¡Saludos lectores! Atrás quedó el 2022 y le damos paso el nuevo año 2023, el cual comenzó con noticias no tan buenasdigamos. De entre todas se podría decir que el retiro definitivo del gran OzzyOsbourne de los escenarios es sin dudas una de las más tristes del año que recién empieza.
Pero no digo más, si quieres conocer un poco más sobre cómo comenzóel 2023, pues Metal por tus Venaste trae alguna de las noticias más chocantes, además de las entrevistas.
¡Espero como siempre disfruten cada edición de su revista de rock hecha desde Cuba!
Edición, Diseño y Realización: Alejandro Pérez Zerquera.

Contactos: Lacret 411 apto 4 e/ D’Strampes y Figueroa, Santos Suárez, 10 de octubre; La Habana, Cuba.
Sitio Web: http://www.issuu.com/metalportusvenascuba

Correo: metalforyourveins@gmail.com
Agradecimientos y saludos
A Omar Vega Riaño (SubtleDeath), a Yusniel Valdés Puig (Jesús es mi Rock), a Osvaldo Rojas (Instinto Básico), a Nelson Rodríguez (La Nueva G), a Junior Hernández (Opia Magazine), a Humberto Manduley, a Javier, a Miriela y a Joaquín Borges - Triana.
También a Locki Sanher (Duque Producciones y Sanher Promociones), a Javi Izkar (Izkar Producciones), a Tomas (ON FIRE Rock Promo Records), a Javier (Maldito Records) y los demás colaboradores de esta revista.
A Frederik (Elusion), a Pedro y Francisco (Scars of Logic) y a Nikolette (After Evolution).
En esta edición:
1. Entrevistas a: Elusion, Scars of Logic y After Evolution.
2. Noticias:
- OzzyOsbourne anuncia su retiro definitivo de las giras internacionales.
-Pantera es cancelada en importante festival alemán y Foo Fighter son su reemplazo.
-Panic at the Disco anunciansu retiro luego de casi 20 años.
-Jorge Salan regresa a Mago de Oz 14 años despuéspara gira aniversario.
-Isra Ramos anuncia retiro indefinido de la música.
3. Póster: Venom y Ghost.
It was the desire and the inspiration that led to the creation of Elusion in February 2015, exactly 8 years ago. Since then the band has managed to create a path and position itself within the Belgian scene. After the break caused by the pandemic, they present us "The Fundamental Paradox", their most recent musical work. Frederik, drummer of the band, told us about this new album.
By: Alejandro Pérez.Hello Elusion! Happy New Year! It's a pleasure to interview you. How has the pandemic been taking you all this time?

Frederik: In February 2020 we did our last gig and by the end of March we were confronted with a lockdown. All of a sudden contact with other people was limited. So no rehearsals, no gigs, … Domingo started to write songs for a new CD which we started recording in ’21. And now with a better situation on the Corona front we’ll be releasing our second full https://www.dailymotion.com/partner/x1g1cpx/media/video/uploadCD on January 13th ’23and were doing gigs again.
According to their bio, the bandwasbornin 2015,curiously inFebruary. Sosoon you will be celebrating 8 years of being created.

How do you feel so far?
How much has the band and its members grown in these years?
Frederik: it’s been a very educational and intensive trip. We’ve released 1 EP and 2 full CD’s, learned a lot about song writing, recording and production process, … We managed to accomplish some stuff from our bucket list, but there’s still a lot of items to go.
Talking more about the band. How did the idea of creating the band come about? Who are its current members?
Frederik: Domingo and me had been working together for some years, we were at a dead end with our previous project and when Evy came into the picture it was only natural to start a new project together.
What wouldyou mention as your main influences? How would you define your musical style?
I think our musical style can’t be confined in one subgenre. We play melodic metal but the style reflects our different backgrounds and a certain amount of headstrongness because we don’t want to be limited to boundaries of a certain genre.
Let's talk about "The Fundamental Paradox", the band's most recent album, which will be released in just a few days. How was the editing and recording process?
Frederik: the editing and recording was a long and arduous journey. Because of the pandemic it was difficult to meet except online. It’s only fair to say Domingo dida lot of work on his own in his studio.
How many songsdoes it include and whatare it about?

