September 2013: Transformation Newark Magazine

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September 2013


Darrin Sharif: Part 2 The Councilman Says Yes!



Newark Public Access TV Channel Guide

Dominion Fellowship Ministries


Rev. Dr. Bernard J. Wilks, DMin. (Apostolic Overseer)

EDITORIAL One Person Can Make A Difference... a Big One! When you think about people in your life who have made a tremendous impact, the list is probably very short. This may be the one to three people in your life who have helped to set your life on the course that it is on now; they helped to mold and shape you; influenced your thinking processes, and you've probably shared insights about things that you would never discuss with any one else. Often times this person is a parent or school teacher, a pastor, a guidance counselor or an athletic coach. They are a “God-send,” a blessing, a providence; which further proves that God is watching over you, and that he is an ever present help when you are in need.

I must say that even amongst these people who have greatly influenced our lives... there are still “Great Ones” those who have not only aided in your transformation, but in the blossoming of hundreds of others as well! I have had the fortune to have two such great people in my life. One of whom is a supporter, my teacher, my mentor, and my friend... Rev. Dr. Bernard Wilks... But not only to me, but to hundreds of others who's lives he has impacted as well. This month as we celebrate the 25th anniversary of Dominion Ministries which Dr. Wilks founded, I celebrate the man himself, his life, his achievements, and the Godly example he has been to so many. The bible tell us to give honor where honor is due... Dr. Wilks, my friend... I honor you! Congratulations on 25 years of ministry serving of Lord JesusThe Christ! - Pastor Rick

In This Issue Tr a n s f o r m a t i o n Newark magazine is a monthly publication focused on changing the city of newark through the Nehemiah model of rebuilding a city. And through providing practical information and tips to transform lives. CONTRIBUTORS Curtis Mincey PUBLISHER Rick Greene In cooperation with Dominion Ministries & The Urban Convocation Strategic Operations Council’s Media & Technology Department

Dominion Fellowship Ministries 83 James Street Newark, New Jersey 07102 973-273-9200

Transforming A City By Taking Dominion Handling Offenses As A Leader Dividing Chores Can Affect Your Marriage & Sex Life Dealing With The Pain Darrin Sharif Pt. 2 President Obama Speaks at 50 Year Anniversary March On Washington Back To School Tech Trends For 2013 A Guys Guide To Selecting The Perfect Engagement Ring Cover: Apostle Bernard Wilks; founder of Dominion Ministries, ReMA, and Eastern Theological Seminary NJ Extension, he is also the director of the Newark National Day of Prayer, and the New Bridge to Recovery.

Ministry TransformationThe Power of Words

In Every Issue

Business Transformation-

Go For It: Start A Business

Cablevision Channel Guide


TRANSFORMING A CITY BY TAKING DOMINION by Curtis D. Mincey Dominion Fellowship Ministries here in the city of Newark Nj was one of the first ministries that I became associated with outside of my home church of Metropolitan Baptist Church. I became involved with Dominion back in 2008 while attending seminary, and was fortunate enough to become acquainted with the founder Dr. Bernard Wilks simply because he was my seminary instructor. But over the years our relationship has grown from one of student - teacher to one of two brothers working in ministry for the building of the kingdom. As a matter of fact it was through Dominion that the Lord actually showed

me what real ministry was all about. Up until that time I really didn’t know or understand what it meant to be a christian. But this ministry opened my eyes and showed me christianity in action. This is a ministry that I can honestly say doesn’t just say they love the city of Newark, they demonstrate their love for the city of Newark. This is the type of ministry that is made up of christian volunteers and churches from the Newark area. The bulk of these ministries make up what is called the Dominion Coalition which is a group of ministries that have partnered with Dominion to impact the city. A lot of the ministry work that Dominion does is done outside of their buildings. One of those is the Thursday Night Truck Stop Ministry hosted by Dominion ministry leader Rev. Irving Johnson and Rev.the passions of Dr. Wilks and Rev Larry


AS A LEADER As a leader, you are going to draw fire. People will criticize you. Some will second-guess your decisions. Others will impute motives that aren't there. A few will falsely accuse you.

