January 2013: Transformation Magazine

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MLK DAY Convocation January 2013

jan 20-21st OV


Issue 1 Volume 2

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In This Issue Transformation Newark magazine is a monthly publication focused on changing the city of newark through the Nehemiah model of rebuilding a city. And through providing practical information and tips to transform lives. CONTRIBUTORS Bernard Wilks PUBLISHER Rick Greene In cooperation with Dominion Ministries & The Urban Convocation Strategic Operations Council’s Media & Technology Department

Dominion Fellowship Ministries 83 James Street Newark, New Jersey 07102 973-273-9200

The 1st Newark Minister’s Conference The Urban Convocation Bo Porter SELF Foundation What Did Martin Teach Us About Transformation


In Every Issue TRANSFORMING YOUR: City Business Ministry Relationships Life

A METRO CHRISTIAN MEDIA PUBLICATION 53 Burnet St. Newark, NJ 07102 Metro Christian Media.com



photo by: Rick Greene

Senator Cory Booker?


As the conclusion came about that the mayor would have a very tough time against his political friend Governor Chris Christy, an easier, and more logical, move for would be second African American President would be that of US Senator. With the failing health and being the oldest sitting senator at 88 years old, Sen. Frank Lautenberg would be 90 years old were he to run again in 2014. It would seem unless the 43 year old Nationally acclaimed mayor does something catastrophic (or stupid), which, based on his past, is not likely to happen, beating Lautenberg wouldn’t be very hard. In fact Lautenberg would probably choose to retire rather than run against the rising Democratic Dynamo.

Ramos Once Again A Candidate For Mayor? While there have been past claims that Municipal Council President Anibal Ramos, a favorite son of power broker Steve Adubado, would be mayor, and we have heard from many Latino pastors that “a deal was made” with African American pastors to support his 2014 race and thus “get him in”. The very popular Ramos could very well be the first Latino mayor in the city of Newark should he run. This begs the question, would the 52.35% African American City be willing to not elect a qualified African American? I think not. The city’s racial makeup consists of only 33.83% Hispanic or Latino along with 26.31% Whites. While his election is possible, It is not probable against a strong African American candidate.

Mayor Mildred!!! Is the city ready for the first female mayor?

Click Here To Learn More About Mildred Crump And Her Accomplishments

Mildred C. Crump was sworn in as Newark’s first African-American Councilwoman on July 1, 1994 in the 336 year history of this city. She brought a much needed perspective to the council governing body. She is a community activist, advocate for women, children, senior citizens, the disabled, working families and those in need. While Neither Hillary Clinton nor Mildred Crump have expressed a desire to head the executive branch. I pray that both of these women still have the strength to answer the call. They will transform us for good. Now is the time, the city is ready. Mrs. Crump we ask that you please consider running for mayor... Newark Needs You! You’ve got our support!

EDITORIAL A New Years Resolution or??? A New Lifestyle. As we start off this new year many will look forward to the new start that January 1st brings. I myself am to be included in this group of hopeful, expecting individuals. As many are thinking in terms of resolutions, this year I can’t help but think in terms of lifestyle. As new’s years resolutions are often discarded within the first three weeks of January. Perhaps we should forget about resolutions and think more holistically. Being Focused On God’s Goals. Could it be that since your resolutions have not been what God would have you to focus on, that, that is the reason for a lack of resolution completion? I think so. What is it that God wants you to do? What is your calling. What is your area of anointing? Where is you assignment? Focusing on these areas are all but assured of success... If you stay focused on God’s will for your life by seeking God in prayer to find his will, an d then doing it!

Thank You For Watching... All 192,304 Times! We launched Transformation “Newark” Magazine in September. At the time of this post we have had over 190,000 pages viewed, far more that we expected, and with your help we hope reach 1 million by the end of 2013 and to go to press with a monthly printed edition. This is the only publication dedicated to helping you to transform your life and your city. Be A Sponsor - Help Transform Newark Only $20 a month for a 1 year and get a full page Ad every month! Plus other special discounts and marketing benefits. Call me at 862-888-8238 to see how TN Magazine can help you.