The CD contains 9 songs and the general subject is contradictions.
Does it have any audiovisual material?
Videos for Science Fiction and … In Love And War have already been released, you can check them out on our YouTube channel. A video for Isochronism is in the works. The songs will be released on CD and digitally.
Regarding the promotion and diffusion of the same. Have you already thought of a presentation concert? Will there be any guest artist?

Frederik: We’ll play a release show on February 3rd together with Dance With Dragons (NL).
How do you think this album will be received in general, both by the public and by the specializedpress?
I’m not sure how the album will be received because there’s a rather big evolution between Singularity and The Fundamental Paradox. We’ve received already one review from a specialized magazine and they were quite positive.
Where will it be possible to obtain a copy of it?
To obtain a physical copy fans can contact us through social media or by email. Back to the band. I know that the year is just beginning, but could you tell us about any plans you have for the next days or months?

Frederik: 2023 will be all about promoting the album and doing what playing in a band is all about and that’s to play gigs as much as possible. Well Elusion, that's all. Thank you for your time and wish you the best of luck with your new album and successin your career. Before we finish, anything you want to say.
Frederik: do us the honors to check us out and to let us know what you think. It would be great to hear what fans on the other end of the ocean think about our music.


It wasthe needto create auniquevoice andsonority and taking metal asa musical style as a starting point that allowed Scars of Logic to emerge in Portugal in 2019. And nothing better to prove it with "Warehouse of Erratic Souls", the first musical work of this Portuguese trio and well worth listening to. About this and other details Pedro, one of the guitarists of the band, told us.

¡Hola Scars of Logic! ¿Cómo estan?
¡Un placer poder entrevistarlos y feliz año nuevo!!
¿Cómo os llevo la pandemia todo este tiempo?
¡Estamos todos bien! En su momento, la pandemia terminó por retrasar la preproducción y grabación del disco, en cambio, nos dio más tiempo para terminar de componer las canciones.
Según su bio, la banda surge en el 2019 por lo que llevan poco tiempo de creados.
¿Cómo surge la idea de crear la banda?

Pedro y yo nos conocimos hace unos años en una banda que no tomó el camino que nos gustaba. Tocábamos heavy metal tradicional y después deun tiempo, como todos los elementos tenían gustos diferentes, las cosas no funcionaron. Cuando terminó esa banda, Pedro me invitó a formar un proyecto nuevo, decidimos seguir adelante con algo original y salió esto.
¿Quiénes son sus miembros actuales?
En este momento somos Francisco Caramelo y Pedro Neves en las guitarras y Bruno Keni en la voz.
¿Cuáles mencionarían como sus principales influencias?
Tenemos varios grupos que nos inspiran, aunque tenemos gustos ligeramente diferentes. Algunas bandas que nos inspiran son nombres como Dream Theater, Opeth, Devin Townsend, luego algunas un pocomás rudas, cosas como Decapitated, Beyond Creation, Archspire, First Fragment, etc.
¿Cómo definirían su estilo musical?
Somos gente que no creemos mucho en las etiquetas sino en la esencia misma de la música, por lo que si tuviéramos que describirla de alguna manera apuntaríamos por el estilo "prog" porque sentimos que mezclamos varios riffs con distintas identidades de varios géneros, y quizás por eso buscamos mucha originalidad en las canciones.
Muchas de las canciones no tienen las estructuras usuales de verso-estribilloestribillo-estribillo, y tenemos muchos pasajes con tempos ligeramente inusuales, por lo que pensamos que nuestro sonido es cercano al progresivo porque tratamos de crear algo diferente y eso no encaja exactamente en ninguno de los subgéneros del metal.
Hablemossobre “WarehouseofErratic Souls”, su primer trabajo musical, el cual escuche y la verdad lo disfrute mucho. ¡Asi que felicidades!

