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Rev. Irving Johnson
Pastor Teacher Evangelist
T h e C h u r c h A t N e w a r k . c o m
Transformation Newark Magazine Seeks to inform Enlighten, and Empower its readers to live more joyful, productive, and Godly lives Transformation Newark Magazine is a publication of PastorRickGreene.com for more info or to advertise with us call 862-888-8238
Transformation Newark Magazine made its debut in September 2012. Our format of providing only positive news and life changing information is a welcome media source for our readers. Our target market is a mostly an AfricanAmerican adult 25-60 year old audience in Essex County who has a deep interest in our l o c a l c o m m u n i t y, improving their lives, and serving God. Our publication reaches about 3,000 homes monthly. In total there have been well over 3 million pages viewed of our publications!
IN THIS ISSUE 4 5 6 14 16 17 18 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 32 34 36 38 42 43 44 46
Bible Study Christmas Concert Rev. Irving Johnson Transformation: Health - Obesity Transformation: City - Lead Pipes Replaced Easter Theological Seminary Transformation: Ministry - Godly Fathers Minister Brenda’s Women’s Conference Church Humor The. Church At Newark Transformation: City - Citizen/Clergy Alliance Help Bishop Thomas go to India Transformation: Lifestyle - Happiness Minister Brenda’s Women’s Conference Transformation: Health - Healthy Eating Plate Did You Know - Esther Rolle Transformation: Relationships - Knowing Hurricane Relief The Wedding Store Your Dream Home Bible Study Tools Minister Brenda’s Women’s Conference Equifax Data Breach New Performance Arts Area The Wedding Store
Rev. Irving Johnson
Pastor Teacher Evangelist
Rev. Irving Johnson M.Th was born in Newark NJ on October 21, 1954 He became a Christian in March of 1997, was licensed to preach in October 2008 and became a fully ordained minister 2010. Rev. Johnson holds a Bachelor’s degree and received his Masters degree in Theology from Eastern Theological Seminary in June of 2008. He is the current ministry leader of Dominion Fellowship Ministries in Newark NJ, where he has served for over 15 year leading several evangelist teams and pastoring. With Dominion Ministries Rev. Johnson has been actively engaged in Street Ministry and Prison Ministry for over 15 years as well as engaging truck drivers in a Truck Stop Ministry for 10 years. He is also a member of Metropolitan Baptist Church where he has served young people by teaching Sunday school for 16 years in the
Primary Department of 6-8 year olds. Rev. Johnson is Currently the Executive Producer of weekly Seminary broadcast from Eastern Theological Seminary called “Theology And You.” As a long standing member of ReMA, The Residents Ministers Alliance, he is the chairperson of the Social Concerns Committee, which seeks to reach out to Newark residents to meet their social needs. In the past Rev. Johnson has held position wth such major corporations as PSE&G, AT&T, NJ BELL, and VERIZON for nearly 20 years. He is presently employed by NY,NJ SHIPPING INDUSTRIES, INTERNATIONAL LONGSHOREMEN ASSOCIATION and has be a LongShoreman for the last 20 YEARS. He is the father of two sons Wahon Malone, and Marquis Donnell “Bo” Porter who is a current special assistant to GM for the Atlanta Braves baseball franchise. Rev. Irving Johnson currently lives with his wife Barbara in the city of Newark NJ.