Hear A Special Keynote Address by ReMA Vice President & Founder of Living Logos Christian Assembly Pastor Marcus Johnson



The Newark Minister’s Conference Saturday February 16th 9AM No Charge for Registration & Breakfast Living Logos Christian Assembly 227 Clinton Ave., Newark, NJ Hosted by: The Church At Newark, Pastor Rick Greene

Register at: theChurchAtNewark.com

Life Transformation

College For Free!

Learn while you have the time... While many know that our local community and county colleges feature lots of fun, interesting and fascinating classes for everyone in the family. Many do not know that most colleges offer free courses, especially to youth and seniors. With computers being the popular “thing” to take a class in, ECC has a good foundational curriculum in their Senior’s class selection. And well worth noting is the fact that all non credit courses are free for seniors 60 and over. While there are some restrictions due to limited class size, it is recommended that you register early and you will be notified 3 days before your class is scheduled to begin if whether or not there will be availability. Its akin to flying “stand by”. Below are excerpts for the ECC Spring 2013 Continuing Education Catalogue.

Visit the Essex County College website at www.essex.edu to find more classes and to get the details of all of the non credit and free courses they offer. You can also call them at 973-877-3079 to find out more about the Continuing Education categories offered such as Allied Health, personal/Professional Development, Youth & Senior Programming, Job & Career Training, Online Courses & More which are a very affordable prices.

Newark Minister’s Conference Saturday February 16, 2013

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Relationship Transformation Understanding Your Husbands Relational Sexual Needs In this issue we look at a hormone called Oxytocin. Have you heard about it? Probably not. Did you know that it is actually the hormone which causes us to feel closer to one another? It is actually sometimes referred to as the “cuddle hormone”. And this hormone is far more stronger in women that in men because of the higher levels of estrogen in a woman’s body. Not Surprisingly this hormone skyrockets during pregnancy, labor, and breastfeeding which explains the overwhelming maternal love and desire new moms have for their babies. It is a key in the bonding process of any relationship. It causes us to feel closer and connected to each other. Now what IS somewhat surprising, is that there is only one time when Oxytocin levels spike in men. And that is immediately after lovemaking. Thats right, men are biologically predisposed to feel more Biologically emotionally connected, caring, and loving, after intimacy with speaking... their wives. He will be more attentive, patient, giving, and altruistic to his partner. Perhaps this is why God tell us Lovemaking through the writings of Paul ...Deprive not one the other, is a key for except it be with consent for a time, that you may give yourselves to fasting and prayer; and come together again, closeness in that Satan tempt you not for your lack of self-control.


Be sure to listen to the radio broadcast to find out more. Each week Pastor Rick Greene talks in detail about Dating, Love, Marriage, Sex, and Divorce on the “Relationships with Pastor Rick” radio show, heard on several internet and terrestrial radio stations, so that you can be armed with all of the insight you need to have the optimum relationship which God intended you to have. To contact Pastor Rick, call 862-888-8238, email at relationships@metrochristianmedia.com or visit our website at PastorRickGreene.com


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A TNM Publication

Transformation Through Education

Have you ever thought about attending bible college? Eastern semester begun.is EasternTheological TheologicalSeminary’s Seminary’sfall 2013 Springhas semester about to offerings begin in January. notTimothy, to late toTitus find out Course are, 1st &Its2nd andmore and to register. No matter what your situation, Happiness. Enrollment is currently open. we will work with you to continue your education.

“… And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. ” Come renew your mind, study for a degree, or come just to learn. Scholarships are still available. Call Dr. Bernard Wilks at 973-273-9200 or 973-563-5333 for more info or simply come out Mondays at 7pm. Classes held in the Dominion Home office at 83 James Street, Newark, NJ. 62

Ministry Transformation

A Greater Life Produces Greater Sermons & Greater Ministry

There is a vast difference between living a sermon and just preaching one. “book smarts” can never make up for practical life experiences. Many people will “study it” but if you are not living it, your voice will ring hollow. However if you ARE “living it” your sermons and your ministry will be filled with life.

