THE OUTDOOR SHOWCASE products | trends | markets
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Weathering the Storm with Quality This year’s OutDoor show will be by far more than just a showcase
Still, it is safe to say that the crisis has in fact reached the outdoor in-
for the latest products which should hit the shops in spring 2010.
dustry to some extent. I am not talking about Karstadt filing for bank-
No, this show will also be an indicator to what extent the outdoor
ruptcy a couple of weeks ago. Karstadt is probably one of the top three
industry has been affected by the global financial crisis so far. It
outdoor retailers in Germany, but the company has been in trouble for
seems, however, that this industry will come out as a winner if
quite a few years and most definitely well before the outbreak of the
mistakes are avoided.
crisis last summer. It is therefore no wonder that the federal government did not opt for a public bail-out for the company. Even though Karstadt
All the key figures – as far as we have managed to collect them at this
may basically suffer from home-made mistakes, it is safe to say that
point – say that the impact of the turmoil on our business has been
manufacturers might observe this case just to see the financial muscle
more than limited. This is partially due to the fact that outdoor is, of
of retail as a whole.
course, a sort of small item business which offers goods that are simply less costly than a car or kitchen furniture.
In one specific point, the crisis has already hit the outdoor market. The weight of the Euro is no longer healthy in comparison to other currenci-
Some industry veterans predict that this industry might even be able
es. Sure, there are some winners out of this situation, but the imbalance
to take advantage of the crisis. Take Britain, for example, who have
between the Euro on one side and, e.g., British sterling as well as some
been hit hard by the crisis. Observers hope that the Brits might stay
Scandinavian crowns, on the other really causes problems within the
away from holidays in Mallorca or the Canary Islands due to budget rea-
supply chain.
sons this summer, and would perhaps prefer to climb Ben Nevis or stroll through the Lake District, or take part in any other activities at home for
I think that this should be enough talk about any substantial or imagi-
that matter for which outdoor equipment is badly needed. It will be the
ned crisis worldwide. The reader might understand that this topic is one
end of the summer before we can prove if this theory is right.
that no writer escapes from these days. I apologise. Just to summarise,
More important, however, is the key question whether the outdoor in-
cruising through stormy weather on a level which is more than okay.
it should be noted that, at the time of writing this, the outdoor ship is dustry will continue to manage to offer products which are highly desirable on the consumer level. It is no surprise that Messe Friedrichshafen,
The key factor to the outdoor industry’s success is its strong commit-
the host of this show, has decided to choose “innovation & technology”
ment to emotions, innovations and a technical approach to really new
as the leitmotiv of this OutDoor. Even though this claim is by far not
products. I am sure that the exhibitors will meet these challenges and
new to a business which has always lived from that approach, it is more
I hope that the retailers are ready to transfer these ideals to their own
important now than it ever was due to this crisis. Brands and retailers
alike should follow this strategy which has been so successful over the past 25 years or so. Players, who might be impressed by the stories in
If all that happens at this OutDoor show, no-one of us should worry
the daily newspapers and who tend to play the price card, may put
about the challenges imposed by a stiff economic environment. I would like to wish you all a successful OutDoor show. Enjoy Lake Constance
Markus Huber Editor, The OutDoor Showcase
03 editorial
themselves in an uncomfortable place to be.
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Eco inside, fashion outside
The Designers of IDEAS present the new trends for summer 2011
Summer 2010 sizzles with eco-friendly fabrics
Sustainability continues to be a key issue
Innovation: Hidden Technologies
The new outdoor footwear provides performance in a traditional look 18
Content and Commerce in the Web
The Online Infatuation with Gear Reviews
Making a Difference through Conservation
EOG Association’s latest efforts to protect nature
Success in the Shadow of the Big Ones
Outdoor Italia is not scared of tough competition from large surfaces 24
The Poles Climb all the Way up!
Polish market for climbing goods is not easy, but has great potential
Check them out!
49 - 85
Brand new products at the show
05 contents
The Designers of IDEAS present the new trends and colours in outdoorwear for summer 2011
Eco inside, fashion outside
as the fashion demands are constantly increa-
The design group IDEAS, which is specialised in textile trends for active sports, will present their work again at this year’s OutDoor. Besides being present with their own booth, the designers will inform visitors about the trends and tendencies for summer 2010 in a trend lecture. Exclusively for The Outdoor Handbook, a few members of the group will already show us what outdoor clothes could look like in summer 2011 and give a preview on the new colour card.
sing, flattering fabrics for figure-hugging silhouettes, stitching and tailoring at its best and of course fashionable colours.
The first step is the colour card Thus, even before the choice of the materials and the cuts, colours play a very important role for the creation of the collection. They emphasise the different statements from emotionality
trends : innovation & technology
to technology and reflect sentiments and tenWhile this year’s OutDoor presents the collections for summer 2010, clocks tick differently in
dencies. Therefore the designers of IDEAS do
the designers studios. The designers are already working on their first designs for summer 2011
not just create collections for their clients, they
and are developing new trends and visions. Apart from world-wide trend research it is mainly
also develop a colour card for active sports twi-
socio-cultural and economic aspects and tendencies that will influence the new collections. For
ce a year. The slogan of the brand new colour
2011, the designers of IDEAS, an international association of 25 freelance design studios, have
card for summer 2011 is “Pop Up”. In a mo-
identified the following keywords: added value, emotions, technology, nature and ecology, all
dern world that is reduced to two dimensions
combined in harmonious collections that may not lack that certain something of fashion.
we are all required to conquer the third dimension once more and experience space again,
The driving force for the appeal of the coming collections will be the added value the outdoor
flatscreen, WWW and virtual world in play like
athlete will get with a new garment. The added value can show itself in various aspects: On the
Second Life is not the reality, those who go out
one hand in the integration of new technologies, as the clothes of the future should care for their
into nature and work out get in contact with
wearer and feed him, e.g. with miniscule substances packed into micro-capsules. They should
it again. “Pop Up” presents six colour topics
protect him from environmental influences, not only rain, wind and storm but also air pollution
that are built around the seeming dichotomy
or UV radiation. With the help of solar cells they should be able to provide energy for the use of
of nature and technology, that open up all di-
mobile phones or GPS devices.
mensions and that evoke emotions. The topics
On the other hand positive emotions should be evoked, by feeling at ease in the garment itself
of the colour card call on us to live with nature
but also by having the knowledge to do something good for the environment. That is why the
and to learn from it, for a better world for us
designers believe that completely sustainable and ecological manufacturing in all steps of pro-
and our children. A concern that should unite
duction will play a decisive role. The enterprises that show authenticity will also be able to inspire
outdoor athletes in the whole world today as
their clients in times of crisis. And last but not least, the visual appearance certainly must be right,
well as in as 2011.
Ulrike Arlt
“Green colour” is the queen colour of the future!
you get bored”. It is better to pay more and to use “ecological stuff”
“The main point for the collections in summer 2011 will be to evoke
longer than to throw away cheap
emotions! We have to encourage as many people as possible to use
things every day. It is better to
more ecological products, to live more ecologically and to take care
have few clothes that are more
of our planet for us and the next generations. In this context it is very
functional so that you are able to
important to attract young consumers. That is why we want to increase
use them in different situations.
their positive feelings by funny pictures, texts and variegation.
That is why we think that clothes
The design-vision for summer 2011 is to learn from nature and to be in
in the future should be designed
harmony with it. Nature is the best engineer ever, so why should we not
to be more and more adjustable
use its ideas, shapes, colours and forms. We are for example inspired for
and multifunctional.”
clothes by the shape of a tree leaf with all its veins - that creates a warm and cosy shape. Future garments could look like a “live organism” or a “mini universe” and be the best friend and the connection to the world. They could have integrated useful features such as navigation, protection, and so on, but nothing more than the really necessary items for being out in nature. Sustainability will become more and more important and can even be realised by wearing more durable and functional clothes. New collections are made for comfort and long use, not for “wearing them and throwing them away when IDEAS-member BIURO4: Rita, Berta and Gitis from Kaunas, Lithuania
sportswear designers
Outdoor athletes desire added emotional value “In times of economic insecurity, ducts that provide him with added
On the other hand, outdoor wear needs to offer its wearer more bene-
value. On the one hand, he will
fits. My vision is that modern fabrics protect the skin with micro-capsu-
demand that the outdoor industry
le-technology, that they feed it and care for it and that our wellness is
take more responsibility in ques-
increased that way. But not only that, the garment should offer added
tions relevant to the environment,
value in the future, solar batteries will be standard. I think of more,
as athletes do not want to work
e.g. a UV radiation detector which warns its wearer if the sunlight is
out at the expense of nature any
too intensive. Or a measuring element that can detect air pollution. For
Marina Scheifel, Lille (France)
protection a face mask could be integrated directly into the hood! This way emotions can be evoked, the athlete feels good and cared for in his clothes. But the garments sould not just evoke emotions, but also show it. Temperature-sensitive print colours could convey sentiments, microcapsules could release individual scents. With regard to their visual appearance collections will build a bridge between ultra modern technology and tradition, realised in durable, natural materials or recycled materials.”
07 trends : innovation & technology
the client will mainly seek pro-
SUPER MICA JACKET Marmot Super Mica, breathable and waterproof MemBrain®Strata™ fabric – only extreme lightweight adventure freaks should apply. Pockets big enough to fit more than just energy gels yet still harness friendly. Pack size equivalent to a softball, adjustable wire rimmed hood integrated cooling vents, PitZips™, hem draw cord, zonal reinforcement and all for less than 250g (med).
Strata™ protects the waterproof MemBrain® layer Marmot® MemBrain® Lightweight outer fabric
M E M B R A I N®
Sustainability, design and function are compatible!
vant components, sustainably produced textiles encompass the whole value chain. This responsibility is called “EHS”-environment, health and safety.
“The ecological wave has captured
This new axiom may not be a marketing strategy or a unique event. In
us all. Ecological and natural textiles
fact, long-term campaigns are decisive for success. New innovative tex-
can be found in nearly every seg-
tile that are considered to be completely sustainable from the raw ma-
ment of well-known manufactur-
terial to the accessories such as zips, cords and buttons, are more than
ers. The next step is the production
apparel, they are a vision and an attitude towards life. The successful
of really sustainable textiles. Apart
brands of the future will be those that offer authenticity and trust.
from the ecological responsibility
Outdoorwear provides features such as high-tech performance, emoti-
with regard to the primary pro-
onal design and technical details and in the future it should also fulfil
ducts (or raw materials) and rele-
the demand of sustainability. In this regard, function and technology are just one side of the product,design and emotion are
the other. Without the right emotion, nobody will buy a
Johanna Wild (Munich/Germany)
sustainable product just because the retailer uses energy-efficient lamps in his store or prints his newsletter on environmentally friendly paper. The designer is responsible for the emotional effect of the collection. In addition to aesthetics, functional details and know-how, he needs to contribute a well-founded knowledge about the guidelines of ecological materials, manufacturing processes, construction techniques and innovative as well as social fabrication techniques. To have a say in the future, means to reduce our carbon footprint and to minimise our consumption of natural resources.”
New, smart technologies combined with natural fabrics
2011 we drew a women-concept. In a more and more aggressive and competitive market women assume an increasingly important role in this field. The key words for this concept are: “Smile Energy, “Smile Comfort”, “Smile fresh fit”. On the one hand, the collections have to be made with natural fabric, on the other hand they must create the energy for the daily use of mobile phones, IDEAS-Designer
MP3-Players, GPS and laptops. We can imagine that pho-
Pier Callegarini, Studio MPIER,
tovoltaic inserts will be integrated into the clothes to char-
Treviso (Italy)
ge all these accessories. Summer clothes must give a fresh feeling too. We designed pockets
Fabrics are as natural as possible,
that can be filled with liquids (water, energy drinks). These drinks are
e.g. new developments of fibers
kept in the fridge before the athlete goes out. Wearing them, keeps
made from corn or milk or recycled
the sports enthusiat cool and lets him drink at the same time. Air in-
fabrics from the PET of bottles. Gar-
takes, which are welded with laser technology, also provide a sense
ments of the future are produced
of coolness. Colours are soft and weak, the true energy and vitality of
with respect for our planet, they
the clothes comes from the new technologies. It is this peculiarity that
are in step with the world fashion
makes these items unique, respectful of nature, meanwhile modern
tendencies and they take care of
and satisfying the necessities of the most exigent women.
the comfort of the moment. “
09 trends : innovation & technology
“For the inspiration of an outdoor collection for summer
This is IDEAS
IDEAS at OutDoor
IDEAS is an international association of 25 freelance design stu-
You can contact IDEAS at the OutDoor at their booth in the tran-
dios specialised in active sports. Besides their work as designers
sition area east, booth nr. ĂœO 103 (transit area behind the eastern
for several brands, the IDEAS members create a colour card twice
entrance). As a special beneďŹ t for all trade visitors, the group will
a year, especially for action sports and sportswear. This colour
hold a trend lecture for buyers and product managers about the
card is the basis for the creation of new collections and is used
trends in outdoor clothing and colours. It takes place on Friday
by a lot of designers and ďŹ tters.
17th July at 11 a.m. in the room Berlin and is presented by the
In the next step the designers create detailed product sketches
trade press journalist Ulrike Arlt. The trend speech will inform
on behalf of the outdoor suppliers for the new collections,
you about the most important textile trends for summer 2010
which will then be transformed by the product management of
and offers help for the ordering season. The second part of the
the respective brand.
lecture, which aims at producers and product managers, offers an exclusive outlook for summer 2011 with the presentation of the new colour card. You can buy the colour card for summer 2011 at the booth; it costs â‚Ź 295 with pantone swatches, â‚Ź 195 without.
Contact also via:
For example with FROSTED MATT. MADEIRA’s new matt effect thread.
+)" %& 1 . *'" $(% - 1 %)&( - ! , + 1 +!% ' ! 1 0 1 (* +%! ( 1 ( ! %/+ ,
.+# ! +%
Down here you can’t exactly ask the guy across the street to help you fix something.
Introducing the Mike Horn Ranger knife with 16 functions
Wenger supports explorer and environmentalist Mike Horn and his 3-year Pangaea Expedition.
Wenger soutient l’explorateur et environnementaliste Mike Horn et son expédition qui dure 3 ans appelée Pangaea.
Wenger unterstützt den Forscher und Umweltaktivisten Mike Horn und seine 3-jährige Pangaea-Expedition.
Hall A1, Booth 210
When we are away from our comfort zone, we seek reassurance and we need a crutch. And, as one watches the endless fiddling and fingering of mobile phones when in use and when not, it is perhaps not too fanciful to argue that those who might previously have succumbed to nicotine, have now found their addiction of choice – mobiles in particular and handheld gadgetry in general. It is clear we like to have these things with us, even when there’s little chance of their being used. Where once the aircraft safety belt signal being switched off was the green light for fags to be fished out and lit up, now it is the beep and flutter of mobiles going on and being anxiously scanned.
Want to see helplessness writen large? Give someone a mobile with no battery:
Feeding the addiction to power When we are away from our comfort zone,
flutter of mobiles going on and being anxious-
we seek reassurance and we need a crutch.
ly scanned.
And, as one watches the endless fiddling and
In the world of mobile/gadget addiction is not
fingering of mobile phones when in use and
the equivalent of this having no battery pow-
when not, it is perhaps not too fanciful to
er? In the outdoor world and especially in the
argue that those who might previously have
serious outdoor world, the loss of power at
succumbed to nicotine, have now found their
the wrong time, from a mobile or beacon or
addiction of choice – mobiles in particular and
GPS can result in serious risk.
handheld gadgetry in general. It is clear we
Enter our heroes, the next level of comfort
like to have these things with us, even when
providers. The market for power boosters and
there’s little chance of their being used. Where
chargers and other natty bits of kit aimed at
once the aircraft safety belt signal being swit-
keeping our various devices in working order,
ched off was the green light for fags to be
when we’re beyond the reach of a plug so-
fished out and lit up, now it is the beep and
cket, has boomed in recent times. >
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Action 8x40 CF
Action 10x50 CF
Action 10-22x50 CF Zoom
Design Go
The improved version of the Digicharger
The Emergency Phone Charger provides up
Vario, the Pro works for nearly all Lithium-
to 80 minutes of talk time, supports most
ion battery packs for digital cameras, cam-
Nokia, Sony Ericsson, Motorola and Sam-
These items put minds at rest, no more nag-
corders and mobile phones like its prede-
sung phones thanks to the four interchan-
ging doubts, mild panics or sweaty palms at
cessor, but the new Pro version is even
geable heads included. Its compact design
the prospect of not being able to function nor-
more powerful giving shorter charging
means it fits neatly into any travel bag and
mally. The user can just relax, forget about it
times. It also boasts contacts that adjust
requires just 4xAAA batteries to operate.
amidst a comforting glow of power-on LEDs.
both vertically and horizontally making
Oddly, the outdoor trade (rarely slouches when
it possible to charge battery packs with
it comes to technology) has been slow to take
even the smallest contact areas. The Pro
up this opportunity. It would seem the perfect
can also be used for USB applications such
fit with so much else that the industry does.
as MP3s and computer devices
How difficult can it be to persuade someone
who just spent several hundred pounds on a new phone, GPS or an iPod (whether in your shop or not) to part with a little more for that
News: Mammut spend £120000 getting the story right Page 7
peace of mind? Call it reassuring the customers, call it empowering them, call it playing on human weakness, call it what you will there
Hard Facts: More magazines, but the same amount of space Page 13
is clear and identifiable sales opportunity here. So why not become your local power pusher. After all you’re only satisfying an addiction? Alistair Phillips
Analysis: Why now is the time for retailers to shake with the OIA Page 18
This article first appeared in the UK‘s leading outdoor industry publication, OCC Outdoor. To find out more about how to talk to more than 2,500 UK outdoor businesses go to
Showcase: Sue Nixon reveals her four outdoor favourites Page 53
News and analysis of the international market
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000 markets :
• Only facts and figures on the broad sporting goods market from all over Europe and beyond, no promotion
More under More under w w w.edmppuublic
Sustainability continues to be a key issue:
Summer 2010 sizzles with eco-friendly fabrics Arc’teryx: Ridgeline Shirt
trends : innovation & technology
Whether hill walking or hanging out in the city, the Men’s Ridgeline shirt makes a fashionable top for summer activities. The semi-stretchy, wrinkle-resistant fabric, called Verdi, is made from 37 percent renewable ingredients including cotton and Sorona, a polymer fiber made from corn. The Ridgeline’s pockets are breathable and meshlined contributing to the shirt’s many properties that make it lightweight, durable and moisture wicking.