1. Offenses are inevitable. Jesus Himself said, Woe to the world because of offenses! For offenses must come, but woe to that man by whom the offense comes! (Matthew 18:7) According to the, woe means, "grievous distress, affliction or trouble." Anyone who has been offended understands woe. And in my experience, it doesn't get much easier with age. But as Jesus also notes, offenses must come. People offend us by what they do (sins of commission) and, sometimes, by what they don't do (sins of omission). Either way, life affords us daily opportunities to be offended. Note that while offenses may be inevitable, Jesus doesn't let the offender off the hook. They, too, are accountable and will experience their own level of woe.

2. Offenses can be good for us. This is a hard saying. In the midst of being offended, it is difficult to believe that any good could come out of it, let alone that God might have a bigger purpose in mind. But consider two examples from the Bible. The patriarch, Joseph, was ridiculed, kidnapped and then sold into slavery by his own brothers. He was later falsely accused of attempting to seduce the wife of a high-ranking Egyptian official. He spent several years in prison, and it was years before he was vindicated. He could have been very angry with his brothers. Years later, when he finally meets up with them again, he is in a position of tremendous power. He could easily have had his revenge. Instead, Joseph said to them, Do not be afraid, for am I in the place of God? But as for you, you meant evil against me; but God meant it for good, in order to bring it about as it is this day, to save many people alive. Now therefore, do not be afraid; I will provide for you and your little ones. (Genesis 50:19–20) Or consider King David. In the latter part of his life, he was chased out of Jerusalem by his treasonous son, Absalom. If that weren't bad enough, a character named Shimei meets him on the road and starts throwing rocks at him. He curses the king and reminds him of all his sins. He says, Come out! Come out! You bloodthirsty man, you rogue! The LORD has brought upon you all the blood of the house of Saul, in whose place you have reigned; and the LORD has delivered the kingdom into the hand of Absalom your son. So now you are caught in your own evil, because you are a bloodthirsty man! (2 Samuel 16:7–8) Abishai, one of King David's servants, said, "Why should this dead dog curse my lord the king? Please, let me go over and take off his head!" But note how David responded:

Let him alone, and let him curse; for so the LORD has ordered him. It may be that the LORD will look on my affliction, and that the LORD will repay me with good for his cursing this day. (2 Samuel 16:11–12). It's easy to resent those who offend us. But what if God has a deep and important purpose for sending them—something that He intends for our good because He truly loves us (see Romans 8:28).

3. Being offended is a choice. Every leader should memorize this verse: The discretion of a man makes him slow to anger, and his glory is to overlook a transgression. (Proverbs 19:11) There are certainly times when it is legitimate to be angry. The Apostle Paul says, "Be angry, and do not sin." (Ephesians 4:26) Anger can be a valid response to something that is wrong. But it can quickly become toxic—not only for those toward whom we direct it, but also for ourselves. This is why the Apostle James admonishes us to be "slow to anger." (James 1:19–20) Between the stimulus and the response is the power to choose. This is precisely what makes us human. We don't have to respond in kind. The greatest leaders in the world are not easily offended. Instead, they practice the habit of overlooking offenses. They take the high road, give the offender the benefit of the doubt, and move on. What about you?

Ministry Transformation

Whether we realize it or not, our words carry enormous weight. In fact, you and I probably don’t have any tool more powerful—for good and for bad—than our words. A verse in the Bible that says,

Let no unwholesome word proceed from your mouth, but only such a word as is good for edification according to the need of the moment, so that it will give grace to those who hear” (Ephesians 4:29, NASB) This advice applies far beyond spiritual matters and goes straight to the heart of our leadership and our impact. This verse provides three characteristics of wholesome speech. 1 Characteristic #1: Wholesome words build people up. 2

Characteristic #2: Wholesome words are timely.


Characteristic #3: Wholesome words provide grace.

King Solomon said, “Death and life are in the power of the tongue” (Proverbs 18:21). Every day, we are shaping reality for someone by the words that we use with them. The choice is ours.

