Surving Retirement
Finding Your Dream Home T h e C h u r c h A t N e w a r k . c o m
Do You Feel Run Down?
Rev. Dr. Glenn B. Wilson
Transformation Newark Magazine Seeks to inform Enlighten, and Empower its readers to live more joyful, productive, and Godly lives Transformation Newark Magazine is a publication of PastorRickGreene.com for more info or to advertise with us call 862-888-8238
Transformation Newark Magazine made its debut in September 2012. Our format of providing only positive news and life changing information is a welcome media source for our readers. Our target market is a mostly an AfricanAmerican adult 25-60 year old audience in Essex County who has a deep interest in our l o c a l c o m m u n i t y, improving their lives, and serving God. Our publication reaches about 3,000 homes monthly. In total there have been well over 3 million pages viewed of our publications!
IN THIS ISSUE 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 29 30 32 34 38 39 40 42 43 44
The Newark Film Festival The Church At Newark Transformation: Financial Does He Love You Enough Transformation: Relationships Child Care Transformation: Ministry The Gathering CDM Ministries Weichert Realtors Transformation: City Kingdom Fit Transformation: Health Rev. Dr. Glenn Wilson The Empowered Summit Prevailing Word Ministries SALT The Bridge to Recovery Breakfast Transformation: Nutrition Back to Church Sunday Transformation: Lifestyle Your Dream Home The Preacher’s Handbook Rick Greene Realty Easter Theological Seminary
9 r e b m e t p e S – 7 r e b Septem m p 2 1 m 9a Introducing the Newark International Film FestivalThe 3-day festival will showcase the breadth of the film industry including screenings at a number of cultural anchor institutions and outdoor screenings (weather permitting), stunt exhibitions, pitch opportunities and auditions for TV and film, acting, directing, producing and crowd funding workshops, and much more. The NIFF is the first international film festival hosted in Newark. A main feature of the NIFF will be the Hannibal Goodwin Award for Innovation in Filmmaking in homage to Hannibal Goodwin, the Episcopal priest who invented celluloid film 1887 in Newark, NJ. The Newark International Film Festival (NIFF) is dedicated to the art of storytelling through film. The 2017 NIFF put filmmakers in front of major players in the film industry and movie lovers from around the world. NIFFʟs audience is important, affluent, and eager to celebrate. Opening NightThe 2017 Newark International Film Festival begins with a red carpet VIP reception on opening night fordignitaries, sponsors, celebrities and partners. The reception will be hosted by the NIFF Committee and ourcelebrity ambassador. ScreeningsScreenings during the film festival will be shown throughout Newark at cultural anchor institutions such as Newark Symphony Hall, The Newark Museum, Newark Public Library, Rutgers University, New Jersey Institute of Technology, Essex County College, Military Park and the Cityplex Theater. WorkshopsThroughout downtown Newark we will host a number of workshops for actors, directors, producers, filmmakers, and writers, as well as stunt exhibitions and training, and celebrity meet and greets. We are especially excited about workshops and
demonstrations of film production equipment highlighting new technologies.Youth FestivalWe are very proud to offer a youth component to the NIFF for youth under the age of 19. The youth festival will be included in the NIFF body but will be governed by a separate group, to ensure that the youth are treated fairly and have the same opportunities available to theprofessional filmmakers in the NIFF. Adult filmmakers are not allowed to enter the youth festival however a youth may submit their body of work into any competition in both the youth and adult components.Community ImpactOur goal for the Newark International Film Festival is to provide opportunities, platforms, and bring awareness to great talent in filmmaking throughout the year. The NIFF will have a not-for-profit component that will serve the city of Newark all year round in partnership with the Newark Office of Film & Television. The partnership will host special w or k s h op s , t r a i n i n g a n d j ob development for Newark residents in the film industry as well as the next upcoming film festival. One of the programs that the festival will support is the Script to Screen program. Youth ages 12 to 21 will be encouraged to help create a movie or TV idea as a group and see it through from script conception to screen, while learning all of the aspects of the business. Awards CeremonyThe 2017 Newark International Film Festival award show will be hosted at The Newark Symphony Hall. The awards show will be a two and a half hour show with celebrity hosts and performances. The NIFF awards show will be filmed and packaged for TV and the rights to the show will be shopped around to cable and television networks. The Hannibal Goodwin Award for Innovation in Filmmaking honors the work of especially innovative filmmakers and pays homage to Hannibal Goodwin, the Episcopal priest who invented celluloid film 1887 in Newark, NJ. VIP PARTIES, MEET CELEBRITIES, MEET INDUSTRY EXECS, TAKE MASTER CLASSES & WORKSHOPS DON'T ALLOW URGENCY TO LEAD I know I run too fast sometimes. I don't like issues to linger .Don't rush ahead of Me. But help me to slow my step. Teach me how to bite my tongue, put my hands in my pockets, and wait until You say go. Let my first response to the fire be prayer. Give me a sense of Your timing and reveal Your strategy.
