October 2013: Transformation Newark Magazine

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October 2013



The Transformed Assisting In The Transformation

AJ Roney: Bringing Transformation To Irvington

The Servant Is Worthy of His Hire

The Greatest Need Medicare Open Enrollment 2014

The Only Published Newark Public Access Channel Guide

In This Issue The Transformed Assisting in the Transformation Tr a n s f o r m a t i o n Newark magazine is a monthly publication focused on changing the city of newark through the Nehemiah model of rebuilding a city. And through providing practical information and tips to transform lives. CONTRIBUTORS Curtis Mincey PUBLISHER Rick Greene In cooperation with Dominion Ministries & The Urban Convocation Strategic Operations Council’s Media & Technology Department

The Greatest Need Medicare Open Enrollment 2014 The Servant Is Worthy Of His Hire Ministry Of The Month Eastern Bible Institute Grant Writing 101 Bridge to Recovery Breakfast 2014 Urban Convocation Newark Cablevision Public Access Channel Guide



53 Burnet St. Newark, NJ 07102

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EDITORIAL MORE OR LESS, LESS IS MORE. Pastor Rick Greene Is the Assistant Pastor of Charity Baptist Church and founder of Metro Christian Media & Ministries and publisher of Transformation Newark Magazine

Like many ministry leaders in urban metropolitan areas of the United States, I find that I am often “on the run” from one event or project to the next... Cell phone in one hand, and iPad planner in the other. While I find that I am able to have from 4 to 8 successful meetings during the week, I can’t help but imagine how am I missing it? What is it that I would be even more effective at if I had less things “on my plate” When I first came to this conclusion and felt convicted to do something about it, I spoke with a very close friend, a bishop, who is constantly on the go. He suggested that I , “...get another plate.” Well that simply didn’t work for me. What I have learned to do, and

become determined to do, is to do less. I find that I am now far more effective in my business, my relationships, and my ministry assignments as I seek to do fewer things with the excellence expected by our creator. I have learned to let go, let others filled the vacancy, and let God work it out. What is it that you could be more effective at if you weren’t involved in so many projects? What are somethings that others could do just as well? How much less could you do and be even more effective. Doing less could actually cause you to be more successful - Pastor Rick


SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 9th 9:00am Sharp til 1pm Greater Life Center 272 Chancellor Ave Newark, NJ 07112 Cost of $159 will be reduced by scholarship

to only cost $99 total for first 7 responders! (includes cont. breakfast, materials & certificate!) Please RSVP via email TODAY to confirm your attendance. Registration details will follow your RSVP! Looking forward to hearing from you real soon, Maria A. Westbrook Vice Pres of Admin & Finance, Greater Life, Inc and Asst. Pastor, Greater Life Christian Fellowship Church


Senior Leadership: Michael T. Westbrook, Pres/CEO Maria A. Westbrook, Vice Pres of Admin & Finance Scott A. Davis, Program Director + Andrew D. Manns, Board Chair + Support Services Leadership: Annette Alston, Education Consultant Chester Bryant, Street Outreach Specialist Shawkat Edmonds, Building Services Rebekah Lewis, Admin Asst / Kidstitute Educ Coord Chanel Mainor, Asst Kidstitute Coord Chester Moore, Hospitality / Security Ronetta Neptune, Family Resource Ctr Coord +

GREATER LIFE, INC www.greaterlifenewark.org Facebook: Greater Life 973.923.2264 office 973.923.6102 fax Greater Life Community Outreach Center 272 Chancellor Ave, Newark, NJ + Mailing Address: Greater Life, Inc. P.O. Box 8447 Newark, NJ 07108 + "Celebrating 26 Years Impacting 21,598 Newark Youth, Family & Community!"

“The Transformed Assisting In The Transformation� Romans 12:2 And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.

