JULY 2013
Instantly Improve Your Writing How Do You Know Its Time To Leave?
The Only Published Newark HOW YOU CAN START A NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH PROGRAM Public Access Channel Guide
In This Issue Tr a n s f o r m a t i o n Newark magazine is a monthly publication focused on changing the city of newark through the Nehemiah model of rebuilding a city. And through providing practical information and tips to transform lives. CONTRIBUTORS Curtis Mincey
PUBLISHER Rick Greene In cooperation with Dominion Ministries & The Urban C o n v o c a t i o n Strategic Operations Council’s Media & T e c h n o l o g y Department Dominion Fellowship Ministries 83 James Street Newark, New Jersey 07102 973-273-9200
FEATURE ARTICLES There Are No Excuses in Ministry Poem: Do You Love Me? Newark Public Access Channel Guide
In Every Issue
Ministry-How do you know its time to leave?
Business-Write The Vision... Just Don’t Tell Anybody
Life -
Instantly Improve Your Writing
City- You Can Start A Neighborhood Watch
Reasons He Or She May Not Be “The One”
MINISTRY OF THE MONTH Cover: Newark’s mayoral candidates and current mayor Cory Booker
EDITORIAL NO... I WILL NOT HELP YOU! There is always a need. In fact Jesus said, “The poor will always be with you.” And since the beginning of time humans have been assisting each other to accomplish their mutual goals. In fact those of us “of faith” especially believe that it is the will of God that we assist our brothers and sisters, and that is a good thing. And to take it one step further, those of us who are “called” into ministry are compelled to help. The very word ministry itself means to serve or to help. As I meditated on my life and all of the projects and tasks that were before me; I realized that I was involved in the lives of 10-20 believers; assisting them in the pursuit of their goals. This is something that I enjoy and have achieved a measure of success in. I love to see people going forward toward their visions, and I am willing to help in anyway I can. As I continued to meditate, God downloaded in my spirit something profound. At many times I was more committed to people’s projects than they were! I wondered why and God showed
me that people will have ideas and thoughts to do certain things but they were not willing to give it one hundred percent to make it successful. In fact most of their projects God had never called them to do. And I was just wasting time by trying to help them. And then God blew me away with this, he said to me,
“If you are assisting someone who is working outside their area of anointing... then you are only assisting them in their disobedience!” Now, while I still assist my brothers and sisters with the work of the ministry, I now ask them if they are positive that God called them and anointed them to do their project at this time. And if they cannot truly answer yes to those two questions , I tell them I will not be able to help them because I cannot use my time helping people to be disobedient, doing things that will not prosper because the Lord has not called them to it do when they could be obedient and successful by following their calling and working in their area of anointing -Pastor Rick
Relationship Transformation 5 Reasons He or She May Not Be “The One!” There are many people who are trying to decide if the person that they are currently “seeing” is the one that they want to share their life with. And with 5,000 couples a day... thats right a day, getting divorced in China and 53 percent of all US marriages breaking up, we must come to the conclusion that most of these couple probably should not have gotten married in the first place. But how can you tell? What do you look for? How can you be sure that your friend is indeed the one who you should give your hand in marriage to? Allow me to share with you 5 reasons he or she may not be “The One.”
1. They have no interest in God. A person who does not believe in God has no ultimate authority, hence they tend to believe that whatever they think is correct is right for everybody. This will prove itself disastrous during disagreements. 2. Your leaders or pastors think marrying them is a bad idea. These people are your leaders because you trust them, you believe in their good judgement, and you believe that they have your best interests in mind. And they do. So continue to rely upon their wisdom and advice in matters of the heart as well as all of the other areas in which you have respected their decisions. 3. Your parents don’t like them. Who knows you better? Who wants more happiness for you? Your parents have an insight into your personality and your tolerances which even you may not be aware of. 4. They don’t have a job or can’t hold down one. Dependability. Trust. Submission. These are all qualities of a great mate and also of a great employee. A marriage is not totally unlike a 24 hour job! 5. They have an addiction. Any type of addiction (drugs, alcohol, porn, or gambling) causes a person to have a skewed sense of values and a poor choice of priorities Relationships with Pastor Rick Radio Show & TV segment (in the Church at Newark broadcast)
Relationships With Pastor Rick... Co host Minister Brenda Bristol
Dating Love Marriage Sex & Divorce From a biblical perspective and more!
Sundays Cablevision Channel 19 2pm on... The Church At Newark A MetroChristianMedia.com Production 862-888-8238
I see your tears I know your fears Do you love me? Would you do your part? Would you allow me into your heart? Do you love me? Believe and trust in me. Believe that I am the one that you need. Do you love me? Everything I say is true. Everything I do is for you. Do you love me? There is no fear in perfect love. There is peace, grace and mercy from GOD above. Do you love me?
By Nadine Garrett
July Birthdays R Sg J Tb C E S C J gg
B Ss D Bs D K P C Egst P J
Transformation Through Education
Have you ever thought about attending bible college? Eastern semester begun.is EasternTheological TheologicalSeminary’s Seminary’sfall 2013 Springhas semester Join us. Its not to late, to find out more and to here. Join us. Its not late, to find out more and to register. Course offerings are,to1st & 2nd Timothy, Titus and register. No your situation, will No matterEnrollment whatmatter your situation, weopen. will work withwe yoU to Happiness. is what currently your education. work with continue you to continue your education.
