ltd.

Unit 6 Progression Centre, GB-HP27DW Hemel Hempstead Herts Tel.: +44 1442 419800 Fax: +44 1442 235760 Email: tj.schulien@pmi-worldwide.com Internet: www.stanley-pmi.com

A4-510 Shin Han A4-208 Top Found Industries Co., Ltd.


Transport containers Transportbehälter Récipients de transport Contenitori per trasporto B3-505 Nalgene B4-216 Pepwing International Corp. B3-310 Phelgard Products Inc. B3-504 Promens Packaging GmbH

Cooler bags and insulated containers Kühl- und Isolierbehälter Récipients frigorifiques et isolants Contenitori isolanti e refrigeratori



Aluminium boxes Aluboxen Boîtes d'aluminium Contenitori in alluminio

Hugenottenallee 175, D-63263 Neu-Isenburg Tel.: +49 6102 7999 0 Fax: +49 6102 7999 292 Email: tex-2@toray-intl.de Internet: www.torayentrant.com



Plastic containers Kunststoffbehälter Récipient en plastic Recipienti in plastica B3-300 GSI Outdoors Inc. B3-505 Nalgene B3-504 Promens Packaging GmbH B3-409 Stanley (Pacific Market International, Ltd.)

A6-206 Vento GmbH


854 854


Index of products Warenverzeichnis | Elenco merceologico | Catalogue produits

Water canisters



Wasserkanister Réservoirs d’eau Contenitori per acqua

Zubehör / Sonstiges Accessoires Accessori

A5-303 Brunton / Silva Sweden AB

A5-319 Acecamp GmbH

B3-505 Nalgene

B3-403 Active Leisure / Van Bergen Sports Int. BV

B3-504 Promens Packaging GmbH

A4-511 Asia Summit Innovation Corp.


B3-215 Bavaria Sonor Musikverlag und Merchandising GmbH

Verbände Associations Associazioni FO-100 Deutscher Alpenverein e. V. ÜO-103 IDEAS Active Sports Design Network B4-501 Swizz-Light GmbH Basler Strasse 15, CH-5080 Laufenburg Tel.: +41 62 8740404 Fax: +41 628 8743405 Email: info@swizz-light.ch Internet: www.swizz-light.ch B4-317 Taiwan Sporting Goods Manufacturers Association B4-517 Taiwan Textile Federation A4-412 Technological Textile Trend Team/ Assosport Centro Servizi srl B4-413 Taiwan Textile Federation / Taiwan Premium Selected Suppliers (TEPP)

Bavariafilmplatz 7, D-82031 Geiselgasteig Tel.: +49 89 6499-2641 Fax: +49 89 6493730 Email: bavaria.sonor@bavaria-film.de Internet: www.bavaria-sonor.de B1-406 Benchmade Knife Co. B1-400 Deuter Sport GmbH & Co. KG Siemensstraße 1, D-86368 Gersthofen Tel.: +49 821 4987 327 Fax: +49 821 4987 339 Email: info@deuter.com Internet: www.deuter.com B4-319 Double Hero Corp. B3-311 Euro-Line Solar GmbH A1-208 Ferrino & C. S.p.A. A5-108 Fun4U Sportproduktion GmbH B3-506 Grabber B1-423 Highlander (Scotland) Ltd.


Purchasing associations Einkaufsverbände Centrales d'achat Gruppi d'acquisto B4-501 Swizz-Light GmbH Basler Strasse 15, CH-5080 Laufenburg Tel.: +41 62 8740404 Fax: +41 628 8743405 Email: info@swizz-light.ch Internet: www.swizz-light.ch


B2-304 Italbastoni S.n.c. A5-505 Laboratoires CMA/NST A4-302 Life is good Global Inc. B1-300 Lowe Alpine International SRL FW-117 Macpi spa

Index of products Warenverzeichnis | Elenco merceologico | Catalogue produits

B2-206 MASTERS Srl Via Capitelvecchio, 29, I-36061 Bassano del Grappa (VI) Tel.: +39 0424 524133 Fax: +39 0424 527924 Email: info@masters.it Internet: www.masters.it

A1-410 Rubytec


A5-218 Navico GmbH Lowrance

B4-408 Salvas Sub S.p.A.

