August 2013
Marriage Success: Surrender All For Him And Each Other
How To Reduce Your Physical Pain
Councilman Sharif Transforming Newark With The Central Health Initiative
Note Taking 101: Improving Your Business Productivity
Darrin Sharif:
The Only Published Newark Public Access Channel Guide
In This Issue Tr a n s f o r m a t i o n Newark magazine is a monthly publication focused on changing the city of newark through the Nehemiah model of rebuilding a city. And through providing practical information and tips to transform lives. CONTRIBUTORS Curtis Mincey PUBLISHER Rick Greene In cooperation with Dominion Ministries & The Urban Convocation Strategic Operations Council’s Media & Technology Department
Dominion Fellowship Ministries 83 James Street Newark, New Jersey 07102 973-273-9200
FEATURE ARTICLES Darrin Sharif Pt. 1 The Central Ward Health Initiative Free Meds Online Faith & Hope Conference Surrendering All for HIM and each other Alarm Systems Deter Residential Burglaries
In Every Issue
Business-Note taking 101 Health -
Reducing Your Physical Pain
Health- Get Ready For The Health Marketplace
Ministry- Breaking
Church Attendance Barriers
Leadership From Jesus
Cover: Newark’s mayoral candidates and current mayor Cory Booker
A METRO CHRISTIAN MEDIA PUBLICATION 53 Burnet St. Newark, NJ 07102 MetroChristianMedia.com ADVERTISERS & CONTRIBUTORS WANTED EMAIL OR CALL FOR DETAILS Pub@MetroChristianMedia.com 862-888-8238
EDITORIAL What A Difference A Year Makes
A year ago I was putting out a one page newsletter. I was simply trying to share with others the good news about what God was doing in and around the city of Newark and to help to publicize the events of some of our ministry organizations. This issue marks the 12 offering of Transformation Newark Magazine. I have learned a lot about working with authors, digital publishing, (TNM has published its first book, “There Are Jewels In Your Wounds� by Apostle Andrew Roney), I have learned about printing (We are now able to print books, business cards, and 4x6 postcards) and most of all I have learned a lot about myself and my writing.
Everyone has a voice, everyone has something to teach another. This magazine is a testament to that very fact. The struggle continues! In this coming year we are prayerfully considering an expansion into print. We are working to expand distribution, expand contributors, and to expand our transformation departments. I invite you to be a part of this transformation experience, visit Tr a n s f o r m a t i o n M a g a z i n e . n e t , Subscribe to get TN magazine issues delivered to your inbox each month or contact us to be a contributor... You like us have a voice to share insights that will Transform the world! - Pastor Rick
Darrin Sharif: Part I
The Man Who Could Be A Great Mayor... But Will He Run?
To find out more about the great work that Councilman Darrin Sharif is doing Visit www.DarrinSharif.org Everyone wants to know... Who will be the next mayor of Newark. In our June issue we focused of the three candidates; North Ward Councilman Anibal Ramos, former Attorney General Deputy Counsel Shavar Jeffries, and the reputed frontrunner, S o u t h Wa r d C o u n c i l m a n R a s Baraka. However there is another candidate. Although he has not officially “thrown his hat into the ring.” Central Ward Councilman Darrin Sharif. When PolitickerNJ.com asked him if he is planning to run for mayor, Central Ward Councilman Darrin Sharif said, “that is something I’m considering but I’m going to decide for certain what my political future will be at the end of September.” The councilman is currently exploring his options and possibly has plans have formal discussions
with supporters, revamp his website, and make a major announcement in the coming weeks. Sharif states, “No one should feel entitled or ordained to be the next whatever,” he said of the current field. “We have to look at a postBooker era and who can really bring people together. No other ward has the economic development that the Central Ward has seen. I have my enemies but one thing everyone agrees on is I’m always disciplined and focused.” Tune into part 1 of my exclusive interview with Councilman Sharif as we get to know the man who could be Mayor on my Tv broadcasts and radio shows The Church At Newark, Politically Correct & Newark News Makers or on Cablevision Channel 19 Sundays at 2pm, AM 1430, The Newark Radio Series and Spreaker.com. - Pastor Rick
Thursday - September 27th
Please RSVP Estella Pullins at 973-642-2267
NEXT MEETING: August 20th
Business Transformation
Note Taking 101 Why It Will Help Your Business & How To Do It Effectively.
