Manhattan/Queens/Nassau Issue 016

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w w w. m e t l i v i n g m a g a z i n e . c o m





Where Content is King



Winter Wonderland! Discovering the many places in NYC to have fun this season

Astoria Dental

Keeping New York smiling — See page 26

The Pearl Room The Most award winning restaurant across the Bridge — See page 17

+Best Ski slopes in the U.S.

— See page 23

You’re in good hands — See page 5

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hen 21-year-old Lilly eloped with Peter Pulitzer, they escaped the hustle and bustle of New York City for the sun and sand of Palm Beach. In the shadow of Peter’s citrus groves, Lilly opened a juice stand. To disguise the juice stains on her clothing, she had a sleeveless dress made from colorfully-printed cotton. Lilly Pulitzer the clothing label was born. The “classic shift dress” shot to international fame and demand when Lilly’s old schoolmate Jacqueline Kennedy née Bouvier, now the First Lady, was photographed wearing a “Lilly” while on vacation. “Jackie wore one of my dresses – it was made from kitchen curtain material – and people went crazy. They took off like zingo. Everybody loved them, and I went into the dress business.” — Essentially Lilly, A Guide to Colorful Entertaining

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• email: M e t r o p o l i ta n L i v i n g


Table of Contents Features A m e r i c a S p e a k s : F o u r M o r e Ye a r s

page 25


M e t - L i v i n g ’s G u i d e t o A n t i q u i n g


M e t - L i v i n g ’s C u l t u r e i n N Y C


F i t n e s s o v e r 4 0


M e t L i v i n g ’s B e s t U . S . S k i S l o p e s


M e t - L i v i n g ’s 1 0 1 F a s t F a c t s


Entertainment Guide page 11


M M ee tt r ro o pp o o ll ii ta ta n n LL ii vv ii n ng g

M e t - L i v i n g O n B r o a d w a y


M e t - L i v i n g a t t h e M o v i e s


N Y C S p o r t s Te a m s


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ISSUE 016 • Jan.-FEB. 2013 P U B L I S H E D E V E R Y 8 - 1 4 week s


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(Answers on Page 46)

Paulina Zaikowki


Fran Roth

Senior EXECUTIVE Assistant

Connie Spitatili EXECUTIVE Assistant

Debra Creo Writer

Jeremy Bennett Writer

Gianna DeMarco Writer

ADVERTISE WITH Metropolitan Living Magazine



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Alongside our extremely successful Brooklyn/Staten Island edition For more Puzzles,visit — currently out now, at 152 pages — we now have this magazine for your area. Our first edition is a 48 page, magazine features exciting area businesses, entertainment and riveting articles. As with our Brooklyn/Staten Island magazine (which started out at 36 pages just 2 years ago) our vision and goals for this magazine’s growth are high. Thank you for picking up our magazine, and look for our next magazine which will be 72 pages. For promotional rates Please Call: • 347-492-6039 • 347-492-6040 • 347-733-7849 or Email: 6

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w w w. m e t l i v i n g m a g a z i n e . c o m

America Speaks: Four More Years President Obama prepares to lead the ever changing U.S. demographic


one about the future, not the American past.


resident Barack Obama did not just win reelection, his victory signaled the irreversible triumph of a new, 21st-century America: multiracial, multi-ethnic, global in outlook and moving beyond centuries of racial, sexual, marital and religious tradition, the mixed-race son of Hawaii by way of Kansas, Indonesia, Los Angeles, New York and Chica go, won reelection in good part because he not only embodied but spoke to that New America, as did the Democratic Party he leads. His victorious coalition spoke for and about him: a good share of the white vote (about 45 percent in Ohio, for example); 70 percent or so of the Latino vote across the country, according to experts; 96 percent of the African-American vote; and large proportions of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders The GOP chose as its standard-bearer Mit t R o m n e y, w h o s e o w n Mormon Church until recent decades discriminated of ficially against black s. His c ampaign made lit t le s e r io u s ef fo r t to re ac h o u t to Hi s p a nic s voters, and Romney hur t himself by t ak ing fa r-r ight po si t ions on immigrat ion dur ing t h e G O P p r i m a r i e s. H e m a d e n o e f f o r t what soever in t he black communit y.

U.S. Census numbers tell the story. In the first decade of the new millennium, the Asian-American population r o s e 4 3.3 p e r c e n t , t h e African-American population 12.3 perc ent, t he L at ino communit y 43 percent — and the white population just 5.7 percent. To be sure, the president won because of his st and on the issues — health c a re refo r m, Wa ll S t re et regulation, the auto industry bailout, among others. But his victor y is something more: a sense that we are all in this together as a society, no matter who we are or how we live our lives.

Obama reached out not only racially and ethnically, but in terms of lifestyle. Analysts made fun of, and Republicans derided, his campaign’s focus on discrete demographic and social slices of the electorate, including the Gay communit y. But the message was

I s aw t his new Americ a at the hear t of the Obama reelect ion ef for t, in t heir c ampaign of f ic e s. In one office in Virgina, for example, the local campaign manager was Pakistani-American, the volunteer s were of ever y race and background, the people heading out to handle the signup drive were Hispanic, and the event they were working on was a concer t by Bruce Springsteen. Giving t he president 4 more years will continue to unite us all, and give him time to complete his plans to elevate our great countr y in all levels for the future.

M e t r o p o l i ta n L i v i n g


Skin & Beauty APHRODITE: Olympian goddess of beauty, love, pleasure and procreation.


he was depicted as a beautiful woman usually accompanied by the winged godling Eros (Love). Her attributes included a dove, an apple, a scallop shell and mirror. We c an’t ask our mot hers, our sisters and aunts to be Aphrodites a l l t h e t i m e , h o w e v e r, i f y o u a r e looking for a lit tle boost in your life or want to make some positive and safe physical changes on a little g r a n d e r s c a l e, t h e r e i s a p l a c e j u s t around the corner that is eager to a s sist you.

The Skin Beauty Laser Center

Lo c at e d in t h e h e a r t of Bro o k l y n, t he promise of t his aest het ic abode of beaut y is s afet y comes f irst — along w it h t he gua ra nteed re sult s t hat you a re lo o k in g fo r t h at l a s t. T h e l at e s t technologies are used to beautif y and also discover t he t he fount ain of yo u t h fo r e ac h c u s t ome r. T h e re a re common problems that they can easily fix: unwanted and excess hair, unwanted leg veins, undesirable facial vascular, unwanted wrinkles, loose skin, rosacea and unsought pigmented lesions through t he most recent advanced epider mal science. From the sublime to the simple.

Dr. James A. DiGiuseppi

A pioneer in the field, DiGiuseppi has be e n pr ac t ic ing in t he borough w i t h great succes s and has est ablished a loyal following t hat are grateful for his help and ar t ist r y.


M e t r o p o l i ta n L i v i n g

“People are living longer healthier l i v e s ”, s a i d D r. D i G i u s e p p i , “ M a n y people want the outside to look as good a s t hey feel inside. People feel the pressure of an ever loving you t hf ul s oc iet y a nd w a nt to s low t he aging proces s dow n. We facilit ate t h at at o u r lo c at io n w i t h n o n-s u rgic a l a nd non-inva si ve proc e dure s t h at a re s a f e, s e c u r e a n d e f f e c t i v e.”