There is no denying that the textile industry produces a large amount of waste and emissions. Technology does exist, however, that can reduce, reuse and recycle material. Near identical fabric can be produced, for example, by turning recycled plastic bottles into thread instead of using virgin polyester, which is made from ever-decreasing petroleum. Not only does the use of recycled materials reduce the need for virgin oil, it helps with the alarming problem of overflowing trash landfills. Many companies are responding to the
technical features. Wool, for instance, wicks
consumer’s increasing concerns about ecolo-
away moisture and keeps odor at bay because
gical issues and numerous new products for
it is naturally anti-microbial.
summer 2010 are made with some percen-
Some companies take green textiles a step
tage of recycled material. In Patagonia’s case,
further by putting conservation into practice
a forerunner in using recycled materials, the
in their own backyards. “Companies are also
company strives to lessen their carbon footprint
incorporating environmental awareness into
by constructing every product out of recycled
the workplace with more energy efficient
material while also making every garment 100
facilities and employee incentives for biking
% recyclable by the fall of 2010. “Through the
or walking to work,” says Valerie Dietrich,
Common Threads Program we can transform
Mountain Hardwear public relations coordinator.
unusable garments into new clothing, which
Smartwool recently received the Sustainable
gets us closer to a long-standing company goal
Business of the Year award from its home-
of taking full responsibility for every product
town in Steamboat Springs, Colorado, for cre-
we make,” says Jess Clayton, Patagonia
ating carbon-neutral offices, off-setting their
product public relations marketer. “83 % of
energy usage with 100 percent wind-energy
Patagonia’s apparel for Spring 2010 are recyc-
credits. Companies such as Smartwool have
lable through the Common Threads Recycling
committed to eco-friendly business practices
Program and more than half of all styles are
throughout the entire production process and
made with at least 35 % environmentally con-
many have adopted internationally recognized
scious fibers.”
green certifications as well. This season, educated consumers are making
Natural fibers are back in business
buying decisions based on the green appeal. Active people feel good about buying an outfit that uses some type of green practice in the
Helly Hansen: BC Rain Jacket The BC Rain Jacket (in men and women’s styles) comes out of Helly Hansen’s Ekolab research and development project, which advances environmentally conscious design within the company. The hip-looking rain shell is made of 50 percent recycled polyester, a waterproof membrane made from recycled plastic bottles and nontoxic dyes. Not only is the shell waterproof, but breathable as well, complete with invisible venting and two smartly placed pockets.
Another growing trend in the outdoor industry
manufacturing process. And whether it’s for
takes a lesson from nature. Apparel made from
reasons of profit or ethics, if everyone feels good
natural fibers such as wool, bamboo, corn and
about the end result, then everyone wins. The
even shells - all renewable resources - top the
following apparel features some sustainable
charts for next season by joining the list of tex-
elements along with hip designs and function-
tiles with an eco-friendly story. Not only are
al features to keep consumers warm, dry and
the resources more sustainable than synthetic
active during the summer season.
material, they often benefit from the same
Krista Crabtree
The Men‘s Betasso Jersey has a new fabric called Technical Knit Merino, which adds polyester to wool for increased fit and elasticity as well as the ability to weave the wool into mesh for ventilation under the arms and the back of the body.
Whether climbing or doing yoga, the lightweight and silhouetted tank is made with stretchy organic cotton and Tencel blend. The tank features a racerback tank with a built-in bra for active support. The Vitaliti skirt comes in high-performance stretch fabric, made from an organic cotton and polyester stretch blend. A bonus for active female travelers: The Vitaliti is naturally wrinkle resistant. Both the Gravitee Tank and Vitaliti Skirt are recyclable through Patagonia’s Common Threads Recycling Program.
The North Face: El Cap Baselayer
Smartwool: S/S Graphic Tee and Straightline Short
Gramicci: Liberte Crew Organic Evo-Tek
Whether you’re rock climbing or hiking, the El Cap baselayer provides light protection from the summer elements. Highly breathable and moisture wicking properties make it an attractive lightweight layer to pack for expeditions or climbing trips. Another attribute of the El Cap: This worldwide popular baselayer is made from 100 percent recycled Polartec Power Dry fabric.
The Graphic Tee fits women’s silhouette and has Smartwool’s new Casuwool fabric, a new uber-soft, ultra lightweight micron yarn that’s 100 percent merino wool. The Straightline Shorts are mid-rise Bermuda length, good for long days on the trail. They are 70 percent wool and 30 percent polyester with elastic for extra mobility.
All the apparel in the new “Greenicci” collection is made from organic or recycled fabrics. Gramicci’s new fabric Evo-Tek hails from half organic cotton and half recycled polyester. The fabric wicks moisture away from the skin to the fabric’s surface, so women can stay dry while trail running, hiking or biking.
Smartwool: Betasso Jersey
17 trends : innovation & technology
Patagonia: Gravitee Tank and Vitaliti Skirt
The new outdoor footwear provides performance in a traditional look
trends : innovation & technology
Hidden technologies The slogan of this year’s OutDoor is “Innovation and Technology”. The same is valid for the new collections of the outdoor shoemakers. Even if new boots for mountaineering or hiking often have a classic look because of the leather upper, inside they are brimming with technology and innovative features.
makeup of the sole, the components or the manner of processing them. Speaking of leather:According to many shoe experts, leather continues to be the best material for the classical hiking sector. It is durable and not difficult to take care of. Despite the elastic material, processing leather and for-
Outdoor footwear from trail running to classic
long hikes, but it should not happen at the
ming an upper on a last is an art; it requires
alpinism once again features advancements
expanse of stability and surefootedness. Even
a lot of knowledge to get a perfect fit. A
and improvements for the coming summer.
if manufacturers want to reduce their weight,
challenge that European shoe manufacturers
However, not all the innovations are visible
the boots still need to remain robust and du-
with a long tradition such as Meindl, Hanwag,
from the outside, many happen where no one
Lowa, Scarpa or La Sportiva meet without bat-
can see them. The Outdoor Handbook has ex-
A big challenge for the shoe manufacturers,
ting an eyelid.
amined these hidden technologies carefully.
because it is not the solution to simply use less material or to exchange it. It is due both
Lightweight and Comfort are the keywords The slogan for next summer, not only for appa-
to the long experience and the craftsmanship
Membrane as a centrepiece of function
of the shoe manufacturers as well as to the resourcefulness of their suppliers that outdoor
For the alpine leather boots the following fact
footwear comes with some real innovations
applies next summer: The innovation happens
rel but also for alpine boots, is “Lightweight
next summer. Each component and each pro-
where no one can see it. From the outside, the
and Comfort”. Taking their inspiration from
duction step has been carefully examined and
shoe may look classic as it did in Luis Trenker’s,
trail running shoes, the shoes of the classic
improved. Those who continue to use the clas-
the great Italian mountaineer of the first half
outdoor categories are to become more and
sic leather upper have found ways and means
of the 20th century, time but from the inside it
more lightweight. This saves energy, mainly on
of saving weight e.g. when it comes to the
is a masterpiece of modern technology.
That is especially valid when a membrane is
That is why the shoe manufacturers have co-
incorporated. A membrane is important for
operated with Gore, to reduce this overhang
alpine sports, and it is necessary, for nothing is
and to minimise the use of adhesive. The result:
more annoying, or more dangerous, than wet
Nice, soft rolling characteristics of a shoe that
feet. A sudden drop in temperature for exa-
is still 100% waterproof.
mple may otherwise easily lead to toe frostbite. The majority of the shoe manufacturers, also the European ones mentioned above, are now
The prospering of trail running shoes The trail running segment will be especially
mer does not need to be worried about the
successful next summer. Flexibility and light-
weather when he sets out on a tour.
weight are the most important arguments in
When choosing a membrane supplier, most
this sector. However, surefootedness and grip
manufacturers swear by Gore-Tex. If anyone
should not be neglected. That is why there are
wants to know why, they refer to the unique
great innovations in the field of soles. In order
business concept of the membrane manufac-
to employ shock absorption, stability, grip and
turer. Gore does not only supply the membra-
flexibility at the necessary spot, outer soles for
ne, the Gore specialists also plan the make-up
example are fabricated out of several elements.
of the shoe with the manufacturer down to
Their makeup resembles that of a human spinal
the last detail. The advantage is that all the
column, as can be seen in the case of Millet‘s
components are coordinated with each other,
outer soles. Midsoles are also made up of
which is not only extremely important for the
several components – Salomon‘s midsole re-
right function and permanent protection of
sembles the human body with a supporting
the shoe but also for the comfort. Similar to
“skeleton”, shock-absorbing “muscles” and
an old proverb, a shoe is only as good as its
connective “tendons”. This saves weight and
weakest link.
the individual flexibility guarantees an ideal
In order to determine the right components
adjustment of the foot to the terrain. The fact
for all requirements, Gore has a special data-
that the upper material is exclusively made up
bank where all the partners have access. Over
out of textile fabrics furthermore contributes
26.000 tested materials, including the thread
to the lightweight of the shoe. That is why
for stitching, the laces or the adhesive can be
waterproofs necessarily require a membrane.
found here. All of them have to meet Gore‘s
This feature is standard in the trail running
demands and may not impair the function of
sector. Most of the shoe manufacturers in this
the membrane. There is a reason why Gore’s
segment use the Gore membrane. Concerning
brand claim “is Guaranteed To Keep You Dry”.
advancements and innovations there is a busy
The incorporation of a membrane does not
exchange between manufacturers, teams
need to have a negative effect on the brea-
of athletes that are sponsored by them and
thability – quite the opposite. Due to the
Gore‘s designers. This ensures that all innova-
combined development steps of the Gore
tions are tested in practice.
technicians and the shoe manufacturers and
If you ask specialists of the sector about
due to the careful selection of all components,
further potential growth sectors in the field of
it is even possible to design a shoe with an
outdoor footwear, some of them believe that
integrated membrane that is more breathable
the topic “Urban Climbing” may gradually
than the original model without a membrane.
develop. Who knows, perhaps bouldering will
Sole and shoe are more flexible, but remain stable
years. This would not only promise growth
be practised in the parks of the cities in a few in the sector of climbing shoes, this lifestyle would also find its way into everyday life more The rolling characteristics are another feature
and more. It is therefore a good field of the
for more comfort, the manufacturers also
future for sportive ascent shoes which could
worked on this aspect. More and more flexible
be used on the way to climbing and which
soles are employed from the outer sole to the
could also find their way onto the feet of sport-
wedge to the insole. The three-dimensional
oriented city-dwellers.
construction of the alpine boots also had to
Ulrike Arlt
be adjusted in this respect up to the Bootie design, where the membrane is incorporated into the shoe. The overhang of the lining at the last e.g., as well as the other components of the shoe decide its rolling characteristics.
The manufacturing of waterproof footwear requires many carefully executed working steps and the exact adjustment of all shoes and materials. The Bootie is sealed up meticulously and the upper is attached. Both the Bootie and the finished shoe undergo tests of durability, waterproofness and breathability.
19 trends : innovation & technology
producing more outdoor shoes with rather than without membrane. This way the custo-
Sportstar EX 10x25 DC
Sportstar EX 8x25 DCF
“What people do go online for is to get quick tips on what they want to buy.” American retailers take advantage of the gear-driven websites of special interest magazines like Outside.
many cases the same people that are buying from us have become our best gear review resources,” said Robertson. To wit, Robertson said more than 70,000 people have registered to write reviews at the site alone, and that each week they generate
The Online Infatuation with Gear Reviews:
more than 2,000 unique articles. “We just want to make sure it’s all focused
Content & Commerce in the Web Gear reviews – those ratings and rankings of everything from tents to bicycle tires to trail shoes – have long been a critical component of outdoor print media. Climbing, camping and cycling magazines all feature columns on gear, as well as the occasional cover to cover holiday gear issue. But as more outdoor media moves online, in the U.S. at least, gear reviews have come to dominate and sometimes become the sole focus of editorial.
on commerce,” Robertson said of what form those postings have to take. “We’re careful to make sure that all the content is about gear. We don’t give people a forum to talk about climbing Denali, but we do give them a forum to talk about the crampons that they used.”
Good gear content means added value to specialty retailers Specialty retailers see the value of good gear content as well, especially if the main purpose of their website is to drive business to their physical location rather than to drive online sales. But investing in a full-time employee to create that kind of content is something most
“Every print issue of Outside Magazine has five
Retailers have also become increasingly proac-
or six pages of gear as well as a smattering
tive about creating their own gear copy, par-
Enter Mark Graff, co-founder of SmartEtailing.
of gear in the front of the book. But we have
ticularly as the internet’s percentage of gear
com, a kind of ghost-gear writing service pro-
new gear content online every day,” said Out-
sales has risen so rapidly each year. According
viding knowledgeable, targeted content about
side senior editor Sam Moulton. “A lot of the
to research conducted by the National Spor-
the kind of top equipment that you can expect
ting Goods Association, in 2008 the internet accounted for 10.3 percent of all of the
to find in his retail partner’s stores. “It’s becoming more obvious for the retailer
While Outside’s print magazine has set the
backpacks sold in the U.S., 8.9 percent of all
that the consumer demands this kind of infor-
standard in the U.S. for thoughtful essays
sleeping bags sold, and for 9.6 percent of the
mation, and it’s an enormous burden for an individual small retailer to keep up with creating
on nature, profiles on athletes like Lance
sales of all hiking shoes and boots. That may
Armstrong and Reinhold Messner, and brea-
just be the tip of the online iceberg considering
this kind of content on his own,” said Graff.
king blockbuster adventure stories like Jon
how many people are first going onto the
“The best retailers realize that just regurgitating
Krakuer’s Into Thin Air, the online version is a
internet to research their next major outdoor
catalog copy does not add value,” said Graff.
completely different animal. Check the copy
purchase.“Even on a good day we’re still only
“We would call what we create ‘merchandising
at, and rather than long, he-
making sales to five percent of the people
copy,’ where we highlight the features and be-
roic features, you’re much more likely to read
that come to our sites,” said Dustin Robert-
nefits of a product in a very retail specific way.
quick hit helmet and sleeping bag reviews
son, chief marketing officer for Backcountry.
For instance, a retailer would never say, ‘this is
from the Gear Army, Outside’s growing legi-
com, North America’s leading outdoor sports
the world’s best mini pump,’ but he would say,
on of gear testing readers, or from nationally
e-tailer. “The other 95 percent are just coming
‘this is a favorite of our staff and here’s why
syndicated columnist Stephen Regenold, who
to look and do some research – which means
we recommend it for you.” The entire wave
has built his own media brand as The Gear
that we damn well better have the best research
of online gear copy is built on that concept
available or they’ll go somewhere else.” With
of adding value, and helping consumers get
$250 million in annual sales over its ten activi-
more information and a deeper appreciation
“60 percent of our web visits are for gear”
ty specific sites – including shops such as Tram-
for the gear that they are buying, either online for big mountain skiers, and Huck-
or at the store. That all goes out the window for mountain bikers – Backcountry
as soon as someone starts selling the same
“I don’t think the internet has really changed
has 700 employees, primarily in areas like
gear for lower prices, though.
our print model, primarily because I don’t think
shipping and customer service. But Robertson
people want to read a magazine online,” said
said there are also more than 20 copywriters
history of holding its prices, even online,” said
Moulton. “What people do go online for is
and more than 40 “photo studio guys” on’s Robertson. “Because once
to research things like adventure trips – which
staff, whose sole job is to create content. And
someone offers something for a hundred bucks
is also popular at our site – and to get quick
that’s still not enough.
cheaper somewhere else, then it’s a hundred
tips on where they want to go or what they
“The best writer can never predict all the ques-
want to buy. That’s why I think more than 60
tions that people are going to have, or all of
percent of our web visits are for gear.”
the potential ‘real world’ scenarios, and in
“Luckily we work in an industry that has a strong
bucks cheaper and everything you wrote about it doesn’t really matter anymore.” Peter Kray
21 trends : internet
shift to online media is being gear-driven, because that’s where a lot of the eyeballs go.”
specialty shops cannot afford.
the news. the trends. the insight. the influence.
wake up to real news. subscribe. get the buzz.
