Met fit june 2015 web

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Cover: Action Physical Therapy & Sports Medicine

volume6 NUMBER 06

account executive gregFLORIDI

chief designer chrisTIBLIER

contributing writers mikeMILLS melissaBRELAND larryMcEWEN garyDRAGON kristieANDRES travisMANNY kristenSMITH

Distribution in: New Orleans, Metairie, Kenner, Westbank, Slidell, Mandeville, Covington, Hammond, & Southwest Mississippi

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page 22 Still Some Gas in the Tank by renyRAMOS


page 24 Lose Weight While You Sleep

page 12 8 Hot Summer Running Tips

by travisMANNY

by staffWRITER

page 26 Top 4 Functional Exercises

page 16 Action Physical Therapy by lizMADDOX

page 20 Positive Attitude

page 13


by ryanLOWE Metro Fitness is published monthly by Metro Fitness P.O. Box 752, Slidell, LA 70459, 985778-6171. Copyright 2015 by Metro Fitness. No part of this publication can be reproduced without the written, expressed consent of the publisher. Reproduction of editorial content or graphics in any manner or in any medium is prohibited. Opinions of staff & contributing writers do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the publisher. For advertising information, contact Metro Fitness business department at 985-778-6171 fax at 985-201-8165 or e-mail at Letters to the Editor are Welcome – send signed letters to P.O. Box 752, Slidell, LA 70459. Please include a phone number for verification (it will not be published). E-mail letters to The Editor reserves the right to edit for length, style and spelling. Postmaster: Send address changes to Metro Fitness P.0. Box 752, Slidell, LA 70459


page 15 areaRACES

kellyWALGAMOTTE publisher

Like Metro Fitness Pickup in the Rain One night, at 11:30 pm, an older African-American Magazine on: woman was standing on the side of a Alabama highway trying to endure a lashing rain storm. Her car had broken down and she desperately needed a ride. Soaking wet, she decided to flag down the next car. A young white man stopped to help her - generally unheard of in those conflict-filled 1960s. The man took her to safety, helped her get assistance and put her into a taxi cab. She seemed to be in a big hurry! She wrote down his address, thanked him and drove away. Seven days went by and a knock came on the man's door. To his surprise, a giant combination console color TV and stereo record player were delivered to his home. A special note was attached. The note read: Dear Mr. James: Thank you so much for assisting me on the highway the other night. The rain drenched not only my clothes but my spirits. Then you came along. Because of you, I was able to make it to my dying husband's bedside just before he passed away. God bless you for helping me and unselfishly serving others. Sincerely, Mrs. Nat King Cole.

God Bless, Kelly Walgamotte (985) 778-6171 •

6 June 2015

Read us online at:

Diabetes Costs The US $245 Billion A Year Says New Report Diagnosed diabetes cost the United States an estimated $245 billion in 2012, according to new research released by the American Diabetes Association (ADA) this week. The new figure represents a 41% rise in five years. In 2007, when the cost were last estimated, it came to $174 billion. A report on the research, commissioned by the ADA, was published online. The study examines the increased financial cost, use of health resources and productivity that is lost due to diabetes in 2012, and breaks down the figures by gender, race/ethnicity, for the whole country and state by state. The $245 billion includes $176 in direct medical costs (such as hospital and emergency care, visits to the doctor, and medications), and an estimated $69 billion resulting from indirect costs like absenteeism, reduced productivity, diabetes-related job loss, and productivity loss due to premature deaths. The rate of diabetes has reached epidemic proportions in the US, where nearly 26 million adults and children have the serious, life-threatening disease, and another 79 million are estimated to have prediabetes, a cluster of risk factors that puts them at greater risk for developing type 2 diabetes.

Splenda (Sucralose) Is It Safe? Splenda (sucralose) is being downgraded from "safe" to "caution" after an Italian animal study linked sucralose to a higher risk of developing leukemia. The Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) says it awaits the Italian study's review before deciding what long-term safety grade to assign to Splenda in its Chemical Cuisine guide to food additives. Hundreds of millions of people globally use artificial sweeteners, which are commonly found in a wide range of food and drinks, including food for diabetes, cakes, milkshakes, soft drinks, and even medications. The steadily growing problem of obesity and type 2 diabetes in developed and middle income countries has led to rising demand for reduced-calorie foods and drinks. However, the growth of the artificial-sweetener market has brought with it concerns among consumers regarding the potential health consequences.

Only 20% Of U.S. Adults Get Enough Exercise Only 20% of adults in the U.S. are getting the recommended amount of exercise, according to a new report by the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) The research showed that one in five American adults is meeting both the aerobic and muscle-strengthening components of the physical activity guidelines issued by the federal government. According to The Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans, adults should be getting at least two and a half hours each week of moderate-intensity aerobic activity - like walking - or one hour and 15 minutes each week of vigorous-intensity aerobic activity - like jogging - or a mixture of both. The recommendations also say that adults should engage in muscle-strengthening activities, including sit-ups, push-ups, or exercise using resistance bands or weights. All major muscle groups should be involved in these activities, which should be done at least two days every week.