“… And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. ” Come renew your mind, study for a degree, or come just to learn. Scholarships are still available. Call Dr. Bernard Wilks at 973-273-9200 or 973-563-5333 for more info or simply come out Mondays at 7pm. Classes held in the Dominion Home office at 83 James Street, Newark, NJ. 62
There Are No Excuses In Ministry There Are No Excuses In Ministry By Curtis Mincey The reality is there is a lot of work that needs to be done for the building up of God’s kingdom. We all have been called out of the darkness into His marvelous light to do God’s will. But often times it may seem like many of us just don’t know the what, how, why, or when to do what God has called us to do. I believe that God has given every called out believer in Christ a gift, calling and mission. Yet many times we may be reluctant to do what God has called us to do for a variety of reasons. May I suggest that the reason we are not having the impact we all know we could have and should have is because we keep making up excuses. We all have them and we all have given them. Leaders know they should be leading. Evangelist know they should be evangelizing. Teachers know they should be teaching. Preachers know they should be preaching. Givers know they should be giving. Yet many are not functioning in these areas because they keep giving God excuses as to why they are not doing what they have been called to do. So how can we be inspired to stop making excuses and encourage others to do the same?
1. Pray and seek God’s face for what your particular gift and calling is. Sometimes we don’t know the answer to the question because we don’t ask the question. We don’t have to go around saying I don’t know what the Lord wants me to do. That’s an excuse. Ask God He’ll tell you. Ask your pastor he/she should know you and he/she should be able to see what your gift or calling is. Remember there is no such thing as a stupid question.
2. Don’t blame other people for not helping you. The reason that you may not be getting the help you desire might be because God wants you to depend on Him alone. When you trust in the Lord He will provide the people and the resources that you need to do His will and not your own. You may want to work with a certain group of people but God know where you should be and who you should work with. I know from experience that the people you want to work with may not be
who you think they are, and may not be doing what you think they’re doing. I’m just saying. 3. Do what the Lord has directed you to do. You may want to be a preacher, but if your gift is teaching then you are not doing what you were told to do. I remember my Army drill sergeant would always tell us to “ do as your told”. When you just do what you are told to do you will be in God’s will and you will have the most impact. Don’t let your pride
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A Metro Christian / Transformation Newark Publication
Ministry Transformation
Thinking About Leaving, Quitting, Finding A New Organization or Church? How do you know when it’s time to As a pastor from time to time I am asked to help with decision making questions, if God calls you to stay somewhere, you should stay, but many times, in my experience, we stay for the wrong reasons. The following are some times to consider leaving. I think these may apply if you are in a church or business setting. Here are 10 scenarios that may indicate it’s time to leave:
1. When God has freed you from your commitment.
God’s call is ultimately to the person of Christ, not to a place, but there are times God has us in a specific place for a specific season.
You may only be a leader for a season. If you sense God has released you to pursue other positions, it may soon be time to leave.
2. When your work is finished.
It could be that you’ve accomplished what you were sent to accomplish. I once wrote about leaders needing a challenge to stay motivated. If you have become too comfortable, it may be a time God is preparing you for a change … a new challenge.
3. When your heart has left the organization or its vision. Sometimes you need to reenergize your heart. If God hasn’t released you from the
position, for example, then you have to find a way to make it work. In many cases, however, you are freed to move elsewhere. You shouldn’t harm the organization by staying when you no longer have a heart for the mission. If you’ve quit having fun, don’t keep making life miserable for everyone else.
4. When you can’t support the leadership.
You need to know where the power rests in the organization. It’s nearly impossible to change the organization working against an ingrained power structure.
6. When your mind starts working against the mission of the organization. If you would rather see the place fail than succeed; it could clearly be time to go.
7. When your relationship with co-workers or leadership is damaged beyond repair.
Ask yourself, “If it’s always going to be like this here, would I be content staying?”
You should try to work out these differences, you certainly should offer grace and forgiveness, but when it is obvious that a professional relationship cannot be mended, it may be time to move forward with your life.
5. When your family or personal life is suffering because of the demands of the organization.
8. If the organization or senior leadership is venturing into immoral or unethical practices.
If you have to neglect one of them, your career or your family, in 20 years, which do you hope it will have been?
Don’t get caught in the next news scandal.
I believe that the times described above are not always
Thursday - September 27th
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All Are Invited To Attend - FREE! Call 908-400-5043 973-273-9200 For More Info Cards and Love Offerings for Dr. Wilks are encouraged
Business Transformation
Write the Vision... Just Don’t Tell Anybody! And the LORD answered me: “Write the vision; make it plain on tablets, so he may run who reads it. For still the vision awaits its appointed time; it hastens to the end—it will not lie. If it seems slow, wait for it;
The conventional wisdom has said that “talking up’ you goals and dreams will cause you to stay more connected to them and thus cause you to most likely be successful in achieving them. This may not be true! But shouldn’t you announce your goals so that friends and family can provide you with moral support and encouragement? Isn't it good networking to tell people about your upcoming projects? What about the “law of attraction” doesn’t is say that you should state your intentions,
and try to visualize your goal as already attained?