¿Cómo fue el proceso de edición y grabación, pues tengo entendido que contaron conel apoyoSebastian Has, ingeniero de sonidode Behemot y yaeso es mucho decir?
¿Cómo fue trabajar con Sebastian?
¡Fue increible! Teníamos la ambicióndeque el discosonara lo mejor ymás profesional posible. Fue entonces cuando se eligió a Sebastian Has, sabíamos que trabajar con un profesional de su nivel mejoraría mucho el producto final. Después de mucha investigación me encontré con Sebastian, que trabaja con bandas como Behemoth, y me encantó su filosofía sobre la mezcla. Diríamos que Sebastian fue crucial en el sonido final del disco, la calidad de sutrabajo fue brutal y la forma en que rápidamente capturó la esencia de nuestro sonido y lo que queríamos lograr - sin que nos encontráramos en persona (él está en Varsovia, Polonia) - dicemucho sobre su nivel.
¿Cuántostemas trae este disco y sobre que tratan?
Son seis temas, el último de los cuales es un trabajo conceptual que se divide en cuatro partes y tiene una duración de casi 20 minutos. Los temas hablan mayoritariamente del universo, de lo que estamos haciendo en este planeta, de la relación de la humanidad con la Naturaleza y también de la violencia. La última canción habla de la dromomanía, un trastorno psíquico que hace que una persona sea incapaz de permanecer mucho tiempo en el mismo lugar, había quienes viajaban compulsivamente a una ciudad solo porque leían o escuchaban el nombre de esa ciudad en su vida cotidiana. Está inspirado en una historia real, con muchos detalles interesantes que se encuentran dispersos a lo largo de la letra.
¿Cuentan con algún material audiovisual?

Sí, dos lyric videos que pueden ver en nuestro canal de YouTube. Como no tenemos un baterista o bajistahabitual, optamos por no grabar un videoclip tradicional. También tenemos planes para hacer videos con guitar playthrough de algunas canciones. Respecto a la promoción y difusión del mismo. ¿Han podido presentarlo ya en vivo?
Desafortunadamente no pudimos todavía tocar el álbum en vivo porque no tenemos baterista. Teníamos algunos planes para una fiesta de lanzamiento y participaciónen algunos festivales, pero nada se concretó y tuvimos que rechazar las invitaciones que recibimos. No hemos escatimado esfuerzos para encontrar a la persona adecuada pero lamentablemente en la zona donde nos encontramos no es fácil encontrar bateristas de metal.
¿Cómoha sido recibido el mismo de manera general, tanto por el público como por la prensa especializada?
Hasta ahora hemos tenido comentarios fantásticos. La prensa especializada ha estado dando excelentes críticas, un programa de radioconsideró nuestro discocomo el mejor del año en Portugal y el público que habla con nosotros nos ha felicitado por haber hecho algo diferente a la mayoría de las bandas portuguesas de metal y por la calidad del sonido final.
¿Dóndese puede obtener copia del mismo?
En todas las principales tiendas digitales como iTunes Store, Bandcamp, Amazon Music, etc. Cualquiera que quiera comprar el CD puede contactarnos a través de nuestros canales de instagram y facebook o enviar un correo electrónico a scarsoflogic@hotmail.com
Volviendo a la banda. ¿Cuáles son los planes más inmediatos que tienen?
Lo más importante en este momento es que podemos encontrar un baterista que pueda tocar en vivo. Hasta que eso suceda, será complicado. Hasta entonces, solo podemos seguir ensayando y también trabajando en algunas ideas de temas que podrían ser parte de un nuevo álbum cuando sea el momento adecuado.
¿Tienen prevista próximas presentaciones?
Por las razones antes mencionadas, por el momento no tenemos ningún concierto programado.
Bueno Scars of Logic, esto es todo. Agradecerles nuevamente por su tiempo y desearles éxitos en su carrera. Antes de terminar, algo que deseendecir.
Muchas gracias por esta oportunidad de hablar de nuestro trabajo. ¡Estamos muy contentos de que nuestra música llegue a un país tan bonito como Cuba y sería increíble si algún día pudiéramos tocar allí!