Use Your Eyes to Their Full Potential • Make constant eye contact when in conversation. Looking away (especially down) is a sign of inferiority and uncertainty. Instead, look at your conversation partner dead in the eyes and keep them locked on. • Master the piercing stare. You know when someone looks at you and it feels like they can see into your soul? Well that’s not a hereditary characteristic, it just takes practice. Work on sharpening your gaze in the mirror. You’ll know you have it when it’s intimidating to continue looking at yourself.

The Sun And Your Skin One of the most important ways to take care of your skin is to protect it from the sun. A lifetime of sun exposure can cause wrinkles, age spots and other skin problems — as well as increase the risk of skin cancer. For the most complete sun protection: Use sunscreen- Use a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of at least 15. When you're outdoors, reapply sunscreen every two hours or more often if you're swimming or perspiring. Seek shade- Avoid the sun between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m., when the sun's rays are strongest. Wear protective clothing- Cover your skin with tightly woven long-sleeved shirts, long pants and wide-brimmed hats. Also consider laundry additives, which give clothing an additional layer of ultraviolet protection for a certain number of washings, or special sun-protective clothing, which is specifically designed to block ultraviolet rays.

8 June 2015

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supplementREVIEW by: mikeMILLS Endure and Replenish with Electrolyte Replacements One of the most prevalent issues in athletic performance today is the subject of dehydration. Dehydration is excessive loss of water from the body or from an organ or body part, as from illness or fluid deprivation. Dehydration is caused by the excessive loss of water from the body, which causes a rise in blood sodium levels. Since dehydration is most often caused by excessive sweating, vomiting, or diarrhea, water loss is usually accompanied by a deficiency of electrolytes. If untreated, severe dehydration can lead to shock. One of the best ways to prevent dehydration is to use an electrolyte replacement supplement. Electrolytes are salts and minerals that can conduct electrical impulses in the body. Common human electrolytes are sodium chlo-

ride, potassium, calcium, and sodium bicarbonate. Electrolytes control the fluid balance of the body and are important in muscle contraction, energy generation, and almost every major biochemical reaction in the body. The problem with most electrolyte replacements, such as Gatorade, is that they are full of unwanted calories and high fructose corn syrup. To ensure optimal hydration without unwanted weight gain, choose an electrolyte replacement drink that contains at least 100mg of potassium, a proper ratio of calcium and magnesium, and plenty of B vitamins. This combination will provide maximum energy delivery and prevent cramping. Limit the sugar content to 12 grams or less per serving, and make sure that it contains enough sodium (100-200mg) to prevent cramping due to the loss of sodium when perspiring. Antioxidants are also recommended due to their ability to prevent free radicals from causing cell damage while performing intense physical activity. Quercetin, Maqui berries, grape seed extract, green tea, pomegranate, and resveratrol are all powerful antioxidants that have high ORAC (oxygen radical absorbance capacity) levels, which ensure free radical protection. Small gel packs, commonly referred to as “goo”, have become a popular way to quickly replenish electrolytes during physical activity. Runners, swimmers, cyclist, and marathon/triathlon athletes, all use these gel packs half way through competition to ensure they have the key nutrients available for maximum performance. Certain brands of the “goo” also contain caffeine to increase energy and focus. With football season and two a day practices with 100+ degree weather on the horizon, preventing dehydration should be the #1 concern for athletes. It seems a person cannot turn on a television or pick up a newspaper without seeing a report of a heat stroke or an athlete passing out due to the loss of fluids while exercising. An all natural electrolyte replacement supplement is vital to prevent this from occurring and achieving one’s full athletic potential.

Mike Mills is an ACSM Certified Personal Trainer, has a B.S. in Health and Exercise Science from the University of Mississippi (Ole Miss), and 10+ years experience in the Vitamin and Supplement Industry.

runnersCORNER 8 Hot Summer Runs Tips 1. Acclimatize It takes time for your body to adjust to hot and/or humid weather. Just because you can run a 10-miler at an 8-minute pace, doesn't mean you can do the same when the dog days of summer approach. The American Running and Fitness Association recommends that on your first run in the heat, you should cut your intensity by 65 to 75 percent. Then over the next 10 days, slowly build back to your previous level. 2. Check the Index Before heading out on your run, it's a good idea to check the air quality index and the heat index. If the air quality index is code orange, and you're sensitive to air pollution and/or have upper respiratory problems, you may not want