I can not ever recall having someone teach me how to take good notes. Even though I have always understood the value of this skill/art. This is something that I have been studying to be better at, and so over the next few months I want to share with you some methods that will help you to be better at it too.
So why is note-taking important? Here are reasons why you should take notes at every meeting you are apart of. 1. It keeps you engaged and focused. 2. Its is a way to capture your ideas, questions, and thoughts. 3. It helps you to track your progress and your associates as well. 4. It provides a reference to look back on, which could prove invaluable. 5. It shows others in the meeting that you are engaged and interested.
With that said, now how should you go about your note taking.
1. A v o i d f o c u s s i n g o f t h e instruments you use; tablet, pc, phone, etc.. 2. Capture only what you find interesting. 3. Develop an order to your note taking. I will share some methods later on. 4. D e c id e an d u se con si s t ent symbols and abbreviations. 5. Always allow time to review immediately after your session to fill in anything that you missed, or want to remember. Remember your method is secondary... Just do it!
A Few Basic Steps:
1. Don’t write down everything that you read or hear. Be alert and attentive to the main points. Concentrate on the "meat" of the subject and forget the trimmings. 2. Notes should consist of key words, or very short sentences. As a speaker gets side-tracked you can go back and add further information. 3. Take accurate notes. You should usually use your own words, but try not to change the meaning. If you quote directly from the author, quote correctly. 4. Think a minute about your 5. material before you start making notes. Don’t take notes just to be
taking notes! Take notes that will be of real value to you when you look over them later. 5. Have a uniform system of punctuation and abbreviation that will make sense to you. Use a skeleton outline, and show importance by indenting. Leave lots of white space for later additions. 6. Omit descriptions and full explanations. Keep your notes short and to the point. Condense your material so you can grasp it rapidly. 7. Don’t worry about missing a point. Leave space and try to pick up the material you miss at a later date, either through reading, questioning, or common sense. 8. Don’t keep notes on oddly shaped pieces of paper. Keep notes in order and in one place. 9. Shortly after making your notes, go back and rework (not recopy!) your notes by adding extra points, spelling out unclear items, etc.. Remember, we forget quickly. Budget time for this vital step just as you do for the class itself. 10. Review your notes periodically. This is the only way to achieve lasting memory.
Transformation Through Education
Have you ever thought about attending bible college? Eastern semester begun.is EasternTheological TheologicalSeminary’s Seminary’sfall 2013 Springhas semester Join us. Its not to late, to find out more and to here. Join us. Its not late, to find out more and to register. Course offerings are,to1st & 2nd Timothy, Titus and register. No your situation, will No matterEnrollment whatmatter your situation, weopen. will work withwe yoU to Happiness. is what currently your education. work with continue you to continue your education.
“… And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. ” Come renew your mind, study for a degree, or come just to learn. Scholarships are still available. Call Dr. Bernard Wilks at 973-273-9200 or 973-563-5333 for more info or simply come out Mondays at 7pm. Classes held in the Dominion Home office at 83 James Street, Newark, NJ. 62
Mending the Nets
Hosted by Minds In Motion Ministries
Thursday 9/12 Elders Marvin & Dorothy Whitfield
Friday 9/13
Saturday 9/14
Charity Baptist Church
Minds In Motion Ministries
Broken Chains Ministries
Metro Christian Ministries
Pastor Rick Greene
Apostle Andrew Roney
The Church at Newark
Luke 5:5 But Simon answered and said to Him, "Master, we have toiled all night and caught
nothing; nevertheless at Your word I will let down the net." It is very difficult to catch fish with a broken net, and the Kingdom of God hasn’t been as effective as it could be due to the broken nets of the believers.
