February 2013
Issue 2 Volume 2
37 5,0 0
ED !!!
1st Newark Minister’s C
Free Minister’s Breakfast
Health Care The Only Newark Without Public Access Get A New Harvest Healthcare Pt 2. Change Your Seed Cablevision Black History For Program Guide Tweeting Month Change 5 Steps to Self Discipline
In This Issue Transformation Newark magazine is a monthly publication focused on changing the city of newark through the Nehemiah model of rebuilding a city. And through providing practical information and tips to transform lives. CONTRIBUTORS Bernard Wilks PUBLISHER Rick Greene In cooperation with Dominion Ministries & The Urban Convocation Strategic Operations Council’s Media & Technology Department
Overcoming Spiritual Anemia... 10 Things To Consider The Urban Convocation A Photo Essay If You Don’t Like Your Harvest... Change Your Seed A Ministry in Action: Faith & Hope Ministries 8 Keys To Ministering During Times Of Illness
Dominion Fellowship Ministries 83 James Street Newark, New Jersey 07102 973-273-9200
In Every Issue TRANSFORMING YOUR: City Business Ministry Relationships Life MINISTRY OF THE MONTH
The Metro Rally South photo by: Rick Greene
Transformation Newark Magazine Celebrates
Dare to Dream... Go Out And Make History!
EDITORIAL Can’t We All just Get Along? Church Bashing Why is it that we whip our people? I am tired of hearing speakers talk about what the church isn’t doing; I am tired of hearing about how the church is failing. And I am especially tired of hearing about how the church has come out of the four walls! In fact the congregations have come to accept it and actually shout in agreement when a speaker proceeds down this path. It is not biblically correct nor is it logically correct. Jesus told Peter to “feed” my sheep. He never said whip them, nor make them feel miserable. Its the GOOD news! What is it that God wants you to do? What is your calling. What is your area of anointing? Where is you assignment? Focusing on these areas are all but assured of success... If you stay focused on God’s will for your life by seeking God in prayer to find his will, and then doing it!
The Power In Togetherness 1And the whole earth was of one language, and of one speech. 2And it came to pass, as
they journeyed from the east, that they found a plain in the land of Shinar; and they dwelt there. 3And they said one to another, Go to, let us make brick, and burn them throughly. And they had brick for stone, and slime had they for morter. 4And they said, Go to, let us build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven; and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth. 5And the LORD came down to see the city and the tower, which the children of men builded. 6And the LORD said, Behold, the people is one, and
they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do. 7Go to, let us go down, and there confound their language, that they may not understand one another's speech. Simply put God reveals to us that when people; any people, saved or unsaved, good or bad, come together in agreement there is nothing that will stop them! This is why criminals succeed, why armies advance, and quite frankly why we often fail, We are not on one accord, Just think how much more effective we could be in our businesses, our homes, our relationships, and our ministries is we just applied this simple principle. The challenge is to find the persons with whom you can be in agreement with. This ought to be a priority in our life because it is vital to our success in just about everything we do. Get together speak the same language and nothing will stop you! Be A Sponsor - Help Transform Newark Only $20 a month for 12 months and get a full page Ad every month! Plus other special discounts and marketing benefits. Call us at 862-888-8238 to see how Transformation Magazine can help you.
Hear A Special Keynote Address by ReMA Vice President & Founder of Living Logos Christian Assembly Pastor Marcus Johnson
The Newark Minister’s Conference Saturday February 16th 9AM No Charge for Registration & Breakfast Living Logos Christian Assembly 227 Clinton Ave., Newark, NJ Hosted by: The Church At Newark, Pastor Rick Greene
Register at:
Life Transformation
Student Family Health Care Center
Health Care without “Healthcare� Pt. 2 How much does it cost to have six doctors and 3 social workers to take a complete medical history, examine, test you, and provide you with the necessary assistance you need to schedule other exams and appointments with a specialist? Absolutely nothing! Thats right I had a most pleasant experience while feeling awful, and in lots pain at the SFHCC.