Don’t Sqwander Your Money
FINANCIAL Transformation
Today's world is brutal for anyone trying to get ahead. The expense of everything makes it hard to save and the cost of living is rising daily. Jobs are also hard to get and people falling through the cracks are now living on the streets in many cities. From the time one leaves school the pressure is on to succeed and that can take many twists and turns. The first and most vital thing to do is to get a good job. From the first pay packet one must have a strategy for long-term survival. Set it out on paper and begin a bank account in which a certain percentage of the money is lodged each payday. This is essential for future benefits. It makes me shudder to see images of people pouring money into poker machines or other gambling devices. These are money cows for the clubs, pubs, and societies that use them to boost their income. What it does to one financially is often so tragic that they end us losing everything. Families can be broken home, homes repossessed or tenants tossed out. Living on the streets is a dead-end. There is hardly any way up unless you do it by sheer will power and clever tactics. The best thing is not to get into that situation. While the going is tough it's really time to get going and do yourself a favour. Don't squander your income and make doubly sure that you bank as much as possible each week. If you do that then when these times have passed you will be overjoyed because of your sacrifice. I AM FOR YOU, NOT AGAINST YOU I ABLE TO make you stand. When people are judging your heart, remember that I see who you really are. Thank You for standing with Me and for Me. You are loyal and trust. Help me to stand with You and for You. Help me to be faithful, true, and loyal to You all the days of my life. Help me not to compromise the Word of God or take Your Spirit for granted.
Relationships 101: DOES HE LOVE YOU ENOUGH List Price: $12.99
This book is a question and answer book to help the faithful women of the world to determine if the man in your life is truly in love with you before you give him your heart and your hand. Publication Date: Language: Dec 06 2015 English ISBN/EAN13: Color: 1519754779 / 9781519754776 Black and White with Bleed Page Count: Related Categories: 48 Family & Relationships / Marriage & Long Term Binding Type: Relationships US Trade Paper Trim Size: 5" x 8" CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFO
RELATIONSHIP Transformation by Pastor Rick Greene
On a scale from one to 10, how would you rate your marriage? Many of you would say about a 6 or a 7, but if that would be a School grade them many of you if not most would be failing, Or average at best. Granted the grading does depend on ones needs and expectations. THE TRUTH MAYBE HARD TO ACCEPT While its no surprise to me that when we look at our relationships Honestly it is like what Jack Nicholson said… “You Can’t handle the truth”. It was quite surprising to me to read that is studies by one of the Leading marriage researchers, after a six year study, he found that With 130 newly wed couples he studied, that the happy marriages all had in common that the men were willing to be influenced by their wives. When men didn’t consider their wives suggestions, over 80% of the time the marriages failed. When she states theres a problem- Then theres a problem. Most women Tend to understand relationships better than men, they pick up on the settle inflections, expressions, that vary with voice and body language. Marriage expert Gary Smalley, has said, “That a woman has a "built-in marriage manual." HE LEADS THROUGH COUSEL Husbands are supposed to lead the family. Scripture tells us that men are to lead the family. Yet never forget to get input from their wives. Proverbs 15:22: tells us that “Without counsel plans fail, but with many advisers they succeed.” Men ought to at the very least listen to their wives input, that in itself shows honor, respect, and value that a man has for her, which in many times will be the catalyst for improving your relationship. As a family we must learn to make decisions together and put aside your pride. I know that it can’t be difficult, because if you like me, who for decades, got used all decisions by myself, just make the call and proceed with the action then you are actually being inconsiderate and selfish. ESTEEMING ONE ANOTHER Pride also plays a role. We often see on TV if not with other couples that we know, “the power struggle”. This is born out of insecurity and selfishness. Wives you MUST learn to express your concerns in a gentle way if you’re expecting him to consider your views. Speaking out of frustration, or with what he considers harsh tones will almost always be rejected. We must put the pride of always having to be right aside and bring the love that you have for each other to the surface, which is where it should always be, esteeming each other before ourselves, submitting to each other. And always listen to each other. And this is even the more important for men, if your marriage is to succeed.
