Metro Christian Media Publications
Volume 1, Issue 2
ANSWERS TO CRIME A New Director-A New Direction!
AN INTELLIGENT ALLIANCE! Steven Fulop, Ras J. Baraka and Jose Torres--the mayors of Jersey City, Newark and Paterson, -announced a major initiative to fight crime and strengthen communities by sharing intelligence, police officers and purchasing agreements.
School Boycott?
The Star-Ledger Building: SOLD!
Some parents of Newark school children plan to While the paper itself hasn't been printed in boycott the city school district when classes Newark for years and has seen massive reductions in its staff, its headquearters is said begin next week. to be moving to the Gateway Center. An organizer of the boycott, said it would begin Sept. 4 and continue for at least the first five Maddd Equities is said to expect to be closing on the property in October. And there are no days of classes. reports as to their plans for the property. The parents are upset about problems that they say have persisted in Newark. The most recent The paper will still continue its current anger was set off by problems with a new "One publication schedule. It has been located at Newark" enrollment system, which has families Washington and Court Streets since the rank their preferences for public or private sixties. The Sales and Marketing staffs schools across the city rather than just attending currently work out of Woodbridge, as will the nearest school. More than 600 families were most of the editorial staff, and much of its turned away when trying to register their production staff is said to be relocated to new offices in Edison. children.
While talking with the new Police Director Eugene Venable we saw a very intelligent man with a very professional demeanor, who cares very much for this city and its residents. Director Venable holds an Associate's Degree from Essex County College. A Bachelor's Degree in Accounting from NJCU. And a Master's Degree in Government and Non-Profit Administration from FDU. The Director also attended the University of Virginia and trained at FBI National Academy and the Senior Management Institute for Police. We are optimistic for the future of Newark's police department under his leadership.
NPD Crime Stats As of Aug 03 2014
Transformation Newark News
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How Have We Forgotten Pastor Rick Greene Editor/Publisher
A Metro Christian Media Publication 1 Court St. Sudio 4J Newark, NJ 07102 MetroChristianMedia.com CONTRIBUTORS WANTED EMAIL OR CALL FOR DETAILS Publications@MetroChristianMedia.com 862-888-8238 AD RATES FULL PAGE $200 HALF PAGE $100 QUARTER PAGE $50 BUSINESS CARD $25 Total Circulation 6000 (4000 online 2000 in print and growing)
The Reading Corner THE POWER OF THE LORD'S PRAYER This short prayer taught by Jesus to his disciples will change your life just like it changed theirs. Follow me as we journey down the road with Christ and learn the five parts of this timeless prayer.
Thousands of years ago. During the development of civilization in ancient Asia, the Emperor and it’s rulers determined a need for law and order in society. They enacted this measure realizing certain aspects of life must be maintained. There was a sense of responsibility to protect those within their domain and ensure that quality of life issues were met. In other words, rules were made and had to be followed. This was the beginning of what we now call police forces. From this inception and for thousands of proceeding years, societies have been aware that with government actions, there must be some measure of stability. This was done to protect the citizens and maintain peace law and order.
Former Homicide Detective Thomas Hollowell our government and our people. Common decency and respect for laws written and established well before modern day civilization came to roost are being ignored. Why is it that we can resist the authority, of government officials when they are enforcing the law? When did it become okay to resist and repel the police when they are tasked to investigate illegal acts determined to be crimes.
The US adopted the policy of policing from the British. This development by Sir Peele was the vehicle for modern policing. Law and order was the basis of this policy and included all measures of crime prevention and response. Police departments were also tasked with maintaining and enforcing the laws of the governments which ensures a greater quality of life for it's citizens.
I guess people have a sense of doing what they want regardless of laws. When confronted about their violations, there are vehement denials or claims of harassment by authority. "How dare they question me when I am committing this violation or activity that would later be determined to be a crime"! People really need to go to civics classes and learn the rules established by this country, state and local laws. Unfortunately In modern day America, there is a Those who are ignorant of the laws that exist really sense that law and order does not exist for all people. don't have an excuse. You really need to educate Some people seem to have forgotten that laws are yourself and your children so they will be able to live a peaceful existence within their community. enforced by the police are designated by our God,
ARE YOU ON EMPTY? Let's get something straight first. Building more than enough of something you need in your life is only one part of the puzzle. The other piece is to identify what is draining your reserves. If you're pouring into a leaky bucket, you won't make much You probably began thinking about how and when you progress. would find a gas station. You might have even wondered (just for a few seconds) what it would be Start today to plug the leaks and create ample like if you ran out of gas. If your imagination were in reserves for yourself in all the areas where you have high gear, you would have visualized yourself needs. Some suitable candidates may be time, trudging on foot to the nearest gasoline station, buying money, space, safety/security, ideas, opportunities, a can of fuel (including the can!), then hiking back to friends, love, attention, self-esteem, confidence, energy, and fuel in the tank. the car. What a trip! Remember the last time you were driving down the road and noticed that your gas tank was on "empty"? How did you feel? If you're like most of us, you started feeling just a little anxious.