(SFHCC) Doctor's Office Center, Suite 4400 90 Bergen Street PO Box 1709 Newark , NJ 07101 Tues & Thurs 5:30-10pm (973) 972-3764 (973) 972-0868
My Journey through the healthcare system I write this article to 1. Inspire others to seek the medical attention they may desperately need even though they may not have insurance. 2. To encourage all of you to visit your doctor and be checked out. Do not neglect your health as I have. And 3. To let your know that even though the process may take some time - the system works! And it works very well. I went for my first exam at the SFHCC on a Thursday at 5pm. Arriving early and expecting a crowd, I was pleasantly surprised to find out that I was the first patient there and the two others who came in later only needed to get a referral and a new appointment. In came the med students. 26 I counted, and I probably missed a few! After about 10 minutes I was called in to be seen by an enthusiastic team of five. Dr. Mike Schmidt being the 4th year resident, lead the team through a very thorough history and exam lasting about 3 hours! From head to toe, eyes, ears, nose, throat, reflexes, feet, toes, arms, legs, lungs, prostate, head, neck, blood pressure, and heart with an EKG by another doctor! Blood and urine samples were also taken.
The Consultation After the exam the students left me to as they conferred with the training physician Dr. David Cennimo (pictured in the inset photo). While conferring with the their training physician I was visited by 3 different social workers who took ID information and would later setup referral appointments and start the process for Charity Care. The team returned with Dr. Cennimo. I was expecting him to be busy, business like, and impersonal, and again I was pleasantly surprised by his patience and attention to detail. He then examined me and wrote scripts for hypertension and pain, and ordered X rays and an Orthopedic consult. So far so good. More to come next month about the referral visits - by Pastor Rick
The Resident Ministers Alliance (ReMA) is an alliance of ministers who are licensed to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God. ReMA operates under the leadership of ministers who reside in the City of Newark and are united in association with likeminded non-resident ministers. We work together for the perpetuation of the spiritual interests and the common concerns of Newark families, fellow residents and the greater Newark community.
CALL 973-563-5333 To join or find out more CLICK HERE
Business Transformation
FROM THE KING While many have listened and re-listened to the famous speech given on the mall in Washington DC. Few I believe have ever taken the time to extrapolate the powerful leadership insights that abound with in it. MLK was not only a great orator, but motivator, teacher, and we know, leader as well. His words moved people to action which is what every leader must do so here are a few leadership insights from the famous “I Have A Dream� speech.
Insight 1: Great leaders do not sugar-coat reality. Insight 2: Great leaders engage the heart. Insight 3: Great leaders refuse to accept the status quo.
Insight 4: Great leaders create a sense of urgency. Insight 5: Great leaders call people to act in accord with their highest values. Insight 6: Great leaders refuse to settle. Insight 7: Great leaders acknowledge the sacrifice of their followers. Insight 8: Great leaders paint a vivid picture of a better tomorrow.
What’s Holding
You Back?
In these uncertain times are you looking for a Godly experienced accountant who will truly care and give you excellent personal service at a very affordable fee? Then contact:
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CPA in public accounting for over 20 years Master of Science in Taxation from Fairleigh Dickinson University Provides tax planning, preparation, accounting services and advice for individuals, businesses as well as not for profit organizations Provides bookkeeping, payroll and sales tax services IRS problems and audit representation Available to meet at your office, home, his office or other location Committed to providing quality services at extremely competitive prices Strives to maintain the highest level of personal and professional integrity incorporating Biblical principles Works closely with his clients to obtain targeted individual, business goals Understands the current economic climate and how it affects you, your family and your business Member of both the NJSCPA and the AICPA "The generous soul will be made rich, and he who waters will also be watered himself" Proverbs 11:25
City Transformation
Tweeting for Change A decade ago a very few select group of politicians, lobbyists, and activists would be able to get the attention of, let alone the “ear” of political incumbents. However with the surge in Social Media Networking we are now able to interact with our leaders on a regular basis. Amongst our latest followers is our mayor, but through social networking we have corresponded with most members of the city council as well. In fact aside from congratulations and birthday greeting from our government leaders, I have found this is the fastest and easiest way to information “straight from the horses
mouth” so to speak. In addition to helping to keep them informed about whats going on in our city.