MINISTRY Transformation
There are many ways to do ministry, and sometimes it can be as simple as assisting others who are already to the work. This month’s Ministry Transformation article reminds us that even though we may have ministries in our own charge, let us remember to assist other ministry works, whether the be Christian or not as long as they violate not the words of our Lord and are helping to meet the needs of those whom are hurting.
TO GIVE VISIT www.RedCross.org
West Orange Business Recognition Weichert Realtors: Rick Greene has been selected for the 2017 Best of West Orange Awards for Real Estate Agents.
CITY Transformation
MORE HOUSING FOR DOWNTOWN NEWARK? One Theater Square is a 22 story 245 unit apartment building across Center Street from NJPAC. The old Hahne's Department Store across Broad Street from Military Park, with 160 rental apartments including a Whole Foods store and others. Teachers Village Features three charter schools, retail space, and 206 teacher apartments. Bears & Eagles Stadium Will soon be residential, commercial and cultural complex. 540 Broad St. The former Verizon's headquarters will feature 260-unit apartments, while keeping the art deco exterior. 36-54 Rector St. Shaquille O'Neal is one of the backers of this 168-unit apartment tower near the New Jersey Performing Arts Center. Hampton Valley On Elizabeth Avenue in the South Ward, is a $15 million overhaul of 89 townhouse apartments available to families with low incomes.
HEALTH Transformation Do you feel run down? If you are like many Americans, you feel tired
often and seemingly without that much
Getting on a wellness program can, over
exertion. It isn't an exact pin-pointable
time, detoxify and refeed the body allowing
symptom that stands out, yet you simply "don't
it to begin to heal and work at full capacity
feel well."
once again. Many of us live life running on
Fatigue and tiredness are becoming a
half a tank without realizing it. The body is a
normalized in society when the fact is that
marvelous machine that can compensate
feeling that way on a consistent basis is not
and make up for weakness. The problem is
normal. Fatigue that is not improved by bed
that when this state continues on an ongoing
rest has other underlying issues than just lack of
basis, the other areas of the body may begin
sleep, though insomnia can play a part as well.
to weaken and break down due to chronically being over used. This also causes
The fact is that you do not have to have an
break down and further weakening in the
underlying major diagnosis to feel chronically
already weak area from non-use.
exhausted, and it is very likely not "all in your
The media and misinformation have caused
head", as you may have been told.
many of us to believe that as we age, it is
One of the simplest ways to uncover the cause
normal and even expected to feel less and
or causes is to find a practitioner who offers
less well and that our only option is to cover
Nutritional Response Testing. Through NRT
that gradual unwellness with medications
they are able to discover any imbalances within
that mask the symptoms. Nothing could be
the body - toxicity levels, mineral or vitamin
further from the truth.
deficiencies, weakened organs that need
The truth is that as we age, our bodies do
strengthening and help rebalance and boost
require maintenance (natural health care).
the immune system through the use of properly
When that is done - good health IS our
tailored diet recommendations combined with
natural state.