A1-101 Stallion Sport Ltd.

A1-111 SB-Yhtiöt Oy


Glasses / Spectacles

B3-400 Tatonka GmbH

Brillen aller Art Lunettes en tous genres Occhiali di ogni tipo

B4-318 Ting Top Industrial Co., Ltd.

A5-209 Brenda Sport Deutschland GmbH

B1-417 Trekmates

A5-406 Bushnell Performance Optics GmbH An der Alten Spinnerei 1, D-83059 Kolbermoor Tel.: +49 8031 23348 0 Fax: +49 8031 23348 18 Email: info@bushnell.de Internet: www.bushnell.com

B4-523 Universe Fashion Accessories Co., Ltd. FG-A92 VIV GmbH Trainings & Incentives

B4-319 Double Hero Corp.

B3-406 Warmpeace s.r.o.

A3-101 Kopfüber by Bühler

B3-109 Winsport / Transworld & Associates Co., Ltd.

B3-200 Loubsol SA

Suite 2301, Metro Centre (2), HK-Kowloon Bay Tel.: +852 2318 1166 Fax: +852 2757 4828 Email: winsport@winsport.com.hk / targex@targex.net Internet: www.winsport.com.hk / www.targex.net

A5-410 Polinelli s.r.l. A3-201 Regatta GmbH

B4-215 Woojin Plastic


Fishing Gear Angelausrüstung Equipement de pêche Attrezzature da pesca

B3-300 Relags GmbH

B1-405 SmarTube - BlueDesert Ltd.


955 Rechargeable batteries Akku Accumulateurs Accumulatori

FG-B83 boss management gmbh skike sport Deutschland

A5-314 ANSMANN AG A5-303 Brunton / Silva Sweden AB B3-311 Euro-Line Solar GmbH B1-431 Microsport GmbH + Co. KG B4-502 Orange s.r.l.

Cross Skates Cross Skates Crosskates Crosskates


Nutrition Ernährung Aliments Alimentari A5-213 Farmer´s Outdoor GmbH



Index of products Warenverzeichnis | Elenco merceologico | Catalogue produits

B3-216 MX3 Nutrition Sportive Sté Titok Productions B1-401 Simpert Reiter "TRAVELLUNCH" GmbH Weddigenstraße 2-6, D-86179 Augsburg Tel.: +49 821 2407500 Fax: +49 821 2407510 Email: info@travellunch.de Internet: www.travellunch.de B3-315 Swiss Advance by Think Industry Ltd. A3-307 TREK'N EAT / Katadyn Products Inc. Birkenweg 4, CH-8304 Wallisellen Tel.: +41 44 839 21 11 Fax: +41 44 830 79 42 Email: info@katadyngroup.com Internet: www.katadyngroup.com


Labels Etiketten Etiquettes Etichette B4-523 Universe Fashion Accessories Co., Ltd.


Lighters Feuerzeuge Briquet Accendini

Health protection (Water sterilization, Insecticides, first aid) Gesundheitsschutz (Insektenvertr. Produkte, Erste Hilfe, Wasserentkeimer) Protection de la santé (Désinfections, de l'eau, Insecticides) Protezione di salute, (medicina e pronto soccorso, insetticidi, disinfettanti) B1-500 Brettschneider Fernreisebedarf GmbH A3-404 Cascade Designs Ltd. A3-405 Heatgear Spireavej 21, DK-8462 Harlev J. Tel.: +45 72 100 007 Fax: +45 22 408 807 Email: info@heatgear.dk Internet: www.heatgear.dk A3-307 Katadyn Produkte AG Birkenweg 4, CH-8304 Wallisellen Tel.: +41 44 839 2111 Fax: +41 44 830 7942 Email: info@katadyngroup.com Internet: www.katadyngroup.com B4-301 Lifemarque Ltd. A5-100 McNett Europe

Bavariafilmplatz 7, D-82031 Geiselgasteig Tel.: +49 89 6499-2641 Fax: +49 89 6493730 Email: bavaria.sonor@bavaria-film.de Internet: www.bavaria-sonor.de

B1-200 ORTLIEB Sportartikel GmbH

A5-108 Fun4U Sportproduktion GmbH

Rainstraße 6, D-91560 Heilsbronn Tel.: +49 9872 8000 Fax: +49 9872 800266 Email: info@ortlieb.com Internet: www.ortlieb.com A3-210 STERIPEN by Hydro-Photon Inc.