The time has come to mend the nets!! Thursday September 12th – Saturday September 14th 7PM sharp! “Zion Upshaw Temple Church of God in Christ” 595 S.18th Street Newark, NJ Superintendent, Walter Gorham, Pastor
To find out more about the great work that Councilman Darrin Sharif is doing Visit www.DarrinSharif.org
Hundreds of citizens from around the world came out to participate in the Central Ward Health Initiative held at various locations throughout the Central Ward.
Councilman Sharif on Channel 78
Councilman Sharif with Kim Brown of Kim’s Korner
Newark School Board member Arianga Perrillo with her family
Health Transformation Hurting? Here’s How to Reduce Your Physical Pain
(Metro Christian Media | NewsUSA) Chances are, you’re hurting right now. No, we’re not talking finances. (That’s a whole other story.) We’re talking the kind of long-lasting physical pain — arthritis, backaches, strains and the like — which the Institute of Medicine says at least 116 million U.S. adults experience at a cost to the nation of upwards of $558 billion annually in medical bills, sick days and lost productivity. And while the natural inclination of many sufferers may be to pop an over-the-counter pain pill for relief, doing so can be dicey. “For some patients, taking an over-thecounter pain pill isn’t possible due to the risks associated with stomach irritation and interactions with other medications they’re on,” says Dr. Sylvia Hesse, an orthopedic medicine specialist at New York’s Manhattan Spine & Sports Medicine Center. So, how better to deal with pain? Read on. * Look East. While noted sports therapist Dave Endres is a big proponent of exercise as “one of the best pain-management options for mild, moderate and even chronic
pain,” he makes clear that doesn’t mean you have to become some kind of gym fiend. Yoga, he says, which Asians have long practiced, is a less intense way to improve flexibility, build lean muscle and improve circulation. * Physical Therapy. Typically lasting six to 12 weeks, the focus here is on creating a personalized treatment plan meant to improve muscle strength and joint mobility. Yes, there’s exercise involved, but you’ll learn how to move — safely — so that your chances of future injuries are lessened. * The Transdermal Bandwagon. Long popular in Europe, these patches, creams and gels are considered by many experts to be a safe, effective alternative to pills like acetaminophen, ibuprofen and naproxen sodium. That’s because the medication contained in products like Salonpas delivers medicine right where it’s needed — at the site of pain — unlike pills that pass through the stomach and liver. Among the line’s fans is tennis legend and sports broadcaster Pam Shriver, who uses New Salonpas Deep Relieving Gel to relieve both her lower back pain from playing sports and her sore shoulders from “hauling supplies around” for her kids’ school fundraisers. “It absorbs fast into my skin and muscles for powerful, long-lasting relief,” she says. According to Dr. Hesse, Salonpas is a safe and convenient solution for tough pain, but always consult your doctor if your symptoms are severe or persist despite basic treatment measures.
$10 CALL 973-289-5485 aroney1110@yahoo.com
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A Metro Christian / Transformation Newark Publication
ARE YOU PREPARED? ATTENTION ALL HOME AND BUSINESS OWNERS Due To Hurricane Sandy Many Have Suffered Loss To One Of Their Single Greatest Investments.. Their Home Or Business. If You Have You Sustained Damage If You Are Unsure About Your Coverage Or If You Simply Just Need An Explanation Of Your Current Policy A No Cost Review Of Your Current Coverage & FREE Home Inspection Is Now Available Call now to schedule an appointment Joseph C. Epps, Jr. Public Adjuster NJ license # 1311374 Licensed & Bonded in the State of New Jersey Hosea 4:6
Health Transformation Coming Soon: The Health Insurance Marketplace (Metro Christian Media | NewsUSA) - No doubt you’ve been starting to hear about the new Health Insurance Marketplace, a key part of the health care law that will be open for business on Oct. 1. But you probably still have questions. Well, we’ve got answers. The best place for the latest, most accurate information on the Marketplace is the updated website HealthCare.gov. At the site, you can learn what it is, who can apply for insurance, how to get insurance, how to lower your costs and more. The Marketplace will help you find health insurance that fits your budget and meets your needs, with less hassle. If you own a small business, there’s information for you, too. No matter where you live, you may buy insurance from private health plans that cover a