PILGRIM Baptist Church
Rev. Dr. Glenn Benjamin Wilson, Sr. is the son of the late Rev. Eugene Benjamin Wilson and the late Lena Emma Nesbitt Wilson. He is the 7th pastor in the 129 year history of the Pilgrim Baptist Church. He comes from a legacy of men led by the Holy Spirit to lead and spread the good news of the Gospel which included his Grandfather, the late Reverend Samuel A. Wilson who was the third pastor of Pilgrim Baptist Church from 1933-1944. His father, the late Rev. Eugene Benjamin Wilson who was a former Associate Minister at New Hope Baptist Church in Newark, NJ from generation to generation, God has continued to bless and increase Pilgrim Baptist abundantly and after more than a century, it is still a place for spiritual growth and warm fellowship for those seeking to know the love of God. As a child, Rev. Wilson was a member of the New Hope Baptist Church in Newark, New Jersey and was involved in numerous church activities. When he became a young man he acknowledged his calling into the Gospel ministry at the New Covenant church in Orange, New Jersey and was licensed to preach in 1989. Shortly after, he became a minister on staff at Bethany Baptist Church at which time Dr. James Scott was pastor. Rev. Wilson later joined Metropolitan Baptist Church in Newark where he served as Minister of Education. While there, under the spiritual leadership of Dr. David Jefferson, Sr., he was able to grow in areas of church administration, pastoral development and church education. Rev. Wilson is passionate about proclaiming the Good News of Jesus Christ, making
the Word of God a relevant and modern fixture in the lives of believers and building the Kingdom of God within the congregation and community. Since taking the pulpit in April 2013, his focus and vision for Pilgrim Baptist Church is to further develop and expand the churches’ ministries, some of which include; spiritual development, grief counseling services, intercessory prayer groups, ministers’ in training, entrepreneurship training, and support for married couples. After more than 20 years in ministry, Rev. Wilson has developed to become a courageous pastor, servant-leader, distinguished visionary, with a strong interest and passion for education. He received his Bachelor of Arts Degree in Sociology from Kentucky State University and holds a Master Degree in Student
Personnel Services from Trenton State University, a Masters in Urban Administration and Supervision from The New Jersey City State University, and a Doctorate of Theology from Iowa Christian Theological Seminary/Eastern Bible Institute. He is the former president of the Newark Public Schools Guidance Counselor Association and former Principal of both the Academy of Vocational Careers High School and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Community Campus Schools respectively. Rev. Wilson is married to his soul mate Karen Peterson-Wilson, the proud parent of his son, Glenn Wilson, Jr., daughterin-law Gina and his three grandchildren. His dynamic family also includes a sister in ministry Mrs. Marlene Waltz, three brothers Eugene, Robert and late Kenneth Wilson.
December 2, 2017 8:00 am - 12:00 pm
EMPOWERED SUMMIT Bo Porter excels in personal growth and development. The EMPOWERED SUMMIT is a transformational movement that brings (9) EMPOWERED Speakers together to inspire the greatness in you. The EMPOWERED acronym is from Bo Porter’s Best Selling Book REal Life EMPOWERED and is about whole person development. Bo is convinced that the greatest gift you can give someone is to help them reach the peak of their potential. The EMPOWERED SUMMIT will help you discover the POWER of YOU by expanding your capabilities and moving you outside the transactional space and into a transformational space of personal growth and development. Join us on the journey to the mountaintop. You will become a change agent that consistently facilitates transformational impact in your family, career, network and community. Thank you for your time and consideration. We look forward to moving mountains and changing lives one city at a time.
To Find Out More Visit: boporterenterprise.com
Salt and Sodium Salt and sodium: The facts Salt, also known as sodium chloride, is about 40 percent sodium and 60 percent chloride. It adds flavor to food and is also used as a preservative, binder, and stabilizer. The human body needs a very small amount of sodium – the primary element we get from salt – to conduct nerve impulses, contract and relax muscles, and maintain the proper balance of water and minerals. But too much sodium in the diet can lead to high blood pressure, heart disease, and stroke. Most Americans consume at least 1.5 teaspoons of salt per day, which contains far more sodium than our bodies need. Know your limits The government recommends limiting daily sodium intake to one 2,300 milligrams (one teaspoon). However, nearly 70 percent of US adults are at risk of developing health problems associated with salt consumption, and the American Heart Association recommends that the following at-risk individuals should limit their daily sodium intake to 1,500 milligrams (2/3 of a teaspoon): People over age 50 People who have high or slightly elevated blood pressure People who have diabetes African Americans Given that the majority of US adults are at risk of developing health problems related to salt consumption, nutrition experts at Harvard School of Public Health, the American Heart Association, and the Center for Science in the Public Interest have called for the U.S. government to lower the upper limit of daily recommended sodium intake from 2,300 milligrams to 1,500 milligrams per day (2/3 teaspoon of salt). Read about the recent controversy surrounding national guidelines for daily sodium intake here.