EOG Association’s latest efforts to protect the nature:
Making a Difference through Conservation In every aspect of our lives we are addressing ways of taking care of the things we value, protecting our way of life, our jobs, our family and the environment in which we live. In 2006 the outdoor sector set up an organisation to help the industry to proactively look after its livelihood and most vital resource - the natural environment. With almost 50 members, the EOG Association for Conservation this year approaches the half a million Euros milestone for funding provided to grass roots projects.
During the 2008 to 2009 period several pro-
jects that received funding have had great suc-
cess, locally the Gottmadingen Nature Reserve
Jointly developed with the local Friends of the
completed an educational trail, in Sweden, Ett
Earth group, local farmers and bee keepers,
visitors about the important biodiversity of the
klick för skogen saved a forest, in the Czech
the Gottmadingen municipality, forest agen-
area and the close connection between the
Republic wet meadowlands were purchased
cies, the Bodensee Stiftung (Lake Constance
natural and cultural landscape. The finished
and restored and in Allgäu, Germany, some
Foundation), Gottmadingen Reserve project
trail covers 4.2 kilometers, framing an area of
6,500 new trees were planted.
developed a special trail to educate and inform
some 60 hectares. >
Pay us a visit at our booth in HALL A3-311 during the OutDoor show.
Messe Friedrichshafen has nominated Gamsscharte in the Eastern Alps as its candidate for financial help from the Association. Due to a receding glacier, the famous Alpine passage had to be closed. The project aims to construct a new trail.
projects. Using small volunteer groups, the
(one mouse click for the forest), Sweden
project planted 6,500 trees, from monospeci-
One of the great successes of early 2009 was
fic to admixture stands, cultivated 5 Hectares
Republic / Nominated by Rock Point
to hear that Ett klick för skogen with the help
of Biotope (habitat) for the rare Wood Grouse,
Calla has created one of the largest sand mar-
of the EOG Association for Conservation
built 1.2 kilometers of mountain trails and recre-
tin nest sites in Southern Bohemia over the last
had been able to save the Verle old growth
ated 1 hectare of upland wetland near Wertach,
ten years through the management of disused
forest from logging. Situated approximately 50
sand pits. With the Association’s help, the pro-
kilometers north east of Gothenburg, the 82
ject aims to create and restore five further nest
hectare forest has been declared of ecological
For 2009 the members of the EOG Association
sites and three ponds as well as use lectures
importance, supporting over 52 species of bird
for Conservation have chosen a further eight
and excursions to inform and win support
and several endangered plant species.
extremely diverse and far-ranging projects.
from the local public.
trends : sustainability
The announcement of those projects which SDRUŽENÍ KRAJINA,
will receive funding is taking place during
Bulgarian Society for the Protection of
Wet Meadowland Trust, Czech Republic
OutDoor, with some of the project representa-
Birds Protection of the Red-Footed Falcon
Once common, wet sphagnum meadow-
tives giving a brief introduction of their work.
/ Nominated by Patagonia
lands are becoming increasingly rare due to
With the help of the EOG Association for Con-
intensive agriculture. Approximately 50,000
servation, this project aims to continue the
squaremeters of designated wet meadow
BSPB’s work for the Red-Footed Falcon which
were bought or rented, with plans to purchase
has suffered drastic declines in Bulgaria over
a further 12,000 allowing for a programme
the past decade. The project will take place in
of works to protect and enhance the land,
three regions of Bulgaria and will involve cons-
including bridge building, removal of invasive
truction, installation and monitoring of specially
species and hand mowing. More than 150 lan-
designed nest boxes, and public awareness and
downers and other stakeholders were involved
media campaigns to change attitudes and be-
locally with this project. BERGWALD PROJECT, Allgäu, Germany The Bergwald Project gives volunteers the
opportunity to work on forestry conservation
haviour that harm the Red-Footed Falcon. The Gottmadingen Nature Reserve in southern Germany took benefit of a joint action of the Lake Constance foundation, Earth Group, local farmers, bee keepers, the town of Gottmadingen and the Association for Conservation. The result is a 4.2 kilometers trail that informs outdoor enthusiasts about the important biodiversity of the area.
SOCIÉTÉ DES EXPLORATEURS FRANÇAIS, Makay Nature Project, Madagascar / Nominated by Petzl
Thanks to its extraordinary and convoluted relief,
the Makay mountain range has protected many
roots Campaign Film / Nominated by
different and endemic ecosystems, however due
to farming and bush fire practices, it has now
Surfers Against Sewage (SAS) aims to produce
become a matter of urgency to protect this
and distribute an educational film following
threatened area. The project aims to raise
a well-known, professional surfer, initiating a
awareness of the biodiversity issues, draw up
number of campaigns within local commu-
an inventory of Makay’s biodiversity, educate
nities to protect local surfing areas. The film
local people about the preservation of their
aims to inspire, educate and mobilise SAS sup-
natural resources, create eco-tourist trails and
porters to undertake their own campaigning
obtain Protected Area status.
efforts, linked directly to SAS campaigns, to achieve positive outcomes for their local be-
EURONATUR, Brown Bear Conservation in
ach environment.
northern Spain / Nominated by Vaude Following work to stabilise numbers and im-
prove the habitat of the brown bear popula-
Czech Republic / Nominated by Rock
tion in the western ranges of the Cantabrian
Mountains, the project is being awarded fun-
This project has one of the longest plans, 250
ding to improve the situation for the population
years; during this period the aim is to trans-
in the eastern ranges. This will include improving
form areas of pine monoculture into mixed
the bear’s food supply, minimising the impact of
forests with high biodiversity through the
hunting and poaching, monitoring the status
purchase of land, awareness campaigns and
and development of the population and organi-
planting 10,000 native species saplings.
sing age-based educational activities.
ANZEIGE neu Isla Island land MFS Active Activve
25 trends : sustainability
Halle A 6 I Stand 400
Without the support of the Association’s members, this old growth forest near Gothenburg would probably no longer. The Association supported the acquisition of the forest to keep it from logging.
DEUTSCHER ALPEN VEREIN RECONSTRUCTION OF GAMSSCHARTE, Eastern Alps / Nominated by Messe Friedrichshafen (OutDoor) The Gamsscharte is an important Alpine passage, connecting three refuges in Tyrol, Salzburg and South Tyrol. Due to a receding glacier over the last few years, the passage has become so dangerous it has had to be closed. The project involves identifying the course of a new trail and constructing a secure pathway, involving local volunteers. BIOSPHERE EXPEDITIONS HUMAN - PREDATOR CONFLICT IN MAMILI NATIONAL PARK, Caprivi National Park, Namibia / Nominated by Haglöfs In Mamili National Park there is an urgent need to find strategies to resolve conflict between predators and humans, which has led to a significant decline in animal numbers, as well as threatening the lives and livelihoods of local inhabitants. This project involves the fitting of GPS collars to problem animals to enable tracking, alerting communities and relocation if necessary, workshops on animal husbandry and kraal cons-
Other events at OutDoor
Grab your free Matchstick Garden – take them home and watch them grow! Fundraiser: “Something for Conserva- – sponsored by Mammut Sports Group tion” Make a donation, pick up some great gear, and help support conserva- Announcement of New Projects: inclution! - 2.30 pm Thursday, Friday and ding short talks from some of the proSaturday, 10.30 am Sunday, Stand Foyer jects awarded for 2009. Friday 17 July, 1 pm, Room Berlin, Foyer East (simultaneWest, outside Hall A1 Also unique Association water bottles ous translation). from CamelBak Hall B1- 100 Talk: “Live for the moment” by Timmy Movie: “The Age of Stupid” as part of O’Neill about his recent ascent of El Cathe Movie Nights with free beer, sponso- pitan with his paralysed brother - sponred by Pertex, Thursday 16 July, 6.30pm sored by Patagonia, free beer. Saturday 18 July, 5 pm, Room Switzerland, Foyer Hall A2. (with German subtitles) West. Entertainment: Beware the Bread&Butter Theatre Company – a duo of wacky Look out as you walk around the show street performers who will be doing for stickers indicating members who walkabouts during Thursday and Friday support the EOG Association for Conto entertain and amuse. Sponsored by servation. Pertex and Lowe Alpine.
truction (predator-proof cattle holding areas) and purchase
trends : sustainability
of solar garden lamps for use round kraals at night.
Namibia’s Mamili National Park badly needs strategies to resolve conflict between humans and predators. Haglöfs suggests that the Association for Conservation should help in Africa.
A unique, but endangered landscape that calls for immediate action: Petzl has nominated the Makay Nature Project which targets to protect the endemic ecosystems of the spot in Madagascar which is endangered by local farming and bush fire practices.
EOG Association for Conservation at OutDoor
Vaude thinks that these teddy bears deserve a chance. The brand has nominated Euronatur’s project which aims to protect the brown bears in northern Spain’s Cantabria region.
The Association can be found in the Foyer West, outside Hall A1 during the show. Any company, from a small retailer or publisher to a large international brand can get involved the only criteria is that you operate within the outdoor industry. All the projects supported are nominated and chosen by the membership with 100% of membership revenue being put into the projects - this is your opportunity to be part of a bigger project.
Outdoor Italia is not scared of tough competition from “category killers“:
Success in the Shadow of the Big Ones Is it possible to compete against the fast-forward moving décakhlon the Italian outdoor sector? The example of Fabrizio Farina, a 39-year-old retailer in Rome, shows that it is. He opened his second store under the name Outdoor Italia right next to one of Décathlon’s best Italian stores in 2005, and its sales are still growing, probably due to its attractive look and because it offers a real alternative by carrying a limited number of technical outdoor brands at interesting prices, typically 10-15% below the recommended retail prices.
Farina’s older and bigger Outdoor Italia store continues to operate along the via Pontina, the road that leads to Naples, and is part of a larger retail complex, called Caravan Market Italia because it started in 1978 by selling camping cars and motor homes. The 12,000square-meter outdoor display area is now used to present more than 100 different tents and some 50 canoes and kayaks. The 1,000square-meter indoor area is 100% dedicated to outdoor products, and by next October it will be redecorated along the clean style guidelines of the younger store in Tor Vergata.
“The Germans of Rome” Poking fun at the clean look of the Outdoor Italia store, industry officially call it “the Germans of Rome.” Unlike most of the traditional outdoor stores in Italy, whose cluttered bazaar
This 400-square-meter Outdoor Italia store
look tends to confuse the visitor, the Outdoor
salesmen, this facilitates the search for the
Italia store in Tor Vergata only offers a few se-
right items and accessories, ultimately encou-
lected brands for each product category, pre-
raging the purchase.
sented in a clear and warm atmosphere where
is strategically located next to the ring road
all the details count. Combined with the advice
that surrounds the capital, across from a busy
given to the customer by its well-trained
Selected brands as the key to success
markets : italy
shopping center anchored by Carrefour and Décathlon in the district of Tor Vergata, close
Farina has in fact decided to react to the ple-
to one of Rome’s two universities. While the
thora of outdoor brands in the market by only
Décathlon superstore generates a reported
choosing a few brands with which he is wor-
€30 million a year, the two Outdoor Italia
king closely and in-depth, offering a maximum
stores in Rome have a combined turnover of
of styles and sizes in a well-structured environ-
only about €3 million, but the margins are
ment. His choice of brands is guided mainly
sufficient to pay the salaries of 15 employees
by the quality of the offer, the demand of the
and two external consultants. Italy is the third-
market and – very important – the possibility
largest market for Décathlon in Europe and its
to obtain a regional exclusive or major quantity
private Quechua brand most likely has the lar-
discount, which can go beyond 20% in some
gest penetration in the Italian outdoor market, way ahead of brands such as The North Face
or Montura.
cases, allowing him to offer competitive prices. Just a few steps more to a great store: Front entrance of the Outdoor Italia shop in the Tor Vergata district of Rome.
For example, he has exclusivity for the Rome region with Brunner (tents), Lowa and Vaude.
Other major suppliers are Asolo/Lowe Alpine, Camp, Ferrino, Garmin, Garmont, Lafuma (especially Millet), La Sportiva, Montura, Nova (kayaks) and Salewa, among others. Farina says his two stores stock about 25,000 SKUs by some 100 different suppliers, but he is not working with The North Face or Salomon because these brands are “too widely distributed;” although discussions about margins and discounts may be part of the reason. He also doesn’t carry Columbia because, he claims, this brand no longer has the technical image that it had when it was distributed in Italy by Ferrino. Columbia took over the distribution in Italy five years ago. A shop that invites to stay a while: The interior of the Outdoor Italia store just across from the huge Roman Décathlon megastore.
A Ferrino-backed network of premium retailers Outdoor Italia is actually a brand owned by Ferrino. It was launched in 1998 by this important Italian supplier of tents and other outdoor products to help some of the most solid retailers of camping items to branch out into other segments of the broader outdoor market, offering special make-ups at interesting margins. It was also meant as a discussion forum. The initiative has helped Ferrino to develop some
On the road to the Naples: Inside another store of Outdoor Italia at Rome‘s via Pontina.
A dream team to the service of outdoor enthusiasts: The staff of the outdoor store at via Pontina.
interesting new products, which are carried by the 22-odd retail members of Outdoor Italia exclusively for one season or more, but it has encountered some difficulties due to the independent approach of some of them. Farina has been one of the most active ones from the beginning. Eugenio Di Maria
All you should know about the Italian market To know more about the Italian outdoor market, purchase the Italian market research report by EDM Publications, publisher of The Outdoor Industry Compass and Sporting Goods Intelligence Europe. Over 300 pages of text and figures on the Italian sporting goods market, of which more than 20 deal with the outdoor sector. See the SGI booth at the OutDoor show in Friedrichshafen or check on:
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markets : USA
Outlook on the business in the U.S.:
The Economy Might Be Impacted for Years to Come
While some experts say the U.S. economy might begin to recover in 2010, the recession could affect American consumers and businesses for years to come. Meanwhile, conflicting economic reports have shaken the confidence of some CEOs, while others remain optimistic. In a continuing series of economic and financial reports, SNEWS, the most trusted news source for the outdoor industry in America, is following the country‘s crisis and recovery. The following summaries of reports, among others, are available at
their wallets and purses again,“ said Thom Blischok, research author and IRI president of consulting and innovation. „This group has less long-term optimism and a much more cautious outlook for the future than their predecessors.“
Economic forecasts confuse the business community One day it‘s all doom and gloom, and the next day the experts say the worst may be over. Forecasts for the U.S. economy have been all over the map, and several reports from this spring left U.S. consumers and business leaders dazed and confused. The Federal Reserve Board summarized the state of the economy in 12 U.S. districts in mid-April. Overall, the report noted a continued downturn, with a forecast for more bad news in manufacturing, employment and commerAmerica’s great outdoors A.D. 2009? The real-estate crisis in the U.S. was a major factor in the economic downturn in the country. © Daiga -
cial real estate. However, the Feds reported that the decline was slowing in five of the 12 districts, and the economy was even stabili-
of behavior that will have long-term effects on
While economic activity was slowing for Bos-
shoppers‘ bargain-hunting habits, where they
ton, Philadelphia, Cleveland, Richmond, At-
get their information and the number and ty-
lanta, St. Louis and Minneapolis, New York
pes of stores they will frequent.“
was moving at a „subdued pace;“ Chicago
The economic struggles of the last year that
In the study, 71 percent (up from 64 percent)
was declining more slowly, and Kansas City
have taken a heavy toll on retail may have a
said they would look at store fliers before
showed „tentative signs of stabilization.“
lasting effect on how consumers shop and buy.
going to a store or while at the store, and 82
Other economic indicators offered more con-
According to a new report from Information
percent (up from 63 percent) said they would
tradictions. From April 15 to April 17, the Dow
Resources Inc., shoppers will continue with
bring coupons, while 44 percent (down from
Jones Industrial Average rose from 8029.62
their current mindset for a long time, even af-
48 percent) said they would make additional
to 8131.33, following a mixed bag of reports
ter the economy recovers. The IRI research com-
unplanned purchases in-store.
from the Treasury Department. During that
pares the thinking to that of the children of
„The Downturn Generation will take significant
the Depression and says it is a basic „rewiring
convincing before they believe it is safe to open
time period, the S&P 500 and Nasdaq also closed up. >
31 markets : USA
zing in some.
Economic downturn may have a lasting effect on consumer behavior
But, in the same mid-month flood of reports, unemployment rose and consumer prices drop-
- I will consider each purchase more carefully: 55.2%
ped another 0.1 percent, retail sales dropped unexpectedly, import levels hit their lowest level in seven years, and home prices and construc-
- I will be more price-conscious when buying clothing and food: 50.7%
tion continued to decline. The mixed reports sparked a wide range of re-
- I will try to stick to a budget: 48.1%
actions from business leaders. In April, a „CEO Confidence“ report from the Conference Board
- I will spend less dining out: 46.3%
showed that the level of confidence of top business leaders was up to 30 from a lowly 24 last quarter (a reading of more than 50 means
- I will not incur a large credit card debt: 43.4%
more positive than negative results). On April 7, the Business Roundtable index
- I will spend less on entertainment
- surveying CEOs of large U.S. companies
(movies, concerts, sporting events, etc.):
- dropped to its lowest level since the survey
In every crisis is a chance: Probably, the consumers worldwide suffer less back problems these days. © hellotim -
began in 2002. This group was basically glum, noting they expected their companies‘ sales
- I will save more of what I earn: 36.3%
©SNEWS 2009. Permission granted for use
- I will be more conservative when buying
allowed without written permission from
and spending to drop in the next six months.