I thank God for the new assignment that has been given to me and our Ministry, Minds in Motion Ministries at “The Transformation Center”. We who have been transformed have been given the task of reaching back into our community to assist in the Transformation of others. When your mind changes your circumstances and situations will change as well. 1st There must be light shined on the misguided thinking of this world, “Do not be Conformed to this world”. In this passage of scripture the word Conformed means to be fashioned after. The world says take care of yourself and store all your resources up for yourself but the bible says, Luke 6:38 "Give, and it will be given to you: good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over will be

put into your bosom. For with the same measure that you use, it will be measured back to you."

So it’s important to give to others because as you bless others God will cause others to bless you and many people have hindered their blessings because of their failure to give and this can be contributed to worldly thinking. Worldly thinking is a learned behavior that is passed down by parents. Joshua made a choice not just for himself but his future generations in his famous declaration, “But as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD" in Joshua 24:15. Joshua was setting the tone for generations to come by declaring that they would serve the Lord and not do as the heathen nations did. I can attest to this type of declaration by a Father, my father, Henry House believed in service

and making your life count for something. He was a barber for 30 years and the shop where he worked, Zeke’s was in the heart of the roughest projects in Newark (Prince St. & West Kenny). However He would take many young men from the community down to South Jersey to a farm and show them another side a life, a life that existed outside the streets of Newark. The declaration that my father made both verbally and in deed now lives within me, as he was used to transform the minds of those young men; I’m now attempting to do the same through the Transformation Center. 2nd The description of the word Transformed used in this scripture derives from the Greek word Metamorph, which the word Metamorphosis comes from. Therefore there’s a metamorphosis that takes place because of the renewing of your mind. A great example of this is the caterpillar, as it cocoons there’s a transformation that takes place which brings that final result of a butterfly. There are many lives that need a metamorphosis and the only thing holding them back is their mind, there’s a saying “if people knew better they’d do better” I’m here to tell people that they can do better and shoot for the moon because even if they miss they’ll be among the stars. There’s a beautiful life awaiting outside that cocoon of mediocrity and if you’re thinking will change so will your life, but it takes constant work as you see that the scripture says the RENEWING of your mind. This gives a clear indication that the renewing of you mind is a continuous process. You should always be striving to learn more on any given topic in your life, whether it’s about yourself, the Bible or even your occupation. If you’re a lawyer don’t you have to stay abreast of new laws and outcomes of cases that you may be able to refer to? Don’t allow yourself to get stagnant even if you’ve broken out of your cocoon. At the Transformation Center we believe that a transformed mind is an empowered mind. And there is a wealth of knowledge that resides in many of us, so please don’t take that to the grave and rob the world of that Beautiful thing called YOU. Please join us for this formative but obtainable task at the Transformation center by contacting Apostle AJ Roney at 973-289-5485 or email aroney1110@yahoo.com

FEB 15TH 2014


SAVE THE DATE Please be advised of the upcoming Bridge Breakfast … WHAT:

Bridge to Recovery Transformation

Breakfast WHEN:

Thursday, December 12, 2013


8:00 A.M. – 10:00 A.M.

Willing Heart Community Care Center


555 Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard, Newark

Please RSVP via email to Mablele@aol.com or make telephone calls to Estella Pullins at 973-642-2267.

Transformation Through Education

Have you ever thought about attending bible college? Eastern semester begun.is EasternTheological TheologicalSeminary’s Seminary’sfall 2013 Springhas semester Join us. Its not to late, to find out more and to here. Join us. Its not late, to find out more and to register. Course offerings are,to1st & 2nd Timothy, Titus and register. No your situation, will No matterEnrollment whatmatter your situation, weopen. will work withwe yoU to Happiness. is what currently your education. work with continue you to continue your education.

“… And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. ” Come renew your mind, study for a degree, or come just to learn. Scholarships are still available. Call Dr. Bernard Wilks at 973-273-9200 or 973-563-5333 for more info or simply come out Mondays at 7pm. Classes held in the Dominion Home office at 83 James Street, Newark, NJ. 62

$10 CALL 973-289-5485 aroney1110@yahoo.com

Order Your Copy Today!