Emerged a decade ago in the Czech Republic, After Ilusion have made a remarkable trajectory in their country'sscene.Theydefinethemselves asagothic andsymphonicband and proof of that is their most recent work entitled "War of the Worlds", which has just been released. But let's see what else Nikolette, vocalist of the band, told us.
By: Alejandro Pérez.
Hello After Evolution! How are you?HappyNewYear anda pleasure to interview you!
How has the pandemic been taking you all this time?
Hello! I am great thank you! Hope you are great as well! The pandemic was kinda hard for us because we were not able to play live etc. but we got through those hard times and we are stronger than before!
According to your bio, the band emerged in 2013 so you've been together for a couple of years now. How do you feel so far?
Me and guys feel just great! Adam (bass) and Vic (drummer) are not that long with us in a band but me and Michael started our band in 2013 so for us it is a long journey since the very beginning. We had a lot up and downs but we grew stronger from it and here we are! We are really proud that we made it sofar and we hope we will grow more and more!
How much has the band and each of its members grown?
Since the very beginning (2013) we have grown as a band a lot and I personally learned a lot and Mike as well as musicians, organizers etc. I learned also a lot as a singer and a composer as well. Adam I think grew as well as a performer and Vic is not with us that long for me to be able to notice some changes etc. but we all grow with every day and trying to get better and better!

Talking more about the band. How did the idea of creating the band come up?
I wanted to have my own band since I was a child. But I didn’t know how to do it to be honest. So I joined few garage cover bands and we have never played live. And I was kinda sad about it but in 2013 I met Michael and I told him about my idea to have my own original band and he told me that he would love to learn some music instrument. Sothis is how everything begun! He learned the bass guitar and I composed the music and together we found the rest of the members. Who are its current members?
Me, Nikolette Olsson – singer, composer, pianist, Michael Matzner – growling, guitar, ex – bassguitar, Adam Bittó – bassguitar and Vic Janas – Drummer. How would you define your musical style?
If I would have to call ourselves not so specifically I would say symphonic/gothic metal/rock. But we are combining a few music genres together so very specifically it is Epicorchestral metal music because we combine epicorchestral game and film music with metal and rock elements.

What wouldyou mention as your main influences?
It would be Audiomachine, Thomas Bergersen, Hans Zimmer, Two steps from hell and all the wonderful epic orchestral game and film music.
Let's talk about "War of the Worlds", the band'smost recent musical work. How was the editing and recording process?
The recording process was quite good even if it was the first time for us in a professional recording studio. We had everything ready, we were prepared so we just recorded the parts we had already composed except the drum parts. The drums had to be composed on the place because out ex drummer left the band in a very short time before we were about to head to the studio so we had to hire a studio drummer. But even like that it was very good! About the mix and master, I don’t know much because it has been done when we left the studio and we were discussing the sound with the producer and manager online.
How many songsdoes it include and whatis it about?
There are 11 songs in total. It is about post-apocalyptic world far far away from us in the ancient times where the planet is ruled by the magic and demons. This all happened because of the great war between the human kind and the demons, the spirit world. People lost the war so they had to go and hide themselves in the underground and live like that for centuries. The story isabout a girl who is about to go on the surface after a hundreds of years and restore the balance and harmony again.

Do you have any audiovisual material?