Jesus taught with such power and authority because thats what was in him. We minister though who we are, Our ministry in filtered through our personal being and is anointed by the Holy Spirit in accordance with our personality. It is important to note here that while we may see a great change in a person as they come to the Lord and progress through ministry, I would submit that what we are seeing is the “guidance” of that personality by the Holy Spirit. Drug dealers to some degree are businessmen, prostitutes are in many cases are caregivers who seek acceptance and approval at their core of their hearts. Your messages nor your ministry can’t be backed up with a seminary degree or scholastic aptitude. You’ve got to back it up with life. To those young in ministry and those who may find their ministry and messages stale or boring I say don’t seek to present a lesson... get a life. If your life is boring, your sermons will be, too. If you have no life outside of church, no friends, hobbies, interests, challenges, goals, or desires; all of your application will be filled with theory instead of practicality, your illustrations will seem strained, and your sermons will be lackluster instead of life-giving.

Great messages are just not contrived through study alone, but are lived out in the research facility of everyday life. Of course we should and must study, in fact we are commanded to do so through the writings of Paul. In fact dare I say that we all could do even more study, yet we must live the word that we spend time studying. Your greatest messages and the greatness of your ministry will show through by not only great study but by living a great life as well. Believe it or not, most Christians know way more that they are obedient to. Contrary to popular belief, we don’t need to know more, we need to do more. Those of you who have heard me preach will note that my sermons tend to focus on application more so than anything else. As I have often said, “Its not that we don’t know, its that we don’t do what we know.” As your life becomes greater through interacting with people, living and enjoying friends, family, and the blessings that God has given us on earth, your ministry will come to life and so will your sermons. Remember in the end God won’t being s a y i n g , We l l s t u d i e d n o r w e l l prepared... Our hope Is to hear him give the commendation, “Well Done!”

The Annual MLK Jr. Urban Convocation is upon us. Again we will come together at the Newark Hilton Gateway Hotel (adjacent to Penn Station). Our purpose is to unite ministers, service providers with business and civic leaders together that we may move forward and restore the City to its original spiritual heritage, such that the residents are no longer in affliction and a reproach. The Kick-Off Service begins Sunday, January 20th at 4 PM. Intensive Workshops are scheduled Monday, January 21st beginning 9 AM. Input from all participants will be sought and a working all-you-can-eat brunch will be served. Reduced registration is still available. Log into domininionfellowministries.com and register for attendance as we come together to live out the King legacy right here in New Jersey so this state's largest city is restored to God's original intent of being a city that a closely as possible a reflection of God's Kingdom right here on earth. Nehemiah and those who worked with him were used of God to restore and transform their city. From that successful endeavor we now have a model. As we implement and follow that success model, what God has done before He will do again and Transformation Newark will be manifest to the glory of God! -Dr. Bernard Wilks

January 20th at 4 PM



Rev. Irving Johnson Ministry Leader

Dominion Fellowship Ministries 83 James Street Newark, New Jersey 07102 973-273-9200

Rev. Dr. Bernard Wilks Founder & Apostolic Overseer

This book has been created to delight, encourage, strengthen, entertain, but above all inspire some type of positive change. It is my desire to invoke a need to share something good within this construct, create the basis for looking inward and perhaps adjusting self or spark in you the need to share something romantic or uplifting with someone else. I thank you for your time… enjoy.

R E D OR E HER LONNIE MICKENS was born and raised in Paterson, New Jersey. After graduating from Eastside High under Dr. Joe Clark he and went on to William Paterson University, where his spirit for writing was further nurtured, graduating with a bachelor’s degree in English. Upon opting not to pursue law Mr. Mickens decided to follow the family’s predominant professional field of choice, education, and later went on to achieve his Certification and Master’s degree in Special Education from New Jersey City University. He’s received several teacher recognition awards and has been proudly teaching in the Paterson Public Schools for 17 years where he is presently a high school teacher.