Rev. Irving Johnson with son Bo Porter
Dominion Fellowship Ministries began in 1988 with one-on-one street evangelism and in-house bible study, and grew into an urban outreach ministry. With a focus on urban transformation and “Kingdom” building. Dominion has grown from a small group of believers ministering on the streets of Newark. Into a coalition of several ministries, with a focus on the spiritual restoration of the community. Dominion is dedicated to ministering to the community through, a “Faith & Feeding Ministry” program at the 16th Street Manna Station. The “Manna Meal Mobile” and the “Urban Convocation”. Dominion has also established a Seminary program by becoming the New Jersey extension of Eastern Theological Seminary with the parent school located in Lynchburg Virginia. Dominion has experienced an uphill and turbulent first twenty five years. To God be the glory! Our urban outreach ministry focus is consistent with our calling. As we must continue to go where the work is unattractive an do what seems unglamorous. The challenges are daunting. The rewards are glorious. Indeed these are times that try men’s souls. In the midst of these trying times we have this consolation; the more difficult the
struggle the more glorious the victory. We must stay the course and in so doing we have this blessed assurance – the glorious victory is ours-the glorious battle is the Lords. This is our Father’s business and we must be about it. The harvest is plenty. We have prayed to the Lord of the harvest for laborers. The Lord has heard the prayer and the laborers have moved into position. Dominion’s Strategic Operations Council is now fully mobilized and overseeing the Transformation Newark operation. Dominion Coalition is in position and poised for full evangelical outreach implementation. The Tactical Operations Committee is moving forward toward 100% street adoption in the Pray For Newark collaborative effort with the Caring Network, World Impact and Harvest Evangelism. Manna Station operations are progressing along with Eastern Theological Seminary as our Kingdom ministry training arm. ReMA with support from the Metro family is expanding it’s function and infrastructure. We thank God for those that have partnered with us, and for those that minister at the Manna Station. We must stay the course. For better days are yet to come and greater things are still to be done. Let us not be weary in well doing – in due season we will reap if we faint not.
The Manna Station located at 202 Sixteenth Avenue, in Newark is a place of meeting where the work of the ministry goes forth, a Church, and a training ground for ministers of the Gospel to grow and practice delivering the Word of God as they go forth in the calling that the LORD has chosen them for. The Manna Station is a non denominational assembly of believers from all denominations and congregations accepting Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. All are welcome and accepted to come forth and bring a message as the Lord leads, without need to cease membership in your home church. CONTACT INFO The Manna Station 202 Sixteenth Avenue, Newark NJ Pastor Irving Johnson MTh. Ministry Leader 862-576-9281 MinisterIrv1021@aol.com
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HEALTH Transformation
Causes, Symptoms And Treatment According to the reports by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in 2007-08, more than 68 percent of the total population of United States of America is suffering from obesity. This makes roughly two third of their total population. To add to this, studies also show that 72 percent of men and 68 percent of women are obese. The figures are shocking. Superficially it may not seem to be a problem but obesity or being fat is not a medical ailment as such. It is a condition when a human body gains more fat than considered to be healthy for a human being. The fat level is measured by the body mass index which is calculated by dividing the total body weight to the height of a person. Depending upon the body mass index a person may be classified as overweight, obese and morbidly obese which means very fat. Causes of Obesity Obesity can only be caused by one reason which is consuming more calories than a body can burn. This leads to body storing those calories as fats for future use but since the consumption is always more than the requirement, the body keeps on depositing layers of fat. This eventually makes a person obese. The causes can be further broken down into simpler subtypes: â–Ş â–Ş
More than required consumption of calories Less than required utilization of fats
It is a common phenomenon and leading a certain type of lifestyle will lead to obesity. This includes:
▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪
High consumption of alcohol Unhealthy eating habits Stress eating Physically disabled patients Heredity factors and genetics Use of certain medications Lack of exercise
Treatment of Obesity Since the condition is caused by excessive eating and less exercising one can only get back in shape by either eating less or exercising more. While most of the people opt for the simpler solution by crash dieting, doctors advise that it is highly unhealthy practice. The right way to lose weight is exercising more and more. This does not necessarily involve joining a gym to lift weights but common day to day activates such as playing games and sports, walking or swimming can provide the required amount of exercise to the body. Treatment via healthy diet One should avoid all kinds of junk food if he is obese. Such types of food aggravate the problem. In fact one should resort to healthy eating habits such as green leafy vegetables and salads. Avoiding cheese and butter helps. Choosing a particular type of meal also helps. One should avoid sleeping within two hours of consuming anything. One's diet should be able to meet the energy requirements for his day to day activities. Feeling weak and low initially is normal but if the weakness continues for a prolonged time period then the diet plan is not right. One should also avoid to instantly reducing his consumption. The process should be gradual and over a prolonged time period. Treatment via exercises Burning calories and fats that have deposited in the body as layers of blubber is essential. The exercise should aim at burning more and more calories without making you want to eat again. The body should strip off the excess weight while exercising. One should not try to exercise heavily during a short span of time. One can start his exercise by simply going for a walk. Later as one builds stamina, it could be replaced by jogging and even running. Other forms of exercises can include climbing stairs, walking to work, lifting household items. In case of morbid obesity doctors may advise use of medicines and surgeries to drastically reduce the weight of a person.