A5-307 Light My Fire Sweden AB

262 Ellsworth Road, USA-04614 ME Blue Hill Tel.: 207-374-5880 Fax: 207-374-5100 Email: international@steripen.com Internet: www.steripen.com


A5-110 Tecnimed srl

Flachmänner Flasques Borracce tascabili

A5-500 Tropicare / Tropenzorg BV

B1-502 Curly & Smooth Handels GmbH B3-505 Nalgene



B3-215 Bavaria Sonor Musikverlag und Merchandising GmbH

B1-502 Curly & Smooth Handels GmbH


B3-409 Stanley (Pacific Market International, Ltd.)

Zwenkgrasstraat 5, NL-1313 LC Almere Tel.: +31 36 5334711 Fax: +31 36 5344975 Email: info@tropicare.eu Internet: www.tropicare.eu

Index of products Warenverzeichnis | Elenco merceologico | Catalogue produits

A5-219 UTAG Limited


B1-404 SIGMA Elektro GmbH Dr.-Julius-Leber-Straße 15, D-67433 Neustadt Tel.: +49 6321 9120 0 Fax: +49 6321 9120 34 Email: info@sigmasport.com Internet: www.sigmasport.com

Towels Handtücher Serviette Asciugamani

A1-502 Suunto c/o Amer Sports Europe Services GmbH

A3-404 Cascade Designs Ltd. B1-411 Design Go Ltd



Dog accessories

B4-103 elkline GmbH

Hundezubehör Accessoires pour le chien Accessori del cane

A5-100 McNett Europe

B3-201 King Snaps Ind. Corp.

B1-509 Naschem Co., Ltd

16F-2, No. 51, Sec 2, Keelung Rd., RC-110 Taipei Tel.: +886 2 2739 3669 Fax: +886 2 2739 3198 / 2739 0001 Email: snap@singgy.com.tw Internet: www.kingsnaps.net

A1-410 Rubytec B3-403 TravelSafe

A5-309 Original Doggear Aps.

A5-500 Tropicare / Tropenzorg BV

966 963

Mobile phones, Walkie-Talkies Handys, Funkgeräte Portable, Appareils radio Apparecchi radio, cellulari B1-407 ACR Electronics Inc.; Klemann & Kreutzfeldt GmbH B4-319 Double Hero Corp. A5-210 Powertraveller Ltd. A5-228 PPM GmbH Precise Positioning Management


Heart rate monitors Herzfrequenzmesser Mesureurs de fréquence cardiaque Misuratori della frequenza cardiaca B4-219 Alatech Technology Ltd. A5-300 Garmin Deutschland GmbH A1-500 HIGHGEAR USA, Inc./TECHTRAIL

Lamps / Lights Lampen aller Art, Beleuchtung Lampes Lampade varie B1-407 ACR Electronics Inc.; Klemann & Kreutzfeldt GmbH A5-314 ANSMANN AG B1-412 Baladéo Coriolis SARL B2-400 B2-401 Black Diamond Equipment AG B1-502 Curly & Smooth Handels GmbH B1-426 Favour Light Enterprises Ltd. A5-303 Gerber / Silva Sweden AB A5-225 Heaven&Earth Products Co.,Ltd Room 102, No.41, Lane 728, Changdao Road, Pudong District, VRC-200129 Shanghai Tel.: +86 21 51875189;68954288 Fax: +86 21 51686328 Email: info@heaven-earth.com.cn Internet: www.heaven-earth.com.cn B1-409 C. Jul. Herbertz GmbH



Index of products Warenverzeichnis | Elenco merceologico | Catalogue produits

A5-308 Industrial Revolution

B1-409 C. Jul. Herbertz GmbH

B1-427 Leatherman Tool Group, Inc.

A5-308 Industrial Revolution

B1-431 Microsport GmbH + Co. KG

B1-427 Leatherman Tool Group, Inc.