How dividing husband & wife chores affects your Marriage & sex life Have you and your mate had the talk? Every marriage goes through it at some point. The chore talk. We just can’t assume that our mate will clean up any messes around the house nor can we expect them to wait ‘til the end of the week before it get taken care of. At some point every relationship must have "the chore talk”, When one spouse stays at home and takes care of most of the household needs problems can arise. just because one mate works 9-5, that doesn’t mean that their work day is through. Maintaining a household is a 24/7/ 365 days a year job. It is not fair for you to think that because the one who leaves home to work, works harder or longer that the one who stays home, “to work.” TALK IT OUT! Explain just what it is that you do around the house all day. Explain just how many hours is takes to do your work. Usually its more than a typical eight hour work day.

You may need to remind them that you need some time “off” , holidays, weekends special events, after all you probably have been working on those days for quite awhile. Perhaps then they may begin to see your side of it. You might begin to see that they are starting to understand a little better what entails your day, and how they should have been helping all along.. Well if they don’t then… TRY THIS 1. Motivation… Trade off what they like best for the help you may need in your relationship. And help them to see that when the stay at home mate is happier, and feeling appreciated then romance will actually be much more easy to ignite. 2. Warning Time…. Some people respond to praise and others just need a whack. If their work day stops at four or five, then yours can too. Five o'clock isn't quitting time at a home and everyone needs to pitch in. 3. Try doing it together… This is my favorite… Clean up or preparing a meal with you sweetheart

can be a lot of fun and potentially lead to a romantic evening. If you two are going in separate directions at night figure out a way to do the work together. Leave chores that can be done later like folding clothes or washing the dishes so that you guys can talk or watch television together while you do them.

4. Leave 'em… No, not permanently, but for a day or a weekend. You are probably a welloiled machine and make the work look easy. If you leave your spouse in the house for a few days (most likely a few hours) it will give them a chance to see how hard it is to get things organized and done. This should motivate your sweet baboo to help out more. Sometimes we do things so well we don't leave any room for others to jump in and help. This might be something you want to mention in that conversation you have (mentioned above). Good working relationships take time. Couples have to learn to work together; it isn't something that happens day one. The division of labor is a tough thing to substantiate especially since neither of you really gets a bird's eye, full-time view into the other's work day, but with communication and compromise and maybe a little inaction, it can all be worked out.

Dealing With The Pain By Minister Curtis D. Mincey

Pain is something we all have to deal with. Pain is just a part of the life we live. All creatures experience some sort of pain at various times of their life. With humans it can be the physical pain of growing older or the pain of a disease. Sometimes there's the mental and emotional pain that's brought on by outside circumstances. A broken home, a broken marriage, bullying at school, chaos at the job, confusion at the church. All of these events and situations can bring about pain. Sometimes we're told it's all in our head, your'e just imagining things.

But the reality is the people are real, the circumstances are real and the pain is real. We have people walking around various towns, and cities all over the world who are dealing with pain. All we have to do is leave our homes and encounter real people who are dealing with real pain and real issues. That's why there is so much lawlessness. We have communities filled with people that are just acting out because they are hurting. They are hurting for love and understanding. They are hurting for attention they want someone to

acknowledge them and what their going through. So what do they do? They become drug addicts searching for that high. They become alcoholics searching for that buzz. They become addicted to various activities because they are trying to fill a void that was meant for one very important person. You see there is relief from the pain. That relief comes in the form of Jesus our Lord and Savior. The wonderful thing about receiving relief from Jesus is it's free. You don't have to go to the corner store or to the spot to get this type of relief. All you have to do is go to that quite place and get down on your knees and make the commitment.

When you make the commitment, when you make the effort to cry out to Jesus and ask the son of God to have mercy on you. He will hear you and come to you. He will tell you to be patient and watch him work miracles. He will give you peace as long as you receive it. He will lead you as long as you follow. He will heal the pain of the past as long as you walk with him into the future. He will save you when you recognize you need saving. Just remember this that Jesus came to do more than heal our physical pain. He came to heal our relationship with God. That's the most important form of healing that I can think of. Minister Curtis D. Mincey: Founding member of Metro Christian Ministries, Newark New Jersey is a graduate of Eastern Theological S e m i n a r y , Lynchburg Virginia. Volunteered as a New Discipleship teacher at Metropolitan Baptist Church, Newark NJ, Pastor David Jefferson Sr. Pastor, teaching new members the basics of christian living. Curtis is currently volunteering as a speaker at Faith & Hope Ministries on Sunday afternoons speaking words of encouragement and hope to those in attendance. Curtis is also the ministry leader for the Metro Christian Bible study which places an emphasis on teaching the word of God.Â