Yes, we have! Right now it is only one video clip but we are planning much more audiovisual material! Our video clip is named after the album and the very first song “War of the Worlds” and you can find it on YouTube!
Have you beenable to show it live?
Yes, we have been. We played those songs live even before we have released the album few times and also we already had aconcert last year inDecember and we also plan more of the concert this year and we are really looking forward to it!
How has it been received in general, both by the public and by the specialized press?
The reviews on our album were really amazing! Very great and positive so it just inspired us to continue with our work and people just love it which is so amazing and I really appreciate it to be honest. It is always nice to see that people loves the music you do and support the music!
Where is it possible to obtain a copy of it?
You can buy it online on our websites www.after-evolution.com or on the websites of our label WormHoleDeath
Currently the band belongs to the Wormholedeath label, of which I know the great workthey do. How do you feel working with this label?
I feel great we were able to work with WormHoleDeath because everything we need we get and if we have any ideas we are talking with our manager Carlo Bellotti about realizing them! SoI am happy we’ve chosen right and we didn’t choose any other label!

What are the advantagesthey have offered you?
I mean when you are signing the contract you never exactly know how will everything work and you have to believe to reviews of others and check who they are etc. In general, WormHoleDeath offered us the best conditions and we accepted them and it isthat simple. Other labels we were intouch with just wanted to take all the money and give us from our music almost nothing which is not good for us anyhow. So that’s why we have decided to work with WormHoleDeath.
I noticed that you are from the Czech Republic and I think little is knownabout the rock scene there. Couldyou comment on that?
Our rock and music scene is not that wide as in the other countries to be honest. We have few good musicians and bands but they mostly write music in Czech language so they are not world known which is a pity because they do a very good music. But it is their choice and I respect that and even if they write they music in our native language the music is still very good!
Is there a variety of bands?
There isa bigvariety of bands for sure! If you live in Czech Republic and you are bored, you can be sure that near to your place plays some metal or rock band and it doesn’t matter if it is metal or rock! You have a lot of the bands to choose from! Do you have support from any agencyor everything is on your own?
We have got support from the WormHoleDeath label, they do for us management, press, CD manufacture and some advertisement as well etc. For the booking we are just looking for some good booking agency and until that we are managing our own shows.

Back to the band. What are the most immediate plans?
Now we are planning new video clip and some more audiovisuals. We are now also composing a new album we are about to record soon and we are planning some concerts for this year and some marketing strategies etc. So still a lot to do! Do you already have upcoming showsplanned?
We do not have exact dates but yes we do. We will update the dates on our websites and Facebook pages! Unfortunately, it is planned only along the Czech Republic for now!
Well After Evolution, that's all. Thank youfor yourtime and wish youall the best of luck and success. Before we finish, something you would like to say.
I would love to thank you for your time, I really enjoyed this interview and I would like to thanks to all the readers that read everything until the very end and I would love to ask you to check our socials and video clip and if you like our music give us a follow or some feedback and I hope we will see you soon on stage!!

OzzyOsbourne tells fans he is no longer 'physically capable' of touring after years of spinal surgery following fall

Former Black Sabbath star Ozzy Osbourne has had several spinal operations since 2019, when a fall aggravated injuries he suffered in a quad bike crash in 2003, and in 2020 he revealed he had been diagnosed with Parkinson's disease. Now, he has shared an emotional message with fans.
Ozzy Osbourne has announced he is no longer "physically capable" of performing planned shows inEurope and the UK, telling fans he "never imagined" his touring days would "have ended this way".
The 74-year-old former Black Sabbath singer has had extensive spinal surgery and other treatment over the past four years, after afall at home in2019aggravated injuries he suffered ina near-fatal quad bike crash in 2003.
In 2020, he revealed he has Parkinson's disease. Osbourne has made a few announcements of gigs being cancelled and rescheduled over the past few years, but has now said he cannot handle the travelling associated with a major tour.
Writing on Instagram, he said: "This is probably one of the hardest things I've ever had to share with my loyal fans.
"As you may all know, four years ago this month I had a major accident, where I damaged my spine. My one and only purpose during this time has been to get back on stage."