A Metro Christian / Transformation Newark Publication

Ministry Transformation

The Greatest Need Minister Curtis Mincey

Recently a friend of mine told me a story of an encounter she had with someone she was talking with about the gospel. She told me how this individual responded to her by telling her she didn't want anything to do with God or Jesus. When she asked her why, this young woman explained that a few years ago a prophet told her that God was going to do a miracle in her life and she would come into a lot of money. The unfortunate reality is that this event hasn't happened, and because of that this woman is mad at God and doesn't want anything to do with God. This story as sad as it is reminds me of the need to stay focused on the gospel. To stay focused on the good news of salvation through Jesus Christ. It reminds me of the fact that there are a lot of false prophets out there that are giving people false promises and false hopes in the name of God. They are captivating people with information they want to hear but in a lot of cases are not telling them what they need to hear. And it's the lack of real informative teaching of who God really is and his plan for

Ministry Transformation mankind that is destroying a lot of people. Yet the more I think about it. I am aware of this basic fact. Often times people may hear about a god that will meet their particular needs. If they need healing in their body there's the god of healing. If they need money there's the god of finances. If they want more stuff there's the god of more stuff. I believe that a lot of people have heard about the wrong god, and desire to know more about the wrong god instead of learning about the true living God. There's nothing wrong with healing, money or stuff. But when they take the place of God then there's a problem. I believe that the folks out there that call themselves looking for God are looking for the wrong god. Maybe they're looking for a god that will meet their needs instead of a God that will save their souls. Maybe they just aren't aware of their greatest need. The need to repent of their sin,

acknowledge God as sovereign and Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. The need to have their peace with God restored and to live a life that glorifies God. Maybe they just don't know because they just aren't being taught. As a minister of the word of God I sense the importance of sticking to the facts and nothing but the facts. I sense the importance of sticking to the word of God and nothing but the word of God. But we do know that if you tell people what they want to hear the more followers you can gain. Tell people they'll be rich and they will shout and clap and laugh and dance and shout hallelujah and follow you around the world. But tell people to simply humble themselves before God and be thankful for what they have and you might get a different reaction. I'm not saying that God doesn't answer prayer and provide for his children. I just want to say this. What is the greatest need?

Ministry of the Month Pastor Max A. Johnson & Dr. Linda Johnson Fire On The Mountain P.O. Box 2156 Newark, New Jersey 07114 Email: fire_onthemountain@verzion.net

ARE YOU PREPARED? ATTENTION ALL HOME AND BUSINESS OWNERS Due To Hurricane Sandy Many Have Suffered Loss To One Of Their Single Greatest Investments.. Their Home Or Business. If You Have You Sustained Damage If You Are Unsure About Your Coverage Or If You Simply Just Need An Explanation Of Your Current Policy A No Cost Review Of Your Current Coverage & FREE Home Inspection Is Now Available Call now to schedule an appointment Joseph C. Epps, Jr. Public Adjuster NJ license # 1311374 Licensed & Bonded in the State of New Jersey Hosea 4:6


Health Transformation

Medicare is stronger than ever with more benefits, better choices and lower costs to beneficiaries. Expanded Medicare benefits under the health care law (the Affordable Care Act) continue to be available -including certain free preventive benefits, cancer screenings and an annual wellness visit. Whether you choose Original Medicare or a Medicare Advantage plan, take advantage of Open Enrollment to review cost, coverage or both for 2014. * More Benefits: Certain preventive benefits -- including cancer screenings -are available with no cost to patients when furnished by qualified and participating health professionals. The annual wellness visit allows people to sit down and discuss

with their doctor their health care needs and the best ways to stay healthy. * Better Choices: Medicare will notify beneficiaries about plan performance and use its online Plan Finder to encourage enrollment in quality plans. * Lower Costs: Average premiums for 2014 for prescription drug coverage and Medicare health plans will remain stable. People who are in the "donut hole" in Medicare's prescription drug benefit will enjoy approximately 53 percent discounts on covered brand name drugs and see increased savings on generic drugs. The new Health Insurance Marketplace won't affect your Medicare coverage and is not part of Medicare Open Enrollment,

