Issue 23 Brooklyn/Staten Island

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w w w. m e t l i v i n g m a g a z i n e . c o m


n u mber



Where Content is King

S tat e n I s l a n d / B r o o k ly n N e w Y o r k

Aqua Blú Supper Club A taste of Italy in a Miami Style — See page 10

Winter Wonderland


Let it Snow!

No Passport Required for a Taste of Mexico — See page 15

Met-Living explores the many ways to have fun and feel great this season

+Angelina’s Ristorante Luxury & Elegance on Staten Island


Met Living’s Coolest ski Resorts — See page 88


M e t r o p o l i ta n L i v i n g

w w w. m e t l i v i n g m a g a z i n e . c o m



ES T. 19 91









M e t r o p o l i ta n L i v i n g


Table of Contents Articles S a n d y. . . N o t h a n k s f o r t h e m e m o r i e s M e t - L i v i n g ’s 1 0 1 F a s t F a c t s

Health Benefits of Dark Chocolate Fitness Over 40

7 42 50 70 88

M e t L i v i n g ’s B e s t U . S . S k i S l o p e s

Entertainment Guide

Broadway/Movies S t a y a t H o m e & Wa t c h a B l u - R a y C l a s s i c

page 70

S p o r t s / M o v i e Tr i v i a N . Y. C . S p o r t s Te a m s

Casinos & Hotel Show Guide

B o o k s Horoscopes B r a i n Te a s e r s

page 88

NFL — The Superbowl

Entertainers and Legends we Lost in 2012 New Daytime Stars F a s h i o n Tr i v i a

Va l e n t i n e ’s D a y W o r d P u z z l e Tr i v i a A n s w e r s


M M ee tt r ro o pp o o ll ii ta ta n n L L ii vv ii n ng g

116 118 120 122 124 126 128 130 131 132 134 135 136 137

w ww ww. w.m meettlliivviin ng gm ma ag ga azziin nee..c co om m

Arden Avenue’s

262 Arden Ave. Staten Island, NY 10312 (718) 356-3249

e B l l ’ I eingYou e S


• Family owned and operated • Dedicated and friendly service • Comprehensive eye examinations • Contact lenses fittings • Large selection of designer eyewear • Glaucoma Testing • Eyeglass Repair • Safety Glasses Mon 10:00 am - 8:00 pm Tue 10:00 am - 6:00 pm Wed 10:00 am - 7:00 pm Thu 10:00 am - 8:00 pm Fri/Sat 10:00 am - 5:00 pm Sun CLOSED

Visit Us At OUR website: VillAgegReen-stAtenislAnd-OpticAl.cOm; And

M e t r o p o l i ta n L i v i n g


Staten Island / Brooklyn Standard Sudoku Puzzles by,Book 1

PSudoku u z z#4l e 8

9 6

progress media group w w w . me t livi n gm a g a zi n e . c o m ISSUE 023 • Jan./FEB. 2013 P U B L I S H E D E V E R Y 8 - 1 4 week s






Chief operating officer

John Alleva

Senior contributor office manager

Wayne McLean

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art Director


Paulina Zaikowki


Fran Roth

Senior EXECUTIVE Assistant

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John Krisel

Andre Chambers


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tel. 347-733-7849 EDITOR

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Arianna Belmonte

8 5


Gary Gandolfo Albanese




347-492-6039 • 347-492-6040 2280 McDonald Ave., Brooklyn, NY 11223

5 1


The Premier New York Magazine For Men & Women



9 (Answers on Page 125)

Connie Spitatili EXECUTIVE Assistant

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Met-living magazine celebrates our 2 nd anniversary issue WHERE CONTENT IS KING


its a l l a b o u t y o u

w w w. m e t l i v i n g m a g a z i n e . c o m

We want to take this time to thank our readers and advertisers for helping the acceleration of our magazine. In just 2 years, we have gone from a 36 more Puzzles,visit page start up magazineFor to our next issue, which we are proud to announce is 160 pages! Because of this ascension, and an 85% renewal rate, this is where it pays to advertise in our magazine. We welcome our new readers and advertisers to this new and exciting New York City read. We are well on our way to becoming the magazine of choice in New York City. For promotional rates Please Call: 347-492-6039 • 347-492-6040 • 347-733-7849 or Email: 6

M e t r o p o l i ta n L i v i n g

w w w. m e t l i v i n g m a g a z i n e . c o m

Great Kills, Staten Island NY


No thanks for the memories T

he unprecedented nightmare super-storm Sandy is now months behind us, however, the devastation and shattered lives will live with us forever. S a n d y, w h i c h b ro u g h t a re c o rd s t o r m s u r g e t o c o a s t a l a r e a s, k i l l e d a t l e a s t 120 people af ter slamming into t he U.S. Nor t he a s t on Oc t. 29 2012. At le a s t 50 died in New Yor k Cit y, about half of t hem in St aten Island, which was over r un by a wall of water. Long lines of cars snaked around gasoline stations in scenes reminiscent of the energy shor tage of the 1970’s. Sandy star ted as a late-season hurricane in the Caribbean, where it killed 69 people, before smashing ashore in the United States with 80-mileper-hour (130-kph) winds. It stretched from the Carolinas to Connecticut and was the largest storm by area to hit the United States in decades. There were power plant explosion, mass blackouts, and internet outages. As skies darkened, Sandy pushed against the vulnerable East Coast and within a mat ter of hours, hundreds of thousands in NYC were without power and faced treacherous flooding and fires. The horror stories began early in the evening, as the weather worsened. In lower

Cedar Grove Avenue on the south side of Staten Island.

Manhattan, a contributing factor to the mass blackout was an explosion at a Con-Edison electrical substation, located on the island’s East River shore at 14th street .Floodwaters also devastated some of Manhattan’s subway st ations, creating chaos for New Yorkers hoping to commute into the city A pproximatel y 8.7 million people were inconvenienced by t he mas s shutdown of t he f looded M TA. Buse s met at t he New B a rclays c enter in Brook ly n to help t a ke people unable to get to manhat tan via subways into t he cit y.

Staten island homes and restaurants near the water were met with devastation. Floods took a few out to t he middle of t he ocean. There have also been repor t s of loot ing in areas of Brook lyn and St aten Island. Wit h t he storm now mont hs behind us, New Yor k Cit y and t he sur rounding areas are tr ying to return to the grind of daily life. To t he people t hat lost loved ones, st ay st rong, No one c an imagine what you are g o i n g t h ro u g h. F o r t h e p e o p l e t h a t l o s t material pos ses sions, you will rise bigger and bet ter. A special thanks needs to go out to Staten Island Borough President, James Molinaro, and to Janet Napolitano, Homeland securit y Secret ar y. A s soon as t hey stepped up to help, recover y wor k commenced and from t hen on, accelerated. A s t he s aying goes “ T h e s q u e a k y w h e e l g e t s t h e g r e a s e.” T h a nk s for spe a k ing up a nd s how ing up re s p e c t i ve l y. S t i l l m o re t h a n k s t o ,G ov. Cuomo, NYPD, FDNY, EMS, RED CROSS, FEM A, t he s anit at ion depar tment and t he citizens of NYC for helping their neighbors. Thank you for not hing Sandy. You’re not welcome here ever again. — Gar y Albanese Met ropolit an Living Maga zine M e t r o p o l i ta n L i v i n g


The Pearl Room Non non c’è nessun amore sincerer che l’amore di cibo.

— George Bernard Shaw

Translation: There is no love sincerer than the love of food.


here do you go when you want great food, a great atmosphere and an experience you won’t forget. Heres another one. It’s a place that is time tested, classy and a foodies paradise. is right in the heart of Brooklyn, waiting for you to come and dig your fork in. The Pearl Room right now i s t h e mo s t aw a rd-w in nin g re s t a u r a n t in t h e b o ro u g h. That’s why it has such a loyal patronage that keeps growing and growing. Not only does it bring in the neighborhood regulars, but outer borough residents flock to the eatery in droves. What’s not to like? This year 2012 highly decorated Chef Anthony Rinaldi was given the prestigious Michelin Guide Award, considered the Oscar of Cuisine. “I am so proud of my kitchen and am so proud of the Pearl Room and our wonder ful guests,” said an animated Anthony, “Seeing people eating my food with a smile just puts a grin on my face but I also swear I’m hearing opera.” A nd w hen you see t he menu you will k now w hy busines s is booming. Succulent seafood, poultry with surprises, delicious steaks and more pasta than you can count. In addition, there is a wallet watching Prix Fixe lunch and a ver y popular Sunday brunch.


M e t r o p o l i ta n L i v i n g

Renowned food critics pontificate that a restaurant is only as good as the chef and owner...good thing Anthony is both. “I have been here for over 10 years,” says a jubilant Anthony, “I look af ter everything so my guests are comfortable and gastronomically content... it is a great feeling.” The establishment can accommodate large parties and has four distinct dining rooms for your enjoyment. From a cozy space with a roaring fire to a lively garden room... whatever your mood, The Pearl Room is ready. On weekends a late-night party with a very popular DJ comes into town. This place does not stop... rock on... Regulars just can’t say enough about t he joint. “I love coming here for t he br unch,” s aid Mat t f rom Sheepshead Bay, “I love t he eggs benedict and my wife thinks the pancakes are to die for.” A not her couple wa s just a s eager to for k over accolades. “It is just such a fun place with a great atmosphere,” said

Denis e f rom Brook l y n Height s, “ T he Pearl Room has t he best food in t he borough... ha nds dow n. I w ish t here were more places like t his, bec ause I always leave feeling replete after having such a good t ime.” The Pearl Room has the most award winning wine list in all of Brooklyn, along with 22 different types of seafood dishes and 5 dif ferent t ypes of salivating s t e a k s. A l s o a h o p p i n g b a r/ l o u n g e scene that keeps the action going into t he wee hour s. Bu t, t he e ater y is at hear t, about t he cook ing and dist inct s avor y f lavors. “I t r y to bring as much es sence into each dish as pos sible,” Chef Anthony exuberantly states, “That is the secret to me, the food is what is most impor t ant.” Well... all of us in the five boroughs are ver y grateful. By the way Anthony, you’re name on the street is “The Zen of Zest fulness”... Your mother would be proud... keep it up...

w w w. m e t l i v i n g m a g a z i n e . c o m

The Most award winning restaurant in the borough of brooklyn


Pearl Room

Open 7 days a week for lunch and dinner - brunch on Sunday Make your Valentine’s Day & holiday reservations now. Experience Executive Chef Anthony Rinaldi’s Creative Gourmet Entrees

Private Party Rooms with accomodations for up to 150 guests

• Extensive Wine List • Oyster Bar • Garden Dining • Valet Parking Friday: Disco/Kareoke night Saturday: Live D.J.

7 1 8 - 8 3 3 - 6 6 6 6 • 8 2 0 1 T h i r d Av e . B r o o k l y n , N Y 1 1 2 0 9

w w w. t h e p e a r l r o o m . c o m


R I S T O R A N T E I T A L I A N O C L U B & B R I C K O V E N

B r o o k l y n ’s n e w e s t italian restaurant & Supper Club caters to the mature & sophisticated crowd

1 5 2

C a l l H i g h l a w n


HOURS: Tue.–Thu. 11:30–11pm Fri. & Sat. 11-30–4am Sun. 12pm–Midnight Piano Bar 8-10 Fri–Sun

U s : ( 7 1 8 ) 8 7 2 - 5 0 0 0 Av e n u e , B r o o k l y n , N Y

1 1 2 2 3

Aqua Blú is an upscale supper club located in the heart of B e n s o n h u r s t i n B r o o k l y n , N Y. D e s i g n e d i n a c o n t e m p o r a r y a t m o s p h e r e to delight our clients senses. Experience what we guarantee to be t h e f i n e s t i n d i n i n g & l i v e e n t e r t a i n m e n t t h a t B r o o k l y n h a s t o o f f e r. w w w . a q u a - b l u . c o m 10

M e t r o p o l i ta n L i v i n g

M ewtwrw. op mo e tlli ta ivin ng Lmi avgi na g z i n e . c o 10 m

We are pleased to annouce we now exclusivley carry Watters Bridal Gowns and Jovani Bridal Gowns Staten Island’s best kept secret for all your bridesmaid, Mother, flowergirl, prom, special occasion, communion and accessory needs. Alterations done on premises outside alterations are welcome. Call for an appointment today! Please join us for 3 wonderful Bridal shows: Bridal Red carpet Event at Liquid Lounge on Friday Jan 25th 2013 BridalShow @ College of staten Island on Jan 13th and Bridal Show at Richmond County Country Club on Sunday Feb 17th Please call or visit our websit for more information. Alvina Valenta • Bari Jay • Bill Levkoff • Dessy • Haute Bride • Jim Hjelm • Saison Blanche • Watters & Watters • And Many More



245-247 Main st. Staten Island NY 10307 718-227-8647 M e t r o p o l i ta n L i v i n g 11

Garage Clothing Alfredo spent a pleasant afternoon with them, and they all came out looking like they were models in Milan


ey... I have a big interview and I need a really nice suit! I just landed a job on Wall Street and I have to look confident and cool! Where can I go where I can find top of the line men’s apparel that will really get me noticed? Well... look no further than one chic boutique that is a no muss... no fuss outfit... that has been serving fashion conscious men for over the past 35 years... It is located in the borough of kings and will make you look and feel like royalty.

Clothes make the man

That st ylish slogan is the mot to of B e n s o n hu r s t ’s G a r age Clot hing Bi z loc ated at 1909 S t illwell Avenue in the hear t of Brooklyn. With a gigantic selection of men’s designer suits and habadasher y there is no other place you need to check out. The venerable fashion institution prides itself on offering a vast range of men’s clothing for all shapes and sizes. Whatever you need... they will find, alter, and deliver so there


M e t r o p o l i ta n L i v i n g

will be no fashion emergency. Just ask professional buyer Anthony DiGirolamo “We pride ourselves on being able to help you find whatever t ype of suite you need so you don’t have to worr y about anything.” The family owned and operated business has a mot to: If you don’t want our merchandise...we don’t want your money. Whether it is single breasted, double breasted, custom designed or a tuxedo, they have a warehouse like fashion facility that has what you, the customer, needs. “We guarantee you will find what you need,” continued Anthony, “Our sales merchants are seasoned, trained, and fashion conscious and able to recognize your needs...but most of all they exist to help you with the latest trends and even with old standbys that never go out of style

If you are not satisfied you will get a full refund.”

That may sound like a bold statement

but it is one that has the runways abuzz and locals clamoring for top of the line c ou t ure. Ju s t a s k V inc e nt f rom B ay Ridge, “A ll my life I have needed an honest place t hat helped me out, and best of all when I leave t he store... I leave feeling comfor t able t hat I made t he r ight choic e,” he quipped, “ T his place is what ever y town needs... no wonder they have been so trusted for a ll t he s e ye a r s.” T h at s t ateme nt seems to resonate with Monica another s at isf ied customer, “I have a fat her, four brot her s, t wo uncles, a fa shion challenged husband and t hree f inick y son’s” she boasted, “I decided to give t hem all suit s and sent t hem down to Garage Clot hing where Alfredo spent a pleas ant af ter noon wit h t hem, and they all came out looking like they were models in Milan. This place is ter rific. I am so glad I k new about it.” So whether you are a st yle maven o r j u s t a g u y w h o n e e d s s o m e d u d s, go dow n to G a rage Clot hing. T he s t a f f t h e r e w i l l h e l p, a n d l e a v e y o u feeling comfortable in your own s k i n ... I m e a n s u i t .

w w w. m e t l i v i n g m a g a z i n e . c o m

EvErything for mEn & morE The highest quality designer brands Always the lowest prices Suits • Sports Jackets • Pants • Jeans • Shoes ties • Leather Jackets • Coats • Sportswear 1903-1909 Stillwell Ave., Brooklyn, NY 11223 718-449-6872 718-996-2342 Visit us on

Open Mon.–Fri.: 12 p.m.–5 p.m. 6:30 p.m.–10:30 p.m. Sat. & Sun. 12 p.m.–5 p.m.

garage_clothing.indd 1


11/14/12 6:28 PM

M e t r o p o l i ta n L i v i n g


Cabo Bar and Restaurant Are you someone who loves food from South of the border?


hat are you craving...authentic tacos for a change and homemade thick serious guacamole? Did you just get back from the West coast to find that New York has every type of food...except, quality Mexican cuisine! W e l l, l o o k n o f u r t h e r, t here is a hopping place in Staten Island that ser ves up delight ful food while keeping t he client s on cloud 9 wit h choice cock t ails. A nd t r ust me...this place delivers on all cylinders...I mean fajitas!!! Cabo Bistro, located at 96 Page Avenue, is one of the hottest restaurants around. The Sonoran/Oaxacan as well as some of the coastel hamlet based types of specialties are both lip smacking delicious and eyepopping gorgeous. All cooking is done on site from preperation to completion by seasoned chefs with Mexican and South West culinar y backgrounds. “We have traveled extensively through Mexico, from Baja to Cozumel and we have tried to bring those exquisite flavors back east to New York,” said owner’s Vincent, Anthony and Patrick (The Three Amigos). “We hope people come and sample the spices and the bona fide Mexican taste.” The meal plan is sensational with a huge selection of old time favorites and new wave fusion dishes for your enjoyment. The menu is packed with ever ything you could want or dream of while staying true to Mexican cultural roots. When I looked at the comida del dia (food of the day) I was amazed by the


M e t r o p o l i ta n L i v i n g

sheer extent of the of ferings. “We have a lit tle of ever y t hing for any palate,” exclaimed Vinny, “All you need is one of our Empanadas and a cool Margarita and you will be a happy camper.”

Hold on did you say Margaritas?

Yes...he did? Ahhhh...a taste of summer during these cold winter months....and it’s a must to compliment the cuisine. I h ave to f ill you in t he m agic a l mixologist s t hat tend to t he popular bar: Frozen Margaritas, Sangria, Mojitos, white/red wine and an array of domestic and impor ted brews... Cabo also has a great brunch menu and due to demand is star ting up a catering business in the near future. How far do they plan to go? Literally, they want to bring the party to your location, anywhere. Just ask some loyal patrons...“This

p l ac e i s a w e s o m e,” s a i d P h il f ro m Bensonhurst, “I had a par t y there and we all felt like we were in Cancun again... it was terrific.” Peggy Anne from New Dorp could not stop raving about the place either. “I so love traveling to Mexico, I have been multiple times, it is so hard to find good Mexican on the East Coast and finally Cabo Bistro brings it to us. Gracias” It seems that the place truly is a taste of Mexico, and a hit. judging by the bustling crowd that spills out of the Guadalajara garage of t angy tex t ures and family favorites. Take a bite...and take yourself to the Yucatan Peninsula. So should you ever get the Mexicali blues or mis Cancun...don’t worry yourself friend...there is a joint that is waiting for you. The food is hot...t he drinks are cold and all you have to do is bring your appetite and game face. Ustedes son amigos ... no clientes!

w w w. m e t l i v i n g m a g a z i n e . c o m

9 6 P a g e A v e n u e S t a t e n I s l a n d , N Y 1 0 3 0 9 7 1 8 . 9 6 6 . 6 7 0 0 w w w . c a b o s i . c o m


promises to bring the very best in Mexican dining and nightlife to S t a t e n I s l a n d . Wi t h a l i v e D J s p i n n i n g T h u r s d a y, F r i d a y a n d S a t u r d a y nights and a circular bar that boasts a rolling waterfall, it will be


M e t r o p o l i ta n L i v i n g cabo_full.indd 1


12/3/12 6:41 PM

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Tel: w w516-487-6200 w. m e t l i v i n g m a g a z i n e . c o m, Exceptional Cuisine


want to throw the biggest company-wide bash ever, but I want it to be in my friend’s funky loft in Tribeca. Is that a problem? Where can I find a high-end caterer that can bring the food to a dif ficult venue... My fiancee wants top quality food but she want’s to get married at this old victorian house in Cape May? Can I get sophisticated cuisine and par t y help shipped down to the shore? I am having my in-laws over and I w a nt t he dinner to be s oigne e. W ill s ome c omp a ny c ook a gour met supper for onl y ten pe ople? If you are a one of the restless and wear y w ho ha s enc ountere d t he s e bu sine s s a nd s ocia l problems... don’t wor r y, t here is a helping ha nd, a nd ju s t minu te s aw ay. W h e n y o u a r e p l a n n i n g a p a r t y, o f w hatever size, you a l w ay s ne e d s ome one t o p i t c h i n a n d h e l p. B e i n g a h o s t i n whatever c apacit y is quite a responsibilit y. So you ne e d p a r t y profe s siona ls w ho a re k nowdge a ble, a nd c a n t hink on t heir feet. Event f ulll C ater ing is a f ull-s er v ic e, of f premis e Ne w Yor k Ci t y bu sine s s wor k ing

w it h well-to-do client s t hroughou t t he Tr iS t at e a re a. A r i s to c r ac y i s t he f ir s t wo rd t hat c ome s to mind w hen de s c r ibing one of t heir ul t r a-po s h af f a ir ’s. Co-owner Melody boast’s about Event full Catering’s various menues. “We of fer ever y t y pe of food imagina ble. From Tex-Mex to Pacif ic Rim, f rom Non-Dair y to Kosher, we a re re ad y for a ny challenge you c a n t hrow at u s. We a re re ad y to s at is f y. N o s oire e is too big or too sma ll.” T he c ulina r ium on w he els, per s é, is s o meticulously professional when it comes to f unct ions, t hey c an even follow any recipe you supply, so you c an have meatballs just like mom u s e to ma ke. “It is impor t ant that our client s are made aw a re of w hat leng t h s to w hic h we w ill go to get i t r ight,” s a id c o-ow ner Nigel, “ We onl y p at our s el ve s on t he b ac k w hen our client s a re s at is f ie d.” T he idea of br inging except ional cuisine t o v a r i o u s f é t e’s a r o u n d t h e c i t y i s a n impor t a nt a spe c t to a n a lre ad y top-notc h o rg a ni z at io n. N o lo c at io n i s a n ob s t ac le


w hen i t c ome s to a ho s te d Event f ull ga la. “My company wanted to throw our Christmas par t y on a yacht, said Alan from Soho, “Thanks to Event full, we were eating Sou t h Af r ic an Lobster t ails w hile watching t he sun s et in M ont auk. W hat a n evening, w hat a p a r t y.” One par ticularly happy client was B e t h A n n e f r o m D U M B O, “ M y d r e a m o f a we dding w a s to have i t t a ke plac e on a roof over look ing t he ci t y a nd I found t he s et t ing! Bu t my nex t problem w a s f inding a c at e re r t h at c o ul d m a n ag e a n o rg a nic veget ar ian ba sed menu and get t here wit h it... Event f ull swooped in and made such a gour met ve ga n fe a s t, my c r a z y aunt f rom Ber keley w a nt s t hem to move to t he B ay A re a ju s t for her.” P l e a s e c o n t a c t E ve n t f u l l l C a t e r i n g v i a p h o n e o r t h r o u g h o u r w e b s i t e a t w w w. Event We strive to make each a nd ever y event a c elebrat ion. One t hat is unique a nd t r ue to for m. We a re exci te d for a ny a nd a ll re c ept ion s, a nd a re t here to lend a helping ha nd.