Survey says economic crisis will affect consumer lifestyles for 5 years
in the OutDoor Handbook 2009. No reprints a car: 30.1% - I will pay off my credit card each month: 29.0% - I will not run up home equity debt: 28.1% - I will take more practical vacations: 23.3%
to request your SNEWS Freebie subscription.
BIGresearch ( asked: „Do
In addition to economic reports like these, you
you think the current economic crisis will
can also read stories about U.S. retailers who
If you like the basic news you get for free, you
impact your lifestyle over the next five years
have found new and different ways to do
can upgrade to a SNEWS All Access subscription to see stories older than seven days, as
in any of the following ways?“ and more than
business at
8,000 adults, ages 18 and over, responded
tail - another continuing series by SNEWS to
well as years of archives and other special
help the industry survive the current times.
For outdoor enthusiasts, there is no better place to be than the Grand Canyon. Hopefully, there will be more hikers on the spot as suggested by this image – in spite of the crisis. © Jens Hilberger -
markets : USA
dustry members. Go to http://www.snewsnet. com/snewsfreebie/outdoorhandbook09.html
choices over the next five years.
duct and trends information. Its latest stories and trends reports are free to qualified in-
cent of consumers feel that the current economic crisis will continue to impact lifestyle spending
SNEWS is the U.S. outdoor industry‘s leading source of insider trade news, analysis and pro-
According to a 2009 BIGresearch Consumer Intentions & Actions Survey, just under 91 per-
Look at store flyer either before or at the store
Taking Advantages of Deals Is Here To Stay Shopping Startegies You Used or Will Use % of Shopping
Bring along coupons Choose the store you went to specifically because it offers lower prices on things you want
Dollar channel growth from each income segment
Stock up on certain items because they were on sale
$ % change versus year ago
Make a shopping list that included categories to buy
Stronger in 2nd Half of 2008 +8 +6 +18
Make a shopping list using store ads or coupons Make additional unplanned purchases after seeing products or deals in-store
Doller Store
Total Mass
Seek out and buy store brands to save money Select products to create more meals at the lowest total cost Buy brands other than your preferred or usual brands because they were on sale
Last Trip
Coming Year Low Income TM
Source: Americanism Dtudy: IRI Economic Trend Database AttitudeLinkTM Survey of 1,067 Consumers, Q42008, March 2009
Mid Income
High Income
Source: Nielsen - Annual 2008 v. Annual 2007 Low Income = < $30K, Mid Income $30K-99.9K, High Income > $100K
In rough times, cautious U.S. consumers seem to have a close look of retailers’ flyers first before they go into the items at the shop.
Perform better without sweat. The harder you work, the more you sweat. And the betteer thhe Sympatex membbrane exppels moiisture. Clothing no longer gets damp on the inside, and overrheating or excesssive cooling iss a thing of the past. The reesult: optimum wearer comfort for maxim mum performance. w w w . s y m patt e x .cc o m
Oeko-Tex Standard 100 Oeko-T
If nature had a choice
Polish market for climbing goods is not easy, but has a great potential:
The Poles Climb all the Way up! The Pole is a difficult consumer: He wants to spend money on great equipment, but is not necessarily able to do so. A major issue in the market is the currently relative weakness of the zloty compared to the euro. Image: Adam Kokot/
In 2009, Eastern Europe is celebrating the 20th anniversary of the downfall of communism. This date might be associated with geopolitics, but paradoxically it also marks the beginning of the specialist outdoor market in Poland and consequently the market for climbing equipment. Although it might sound like an anecdote, it was impossible to buy climbing equipment or shoes in Poland before this date. Apart from the barriers connected with freedom of trade, an important factor was a discrepancy between the financial capacities of Polish climbers and their western counterparts. Despite the situation Polish climbers still bought climbing equipment and shoes abroad, although it meant many sacrifices. Despite rapid developments, the Polish market
Spanish Roca or Czech – Tendon, Rock Empire
I believe that Rock Empire has already become a
remains to be specific and needs to catch up
and Singing Rock, not to forget producers of
recognisable and well-known brand. We have
with a lot of things. Nevertheless, it is certainly
climbing shoes - Rock Pillars, Bufo, Triop (all
certainly succeeded with Rock Empire in a few
one of the most attractive and onward develo-
Czech Republic) and Nepa (Italy).
segments of the climbing market, on the other
ping markets in Europe (population of 38 milli-
The possibility of introducing a new brand
hand Camp has a great potential which has
on). There is no precise market research on the
onto the market is determined by a combi-
not yet been fulfilled. The differences between
numbers of active rock and alpine climbers,
nation of a few factors. „All factors, such as
CAMP and Rock Empire result from both their
however based on the numbers of members in
tradition, price and quality, are partially signi-
product prices and positioning within the mar-
Alpine Clubs, circulation of magazines or Inter-
ficant but the most crucial is the quality/price
ket. Another great difference is the range of
net statistic data bases of climbing portals, it is
ratio” says Piotr Czmoch from SNAP Outdoor.
their products, CAMP offers 8 times more pro-
possible to estimate that there are approxima-
„There’s no problem to start selling a brand
ducts than Rock Empire”.
tely 100,000 climbers. It is worth adding that
which is well established and popular outside
the Polish society is still changing its lifestyle
of Poland but it won´t be long before expecta-
and looking for more active and healthy forms
tions will clash with reality. More often brands
of spending its free time, consequently num-
with a long tradition and huge marketing bud-
bers of active climbers are steadily increasing.
gets are perceived as too expensive by Polish
One of the „mysteries” of the Polish market
A proof of that might be the crowded climbing
climbers.” Czmoch’s words are confirmed by
is the fact that for years there has not been
halls and well prospering climbing schools.
achievements of SNAP. SNAP has been distri-
a single Polish company that manufactures
buting products of two manufacturers which
climbing shoes or advanced climbing gear. The
observe the quality/price condition: Ocun
only exception is Lhotse, a producer of clim-
(Czech Republic) and Nepa (Italy). Products
bing harnesses from Sosnowiec, which has
At present, all the major producers of clim-
from these companies quickly found their mar-
been active since the mid-90s and has achie-
bing gear and ropes are present in the Polish
ket share, achieving approximately 10-15% of
ved significant amount of success in export.
market, including Petzl, Beal, Black Diamond,
their market segments. Another successful
The position of Lhotse within the market of
Mammut, Edelrid, Salewa, Camp, Roca, Ten-
company is Namaste, which introduced Rock
climbing harnesses has been shrinking gra-
don, Grivel and climbing shoes manufacturers
Empire to the market. By taking an example
dually and has gone from domineering the
– Five Ten, La Sportiva, Evolv, Mad Rock and
from Namaste it is possible to observe the spe-
market down to a present (approx). 40% of
Boreal. This, however, does not mean that glo-
cific character of the Polish market, e,g Camp,
market shares. The attractiveness of the Lhot-
bal leaders have dominated the domestic mar-
the second and ‘more expensive’ brand in the
se products, resulting mainly from a good
ket. This is due to the fact that the most crucial
portfolio of the company encountered pro-
value/quality ratio, is slowly giving ground to
factor deciding on preferences of consumers is
blems. As Paweł Marchlewicz from Namaste
more advanced technologies and slightly high-
the price. That is the reason why so many low-
remarks: „We took over both brands, Camp
er prices of Czech producers, Lhotse harnesses
cost companies are successful within the Po-
and Rock Empire, from their previous distribu-
are over 50% cheaper than those of western
lish market, e.g. Italian Climbing Technology,
tor and re-introduced them to the market.
companies. The rest of the market is divided
markets : poland
All the Western Brands are there
The Absence of Domestic Brands Remains a Mystery
between Czech producers – Ocun, Singing Rock, Rock Empire (total of 40%) and Petzl (10%), Black Diamond (5%) and others (5%). In the case of climbing shoes most models sold belong to the low-cost category, dominated by Rock Pillars (Czech Republic) and the mid-priced models of La Sportiva. The total sales of the whole segment range from 15,000 to 20,000 pairs of shoes. Advanced models are more difficult to sell, predominantly due to their high prices, although in the case of Five Ten they constitute over 70% of its sales. For years Five Ten and
La Sportiva have been the most popular shoes amongst Polands more advanced climbers. Evolv is becoming more popular from year to year. However, this year Five Ten has recorded a decrease this is mainly due to exchange rates of the euro and a change in ordering methods from distribution to agency, invoices are paid in euro. La Sportiva has been improving its sales and presence on the market for the last two years. It is worth remembering that a significant amount of climbers buy their shoes abroad, mainly in Arco shops near Lago di Garda in Italy, who are famous for their attractive prices.
REL AGS ISOLIERBECHER Relags präsentiert aktuell 25 verschiedene Modelle. Doppelwandig, schaumisoliert, Edelstahl oder Kunststoff, mit Deckel, in pfiffigem Design oder mit trendigen Farben … Nichts, was es nicht gibt.
Currency problems outside the Eurozone The first quarter of 2009 brought some positive information, however in the following months the consequences of the global crisis gained strength. The most persistent element was the weakening of the currency rate of the zloty. The Polish currency noted a decrease of approximately 30% within 4-5 months (October 2008 – February 2009), to the dollar and euro. This situation forced distributors and agents to raise their prices. This in turn has been reflected by a lower volume of orders and retail sales. This problem has also affected distributors of Czech products because in this case the trade exchange also takes place in euro. The differences in prices between Poland and Western European countries are another obstacle, as Jacek Fluder, the owner of the Cerro Torre shopping chain, points out: „Polish climbers know very well where it is possible to buy something cheaper in Europe and the rest of the world. Miura shoes, for example, are more expensive in the Polish
REL AGS THERMO MUGS Relags currently presents 25 different models. Doublewall, foam-insulated, stainless steel or plastic, with lid or in smart design with trendy colors … Nothing that does not exist.
market than anywhere else , this is not a good sign for the sales of La Sportiva wthin our market. I believe that equipment in Poland should not be more expensive than in other European countries, including the profit margin of the seller, and I hope that sooner or later we will achieve this situation in all European brands.” Economic factors are not the only problem which distributors and agents have to face. Another issue is an insufficient number of specialist shops located in big cities, such as Warsaw, Krakow, Poznan or Wroclaw. This is confirmed by Piotr Czmoch: „Despite the fact that sales are constantly increasing, equipment only sells dynamically in single shops in big cities.” The development of climbing equipment stands in shopping chains might turn out to be a positive trend, as these examples might serve sports outdoor chains of Intersport (26 shops), Go Sport (22), Décathlon (11) or more outdoor focused HiMountain (56), Planet Outdoor (19) and Cerro Torre (10). The outdoor market in Poland is still developing, it has a huge, unfulfilled potential. This development tendency should not be hampered by a crisis, whose negative influence is less significant in Poland than in other countries, the Polish economy, one of the few in Europe, has achieved an increase of GDP. Based on the generally positive financial results and moods within the Polish outdoor market, it is possible to forecast a bright future for this branch within the market. Piotr Turkot
EUROBIKE 2009 is set to exceed target of 1,000 exhibitors:
The Big Bike Business on Lake Constance Hopefully, the crowd won’t bring the house down. EUROBIKE’S organisers expect new records for the number of exhibitors.
The bike business is booming and the EUROBIKE is heading for a new record of more than 1,000 visitors from around 40 countries. The big show will take place in Friedrichshafen from September 2nd through 5th. The latest and greatest developments in the international bike world can be experienced on a total of 100,000 square meters of exhibition space.
Friedrichshafen (airport, train stations, hotels and Hymer-City). This is a convenient, quick and fitting way for visitors and exhibitors to reach the exhibition site. Cyclists ride just four kilometers from the station at Friedrichshafen to the exhibition entrance, a distance easily covered in just over a quarter of hour by bike. If you would like to use the City-Bikes as an advertising medium, you can rent the promotional space on these bicycles for just 49 euros (incl. layout and production costs) during EUROBIKE. For more information, please contact Dirk Heidrich ( The loan-a-bike service is a cooperation between EUROBIKE and nextbike GmbH based in Leipzig, Germany. Additional
Bicycles are more popular than ever, both as a sports item and an every-
information is available at:
day mode of transport. Event organisers say that the reason why EUROBIKE is among the leaders in the field is that the show has always been
Improved Infrastructure
consistently tuned to the needs of retailers and guided by the latest developments in the sector. EUROBIKE is opening its doors earlier this
The entire trade show traffic infrastructure and transport concept has
year, 8:30 a.m. and closing them later, 6:30 p.m., allowing visitors and
also shifted into high gear – the Roud north of the Venue is currently
exhibitors alike more time to do business. In addition, the new schedu-
under construction, and the four-lane expansion of the Roud south of
ling of the fair affords optimal user value for retailers. EUROBIKE is set
the Southern Roud Entrance is also set for completion in the summer of
to begin on Wednesday September 2nd and ends with an Open House
2010. Good news too for all EUROBIKE guests staying in nearby hotels:
Day on Saturday September 5th when the venue is open to the grand
At this year’s event, there will be twice as many shuttle buses in opera-
public. Trade visitors and journalists can get a sneak preview of the la-
tion, with two runs to the exhibition grounds in the morning and the
test developments in the bicycle world one day before the show begins,
evening. The first trip is intended for exhibitors, with visitors catching
on Tuesday September 1st. More than 100 international exhibitors are
the second run, which is timed to arrive just as the action begins. And
expected to attend the third Demo Day.
once the doors have closed in the evening there will be two opportunities to travel back by shuttle bus.
Exhibition site expansion completed
with its new foyer, conference and press center and additional space at the eastern open-air grounds. Parking capacity directly on the exhibition grounds and in the immediate vicinity has also been significantly increased.
Arrive in style, borrow a bike Not surprisingly, organisers have also come up with a smart solution for getting visitors from A to B that involves bikes. For the first time ever at EUROBIKE, 500 bicycles will be available for free use at key locations in
The object of desire: The latest bicycles are what EUROBIKE is all about.
37 shows : eurobike
Following completion of work to expand the venue, there are now two additional halls available this year, as well as the new East Entrance
Domestic brands slowly but surely catching up in China:
Time And Tide Wait For No Man With its 4th edition, Asia Outdoor trade fair will continue its stable development as the No. 1 show for the outdoor industry in Asia from July 30th to August 2nd in Nanjing. Of course, as in the rest of the world, some economic skid marks may be perceptible in China as well. However, estimated growth rates of up to 10 % for the outdoor sector in 2009 are still being expected by experts. These days the Chinese outdoor market faces a metamorphosis showing some relevant trends for European and overseas brands. All those who want their piece of the action are well advised not to hesitate any longer.
The scene reminds one a little of the OutDoor show at Lake Constance. Still, the fashion show at Asia Outdoor in Nanjing is carried out in a particularly Chinese way.
ance - rose by 30% to some 3.8 billion RMB (approx. 550 million USD) in 2008. According to official Chinese reports, industrial production has jumped 8.3% and retail sales have vaulted a further 14.7% in the first quarter of 2009. Knut Jaeger, co-initiator of the Asia Outdoor trade fair and China expert since 1978, estimates another 360 million USD turn over in outdoor products by other retailers, zhan specialty shops such as WalMart or Décathlon , Chinese department stores, and by the Grey Market.
Market growth in selected areas Whereas the cake has become larger, the pieces are getting increasingly smaller. The reason being is some overexpansion in Chinese outdoor retail. In 2008 Sanfo, the leading specialised outdoor stockist in China, opened six new stores in Beijing alone. Particularly affected by this is the country’s so-called Bacon Belt, the major cities along China’s east coast, Beijing and the industrial cities in the north. Knut Jaeger states, however, that cities in categories 2 and 3 - by the way, all of them with over a million inhabitants - will now offer the greatest potential for growth in outdoor retail. In the coming years, competition will expectedly intensify. Beyond the above mentioned domestic brands, several OEM manufacturers have turned to launching their own brands due to falling exports. As a result, the Asia Outdoor trade fair is expecting a significant increase in domestic exhibitors. The rumor that some trade fair organisers for the sports industry weren’t able to meet their objectives for 2009 is all over town. With Asia Outdoor there appears to be an opposing trend. This is why, even in this year of “crisis”, it will manage to stage a successful trade fair without having to resort to “cosmetic measures”. The deliberate, exclusive concentration on the outdoor theme and the fair’s proximity to China’s outdoor sports scene will both decisively contribute to a positive result.
The Nanjing show is “Dr. Feel-Good”
shows : asia outdoor
Asia Outdoor takes thorough care of both its visitors and exhibitors. Probably as a world comprehensive wellness facilities in a luxurious five-star spa directly connected to the
Domestic brands are coming up roses in China. Com-
climbing wall, fashion shows, and a dealer village featuring meeting rooms, as well as
panies such as Kailas have already proven themselves
chill-out areas and work stations. Outdoor experts from Europe are welcome in Nanjing
capable of matching major foreign competitors in terms
to get an idea of what’s going on in one of the most exciting outdoor markets world-
of marketing and products. Korean brands such as Black
wide. Direct flights to Nanjing and Shanghai (only a three hour train trip) are offered by
Yak and Treksta are well established in the Chinese out-
Lufthansa, Star Alliance and others starting as low as 380 EUR (taxes included).
exhibition grounds. Among the trade fair’s top-quality highlights will be a tent city, a
door scene. However, foreign brands - thanks to their convincing history and values - still enjoy an extremely
4th Asia Outdoor Trade Fair
high prestige among Chinese consumers.