Business Transformation You can take my money, steal my car, or even take my clothes... They are replaceable. But if you waste my time... I can never get it back. In order to accomplish what we want, there comes a point when we have to stand up and say no to requests that could divert us from the path of successful completion of our goals. The fact is that if we do not learn to be better at saying “no”, we quite possibly put at risk several important things, such as:

How To Say

No! Without Guilt.

• Other people’s goals get accomplished and ours do not. • People we casually know dominate our time which could be better spent with true friends and family. • There will no be enough time to rest and recharge our batteries to function at our best. • Frustration can set in and we may feel stressed due to lack of achieving our own desires. • And we simply will not be able to say ‘Yes” to the things that are really important to us. One of the truths of leadership is that the more successful you become, the less accessible you become. There simply ceases to be enough hours in the day to do everything that is asked of you and still get done the important things that are required of you. Who or what gets your time? Who or what doesn’t, when, how much, can it be merged with something else, or does it require your total undivided attention?

Let you yea be yea and your no be no...

When you say yes to one thing you automatically say no something else. And as you become more successful, this balancing act becomes more difficult and your need to prioritize becomes more crucial. Unfortunately you will find yourself having to say no to good and worthy requests in order to accomplish your most important priorities. So here are a few suggestions to help you to say no without feeling the guilt: • Realize that that is only so much of you (time wise) to go around. • Evaluate which meetings are essential and which are not. • Make strides to limit your accessibility • Make a list of your most common requests and compose a strategy to of how best to respond to them William Ury gives points to consider in his book, The Power of Positive No. When we value relationships above the importance of our own interests we say yes when we want to say NO. We accommodate. When we value our interests above our relationships, we often say no poorly, we can be fearful, resentful and overreact to the person making the request. We attack. We can be afraid of offending others, we simply ay nothing, hoping they will forget. We avoid. But William recommends we use “The Positive No” formula, “Yes-No-Yes” Which acknowledges the validity of the request, plainly says no, and enthusiastically give an alternative to the requester. We affirm but still maintain our no. Also, you must remember to delegate to those you trust and you might even want to precompose a few graceful notes which firmly deny requests, that can be reused in various situations. And don’t forget, that no matter what, there will always be those who just simply will not understand.


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The Resident Ministers Alliance (ReMA) is an alliance of ministers who are licensed to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God. ReMA operates under the leadership of ministers who reside in the City of Newark and are united in association with likeminded non-resident ministers. We work together for the perpetuation of the spiritual interests and the common concerns of Newark families, fellow residents and the greater Newark community.

CALL 973-563-5333 To join or find out more CLICK HERE


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Life Transformation "Eat an apple on going to bed, and you'll keep the doctor from earning his bread."

So while you may not have heard of this quote, it is actually the original quote about eating apples. It was coined in 1866. We a have commonly recited “An apple a day, keeps the doctor away�, however, whichever phrase you prefer they are true.

10 Reasons Why Should Eat Your Apples 1. Apples are filled with soluble fiber (5 grams). This fiber has been shown to reduce intestinal disorders, including diverticulitis, hemorrhoids and possibly some types of cancer. It helps control insulin levels by releasing sugar slowly into the bloodstream. It cleanses and detoxifies, which helps eliminate heavy metals, such as lead and mercury. 2. Apple pectin helps reduce cholesterol levels by lowering insulin secretion. 3. In two studies researchers found that eating five apples a week lowered the risk for respiratory diseases like asthma. 4. According to Chinese Medicine: Apples strengthen the heart, quench thirst, lubricate the lungs, decrease mucous and increase body fluids. 5. Apple cider vinegar can help prevent the formation of kidney stones. 6. Studies indicate that eating apples daily can reduce skin diseases.