Not surgery

T h e r e i s m o r e, t h e C o s m o C l i n i c s e r v e s a l l o f N e w Yo r k C i t y a n d provides an all-encompassing Diet P ro g r a m t h a t g e t s re s u l t s. “ We c a n design a health regime to fit your n e e d s a n d y o u r p e r s o n a l i t y,” s a i d a p r o u d D r. D i G i u s e p p i , “ W e a r e literally per forming minor miracles h e re t h a t a re l e a v i n g p a t i e n t s h a p p y a n d s a t i s f i e d. M o s t of w h a t w e d o i s natural and requires no stimulants a n d d o e s n ot b re a k a n y s k i n.” “I wa s f lir t ing w it h for t y and I just fel t like I w a s not look ing my be s t,” s aid Heat her f rom Bay Ridge, “I was ner vous to go under t he k nife so t his seemed like t he nex t best t hing. Af ter

some painless procedure that was ver y light on my pocket, I walked out feeling rejuvenated and with a pep in my step. My husband told me I looked younger t han ever, t hat really felt good.”

For the guys too

“I a l w a y s w o r k o u t a n d e a t p re t t y well w i t hou t e at ing a ny junk food like t h e g u y s. H o w e v e r, I j u s t c o u l d n ot g e t r i d of m y l o v e h a n d l e s. I a l w a y s f e l t a w k w a r d o n t h e b e a c h,” m o a n e d A l e x a n d e r f r o m C a r r o l l G a r d e n s, “ I w e n t t o s e e D r. D f o r a f e w m o n t h s a n d m y w a i s t w e n t f ro m a 4 0 i n c h t o a 34 inch. I was so psyched for beach s e a s on I c ould not w a i t s o I booke d a trip to Florida in Januar y to practice w a l k i n g a r o u n d l o o k i n g g o o d. Lo v e h a n d l e s b e g o n e!” The Skin Beauty Laser Center wants to help locals get ready for summer ahead of time. All procedures are performed by Dr. DiGiuseppi himself, with an equally experienced team in tow. We a re t r y ing to br ing Be au t y to Brooklyn and want to thank all of our clients who have come through our doors. We are ready to help you any day.

w w w. m e t l i v i n g m a g a z i n e . c o m

Dr. James A. DiGiuseppi

Skin Beauty Laser Center 7123 10th Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11228 718-833-0704

We offer the top of the line healthy ways to lose inches-fat

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M e t r o p o l i ta n L i v i n g


10/8/12 7:35 PM


M e t r o p o l i ta n L i v i n g

w w w. m e t l i v i n g m a g a z i n e . c o m

Met-Living’s Guide to Antiquing Learn the difference between true antique, near antique and vintage:

A true antique is at least 100 years old according to the majority of antique dealers. This is based on tradition and the customs law s of ma ny c ount r ie s. However, s ome societ ies def ine ant iques a s having been made before 1930. A near antique is any where bet ween 75 to 99 years old Vintage means ‘of a cer tain time’. It is the description used for a range of collectibles, and especially those from the 40s, 50s and 60s.

Look around your home

Explore your closets, attic, basement and/ or storage room. Something that is already under your own roof might just answer one of the descriptions: the linens and silverware Grandma received as a wedding gif t, a baby bed that has been used “for ages”, the toys your parent s played wit h when t hey were children... the list goes on. Any of the objects you f ind could be t he f irst piece of your collection.

Make a decision

Do you want to keep these valuables or sell them. Either way: have them appraised, to make sure your insurance is adequate, that is, that it covers the value of all your antiques in the event of thef t, damage or loss, or, if selling, to make sure you get a good price.

What exactly you are looking for?

A certain kind of object such as a sculpture? A piece from a cer tain ar tist? Ar t work from a cer tain period, i.e. Ar t Deco? And most impor tant, how much you are willing to spend?

Browse at garage sales and house auctions

You won’t be the first to find a rare object that was dismissed as “junk.” Remember the saying: One man’s trash, is another man’s treasure, so pieces that don’t mean anything to other people might be just what you are looking for.

Search the Internet.

Famous auction houses like Sotheby’s and Christie’s can be visited online too. You may even find something at eBay.

Attend an auction at an auction house.

Sot heby’s, Chr ist ie’s and Bonhams have

o f f i c e s a l l a r o u n d t h e w o r l d, p r o b a b l y i n y o u r c o u n t r y a s w e l l. Yo u w i l l b e a b l e t o see the pieces more closely before they are auct ioned, and make a bet ter decision whether or not you want a par ticular p i e c e. A r r ive ear ly at a live auct ion. You are required to register before you can bid. You can also bid online or on the telephone — this is called an absentee bid. You will be required to fill out a form either on paper or online. When your form is processed, you are registered to bid. Two more things to remember are: If you are a novice collector, have a professional appraise the value of pieces you want to buy; and don’t stuf f your house with antiques. Individual pieces won’t stand out anymore if there’s too much there.

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Met-Living’s Culture in NYC

Museums on the Mile From North to South


from the Bodleian Libraries Ends: February 3, 2013

91st St. Cooper-Hewitt, Nationuseum Mile is the name for a sec- al Design Museum, Smithson-

tion of Fifth Avenue in Manhattan, running from 82nd to 105th streets in the Carnegie Hill section of the Upper East Side. The Mile, which contains one of the densest displays of culture in the world, is actually two blocks longer than one mile. Nine museums occupy the length of this section of Fifth Avenue. A tenth museum, the Museum for African Art, joined the ensemble in 2009, however its Museum at 110th Street, the first new museum constructed on the Mile since the Guggenheim in 1959, won’t open until late 2012. In addition to other programming, the museums collaborate for the annual Museum Mile Festival, held each year in June, to promote the museums and increase visitation.

ian Institution Closed for renovation and scheduled for re-opening in 2014.

89th St. National Academy Museum and School of Fine Arts Exhibit: Chance Encounters Music, Dance, Literature Ends: January 11, 2013.

110th St. Museum for African Art Opening Soon

105th St. El Museo del Barrio Exhibit: Caribbean: Crossroads of the World Ends: January 6, 2013

103rd St. Museum of the City of New York Exhibit: From Farm to City: Staten Island, 1661-2012 Ends: January 21, 2013

92nd St. The Jewish Museum Exhibit: Crossing Borders: Manuscripts

Pablo Picasso, The Milliner’s Workshop (Atelier de la modiste), 1926. Oil on canvas

88th St. Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum Exhibit: Picasso Black and White Ends: January 23, 2013

86th St. Neue Galerie New York Exhibit: Ferdinand Hodler: View To Infinity Ends: January 7, 2013

83rd St. Goethe-Institut New York/German Cultural Center Events that present German culture Ongoing

82nd St. The Metropolitan Museum of Art Exhibit: Faking It: Manipulated Photography Before Photoshop Ends: January 27, 2013

Museum Mile Festival The annual Museum Mile Festival traditionally takes place on the second Tuesday in June from 6 – 9 p.m. in New York City. It was established in 1979 to increase public awareness of it s member institutions and promote public suppor t of the ar ts in NYC The first festival was held on June 26, 1979 During t he past t wo dec ades, well over one million people have t aken par t in t his annual celebrat ion. Fest ival at tendees c an walk t he Mile f rom 82nd St reet to 104t h Street and visit ten of New York Cit y’s finest cultural institutions, open free that evening to t he public. Several of t he par t icipat ing mu s eums of fe r ou tdoor a r t ac t i v i t ie s for children. During t he event, Fif t h Avenue is closed to traf fic and it becomes a strollers’ haven. Special exhibit ions and wor ks from permanent collect ions are on view inside t he inst itut ions and live music from ja z z to show tunes to st ring quar tet s are featured in front of each museum. Addit ional st reet e nte r t a ine r s pe r fo r m a lo ng F i f t h Ave nue all evening.