M e t r o p o l i ta n L i v i n g


10/15/12 9:49 PM

The Riviera Catering Hall One Wedding At a Time.


ow was the wedding?” Said one nosey man on the phone to his

colleague. The reply was “OK, but it was so hard to find.” “What do you mean?” “Well, there were four other weddings and a Bar-Mit z vah going on at t he s ame t ime, so it was like Grand Central Station. Boy, I hope there is a nice wedding hall when it’s my turn,” I replied, “that was just that — a wedding hall — not a commercial mini-mall of hopeful future love.” Are you tired of having your special day tarnished by the multitudes, and sick of having your event ma rgina lized by interlopers? Do you just want a place that will honor you and dedicate all it’s festive powers to ensuring you have a memorable and wonder ful day? Ask, and ye shall receive. The Riviera Catering Hall is Brooklyn’s answer to this problem. The exclusive reception palace is exactly that. A Palace, right in the heart of the Borough of Kings. The emporium has been painstakingly de signe d to emulate a rena is s a nc e villa whilst emit ting a regal vibe. The father and son team (Zack & Andrew) of par t y-planners will see your event through from start to finish. The ultra-chic establishment was built to accommodate one group at a time. “We want everybody to know that we are only concerned with one par ty, “ said co-owner Pat, “In fact our motto is “One Wedding At a Time.” Just listen to what they have in store for the next husband and wife to be. They have renowned Diamond Fork Award service


M e t r o p o l i ta n L i v i n g

(white-glove food preparation) for their hearty enjoyment. This is provided by the Cavitolo Family which has been perfecting this service for four generations. With a ratio of one staff to every three guests you will never be waiting for a drink-or afloat without any guidance. Af ter an ex t raordinar y dinner, t he wedding whir lwind cont inues as T he Riviera transforms itself into a smokinghot Dance Club. There is a laser light extravaganza, with lights lowering out of the ceiling for high visibility during the pulsating dance set; there are multiple flat screens and plasma T V’s that allow the evening to be enjoyed from ever y angle. It reminds some of us of Disco 2000... Where’s Tony Menero? A former bride to be had this to say. “The place is unbelievable,” an elated Diane from Sheepshead Bay says, “When I found this place I was so relieved...I k new my day would be per fect, and

boy, did they (Riviera) deliver. They lef t no stone unturned and really made it awesome.”

The staff treat you like royalty

If t hat is not enough of a r inging endorsement for you, listen, to Alexandra from Clinton Hill. “My fiance and I looked ever ywhere but we were always running into other couples wanting the same date and hall,” said Alex, “The Riviera was the per fect set ting for our family, and our friends. It was exclusive and private and made us both feel like a true prince and a princess. What a day! Thank you so much.” If you want a special event in a nononsense Memor y Mansion, pay a visit to the Riviera Catering Hall. They are dedicated to making your special day come of f without a hitch. Bravo to all involved!

w w w. m e t l i v i n g m a g a z i n e . c o m

M e t r o p o l i ta n L i v i n g



M e t r o p o l i ta n L i v i n g

w w w. m e t l i v i n g m a g a z i n e . c o m

Now thru Feb. 28, 2013

M e t r o p o l i ta n L i v i n g



M e t r o p o l i ta n L i v i n g

w w w. m e t l i v i n g m a g a z i n e . c o m

Suzanne’s Fashion Corner Quality fashion for the whole family

Hey... I h ave to go to a c h r i s t e ning a nd I ne e d t o g e t a d re s s fo r m y d a u g h t e r s o s h e l o o k s t h e p a r t. D o y o u k n o w w h e re t o g o? M y s o n h a s t o t a ke c o m m u n i o n n ex t w e e k a n d I h a v e t o f i n d a s u i t f o r h i m... w h e re d o I g o? D o n’ t w o r r y a t a l l... t h e re i s a p l a c e r i g h t i n t h e h u b of S t a t e n I s l a n d t h a t c a n h a n d l e i t... Su z a nne’s F a s hion C or ner is a c rowd ple a sing bou t ique, t hat spe cia lize s in clot hing a nd a c c e s s o r i e s f o r w o m e n, c h i l d re n a n d b a b i e s. I f you need Any thing Suzanne and her loyal staf f c a n f i n d i t f o r y o u. Suzanne Berelson (along wit h her t wo celebrit y dogs Leo & Tiki) has ser ved t he area since 1951. T h e l a n d m a r k b a z a a r t a ke s f a s h i o n s t a t e m e n t s f ro m c o n c e pt i o n t h ro u g h t h e g o l d e n ye a r s. “ We have been here for over half a centur y and t h i s s t o re i s s t i l l a n u t t e r l a b o r of l o v e,” s a i d a c h e e r f u l S u z a n n e, “ We a re s o b l e s s e d t h a t w e have been embraced by all the people in the

c o m m u n i t y...i t t r u l y i s a d r e a m. W h a t e v e r t h e e v e n t, w h a t e v e r t h e o u t f i t, p r i m o r o u t l a n d i s h we c a n get i t. N o mat te r w h at t he oc c a s io n you w i l l w a l k a w a y w i t h w h a t y o u n e e d.”

More selections. More options

Another great aspect is that Suzanne’s Showroom has a lay-away policy. In addition she has expanded lately and augmented the large selection of clothing , hosier y, pocket book s, special occ a sion wear, b r i d g e j e w e l r y, h a i r a c c e s o r i e s, l i n g e r i e a n d outer wear. Have I mised any t hing? “I have to s ay t hat t his could not have happend wit hout my four musketeers...I mean st af f. Thank y o u B o b b i e, C a r l o t t a , B o n n i e a n d R o b e r t a . W i t h o u t y o u n o n e of t h i s c o u l d b e.” So c ome dow n to Su z a nne’s F a shion C or ner... The merchandise is unbelievable and the t wo f u r r y f i d o s a re w a i t i n g t o b e p e t t e d a n d l ove d... A l s o d o n’ t f o r g e t t o v i s i t o u r w e b s i t e a t w w w. s u z a n n e s f a s h i o n c o r n e r.c o m. We s h ip ove r s e a s!

& Baby Oh Baby! – 513 Bement Ave –

Beautiful Boutique Clothing & Accessories for Women & Children

658 Forest Ave. Staten Island, NY 10310 (Corner of Forest & Bement Aves.) (718) 442-8992

e l b a r ar o d i K inwe Ra

HOLIDAY SALE GOING ON NOW! Hours: Mon.— Sat.: 10am–6pm Layaway Available All major credit cards accepted Order Online Follow us on and

M e t r o p o l i ta n L i v i n g Suzanne ad half 1


10/23/12 10:09 PM

Camz Creations Do you have a sweet tooth?


re you someone who can’t wait till dessert even though you are still eating your appetizer? Was picking out your wedding cake more exciting than choosing the band or the photographer? Are you sick of conventional sugary snacks? Yes? Then there is the perfect place for you. There is a new tasty toothsome business that is right in your neighborhood and serving up homemade cakes and cookies that are not only delicious but deeply satisfying. Camz Creations is the brainchild of Jeana Marie Camerlengo. This sultana of sweets is ser ving up delectable candycoated cakes for the most discerning Staten Islanders. “I have always loved to bake ever since I was a kid with my mom and grandmother,” said the affable pastry chef, “I decided to star t this business so New Yorkers would get a t aste of authentic baking.” Her friends call her Jeana Camz, but you will call her the princess of priceless panet tones af ter just one lip smacking bite. Af ter honing her craf t at t he prest igious Inst it ute of C ulin a r y Educ at io n in dow ntow n Manhattan and graduating with a degree in Pastr y ar ts, this candy confectioner was of f and running — I mean baking. “What I really want to of fer locals are sweet treats that are personalized. I have a passion for cakes and I am so excited to offer up whatever a customer needs, and design it to their sweet specifications.”

The only limit is YOUR imagination

And Jeana Camz can bake pretty much whatever you the customer wants. Cakes, cupcakes, candy, and any type of cookie imaginable. Just ask some local dessertloving clients. “I was throwing my daughter a birthday par ty and I wanted something special to


M e t r o p o l i ta n L i v i n g

commemorate the moment,” said Frank from New Dorp, “I called Jeana Camz and boy did she deliver... I think the kids are still running around the house with knowing grins on their faces.” That sentiment is echoed by Diane from Todt Hill, “Camz Creations was the best move I made for my kid’s sweet sixteen: not only did Jeana follow all of my specifics but she was prompt as well as very creative. It’s nice that our borough has a home grown baker y that is only a phone call away. I wish I had known about

this place before I toiled in the kitchen all day for my other daughter’s bir thday and had bad results. Nobody liked my cake and I ended up having to take the whole par ty to Car vel. Yuck! Camz Creations is ready to accept any and all tall orders — I mean sweet — so you don’t have to sweat, just sit back and indulge. Only weight-watchers and the mayor seem to be adverse. But hey, everybody needs mouth-watering cakes sometimes: so live a little and give her a call. Can an entire borough be wrong?

w w w. m e t l i v i n g m a g a z i n e . c o m

Have a party or event coming up? Call us to put in your custom order today.

Email: camzcreations@ Phone: 347-784-9407

Looking for an easy way to satisfy your dessert or pastry cravings?

Whether its a snack for yourself or a whole party, we’ve got what you need. Choose from a wide variety of designs, flavors, icings, and more.

Everything custom made

From classic chocolate cookies to birthday and wedding cakes made to order. You’ll find it all here.

M e t r o p o l i ta n L i v i n g camz_creations_full.indd 1


10/16/12 5:35 PM

St. AdAlbert School Staten Island’s Most Patriotic School

Serving the Staten Island Community for Over 100 Years Pre-K through Grade 8 Course Offerings Include: • Computers • Art • Spanish • And More! Breakfast, Lunch, Early Drop Off and Afterschool Programs Offered. Sports, Chorus, Scrapbooking and Scouting Available.

2013 Summer Camp

Toilet Trained 3-13 • Sessions: Mon-Fri • 8am-4pm Extended Hours Available A safe adventure filled atmosphere with arts and crafts, movies, sports, computers and theme days. Weekly rates available.

355 Morningstar Road • 718-442-2020 Mrs. Diane Hesterhagen, Principal Father Eugene Carrella, Pastor

A Wonderful Place to Learn

Trying to have a baby? We Can help! Our mission is to help patients realize the dream of parenthood. GENESIS Fertility & Reproductive Medicine is a nationally recognized center of excellence for the treatment of infertility, long-recognized for our comprehensive fertility services, culturally-sensitive approach to patient care and excellent success rates. The countless notes from patients that decorate our halls are testimony to the quality of the GENESIS program. Most Major Insurances Accepted Donor Egg Program

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miz 1 o e Yo u fa kin r Dr ess d!

Communion Collection 2013 TRUNK SHOWS

Friday, Dec. 28th 10–6 Saturday, Dec. 29th 10–6 Sunday, Dec. 30th 10–5 Friday, Jan. 11th 10–6

Saturday, Jan. 12th 10–6 Sunday, Jan. 13th 10-5

570 Forest Ave. Staten Island (718) 273-1842


M e t r o p o l i ta n L i v i n g

For all your communion needs: Shoes • Bouquets • Rosarys • Prayer Books • Ties • 3pc Suits (includes vest, pants & jacket) w w w. m e t l i v i n g m a g a z i n e . c o m

M e t r o p o l i ta n L i v i n g


Hanley Funeral Home


et not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in me. In my Father’s house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will ta ke you to myself, that where I am you may be also. And you know the way to where I am going.”


hen the time comes and a family must make plans for the final journey of a beloved member...You need assurance and kindness from experienced professionals. Hanley Funeral Home is your safety station, so that you may grieve in peace. We believe life has not ended but merely changed. We are a third generational family business that prides itself on discretion, honesty and most of all compassion. We understand your grief, and want


M e t r o p o l i ta n L i v i n g

John 14:1-4

to assist you in your time of need. We don’t want you to bear this burden without our help. Hanley Funeral Home has over 80 years in the business: Our mission is to help alleviate your sorrow and pain. We handle all aspects of this difficult process, so that the ultimate expedition is completed with dignity and respect. Each generation of Hanleys has extensively involved themselves in the business so we are seasoned, committed and prepared around the clock to help with your

personal ceremony. Our home has a chapel and a prayer room. We welcome all faiths and are proud to help our community members in their time of mourning. “Today we are fortunate enough to follow in the footsteps of generations past and privileged to live and enjoy their dreams, we cherish living their dreams...” — Francis and David Hanley Owners

w w w. m e t l i v i n g m a g a z i n e . c o m

Hanley Funeral Home Inc.

Family Owned and Operated For 80 Years

Frank E. Hanley, Founder

60 New Dorp Lane, Staten Island, NY 10306 Tel: (718) 351-1800 M e t r o p o l i ta n L i v i n g Hanley_funeral_full.indd 1

31 10/12/12 11:33 AM

Dun-Rite Renovations Where the job is always DUNRITE!


Bathrooms Finished Basements

Wood Flooring Crown Mouldings & Trim Custom Painting Windows

Granite Specialist


Free Shop at home services


Just Imagine a New Bathroom in 8 Days

718-836-RITE (7483) 9054 Fort Hamilton Parkway, Brooklyn, NY


LICENSED & INSURED HIC LIC#1399338 M e t r o p o l i ta n L i v i n g

M e t r o p o l i ta n L i v i n g

w w w. m e t l i v i n g m a g a z i n e . c o 32 m

Mill Bergen Pools’ Certified Service Professionals provide a wide range of services from weekly valet service, to seasonal opening and closing services, and repairs.

• We care about our customers. For your convenience, we are open 7 days a week. • We are a full-service retailer that offers the highest quality and best-valued products available. • The list includes inground and above ground pools, portable spas, a complete chemical line, and various accessories including games and toys. • We service all brands of pools and spas including commercial accounts such as hotels, schools, and health clubs.

6338 Avenue N Brooklyn, NY 11234 (718) 763-5500 w w w.m i l l b e r g e n p o o l s.c o m M e t r o p o l i ta n L i v i n g


Vik’s Fine Jewelry Diamonds are forever, They are all I need to please me, They can stimulate and tease me, They won’t leave in the night, I’ve no fear that they might desert me. Diamonds are forever, Hold one up and then caress it, Touch it, stroke it and undress it, I can see every part, Nothing hides in the heart to hurt me. — Shirley Bassey


hey say diamonds are a girls best friend, but if you want her to say “yes” you need a professional to assist you. Vik’s Fine Jewelr y in Staten Island has over t w e n t y y e a r s i n t h e b u s i n e s s. T h e y carr y the largest selection of engagem e n t r i n g s a n d w e d d i n g b a n d s. V i k and his team of experts also handle all jewelr y and watch repairs in house. “We are dedicated to New Yorkers who want quality above all else,” said owner Vik, “Our store believes in personal ser vice...because after all, this is a huge decision and you want to get it right.” The precious stone emporium is run like a family, wit h our seasoned st af f who are dedic ated to f inding you t he right bauble for your buck. “Prices may va r y f rom s to re to s to re,” p roc la im s V ik, “However, we gua ra ntee we w ill


M e t r o p o l i ta n L i v i n g

b e a t e v e r y b o d y e l s e’s p r i c e.” T h e store boast s a gamut of gems t hat are spar k ling and f lawles s...just like your f u t u re b r ide. T he lo c a l re ac t io n h a s been out st anding, wit h future grooms lining up for some sound advice.

Have no fear “I was so ner vous when I walked into t he store...I just did not k now what to choose”, said Anthony from New Dorp, “Vik broke it down for me and I walked out wit h a beaut iful ring. She s aid yes and we have been happily mar ried for f if teen years...I owe you one Vik.” T h a t i s w h a t a f u t u re h u s b a n d h a d t o s a y, b u t w h a t a b o u t a b r i d e? “ I have to be hone s t i t is ver y impor t a nt f o r a m a n t o c h o o s e t h e c o r re c t s i ze and cut, it is a symbol of our love a n d c o m m i t m e n t ,” g u s h e s L o u i s e

f ro m B u l l s H e a d, “ W h e n m y To n y g ot d o w n o n o n e k n e e a n d p r o p o s e d... I a l m o s t p a s s e d o u t. I t w a s ex a c t l y w h a t I w a n t e d a n d I s a i d y e s. I c a n’ t t h a n k y o u e n o u g h V i k.”

Top dollar for your jewelry

The showroom also boast s a top of t he line a nd well re spected c a sh for g o l d, s il ve r, d i a m o n d s a n d w a t c h e s division. “We understand this has been a tough year for ever ybody,” s aid Vik, “ We w a nt to help, a nd a re prep a re d to of fe r f a ir v a lue fo r you r p e r s o n a l t reasures.” So, if you want to get engaged or ju s t b a r t e r, c ome ove r to V ik’s F ine Jewelr y...they are schooled and sav v y. Ru m o r h a s i t t h e i r n i c k n a m e i s t h e “Fiancee Factor y”.

w w w. m e t l i v i n g m a g a z i n e . c o m

Marcus Marino Architects

“The architect should strive continually to simplify; the ensemble of the rooms should then be carefully considered that comfort and utility my go hand in hand with beauty.”

—Frank Lloyd Wright 1908


rchitecture is not just a trade; Architect’s are as vital to our society as a doctor or statesman. Structures remain intact for centuries while we move forward living among them. Developing a visionary concept, putting it to a draft, formulating a building plan and taking to fruition is a tremendous undertaking. Where the dream becomes the reality. To the layman this process is daunting.


M e t r o p o l i ta n L i v i n g

Professional and knowledgable personnel are the most precious of assets to achieve t he ult imate goal. Ma rcus Ma r ino A rchitect s is a small boutique design firm located in New York Cit y. Wit h over 30 years of experience, M r. M a r i n o c a s t s b r o a d s t r o k e s o f a rc h i t e c t u r a l g e n i u s t h a t c a n o n l y b e c o m p o s e d w i t h a w a t c h f u l e ye a n d a const ant at tent ion to det ail. Marino, a former set designer, has been c o n s t r u c t in g t hin g s fo r a s lo n g a s h e c an remember. His vision is t he ent ire design concept, not just t he foundat ion and walls. The interior is just as impor tant as t he ex terior. “I want to work with the client, provide information and make sure each structure blends in wit h t he communit y.” Mar ino s ays and cont inues to add t hat we have a limit les s compas s to as sist our client. “ T h i s i s N e w Yo r k C i t y a n d t h e re a re a l w ay s going to be hic c up s a lo ng t he way. It is imperat ive to have someone who understands zoning, building codes, air right s and design schemes, as well

as propor t ion and line.” Af ter the devastation of Sandy, Marino nat urally got involved in t he rebuilding of bot h St aten Island and Brook lyn. He is generously opening t he door’s of his pract ice to t he public in hopes t hat he c an help and answer and all quest ions c o m p l ex o r s i m p l e. A s a n a t i v e N e w Yo r ke r re b u il d i n g h i s h o m e t o w n i s a major concer n. Marino has remained deeply involved i n t h e i n t e r i o r d e s i g n b u s i n e s s, a n d the communit y both domestically a n d i n t e r n a t i o n a l l y. T h e B r o n x- b o r n e n gin e e r ’s m a in fo c u s i s G ot h a m a n d rebuilding project s at ever y level. A s far a s repu t at ion, a s one cr i t ic pu t i t “He ha s sk ill a nd dex ter i t y a nd w ill t hat is unsurpas sed.” Marcus Marino Architects look at structures with a global perspective and vision coupled with their unique ingenuit y and t aste.

Engineers... Builders... Visionaries.

w w w. m e t l i v i n g m a g a z i n e . c o m

Marcus Marino A R C H I T E C T S

58 Duchess Avenue, Suite 333, Staten Island, NY 10304 718.351.9800

Our Mission

To provide our clients, whether cooporations, governments, intitutions, or individuales, with expert design and real estate services

Our Services • Architectural design • Urban Design • Interior Design • Graphic Design • Site Analysis • Location Analysis • And much more

marino_si.brooklyn_full.indd 1


Our firm has recieved recognition for our Interior, Exterior & Natural Beauty Design, along with the prestigious “Chairman’s Award” for overall design and the National ADA award.

Client List

We are proud to have worked with clients such as: ADP, AT&T, Citibank/ Citicorp, Estee Lauder Companies, Merck Pharamceuticals, NYU Medical Center, Orion Pictures and many towns, townships, villages, coop, condo boards and many home owners.

11/28/12 3:21 PM

M e t r o p o l i ta n L i v i n g



M e t r o p o l i ta n L i v i n g

w w w. m e t l i v i n g m a g a z i n e . c o m

Vicolo Ristorante

is a new Italian Restaurant located in Bay Ridge Brooklyn specializing in wood fired brick oven pizza, modern Italian cuisine and sophisticated wine.

8530 3rd Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11209 Telephone: (718) 833-0043 email:

Follow us on Facebook M e t r o p o l i ta n L i v i n g


Bilotti Brothers Contracting Corp. We are the source for all your general contracting needs.