comprehensive set of benefits, including doctor visits, hospital stays, preventive care and prescriptions. And plans in the Marketplace can’t deny you coverage because of a pre-existing condition. With a single application, you can also see if you qualify for Medicaid or the Children’s Health Insurance Program, or savings you can use right away to lower your health insurance premiums. Enrollment Starts Oct. 1, 2013. Visit HealthCare.gov to Get Ready You can read information that pertains to you, print checklists and watch videos to help you get ready to apply and enroll. You and your family can explore every qualified health plan in your area, and fill out an application when you’re ready. You’ll be able to take control with better information, including details about benefits and prices presented in clear language you can understand, so you’ll know what your premiums, deductibles and other costs will be before you make a choice. Once you’ve decided on a plan, you don’t need to go anywhere else. Starting in October, you’ll be able to enroll in the Marketplace directly for coverage that begins Jan. 1, 2014. Want help or need more information? You can participate in a web chat on the website; or call a toll-free number, 1-800-318-2596, to speak with a customer service representative, and there will be people in your community who can help with your choices. Visit HealthCare.gov now to get all the information you need about the Marketplace. Come back Oct. 1, fill out an application and enroll. It’s that easy. Prepared by the Department of Health and Human Services.
Web Site Helps Consumers Find Free Medications Millions of Americans have turned to the Internet for cheaper prescription drug prices, but they may be surprised to learn that for millions of consumers, the best deals are available from pharmaceutical companies in the form of patient assistance programs.
In 2003, patient assistance programs helped uninsured or underinsured patients obtain nearly 18 million prescriptions. The estimated wholesale value of medicines distributed through patient assistance programs is almost $3.4 billion. To continue to help doctors and low-income patients take
advantage of free and significantly discounted medications, America’s pharmaceutical companies are launching a new Web-based tool on www.helpingpatients.org, a site that gives eligible patients and health care providers “one-stop shopping” for available patient assistance programs. The new feature provides easier and faster access to 40 different patient assistance programs and more than 400 medications. “In the past, you had to determine which programs you were eligible for and then fill out a separate application for each program,” said Alan F. Holmer, president of Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America. “Now, all you need to do is answer one short set of questions. Then the computer tells you which programs you are eligible for and creates separate applications based on your answers, clearing the confusion and cutting the time you or your health care provider would spend answering the same questions over and over again on different forms.” After printing out the form, the site provides instructions for attaching
certain documentation, completing the documents and obtaining the signature of the appropriate health care provider. In accordance with Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act regulations, none of the personally identifiable information is retained. To ensure that the information is highly secure, all of the forms are encrypted to require a password that only the patient and health care provider knows. HelpingPatients.org also contains an online database of more than 185 patient assistance programs. The database was created and funded by the pharmaceutical industry. Consumers can download a free copy of the patient assistance program directory at www.helpingpatients.org or at the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America Web site, www.phrma.org. PhRMA also publishes a printed version of the directory, which lists programs, the companies that offer them, available medicines, basic eligibility requirements and contact persons. (Metro Christian Media | NewsUSA)
Pope’s Personal Income: $200 Million Annually by Betty Clermont (As posted on streetprophets.com)
Pope Benedict XVI received roughly $200 million annually for his personal use, money which is not counted as income to the government of the worldwide Catholic Church (the Holy See) nor the government of the Vatican City State, an independent country in which St. Peter’s Basilica and the Vatican offices, residences, library and museums are located. It is his alone.