Osbourne told his five million followers that his singing voice is "fine" but his body is "still physically weak", despite three operations, stem cell treatments, physical therapy sessions, and recent "groundbreaking" Cybernics (HAL) Treatment - using a wearable robot suit.
"I am honestly humbled by the way you've all patiently held on to your tickets for all this time, but in all good conscience I have now come to the realization that I'm not physically capable of doing my upcoming European/UK tour dates, as I know I couldn't deal with the travel required," he said.
According to tour dates on his website, Osbourne was due to begin a series of shows in Helsinki, Finland, on 3 May, with the tour also including gigs in Nottingham, Newcastle, Glasgow, Manchester, Dublin and London, before finishing inhis home city of Birmingham on 14 June.

Despite his health problems, Osbourne has appeared at some shows in recent years - including the Commonwealth Games in Birmingham in 2022 and at half-time during an NFL game in California in 2021.
While tours can be gruelling, with several shows across short periods of time and lots of travelling involved, Osbourne gave fans hope that live shows won't be off the cards entirely.
"Never would I have imagined that my touring days would have ended this way," he said. "My team is currently coming up with ideas for where I will be able to perform without having to travel from city to city and country to country."

Osbourne also thanked fans, crew, family and his "longtime friends" Judas Priest "for their endless dedication, loyalty, and support".
Speaking to Kerrang magazine after revealing his Parkinson's diagnosis, Osbourne said: "Do I ever think about when my time's gonna come?
"I think about it - I don't worry about it. I won't be here in another 15 years or whatever, not that much longer, but I don't dwell on it. It's gonna happen to us all."
Foo Fighters to Replace Pantera at 2023 Summer Festivals in Germany
The thrashers were dropped from Rock Am Ring and Rock Im Park for undisclosed reasons.
The Foo Fighters have added two more festival gigs to their busy summer schedule. After thrash metal icons Pantera were droppedfrom the lineup of Germany’s Rock Am Ring and Rock Im Park fests last week, the Foos announced that they are sliding into the June 2nd headlining slot at Rock Am Ring as well as the top spot on June 4th at Rock Im Park.

The Dave Grohl-led band join a lineup that also includes headliners Kings of Leonand Die Toten Hosen, as well as Rise Against, Limp Bizkit, Yungblud, Tenacious D, Evanescence, Incubus, Papa Roach, Bring Me the Horizon, Machine Gun Kelly, NOFX, Turnstile and more.
Pantera were also removed from the lineup of Austria’s Gasometer Festival just days after they were erased from the German fests. Promoter Mind Over Mater Music announced in a FB message that the Pantera performance originally announced for May 31 at Gasometer has been cancelled; the post didnot give any further information on the reason for the decision.
According to a report in Vienna’s Die Presse, the Austrian Green Party had a hand in the cancellation after demanding that Pantera be removed in a statement that echoed one from Germany’s Greens in advocating for Pantera to be dropped from that country’s events. “Due to its National Socialist past, Vienna in particular has a special historical responsibility to oppose any form of right-wing extremism. The appearance of Pantera is completely incompatible with this responsibility,” the statement from the Austrian party reportedly read.

While organizers did not give a specific reason for their decision, speculation has centered on an incident from 2016 when Anselmo was filmed giving a nazi salute and shouting “white power” during a tribute to late Pantera guitarist Dimebag Darrell. Shortly after, Anselmo issued an apology, in which he said he had been drinking at the Dimebashand, “There was heavy-duty talk between myself and those who love Dime. And heavy emotions were flowing, jokes were made backstage that transpired upon the stage, and it was ugly. It was uncalled for. And anyone who knows me and my true nature knows that I don’t believe in any of that; I don’t want to be part of any group… just give me another chance.”
A spokesperson for Pantera said management had no official statement on the German or Austrian festival date cancellations.