CITY Transformation
CITY OF NEWARK TESTING FOR LEAD IN DRINKING WATER; PROPERTY OWNERS CAN HAVE LEAD SERVICE LINES REPLACED FOR NOMINAL FEE Elevated levels found in tests of some homes and buildings; Department of Water and Sewer Utilities conducting a Lead Service Line Inventory and Replacement Program to ensure safety
Newark, NJ – Mayor Ras J. Baraka and Department of Water and Sewer Utilities Director Andrea Hall Adebowale announced that recent tests of drinking water in some Newark homes and buildings found elevated levels of lead, so the city is conducting a Lead Service Line Inventory and a Lead Service Line Replacement Program that will assist property owners with the replacement of their lead service line for a nominal fee. Lead is a metal formerly used in soldering joints for plumbing systems, and is now prohibited. However, many houses still have lead in their plumbing systems, which can have negative effects on the brain, kidneys, and nervous system, particularly on pregnant women and young children. “Our Department of Water and Sewer Utilities is constantly testing our water supply to ensure its quality. Recent tests have shown elevated lead levels, so we are now going to act swiftly, competently, and professionally to eliminate this menace form our city, by providing property owners with services and technology to do so. I urge all Newark property owners to test their water for lead or have it inspected, and if they find elevated levels, to take advantage of our programs, so that we can keep our city strong and our residents and visitors safe and healthy,” Mayor Baraka said. Residents who suspect their water contains lead should contact the Department of Water and Sewer Utilities at (973) 733-6303or by e-mail at waterandswer@ci.newark.nj.us to arrange to have their water tested for lead and/or get a service line inspection for free.
Do You Have A Desire to know God’s Word? Eastern Theological Seminary is not just for ministers but for anyone who wants to grow in the knowledge of God.
Classes are starting now! Scholarships are still available! Find out more more at: 973-563-5333 www.DominionFellowshipMinistries.com 53 James Street, Newark, NJ 07102
MINISTRY Transformation
WHY YOUR KIDS NEED GODLY FATHERS On my cable TV show “The Church at Newark” I Recently recorded a show on The Father Brotherhood Initiative. It is a movement foounded by Minister Johnathan Sims of Peaceful Zion Baptist Church and Rev. Irving Johnson of Dominion Fellowship Ministries also joining our discussion were Pastor Javon Allen of Peace Temple COGIC and Minister Michael McClain of Metropolitan Baptist Church. Here are some insights concerning fatherhood which should prove helpful for all fathers.
Defining the role of the father has become an increasingly difficult task in today’s culture. Fathers are disappearing from the home. As the U.S. Census Bureau states, 30 percent of all children live in a home without a father. Let’s state the obvious: every one of us is someone’s child. Every one of us has memories of our childhood. We have all been influenced by our past, and all of us had a hero or someone we watched and idolized at an early age. COMMUNICATE WHAT YOU NEED IT ' S not wrong to communicate what you want and need as long as you do it with a right spirit. I realize we all have our own bag of troubles and that many people are selfish . Help me not to fall into self- centeredness, but show me how to take better care of myself.