Faith & Hope International Chaplain’s Conference Police and Community United For Peace by Curtis D. Mincey Can you imagine a city where the police department and the citizens of the community are actually working together. Where the true desires of both sides is to bring about a positive change in the community. Well there is such a place, and that place is the State of Pernambuco, Brazil. Faith & Hope Ministries which is lead by Pastor Dayse Salema and Pastor Robinho de Jesus, had that thought in mind when they hosted the first Faith & Hope International Chaplains Conference, in Newark, New Jersey. The purpose of the conference was to bring the individuals that were a part of the transformation process that took place in the State of Pernambuco, Brazil here to Newark to talk about the transformation that had occurred there. Pastor Dayse and Pastor Robinho are actually from Pernambuco so this type of change holds a lot of sentimental value for them. This was a two day event in which several speakers spoke about the implementation of a, “Pact For Life�, program that was put into practice in Pernambuco. It was just a matter of getting the community and the police to no longer view each other as adversaries, but to view each other as valuable assets to the entire state. It is out of a sincere love for Newark that Pastors Dayse and Robinho were inspired to host this conference. They're desire is to see a reduction of violent crime in this city. With the understanding and belief that violence cannot be used to fight violence. It is through policies and programs that would encourage the
police and community to work together that can cause a reduction of fear between the police and the citizens. Which in turn should generate peace and less violence in our neighborhoods. There was a very strong spiritual element that was a part of the state transformation. What began as a movement which originally began on a military base grew into a movement that would over time affect the entire state. One of the speakers, Mauricio Vieira de Melo, spoke of how through prayer and commitment a change could be seen taking place on the military base he was stationed at. How various individuals of low and high rankings were
being led to Christ and causing a change to take place on and off of the base. Since the,”Pact For Life”, program has gone into effect the state of Pernambuco has had a lot of success in their fight against violence w i t h a s i g n i fi c a n t reduction of homicides and other types of crimes. One important result of this program has been the development of programs that have allowed the citizens and the police to work together. Which in turn has reduced the hostility between police and citizens. Air Force Chaplain Major Paul Rech another one of the speakers spoke on the fact that, “The police and the community must seek to develop trust between each other”. Which is a true statement. Without trust there can be no relationship, and without a relationship there can be no change: And without a relationship with Christ there can be no transformation.
Enjoy a short stack for a tall cause. You're invited to an Applebee's速 Flapjack Fundraiser breakfast to support Emelda's Therapeutic Center for Women Tickets Cost: $10.00 August 17th, 2013 8am-10am Applebee's 1721 Morris Ave Union1, NJ 07083 862-250-5807 etcw1@yahoo.com
Meal includes: Pancakes, sausage, scrambled eggs and a beverage (coffee, juice, soda or tea.) Please contact organization to purchase a ticket. This flyer is only intended for advertising purposes. Ticket valid for pancake event only. Applebee's速 menu items are not included as part of purchase. applebees.com
Ministry Transformation
BREAKING CHURCH ATTENDANCE BARRIERS As church attendance falls there is a growing amount of parishioners which are spreading their donations, attendance, and involvement between various churches. The parents may prefer the decor and their friends at church A while church B may have a more appealing youth program for their teens.
Many families will divide themselves between churches at different times. And their friend will h ave e ve n m o r e reasons for their “church hopping� or shall I say flip flopping. Now heres the question... Is this a good or a bad thing? A survey for American Church magazine done by Steve Hewitt found that over 70% of church actually prohibited the members from joining other churches! Why is that? What is so bad about people attending multiple churches?