Darrin Sharif: Part 2 Yes He Will Run!!! Central Ward Councilman Darrin Sharif says YES!!! He will seek the seat held by outgoing mayor Cory Booker. "I think I have something important to contribute to our city," "I wouldn't run if I didn't think that." Central Ward Councilman Darrin Sharif says YES!!! He will seek the seat held by outgoing mayor Cory Booker. "I think I have something important to contribute to our city," "I wouldn't run if I didn't think that." Sharif represents the strongest economic and

cultural ward in the city which he won by a slim margin over the Booker team incumbent candidate he defeated incumbent Charles Bell in a runoff by 11 votes. The Central Ward, like most of Newark is troubled in many respects, but it (the Central Ward) is also the seat of the economic development for which Newark is positioned for a great transformation. "As Newark continues to go through this period of growth I feel confident that I can continue to lead the city on its upward trajectory," Sharif tells. He is an intellectual but also a man of passion. The councilman who started out working for Booker as a staffer has now become a powerful legislative force and a champion of the people he represents. It is interesting to note that Booker himself started his ascent to the mayors office from the very seat which Sharif now occupies.

The question is will his latter entry into the race be strong enough to take on the very outspoken street savvy Ras Baraka? While Baraka is known for his strong ant-establishment sentiments Sharif states, "I’ve worked well with the the administration and in a number of areas I've stood up to them," he said. "I think people want a leader who is not going to be ideologically dug in." Sharif, now joins a the race, making it a total of four candidates. South Ward Councilmen Ras Baraka East Ward Councilman Anibal Ramos and former Assistant State Attorney General Shavar Jeffries. While a native Newarker, he is a graduate of Rutgers-Newark and former director of operations for the Urban League of Essex County. We feel the councilman has an excellent chance and would make a great leader for Newark but in order to win we believe the voters will need to get a much better sense of the passion he has for the city.

Will history repeat itself? With the central ward being the “heart” of Newark business; featuring universities, schools, museums, banks,insurance companies, the downtown district, and all of the main government buildings including City Hall itself; and the Sharif’s father who was a top adviser to two successfully Booker mayoral victories in 2002 and 2006, will Sharif’’s delayed campaign be strong enough to overtake those who have been on the capaign circut for more than two months. Only time will tell.

Business Transformation

If you have ever wondered how to be an entrepreneur, you are in luck. There are so many business ideas available for any person with initiative and a will to try that you can start a business in no time. Today is the time to start your own business. Because of the disruption to industries and markets, there are tons of opportunities for those who can see them. Here are just a few ideas for small businesses that you can jump into full force to begin your business venture. 1. Tutoring: If you are good at teaching and have a good knowledge on educational subjects as well as other subjects such as music, computers, and even crafty disciplines such as quilting, photography, knitting, etc. you can run your very own tutoring business.

2. Web Design: Every business needs an online presence so why not take advantage of your very own web design company? 3. Phone Apps: Step into the virtual world of fun by creating your very own phone apps to sell to the millions of people who are looking for entertaining, functional, helpful apps. This niche is extremely popular and growing. 4. Catering/Restaurant: Starting your own catering business or even a full on restaurant is a prime example of a good business undertaking if you know food and have some business background. You can take this endeavor all the way or specialize in certain areas like baking cakes, cookies, etc. for parties.