Most often, that person is a parent. So parents,
have anyone with whom to identify, so he does not
remember your youth and recognize that you are
know what a real man is.
your child’s role model. What is your role in your
In Deuteronomy 6:6-8, Jesus says:
These commandments that I give you today are to
Here are five reasons your kids need you to be a
be upon your hearts. Impress them on your
godly father:
children. Talk to them when you sit at home and
1. Kids need an example.
when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your
As a father you should often think of the example
hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write
are setting for your son — which is literally what
them on the doorframes of your houses and on your
the word “son” entails. In scripture, Jesus is
referred to as the Son of God, and the Greek word used for “son” means the “example of.” Hence, Jesus is the “Perfect Example of God.” We must recognize that our children are examples
The Lord is challenging fathers to pass the word of God to the next generation so its identity can be centered on the Lord. 3. Kids need consistency.
of us, their fathers. Throughout scripture, you see it this way. David was the son of Jesse, who was the son of Obed, who was the son of Boaz. Literally, you could say that David was the example of Jesse, who was the example of Obed, who was the example of his father Boaz. In the person of David, we know a little bit about his father, and his father before him. Leadership can only be passed along through example. 2. Kids need somewhere to root their identity. Children view their fathers as leaders, which makes it even more imperative for kids to have a fatherly
One of our most natural weaknesses is being consistent — in our love, our discipline, our time commitment, our self-control, our application of God’s Word. This is the precise reason we need daily reminders, daily strength, daily encouragement. As God says in Lamentations 3:20, “His grace is new every morning.” Every day is a new day because of God’s grace. Here is some simple advice in understanding your role as a father who sets the tone for the family: Speak openly and honestly think before you speak.
example who roots himself in Christ. The young
Be intentional about praising the positives.
man who grows up with a weak father does not
Spend time regularly doing things your
children enjoy. This doesn’t mean you have
discipline seems painful rather than pleasant, but
to cater to their every interest, but it does
later it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness to
mean you should spend time learning what
those who have been trained by it.”
they are really interested in and developing
Let your yes be yes and your no be no — children
those skills. Learn your child’s talents rather
of all ages thrive when there are clear
than forcing your interests on them.
boundaries. When your child “tests” your resolve
Eat meals together and engage in family
(and he or she will), don’t waver. Your child needs
activities on a regular basis.
to see that what you’ve decided is for his or
For those who drink alcohol, make some of
her good and that you will follow through on
those dinners or social events alcohol-free to
disciplining and training. In time, the testing will
show your children that you don’t need
lessen in frequency and severity because of your
alcohol to have a good time or relax.
4. Kids need to be loved.
All children spell love the same: T-I-M-E.
You are never alone in carrying out the work and
Ephesians 5:1-2 says, “Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children. And walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.” Earthly fathers have the unique opportunity to be direct reflections of God’s love to their children. In order to show your children Christ, you first have to spend time with them. Be involved every day. Life provides plenty of opportunities to talk with your children. However, you have to be intentional and seek out these moments. You have to listen to them, be patient, provide guidance, and be persistent. No matter the age of a child, giving of your time demonstrates your love for him or her. 5. Kids need boundaries. Hebrews 12:11 reminds us, “For the moment all
calling of being a parent. Making friends with likeminded fathers can be a huge help as you go through the experience of raising children. God never leaves us or forsakes us when we call on Him and ask for His grace. A healthy and vibrant church community can become a great resource for parents and their children. Use what God has provided for families and parents. Remember, you don’t have nor are you expected to have all of the answers. God has placed other godly men in your life, ask questions, seek advice, don;t think its not manly to get help, after all a true man does what he needs to do to provide for his family… even if it mean swallowing his pride.
Church Humor
The Fatherhood Brotherhood Initiative SUNDAY 4:00PM
SUNDAYS 4:00PM Cablevision Channel 19
CITY Transformation
JOIN THE CITIZEN/CLERGY ACADEMY The Department of Public Safety has opened registration for the Citizen/Clergy Academy, which begins at 6 p.m., Tuesday, October 10, 2017 at 311 Washington Street. Participants in the 8-week course will learn the basic functions and operations of the Police and Fire divisions as well as the Office of Emergency Management (OEM). Students will also be given a glimpse into the training, operations and organization of the Police Division, with insights offered into deployment decisions, the operations of the dispatch center and how calls for service are prioritized. Click on the link to register. http://npd.newarkpublicsafety.org/formsandreports/police_academy_application
GIVE HONOR TO WHOM HONOR IS DUE PUTTING OTHER FIRST is not always easy But Jesus says to prefer others. Honor is so rare in today's society, yet I want to be a person of honor.