Could it be that their is a fear of mixed up doctrines Does it work to deplete the church’s volunteers? Is their the resistance to not sharing donations and tithes? What is the message that this sends out to the world? And to the body? Does this mean that your faith should only be exercised at one place and with only one congregation? Could it be even beneficial today that, since people attending church less, people are choosing to attach themselves to
multiple churches instead of just one? Just like with denominations, singular church membership seems to continue to decline. Despite whether you like it or not, people are less like to join and be totally loyal to any one organization or congregation. Could it be that it is time for the church to lose another of its man-made rules. And simply show the world and Christians what it means to be a part of the Body of Christ. Pastor Rick
You’re invited . . . New Jersey Fathers Moving Forward First Annual Statewide Fatherhood Forum
Wednesday, August 7, 2013 9:00 AM – 3:45 PM New Jersey Department of Children and Families Professional Center 30 Van Dyke Avenue, New Brunswick, NJ Featured speaker: Ronald B. Mincy, PhD, Columbia University School of Social Work Explore these topics and more . . . . Engaging Fathers - Fathers and Education − Employment − Entrepreneurship − Men’s Health and Wellness − Financial Empowerment − Child Support – The Affordable Care Act Celebrating Fatherhood! New Jersey Fathers Moving Forward is a FREE event featuring speakers, workshops and resources related to responsible fatherhood and parenting. There will be relevant information for fathers and families, human services providers and anyone interested in celebrating fatherhood. This is a free event, but you must register in advance to participate. To register, visit http://www.eventbrite.com/event/5915053083. Each person must be registered separately. Need directions? Contact Joan Noerling at joan.noerling@acf.hhs.gov Questions? Contact Barbara Andrews at barbara.andrews@acf.hhs.gov Register today! Registration deadline is Friday, July 26, 2013
Planning Committee New Jersey Department of Children and Families New Jersey Coalition of Fathers and Families Pascale Sykes South Jersey Strengthening Families Initiative Stronger Families New Jersey U.S. Department of Health and Human Services/Administration for Children and Families
Ministry Transformation
Learning Leadership From Jesus There are many leaders who have influenced my own leadership style. There are leaders from my personal life such as my pastor, my mentor, and leaders in my own community who have influenced me as I have watched them lead. I love to see good leadership. It is so needed these days; especially in our churches. The principles, however, that I admire most are found in the leadership style of Jesus. Jesus’ leadership is still impacting culture today. 12 LEADERSHIP PRINCIPLES THAT WILL INSPIRE YOU. AS EXEMPLIFIED BY JESUS Jesus invested himself in people that others would have disregarded. Look at the disciples. They were not religious leaders, not respected by the “church.” But Jesus chose them to impact the world and to start His church.
Ministry Transformation Jesus turned over the work, responsibility, and even ownership in ministry. Look at the way that Jesus sent out the disciples. He gave them instructions an let them do the work. He was not a micro manager. Jesus had his succeeding leadership planned out. Jesus often told his disciples that he was going away, and that he would not always be with them. He would always be the leader but others were being position to move the ministry to the next step. Jesus demonstrated what it meant to be a servant leader. The Lord of Lords chose to humble himself and wash his disciples feet. Jesus was totally focused on His vision. No matter what the situation or the distractions, Jesus stayed on course to fulfill his mission from God. Jesus dealt with distraction with love and kindness. When the woman besought him to heal her daughter through persistence and willingness to even except the “crumbs�, Jesus showed her grace in the midst of focusing on something else. Jesus practiced self-improvement. Jesus repeatedly departed from his disciples to spend time alone with God. Jesus focused on leadership development. He prepared his disciple to take over and constantly pushed them to go above and beyond what they thought they were capable of. Jesus set high standards and had high expectations for his people. Jesus was not apprehensive to make extreme requests of his people. He asked people to stop what they were doing and he told the disciples they must be willing to lose everything to follow Him. Jesus cared more about people than rules. He would put himself in jeopardy by breaking rules... To help others. Jesus celebrated when there was successes. He rewards those who were obedient and faithful to him His ministry. Jesus was a closer. He finished what he started. And made sure that his work was