Now switch scenarios. Recall what you felt like when FILL YOUR TANK! you just filled the tank. You are confidently driving with an ample reserve of gas. No worries about fuel; no anxiety about running out. Having a reserve of fuel for your car is very similar to having reserves for yourself. When you are running on "empty" with regard to time, money, space, love, faith, satisfaction, or companionship, you will feel the same negative emotions you felt when driving with an empty gas tank.
So, what's the answer? Build reserves of all these things you need in your life. Identify the things that are important to you, then set out to find ways of having more than just the bare minimum of these things. Do what you have to do to create more than Order online at: PastorRickGreene.com enough love, attention, space, time, money and so on.
Bridge To Recovery Breakfast September 11th 8AM Metropolitan Baptist Church Willing Hearts Center 555 MLK Blvd., Newark NJ 973-622-2100
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Quitters Actually Do Win It is estimated that over 42 million the lung cancer death rate is about Americans smoke. If you are or 1/2 that of continuing smokers. someone you know are among the After 15 Years: The risk of heart 42 million then you can be a disease is restored to that of nonwinner. JUSTTitle SAY NO! Its never Story Goes Heresmokers! too late to reap the benefits o Understand that its never too late! being a quitter. No matter when you stop there When you quit this is what will be a an improvement in your health. Also know this, that this happens. After 20 Minutes: Your speaks true for drug addiction, heart rate and blood pressure food addiction, sexual addiction, drop. After 12 Hours: The alcoholism, and most other things carbonmonoxide in your blood that we indulge ourselves in drops to normal. After 2 Weeks-3 which are hurting our bodies. Your circulation Months: improves and your lung function Never think that it too late to get a increases. After 1-9 Months: The fresh start. Examine your life and shortness of beath and coughing identfy those things witch are not usually stops. After 5 Years: beneficial to the progress you Your stroke risk is reduced to that want, and your will win by of a non-smoker. After 10 years: quitting.
COMMON SENSE by Darrin Sharif dSharif.blogspot.com
Can we rise to the challenge? There are few issues in our city more important or pressing than the state of public education. Our city’s future economic, social, and civic well being is inextricably linked to our ability to educate our children and prepare them to compete in a global economy. The world our children live in today is vastly different from the one we grew up in twenty or thirty years ago. Competition is more intense and opportunities are more difficult to come by. And at the same time technology has made the world smaller and more intimate, it has created a new playing field on which our children are falling further and further behind. The comparison is no longer between suburban students and urban students, but rather American students and students around the world. New Jersey schools are some of the highest performing in the nation; but sadly, not many public schools in urban areas are on that list. Failing schools have been responsible for the stunted intellectual development of tens of thousands of children who entered this world with unlimited potential. And because of our collective failure to nurture and expand the minds of our children, many of them will face near insurmountable odds for the rest of their lives. I believe that all of us have an enlightened self-interest (and I would go so far as saying a moral obligation) in making sure that every child receives a great education. Instead of working together for an outcome I believe we all share, much time and energy is wasted talking past each other instead of working with each other. There’s an old saying that the Masai tribe in Kenya uses. When they encounter each other they don’t say, like we do, “How are you?” They say, “How are the children?” This greeting is both profound and revealing in that it gives a clear indication of what is important to the elders. If we can manage to keep the children in the forefront and politics and other agendas in the background, we might surprise ourselves by what we would be able to accomplish.
Kyle Beloved 973-419-9296
$10 Student Haircut
Patrick Alexander 551-580-1242
81 HALSEY STREET | GROUND FLOOR | NEWARK | NJ 'You Must Knell Down To Receive Your Blessings" HOURS: MON-TUE: 9-5 WED: 9-6 THUR-FRI: 9-7 SAT: 9-5
The gargantuan challenge of improving our schools, by necessity, must be the shared responsibility of every stakeholder in the city – universities, corporations, foundations, CBO’s, residents, and most importantly parents. If our schools fail the stain will be on all of our hands. Unless we change this counterproductive practice, the much-needed improvement we seek in our schools will not likely occur. As neighbors, friends, colleagues, and caring stakeholders we owe it to the children to make an extraordinary effort to find common ground where we can. We need to press the reset button, reflect on what is at stake, and shift the focus back to where it belongs - our children. Fixing our schools will not come as the result of a “big fix.” And as the professionals pursue systemic reform we must not loose sight that each failing or underperforming school operates in real time, with different challenges that require immediate and ongoing assistance. This assistance can range from much needed equipment and supplies, to more competent and capable teachers and school leaders. As our schools are a part of the larger community, I believe we should offer them our support. There are simple but important things we can do regardless of our views on charter versus district schools. I am asking that you join me in identifying a school in need that would welcome and benefit from our collective support. What form the assistance takes will be determined by discussions between the group of volunteers and the school leadership. I am hoping that a growing number of you will realize that we can make a profound difference by offering small amounts of our time and our resources. I hope you will respond to this call for action by contacting me via email:darrin.sharif@gmail.com. I will contact you using the information you provide in your email. Approximately a week from this post I will pick a place we can meet to discuss the kind of support we will be able to provide. The longer term goal is to make the school that “we” choose a “community school” – a central location where projects and activities can occur that will not only benefit the school but the surrounding community. And in case you have doubts about our ability to take on this challenge, I will leave you with the powerful words of anthropologist Margaret Mead: “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.”