LIFESTYLE Transformation Habits That Lead To Happiness So often we count what is missing from our lives, focusing on what is not there. In doing this, we create a form of "negative hallucination," a state of mind that blinds us to so much of what is actually there -- a really selfdefeating way to pass our days.
want, when they want it, and that this is okay. They are appreciative of all they have, and are less likely to envy what others have.
By dwelling on what we lack we create feelings of deprivation and unhappiness that can eclipse the spirit and block our ability to experience the simple joy of being alive.
2. Grateful people take nothing for granted. They do their best to see the positive outcome in situations and experiences and are not afraid to work towards those outcomes. They do not take the good things in their lives for granted.
If we really do want to live a more fulfilled and joyful life then cultivating a sense of gratitude is a key ingredient. Gratitude for all that we have, for all that is there, brings with it a deeper appreciation of life itself. Research has shown (1) that gratitude is an essential element in our ability to experience genuine happiness. Change Your Mind Not only that, but expressing gratitude can help change your mind in a positive way, and actually have a physical affect on the brain, changing it in positive ways. Gratefulness and life satisfaction just seem to go hand in hand (2). Here are six habits that grateful people cultivate. They are the keys to increased joy and contentment. 1. Grateful people do not expect life to give them every single thing they desire. They live with the understanding that no one can have everything they
3. Grateful people work with things as they are. They do not insist that conditions be exactly right before they can be happy. Appreciative of all they have, they accept life's shortcomings, while working on their own, and welcome joy and happiness into their lives unconditionally. 4. Grateful people realize that they cannot have the sunshine without also having the rain. They understand that no one can live in a perpetual state of happiness, accepting that difficult times will sometimes come. They have learned to respect and be grateful for life in all its diversity. 5. Grateful people cultivate flexible thinking habits. They have learned to adapt to life circumstances and can adjust their thinking to the situation. Gratitude and rigid thinking make a poor fit, and so they make allowances for other people's perceptions and opinions. 6. Grateful people do not define themselves by their regrets. They appreciate their abilities while working to improve them, accepting responsibility for their actions while working towards their positive future. Cultivate these habits of gratitude and you really will reap some wonderful benefits.
Nutrition Transformation Healthy Eating Plate & Healthy Eating Pyramid The Healthy Eating Plate, created by nutrition experts at Harvard School of Public Health and editors at Harvard Health Publications, was designed to address deficiencies in the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)’s MyPlate. The Healthy Eating Plate provides detailed guidance, in a simple format, to help people make the best eating choices.
Esther Rolle
RELATIONSHIP Transformation
A proper biblical context for the love between a married coupe is to be a "knowing" kind of love, a covenantial love, as based on Gensis 4:1 KJV "And Adam knew Eve his wife;". The Hebrew tern Yada` [know]* is used by Moses here in the context of a covenant relationship. This covenant basis is again empahisised again by Moses in Gen 2:24 KJV "Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.". Marriage is the making of a relationship that should not be broken. Further, to "know each other" under this coventant relationship of marriage requires a minimum expectation that both parties will have equal respect and consideration for the other and that both will remain exclusively dedicated to the other's best interests for the duration of their life together. That God holds all married couples accountable for these coventantial expectations is well portrayed by the bible verse: "Because the LORD hath been witness between thee and the wife of thy youth, against whom thou hast dealt treacherously: yet is she thy companion, and the wife of thy covenant. KJV Mal 2:14. Under His covanent provision enabling marriage, we are to be faithful in all circumstances. In light of the context of the aforementioned, a marriage based upon a coventantial relationship, that pleases our loving God, cannot fail, and although America's national statistics may indicate a failing institution of marriage, it is very much alive and well among the majority of believers. It will continue to be so, given that 20% of our freicely independent Millenils now indicae wanting to start a menainful life through marrige when they reach 30 years of age, . As married believers, from decade to decade, contiinue in their heartfelt coventantial compliance to God and themselves, they are a light to the future for all who seek of the permanence and joy that only marriage can bring. And hopefully, through prayer, so it shall go.