to run. If it's code red, it's not suitable for anyone to run. The Heat Index tells you what the temperature feels like when combining the air temperature and the relative humidity. For example, if the air temperature is 90 degrees and the relative humidity is 70 percent, then it's going to feel as if it's 106 degrees. Ouch! These are not good running conditions. 3. Hydrate! Hydrate! Hydrate Many runners remember to rehydrate after their run and some consume water or sports drink during the run, but it's even more important to be well-hydrated before you run. As a rule of thumb, drinking 16 oz. of water two hours before your run will ensure good hydration

dragon’sCORNER levels and give the water time to pass through your system so you don't have to make any pit stops during your run. 4. Know the Warning Signs Dehydration occurs when your body loses too much fluid. This can happen when you stop drinking water or lose large amounts of fluid through diarrhea, vomiting, sweating, or exercise. Not drinking enough fluids can cause muscle cramps. When you're dehydrated, you may feel faint, experience nausea and/or vomiting, have heart palpitations, and/or experience lightheadedness and even heat exhaustion and heatstroke. 5. Buddy Up In the severe heat, be sure to run with a buddy. That way you can keep tabs on each other. Sometimes it's hard to tell if you're starting to suffer the effects of the heat, but a buddy may be able to spot the signs before it's too late. 6. Run Early If at all possible, run in the early morning. The hottest part of the day is typically around 5 p.m. So, if you can't run until after work, wait until later in the evening. 7. Change Your Route If your normal running route is treeless, find one that provides more shade. If this isn't possible and you have access to a treadmill, run indoors on really hot days. 8. Have a Plan Let your family and friends know your running route. If you're gone too long, they'll know where to look for you. If you run on rural greenways or trails, you may even want to pack your cell phone. Don't change your running route plans at the last minute without letting someone know. It's better to be safe than sorry.

Getting Back into the “SWING” of Things garyDRAGON Summer is here and it is now time to dust off the golf

Certified Golf Fitness Instructor from the Titleist

clubs and get back onto the golf course. But just like any

Performance Institute, we can evaluate your swing and

other sport, we want to enjoy our golf outings and remain

identify any abnormalities such as: decreased flexibility,

injury free. As a physical therapist, I have noticed most of

lack of core stability, or lack of balance. Performing a golf

my golf patients have the same complaints: Low back and

fitness program on a daily basis is imperative. Not only will

hip pain. When I ask them if they stretch and warm-up

you decrease your chances of injury, you will improve in

prior to playing, the answer is most commonly, “NO.”

accuracy, consistency, and develop a better, more power-

Professional golfers make it look easy, but the golf swing may be one of the most difficult movements in sports. Going from a full back swing to a full follow-thru in

ful golf swing. This will add distance to your game and may even improve your score. If you are suffering from low back pain or hip pain, or

less than a second, takes the back and hips through multi-

just want to improve your overall golf fitness, give us a call

ple planes and directions. At this rapid speed, a golfer is

at Action Physical Therapy and Sports Medicine. We can

vulnerable to disc injury or pulling a muscle in their low

customize a golf rehabilitation program to get you on the

back or hips.

course and back into ACTION.

Golfers need to take time to work on the most important piece of equipment, their bodies. Balance-FlexibilityEndurance-Strength and Core Stability are all physical traits that every consistent golfer strives to possess. As a

Gary Dragon, owner of Action Physical Therapy and Sports Medicine, has a Master’s & Doctorate degree in Physical Therapy from the University of St. Augustine. Gary has 13 years of experience specializing in orthopedic and sports related injuries.

healthyEATS Stuffed Zucchini with Tomatoes robHOWELL May and June are prime season for these great vegetables so I like to take advantage of there freshness in this very easy but tasty dish! I like to use ground turkey and fresh tomatoes from the garden in this recipes but canned can be substituted as well. If you prefer lean ground beef can be used also. You can serve this by its self for an easy dinner or snack. It is also paired well with a good clean carbohydrate like brown rice or cold quinoa salad. I have used this recipe in my Take 5 meals and have gotten great feedback on the dish. To Make: Heat oven to 375 degrees In a large skillet cook the onions in about 1 tbsp of olive oil for about 2 minutes and then add the garlic and continue for about another 2 minutes. Next add the ground meat and cook until browned and then add the tomatoes, peppers, and seasonings. Cook until incorporated all together and adjust seasoning as needed. Then you need to take the sliced Zucchinis and season with a little salt and pepper, and then add the mixture to the hollowed out part, drizzle with the rest of the oil and bake for about 20 minutes or until tender. Garnish and enjoy!

