JANUARY 2016 Transformation Newark News Magazine

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January 2016

New Beginings

the 16th Annual Urban Convocation





In This Issue Project Impact Newark New Department Of Public Safety Ron Christian Street Transformation Newark News magazine is a monthly publication focused o the city of Newark, NJ Providing practical information and tips to transform lives. CONTRIBUTORS CURTIS MINCEY PUBLISHER Rick Greene A METRO CHRISTIAN MEDIA PUBLICATION 53 Burnet Street Newark, New jersey ADVERTISERS & CONTRIBUTORS WANTED EMAIL OR CALL FOR DETAILS Admin@MetroChristianMedia.com 862-888--8238

New Beginnings Relationships 101

In Every Issue HEALTH TRANSFORMATION 4 Health Tips You Might Not Know BUSINESS TRANSFORMATION Creating Content That Impacts Pastor Rick/Publisher


As we go forth in this new coming year I cant help but think about the hurt we’ve experienced, the loved ones we’ve lost, and the disappointment we’ve faced. But there has been joy as well. Goals reached, dreams come to past, and payoffs for diligent work performed.

MINISTRY TRANSFORMATION All in all we’ve had ups and we’ve had downs, but we’re still here. 5 Tips For Working With A New We’re still standing, We’re still pressings onward. And we will Ministry continue until of God calls us home!




4 Health Tips You Might Not Know A Spoonful of Sugar to Cure Hiccups In 1971, Edgar Engelman, MD, conducted a study to find out if a spoonful of sugar really is an effective cure for hiccups. He assembled a group of 20 patients who had been experiencing intractable hiccups for more than six hours, eight of whom had had them anywhere from a full day to six weeks. Each of the test subjects was given one teaspoon of white granulated sugar to swallow dry, and for 19 of the 20 hiccup patients, the cure was immediate. André Dubois, MD, a gastroenterologist in Bethesda, Maryland, noted in The Doctors Book of Home Remedies that "the sugar is probably acting in the mouth to modify the nervous impulses that would otherwise tell the muscles in the diaphragm to contract spasmodically." Duct Tape to Remove Warts In 2002, a group of doctors compared duct tape's effectiveness with liquid nitrogen in removing warts. After two months of wearing duct tape on a daily basis and using a pumice stone about once a week to exfoliate the dead skin, 85 percent of patients' warts were gone, whereas freezing only removed 60 percent. "The question is whether there is something in the chemical adhesive itself, or if the occlusion (suffocation) causes the destruction of the wart," says New York City–based dermatologist, Robin Blum, MD. "The other thinking is that the duct tape causes irritation, which stimulates our body's immune cells to attack the wart. Gargle Salt Water for a Sore Throat When you were a kid and had a sore throat, your mom likely made you gargle warm water with salt in

it...and she was definitely on to something. According to Douglas Hoffman MD, PhD, author of the website The Medical Consumer's Advocate, a sore throat is an inflammatory response of the infected tissues, and the salt helps draw out the excess fluid to temporarily decrease swelling and the pain it causes. Most remedies call for a ratio of 1 tablespoon salt to 8 ounces of water, but it's always better to opt for more salt rather than less. Just keep in mind that you are treating the symptoms—not the illness. As Dr. Hoffman notes on his website: "The relief is very real, but also tends to be short-lived, since the gargle has done nothing to remove the cause of the sore throat." Yogurt to Cure Bad Breath Bad breath comes from a number of places, the two most common being the mouth and the stomach. The neutralizing powers of yogurt and other probiotics treat the latter cause. "Yogurt shouldn't have any effect at all on the bacteria that live on the tongue because it's not there long enough," says Robert Meltzer, MD, a New York City–based gastroenterologist and attending physician at Lenox Hill Hospital. However, it likely has a neutralizing effect on the acid that resides anywhere between the mouth and the stomach, including the back of the throat and the esophagus, he explains. "I think almost any milk product or food that contains live cultures would have the same effect." While yogurt can get rid of bad breath that results from gastrological conditions, like acid reflux, it won't have any real effect on bad breath that is the product of gum, liver or lung disease, says Ohiobased dentist Matthew Messina, DDS.