CITY Transformation
MAYOR BARAKA AND NEWARK LEADERS ANNOUNCE RELIEF EFFORTS TO AID VICTIMS OF HURRICANE MARIA American Red Cross NJ Region and United Airlines join effort to raise $100K for Americans in Puerto Rico; Mayor Baraka, federal legislators, Municipal Council Members and broad coalition of political, civic, religious and business leaders discussed upcoming events and activities by Newarkers to help hurricane victims Newark, NJ—September 25, 2017—Mayor Ras J. Baraka, Newark Municipal Council Members Luis Quintana, Anibal Ramos, Jr., Carlos Gonzalez, State Senator Teresa Ruiz, Essex County Executive Joseph N. DiVincenzo, Jr., Essex County Sheriff Armando Fontoura, Newark Public Schools Superintendent Christopher Cerf, and American Red Cross New Jersey Region Regional CEO Ana Montero, in partnership with the American Red Cross, today announced the formation of a broad coalition to aid the victims of Hurricane Maria and discussed upcoming relief events on Saturday, October 7, and Sunday, October 8, to aid relief efforts at a City Hall press conference. “Nature has terribly impacted the lives and homes of millions of American citizens and those of other nations, many of whom have direct personal links to the people of Newark. As a caring community with deep ties to this region, the people of Newark are uniting to bring hope, relief, strength, and love to those who are directly affected,” Mayor Baraka said. The City of Newark is supporting the Hurricane Maria Relief Effort Benefit concert and donation drive taking place on Saturday, October 7, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. at 870 Mount Prospect Avenue, in Newark’s North Ward. Necessary supplies will be collected for donation at the event. The concert is free and open to the public. Donations will also be accepted at additional locations. For more information, contact Ramon Rodriguez, at (973) 991-4508. On Sunday, October 8, a fundraiser will be held in partnership with the American Red Cross to raise money directed to victims of Hurricane Maria/Puerto Rico. The fundraiser will take place from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. at the Flamboyan Manor at 147 Verona Avenue in the city’s North Ward. The goal is to raise $100,000 to help with the relief efforts. Checks should be payable to American Red Cross/Hurricane Maria/Puerto Rico. In addition, the Newark Public Schools are taking donated clothing at their schools. With all electrical power out in Puerto Rico, more than 3.5 million Americans are lacking without basic needs, and that condition may continue for months. This is a population larger than the states of Vermont, North Dakota, South Dakota, Wyoming, and Alaska. At least 13 dead are reported in Puerto Rico, which is also running short on critical medical supplies.