B1-509 Naschem Co., Ltd

B1-204 Spyderco Inc.

B2-302 Petzl SAS

B3-315 Swiss Advance by Think Industry Ltd.

A1-410 Rubytec

B1-415 Swiss+Tech / Segula GmbH

B1-404 SIGMA Elektro GmbH

B1-101 Victorinox

Dr.-Julius-Leber-Straße 15, D-67433 Neustadt Tel.: +49 6321 9120 0 Fax: +49 6321 9120 34 Email: info@sigmasport.com Internet: www.sigmasport.com A5-303 Silva Sweden AB

Route de Bâle 63, CH-2800 Delémont Tel.: +41 32 421 3900 Fax: +41 32 421 3999 Email: info@wenger.ch Internet: www.wenger.ch

A5-315 Silverpoint / Progress Importers Ltd.

B1-501 FG-AKB1 Zweibrüder Optoelectronics GmbH

B1-415 Swiss+Tech / Segula GmbH B2-218 TSL Outdoor B1-501 FG-AKB1 Zweibrüder Optoelectronics GmbH Kronenstraße 5-7, D-42699 Solingen Tel.: +49 212 5948 0 Fax: +49 212 5948 200 Email: info@zweibrueder.com Internet: www.zweibrueder.com


A1-210 WENGER S.A.

Leather accessories Lederaccessoires Accessoires de cuir Accessori di cuoio A3-107 GreenLand NATURE GmbH A5-504 Rejka Reiner Kanzewitsch


Nordic Blading Nordic Blading Nordic Blading Nordic Blading A5-311 Cober srl Via Ofanto, 3, I-20090 Opera (MI) Tel.: +39 02 5760 1341 Fax: +39 02 5760 6667 Email: info@cober.it Internet: www.cober.it A5-108 Fun4U Sportproduktion GmbH A4-501 Gabel S.r.l. Via Cassola, 50, I-36027 Rosà (VI) Tel.: +39 0424 561144 Fax: +39 0424 561266 Email: gabel@gabel.it Internet: www.gabel.it A6-200 LEKI Lenhart GmbH


Knives Messer Couteaux Coltelli B1-412 Baladéo Coriolis SARL A5-303 Gerber / Silva Sweden AB


Karl-Arnold-Straße 30, D-73230 Kirchheim Tel.: +49 7021 94000 Fax: +49 7021 940099 Email: service@leki.de Internet: www.leki.de FG-B83 boss management gmbh skike sport Deutschland

Index of products Warenverzeichnis | Elenco merceologico | Catalogue produits


A1-102 Eberhard Göbel GmbH + Co

Outdoor Fitness Outdoor Fitness Outdoor Fitness Outdoor Fitness

Im Lehrer Feld 44, D-89081 Ulm Tel.: +49 731 140 13 0 Fax: +49 731 140 13 10 Email: info@euroschirm.com Internet: www.euroschirm.com

B4-219 Alatech Technology Ltd. A5-108 Fun4U Sportproduktion GmbH Rheinstraße 29c, D-53844 Troisdorf Tel.: +49 2241 975133 Fax: +49 2241 8790275 Email: info@fun4u-sports.de Internet: www.fun4u-sports.de A4-501 Gabel S.r.l. Via Cassola, 50, I-36027 Rosà (VI) Tel.: +39 0424 561144 Fax: +39 0424 561266 Email: gabel@gabel.it Internet: www.gabel.it FG-A71 ID Sports GmbH Gibbon Slacklines B1-408 Penguin Brands, Inc. FG-B83 boss management gmbh skike sport Deutschland A5-318 Slackstar Braun GmbH B4-415 Triple Win Sports Ind. Inc.