Current sales figures are still soaring The specialty retail sales of outdoor products in China, according to COCA - the China Outdoor Commerce Alli-
premiere in the exhibition industry, Asia Outdoor will be the first trade fair to offer
Welcome to 21st century China: The modern Nanjing Nantex International Exhibition Center hosts the 4th edition of Asia Outdoor which takes place from July 30th through August 2nd.
Date: July 30th to August 2nd, 2009 Venue: Nanjing Nantex International Exhibition Center Covered Gross Space: 24,000 square meters Expected Trade Visitors: 10,000 Exhibiting Brands (as of June 2009): 250
Unlike in the Alps, where alpine activities can easily cross-pollinate from France to Italy and Austria to Germany, the sheer size of the U.S. tends to slow the pace of trends reaching from say, the Rocky Mountains of Colorado to the Sierra Nevada Range of California. That sheer size is also the reason that Nordic Walking in the U.S. could still translate into an incredible cashbox of new outdoor sales. Greg Wozer, vice president of Leki USA, estimates that even if Nordic Walking in America were to enjoy a similar percentage of growth comparable to the kind of moderate success it has seen in Germany, it could create sales of $1.6 billion in poles alone. “That’s not even
The latest on the Nordic Walking trend in the United States:
“Did you forget your skis?”
There are still only few enthusiasts of Nordic Walking in the U.S., but market observers are sure that the potential for the Finnish sport is huge. It might just take a couple of years more to develop it.
including add-on sales of things like footwear, clothing and pedometers,” said Wozer. Despite the nationwide view, the U.S. subsidiaries of European companies like Leki, Exel and Swix that have led America’s Nordic Walking charge, have been doing so with outdoor industry-sized budgets, which means that regional successes are often all they can afford. And because manufacturers have focused on proprietary programs instead of any kind of overall growth initiative, resources have been
Unlike previous Scandinavian exports such as ABBA, Saab and Bjørn Borg, Nordic Walking has thus far failed to electrify North America, prompting some in the market to wonder if it ever will. Approximately seven years after the activity’s introduction at specialty retail, success stories remain sporadic, sales are regionalized down to specific cities rather than states, and the sport suffers from a certain lack of sexiness that has kept outdoor trend watchers from declaring it, “cool.”
allocated to gaining shares before the market is actually there.
First Initiatives for Grass-root Marketing The first Nordic Walking North America Expo was held in Santa Monica, California, the last weekend in May. The event marked the first
“A lot of people have to get over that geek
like they’ve built a strong enough group, they
time that North American Nordic Walking’s
factor of walking with poles,” said Linda Lem-
go and walk in their own neighborhood,” said
manufacturers, instructors, educators and en-
ke. “It never ceases to amaze me that even
Lemke. “When I look at other retailers around
thusiasts all came together in the same place
at 5 a.m. someone will take the time to stop
us that tried to sell Nordic Walking but didn’t
without regards to exclusivity.
their car and ask, ‘Did you forget your skis?’”
stick with it, they usually didn’t have a staff
Part think-thank, part Nordic Walking ground
But at Hoigaard’s, a specialty retail shop in
that was passionate about it. They basically
zero, event organizer and Nordic Walking
just put poles on the wall.”
Nordic Walking’s first U.S. breakthroughs. Her
The regional successes of individuals like Lem-
North America President Malin Svensson said, “The idea was that for the first time we could
instruction and introduction programs have
ke and Nathan Goldberg, a Nordic Walking
bring everyone together under one umbrella
become something of an industry model, and
instructor who runs the Nordic Program at the
and discuss what has happened and where
are helping Hoigaard’s annually sell hundred
tony ski resort of Beaver Creek, Colorado, are
we need to go.”
of pairs of poles. By combining weekly walks
only just beginning to create the sense of a
Svensson said that with several books on Nor-
with retail expertise, she has positioned the store as the hub of the Nordic Walking community in Minnesota.
The Social Aspect of Nordic Walking is the Point
potential national groundswell.
dic Walking about to be released in the U.S.
“We have guests that come from Palm Beach
– including her own – the activity is finally cre-
to Manhattan, and the one thing I stress to all
ating its own organic media, and instead of
of them is that they can just as easily go Nordic
manufacturers, educators and instructors can
Walking on the beach or in Central Park as
steer the sport now.
they can in the mountains,” said Goldberg. “I
To anyone who might think the small window
have to admit though, that part of the appeal
of opportunity for Nordic Walking in the U.S.
“Along with the unique whole body benefits,
of the sport to us as a resort is that it is still
there’s a very social aspect to Nordic Walking,
something unique that we’re in a position to
and the consistency of our walks gives people
enlighten people about and expose them to
a place to bring their friends. Once they feel
while they are here.”
has already opened and closed, she would say, “I feel like we’re just starting right now.” Peter Kray
39 markets : USA
Minneapolis, Lemke has pioneered one of
BODY Shirt A lightweight tailored v-neck t-shirt to fit both male and female bodies. It is odor-neutralising, seamless, anti-bacterial, highly breathable, comfortable and dry against your skin plus it keeps the body cool on hot days. Available for men and women.
Boxer / Panty A seamless breathable , odor neutralising, anti-bacterial unisex boxer/panty that is comfortable and dry against your skin and keeps your body cool on a hot day. Available for men and women.
T-SHIRT _MEN colours: black/silver/white
BOXER _MEN colours: black/silver/white
FEET Functional Socks Warm unisex full plush merino wool socks with a soft top which regulate moisture, are breathable, ultra hard-wearing , anti-bacterial and oder neutralising. These socks are fitted with flex channels and pressure reducing padded zones for an optimum fit and protection. Available for men and women in the colour black.
HEAD The soft and smooth Original Classic offers protection against the weather during all activities and is a practical addition to traditional sport and leisure wear. As a fashion accessory it sets trends with its attractive and contemporary designs and numerous style configurations. The multi-functional scarf
comes as a single piece, is seamless and made from a 100% special polyester fiber, Microlite, which
is highly breathable and dries quickly. Thanks to its particular elasticity and legendary resistance the
bandana is dimensionally extremely resistant and hard wearing.
Highlights 2010
5>>CF40A 5A>< 10E0A80 64A<0=H
BC0=3 0$ ! OutDoor 2009
1>A= 8= 10E0A80 š F>A= 0A>D=3 C74 F>A;3 F4;2><4 C> 70=F06
HANs WAGner founded his cobblers business in 1921, and since then we produce the footwear for all outdoor activities. Our collection features innovative, technical alpine boots, as well as waterproof light trekkers or multifunctional leisure boots. In 2010 we introduce a wide variety of new models, specifically developed for the respec-
tive needs of the wearer. With this catalogue we want to give you a brief glimpse of what to expect from us next year. For example the SIRIUS GTX, a sturdy and full crampon compatible alpine boot that all mountain pros will love! Besides new additional models, weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve also developed an entire new range of hiking and travelling boots, featuring a completely new last and, not at last, new design: the outdoorlifestyle oriented PURO range provides extra space in the toe box, offering more freedom for the toes to move, yet fixing the foot perfectly inside the boot to prevent early fatigue. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Sepp Wagner, nephew of company founder Hans Wagner, has managed the company for more than 30 years. Even though he sold the company in 2004 with deep regret, Sepp Wagner still shares his enormous know-how at the headquarters in Vierkirchen almost on a daily basis - despite his age: Sepp Wagner is 87 years old.â&#x20AC;&#x153;
Photo: Rafael KrĂśtz
Whatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s manâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s direct link to mother nature? The boots on our feet! For almost 90 years, HANWAG has made sure hikers, mountaineers, hunters and nature lovers enjoy the outdoors safely and comfortably â&#x20AC;&#x201C; in high quality, functional boots, carefully manufactured with true craftsmanship in Vierkirchen, close to Munich, Germany.
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Fulfilling the demands of mountain pros and outdoorers who depend on versatile, waterproof and stable footwear with a stiff sole.â&#x20AC;&#x153;
B8A8DB 6CG Designed with the input of our team of professional mountain guides in mind, the SIRIUS GTX has turned out to become the new highlight in our collection of crampon compatile alpine boots. Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve focused on creating the perfect stability/weight ratio: we reduced the weight of the tested and proven VibramÂŽ Alpin sole while
retaining the same stiffness and durability. The high rubber protection brim and the Bergrind leather upper make the boot sturdy for everyday alpine exposure. Of course, the SIRIUS GTX is fully crampon compatible, which makes it a fantastic ice climbing boot, too.
A>2 A> 2: 022 : 0224BB 6CG 4BB 6CG â&#x20AC;&#x153;For days when flexibility and weight count: a lightweight, great grip approach shoe for feeling the terrain. A shoe for passionate climbers and cool lifestyle.â&#x20AC;?
A>2 A> 2:
30:>C0 6CG â&#x20AC;&#x153;Lightweight trekking footwear which closes the gap between our TREK LIG LIGHT best seller and the â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;realâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; TREK models. This makes the waterproof, breathable DA KOT KOTA A GTX a perfect companion for endless, comfortable hikes.â&#x20AC;?
CA4: ; 86 867 7 C
3A85C4A â&#x20AC;&#x153;The DRIFTER is manufactured in a most durable lasted construction. This allows the shoe to be resoled, which is very unusual in its class! Even so the shoe is very lightweight and offers superb control, shock absorption and heel fit.â&#x20AC;?
0F0=8 6CG â&#x20AC;&#x153;The AWANI GTX is a great choice for long, moderate day hikes and easy mountain walks: The new model in the TREK LIGHT category offers ankle support and protection, and most of all is lightweight and flexible.â&#x20AC;?
CA4: ;867C
?DA> 888 â&#x20AC;&#x153;The PURO III low cut travel boot offers comfort and performance for an easy active lifestyle while travelling or in everyday life â&#x20AC;&#x201C; no matter if extensive sightseeing city tour, mediterranean coastal walk or hilly dayhike.â&#x20AC;?
CA0E4;; CA0E4
The PUROs are great leisure boots featuring a completely new last concept. The anatomic last design with our innovative toe box holds the foot perfectly, yet provides room for the toes to move.
This prevents early fatigue on long travel hikes. For best comfort, the PUROs come with skin friendly lining made from chromeless leather and a cork footbed, laminated also with chromeless leather.
?DA> 8 â&#x20AC;&#x153;The high cut travel boot in the PUROline is also ideal for short side trips off the beaten track. The PURO I might be the ultimate choice to take with you on a deserted island!â&#x20AC;?
CA0E4;; CA0E4
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Outdoor low cut boot with a wide range of use. Features like a waterproof GORE-TEXÂŽ lining, reinforced heel cap and VibramÂŽ Cruiser outer sole make the QUINTAL GTX a versatile, reliable boot.â&#x20AC;?
@D8=C0; 6CG Understatement for people emphasising more on substance than hype. Waterproof thanks to the GORE-TEXÂŽ lining, the VibramÂŽ Cruiser sole offers great shock absorbancy and grip and fantastic durability is guaranteed by the upper made in
lasted construction from nubuck leather and the reinforced heel cap. Alternatively, the QUINTAL as well as the high cut model FUNCHAL, are both available with skin friendly chromeless leather lining.
5D=270; â&#x20AC;&#x153;Ankle high cut, stylish boot with a down-to-earth look, but full outdoor performance. Versatile companion for all sorts of nature excursions.â&#x20AC;?
This catalogue highlights only a small selection of our range. You will find a listing of specialised dealers in your area and our complete range with detailed descriptions under:
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Lestra; Light Extreme Lightweight Down Sleeping Bag Light Extreme combines both exceptional insulation with a minimal weight in one sleeping bag, thanks to its ultra
Piz Buin
light microfibre from Toray and exclusive
Down Sleeping Bag for Ambitious People
down filling ratio of 90:10 this sleeping bag has an extremely small pack volu-
Piz Buin is an exclusive sleeping bag for cold days and nights. Freezing is made almost impossible through
exceptional workmanship, light fibre from Toray Industries, one kilo of white goose down, Teflon coating from DuPont which is water-repellent but improves the air without impairing the insulation, plus two zip covers, one of which extends to the forehead area,and a foot section that has been additionally filled. Zipper bag for utensils plus a zipper safeguard in the head section and a hanger loop on the foot section area all part of our standard range.
Monte Rosa Light Sleeping Bag Monte Rosa is manufactured using microfiber material which is light in weight, skin friendly and breathable. The filling is made out of 100% Lestra Thermo XTreme, a light and insulating synthetic fibre. A generous zip opening and an extra protection thermal collar reduce heat loss to a minimum. (comfort: 16/4°C, comfort limit: -1°C, extreme: -17°C, weight: 1,550 g)
LESTRA Sleep Mumie Comfort Comfort mat in Mummy form Self-inflating comfort mat with an open cellular LESTRA PU-HIGH-TECH foam. Diamond structure and a reclining middle comfort zone combined with the new micropack size and weight.
NORDEND 36 Alpine and Hiking Rucksack
A slim compact 36 litre rucksack that can be used for hiking as well as Alpine tours.The back is well ventilated thanks to the Air Fit carry system. An adjustable hip belt, numerous tool attachment hooks, a flexible cord to hold snowboards, skis helmets etc and a rain cover are included.
49 products
fiber caters for an absolutely comfortable mat which is small in
Dry Technology line The Dry Technology line from 66°North is made for active people and inspired by the old Icelandic Sagas. Many of the Sagas recount the lives and deaths of Viking warriors whom outmatched others in strength, endurance
66°North has teamed up with Polartec and
and physical fitness. Grettir “sterki” Ásmun-
is using the best materials available for high
darsson and Gunnar Hámundarson are two of
performance. The Power Dry material e.g. pro-
these warriors. Grettir named “The Strong”
vides the driest and warmest base layer expe-
because of his exceptional strength swam
rience possible, so it suits the items made from
from Drangey Island to shore and back to get
Power Dry well to draw their name from Grettir
fire in harsh weather condition while Gunnar
“The Strong” Ásmundarson. All the items in the
was said to have been so fit that he could jump
Dry Technology line have an athletic fit and flat
his own height in full warrior clothing. If these
needle stitching for maximum performance
warriors were alive today they would need
and comfort. So whether you are an Olympic
clothing that measured up to their ability. This
athlete or warrior at heart you should find a
is the thought behind the Dry Technology line
item for your liking in the Dry Technology line.
from 66°North.
PrimusExpress Spider The Express Spider is an extremely light and compact stove with a connection for an external gas cartridge that weighs only 200 gram but is still strong enough to hold two pots. It offers all the advantages of a stove with a gas cartridge, low gravity, very stable and can be used in Winter thanks to its generator.
Field Cup Set Primus has produced a practical and perfectly formed set of ware with its Field Cup Set which is made out of hygienic polypropylene. It has two cups in the classic oval kasa form, a knife, a fork and a spoon, and was designed by Nicholai Wiig Hansen. It is a great addition for Primus stoves that offers pleasure in a beautiful form.
Commuter Mug Why shouldn´t we travel a bit more optimistically and happy? That’s why Primus offers its Commuter Mug in six different fresh and cheerful colours. The Swedes manufacture their mugs out of double walled Polycarbonate with a silicon sealed lid that can be opened or closed at the push of a button.
Farvel / Skanden Farvel and Skanden are Nordisk’s twin couple of duffle bags. The smaller Skanden can load up to 70 litres and weighs 1.500 grams. Skanden’s bigger brother, Farvel, has a volume of 90 litres and weighs 1.900 grams.
Foldable Titanium Cutlery This multi-use cutlery is made of high-quality titanium which stands for robustness and light weight. It is the flagship in Nordisk’s line of titanium spoons, forks, knives and other accessories as well as dishes for camping and outdoor use.
Krafla 1 Krafla is the name of Nordisk’s line of self-inflating mattresses. The one displayed here, Krafla XXL 7.5, is the most comfortable with measurements of 205 x 63 x 7.5 millimetres. The packing dimensions are 23 x 73 millimetres, its weight is 2,430 grams. 1
Celsius XP 185/200 2 This high-end sleeping bag is stuffed with North Down 700, a European quality down, and as a whole Celsius is manufactured in Europe. The 200 version weighs 1.6 kilogram, its fill weight is 1022 grams. Special features are the anti-frost tube and an optimised thermo-draught collar.
Norheim 3 are 230 x 200 x 120 cm. Norheim weighs 3.3 kilograms and has dimensions of 21 x 62 cm when it is packed. The inner tent is made of breathable 240T Rip-Stop while the outer tent consists of Northtec SI-2000. Comfort is guaranteed by a spacious generous porch area, two entrances and closeable vent flaps.
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This tent offers enough space for three people. The inner tent’s dimensions
No frills, no surplus weight, no compromise - focusing purely on the essentials. The brand-new Mammut backpack collection is based on the motto “Pure Focus.” For each model, the designers have minimised the details, so that the backpack contains the exact equipment that users need.
Heron Pro The focus of the Heron Pro backpacking system is firmly on balance. The innovative back system and swivelling hip belt support maintain the natural freedom of movement of the hips and torso. Keeping the load evenly balanced even on difficult routes and eliminating tiring manual adjustments. The torsionally flexible and anatomically pre-shaped aluminium frame also supports the movements of the upper body and pelvis.
The weight is transferred through the frame directly to the
hip belt and distributed across
the hips.
Trion Pro Functionality in alpine terrain was the key focus of the developers of the Trion Pro. The Motion Butterfly back system was designed to ensure good carrying properties, even with heavy loads. The torsionally flexible aluminium frame adapts to the climber’s every movement, transferring the weight optimally to the hips. Secure load control is ensured, thanks to a balance point that is close to the body and the three dimensional hip belt.