Creating Content that Impacts your Business These days, producing content is just a way of life for marketers. But more content doesn't always mean better or more effective content. In fact, less content that delivers greater value might be the right way for many businesses to view the task of producing content. If you’re going to expend the significant amount of time and energy it takes to create content that will drive your marketing machine, you may want to think long and hard about how to make your content more powerful. Have A Point of View your unique point of view, whether it's how you do what you do, your view of the world or your way of getting results, should shine through in your content. Consider taking a stand and maybe even ruffle some feathers in the name of your beliefs in order to make your words gain traction with your prospects and customers Be UsefulI shouldn’t have to remind you of this, but offering something useful is always better. If all you’re creating doesn’t make people think differently, take action or learn

how to do what they want to do, you may as well just link to other people’s content. Be Consistent Over time, you can build momentum, as well as a library of content that becomes an asset, by creating a weekly newsletter, writing daily blog posts, scheduling guest content and creating video and audio interviews. Be Authentic I know this term gets tossed around like candy these days, but I think it’s worth asking yourself if the content you produce is mostly industry blah, blah, blah or if you're offering real stories about real customers and real problems—as good, bad and awesome as they might be. Focus on Something Other Than You The last element I want you to consider is how much you write about yourself, your awesomeness and your killer solutions versus how much you help your readers understand the value in the lessons you're sharing. Until people begin to see themselves getting the results they want in your content, it can fall short of the ultimate goal.

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Newark News

“Project Impact Newark” Mayor Ras J. Baraka, the Newark Municipal Council, Newark native, NBA legend, and developer Shaquille O’Neal, Deputy Mayor of Economic Development Baye Adofo-Wilson, Deputy Mayor of Job Creation, Workforce Development, Affirmative Action, and Re-Entry Rahaman Muhammad, and other dignitaries launched “Project Impact Newark” on today, at a City Hall First Floor Rotunda press conference. City Hall is located at 920 Broad Street. “Project Impact Newark” is designed to increase minority, female, and veteran participation in unions, as well as access to construction jobs. It will prepare these residents for union entrance exams, identify pre-apprenticeship opportunities, and help to secure apprenticeship positions in the plumbing, carpentry, and laborer unions. The program will commence by connecting eligible Newark residents with training for and jobs within the construction of 1 Rector Street, the 23-

story, 169-unit luxury apartment tower being constructed by Boraie Development, which is owned by Mr. O’Neal. The building will be the first luxury high-rise apartment building constructed in Newark’s downtown since 1960.


Relationships 101 For years people have been asking me for copies of my notes, lectures, and sermons. And normally what I would do, to their surprise, is just give them the pages that I had just preached or taught from. I loved to see their looks... like they had just received a prize. I thank God that he would use me to be a help to other. That is truly a gift to me. Also for years people have been saying, as friend, Ministry Curtis Mincey says, “write the book.” So with more time due to reducing the quantity of my ministry workload to focus on the quality ministry (thats something I’ve written about in past issues and will continue to write about in future issues) I have written “the book”. This book is the first in a series of books focused on helping people to make correct relationships decisions and repairing the breach amongst families so that with healing and reconciliation can take place and our children and our society will ultimately be the biggest beneficiaries. There are dozens and dozens of tips and insights that will help you to better relate to your partner, help you to understand your partner, to help you choose the right partner, and strengthen your troubled marriage or relationship. The book was written for both men and woman in mind and gives insights and tips from both perspectives. To find out more, see a preview, or to order visit amazon.com

THE BROTHER’S KEEPER’S Monthly Meeting Every 3rd Tuesday @ 7pm @THE TRANSFORMATION CENTER 628 GROVE STREET IRVINGTON NJ (Side Entrance) Where a man can come to talk about and get help in Building your faith ;Strengthening your family; Increasing your finances; Enhancing your ministry And growing closer to the females in your life.