5. Event Planner: Creating an event planning endeavor is a great as well as fun way to start your own business. If you are good at organization, time management, and have your ducks in a row, you will be a great event planner. 6. Reseller: Many business minded individuals use the reseller business idea to create a substantial income. The main objective of this business is to buy and then sell unused products such as books, phones, etc. through websites like Amazon or Ebay. 7. Computer Repair: If you are a whiz with computers whether it be removing viruses, fixing programs, or if you are knowledgeable on how to do the technical repairs this may be the perfect solution to how you can become an entrepreneur. 8. Affiliate Marketing: There are so many affiliate marketing opportunities available today. Just make sure to research the company and products before going full force; however, this is an exceptional way to build your own business. 9. Babysitting: If you love kids you may want to consider running your very own daycare. You can start this in your house and expand to a building once you have a good backing. 10. Dog Walking: Dog lovers everywhere will appreciate a dependable person to offer exercise to their furry loved ones because they may not have the time or energy to walk their dogs after a hard day of work. 11. Pet Sitting: Many people need someone to take care of their pets while they go on vacation, business trips, emergency trips, etc. 12. Elderly Sitting: There are many people who have to take care of their elderly parents and relatives and need someone to sit with their loved one for a little while so they can run errands. 13. Errand Runner: You could even start an errand service business for individuals who are not able to leave their house, do not have the proper transportation, and so forth. 14. Landscaping: If you are good at yard work and have the proper equipment, you can find many clients willing to let you mow their lawns, garden their landscape and so much more. 15. Handyman: If you are Mr. or Ms. Fix it, you can always contract your work to those who are not so handy. 16. Photographer: Are good at capturing memorable shots and either have or can get your hands on some proper equipment? You may be able to start your very own photography business. There are so many business ideas that you can start your own business from in no time. Just take some time and find what you are good at and what you are interested in. Put together a business plan and get to work on your business venture today!

ATTENTION ALL WORSHIPPERS Living Waters Ministries Worship Dance School Fall semester 2013 will be offering the following classes for men, women and youth: "Flag/Banner Warfare": 7:15 pm to 8:15 pm "Dance As David Danced"-Jewish Roots & Messianic Dance: 8:30 pm to 9:30 pm Classes will be on Mondays, Sept. 30th to Nov. 4th in Rutherford, NJ SEE ATTACHED BROCHURE FOR REGISTRATION INFO., FEES, CLASS DESCRIPTION, ETC. Call Living Waters Ministries at (973) 661-5217 or email us at to register, get info. etc. We accept Mastercard or Visa on the phone. Early Bird Registration to Sept. 17th so register now. Additional discounts for groups of 3 and if someone takes both classes. Visit our Training & Resource Center in Belleville, NJ. We carry the following resources: Worship garments, Flags, Streamers, Tabrets, Tambourines, Shofars, Tallits, Judaica, Music, Jewelry, Anointing oil, Scarves, Art, T-shirts, Candles, Spanish items, holiday gifts and more..... Call (973) 661-5217 for hours and directions.

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Thursday - September 27th

Please RSVP Estella Pullins at 973-642-2267

CHARMIL DAVIS ON 50TH ANNIVERSARY OF MARCH ON WASHINGTON President Obama Speaks at 50 Year Anniversary March On Washington By Charmil Correspondent



(WASHINGTON - August 28, 2013) President Barack Obama, the very first U.S African American President, speaks to a crowd of over 100,000 people from all over the world to commemorate 50 years after the original “March on Washington” led by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Dr. King gave his "I Have A Dream

Speech" 50 years ago to the day August 28 - on the same National Mall in Washington, DC. President Obama was joined by Former Presidents Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton along with other dignitaries

such as The King Family, President Lyndon Johnson’s daughter Lynda Byrd Johnson Ross (President Johnson signed into law in 1964 the Civil Rights Act and in 1965 the Voting Rights Act), President and CEO of the National Urban League, Marc Morial, U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder, and Congressional Black Caucus member Rep. John P. Lewis (GA) who led the

infamous "Bloody March" in Selma, 1965. President Obama urged Americans to combat racism only weeks after an allwhite jury acquitted George Zimmerman for the murder of Sanford, Florida teen, Trayvon Martin, which sparked national outrage not just in the African American community. This case, which garnered international attention, is now being investigated by the U.S. Justice Department. Obama proclaimed, "Even though City Councils, Legislators, and even the White House has changed since 1964, a fierce urgency still remains." The President said that years after the "Voting Rights Act" became law in 1965, there are still restraints and conditions in 2013 that plague most