Ingredients: 4 zucchinis sliced lengthwise and soft part at the bottom removed 2 medium to large tomatoes seeded and diced 2 lbs of lean ground beef or turkey 2 Tbsp of olive oil or other oil of your choice 1 medium onion diced small ½ roasted red bell pepper diced

3-4 cloves of garlic pressed or minced ½ tsp Ancho chili pepper (more or less if you want spicy or not) ½ tsp dried Oregano 1 tsp Cumin sea salt to taste fresh ground pepper to taste fresh cilantro for garnish Cotija ( In the Spanish section in the cooler at the grocery) cheese for garnish

all too well and decided to do the fol-

Equipment by: Dr. Larry T. McEwen Senior Pastor,

lowing… “I seek you with all my heart; do not let me stray from your commands. I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you. Praise be to you, O LORD; teach me your decrees. With my lips I recount all the laws that come from your mouth. I rejoice in following your statutes as one rejoices in

Some of you reading this article have gym mem-

drop my membership; I never use it!” And these are

great riches. I meditate on your precepts and consid-

berships, others work out at home. Because of my

the words I want you to think about: “I never use it!”

er your ways. I delight in your decrees; I will not neg-

hectic schedule I choose to work out at home and I

All the equipment and gym memberships in the world

lect your word. Psalm 119:9-16 (NIV)

have a pretty good collection of workout gear, which

won’t help you if you don’t use them. The same can

includes: a stationary recumbent bike, an incline

be said for one of the most important pieces of equip-

bench with cables that use my body weight as resist-

ment we have when it comes to spiritual fitness, the

“Your commands make me wiser than my ene-

ance, four different abdominal workout apparatuses,

Bible. How many people own multiple copies and

mies, for they are ever with me. I have more insight

and several small free weights. At this point you

have access to digital copies on their phones, com-

than all my teachers, for I meditate on your statutes.

might be thinking I’ve got a fortune tied up in this

puters and tablets, but never find the time to read or

I have more understanding than the elders, for I obey

equipment, but you would be wrong. So how did I get

study God’s Word? For many, the Bible is just another

your precepts.”

$1,500 worth of gear for less than $100.00? You

book on the shelf, or app on their cluttered screen.

guessed it, garage sales! It’s amazing how many peo-

Of course, we wouldn’t think of throwing the Bible

ple buy equipment and after a few weeks, begin to

away, or deleting the app. Why, that would just seem

slowly neglect it and then completely ignore it. It

wrong, so we just neglect it or ignore it. Here’s the

soon becomes clutter, gets in the way and ends up in

sad thing--ignoring your exercise equipment and gym

a garage sale. Was the equipment faulty or defective?

membership affects your physical wellness, but

No, it simply wasn’t used—a lot of money wasted.

neglecting God’s Word affects every area of your life:

People with gym memberships are not immune! How

physical, spiritual, emotional, mental, relational,

many times have I heard people say, “I might as well

and the list is unending. The Psalmist understood this

And listen to the results he got when he decided to no longer neglect God’s Word…

Psalm 119:98-100 (NIV) “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path.” Psalm 119:105 (NIV) “You are my refuge and my shield; I have put my hope in your word.” Psalm 119:114 (NIV) “Great peace have they who love your law, and nothing can make them stumble.” Psalm 119:165 (NIV)

Area Races


June 13: NOLA Trail Run/Walk Series " Wild Pig Chase Trail Run-Walk" 8:00 am, 3 mile trail run-walk, The Woodlands Trail, Belle Chasse Info: or 504-468-1488 June 27: NOLA Trail Run/Walk Series " Armadillo Dash Trail Run-Walk" 8:00 am, 3 Mile trail run-walk, Bonnet Carre Spillway Trail, Norco Info: or 504-468-1488 July 11: NOLA Trail Run/Walk Series " Coyote Chase Trail Run-Walk" 8:00 am, 2 Mile trail run-walk, City Park Trail, New Orleans Info: or call 504-468-1488 July 24: RiverShack Tavern's River Run/Walk 7:00 pm, 2 Mile Run-Walk, The RiverShack Tavern, Jefferson Info: or call 504-468-1488 August 7: Lakefront Lighthouse Run/Walk 6:30 pm, 2 Mile & 1/2 Mile run-walk, New Orleans Info: or call 504-468-1488 September 26: Alligator Festival Race 8:30 am, 5K & 1/2 Mile Run-Walk, Luling Info: or call 504-468-1488 October 2: Elmwood Twilight Run-Walk 6:30 pm, 5K & 1 Mile, Elmwood Fitness Center, Harahan Info: or call 504-468-1488 October 10: UNCF Fund Run/Walk 8:30 am, 5K Run/Walk, Audubon Park-Riverview, New Orleans Info: or call 504-581-3794 October 24: Race for the Cure 8:00 am, 1 mile and 5K, City Park, New Orleans Info: or call 504-455-7310 October 31: Jazz Half & 5K New Orleans 7:00 am, Half-Marathon & 5K, New Orleans Info: or call 504-896-9375 or 504-468-1488 November 14: Middendorf's Manchac Run/Walk 8:00 am 10 Mile, 10K, 5K Historic Middendorf's Seafood Restaurant, Manchac Info: or call 504-468-1488

Doctor of Physical Therapy, Gary Dragon, Jr. has a unique approach to his patients, and it's working! He and his staff use the perfect combination of old-fashioned, hands-on therapy along with personalized care and time spent with his patients. Add to this cutting-edge technology, a tremendous amount of innovation and continuing education, and the result is Action Physical Therapy & Sports Medicine, a facility second to none right here on the Northshore.