Everything You Need For Your Perfect Wedding
YOUR DREAM HOME Real Estate Tips by Rick
A step-by-step walkthrough of purchase loans The loan process to purchase a home has many steps. The walkthrough below provides an overview of that process. We'd be more than happy to answer any questions you may have along the way. Pre-approval - Get pre-approved for a mortgage and know in advance exactly how much payment you can afford. Completing this step will also increase your negotiating power since you'll be viewed as a "cash buyer." Loan Search - Put yourself in the hands of an experienced mortgage professional, someone who will help you to determine which financing options best suit your needs today and in the future. Loan Application - It's crucial to supply the lender with as much information as possible, as accurately as possible. All outstanding debts, as well as assets and income should be included. Documentation - Paperwork supporting the application must also be submitted. Information commonly sought includes pay stubs, two years' tax returns and account statements verifying the source of the down payment, funds to close and reserves. The Hunt - Begin shopping for a house. Once you find the right one, the terms of the sale will be negotiated, including the price and potentially the terms of the loan being sought. Appraisal - Lenders require an appraisal on all home sales. By knowing the true value of the home, the borrower is protected from overpaying. Title Search - This is the time when any liens against the property are discovered. A lien may have been placed on a property to ensure payment of outstanding debts by the owner. All liens must be cleared before a transaction can be completed. Termite Inspection - While most purchase loans do not require a formal inspection for termite
and water damage, some loans (especially government loans) allow for the possibility. If problems are found, repairs may be necessary. Processor's Review - All pertinent information will be packaged by your mortgage professional and sent to the lending underwriter, including any explanations that may be needed, such as reasons for derogatory credit. Underwriter's Review - Based on the information put together by the loan professional, the underwriter makes the final decision regarding whether a loan is approved. Mortgage Insurance - Many lenders require private mortgage insurance when borrowers put down less than 20 percent on a loan. Approval, Denial or Counter Offer - In order to approve a loan, the lender may ask the borrowers to put more money down to improve the debt-to-income ratio. The borrower may also need a bigger down payment if the property appraises for less than the purchase price. Insurance - Lenders require fire and hazard insurance (often referred to as Homeowners Insurance) on the replacement value of the structure. Flood insurance will also be required if the property is located in a flood zone. In California, some lenders require earthquake insurance on condominiums. Signing - During this step, final loan and escrow documents are signed. Funding - At this point, the lender will send a wire or check for the amount of the loan to the title company. Confirmation of Funding - The lender authorizes the disbursement of loan proceeds. Closing - Documents transferring title will now be officially recorded by the County Recorder.
Bible Study Tools
and how to use them
Personal Bible study is one of the most important spiritual disciplines for Christians. It is vital as Christians to search the Scriptures and feed ourselves with the Word of God.
Below is my list of 7 essential tools in a basic Bible study library. These tools help us personally study the Bible for ourselves. With these seven tools, we can dive deeper in our personal study of the Bible.
Let’s begin with the most important tool of all, the Bible text in a good English translation.
BIBLE STUDY TOOL #1: A GOOD STUDY BIBLE If you were to make one purchase, I would recommend a study Bible. A study Bible includes the following:
Bible text in a modern translation.
Introductory material to each of the 66 books. This includes a discussion on the book’s authorship, audience, general themes and its key interpretative issues.
Study notes on most verses of the Bible. These study notes help the reader better understand the text.
Maps of the pertinent geography during the time of the Old and New Testament.
For Bible study, make sure you choose a Bible translation that is a literal or formal equivalent translation. You do not want to swap English translations once you have committed to one as
your preferred choice for Bible study. Three popular formal equivalent translations are:
English Standard Version (ESV)
New American Standard Version (NASB)
New King James Version (NKJV)
If your reading level is below eighth grade, you should consider the New King James Version (NKJV). Unlike the ESV (10th grade reading level) and NASB (11th grade reading level), the vocabulary level of the NKJV is better suited for those less proficient in English.
For those who are below a fourth grade reading level, I would recommend reading the Bible using the New International Reader’s Version (NIrV). The NIrV was created for 3rd grade level readers. I would still recommend the NKJV as the primary translation for studying, but I would use the NIrV for daily reading.
9 Best Study Bibles for Evangelical Christians
BIBLE STUDY TOOL #2: CONCORDANCE Traditional English concordances are specific for a particular translation. You can look up a specific word in the concordance to find every instance that word is used in that English translation.
For example, if I look up “heaven” in the ESV Concordance, I find that “heaven” is used twice in the ESV in the book of Romans. It is used in Romans 1:18 and Romans 10:6.
While some like using a paper concordance, I prefer using a free Bible software package like Accordance 12 Lite. It is much faster, and it is not as bulky.
BIBLE STUDY TOOL #3: BIBLE DICTIONARY A Bible dictionary is the next most important tool. It contains definitions for words in the Bible. The articles will include important information on every subject related to the Bible: people, places, animals, plants, introductions to books, etc.
Unlike many kinds of Bible study resources, the best Bible dictionaries have recent articles written by many different scholars, each an expert in his particular subject.