7. According to a Brazilian study, eating an apple before a meal helped women lose 33 percent more weight than those who didn't. 8. An apple has only 50-80 calories and has no fat or sodium. 9. Apples are packed with vitamins C, A, and flavonoids and with smaller amounts of phosphorus, iron and calcium. 10.Apples provide a source of potassium which may promote heart health. So there you have it ... lots of good reasons why it is good for you to eat an apple a day! Interesting apple facts: • • • • • • •

There are more than 7,500 varieties of apples. The apple tree is a member of the rose family. When you eat an apple you are consuming a lot of air; 25 percent of their volume is air! Apples have 5 percent protein. Apple trees can live to be 100 years old! The largest apple weighed three pounds. In ancient Greece when a man proposed to a woman he would toss her an apple and if she decided to catch it, it meant she accepted. It takes the energy from 50 leaves to produce one apple.

Apple cautions: • As apple seeds are toxic when eaten in high doses, they should be avoided by pregnant or breastfeeding women and children. • Apple juice concentrate can be full of arsenic when it is not organic according to Dr. OZ. They did not find arsenic in organic apple juice.

"Anyone can count the seeds in an apple. Only God can count all the apples in one seed." –Dr. Robert Schuller

Pastor Professor Chaplain

Apostle Pastor Teacher

Join me each Sunday at 2pm On Cablevision channel 19 As I talk with ministry leaders from in and round the city of Newark.

There are many congregations but theres really only one church, and in this city we are... The Church at Newark.



Sheriff Armando Fontoura, being sworn in on Dec. 26th is pictured with Chief Michael Bramhall, President of the Essex County Chiefs of Police Assn., Essex County Prosecutor Carolyn Murray, the Sheriff’s son Daniel, Judge Patricia Costello, Prosecutor’s Chief of Detectives, Anthony Ambrose along with Newark Police Chief Sheila Coley. He is sworn in for the 8th time as Essex County Sheriff. No one has served in the office as long. The Sheriff who is now 69, started out as a Newark Police Officer in 1967 and became Sheriff in 1990. In the past election he won by over 90% of the votes. Learn more about the Essex County Sheriff’s Department at: www.essexsheriff.com

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City Transformation

What Has Your Government Done For You Lately?

The Mayor & The City Council List Some Of What They’ve Done Over The Last 5 Years. While many of the constituents of any municipality, county, State, or Nation would be quick to agree that their government isn’t doing anything Newark’s mayor Cory Booker publishes and posts on the city’s website highlights of what his administration and the Municipal Council have done over the last 5 years. While some of the accomplishments you may be familiar with, there are others which I am sure you may not be familiar with. Either way there are over 50 programs or initiatives which are available for you or someone you know to become involved with to help yourselves and your city.

Click Here to see all 55 Accomplishments

What Did Martin Teach Us About Transformation? There have been many transformational leaders over the decades to centuries and over the millennium. While many were impactful especially doing their own time, they were soon forgotten. There were others who's work was unnoticed in their time but later gained respect and had Honor in future generations. And there's a third group of these leaders which were not only recognized immediately for their impact but they were remembered long after their deaths Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. is in this third category. Ever since there has been the audio recording of sermons there have been few if any public speakers who through recorded media have still been able to captivate, engage and motivate and audiences like Dr. Martin Luther King. His demeanor, his persuasion, his eloquence, made him a powerful and effective public speaker. Gifted speakers have come before Dr. King and after Dr. King but one factor that contributed to his transformational leadership was the content of his message. People will always be persuaded by eloquent speeches but the enamor audiences will still be confused if the content of the message is succinct. In addition to his Oratory skill and his compelling message the other factor was his level of education. In a day when many blacks were not graduating from high school, for him to have a PhD from a respected school like Boston University gave him a level of credibility and awareness both by blacks and whites that was not to be had by many other civil rights leaders of his day. One of the impressive themes of Dr. King’s messages is the idea that freedom could be accomplished without violence. In fact, most of his public gatherings documented how many people were there without a single incident of violence, this was impressive to say the least.