M e t r o p o l i ta n L i v i n g


Savino: Architects with Vision


f you are someone interested in building something, or maybe you just want to remodel , it is imperative that you enlist a knowledgeable architect who not only knows his or her craft but also logistics and building codes. Ever ywhere you look in this great metropolis you see remarkable structures. But it is a safe bet if you gaze over New York’s iconic skyline, your eyes will fall on some real eyesores. What to do? If you need someone who is local and a heralded creator of complex constructions he is right around the corner.

Available when you need them

St aten Island’s own Steven Savino has been in the architectural problem solving game since the 1980’s. After graduating from New York Institute Of Technology in 1987, Savino set up shop on St aten Island so that as he likes to put it he is as accessible as possible. “Any t ype of construction is complicated, whether it is a home or a commercial busines s. When under t ak ing any t ype of job in N e w Yo r k C i t y i t c a n b e d o w n r i g h t maddening. I feel it is best to be close to t he st reet so client s c an come into my of f ic e a n d a s k q u e s t io n s b efo re making the big decisions that are both personal and f inancial.”

Awareness of their surroundings

Savino Architects mainly ser ves New Yo r k a n d N e w Je r s ey. T h e of f ic e i s comprised of four designers who are there to tackle any and all construction as signment s. No job is too small, and


M e t r o p o l i ta n L i v i n g

t he more challenging t he bet ter. The firm is a member of the American Institute of A rchitect s. In addition, t he crew has worked on the Atlantic Express building, several bus companies, various loc al busines ses and pr ivate homes. P re s e n t l y S av in o i s t ac k lin g s eve r a l millio n doll a r plu s re s ide nc e s a nd a cafe. A key component to the business is ma k ing w hatever st r uct ure f it into t he l a nd s c a p e of t he ne ighb o r ho o d. A s architect s Savino and his crew feel are sensit ive to t he topography of t he project, which is just as impor t ant as t he impending st r ucture.

Full-time Architect, Part-time Therapist

When it comes to design there a re m a n y c r i t i c s. S av i n o A rc h i t e c t s a s sist s t he client w it h all a spect s of t he job. From be ginning to t he end.

Savino jokes t hat he has also become quite a therapist while in the war room wit h client s. “A rchitecture in any form c a n be ver y per s ona l”, s ay s S av ino, “ T h e w i f e w a n t s Tu d o r s t y l e w h i l e t h e h u s b a n d w a n t s s p l i t l e v e l. T h e ow ner w a nt s indu s t r ia l s t y le bu t t he inve stor wa nt s A r t Dec o.” T he Fra nk Lloyd Wright loving architect goes on to s ay “I t r y to communic ate and help people understand the process so t he experience is as pleasing and as painles s as pos sible.” So no matter what the housing i s s u e, dro p in a n d s e e S t eve n S av in o a n d c o m p a n y. T h e y w i l l a n s w e r a n y que s t ion a nd help s ol ve a ny problem. Do you know present building codes or w hat “air r ight s” are? Steven Savino does. What a comfor t to old pros and new voyagers set ting out a n e w v e n t u r e.

w w w. m e t l i v i n g m a g a z i n e . c o m

Steven R. Savino ARCHITECT

The Firm

Steven R. Savino Architect was established in 1995 and is a full service architectural firm providing designs for residential, commercial, industrial and manufacturing uses. I work closely with the client to fulfill their design and functional needs while keeping the client’s budget in mind. Since its inception, I have provided highly creative designs to meet the client’s needs in many areas such as: interior and exterior design, space planning, site design and project development. Our goal is to provide the client with the most proficient means of analyzing their needs and developing the space to provide for a more creative solution that meets the clients design criteria. Design, functionality and aesthetics is what we strive for along with providing construction documents that graphically express the design to the owner and contractor. Steven R. Savino is dedicated to providing his clients with the finest service while providing simple solutions to complex problems using creativity and elegance without sacrificing the design and functional aspect of the project.


s Our services consist of Residential, Commercial, Industrial buildings, zoning and building code analysis and site development. The firm also specializes in removing violations issued by the various city agencies.

We specialize in:

New Buildings, Restaurant design, Gas Station Design, Alterations, Additions, Roof Raises, Conversions, Public Assembly permits, Certificates of Occupancy, Fireplaces, Equipment use permits, Decks.

My firm works with all city agencies in all five boroughs such as: Department of Building, Highway Department, City Planning, Fire Department, Parks Department, Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC), Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), Environmental Control Board (ECB).

I am a member of the American Institute of Architects. 4158 Victory Blvd. Staten Island, NY 10314 • Phone: 718 983-6575 • Fax 718 983-0220 • email:

Fitness over 40 dig e s t i o n a n d h e lp m a in t a in t h e good bacteria in your digestive tract.

T he s e day s, li fe in Holl y wood doesn’t end at 40. These super-fit stars are giving the younger crowd a run for their money with their sizzling, swimsuit-ready bodies. Once a man or woman gets beyond their 30s, they’re in a situation where unle s s t hey a re re a ll y pro ac t i ve about what they do from an exercise standpoint as well as eating sensibly, they are going to lose some muscle tissue. We used to think get ting flabbier and saggier was just a natural par t of the aging process. But now we know that more than half of these changes are preventable, and can be significantly improved by lifestyle t weaks.

• Eat plent y of garlic and onions. They help lower cholesterol and improve circulation. • D r ink ple nt y of pur i f ie d w ate r d a il y. T h i s c l e a n s e s o rg a n s a n d rids your body of exces s sodium. I t ’s g re at fo r yo u r s k in a s w e ll. • H a v e g o a l s. T h e p r o c e s s o f striving and accomplishing is a wonder f ul way to enr ich your life and it provides even more reasons t o l i v e h e a l t h y a n d f e e l h a p p y. • Drink ginger tea. It absorbs and neutralizes toxins in the stomach. It decreases irritation to intestinal walls. I try to drink a cup of ginger tea daily.

So, how do I start? • Focus on good nutrition. There is no lifestyle modification more powerful. • Exercise daily. Just 15 to 20 minutes of brisk walking will increase your hear t rate and elevate endorphins. Just get up and move, whether it’s golf, dancing or tennis. Exercise may greatly reduce your blood pressure and will provide many more benefits t o y o u r h e a l t h a n d w e l l-b e i n g. • Ta ke V i t a min D ever y day. Re s e a rc h is f inding how impor t a nt i t is for bone he alt h a nd your immune system. Spe a k t o y o u r p h y s i c i a n r e g a r d i n g d o s a g e. • S u p p l e m e n t w i t h C o - E n z y m e Q10 (CoQ10). Ever y cell in your body needs it to f unct ion. A s we age, t his co-enz yme de cre a s e s, s o gra ndp a rent s t a ke he e d!

• Ta k e v i t a m i n s . V i t a m i n s interact bet ter wit h food, so t ake t h e m w i t h y o u r l a r g e s t m e a l. Jennifer Lopez, looking great at over 40 years old of walnut s, a ser ving of s almon or some flaxseed oil will provide it. • Recharge your body with 15 minutes of sunlight each day. You’ll be giving your body the Vitamin D it needs. Wear sunscreen on exposed skin.

• Get your magnesium by eating bananas, s pin ac h a nd s unf lowe r s e e d s, to n a me j u s t a fe w s o u rc e s. D e f i c i e n c y of t h i s mine r a l ac c ele r ate s t he aging proc e s s.