NYU psychology professor Peter Gollwitzer has been studying this since his 1982.
No it doesn’t. Did you know that studies done since 1933 reveal that people who talk about their plans are less likely to push to make them happen. Did you know that researchers have found that telling others your ideas and plans fulfills your “self-identity” just enough to cause you to be slightly less motivated to do the work that is often needed to succeed. E i g h t y y e a r s a g o W. M a h l e r discovered that if a person stated that they had a solution to a problem and it was recognized and accepted as a “social reality”, even if they solution wasn’t even found.
He did four different tests of 63 people and found that those who kept their intentions private were more likely to achieve them than those who made them public and were acknowledged by others. After you’ve told people about your plans, it gives you an unreal sense of completeness.” You have “identity symbols” in your brain that make your self-image. Since both actions and talk create symbols in your brain, talking satisfies the brain enough that it “neglects the pursuit of further symbols.” It may seem unnatural to keep your intentions and plans private, but try it. If you do tell a friend, make sure not to say it as a satisfaction (“I've joined a gym and bought running shoes. I'm going to do it!”), but as dissatisfaction (“I want to lose 20 pounds, so kick my butt if I don't, OK?”)
Metro Rally 2013
Join me and dozens of leaders this year as we
“Networking for
Clergy Ministry Leaders Government Officials Civic Activists
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...Then Don’t Let Him. If you suspect abuse then call. You could be saving her life!
Write it down... Save it for later... Give it out... MAKE THE CALL!
Life Transformation
Instantly Improve Your... 1. Know your reader. This means more than knowing a few demographics (how old they are, their average income, etc.). To know your readers means you understand their fears, frustrations, and aspirations. Writing from the reader’s perspective will dramatically change the way you write.
2. Know your objective. Every piece you write (blog post, press release, video script, or anything else) must have only one objective. I call this objective the Most Wanted Result, or “MWR.” Knowing your MWR forces you to write with crystal-clear focus.
3. U s e s h o r t w o r d s . T o persuade, you must be easy
to understand. Using short words is one of the best ways to do this. Don’t show off how many big words you know.
4. Use short sentences. Your thoughts come across more clearly in compact sentences. An added bonus: short sentences prevent you from confusing your readers.
5. Use short paragraphs. Imagine you come to a webpage filled with a large block of text. There are no paragraph breaks. Are you likely to read it? Most people would say no. Make your writing skimmable, scannable, and scrollable. Use short paragraphs.
6. Use active language . Active language is vigorous and interesting. Passive language is boring. How do you know which is which? In an active sentence, the subject is doing the acting: “Bob fixes cars.” In a passive sentence, the target of the action becomes the subject of the sentence. For instance, instead of saying, “Bob fixes cars,” I might say, “The cars are fixed by Bob.” Passive language presents your idea poorly. It feels “backwards.” It’s also more difficult for many readers to understand. Write with power. Use active language.
7. Write recklessly, re-write ruthlessly. When you write your first draft, it’s okay if it’s awful. In other words, right recklessly. After you have your first draft on paper (or hard drive), filled with power and energy, you can clean up any “messes” you might’ve made. Be ruthless when you re-write.
ROOK’S CASTLE With host Rookie Johnson
Fridays 11pm Newark Cablevision Channel 19
Rookie Johnson has been around Newark for quite a w h i l e ; Ta l k i n g a b o u t government practices and issues important to Newark residents. His show Rook’s Castle has the distinction of being one of the highest rated Newark Cablevision local access programs.
Greetings! We invite you to become acquainted with our vision, worship style, and beliefs by thoroughly reviewing our website. My wife Cheryl, and I welcome you to Christ Church Newark. ChristChurchNewark.org
Ministry of the Month
Cathedral: 17-21 East Kinney Street
Newark, NJ, 07102 Main Office:
454 Washington Street Newark, NJ, 07102
City Transformation
You can Start A Neighborhood Watch Newark Police Department A neighborhood watch is a free and helpful way to reduce violence, bullying, and crime in an area.
Starting up • Go talk to your neighbors and local businesses to see who is interested. • If they say yes, collect phone numbers and emails.
Host a meeting Discuss the expectations that everyone has at all times. • Provide the non-emergency number for police. Some communities you can dial 311, others you must directly call the station. In emergencies, dial 911. • Decide what things prompt participants to call the police or other neighbors. Write them down. • Set a date for the next meeting for updates.
• Be sure to email everyone a summary of what happened at the meeting no more than 24 hours afterwards.
Contact the police • Call that nonemergency number and tell them about your neighborhood watch. • Invite a police officer to speak and offer advice at your next meeting.
Keep it going • Make sure you have those regular meetings. • Expand to include other services such as a housesitting program. The police department partners with residents to educate them regarding how and why crime happens, how to improve both home and personal safety, and to determine how and when to contact law enforcement.
Newark Night-Out Tuesday August 6th
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“The better decisions you make... The better outcomes you will see.�
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