Transformation Breakfast
Bridge to Recovery Transformation Breakfast WHEN: Thursday, September 14, 2017 TIME: 8:00 A.M. – 10:00 A.M. LOCATION: The Willing Heart Community Center 555 Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard, Newark
We hope to see you at the Bridge Breakfast! (Next Breakfast Date: Thursday, December 14, 2017)
20 Delicious High-Protein Foods to Eat People argue about carbs, fats, and everything in between. However, almost everyone agrees that protein is important. Eating plenty of protein has numerous benefits. It can help you lose weight (especially belly fat), and increase your muscle mass and strength, to name a few. The recommended daily intake (RDI) is 46 grams for women, and 56 grams for men. However, many health and fitness experts believe that we need much more than that. Here is a list of 20 delicious foods that are high in protein. 1. Eggs Whole eggs are among the healthiest and most nutritious foods on the planet. They are loaded with vitamins, minerals, healthy fats, eye-protecting antioxidants and brain nutrients that most people don't get enough of. Whole eggs are high in protein, but egg whites are almost pure protein. Protein content: 35% of calories in a whole egg. 1 large egg contains 6 grams of protein, with 78 calories.
2. Almonds Almonds are a popular type of tree nut. They are loaded with important nutrients, including fiber, vitamin E, manganese and magnesium. Protein content: 13% of calories. 6 grams per 1 ounce (28 g) serving, with 161 calories.
Other High-Protein Nuts Pistachios (13% of calories) and cashews (11% of calories). 3. Chicken Breast Chicken breast is one of the most popular protein-rich foods. If you eat it without the skin, the majority of the calories in it come from protein. Chicken breast is also very easy to cook, and tastes delicious if you do it right. Protein content: 80% of calories. 1 roasted chicken breast without skin contains 53 grams, with only 284 calories.
4. Oats Oats are among the healthiest grains of the planet. They are loaded with healthy fibers, magnesium, manganese, thiamin (vitamin B1) and several other
Nutrition Transformation nutrients. Protein content: 15% of calories. Half a cup of raw oats contains 13 grams, with 303 calories.
5. Cottage Cheese Cottage cheese is a type of cheese that tends to be very low in fat and calories. It is loaded with calcium phosphorus, selenium, vitamin B12, riboflavin (vitamin B2) and various other nutrients. Protein content: 59% of calories. A cup (226 g) of cottage cheese with 2% fat contains 27 grams of protein, with 194 calories.
Other Types of Cheese That Are High in Protein Parmesan cheese (38% of calories), swiss cheese (30%), mozzarella (29%) and cheddar (26%). 6. Greek Yogurt Greek yogurt, also called strained yogurt, is a very thick type of yogurt. It tastes delicious, has a creamy texture, and is high in many nutrients. Protein content: Non-fat Greek yogurt has protein at 48% of calories. One 170 gram (6 ounce) container has 17 grams of protein, with only 100 calories. Just make sure to choose one without added sugar. Full-fat Greek yogurt is also very high in protein, but contains more calories.
Similar Options Regular full-fat yogurt (24% of calories) and kefir (40%). 7. Milk Milk is highly nutritious, but the problem is that a huge percentage of the world's adults are intolerant to it. However, if you tolerate milk and enjoy drinking it, then milk can be an excellent source of high-quality protein. Milk contains a little bit of almost every single nutrient needed by the human body. It is particularly high in calcium, phosphorus and riboflavin (vitamin B2). Protein content: 21% of calories. 1 cup of whole milk contains 8 grams of protein, with 149 calories. 8. Broccoli Broccoli is an incredibly healthy vegetable, loaded with vitamin C, vitamin K, fiber and potassium. Broccoli is also loaded with various bioactive nutrients believed to help protect against cancer. Calorie for calorie, it is high in protein compared to most vegetables. Protein content: 20% of calories. 1 cup of chopped broccoli (96 grams) contains 3 grams of protein, with only 31 calories.