• Get a massage. Massage has been practiced as a healing therapy for centuries in nearly every culture around the world. It helps relieve muscle tension, reduce stress, and evoke a feeling of calmness. Although massage af fects the body as a whole, it par ticularly influences the activity of the musculoskeletal, circulator y, lymphatic, and nervous systems.

• G et yo u r O m e g a-3’s. A h a n d f u l

• Ta ke p ro b i ot i c s. T h e y a re g re a t fo r


M e t r o p o l i ta n L i v i n g

• Look af ter your emot ional a nd spir it ual healt h. Your body react s to your thoughts. Positive thoughts expand the body and negative thoughts constrict it. The body needs expansion in order to be healthy. Therefore, if you want more posit ive t hings to occur, think more positive thoughts.

• B e g o o d t o y o u r s e l f. R e a l i z e t h a t we all do the best we can with the informat ion we have. Be forgiving, k ind, a nd lov ing to eve r yo ne, inc lu ding you. • See each day as a gif t to be alive. It’s never too late to star t exercising and become lean and get fit over 40. Let go of preconceived notions: don’t let age define what you think you are capable of! Make health and fitness a priorit y and begin to move and exercise with joy. Be confident that the steps you take will lead you to a fit, lean and healthy body.

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Marcus Marino Architects

“The architect should strive continually to simplify; the ensemble of the rooms should then be carefully considered that comfort and utility my go hand in hand with beauty.”

—Frank Lloyd Wright 1908


rchitecture is not just a trade; Architect’s are as vital to our society as a doctor or statesman. Structures remain intact for centuries while we move forward living among them. Developing a visionary concept, putting it to a draft, formulating a building plan and taking to fruition is a tremendous undertaking. Where the dream becomes the reality. To the layman this process is daunting.


M e t r o p o l i ta n L i v i n g

Professional and knowledgable personnel are the most precious of assets to achieve t he ult imate goal. Ma rcus Ma r ino A rchitect s is a small boutique design firm located in New York Cit y. Wit h over 30 years of experience, M r. M a r i n o c a s t s b r o a d s t r o k e s o f a rc h i t e c t u r a l g e n i u s t h a t c a n o n l y b e c o m p o s e d w i t h a w a t c h f u l e ye a n d a const ant at tent ion to det ail. Marino, a former set designer, has been c o n s t r u c t in g t hin g s fo r a s lo n g a s h e c an remember. His vision is t he ent ire design concept, not just t he foundat ion and walls. The interior is just as impor tant as t he ex terior. “I want to work with the client, provide information and make sure each structure blends in wit h t he communit y.” Mar ino s ays and cont inues to add t hat we have a limit les s compas s to as sist our client. “ T h i s i s N e w Yo r k C i t y a n d t h e re a re a l w ay s going to be hic c up s a lo ng t he way. It is imperat ive to have someone who understands zoning, building codes, air right s and design schemes, as well

as propor t ion and line.” Af ter the devastation of Sandy, Marino nat urally got involved in t he rebuilding of bot h St aten Island and Brook lyn. He is generously opening t he door’s of his pract ice to t he public in hopes t hat he c an help and answer and all quest ions c o m p l ex o r s i m p l e. A s a n a t i v e N e w Yo r ke r re b u il d i n g h i s h o m e t o w n i s a major concer n. Marino has remained deeply involved i n t h e i n t e r i o r d e s i g n b u s i n e s s, a n d the communit y both domestically a n d i n t e r n a t i o n a l l y. T h e B r o n x- b o r n e n gin e e r ’s m a in fo c u s i s G ot h a m a n d rebuilding project s at ever y level. A s far a s repu t at ion, a s one cr i t ic pu t i t “He ha s sk ill a nd dex ter i t y a nd w ill t hat is unsurpas sed.” Marcus Marino Architects look at structures with a global perspective and vision coupled with their unique ingenuit y and t aste.

Engineers... Builders... Visionaries.

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11/28/12 4:08 PM

The Pearl Room Non non c’è nessun amore sincerer che l’amore di cibo.

— George Bernard Shaw

Translation: There is no love sincerer than the love of food.


here do you go when you want great food, a great atmosphere and an experience you won’t forget. Heres another one. It’s a place that is time tested, classy and a foodies paradise. is right in the heart of Brooklyn, waiting for you to come and dig your fork in. The Pearl Room right now i s t h e mo s t aw a rd-w in nin g re s t a u r a n t in t h e b o ro u g h. That’s why it has such a loyal patronage that keeps growing and growing. Not only does it bring in the neighborhood regulars, but outer borough residents flock to the eatery in droves. What’s not to like? This year 2012 highly decorated Chef Anthony Rinaldi was given the prestigious Michelin Guide Award, considered the Oscar of Cuisine. “I am so proud of my kitchen and am so proud of the Pearl Room and our wonder ful guests,” said an animated Anthony, “Seeing people eating my food with a smile just puts a grin on my face but I also swear I’m hearing opera.” A nd w hen you see t he menu you will k now w hy busines s is booming. Succulent seafood, poultry with surprises, delicious steaks and more pasta than you can count. In addition, there is a wallet watching Prix Fixe lunch and a ver y popular Sunday brunch.


M e t r o p o l i ta n L i v i n g

Renowned food critics pontificate that a restaurant is only as good as the chef and owner...good thing Anthony is both. “I have been here for over 10 years,” says a jubilant Anthony, “I look af ter everything so my guests are comfortable and gastronomically content... it is a great feeling.” The establishment can accommodate large parties and has four distinct dining rooms for your enjoyment. From a cozy space with a roaring fire to a lively garden room... whatever your mood, The Pearl Room is ready. On weekends a late-night party with a very popular DJ comes into town. This place does not stop... rock on... Regulars just can’t say enough about t he joint. “I love coming here for t he br unch,” s aid Mat t f rom Sheepshead Bay, “I love t he eggs benedict and my wife thinks the pancakes are to die for.” A not her couple wa s just a s eager to for k over accolades. “It is just such a fun place with a great atmosphere,” said

Denis e f rom Brook l y n Height s, “ T he Pearl Room has t he best food in t he borough... ha nds dow n. I w ish t here were more places like t his, bec ause I always leave feeling replete after having such a good t ime.” The Pearl Room has the most award winning wine list in all of Brooklyn, along with 22 different types of seafood dishes and 5 dif ferent t ypes of salivating s t e a k s. A l s o a h o p p i n g b a r/ l o u n g e scene that keeps the action going into t he wee hour s. Bu t, t he e ater y is at hear t, about t he cook ing and dist inct s avor y f lavors. “I t r y to bring as much es sence into each dish as pos sible,” Chef Anthony exuberantly states, “That is the secret to me, the food is what is most impor t ant.” Well... all of us in the five boroughs are ver y grateful. By the way Anthony, you’re name on the street is “The Zen of Zest fulness”... Your mother would be proud... keep it up...

w w w. m e t l i v i n g m a g a z i n e . c o m

Come, with family and friends, and experience the best Argentinean Food in NYC. Enjoy that special ocassion with great food! Open: Mon., Wed., Thur. 3pm - 11pm Fri. & Sat. 4pm-12am Sun. 2pm-10pm 158-15 Horace Harding Expy, Fresh Meadows, NY 11365 Telephone: 718-661-4262 Website: Email:

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MetLiving’s Best U.S. Ski Slopes


inter is fast approaching, and along with the snow flurries comes ski season. If you’re planning a winter escape and seek a snowy adventure, these top ski destinations are sure to please. From Lake Tahoe to Lake Placid, Met Living explores the best places to hit the slopes in the United States.