Crea Pro
Nea Gear
Smelly climbing shoes next to a shirt covered in The key focus of the Crea Pro hiking backpack is carrying
chalk dust. Between these items, a toothbrush, ca-
comfort. For the first time, the back is ventilated from
rabiners and slings – the days of climbing backpacks
all four sides. The gap between the backpack and the
filled with a jumble of gear are a thing of the past.
body at the shoulder area represents a major advantage, allowing rising hot air to escape
Ropes can be securely attached, thanks to the ther-
upwards. Thanks to the Vario back system, a simple manoeuvre transforms the outstandingly
moformed round flap and adjustable fixing straps.
ventilated air space suspension system into a full-contact backpack, for better weight control
The removable rope bag can be spread out on the
on exposed terrain where greater balance is required.
ground when climbing to protect the rope from
dirt and avoid entangling.
Adamello Jacket Light, flexible and robust: the new Adamello GORE-TEX® Pro Shell jacket designed for demanding female alpinists. An extremely light functional fabric, with generous reinforcements made from an innovative material at areas subject to the greatest stress; optimal freedom of movement thanks to new design solutions for the „high-reach“ sleeves, a comfortable fully adjustable hood, backpack- compatible front pockets - a light jacket for demanding pursuits.
Pumpmat Light Weighing in at just 570 grams and measuring 25 x 12 cm, the Light Pump mat allows mountaineers to look forward to a comfortable night’s sleep. The new hand pump is capable of inflating the Light Pump mat to 7.5 cm in less than half a minute, transforming a tent or bivouac into a cosy nest. The new large valves make the mat just as quick to pack up again.
Togir Click What’s new about the Togir alpine harnesses is the design, with the division of the supporting webbing and the distribution of pressure across the entire width of the belt. The shape and form of the two-layer construction with padded foam and load bearing webbing are flexibly tailored to the body shape – creating a unique design distinguished by its style and fabric. The robust polyamide sheath of the indicator belay loop is a different colour to the red core. If the sling is damaged, the red fabric shows through, indicating that the harness needs to be replaced.
Maroon GTX The Hybrid Shell design is a mixture of soft inner and stable outer materials, ensuring that the boot is only hard precisely where it needs to be. It adapts to the foot, offering mountaineers a comfortable fit. The asymmetric lacing takes the anatomy of the foot into consideration and places more pressure on the big toes, increasing the precision of each step.
Cyclone DLX weight on the mountain. Although basically a multi-function boot, it offers effective heel and lateral support to prevent twisting of the ankle, with 360° Heel Support, a three-dimensional TPU element that completely surrounds the heel bone. Together with vibram, Mammut has developed the new Reptilia Grip Sole, a design inspired by the claws of the lizard and the adhesive lamellae of the gecko, guaranteeing secure grip and skid resistance on all kinds of terrain.
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The Cyclone DLX is a technical Pure Ascent boot that weighs in at 710 grams (UK 8.5), making it a light-
Night Rider 22 The new Night Rider 22 bike pack represents a real innovation in terms of road traffic safety. Based on the principle of “wearable electronics”, the pack features an LED lamp integrated into the design. Pressing the start button once causes the light to flash three times per second; pressing twice gives constant beam. The electronics are located in the waist belt, which guarantees easy operation of the device when on the move, and to ensure that the system functions correctly in the rain, the Night Rider 22 also has a rain cover with clear-view transparent material in the area around the LED itself.
Grand Falls Men and Women At only 600 g (men’s size 9) and 540g (women’s size 6) the new Grand Falls Men / Grand Falls Women outdoor sandal is currently one of the lightest closed unit outdoor sandals on the market. It is highly suitable for sports use and incorporates an an amount of convincing features. The sandal is built around the new, ultra-lightweight Canyon sole. The outsole, which is stretched like a mesh over the EVA base, is made from a non-slip, abrasion resistant
rubber compound with a high natural latex content.
Alpine Hike The new Alpine Hike rucksack line will appeal to those who like their kit to be lightweight and sporty. The Alpine Hike 28, Alpine Hike 26 Women and Alpine Hike 22 are the perfect companions for short alpine walks. At less than 1 kg, the largest capacity model, the Alpine Hike 28, is one of the lightest packs in its class. The Alpine Hike series is based on the newly reworked
and revamped ACS TIGHT ventilated carry system, which delivers a stable, full-contact carry and superb back ventilation at an extremely light weight.
Atmosphere Softshell Designed for compatibility with the shell jacket, the Atmosphere Softshell is similarly equipped with an offset zip. Tailored from Flexshield DWR Lite, the soft shell has minimised seams, a printed logo and a mesh lining integrated into the collar, which keep the weight of the jacket down to just 290 g (size L, unisex) – the lightest soft shell in the collection.
Atmosphere Shell Jacket Weighing in at just 370 g (size L, unisex) the amazing Atmosphere Shell Jacket is one of the lightest jackets in the new Alpine collection. The fabric used, Texapore Taslite 2,5 L, benefits from a protective layer over the waterproof and breathable PU coating, which dispenses with the need for a lining. Features include a fixed hood, two raised pockets with waterproof zips and an offset front zip, a useful detail when wearing multiple layers as it helps prevent the zips on the different garments bunching and pressing uncomfortably at the neck.
Atmosphere Full-Zip and Half-Zip Available in both men’s and women’s versions, and made from the new, exceptionally light NANUK MICRO SL fabric, the Atmosphere Full-Zip and Atmosphere Half-Zip provide the ideal upgrade option for the technical layering system. This is the lightest microfleece fabric currently available. It is a third lighter than previous versions yet unlike conventional microfleece it has a thermal textured reverse side, which means no compromises on warmth.
Atmosphere Shell Pants Jack Wolfskin’s new line of lightweight apparel is nicely rounded off with the Atmosphere Shell Pants. Hitting the scales at a very light Shell Jacket – also consist of the new Texapore Taslite 2,5 L fabric. The full length (waist to ankle) water repellent 2-way zips make getting them on and off a simple procedure.
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385 g (size L, unisex), these alpine pants – like the Atmosphere
ACT Lite In summer 2010, Deuter’s proven and popular ACT Lite appears in a sporty, slender design. The German brand crafts this progressive, athletic pack for strenuous mountaineering pursuits and long trekking routes. The ACT Lite range merges a technical, lightweight design with load comfort and sleek lines. Deuter also integrates lightweight, curved (and removeable) aluminium stays to transfer the load directly to the hip belt. The belt is ergonomically structured and has a multi-layered construction: it combines soft 3D air mesh lining with a stiffer foam and PE reinforcements. The ACT Lites thus deliver optimum weight transfer and stability. The hip belt also comes with a pull-forward draw for easy fastening and features a zippered pocket to stow valuables. For a perfect, individual fit, the Vari Quick carrying system is an easy adjustment construction to adapt the back system to the wearer’s frame. The women specific ACT Lite SL packs appear in fresh, bright colours with a capacity of 35+10 SL & 45 + 10 SL; for men the pack holds 40+10 l or 50+10 l.
EL – Extra Long Backpacks Growing with the average human physique, backpack pioneer Deuter serves the needs of athletes with a taller physical stature. In summer 2010, the German brand introduces a range of four extra long (EL) backpacks to suit tall outdoor enthusiast. The ergonomically built back system is designed specifically for longer torsos. The EL packs also feature a larger capacity and thus easily swallow the bigger gear of bigger people. Tall people often have trouble finding the right gear for their adventures. With its new EL Extra Long Series, Deuter introduces four selected models with adapted ergonomics to fit taller persons of approx 185 – 200 cm.
Futura Pro 40 EL The right pack for a weekend getaway now comes with an increased back length. The Futura Pro guarantees great comfort and coolness with its Aircomfort back system: a durable spring steel frame holds the mesh back panel and ensures air circulation to three sides. Further, the Vari Flex hip belt allows a pivoting motion, follows every movement with ease and thus guarantees even weight distribution.
Trans Alpine 32 EL It is the best-selling, award-winning bike pack on the market! For taller riders, Deuter now offers an extra long version. However, this season it also appears in a revamped design. The versatile legend now appears in a sleek, streamlined look and features a new neoprene helmet flap as well as a zip pocket in the back for maps.
Spectro Series In summer 2010, Deuter introduces a new range of lightweight backpacks: the German brand fine-tuned fabrics, frame, foam and features to create a stripped down, no-frills day rucksack. Yet, to guarantee fantastic comfort and great durability, Deuter added a new, unique back system, functional details and extra strength where needed. Deuter’s new Spectros are clean-cut, athletic packs designed for more comfort and less weight. The fashionable and functional top loader presents all the essentials and leaves the superfluous at home. Its new Dual Frame back system is extremely lightweight and flexible, yet delivers great stability and load transfer. This is guaranteed by the perforated, strong waist belt made of a 3D mesh with extra big holes for great ventilation. Yet the coolest effect comes from the patented back system, which utilizes a technical spring steel frame with a mesh back panel. It allows fresh airflow to circulate from three sides and – thanks to its great flexibility, follows the body’s movement. Deuter offers the 24 l and 32 l capacity as well as the women’s specific 28 l SL version.
Exosphere Range In winter 09/10, Deuter premiers its Exosphere
The new synthetic sleeping bag range by Deuter hugs you clo-
sleeping bags for unrestricted tossing and tur-
sely, yet leaves room for night activities: we change our sleeping
ning. It introduces the Thermo Stretch Comfort
position up to 60 times a night, but in common sleeping bags
technology which utilizes highly elastic baffle sti-
our movements are restricted. The Exosphere range has extreme-
tching. This creates a snug fit which warms the
ly elastic horizontal seams which expand up to 25% allowing
body up quickly and simultaneously allows the
the restless sleepers to toss and turn without feeling mummi-
bag to expand up to ¼ of its size offering fantas-
fied. On top, the sleeping bag fits closely around the body. The
tic freedom of movement.
range includes three different models (+2°, -4° and –8), which come in two sizes: Regular and Large. The Exospheres +2° and -4° are also available in the women specific SL-fit, which offers extra insulating details like the cosy fleece lining around the hip area and in the
57 products
foot section.
Minim Explore Proshell Jacket Ultra light outer shell for complete weather protection and a very comfortable motion fit.
Minim 30 Bag The Minim 30 Bag is built with Salomon’s Airvent Minim System for ventilation and balanced comfort. It includes all the features you would expect (bladder, pole holder, compression straps) from a pack weighing twice as much.
Wayfarer Stretch pant The Wayfarer Stretch Pant repels water, yet breathes very well and stretches to fit comfortably during all summer adventures.
Wings Sky GTX Salomon Sports, announces a revolution in light and fast hiking, the Wings Sky GTX. Wings Sky GTX blends running shoe fit and midsole technology with a light and supportive upper to create one of the lightest (530 grams) high-top backpacking boots ever made. Light in overall weight, but heavy in features, the Wings Sky GTX includes a full Gore-Tex membrane for weather protection and thermal regulation and Salomon’s unique Agile
Chassis System for stability, cushioning and unmatched agility on even the most uneven trail surfaces.
Azimuth Jacket A highly breathable, windproof, Windstopper Softshell jacket for cold and windy weather, providing great comfort with Softshell fabrics next to the skin.
RX Moc RX Moc is displaying all of the properties that make Relax unique. Elastic Mesh uppers are ultra breathable. The chassis has oversized „muscle” and “tendons” to provide added cushioning and assist the sore muscles of the foot with energy return. Contagrip outsole, made from a grippy compound and with an oversized footprint, completes the stable, easy walking package.
Trail Runner Zip Tech Tee The functional, sporty and fast-drying technical shirt ensures optimum comfort during your run, thanks to a variety of highly functional materials. The integrated actiLITE technology gets rid of any moisture and improves ventilation. A sporty design, female fit and flat seams make the new running shirt - a true highlight for women.
Exo Tight Salomon, introduces EXO Sensifit, a breakthrough in performance wear for trail running. EXO Sensifit is a group of product technologies designed to improve performance and endurance, while reducing soreness and helping to prevent injuries. EXO Sensifit utilizes key materials in key places to support the body’s muscles and skeleton, improving alignment, oxygen intake, and blood flow.
XT Wings² serious trailrunners. Introducing the new XT Wings² shoe, with Salomon’s unique Agile Chassis System. Agile Chassis System is the industry standard, balancing cushioning with stability, enabling runners to go with more agility. ACS is a three-component midsole that mimics the unique properties of the human body, incorporating a stabilizing “skeleton”, a cushioning “muscle”, and a series of “tendons” to help return energy and rebound during the push-off phase of a runner’s stride.
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Salomon, the leader in trailrunning footwear, announces today the latest breakthrough for
Eden1 For 2010 GoLite’s tent and shelter collection has been given a new look and the popular Shangri-La range will be joined by the brand new Eden and Arcadia series. With a unique design the Eden range has styles suitable to house up to 2 people and is really easy to pitch, only requiring two pegs and using DAC
TraveLite Wheeled Carry
featherlite poles. This unique design provides a generous interior along with a large outside vestibule for storage and cooking.
Travellers can now go on a 10 day trip anywhere in the world
Wicklow Shortsleeve Travel Polo
without having to ever check a bag in with an airline
To complete GoLite’s Adventure Travel offering is the
with GoLite’s brand new
brand new selection of apparel. Jackets, tops, bottoms and
Adventure Travel collection
even a dress complete this offering, all really lightweight
for 2010. Featuring both
and constructed using fabrics which are really fast drying,
luggage and apparel all items
enabling garments to be easily washed when travelling.
in the Adventure travel range
Available in men’s and women’s fittings, the Wicklow
are highly durable, ultra light-
Shortsleeve Travel Polo has a sophisticated, clean design
weight and have been specifically
and comes in a choice of great colours.
designed for their intended end use. RS 3-season The RS, or Recycled Synthetic, sleeping bag range is GoLite’s first ever synthetic offering and features styles which can cater for 1-3 season use. All bags are constructed using recycled materials for the shell, lining and insulation. There are mummy, quilt and vario semi rectangular profiles to choose from within the RS collection that suit a diverse range of environments and preferences.
Peak There’s light then there’s the Peak, part of GoLite’s Ultralight backpack series the Peak weighs only 765grms and has a capacity of 38L. A unisex style, the Peak is available in three differing back lengths to ensure a good fit and optimum comfort for the wearer at all times. Durable and functional, all packs within the GoLite collection are constructed using some of the strongest, lightest materials available including recycled Dyneema, a fabric which is as strong as steel, and not currently used by any other brands.
SUPER MICA JACKET Marmot Super Mica, breathable and waterproof Membrain Strata fabric - only extreme lightweight adventure freaks should apply. Pockets big enough to fit more than just energy gels yet still harness friendly. Pack size equivalent to a softball, adjustable wire rimmed hood integrated cooling vents, PitZips, hem draw cord, zonal reinforcement and all for less than 250g (med).
M´s and W´s PACELINE JACKET Runners and cyclists, male or female, will love this for its simplicity, amazing comfort and lightweight construction. A stretchy, soft, breathable waterproof Marmot Membrain Strata with generous venting panels for lung busting workouts in the rain, this is the jacket that keeps the elements at bay without the hindrance of a hood.
W´s WHISPER LIGHT JACKET Lightweight Gore Paclite waterproof breathable shell with top spec features and a great flattering shape. Gale-Force hood, asymmetric cuffs, Angel-Wing movement and two spacious harness friendly pockets. Simple, effective, and weighs less than 220g (med).
ROM Jacket The softshell you will want to use on the hill - Gore Windstopper combined with highly breathable side panels. A superb wind & water resistant jacket with extra length to keep out the elements. Adjustable hood, asymmetric, Velcro adjustable cuffs and soft, stretchy fabrics make this ideal for all-day comfort out in the mountains. Also available in a non-hooded version.
TRAILWIND Hoody Sharp looking, wind resistant, water repellant and ultra lighttures you need like hem draw cord, hood adjustment and venting panels, and none that you don’t, for when the wind sends a shiver down your spine. Packs into its’ own pocket for easy storage or for hanging onto a harness in case of breezy belays. Available in men and women’s specific fits and styles.
61 products
weight breathable jacket (<140g for medium). All the fea-
Siljan Jacket After its launch in Norway this three-layered jacket has finally arrived on the Continent with new colours. It is made of proven Dermizax EV fabric and is therefore reliably weatherproof, thanks to its waterproof, windproof and breathable membrane. And as we know what proves itself in Norway must offer pretty good weather protection! As with all Dermizax jackets, the Siljan Jacket also has especially long under-arm zips for ventilation, adjustable cuffs and a permanently attached fully adjustable hood; things also stay nicely warm and dry up top thanks to chin protection and a fleece-lined neck.
Rondane The new Rondane also gets the hip belt which fits around the hips even better as a contoured hip belt with winch system and transfers the weight optimally to the body. Other innovations are the so-called Neck Cavity and newly shaped anatomic shoulder straps which are filled with high-quality breathable foam. The men’s’ version is available with a volume of 65 or 85 litres; the Rondane Lady offers a volume of 65 litres.