Getting You

Back into Action by lizMADDOX • photo’s by kellyWALGAMOTTE


he goal of physical therapy is to identify and maximize quality of life and movement potential through rehabilitation. Physical therapy (PT) is not alternative medicine, it's a clinical health science that works closely with doctors and hospitals. In order to receive PT, a patient must have a referral from his or her doctor, but the choice of physical therapist is entirely the patient's. That's when a little research can make all the difference between a complete recovery and lingering problems. Are all physical therapists the same? Absolutely not! As an independent clinic, Dr. Dragon and his staff are able to spend more individual time with each patient. They are able to take a more hands-on approach to be able to identify and resolve any soft tissue and joint

restrictions. A c t i o n Physical Therapy & Sports Medicine has, in addition to Gary J Dragon, Alyssa Wischmeyer, PT and two Physical Therapy Assistants: Ciji Dufrene, P.T.A and Tyler Sanders, P.T.A. All the staff at Action PT are highly skilled professionals. A current patient Greg Crain is a testament to the benefits of physical therapy. Back in September of 2014, Greg broke his fibula and had surgery to implant a plate and a screw in his ankle. He was out of his cast in November, but in January he had to have a second surgery. This time Greg..."started Physical therapy with Alyssa immediately, and

"These guys work wonders. Every time I leave feeling 100% better!"

it's had a huge impact." After only a few months, he says he's able to do pretty much everything he was able to do before the initial break. Dr. Wischmeyer says it won't be long before he's 100%! Greg Crain is one of so many people who has greatly improved his quality of life through physical therapy. Chris Helmke credits the professionals at Action PT with having him walk within a few weeks of major back surgery! Chris Beck states, "These guys work wonders. Every time I leave feeling 100% better!" Not only are Physical Therapists rehabilitation professionals who treat


Meet the StaffFrom Left to Right Ashley Maples, Gwen Marchus, Gary Dragon, Tyler Sanders, Mireya Posadas & Ciji Dufrene and diagnose people of all ages, but Dr. Dragon




Programs too. Fit 2 The Tee is a golf fitness and performance program that works to evaluate and improve a golfer's swing by enhancing his or her core strength and flexibility. No clubs need for this program! This is all about building the body to improve performance. CORE Performance Academy is a sports performance program to help athletes compete at their highest potential. Action PT can provide a biomechanical assessment of the neck, back, arms, and legs. After which a customized program focusing on areas of strength improvement, flexibility, and range of motion will be provided. Dr. Dragon and his staff are dedicated to providing athletes, boys or girls, young or old, with the most effective sports per-

Success Stories

formance program to promote competition at the highest level. Gary Dragon has roots in his community. A

"I'm writing this to say how far I've come in just a month with Gary Dragon. My son visited him during the holidays, saying he was who I needed to see when I was released from home therapy which was this past April. I've been thru a lot of PT over the previous years for several months at a time and have never achieved the progress that I have in just a month here. What can I say about Gary? A lot: first he know the body not only medically, but by touch. I came in with doubt about myself, but now believe in myself. When I came in I had doubt as to when I would ever drive again and now I am driving again with full confidence." - Vicki Charbonnet

graduate of Pope John Paul, he traveled to LSU for his undergraduate degree and worked with many of the athletes there deciding that his true passion lay in sports medicine. He went on to earn his Masters and Doctorate degrees from the University of St. Augustine in Florida. Gary and his wife Melissa have settled here on the Northshore and have a young daughter. Now with 15 years experience, Gary has been especially aware of the increased amount of ACL injures that occur in females. He has a lot of good advice for parents of young athletes. Listen to your child, and if some

Three years ago I tore my rotator cuff and suffered a bicep tear in my left shoulder playing tennis. Post surgery, I worked with Dr. Gary Dragon for physical therapy. Since I am also a long distance runner and swimmer, Dr. Dragon knows I wanted to return to my fitness and training regimen as quickly as possible. Over the weeks of physical therapy, Dr. Dragon helped me return to close to 100% of my ability to rotate my left arm to play tennis again, as well as getting the flexibility to swim freestyle and backstroke for long distance training in the pool. Dr. Dragon and his staff at Action Physical Therapy are incredible! I had the best experience working with Gary, and I highly recommend him to anyone needing physical therapy! In fact, many of my friends have gone to Dr. Dragon for rehabilitation and physical therapy, and they have been very satisfied with their results! So, for your rehab and PT needs, call Action Physical Therapy and talk to Gary! - Adele Bonnaffons Lassus

18 June 2015

part of their young body hurts, don't encourage them to "work through the pain." The pain may go away, while the injury has gotten worse. Talk to your primary care physician, and request physical therapy. It's the key to bringing a body back to balance. Before choosing just any physical therapist or wellness professional, come visit Action PT at 107 Military Rd in the old Blockbuster building next to Winn Dixie. Ask for Gary or any of the staff there. Check out his Facebook page at Action Physical Therapy & Sports Medicine. You'll see the level of treatment and care; you'll see the difference. You CAN get back into action!