The base lodgeStowe Mountain Resort, Stowe Vermont.

Park City, Utah

T he wor ld-famous slopes of Par k Cit y are home to the steep mountains where the United States Ski Team trains. With 500 plus inches of snowfall ever y season and around 100 powdery trails, adventure awaits around every turn at this top ski destination. It is not unusual for tourists to outnumber permanent residents here.

Gatlinburg, Tennessee

High above Gatlinburg, Tennes see is a mountaintop resort featuring nine whitewashed trails. With an amusement park, an aerial tram that sets of f from downtown Gatlinburg, and fantastic views of the Great Smoky Mountains, its easy to see why this is one of the top ski destinations in the countr y.

Mount Hood, Oregon

The world-famous Timberline Lodge is known the world over for having a longer ski season than any other resor t in the countr y. Perched at 6,000 feet on the side of Mount Hood, Timberline has over a million visitors year tound. If you’ve ever seen “The Shining”, the snow y resor t ex terior will be instantly recognizable as the Overlook Hotel.

Lake Tahoe, California and Nevada

Situated in the Sierra Nevada, Lake Tahoe is a top ski destination for downhillers living in California and Nevada. Well known for its blizzards, there are over a dozen major ski areas surrounding the lake. Heavenly Mountain Resor t holds bragging rights for the west coast’s longest ver tical drop.

Lake Placid, New York

The heavy nor theastern snows make the Adirondack Mountains a top ski destination. It is famous for being the site of the Olympic Winter Games of 1932 and 1980. At 3,430 feet, Whiteface Mountain in nearby Wilmington has the highest ver tical drop in the eastern United States.

Jackson, Wyoming

Aspen, Colorado

Perhaps one of the most legendar y names when it comes to skiing. The Colorado ski resort has four unlinked mountains that are fit to please skiers of all levels. The only problem with visiting this world-class destination may be the price t ag, as the resor t s here are favored by the rich and famous and tend to be pricey.

Stowe, Vermont

With steep terrain that spreads over t wo h e S yisdantop e y O p eWith r a Han o uaverage se peaks, Jackson Hole Mountain TResort snowfall of 22 feet, the ski destination favored by intermediate-level picturesque slopes of Stowe are t ypically skiers. Located 12 miles northwest of Jackson, blanketed for an exceptionally long winter the resor t features one of Nor th America’s s e a s o n. Lo c a t e d o n M o u n t M a n s f i e l d, highest vertical drops of 4,140 feet. Corbet’s Vermont’s highest mountain. Couloir has been frequently described as the scariest slope in America.

Vail, Colorado

Big Sky, Montana

Situated on Lone Mountain, the resor t’s signature peak soars at an altitude of 11,100 feet, has six-mile long runs and 4,350 feet of vertical drop. The lift capacity here is 20,000 people per hour, meaning there is hardly ever a wait to get to the top.

Vail Ski Resor t has a collection of 193 marked trails on three faces, and features a cra z y ver tical drop of 3,450 feet. With around 5,300 acres of skiable terrain, the resor t brags the largest single mountain ski area in the United States and is renowned as “America’s favorite ski resor t.” After Whistler Blackcomb, Vail is the second largest resor t in Nor th America.

M e t r o p o l i ta n L i v i n g



f o d n e g e t L e e e r h t T S y r r e b l u s M n r u t e R If you are interested in booking a party at Umberto’s Clam House, please contact Lulu Cohen media. Phone: 917-318-2161 or Email: lulucohenmedia@ Seasonal outdoor dining available after April 1st.

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os Clam House art of Little Italy Street, New York City

212-431-7545 Hours: 11 AM to 4 AM seven days a week For over 40 years, Umbertos Clam House has served Little Italy and has established itself as an eating institution. Umbertos is a New York City landmark stop for Manhattanites, tourists, and celebrities. Unpretentious flair and professional service combined with the freshest, most authentic product possible, all at reasonable prices. Reservations are not necessary, but they’re encouraged on Friday and Saturday evenings.

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Astoria Dental Group The Traditional Dental Implants vs. Mini Implants


eople want to talk about miniimplants compared to traditional implants. The discussion is really about removable dentures versus fixed bridges. If you are not having pain from your d e n t u re a n d l o o s e n e s s i s yo u r o n l y problem, t hen an overdenture c an be a solut ion. Overdentures use implant s, whether mini-implants or traditional implants, to provide some retent ion for a denture. An overdenture still uses the same areas of the gums and bone in the mouth for suppor t, only to provide retention. This means that there is still some movement t hat people feel wit h overdentures. If you are looking for the most af fordable solut ion beyond a denture, then an overdenture is the solution, but it does not provide the highest possible level of restor ing f unct ion. T hey c an provide enough retention so that you do not need denture adhesive. Traditional implant s have long been used for t his applic at ion also.

A Proven Record

In a study of overdentures that followed people as long as 25 years, t he implant system we use had a more than 95 percent success rate. So if you are interested in long-term results, and you decide an overdenture is t he best you can do, then over a 10-year period or longer your investment is safer with t radit ional implant s. In our of fice, we do not sell implants, whet her t radit ional or mini. We are in the “Qualit y of Life� business, providing re s torat i ve s olu t ions for people w i t h problems. We are a mult i-disciplined family pract ice, and our interest is in p rov i d i n g t h e h i g h e s t l e ve l of c a re, w h i c h w o u l d g e n e r a l l y m e a n f i xe d


M e t r o p o l i ta n L i v i n g

bridges compared to removable dentures secured wit h implant s. In the past, this was a long procedure, but today we are able to place implants painles sly and wit h no sut ures along with a provisional fixed bridge frequently in t he s ame day. We c an even do t his w hen someone s t ill needs bad teet h re move d. A n d b e lieve i t o r n ot, t h e long-term success rates are even better wit h a f ixed bridge t han t hey are wit h overdentures. One study, again wit h t h e imp l a n t s y s t em o u r of f ic e u s e s, followed people 20 to 23 ye a r s a nd t ho se t hat were ava ila ble for followup had 100 percent cont inuous f ixed bridge funct ion during t his t ime. Unfor tunately for t he public, unles s f ull y in fo r me d, a ll yo u c a n c omp a re is price.