9. Lean Beef Lean beef is very high in protein, and also tastes delicious. It is loaded with highly bioavailable iron vitamin B12 and numerous other nutrients. Protein content: 53% of calories. One 3 ounce (85 g) serving of cooked beef with 10% fat contains 22 grams of protein, with 184 calories. If you're on a low carb diet, feel free to eat fatty cuts of beef instead of lean beef. 10. Tuna Tuna is a very popular type of fish. It is low in both fat and calories, so what we're left with is mostly just protein. Like other fish, tuna is also very high in various nutrients and contains a decent amount of omega-3 fatty acids. Protein content: 94% of calories, in tuna canned in water. A cup (154 g) contains 39 grams of protein, with only 179 calories. 11. Quinoa Quinoa is a seed/grain that is currently among the world's most popular superfoods. It is high in many vitamins, minerals and fiber, and is loaded with antioxidants. Quinoa has numerous health benefits. Protein content: 15% of calories. One cup (185 g) of cooked quinoa contains 8 grams, with 222 calories.
12. Whey Protein Supplements When you're pressed for time and unable to cook, a whey protein supplement can come in handy. Whey is a type of high-quality protein from dairy foods, shown to be very effective at building muscle mass, and may help with weight loss. Protein content: Varies between brands, can go over 90% of calories, with 20-50 grams of protein per serving. 13. Lentils Lentils are a type of legume They are high in fiber, magnesium, potassium, iron, folate, copper, manganese and various other nutrients. Lentils are among the world's best sources of plant-based protein, and are an excellent food for vegetarians. Protein content: 27% of calories. 1 cup (198 g) of boiled lentils contains 18 grams, with 230 calories.
Other High-Protein Legumes Soybeans (33% of calories), chickpeas (19%) and kidney beans (24%). 14. Ezekiel Bread Ezekiel Bread is different from most other breads. It is made of organic and sprouted whole grains and legumes, including millet, barley, spelt, wheat, soybeans and lentils. Compared to most breads, ezekiel bread is very high in protein, fiber and various nutrients. Protein content: 20% of calories. 1 slice contains 4 grams, with 80 calories.
15. Pumpkin Seeds Pumpkins contain edible seeds called pumpkin seeds. They are incredibly high in many nutrients, including iron, magnesium and zinc. Protein content: 14% of calories. 1 ounce (28 g) contains 5 grams of protein, with 125 calories.
HEALTH Transformation Other High-Protein Seeds Flax seeds (12% of calories), sunflower seeds (12%) and chia seeds (11%). 16. Turkey Breast Turkey breast is similar to chicken breast in many ways. It consists mostly of protein, with very little fat and calories. It also tastes delicious. Protein content: 70% of calories. One 3 ounce (85 g) serving contains 24 grams, with 146 calories. 17. Fish (All Types) Fish is incredibly healthy, for various reasons. It is loaded with various important nutrients, and tends to be very high in heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids. Protein content: Highly variable. Salmon is 46% protein, with 19 grams per 3 ounce (85 g) serving, with 175 calories. 18. Shrimp Shrimp is a type of seafood. It is low in calories, but loaded with various nutrients, including selenium and vitamin B12. Like fish, shrimp also contains plenty of omega-3 fatty acids. Protein content: 90% of calories. A 3 ounce (85 g) serving contains 18 grams, with only 84 calories. 19. Brussels Sprouts The Brussels sprout is another high-protein vegetable, related to broccoli. It is very high in fiber, vitamin C and other nutrients. Protein content: 17% of calories. Half a cup (78 g) contains 2 grams of protein, with 28 calories. 20. Peanuts Peanuts are incredibly delicious. They are high in protein, fiber, magnesium and many studies show that they can help you lose weight. Peanut butter is also high in protein, just make sure not to eat too much as it is quite "more-ish." Protein content: 16% of calories. One ounce (28 g) contains 7 grams, with 159 calories. Take Home Message The importance of eating enough protein can not be overstated. It is the simplest, easiest and most delicious way to lose weight and have a better looking body. Period. YOU CAN GROW FROM YOUR MISTAKES MISTAKES ARE A part of life, a part growth. I am really, and I am willing. I am grateful there is no fear in love, because fear brings toment. You are faithful Teacher, and You want to see me thrive. Help me learn from the mistakes I made. Show me what I should have done and should have done.
Invite someone to church! Often times we can forget. If you haven’t invited someone to church recently then this is a great day to start and hopefully continue each and every Sunday after that.
