TheChurchAtNewark Magazine

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The Urban Convocation

T h e C h u r c h A t N e w a r k . c o m

TheChurchAtNewark Magazine

Have A Happy New Year! In this new year may it be the begining of you rededication to the will and purposes of God in your life‌ No longer will you compromise the Gospel, ‌but acknowledge him in all your way and he shall direct your path. The ChurchAtNewark Magazine

Seeks to inform Enlighten, and Empower its readers to live more joyful, productive, and Godly lives TheChurchAtNewark Magazine is a publication of for more info or to advertise with us call 862-888-8238

Rick & Brenda Greene TheChurchAtNewark Magazine made its debut in September 2012 as Transformation Newark Magazine. Our format of providing only positive news and life changing information is a welcome media source for our readers. Our target market is a mostly an African-American adult 25-60 year old audience in Essex County who has a deep interest i n o u r l o c a l c o m m u n i t y, improving their lives, and serving God. Our publication reaches about 3,000 homes monthly. In total there have been well over 3 million pages viewed of our publications!

IN THIS ISSUE 4 Ministry - Am I called to preach? 8 Ministry - Systematic Theology 12 Get Understanding: The Book of Galatians 14 Finance - Biblical Management 16 In Memoriam - R. C. Sproul 18 Life - Friendship 20 Relationships - Does he love you enough? 24 Health - Physical Activity


How can I know if I am being called to preach?


There is no doubt that preaching is a noble calling and one that is far more important to God than it is to most people. Preaching is not simply a time-filler in the worship service, nor is it the sharing of personal experiences, no matter how emotionally stirring. Nor is it a wellorganized “talk” complete with a PowerPoint display designed to give a series of steps to a better life. Preaching, as the apostle Paul records, is the vehicle by which the life-giving truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ is conveyed. The words of the preacher are to be faithful to the Word of God, which is “the power unto salvation for everyone who believes” (Romans 1:16). Paul’s admonition to the young pastor Timothy stresses the priority of preaching: “In the presence of God and of Christ Jesus . . . I give you this charge: Preach the word” (2 Timothy 4:1–2). So there is no doubt the preaching of the Word is of primary importance to God. Anyone considering entering the ministry as a preacher should also view the Word of God as priority number one. But how can one be sure he is called to preach? First are the subjective indicators. If a man has a burning desire within him to preach—a desire that cannot be denied—that is a good indication of a “calling” by God. The apostle Paul and the Old Testament prophet Jeremiah experienced the same desire to communicate God’s Word. Paul said, “Yet when I preach the gospel, I cannot boast, for I am compelled to preach. Woe to me if I do not preach the gospel!” (1 Corinthians 9:16). To be “compelled” to preach means to be driven onward by an

Ecclesiastes 11:3: “Whether a tree falls to the south or to the north, in the place where it falls, there will it lie.” WHERE WILL YOU FALL? Will it be into the arms of a loving Jesus escorted to him by cherubim into the light revealing his glory or into the dark bottomless pit which was designated for the defiant evil one where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth as the red-hot, conflagrant, distressing, non consuming flames engulf you forever? I’ve decided to make Jesus My Choice - What About you? -Pastor Rick

irresistible and undeniable compulsion to do so. Jeremiah described the compulsion as a “burning fire” (Jeremiah 20:8–9) that could not be stifled. Trying to hold it back made him weary. Second are objective indicators of God’s calling to preach. If the response to early efforts at preaching are positive, this is a good indication that the prospective preacher has the gift of didaktikos, the gift of teaching, from the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 4:11). Every preacher must be first and foremost a teacher of God’s Word, conveying it in clearly and concisely and making personal application to the hearers. Church leaders are usually the best determiners of whether a man has this gift. If they are agreed that he does, the prospective preacher should then be examined by the leadership as to his character, as outlined in the requirements for elders in 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1. These two affirmations by the church are another indication of God’s calling. Finally, the whole process should be bathed in prayer every step of the way. If God is truly calling a man to preach, He will confirm it in many ways. If you feel you are being called to preach, seek God’s face and ask that doors are opened to more opportunities and more confirmations, both internal and external. Ask also that doors will close if it is not His will to continue. Take heart in the fact that God is sovereignly in control of all things and will work “all things . . . for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose” (Romans 8:28). If He has called you to preach, that call will not be denied.