The Only Printed Guide To
Newark Public Access Cable Channel 19
KIm's Korner Every Saturday At 6:30PM
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Many key decision makers are overwhelmed with There have been a lot of dates set aside for sales calls. And they are great at saying "No." So celebrating during the past months. how do you get to the person who has the authority Holidays, birthdays, beach days, carnivals, to give you an order? parades and the list is endless. With all this DON'T ASK FOR THE ORDER ASK FOR ADVICE celebration everyone should add one more While they may say no to your pitch many are occasion to celebrate… the date you made a willing to assist those who come to them for advice. healthy decision to begin to eat right, the truth of the matter is that it causes them to feel exercise, get regular checkups and include good about themselves. so they are willing to invest mental health on your check list. and mentor those who are willing to take their When we write or program an event on our advice seriously. Do this and you automatically calendars, we tend to remember the event as position yourself for them to want to buy from you. oppose to just saying it in our minds. In fact you can even set an alarm or MINISTRY TRANSFORMATION notification of an event to remind you on BACK TO CHURCH SUNDAY! your tablet or cell phone. This very moment Sunday September 21 is back to chuch Sunday, a is an excellent time to schedule a date on day set aside to put an emphasis on what the church your calendar or in your appointment book should be focused on all along... bring people to to celebrate your day to begin a healthier God's house and ultimately to Christ. lifestyle. You can begin by setting a date to Use this national movement as an initiative to re- celebrate once a month. This way if you get off schedule, there will be a monthly date to engauge the people in your neighborhood!
remind you. A great way to begin your celebration is to start each day with a 10 minute meditation and stretching. After the first three days add more movement into your day. Then begin to consciously chose healthier foods, mini meals with small portions (no more than 5 per day) and work your way from there. Before you know it, it will be time to celebrate your first month of healthier living. It’s hot. (let’s not forget the long cold winter). If you are one of those people who do not like water, the following is a possible solution to staying hydrated during the summer. If you do like water, then these suggestions will give you an extra treat. Remember heat exhaustion can sneak up on you. Make sure you hydrate. REMEMBER: sugary drinks take longer to provide the body’s cells with fluid, and provides less fluid once digested. -Reverend Jerri Mitchell-Lee
LIFE TRANSFORMATION "5 Things That Successful People Do" THEY WORK TO PROSPER, NOT JUST WORK TO WORK While many people go to work out of routine they go to work to get ahead, to accomplish dreams and goals... work is simply a means to a desired end result.
CITY TRANSFORMATION Engauge The New Administration! With Newark having a new administration; and new administrations are often looking to partner with members of the city on all sorts of projects, now is the time. Plan a visit to City Hall this week, ask to speak with coucil representatives, the city clerk's office, and of course the mayor's office. Tell them about you and what you do and ask how can you get involved with programs and initiative that the current administration is looking to act upon.