So as most of us have at least some form of social media that we visit frequently,it would not only be sensible be also expedient that we use these networks to not only share with our “Friends� but also create campaigns for change in our city. Here are a few tips that may inspire you to Tweet for Change. 1. Direct message or tweet your local official. Look up you local officials Facebook, twitter, or other social networking account. Make them aware of local conditions that may need their attention use data and photos to drive home the point. They are often thankful for being filled in. 2. Rally your friends for cause. What is it that concerns you? What are you moved to take action on? Most likely some of your friends have similar passions. Use social networking to engage and rally them to action. 3. Present your campaign to city hall and local agencies. As you and or your campaigners make your concerns know and dialog with your leaders, you will find that over time you will see the effects of your efforts Remember that is this time of social media networking, you can use to bring about awareness to things that affect us all and cause transformation in your city.
Kim's Korner LIVE BOLD FUNNY OUTSPOKEN Artists | Authors Athletes | Activists And Politicians
Newark Cablevision Channel 18
Saturdays 6pm
A TNM Publication
Newark Minister’s Conference Saturday February 16, 2013
Life Transformation
While in past episodes we have focused on the needs of husbands. Wives must also realized that your husband's sexual desire is also a gift to you.
Having great sex is not going to erase your marriage problems but it will greatly increase your husband's focus, faithfulness, and determination to work toward building a greater marriage. Every woman wants to feel loved, cared for, and desired. Men do too. And, we are to love, care for and fulfill each others sexual needs. Scripture puts it this way... 1 Corinthians 7:3-5 Let the husband render unto the wife due benevolence: and likewise also the wife unto the husband. 4 The wife hath not power of her own body, but the husband: and likewise also the husband hath not power of his own body, but the wife. 5 Defraud ye not one the other, except it be with consent for a time, that ye may give yourselves to fasting and prayer; and come together again, that Satan tempt you not for your incontinentcy. 3
Wives know that his desire for you is not only to be viewed as "his need to be met"; but also as his drive to please you... and draw him closer into the loving relationship that you both desire. Listen to this week's episode and learn more by CLICKING HERE or visiting one of my websites.
This book has been created to delight, encourage, strengthen, entertain, but above all inspire some type of positive change. It is my desire to invoke a need to share something good within this construct, create the basis for looking inward and perhaps adjusting self or spark in you the need to share something romantic or uplifting with someone else. I thank you for your time… enjoy.
R E D OR E HER LONNIE MICKENS was born and raised in Paterson, New Jersey. After graduating from Eastside High under Dr. Joe Clark he and went on to William Paterson University, where his spirit for writing was further nurtured, graduating with a bachelor’s degree in English. Upon opting not to pursue law Mr. Mickens decided to follow the family’s predominant professional field of choice, education, and later went on to achieve his Certification and Master’s degree in Special Education from New Jersey City University. He’s received several teacher recognition awards and has been proudly teaching in the Paterson Public Schools for 17 years where he is presently a high school teacher.
With The Best In Gospel Music
Deacon Fredd Mulligan New Shows Every T H U R S D AY 11 p m And On Demand
Life Transformation 5 Steps For Greater
Self discipline is something that many of us focus on in the beginning of the year, because lots of us have started to make adjustments in our life. Many people’s new years resolve have already been tested and you might even be thinking about giving up. Don’t quit just yet. I’ve got some tips to help you. If you are anything like me, you may struggle from time to time with discipline, You may have the best of plans, and you may be great “out of the gate” but soon after you’re off
to a good start some other activity pop ups and you veer off course. Heres a question to think about. Are you willing to make yourself do some that you don’t want to do in order to get what you really want? I have found that you can become disciplined in almost any area of your life in five steps. You may be, as I, working to get in better shape, read through the bible, complete a course, write regularly on your blog, or develop a fantastic relationship. Either way, the mindset is the same.
• What is your goal? The most important things to remember about goals
is that they should always be SMART •Specific •Measurable •Attainable •Relevant •Timely
•List Your Motivations. What is the reasons that you are doing this. Keep that in the forefront of your mind. •Note Possible Obstacles What are some of the problems you may encounter. What are some solutions. •Develop New Behaviors. If you do what you did, you will get what you got. New behaviors equal new experiences. •Keep Focused Do not feel guilty when you have to say “no”. You say yes to your goals when you say no to anything that hinders them. Remember these five steps and you will achieve your goals and you will see a transformation in you life. Pastor Rick
We Like This
Transformation Through Education
Have you ever thought about attending bible college? Eastern semester EasternTheological TheologicalSeminary’s Seminary’sfall 2013 Springhas semester here. Join us. Its not late, to find out more and to register. Course offerings are,to1st & 2nd Timothy, Titus and No matterEnrollment what your situation, weopen. will work with yoU to Happiness. is currently continue your education.