Surving Retirement
LIFESTYLE Transformation
For many this time of their lives can be rather daunting. While they may work all their lives in expectation of a great retirement for some it is not the utopia of which they dreamed. Life is full of ups and downs couple with parenting, grand parenting, and other things. Some start businesses and push themselves to the limit. Others drift along waiting for something great to happen. Whatever one's background if life continues then retirement is inevitable. Depending on one's abilities it can be a very exciting time or the worst time of their lives. This is when people usually shift into low gear and take it easy. They can then put on weight, become obese, lose energy, and depression sets in. It does not have to be this way, however, as there are ways to survive retirement by staying active, joining a club or gym, taking up sports, and writing or painting, depending on one's ability. Some take up hobbies and restore old cars or toys, and so on. Others do charity work and serve the community in other ways. The best way to survive retirement, however, is by staying active, putting yourself out there, joining in and making everyday exciting and something to look forward to. My days are spent writing, painting, going to the gym, taking myself for walks, and meeting friends. On the side my pets are my companions and my family remains important and contact with them is vital. Retirement does not mean giving up and vegetating while waiting to die. One still has a lot of potential for helping out and staying active, healthy, and involved. These are my secrets to surviving without feeling lonely or neglected.
YOUR DREAM HOME Real Estate Tips by Rick
The Skys the limit… tips for finding your dream home. Congratulations, on looking for your dream home! You deserve it. It’s important to go into this purchase with a new mindset. In the past, you’ve probably looked for a property that met your needs – it had enough bedrooms for the whole family or the commute to work was a breeze. This is different. A dream home is more about fulfilling wishes than meeting needs. Don’t be afraid to make a sizable wish list. Remember, that your property does not exist in a bubble. It’s part of a larger community that you will exist in on a daily basis. With that in mind, it’s critical that you find a neighborhood that suits your needs before buying. The lot is often an afterthought when it comes to purchasing a property, but it should be in the forefront of buyers’ minds. It is the one thing about a property that cannot really be altered. Think about it: You could knock down a house and rebuild it from scratch, but regardless of the changes you make, the lot will stay the same.
When it comes to buying a home, especially the home you’ve been thinking about for your entire life, age does make a difference. Buying older homes and brand new ones each have their pros and cons, so be aware of what you’re signing up for before you submit an offer. Whether it’s a style of living or the actual aesthetic of your property, you want to make sure your home is one that you’ll feel proud to pull up to each day. Since how a home looks is one of the first things that you (and others) notice about a property, finding a style of home that fits your personality is absolutely key. The trick when it comes to finding your dream home is figuring out how much space you truly need. Buying a home that is too small for your family will leave you continually trying to configure the space to make it work for you. In the same vein, buying a property that is too large will allow you to spread out, but will wrack up large costs. Not all square footage is created equal, which is where the floor plan comes into play. If you compare two properties that are 2,000 square feet, one could dedicate most of the space to the living area while the other could focus on more spacious bedrooms. While it is possible to redesign your floor plan after moving into the home, it’s a long process that requires a huge commitment of time and finances. Unless you are particularly handy, it’s a project that will require hiring a team of contractors. Be sure to focus on finding a layout that is as close to
perfect for you as possible. Even your dream home is going to require a little bit of customization – as it should. Whether you’ve spent years wishing for a chef-style kitchen, poolside backyard oasis, or a tricked-out media room, it’s unlikely that those features will be exactly to your specifications from the moment you sign the deed. Keep an eye on how much customization will be required in each property you see. This is not the most fun factor to think about, especially not when compared to upgrades and aesthetics. But, if cost is not considered, your dream home could end up becoming more of a worry than an escape. Try not to stretch yourselves to the furthest reaches of your budget. As important as it is to be aware of what you’d love to find in your dream home, it’s equally important to take stock of which facets of homeownership will make you miserable. That way, you can guide your home search away from those qualities and avoid having your idealistic living experience marred by a feature you cannot change. I believe that everyone deserves to find their dream home. With the right amount of research, it is possible. Use these important factors as points of consideration as you and your family begin the home buying process. They’ll help you focus in on the qualities that a property must have in order to be your perfect fit.
Do you have a question about your home? Call Rick at 862-888-8238 or email RGreene@Weichert.com
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Classes are starting now! Scholarships are still available! Find out more more at: 973-563-5333 www.DominionFellowshipMinistries.com 53 James Street, Newark, NJ 07102