Action Physical Therapy & Sports Medicine (985) 641-2866 107 S. Military Rd. Slidell, LA 70461

by ryanLOWE

Why is attitude so important? Because it determines everything else in your life! I know how they feel. I know what failure feels like. I lost my business. It hurts. What’s the difference between those negative thinking people and me? It’s our attitudes. I’m not any better than they are or any smarter than they are. I am different from them in one way: I chose to see my past and my future differently. In The Winning Attitude, John Maxwell summed up the idea of attitude. Let me share it with you:

20 June 2015


Attitude isn’t just about whether or not you’re having a good or bad day. Attitude is more than that. It affects relationships. It affects careers. It affects your entire future. I’ve met people who went through something similar to what I did. They were flying high, had a great business, and then lost it all. Years later, they’re still talking about their problems and misfortunes. For some of them, a spouse left and they were forced to sell the family business. With others, their business partner was cheating them. Some had their major customer go out of business. These people are talented, experienced, and smart. If they would start another business, the odds of success this time could be quite good. Unfortunately, they’re still reliving events that led up to their failure. Their negative attitude won’t let them get on with their lives.

It is the “advance man” of our true selves. Its roots are inward but its fruit is outward. It is our best friend or our worst enemy. It is more honest and more consistent than our words. It is an outward look based on past experiences. It is a thing which draws people to us or repels them. It is never content until it is expressed. It is the librarian of our past. It is the speaker of our present. It is the prophet of our future. Can you see how important your attitude is? Changing your attitude can literally change your life. It did mine. And here’s the great thing about attitude: It’s your choice. Your attitude is a habit. Most people I meet have a bad habit of believing they can’t do anything; of talking down to them- selves, and of living a life of quiet defeat. They think, talk, and act as if it’s impossible for them to succeed. If this is you—stop it! When I’m guilty of that, I

remind myself of this truth: Watch your thoughts, for they become words. Watch your words, for they become actions. Watch your actions, for they become habits. Watch your habits, for they become character. Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny. —Unknown Do you see it?! If you want to live a fulfilling life— one filled with an abundance of health, wealth, and happiness— it starts with how you think, talk, and act! Living the life of your dreams starts with getting into a habit of being positive in how you think, talk, and act. That’s it! The flip side of the coin is if you have a habit of thinking, talking, and acting negatively, you are living a life far below what you can achieve. Two of my favorite books are The Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peale and

To Carb or Not to Carb That is the Question

by marisLEE

Success through a Positive Mental Attitude by Napoleon Hill and W. Clement Stone. These books underscore the basic idea that success and fulfillment in life begins with your thoughts. GOYA-ism: If you control your thoughts and control your choices, you’ll create a brighter future! I hear some people say, “I can’t help it. Somebody tells me something and I just react,” or “I can’t help how I feel.” Children react to life; adults respond to it. Sure, when something happens, you instantly feel an emotion, whether it’s grief, anger, or anxiety. But immature people fail to realize they don’t have to act immediately on that emotion. They can choose how to respond. When I’m tempted to just lash out, I remember some- thing I once heard: Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you respond to it. —Charles Swindoll Some people believe they don’t have a choice and that their fate is out of their hands—that God, life, the universe, or whatever decides what will happen to them. They have this passive approach to life that

whatever hap- pens, happens. Yes, those things play into the big picture, but you have a choice of what you do about it. God gave me the phrase “Get off your attitude.” I could have dropped it or ignored it. I could have stayed negative with a victim’s mentality. But I decided to do something. You can do the same thing! You have the power to change your life. Believe this: If there is anything you want to change in your world, change your attitude toward it. That’s my version of The Law of Attitude! Life isn’t about what happens to you—it’s what you do about it. Honestly, you can’t change much of what happens in life, but you can change how you look at it. That, in turn, changes everything! “Remember that it is up to you to choose everyday to Get off Your Attitude and to create a positive lifestyle for yourself and others” Ryan C. Lowe

“Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you respond to it.”

It is my humble opinion that when there is so much information flooding the media that it becomes misinformation or information that is misinterpreted.

Let’s cut to the chase and look at the facts. A. Complex carbohydrates, i.e. rice, grits, potatoes, oats, pasta, and bread break down into glycogen. B. Glycogen provides fuel for our internal organs and contributes to various metabolic processes. C. “Fats are burned in the flames of carbohydrates.”