I f, b e c au s e of f in a nc e s, you mu s t h a v e a n o v e r- d e n t u r e, t h e n u s i n g t radit ional implant s st ill show a higher succes s rate over 10 years t han has be en doc umente d for mini-impla nt s. Over the long term, any price difference bet ween mini-implant s and t radit ional proven implant s becomes insignificant given the higher success rate for return. That is why we recommend fixed bridges rather than over-dentures, because we see on a daily basis the profound impact a f ixed bridge has on t heir lives. A fixed bridge on traditional implants does cost more t han an overdent ure on mini-implants, but you cannot begin to compare the dif ference in value you are receiving for that ex tra investment. Regardless, either option is bet ter than having your teet h on t he night st and.

w w w. m e t l i v i n g m a g a z i n e . c o m

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Met-Living’s 101 Fast Facts 1. From all the vegetables, beets contain 24. Close to fifty percent of Internet shoppers the most sugar spend over five hours a week online 2 . Ants do not sleep 2 5. Los Angeles is the most polluted city 3. The highest point in France is Mont Blanc, in the USA located in the Alps. 26. There are are roughly 100 million single 4 . There are over 500 dif ferent t ypes of adults living in the USA bananas 27. For people that are lactose intolerant, 5. In 75% of American households, women chocolate aids in helping milk digest easier manage the money and pay the bills 28. 4% of an apples is made up of minerals 6. The first owner of the Marlboro Company and vitamins, and over 80% is made up of died of lung cancer water 7. Michael Jordan makes more money from 29. Althaiophobia is the fear of marshmallows Nike annually than all of the Nike factor y 3 0 . From all t he ox ygen t hat a human workers in Malaysia combined breathes, t wenty percent goes to the brain 8 . Next to man, the porpoise is 23. Childr en the most intelligent creature on laugh about ear th 400 t imes a 9. The Hawaiian alphabet only day, w hile has 12 let ters adult s laugh on aver age 10. Polar bears are lef t handed only 15 t imes 11. The University of Plymouth a day was the first university to of fer a degree in sur fing 12 . In the United States, about 33% of land is covered by forests 13. Food can only be tasted if it is mixed with saliva 14. Lemons contain more sugar than strawberries 15. The koala is not a bear, it is an arboreal marsupial that lives in Australia. 16. New York City is now the most populated 31. Peaches were once known as Persian cit y in the USA with more than 8.2 million apples people. 32 . If a statue in the park of a person on 17. The conjunctiva is a membrane that a horse has both front legs in the air, the covers the human eye person died in bat tle; if the horse has one 18 . Each year in America there are about front leg in the air, the person died as a result 300,000 deaths that can be at tributed to of wounds received in battle; if the horse has obesity all four legs on the ground, the person died 19. Humphrey Bogart was related to Princess of natural causes Diana 33. Ninety-five percent of tropical fish sold 20. Alexandre Gustave Eif fel, the man who in Nor th America originate from Florida designed the Eif fel Tower, also designed the 34 . The sun shrinks five feet ever y hour inner structure of the Statue of Liber t y in 3 5 . R u b b e r b a n d s l a s t l o n g e r w h e n New York Harbour refrigerated 21. Marilyn Monroe had six toes 36. Bill Gates began programming computers 22 . Another way to say “ever y 9 years” is at age 13 Novennial 37. Tobacco contains over 50 chemicals 23. Children laugh about 400 times a day, while that can cause cancer adults laugh on average only 15 times a day 38. Sailors once thought that wearing a gold


M e t r o p o l i ta n L i v i n g

earring would improve their eyesight 39. The smallest bird in the world is the bee hummingbird. The bird is 2.24 inches long 4 0. The full name of the Tit anic ship is R.M.S. Titanic, which stands for Royal Mail Steamship 41. Ever yday approximately 35 meters of hair fibre is produced on the scalp of an adult 42 . A U.S. company came out with a toilet night-light that sends out a green warning beacon when the seat is up 43. A little under one quar ter of the people in the world are vegetarians 44 . There are approximately 1300 species of scorpion but only 25 of them are deadly 45. An egg shell can have up to 17,000 tiny pores on its sur face 4 6 . 66% of home based businesses are owned by women 47. There are approximately 60 muscles in the face 4 8 . If all t he st rawber ries produced in California annually were put side by side, they would wrap around the Earth fifteen times 49. “Bookkeeper” is the only word in English language with three consecutive double letters 50. Four out of five brides in the U.S. have a job 51. 75-90% of primar y physician visits are due to stress 52 . The reason why the Canadian Arctic is called the “Land of the Midnight Sun” is because during the summer many communities have light 24 hours of the day. Many people have to cover their windows with tin foil to keep the light out when they sleep 5 3 . The Cincinnati Reds are t he oldest professional baseball team 54 . The word, tat too originated from the Tahitain word “tattau” which means “to mark.” 55. There was no punctuation until the 15th centur y 56. All babies are colour blind when they are born 57. There are approximately 9,000 taste buds on the tongue 58. A fetus starts to develop fingerprints at the age of eight weeks 59. The reason why your nose gets runny when you are crying is because the tears from the eyes drain into the nose

w w w. m e t l i v i n g m a g a z i n e . c o m

60. In one day, the Tootsie Roll Industr y 77. There is a town in Nor way called “Hell” makes over 16 million lollipops 78. The three wealthiest families in the world 61. Baskin Robbins once made ketchup have more assets than the combined wealth ice cream. T his wa s t he only veget able of the for ty-eight poorest nations flavoured ice cream produced. However, they 79. May babies are on average 200 grams discontinued it since they thought it would heavier than babies born in other months not sell well 80. Hippos can live up to 40 years in the wild 62 . In an year, an average person makes 1,140 phone calls 63 . Majorit y of brides plan their wedding for approximately 7 to 12 months 64 . The word assassination was invented 1 . 10 0 m i l l i o n C h i n e s e f o o d cartons are used annually in New York City by William Shakespeare 65. A study indicates that smokers are likely The musicians who per form in the NYC to die on average six and a half years earlier Subway system go t hrough a compet it ive a u d i t i o n p r o c e s s. S o m e o f t h e s u b w a y than non-smokers musicians have also 66. T YPEWRITER, is one of played at Car negie Hall the longest words that can be 2 . New Yor k Cit y has made using the letters only one 4000 street food row of the keyboard vendors including hot 6 7. T he t ur key w a s onc e dogs, pret zels, falafel, nominated to be the of ficial kebobs, and more. bird of the United States 3. New York City was the 6 8 . The first United States U. S . c a p i t a l from president to visit China was 1789 to 1790 Richard Nixon 4 . The Federal 69. In a day, an elephant can Reser ve Bank on drink 80 gallons of water New York’s Wall Street 70 . It c ost t he sof t dr ink contains vaults that are industr y $100 million a year located 80 feet beneath for thef ts commit ted involving the bank and hold about vending machines 25 percent of the world’s 71. T he only t wo days of gold bullion t he year in which t here are 5. In most recent years, no professional spor ts games the average d a i l y (MLB, NBA, NHL, or NFL) are “Manhattanhenge” Sunset r o o m r a t e in New the day before and the day after on 34th st. York hotels was $267 the Major League All-Star Game 72 . The planet Venus spins opposite to the 6 . T h e M a n h a t t a n g r i d p a t t e r n produces an ef fect k nown as other planets in the solar system 73. During a typical human life span, the “Manhat tanhenge” (like Stonehenge) on t wo human heart will beat approximately 2.5 billion days — around May 28t h and around July 12t h — sunset is direct ly aligned wit h t he times 74 . Frog-eating bats identif y edible frogs street grid pat tern. This means the sun can from poisonous ones by listening to the mating be seen set ting exactly over t he centerline calls of male frogs. Frogs counter this by of ever y Manhat t an st reet. A similar ef fect hiding and using short, difficult to locate calls occurs during sunrise on t wo winter days. 75. Dieting can cause bad breath since less 7. When the Dutch still controlled the region, saliva is produced which leads to dr y mouth Wall St reet was the city limit and there 76. Chameleon is derived from the Greek, was actually a wall there. 8. Brooklyn Bridge opened to public: meaning “lit tle lion.”