Specializing in Condos & Co-ops Your satisfaction is job no. 1

(718) 720-0123 20 Hastings St, Staten Island, NY 10305 email: LICENSED & INSURED 4400

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FA B r I C At o r s & C o n s U LtA n t s

M e t r o p o l i ta n L i v i n g


Met-Living’s 101 Fast Facts 1. From all the vegetables, beets contain 24. Close to fifty percent of Internet shoppers the most sugar spend over five hours a week online 2 . Ants do not sleep 2 5. Los Angeles is the most polluted city 3. The highest point in France is Mont Blanc, in the USA located in the Alps. 26. There are are roughly 100 million single 4 . There are over 500 dif ferent t ypes of adults living in the USA bananas 27. For people that are lactose intolerant, 5. In 75% of American households, women chocolate aids in helping milk digest easier manage the money and pay the bills 28. 4% of an apples is made up of minerals 6. The first owner of the Marlboro Company and vitamins, and over 80% is made up of died of lung cancer water 7. Michael Jordan makes more money from 29. Althaiophobia is the fear of marshmallows Nike annually than all of the Nike factor y 3 0 . From all t he ox ygen t hat a human workers in Malaysia combined breathes, t wenty percent goes to the brain 8 . Next to man, the porpoise is 23. Childr en the most intelligent creature on laugh about ear th 400 t imes a 9. The Hawaiian alphabet only day, w hile has 12 let ters adult s laugh on aver age 10. Polar bears are lef t handed only 15 t imes 11. The University of Plymouth a day was the first university to of fer a degree in sur fing 12 . In the United States, about 33% of land is covered by forests 13. Food can only be tasted if it is mixed with saliva 14. Lemons contain more sugar than strawberries 15. The koala is not a bear, it is an arboreal marsupial that lives in Australia. 16. New York City is now the most populated 31. Peaches were once known as Persian cit y in the USA with more than 8.2 million apples people. 32 . If a statue in the park of a person on 17. The conjunctiva is a membrane that a horse has both front legs in the air, the covers the human eye person died in bat tle; if the horse has one 18 . Each year in America there are about front leg in the air, the person died as a result 300,000 deaths that can be at tributed to of wounds received in battle; if the horse has obesity all four legs on the ground, the person died 19. Humphrey Bogart was related to Princess of natural causes Diana 33. Ninety-five percent of tropical fish sold 20. Alexandre Gustave Eif fel, the man who in Nor th America originate from Florida designed the Eif fel Tower, also designed the 34 . The sun shrinks five feet ever y hour inner structure of the Statue of Liber t y in 3 5 . R u b b e r b a n d s l a s t l o n g e r w h e n New York Harbour refrigerated 21. Marilyn Monroe had six toes 36. Bill Gates began programming computers 22 . Another way to say “ever y 9 years” is at age 13 Novennial 37. Tobacco contains over 50 chemicals 23. Children laugh about 400 times a day, while that can cause cancer adults laugh on average only 15 times a day 38. Sailors once thought that wearing a gold


M e t r o p o l i ta n L i v i n g

earring would improve their eyesight 39. The smallest bird in the world is the bee hummingbird. The bird is 2.24 inches long 4 0. The full name of the Tit anic ship is R.M.S. Titanic, which stands for Royal Mail Steamship 41. Ever yday approximately 35 meters of hair fibre is produced on the scalp of an adult 42 . A U.S. company came out with a toilet night-light that sends out a green warning beacon when the seat is up 43. A little under one quar ter of the people in the world are vegetarians 44 . There are approximately 1300 species of scorpion but only 25 of them are deadly 45. An egg shell can have up to 17,000 tiny pores on its sur face 4 6 . 66% of home based businesses are owned by women 47. There are approximately 60 muscles in the face 4 8 . If all t he st rawber ries produced in California annually were put side by side, they would wrap around the Earth fifteen times 49. “Bookkeeper” is the only word in English language with three consecutive double letters 50. Four out of five brides in the U.S. have a job 51. 75-90% of primar y physician visits are due to stress 52 . The reason why the Canadian Arctic is called the “Land of the Midnight Sun” is because during the summer many communities have light 24 hours of the day. Many people have to cover their windows with tin foil to keep the light out when they sleep 5 3 . The Cincinnati Reds are t he oldest professional baseball team 54 . The word, tat too originated from the Tahitain word “tattau” which means “to mark.” 55. There was no punctuation until the 15th centur y 56. All babies are colour blind when they are born 57. There are approximately 9,000 taste buds on the tongue 58. A fetus starts to develop fingerprints at the age of eight weeks 59. The reason why your nose gets runny when you are crying is because the tears from the eyes drain into the nose

w w w. m e t l i v i n g m a g a z i n e . c o m

60. In one day, the Tootsie Roll Industr y 77. There is a town in Nor way called “Hell” makes over 16 million lollipops 78. The three wealthiest families in the world 61. Baskin Robbins once made ketchup have more assets than the combined wealth ice cream. T his wa s t he only veget able of the for ty-eight poorest nations flavoured ice cream produced. However, they 79. May babies are on average 200 grams discontinued it since they thought it would heavier than babies born in other months not sell well 80. Hippos can live up to 40 years in the wild 62 . In an year, an average person makes 1,140 phone calls 63 . Majorit y of brides plan their wedding for approximately 7 to 12 months 64 . The word assassination was invented 1 . 10 0 m i l l i o n C h i n e s e f o o d cartons are used annually in New York City by William Shakespeare 65. A study indicates that smokers are likely The musicians who per form in the NYC to die on average six and a half years earlier Subway system go t hrough a compet it ive a u d i t i o n p r o c e s s. S o m e o f t h e s u b w a y than non-smokers musicians have also 66. T YPEWRITER, is one of played at Car negie Hall the longest words that can be 2 . New Yor k Cit y has made using the letters only one 4000 street food row of the keyboard vendors including hot 6 7. T he t ur key w a s onc e dogs, pret zels, falafel, nominated to be the of ficial kebobs, and more. bird of the United States 3. New York City was the 6 8 . The first United States U. S . c a p i t a l from president to visit China was 1789 to 1790 Richard Nixon 4 . The Federal 69. In a day, an elephant can Reser ve Bank on drink 80 gallons of water New York’s Wall Street 70 . It c ost t he sof t dr ink contains vaults that are industr y $100 million a year located 80 feet beneath for thef ts commit ted involving the bank and hold about vending machines 25 percent of the world’s 71. T he only t wo days of gold bullion t he year in which t here are 5. In most recent years, no professional spor ts games the average d a i l y “Manhattanhenge” Sunset (MLB, NBA, NHL, or NFL) are on 34th st. r o o m r a t e in New the day before and the day after York hotels was $267 the Major League All-Star Game 6 . T h e M a n hattan grid 72 . The planet Venus spins opposite to the p a t t e r n produces an ef fect k nown as other planets in the solar system “Manhat tanhenge” (like Stonehenge) on t wo 73. During a typical human life span, the days — around May 28t h and around July human heart will beat approximately 2.5 billion 12t h — sunset is direct ly aligned wit h t he times street grid pat tern. This means the sun can 74 . Frog-eating bats identif y edible frogs be seen set ting exactly over t he centerline from poisonous ones by listening to the mating of ever y Manhat t an st reet. A similar ef fect calls of male frogs. Frogs counter this by occurs during sunrise on t wo winter days. hiding and using short, difficult to locate calls 7. When the Dutch still controlled the region, 75. Dieting can cause bad breath since less saliva is produced which leads to dr y mouth Wall St reet was the city limit and there 76. Chameleon is derived from the Greek, was actually a wall there. 8. Brooklyn Bridge opened to public: meaning “lit tle lion.”

Just For New Yorkers

May 24, 1883 at 2:00 PM. A total of 150,300 people crossed opening day. People charged 1 cent to cross. 9. The S ubway opened from City Hall to Harlem on Oct. 27, 1904. 10. Fe d e r a l H a ll at 26 Wall Street was the the site of the first Capitol Building of the United States. 11. Statue of Liber t y: Total weight of Statue: 450,000 pounds (225 tons). Length of sandal: 25’-0” US Women’s Shoe Size based on standard fomula: 879 12 . E m p i r e S t a t e B u i l d i n g : The total height of the building, including the lightning rod, is 1,454 feet. There are 1,860 steps from street level to 102nd floor. 13. Ellis I sland: was enlarged from its original 3.3 acres to 27.5 acres mostly by landfill obtained from ship ballast and possibly excess earth from the construction of the New York City subway system. . 14, Cent ral Park was the first large landscaped park in an American city. 843 acres 15. Br oad way, originating from Lower Manhat tan at Bowling Green and ending in Albany, is one of the world’s longest streets at approximately 150 miles 16. M acy ’s, the world’s largest store, covers 2.1 million square feet of space and stocks over 500,000 dif ferent items. 17. T h e V e r r a z a n o - N a r r o w s B r i d g e is so long – 4,260 feet – that the towers are a few inches out of parallel to accommodate the cur vature of the ear th. 18. As of the 2010 Census, 8 ,175,133 people live in New York City. 19. New York Cabs ar e yellow because John Hertz, the company’s founder, read a study that concluded yellow was the easiest color for the eye to spot. 20. New York City’s nickname, The Big Apple, can be traced back to horse racing in the 1920s. Stable hands of ten referred to New York as the Big Apple, meaning that any thoroughbred that raced in New York had reached the pinnacle of racing. 21. With an estimated 2011 population of 8 , 244 ,910 distributed over a land area of just 305 square miles, New York is the most densely populated major city in the United States

M e t r o p o l i ta n L i v i n g


Gennaro’s Catering Hall “There are many things in the world, and you Are one of them. Many things keep happening and Yo u a r e o n e o f t h e m , a n d t h e happening that Is you keeps falling like snow On the landscape of not-you, hiding hideousness, until The streets and the world of w r a t h a r e c h o k e d w i t h s n o w. How many things have bec o m e s i l e n t ? Tr a f f i c I s t h r o t t l e d . T h e m a y o r H a s b e e n , c l e a r l y, r e m i s s and the city Was totally unprepared for s u c h a c r i s i s . N o r W a s I — y e s , w h y w o u l d t h i s happen to me? I h a v e a l w a y s b e e n a l a w abiding citizen. B u t y o u , l i k e s n o w, l i k e l o v e , keep falling, And it is not certain that the world will not be Covered in a glitter of crystalline whiteness. Silence.” Love Recognized by Robert Penn Warren


our special day is almost upon you; he got down on one began to weep...he uttered the words you have been waiting for your whole said yes with adoration...the two of you embraced; It was a moment both of you will you never forget. The next step on this magical journey is to find a palace inside a city: A place that will immor talize your commitment


M e t r o p o l i ta n L i v i n g

and devotion to one another. Where can you turn to find such a utopia within a metropolis...Well, it’s right in your neck of the woods, and it is a true shrine to the celebration of love and dedication. Gennaro’s Catering Hall is generally re g a r d e d a s T h e b a n q u e t h a l l f o r weddings. The Gennaro family originally built the building as a garment factor y in 1950. In 1999, t he st ructure was transformed into a catering hall. It has even been hailed as a destination spot by borough president Mar ty Markowitz. They have since been perfecting their hosting skills for many happy years. Seasoned? That is an understatement. The owners and staf f per form their due diligence so your event will be spoken about for years and years to come. The family run enchantment emporium features other kinds of events as well...not just their splendid weddings. They have a ver y large corporate clientele and it is the place to be for any “Sweet Sixteen”. You can expect any type of cuisine served and any special requests honored by Gennaro’s highly competent staf f, and with professional zeal and excitement.

“ We w a n t t o m a ke y o u r d a y a s unforget t able a s pos sible,” s aid t he father/son co-owners, “When your big moment comes we will be here to handle every aspect of the event so that you can relax and be yourself...while leaving all the labor and hosting to us.” J u s t li s t e n t o t h i s h a p py b r i d ez ill a: “M y f i a nc e e a nd I lo o ke d eve r y w he re f o r a g o o d s p ot b u t t h e y a l l s e e m e d k inda like a factor ie s, “s aid Ma r y A nn from Massapequa, “Gennaro’s was like a f a i r y t a l e c a s t l e i n s i d e B r o o k l y n. I t w a s p e r f e c t; a n d i n s u c h a g re a t l o c a t i o n; T h e n i g h t w a s w o n d e r f u l. I loved making my bridesmaids jealous,” s h e s m i r ke d. And here is Frank from Crown Heights who could not say enough about the popular Dyker Heights destination. “My wedding was held there and to this day I always drive by the place with a big grin on my face.” No matter what your event, Gennaro’s Catering Hall is there and ready for a challenge. You won’t be disappointed... You may even pre-book your own 50th anniversary there....they will be waiting... Bravo...Bravo...

w w w. m e t l i v i n g m a g a z i n e . c o m

Gennaro ’s Catering

Tel: 718.236.7252 Fax: 718.236.7253 email:

Complete Photography & Videography Packages • Disc Jockey with CD Sound System • Stretch Limousine • Valet Parking • Special Bonus Personalized Ice Sculpture

Available Services Include:

Birthdays • Anniversaries • Engagements • Showers • Rehearsal Dinners • Weddings • Memorial Services • Corporate Meetings • Open Houses • Client Appreciation Events • Seasonal Events

Full Service Catering For:

We can bring the finest in Italian home cooking from Gennaro’s Catering to your affair. Delivery and Pick-Up Services Available

Gennaro’s Catering Hall 6602 13th Ave., Bklyn., NY 11219 M e t r o p o l i ta n L i v i n g


Tommys Auto Repair: What your car needs


here can I get my car fixed? one local man quipped, “that’s not gonna cost me an arm and a leg”? “I have to go see my in laws”, one woman muttered, “where can I get the car washed”? “I wish there was a place that was close by and hassle free!” If you are like many New Yorkers (who when not fighting for a parking spot) are tirelessly looking for a reputable auto shop that can take care of your most prized possession, outside of your family and home of course. Well look no further than the borough of monarchs. There is one place that tunes up your vehicle with medical precision-while giving it extra special spa treatment. Tommy’s Auto Repair located on McDonald Avenue in Brooklyn has a motto “Where the customer is King”! The business consists not only of workers with extensive “auto knowledge” but also a genuine passion for anything on wheels. The shop has been around since 1979 and has diligently served the Big Apple motorists with hard work, dedication and most of all honesty. “We want all drivers to know that we are there for them”, exclaimed Paul the owner,


M e t r o p o l i ta n L i v i n g

“we understand the perils of potholes and east coast weather so we decided to provide the public with a one stop shop for all your auto needs”. And boy do they deliver when it comes down to the nuts and bolts, I mean shocks and spark plugs. The bustling business caters to any motorist regardless of the size or scope of the job. Tommy’s offers multiple services including everything from complete auto repair and maintenance, to detailing and computer diagnostics. “We see cars everyday coming out of Detroit and Europe that are more and more computer driven, if you pardon the pun” said Paul, “at Tommy’s we provide our employees with up to date tech training that is unsurpassed”. One local customer drove all the way from New Jersey to have the guys at Tommy’s look at her dashboard because it was blinking and the numbers were flashing. “I always go to Tommy’s when my car acts up” said Donna “it is worth the driving time and gas because I know they will handle it” Sure enough the car just needed a little tweaking and Donna was back on the road in just an hour.

Tommy’s Auto Repair also boasts a 24 hour towing service that unmatched in the five boroughs. They understand that accidents happen and cars breakdown. “We want the public to know that we are there for them”, said one employee, “we are here to provide you with the best service, anytime anywhere”. The fella also want you to know that Tommy’s is a member of the Better Business Bureau and stands behind there work providing a 12 month 12,000-mile warranty on all jobs. Last, but not least is Tommy’s car wash capabilities. The company extols a perennial power wash that will knock every speck of grim off your ride. You have a hot date? Do you want to impress your boss? Or do you just want it clean? Look no further that this sedan salon. They have been scrubbing down cars for years and treat a cars appearance quite obsessively. The prices are low and the outcome is serene. You may have to sit down when they say “it’s ready” and you see it. So come on down to Tommy’s Auto Repair and experience first class service with a natural personal touch. Located in the county of kings, this place treats it’s customers like royalty.

w w w. m e t l i v i n g m a g a z i n e . c o m

M e t r o p o l i ta n L i v i n g


Christian WE PAY TOP DOLLAR Adam FOR YOUR GOLD Host a Home Party to sell your gold and

10% of your Party sales! Plus $100 towards food and

Earn up to

beverages for your party!


960 Bloomingdale Rd • 10309



M e t r o p o l i ta n L i v i n g

12 January 2012 |

w w w. m e t l i v i n g m a g a z i n e . c o m




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M e t r o p o l i ta n L i v i n g


Health Benefits of Dark Chocolate Why is Dark Chocolate Healthy?:

Chocolate is made from plants, which means it contains many of the health benefits of dark vegetables. These benefits are from flavonoids, w hic h ac t a s a nt iox ida nt s. A nt iox ida nt s protect t he bod y f rom aging c aused by f ree radic a ls, w hich c a n c ause damage that leads to hear t disease. Dark chocolate contains a large number of antioxidant s (nearly 8 times the number found in strawberries). Flavonoids also help re l a x b l o o d p re s s u re through the production of nitric oxide, and balance cer tain hormones in the body. Dark chocolate is good for your hear t. A small bar of it ever yday can help keep your heart and c a rdiova scula r system running well. Two hear t health benefits of dark chocolate are: * Lower Blood Pressure: Studies have shown t hat consuming a small b a r of d a r k c ho c ol at e ever yday can reduce blood pressure in individuals with high blood pres sure. • Lower Cholesterol: Dark chocolate has also been shown to reduce LDL cholesterol (the bad cholesterol) by up to 10 percent.

Other Benefits of Dark Chocolate:

Chocolate also holds benefits apar t from protecting your hear t: • It tastes good. • It stimulates endorphin production, which gives a feeling of pleasure. • It cont ains serotonin, which acts as an anti-depressant. • It contains theobromine, caffeine and other substances which are stimulants. 50

M e t r o p o l i ta n L i v i n g

Doesn’t Chocolate Have a lot of Fat?:

Here is some more good news — some of the fats in chocolate do not impact your cholesterol. The fats in chocolate are 1/3 oleic acid, 1/3 stearic acid and 1/3 palmitic acid: • Oleic Acid is a healthy monounsaturated fat that is also found in olive oil. • Stearic Acid is a saturated fat but one

One bar of dark chocolate has around 400 calories. If you eat half a bar of chocolate a day, you must balance those 200 calories by eating less of something else. Cut out other sweets or snacks and replace them with chocolate to keep your total calories the same. Chocolate Tip 2 - Taste the Chocolate:

Chocolate is a complex food with over 300 compounds and chemicals in each bite. To really enjoy and appreciate chocolate, t ake the time to taste it. Professional chocolate tasters h ave d e ve l o p e d a sy s tem for t a s t ing chocolate that include assessing t he a ppe a ra nc e, smell, feel and taste of each piece. Chocolate Tip 3— Go for Dark Chocolate:

which research shows has a neutral ef fect on cholesterol. * Palmitic Acid is also a saturated fat, one which raises cholesterol and hear t disease risk. That means only 1/3 of the fat in dark chocolate is bad for you.

Chocolate Tips

Chocolate Tip 1 - Balance the Calories:

This information doesn’t mean that you should eat a pound of chocolate a day. Chocolate is still a high-calorie, high-fat food. Most of the studies done used no more than 100 grams, or about 3.5 ounces, of dark chocolate a day to get the benefits.

Dark chocolate has far more antioxidants t han milk or w hite c h o c o l a t e. T h e s e other two chocolates cannot make any health claims. Dark chocolate has 65 percent or higher cocoa content. Chocolate Tip 4 - Skip the Nougat:

You should look for pure dar k chocolate or dar k chocolate wit h nut s, orange peel o r ot h e r f l avo r in g s. Avo i d a ny t hin g w i t h c a r a me l, n o u g at o r ot h e r f illin g s. T h e s e f illings are just adding sugar and fat which era se many of t he benef it s you get f rom eat ing t he chocolate. Chocolate Tip 5 - Avoid Milk:

It may taste good but some research shows that washing your chocolate down with a glass of milk could prevent the antioxidants being absorbed or used by your body.

w w w. m e t l i v i n g m a g a z i n e . c o m

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6/21/12 7:36 PM

At A&S Black Tie Limousines we are committed to providing excellence to each and every client. We are proud to offer our clients more than just luxury limousines, we offer our clients the peace of mind to know they have chosen a company that is 100% committed to providing top notch services in every way. We are all working towards you being a repeat client.

2569 McDonald Avenue (Between Avenue X & Y) Brooklyn, New York 11223 Tel: 718-265-2476 Fax: 718-998-2472 Email:

“Allow us to make your journey as enjoyable as your destination” M e t r o p o l i ta n L i v i n g AandS-limos_half.indd 1


10/23/12 10:56 PM

La Bella Restaurant Buon Cibo, Buon Vino, Buoni Amici A l t h o u g h t h e re s e em s to be an infinite number of Italian restaurants scattered throughout greater New York City... many just don’t seem to hold up. New Yorkers are s av v y w he n i t c ome s dow n to cuisine and are always looking for the next hidden ga st ronomic gem: If you have not been to this dining destination you may want to pu t it on your foodie c h e c k li s t, t h e c u s i n e i s turning St aten Island into a m a ke-s hi f t Sic il y w i t h piquant pastas, scrumptious sauces, heavenly pizza and nectarous entrees. La Bella, located on Hylan Boulevard in Great Kills, is a quintessential, bona fide gour mand delight. If you seek genuine Italian grub, this is the place for you. Ever ything is fresh that day and burst ing wit h f lavor: From the Buffalo Mozzarella to the Veal Marsala to the Zabaglione...all are ambrosial and satisfying. Each dish is prepared with meticulous and gratifying attention to old world details and specific traditions.

Lasciati andare in cucina!

The seasoned staf f at La Bella spare no expense when ser ving you, in their minds you are an old friend, and someone ver y close to their hear ts. “We welc ome our customer s w it h


M e t r o p o l i ta n L i v i n g

down through generations. The place establishes itself as more of a home away from home and Mama’s holiday cooking than a restaurant.

La cucina è il cuore della casa

open arms”, said owner Joseph, “This is a place that never forgets a face or a friend and just wants you to feast, and enjoy yourself.”

Viva il cuoco che ci delizia con leccornie e allegria!

The chef at the eater y uses the right ingredient s to make patrons feel like they are dining in Napoli. The recipes for ever y one of the delectable dishes is tried and true and have been passed

The eater y has a slew of fans who c an’t wait to sink their teeth into this delight ful cooking. “I love this place more than you could imagine,” said Allegra from South Jersey, “I drive an hour and a half for their meatballs alone, the gas gets expensive but the food is worth it. You can never go wrong at La Bella.” Wa i t ! W h a t a b o u t t h e i r famous pizza pies? “ Yo u a l w a y s h e a r a b o u t these famous Piz za joints in Manhat tan and Brooklyn, with names like Pat sy, John and Arturro” lamented Joseph from Totenville, “But La Bella has the best brick oven pies in the whole darn cit y. If you want great Pizza that dwar fs other places go down and order their Pizza may have to order a second one so you can freeze it and eat it later”, he chuckles. The eater y also boast s a beautiful heated outdoor patio where guests can be seated even in chilly weather and has a burgeoning catering business to boot... map of pun intended. So w h atever your p a late w a nt s... especially Italian that you crave...come on down to La Bella where true flavors remind you of the Roman Coliseum, and the leaning tower of Pisa...I mean Pizza... Buon Gusto!!!

w w w. m e t l i v i n g m a g a z i n e . c o m

When it comes to Pizza, La Bella’s is the place on Staten Island. The carefully prepared complex ingredients that go into every La Bella Pizza will have your taste buds dancing with delight, because La Bella’s is very New York and Very Italian.

4126 Hylan Boulevard, Staten Island, NY 718 . 569 . 3180

M e t r o p o l i ta n L i v i n g labella.indd 1


12/2/12 5:28 AM

Skin Beauty Laser Center APHRODITE: Olympian goddess of beauty, love, pleasure and procreation.


he was depicted as a beautiful woman usually accompanied by the winged godling Eros (Love). Her attributes included a dove, an apple, a scallop shell and mirror. We c an’t ask our mot hers, our sisters and aunts to be Aphrodites a l l t h e t i m e , h o w e v e r, i f y o u a r e looking for a lit tle boost in your life or want to make some positive and safe physical changes on a little g r a n d e r s c a l e, t h e r e i s a p l a c e j u s t around the corner that is eager to a s sist you.

The Skin Beauty Laser Center

Lo c at e d in t h e h e a r t of Bro o k l y n, t he promise of t his aest het ic abode of beaut y is s afet y comes f irst — along w it h t he gua ra nteed re sult s t hat you a re lo o k in g fo r t h at l a s t. T h e l at e s t technologies are used to beautif y and also discover t he t he fount ain of yo u t h fo r e ac h c u s t ome r. T h e re a re common problems that they can easily fix: unwanted and excess hair, unwanted leg veins, undesirable facial vascular, unwanted wrinkles, loose skin, rosacea and unsought pigmented lesions through t he most recent advanced epider mal science. From the sublime to the simple.

Dr. James A. DiGiuseppi

A pioneer in the field, DiGiuseppi has be e n pr ac t ic ing in t he borough w i t h great succes s and has est ablished a loyal following t hat are grateful for his help and ar t ist r y.


M e t r o p o l i ta n L i v i n g

“People are living longer healthier l i v e s ”, s a i d D r. D i G i u s e p p i , “ M a n y people want the outside to look as good a s t hey feel inside. People feel the pressure of an ever loving you t hf ul s oc iet y a nd w a nt to s low t he aging proces s dow n. We facilit ate t h at at o u r lo c at io n w i t h n o n-s u rgic a l a nd non-inva si ve proc e dure s t h at a re s a f e, s e c u r e a n d e f f e c t i v e.”