No carbohydrates, no metabolism. Know carbohydrates, know metabolism. During my 3 decades as a diet counselor and author of The Difference Diet System, I have learned to embrace complex carbohydrates! Simple carbohydrates such as fruits and natural occurring sugars are also part of my program. However, they break down much quicker in the body and don’t provide a steady energy source over a 24 hour period like complex carbs do.

The question now becomes what kind of carbs and how many... Maris Lee owner of the Diet Difference, personal trainer at Anytime Fitness on Veterans, Metairie, LA. (504) 402-1917

How did you get started in MMA? I began my career in Muay Thai, learning from Joey Ancona and Steve “The spider Hemphill, and then later branched out into MMA with the help of Rich “No Love Clementi” and Gabe Barahona. Soon after I moved to Florida where I joined the F2 Fight team learning a tremendous amount more from Mike Lee. This is where I spent the bulk of my mma career.

You’ve been retired since late 2012? What made you want to come back? Well, I started teaching Muay Thai and BJJ out of Cyclone BJJ in Luling as well as training out of Mid City JiuJitsu and from sparring and training, the guys kept urging me to give it a shot, that I still fought with a passion. That I still had gas in this tank. Darren Desalvo who owns Cyclone BJJ really helped me a lot with my Jiu Jitsu skills and that combined with Muay Thai, I know I’m an all around better fighter these days. So I pulled the trigger and went for it! It’s something I’ve always loved and I felt mentally it was the right thing to do. I’m a fighter, it’s what I do.

What’s the training like coming back into

the fight game and who are you training with? It’s still pretty much the same since I never completely stopped training, I only stopped fighting professionally. Right now I keep my shape up with 5-7 days of training and teaching, 10-12+ hours a week, It gets a little tricky now because I also have a full time job. It wouldn’t be fun if it were easy. My core trainers are Darren Desalvo, an incredible Brazilian Jiu Jitsu instructor from the Machado Jiu Jitsu family and Junior Oliveira, a well versed professional mma fighter himself.

Well good luck! And we’ll see you come fight night! Anything else you’d like to add? I’d just like to ask all the readers to come out and support your local MMA fighters June 19 at Harrah’s casino. I don’t think the exact fight card time is known yet though. I’d also just like to thank those who helped me get to this point, Renaissance Fighting organization giving me the chance to fight again and my gym Cyclone Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Big Easy Domains for the sponsoring, and of course Metro Fitness for giving me this opportunity.

Lose Weight, While You Sleep

by travisMANNY

To lose weight seems to be the number one resolution each New Year. However, nearly 90% of these resolutions meet with either little or no success. Some people even gain weight instead. Most people never know there may be a very simple reason why: They don't sleep well. Studies published in TheJournal of the American Medical Association and The Lancet suggest that sleep loss may increase hunger and affect the body's metabolism, which may make it more difficult to maintain or lose weight.

Sleep loss appears to do two things: 1. Makes you feel hungry even if you’re full. Sleep loss has been shown to affect the secretion of cortisol, a hormone that regulates appetite. As a result, individuals who lose sleep may continue to feel hungry despite adequate food intake. 2. Increases fat storage. Sleep loss may interfere with the body's ability to metabolize carbohydrates, which leads to high levels of blood sugar. Excess blood sugar promotes the overproduction of insulin, which can lead to the storage of body fat and insulin resistance, a critical step in the development of diabetes.

Why would an overweight person tend to have sleep problems?

Sleep Tips to Help You Shape Up Specialists recommend that people who vow to lose weight should adjust their sleep habits as well as their eating habits. The following are useful tips to help shape up: • Don't go to bed feeling hungry, but don't eat a big meal right before bedtime.

• Exercise regularly, but no sooner There appear to be several reasons why this may occur: than three hours before bedtime. • Many people who are overweight have sleep apnea, a disorder • Avoid caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol in which breathing starts and stops during sleep, consequently in the late afternoon and evening. causing numerous awakenings. This may occur hundreds of times • If you have trouble sleeping at a night, without your even knowing it. So you can imagine how night, don't nap during the day. sleepy you could feel the next day. • Some who are overweight have low back pain, making lying com• Establish relaxing pre-sleep rituals, fortably in bed and getting a good night's sleep difficult. such as a warm bath or a few minutes • People who are depressed or otherwise worried about their of reading. weight may have insomnia, or the inability to fall asleep. • Create a pleasant sleep environLosing weight can improve sleep. An Australian study of more than ment. Make it as dark and quiet as 300 obese people showed they had significant sleep problems that possible. were reduced after weight loss surgery: • If you can't sleep, don't stay in bed • 14% reported habitual snoring, down from 82% fretting. After 30 minutes, go to • 2% had sleep apnea, down from 33%) another room and involve yourself in • 4% had abnormal daytime sleepiness, down from 39% a relaxing activity until you feel sleepy. • 2% reported poor sleep quality, down from 39% It’s also important to realize the quality of sleep (getting the right amount of "deep sleep") is just as important as the quantity of sleep. For example, decreased amounts of restorative deep or slow-wave sleep have been associated with significantly reduced levels of growth hormone. GH helps regulate the body's proportions of fat and muscle during adulthood. If you have trouble sleeping for more than a few weeks, or if sleep problems interfere with daily functioning, speak with your doctor.