Just For New Yorkers

May 24, 1883 at 2:00 PM. A total of 150,300 people crossed opening day. People charged 1 cent to cross. 9. The S ubway opened from City Hall to Harlem on Oct. 27, 1904. 10. Fe d e r a l H a ll at 26 Wall Street was the the site of the first Capitol Building of the United States. 11. Statue of Liber t y: Total weight of Statue: 450,000 pounds (225 tons). Length of sandal: 25’-0” US Women’s Shoe Size based on standard fomula: 879 12 . E m p i r e S t a t e B u i l d i n g : The total height of the building, including the lightning rod, is 1,454 feet. There are 1,860 steps from street level to 102nd floor. 13. Ellis I sland: was enlarged from its original 3.3 acres to 27.5 acres mostly by landfill obtained from ship ballast and possibly excess earth from the construction of the New York City subway system. . 14, Cent ral Park was the first large landscaped park in an American city. 843 acres 15. Br oad way, originating from Lower Manhat tan at Bowling Green and ending in Albany, is one of the world’s longest streets at approximately 150 miles 16. M acy ’s, the world’s largest store, covers 2.1 million square feet of space and stocks over 500,000 dif ferent items. 17. T h e V e r r a z a n o - N a r r o w s B r i d g e is so long – 4,260 feet – that the towers are a few inches out of parallel to accommodate the cur vature of the ear th. 18. As of the 2000 Census, 8,008,278 people live in New York City. 19. New York Cabs ar e yellow because John Hertz, the company’s founder, read a study that concluded yellow was the easiest color for the eye to spot. 20. New York City’s nickname, The Big Apple, can be traced back to horse racing in the 1920s. Stable hands of ten referred to New York as the Big Apple, meaning that any thoroughbred that raced in New York had reached the pinnacle of racing. 21. With an estimated 2011 population of 8 , 244 ,910 distributed over a land area of just 305 square miles, New York is the most densely populated major city in the United States

M e t r o p o l i ta n L i v i n g


Little Mexico Restaurant La Mariposa volaba entre los autos. Marie José me dijo: ha de ser Chuang Tzu, de paso por Nueva York. Pero la mariposa no sabía que era una mariposa que soñaba ser Chuang Tzu o Chuang Tzu que soñaba ser una mariposa. La mariposa no dudaba: volaba. — Octavio Paz


butterfly may float on a gusty breeze but this authentic Mexican cuisine will sting your taste buds with unbridled flavors, and warm up the cockles of your heart and palate with zest and zing. Where can you find such gastronomic gorgeousness? Westbury! The cantina is called Lit tle Mexico but there is nothing little about the engulfing aroma once you enter the place: The joint brings flavors of the Yucatan from far away and drops them right into your back yard.

Comiendo entra la gana!

The menu boast a savor y collection o f t a s t y t o s t a d a s, f a b u l o u s f a j i t a s, epicurean empanadas and ques adillas fit for the main event mat ador himself. I n a d d i t i o n, t h i s t a q u e r i a o f f e r s a plet ho r a of s t a ple di s he s t h at neve r fail to impres s. How do you know the place is aut hent ic and t r ue to fabled Mexic an c u i s i n e? T h e c l i e n t e l e ! D r o v e s o f l o c a l s a n d ex-p a t r i o t s (m i s s i n g o l d w o r l d f l avo r a n d s p ic e) d e s c e n d o n t h e p l a c e fo r d a il y s a t i s f a c t i o n a n d succulent t ast ings. Also, t he c anteen of fers a wide variet y of cer vezas and a s angria t hat c an put a smile on your face faster t han Selma Hayek.


M e t r o p o l i ta n L i v i n g

“We just love it when we see that our patrons are having a good time with smiles on their faces,” says owner Yanet, “We even have people coming back for lunch the next day, with funny stories and new found good cheer to share.”

A beber y a tragar, que el mundo se va a acabar!

The Guadalajara grill is a welcome addition to an already bustling Westbury d i n n i n g s c e n e. J u s t a s k o n e of t h e loc als. “We have so many Italian restaurants and bars,” said Monica from Garden City, “To have a true Mexican joint in town is thrilling. The food is great. I went to college on the West Coast so I know my Mexican ver y well.” Mindy from five towns concurred. “I love Mexican food and to have a place like this on the island is great. I love their soups and delicious fajitas.”

Huele de muerte!

Authentic Mexican flavors permeate the cantina as diners wait with anticipation for their savor y of ferings to arrive. The ambiance is also a big seller. There is great people watching, and all types of par ties are welcome. “The whole staf f at Lit tle Mexico are devoted to taking care of you,” said Yanet, “So all you have to do is relax and have a good time.” Me gusta la salsa mucha. Eso es mi comida favorito. Yo como salsa para el almuerzo. Yo como salsa con las galletas y el pan. Yo como salsa en pasta tambien. Salsa es muy rico con las hierbas. Yo c o m o s a l s a e n l a s c o m i d a s Mexicanas. Y tambien yo como salsa en la comida Italiana. Salsa es muy delicioso. Me encanta la salsa mucha. So run, don’t walk to Little Mexico. You won’t find any other place so authentic this side of the border.

w w w. m e t l i v i n g m a g a z i n e . c o m

Open Daily 10 am - 10 pm Delivery & Take-out * Appetizers * Authentic Mexican Dishes * Breakfast & Desserts * Drinks * Kids Menu & Side Orders * Quesadillas – Chef Alfonso’s Newest Creation * Soups, Salads & Fajitas * Traditional Chicken – Steak – Shrimp Dishes * Traditional Combos * Traditional Mexican Dishes * Traditional Dishes

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M e t r o p o l i ta n L i v11/16/12 ing


10:33 AM

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12/4/12 3:15 PM

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M e t r o p o l i ta n L i12/4/12 v i n g 3:10 PM37

Entertainment Guide Met-Living On Broadway Jazz” and “Mister Cellophane.” Ambassador Theatre Open-Ended


The Cast of Annie

Bring It On: The Musical

In Bring It On: The Music al, t he highstakes world of competitive cheerleading is inter t wined with cut throat high school politics to tell the stor y of Campbell, the heir apparent to the head cheerleader at Truman High School. St. James Theatre Closing 30 Dec 2012


A baby stowaway in Santa’s sack, Buddy, raised in the North Pole as an elf, turns out to be human — and embarks on a quest to find his real family. Based on the 2003 holiday movie. Al Hirschfeld Theatre Closing 06 Jan 2013

War Horse

Utilizing puppetr y, scenic elements, music and movement, the epic comes to life in a breathtakingly original production. The drama recounts the adventures of a horse as he moves from life on a farm into the battles of World War 1. It’s also the story of a friendship put through the toughest tests. Vivian Beaumont Theater Closing 06 Jan 2013


M e t r o p o l i ta n L i v i n g

Jersey Boys

Jersey Boys tells the rags-to-riches stor y of one of the greatest successes in pop music histor y — Frankie Valli & the Four Seasons. Meet the four blue-collar kids working their way from the streets of Newark to the heights of st ardom. The musical features such Seasons’ hits as “Big Girls Don’t Cr y,” “Oh What a Night” and “Can’t Take My Eyes Of f of You.” August Wilson Theatre Open-Ended

Mary Poppins

Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious! Based on the books by P.L. Travers and the classic Walt Disney film, this is the stor y of the Banks family and how their lives change af ter the arrival of nanny Mar y Poppins at their home at 17 Cherr y Tree Lane in London. New Amsterdam Theatre Open-Ended


For a couple of Jazz Age enter tainers, it’s all about fame, for tune. The razzle-dazzle musical where a sensational murder trial is acted out in vaudeville specialties. The score includes “Razzle-Dazzle,” “All That