“… And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. ” Come renew your mind, study for a degree, or come just to learn. Scholarships are still available. Call Dr. Bernard Wilks at 973-273-9200 or 973-563-5333 for more info or simply come out Mondays at 7pm. Classes held in the Dominion Home office at 83 James Street, Newark, NJ. 62
Ministry of the Month
Rev. Marcus Johnson Founder & Sr. Pastor
LIVING LOGOS CHRISTIAN ASSEMBLY 277 CLINTON PLACE Newark, New Jersey 07112 973-923-0817
SUNDAY SERVICE 11AM Sunday School Sun 10AM Intercessory Prayer Wed 7pm Bible Class Fri 7PM
8 Keys To Ministering During Times of Illness
by Curtis Mincey You know the most distracting thing that can happen to a preacher during the course of being a servant of God is distractions. I’m not just talking about some silly there’s construction noise outside my window distraction. Or the kids are running around the house (I don’t have any kids) distractions. Or the neighbors are having a party and I wasn’t invited type of distractions. But I’m talking about the type of things that impact our very existence. The type of stuff that may make an individual want to quit. I’m talking about sickness and health, one of the great issues of life. When a loved one in the family becomes ill that can be a mild distraction if you don’t live with them. But what happens when you live in the same house with that person? What happens when your own personal daily routine has been interrupted by the need to be a caretaker. You see I am currently in this very situation. Due to my fathers battle with lung cancer I have been placed in a situation in which I am required to not just talk about ministry, but to do ministry: And the truth be told right now I am grateful to God to be able to be here. As much as I want my father to be healed I thank God for this opportunity to be of some support to my father. I love him dearly. But all of this has caused me to think about the lessons I am learning as we journey through this season of life. It has opened my spiritual eyes and made me think of some things to remember.
1. I am not the only one who is experiencing or going through the sickness of an aging parent or loved one. All of us at one time will have to deal with this issue. It is just the way things are in the fallen world we live in. Life, death and illness are just a part of our existence. 2. Preaching a sermon is not as important as living a sermon. I can preach and teach the bible all day everyday. But if I fail to minister in those areas and to those people God has called me to minister to then I am a disobedient servant and the words that I preach and teach are meaningless. Real ministry starts right where you are at now. 3. Proper time management is essential. It’s essential when things are so-called normal. But becomes more important when you take things like doctors appointments, shopping, family visits etc... 4. Prayer and bible study become sources of strength and energy. Sometimes there are days when there is a lot of running around to do. But we should never forget the importance of spending time with God through prayer, meditation and bible study. 5. Walking by faith. It’s during times like this that the rubber has to hit the road and we
can no longer just merely talk the talk but now we have to walk the walk. We have to put our faith into action. Times like this allow us to demonstrate our faith in God to God, to our family, to our neighbor, and to ourselves. 6. We should not be ashamed to tell someone how we feel. Honesty is a good policy and being able to be honest with a good friend is vital. We need support from time to time, and a friend is going to be there during those times of adversity. Don’t be afraid to open up and seek out the support of others. Sometimes those people are going to be right there in the house with you in the form of another family member. Other times they are just a phone call or an e-mail away. 7. Spend time with the person that is going through a serious illness. They need to talk. They need someone to listen. They need someone to just be there. Sometimes they may have so much stuff on there minds that they may not want to do a lot of talking. But your presence in the same room or in the same house is important. 8. Tell them you love them; And when God heals them continue to tell them you love. To God be the glory.
Pastor Professor Chaplain
Apostle Pastor Teacher
Join me each Sunday at 2pm On Cablevision channel 19 As I talk with ministry leaders from in and round the city of Newark.
There are many congregations but theres really only one church, and in this city we are... The Church at Newark.