Pulse rate meters Pulsmesser Cardiofréquencemètres Misuratori delle pulsazioni A5-300 Garmin Deutschland GmbH B1-404 SIGMA Elektro GmbH Dr.-Julius-Leber-Straße 15, D-67433 Neustadt Tel.: +49 6321 9120 0 Fax: +49 6321 9120 34 Email: info@sigmasport.com Internet: www.sigmasport.com A1-502 Suunto c/o Amer Sports Europe Services GmbH


Umbrellas Regenschirme Parapluie Ombrelli



Travel Accessories Reisezubehör Accessoires de voyage Accessori da viaggio A5-314 ANSMANN AG B1-419 Aquapac International Ltd B1-412 Baladéo Coriolis SARL B1-500 Brettschneider Fernreisebedarf GmbH B3-300 Coghlan's Ltd. B1-411 Design Go Ltd B1-201 Eagle Creek Europe Ltd. Dwyer Road, IRL-Midleton, County Cork Tel.: +353 21 4621471 Fax: +800 3245 3275 Email: thomas_ryll@vfc.com Internet: www.eaglecreek.com A1-102 Eberhard Göbel GmbH + Co Im Lehrer Feld 44, D-89081 Ulm Tel.: +49 731 140 13 0 Fax: +49 731 140 13 10 Email: info@euroschirm.com Internet: www.euroschirm.com FG-A71 ID Sports GmbH Gibbon Slacklines B4-301 Lifemarque Ltd. A5-307 Light My Fire Sweden AB A5-100 McNett Europe A1-413 Nikwax Waterproofing B3-302 Pacsafe / Outpac Designs Ltd. A5-210 Powertraveller Ltd. B3-300 Relags GmbH



Index of products Warenverzeichnis | Elenco merceologico | Catalogue produits

A1-410 Rubytec


B1-405 SmarTube - BlueDesert Ltd. B3-107 Snugpak Ltd.

A5-219 UTAG Limited

B3-315 Swiss Advance by Think Industry Ltd. A6-411 Therm-ic Products GmbH Nfg & Co. KG


A5-303 Brunton / Silva Sweden AB


B3-311 Euro-Line Solar GmbH

Schnallen Boucles Fibbie

FG-A82 Fun-Care AG


A5-316 Konarka Technologies, Inc.

A4-105 Fidlock GmbH

B1-431 Microsport GmbH + Co. KG

B1-425 ITW Nexus Europe S.A.

B4-502 Orange s.r.l. Via San Rocco 101, I-16036 Recco (GE) Tel.: +39 0185 739001 Fax: +39 0185 739847 Email: bags@o-range.com Internet: www.o-range.com

B3-201 King Snaps Ind. Corp. 16F-2, No. 51, Sec 2, Keelung Rd., RC-110 Taipei Tel.: +886 2 2739 3669 Fax: +886 2 2739 3198 / 2739 0001 Email: snap@singgy.com.tw Internet: www.kingsnaps.net

A5-210 Powertraveller Ltd. A1-410 Rubytec

B4-314 NIFCO Group

Hornweg 196c, NL-1432 GS Aalsmeer Tel.: +31 297 383 200 Fax: +31 2973 46212 Email: info@rubytec.com Internet: www.rubytec.com

B3-205 Usang Industrial Co. Ltd. A4-310 YKK Europe Ltd.


Solar Solar Solaire Solare

A5-219 UTAG Limited


Software (computer) Software (Computer) Logiciels (ordinateurs) Software (computer)


Represented by: Essential Elements AG


Sport computers

Schrittzähler Podomètres Contapassi

Sportcomputer Ordinateurs de sport Calcolatori elettronici per sport

B1-411 Design Go Ltd

B4-219 Alatech Technology Ltd.


A5-300 Garmin Deutschland GmbH

A5-303 Silva Sweden AB

B1-404 SIGMA Elektro GmbH Dr.-Julius-Leber-Straße 15, D-67433 Neustadt Tel.: +49 6321 9120 0 Fax: +49 6321 9120 34 Email: info@sigmasport.com Internet: www.sigmasport.com


Index of products Warenverzeichnis | Elenco merceologico | Catalogue produits

A1-502 Suunto c/o Amer Sports Europe Services GmbH


A4-302 Life is good Global Inc. B3-505 Nalgene


B1-408 Penguin Brands, Inc.

Thermometers / Hygrometers Thermometer / Hygrometer Thermomètres / hygromètres Termometri / Igrometri

B3-504 Promens Packaging GmbH

B1-413 Barigo Barometerfabrik GmbH


A5-400 SIGG Switzerland AG B1-405 SmarTube - BlueDesert Ltd.