Mission Visualization

WORD Saturation

Team Mobilization

Holy Day Observation

Economic Equalization

Righteous Family

Enemy Identification




Learn Systematic Theology with Dr. R. C. Sproul

Pastors and advanced bible students here is an excellent video course for those of you who have never taken clasees in systematic theology or for those of you who want to take a refresder course. Click on this link below or copy and paste it into your web browser

“Systematic” refers to something being put into a system. Systematic theology is, therefore, the division of theology into systems that explain its various areas. For example, many books of the Bible give information about the angels. No one book gives all the information about the angels. Systematic theology takes all the information about angels from all the books of the Bible and organizes it into a system called angelology. That is what systematic theology is all about—organizing the teachings of the Bible into categorical systems. Theology Proper or Paterology is the study of God the Father. Christology is the study of God the Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. Pneumatology is the study of God the Holy Spirit. Bibliology is the study of the Bible. Soteriology is the study of salvation. Ecclesiology is the study of the church. Eschatology is the study of the end times.Angelology is the study of angels. Christian Demonology is the study of demons from a Christian perspective.Christian Anthropology is the study of humanity. Hamartiology is the study of sin. Systematic theology is an important tool in helping us to understand and teach the Bible in an organized manner. In addition to systematic theology, there are other ways that theology can be divided. Biblical Theology is the study of a certain book (or books) of the Bible and emphasizing the different aspects of theology it focuses on. For example, the Gospel of John is very Christological since it focuses so much on the deity of Christ (John 1:1, 14; 8:58; 10:30; 20:28). Historical Theology is the study of doctrines and how they have developed over the centuries of the Christian church. Dogmatic Theology is the study of the doctrines of certain Christian groups that have systematized doctrine—for example, Calvinistic theology and dispensational theology. Contemporary Theology is the study of doctrines that have developed or come into focus in recent times. No matter what method of theology is studied, what is important is that theology is studied.


CABLEVISION CHANNEL 19 Host & Producer Pastor Rick Greene


As I am preaching through the book of Galatians, I thought it good to share some of my insights and materials that I use. The chart will give you an overview of the entire book. To receive more insights into what I preach every Wednesday at noon in Metropolitan BC and can be seen on TheChurchAtNewark TV show Sundays @ 4pm and Wednesday & Friday @ 12:01am on CableVision channel 19 -Pastor Rick


"What does the Bible sayabout managing your finances?"


The Bible has a lot to say about managing finances. Concerning borrowing, the Bible generally advises against it. See Proverbs 6:1-5; 20:16; 22:7, 26-27 (“The rich rule over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender.... Do not be a man who strikes hands in pledge or puts up security for debts; if you lack the means to pay, your very bed will be snatched from under you”). Over and over again, the Bible warns against the accumulation of wealth and encourages us to seek spiritual riches instead. Proverbs 28:20: “A faithful man will be richly blessed, but one eager to get rich will not go unpunished.” See also Proverbs 10:15; 11:4; 18:11; 23:5. Proverbs 6:6-11 offers wisdom concerning laziness and the financial ruin that inevitably results. We are told to consider the industrious ant who works to store up food for itself. The passage also warns against sleeping when we should be working at something profitable. A “sluggard” is a lazy, slothful person who would rather rest than work. His end is assured— poverty and want. At the other end of the spectrum is the one who is obsessed with gaining money. Such a one, according to Ecclesiastes 5:10, never has enough wealth to satisfy him and must be constantly grasping more and more. First Timothy 6:6-11 also warns against the trap of desiring wealth. Rather than desiring to heap riches upon ourselves, the biblical model is one of giving, not getting. “Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver” (2 Corinthians 9:6-7). We are also encouraged to be good stewards of what God has given us. In Luke

16:1-13, Jesus told the parable of the dishonest steward as a way of warning us against poor stewardship. The moral of the story is “So if you have not been trustworthy in handling worldly wealth, who will trust you with true riches?” (v. 11). We are also responsible to provide for our own household, as 1 Timothy 5:8 reminds us: “If anyone does not provide for his relatives, and especially for his immediate family, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.”