Resource Center Mill Street, Belleville, NJ (973) 661-5217
presents FREE teaching (Love offering taken) and
Resource Center Sale
“Christ in the Passover Celebration” Sat., March 9th, 2pm-5pm (teaching 2:30 pm to 4:30 pm) (Doors open 2pm - Resource Center Sale 2pm-2:30pm & 4:30pm-5pm) MUST register for teaching. Call (973) 661-5217 or email to register (will need contact info: name/email/tele. #/mail address), for location, directions, info. etc. SPACE IS LIMITED SO REGISTER EARLY -Learn of God’s mighty deliverance of His chosen people -How Jesus Christ fulfilled the Passover -Why it is crucial for Christians to understand the Feast of Passover in these end times -The prophetic significance of the Feast of Passover -Learn about the spiritual symbols of the Passover seder -Learn how to conduct a Christ in the Passover celebration at your church, outreach, fellowship group -Learn about Passover so you can share the love of Messiah with the Jewish people and much more.....
Resource Center Sale Worship garments,Flags,Streamers,Shofars,Tallits,Passover, Jewelry,T-shirts,Anointing oil,Books,DVDs,Scarves,Music,etc.
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Ministry Transformation
3 Things Pastors Should Always Do! 1) Feed the People: Jesus said Feed my sheep, 3 times. Many would think that if something is not repeated in scripture then it may be subject to interpretation. Not the case hear. No room for doubt. So what really is it that does feed sheep? Scripture, feeds the sheep. The question is that even thought each week bright and early S u n d a y m o r n i n g yo u expound on the word of God are the sheep really being fed? Though you may be eloquent, witty, powerful, and exuberant this do not feed sheep, one of the best feedings that will produce a very fulfilled result come through a sermon brought forth from a passage of God’s Word. The the point comes through from a paragraph and the sub point from the verses themselves. Its biblical, topical, relevant, and remembered because its connected to the story in scripture.
2) Love the People: There are some who would be hard pressed to expound upon the love that their leaders have for them. This ought not be so.
As congregations grow and ministry expand and into business like ventures ie. Schools, daycare centers, food banks, soup kitchens, housing complexes and the like, a pastor’s time is spent more like that of a CEO rather than of a SHEPHERD. Bottom line: this is something you can’t fake. Regardless of the size of your congregation, if you are there for people in ‘prime time’ then you ought to be there with then during crying times. One of the greatest ways to express love for the people is to spend time with them.
3) Admit When You Are Wrong: We ministry leaders are often wrong. Our conduct isn’t perfect, our opinions have error, and our leadership is often leaving room for improvement, and even our best intention can often miss the mark. Many leaders think that an admission of error would cause them to look bad in the eyes of their members, it is the opposite which is true. Just admit when you’re wrong, even if you having difficulty accepting it. If you just do these three things consistently, you will be a better leader and your congregation will not only appreciate you more but the will grow in compassion, love, and honesty as well. Pastor Rick
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Business Transformation
Another Meeting. Are You Making The Most Of It? Just about all of us have sat through a boring meeting, or In my case a dozen or so. As a leader I have always tried to cognizant of a few things which I learned from some productive meetings and some gathering which were simply a waste of everyone’s time. So here are 6 points that I’ve learned that will help you make the most of your next meeting.
1. Purpose. Every meeting should have an objective. A Reason for coming together. Before scheduling and deciding who you want to call into the meeting you should first ask yourself the question... What is the result I want from this meeting? Every meeting should have a purpose. 2. Time. How long should the meeting be? Now of course there is no hard and fast rule as to how long a meeting should be however, there is a general principle which applies for all meetings: The shorter, The better! Meeting will take as long or longer than the time you provide. One tip is to schedule meetings shorter that you think you might need them to be; this causes everyone to stay focused on the points which need to be covered. 3. Agenda. An agenda is simply a step by step outline for participants to follow in your meeting. This will prevent unruly meetings and prevent them from drifting into unnecessary areas. 4. Preparation. This is vital for a successful meeting. If everyone has done their “homework� prior to a meeting the potential for progress and success is greatly multiplied. 5. Focus. Focused meeting stay true to the stated purpose. Focused meeting participants stay engaged in the meeting. They’re listening, stay attentive, and they avoid multi-tasking. 6. Leadership. Whose in charge of the meeting. Regardless of who is leading, it is the leaders job to make sure that the first five principles are being followed. Apply these principles to your next meeting and you will see an increase in productivity, and shorter meeting times. Topics which needed to be addressed will taken care of and greater participation which will lead to a greater exchange of ideas and a more successful meeting. -Pastor Rick
“If you don’t like your harvest change your seed” Galatians 6:7 Be not deceived; God is not mocked:for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. Our words and actions are seeds which lead to a harvest wether good or bad. So you may be the one standing between your breakthrough by your words or deeds.