N e w a r k
Tuesday, August 6, 2013 * 6:30 - 9:00 PM The Power of One: “For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body, whether [we be] Jews or Gentiles, whether [we be] bond or free; and have been all made to drink into one Spirit. 1 Cor. 12:13 Sponsored by:
ReMA Newark Night-Out Committee (Resident Ministers’ Alliance) in cooperation With The Churches in Newark For additional information, please call: Dr. Bernard J. Wilks; 973-273-9200
We live here. We work here. We love it here! Tuesday, August 6th * 6:30 PM - 9:00 PM
NEWARK NIGHT OUT 2013 Tuesday * August 6th * 6:30 - 9:00 PM
Locations 1. Lincoln Park (Clinton Ave and Broad St) – hosted by Pastor Gerald Whitaker of Christ ChurchNewark - Contact: Min. Joseph Butts 862-368-0087.CENTRAL WARD 2. West Side Park Neighborhood – (Manna Station 202 16th Ave.) – Min. Mable Lewis of DFM 908-400-5043; Pastors Harold & Mavis Vaughn of Soldiers of the Cross 973-342-1488; Pastors Linda & Max Johnson of Fire on the Mountain 201-988-2534; Pastor Gloria Johnson of Study to Show Thy Self Approve by God 973-757-7477. WEST WARD 3. Washington Park (Washington St and Washington Place) – hosted by Dr. Bernard Wilks, Overseer of Dominion Fellowship Ministries and Pastor Javon Allen of Peace Temple COGIC. Contact 973-273-9200. CENTRAL WARD 4. West End & So. Orange Aves – hosted by Dr. Gloria Harris of Beth EL International Church – Contact Dr. Harris 973-204-1351. WEST WARD 5. Clinton Ave and 18th St. – hosted by Pastor Gennie Holte of Ray of Hope Ministries – Contact 973-272-5193. SOUTH WARD 6. 998 South Orange Ave. – hosted by Pastor Mamie Bridgeforth of Faith Christian Center 973-715-6278.WEST WARD 7. 985 South Orange Ave. – Hosted by Dr. Aubrey Gregory of Newark Gospel Tabernacle – 201-259-4817. WEST WARD 8. 272 Chancellor Ave. (corner of Aldine St) Greater Life Church Pastors Michael and Maria Westbrook 973-202-7231. SOUTH WARD 9. 184 Clinton Ave. – hosted by Power House Deliverance Ministries, Pastor Sheila and Elder Walter Morris 973-390-4678. CENTRAL WARD Newark Night Out events are spearheaded by a coalition of businesses, non-profit community agencies, churches and ministries called Transformation Newark that seeks to see peace, righteousness and joy manifested in every aspect of life in Newark.
Meet Your Neighbors * Share Food * Join the Festivities!
All Are Invited To Attend - FREE! Call 908-400-5043 973-273-9200 For More Info Cards and Love Offerings for Dr. Wilks are encouraged
Ministry of the Month Pastor Max A. Johnson & Dr. Linda Johnson Fire On The Mountain P.O. Box 2156 Newark, New Jersey 07114 Email: fire_onthemountain@verzion.net
Services At: 202 16th Ave.
Newark, NJ, 07102 Call 732-642-2976
Grace Hill Bible College 973-342-3625 TheFireOnTheMountain.com
h t t p : / / w w w. a m a z o n . c o m / d p / B 0 0 8 G E 3 P S G / r e f = r d r _ k i n d l e _ e x t _ t m b
“Surrendering All for HIM and each other” Eph. 5:31 for this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh. We live in a society that is very selfish and self-adsorbed, and marriages have suffered because of it. Some people feel the need to hold on to things that should be surrendered; perhaps a relationship with an ex that now serves as a security blanket. Or even thoughts that have been accepted as truths over time from past relationships, which bear the finger print of dysfunction all over them. There’s a saying, “A picture is worth a thousand words” and this picture says it all. No excess: There are no bags present; all they have is themselves which represent coming into their marriage naked, transparent and free of any baggage. You shouldn’t hold your spouse responsible for past hurt by a parent or former loved one. Their alone: Outside influences can destroy a marriage, “Information in the hands of the uncommitted is dangerous” and sometimes the need to share intricate details of your marriage can prove to be destructive when given to questionable parties. Family can be bias which can be both an asset and a liability; information that has
been shared out of anger can be cooled with you because of the love toward your spouse while family members remain in a state of furry. Children can be as detrimental as you allow them to be, the couple must decide not to allow themselves to be divided by children. Most people realize this fact but there’s a stark difference between knowing and doing. The Rock: There is no other foundation that can be laid which will withstand the storms of life like Christ Jesus. Marriage is a target by the enemy because of its representation of Chris and the Church. And a marriage is defenseless against an onslaught of attacks by the enemy, from pornography, infidelity and greed if Jesus isn’t its foundation. Notice it’s a rock not a pebble, just because you go to Church doesn’t quantify