In summary, what does the Bible say about managing money? The answer can be summarized with a single word—wisdom. We are to be wise with our money. We are to save money, but not hoard it. We are to spend money, but with discretion and control. We are to give back to the Lord, joyfully and sacrificially. We are to use our money to help others, but with discernment and the guidance of God’s Spirit. It is not wrong to be rich, but it is wrong to love money. It is not wrong to be poor, but it is wrong to waste money on trivial things. The Bible’s consistent message on managing money is to be wise.

In Memoriam

Death: by Dr. R.C. SPROUL, who passed into eternity and into the presence of our loving father

“When we close our eyes in death, we do not cease to be alive, rather, we experience a continuation of personal consciousness,” R.C. wrote six years ago. “No person is more conscious, more aware, and more alert than when he passes through the veil from this world into the next. Far from falling asleep, we are awakened to glory in all of its significance. For the believer, death does not have the last word. Death has surrendered to the conquering power of the One who was resurrected as the firstborn of many brethren.”

A mighty Bible teacher has gone home to be with the Lord... I thank God for RC Sproul. I have learned so much from him. -Pastor Rick

The Rev. R.C. Sproul, a Presbyterian minister

Genesis accounts of creation and Noah’s flood.

who studied and began his ministry in his native

The document became a manifesto for

Western Pennsylvania and became one of the

conservatives over the course of a generation of

most influential leaders in the resurgences of

fierce battles in religious denominations over the

biblical literalism and doctrinal Calvinism among

role and interpretation of the Bible, particularly the

conservative Protestants, died Thursday.

Southern Baptist Convention.

Rev. Sproul, who was 78, died at a hospital in

He was also influential among a segment of

Altamonte Springs, Fla., his ministry said.

conservative Protestants who embraced what is

He was born in Pittsburgh and earned degrees

known as Reformed theology, or the doctrine of

at Westminster College, Pittsburgh Theological

grace, anchored in the theology of John Calvin.

Seminary and the Free University of

These include a firm belief that God has full


sovereignty over human events, including

He founded the Ligonier Valley Study Study

predestining those who are saved. “Anything that

Center, which he used to promote lay education

happens in this world cannot happen apart from

in an effort to bridge “Sunday school and

divine sovereignty,” he taught. “...If God is not

seminary.” He regularly hosted seminars at the

sovereign, God is not God.”

center in Westmoreland County and also spoke

He would speak along with others to audiences at

in Pittsburgh-area churches.

conferences such as Together for the Gospel,

He relocated to Orlando, Fla., in 1984 and

which draws thousands, many of them young,

rechristened his organization Ligonier

male pastors from various denominations who


embrace Reformed doctrines.

The author of dozens of books, featured in

“It is hard to overestimate his influence on gospel-

countless teaching tapes, videos and radio

resurgent evangelicalism,” said Russell Moore,

broadcasts, he was an ordained minister in the

president of the Ethics and Religious Liberty

Presbyterian Church in America. He was co-

Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention.

pastor of St. Andrew’s Chapel in Sanford, Fla.,

Asked once what he wanted written on his

where his funeral is scheduled for Wednesday.

tombstone, Rev. Sproul quipped: “I told you I was

He also founded Reformation Bible College in



Rev. Sproul is survived by his wife, Vesta; their

He was a leading organizer of the 1978

two children, Sherrie Dorotiak and Robert Craig

Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy, which

Sproul; 11 grandchildren; and seven great-

asserted the infallibility of scripture in history


and science, including a literal reading of the




The Lord Jesus Christ gave us the definition of a true friend: "Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends. You are my friends if you do what I command. I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master's business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you" (John 15:13-15). Jesus is the pure example of a true friend, for He laid down His life for His "friends." What is more, anyone may become His friend by trusting in Him as his personal savior, being born again and receiving new life in Him. There is an example of true friendship between David and Saul's son Jonathan, who, in spite of his father Saul's pursuit of David and attempts to kill him, stood by his friend. You will find that story in 1 Samuel chapter 18 through chapter 20. Some pertinent passages are 1 Samuel 18:1-4; 19: 4-7; 20:11-17, 41-42. Proverbs is another good source of wisdom regarding friends. "A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity" (Proverbs 17:17). "A man of many companions may come to

ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother" (Proverbs 18:24). The issue here is that in order have a friend, one must be a friend. "Wounds from a friend can be trusted, but an enemy multiplies kisses" (Proverbs 27:6). "As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another" (Proverbs 27:17). The principle of friendship is also found in Amos. "Can two walk together, except they be agreed?" (Amos 3:3 KJV). Friends are of like mind. The truth that comes from all of this is a friendship is a relationship that is entered into by individuals, and it is only as good or as close as those individuals choose to make it. Someone has said that if you can count your true friends on the fingers of one hand, you are blessed. A friend is one whom you can be yourself with and never fear that he or she will judge you. A friend is someone that you can confide in with complete trust. A friend is someone you respect and that respects you, not based upon worthiness but based upon a likeness of mind. Finally, the real definition of a true friend comes from the Apostle Paul: "For scarcely for a righteous man will one die; yet perhaps for a good man someone would even dare to die. But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us" (Romans 5:7-8). "Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends" (John 15:13). Now, that is true friendship!


Does He Love You Enough? RELATIONSHIPS

Do You Have A Title?

How does he introduce you to his friends, family, co-workers, and his EX's? While there are many who feel that having a title in a relationship isn’t necessary. I’m convinced that to some degree this is indicative of a man who is not wanting to commit to you. Ladies you need a to have a title so that there clarity as to what EXACTLY your relationship is. How he introduces you to others makes all the difference in the wold. Are you his girlfriend, (which could be a statement saying I’m taken, committed and possibly one day we may take it to the next level or are you just a “friend” (which could be synonymous with friend with benefits or sex-buddy). Maybe he calls you his fiancee of even his wife CAUTION: If he calls you either of these titles and has never “sincerely” discussed marriage with you this is probably indicative that he want the “benefits” of marriage without the commitment of marriage.

Relationships 101:: Does He Love You Enough? Authored by Pastor Rick GreeneThis book is a question and answer book to help the faithful women of the world to determine if your man is truly in love with you before you give him your hand and your heart. List Price: $12.99 5" x 8" (12.7 x 20.32 cm) Black & White Bleed on White paper 48 pages ISBN-13: 978-1519754 776 (CreateSpaceAssigned) ISBN-10: 1519754779 BISAC: Family & Relationships / Marriage & Long Term Relationships

Available At

Everything You Need For Your Perfect Wedding

MINISTRY HEALTH Physical activity is defined as any bodily movement produced by skeletal muscles that requires energy expenditure. Energy expenditure is power. And all powers that be are of God. Be it in Authority power or Dunamis power, God‘s supernatural power. And all power in heaven and earth has been given unto Jesus Christ. It is written; 1st Corinthians 6:19, What! Know you not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost, which is in you, which you have of God, and you are not your own?


God confronts us with this question today. While giving us the answer and solution in verse 20: For you a brought and with a price therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit which are of God. That price being the blood of Jesus, his physical life activities. Being that his sinless death paid for our sin debt. All to glorify his father, God. Who won the 3rd Day was resurrected from the dead and lives now forever. Our physical activities should also always look to glorify God. It’s not so much what one says but what one does! Ask yourselves; What have I done for someone that point to giving God glory? Let us think on this accord! Because of who Jesus Christ is! You and I have a physical activity today. Understand that for some folks; The only Christ they will see is you, in your physical activity. It is written Romans 12:1&2, I beseech you therefore brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto to God, which is your

reasonable service. This life we have within our body should show-forth God‘s existence in a physical world. We are spiritual beings; Living out a human physical life experience. So as we interact with one another. We are called of God to serve one another in a spiritual manner. From the Godly spiritual well within everyone born again of God spirit. For what we do for others, we do that unto God. And it is not by power nor by might, but by my spirit says the Lord. So we must take good care of our physical body which houses our Soulish man and Spirit. Physical activities such as walking, running, cycling, swimming, or participation in sports, has significant benefits for health. Romans 12:2 Tells us this: And be not conformed to this world; But be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable, and perfect will of God. What is God‘s perfect will? That we obey his word! Not just being a reader, or a hearer, but a doer of his word. God uses the body of the believer of his word as his instrument of righteousness. God wants us to minister to the physical and spiritual needs of those who we encounter at as we traffic in life. Is there anyone here who is been transformed by the renewal of your mind! Having experienced a Sourish internal change! Your mind, emotions, and heart now turned back, seeking to please God! Understand, what is the spiritual heart of mankind. It is the very core of one’s soulish being. It is ones will! Also defined as your volition! Meaning whether a person will do or will not do. For with the heart man believeth onto righteousness. And when your heart is right toward God your physical activity will show fourth openly external abilities to live holy for Jesus Christ. Empowered of God to be a benefit for amily, friends neighbors, co-workers, and those in your sphere of influence. We must become excellent stewards of our body, knowledgeable about bodily intake, that