The Foos are preparing to hit the road this summer for their first major gigs since the death of drummer Taylor Hawkins, 50, last summer inBogota, Colombia on the eve of a festival gigthere. Though the band has not yet announced who will be playing drums with them on the upcoming gigs, the roster already includes seven major dates, including appearances at Boston Calling Music Festival (May 26), Sonic Temple Arts & Music Festival (Columbus, OH, May 28), Rock Am Ring (June 2), Rock Im Park (June 4), Bonnaroo (Manchester, TN, June 18), Harley-Davidson Homecoming Festival (Milwaukee, WI, July 15) and SaoPaulo, Brazil’s The Town (Sept. 9).

On New Year’s Eve the group shared a heartfelt message about the challenges of 2022 and offered a glimpse into what the future may hold. “As we say goodbye to the most difficult and tragic year that our band has ever known, we are reminded of how thankful we are for the people that we love and cherish most, and for the loved ones who are no longer with us,” the Foos began their statement on Twitter.
“Foo Fighters were formed 27 years ago to represent the healing power of music and a continuation of life. And for the past 27 years out fans have built a worldwide community, a devoted support system that has helped us all get through the darkest of times together. A place to share our joy and our pain, our hopes and fears, and to join in a chorus of life together through music. Without Taylor, we never would have become the band that we were – and without Taylor, we know that we’re going to be a different band going forward.”
PanteraDropped From LineupsofTwoGermanFestivals

Organizers ofRockam Ring and Rockim Park said the decisioncameafter"intensive conversations"about hosting the band in Nuremberg,WWII siteofNazi Party rallies.
Pantera have been removed from the lineups of two major German rock festivals. The organizers of Rock am Ring and Rock im Park announced on Monday (Jan. 23) that the reunited thrash metal band will not be performing at this summer’s events after previously being announced alongside a lineup topped by Rise Against, Limp Bizkit, Kings of Leon, DieToten Hosen, Bring Me the Horizon, Machine Gun Kelly, Yungblud, Evanescence and more.
“In the last few weeks, we have had many intensive conversations with artists, our partners and you, the festival fans, wehave continued to deal with the criticismtogether and decided to remove the band from the program,” organizers wrote in a FB post about the decision. At press time a spokesperson for Pantera had not returned a request for comment and the festival’s organizers had not given any further information on why the band had been removed.
The reformed band’s new lineup - featuring original singer Phil Anselmo and longtime bassist Rex Brown joined by Anthrax drummer Charlie Benante and longtime Ozzy Osbourne guitarist Zakk Wylde - kickedoff their first major tour intwo decadesinSouth American in December.
While organizers did not give a specific reason for their decision, speculation has centered on an incident from 2016 when Anselmo was filmed giving a nazi salute and shouting “white power” during a tribute to late Pantera guitarist DimebagDarrell.

Shortly after, Anselmo issued an apology, in which he said, “I was at the Dimebash, and it wasextremely late atnight. There was heavy-duty talk between myself and those who love Dime. And heavy emotions were flowing, jokes were made backstage that transpired upon the stage, and it was ugly. It was uncalled for. And anyone who knows me and my true nature knows that I don’t believe in any of that; I don’t want to be part of any group. I’m an individual, and I am a thousand percent apologetic to anyone that took offense to what I said because you should have taken offense to what I said. And I am so sorry, and I hope you just … man, give me another chance to … just give me another chance.”

Both of the festivals take place in Nuremberg - the site of many Nazi rallies, including a 1934 one filmed by Leni Riefenstahl for the notorious party propaganda film Triumph of the Will - and Germany’s Stern magazine reported that there was pressure from the city’s Green Party city council representatives to remove the band from the lineup.
The “City of Peace and Human Rights” still struggles to outrun its National Socialist path more than 80s years after the fall of the Third Reich and a Green Party rep told Stern that Anselmo’s apology for his white power outburst was “not credible enough” and that hosting the band on the former Nazi Party rally grounds “clearly exceeds the limit of what is bearable.”
“We are relieved about the organizer’s decision not to offer the band Pantera a stage. Their singer Phil Anselmo had repeatedly attracted attention with anti-Semitic and racist incidents,” saidthe Party’s Réka Lörincz in a statement onthe Green Party’s site. “Therefore, a performance was unimaginable for us - especially on the former Nazi party rally grounds.”