Helium More robust material, extended features, improved carrying system but still just as light as its predecessor– that’s the new Bergans of Norway Helium rucksack. It weighs little more than a kilo although it still offers a volume of 55 l and an enormous payload. As from summer 2010 it comes with a stronger and more robust 210D Cordura and 100D Cordura ripstop made of siliconised nylon at the sides. Like the other new rucksacks, it is fitted with the new winch system: the belts are connected in a triangle and place the hip belt conically over the pelvis. This not only simplifies handling but also contributes significantly to improved wearing comfort thanks to a greater weight transfer.
Sandnes Lady Poncho Bergans opens up new routes into the great outdoors with the Dermizax Casuals, including a Ladies Poncho made of waterproof material with Dermizax membrane. The checked
inner lining gives the jacket that certain something as regards style – it is taken up again in the matching rain hat, which is also made of Dermizax material. The arm openings and the wide, open downward cut allow exactly the freedom which was missing up to now on Sunday outings or in town.
Itunda The Itunda provides improved comfort, traction and protection for a variety of activities in and around the water. The Itunda drains faster, drys faster, and provides more protection than any other sport sandal on the market. Our performance water shoe has Topsole Wrap Technology to provide a secure fit around the heel and instep. A roomy toe box ensures comfort all day long. The womens Itunda is specifically designed around women and has a sleeker, more feminine shape for better fit, performance and appearance.
Tirra Continuing to create more women’s specific styles in the Teva performance range, the Tirra is a sleek webbing style with a modern look. Amazing traction and comfort are attained by using Teva’s propriatory Spider Rubber outsole compound and a soft yet supportive footbed. Ample arch support and an anatomically contoured footbed have been designed specifically for women’s feet. Whether you need a sporty sandal for your trip to the islands or a supportive water sandal for whitewater rafting, the Tirra takes you there (and back) in style.
Tanza A simple, modern look with time tested architecture and 25 years of expertise in creating the best spots sandals in the world come together to create with Tanza a solid addition to the Teva performance range. Amazing traction and comfort are attained by using Teva’s propriatory Spider Rubber outsole compound and a soft yet supportive footbed. Ample arch support and an anatomically contoured footbed have
Dalea Mid eVent Women’s specific last, platform and design, the Dalea Mid eVent is a multi-sport shoe which is perfectly suited for casual day hikes all the way to overnight trips. The Dalea provides the grip through the, fit, protection and comfort to get you down the trail with shoes made for women.
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been designed to provide all day support and comfort.
Argon Alpine Backpacks Conex (1) and 2Spline (2) The new Argon Conex and Spline backpacks are true alpine partners – the ideal piece of equipment for climbing tours, speed ascents and all feats requiring lightweight gear that won’t slow you down. Up against rough crag faces or jagged ice walls, these packs can handle some of the toughest situations. Special technical features are created with just this in mind: high quality metal buckles, completely stowable gear attachments and a Cordura 500 material with ceramic reinforcements for double the amount of abrasion resistance.
Spline Spline is a multi-versatile lightweight pack with a top compartment that can be entirely sto-
Conex: belay station anchor
wed within the pack itself. Even climbers that are en-route with a
pack and helmet can gain extra headroom this way if needed.
The Conex backpacks are equipped with an integrated belay sling that for the first time makes it possible for a pack to be used as part of a belay chain on a climbing tour. This allows the person following the lead to anchor themselves into a belay station with the belay sling, before the next pitch.
Big Al Ceplex Low Vaude is launching its first Approach shoes. The system is designed to optimise the support of the natural foot roll when tackling mountainous terrain. The Ceplex Pro membrane ensures that the shoes are both waterproof and windproof, and yet breathable. The Vibram outsoles guarantee for stability and performance. The ideal combination for all backcountry ascents, Via Ferrata routes and mountain hikes.
Women’s Slight Pro Jacket The new Women’s Slight Pro Jacket is an alpine all-rounder weighing just 290 grams. A host of technical details make it an indispensable reserve jacket for all mountain activities. The underarm ventilation and pockets that are positioned to be accessible with climbing harness or backpack. An innovative climbing flap on the front zip prevents the jacket from riding up and letting cold air in on the belay. Extremely lightweight 3-layer Ceplex Pro material guarantees absolute
wind and waterproofness while maintaining a high level of breathability.
Argon Tent Specula Alpine The new Vaude hybrid tent Specula Alpine combines the advantages of a single wall tent with those of a modern double wall design and is therefore ideal for variable Alpine climate conditions. It provides enough room for two people and their gear, yet weighs just 2,2 kg. The upper part of the tent is made from a single wall that incorporates a highly breathable, waterproof 3-layer membrane. In order to ensure an optimal tent climate the lower part consists of a double wall construction.
Eco Sleeping Bags BlueBeech The new Blue Beech Sleeping Bags make it possible to slumber in a fully natural environment with fabric that is Bluesign certified, meeting the highest ecofriendly and skin-friendly standards. The fill bags includes the natural fiber Tencel, which is 100% biodegradable, as well as recycled materials. The inner lining is opting for a Bluesign certified fabric that is especially skin-friendly.
Marah Jacket
Can functional clothing look just as stylish as designer fashions? You bet it can! Our new women’s Marah Jacket is proof. You’ll have to look twice to find all the functional details packed into the stylish Marah jacket. Its urban design is played up with sleek surfaces and added frills. A Ceplex Active membrane makes the 2-layer jacket both waterproof and breathable.
Scutum Ultralight Weighing only 1000 grams, our new Scutum Ultralight is the world’s lightest 2-person double wall tent of its class, inlcuding a tent floor with 10,000mm water protection, innovative aluminiScutum is absolutely waterproof, extremely tear resistant and enduringly UV resistant. The Powerframe System in this tent runs as a single arch construction between the inner and outer tents ensuring extremely high wind stability.
65 products
um poles and outstanding ventilation. The
Passion One Red Dot Design Award 2009“ for the world´s lightest sleeping bag: Passion is the lightest sleeping bag of its class and compacts to the size of a grapefruit. “Passion One “ weighs the least starting at 265g and is equipped with an ankle-length zipper, it is followed by “Passion Three” which starts at 465g and the series is completed by “Passion five” that starts at 690g. All three sleeping bags still manage to achieve an astonishing comfort temperature of -7°c. A storage bag and stuff sack are included. Limited Edition: Delivery of Companyon products are limited.
Sunrizer 600 Woman The comfortable sleeping bag.
Early Bird Comfort-line Early Bird: A bi-elastic textured outer material which flexes with the body´s movements, therefore allowing less air to permeate the space between the sleeper and mat.
Solace A lightweight waistcoat made out
of a cellular, isolating and waterproof fabric and is so compact it fits in your pocket.
Purity A lightweight and compact jacket that fits in a side pocket.
Made out of a breathable, insulating and water-repellent fabric.
Cheyenne GTX / Cheyenne Lady GTX The Cheyenne GTX (and of course the Lady-version, too) is a popular classic among the range of Trek Light boots from the German boot manufacturer Hanwag which received several awards. For 2010, Hanwag revised the lightweight yet stable boot: With a new Vibram Endurance sole and a new look, the Cheyenne GTX is more comfortable and longer lasting than ever. It is manufactured with a lasting construction and can therefore be easily resoled. The upper is made from strong Nubuck, Sportvelours and Cordura and features a waterproof Gore-Tex lining.
Hanwag Lhasa / Lhasa Lady The trekking boot Lhasa is unique – not only because of its upper made from real tibetian yak leather! The German boot manufacturer Hanwag has an exclusive range of outdoor footwear featuring this outstanding leather. The leather comes from the Lhasa Leather Factory: The company Hanwag exclusively works with was completely modernised in the 90’s with help from German foreign aid. Today, steered by Tibetan management, it stands as a showcase company offering workers social security and produces leather of the highest quality that meets Western European environmental standards.
Altai GTX / Altai Lady GTX The Altai GTX from Hanwag is an extremely flexible, high performance mountain and trekking boot, providing a perfect fit and support for sportive hikes and climbs. Its hybrid upper, made from Cordura Rocket and Sportve-
Ferrata Combi GTX / Ferrata Combi Lady GTX
lours leather, is waterproof (with Gore-Tex lining) and airy to ensure a comfortable environment for your feet. The Vibram AW Integral sole construction is lightweight, yet
provides superb support and flex.
Once you cannot get enough of rock climbing or Via Ferrata and would prefer to extend your trips to colder mountain regions with some snow and ice, then the Ferrata Combi GTX is the perfect choice for a wide range of classic alpine routes. Despite its stiff, crampon compatible Vibram Climbing sole and its sturdy upper, the Ferrata Combi GTX is exceptionally light in weight. The upper leather and Cordura Rocket) is strong enough to provide the support you need, but is flexible enough to ensure the best fit and control.
67 products
(made from Bergrind-
Everywear campaign Everywear, the perfect, versatile weather protection, sets new standards in the newly-compiled product range, with an unbeatable combination of lightness and multipurpose features. Waterproof, windproof and breathable, these are the threefold characteristics of this successful line which has already set excellent standards in the past. A new, soft outer fabric also emphasises the feeling of lightness. A modern design with new shaping and colours ensure that the Everywear styles, which as ever can be packed down small into an inner pocket, are indispensable companions for anything we do outdoors.
Gore-Tex Paclite Shell During steep ascents every gram counts, so lightness is an essential consideration in mountain sports. Because total protection from the elements should not weigh you down, the new lightness, Schöffel style, in the combination of Gore-Tex Paclite Shell, with stretch offers even more comfort. The light texture of the fabric, all kinds of performance features, pre-shaped arms, a shaped storm hood with threepoint adjustment, glued storm flap, underarm zips and a sporty look characterise the two new stretch mountain sports jackets - Kongur for men and Cassana for women.
Windstopper Active Shell An optimum body climate, even on warm days and
with intensive exertion: Schöffel has become one of the first to use the new Windstopper Active Shell. This highly breathable, windproof and water-repellent three-layer design is amazingly lightweight, and with a very light jersey lining also feels very comfortable against the skin. The new “wicking” lining ensures fast wicking of moisture from the skin to the membrane.
Outdoor Pants in 32 Sizes A badly-fitting pair of pants can soon spoil your fun in the outdoors. Sports clothing experts
Schöffel have therefore long since declared war on unisex styles and single-size items. That was the start of an unparalleled success story: Schöffel’s answer is an optimum fit, individual lines and trousers available in long, standard and short leg lengths. The range comprises 15 men’s sizes and 17 women’s. The breadth of the range, which has been expanded by further styles for Summer 2010, is
River Pants
highlighted by Schöffel’s expert trouser-making skills. The new must-haves for Summer 2010 are zip-off trekking pants for women (Narisa) and men (Paxton) of stretch material, and a 7/8 zip-off version for
women (River Pants).
Neutrino I For anyone who likes to pitch their tent high in the Alps, there is now a new and completely mobile home on the market: the Neutrino I. Thanks to its extremely light and stable 20 D Nylon 66 membrane, the 20x10x10cm pack weighs in at barely 1.1kg while offering a floor area of 220cm long and up to 130cm wide. The innovative ventilation system effectively reduces the build-up of condensation. One person can easily pitch the Neutrino I in a maximum of 2.5 minutes on a very small area using the ultralight poles with flexible inserts – without having to do without a relatively large vestibule for shoes and luggage.
Firetail GTX Two worlds in a single shoe: It’s as flexible and shock-absorbent as a trail runner shoe, while offering the grip and precision of an alpine approach shoe, The Firetail GTX sole, developed in conjunction with VIBRAM, unites the propulsion and light weight of its EVA midsole with the resistance and absorption of the PU shock absorber on the heel section. The multi-fit insole means the shoes are very comfortable to wear. The extended lacing allows for full-fit customization with precision and comfort on technically challenging terrain.
Nine Apex
Finally, a manufacturer has managed to coupwith the requirements of modern hall and sport
same goes for climbing accessories. One such
climbing. The result is: the Nine. This device unites
accessory is the Apex: a 750-gramm, puristic
the light weight and user-friendliness of a figure-
and robust 28-litre backpack for alpine climbs
of-eight descender with the security of a self-blo-
and fast ski tours. The completely new “snap-
cking system. Unlike the semi-automatic devices
lock” buckle on the waist harness is the epito-
produced up to now, the Nine is a single-piece
me of minimalistic yet highly functional design.
construction. The device hasn‘t a single mechani-
The buckle can be opened and closed intuitively
cal part that can be activated accidentally through
with one hand – no more annoying fumbling
dirt build-up or incorrect operation
on a steep rock or with gloved hands.
69 products
le the advantages of the popular descender Climbing is the art of simplifying complexity. The
Stride Lady XCR Range Trail Activity & XO®-System
Journey XCR Range Comfort Fit – Wellness Sport
Fogo Junior Mid
Range Magic Kids
Alpine Trek Lady GTX Range Alpin
Nepal MFS Range MFS® Memory Foam System
Meran Range Comfort Fit – Wellness Hiking
Peru Lady GTX Vakuum Men Cross GTX
Range Light Hiker
71 products
Range MFS® Vakuum
3L Cubic System Jacket (1)
The 3L cubic System jacket is available for both men and women. The specially developed Odlo material, with its high water column (10,000 mm), protects against rain, wind and snow. The latest glue-welding and ultrasound technologies have been used in the processing stage. The «free move» cutting technology allows completely unrestricted movement.
3L Woven Waterproof Cubic (1) MATERIAL Perfect climate control, uncompromising protection from wind and rain: the water- and windproof Odlo 3L woven waterproof Cubic fabric combines three different materials to make a durable, breathable laminate. On the inside, Odlo «cubic» with its small, cubic air chambers, ensures perfect climate control and maximum comfort. The middle membrane layer allows water vapour out but no moisture in. (1)
3L Cubic Discover Jacket (2) The softshell 3L cubic Discover jacket, like the System jacket, is designed around the «insideoutside» principle. The stretchy material, the «free move» cut and the high breathability guarantee maximum wearing comfort. The high-quality workmanship, the use of glue-welding and ultrasound technology and numerous details – like taped outside seams, seamless linings, seamless shoulders and a unique Velcro adjustment system on the sleeves.
3L Stretch Windproof Cubic (2)
MATERIAL Windproof yet very stretchy. Water-repellent yet extremely breathable. The Odlo 3L stretch windproof Cubic fabric combines apparent opposites in a unique high-tech material. The stretchy material offers maximum freedom of movement and reliable protection from the wind-chill effect. At the same time, moisture formation and the risk of overheating are reduced on the inside.
functional socks and underwear at a top price!
We are the climate system of your skin The Mobile Society offers functional underwear with a perfect fit due to a 3Dseamless technology. The two layer fabric is knitted without Elastane. It is therefore very quick drying and offers a perfect body climate for all levels of performances. The Mobile Society offers three different lines: Silver Lite and Silver Pro equipped with bacteriostatic features are ideal for usage as first and second layer. The new Merino line combines moisture management and the benefits of Merino wool to a highly functional underwear.
TP1 TREKKING Light trekking socks with ergonomic pads on sole and instep. Soft acrylic yarns surround the foot
2 2
SilverPro TREKKING High functional trekking socks made of merino wool and ceramic which offer a constant temperature of +/- 5 degrees. Seamless knitting technology grants a perfect fit and comfort.
73 products
granting support and moisture transfer.
Terrex Feather Jacket The innovative Terrex Feather Jacket of the Mountain Sports Segment is the absolute highlight within the products of adidas outdoor in spring/summer 2010. The adidas own FORMOTION™ technology and the GORE-TEX® PRO SHELL guarantee a perfect fit as well as a durable waterproof and highly breathable protection, even in the worst weather conditions. The Jacket has two ventilating mesh pockets, a fully adjustable Hood and a water repellent 2 way zipper system.
TERREX FAST X FM MID GTX The “TERREX FAST X FM MID GTX“ combines less weight with great support. Due to its adidas FORMOTION™ technology and the specific midsole construction which wraps up on the side wall the shoe offer optimal ground and motion control. For weather protection it uses GORE-TEX® Extended Comfort Footwear which offers non-insulated protection to keep you dry and comfortably cool during higher activity levels.
TYRAN The mid-cut hiking shoe of Wolverine is made of Nubuk leather and mesh material. As is the shoe’s upper. The footbed consists of Wolverine’s iCS removable full cushion with a mesh sock liner. Tyrin is
available in U.S. sizes 7 – 12, 13, 14 and in the colours Khaki/Orange and Tobacco/Brick.
MARCO The upper of Marco is made of full grain leather along with a 1000 Denier Nylon. The lining is leather. Like Tyran, the shoe’s footbed features Wolverine’s iCS removable fullcushion with a leather sock liner. Marco can be ordered in black and brown and in U.S.
sizes 7 – 12, 13, 14.
Barrier 3L Jacket Helly Hansen Barrier Jacket boasts Hard-Shell Performance with Soft-Shell Comfort. Helly Hansen’s new Barrier Stretch 3L Jacket takes top-shelf Helly Tech XP construction and adds the benefit of extended stretch in a new high-gauge knit fabrication. Light, durable and versatile, the Barrier challenges the line between hard-shell and soft-shell performance with its threelayer waterproof breathable design.
Ekolab RecyclerPant The waterproof breathable fabric in the new Ekolab Recycler Pant is made with 100% recycled plastic water bottles. That’s great but, even better, the Recycler Pant is brilliant at deflecting the elements with its proven Helly Tech XP construction. Helly Hansen takes its environmental expertise to the lower extremities in the Ekolab Cargo Pants.