which promotes good health and that which does not. There are two major muscle groups. One of which functions of involuntary movement, they are the cardiac and smooth muscles. They function without conscious thought. Where as skeletal muscle, functions upon your command. It is the power of Jesus Christ that oversees the working of our respiratory and cardiac movement. For it is in Jesus Christ we live, and move, and have our being. It’s Jesus’ power that woke each of us up this morning. Know that he woke you up, so you would get up! Once Jesus wakes you up! Your voluntary muscles are activated, and energized to function and perform. To be a partaker of the glorious day and life God has given on to all of us. Once you wake up. Whatever your focus is, will determine your physical activity. The first physical activity of the day, I suggest is to get up and pray. Spending this time telling your heartfelt matters and concerns unto God the father. Believing that he hears you, and cares about your issues of life. But what we all need is a can- do spirit of obeying God‘s word. God‘s word tells us to think more highly of others than we do of ourselves. For, God will do more than we ask or think according to the power that worketh in us. When you obey God‘s word, the power of God is released into your life to carry it out. Physical activity is the daily use of one’s voluntary muscles when in a conscious state of being. To be awake, functioning by one’s controlled thoughts. Having mental faculties undulled by sleep or faintness. What ever you say, and whatever you do; You should always have a conscious, this being aware of what’s right and wrong. A conscious that is always seeking to please God, as we interact with one another. King David in the Bible said, “I would have fainted, if I had not believed to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.” This goodness David is talking about, I believe is that when disaster hits a loved one, a family or a community. I believe that God will raise up a standard of righteousness using individuals who have plugged into Christ Jesus. I’ve learned that it is the love of God is shared through a believers heart, and that these

people will meet the needs of anyone in distress. It is the love of God working through Godly people that strengthens other people. Especially when they are faced with lives adversities. So, how do I get plugged in? Believe the word of God, as it is written in the Bible. Hebrews 12:1-2 says, It is written: wherefore seeing we are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses. (This cloud of witnesses got plugged in while they were in the land of the living), Let us lay aside every weight, (remember be not conformed to this world the system. Anything that is out of line with God‘s word and the Gospel of Jesus Christ is conformity to the world, therefore a weight to carry the race of life.) And the sin which does you easily beset us. Sin is anything that is done not in faith. (Romans 14:23) So let us run with patience the race that is set before us (Hebrews 12:2) Looking unto Jesus, The author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and a set down at the right hand of the throne of God. Hear me today: the more you run for Jesus... the more you’re running to Jesus! The more you run for Jesus... the stronger and spiritually energized you become running this race of life. Isaiah 40:31 says, But they that wait upon the Lord, shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings as eagles: they shall run and not be weary: they shall walk and not faint. Runners get set! Go! Be a champion for Christ! -Rev. Irving Johnson

The Manna Message Journal Authored by Pastor Rick Greene No doubt you’ve heard some outstanding sermons in your life that have impacted your life and would continue to give you food for thought and enlightenment of God’s word to show you the path to take. If only you could remember them... THE MANNA MESSAGE JOURNAL provides a place to save your “manna from heaven” so that you can reflect back and feed on God’s words daily. The best place store and keep all of the messages you would like to revisit.

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THE MANNA MESSAGE JOURNAL provides a place for 6 months of Manna platform messages, 6 months of single sermon messages and a place for hundreds of individualized notes. List Price: $9.99 6" x 9" (15.24 x 22.86 cm) Black & White on White paper 132 pages ISBN-13: 978-1979533492 (C


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