Gandhi once said, “An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.” While we know that violence engenders violence. And that nonviolence in a large seems to be somewhat idealistic, Dr. King refused to take the route that said it is unachievable. We know that a large congregations of people have a greater tendency towards violence. To have tens of thousands of people gathered together in the same place would cause an individual to somewhat act out of character, using the mob as a cover, feeling uninhibited, and going forward in the mob mentality. We've seen this mob mentality on the Black Friday in the death of a Walmart employee some years back. Under normal circumstances any shopper who knocked over someone would apologize and help them up, if they didn't someone else would, and even if no one helps, few people in the world would continually step on the person who had been knocked down by another person; yet on this Black Friday the mob mentality kicked in and the store employee was trampled to death with no charges file because they could not pinpoint an individual who acted criminally. I say this to say that Dr. King’s ability to speak to a large crowd of the emotionally charged people and encouraging them to be peaceful is remarkable. He was able to motivate and manipulate people to the extent that thousands of angry people with legitimate grievances unanimously chose not to be violent. From a statistical point this is astronomical, we have seen the volatility of crowds after sporting events or natural natural disasters. Yet to be able to control people toward the positive, who are highly emotionally

charged, is in fact the a definition of a transformational leader. It is human nature to act violently when violence is being perpetrated against yourself or someone you love. It is instinctive to fight or to flee. By promoting nonviolence for blacks in the 60s this went against every fiber our being. Many of the people that Dr. King spoke to remembered the anti-lynching laws of 1924 and they remember that it didn't stop all the Lynchings. The people that Dr. King encouraged to act in nonviolence were often the victims and always in fear, of violence upon themselves. In fact we know that Dr. King became a victim of this very violence that he led against. The effectiveness of Dr. King's leadership is shown and illustrated through his life and through his message. He painted a picture of the world where whites and blacks live together in peace with each other. Dr. King’s impact was visible in the lack of violence from his followers doing his life and even ‘til today. To condense what Dr. King espoused would be to say, “True peace cannot be obtained through violence. Lasting peace can only come about through a transformation in the hearts and minds of men.”


Newark Honors One Of its Native Sons... Houston Astros Manager Bo Porter

“I am going to be committed to doing all I can to helping Essex County,�- Bo Porter

Key To The City In addition to receiving the key to Essex County, Porter received proclamations from assembly speaker Sheila Oliver and New Jersey state Sen. Teresa Ruiz, had his No. 1 jersey retired by Weequahic High School and was presented with a jacket from the North Ward Little League. Porter was a standout athlete while at Weequahic High School, reaching all-state status in baseball, football and basketball. He attended the University of Iowa, where he earned a bachelor's degree in communications studies while starring in baseball and football.

The Road To Manager Porter served as the hitting coach for the Class A Greensboro Grasshoppers in 2005 and manager of the Class A-Advanced Jamestown Jammers in 2006. After that, he served as Florida Marlins' third base coach and outfield and base running instructor from 2007 to 2009. Porter became the Diamondbacks third base coach in 2010,[2] after he declined the Marlins' offer to remain with the organization. Following the dismissal of manager A. J. Hinch and promotion of bench coach Kirk Gibson to interim manager in July 2010, Porter was promoted to bench coach. The Marlins interviewed Porter for their managing job in mid-2010, after they fired Fredi Gonzรกlez.[4] Porter was fired by the Diamondbacks following the 2010 season.

Porter was hired by the Washington Nationals on November 2, 2010 as their new third base coach taking over for Pat Listach. Porter was a finalist for the Florida Marlins & Pittsburgh Pirates Managerial positions after the 2010 season. The Marlins position eventually went to Florida's interim manager Edwin Rodriguez. While Porter accepted his position with the Nats before the Pirates finished their interview process. On September 6, 2012, Porter was involved in a benches-clearing incident during a game between the Nationals and the Chicago Cubs. Chicago bench coach Jamie Quirk was yelling, apparently at Porter, from inside the Cubs dugout, causing Porter to leave his position as third base coach and approach Quirk. Ultimately, both teams came out onto the field and Quirk was ejected by umpire Jerry Layne. On September 27, 2012, Porter was announced as the new manager of the Houston Astros for the 2013 season.