Writing Your Book! I did it. And then I did it again, and again, and again, and again! And I’m in the process of doing it right now! So after writing five books one of the key things that I have realized is that the hardest part is getting started. I never ever imagined penning one work let alone five. But I found that once I got started the process just flowed. And I don;t want to stop.

What are you passionate about? What bothers you? What do you have to say that will benefits others?

My reasoning is that I want to help couples stay together as families so that there will be less hurt, pain, suffering, homelessness, and hunger experienced by our young kids. Children in fatherless homes experience more poverty, school drop outs, suicides, gang temptation, and imprisonment. So I write about relationships so that not only will marriages be saved but also that children’s lives might be saved.

Perhaps you have an unction to write about it. If you do here are a few simple techniques to get you started as an author. THE OUTLINE The foundation of your book is the outline. It is here that you lay the blueprint for your work. Typical outlines look something like the one below. Everyone is familiar with this type of outline, we’ve used it since the 4th grade. This however does not lend itself to creativity. And I found that I would get discouraged during the outlining phase. Until I discover a simpler move visual way to approach outlining, which totally changed my life. Called mind mapping. With the mind mapping

LIFE TRANSFORMATION techniques in a program I use called Mind Node (there is a free verison) I am able to see “the big picture� of the book more easily. However you do not need to mind map on a computer, a pencil and paper will do just as good. Let the ideas flow, see how they fit together. Using this technique it will allow you to create unlike you ever had before. We will talk more about this next month. In the mean time create, explore, and see how this method of putting ideas to paper will not only make it easy to lay the foundation for your book but also help you to work out other ideas and problems as well.

For those of your who desire to place an ad in the Dominion MLK Jr. Day Urban Convocation program journal or setup a display table at the Convocation please be advised. All business cards/ads must be submitted by January 8, 2016 as well as confirmation of table rentals: Souvenir Journal AD Rates: Patron - $20.00, Business Card - $35.00, ¼ Page - $45.00. ½ Page - $100.00, Full Page - $200.00, Table Rental - $25.00 ADS MUST BE COPY READY & PURCHASED BY JANUARY 8, 2016 Send emails, preferably, to mablele@aol.com OR hard copies to Mable Lewis at 809 Pearl Street, Apt 12C, Elizabeth, NJ 07202.

For More Info Call 973-563-5333

Newark News

The New Department of Public Safety Mayor Ras J. Baraka and the Newark Municipal Council announced the creation of the Newark Department of Public Safety today, in a City Hall First Floor Rotunda press conference. City Hall is located at 920 Broad Street, in Newark. The new department will enhance public safety by making police and fire protection more effective and efficient. The two departments will become the Police and Fire Divisions of the Public Safety Department. In addition, the Office of Emergency Management and Homeland Security will come under the new department as its own division.

Anthony F. Ambrose

Former Newark Police Chief and Police Director Anthony F. Ambrose, currently Chief of Detectives for Essex County, has been appointed Director of Public Safety by Mayor Baraka. The move will enable the City to eliminate six positions: Fire Director, Assistant Fire Director, Police Director, Assistant Police Director, Public Information Officer, and several staff positions. New positions created will be the Public Safety Director and Assistant Public Safety Director. Net savings are estimated at $585,000.

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Newark News

Ron Christian Street The City of Newark dedicated a street to honor the late Reverend Dr. Ron Christian on Saturday, December 19, at 11 a.m., at the corner of Wickliffe and West Market Streets. Dr. Christian was Pastor of Christian Love Baptist Church in Irvington from 2002 until his death in October of this year at the age of 51. Before his ministry there, he did volunteer work at Clearview Baptist Church in Newark and preached the gospel at his father’s pastorate, Upper Room Missionary Baptist Church, also in Newark. Dr. Christian received numerous awards for his work, and was appointed to the Governor’s Office as one of the first delegates for the study of faith-based community development. Dr. Christian was Pastor of Christian Love Baptist Church in Irvington from 2002 until his death in October of this year at the age of 51. Before his ministry there, he did volunteer work at Clearview Baptist Church in Newark and preached the gospel at his father’s pastorate, Upper Room Missionary Baptist Church, also in Newark. Dr. Christian received numerous awards for his work, and was appointed to the Governor’s Office as one of the first delegates for the study of faith-based community development.