24 June 2015

24 www.metrofit-

June 2015 25

Top FOUR F u n c t i o n a l Summer Exercises

1. Medicine Ball Squat with Overhead Lift Exercise: Stand with your feet wide, holding a light medicine ball in front of you in both hands. Squat down, moving your rear back and keeping your knees over your ankles, and lower the medicine ball to the floor, keeping your head up and back straight (don't hunch). Return to a start position and lift the medicine ball over your head. Repeat the squat and lower ball to the ground. One set would include 15 reps. Increase the weight of the ball as you get stronger.

2. Push-up with Hip Extension Exercise: On your hands and knees, place your hands wider than shoulder-distance apart. Extend your right leg straight back and pull your belly button up towards your spine, tightening your core mus-

cles. Keeping your leg lifted, lower your chest to the ground until each of your elbows is at a 90-degree angle, then push up. Repeat 10 to 15 times for each leg. As you get stronger, increase the angle of your hips, increasing the distance of your knees from your hands. Eventually perform the exercise with straight legs: one leg lifted, the other positioned on your toes.

3. Lunge with Dumbbell Back Row

2. Diagonal Reach with Medicine Ball

Exercise: Holding an 8-pound weight in each hand, step your right foot forward and your left foot back, keeping both heels on the floor and feet pointing straight ahead. Bend your right knee until it is over your right ankle. Lower your chest toward your thigh, bringing your arms perpendicular to the floor, keeping your back flat (don't hunch) — this is your start position. Straighten your right leg, row your elbows back and squeeze your shoulder blades together, keeping your torso angled slightly forward. Return to start position. Repeat 10 to 15 times for each leg. Increase the weight of the dumbbells as you get stronger. This exercise can also be done with a resistance band looped underneath the front foot.

Exercise: Stand tall, holding a medicine ball at your chest with both hands. Lift the medicine ball diagonally overhead to the right, straightening your arms, while extending your left leg to the side, making a diagonal line from the medicine ball to your toes. Lower to start position. Repeat 10 to 15 times for each leg. Increase the weight of the medicine ball and strap 2- to 5-pound weights on your ankles as you get stronger.

26 June 2015

Do these four exercise in order for a total of 3 rounds. Rest for 1 min in-between rounds.

Rod Gomez North Cypress Trainer (985) 542-3121

Q: What's better, diet or cardio to loose the fat on my stomach and lower back? A: When loosening weight it's hard to focus on just one spot. In order to loose body fat from your stomach, you have to loose fat from the entire body. Doing just diet or cardio alone can be beneficial. Combining the two of them will prove to be the best bet. The right diet and cardio regimen will allow you to drop that weight the fastest. Talk with a personal trainer to get yourself on the fast track to loose weight this summer.

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At 36 years old I begin having stomach issues, joints hurt all the time not to mention a knee injury. I gave up all hope and begin putting the pounds on fast. My thoughts were I guess I'll be forty and fat. December of 2014 I realized I had to do something or I wouldn't make it to 50! I joined cross fit with my husband and with tons of fear in me I went. Scared to death of passing out and extremely intimidated I got through it. It was that night I realized, the coach cared and wanted to help me not harm me. I also realized that the people in there care as well as they would cheer me on to finish. I have lost a total of 81 since Christmas and there's no doubt I wouldn't be halfway there without the help of Finish Strong CrossFit! Don't think you can't do it, it's mind over matter. People say well it's more cheaper to go to a gym, all I can say to those folks is good luck I tried that for two years got me nowhere but roller coasting and adding on more weight.

-Amy Deal

Don’t let Exercise-Induced Asthma Stop you. Exercise-Induced Asthma Symptoms usually begin about five to 20 minutes after beginning to exercise. The symptoms often peak about five to 10 minutes after stopping exercise then gradually diminish. The symptoms are typically gone within an hour, but they may last longer.

Symptoms include one or a combination of the following: Coughing, Wheezing, Chest tightness, Chest pain Prolonged shortness of breath Extreme fatigue.

Northshore Allergy & Immunology, LLCNAI, LLC Office (985) 792-4022 NEW LOCATION: 355 Lakeview CT. Covington, LA 70433

Richard J Guillot, M.D. Board Certified In Adult & Pediatric Allergy & Immunology

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