Not surgery

T h e r e i s m o r e, t h e C o s m o C l i n i c s e r v e s a l l o f N e w Yo r k C i t y a n d provides an all-encompassing Diet P ro g r a m t h a t g e t s re s u l t s. “ We c a n design a health regime to fit your n e e d s a n d y o u r p e r s o n a l i t y,” s a i d a p r o u d D r. D i G i u s e p p i , “ W e a r e literally per forming minor miracles h e re t h a t a re l e a v i n g p a t i e n t s h a p p y a n d s a t i s f i e d. M o s t of w h a t w e d o i s natural and requires no stimulants a n d d o e s n ot b re a k a n y s k i n.” “I wa s f lir t ing w it h for t y and I just fel t like I w a s not look ing my be s t,” s aid Heat her f rom Bay Ridge, “I was ner vous to go under t he k nife so t his seemed like t he nex t best t hing. Af ter

some painless procedure that was ver y light on my pocket, I walked out feeling rejuvenated and with a pep in my step. My husband told me I looked younger t han ever, t hat really felt good.”

For the guys too

“I a l w a y s w o r k o u t a n d e a t p re t t y well w i t hou t e at ing a ny junk food like t h e g u y s. H o w e v e r, I j u s t c o u l d n ot g e t r i d of m y l o v e h a n d l e s. I a l w a y s f e l t a w k w a r d o n t h e b e a c h,” m o a n e d A l e x a n d e r f r o m C a r r o l l G a r d e n s, “ I w e n t t o s e e D r. D f o r a f e w m o n t h s a n d m y w a i s t w e n t f ro m a 4 0 i n c h t o a 34 inch. I was so psyched for beach s e a s on I c ould not w a i t s o I booke d a trip to Florida in Januar y to practice w a l k i n g a r o u n d l o o k i n g g o o d. Lo v e h a n d l e s b e g o n e!” The Skin Beauty Laser Center wants to help locals get ready for summer ahead of time. All procedures are performed by Dr. DiGiuseppi himself, with an equally experienced team in tow. We a re t r y ing to br ing Be au t y to Brooklyn and want to thank all of our clients who have come through our doors. We are ready to help you any day.

w w w. m e t l i v i n g m a g a z i n e . c o m

Dr. James A. DiGiuseppi

Skin Beauty Laser Center 7123 10th Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11228 718-833-0704

We offer the top of the line healthy ways to lose inches-fat

Lipo Laser

Non-surgical Painless (9 treatments recommended)

Special Weight Loss Program Doctor Supported Designed for your individual body

Mention this ad and receive $100 off your first treatment of laser services Free consultation with Dr. DiGiuseppi

Fall Special Laser Hair Removal — Underarm, Brazil Bikini, Full Leg $400 per Treatment


(per session)

Laser Services Full Face Titan.................$650 IPL-Full Face...................$250 Laser Genesis Full Face....$200 Vein Removal..................$200 Full Neck Skin Titan.........$400

Laser Hair Removal Upper Lip.........................$50 Chin................................$60 Under Arm.......................$95 Brazilian Bikini...............$175 Full Back........................$250 Full Legs.........................$250 Full Face.........................$160

skin-beauty-laser_ad-B.indd 1

M e t r o p o l i ta n L i v i n g 10/8/12


7:35 PM

When you desire exquisite jewelry and excellent customer service, find everything you need whether it’s for yourself or someone you love. Since 1951, Howard Jewelers custom designs, remodels, buys, and sells only finest pieces of jewelry and watches that you could want.

WE BUY GOLD, DIAMONDS & ESTATES • Jewelry, Watches & Clocks •Precious and semi-precious metals • Engraving • Repairs • Engagement and Wedding Rings • Classic and contemporary rings • Bridal gifts • Anniversary jewelry

• Ear piercing • *20% - 70% OFF Original Prices * ON IN STOCK MERCHANDISE ONLY Including: All Baby Gifts, All Silver Jewelry, All Watches, All Gold Chains & Bracelets

*Select Merchandise Marked with Higher Disounts

217-02 Jamaica Ave., Queens Village, NY 11428 Email: • Phone: 718-465-3335

Serving Staten Island For Over 30 Years Call now for a free in-home estimate (718)

984-WAVE (9283)

4037 Hylan Blvd. Between Nelson Ave. & Wiman Ave.) Lic#134767 1

WE ARE YOUR INGROUND POOL SPECIALISTS Service • Installation • Accessories • Supplies • Licensed • Insured

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361 Avenue X, Brooklyn, NY 11223

AS &


Tel: (718) 336-3373 (718) 998-9676

Fax (718) 998-9676

Fine Food Caterers Let Our Family Feed Your Family

where catering is an art

Ask about our wide veriety of home cooked holiday specialities. All parties are prepared on premises using the finest quality meats and vegetables as if it was our own. Bartenders and waitresses available

Hot and Cold Buffets for All Occasions

Home of Brooklyn’s Best Prosciutto Bread!

w w w . a s p o r k s t o r e a v e x . c o m

Creating and Crafting Better Kitchens & Baths

Your dreams begin here... ...with cabinetry from Kitchens N’ Things. We offer the creative choices, flexible options and real world value that can take your dreams to reality. Stop in soon to learn how easy it can be. 53 new dorp Plaza, Staten Island, NY • 718-979-5450 • M e t r o p o l i ta n L i v i n g


Aunt Viv’s Kitchen


eet Vivian Perrino, a chef like no other. Known as Aunt Viv to her friends and loyal clientele, Aunt Viv feels your hunger pangs, and has been soothing them for over a decade. B a s e d i n t h e b o ro u g h of S t a t e n I s l a n d, t hi s n at i ve N e w Yor ke r w a nt s you to k now she is ready to whip up some fabulous food f o r a n y of y o u r c a t e r i n g n e e d s i n c l u d i n g b a c k y a r d g a t h e r i n g s, d i n n e r p a r t i e s a n d l a r g e c e l e b r a t i o n s. “My catering business is based in Princes s Bay, but we c an deliver any where in the five boroughs and New Jersey” s a y s A u n t V i v. “A n d i f y o u ’ r e l o o k i n g f o r s o m e t h i n g f u n a n d d i f f e re n t, b o o k a c o o k i n g p a r t y f o r a g i r l’s n i g h t o u t o r t o c e l e b r a t e a n o c c a s i o n i n a v e r y d i f f e re n t w a y. C h o o s e a m e n u, b r i n g s o m e w i n e a n d l e t ’s h a v e a g r e a t t i m e. E v e r y o n e w i l l p a r t i c i p a t e i n t h e p re p e r a t i o n of t h e f o o d u s i n g m y o w n re c i p e s, a n d t h e n s i t

Cooking Parties & Catering

back a nd enjoy t he f r uit s of your l a b o r.” A u n t V i v ’s K i t c h e n c a n c re a t e just about any t ype of cuisine you desire. Specializing in It alian, of course, she is also getting raves for her own unique contemporary c re at io n s. O n e of h e r s p e c i a l t e s i s S e a fo o d C i g a r s: s p i c y s h r im p and scallops encrusted in phyllo dough. Or her Cupc ake Shooters-mini cupcakes in a ma z ing f lavor s including A ma ret to, Pumpkin Spice and Chocolate Mint.

From one loyal client:

“I’ v e h a d A u n t V i v c a t e r b ot h b u s i n e s s and social functions for me as well as sending her incredible delectables as g i f t s,” s a y s A d a m, a N YC a t t o r n e y. “I’ v e

a l s o b o u g h t h e r G i f t C e r t i f i c a t e s, g o o d for dinner for t wo deli vered to your home, which is per fect for new parent s or my own p a re n t s, w h o d o n’ t g e t o u t a s m u c h b u t s t i l l e n j o y g re a t re s t a u r a n t q u a l i t y f o o d.” So if you want creative choices and g re a t f o o d a t re a s o n a b l e p r i c e s, c o n t a c t Aunt V iv. T he food t a ste s a s good a s w hat M o m, I m e a n A u n t i e, u s e d t o m a ke.

Cookie Trays & Baskets

Take a lesson... Have a party... Send some cookies... Or treat yourself. Whatever you need – you’ll find at Aunt Viv’s Kitchen

Cookies and Goodies • Catering • Cooking Parties for Adults

Aunt Viv’s Kitchen • Staten Island, NY • Phone: 718.967.0523 • Aunt Vivs_half.indd 1


M e t r o p o l i ta n L i v i n g

11/29/12 6:53 PM w w w. m e t l i v i n g m a g a z i n e . c o m

M e t r o p o l i ta n L i v i n g


I’ll Be Seeing You Optical


o you remember the famous, iconic line in the film Casablanca “Here’s looking at you kid.” I am sure you do. Well, t here is an opt ic al laborator y right in your neck of the woods that put s the same love and c are into your eyes. I’l l B e S e e i n g Yo u O pt i c a l i s a n eyew a re s tore r ight in t he he a r t of St aten Island. The family owned and operated busines s has been helping locals with their sight and st yle since 19 8 8. O w n e r J e a n i e C a m e r l e n g o e x p l a i n s, “ M y f a m i l y i s a l l a b o u t entrepreneurship and helping the communit y.

Bigger and better

My father star ted the business, and even t hough he has pas sed we have joyously cont inued his legacy. I only wish he was here to see how far we have grown.”

And boy has it blossomed! The store has expanded in a variet y of ways. It has an extensive collection of designer s pe c t ac le s for you to model a nd a s k ille d opt ic i a n o n s i t e to ex a mine and advise. The optical operation has branched out into ever y thing occular related, from chic sunglasses to sports goggle s for t he ac t i ve New Yor ker. However what they are most proud of is their capacious cache of children’s bi-foc a ls. “ Young s te r s c a n be ve r y pic k y a n d ro u gh w h e n i t c ome s to eyegla s ses,” s aid C amer lengo, “We use a hands on approach, so they walk out feeling comfor t able and ready to head to t he playground wit h pride.” The shade shack also of fers a free on premises cont act lens exam. S o w h a t e v e r a g e y o u a re, re l a x a n d h e a d d o w n t o I ’l l B e S e e i n g y o u o p t i c a l, w h e re t h e c u s t o m e r s comes first and is t reated like one of t he family.

HAIR STUDIO 20% Off For All First Time Clients Specializing in: Color Higlights • Ombré Keratin • Hair Extentions Make-up • Formal Styling Hours of Operation: Mon: Closed Tue: Appt. Only Wed: 11am–6pm Thu, Fri: 10am–7pm Sat: 10am–5pm Sun 10am-3pm ( 7 1 8 ) 3 5 6 - H A I R ( 4 2 4 7 ) • 8 J O H N S O N S T. S TAT E N I S L A N D , N Y 1 0 3 0 9 • V I S I T U S O N FA C E B O O K 62

M e t r o p o l i ta n L i v i n g

cristhomas.indd 1

w w w. m e t l i v i n g m a g a z i n e . c o m 7/12/12 5:06 PM

Francis X. Martingano, MD Obstetrician & Gynecologist Francis X Martingano, MD is a Fellow of the Amerian Board of Obstetrics and Gymecology His areas of expertise are Advanced Minimally Invasive Laproscopic Surgeries , Laparoscopic Hysterectomies , Outpatient Sameday procedures, Inoffice Colposcopy and LEEP procedures for abnormal Pap Tests , Inoffice Cosmetic Facial procedures as well as full Obstetrical care.

Most Major Medical Insurance Plans Accepted

25 years experience BOARD CERTIFIED 9000 Shore Road, Brooklyn, NY (718) 630-8870 97 New Dorp Lane, Staten Island, NY 10306 (718) 987-9888 M e t r o p o l i ta n L i v i n g



M e t r o p o l i ta n L i v i n g

w w w. m e t l i v i n g m a g a z i n e . c o m

Want to get noticed in the competitive world of business? You CANNOT rely on the old fashioned way of “spreading the word” about who you are and what you do. As an AWARD-WINNING VISUAL DESIGNER with a comprehensive background in


let me help your business discover the lucrative benefits of a COHESIVE and COMPREHENSIVE MARKETING STRATEGY.

For a free consultation, please call mcleanworks at: 516-885-5449 ; or email:

What can we do for your business today?

mcleanworks_half ad.indd 1

12/4/12 3:10 PM

M&R Fantasy Blinds W I N D O W

Fantasy Blinds are proud to present you with most complete selection of Window Treatments & Quality Affordable Blinds in the New York & New Jersey area. We offer Blinds, Shades, Shutters, Drapery, Motorization, Professional Installation & Repair.



5923 20 Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11204 • Tel: 1 (718) 837-8088, Toll Free:1 (888) 834-7534 M_and_R_fantasy_blind_half.indd 1

M e t r o p o l i ta n L i11/6/12 v i n g 10:17 PM 65

Montage Decor INTER IOR DES IGN S ERVICES Home • Restaurant • Retail •Corporate • Nightclub • New Construction

Come visit our showroom Mon., Tue., Wed., Sat. 9am– 6pm Thu. & Fri. 9am–9pm MontageDecor

Home Décor Showroom 4 8 6 4 A r t h u r K i l l R o a d, S t a t e n I s l a n d, N Y 10 3 0 9 • 718 - 6 0 5 - 0 0 21 66 M e t r o p o l i ta n L i v i n g w w w. a c c e n t s e x p r e s s .c o m

w w w. m e t l i v i n g m a g a z i n e . c o m

Jewelryex 2015 Coney Island avenue, Brooklyn, ny 11223 Phone: (718) 627-1514 emaIl: JewelryexCorP@gmaIl.Com weBsIte: www.Jewelryex.Info : www.faCeBook.Com/Jewelryex

we Buy, sell &loan l.n. #1416106 #1416020

Diamonds, Gold, Platinum, Silver Jewelry Platinum & Silver Scrap Antiques & Wrist & Pocket Watches, Gold & Silver coins We speak Russian & Hebrew Find us on: Facebook • Ebay • PayPal • Fine Art; Save 40% • Custom Jewelry; Save 40% • New & Used; Save 30% • Jewelry Ex is both a pawn shop and a jewelry shop so our prices are a lot more competitive. Jewelry Ex is dedicated to providing our customers with the best service possible! M e t r o p o l i ta n L i v i n g


Nuccio’s ITALIAN BAKERY 261 Avenue U, Bklyn, NY 11223 • (718) 449-3035

Bread • Rolls • Cookies • Pastry • Cakes

Nuccio’s Italian Bakery. Family owned for over 20 years

All baking done on premises, fresh daily! Visit us on


M e t r o p o l i ta n L i v i n g

w w w. m e t l i v i n g m a g a z i n e . c o m

Lamp Warehouse -And God said, let there be light: and there was light.


n a city that never sleeps you need to have a good light source. Lamp Warehouse - a discounted center is located at the corner of 39Th Street and Fort Hamilton Parkway in Brooklyn. Open to the public, it’s a shopper’s world of lamps,f ix t ures, ceiling fans,bulbs and lamp shades. We have a fantastic Repair and Restoration depar tment. Picking out a lamp or lighting fixture is a ver y personal decision and we can help with that. We will match or beat any competitor’s price. We want to help you find the right lamp or fixture for your home - we understand- we live here too. So i f you ne e d help, you c a n f ind a re s p l e n d e n t s u p p l y d o w n a t t h e L a m p Warehouse. OUR CUSTOMERS ARE SECOND TO NONE

Lamp Warehouse

New York’s LARGEST Showroom & Repairs Have a great lamp or fixture that has stopped working? Don’t throw it away! Come to Lamp Warehouse, the last great repair shop in New York. We can make it like new and make it work. We fix almost any kind of lamp or fixture. 1073 39th Street, Brooklyn NY 11219

Call: (718)436-2207

email:price@nationwidelighting M e t r o p o l i ta n L i v i n g

lampwarehouse_half.indd 1


12/3/12 8:44 PM

Fitness over 40


cholesterol and improve circulation.

hese days, life in Hollywood doesn’t end at 40. These super-fit stars are giving the younger crowd a run for their money with their sizzling, swimsuitready bodies. Once a man or woman gets beyond their 30s, they’re in a situation where u n l e s s t h ey a re re a ll y p ro ac t i ve about what they do from an exercise standpoint as well as eating sensibly, they are going to lose muscle tissue. We used to think getting flabbier and saggier was just a natural part of the aging process. But now we know that more than half of these changes are preventable, and can be significantly improved by lifestyle tweaks.

• Dr ink plent y of pur if ied water daily. T his cle a nse s orga ns a nd rids your body of excess sodium. It ’s gre at for your sk in a s well. • H ave g o a l s. T h e p ro c e s s of s t r i v ing a nd ac c omplis hing is a wonder ful way to enrich your life and it provides even more reasons to li ve he a l t hy a nd fe e l h a ppy. • Drink ginger tea. It absorbs and neutralizes toxins in the stomach. It decreases irritation to intestinal walls. I try to drink a cup of ginger tea daily. • Ta k e v i t a m i n s . V i t a m i n s interact bet ter with food, so take t h e m w i t h y o u r l a r g e s t m e a l.

So, how do I start?

• Focus on good nutrition. There is no lifestyle modification more powerful. • Exercise daily. Just 15 to 20 minutes of brisk walking will increase your hear t rate and elevate endorphins. Just get up and move, whether it’s golf, dancing or tennis. Exercise may greatly reduce your blood pressure and will provide many more benefits t o y o u r h e a l t h a n d w e l l-b e i n g. • Ta k e V i t a m i n D e v e r y d a y. Research is finding how impor tant it is for bone health and your immune system. Speak to your physician regarding dosage. • S u p p l e m e n t w i t h C o - E n z y m e Q10 (CoQ10). Ever y cell in your body needs it to f unct ion. A s we age, t his co-enz yme de cre a s e s, s o gra ndp a rent s t a ke he e d! • Get your magnesium by eating bananas, s pin ac h a nd s unf lowe r s e e d s, to n a me j u s t a fe w s o u rc e s. D e f i c i e n c y of t h i s mine r a l ac c ele r ate s t he aging proc e s s. • G et yo u r O m e g a-3’s. A h a n d f u l of walnut s, a ser ving of s almon or some flaxseed oil will provide it.


M e t r o p o l i ta n L i v i n g

Jennifer Lopez, looking great at over 40 years old • Recharge your body with 15 minutes of sunlight each day. You’ll be giving your body the Vitamin D it needs. Wear sunscreen on exposed skin.

• Look af ter your emotional and spiritual health. Your body reacts to your thoughts. Positive thoughts ex p a n d t h e b o d y a n d n e g a t i ve t hought s c on s t r ic t i t. T he bod y needs expa nsion in order to be h e a l t hy. T h e refo re, i f yo u w a n t m o re p o s i t i ve t h i n g s t o o c c u r, t h i n k m o r e p o s i t i v e t h o u g h t s.

• Be good to yourself. Realize that we all do the best we can with the information we have. Be forgiving, kind, and loving to ever yone, including you. • See each day as a gif t to be alive.

• Get a massage. Massage has been practiced as a healing therapy for centuries in nearly every culture around the world. It helps relieve muscle tension, reduce stress, and evoke a feeling of calmness. Although massage af fects the body as a whole, it par ticularly influences the activity of the musculoskeletal, circulatory, lymphatic, and nervous systems. • Ta k e p r o b i o t i c s . T h e y a r e g r e a t for digestion and help maintain the g o o d b a c t e r i a i n y o u r d i g e s t i ve t r a c t. • Eat plenty of garlic and onions. They help lower

It’s never too late to star t exercising and become lean and get fit over 40. Let go of preconceived notions: don’t let age define what you think you are capable of! Make health and fitness a priorit y and begin to move and exercise with joy. Be confident that the steps you take will lead you to a fit, lean and healthy body. For Acai Berry, anti-oxidents, vitamins, and other health related supplements, contact Wayne McLean at

w w w. m e t l i v i n g m a g a z i n e . c o m


When you need a center of attention

101 New Dorp Plaza Staten Island New York 10306 P(718)979-6561 • F(718)979-2338 email

wildflowers_half.indd 1

11/9/12 4:22 PM

HOME IMPROVEMENT COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL Specializing in All Types Of Interior Renovations • Interior Demo • Garbage Removal • • Custom Kitchens • Bathrooms • • Tile • Framing • Drywall • Taping • •Painting • Ceiling • Floors • Doors • • Basements • Garages Attics • • Certified in Lead Paint Removal • • Snow Removal • Call: 347-723-5277 or visit:

NYC Licence #1288498 INSURED clean_sweep_half page 1

F R E E E S T I M AT E S M e t r o p o l i ta n L i v i n g


10/23/12 6:20 PM

7 72 2

M Me e tt r ro op po o ll ii ta ta n n L L ii v v ii n ng g

w ww w w. w. m me et tl l ii v v ii n ng gm ma ag ga az z ii n ne e .. c co om m

360 Home Concepts Interiors S.O.S. We are here to help you rebuild your home after Sandy. We do construction and are fully licensed and insured. We are here to help!


id you know that the Great Pyramids of Egypt were built from the insideout? Architectural feats like that have punctuate history books ever since the dawn of time. We have come a long way since the wheel was invented, but as we build and remodel, we still have to iron out those few unforeseen kinks... Hold on: there is a solution to this ever present building problem. How about a revolutionary new technology that will allow you to see your finished Kitchen project before picking up a screwdriver. 360 Home Concept is the premium online information resource center for wholesale kitchen

Before and after pictures of a recent kitchen remodel cabinets. The company prides itself on creating and delivering just about any kitchen cabinetno matter what the size or material. They carry a variety of posh cabinet lines: Honey Maple, Shaker, Mahogany and Cherry. 360 Concept has two warehouses so products are readily available and can be delivered to any location. They will also accommodate any job no matter what the size. “We are ready for your project, just give us a call,” said owner Ben, “You won’t be disappointed at our inventory,


or our price.” “I am an out of state developer looking to build over a dozen units in the area...I did not know where I could get reasonable cabinets without breaking the bank. I found this place, and I am still getting compliments from my tenants.” Company LC and Wood Flooring INC. is voicing the raves, “360 Home Concept Cabinets are our best selling products by far.” You wonder what the Greeks could have done with the Parthenon with 360 Home Concept?


Meeting the demand for Contemporary Kitchen designs at a competitive price. For customers with an eye for understated class.

Tel: 718.852.0343

Fax: 718.852.0358

360 Hamilton Ave. Brooklyn, New York 11231 Email: M e t r o p o l i ta n L i v i n g 360_concepts_half.indd 1


11/21/12 2:30 PM


M e t r o p o l i ta n L i v i n g

w w w. m e t l i v i n g m a g a z i n e . c o m

M e t r o p o l i ta n L i v i n g


Luxury Luxury

Bar / Lounge Lunch Dinner Parties Catering Staten Island Advance Rates Angelina’s Ristorante



SURVEY Executive Chef Marco Zuccala


M e t r o p o l i ta n L i v i n g

Staten Island’s Premier Bout w w w. m e t l i v i n g m a g a z i n e . c o m


Elegance Elegance From our humble beginings on Jefferson Blvd. (pictured above), Angelina’s Ristorante has evolved into the finest, higest rated restaurant on Staten Island. We thank all of our patrons for your many years of support and we wish you dining pleasure for many years to come.

tique Caterer

399 Ellis Street, Staten Island, NY 10307

Tel: 718-227-2900 Fax: 718-227-33299 M e t r o p o l i ta n L i v i n g


Angels Bridal The Gown of Your Dreams Bridesmaids

Mothers of the Bride & Groom Flower Girls

Headpieces & Accessories

Bridal Consultants Expert Alterations

Appointments Accepted Walk Ins Welcome 5488 Amboy Rd. Staten Island, NY 10312 (corner Prall Ave. Huguenot) 718-356-2150

Featured on “My Fair Wedding” 78

M e t r o p o l i ta n L i v i n g

w w w. m e t l i v i n g m a g a z i n e . c o m



R E S T A U R A N T |


“C on si stantly E x celle nt” — SI Adv ance Daily Lunch Specials Starting At $9.95

*** ½


INCLUDE: Occasion Cake, Champagne Toast, Coffe, Soda

Book Now For Your Holiday Parties

Starting At $29.00 Call For Details 139 New Dorp Lane, Staten Island, NY 10306


M e t r o p o l i ta n L i v i n g


Lockwood Funeral Home When a beloved and cherished soul passes, there

are many obstacles you must overcome, so as you walk the winding road of retrospect and sorrow... you need a steady hand to guide you down your path. During these times of bereavement and retrospect, friends and family need accomplished experts who will handle whatever the task that comes to hand. “Not I, nor anyone else can travel that road for you. You must travel it by yourself. It is not far. It is within reach. Perhaps you have been on it since you were born, and did not know. Perhaps it is everywhere - on water and land.” — Walt Whitman, Leaves of Grass

“I thank my God for graciously granting me the opportunity of learning that death is the key which unlocks the door to our true happiness.” — Wolfgang Amadeus Mozar t Lockwood Funeral Home prides itself on it’s tap root in the community. A family owned and operated business since 1880... Lockwood Funeral Home is one of the most respected and trusted establishments in New York City. Conveniently situated in the borough of Brooklyn, at 255 21st Street, Lockwood Funeral Home is in the hear t of Park Slope. “A woman who relocated to California over 40 years ago passed away a lit tle


M e t r o p o l i ta n L i v i n g

while ago; she had insisted that we handle the arrangements; so she was flown back to the east coast and buried right next to her husband here in Brooklyn. It’s that type of loyalt y and understanding that locals have grown to understand and admire. I was deeply moved,” said Lockwood.