Apostle AJ Roney
Whats in your actions? Proverbs 11:16 A gracious woman retaineth honour: and strong men retain riches. There is an epidemic of single women in our society for many reasons, however I pose the question to my Sisters. What are you sowing?
Whats in your words?
Are you sowing Honor?
Proverbs 6:2 Thou art snared with the words of thy mouth, thou art taken with the words of thy mouth.
Ruth 2:11 And Boaz answered and said unto her, It hath fully been shewed me, all that thou hast done unto thy mother in law since the death of thine husband:and how thou hast left thy father and thy mother, and the land of thy nativity, and art come unto a people which thou knewest not heretofore.
Many are entrapped and downright imprisoned by their words. God spoke the world in existence and by HIS words formed and fashioned the world. Therefore since we are created in Gods likeness and image we also have creative power in our words. So what are you creating with your words, feast or famine? Principle: Attend to your words and be mindful of your responses. Don't use negative phrases such as, you make me sick, I'm broke as a joke,that kills me, your killing me or you killed that. All these sayings may appear harmless but through the creative power of your words they can prove to be harmful.
Ruth sowed honor by following God and her Mother in law and leaving all she knew in her own country. And these actions (Seeds) were evident to a wealthy business man named Boaz and Before he even laid eyes on Ruth her reputation had preceded her. There are opportunities that are present when we're un aware and by sowing seeds of honor you open up the door to those opportunities. Are the seeds that your sowing producing the fruit that you desire?
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A Ministry In Action Faith & Hope Ministries by Curtis Mincey
In the city of Newark, New Jersey there are many congregations but there really is only one Church. Faith & Hope Ministries happens to be one of many congregations here in this city that is dedicated to serving the Lord. Located in the Ironbound District of Newark at 350 Lafayette Street on the 2nd floor, Faith & Hope Ministries is about our Fathers business in ministering to the people of this community. I have been given the absolute privilege of meeting Meeting Pastor Robinho and Pastor Dayse through a friend of mine and I am glad I met them. These are very loving and anointed people, and this is a very special ministry that is doing what God has called them to do. Faith & Hope Ministries is an outreach ministry that is serving the homeless that live around Newark Penn Station. In addition to holding Saturday and Wednesday evening services for their regular congregation, they provide a hot meal, clothes and groceries for those in need; and even offer temporary ID for some of those in attendance that don’t have ID during their Sunday afternoon service. They also have it on their hearts to open an official food bank and clothing center in the future. But they don’t just offer food they offer hope. Faith & Hope Ministries offers counseling for those that are suffering from drug abuse, alcohol abuse and domestic violence. They also provide assistance for individuals that are pregnant or looking for shelter and employment. These are truly God’s people doing God’s will; And they are not concerned with ethnicity, political affiliation, sexual orientation or religious association. All they want to do is what God has called
them to do; and it is apparent that God has called them to serve the community right here in the city of Newark, New Jersey. But their ministry work doesn’t just stop there. The two of them are also trained and certified police chaplains. Trained by the Newark Police Clergy Alliance Police Chaplains Program. They have also trained volunteers from their own congregation to be chaplains within the downtown neighborhood; And They would like to put these chaplains on the streets of the Ironbound section of Newark to help those in need and to let people in the neighborhood know of their presence. Even though Pastors Robinho and Dayse are from Brazil and they are not totally fluent in english (they speak portuguese), they do not allow the language barrier to prevent them from demonstrating the love of God toward the community. They are dedicated to spreading the gospel throughout the community not just with their words but with their actions as well. If you would like to contact them or offer donations of food, clothes or money you can reach them by phone at 732-309-1223 office or 862-772-2264 cell. You can also e-mail them at mfe@feesperanca or visit their website at
Its a Surprise!!! Its a Surprise!!! Its a Surprise!!! Its a Surprise!!!
Its a Surprise!!! Its a Surprise!!! Its a Surprise!!! Its a Surprise!!!
One Minute tips COMING SOON!
Business Transformation
Do Not Be Unequally Yoked
Common sense tells us, our friends have told us and even scripture tells us do not be unequally yoked. That means that your partnerships should not be with those who are not on the same focus, commitment level, will of achievement level, and of course spiritual level.