Jesus being your foundation, only application can do that. Back to Back: being back to back is a symbol of trust, which is necessary in any relationship but is vital in marriage. Trust is precious and should be handled with care and just like a life boat of a cruise liner; you never know how vital it is until the ship begins to take on water, such as relationships when trust has deteriorated and little things begin to become a molehill. The word: It is easier to trust someone when you know what’s in them and it should be the word. People say that marriages don’t come with instructions but they actually do, it’s called the Bible. There are instructions on love, child rearing, money and even sex. But to be successful you have to read the instructions to both better yourself and to assist your spouse. The Cross: In all marriages there are sacrifices and if you are unwilling to make sacrifices hopefully you haven’t said I do yet because just as sure as the sun rises eventually there will be a problem because of your lack of sacrifice thereof. No one wants to give ground all the time and never gain any. Finally the cross is before them and as long as you keep the cross before you knowing all that it represents your marriage will flourish and will withstand the ups and downs. Blessings through Christ Jesus, Apostle AJ
Study Confirms Alarm Systems Deter Residential Burglaries (METRO CHRISTIAN MEDIA | NewsUSA) - During a time when residential burglaries are on the rise, it is comforting to learn that home alarm systems really do deter breakins. A comprehensive study of five years of statistics by researchers at the Rutgers University School of Criminal Justice (SCJ) in Newark found that residential burglar alarm systems decrease crime. While other studies have concluded that most burglars avoid alarm systems, "The Impact of Home Burglar Alarm Systems on Residential Burglaries" study is the first to focus on alarm systems while scientifically ruling out other factors that could have impacted the crime rate. The research analyzed crime data p r ov i d e d b y t h e N e wa r k Po l i c e Department. "Data showed that a steady decrease in burglaries in Newark between 2001 and 2005 coincided with an increase in the number of registered home burglar a l a r m s , " s a i d s t u d y a u t h o r D r. Seungmug Lee, professor at Ohio Northern University in Ada, Ohio. "The study credits the alarms with the decrease in burglaries and the city's overall crime rate." The study found that an installed burglar alarm makes a dwelling less
attractive to would-be and active intruders and protects the home without displacing burglaries to nearby homes. The study also concluded that the deterrent effect of alarms is felt in the community at large. "Neighborhoods in which burglar alarms were densely installed have fewer incidents of residential burglaries than the neighborhoods with fewer burglar alarms," the study noted. The more than 300-page study was funded by the non-profit Alarm Industry Research and Educational Foundation. Rutgers University School of Criminal Justice professors George L. Kelling, Marcus Felson and Ronald V. Clarke and Professor Robert D. McCrie of John Jay College of Criminal Justice in New York were members of t h e s t u d y ' s Fa c u l t y A d v i s o r y Committee. Dr. Clarke served as committee chair. "This type of study assists police departments to effectively deploy their limited resources," said Newark Police Director Garry McCarthy. "The School of Criminal Justice provides valuable insight into the positive impact alarm systems can have in preventing residential burglaries." For more information about "The Impact of Home Burglar Alarm Systems on Residential Burglaries" s t u d y, p l e a s e l o g o n t o www.AIREF.org.
Newark Night-Out Tuesday August 6th
General Information: City-wide Prayer Walk Saturday, July 27, 2013
“Father, we can pray together for one hour to bless the City of Newark, NJ” (Matthew 26:40)
Arrival: 7:45 AM Purpose: Your prayer group gathers, gets prayer concerns, prays for a blessed Journey, commits to stay together and focus on watching, praying and blessing your church’s community and ward (the people, businesses, other churches, schools, political leaders, etc.) As you walk, demonstrate God’s love with a kind smile and a friendly countenance. Departure: 8:00 AM Duration: One Hour Return: 9 AM Give thanks to all your participants, share quick observations made for future points of prayer and have a closing victory prayer.
On behalf of our Pastor Gerald Whitaker, Christ Church Newark (CCN), we thank you dearly for this time of unity within the Body of Christ in Newark, NJ. All glory to God for today’s seed and victory in building the Kingdom of God on Earth as It is in Heaven! Kojo and Charlene Baskerville, City-wide Prayer Walk Coordinators, CCN
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