“All that is gold does not glitter, Not all those who wander are lost.” — J.R.R. Tolk ien, The Fellowship of t he Ring When a close friend or family member p a s s e s, y o u n e e d a n e x p e r i e n c e d professional to help guide you and to

handle all the tasks that may arise. Lockwood Funeral Homes has been a respected and trusted family business for over a centur y in Park Slope, Brooklyn. We h ave e a r n e d a re p u t at i o n of compassion, sympathy and respect, and have serviced families for generation after generation. Lockwood Funeral Home ser vices all denominations and faiths. We are available to ser vice all your needs in all localities. We can also carefully explain all methods of pre-planning in advance of the trauma one faces during an immediate loss, thus avoiding hurried decisions during one of the most stressful times in your life. Lockwood Funeral Home — serving with dignity, compassion and respect. — The Lockwood Family/Owners

w w w. m e t l i v i n g m a g a z i n e . c o m



Personal & Professional Service Let us honor and celebrate the life of your loved one We can provide you with many options including: Direct Burial Cremations Pre-planning Graveside Services Memorial Services Lockwood Funeral Home, 255 21st st., Brooklyn, NY 11215 phone: 718-788-0050 email: M Me e tt r ro op po o ll ii ta ta n n L L ii v v ii n ng g

81 81

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GREAT FOOD, OUTDOOR GARDEN, PARTIES & CATERING Sahara Restaurant, the Largest Turkish Cuisine Restaurant in the USA, has been in business over 25 years. We’re a great location for Weddings, Birthdays, Parties, Family Get-togethers and Corporate Events


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M e t r o p o l i ta n L i v i n g

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Advertise with us To advertise in our next issue, call (347) 733-7849

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9/19/12 9:07 AM

Bardi Catering Home of Your personal Custom Caterer. Let Us Come to Your Home or any Party Room and Give You a Culinary Experience You Will Never Forget.

Bardi Catering provides a complete range of services, from planning assistance and staffing your event to managing rental items.

Have Bardi Cater your next Party !

Smoke’N Pit BBQ : A Unique Catering Experience. Each pig is custom butchered. It is then stuffed with boneless pork roasts, seasoned from the inside out and slowly smoked to perfection and served with homemade gravy, fresh rolls and assorted BBQ sauces. This process maximizes the meat from the pig and retains the presentation for the duration of your event. Call: 718-619-9011 84

M e t r o p o l i ta n L i v i n g

bardi-half.indd 1

Websites: • w w w. m e t l i v i n g m a g a z i n e . c o m 7/23/12 11:34 PM


Granite • Marble • Limestone • Commercial & Residential Fully Insured Biggest Granite Selection On Staten Island Choose from a wide variety of granite slabs on premises 5 Day Turnaround

NO GIMMICKS, NO COUPONS, We will not be undersold! 4 8 5 I n d u strial Loop, Staten Isl and

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In Business for over 30 years. Our Family at Vito’s Bakery are proud to serve our friends and neighbors in NYC 1916 Avenue U, Brooklyn, NY 11229 718-332-3577

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Hot & Cold Catering For All Occasions Etrees Include: Fish, Veal, Beef, Pork & Pasta

We also have a wide range of deserts including custom order cakes for special occasions

We have a Full Deli, Homemade Roast Beef & Turkey, also Boar’s Head Meats M e t r o p o l i ta n L i v i n g


MetLiving’s Best U.S. Ski Slopes


inter is here, and along with the snow flurries comes ski season. If you’re planning a winter escape and seek a snowy adventure, these top ski destinations are sure to please. From Lake Tahoe to Lake Placid, Met Living explores the best places to hit the slopes in the United States.

The base lodgeStowe Mountain Resort, Stowe Vermont.

Park City, Utah

T he wor ld-famous slopes of Par k Cit y are home to the steep mountains where the United States Ski Team trains. With 500 plus inches of snowfall ever y season and around 100 powdery trails, adventure awaits around every turn at this top ski destination. It is not unusual for tourists to outnumber permanent residents here.

Gatlinburg, Tennessee

High above Gatlinburg, Tennes see is a mountaintop resort featuring nine whitewashed trails. With an amusement park, an aerial tram that sets of f from downtown Gatlinburg, and fantastic views of the Great Smoky Mountains, its easy to see why this is one of the top ski destinations in the countr y.

Mount Hood, Oregon

The world-famous Timberline Lodge is known the world over for having a longer ski season than any other resor t in the countr y. Perched at 6,000 feet on the side of Mount Hood, Timberline has over a million visitors year tound. If you’ve ever seen “The Shining”, the snow y resor t ex terior will be instantly recognizable as the Overlook Hotel.

Lake Tahoe, California and Nevada

Situated in the Sierra Nevada, Lake Tahoe is a top ski destination for downhillers living in California and Nevada. Well known for its blizzards, there are over a dozen major ski areas surrounding the lake. Heavenly Mountain Resor t holds bragging rights for the west coast’s longest ver tical drop.


M e t r o p o l i ta n L i v i n g

Lake Placid, New York

The heavy nor theastern snows make the Adirondack Mountains a top ski destination. It is famous for being the site of the Olympic Winter Games of 1932 and 1980. At 3,430 feet, Whiteface Mountain in nearby Wilmington has the highest ver tical drop in the eastern United States.

Jackson, Wyoming

With steep terrain that spreads over t wo peaks, Jackson Hole Mountain Resort is a top ski destination favored by intermediate-level skiers. Located 12 miles northwest of Jackson, the resor t features one of Nor th America’s highest vertical drops of 4,140 feet. Corbet’s Couloir has been frequently described as the scariest slope in America.

Big Sky, Montana

Situated on Lone Mountain, the resor t’s signature peak soars at an altitude of 11,100 feet, has six-mile long runs and 4,350 feet of vertical drop. The lift capacity here is 20,000 people per hour, meaning there is hardly ever a wait to get to the top.

Aspen, Colorado

Perhaps one of the most legendar y names when it comes to skiing. The Colorado ski resort has four unlinked mountains that are fit to please skiers of all levels. The only problem with visiting this world-class destination may be the price t ag, as the resor t s here are favored by the rich and famous and tend to be pricey.

Stowe, Vermont

With an average snowfall of 22 feet, the picturesque slopes of Stowe are t ypically blanketed for an exceptionally long winter s e a s o n. Lo c a t e d o n M o u n t M a n s f i e l d, Vermont’s highest mountain.

Vail, Colorado

Vail Ski Resor t has a collection of 193 marked trails on three faces, and features a cra z y ver tical drop of 3,450 feet. With around 5,300 acres of skiable terrain, the resor t brags the largest single mountain ski area in the United States and is renowned as “America’s favorite ski resor t.” After Whistler Blackcomb, Vail is the second largest resor t in Nor th America.

w w w. m e t l i v i n g m a g a z i n e . c o m

Bella Cucina


Old World Craftsmanship... New World Pricing!

From concept to creation, we create your dream kitchen 10309 Industrial loop, Staten Island, NY 11223 718-356-3313 89

M e t r o p o l i ta n L i v i n g

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M e t r o p o l i ta n L i v i n g

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M e t r o p o l i ta n L i v i n g


Yours, Mine & R’s: Staten Island’s Home Improvement Specialists


need to renovate my kitchen,” said one local man, “Where do I find a creative contractor who will be fair and honest?” D o n’t f ret, my f r ie n d, d o n’t w o r r y! There is a husband and wife team right here in the borough of Staten Island that will see the project through from star t to f inish. A nd fur t hermore, as t hey pour t heir hear t s and souls into ever y job, you, t he client, will be over joyed and happily s at isf ied. If they charged by the smiles and grins on their former clients they would already be in the contractor Hall of Fame.

Here to help you

Yours, Mine & R’s is a family owned and operated home improvements company. We specialize in all phases of h ome imp rove me n t s w i t h ove r 30


M e t r o p o l i ta n L i v i n g

years of experience. We sell and install kitchen cabinets that are framed and frameless, in all styles, contemporar y and traditional. We also sell and install windows, doors, roofing, siding, bathroom vanities, counter tops, hardwood floors, tiles, bathroom fixtures and so much more. We are your complete renovation specialists.

Customization to fit your needs

Yours, Mine & R’s is able to fit into nearly any st yle and budget wit h our ex tensi ve s ele c t ion of produc t s a nd payment options. (Financing is available) T h e i r p rofe s s i o n a l c o m p e t e n c e i s at tested to by their reputation, and the benchmark is a satisfied client. Just listen to this hear t felt message

from an elated customer who took the time to write a special card: Dear Richie & Maria, Words cannot express how much I love my new kitchen. It’s a dream come true. Your craf tsmanship and exper tise exceeded all my expectations. Richie, you are truly a master at your craf t. Maria, thank you for your ideas and guidance in helping me plan the kitchen. Without the two of you this masterpiece could not have been accomplished. Thank you! Love, Vicki Enough said. So no matter the project, Yours, Mine & R’s is there to assist you. They want to be with you from the starting gate all the way to the finish line.

w w w. m e t l i v i n g m a g a z i n e . c o m

Home Improvements Interior & Exterior Specialists with over 30 years Experience

• Security • Complete Doors Renovations • Kitchen Cabinets • Bathrooms • Finished Basements

• Decks • Siding • Windows • Roofing

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• Hardwood Floors

93 Main Street, Staten Island, NY 10307


HIC License # 1276464 NJ License # 13VH05203100

Showroom (718) 227-2632 Fax (718) 227-2066 w w w. yo u r s m i n e a n d r s . c o m

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M e t r o p o l i ta n L i v i n g


12/5/12 4:56 PM

C.R.C. Plumbing & Heating Corp. “The Family Business”

Plumbing • Heating Electric Sewer Cleaning C.R.C. Plumbing & Heating Corp. provides a full range of plumbing services for the Brooklyn area. We quickly and accurately diagnose any plumbing work that needs to be done. That way, when you have a situation that requires a professional plumber , you’ll feel confident in calling on C.R.C. Plumbing & Heating Corp. for help.

2235 East 17th Street, Brooklyn, NY 11229

718-743-6858 Lic. #1860, Lic. #1861, Fully insured


M e t r o p o l i ta n L i v i n g

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w w w. m e t l i v i n g m a g a z i n e . c o m 5/30/12 5:28 PM

Faces & the Art of Make-Up S P A


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M e t r o p o l i ta n L i v i n g

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w w w. m e t l i v i n g m a g a z i n e . c o m 7/8/11 7:45 PM

M e t r o p o l i ta n L i v i n g


Alatsas & Taub Your Neighborhood Law Firm with Citywide Experience


t is clear that there are more and more obstacles that impede the progress New Yorkers. These issues can be very daunting and sensitive because sometimes they involve what is the most precious commodity of all, family. These sentiments are addressed wholeheartedly by the law partners of Alatsas & Taub. Since its inception, the prominent sixteen-year-old firm has made Brooklyn its home and has seen its share of conflict and uncertainty. “We are very sensitive and meticulous when it comes to each situation and we use our vast legal knowledge and expertise to assure the best outcome for our clients, both monetarily and emotionally.” Theodore Alatsas ESQ. states, The firm specializes in divorce, family law and personal injury cases. As dedicated family men themselves, the partners are very concerned about the client’s best interests because they are well schooled in all aspects of the legal system. Each year there are new laws enacted which can affect the client both directly and indirectly. We take a special interest in the uncertain legal system and prepare a tactical game plan. A strategy that achieves the ultimate goal of winning the right settlement or claim that is best for you.

Tough, Experienced Divorce & Personal Injury Lawyers Serving Brooklyn, Queens, Staten Island, Manhattan & Long Island. We Are Dedicated to Achieving the Following 8 Goals for Our Clients: 1. Experienced & knowledgeable attention you deserve. 2. Aggressive representation to meet your needs. 3. Be thorough & honest in informing you of your rights & options. 4. Allow you to make final decisions. 5. Keep you apprised of the progress of your case. 6. Return phone calls & keep appointments. 7. Help you through this difficult time. 8. Treat you with dignity & respect. We honor our promises as you honor us with your trust, when you retain us.

2115 Avenue U Brooklyn, NY 11229 Call (718) 891-1200 For A Free Consultation 100

M e t r o p o l i ta n L i v i n g

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RESTAURANT & CATERERS 2926 Ave. S, Bklyn., NY 11229 P: 718-998-4222 • F: 718-376-1182

The Ultimate in affordable Elegance Buckley’s: Celebrating our 40th Anniversary M e t r o p o l i ta n L i v i n g


t t e s s a g n i B r e t a C Celebrating Our 50th Anniversar y

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9/17/12 6:48 AM


12/2/12 6:16 AM

Joe’s Bar & Grill Making your way in the world today takes everything you’ve got. Taking a break from all your worries, sure would help a lot. Wouldn’t you like to get away? Sometimes you want to go Where everybody knows your name, and they’re always glad you came. You wanna be where you can see, our troubles are all the same You wanna be where everybody knows your name.... -Cheers


M e t r o p o l i ta n L i v i n g


ould it be nice to find a place like that Show...a place where regulars ruled. Well, you have a gin joint just like that right in the Borough of Brooklyn. Joe’s Bar & Grill is as “old school” as it get s. Some c all it a chic dive but ot h e r s w o uld c a ll i t a p ie c e of N e w Yor k his tor y r ight on Avenue U. T he t ap room has been going st rong since 1934. Owner Pat rice, bor n and raised in Brook lyn, purchased t he s aloon ten years ago and vowed to keep it real. “I re-modeled t he place and cleaned it up,” s aid t he proud sole proprietor, “But, I wanted to keep all the old f ix tures and in my mind a piece K ings Count essence...a cit y landmark.” The establishment can accommodate u p t o 75 p e o p l e a n d s e v e n T V ’s ador n t he walls for cont inuous spor t s coverage. If you want weekend football or any thing athletically related-you will find it at Joe’s. There is also a thumping juke box that can handle any customer request: it has ever y t hing from Frank Sinat ra to Led Zeppelin, from Connie Francis to Iron Maiden. Trust me...your ears will be ringing wit h happines s... Let’s talk honest to goodness food... The tavern is essentially a Gastro-Pub. I t s e r ve s qu a li t y gr ub t h at w ill h ave

yo u r t a s t e b u d’s s i z z li n g w i t h g l e e. Chef George (Pat rice’s f iancee) whips up stellar food t hat has loyal pat rons biting their lips with over whelming satisfaction. Whatever is on the menu... George cooks it fresh...and to order... a nd w i t h e nough t a s te to k noc k t he suds of f your brew. Let’s see what some local folks think of the historic canteen. “If you want a great place that is reasonably priced, friendly and just an old time gin can’t beat Joe’s,” said Frank from Stillwell Avenue, “It is a true blue kinda place.” That seems to be the word on the street. “Joe’s is great and such a local landmark,” gushed Tammy from Coney island, “I spend the day at the boardwalk and then finish out the day with drinks and dinner at Joe’s. What could be better than a real old fashioned watering hole.” So if you happen to be in the neighborhood and want to take a nostalgic walk down Memor y Lane and visit a cocktail lounge that has not, and will not change... While we renovate t he k itchen, stop over at Joe’s for some drink specials, play pool or dar t s and of course have some great convers at ion. Of course when it warms up in spring t ake it out side in t he garden.

w w w. m e t l i v i n g m a g a z i n e . c o m

JOE’S BAR & GRILL 257 Ave. U, New York, NY 11223 718-372-9595

Open 7 days a week 11am – 4am

Come check out our daily drink specials Look for our upcomming NEW & EXCITING MENU

A s Old School a s O l d S c h o o l G e t s M e t r o p o l i ta n L i v i n g Joes_bar_full_Ad.indd 1


11/14/12 4:16 PM

Savino: Architects with Vision


f you are someone interested in building something, or maybe you just want to remodel , it is imperative that you enlist a knowledgeable architect who not only knows his or her craft but also logistics and building codes. Ever ywhere you look in this great metropolis you see remarkable structures. But it is a safe bet if you gaze over New York’s iconic skyline, your eyes will fall on some real eyesores. What to do? If you need someone who is local and a heralded creator of complex constructions he is right around the corner.

Available when you need them

St aten Island’s own Steven Savino has been in the architectural problem solving game since the 1980’s. After graduating from New York Institute Of Technology in 1987, Savino set up shop on St aten Island so that as he likes to put it he is as accessible as possible. “Any t ype of construction is complicated, whether it is a home or a commercial busines s. When under t ak ing any t ype of job in N e w Yo r k C i t y i t c a n b e d o w n r i g h t maddening. I feel it is best to be close to t he st reet so client s c an come into my of f ic e a n d a s k q u e s t io n s b efo re making the big decisions that are both personal and f inancial.”

Awareness of their surroundings

Savino Architects mainly ser ves New Yo r k a n d N e w Je r s ey. T h e of f ic e i s comprised of four designers who are there to tackle any and all construction as signment s. No job is too small, and


M e t r o p o l i ta n L i v i n g

t he more challenging t he bet ter. The firm is a member of the American Institute of A rchitect s. In addition, t he crew has worked on the Atlantic Express building, several bus companies, various loc al busines ses and pr ivate homes. P re s e n t l y S av in o i s t ac k lin g s eve r a l millio n doll a r plu s re s ide nc e s a nd a cafe. A key component to the business is ma k ing w hatever st r uct ure f it into t he l a nd s c a p e of t he ne ighb o r ho o d. A s architect s Savino and his crew feel are sensit ive to t he topography of t he project, which is just as impor t ant as t he impending st r ucture.

Full-time Architect, Part-time Therapist

When it comes to design there a re m a n y c r i t i c s. S av i n o A rc h i t e c t s a s sist s t he client w it h all a spect s of t he job. From be ginning to t he end.

Savino jokes t hat he has also become quite a therapist while in the war room wit h client s. “A rchitecture in any form c a n be ver y per s ona l”, s ay s S av ino, “ T h e w i f e w a n t s Tu d o r s t y l e w h i l e t h e h u s b a n d w a n t s s p l i t l e v e l. T h e ow ner w a nt s indu s t r ia l s t y le bu t t he inve stor wa nt s A r t Dec o.” T he Fra nk Lloyd Wright loving architect goes on to s ay “I t r y to communic ate and help people understand the process so t he experience is as pleasing and as painles s as pos sible.” So no matter what the housing i s s u e, dro p in a n d s e e S t eve n S av in o a n d c o m p a n y. T h e y w i l l a n s w e r a n y que s t ion a nd help s ol ve a ny problem. Do you know present building codes or w hat “air r ight s” are? Steven Savino does. What a comfor t to old pros and new voyagers set ting out a n e w v e n t u r e.

w w w. m e t l i v i n g m a g a z i n e . c o m

Steven R. Savino ARCHITECT

The Firm

Steven R. Savino Architect was established in 1995 and is a full service architectural firm providing designs for residential, commercial, industrial and manufacturing uses. I work closely with the client to fulfill their design and functional needs while keeping the client’s budget in mind. Since its inception, I have provided highly creative designs to meet the client’s needs in many areas such as: interior and exterior design, space planning, site design and project development. Our goal is to provide the client with the most proficient means of analyzing their needs and developing the space to provide for a more creative solution that meets the clients design criteria. Design, functionality and aesthetics is what we strive for along with providing construction documents that graphically express the design to the owner and contractor. Steven R. Savino is dedicated to providing his clients with the finest service while providing simple solutions to complex problems using creativity and elegance without sacrificing the design and functional aspect of the project.


s Our services consist of Residential, Commercial, Industrial buildings, zoning and building code analysis and site development. The firm also specializes in removing violations issued by the various city agencies.

We specialize in:

New Buildings, Restaurant design, Gas Station Design, Alterations, Additions, Roof Raises, Conversions, Public Assembly permits, Certificates of Occupancy, Fireplaces, Equipment use permits, Decks.

My firm works with all city agencies in all five boroughs such as: Department of Building, Highway Department, City Planning, Fire Department, Parks Department, Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC), Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), Environmental Control Board (ECB).

I am a member of the American Institute of Architects. 4158 Victory Blvd. Staten Island, NY 10314 • Phone: 718 983-6575 • Fax 718 983-0220 • email:

Dairy Maid Ravioli Pasta Factory Pasta Products Made Daily for New York and Beyond


ere you ever on the Atkins diet? If you were, you must have craved pasta, but were forbidden to eat it. Well, thank God, that weight-watching craze is over! Because, let’s face it, it was unhealthy and no fun. So now that you can splurge a little…there is a macaroni mecca for you right in the heart of Brooklyn.

“Everything you see I owe to pasta.” – Sophia Loren

All About Pasta and Family

The historic Dairy Maid Ravioli pasta factor y has been around since 1953 and has been churning out delicious and delectable pasta products, much to the adoration of all New Yorkers. This past a factor y and ret ail shop is loc ated in t he Gravesend sect ion of Brooklyn. Owners Sal and Lou Ballarino are very proud to create new and trendy varieties of pastas and raviolis. “In today’s day and age of the big conglomerates, for a small to medium size firm to make it to 60 years is a major accomplishment,” say Sal and Lou Ballarino. “Our goal is to provide the freshest products to our pat rons wit h t he highest qualit y ingredients,” said Ballarino. All products are made daily on the premises at 216 Avenue U.

Variety is the Key

Oh…..let me name some of t heir appetizing creations. They have hef t y rigatoni, gnocchi, lasagna, manicot ti, ravioli, st uf fed shells, tor tellini, and fettucini, just to name a few. I am making


M e t r o p o l i ta n L i v i n g

myself hungr y. I will just head over to Dairy Maid Ravioli and try the delectable pumpk in s t u f fed rav ioli, a s e a s ona l favorite, that are now made all year long because of the popular demand. When I saw the line of people, I knew I had come to the right place for my pasta fix. Patrons will discover impor ted olive oils, b a ls a mic v ine g a r s, homemade sauces, and impor ted cheeses. Their broad line of products give the consumer the ability to stock their homes with hard to find Italian fare.