Panic! At The Disco anuncia su separacion tras casi 20 años de Carrera

El líder y vocalista del grupo, Brendon Urie, fue quien dio a conocerla noticia y dio la razóndetrás de esta decisión.
¡Hay tristes noticias para todos los fanáticos de Panic! At The Disco, pues Brendon Urie (vocalista) informó que el grupo se separará luego de casi 20 años de carrera.
La banda nació en el año 2004 en la ciudad de Las Vegas con Urie, Ryan Ross, Spencer Smith y Brent Wilson, como sus integrantes. Pero luego de cuatro discos y muchos shows, el grupo se transformó en un proyecto en solitario del vocalista.
¿Por qué Panic! At The Discose separa?
¡A través de un comunicado subido a redes sociales, Brendon Urie dio a conocer a todos sus seguidores que los próximos conciertos serán los últimos de Panic! At The Disco.

¿Por qué? Pues el cantante y su esposa Sarah Orzechowski tendrán a su primer hijo juntos.
«Bueno, ha sido un viaje infernal… Creciendo en Las Vegas nunca podría haber imaginado a dónde me llevaría esta vida. Tantos lugares por todo el mundo, y todos los amigos que hemos hecho por el camino, comienza el anuncio.
«Pero a veces un viaje debe terminar para que empiece uno nuevo. Hemos estado tratando de mantenerlo en secreto, aunque algunos de ustedes pueden haber oído… ¡Sarah y yo esperamos un bebémuy pronto! La perspectiva de ser padre y ver a mi esposaconvertirse en madre es ala vez humilde yemocionante. Estoy deseando empezar esta nueva aventura«, continuó.
«¡Dicho esto, voy a poner fin a este capítulo de mi vida y centrarme en mi familia y con eso Panic! At The Disco dejará de existir«, anunció finalmente.

Así es como Brendon Urie siguió agradeciéndoles a los fans del grupo por su apoyo. «Me he sentado aquí tratando de encontrar la manera perfecta de decir esto y realmente no puedo expresar con palabras lo mucho que ha significado para nosotros», añadió.

«Tanto si han estado aquí desde el principio como si acabande descubrirnos, ha sido un placer no sólo compartir escenario con tanta gente con talento, sino también compartir nuestro tiempo con ustedes. Estoy deseando verlos a todos en Europa y el Reino Unido para una última actuación juntos», continuó.
«Los quiero. Los aprecio. Gracias por existir. Brendon«, finalizó de contar a través de Instagram
El guitarrista JorgeSalán vuelve a las filas de Mägo deOz casi 14 años después. Se incorporará a la banda con motivo de la gira de 35 aniversario. Salán realizará todo el tour incluidos los ‘Diabulus in Opera’ de México y Madrid (finales de octubre).

El guitarrista Manuel Seoane se tomará un tiempo fuera de Mägo de Oz para centrarse en su otro proyecto: Delalma. Un paréntesis que ya estaba pactado previamente entre el guitarrista y la banda. Se reincorporará a Mägo de Oz a finales de octubre.
“Después de casi 14 años, el genial guitarrista vuelve a casa con motivo de la gira 35 aniversario. Salán realizará toda la gira incluidos los Diabulus in Opera de México y Madrid (finales de octubre).
Mientras tanto, nuestro querido guitarrista Manuel Seoane se tomará este año 2023 defendiendo el brutal debut de su banda DELALMA. Este paréntesis de Seoane ya estaba pactado meses atrás y se reincorporará a Mägo para finales de octubre en el final de gira. Va a ser extraño no tener la eterna sonrisa de Seoane tanto en el escenario como fuera de él, pero le prometimos que le liberaríamos unos meses para defender su proyecto.
Desde aquí le deseamos toda la suerte del mundo con su banda DELALMA y contamos los días para su regreso a casa. Será genial contar con 3 guitarristas en el concierto final de gira en Madrid