Love Your City Love cannot remain by itself – it has no meaning. Love has to be put into action, and that action is service. I slept and I dreamed that life is all joy. I woke and I saw that life is all service. I served and I saw that service is joy. — Mother Teresa

For more than 45 years, Mother Teresa comforted the poor, the dying, and the unwanted around the world. Over the years, Mother Teresa’s Missionaries of Charity grew from 12 to thousands, serving the “poorest of the poor” in 450 centers world-wide. She rescued homeless and dying people from the gutters and garbage dumps in Calcutta. Her work spread from Calcutta to New York to Albania, and she was one of the pioneers of establishing homes for people with AIDS. Through her work, Mother Teresa was a living example of her belief that love is embodied, or given true form, through service. At its most powerful, service is an expression of selfless love, care, empathy, and concern for others. Although Mother Teresa encountered pain, sickness, and extreme poverty on a daily basis, she also taught that the path of service is the path of joy. Joy emerges from new experiences and new relationships that are built through service, from acknowledging the human dignity in all people, from feeling personally useful in the world, and from engaging in service as an act of love. Love your city by serving the people who live in it and you will see a change.



5 Tips For Working With A New Ministry 1. Let yourself grow into the role. Few of us step into a new position with everything we need to be successful. 2. Give yourself time—and grace. Learn from those already there. Include people you’ll be working for and with. Find out what’s important to this new group, and gather their insights on the culture of the church. 3. Don’t make changes right away (unless you were specifically brought in to make the changes). Take time to assess the situation (at least three months), find out what’s been working and what hasn’t, and discover what God’s been doing. Once you have that understanding and background, work from there. 4. Trust God for direction. He led you here. He’ll help you figure out where to go next. 5. Don’t play the comparison game. Allow your new ministry to have its own identity. Learn from other churches (including your past churches), but don’t try to become or re-create them.

The Minister’s corner

It's that time of year again, when we ring out the old and bring in the new. But let's be real how much of the past year is going to be dragged into the new year. How many bad habits, bad memories and bad relationships will you allow to escort you into the new year? Are you going to walk forward into the future while looking backward at the past, only to find yourself stumbling through the present? If you are then I won't wish you a Happy New Year. But I will pray that somewhere down the path of life you'll find the burden of carrying old luggage into a new destination cumbersome and unnecessary. But if you are sick and tired of those old reruns and want to experience something new and inspiring, then what else can I say but Happy New Year. That's right, I hope this year brings you Love, Joy, Peace, and Faith. I hope this is the year the love of God finds you and transforms you into a much kinder, gentler, humbler person. I hope that you discover the love of God is more powerful and sensual than the love you could ever receive from any man or woman. Allow yourself to be moved into the place where God's love can heal those wounds and repair those broken places in your life. Allow the love of God to open your eyes to his grace and mercy.

I hope that God's love brings you joy. Not merely a happiness that is a result of your circumstance. But a real joy that comes from knowing God and how he is walking with you as you journey through the mountains and valley's of life. The type of joy that comes from the satisfaction of knowing that even though he may not come exactly when you want him, he's always on time. I hope that God restores his peace with you, so that you will be able to live at peace with those around you. I hope that peace translates into an inner peace that is felt internally and exhibited externally. I hope that peace enables you to pursue those dreams and achieve those goals. I hope that peace allows you to open your hands and let go of the past so you can move forward into your future. I hope that your faith in God is developed and strengthened. That you begin to trust the Lord with all of your heart, soul, mind, and strength. I hope that your confidence in the Lord becomes more and more real as everyday goes by. That you begin to acknowledge all that the Lord has done in the past and what he is capable of doing in the here and now. Let this year truly be a year of a new beginning.

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