Thermoplastic accessories Thermoplastic Accessoires Accessoires thermoplastiques Accessori termoplastici

B3-107 Snugpak Ltd. B3-409 Stanley (Pacific Market International, Ltd.)


B3-315 Swiss Advance by Think Industry Ltd.

B4-212 Framis Italia SPA Via Dell'Agricoltura 9/15, I-20083 Vigano Di Gaggiano (MI) Tel.: +39 02 908051 Fax: +39 02 90805229 Email: info@framis.it Internet: www.framis.it B4-314 NIFCO Group


B3-423 Taiwan Vertex Production Corp.


Drinking systems Trinksysteme Système porte boisson Sistemi di assunzione liquidi B1-100 CamelBak International, LLC Filiale Italiana

Drinking bottles Trinkflaschen Gourdes Borracce B1-100 CamelBak International, LLC Filiale Italiana B3-405 Esbit Compagnie GmbH Marlowring 21, D-22525 Hamburg Tel.: +49 40 85310650 Fax: +49 40 8509184 Email: esbit@esbit.de Internet: www.esbit.de B3-300 GSI Outdoors Inc. A5-308 Industrial Revolution B3-303 IPV GmbH Inheidener Produktions- und Vertriebsges. mbH Ezetilstraße 1, D-35410 Hungen-Inheiden Tel.: +49 6402 807 0 Fax: +49 6402 807 295 Email: verkauf@ipv-hungen.de Internet: www.ipv-hungen.de A3-102 Laken Productos Deportivos S.A.

A3-404 Cascade Designs Ltd. A6-101 Everest GmbH A5-303 Gerber / Silva Sweden AB A1-105 inov-8 B3-505 Nalgene B1-200 ORTLIEB Sportartikel GmbH Rainstraße 6, D-91560 Heilsbronn Tel.: +49 9872 8000 Fax: +49 9872 800266 Email: info@ortlieb.com Internet: www.ortlieb.com B2-217 Raidlight A1-410 Rubytec A5-400 SIGG Switzerland AG



Index of products Warenverzeichnis | Elenco merceologico | Catalogue produits

B1-405 SmarTube - BlueDesert Ltd.


B3-423 Taiwan Vertex Production Corp.


Anti-theft devices Warensicherung Dispositifs anti-vol Sistemi di sicurezza per la merce B3-302 Pacsafe / Outpac Designs Ltd.

Watches Uhren Montres Orologi


Merchandising systems Warenwirtschaftssysteme Système électroniques pour la gestion du matérial Sistemi EDP gestione merci

B1-413 Barigo Barometerfabrik GmbH A1-500 HIGHGEAR USA, Inc./TECHTRAIL

A5-215 Ariston Informatik GmbH

A5-100 McNett Europe

A5-212 EBG-Data GmbH

B1-408 Penguin Brands, Inc.

A5-214 IS Integrated Systems AG

A1-502 Suunto c/o Amer Sports Europe Services GmbH

A5-216 SBH Software Beratung GmbH St.-Pius-Straße 28a, D-53474 Ahrweiler Tel.: +49 6021 4986 0 Internet: www.sbh-software.de

B1-415 Swiss+Tech / Segula GmbH A1-210 WENGER S.A. Route de Bâle 63, CH-2800 Delémont Tel.: +41 32 421 3900 Fax: +41 32 421 3999 Email: info@wenger.ch Internet: www.wenger.ch


Fasteners Verschlüsse Fermetures Chiusure

Tools Werkzeuge Outil Arnesi A5-303 Gerber / Silva Sweden AB B1-427 Leatherman Tool Group, Inc.

A4-511 Asia Summit Innovation Corp.

B1-415 Swiss+Tech / Segula GmbH

A4-105 Fidlock GmbH

B1-101 Victorinox

B1-425 ITW Nexus Europe S.A. B4-314 NIFCO Group A4-508 Titex Vertriebs GmbH Rainstraße 6, D-91560 Heilsbronn Tel.: +49 9872 800 188 Fax: +49 9872 800 288 Email: info@tizip.com Internet: www.tizip.com A4-310 YKK Europe Ltd.




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