Yoked Partners The phrase “unequally yoked” comes from 2 Corinthians 6:14 in the King James Version: “Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?” The New American Standard Version is a little more forthright: “Do not be bound together with unbelievers; for what partnership have righteousness and lawlessness, or what fellowship has light with darkness?” A yoke is a wooden bar that joins two oxen to each other and to the burden they pull. An “unequally yoked” team has one stronger ox and one weaker, or one taller and one shorter. The weaker or shorter ox would walk slower than the taller, stronger one, causing the load to go around in circles. When oxen are unequally yoked, they cannot perform the task set before them. Instead of working together, they are at odds with one another.
Equality in Partners So the question becomes; Who am I partnered with? Are we bringing a similar core values, skill set, desire for success, commitment, and willingness to work through various situations? The answers to these questions will often times reveal insights that will show you whether or not the person, persons or organization which you are about to partner with is right for you. Don’t be dazzled by the abilities of a prospective partner make sure you are equally yoked. -Pastor Rick
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As we go into Black History Month we look at some quotes and mini bios of famous African Americans. As you read over some of our great leaders and their stories bare in mind that the world is awaiting you great accomplishments. George Washington Carver "If you love it enough, anything will talk with you." Born in 1864 and honored by Time magazine as the 'Black Leonardo' (recognizing his genius to match the caliber of the great polymath Leonard Da Vinci), George Washington Carver paved the way for agriculturists to come. He and his life's work are one of the greatest examples of dedication in human history. With a single urge of learning, he overcame the sufferings and hardships of slave life. He was the second African-American to make it into the hall of fame. George Washington Carver, in the end, achieved his goal as the
greatest agriculturists and so much more. Everything that he invented, he invented for the benefit of mankind. A read through his biography is an instant cure for lack of motivation within you, for the man overcame insurmountable odds, to become one of the greatest scientists and human beings of his age. Michael Jackson "The greatest education in the world is watching the masters at work." - Michael Jackson Does anyone need the introduction? Singer, song-writer, born August 29, 1958, in Gary, Indiana, as the seventh of nine children, his contribution to modern pop has been enormous and unforgettable. The self-proclaimed 'King of Pop' rules millions of hearts around the world. Muhammad Ali "He who is not courageous enough to take risks will accomplish nothing in life." Muhammad Ali A boxer, born in Louisville, Kentucky, USA, Muhammad Ali is known as one of the greats of his sport. As an amateur boxer (1954-60), winning 100 of 108 matches, he became the 1960 Olympic light-heavyweight champion. He was an almost universal choice as the 20th century's most important sportsman, and at the end of 1999 was voted BBC Sports 'Personality of the Century'. Tiger Woods "I love to play golf, and that's my arena. And you can characterize it and describe it however you want, but I have a love and a passion for getting that ball in the hole and beating those guys." - Tiger Woods A golfer, born Eldrick Woods on December 30, 1975 in Cypress, California, Tiger Woods shot to fame after winning the US Masters at Augusta in 1997 - with a record score of 270 - at the age of 21. Woods was the first African-American to do so, as well as the youngest. Mike Tyson "I could feel his muscle tissues collapse under my force. It's ludicrous these mortals even attempt to enter my realm." - Mike Tyson A boxer, born in New York City, USA. The National Golden Gloves heavyweight champion in 1984, he turned professional the following year. A lethal puncher, he
beat 15 of his first 25 opponents by knockouts in the first round. He is a renowned living legend. Daniel "Chappie" James, Jr. "Nobody dislikes war more than warriors." - Daniel "Chappie" James, Jr. Daniel "Chappie" James, Jr. won his wings and commission as a Tuskegee airman in 1943, but didn't see combat in World War II. He did, however, see combat in the Korean War, flying over 100 missions and earning a reputation as an outstanding fighter pilot. Joe Louis "Once that bell rings you're on your own. It's just you and the other guy." - Joe Louis Joe Louis (1914-1981) held the world heavyweight boxing title longer than anyone in history, twelve years to be exact. He would go on to successfully defend the title 25 times, scoring 20 knockouts. He was known as the 'Brown Bomber' because of his quick devastating punches. Joe Louis has arguably been called the greatest fighter in the history of the sport. Marcus Mosiah Garvey "Liberate the minds of men and ultimately you will liberate the bodies of men." Marcus Garvey Marcus Garvey (1887-1940) is recognized as leader of the first mass movement among America's Blacks. His theme was "Black Pride" when he started his "Back-to-Africa" movement in the U.S. He began his struggle in his native Jamaica in 1916, calling it the 'University Negro Improvement Association'. Maya Angelou "People will forget what you said People will forget what you did But people will never forget how you made them feel." - Maya Angelou A world famous poet, author, historian, singer and civil rights activist, Maya Angelou, the Grammy and Horatio Alger award winner was raised in segregated rural Arkansas. Marian Anderson