Trailwizard SS A performance packed athletic jersey with advanced dry fiber and air circulation features. HH Cool Lifa Stay Dry Technology pulls excess heat and sweat away from skin for long term dryness during high-intensity pursuits. Hot, sweaty weather conditions are no match for Helly Hansen’s high-performance HH Cool Trailwizard SS jersey made with a supercharged moisture-moving fabric that keeps the skin
dry and comfor-
table on the trail and road.
Ekolab RecyclerJacket Helly Hansen’s new Ekolab Recycler Jacket protects outdoor enthusiasts from the weather while minimizing the product’s impact on the planet. The Recycler is part of Helly Hansen’s Ekolab R&D Project, a test lab where company researchers advance environmentally conscious design and create distribution alternatives to reduce Helly Hansen’s environmental footprint.
Helly Hansen Trail Moc Performs like a shoe, breathes like a sandal. Run, raft, scramble and hike in Helly Hansen’s all-purpose Trail Moc. The high-performance, outdoor shoe has the stability of a trail runner yet the breathability of a sandal. It’s a light but serious trail shoe with a nylon shank embedded in the midsole that adds stability. The tough Helly Wear overlay in the heel strike zone protects the feet from sticks and rocks.
75 products
Trail Moc
Speed Lock Speed Lock is the innovative high-tech external adjustment system by Leki. The red lever is the immediately identifiable mark of the super-fast adjustment technology. Speed Lock adjustment means you can adjust your pole length quickly and securely even whilst wearing thick gloves in rain, ice and snow with one touch. The Leki innovation experts invented a mechanism (patent pending), which locks the shaft perfectly. The so far unmatched force transmission results from an integrated stainless steel pressure plate. With the Speed Lock, Leki sets new standards in locking forces for poles with similar external locking feature throughout the international market. The TÜV standard of 60 kg is by far exceeded, a safety reserve which can be - a safety reserve, which can safe lives. The locking force can be readjusted at any time. Leki will use this world innovation on five trekking pole models. These are the five models with the new Speed Lock in the Leki line – one is produced out of Carbon. All five are equipped with the Aergon Grip, which is perfect because of its edgeless outer shape, the large support area on top of the grip, and the extremely smart lightweight shell cavity construction.
Nordic Walking The new Leki 2010 Nordic Walking line comes in fresh, sporty and stylish designs. Featuring the patented and well-proven Trigger Shark or the
Trigger 1 grip strap system in a new make-up. Poles in fixed length or adjustable, made of carbon or Aluminium – Leki offers them all.
Elbrus 2 A very light alpine tent for two. Two poles cross each other in 2 points, which makes the tent very stable even when the wind is strong. The third pole creates a big vestibule for backpacks and shoes. The Elbrus 2 Fly sheet is made of reinforced nylon RipStop with a silicon coating. The Elbrus 2 is compact, easy to assemble and light in weight.
Mountain Baby A sleeping bag for the youngest travelers. The sleeping is very functional. The length can be adjusted, which means that it will not be necessary to change the sleeping bag, when the baby grows. The sleeping bag has sleeves, which gives the baby an opportunity to play with their hands without leaving the sleeping bag. The sleeping bag can be opened on both sides, which is comfortable for the parents.
Mark 23 SB Poncho A unique multi-functional sleeping bag for summer hiking. Mark 23 SB is a very light blanket sleeping bag; comfort temperature is +15C. The hood of the sleeping bags can be easily detached and transformed into a comfortable 3D hood or into an improvised hat. When unfastened lengthways the sleeping bag transforms into a 170cm x 185 cm blanket. In the main body of the sleeping bag there is an
Siberia Wide Transformer
The outer fabric of the sleeping bag is silicon coa-
A very practical sleeping bag with a detachable hood. It
ted; the fabric is strong and warm. The ďŹ lling is Pri-
provides a comfortable sleep when the hood is attached
maloft SB 1x100g/m2. The zippers are YKK with a
or detached. The width is 100cm, the length 230cm. The
quick opening possibility, this enables the sleeping
sleeping bag transforms into a 200 x 195cm big blanket.
bag to be opened lengthways in 1 second due to
The hood has a pocket where a soft garment can be placed
the quick release unzip system. The weight of the
and then used as a seperate pillow. Flannel fabric is used in
Mark 23 SB Poncho is only 900g.
the facial area of the sleeping bag making it nice and soft to touch. Along the whole length of the zipper there is soft roll which prevents you from coming into contact with it.
77 products
opening for using the sleeping bag as a poncho.
Monarch X The new Monarch X series binoculars are great for bird- and animal watching, as well as for general nature observation. They will be positioned as the high-grade models of our popular Monarch range.Outstanding optical quality distinguishes these new products - ensured by their large 45 mm objective diameter and innovative dielectric high-reflective multilayer prism coating. Inside the slim, stylish body are O-ring seals and nitrogen gas that assure the Monarch X binoculars stay waterproof and fog-free.
Nature lovers, hunters, bird watchers, outdoor photographers - everyone who loves a good view and is into digiscoping – will certainly welcome this new line of fieldscopes from Nikon. They‘re called “EDG” – pronounced “edge” – because that’s exactly what users will get from them: edge-toedge brilliance and over all leadingedge performance. All EDG fieldscopes benefit from the use of performance-proven Nikon’s
Sportstar EX
ED (Extra-low dispersion) glass that assures natural color reproduction
and crisp clarity. Straight models, in These stylish models offer superlative features like waterproof and
addition, feature dielectric high-re-
fog-proof performance plus all the other features of the smartly desi-
flectivity multi-layer prism coatings for
gned, black Sportstar EX 8x25DCF and Sportstar EX 10x25DCF. They’re
higher contrast than ever. They are
also twin-hinged, foldable, and the compact Dach-prism type.
available with two different objective diameter, each angled and straight.
Sporter Ex Sporter EX binocular series for all-round use. Fully waterproof and fog-proof, Nikon Sporter EX Binoculars (8x42 and 10x50) offer great value in a compact, lightweight and user-friendly package. Multicoated, specially engineered lenses and high-eyepoint design ensure a sharp and comfortable view, whilst fiberglass-reinforced polycarbonate resin dramatically reduces the weight of the body, making them perfect for use in any terrain.
Fieldscopes EDG
Laser Rangefinder Forestry The Nikon Forestry 550 Laser Rangefinder, just as its name indicates, “Forestry”, which features angle compensation technology, is principally targeted at forestry-related users, but also useful to surveying ropes courses and climbing walls. Our engineers designed the Forestry 550 to meet demand for angle compensated distance measurement, especially among users involved in specific aspects of forestry, from clinical or general observation and analysis to surveying. The built-in inclinometer provides easy readings, in height compared to another tree), horizontal and angular distance, as well as actual distance. Measurement results are displayed on both internal and external LCD panels.
79 products
for example, of a tree – including height, vertical separation (the difference
Mybottle Gone are the times when you first had to tediously boil water outdoors before you could safely drink it: With the Mybottle, Katadyn has rolled out yet another innovative product for active people who are used to moving autonomously in free Nature. And for people who believe that ecological solutions make sense. The three-stage water filter is the heart of this perfect outdoor drinking system. It destroys harmful viruses, bacteria, and protozoa. Of course, you can also use the mybottle without the water filter. It comes in two different variants: as a mybottle water filter and as a mybottle drinking bottle.
Powdered Beer The Trek’n Eat foods specialists never cease to look for new ways to make the outdoor community happy. Once again they had a brilliant idea: Cheers to the world’s first powdered beer! Contrary to popular belief, beer and sports go well together. A glass of beer after sports is not only refreshing and healthy; it is readily absorbed by the body due to its isotonic qualities. Non-alcoholic beer is best, because alcohol dehydrates the body after sports even further.
Increased variety of Trek’n Eat outdoor menus The expedition food specialist Trek’n Eat is introducing three new vegetarian outdoor meals: a mouth-watering Italian Pasta Primavera, a tasty Indian Chana Masala and a delicious Pesto Salmon & Pasta. An Organic Chili Puree with Vegetables & Hempseed Crisps for the health conscious tops off the new Trek’n Eat menus. The new dishes contain neither additional preservatives nor added flavour enhancer. Trek’n Eat expedition food is particularly appreciated by outdoor enthusiasts who value the easy preparation, authentic taste, low
weight, and reduced fuel consumption during cooking on trips.
Zernez The Zernez internal frame, an alpine-style backpack gets its design inspiration from the Swiss Army Knife. It resembles the sleek, stylish look of the legendary knife and is loaded with purposeful features that allow users to customise the pack. It also incorporates a loaddispersing mechanical system that transfers the load into key areas throughout the pack. The Zernez comes with an ergonomically-enhanced waist belt.
SwissClipper The Swiss Army knife was built on the premise of portable functionality. With that thought in mind, Wenger developed the Nail Clipper Swiss Army knife. Made of tempered stainless steel, this retractable precision instrument fits in your pocket or pack but is capable of delivering professional results in the great outdoors.
Nomad Always remain on course thanks to the Wenger Nomad’s digital compass. It is easily activated by the push of a button. The heading digitally appears in red
in the center of the dial while a directional arrow cleverly appears
Following the success of EvoGrip Swiss Army Knives, Wenger has applied
from below the Wenger Swiss cross
the concept elsewhere – enter the RangerGrip. A textured non-slip rubber
logo providing quick and easy-to-read orientation.
inlay is embedded in four areas of the knife handle where the hand makes
In addition to its analog hour, minute and second
contact and demonstrates why Wenger’s quality Swiss craftsmanship is
functions the Wenger Nomad also provides a digi-
tal display of the weekday, an additional hour, minute and second time function, as well as the date, including the month.
The Eiger is the perfect mid-range, backcountry boot when comfort and protection matters. Alpine technical performance with comfort and your feet in mind. Featuring the Wenger exclusive „Spydraflex“ outsole to dampen vibration during high impact and irregular trail conditions. The Eiger‘s „Hydrofoil“ waterproof membrane resists water while simultaneously allowing your footbed to breath.
81 products
Thermo products High Performance La Playa’s High Performance stainless steel bottles promise to be light, compact and robust. The brand emphasizes the great insulation of the product: Cold drinks should remain cool for 24 hours while hot liquids keep a high temperature for12 hours. According to company information, the temperature of hot water in the 1 liter bottle only decreases from 95 to 65 degrees centigrade within 24 hours.
Thermo products Mercury The double-wall stainless steel body of the Thermo bottle is vacuum insulated. The Mercury bottle has a hygienic screw top automatic fastening.
Thermo products Cafetière The cafetière is ideal for use at home, in the office, on the terrace or out-
24 H
12 H
doors. It does not need any coffee filters or pads and does not depend re G a r a n
on an electric supply.
1,0 L.
li e r w ir k
KC Professional Cooler KC stands for „Keep cool“ and is a series of professional soft coolers. The Professional 12 by Ezetil consists of a strong, but flexible foam insulation, a very robust outer material made out of Nylon while the inner material is made of food friendly EVA. A removable shoulder belt increases the comfort of Professional 12 during the mobile use of the product. Ezetil promises that it is easy to clean.
E 3000 R Ezetil’s E 3000 R cooler can be used at a voltage of 12, 24 and 230 V. It comes with a case to store the cable. The inner space is sufficiently high enough to store standing bottles of up to 355 mm in height. Ezetil promises that the electric cooling motor will run for at least five years. An akku is available which continues to cool E 3000 R once the product has been cut off from the electric supply.
COOLINATOR cool wear -more energy for your performance
Coolinator is a professional cooling system that cools the body individually for up to 40 hours. The body saves energy, stays cool and offers better prerequisites for maintaining health, concentration and performance when exposed to heat. The cooling vest – like all Coolinator textiles, such as caps, neckbands or headbands – is capable of binding water firmly within seconds, so that it can only escape again by evaporation due to heat exposure. The evaporation cools the body in an individual and natural way depending on the ambient and body temperature. Coolinator textiles are activated by plain tap water and provide maximal freshness and vitality by natural evaporation cooling in just one minute. The hotter the day the stronger the cooling effect. Prolonged cooling procedures in refrigerators and freezers can be omitted entirely. It’s easy to use: immerse in cold water for 10 seconds, wait 50 seconds – done.
Trailstar Robens introduces two new Trailstar models in the Adventure line proving yet again that lightweight tents don’t have to cost a fortune. They have all the features which you can expect of a Robens tent – hydrostatic head of 5000 mm, easy to pitch, excellent ventilation through four adjustable vents, enough space and are made of hard-wearing materials. Trail star is available for one or two people.
Fantasy Collection – Magic Range Outwell raises the bar for tent design, quality and innovation by introducing the NEW Magic the colourful Kids Room, not to mention the innovative outdoor game wall that can be mounted on the tent, on upright steel poles, or between two trees and can be adjusted in height for playing football, tennis or volleyball etc.
83 products
Range from the NEW Fantasy Collection. Children and their parents will be delighted with
Outdoor meals The development of these products started in 2007 on the occasion of a regatta on the Atlantic. For this purpose, a team of developers closely examined the requirements for these products. The primary aim was to be able to refrain from additives, thickening agents, modified starch and preserving agents of any kind. At the same time, the products should have a high share in vegetables and real meat in the packaging. The vegetables have been dried naturally or freeze-dried. To guarantee residue-free raw materials, some products are bought from organic farming. The animal products are freeze-dried exclusively in our own plants to be able to control the quality of the fresh goods. Outdoor meals should be easy and practical to use. For this reason, all products are bagged in portion packages for one person and can be filled up in the same pouch with hot water. 6-8 minutes after which it can be consumed out of the package. Now its ready to eat out of the package. We have developed a special foil for this purpose to ensure that the pouch can stand on its own and is protected from humidity. A dish is therefore not necessary. Special; Meals can be prepared with cold water or snow.
Farmer’s Snack’s long experience with dried food makes it possible to manufacture high-quality trekking products.
2XU Elite Compression Tight Compression garments have become increasingly popular amongst competitive and leisure athletes because of its ability to heighten performance and body function. Benefits of compression sportswear are heightened agility and proprioception, reduced muscle damage, improved circulation,reduced fatigue and improved recovery as independent studies have shown. 2XU Elite Compression Tights offer superior compression to enable greater muscle stability and injury prevention. It has been designed to support the calves and hamstring muscles – areas which are particularly prone to fati-
gue, injury and muscle soreness.
is a most competent partner in
protecting stocks against losses. It is able to shelter all kind of articles from theft with the most efficient radiofrequent technology. The RF-tags that Nedap uses are produced in our own facilities. 100% quality check and best detection are guaranteed. All Nedap tags are perfectly suited to source tagging. Customer counting modules are integrated into the EASantennas. You receive all the data you need for planning your staff, for controlling marketing campaigns and to find out the conversion rate of your shop. A perfect tool to compare stores and their results. Our
intelligent EAS System delivers information from stores to
all places via internet.
and function are combined in the Beppina women’s parka to guarantee effortless outdoor activity. A comfortable fit and high wearing comfort are ensured by ingenious details, a superb two-way stretch material and a tried-and-tested design using waterproof, breathable materials and laminates – naturally also with sealed seams.
OP-100 OP-100 is the outdoor professionals watch with fashion and function corresponding. Its active graphic design and lightweight aluminum casing make the watch very practical and user-friendly. It combines four functions, sporting Heart Rate, Altitude, Barometer and Compass to help you gauge progress, stay on route and keep your outdoor activities. Alatech HRM will be your best companion on your expedition.
85 products
abreast of changing conditions on
Meet the writers Piotr Turkot is co-owner and publisher/editor of both, the first polish outdoor industry internet and press magazine , 4outdoor, and the most popular polish climbing site , (70 000 unique users). He is also co-organizer of the cultural event - Krakow Mountain Festival. In his free time he is trying to be a sports climber.
Eugenio Di Maria is president of EDM Publications and editor and publisher of the European edition of Sporting Goods Intelligence (SGI Europe), two other European business newsletters and a vast array of market research reports, including Malta. He is also the publisher of The Outdoor Industry Compass.
Santa Fe-based editor and writer Peter Kray runs the editorial operations for two North American publications from his office 7,000 feet up in New Mexico‘s Sangre de Cristo Mountains. Kray has been the US Editorial Director for Ski Press World, the international ski magazine with headquarters in Montreal and Munich, since 2002, and just last December took over as the Editorial Director of Mountain Gazette, the legendary Rocky Mountain outdoor magazine.
Krista Crabtree is the gear and fashion editor of Peaks Magazine, the custom publication of Vail Resorts. Krista also covers fashion for Snowpress, which is the SIA Daily. I am a former editor at SKI Magazine. She also teaches skiing at Vail and Eldora Mountain Resort, where Krista runs the women‘s snowsports program.
Ulrike Arlt has worked as a freelance journalist for many years. She is specialised in functional textiles, the sporting goods trade and industry, as well as the physiological effects of sports on the human body. She is an enthusiastic freeride snowboarder and skier. In summer she goes hiking in the Bavarian alps with her six year old son.
SNEWS is the U.S. outdoor industry‘s leading source of insider trade news, analysis and product and trends information. Founded in 1984, SNEWS is best known for its online trade news and information service read by top retailers and business leaders in fitness and outdoor.
Markus Huber has been covering the European outdoor market for a decade. Today, Markus is editor of the OutDoor Showcase as well as managing editor of The Outdoor Industry Compass, the new business newsletter for the outdoor industry published by EDM Publications, the makers of Sporting Goods Intelligence Europe.
meet the writers
Editor + advertising manager (responsible)
Markus Huber
Heidi Onnasch
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ALPINE Trion Pro
HIKING Creon Pro