THEY WORK WITH AN INCREDIBLE AMOUNT OF DRIVE The are driven and pushy to the point which might offend some people; but they know that in order to succeed you must think outside of the box, focus, and push harder than others. THEY NEVER MAKE EXCUSES Unsuccessful people can justify and explain why they failed, but successful people know that excuses will not change the outcome, so they don't waste time making them. EVERYDAY THEY FOCUS ON THEIR GOALS The average person watches 4-6 hours of TV a day and only writes out goals once or twice a year! To be successful you must stay focused and write, and re-write you goals daily! THEY ARE WILLING TO FAIL While unsuccessful people "play it safe"... Successful people realize that without taking chances you cannot achieve greatness. They risk failure, criticism and ridicule for the sake of putting their goals into action. At worst you lean from your mistakes, but at best, you make your dreams a reality! If you begin to do these things daily you will soon realize that your life as well as your business will start to change for the better. Remember that in order to be successful you must be willing to do what other people are not. These are the things that successful people do everyday and others do not. - Pastor Rick
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What Is Your Personal Strategic Plan? Corporations do it. Entrepreneurs do it (well, some of them). Many successful businesses develop a strategic plan to help them get clarity and focus. For years, I've been helping businesses develop their strategic plan. A few years ago, it occurred to me that you could have a personal strategic plan that would help you individually get clarity and focus on your own preferred future.Set aside a couple of hours this month to contemplate your Preferred Future for the next 3 years. Don't get hung up on the small stuff. Look beyond today and this week and this month.For this breakthrough strategy, identify the six or seven aspects of your personal life that are seriously important to you. Generally, we see categories such as: Family, Spiritual Journey, Health, Social Involvement, Intellectual Growth, and Financial Health. In each of these areas, develop a crystal clear vision of where you are going with this. Describe as best you can what it looks like and what it feels like when you have reached the point in each of your key result areas where you are happy with each. This represents a picture of
your future as you prefer it to be. If you can articulate a clear vision of your life's jigsaw puzzle. That clear vision allows you to set goals in the direction of your preferred future. That vision provides motivation, energy, purpose and direction. It certainly helps you to communicate with the people around you. Many people continuously work on personal tasks that are leading nowhere. I believe Thoreau could have been referring to those people when he wrote: “the mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation”. Many others have made financial objectives their sole concern and have paid a heavy price for their success - poor health, failed marriages, neglected friendships, no personal development in any area except business.By developing and pursuing your own personal strategic plan, you will increase your energy, motivation, and your sense of satisfaction. In other words, your happiness. It’s your choice to make. Most people are as happy as they choose to be. Get busy developing that for yourself... Get a Life!!
Wrong Time By: L. Craig Schoonmaker, writer and fotografer
I showed here, on August 9th, a freestanding clock at Military Park, Downtown, whose eastern face had no hands. Today's foto shows the western face, which has both of its expected hands — but displays the wrong time. The clock, as shown in this picture, indicates that the time is 7:47 — a.m. or p.m. makes no difference with a 12-hour, analog clock, because the sky could be brite blue in either the morning or the evening. As it happens, in that I am rarely out and about early in the morning, the clock should have been showing the time for late afternoon or evening. The time when I actually took the foto was 5:26 p.m., August 17th, 2014. Now, someone please explain to me why a If you want to really learn more about the newly renovated Military Park should have day to day happenings in the city be sure to visit the blog "Newark USA" by a clock one side of which has no hands L. Craig Schoonmaker at whatsoever and the other side of which NewarkUSA.Blogspot.com shows the wrong time. Am I being too demanding in saying that a CLOCK should it is by far the best blog about Newark NJ show the right time?
Relationship expert and radio host Pastor Rick talks about Dating, Love, Marriage, Sex, and Divorce;
WATCH OUT FOR JEALOUSY Couples need to be aware of this enemy. Satan will talk to you and put thoughts into your heads. Don’t allow this to happen. Some will get angry even if they see their partner talking to another person of the opposite sex. This reveals a few things, two of which are: 1) A lack of trust. If you and your partner are “going to make it” there must be trust. And trust is build on communication and a willingness to give of oneself. Tell your partner what makes you uncomfortable, express your feelings, share your thoughts and fears. A healthy response should be one of understanding if not agreement. Never dismiss anyone’s feelings no matter how unfounded it appears to you, it is very real for them. So proceed in love, understanding, and compromise. 2) An insecurity. Many people show jealousy as an expression of their own insecurities. They feel as though they do not quite “measure up” to be worthy of another’s love, trust, and respect. So when their partner shows any interest in someone of the opposite sex the “warning alert” sounds and they feel threatened so they spring into an often misguided and unjustified jealous reaction. If you find yourself facing that “green eyed monster”called jealousy it may be helpful to remember all of the times that you shared filled with love and passion. Remember all of the times when your partner surprised you with gifts and niceties simply because they loved you. And ask yourself the question are they really doing anything out of the ordinary by talking to a member of the opposite sex? If the answer is no then you might want to give them the benefit of the doubt. Don't let one misunderstood moment cancel out hundreds of good memories you’ve shared and put an end to a future and a lifetime with the one you love.
Transformation Newark News Honors Living Water Church & Our Friends Bishop Frank & Giovanna Dupree... Congratulations!!!
A Homecoming Celebration of 35 Years of Ministry in New Jersey. Glorifying God and Honoring Living Water Church and Bishop Frank & Giovanna Dupree. Worship Service At 10:30AM For More Information visit LivingWaterNJ.com or Call 973-338-6627 To learn more about the ministry and teachings of the Bishop Fank visit FrankDupree.com