If I look up “cherubim”, I can read 6-8 paragraphs about what a cherubim is. The dictionary will also reference many Bible passages from which the information is drawn.
Eerdmans Dictionary of the Bible is edited by David Noel Freedman, the same editor as the scholarly Anchor Bible Dictionary which is 5 volumes. Because there are contributors of various confessions and faiths, this dictionary is most valuable for its concise background information, not the theology.
BIBLE STUDY TOOL #4: CROSS REFERENCES GUIDE Cross-references locate the source of quotations and other passages with similar content.
The most recognized collection in this category is the Treasury of Scripture Knowledge. It contains over 500,000 cross references and parallel passages. This reference work contains the most exhaustive listing of Bible cross references.
If I looked up Genesis 1:1 in the Treasury of Scripture Knowledge, it will give me cross references for each key word. So for “beginning”, I get the following cross references: Provers 8:22-24; 16:4; Mark 13:19; John 1:1-3; Hebrews 1:10; and 1 John 1:1.
BIBLE STUDY TOOL #5: ONE-VOLUME COMMENTARY A solid, one-volume commentary on the whole Bible can be very helpful in a starter library. One-volume commentaries will not cover every passage or answer every question. They do
offer insights and provide good models of Bible interpretation.
New Bible Commentary – published by InterVarsity Press and in its 4th edition, this commentary is my favorite one-volume commentary for the basic Bible study library.
Bible Knowledge Commentary – this 2 volume commentary (Old Testament and New Testament) is written by the faculty of Dallas Theological Seminary. This is another solid choice for a basic Bible study library.
BIBLE STUDY TOOL #6: TOPICAL CONCORDANCE A topical concordance identifies Scripture verses related to a specific topic. This is a useful resource to survey what the entire Bible has to say about a particular subject. Nave’s Topical Bible is a popular topical concordance.
If I look up “tithes” in Nave’s Topical Bible, I can quickly find where in the Bible the Mosaic law institutes tithing: Leviticus 27:30-33, Numbers 18:21-24, Deuteronomy 12:6-7, 17-19; 14:22-29; 26:12-15.
BIBLE STUDY TOOL #7: BIBLE ATLAS A Bible atlas locates places in the Bible: cities and villages, rivers and oceans, empires and kingdoms. The best ones include the changes in a region over time, maps of journeys and battles, graphs of rainfall, climate and other information about the geography and environment useful for understanding the stories in the Bible.
For example, if I want to visualize geographically Abraham’s migration from Ur to the promised land or the route of Paul’s second and third missionary journeys, a Bible atlas is indispensable.
Zondervan’s Bible Atlas was published in 2010 and is an excellent 300 page hardcover atlas that should satisfy most basic libraries.
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Performing Arts Area in the planning for the historic South Park Calvary United Presbyterian Church site.
A Newark neighborhood that is already home to a variety of art spaces and music events could soon have another cultural venue.
In order to develop the project, the Newark Municipal Council adopted a resolution during its meeting on August
According to City records, plans appear
22nd to authorize an agreement with the
to finally be moving forward to develop
LPCCD to provide a $250,000 grant from
an “outdoor performing arts space”
the Community and Economic
called the ‘The Facade’ at 1033 Broad
Development Dedicated Trust Fund. The
Street, just across the street from
remaining portion of the $2,380,058
Lincoln Park in the Central Ward. The
cost of the project is expected to come
center is set to be developed by the
from foundations, corporations, and
local non-profit Washington Street-
donations, according to the resolution,
based Lincoln Park Coast Cultural
which states that the City funding is due
District, Inc. (LPCCD), and the proposal
to the fact that “the project currently
calls for the developer to “restore,
has a significant funding gap that must
stabilize, and preserve” the historic
be bridged in order to make the project
South Park Calvary United Presbyterian
financially feasible.” At least 40% of the
Church, which is located on the
construction workers must be Newarkers
premises, and subsequently build out
and 30% of the contractors,
‘The Facade’ from the building.
subcontractors, and suppliers for the development of ‘The Facade’ must be based in the city.
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