African Americans and other minority groups in the U.S. For instance, he noted the "Voter ID" law that is backed by nine states and six jurisdictions. It requires advanced federal approval before voting. The Obama Administration is now in a legal battle with the State of Texas over voting-related matters. One lawsuit claims that the "Voter ID" Law discriminates against Blacks and Hispanics because they are less likely to have governmental IDs such as passports and driver’s licenses. The "Voters Rights Act" of 1965 has been one of the Civil Rights Movement’s greatest accomplishments. During the President’s speech to the crowd, Obama, raised by a singleparent himself, excited the crowd when he said, "… Even if he didn't have a father at home, he's marching on. For the teacher who dips into her pocket to support her students, she's marching on." Obama indirectly spoke to the African American Community on the 50th Anniversary of the March on Washington. With not enough school supplies, funding, parental involvement, or community support in most urban communities across the board, most schools in the urban community fall by the wayside in the U.S. In the African American Community,

experts note as much as 85% of households are headed by single-parents and mostly women. The President seemed hopeful that that his speech reached all Americans, however, President Obama has been accused by many activists and affluent African Americans like Dr. Cornell West, Tavis Smiley, and members of the Congressional Black Caucus U.S. for not "doing enough" for the black community. They’ve also been critical of the lack of diversity in Obama's Cabinet.

Dr. King would have been very proud of the speech given by our 44th President of the United States of America on this historic day in Washington ‌ 50 years later. March on, Mr. President! The dream lives in 2013!

Wednesday AT 7PM






Primerica announced today the promotion of Kenny Bryant of Union, NJ to Regional Vice President. In making the announcement, John Addison, Co-Chief Executive Officer of the company, stated, “I am pleased to announce that Kenny Bryant has joined this exceptional group of leaders. Kenny Bryant’s success is a barometer of the number of people that Primerica has helped prepare for a more secure financial future – that’s what we’re all about. Thanks to dedicated leaders like Kenny Bryant, Primerica is an industry leader, providing real financial solutions to millions of clients.” In response to the news, Bryant said “I’m very gratified by this promotion – it means that a lot of long hours and hard work have begun to pay off. But the most satisfying aspect of being a Primerica representative is knowing that I am helping other people take control of their personal finances. I look forward to expanding our business in order to serve even more people in the community. Primerica, Inc. headquartered in Duluth, GA is a leading distributor of financial products to middle-income families in North America. Primerica representatives educate their Main Street clients about how to better prepare for a more secure financial future by assessing their needs and providing appropriate solutions through term life insurance, which we underwrite, and mutual funds, annuities and other financial products, which we distribute primarily on behalf of their parties. In addition, Primerica provides an entrepreneurial full or part-time business opportunity for individuals seeking to earn income by distributing the company’s financial products. We insure more than 4.3 million lives and approximately 2 million clients maintain investment accounts with us. Primerica is a member of the Russell 2000 stock index and is traded on The New York Stock Exchange under the symbol “PRI”. Additional information about Primerica is available on the website: (

ARE YOU PREPARED? ATTENTION ALL HOME AND BUSINESS OWNERS Due To Hurricane Sandy Many Have Suffered Loss To One Of Their Single Greatest Investments.. Their Home Or Business. If You Have You Sustained Damage If You Are Unsure About Your Coverage Or If You Simply Just Need An Explanation Of Your Current Policy A No Cost Review Of Your Current Coverage & FREE Home Inspection Is Now Available Call now to schedule an appointment Joseph C. Epps, Jr. Public Adjuster NJ license # 1311374 Licensed & Bonded in the State of New Jersey Hosea 4:6


Transformation Through Education

Have you ever thought about attending bible college? Eastern semester EasternTheological TheologicalSeminary’s Seminary’sfall 2013 Springhas semester Join us. Its not to late, to find out more and to here. Join us. Its not late, to find out more and to register. Course offerings are,to1st & 2nd Timothy, Titus and register. No your situation, will No matterEnrollment whatmatter your situation, weopen. will work withwe yoU to Happiness. is what currently your education. work with continue you to continue your education.