For Commercial and Family

A ll p ro d u c t s a re av a il a b l e fo r ret a il o r w h o l e s a l e p u rc h a s e. T h e m a r ke t s t he company ser vices include t he Tr iS t a t e a re a a s w e l l a s F l o r i d a, Tex a s, a n d M a s s a c h u s e t t s. A l l p ro d u c t s a re m a n u f a c t u re d u n d e r t h e D a i r y M a i d name and are available for private l a b e l. This place is just like New York City, if you can’t find it here, then, it isn’t made.

w w w. m e t l i v i n g m a g a z i n e . c o m

When was the last time you had an enjoyable shopping experience? Here at Dairy Maid Ravioli we can provide that for you. Our sales associates provide good and friendly service, the old-fashioned way. WHOLESALE OPPORTUNITIES All of our products sold in our store, and on our site, are available to wholesalers, restaurants, distributors, and other pasta manufacturers. We also offer private labeling on all of our products so that your company can offer a full line of the highest quality pasta products with your own name on them.

Dairy Maid Ravioli, MFG. Corp. 216 Avenue U Brooklyn, NY 11223 Toll Free: 866-777-3661 Tel.: (718) 449-2620

W W W . D A I R Y M A I D R A V I O L I . C O M M e t r o p o l i ta n L i v i n g dairy_maid-full.indd 1

109 10/3/12 3:34 PM

Advertise with us To advertise in our next issue, call 347-733-7849

EXPANDED COVERAGE WITH A BRAND NEW MAGAZINE Alongside our extremely successful Brooklyn/Staten Island edition — currently out now, at 152 pages increasing to 160 pages in our 024 issue — we have now created a Manhattan/Queens/Nassau magazine for this areas. Our first edition is a 48 page, full-color glossy magazine featuring exciting area businesses, entertainment information and riveting articles. We are confident you will find us a compelling read. As with our Brooklyn/Staten Island magazine which started out as at 36 pages just 2 years ago, our vision and goals for this magazine’s growth are even higher. Thank you for picking up our magazine, and look for our next magazine which will be 72 pages. For promotional rates Please Call: •347-492-6039•347-492-6040 •347-733-7849 or Email:

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Nivram International A World of Classic Rugs

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Buy direct from the major importer on the east coast, imports from Turkey, Belgium and more.


M e t r o p o l i ta n L i v i n g

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6/26/12 4:02 PM


Authentic Neapolitan Pizza

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Baked In Our Wood Burning Ovens

MILL BASIN 6610 AVENUE U BROOKLYN, NY 11234 718.251.8030

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M e t r o p o l i ta n L i v i n g

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12/13/12 12:50 PM

Entertainment Guide Met-Living On Broadway Jazz” and “Mister Cellophane.” Ambassador Theatre Open-Ended


The Cast of Annie

Bring It On: The Musical

In Bring It On: The Music al, t he highstakes world of competitive cheerleading is inter t wined with cut throat high school politics to tell the stor y of Campbell, the heir apparent to the head cheerleader at Truman High School. St. James Theatre Closing Dec. 30, 2012


A baby stowaway in Santa’s sack, Buddy, raised in the North Pole as an elf, turns out to be human — and embarks on a quest to find his real family. Based on the 2003 holiday movie. Al Hirschfeld Theatre Closing 06 Jan 2013

War Horse

Utilizing puppetr y, scenic elements, music and movement, the epic comes to life in a breathtakingly original production. The drama recounts the adventures of a horse as he moves from life on a farm into the battles of World War 1. It’s also the story of a friendship put through the toughest tests. Vivian Beaumont Theater Closing 06 Jan 2013


M e t r o p o l i ta n L i v i n g

Jersey Boys

Jersey Boys tells the rags-to-riches stor y of one of the greatest successes in pop music histor y — Frankie Valli & the Four Seasons. Meet the four blue-collar kids working their way from the streets of Newark to the heights of st ardom. The musical features such Seasons’ hits as “Big Girls Don’t Cr y,” “Oh What a Night” and “Can’t Take My Eyes Of f of You.” August Wilson Theatre Open-Ended

Mary Poppins

Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious! Based on the books by P.L. Travers and the classic Walt Disney film, this is the stor y of the Banks family and how their lives change af ter the arrival of nanny Mar y Poppins at their home at 17 Cherr y Tree Lane in London. New Amsterdam Theatre Open-Ended


For a couple of Jazz Age enter tainers, it’s all about fame, for tune. The razzle-dazzle musical where a sensational murder trial is acted out in vaudeville specialties. The score includes “Razzle-Dazzle,” “All That

The pluck y redheaded orphan and her scr uf f y mut t Sandy make t heir way in Depression-era New York from a dismal orphanage to the home of billionaire Daddy Warbucks. The Tony Award-winning musical includes the songs “Tomorrow,” “Little Girls,” “Easy Street,” “NYC” and “You’re Never Fully Dressed Without a Smile.” Palace Theatre Open-Ended

The Lion King

J u l i e Ta y m o r ’s a c c l a i m e d s t a g i n g of the Disney animated film has been hailed a s a B ro a d w a y landmark. The Lion King tells t he stor y of t he epic ad vent ure s of a young lion cub named Simba as he st r uggles The Lion King to accept the re s p o n s ib ili t i e s of ad u l t h o o d a n d h i s destined role as king. Minskoff Theatre Closing Open-Ended


The Broadway debut of this beloved Rodgers and Hammerstein musical of fers a new romantic t wist on the ultimate makeover stor y of a maid-turned-princess, mixing fresh comedy with the fair y tale’s classic elements — the pumpkin, glass slipper, masked ball and more. Broadway Theatre Closing Open-Ended

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Met-Living at the Movies Jack Ryan

21 & over

Keira Knightley, Chris Pine In Theaters: Dec 25 Action | Drama | Thriller -

Miles Teller, Justin Chon In Theaters: Mar. 1 Comedy

Jack Ryan, as a young cover t CIA analyst, uncovers a Russian plot to crash the U.S. economy with a terrorist at tack.

The night before his big medical school exam, a promising student celebrates his 21st bir thday with his t wo best friends.

Stand Up Guys

A pair of aging con men tr y to get the old gang back together for one last hurrah before one of t he guys t akes his la st assignment -- to kill his comrade. Al Pacino

The Secret Life Of Walter Mitty

A timid magazine photo manager who lives life vicariously through daydreams embarks on a true-life adventure when a negative goes missing.

Ben Stiller, Sean Penn In Theaters: Dec. 25 Adventure | Comedy | Drama

Al Pacino, Christopher In Theaters: Jan. 11 Comedy | Crime

Beautiful Creatures

Ethan longs to escape his small Southern town. He meets a mysterious new girl, Lena. Together, they uncover dark secrets about their respective families, their histor y and their town. Alice Englert, Viola Davis In Theaters: Feb. 13 Drama | Romance

The To Do List

Feeling pressured to become more sexually experienced before she goes to college, Brandy Clark makes a list of t hings to accomplished before hit ting c ampus in the fall. Connie Britton, Andy Samberg In Theaters: Feb. 14 Comedy | Teen

Escape from Planet Earth

Astronaut Scorch Supernova finds himself caught in a trap when he responds to an SOS from a notoriously dangerous alien planet. Sean Penn

Brendan Fraser, Sarah Jessica Parker In Theaters: Feb. 14 Animation | Adventure | Comedy

Vanessa Williams

Tyler Perry’s The Marrige Counsler

A ma r r iage c oun s elor ’s pe r s on a l a nd profes sional life becomes complic ated af ter she enters into a relationship with one of her clients. Jurnee Smollett, Vanessa Williams In Theaters: Mar. 29 Drama

M e t r o p o l i ta n L i v i n g


Entertainment Guide Stay at Home & Watch a Blu-Ray Classic

Towering Inferno (1974) Paul Newman, Steve McQueen Action Poseidon Ad vent ur e (1972 ) Gene Hackman, Shelly Winter Action Heat (1995) Rober t Dinero, Al Pachino Crime Tit anic (1997) Leonardo DeCaprio, Kate Winsiet Drama G host (1996) Demi Moore, Patrick Swazey Drama One Flew O ver t he Cookoo’s nest (1975) Jack Nicholson, Louise Fletcher Drama R aging Bull (1980) Rober t Dinero, Cathy Moriar ty Spor ts/Drama G r ease (1978) John Travolta, Olivia NewtonJohn Musical S at ur day Night


M e t r o p o l i ta n L i v i n g

Fever (1977) John Travolta, Karen Lynn Groney Drama /Musical E .T. (1982 ) Henr y Thomas, Drew Barr ymore Family China Tow n (1974 Jack Nicholson, Faye Duneway Drama /Myster y R aider s of t he Lost A rk (1981) Harrison Ford, Karen Allen Adventure S t ar War s (1977) Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford Action Adventure/Fantasy Do t he R ight Thing (1989) Danny Aliello, Ossie Davis Drama Tr aining Day (2001) Denzel Washington, Ethan Hawke Drama

Unt il S eptember (1984) Karren Allen, Thierr y Lhermit te Drama /Romance Indecent Pr oposal

(1993) Rober t Redford, Demi Moore Drama S liding Door s (1998) Gwenth Paltrow, John Hannah Comedy/Drama Fr ank ie & Johnny (1966) Elvis Presley, Donna Douglas Comedy/Musical/Romance S ea of Love (1989) All Pachino, Ellen Barkin Crime/Drama /Myster y The S hining (1980) Jack Nicholson, Shelly Duvall Horror The Big Chill (1983) Tom Berenger, Glenn Close Comedy/Drama Tommy Boy (1995) Chris Farley, David Spaid Comedy The 7t h S ign (198 8) Demi Moore, Michael Biehn Drama /Fantasy Cadd y S hack (1980) Chevy Chase, Rodney Danger field Spor t /Comedy Back To S chool (1986) Rodney Danger field, Sally Kellerman Comedy R ain M an (198 8) Tom Cruise, Dustin Hof fman Drama Die H ar d (198 8) Bruce Willis, Alan Rickman Action W hen H arr y Met S ally (1989) Billy Cr ystal, Meg Ryan Comedy/Drama /Romance Terms O f Endearment (1983) Shirley Maclaine, Debra Winger

Romance/Comedy/Drama B r oadcast News (1987) William Hur t, Alber t Brooks Comedy/Drama /Romance S t and By Me (1986) Wil Wheaton, River Phoenix Adventure/Drama The Terminator (1984) Arnold Schwarenegger, Linda Hamilton Action Gone Wit h The Wind (1939) Clark Gable, Vivien Leigh Drama /Romance The Bad News Bear s (1976) Walter Mat thau, Tatum O’Neil Comedy/Family/Spor ts

Yent l (1983) Barbra Streisand, Amy Ir ving Drama /Musical/Romance Airpor t 1975 (1974) Char ton Heston, Karen Black Action/Drama / Thriller Jaws (1975) Roy Scheider, Rober t Shaw Thriller The Deer Hunter (1978)

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Rober t Dinero, Christopher Walken Drama Rock y (1976) Sylvester Sallone, Talia Shire Drama /Spor t A merican G r af fit i (1973) Richard Dreyfuss, Ron Howard Action Goodfellas (1990) Rober t De Niro, Joe Pesci Action/Drama Wi zar d of Oz (1939) Judy Garland, Roy Bloger Musical/Fantsy Bad Boys (1983) Sean Penn, Ally Sheedy Action A Night mar e on Elm S t r eet (1984) Rober t Englund, Johnny Depp Horror S aving Private R yan (1998) Tom Hanks, Ed Burns Action The G r een Mile (1999) Tom Hanks, Michael Clarke Duncan Crime/Drama /Fantasy Driving Miss Daisy (1989) Morgan Freeman, Jessica Tandy Comedy/Drama The Fr ench Connect ion (1971) Gene Hackman, Roy Scheider Action/Crime/ Thriller The Fugit ive (1993) Harrison Ford, Tommy Lee Jones Action/Adventure The Way We Wer e (1973) Rober t Redford, Barbra

Streisand Romance The Goodbye G irl (1977) Richard Dreyfuss, Marsha Mason Comedy/Romance S uperman (1978) Christopher Reeve, Margot Kidder Action W hat ’s Eat ing Gilber t Grape (1993) Johnny Depp, Leonardo DiCaprio Drama Bat man (1989) Michael Keaton, Jack Nicholson Action The Accident al Tourist (198 8) William Hur t, Kathleen Turner Drama /Romance The S hawshank Redempt ion (1994) Tim Robbins, Morgan Freeman Crime/Drama Alien (1979) Sigourney Weaver, Tom Skerritt Horror/Sci-Fi Toy S tor y (1995) Tom Hanks, Tim Allen Animation/Adventure/Comedy The Last Emper or (1987)

John Lone, Joan Chen Biography/Drama /Histor y The B r eak fast Club (198 5) Emilio Estevez, Judd Nelson Comedy/Drama A pocaly pse Now (1979) Mar tin Sheen, Marlon Brando Drama / War Dir t y H arr y (1971) Clint East wood, Andrew Robinson Action/Crime/Drama Willy Wonka & t he Chocolate Factor y (1971) Gene Wilder, Jack Alber tson Family/Fantasy/Musical

Animation/Comedy/Crime Ghostbusters (1984) Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd Comedy/Family/Fantasy S chindler ’s List (1993) Liam Neeson, Ralph Fiennes Biography/Drama /Histor y Lilo & S t ich (2002 ) Daveigh Chase, Tia Carrere Family A Few Good Men (1992 ) Tom Cruise, Jack Nicholson Crime/Drama /Myster y Independence Day (1996) Will Smith, Bill Pullman Action/Adventure/Sci-Fi

Charlton Heston in Airport ’75

M ad M a x (1979) Mel Gibson, Joanne Samuel Action/Adventure/ Thriller A pollo 13 (1995) Tom Hanks, Bill Paxton Drama /Histor y The Untouchables (1987) Kevin Costner, Sean Conner y Biography/Crime/Drama R aising A ri zona (1987) Nicolas Cage, Holly Hunter Adventure/Comedy/Crime W ho Fr amed Roger R abbit (198 8) Bob Hoskins, Christopher Lloyd

The Dark K night (2008) Christian Bale, Heath Ledger Action/Drama Avat ar Sam Worthington, Zoe Saldana Adventure/Fantasy Toy S tor y I I I (2010) Tom Hanks, Tim Allen Animation/Comedy On t he Water fr ont (1954) Marlon Brando, Karl Malden Crime | Drama The Godfather (1972) Marlon Brando, Al Pacino Crime | Drama

M e t r o p o l i ta n L i v i n g


Entertainment Guide Sports Trivia 1. Britain’s Linford Christie was banned from competing for t wo years in which spor t?

banned in high schools in ever y state except Rhode Island?

2 . Which countr y’s entire team was barred from competing at the Paralympics in Sydney?

12 . What spor t awards the Maurice Podolof f Trophy?

3. Which spor ts figure holds the record for appearing the most times on the cover of Spor ts Illustrated? 4 . Who is the only man to play both a NFL game and a MLB game in a single day? 5. Which t wo countries have not missed one of the modern day Olympics? 6. What is the maximum weight for a golf ball?

13. How many panels make up a soccer ball? 14 . How many stitches are there on a baseball? 15. Who was the first female parachutist? 16. What is the most watched spor t in the world? 17. Which spor t has the largest number of par ticipants in the world?

7. In Olympic badminton how many feathers does the bird have?

18 . In what year did boxing become a legal spor t in the U.S.A.?

8 . What professional spor t did bank robber John Dillinger play?

19. What edible substance was found in golf balls?

9. Who was the only person elected to both the football and the baseball hall of fame?

20. Who holds baseball’s record for the most stolen bases in a single season?

10. Wayne Levi was the first golfer to win a PGA tournament using a colored ball. What color was the ball?

21. Who holds the record in basketball for the most career rebounds?

11. Which track and field event is

What question would Hockey Legend Wayne Gretzky be the correct answer?

22 . Which woman took silver in the men’s World Figure Skating Championship in 1902? 23. Who holds the record for the most goals in the NHL? 24 . James Naismith is credited with inventing which spor t? 2 5. In basketball how far is


M e t r o p o l i ta n L i v i n g

the free throw line from the net? 26. In which spor t might you find a dagger and a trapeze? 27. Which countr y held the 2008 Olympics. 2 8 . In which spor t did Sonny Liston par ticipate? 29. Af firmed, won the triple crown in 1978, who was his regular jockey? 30. Who eight gold medals at the 2008 Summer Olympics? Answers on page 127

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Met-Living’s Movie Trivia 1. Who plays Joe Pendleton in the movie Heaven Can Wait?

8 . Which movie pairs up Kristy Alley and John Travolta?

2 . What war film stars Tommy Lee Jones and Samuel L. Jackson?

9. Who stars as the president in the movie The American President?

3. What kind of dog was Milo in the movie The Mask?

10. What is the name of the film that has Goldie Hawn joining the army?

4 . What is the name of the character played by Patrick Swayze in the blockbuster Dir ty Dancing?

11. Who plays Greg Focker in the movie Meet the Fockers?

5. What movie features three unemployed professors set ting up an agency to catch ghosts? 6. Who stars as Doctor Doolit tle in the 1998 version of the movie? 7. In which movie does Kevin Costner play a character named Roy McAvoy?

Question #25 What mythical creature did Daryl Hannah play in the movie “Splash”?

12 . In the film Poseidon who plays the character Rober t Ramsey? 13. Who does Robin Williams play in the film A Night at the Museum? 14 . W h a t i s t h e n a m e o f t h e m o v i e where actor Sharon Stone plays a gunfighter? 15. In the film Gladiator who does Russell Crowe play? 16. In which film does Rober t De Niro play a homosexual pirate? 17. Who directed the Oscar winning movie Dances with Wolves? 18 . Who plays the main detective in the film Basic Instinct?

21. “A business on the line. A friendship on t he edge. A woman c aught in t he middle.” This is the tagline from the film Tequila Sunrise. Who plays the woman in the middle? 2 2 . In the movie License to Wed who plays the role of Rev. Frank? 23. In the movie Batman who wrote and per formed all the songs?

19. In which movie does Justin Timberlake play a character named Ronnie?

24 . In the movie Willow, Willow is not a hobbit, elf or a dwar f. What kind of being is he?

20. In which film does Robin Williams play a character named John Keating?

2 5 . In the movie Splash what kind of mythical creature does Daryl Hannah play?

Movie Trivia A nswer s 1. Wa r ren Be at t y 2 . Rules of Engagement 3. A Jack Russell Te r r i e r 4 . Johnny Castle 5. Ghost Busters 6. Eddie Murphy 7. T i n C u p 8 . L o o k W h o ’s Ta l k i n g

9. Michael Douglas 10 . P r i v a t e B e n j a m i n 11 . B e n S t i l l e r 12 . K u r t R u s s e l l 13 . Te d d y R o o s e v e l t 14 . T h e Q u i c k a n d the Dead 15 . Ma ximus 16 . S t a r d u s t, D e N i ro p l a y s t h e ro l e of C a pt a i n S h a ke s p e a re.

17. K e v i n C o s t n e r. 18 . Michael Dougla s 19 . B l a c k S n a k e Moan 20. Dead Poets Society 21. Michelle P fei f fer 2 2 . Robin Williams 23. Prince 2 4 . He is a Nelw y n. 2 5. Mermaid

Question #19. Justin Timberlake

M e t r o p o l i ta n L i v i n g


Entertainment Guide New York Knicks Home Court: Madison Square Garden Manhattan, NY:


he New York Knickerbockers, commonly referred to as the Knicks, are part of the Atlantic Division of the Eastern Conference in the National Basketball Association (NBA). The team was established in 1946 as one of the founding members of the Basketball Association of America (BAA), which became the NBA after merging with their rival, the National Basketball League (NBL) in 1949. The Knicks are one of only t wo teams of the original National Basketball Association still

located in its original cit y (the ot her being t he Bo s ton C el t ic s). T he K nic k s we re s uc c e s s f ul during their early years and were c o n s t a n t p l a y o f f c o n t e n d e r s. Beginning in 1950, the Knicks made three consecutive appearances in the NBA Finals, all of which were losing ef for ts. In the late 1960s when Red Holzman became head coach did t he K nick s begin to regain t heir former dominance. Holzman successfully guided the Knicks to t wo championship titles in 1970 and 1973. The playof f-level K nicks of t he 19 9 0 s w e re l e d b y f u t u re H a l l of F a m e c e n t e r P a t r i c k E w i n g; this era was marked by three intense rivalries with the Miami H e a t , t h e I n d i a n a P a c e r s a n d, of c o u r s e, M i c h e a l J o r d a n a n d the Chicago Bulls

Carmello Anthony

Brooklyn Nets Home Court: Barclay Center Broolyn, NY

T Deron Williams


M e t r o p o l i ta n L i v i n g

he Nets are back in New York. Members of the Atlantic Division of the Eastern Conference in the National Basketball Association (NBA). The team is the second NBA franchise that play home games in New York City An original member of the American Basketball Association (ABA), the Nets w e re fo u n de d in 1967 a n d ini t i a ll y p l aye d i n Te a n e c k, N e w Je r s e y a s t h e N e w J e r s e y A m e r i c a n s. I n i t s early years, t he team led a nomadic existence, moving to Long Island in

1968 and playing in var ious arenas t here as t he New Yor k Net s. It won t wo ABA championships in New Yor k b e f o re b e c o m i n g o n e of f o u r A B A te ams to be admit ted into t he NBA a s p a r t of t he A BA – NBA merger in 1976. The team t hen moved back to New Jersey in 1977 and bec ame t he New Jer sey Net s. Dur ing t heir t ime in t hat s t ate, t he Net s s aw per iods of losing and misfor tune intermit tent with several periods of success, which culminated in t wo consecu t ive NBA Finals appearances in t he 2001– 02 and 2002– 03 seasons. Af ter 35 seasons in New Jersey, the team returned to the state of New York in 2012 to play in the new Barclays Center in Brooklyn.

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2015 Brooklyn Islanders


wner Charles B. Wang, Barclays Center Majority Owner and Developer Bruce Ratner, and Onexim Sports and Entertainment announced that the Islanders will move to Barclays Center in Brooklyn. The 25-year agreement begins for the 2015-16 season. The announcement was made at a press conference in the GEICO Atrium at Barclays Center, which was also at tended by New York Cit y Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg, Nat ional Hockey League Commis sioner Gary Bettman, Brooklyn Borough President Marty Markowitz, Islanders General Manager Garth Snow, and Barclays Center CEO Brett Yormark. In support of the illustrious history of the team, the New York Islanders name and logo will remain unchanged. “It was our goal from day one to keep t he Islander s in t he local New York area.” Wa n g s a i d. “ We’r e t hr ille d to have t he oppor tunity to play in Barclays Center, a first class arena. This has been a long journey for the Islanders family star ting with our loyal fans, sponsors, and employees. I want to personally thank them f o r t h e i r p a t i e n c e, loyalt y, and suppor t. I a m exc i t e d a b o u t today’s announcement and I am looking for ward to a long and succes sf ul f u t ure in Brooklyn.” “More than ever

before, Brooklyn is the place where everyone w a nt s to be,” M ayor Bloomberg s a id. “Barclays Center has already brought an incredible amount of excitement to Brooklyn since its recent opening. Now things will get even more interesting, with Brooklyn’s first-ever NHL franchise. Whether or not you’re a hockey fan, more events at Barclays Center will lead to more economic activity and more jobs, and that’s good news for all New Yorkers.”