The pluck y redheaded orphan and her scr uf f y mut t Sandy make t heir way in Depression-era New York from a dismal orphanage to the home of billionaire Daddy Warbucks. The Tony Award-winning musical includes the songs “Tomorrow,” “Little Girls,” “Easy Street,” “NYC” and “You’re Never Fully Dressed Without a Smile.” Palace Theatre Open-Ended

The Lion King

Julie Taymor’s acclaimed staging of the Disney animated f ilm ha s been hailed a s a B ro a d w a y landmark. The Lion King tells t he stor y of t he epic ad vent ure s of a young lion cub named Simba a s he st r uggle s to accept the responsibilities of adulthood and The Lion King his destined role as king. Minskoff Theatre Closing Open-Ended


The Broadway debut of this beloved Rodgers and Hammerstein musical of fers a new romantic t wist on the ultimate makeover stor y of a maid-turned-princess, mixing fresh comedy with the fair y tale’s classic elements — the pumpkin, glass slipper, masked ball and more. Broadway Theatre Closing Open-Ended

w w w. m e t l i v i n g m a g a z i n e . c o m

Met-Living at the Movies Jack Ryan

21 & over

Keira Knightley, Chris Pine In Theaters: Dec 25 Action | Drama | Thriller -

Miles Teller, Justin Chon In Theaters: Mar. 1 Comedy

Jack Ryan, as a young cover t CIA analyst, uncovers a Russian plot to crash the U.S. economy with a terrorist at tack.

The night before his big medical school exam, a promising student celebrates his 21st bir thday with his t wo best friends.

Stand Up Guys

A pair of aging con men tr y to get the old gang back together for one last hurrah before one of t he guys t akes his la st assignment -- to kill his comrade. Al Pacino

The Secret Life Of Walter Mitty

A timid magazine photo manager who lives life vicariously through daydreams embarks on a true-life adventure when a negative goes missing. Ben Stiller, Sean Penn In Theaters: Dec. 25 Adventure | Comedy | Drama

Al Pacino, Christopher In Theaters: Jan. 11 Comedy | Crime

Beautiful Creatures

Ethan longs to escape his small Southern town. He meets a mysterious new girl, Lena. Together, they uncover dark secrets about their respective families, their histor y and their town. Alice Englert, Viola Davis In Theaters: Feb. 13 Drama | Romance

The To Do List

Feeling pressured to become more sexually experienced before she goes to college, Brandy Clark makes a list of t hings to accomplished before hit ting c ampus in the fall. Connie Britton, Andy Samberg In Theaters: Feb. 14 Comedy | Teen

Escape from Planet Earth

Astronaut Scorch Supernova finds himself caught in a trap when he responds to an SOS from a notoriously dangerous alien planet. Brendan Fraser, Sarah Jessica Parker In Theaters: Feb. 14 Animation | Adventure | Comedy

Vanessa Williams

Tyler Perry’s The Marrige Counsler

A ma r r iage c oun s elor ’s pe r s on a l a nd profes sional life becomes complic ated af ter she enters into a relationship with one of her clients. Jurnee Smollett, Vanessa Williams In Theaters: Mar. 29 Drama

M e t r o p o l i ta n L i v i n g


Entertainment Entertainment Guide Guide New York Knicks Home Court: Madison Square Garden Manhattan, NY:


he New York Knickerbockers, commonly referred to as the Knicks, are part of the Atlantic Division of the Eastern Conference in the National Basketball Association (NBA). The team was established in 1946 as one of the founding members of the Basketball Association of America (BAA), which became the NBA after merging with their rival, the National Basketball League (NBL) in 1949. The Knicks are one of only t wo teams of the original National Basketball Association still

located in its original cit y (the ot her being t he Bo s ton C el t ic s). T he K nic k s we re s uc c e s s f ul during their early years and were c o n s t a n t p l a y o f f c o n t e n d e r s. Beginning in 1950, the Knicks made three consecutive appearances in the NBA Finals, all of which were losing ef for ts. In the late 1960s when Red Holzman became head coach did t he K nick s begin to regain t heir former dominance. Holzman successfully guided the Knicks to t wo championship titles in 1970 and 1973. The playof f-level K nicks of t he 19 9 0 s w e re l e d b y f u t u re H a l l of F a m e c e n t e r P a t r i c k E w i n g; this era was marked by three intense rivalries with the Miami H e a t , t h e I n d i a n a P a c e r s a n d, of c o u r s e, M i c h e a l J o r d a n a n d the Chicago Bulls

Carmello Anthony

Brooklyn Nets Home Court: Barclay Center Broolyn, NY

T Deron Williams

4 40 0

M Me e tt r ro op po o ll ii ta ta n n LL ii v v ii n ng g

he Nets are back in New York. Members of the Atlantic Division of the Eastern Conference in the National Basketball Association (NBA). The team is the second NBA franchise that play home games in New York City An original member of the American Basketball Association (ABA), the Nets w e re fo u n de d in 1967 a n d ini t i a ll y p l aye d i n Te a n e c k, N e w Je r s e y a s t h e N e w J e r s e y A m e r i c a n s. I n i t s early years, t he team led a nomadic existence, moving to Long Island in

1968 and playing in var ious arenas t here as t he New Yor k Net s. It won t wo ABA championships in New Yor k b e f o re b e c o m i n g o n e of f o u r A B A te ams to be admit ted into t he NBA a s p a r t of t he A BA – NBA merger in 1976. The team t hen moved back to New Jersey in 1977 and bec ame t he New Jer sey Net s. Dur ing t heir t ime in t hat s t ate, t he Net s s aw per iods of losing and misfor tune intermit tent with several periods of success, which culminated in t wo consecu t ive NBA Finals appearances in t he 2001– 02 and 2002– 03 seasons. Af ter 35 seasons in New Jersey, the team returned to the state of New York in 2012 to play in the new Barclays Center in Brooklyn.

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w w w. m e t l i v i n g m a g a z i n e . c o m 7/8/11 7:45 PM

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n a city that never sleeps you need to have a good light source. Lamp Warehouse - a discounted center is located at the corner of 39Th Street and Fort Hamilton Parkway in Brooklyn. Open to the public, it’s a shopper’s world of lamps,f ix t ures, ceiling fans,bulbs and lamp shades. We have a fantastic Repair and Restoration depar tment. Picking out a lamp or lighting fixture is a ver y personal decision and we can help with that. We will match or beat any competitor’s price. We want to help you find the right lamp or fixture for your home - we understand- we live here too. So i f you ne e d help, you c a n f ind a re s p l e n d e n t s u p p l y d o w n a t t h e L a m p Warehouse. OUR CUSTOMERS ARE SECOND TO NONE

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When you desire exquisite jewelry and excellent customer service, find everything you need whether it’s for yourself or someone you love. Since 1951, Howard Jewelers custom designs, remodels, buys, and sells only finest pieces of jewelry and watches that you could want.

WE BUY GOLD, DIAMONDS & ESTATES • Jewelry, Watches & Clocks •Precious and semi-precious metals • Engraving • Repairs • Engagement and Wedding Rings • Classic and contemporary rings • Bridal gifts • Anniversary jewelry

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The Most award winning restaurant in the borough of brooklyn


Pearl Room

Open 7 days a week for lunch and dinner - brunch on Sunday Make your Valentine’s Day & holiday reservations now. Experience Executive Chef Anthony Rinaldi’s Creative Gourmet Entrees

Private Party Rooms with accomodations for up to 150 guests

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7 1 8 - 8 3 3 - 6 6 6 6 • 8 2 0 1 T h i r d Av e . B r o o k l y n , N Y 1 1 2 0 9

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