“… And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. ” Come renew your mind, study for a degree, or come just to learn. Scholarships are still available. Call Dr. Bernard Wilks at 973-273-9200 or 973-563-5333 for more info or simply come out Mondays at 7pm. Classes held in the Dominion Home office at 83 James Street, Newark, NJ. 62

$10 CALL 973-289-5485

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A Metro Christian / Transformation Newark Publication



All Are Invited To Attend - FREE! Call 908-400-5043 973-273-9200 For More Info Cards and Love Offerings for Dr. Wilks are encouraged



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FEB 15TH 2014


Back to School Tech Trends for 2013 (NewsUSA) - With summer vacation winding down, the U.S. Census Bureau expects close to 80 million children and adults to head back to the classroom. Total school spending this year is targeted at over $70 billion with $8 billion for electronics. Emmy-winning tech and trends expert Brett Larson and host of KillerApps.TV looked at some products and trends that should be on the radar for back to school shopping this year. "There is an array of new tech tools that can help propel a student to a more successful school year!" says Brett. "Do your research online for not only the best price, but look for the tech that will grow with you throughout the year." Some of Brett's top picks for Back to School 2013: 1. The VTech InnoTab 3S is the next generation of children's learning tablets with Wi-Fi. Built for ages 3-9, it features VTech Kid Connect -- an exclusive communication app that allows kids to be connected with their parents and friends. In addition, it accesses VTech's Learning Lodge -- providing kids with a bright start on their learning journey. 2. If you're in search of a smartphone, Brett says you need to find one with the processing speed, power and battery longevity to take full advantage of all its capabilities. Check out the new HTC One and Samsung Galaxy 4 for some of the fastest processing speeds. 3. Staples is a great place to get hands-on with tech before you buy. When searching for laptops, check out the latest Chromebooks. They are easy-to-use, lightweight laptops that run the popular Google operating system. Their portability and ease of use make them perfect for youngsters just learning how to use technology in the classroom. 4. Brett says, "Don't lose your data!" He likes Carbonite Online Backup for automatically backing up computer files whenever the computer is connected to the Internet, and features anytime, anywhere access, so users can remotely access their protected files from any Internet-connected device, including computers, smartphones and tablets. 5. A must-have dorm accessory, the stylish and compact Keurig MINI Plus Brewer. With over 250 K-Cup pack varieties to choose from, including coffee, tea, iced beverages and more, college students can choose their perfect beverage for a jumpstart on the day, an afternoon pick-me-up or a late-night study session. They come in a wide array of colors so you can select a brewer that matches your personality.

A Guy's Guide to Selecting the Perfect Engagement Ring (NewsUSA) - Getting engaged is a very personal and intimate experience for a couple. But for many guys, the purchase of the engagement ring can be a bit overwhelming. Color, clarity, cut, carat weight -; there's a lot to consider! But by understanding the basics of diamonds and keeping the future bride in mind, guys can find the process of selecting a ring much less daunting. Philadelphia-based jewelry designer Craiger Drake of Craiger Drake Designs offers the following tips to help men select a ring that their bride will love: Know the 4Cs. Men should always consider the color, clarity, cut and carat weight of a diamond. Color and clarity, less commonly understood, are critical to the quality of the stone. Choose a diamond valued higher on both the color and clarity grading scales to limit the presence of color and unwanted inclusions. Carat and cut, on the other hand, are personal preferences. Keep the bride's personality in mind to select a size and a shape that will complement her style. Get certified. To guarantee the diamond's authenticity and quality, be sure to purchase

a diamond that is certified from the Gemological Institute of America. The diamond's certificate outlines all the individual characteristics of the stone, including the 4Cs, serving as proof of the diamond's identity and value. Be unique. For many women, an engagement ring is their most treasured piece of jewelry, so it's important that it is special and unique. A rose gold band or colored side stones, for example, can accent a traditional ring with a touch of color. To personalize the piece further, consider custom designing a one-of-a-kind ring tailored to the bride's individual style. A final piece of advice: Remember what the ring signifies. "With so much to bear in mind, it can be easy to lose the romance of selecting an engagement ring," said Drake. "Although it is valuable to know the basics of a diamond, what's most important is for men to remember the reason they're buying it." For more information on Craiger Drake Designs' jewelry collection, including engagement rings, please visit

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