Another great day for Brooklyn

B P M a r k o w i t z s a i d. “ W h e n I f i r s t campaigned for Borough President, I made the promise that I would bring a major-league spor ts team to Brooklyn. But never, in my wildest dreams, did I think we would be home to both the Brooklyn Nets and the

(L-R) New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, Barclays Center developer Bruce Ratner and New York Islanders owner Charles Wang

New York Islanders. With the Nets and the Islanders, Brooklyn is beginning a dominant power-play.” “ T h e B ro o k l y n N et s a re exc i t e d t o welcome the Islanders to Barclays Center and Brooklyn!” Yormark said. “Barclays Center will offer the Islanders with an exciting oppor tunit y to grow their fan base and to build their brand. Islander fans are going to love Barclays 1980-83 Center for its intimacy, Stanley Cup champions sight line s, Brook l y n New York Taste culinary program, Islanders. and customer service. We are looking forward to opening our doors for the Islanders and bringing the best in spor ts and entertainment to Brooklyn.” Barclays Center will h o l d 14,5 0 0 s e a t s for Isla nder ga me s. Current Islander season ticket holders will have f irst right s to purcha se se a son tickets in Brooklyn.

M e t r o p o l i ta n L i v i n g


Entertainment Guide Casinos & Hotel Show Guide Las Vegas Le Reve Le Rêve - The Dream welcomes you into a warm, romantic and mysterious world in an intimate aqua theater-in-the round. From a thrilling high-dive to an underwater tango,stunning performers and aerial feats of strength and agility will literally take your breath away. 1/1 – Le Reve Theatre

Celine Dion Celine is once again per forming at the Colosseum at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas. This glamorous show, designed exclusively for The Colos seum at Caes ars Palace, features 31 musicians, consisting of a full orchestra and band. The show’s concept is one-of-a-k ind and includes Celine’s biggest hit s per formed with a stunning visual presentation. 1/3 – Caesar Palace

Blue Man Group

Disney On Ice: Dare To Dream

Your favorite Disney princesses and their big dreams: Tiana (from “The Princess and the Frog”), Cinderella, and Rapunzel. Their stories brought to life with the artistry of ice skating to create an unforgettable family experience 1/16 – Thomas And Mack Center

Soul 2 Soul: Tim Mcgraw & Faith Hill

The biggest musical event in the Venetian Hotel And Casino history. Husband and wife superstars Tim McGraw and Faith Hill promise duets, covers and more like you’ve never seen them before. 2/1-Venetian Hotel And Casino

Blue Man Group The new, mega-enhanced show is a thrilling, energy-infused experience that introduces wildly invent ive music al inst r ument s, a

humorous look at robots and creativit y, and a mind-blowing (literally) tour inside the neural net work of the human brain. 2/1 – Monte Carlo Theatre

Jan Rouven: Illusions Sleek, stylish, verging on couture and probably something you’d see in the crowd at a chic, post-goth nightclub. Rouven’s tricks share an undercurrent of danger that will have you on the edge of your seat. 2/5 – Starlite Theatre


A surreal experience for adults, Absinthe features wild and outlandish acts in a theatre-in-the-round presentation. a mix of decadence, imagination, carnival and old world burlesque. A night of imagination that amazes and inspires. 2/8 – Caesar Palace

Reno/Lake Tahoe Aladdin

A cast of live actors tell the magical tale of “Aladdin and His Lamp” with the fantastic new stage effect of Live Action 3D Megavision. This amazing new technique brings the scenery into three dimensional reality as well as the character of the genie, which is a 3D cartoon that interacts live on stage with the actors and with the audience. 1/1-1/13 – El Dorado Hotel

Soul 2 Soul: Tim Mcgraw & Faith Hill

The biggest musical event in the Venetian


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show,” features 440 booths showcasing all the latest in marine technology, engines, accessories, nautical gifts, and more. 2/10/13 – Atlantic City Convention Center


Blue Oyster Cult

Blue Oyster Cult Hotel And Casino history. Husband and wife superstars Tim McGraw and Faith Hill promise duets, covers and more like you’ve never seen them before. 2/1-Venetian Hotel And Casino

The Who

The British group The Who will go on tour for the Quadrophenia and more Tour. You’ll love Roger Daltrey’s stage charisma and Pete Townshend windmill guitar strumming! See the legendary rock band perform Jamie songs such as Foxx “Baba O’Riley,” “Behind Blue Eyes,” and “My Generation”! The Who will also perform the complete 1973 rock opera double album Quadrophenia. 2/2 – Reno Event Center

Atlantic City Jamie Fox T he POOL at Ha r ra hs Re sor t - C ome dressed-up to get in the door, or pack a suit to take a dip, as night swimming is available from 9pm-4am. With flashing

lights, stocked bar, and ample pool space, this oasis combines a club atmosphere with a pristine aquatic t wist. Dancers get down in calf-deep water against a background of curtained-off cabanas. All White Dress-code enforced by doorman. 1/4,5/13 – Harrah’s Atlantic City

Battle At The Boardwalk

This 2-day Epic Brands Spirit Unlimited National Cheerleading Championship This is a USASF All-Star Event and a US Finals Qualifier. 2/1,2/13 – Atlantic City Convention Center

Rufus Wainwright

Rufus McGarrigle Wainwright is an American-Canadian singer-songwriter and composer. He has recorded seven albums of original music and numerous tracks on compilations and film soundtracks. 2/8/13– Borgata Music Box

Atlantic City Boat Show See what’s new. Find the boat of your dreams and everything to go with it at the Atlantic City Convention Center. From luxury motor and sailing yachts to personal watercraft, there are boats for every lifestyle, activity and budget. If it’s for boating, you’ll find it here—the Marine Marketplace, a 93,000 sq. ft. “show within the

Known for cult classics “(Don’t Fear) The Reaper,” “Godzilla,” and “Burnin’ for You,” their unique science fiction influenced music has lasted longer than three decades. Get ready for a night of sleek hard rock with band members Eric Bloom, Donald “buck D ha r ma” Roe s er, A llen L a nier, Ric hie Castellano and Jule Radino. 2/3/13 – Ridgefield Ct

The Temptations & The Four Tops Two of the most influential groups in music for more than 40 years. An integral part of the Motown machine in the 60’s, The Temptations & The Four Tops brought that smooth R & B sound into pop music and created some of the most recognizable songs in music history: “The Way You Do the Things You Do,” “My Girl,” “Baby I Need Your Lovin’,” “I Can’t Help Myself” and many more. 2/6/13-Palace Theatre

The Association

Free Concert in Wolf Den — The Association are one of the best vocal groups of the 1960s! The Association perform all their million selling hits, “Cherish”, “Windy”, “Along Comes Mary”, “Everything That Touches You” … , and so many more! “Never My Love” is the second most played song on the radio of all time! 1/25/13 – Mohegan Sun

M e t r o p o l i ta n L i v i n g


Entertainment Guide Best Books (Fiction) The Racketeer

By John Grisham. (Knopf Doubleday Publishing.) An imprisoned ex-lawyer schemes to exchange this information about who murdered a judge for his freedom.

The anti-terrorist task force agent John Corey and his wife, an F.B.I. agent, pursue a high-ranking Qaeda operative in Yemen — who is out to avenge the death of a Libyan terrorist killed by Corey.

Reflected In You

The Bone Bed

Fifty Shades Freed

Cloud Atlas

By Patricia Cornwell. (Penguin Group.) A paleontologist’s disappearance in Canada involves the chief medical examiner Kay Scarpet ta; the 20th Scarpet ta book.

By Sylvia Day. (Penguin Group.) Eva and Gideon, of “Bared to You,” continue to struggle to make their relationship work.

By E. L. James. (Knopf Doubleday Publishing.) The final book in an erotic trilogy.

The Secret Of Ella And Micha

By Jessica Sorensen. (Jessica Sorensen.) Childhood friends, long separated, get back together.

The Sins Of The Mother

By Danielle Steel. (Random House Publishing.) A successful businesswoman tries to make up for past failings with her children, now grown.

Gone Girl

By Gillian Flynn. (Crown Publishing.) A woman disappears on the day of her fifth anniversar y; is her husband a killer?

Fifty Shades Of Grey By E. L. James. (Knopf Doubleday Publishing.)


M e t r o p o l i ta n L i v i n g

A college student falls in love with a tor tured man with par ticular sexual tastes; the first of a trilogy.

Fifty Shades Darker

By E. L. James. (Knopf Doubleday Publishing.) Ana Steele learns more about Christian Grey’s troubled past; the second book in a trilogy.


By James Pat terson and Marshall Karp. (Lit tle, Brown & Company.) Detective Zach Jordan must stop a deranged killer at a New York film festival.

The Panther By Nelson DeMille. (Grand Central Publishing.)

By David Mitchell. (Random House Publishing.) Six linked stories involve myriad characters and conflicts: from New Zealand in the mid-19th centur y to a Belgian estate in the 1930s to 1970s California.


By Karen Marie Moning. (Random House Publishing.) The first book in a new urban paranormal trilogy set in the world of the Fever series features Dani O’Malley.

Blackberry Winter

By Sarah Jio. (Penguin Group.) A Seat tle repor ter pursues an unsolved abduction from 1933.

The Casual Vacancy

By J. K. Rowling. (Lit tle, Brown & Company.) The sudden death of a parish councilman reveals bit ter social divisions in an idyllic English town; a novel for adults by the creator of Harr y Pot ter.

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Best Books (Non-Fiction) Killing Kennedy

By Bill O’Reilly and Mar tin Dugard. (Henr y Holt & Company.) The host of “The O’Reilly Factor” recounts the events surrounding the assassination of John F. Kennedy.

Proof Of Heaven

By Eben Alexander. (Simon & Schuster.) A neurosurgeon recounts his near death experience during a coma from bacterial meningitis.

No Easy Day

By Mark Owen with Kevin Maurer. (Penguin Group.) An account of the mission that killed Osama bin Laden, by a former member of the Navy SEALs.

Killing Lincoln

By Bill O’Reilly and Mar tin Dugard. (Henr y Holt & Company.) The host of “The O’Reilly Factor” recounts the assassination of Abraham Lincoln.

A Gift Of Hope

By Danielle Steel. (Random House Publishing.) In this memoir, the novelist describes how she transformed the pain of the loss of her son into an enriching campaign of ser vice.


By Peter A. Carlin. (Simon & Schuster.) A biography of Bruce Springsteen looks at his family, his music and his drive for fame and influence.

Heaven Is For Real By Todd Burpo with Lynn Vincent.


( Thomas Nelson.) A father recounts his 3-year-old son’s encounter with Jesus and the angels during an appendectomy.

By Laura Hillenbrand. (Random House Publishing.) An Olympic runner’s stor y of sur vival as a prisoner of the Japanese in World War II.

Lost At Sea

By Jon Ronson. (Penguin Group.) An investigation of the strange things human beings are willing to believe in.


By Rod Stewar t. (Crown Publishing.) The pop singer reminisces on his long career.

The Generals

By Thomas E. Ricks. (Penguin Group.) A histor y of American militar y command from World War II to the present.

The Master Of Disguise

By Antonio J. Mendez with Malcolm McConnell. (HarperCollins Publishers.) Recollections, first published in 1999, by the C.I.A. officer who helped six Americans escape from Tehran in 1980; he is played by Ben Affleck in the movie “Argo.”

The Signal And The Noise

By Nate Silver. (Penguin Group.) An examination of predictions, the ones that come true and the ones that don’t.


By Cher yl Strayed. (Knopf Doubleday Publishing.) A woman’s account of a life-changing 1,100-mile hike along the Pacific Crest Trail.

The Immortal Life Of Henrietta Lacks By Rebecca Skloot. (Crown Publishing.) The stor y of a woman whose cancer cells were cultured without her permission in 1951.

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Entertainment Guide 2013 Horoscopes Capricorn

(Dec 22 - Jan 20)

Life will sail smoothly for you. According to Capricorn 2013 horoscope, the year will give you more opportunities to widen your scopes and diversify. You’ll aspire to seek spiritual heights. Peaceful personal life will help you excel in your professional life as well. It is the time to consider investment more seriously. In this year, you are likely to proceed faster than before and hence, you wouldn’t get time to suit yourself with the transit

Aries will enjoy a productive year as Uranus and Jupiter are going to plac e s t hemselve s favorably against your zodiac sign. You’ll be endowed with more insight which will help you choose the right course of life. You will regain your foothold in your career as well as personal life. You’ll enjoy a good health and your vitality will remain high. Consider 2013 as the time to reorganize your life and reset your priorities.



(Jan 21 - Feb 19)

Af ter a slack 2012, it is time to gear up to take on the world. But, too much of action may a ls o ma ke you impulsi ve at times as well. You’ll find new directives in your professional life. 2013 is the time when you’d need to focus on your long-term c a reer objec t i ve. You’ll f ind satisfaction in your professional life. However, the money matters can be little unstable and you’d need to carefully plan your budget


(April 21 - May21)

Sof t ne s s w ill over lap w it h vigor. You will find a new energy in creating new things and being innovative. Taurians in 2013 will c o nt inue e njoy ing f avo r a ble influence of the planets. You’ll come across situations which w ill c h a ll e n g e yo u r p re s e n t strengths and help you acquire new ones. You’ll have to take a new approach towards your life and career. Venus will continue to have a positive effect upon you which will push you fur ther to harmonize your relations. Health will remain good but you may face lack of energy during the first half of the year.

(Feb 20 - Mar 20)

Your many moods will keep you busy. You c an expect a successful and fulfilling year in 2013. However, you’ll have better control over your situation and won’t get driven by impulses. You may find it a dif ficult task to balance between your income and spending. Though income will remain steady, there can be unexpected expenses to dent your saving. You may also come across decision making situations in your personal life. Tr y to be more suppor tive to the needs of your loved ones.


M e t r o p o l i ta n L i v i n g


(March 21 - April 20)


(May 22 - Jun 21)

2013 is going to fetch you the result of your ef for ts from the previous year. It’s the time to enjoy the fruits of your effor ts. Your mind will be cleared and you’ll get a bet ter view of life. You’re likely to succeed in your new effor ts, too. However, you may need to exercise some spont aneit y in your personal life. Your love life will remain intense.

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(Jun 22 - Jul 23)

2013 is going to have impacts on all the aspects of your life. The life will star t to give you tangible results. As the year proceeds, new oppor tunity will come your way which will fur ther push you to achieve greater heights. You will come across new people and networking is going to open new scopes for you. Pluto is going to have a serious impact on your life this year.


(Jul 24 - Aug 23)

The year may demand you to t a ke a more rat iona l a ppro ach tow a rd s li fe. You w ill c ont inue t o e n j oy a h i g h l y ac t i ve s o c i a l l i f e. T h e e f f e c t of S a t u r n w i l l make you face the realities of l i f e. B u t i r re s p e c t i v e of i t s d o w n s i d e s, l i f e w i l l c o n t i n u e throwing opportunities of delight to you. Leos will c o n t i n u e t o e n j o y ro b u s t h e a l t h t h ro u g h o u t t h e y e a r. Yo u r l i f e w i l l g o t h ro u g h m a n y p h a s e s w h i c h w i l l d e m a n d b e t t e r u n d e r s t a n d i n g of m a t t e r s f ro m y o u.


(Aug 24 - Sep 23)

Virgos must prepare t hemselve s to le ad a f a s t li fe i n 2013. Yo u w o u l d n e e d t o loose your c au t ious approach towards life and star t living more freely. Your ef for ts will be rec ognized in your wor k plac e a n d r e w a r d e d. M e r c u r y a n d M a r s wo uld c o nt inu e t o h ave t h e i r e f f e c t s o n y o u. S p e n d some t ime in soul searching and let go of your ego.


(Sep 24 - Oct 23)

Organize your thoughts and prioritize mat ters that will demand your at tention m o re t h a n ot h e r s. T h i s i s t h e t ime to af f ir m yo u r v a lu e s a nd s t i c k t o t h e m. 2013 i s g o i n g to be the time to evaluate your professional life and if n e c e s s a r y, f i n e t u n e i t . Yo u may c onsider a c a re er cha nge a s w e l l. Yo u’l l r a d i a t e e n e r g y a n d e n t h u s i a s m a n d s t a y a t t h e p i n n a c l e of y o u r f i t n e s s


(Oct 24 - Nov 22)

T he pla net a r y po si t ions w ill force you to withdraw into seclusion even w hen your li fe is teeming wit h act ivit ies. You will find yourself busy in dealing wit h is sues in your social, love a nd profe s siona l li fe. De a l c arefully wit h sensit ive is sues. Don’t st ir t he pot too hard. In your personal life, you will be more responsive and receptive. Mercur y will help you deal with mat ters more sensibly.


(Nov 23 - Dec 21)

You won’t be able to esc ape activities even if you want. The planetar y positions suggest that you would come across many oppor tunities in life which will keep you busy even when you want to remove y o u r s e l f f ro m a l l t h e s e. Yo u’l l c o n t inu e to e njoy g uid a n c e of Saturn in your love life which w i l l h e l p y o u a c h i e v e g re a t e r h e i g h t a n d s u c c e s s

M e t r o p o l i ta n L i v i n g


Entertainment Guide Met-Living Brain Teasers

12. A completely black dog was strolling down Main street during a total blackout affecting the entire town. Not a single streetlight had been on for hours. As the dog crosses the center of the road a Buick Skylark with 2 broken headlights speeds towards it, but manages to swerve out of the way just in time. How could the driver see the dog to swerve in time? 13. In a small cabin in the woods, two men lay dead. The cabin itself is not burned, but the forest all around is burned to cinders. How did the men die? 14. Beulah died in the Appalachians while Craig died at sea. Everyone was much happier with Craig’s death. Why? 15. I am the owner of a pet store. If I put in one canary per cage, I have one bird too many. If I put in two canaries per cage, I have one cage too many. How many cages and canaries do I have?

2. 26 - 63 = 1 (26 = 2x2x2x2x2x2 = 64, 64 - 63 = 1) 1. Door numbers at $3 each.


(eight, five, four, nine, one, seven, six, ten, three, two, zero)

14. Beulah and Craig were hurricanes. 13. It’s the cabin of a plane that crashed. 12. It was during the day 11. Since the bridge is 4 kilometers long, the halfway point would be 2 kilometers. The 18-wheeler would have used much more than 30g of fuel to drive 2 kilometers. 10. The wiseman tells them to switch camels. couldn’t make it 10 minutes, otherwise the alarm would go off right away, or it would take more circuitry. M e t r o p o l i ta n L i v i n g

6. There is no missing dollar from the original $30 because after getting $1 back, the three travelers had paid a total of $27 for their room ($9 each), not $30. Out of that $27, the hotel has $25 and the clerk kept the remaining $2. The misleading part is adding the bellboy’s $2 to the $27, when in fact it should be subtracted.

15. Four canaries and three cages. If you put one canary in each cage, you have an extra bird without a cage. However, if you put two canaries in each cage then you have two canaries in the first cage, two canaries in the second cage and an extra cage. 130

10. An Arab sheikh tells his two sons to race their camels to a distant city to see who will inherit his fortune. The one whose camel is slower will win. The brothers, after wandering aimlessly for days, ask a wise man for advise. After hearing the advice they jump on the camels and race as fast

7. The eye color of the reader of this problem. The first sentence is the key: “You are the bus driver”

6. Three travelers register at a hotel and are told that their rooms will cost $10 each so they pay $30. Later the clerk realizes that he made a mistake and should have only charged them $25. He gives a bellboy $5 to

9. Why is it very common to have a 9 minute snooze interval on alarm clocks, why not 10 instead?

11. An 18-wheeler is crossing a 4 kilometer bridge that can only support 10,000 kilograms and that’s exactly how much the rig weighs. Halfway across the bridge a 30 gram sparrow lands on the cab, but the bridge doesn’t collapse. Why not?

3. Take the chicken over first. Go back and bring the grain next, but instead of leaving the chicken with the grain, come back with the chicken. Leave the chicken on the first side and take the fox with you. Leave it on the other side with the grain. Finally, go back and get the chicken and bring it over.

5. What is special about the following sequence of numbers? 8 5 4 9 1 7 6 10 3 2 0

8. A rooster lays an egg at the very top of a slanted roof. Which side is the egg going to roll off on?

8. Neither, roosters don’t lay eggs.

4. You have 12 black socks and 12 white socks mixed up in a drawer. You’re up very early and it’s too dark to tell them apart. What’s the smallest number of socks you need to take out (blindly) to be sure of having a matching pair?

as they can to the city. What does the wise man say?

4. 3 socks. If the first sock is black, the second one could be black, in which case you have a matching pair. If the second sock is white, the third sock will be either black and match the first sock, or white and match the second sock.

3. You have a fox, a chicken and a sack of grain. You must cross a river with only one of them at a time. If you leave the fox with the chicken he will eat it; if you leave the chicken with the grain he will eat it. How can you get all three across safely?

7. You are the bus driver. At your first stop, you pick up 29 people. On your second stop, 18 of those 29 people get off, and at the same time 10 new passengers arrive. At your next stop, 3 of those 10 passengers get off, and 13 new passengers come on. On your fourth stop 4 of the remaining 10 passengers get off, 6 of those new 13 passengers get off as well, then 17 new passengers get on. What is the color of the bus driver’s eyes?

9. By setting the snooze time to 9 minutes, the alarm clock only needs to watch the last digit of the time. So, if you hit snooze at 6.45, the alarm goes off again when the last digit equals 4. They

2. By moving one of the following digits, make the equation correct. 62 - 63 = 1

return to them but the bellboy is dishonest and gives them each only $1, keeping $2 for himself. So the men actually spent $27 and the bellboy kept $2. What happened to the other dollar of the original $30?

5. The numbers are in alphabetical order.

1. Ralph goes to the hardware store to buy something for his house. He asks the clerk how much one will cost and the clerk looks it up and tells him it will be $3. He asks about buying twelve and is told it will be $6. Two hundred will cost $9. What is Ralph buying?