"When I sing, I don't want them to see that my face is black. I don't want them to see that my face is white. I want them to see my soul. And that is colorless." - Marian Anderson An African-American operatic and concert singer that was renowned throughout the world for her extraordinary contralto voice. She was the first AfricanAmerican to sing at the Metropolitan Opera. James Booker Perhaps the greatest piano player in the history of New Orleans. The selfproclaimed Piano Prince of New Orleans. Willie Lewis Brown, Jr. "In politics, a lie unanswered becomes truth within 24 hours." - Willie Lewis Brown, Jr. The mayor of the city and county of San Francisco, California, Willie Lewis Brown, Jr., before his term as mayor, was the longest serving Speaker of the Assembly in California history; furthermore, he is the only African-American to ever hold that post. Anthony Davis "I always tried so hard to fit in, and then I figured out that I didn't want to fit." Anthony Davis An internationally known African-American composer of operatic, symphonic, choral, and chamber works, Anthony Davis is best known for his opera X, 'The Life and Times of Malcolm X'. William Edward Du Bois "A little less complaint and whining, and a little more dogged work and manly striving, would do us more credit than a thousand civil rights bills." - W.E.B. Du Bois An African-American educator, author, historian, sociologist, philosopher, poet, and leader. Besides being one of the founders of the NAACP, he was the very first African-American to receive a doctoral degree from Harvard University. Billie Holiday
"If you copy, it means you're working without any real feeling. No two people on earth are alike, and it's got to be that way in music or it isn't music." - Billie Holiday One of the most famous Jazz singers of all time, Billie Holiday left her indelible mark on pop and jazz singing with her unique renditions. Some of her most famous songs are "Don't Explain", "Fine and Mellow" and "God Bless the Child". Quincy Jones "Imagine what a harmonious world it could be if every single person, both young and old shared a little of what he is good at doing." - Quincy James African-American music impresario, who won over twenty Grammy awards, an Emmy award and several Oscar nominations. B.B King "We all have idols. Play like anyone you care about but try to be yourself while you're doing so." - B.B.King The guitarist B.B. King has been called the undisputed King of the Blues. Les McCann The legendary godfather of contemporary soul-jazz is known for his smooth and funky spontaneity. Toni Morrison "I get angry about things, then go on and work." - Toni Morrison Famous author of such works as "Beloved", "The Bluest Eye", "Song of Solomon", "Tar baby", and many other great works. She was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1993. Sidney Poitier "I never had an occasion to question color, therefore, I only saw myself as what I was... a human being." - Sidney Poitier The first Afro-American actor to win the Oscar (Lilies of the Fields, 1963). One of the very best actors of all time. General Colin Powell
"A dream doesn't become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work." - Colin Powell Powell is the first African-American to hold the office of United States Secretary of State; furthermore, he is the only African-American to serve as 'Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff', Department of Defense. Henry Tanner "I will preach with my brush." - Henry Tanner Henry Ossawa Tanner was one of the first great African-American artists to achieve recognition in both America and Europe. Derek Walcott "If you know what you are going to write when you're writing a poem, it's going to be average." - Derek Walcott A Nobel Prize winning poet and playwright. Grace Bumbry "I've gone from reluctance to acceptance to gung ho." - Grace Bumbry Famous African-American opera singer who sang in concerts around the world. Langston Hughes "An artist must be free to choose what he does, certainly, but he must also never be afraid to do what he might choose." - Langston Hughes A poet, essayist, novelist, playwright, journalist, & lyricist born in Joplin, Missouri. Sometimes called 'The Poet Laureate of Harlem', he is one of America's greatest writers. Barack Obama "But what we can do, as flawed as we are, is still see God in other people, and do our best to help them find their own grace. That's what I strive to do, that's what I pray to do every day." - Barack Obama
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