which occurs from Oct. 15 to Dec. 7. Medicare is not part of the Health Insurance Marketplace. You do not need to enroll in the new Health Insurance Marketplace to maintain or change your Medicare coverage. Your health needs change from year to year, and your health plan may change the benefits and costs each year, too. That's why it's important to evaluate your Medicare choices regularly. Open Enrollment is the one time of year when all people with Medicare can see what new benefits Medicare has to offer, and make changes to their coverage. It's worth it to take the time to review and compare, but you don't have to do it alone. Medicare is available to help. * Visit www.medicare.gov/find-a-plan to compare your current coverage with all of the options that are available in your area, and enroll in a new plan if you decide to make a change. * Call 1-800-MEDICARE (1-800-633-4227) 24-hours a day/7 days a week to find out more about your coverage options. TTY users should call 1-877-486-2048. * Review the Medicare & You 2014 handbook. It is mailed to people with Medicare in September. * If you have limited income and resources, you may be able to get Extra Help paying your prescription drug coverage costs. For more information, visit www.socialsecurity.gov/i1020 or call Social Security at 1-800-772-1213. TTY users should call 1-800-325-0778. * Get one-on-one help from your State Health Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP). Visit www.medicare.gov/contacts or call 1-800-MEDICARE to get the phone number.

Business Transformation

The Servant Is Worthy of His Hire! For about 5 to 7 years in my media ministry/business career I sought to “be a blessing” to everyone. I shot video, took photos, built websites, produced TV programing, did radio shows, and captured news events all at no charge. I don’t do that anymore. I do still write my blog and gave relationship advice for free. But I am transitioning. And I do feel a bit guilty, its not an easy transition With my head, I understood that its perfectly fine to charge; yet I still felt a little uncomfortable. And even still, I get looks from people who are surprised and disappointed that I charge for my services. Many in ministry and some acquaintances expect that “they” should get a special deal or not be charged at all. The interesting thing is that my rates are at least 50-75% LESS than the industry standard, I always seek to given something extra, above what was agreed to. And since we have been in business I have only had a couple of cancellations. The fact that quite a few people expect free service has bothered me more than it should have; until I realized the people who were challenging me were all employed. And they expected to get paid for their work; they just wanted me to offer mine for free. Because of this I got a very clear understanding about why I should be charging for my work. It is not only OK, but necessary. So I no longer feel guilty, I’m convinced it’s important heres why:

1. Your view of your work changes. When people pay you for your services, you go from being an amateur to being a pro. You are now more accountable. 1

You have to show up. You won’t get paid if you don’t.


The quality of your work matters. People won’t pay for inferior work.


You must be consistent. You won’t get repeat customers nor will your business grow if you aren’t.

2. When you charge, It shows that you respect and value yourself, and your own work. It creates value in your own mind. 3. It improves your customers’ experience. People don’t respect what they get for free. There are exceptions, I’m sure, but not many. I have seen this time and time again. 4. I have learned that until people make an investment, they seldom see they value, and they are not invested in the outcome. Now I always make sure clients pay something and have an investment in the project. But charging also improves the user-experience. The client feels ownership. Because they are a part of the process. 5. It allows me to actually impact the world. This is probably the most important reason of to me. Charging for your services is necessary if you are going to support your family and help others. If you don’t get paid for your work, you won’t be able to do what you want to do for long. Making money provides you with the opportunity to share with those in need. The more you make, the bigger impact you can have. I have come to realize later in my life that (as a minister) I need to make as much money as I can. Why? Because there are so many people in need, and so many that I have wanted to help and couldn’t... And now I can. The love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. (1 Timothy 6:10). If we seek money to (as James says) consume on our own lusts. Then it is definitely wrong. And by being greedy (this is what the bible calls it) we will bring grief on ourselves and our loved ones. But if we focus on doing our best work and charging for it, everyone wins. Making money is not something we should apologize for because of a few ministry and business freeloaders who feel entitled to get stuff for free. It’s not good for them. It’s certainly not good for us. And it’s not even good for the world!










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