At a S.E.L.F. Foundation Appreciation Dinner for Bo we some of his closest friends at the Robert Treat Hotel

Essex County Executive Joseph DiVincenzo, left, cuts the ribbon with Bo Porter, County Engineer Sanjeev Varghese, Stacey Porter, and Millburn Mayor Sandra Haimoff. Credits: Christy Potter

With Unce

During my brief time with Mr. Porter I quickly came to learn firsthand why he is so popular... Why several major league ball clubs had him on their “short list” for skipper, why his early coaches stated that he knew the right managerial moves while still in high school, why dozens of individuals and public officials extolled his virtues even from when he was an adolescent, and how his work with young people allowed 100% of the 150 he worked with and mentored to attend college and go on to have very successful careers. I’ve seen how he is received, respected, and accepted by millionaires, hall of fame greats, and even just plain folks. Bo Porter is a man of honor, a man of integrity, a man of compassion, with an altruistic spirit, wrapped up in charm, grace, and humility. But most importantly of all his is an outstanding example of a man of God! We wish you well in your new position. Know that we are praying for your fulfillment of God’s calling on your life, as it will impact the lives of millions. And I would encourage others to join us in prayer for his success as another native Newarker who is on their way to transforming the world!

Life Transformation New Year's resolutions aren't only about self-improvement. Often, making a commitment to changing your behavior can help your family, friends and co-workers. To help you figure what New Year's resolutions will have the most impact here are a few suggestions. Spend More Time with God. Studying, Reading His Word, & Praying. I recommend praying 3 times a day, as did the Apostles when they went to the temple on the 3rd, 6th, and 9th hours, and reading at least a passage of scripture. Learn something new "Taking a class in a subject you enjoy is a great way to rekindle your love of learning, If you give yourself the freedom to explore new interests, you might uncover a passion that you never knew existed." Walk in the park "A quick walk in the park can do wonders to reduce stress and increase focus, Research has linked visiting parks to improvements in mood, concentration and positive feelings. Volunteer "Volunteering is good for your physical and mental health, as well as the local economy, Research links volunteering with improved overall well-being, and connections between people within a community correlates with strong economic indicators. Do everyone a favor this new year and volunteer." Get your social media house in order "How many email account do you have? What sites have you signed up to and are not interested in? I you are not ACTIVELY using it... Then DELETE IT! Â Rediscover the library "A library card can be the most powerful item in your wallet, opening up vast resources that will enrich your life and give you access to more than you can imagine. Step away from your desk "You learn to sit at school; you learn to sit at work. Get active like you used to be when you were a kid, we can learn, then, to bring activity back into our daily life, just like we learned to take it out." Pay down your credit card debt "You may be tempted to pay off a smaller-debt account with a low APR because psychologically it feels gratifying to close an account. But the best way to reduce overall debt is to put extra money toward the loans with the highest interest rates, A few strategies to manage debt more effectively:

1 2 3

Consolidate several small debts into a few larger ones to eliminate the temptation of closing small accounts. Pay attention to the actual dollars you are spending on interest. Always put your money toward the debt with the higher interest rate.

Mind your health Getting healthier in the new year can be as easy as making a few simple lifestyle changes, like committing to eating a healthy breakfast, paying attention to grocery nutrition labels or sticking with a consistent exercise regimen? Kick the car habit "Each gallon of gas we burn releases approximately 20 pounds of CO2 into the atmosphere," With rising gas prices, rising sea levels and increasing traffic congestion, going car-free is a challenge that more and more individuals are interested in taking on." Parents: Make every day count "In order to be happy, well-adjusted children that grow into happy, well-adjusted adults, kids need happy. Get more sleep Proper sleep can promote better learning, memory and health, researchers have found. Additionally, getting more sleep helps to improve the ability to retain information and perform new tasks. Consume more culture When was the last time you visited a museum, the library, an art gallery, saw a play, or even went to an opera or the symphony? Don’t let weather, whining or whimsy counter your commitment to culture!" Add Some New Friends Our current friends we love, but how much of a better you could you be with some new and fresh influences and ideas in your life? How much better would your career possibly be?

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