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NFL — The Superbowl WILD CARD





New Orleans, LA, Feb. 3, 2013

Looking Back X LV I Feb. 5, 2012 Giants 21–Patriots 17 X LV Feb. 6, 2011 Packers 31–Steelers 25 X LI V Feb. 7, 2010 Saints 31–Colts 17 X LI I I Feb. 1, 2009 Pit tsburgh 27–Arizona 23 X LI I Feb. 3, 2008 N.Y. Giants 17–New England 14 X LI Feb. 4, 2007 Indianapolis 29–Chicago 17 X L Feb. 5, 2006 Pit tsburgh 21–Seat tle 10 X X X I X Feb. 6, 2005 New England 24 –Philadelphia 21 X X X V I I I Feb. 1, 2004 New England 32–Carolina 29 X X X V I I Jan. 26, 2003 Tampa Bay 48–Oakland 21 X X X V I Feb. 3, 2002

New England 20–St. Louis 17 X X X V Jan. 28, 2001 Baltimore 34–N.Y. Giants 7 X X X I V Jan. 30, 2000 St. Louis 23–Tennessee 16 X X X I I I Jan. 31, 1999 Denver 34–Atlanta 19 X X X I I Jan. 25, 1998 Denver 31–Green Bay 24 X X X I Jan. 26, 1997 Green Bay 35–New England 21 X X X Jan. 28, 1996 Dallas 27–Pit tsburgh 17 X X I X Jan. 29, 1995 San Francisco 49 –San Diego 26 X X V I I I Jan. 30, 1994 Dallas 30–Buf falo 13 X X V I I Jan. 31, 1993 Dallas 52–Buf falo 17 X X V I Jan. 26, 1992 Washington 37–Buf falo 24 X X V Jan. 27, 1991 N.Y. Giants 20 –Buf falo 19

X X I V Jan. 28, 1990 San Francisco 55–Denver 10 X X I I I Jan. 22, 1989 San Francisco 20–Cincinnati 16 X X I I Jan. 31, 1988 Washington 42–Denver 10 X X I Jan. 25, 1987 N.Y. Giants 39–Denver 20 X X Jan. 26, 1986 Chicago 46–New England 10 X I X Jan. 20, 1985 San Francisco 38–Miami 16 X V I I I Jan. 22, 1984 L.A. Raiders 38–Washington 9 X V I I Jan. 30, 1983 Washington 27–Miami 17 X V I Jan. 24, 1982 San Francisco 26–Cincinnati 21 X V Jan. 25, 1981 Oakland 27–Philadelphia 10 X I V Jan. 20, 1980 Pit tsburgh 31–L.A. Rams 19 X I I I Jan. 21, 1979 Pit tsburgh 35–Dallas 31

X I I Jan. 15, 1978 Dallas 27–Denver 10 X I Jan. 9, 1977 Oakland 32–Minnesota 14 X Jan. 18, 1976 Pit tsburgh 21–Dallas 17 I X Jan. 12, 1975 Pit tsburgh 16–Minnesota 6 V I I I Jan. 13, 1974 Miami 24–Minnesota 7 V I I Jan. 14, 1973 Miami 14–Washington 7 V I Jan. 16, 1972 Dallas 24–Miami 3 V Jan. 17, 1971 Baltimore 16–Dallas 13 I V Jan. 11, 1970 Kansas City 23–Minnesota 7 I I I Jan. 12, 1969 N.Y. Jets 16–Baltimore 7 I I Jan. 14, 1968 Green Bay 33–Oakland 14 I Jan. 15, 1967 Green Bay 35–Kansas City 10

M e t r o p o l i ta n L i v i n g


Entertainment Guide Entertainers and Legends we Lost in 2012 Never forget the joy they have brought to our lives Neil Armst rong Born: 1930 Astronaut, Explorer, Pilot Maeve Binchy Born: 1940 Journalist, Author Griselda Blanco Born: 1943 Drug Dealer, Murderer, Organized Crime Boss Dav y Jones

Ernest Bor gnine Born: 1917 Film/Theater Actor, Television Actor Ray Bradbur y Born: 1920 Author, Poet Don Brinkley Born: 1921 Television Producer, Screenwriter Chuck Brown Born: 1936 Guitarist, Singer

Nor a Ephr on

Elizabet h Cat let t Born: 1915 Sculptor Dick Clark Born: 1929 Television Personality Don Cornelius Born: 1936 Television Personality/Producer

Dick Clark


M e t r o p o l i ta n L i v i n g

Richard Dawson Born: 1932 Film/Television Actor, Comedian, Game Show Host

Phyllis Diller Born: 1917 Film Actress, Comedian, Pianist Michael Clarke Duncan Born: 1957 Film Actor Nora Ephron Born: 1941 Director, Journalist, Screenwriter Robin Gibb Born: 1949 Songwriter, Singer Andy Grif fit h Born: 1926 Actor, Talk Show Host Helen Gurley Brown Born: 1922 Publisher Larr y Hagman Born: 1931 Film/Television Actor Mar vin Hamlisch Born: 1944 Songwriter Levon Helm Born: 1940 Drummer, Singer S herman Hemsley Born: 1938 Television Actor Henr y Hill Born: 1943 Organized Crime Boss Celeste Holm Born: 1917 Actress

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Whit ney Houston Born: 1963 Film Actress, Singer

Tony Scot t Born: 1944 Director

Et t a James Born: 1938 Singer

Earl Scruggs Born: 1924 Musician

Dav y Jones Born: 1945 Television Actor, Singer

Maurice Sendak Born: 1928 Illustrator, Author

Mar y Kennedy Born: 1960 Architect

Arlen S pecter Born: 1930 Lawyer, U.S. Representative

Rodney King Born: 1965 Civil Rights Activist

Donna Summer Born: 1948 Songwriter, Singer

Jon Lord Born: 1941 Musician Geor ge McGovern Born: 1922 U.S. Representative Russell Means Born: 1939 Activist, Film Actor Sun Myung Moon Born: 1920 Business Leader, Religious Leader Joe Paterno Born: 1926 Coach, Football Player

Henr y Hill

Gore Vidal Born: 1925 Critic, Author, Playwright Mike Wallace Born: 1918 Radio Personality, News Anchor, Journalist Doc Watson Born: 1923 Guitarist, Singer Kit t y Wells Born: 1919 Songwriter, Singer

Sally R ide Born: 1951 Educator, Astronaut, Physicist

Andy Williams Born: 1927 Singer, Television Personality

Vidal S assoon Born: 1928 Entrepreneur

Adam Yauch Born: 1964 Rapper

Donna S ummer

Neil A rmst r ong

M e t r o p o l i ta n L i v i n g


Entertainment Guide Met Living’s New Daytime Stars STEVE HARVEY Actor, Producer, Comedian, Writer Born: Broderick Stephen Harvey January 17, 1957

Early life


arvey was born in Welch, West Virginia, the son of Eloise and Jesse Harvey, a coal miner. His family moved to Cleveland, Ohio where he graduated from Glenville High School in 1974. He attended Kent State University and West Virginia University and is a member of Omega Psi Phi fraternity. He has been a boxer, an insurance salesman, and a mailman.

The Show

Steve Har vey’s new t alk show is a hit, landing in second behind just Katie Couric a s t he mo s t w atc he d ne w t a lk s how in t he count r y.

KATIE COURIC Journalist, Author Born: Katherine Anne “Katie” Couric January 7, 1957

Early life


ouric was born in Arlington, Virginia, the daughter of Elinor Tullie (née Hene), a homemaker and part-time writer, and John Martin Couric Jr., a public relations executive and news editor at The Atlanta Journal-Constitution and the United Press in Washington, D.C. Couric’s maternal grandparents, Bert Hene and Clara L. Froshin, were the children of Jewish immigrants from Germany. As a high school student, she was an intern at Washington, D.C. all-news


M e t r o p o l i ta n L i v i n g

Har vey’s debut is c o n s i d e re d t h e s t ro n g e s t debut for a new t alk show s i n c e D r. O z s t a r t e d i n 2009. T he go o d ne w s do e s n’t e n d t h e re fo r H a r vey: hi s presence as the host of “Family Feud” has resulted in a 50 percent increase in the ratings of that venerable television inst it ut ion since H a r vey to o k ove r a s h o s t last year. Combined wit h Har vey’s nationally syndicated radio show that goes ou t to 7 million lis tener s ever yday a nd his t wo no. 1 New York Times best selling b o o k s, “A c t L ike a L ad y, T h in k L ike a Man” — which was tur ned into t he topgrossing black film of the year, “Think Like a Man” — and “Straight Talk, No Chaser,”

a strong case can be made that Har vey is truly the king of all media. H a r vey c o n fe s s e d t h at, t hough he was a t alk show novice, he was going to put his fate in God’s hands. “I’ve n eve r d o n e a t a lk show.” he said “I don’t know how it ’s going to go, but I also k now t hat God didn’t br ing me t his far to leave me, so He causes things to happen.” Har vey is conf ident t hat he is of fering something dif ferent to day t ime television which is mis sing from day t ime television,” he told CNN. Like t hat wise bu t f unny uncle we all h a v e, H a r v e y i s g i v e s s a g e a d v i c e a t graduation, and a healthy but gentle dose of t r ut h-t alk ing at Thanksgiving.”

radio st ation WAVA. She enrolled at the University of Virginia, in 1975 and was a Delta Delta Delta sorority sister. Couric ser ved in several positions at UVA’s award-winning daily newspaper, The Cavalier Daily.

would watch it. The premiere episode of “Katie” star ted with a bit of a surprise. Couric was filmed lying in bed, thoughts of her career since leaving “Today” swirling in her head. She “woke up,” wondering if it had all been a dream, only to find Matt Lauer lying in the bed next to hers and telling her it was definitely real life. From there, “Katie” became a talk show, with its eye trained firmly on celebrity. She spoke to Jessica Simpson about her weight loss, and to Sher yl Crow about her brain tumor and her thoughts on the trials of ex Lance Armstrong. Upcoming guests include Jennifer Lopez, Heidi K lum and Bar bra Streisand. C our ic joke s, “ T hey s ay you a l w ay s remember your first time, I think I’ll stick around.” She is entering one of the most crowded daytime markets in memor y. The competition will be fierce.

The Show

Couric has been known as “America’s Sweethear t” largely due to her co-anchor role for 15 years on The Today Show. Now, af ter over a ye a r of buildup, Katie Couric’s daytime t a l k s h o w, “ K a t i e,” f i n a l l y launc he d, af ter a ver y long gestation process. Ever since Cour ic announced in May of 2011 that she would leave CBS News and enter t he day t ime world, there has been rampant speculation about what the show would look like and, more impor tantly, how many people

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Fashion Trivia 1. Who is credited with popularizing the 22. Who was the most famous American mini skir t? female fashion icon of the 1960s? 2. Who invented the C20th bikini? 23. What is the name of the most famous 3. What non surgical products does western 1950s Hermes handbag? society use for women to enlarge the lips 24. Who did Tom Ford design fashion for and lighten wrinkles? until recently? 4. In which UK town would you find women with the smallest feet found #44. Richard today in the UK? Gere was 5. Which C20th film icon deliberately once married had the stilet to heels of her shoes to which adjusted so that she could sway her superhips easily? model? 6. At w hic h f a s hion s how w a s Naomi Campbell modelling when she slipped on her plat form soles? 7. What 1980s T V soap opera with a high fashion element had a global audience of over 250 million? 8. Who was the 1980s and 1990s fashion icon known as the Clothes Horse Ambassadress of Fashion? 9. What is a toile? 10 . W h a t w a s 19 8 0 ’ s N e w Romanticism? 11. Which shoe most ly wor n by people such a s ambula nc e a nd police workers bec ame a 1970s fashion shoe? 12. What was grunge? 13. What is a Novak? 25. What does prêt à por ter mean? 14.Who designed the coned bra, which 26. Which is the most potent fragrance Madonna wore on her 80s tour? strength 15.Which American designer invented the a) Eau de cologne idea of a capsule wardrobe in the 1990s? b) Eau de par fum 16. What was the name of a wide sof t c) Eau fraiche? shawl that became popular around 1997? d) Eau de pongissima 17. Who said, “You’ve never had it so 27. Which designer has a famous musician good?” songwriter singer pop star as a father? 18. What winter fabric has been in fashion 28. What were Yuppies in the 1980s? for winter and spring jackets in recent 29. Which per fume adver tisement cost years? over £5 million to make in 2004? 19. What age are antique garments? 30. Which famous film star wrote a book 20. What age are vintage garments? about her passion for jewelr y? 21. How long has the Miss World beauty 31. Which Italian fashion designer was Competition been running? shot dead in the 1990s?

32. What is the fibre source of cashmere fibre? 33. What is the fibre source of mohair fibre? 34. What is the fibre source of angora fibre? 35. Which fashion house has always designed glorious exotic colour ful prints since the 1960s? 36. Which year was the first face lif t done? 37. Which designer brought messages on T-shir ts into mainstream fashion when she protested against nuclear missiles in the 1980s? 38. Name three items that teddy boys would have worn? 39. Which fabric is flax fibre made into? 40. Which fashion designer won’t use animal products such as leather in fashion clothes or accessories? 41. Whose famous hairst yle of a 1990s T V comedy series spawned a million look a like copies. 42. What was the name of the much copied hairstyle from the series ‘The Avengers’ in the late 1970s? 43. Complete the phrase ‘Posh and ----44. To which top supermodel was Richard Gere once married? 45. What world famous fashion magazine did Conde Nast purchase in 1909? 46. Name t wo exotic dances that took of f globally in the 1990s and encouraged women to wear pret tier dresses? 47. Which 1990s designer made dresses that hugged the body like a bandage wrap? 48. Who is famous for her wrap dresses? 49. What does Philip Treacy mainly design? 50. What accessories are Manolo Blahnik, Christian Louboutin and Jimmy Choo all associated with? Answers on page 137

M e t r o p o l i ta n L i v i n g


Entertainment Guide Valentine's VALENTINES DAYDay Word Puzzle B H F C P H S L C C V Y B F Y G U V


Find the words in the list hidden in the puzzle grid below.




















w w w. m e t l i v i n g m a g a z i n e . c o m

Trivia Answers Fashion Trivia Answers 1. Mar y Quant. 2.The modern version was patented by Louis Reard in 1946. 3. Collagen injections for lips, botox for frown lines and wrinkles. 4. Pontypridd in South Wales, UK 5. Marilyn Monroe 6. Vivienne West wood’s fashion show. 7. Dynasty 8. Diana Princess of Wales. 9. A muslin mock up of a dress. 10. A f l a m b oy a n t, c o l o u r f u l d r a m a t i c look that used frills and luscious fabrics associated with historical periods. Popular in London nightclubs in the early 1980s. 11. Doc Mar tens. 12. A fashion star ted in Seat tle in the early 1990s. Made popular by the band Nir vana. 13. A Novak is a cult designer limited edition bag designed by Alexander McQueen in 2005. 14. John Paul Gaultier. 15. Donna Karan

Sports Trivia Answers 1.The 100m dash bec ause he tested posit ive for dr ugs. 2. Spain, t hey were c aught entering non-handic apped at hletes into t he games. 3. Michael Jordan, he has been on t he cover 47 t imes. 4. Deion Sanders 5. Greece and Aust ralia 6. 1.6oz 7. 14 8. Baseball 9. Cal Hubbard

16. Pashminas. 17. Mr. Harold Macmillan 18. Light weight t weeds. 19. 0ver 100 years old 20. Anything from 1920 onward to 1960. 21. Since 1951. 22. Jacqueline Kennedy later known as Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis. 23. Kelly bag. 24. House of Gucci. 25. Ready to wear. 26. b) Eau de par fum. 27. Stella McCar tney. 28. Yuppies - Young Urban Professionals. Yu p p i e w a s a n a c r o n y m f o r ‘ Yo u n g Upw a rdl y M obile Profe s siona l Per s on’. Their conspicuous wastage was par t of the at titude. 29. The Chanel No.5 adver t with Nicole Kidman. 30. Elizabeth Taylor. 31. Gianni Versace. 32. The Kashmir goat . 33. The angora goat produces fibre which become mohair.

10. Orange 11. The hammer t hrow 12. Basket ball, it is awarded to t he most valuable player 13. 32 14. 108 15. Jean Genvieve Granerin in 1799, she jumped from a hot air balloon. 16. Soccer (foot ball). 17. Fishing. 18. 1901 19. Honey 20. Rickey Henderson 21. Wilt Chamberlain 22. Madge Syers-Cave, t here was

34. The angora rabbit produced hair which is made into angora or bunny wool. 35. Pucci. 36. The first face lif t was done by Eugene Hollander of Berlin in 1901. 37. Katharine Hamnet t. 3 8. I n E n g l a n d Te d d y B oy s o r N e oEdwardians spor ted long low thigh or to knee jackets with narrow contrasting lapels with matching contrast drainpipe trousers and crepe soled shoes which helped with the dance movements of jiving. 39. Linen. 40. Stella McCar tney. 41. Jennifer Aniston 42. The Purdey 43. Becks 44. Cindy Crawford 45. Vogue. 46. The Salsa and Lambada. 47. Azzedine Alaïa. 48. Diane Von Furstenberg. 49. Philip Treacy mainly designs hats and accessories. 50. Gorgeous shoes!

no women’s event s and no r ule in t he men’s s aying a woman could not compete. 23. Wayne Gret zk y, he scored 894. 24. Basket ball. When t he game was f irst played t here were only 13 r ules. 25. 15 feet or 4.6m. 26. Sailing. 27. The 2008 Olympic s were in Beijing China. 28. Boxing, he was a heav y weight. 29. Steve Caut hen and he was t he youngest jockey ever to win t he t riple crown. 30. Michael Phelps in swimming.

M e t r o p o l i ta n L i v i n g


Johns Deli: Great Taste From Bklyn. and now on Staten Island


reland has it’s pubs. France has it’s cafes. Spain has it’s Tapas bars. Bensonhurst has it’s John’s Deli. Huh? Yes, the borough of Kings is home to the reigning heavyweight champion in the highly competitive delicatessen business. This perennial eatery is the champ, and it looks like retirement is not around the corner. To say John’s Deli is a genealogical miracle af fair is a n under st atement. The family run local landmark has been churning out mouth watering food since 1968. With an emphasis on “no nonsense” t a s te, ju s t c ulin a r y per fection, this Stillwell Avenue st alwar t never misses. If unbelievably au t he nt ic I t a lia n food i s w h a t y o u c r a v e... run...don’t walk to this macelleria. Af ter being in the community for 45 years, the owners, the Cicero f a mil y, a re ove r j oye d by their connection t o t h e n e ig h b o r h o o d. “It’s so nice to be here a n d t o s e e e ve r yo n e come in and out,” said s o n R o b e r t , “ To b e par t of Bensonhurst is a badge I wear with p r ide. We ll, Ro b e r t, there is something else you should be boasting a b o u t . Yo u r c u i s i n e! When walking into t his shr ine to gast ronomic goodnes s ones eyes strain with pleasure as you gaze over the plethora of hot and cold possibilities. Salami, Prosciutto, Capicola, Bresaola, Mor tadella and the list keeps on going. Aged cheeses that define the word “savor y”. Oh! Let’s not forget the authentic hot stuf f. Listen to these tasty


M e t r o p o l i ta n L i v i n g

treats. John’s world renowned Eggplant Parmigiano has been satisfying bellies and making locals swoon for years. But I think you should also take a bite out of this signature staple: Hot roast beef, topped with fresh mozzarella, gratif ying grav y and onions over a veritable operatic hero. Both offerings are absolutely audacious. Loyal customers always stop by John’s Deli, and let Cicero know what a great place it is. “The sandwiches are great I have been coming here for over forty years,” Said Phil

the subway.” When told of this Bob Cicero was very moved. “That’s what we are, an authentic Italian place right here in the hear t of Bensonhurst. I have ever ybody from the police to firemen to the people at Verizon coming by. I could of sworn I saw Ralph Kramden the other day. And my father John (original owner) comes by everyday and helps out everyday too. We wouldn’t have it any other way.” Luckily I was within earshot when I heard what they were cooking up next. Sicilian rice balls with meat and sauce...

Rob and John of John’s Deli in Brooklyn

from 18th Ave “there’s nothing bet ter”. Debra from Pitkin Ave. had to bestow a lit tle enthusiastic gratitude as well. “I go in at around six in the morning when they open and I grab my coffee. It’s so nice to come into an old school family business before work...It always gives me a boost right before I have to face the nightmare of

sounds awesome? I thought so too. I’m going to hurry this up so I can race down and try some gourmandizing grub because I can’t wait to sink my teeth into some down home It alian food. As Phil said earlier...Food like this...“there’s nothing bet ter”. Thank you Cicero family from all of us to all of you.

w w w. m e t l i v i n g m a g a z i n e . c o m

B R O O K LY N ” S F A M O U S H E R O S

John’s NEW Staten Island Location

Best Roast Beef Heros in Brooklyn Breakfast • Lunch • Dinner O P E N AY S ND S E V EW E E K A

2033 Stillwell Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11223 173 New Dorp Lane, Staten Island NY 10306 Tel: 718-372-7481 / 718 351 1144 Fax: 718-265-7011

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M e t r o p o l i ta n L i v i n g



INDEX ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT: St. George Theatre 151 E-Squared 61 Productions



Bedford Funding


FOOD & DRINK Caterers & Deli’s:

Tanning Salon:

Nuccio’s Vito’s

68 86

Liquor Stores:

Stillwell 5L’s

111 143

Event full NYC 17 AUTO SALES & Riviera 19 SERVICE: 25 Camz Creations GRAPHIC/WEB Kings Auto Group 2 Gennaro’s 45 DESIGN Tommy’s Auto 47 A & S Pork 58 mac5design 37 142 Empire Aunt Viv’s Kitchen 60 Sal’s Transmissions 144 Pizza Park 84 GIFTS: Nacmias & Sons 145 Bardi 84 Edible Arrangements 75 Manfredi Back Cover Basset t 102 Dair ymaid Ravioli 109 HEALTH FASHON: Sonny’s 112 & BEAUTY Apparell: 139 John’s Salons & Spas: Puzzles by,Book 1 I’ll Be Seeing You 5 Knights Of Columbus 146 Cris Thomas 62 Always A Bridesmaid 11 64 Visage Restaurants Garage Clothing 13 97 Faces Lester’s 21 & Bars: Pearl Room 9 Suzanne’s Fashion Aqua Blu 10 Medical: Corner 23 Dr Avshalomov 16 Cabo 15 Countr y Mouse 28 Genesis 27 Vicolo 39 Angels Bridal 78 Skin Beauty 55 La Bella’s 53 Raising The Barre 98 63 Dr Martingano Angelinas 76-77

Body Tan



Wild Flowers 71 72 Rob Decors Nivram International 110 Architects:

Marcus Marino Steve Savino

Contractors & Renovation:

Dun-Rite 32 Bilot ti Brothers 40 Kitchens & Things 59 Colonel Clean 67 71 Clean Sweep 360 Home Concepts 73 Ajc Renovations 73 Granite Designs 85 89 Bella Cucina Richmond Tile & Bath 91 93 RJM Signs 93 Colonel Clean 95 Your’s Mine R’s 96 Premier L&T 103 Midwood 113 140 Fox Floors European Closet 147 147 Spagnoli & Son

37 107


Mill Bergen New Wave

33 57

Law Firms: Costello & Costello 49 Alatsas & Taub 100

FUNERAL HOMES: Hanley Lockwood

31 81

Sudoku #2 LIMO & BUS: A&S Black Tie 51 4 2 1 7 6 5 8 3 9 Golden Ring 115 7 5 6 3 8 9 2 1 4 PEST CONTROL: Tonto 144 9 3 8 4 2 1 5 6 7 Ultimate Vien La Strada 79 Jewelers: 5 8 7 1 9 2 6 4 3 SCHOOLS & Medicenter 99 Sahara 82 Vik’s Fine Jewelr y 35 CAMPS: Care Pharmacy 103 Decorators: 101 Casale 38 8 Buckley’s 6 4 9 7 3 1 2 5 Oasis 20 Vivian BoteroJoe’s Bar 105 Christian Adams 48 Amsterdam Interiors 41 Mill Basin 22 Nebel D.M.D 141 La Villa 111 Howard’s 2 1 3 56 6 Burger 5 Bistro4 7 114 9 8 Montage Decor 66 St. Adalber t 26 Jewelr y Ex 67 Chess Camp 26 M&R Fantasy Blinds 65 Gym: 3 Star 143 Nor theastern 92 2 3 7 4 1 8 9 5 6 Bath Beach 115 La Granja 143 Harbor Fitness 3 Lamp Warehouse 69 Best Buy Gold 141 Valentine's Day 1 6 5 9 4 7 3 8 2 Find the words in the list hidden in the puzzle grid below. B H L E R A E B Y D D E T G N I R X 8 W 9 o 2r d 5 S3e a6r c4h 7& 1

S o d#4u k u Sudoku 8 5 7 9 1 2 6 3 3 9 4 2 4 6 9 7 7 1 8 6 2 3 5 4 9 7 2 8 5 8 3 1 6 4 1 5


Solutions 4 8 5 1 3 9 6 7 2

M e t r o p o l i ta n L i v i n g

Sudoku #6

6 7 1 2 5 8 4 9 3

1 4 6 3 9 7 5 2 8

2 5 7 8 4 1 3 6 9

3 9 8 5 2 6 1 4 7



















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